Arteriosclerosis is a condition that occurs when there is an arterial
obstruction that prevents the proper transport of oxygen that carries blood through the arterial channels,
so it is very important to keep these arterial channels free of any blockage that
prevents proper flow, otherwise This would cause high pressure, leg cramps,
brain or heart infarction and angina.
In order to prevent these complications today in todo en salud we will teach you a juice
that can be very helpful.
The necessary ingredients are: - A small broccoli without stem
- 2 chopped tomatoes - 2 stalks of celery
- 1 clove garlic Before starting we must wash, peel and cut
the ingredients very well then in the juice processor we pass each one of these, the broccoli,
the tomatoes, the celery and the garlic, if you do not have juice extractor you can do it in
a blender only make sure to add water and strain the content at the end, when
we finish processing each of the ingredients we will obtain this healthy juice.
This drink should be taken a glass daily every day in the morning, until
the condition is completely improved.
Broccoli contains a compound known as sulforaphane which prevents the oxidation
of triglycerides which can clog the arterial channels, the tomato contains
antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arterial walls,
at the same time that it improves the levels of good cholesterol Because of its lycopene content,
celery has soluble fiber that will help accelerate the elimination of cholesterol from the body,
garlic is a vasodilator that helps improve circulation throughout
the body.
As you can see, this juice can be very beneficial for your health, so do not hesitate to try it and tell
us what you think.
We hope this video has been useful for you, remember that your opinion is very important,
so rate, comment and share and if you have not yet subscribed, subscribe every
day upload new videos.
For more infomation >> Medicinal juice to eliminate cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis and arterial obstruction - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
MAGIA Y RITUALES SATÁNICOS Descifrando La Matrix por Yolanda Soria y Luis Palacios - Duration: 1:51:06.
179 TESA T10 (10 PINNER DIMPLE) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED - Duration: 14:56.
Hello guys and welcome back, the lock I have for you today is a TESA
Tesa T10 model
for me, It is a very difficult lock to pick, there are few who get to pick this is one of them
It is a ten pinner dimple, all active, five uppers
there are the caps
and five lowers
face to face, they touch, and push each other
in this case the lower springs are more potent than higher
and as a result, the lower key pins push the upper key pins and take out them of the plug
and to start picking
one or more of the top pins are already overset from the beginning
that is the greatest difficulty of this lock
In this case, I show you the coding,
the top third is too long it is overset from the beginning, that´s sure
fourth and fifth are relatively long, are also slightly overset but not relevant at the opening
because the binding order they can be set without problems, they return by themselves inside the plug
and sometimes the second even though it is very short, we must also recover it
a difficult opening for me, as I say
we will try to get it
but before, I want toshow you the overset from the begining effect
let´s see if I can do it
how, when I compress the lower pin,
the upper returns to the keyway
let´s see, there it is
the lower is pushing to the upper and when I compress it, the upper reenters to the keyway
for that it is what I mean
ok, let´s try to open it
and if we get, we will take it apart
and see what is inside
I will use this Z commercial tension wrench
and this home made pick, a special pick for Tesa T60 that works very well with these T10
what I'll do first is look for the third lower pin
compress it
release tension and thus get the upper third reentering the plug and ceases to be overset
Let's do it
From there the opening is normal
and that third, it may be necessary to recover it again along the picking
Let's do it
first, second
Here is the third lower, I compress it
there has been heard a click
the lock is moving, wait a sec ...
that securely grips the lock, there it is
We start again
first, second
third, compress it,
I release tension
and so we should have recovered it
and now we picking normally
second is binding, does a click
first is binding, makes a click
second again
one click
first again
one click
lower third, is binding
It makes a click, fourth is loose
fifth give a light click
back to the first, first is binding,
It makes a slight click and a turn on the core, second nothing
third, let´s see
the third nothing, fourth nothing
fifth nothing
first again
I slightly increased the tension
I do not receive feedback
we have reached a standstill, fifth is binding, does a click
let's check the uppers, fifth is set
fourth, the third is overset again, so there is no feedback,
compress the third, release tension...
there it is
He has fallen from back into the plug
second is binding
I think it's the second
it is the first one
there it is, makes a click
second upper is binding
It makes a click and a turn on the core
first lower, second lower
third lower is binding
there it is
It makes a click
fourth give a light click
second one click
fourth nothing, fifth nothing
I'll check the upper fifth
fourth, they seem set
lower first one click
there it is
second upper, first ...
something escapes us
lower third
It makes a click
fifth lower make a click
lower first makes a click and a turn on the core
first, second, third...
we go with the uppers
fourth and fifth are set
I think the third is overset
I will try to recover the third
the first makes a click
the fourth is binding
do not
I release tension
first makes a click
I think I release too much tension
second upper is binding
there it is
It is the one I have mentioned that sometimes had to recover and is the one that was overset
It was the second upper
and playing the second upper it´s open
as you see, I do not have 100% control these locks, they are not easy
the openings are usually like this one
with a lot of release tension to recover the upper pins that are overset
they are overset because are pushed by the lowers, or becouse we overset them when picking
but hey, it is an opening, let's take it apart and we see what is inside
Let's do it
ok, so this is what is inside
It has been a bit of a disaster gutting, because I have left a keypin and a driver
but I think I have already placed well
then I will check it before reassemble
I show the bible
Here you can see the lower chambers
the uppers
the plug
It has lower pins larger diameter than the uppers
and they are perfectly faced
They touch and push each other
It is very nice, very well done
It is very difficult to even put in a sheet
It is very tight
they are amazing locks
let's see pins
We go first to the lowers
are these
the first, fourth and fifth
are serrated, second and third are standard, have two diameters
and the drivers are all serrated
all the same, very well done,
very effective,
let´s see the upper pins
the upper keypins are all standard and the drivers are all normal too with two diameters to fit the spring
As you can see, depending on the key pin length
the driver is balanced in lengh
there is very little room
realize that the driver and it´s spring are in this small space, are there tucked
I make zoom, so you see more detail
there it is
the pins
They are very pretty, I do not know if they are bevelled
I can not see it
in the video It will look better
and lower springs which are copper color, the highers are from steel
Ok so, this is the Tesa T10 picking
I hope you liked it, it will be useful and thank you very much for your time
LA CURA DE LAS CATARATAS SIN OPERACIÓN - Haz Esta Receta Antes de que Los Farmacéuticos la Borren !! - Duration: 4:09.
Realidad cuántica... Experiencias con Terapias cuánticas por Yolanda Soria - Duration: 59:09.
Brutal: intentan quemar a una familia al tener la bandera de España en su balcón - Duration: 2:04.
