-Hi guys.
-How are you?
-Juliana can not come today.
-So, i'll venture out on my own.
-I hope to find many things.
-I do not know what the footage will be like.
-Because, i will shoot, dig, detect etc...
-I hope to find something cool.
-Enough talk and let's go.
-But before starting an adventure...
-Let's check out how to find a last "square" coin...
-That shows no cleaning video.
-Look this.
-Oh my god!
-I do not believe.
-Look where it was.
-Wow guys!
-One more old coin.
-"Square" coin.
-We cleaned up later to see better.
-So nice!
-Wow old coin!
-Is old.
-Old coin.
-Looks like 1 sen.
-Yeah 1 sen.
-It is very visible.
-Is so cool.
-More old coin.
-Well guys.
-Who was watching live.
-Saw that i was digging here.
-I was trying...
-To find.
-The object.
-I threw away.
-Look here.
-What is this?
-Take foccus.
-What is this guys?
-Leave a comment...
-What do you think is.
-This item.
-We'll see later.
-Like i said, i'm alone this time.
-I do not know if the footage...
-And if the audio will be good.
-But here it is signaling.
-I'll just put the gloves on.
-Because, i made a hole here and did not find it.
-But now, it's signaling here.
-I'll check it out again.
-It seems i've already withdrawn.
-Is what it seems.
-Is coin?
-It was signaled as a coin...
-But it could be a can.
-Look here.
-Really is a coin.
-Is not a can.
-Can see?
-To identify is difficult.
-It is a very slim coin.
-It does not seem current.
-It looks like an old coin guys.
-We'll clean it later.
-To see what the coin is.
-Well, this coin...
-Juliana will be envious.
-Let's see if we can find more.
-Here it is also signaling.
-These bushes are in the way.
-I hope it's a coin.
-I'm finding lots of cans around here.
-What is?
-What will it be?
-Where is it?
-A button?
-Is a button.
-A little button.
-We'll clean it later.
-To see...
-What's written.
-But is not old, looks like modern.
-But is cool.
-I like button.
-It's really cool to go out and explore...
-Places like this.
-But alone...
-Give an impression...
-I do not know, a tension.
-It seems like it's being watched.
-Or something like this.
-But is cool.
-Look around.
-Nice tree.
-Let's see if we can find more things around here.
-Here it is signaling.
-Look here.
-A coin.
-Is hakuen.
-100 yen.
-Guys, here it is signaling.
-Let's see what it is.
-What we will find.
-In the middle of these roots.
-There are many roots here.
-I'll take a break.
-And keep digging.
-And as soon as i find it i'll show.
-What was in the roots.
-It was a coin.
-10 yen.
-Guys, before ending.
-I would like to talk about the other channel.
-The name is...
-Deu comida pro gato? (Did you feed the cat?).
-Is this.
-You soon understood...
-The reason for the channel name.
-On this other channel we'll be trying to show.
-Technology, culture...
-Stories, places...
-Everything about Japan, in a different way.
-Maybe you've never seen.
-The things we're gonna show there.
-On another channel...
-Or on TV.
-So go there and sign up.
-The link will be down here in the description
-Soon a very good video.
-Is this guys.
-Give us your like.
-And until a next adventure.
For more infomation >> Detector de metal no Japão. Moeda "quadrada" e uma aventura sozinho. - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
KUWTK | Kim Kardashian Refuses to Return Kourtney's Dog | E! - Duration: 1:54.
Giorgio Manetti e Gemma Galgani si baciano, Maria De Filippi ammonisce la dama | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:52.
KUWTK | Kendall Jenner & Khloe Kardashian Consider Getting a Gun | E! - Duration: 2:40.
[No Copyright Music] A Himitsu - Two Places [Epic] - Duration: 4:03.
BreakingCopyright: Music for videos Free YouTube Audio Library
BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube Free YouTube Audio Library
Today on BreakingCopyright: A Himitsu
No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) A Himitsu - Two Places
Roger Stone REVEALED: Bob Mueller Used FAKE INTELLIGENCE To Charge Michael Flynn! – Joe Biden And S… - Duration: 3:02.
Roger Stone REVEALED: Bob Mueller Used FAKE INTELLIGENCE To Charge Michael Flynn!
– Joe Biden And Susan Rice Involved.
USA Politics Today reported, on Friday night former National Security Adviser pleaded guilty
to collusion with the Russians by Trump's command.
More specifically, Michael Flynn claimed that he was commanded by President Trump to contact
with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the start of this year.
Flynn's announcement left America suspicious wheter or not this hoax is made-up by Obama
administration and cleared by FBI director James Comey or there are some third parties
involved, which is less likely to be.
As we already know, in August, Trump administration was forced by Special Councel Robert Mueller
to hand over document regarding retired Lt. Gen Michael T. Flynn.
Mueller made a hell of an effort to investigate alleged Turkish connections, which is, by
my opinion a clear lie just to sway away the focus from the major scandals that happened
in the previous month.
"According to reports, former CIA Chief James Woolsey briefed law enforcement agents
working with the Special Counsel on matters relating to General Michael Flynn's plan
to "removal of a Turkish cleric," from the U.S. "Flynn.
the former national security adviser, was paid more than $500,000 in 2016 for lobbying
that benefited the Turkish government," reported NBC News."
NBC News reports:
"Former CIA Director James Woolsey has been interviewed by FBI agents working for Special
Counsel Robert Mueller about allegations that Mike Flynn discussed the potentially illegal
removal of a Turkish cleric from the U.S., Woolsey's spokesman told NBC News.
"Ambassador Woolsey and his wife have been in communication with the FBI regarding the
Sept. 19, 2016 meeting Ambassador Woolsey was invited to attend by one of Gen. Flynn's
business partners,"
Woolsey spokesman Jonathan Franks said in a statement.
"Ambassador Woolsey and his wife have responded to every request, whether from the FBI, or,
more recently, the Office of the Special Counsel."
In March, Woolsey confirmed to MSNBC the contents of a Wall Street Journal story which reported
Woolsey's account of a meeting he says made him so uncomfortable he felt compelled to
report what happened to Vice President Joseph Biden."
On this, Roger Stone said that Bob Mueller has given fake intelligence by former CIA
Director Chuck Wolsey which was given during a meeting with former Obama top-notch official
Susan Rice, former VP Joe Biden and Ben Rhodes.
"Woolsey is projecting," Stone says, "he was involved in the plans to extradite and
kidnap the Turkish cleric."
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Aligning with Our Soul Purpose
By Jessie Klassen
Contributing writer for Wake Up World
During this exciting time upon our earth, we hear much about �living our purpose.�
But, as I know from experience, this is much easier said than done.
It�s not that any of us don�t want to be living our soul purpose, and we know when
there is something not quite aligned or flowing within our lives � but so many of the ways
to get there are either elusive or hard to grasp at best, because, quite frankly, in
our society we are not taught to live our life purpose.
We are taught not to value our passions but to find a career and earn a decent income,
and many career paths don�t feel like they are part of our soul purpose at all.
We also have this idea that to be successful, we should be working long hours and should
feel stressed out�
But as I discovered (and I am still getting there, as I feel we are always �getting
there�) I was making it much more complicated than it had to be.
For a long time, I was under the illusion that perhaps I missed something, or I had
taken a wrong turn, when in fact, I hadn�t.
My experiences, my life, were actually all a culmination of my purpose, and before I
knew it, I had �become my purpose� just by being me.
Because we all have a gift.
And we all have this gift to share with the world, otherwise, we wouldn�t be here.
There are no extras here in this movie of life.
So what does this mean?
How do we get there?
I will offer my humble advice, and sincerely hope that you will find it helpful.
What comes naturally to you?
Look at yourself.
Look at your talents.
And be kind.
Be generous.
What can you do that makes others say �Wow, how did you do that?� or �I could never
do something like that.�
Because chances are, anything that you can do with ease that others can�t, is probably
your gift.
For me, connecting and communicating with nature has always come easily to me.
I do it without thinking about it, it is a part of who I am.
Nature is when I feel �oneness� with all that is.
When I feel I truly connect with the Divine presence.
When do you feel this connection?
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Can you expand this moment, this time, into other areas of your life?
As a society, I feel we focus too much on being amazing at everything, even our weaknesses.
While knowing lots about a lot of different things makes you interesting and boosts confidence,
and I agree that it is good to be a well-rounded individual, but shouldn�t we be encouraged
to focus on what we are naturally inclined toward or talented at?
That is our gift to the world, and by honouring it, we can help other people who struggle
where we are strong (and vice versa).