RE ENCONTRANDOME CON MI MISION DE VIDA por Manuela Tatay, Yolanda Soria, Luis Palacios - Duration: 1:18:46.
Anuncio My Little Pony: La Película -576p en 16:9- - Duration: 0:11.
Wird es ernst? Ben Affleck stellt Jennifer neue Freundin vor - Duration: 2:18.
ROBLOX ESCAPE THE DUNGEON OBBY -- Fun Adventures - Duration: 19:37.
What am i hearing it's scaring me there are ghosts in here we have to jump or
you just walk I guess I could just walk oh oh oh gosh that scared me what the
heck oh my gosh there's a jump scare in here what today's shout-out is destiny
the Fox 123 please visit their channel and subscribe
the link is in the description if you want to get your own shout out just
leave a comment on my newest video Ira Betty I'm Paula and I am in roblox I am
in escape the dungeon lobby and this looks like it could be pretty fun look
at my outfit and that's stylin look at me yeah my wings and everything I'm just
beautiful and wow this is kind of creepy this is so cool Oh obviously that's a
checkpoint what happened oh nevermind okay well I did the exact same thing and
let's see where all we go in this next checkpoint wow that was fast
hey it looks like this area is under construction be careful not to fall into
the lava okay well I got a couple things I've got him down here I have a rocket
which I'm not sure but I think some of these things can help me and let's get
our lifesaver look we have a lightsaber we are so cool okay oh wow oh my gosh I
can like flip what
I'm gonna end up in the lava oh my gosh this is unsettling this is cool
oh I need to buy invincibility that's what I need No oh gosh I was cleared at
the end okay I'm gonna pull out the lightsaber see if it helps it didn't
exactly help me last time what are you doing
oh there ride that's unsettling so good at this okay forget the lightsaber is
this where I almost died last time oh I made it here wait what is that down
there don't you dare fall off either oh that's the door in our mine see I know
what I'm doing okay next checkpoint oh gosh okay that was
hard oh that's scary okay we have to hurry
okay these traps look deadly time your movements carefully I can't even read it
about that was careful that was that was so careful oh I didn't go far enough oh
oh gosh oh don't kill me don't kill me okay did we make it
I like a notes okay where's the next thing to mark that I made it I don't
want to die and have to go over it again this is cool this is so cool seriously
is there treasure well I definitely got to save this checkpoint but look what
else here this is so cool can you open anything no but it's neat in it okay now
it says shoot we need a key to open this door maybe one of these chests have one
what wait what is going on so you just lock
into them oh I I'm really doing great okay let's try this one
wait a minute it's the one on the other side did I get it I don't know okay
perfect I get it I get it you have to use the key okay so we're going on yeah
we got another Chuck place that's happy happiness and a little boy and a bathtub
subscribe so I can't talk subscribe to guava juice wait I already did
okay well sup tell me what the deal are we did is funny to have a bathtub
seriously that is so cute okay I wonder why they have a bathtub
and I bet you're not supposed to stand in they're just saying that we have to
jump or you just walk I guess I could just walk oh oh oh gosh that scared me
what the heck oh my gosh does a jump scare in here what oh my I don't even
oh hey scared now oh I scared I seriously I'm scared oh no oh gosh no oh
my goodness sakes that scared me so bad why did that scare me that was just
oh why are they scary seriously did they scare you have you done this
I'm probably dying more than anybody ever has I have to go slow now okay now
don't oh gosh now I think I can walk through
here I'm afraid to oh geez don't jump too much
guys okay what was that did somebody just die what am i hearing
what am i hearing it's scaring me there are ghosts in here Oh oh gosh we made it
okay get up there and get on that oh my goodness that's so scary okay that does
it seriously that does it I am so mad at
this thing now okay looks like we can only go down okie-dokie
can I get by you you're like in the way
well that's down isn't it oh gosh whoa I guess now I have to take
steps no no okay that that was bad seriously bad drop down on that oh okay
you can do it little girl and I'm probably going the wrong direction no
okay got to go clear down there what
what happens if you jump nothing well that's good okay well we made it to
another checkpoint okay so things are looking up okay watch out I hear traps
in the distance no no not again no whoa I almost went off what happens if you go
off are you allowed to go off in here I don't know oh I guess not
okay look a little I am now I made myself teeny and I probably can't jump
is this gonna make a difference huh oh my gosh
the hag it didn't hell oh my gosh that's so cute though
let's go teeny again oh my gosh what is a teeny look I'm so cute so cute in
teeny oh I am so afraid we have got to get out of here okay Wow why was that so
hard seriously okay look at this is this
gonna be hard or easy well since it's for me I'm gonna guess it's gonna be
hard to say in wait what is that I'm gonna guess I have to jump over that
what was that what I didn't even notice that
oh wow what is this okay well we obviously went somewhere and let's stand
here Oh checkpoint okay well at least we made it
a little ways whoa ah perfect okay I'm going to put on my big jump or
weight put on my light safe
Wow whoa
okay did we see where the next one was oh my goodness Oh
okay that was basically cheating hard lightsaber got us through and yay okay
the force is with us yes definitely okay that lightsaber really came in
handy by the lightsaber if you do anything seriously and
Wow I guess I obviously don't want to fall down there oh my goodness whoa Wow
oh I don't want to get too sure myself Wow okay we made it to the little man
and he's not exactly a little man but yeah hi we will need to lower the bridge
find a lever I guess I can appear to find it guess in oh well yeah I'll stand
right under the levers I don't oh never mind oh I see how it is whoa
what wait what okay what are you supposed to do here it's timed oh gosh
okay I guess we made it and if that door comes down and kills us hello we have
somebody else here oh no oh oh oh my gosh I was able to climb up that what
how's that even possible it's like sticky bricks wait what Wow
that was weird we checkpoint I am so happy to see a
checkpoint you have no idea well maybe you do but definitely though that
lightsaber that is worth every single robux that it costs I don't even
remember what it costs but it was worth it seriously
whoa oh my whoa okay
okay got it we are getting closer definitely closer
right oh don't don't stand on those they look hot
Oh No Oh at the end do you believe it yes I'm sure you believe it you have to
try this one this is really fun actually I've always liked all the fat paps ones
they're always neat and they're different they're all different
oh you made it okay so I guess up right looks like I think okay we won't be able
to get past the dragon unless we go into the dragon all that makes perfect sense
let's just go into the dragon because that's not scary or anything is it okay
I guess I'm in the dragon's mouth that is kind of cool yeah whoa
okay well checkpoint happy to see a checkpoint you know you need to dance a
little when you get to a checkpoint is this gonna kill me huh
what whoa what was that okay that was unexpected and wait I
missed that thing are you kidding me now wait I'm gonna make myself a little
maybe that'll help look I so cute oh my gosh I don't know why I think that's
cute wait you have to get right in the middle oh I got it
yay okay going little helped and let's go jump on a skull because jumping on
skulls is fun right and yeah nice nose what OH
no come on Paula you gotta focus focus and get over these skulls and make it
make it home you could do it I don't know if I want to go in well I want to
mark my spot okay because you know how that is
I hear something that sounds like a trap or was it that door I don't know but it
was scary oh my they sure make you jump what was it nice okay
yes whoa that scared me okay that's my skills my jumping skills are
so good but okay just saying hey hi whoa
Wow okay what is down there did we escape no oh that's the tail of the
dragon cool this is like Dark Souls yeah this is Dark Souls in roblox looks like
we are in a cave of magic yes it kind of does and it's pretty and pink and I'm
dead I am so dead and I lost my hair Wow
okay let's try that again oh gosh ah they're so far away from each
other I guess they do this so that you have to work for it because otherwise it
wouldn't even feel like it was hard to escape it all oh don't do something
stupid Paulo don't ladders are easy unless there's a dragon trying to kill
you okay let's look here hold it looks so pretty in pink and it killed us okay
and this will take some of us out of this place now time for a long walk home
what really no I doubt it that would be nice because if I could make it to the
end I would be so happy yes because then I wouldn't feel like I was so terrible
even though I'm terrible yeah whoa oh nevermind it's just steps just some
steps let's just jump our way up okay how did these people make these oo bees
these are so cool wait whoa is this farm supposed to go no yes okay wow this is
cool a long walk home okay this is a long
walk home there's a dragon he's cool look at him that is so neat did we make
you've made it use the power ups to find the secret bridge looks like a good
place to be happy to get out and I don't know where the secret bridge is what the
heck are they talking about I'm pretty sure I'm dead okay I'll talk to you
later bye
#SeeColors Para celular y TV de Samsung la nueva aplicación - Duration: 2:36.