For example, I have a wonderful lady who helps me with all of the �techy� stuff of running
my website.
Her name is Sian Elizabeth and she is amazing.
That is her talent, and for me, it is a gift, because it is not my strength.
By sharing her strength, I am able to share my gift with the world.
What did you want to be as a child?
When we are children, we are closely connected to our soul and our memory of who we really
Connect with your inner child, remember back.
What did you love as a child?
What did you want to do or be?
Were you interested in people, animals, the earth, helping others?
What was the nature of your happiness back then?
For me, I was going to be a writer.
I wrote joyfully, stories and poems, unabashedly and unworried about the quality or content.
So naturally, it makes sense that I now write about helping others connect with the magic
of nature to rediscover the magic of their own lives.
This is who I am and comes easily to me.
For lack of better or more poetic term, a while back, I felt I needed to �change my
Basically, I knew I needed to quit regurgitating the same old thoughts and out-dated beliefs
that were playing on re-run in my mind.
Our minds tend to become a replay of what we think our lives are, rather than what they
really are or could be.
The most effective, profound way that we can shift our lives is by shifting our thoughts
and beliefs, and that can be achieved through meditation.
Do not meditate to �clear your mind.� Meditate to �focus your mind.�
There are many styles and techniques out there, and each are suited to each individual.
Meditation is personal.
Find a style that works for you and commit to doing it everyday.
Nothing major.
Even ten minutes a day.
I promise the effects are profound and life changing.
Life just flows with much more ease, and as I found, I began thinking new thoughts and
seeing new things.
Science has finally proven what the wise men and women have know for eternity.
Meditating unleashes your creativity and problem-solving capabilities.
It relieves stress and makes you more productive.
You become a much higher vibration, better version of yourself.
Actually, it unveils who you really are.
And as I found, I became addicted to the natural �high� that meditation provides.
The joy, the bliss, the feeling of �oneness� with the Universe.
I now cannot imagine a day without a few mindful minutes of going inward and being connected
to everything.
Ask empowering questions.
It is important to remember that we were never plunked here so that we could drift along
without a clue (even though sometimes it feels that way).
The answer, the way, is always available if we open our awareness to it.
I have found a quick and effective way to do this is to ask some empowering questions.
What is an empowering question?
A question asked from a position of power.
Such as from the place of a co-creator of your life, rather than a helpless victim.
You are taken from �poor me, how come things never go my way?� to �I create my life.
Why do things always go my way?�
Even if you don�t feel that way sincerely, say it anyway.
Other examples could be, �Why do I have such an amazing gift to share with the world?�
�What is the nature of my life purpose, or my happiness, or fulfillment, etc.�
�Why do I get to live my life purpose?�
�Why do I always know which direction to go?�
Notice the shift in your consciousness.
Your vibration rises when you ask questions in this format, and as your vibration rises,
so will the vibration of of experiences that you invite into your awareness.
You could also write these questions down, or re-word them as affirmations.
Not long ago I wrote, �I walk the path of my Divine life purpose.� Or you could say,
�I love living my life with purpose.� Or I also stated for a while, �I am living
the life of my wildest dreams.�
A message came through during one of my meditations, �when in doubt, write it out.�
Writing is powerful.
Because we believe it when we see it.
And what we believe, we become.
So consider what you are writing, and be ready for a shift, a change to occur, because it
Disclaimer: It�s not always easy.
Walking the path of my Divine life purpose is not always a walk in the park, everything
does not automatically go honky dory.
I hadn�t considered that it was a pretty tall request.
But of course, being me, I dove right in to the �deep� stuff.
I had and still have a lot to clear so that I can continue on this path.
But I�ve noticed as I keep asking these questions, such as, �How can it get any
better than this?�, the universe answers me.
Things really do always get better.
As creators of our lives, we need to be mindful of what we are asking for, because the answers
always come.
You can have fun a lot of fun with this.
I also like to ask, �Why am I such an amazing parent?� or �Why am I so great at �� or
�Why are my kids so happy?�
We get what we ask for.
Don�t worry about the �how� of the answers.
The messages always arrive and it can be in a variety of ways.
For myself, I am a dreamer.
So for me, the answers usually come in a dream or from a messenger from nature.
But I have also had the answers come in songs, random people, coincidences and serendipity
occurring in much higher frequency than usual.
Stay open and give the Universe a chance to answer.
And many times, the �answer� is just a smoother flowing of your life.
Or you may feel guided to read a book, go somewhere, take a course, but you will realize
after that it was all for the best.
There is a balance to strike between asking and stating, and then letting it go and staying
in the moment.
Assure that when you asked or stated, you were heard.
So then it is your job to trust.
What strengths are your children revealing in you?
As parents we have accepted the high honour and privilege of raising children in a critical
time upon our earth.
And as I have found, my kids are teaching me as much as I can teach them.
What has raising your children taught you about yourself?
Or your grand-children or other children in your life?
This can even apply to other loved ones in your life that you feel a deep connection
with, good or bad.
My children revealed to me my own fears about myself.
I have had to �up my game� if I am going to be the kind of role model that I feel they
should have.
I discovered that one of my fears for them is that they will feel that I don�t understand
them, because, as a child, I often felt misunderstood.
This has made me a more patient and compassionate parent.
I have also seen how they thrive when I am open and allowing my inner child to come through
and play.
What is it that you want for your kids?
Now want that for yourself.
It is not selfish of you.
You will be improving their lives as you improve your own.
And another bonus?
You will feel fulfilled and you won�t be loving them from a place of need.
You will be satisfied and when we are satisfied, we see others for who they are rather than
what we want them to be-and that means everybody will be happier!
I have another piece of advice that has come to mind, and I have to admit, it won�t sound
the most spiritual or enlightened� Actually, I�m not sure if it is even advice
� perhaps we will just call it me sharing an experience and you being amused.
There have been times in my life where I have felt extreme frustration and hopelessness
to the point where I thought I was literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown, like
I couldn�t take anymore-and this is when I have completely flipped out on the Universe.
I have come to affectionately call these my �What the f**k?!
sessions with God.� (yes, there�s been several�)
And they have been ugly, crude, verbal diarrhea where I literally screamed at the top of my
lungs, through a mess of tears, �what the f**k do you want from me?
What now?
What more can I do?
I don�t get it!
You want this, and then you want that!
You need to get a lot more clear and get your f***ing s**t together because I can�t take
this anymore!�
I told you they were ugly.
And I don�t typically curse!
Thankfully, I have only done this when I am alone in my own company, either in my truck
or out by myself in nature.
I have to say though, when I get my fill of screaming profanities, I come down from my
anger, and I suddenly become very aware of the love and compassion of the Universe as
it floods over me.
I will have a knowing that all is okay and usually a sense of knowing what I should do
There is often a valuable insight that comes, and a realization that I have just cleared
some old �stuff�, and that is actually what it was all about in the first place.
I then feel ready to move forward.
I can actually feel the Universe ��hug� me.
I will actually chuckle to myself later, imagining my guides shaking their heads, saying amongst
one another, �what was that about? we sure have our work cut out for us with her.�
So I forgive myself and apologize to the Universe, dust myself off and carry on.
As I said, I�m not sure that I�m suggesting this, but if you feel inclined to do so in
your own company, then go for it.
My life growing up on a farm, and now as a farmer, means that everyday I am in nature.
No matter the weather, 30 celsius above zero or 30 celsius below zero, I am outside.
So my life is what has given me the opportunity to be surrounded by nature, connected with
the earth, and as my own boss, the freedom to write and share my experiences.
For me, it has been my children and nature who have revealed my purpose to me, because
they both have brought out my talents and the very best version of myself to share with
the world.
Look at your life, because your life IS your gift.
It is your purpose.
Perhaps there are some aspects that need to change.
Maybe small changes, maybe big changes.
Or maybe only your perspective of yourself and your life is all that is needed to shift.
Either way, the answer is there, because it is you.
In love and gratitude, Jessie
The Sapling: An Inspiring Story From the Trees The new book by Jessie Klassen�
Learn how to communicate with Nature while enjoying fun activities and energy exercises
that will encourage spiritual growth, self-confidence, and awareness in you and your child while
developing a close relationship with Nature.
In �The Sapling�, author Jessie Klassen offers an inspiring story from the Trees for
the children of Earth, with vivid, full colour Nature illustrations that will appeal to younger
children and provide valuable Life lessons that will grow with your child � just like
a Tree!
Full colour demonstrations easily display dozens of activities and exercises for you
and your child to enjoy.