Nerea, espectacular y Amaia supera sus fallos en el segundo pase de micros - Duration: 3:25.
TOM AND JERRY PIPELINE #32 CARTOONS FOR KIDS FULL EPISODES 2017 Aj cartoon kids - Duration: 46:40.
Aj cartoon kids
So sorry really I didn't know it wait a minute
This is bad real bad
Nobody comes between a lady and a wedding ring if she finds out we did this we'll be sleeping at the Pao is
It there
What's a matter you're stuck
Now that that's taken care of we need to find that ring before the missus gets home. I've got an idea
These blueprints from the basement show every pipe in the house
Okay, if we're gonna get that ring
We're gonna need somebody about yay high and day wide that can fit in them pipes
Don't you worry Tom here, we'll pull you out the second you find the ring just plug on the line three times
It's gotta be in there somewhere
I need to feed Thomas. It'll only take a minute Thomas time for Dindin oh
Look at them isn't that sweet oh dear I forgot to rinse the bowl out last night
No bad boy you should be ashamed of yourself now go
Okay I fed Thomas let's go I
Just have to use the bathroom
You'll be in there forever
The movie starts in 20 minutes fine. I'll go with the show
Wait I need to get my wedding ring. I feel naked without it fine. I'm using the bathroom. Oh
I'm fine feeling naked. Let's just go
We'll get him up with these
Get your heads out of the sand boys we gotta find that wing
There it goes
Let me show you how it's done. When are you Bionic?
That's our ring and our vows that
Boyd's making us look bad. Well we
Hold on
It's only one
This is all your fault. We'll never get out of here
Hey those guys managed to escape maybe we can -
Never mind that don't suppose you got any pepper
Okay Plan B. We die
It's him the crustacean with the claws of Steel
This might just work given all you've got crash
We did it boys
Like it was never gone oh
They look so peaceful
Well, why shouldn't they they don't have a care in the world all they do is lay around doing nothing all day
Stand back Jerry all that's left is to download the world's knowledge, and we're done I
Don't understand what's causing the overload in a minute?
Is someone using a microwave I
Need to do a little more research into these power surges
Delivery from Napoleon a delivery
Hmm someone must really love me
One man's hazardous waste is another man's treasure. You know
I've never seen anything so graceful either
Don't worry pal I got you covered
It was looked better in my head
May have determined our power issue what happened here not again
We must begin testing immediately
15 minutes to make something from these random parts
This can't be good tonight Tom move. I can hardly wait for our work tomorrow
What are we tailed Limburger I
Tell you he gets brains we get forgotten and the worst part what it's done to our poor little hammy
But II think all this stuff is for
The only thing it doesn't have is the laser
Paint I'm Stein hits franken's
Well Vinnie crash you can walk away from is a good
We put a couch down maybe a dinner table there
Any other ideas
We got him now
All this failures making me hungry
Three-two-one I may not be the smartest guy in the room, but I count backwards
This ship is amazing Rick Ries women pools water slides jacuzzis theaters
Anything you can imagine walls I can imagine with these two ruining it like everywhere else. We've been
Dose was your fault cat not mine. I have faith. They'll be good little boys this time
Hey take it easy boy, we're all excited oh
And Rick you'll love this they have a 24 hour unlimited buffet
Unlimited buffet. Oh I like the sound of that maybe I'll bring a doggie bag for my boy
Unlimited buffet
Two little mouses just made the worst mistake it is soon to be over lies
Sir Rick, I'm thinking we spend a little time at the pool, then hit the buffet and maybe see the big show oh
Okay, by me. Let me grab my fanny pack. I listen up guys. We're leaving and just so there's no funny business
I'm keeping you both in your carries
Now don't give me those looks
Who's ready to buffet, I'm
Starving you hurt the guy
No one's going nowhere. He didn't say nothing to me dawg. Did he say anything to you
We're eating fine leave
But a few stew get in trouble you're on your own got it only trouble. We're gonna have is where to put our food
Let that be a warning
Big mistake
Listen push you're nothing but trouble so go out
Have a little fun, but I'm not sieving your tuchus when things go back got it
Two mice one friend one gray
Traveling with the dog and the cat
Sweet cutlets what's this world coming to
Here Maisie Maisie I
Know you're here Oh
Looky there the house pets are spending some quiet time together
You probably have matching sweaters when the weather turns cold, huh?
Who are you in charge of
disposing rodents now hand them over before
Someone gets hurt. You mean like you
Kind of hard to get hurt when I'm out here, and you're in there
Your little mouse hunt is over
Cats are nothing but trouble
Now this
Don't you mean
My problem is I got too big aha
For crying out loud stop playing with the birdies
Hang on house pets I'm coming I'm almost there
Why you're gonna pay for this
If we should just get too late, it'll put us back on the ship
but how we do that I
Have no idea at least three. No sharks
I'm gonna miss you pal
All this captain dog stuff just doesn't matter in the end does it
This mousers didn't beat by a couple of well Zee little wrong keys
This is for trying to keep my little bunnies
This is for not saving us and this is for making fun of our Christmas sweaters
Now let's get back before Rick and ginger find out we're missing
Can you believe that horrid cat ruin the entire show
wonder if he had anything to do with the problems in the machine room I
Hope everything's all right in the room
Who knows how long it'll take them to fix the engine
Well at least we still have the buffet how are our boys doing
We're spark, and why is the balcony door open?
Honey I don't think we can reward spike for disobeying us ah sorry boy
We brought you a little something from the buffet, but now I don't think we can give it to you
There go the smart travelers who left their misbehaving pets at home
We'd be sleeping in our own bed tonight if we hadn't been banned from air travel because of those two ah come on ginger
Look at the bright side
Those people their vacation is over for us
It's just the beginning we get to travel across country on the open road see the sides
And you finally get to visit your great auntie Claire. I suppose you're right and here we are
It's gorgeous
This one was on special does it come with its own tow truck
What are you laughing at boss
With every baby girl
Look it's the wise guy with the flying bed
But he was right there
It's it's the doggie of doom we're leaving let's go
It's him again, why is he following me? What does he want?
What he's following me, I think he might be talking of dude
He was there, I'm telling you
Guys we get a picture of you two you know from the memories
Say James
He is the doggie of doom that cat over there
It's the doggie of doom
Little stretch will do us good according to the Travel Guide best public restrooms west of the Mississippi
Hey puss, what do you say we score us some snacks for the road from that vending machine over there
Your rescue slits as one of those hair balls. You're always coughing up. Hey. Let me try
Now look what you've done, that's all right
We're stranded in the middle of nowhere, it's just you and me kid they promise
I'll only eat you as a last resort
Are you boys lost
No answer at the number on your tags, but don't you worry?
I'll take good care of you until we get a hold of them. I have plenty of room and lots of snacks
There's somebody I want you to meet
Don't be shy I rescued Hannibal true
Believer spent years in and out of the pen bullied by big dogs like you now
We're a Tom and Spike
What we're not that far from your auntie's house
Somebody's bound to find Tom and Spike and when they do we can go pick them up
How are we going to get to my aunts house now?
Don't worry ginger I got an idea
Don't you worry honey, I'm sure whoever found Thomas and Spike is taking very good care of them
How did you get on the train oh
It doesn't matter all that matters is that you're with us now and we can all visit auntie Claire
You you
Voici les symptômes du cancer du col de l'utérus|LSF TV - Duration: 5:50.
Academy of Art University
Pelosi Stuttering, Stammers, Appears "on Something" as She Attacks GOP Tax Bill - Duration: 4:49.
Pelosi Stuttering, Stammers, Appears "on Something" as She Attacks GOP Tax Bill.
During House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's daily press briefing Thursday, a day before
the Senate finally passed the GOP's sweeping tax reform bill, she gave America more embarrassing
evidence that it's long past time she left the national stage.
Pelosi was clearly trying to portray some kind of moral outrage, but right from the
onset, the 77-year-old congresswoman behaved like a senile senior fast approaching the
onset of full-blown dementia.
First, she walked by a giant sign labeled "GOP tax sham" but, as she arrived at
the podium, looked over her left shoulder in search of that very same sign.
Upon realizing that it was to her right, she pivoted and announced, "Here it is: the
GOP tax scam."
And here you are — the Democrat Party's Achilles heel.
Pelosi then began babbling her complaints about the tax bill, repeating and slurring
her words like the iPhone's Siri stuck in a loop.
Pelosi has embarrassed herself in public before, of course, but this time came off differently.
The careful, but botched, enunciation gave the impression she was "on something."
She sounded like a driver who's had a few too many trying to tell a cop exactly how
he was just heading home.
Listen to a compilation of Pelosi's stuttering and stammering pieced together by the folks
over at The American Mirror:
"It will unravel the ACA," she said, using liberal terminology for what normal Americans
call "Obamacare."
The Senate version of the tax reform would repeal Obamacare's individual mandate.
"The sneaky ACA ref .. reform," she then repeated.
"Repeal … sneaky ACA repeal."
Took you long enough to get that right, Nancy.
"It's a lethal attack on the middle class, on America's jobs … on Americans' jobs,"
she later said.
Interestingly, a transcript of this briefing posted to Pelosi's House website didn't
include most of her mistakes: "It's a lethal attack on the middle class, on Americans'
jobs, good health, and education, on the children and seniors."
How convenient.
Pelosi also slurred her speech when speaking about veterans, referring to them as "ever-veterans,"
and spoke of congressional "bri-partisanship" in regard to her hopes Congress will pass
legislation to protect illegal immigrant children.
When later criticizing President Donald Trump for his alleged refusal to hear her arguments
in favor of former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program,
which Trump rescinded earlier this fall, Pelosi then said something astounding.
"How can you judge — judgement be respected if you don't even know what you're talking
about?" she uttered.
Said the lady who enthusiastically voted in favor of Obamacare seven years ago despite
admitting to not knowing what was inside the bill.
Nice try, though.
I'm not an ageist or whatnot, but I gotta wonder … does does an aging woman with so
many glaring issues really need to be leading the Democrat Party?
I would typically argue "no," though given the effect her leadership has had on the party,
I'm tempted to yell, "Heck yes!"
What do you think about this?
Please Share this news and let us know what you think about Pelosi's bizarre behavior.
Jurgen Klopp focused on Liverpool maintaining momentum after big win at Brighton - Duration: 4:11.
Jurgen Klopp focused on Liverpool maintaining momentum after big win at Brighton
Jurgen Klopp promised no let-up from Liverpool after watching Philippe Coutinho and Roberto Firmino bury Brighton.
The Brazilian duo, ably assisted by Mohamed Salah, keep the Reds' top-four charge on track as they tore the Seagulls to shreds in a thumping 5-1 victory.
Emre Can opened the scoring with a header before Salah and Coutinho set up Firmino for a quickfire second.
Firmino doubled his tally early in the second half, just moments after Simon Mignolet had denied Glenn Murray from point-blank range at the other end.
Murray eventually pulled one back from the penalty spot, but Coutinho's cheeky free-kick which flew underneath the jumping Brighton wall restored the three-goal cushion.
And Coutinho completed the rout when his shot was inadvertently headed into his own net by Lewis Dunk.
"We need results," said Reds boss Klopp.