�The Sapling� is the first book in Jessie�s Nature Child Children�s Book Series, committed
to helping children grow into who they truly are meant to be through a close relationship
with Nature.
You can get your copy here.
A portion of proceeds are donated to the TreeSisters and the Nature Conservancy of Canada.
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Guitar Chords A B#m E D Em G Part tab how to play christmas - Duration: 2:06.
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Chords : Verse : A + B#m + E + A + D + Em + A + D Chorus : G + A + Em + G + D + E
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Here we have Truman.
His kind boss Lawrence has just given him the chance at a lucrative account in Wells
Unfortunately, Truman never meets the client because he decides not to board the ferry
so he never makes it to Wells Park.
So, Did Truman have free will in this situation?
What I mean by free will is, were his actions the result of conscious thoughts and intentions
that he decided upon?
And, Could he choose to do something different if we rewound the universe back to the moment
before he walked away from the ferry?
The first part of this video will address this question: "do we have free will?"
by looking at what parts of the mind we have control over.
The second part will address why acknowledging a lack of free will could actually give you
more control over your life.
Back to Truman.
You might say I've set the bar too high, because the memory of having lost his father
in a boating accident was too traumatic of an experience for Truman to be able to freely
control his response.
So, on that note, let's think about some situations where we would say someone wasn't
acting "of their own free will."
Let's say for example, you introduce your friend Tom to your girlfriend and he's excessively
flirtatious with her, making you and your girlfriend uncomfortable.
You might be pissed but, you then remember Tom just had a frontal lobotomy.
You also know that the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe of the brain facilitates
inhibiting inappropriate behavior.
With this in mind, you're probably more likely to forgive him, ...but you'll keep
him away from your girlfriend.
Actually, A man named Phineas Gage became very famous after receiving an unrequested
frontal lobotomy when, on September 13th 1848, an explosion sent a huge iron rod through
the front part of his skull.
He survived, but he became uncharacteristically brash and sometimes inappropriately sexual.
I think most would agree that in this case, Gage wasn't choosing to be a jerk of his
own free will.
So, Let's categorize this as free will inhibition level 5.
Another example of level 5 inhibition would be a brain tumor.
One example is the mass murderer Charles Witman.
On August 1st, 1966, Witman murdered 16 people and, in something like a suicide note he left,
he said: "I am supposed to be an average reasonable and intelligent young man.
However, lately I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts."
In the note, he even requested for an autopsy to be done on himself to find out if there
was a biological reason for his drastic changes.
The Autopsy was done on August 2nd, and a "pecan-sized" brain tumor was found.
There's even a case in which a 40-year old man, starting around the year 2000, suddenly
developed a disturbing interest in children.
The day before he was about to go to jail for being guilty of child mole station, he
went to the hospital complaining of a massive headache and an egg sized tumor was found
in his brain.
The tumor was removed and his inappropriate urges and behavior disappeared.
Then, about a year later the tumor came back, and so did the inappropriate urges.
The tumor was removed again and the urges disappeared again.
In situations like this where the actual physical integrity of the brain is compromised, it's
safe to say that free will is greatly inhibited.
If these examples represent level 5 inhibition, then level 4 could be something like being
addicted to drugs, because the user develops specific brain changes that result in uncontrollable
cravings and less ability to inhibit impulsive behavior.
Another example of level 4 inhibition might be someone with Parkinson's disease.
Of course the disease itself means the person has less freedom in their physical movements,
but the incidence of pathological gambling is significantly higher in Parkinson's patients,
thanks to their dopamine agonist medication.
Next, level 3 free will inhibition could be being drunk or going without sleep for a very
long time.
Level 2 might even include something seemingly minor like just being hungry.
Jonathan Levav of Columbia Business School in New York and colleagues analysed over a
thousand parole hearings for four Israeli prisons, made over a 10 month period.
They found that if the judge had eaten recently, prisoners had a 65% chance of being paroled.
But The longer the judges went without food, the lower this percentage dropped, and it
would often decline to prisoners having an almost 0% chance of getting paroled.
After some food during lunch break however, the percentage shot back up to 65%.
So Then, what would the lowest level of free will inhibition look like?
It might just be the base programming of our brains.
Dan Ariely, professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University, and author of
"Predictably Irrational," points out that people's decisions can be swayed in predictable
ways simply by presenting the information differently.