"It looks like we are flying but unfortunately it's not like that, we have to work really hard.
"In our calmer moments we are a really good team, but we need to carry on.
"I'm much more interested in the next game.
It's important that it's good because we need the points, we want to stay as close as possible to the teams in front of us.".
Injuries and illness had forced Klopp to play with two midfielders, Can and Georginio Wijnaldum, alongside his only fit centre-half, Dejan Lovren, in a makeshift back three.
But when the German has a front three in this kind of form he could probably dispense with centre-backs altogether.
"We had big problems line-up wise," added Klopp.
"But for this game today the formation fitted really well.
We needed to be patient and it's good when you have this kind of quality.
"It's always more difficult than 5-1 looks.
It could have been different but we won it and I think we deserved it.".
For Brighton, it was a chastening afternoon as they slipped to a first home defeat since they were beaten by Manchester City on the opening day of the season.
"The biggest disappointment is that you have to stay in the game," said manager Chris Hughton.
"They were always going to have more possession, but after 30 minutes we had had the best chance – and then within two minutes we were 2-0 down.
"The players are aware of Liverpool's strengths but at 2-0 down it becomes very difficult to get back into the game.
"You have got to have a level of performance to have a chance.
I thought they were very good and gave us a harsh lesson, but we were also below the levels we have set this season.".
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI COMFORT PLUSLINE NAVIGATOR Nav. - Duration: 1:02.
Opel Corsa 1.4 16V 111 EDITION Trekh. - Duration: 0:58.
Audi A4 2.0 MT *originele kilomters/volledige historie aanwezig.distributieriem vervangen/Pdc/Stoelv - Duration: 1:01.
Trap Queen
I decided to open the vlog with my phone.
Sorry about the bad sound..
I didnt had my camera with me..
I had to drop someone in Amsterdam.
Then I decided to go to the McDonalds...
Getting some lunch.
Also for Bryan.
I'm going to the McDonalds.
Today is a good day.. Show tonight,
Studio in the afternoon, Senna will come by.
Ronko is coming tonight.
Thumbs up!
Little tip..
Someone told me.
I orded my burger without lettuce
That's because of a reason.
They will make it fresh for you.
If you want a fresh burger order it without lettuce.
I hope that they don't only remove the lettuce.
But sometimes it takes longer.
We're back with the real camera.
Peeing.. And some foodl
After the mcdonalds food I slept for 3 hours.
We are on our way to melisant.
It's in Zeeland.
We're with Bryan.
And with Ronko.
We got someone else with us but that's a mystery guest.
20 feet festival right?
This is the coolest dressing room ever..
It's a car wash.
Ruthless is performing now.
The crowd is enjoying it!
Check my mic if it's still on.
Battery is almost empty.
But what I wanted to say..
I forgot.
I'm excited!
Sorry that I have to record with the Iphone..
If my microphone stops.
I'm performing in 2 minutes.
Im in the mood.
The first thing that I'm going to do when I wake up is go to the gas station.
It's still working..
It was a good show, we played fornite for 1 hour after.
I'm going to bed now.. Thumbs up subscribe if you want to be updated everyday.
Vlogmas Day 2: 3 Mistakes You Make In Your Study Routine - Duration: 10:39.
1999 Wild On The Web: TLC I Need That (Shows CyberTLC In '99) -CYBERTLC - Duration: 4:45.
I Am Robot You Are Not! - Ep. 2 Combined - SECOND VERSE - Duration: 11:56.
I am robot, you are not.
I am robot, you are not!
I am robot, you are not!
I am robot, you are not!
I am robot, you are not!
When all is lost and the future is uncertain...
...our true selves emerge.
We find strength where none existed...
...and allies beyond expectation.
We marshal our forces and stand fast.
For the greatest battle one must face...
...will always be the battle within.
No Ruk.
Let them be.
We survive to fight another day.
Uh Oh.
Villain! I will destroy you!
Fool! I am the one who destroys!
Break his will!
Oh yes, master.
Get off of me! Get... off... of me!
Woo! Yee haw!
We'll be back for more.
Your dignity, your self worth...
...and whatever hope you have for the future!
Yeah, that was a big kick in the garbage can, I tell you.
Every twenty four days, the same thing.
They take, destroy and we do nothing.
We did do something. Look what happened.
Yeah. Heh. How can we forget?
It's... it's not funny.
That part was.
We need fighters. Like Magog of the wastelands.
Now... now he has soldiers who will fight for him.
Magog doesn't work for free and we don't have anything left to give.
Well, no sense moping about it.
Let's gather whatever equipment and tools we might have and...
...see if they'll do a trade-out.
[robots snoring]
We're here to see Magog... of the Wastelands.
[sarcastic chuckle]
Your warriorship. Manu, Ruk and Lyta of the Eastern Villages.
Oh great Magog of the Wastelands.
Please accept this most humble gift.
We hope to acquire your assistance...
In repelling the marauding hordes of Bulgarr the Despicable.
Bulgarr is my friend.
Do you think I would turn my back on a brother for this pitiful box of tools?
[nervous laughter]
Uh... I didn't know but... you know, in fact, Bulgarr!
Bulgarr was one of my... one of my greatest role models.
I always liked that guy.
Yeah, we used to call him Bulgarr the Bestest.
Pray... that I don't tell Bulgarr of your treachory.
We'll take those.
Yes! Thank you for the gifts!
I... I... I can't believe this.
We... we have nothing now.
I say we wait for nightfall, scale the walls...
...and raid their weapons cache!
Well count me in.
Aye, aye. Bulgarr that.
I mean roger that.
Hah, hah! We sure showed them.
Heh. Not sure what we showed them but we showed them!
We'd better take shelter in the cliffs up ahead.
They'll... they'll definitely be coming for us soon.
[alarm sounding]
Well... that's our cue!
Yah! Run for your lives!
The cliffs are to far away. We... we can't make it!
What about that?
Okay, better make it quick.
I hope they don't see our footprints!
Uh oh. This looks bad.
Um... excuse me?
You think maybe you could hit the release button on these pods?
Just press the little red button on the side.
Heh... heh... i know what this is!
This... this is a prison ship!
...and you... you're criminals!
No we're not!
Infiltrators! Forgive me if I've forgotten your names!
Return my weaponry this instant and I will make your destruction quick and painless.
Hey I think those guys mean business.
The do mean business. Let us help you.
[robots talk over each other]
You expect me to trust you?
If I've learned anything in these past two days, it's...
...don't trust anybody!
Maybe we are criminals.
Maybe we stole a bunch of weapons and now we're paying the price.
Eh, smart guy, eh?
[distant laughter]
I don't think we have much of a choice, Manu.
Time's up, peasants!
You want to do this the hard way?
Then we'll do it... the hard way.
Uh... Max, aren't you going to do something?
I'm supervising!
We surrender!
You are victorious.
Please! Let us leave in peace.
Very well.
You may collect your fellow soldiers and retreat peacefully.
That's it. Get him up on there.
See what Trog's doing over there?
We call that "honor thy enemy".
...and let this be a lesson to you.
Next time you got a beef with somebody...
...use your words.
Strobo, for many cycles our village has been under attack... marauding forces of... of marauders!
We could use experienced fighters such as yourselves.
Let me stop you right there!
We've been down this road a thousand times!
May I offer you this box of tools.
It's... it's not much, I know.
Oh boy.
We most humbly accept your offer.
...and thank you for this most generous gift, Ruk.
We will help you fight these marauders.
...and make sure that you are never again massaged by the mad fingers of oppression.
We'd offer you missiles but... but we're gonna need those!
Mmm. Good.
Trump I'm Not Worried About Flynn's Guilty Plea | Breaking News Today - Duration: 1:46.
Trump I'm not worried about Flynn's guilty plea President Trump on Saturday
addressed for the first time his former national security advisors admission
that he lied to FBI investigators about his contact with Russian officials no
I'm not worried about what Michael Flynn will tell investigators Trump told
reporters what has been shown is no collusion he said there's been
absolutely no collusion so we're very happy Flint as part of a plea deal
announced Friday has agreed to cooperate fully with Special Counsel Robert
Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference and alleged
collusion between Trump campaign officials and Moscow Trump has
maintained that his campaign did not collude Trump has also called the
investigation of witch-hunt and a democratic cloy we'll see what happens
Trump told reporters of the investigation on Saturday when pleaded
guilty to lying to the FBI about his contact with Russian ambassador Sarika
slack in December of last year during the presidential transition period Flynn
reportedly spoke to the Ambassador about tensions between the US and Russia
regarding former President Obama's sanctions against the nation Flynn is
the third Trump campaign associate now charged in new lers Pro he is the first
individual prosecuted by Mueller who held a formal position in the Trump
Citroën C3 1.4i Exclusive - Duration: 1:01.
Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella - Duration: 1:00.
Volvo V50 1.8 Edition I ECC Navi Cruise Trekhaak Nieuwstaat!! - Duration: 0:57.
Honda Jazz 1.2i-VTEC Style mode Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:01.
Honda Jazz 1.2i V-TEC Trend Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:59.
Honda FR-V 1.8i V-TEC LIFESTYLE 6-ZITS Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:00.
6 problemi interni che si manifestano con i brufoli - Duration: 5:48.
Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.6I X-TRA Airco Parrot Elek. ramen - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration | Lm velgen | Airco - Duration: 0:59.
Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVT-I Dynamic Business | Automaat | Leder | Navigatie | Climate Control - Duration: 1:01.
Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Cruise/Clima - Duration: 0:55.
Dacia Logan MCV 1.6i 16V LAURÉATE 5-P. AIRCO ELECTROPAKKET CD LMV * 2 JAAR GARANTIE! * - Duration: 0:57.
Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - zapowiedzi i reklamy z 3 marca 2017 roku - Duration: 5:01.
🐻 JayKode - Wasted (feat. Marco Foster) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:13.
📝 JayKode - Wasted (feat.
Marco Foster) Lyrics
I don't even know what to feel anymore You threw me out and locked the door
I don't even know where to go from here Just close my eyes and disappear
I thought what we had was something Special like it's that, it wasn't
All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you
I see visions of what could've Been before you tore me open
All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you
All that time I wasted on you
I've been taking shots straight from the bottle
Guess that I've got no self control Never thought that we would fall apart
Never really knew how to let you go
I thought what we had was something Special like it's that, it wasn't
All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you
I see visions of what could've Been before you tore me open
All that time I wasted on you All that time I wasted on you
All that time I wasted on you
Urami Bushi (An Haibane Renmei AMV) - Duration: 4:03.
You're beautiful,
You're beautiful, you're the flower,
You're beautiful, you're the flower, he praises you.
But if you bloom,
But if you bloom, he will get you scattered.
Stupid. So stupid.
I got so stupid
singin' my grudge blues.
You can
You can accept
You can accept your pitiful fate.
But when you cry,
But when you cry, he'll make you cry more.
Women, oh women,
It's women's tears that makes
It's women's tears that makes my grudge blues.
I hate you.
I hate you. Full of regret,
I hate you. Full of regret, never forgiven.
Try to erase my memory,
Try to erase my memory, but cannot forget you.
It never ends,
It never ends, never,
It never ends,
It never ends, 'cause that's my grudge blues.
They say it's a dream,
They say it's a dream, embers of a one-sided attachment
They say it's a dream, embers of a one-sided attachment, laughing at you.
So you decide to wake up,
So you decide to wake up, but fear to be fully awake.
Women, oh women,
Women's soul
Women's soul beats on my grudge blues.
Crimson roses
Crimson roses have its sharp thorns.
Don't wanna hurt you,
Don't wanna hurt you, but have to stab you with my thorn.
Burning, it's burning,
It keeps on burning
It keeps on burning within my grudge blues.
No flower
No flower would bloom
No flower would bloom on my dead body.
So I will live along
So I will live along hanging on my grudge.
Women, oh women,
My woman's life belongs
My woman's life belongs to my grudge blues.
Meet the female candidates ...
Je réagis a la clinique beauté :o | Msp - Duration: 26:18.
179 TESA T10 (10 PINNER DIMPLE) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED - Duration: 14:56.
Hello guys and welcome back, the lock I have for you today is a TESA
Tesa T10 model
for me, It is a very difficult lock to pick, there are few who get to pick this is one of them
It is a ten pinner dimple, all active, five uppers
there are the caps
and five lowers
face to face, they touch, and push each other
in this case the lower springs are more potent than higher
and as a result, the lower key pins push the upper key pins and take out them of the plug
and to start picking
one or more of the top pins are already overset from the beginning
that is the greatest difficulty of this lock
In this case, I show you the coding,
the top third is too long it is overset from the beginning, that´s sure
fourth and fifth are relatively long, are also slightly overset but not relevant at the opening
because the binding order they can be set without problems, they return by themselves inside the plug
and sometimes the second even though it is very short, we must also recover it
a difficult opening for me, as I say
we will try to get it
but before, I want toshow you the overset from the begining effect
let´s see if I can do it
how, when I compress the lower pin,
the upper returns to the keyway
let´s see, there it is
the lower is pushing to the upper and when I compress it, the upper reenters to the keyway
for that it is what I mean
ok, let´s try to open it
and if we get, we will take it apart
and see what is inside
I will use this Z commercial tension wrench
and this home made pick, a special pick for Tesa T60 that works very well with these T10
what I'll do first is look for the third lower pin
compress it
release tension and thus get the upper third reentering the plug and ceases to be overset
Let's do it
From there the opening is normal
and that third, it may be necessary to recover it again along the picking
Let's do it
first, second
Here is the third lower, I compress it
there has been heard a click
the lock is moving, wait a sec ...