For example, people were asked "Who's more attractive, Tom or Jerry?"
If there was a clone of Jerry that was slightly uglier, normal Jerry was the most attractive
of the three.
If there was an ugly clone of Tom, then Tom was most attractive.
People tend pick the choice whose value is easiest to calculate.
It's hard to say if Tom is better than Jerry, but Tom is surely better than his ugly clone.
This is known as the decoy effect and it's a great way to get people to buy stuff.
Do you want a small popcorn for 3 dolalrs, a medium popcorn for $6.50, or a large for
7 dollars?
I don't know if the small is a better value than the medium, but the large is clearly
better than the medium so I'll get that.
This shows up in other, quite important situations like here, Ariely is showing the drastic difference
between countries' organ donation rates.
Why are the countries on the left's rates so low compared to those on the right?
It's not the culture, but the form at the DMV.
The form for the countries with the low donation rate says "Check the box below if you want
to participate in the organ donor program."
the form for countries with high donation rate says "Check the box below if you don't
want to participate in the organ donor program."
When faced with a difficult decision, the easier decision is to take no action and leave
the box unchecked.
Nobel Prize Winner Daniel Kahneman says in his book "Thinking Fast and Slow," that
we have two systems of thinking.
System 1 "operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary
System 2 "allocates attention to the effortful mental activities that demand it… [and is]
often associated with the subjective experience of agency, choice, and concentration."
Some examples of System 1 are activities like -Orienting to the source of a sudden sound
-Making a "disgust face" when shown a horrible picture, and
-Reading words on large billboards (Again, automatic things)
System 2 on the other hand includes activities like
-Assessing whether a product is worth paying more for or not
-Focusing on the voice of a particular person in a noisy room, and
-Looking for a woman with white hair.
(These are more deliberate)
Here's an example: Mary's Mom has four daughters, April, May, June and ... If you
said July, this is because your System 1 got in the way.
An active System 2 would have noticed I said "Mary's Mom," so the fourth daughter
of course is Mary.
We are at some level aware of the competition between these two systems, hence our tendency
to ask "Is this a trick question?" when things seem too easy.
Kahneman describes several ways the brain takes certain shortcuts wherever it can.
For example, if I show you this: you'll probably think of SOUP instead of "SOAP"
thanks to this restaurant scene you were just looking at.
This is called "priming," your brain was "primed" with the restaurant scene rather
than a shower scene.
But priming goes farther than this.
Kathleen Vohs, in a paper titled "The Psychological Consequences of Money" showed that simply
being exposed to images of money made people more individualistic and less willing to be
involved with or depend on others.
Over 418 pages, Kahneman paints a picture of how many of our decisions are a result
of our mind's use of several time and energy saving shortcuts, heuristics, rules of thumb.
And, we are mostly unaware of these shortcuts working in the background, yet they influence
our conscious thinking.
This still isn't enough to disprove free will - Like a train conductor having the free
will to choose which track to drive on, you could say these mental processes are just
some boundaries that come with being human, and we have free will within the limits of
these boundaries.
But which processes of the mind do we have the free will to control?
Well, before conscious behavior occurs, there is a cascade of things happening in the brain.
To present my next point, let's look at just a few things that affect our choice of
1 is likes & wants, we'll just call this desires.
For example, liking wine will generate behaviors like… drinking wine.
2 is emotions - Different emotions will color people's thinking patterns and behaviors
in different ways.
3 Physiology will also affect behavior.
Things like heart rate, blood pressure, how much adrenaline is in your system, how much
you slept, if you're sick et cetera 4 The last thing is beliefs as in ideas and
principles you feel strongly about or feel are part of your identity.
These will affect how you act and how you think.
So, which of these four do we have control over moment to moment?
First your desires - You can't really control these yet they affect your behavior and your
Right now, I have no control over my dislike of sea urchin and my liking of macadamia nuts.
I could not conveniently decide to like sea urchin when I'm at a sushi restaurant, or
suddenly choose to dislike macadamia nuts when I'm saving money.
If we had free control over desires, life would be far easier.
On a diet?
Just Stop the desire to eat unhealthy foods.
Want to get a lot of studying done?
Just make yourself like Chemistry more than you do video games, and so on.
You might be able to distract yourself from desires, but you cannot choose to have desires
appear or disappear.