that securely grips the lock, there it is
We start again
first, second
third, compress it,
I release tension
and so we should have recovered it
and now we picking normally
second is binding, does a click
first is binding, makes a click
second again
one click
first again
one click
lower third, is binding
It makes a click, fourth is loose
fifth give a light click
back to the first, first is binding,
It makes a slight click and a turn on the core, second nothing
third, let´s see
the third nothing, fourth nothing
fifth nothing
first again
I slightly increased the tension
I do not receive feedback
we have reached a standstill, fifth is binding, does a click
let's check the uppers, fifth is set
fourth, the third is overset again, so there is no feedback,
compress the third, release tension...
there it is
He has fallen from back into the plug
second is binding
I think it's the second
it is the first one
there it is, makes a click
second upper is binding
It makes a click and a turn on the core
first lower, second lower
third lower is binding
there it is
It makes a click
fourth give a light click
second one click
fourth nothing, fifth nothing
I'll check the upper fifth
fourth, they seem set
lower first one click
there it is
second upper, first ...
something escapes us
lower third
It makes a click
fifth lower make a click
lower first makes a click and a turn on the core
first, second, third...
we go with the uppers
fourth and fifth are set
I think the third is overset
I will try to recover the third
the first makes a click
the fourth is binding
do not
I release tension
first makes a click
I think I release too much tension
second upper is binding
there it is
It is the one I have mentioned that sometimes had to recover and is the one that was overset
It was the second upper
and playing the second upper it´s open
as you see, I do not have 100% control these locks, they are not easy
the openings are usually like this one
with a lot of release tension to recover the upper pins that are overset
they are overset because are pushed by the lowers, or becouse we overset them when picking
but hey, it is an opening, let's take it apart and we see what is inside
Let's do it
ok, so this is what is inside
It has been a bit of a disaster gutting, because I have left a keypin and a driver
but I think I have already placed well
then I will check it before reassemble
I show the bible
Here you can see the lower chambers
the uppers
the plug
It has lower pins larger diameter than the uppers
and they are perfectly faced
They touch and push each other
It is very nice, very well done
It is very difficult to even put in a sheet
It is very tight
they are amazing locks
let's see pins
We go first to the lowers
are these
the first, fourth and fifth
are serrated, second and third are standard, have two diameters
and the drivers are all serrated
all the same, very well done,
very effective,
let´s see the upper pins
the upper keypins are all standard and the drivers are all normal too with two diameters to fit the spring
As you can see, depending on the key pin length
the driver is balanced in lengh
there is very little room
realize that the driver and it´s spring are in this small space, are there tucked
I make zoom, so you see more detail
there it is
the pins
They are very pretty, I do not know if they are bevelled
I can not see it
in the video It will look better
and lower springs which are copper color, the highers are from steel
Ok so, this is the Tesa T10 picking
I hope you liked it, it will be useful and thank you very much for your time
Após virar empregada, Clara sofre maus tratos da neta de Beatriz em O Outro Lado do Paraíso - Duration: 4:34.
Medicinal juice to eliminate cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis and arterial obstruction - Duration: 2:34.
Arteriosclerosis is a condition that occurs when there is an arterial
obstruction that prevents the proper transport of oxygen that carries blood through the arterial channels,
so it is very important to keep these arterial channels free of any blockage that
prevents proper flow, otherwise This would cause high pressure, leg cramps,
brain or heart infarction and angina.
In order to prevent these complications today in todo en salud we will teach you a juice
that can be very helpful.
The necessary ingredients are: - A small broccoli without stem
- 2 chopped tomatoes - 2 stalks of celery
- 1 clove garlic Before starting we must wash, peel and cut
the ingredients very well then in the juice processor we pass each one of these, the broccoli,
the tomatoes, the celery and the garlic, if you do not have juice extractor you can do it in
a blender only make sure to add water and strain the content at the end, when
we finish processing each of the ingredients we will obtain this healthy juice.
This drink should be taken a glass daily every day in the morning, until
the condition is completely improved.
Broccoli contains a compound known as sulforaphane which prevents the oxidation
of triglycerides which can clog the arterial channels, the tomato contains
antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arterial walls,
at the same time that it improves the levels of good cholesterol Because of its lycopene content,
celery has soluble fiber that will help accelerate the elimination of cholesterol from the body,
garlic is a vasodilator that helps improve circulation throughout
the body.
As you can see, this juice can be very beneficial for your health, so do not hesitate to try it and tell
us what you think.
We hope this video has been useful for you, remember that your opinion is very important,
so rate, comment and share and if you have not yet subscribed, subscribe every
day upload new videos.
6 problemi interni che si manifestano con i brufoli - Duration: 5:48.
ROBLOX ESCAPE THE DUNGEON OBBY -- Fun Adventures - Duration: 19:37.
What am i hearing it's scaring me there are ghosts in here we have to jump or
you just walk I guess I could just walk oh oh oh gosh that scared me what the
heck oh my gosh there's a jump scare in here what today's shout-out is destiny
the Fox 123 please visit their channel and subscribe
the link is in the description if you want to get your own shout out just
leave a comment on my newest video Ira Betty I'm Paula and I am in roblox I am
in escape the dungeon lobby and this looks like it could be pretty fun look
at my outfit and that's stylin look at me yeah my wings and everything I'm just
beautiful and wow this is kind of creepy this is so cool Oh obviously that's a
checkpoint what happened oh nevermind okay well I did the exact same thing and
let's see where all we go in this next checkpoint wow that was fast
hey it looks like this area is under construction be careful not to fall into
the lava okay well I got a couple things I've got him down here I have a rocket
which I'm not sure but I think some of these things can help me and let's get
our lifesaver look we have a lightsaber we are so cool okay oh wow oh my gosh I
can like flip what
I'm gonna end up in the lava oh my gosh this is unsettling this is cool
oh I need to buy invincibility that's what I need No oh gosh I was cleared at
the end okay I'm gonna pull out the lightsaber see if it helps it didn't
exactly help me last time what are you doing
oh there ride that's unsettling so good at this okay forget the lightsaber is
this where I almost died last time oh I made it here wait what is that down
there don't you dare fall off either oh that's the door in our mine see I know
what I'm doing okay next checkpoint oh gosh okay that was
hard oh that's scary okay we have to hurry
okay these traps look deadly time your movements carefully I can't even read it
about that was careful that was that was so careful oh I didn't go far enough oh
oh gosh oh don't kill me don't kill me okay did we make it
I like a notes okay where's the next thing to mark that I made it I don't
want to die and have to go over it again this is cool this is so cool seriously
is there treasure well I definitely got to save this checkpoint but look what
else here this is so cool can you open anything no but it's neat in it okay now
it says shoot we need a key to open this door maybe one of these chests have one
what wait what is going on so you just lock
into them oh I I'm really doing great okay let's try this one
wait a minute it's the one on the other side did I get it I don't know okay
perfect I get it I get it you have to use the key okay so we're going on yeah
we got another Chuck place that's happy happiness and a little boy and a bathtub
subscribe so I can't talk subscribe to guava juice wait I already did
okay well sup tell me what the deal are we did is funny to have a bathtub
seriously that is so cute okay I wonder why they have a bathtub
and I bet you're not supposed to stand in they're just saying that we have to
jump or you just walk I guess I could just walk oh oh oh gosh that scared me
what the heck oh my gosh does a jump scare in here what oh my I don't even
oh hey scared now oh I scared I seriously I'm scared oh no oh gosh no oh
my goodness sakes that scared me so bad why did that scare me that was just
oh why are they scary seriously did they scare you have you done this
I'm probably dying more than anybody ever has I have to go slow now okay now
don't oh gosh now I think I can walk through
here I'm afraid to oh geez don't jump too much
guys okay what was that did somebody just die what am i hearing
what am i hearing it's scaring me there are ghosts in here Oh oh gosh we made it
okay get up there and get on that oh my goodness that's so scary okay that does
it seriously that does it I am so mad at
this thing now okay looks like we can only go down okie-dokie
can I get by you you're like in the way
well that's down isn't it oh gosh whoa I guess now I have to take
steps no no okay that that was bad seriously bad drop down on that oh okay
you can do it little girl and I'm probably going the wrong direction no
okay got to go clear down there what
what happens if you jump nothing well that's good okay well we made it to
another checkpoint okay so things are looking up okay watch out I hear traps
in the distance no no not again no whoa I almost went off what happens if you go
off are you allowed to go off in here I don't know oh I guess not
okay look a little I am now I made myself teeny and I probably can't jump
is this gonna make a difference huh oh my gosh
the hag it didn't hell oh my gosh that's so cute though
let's go teeny again oh my gosh what is a teeny look I'm so cute so cute in
teeny oh I am so afraid we have got to get out of here okay Wow why was that so
hard seriously okay look at this is this
gonna be hard or easy well since it's for me I'm gonna guess it's gonna be
hard to say in wait what is that I'm gonna guess I have to jump over that
what was that what I didn't even notice that
oh wow what is this okay well we obviously went somewhere and let's stand
here Oh checkpoint okay well at least we made it
a little ways whoa ah perfect okay I'm going to put on my big jump or
weight put on my light safe
Wow whoa
okay did we see where the next one was oh my goodness Oh
okay that was basically cheating hard lightsaber got us through and yay okay
the force is with us yes definitely okay that lightsaber really came in
handy by the lightsaber if you do anything seriously and
Wow I guess I obviously don't want to fall down there oh my goodness whoa Wow
oh I don't want to get too sure myself Wow okay we made it to the little man
and he's not exactly a little man but yeah hi we will need to lower the bridge
find a lever I guess I can appear to find it guess in oh well yeah I'll stand
right under the levers I don't oh never mind oh I see how it is whoa
what wait what okay what are you supposed to do here it's timed oh gosh
okay I guess we made it and if that door comes down and kills us hello we have
somebody else here oh no oh oh oh my gosh I was able to climb up that what
how's that even possible it's like sticky bricks wait what Wow
that was weird we checkpoint I am so happy to see a
checkpoint you have no idea well maybe you do but definitely though that
lightsaber that is worth every single robux that it costs I don't even
remember what it costs but it was worth it seriously
whoa oh my whoa okay
okay got it we are getting closer definitely closer
right oh don't don't stand on those they look hot
Oh No Oh at the end do you believe it yes I'm sure you believe it you have to
try this one this is really fun actually I've always liked all the fat paps ones
they're always neat and they're different they're all different
oh you made it okay so I guess up right looks like I think okay we won't be able
to get past the dragon unless we go into the dragon all that makes perfect sense
let's just go into the dragon because that's not scary or anything is it okay
I guess I'm in the dragon's mouth that is kind of cool yeah whoa
okay well checkpoint happy to see a checkpoint you know you need to dance a
little when you get to a checkpoint is this gonna kill me huh
what whoa what was that okay that was unexpected and wait I
missed that thing are you kidding me now wait I'm gonna make myself a little
maybe that'll help look I so cute oh my gosh I don't know why I think that's
cute wait you have to get right in the middle oh I got it
yay okay going little helped and let's go jump on a skull because jumping on
skulls is fun right and yeah nice nose what OH
no come on Paula you gotta focus focus and get over these skulls and make it
make it home you could do it I don't know if I want to go in well I want to
mark my spot okay because you know how that is
I hear something that sounds like a trap or was it that door I don't know but it
was scary oh my they sure make you jump what was it nice okay
yes whoa that scared me okay that's my skills my jumping skills are
so good but okay just saying hey hi whoa
Wow okay what is down there did we escape no oh that's the tail of the
dragon cool this is like Dark Souls yeah this is Dark Souls in roblox looks like
we are in a cave of magic yes it kind of does and it's pretty and pink and I'm
dead I am so dead and I lost my hair Wow
okay let's try that again oh gosh ah they're so far away from each
other I guess they do this so that you have to work for it because otherwise it
wouldn't even feel like it was hard to escape it all oh don't do something
stupid Paulo don't ladders are easy unless there's a dragon trying to kill
you okay let's look here hold it looks so pretty in pink and it killed us okay
and this will take some of us out of this place now time for a long walk home
what really no I doubt it that would be nice because if I could make it to the
end I would be so happy yes because then I wouldn't feel like I was so terrible
even though I'm terrible yeah whoa oh nevermind it's just steps just some
steps let's just jump our way up okay how did these people make these oo bees
these are so cool wait whoa is this farm supposed to go no yes okay wow this is
cool a long walk home okay this is a long
walk home there's a dragon he's cool look at him that is so neat did we make
you've made it use the power ups to find the secret bridge looks like a good
place to be happy to get out and I don't know where the secret bridge is what the
heck are they talking about I'm pretty sure I'm dead okay I'll talk to you
later bye
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