Let me again clarify that I'm talking about controlling desires in the moment.
Because, you may change likes and dislikes eventually.
I used to really like Gummy Bears.
After keeping my sugar intake very close to zero for quite a while, gummy bears now taste
far too sweet and don't appeal to me at all nowadays.
Maybe if I ate a bunch of them, I'd start to like them again, but I cannot have myself
like gummy bears in this moment.
This is still the case for more strongly held desires - say it is my ambition to become
a painter.
I cannot now decide to suddenly like math just as much as I like art, or I guess I wouldn't
want to do that.
Next is Emotions, which of course affect your conscious thoughts.
Most people are more or less good at preventing emotions from affecting their behavior, but
for the most part you do not control whether emotions arise or not.
Considering the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics are coming up, there's a lot of construction
going on in the city nowadays.
Sometimes right outside my window.
When it gets loud enough, one of three things will happen: 1 I'll notice it without any
irritation, 2 I'll notice it, be a little irritated and then choose to ignore it, or
3 I'll be pissed and maybe even say something out loud like "Man I'm tired of this shlt."
My response will depend on a couple things including: If I've been sleeping well, and
if I've been exercising or meditating.
If all these things are going well the construction noise barely bothers me.
However, if I didn't sleep well or if I'm hungry or didn't exercise, then I am prone
to some level of irritation.
I feel that I can choose my response to this irritation, but whether the emotion arises
or not is already decided before the construction noise starts.
You may be able to willfully evoke certain emotions, like an actor preparing for a scene,
but you are not in control of whether emotions will arise or not in the moment.
When something sad happens, you do not make a decision to be sad before you become sad.
Then there's physiology.
Your heart rate, blood pressure, your immune response, which hormones are being released
et cetera are not controlled by your conscious thoughts.
With enough training you can gain some control over certain aspects of your physiology, but
your physiology for the most part doesn't operate with your permission.
To quote Sam Harris in his book "Free Will": "At this moment, you are making countless
unconscious "decisions" with organs other than your brain--but these are not events
for which you feel responsible.
Are you producing red blood cells and digestive enzymes at this moment?
Your body is doing these things, of course, but if it "decided" to do otherwise, you would
be the victim of these changes, rather than their cause."
Some argue that physiology is actually the primary cause of emotion.
The James-Lange theory of emotion states that emotions are first expressed by the body,
then recognized by the brain and then they come into consciousness.
Anil Seth gives the example of how seeing a bear does "not in itself generate the
experience of fear, rather, seeing the bear sets in motion a load of physiological changes
- hormones being released, heart rate increasing et cetera - (this set of changes known as
the fight flight responses) and, your brain's perception of these bodily changes in the
context of the bear being around leads to our experience of fear."
The James-Lange theory has received some criticism, but there's a lot of examples that corroborate
his hypothesis.
For example, In this lecture, Robert Sapolsky points out that someone may be given a benzodiazepine
like Valium to decrease their anxiety.
But someone who's pulled a muscle and is having muscle spasms may also get a muscle
relaxant - a benzodiazepine, even at the same dose.
How does that work?
Part of anxiety comes from the brain monitoring the level of tension in your body.
"because you're sitting there, and you're saying things are just as horrible as they
were an hour ago!
But I am so relaxed.
I'm, like, dripping out of this chair, here.
It must not be so bad."
So your brain is getting feedback from the muscle tone and seeing that you're incredibly
relaxed, so your mental state becomes relaxed to match the state of the body.
Other evidence for this emotion physiology mind body connection thing is that as this
finnish group found, based on data from 700 people, certain emotions seem to be consistently
mapped to certain areas of the body, such that they came up with a heat map for each
Physiology will also of course affect your desires, for example even if spare ribs is
your favorite food, you probably won't have the desire to eat that if you have the flu
and are nauseous.
Also, Being drunk can also strongly cue various desires.
And, obviously hunger or thirst will cue your desire to eat or drink.
"Um, you know I pick up the tea because I'm thirsty.
Is that free will?
You know" In another video I talked about how people deprived of salt developed strong
cravings for it and vitamin deficient babies developed an uncanny liking for cod liver
Next is Beliefs - by the way, I'm lumping principles, values, and ideas in with beliefs.
With enough exposure to certain types of information, you can surely change your beliefs eventually.
For example a conservative person may slowly shift to being more liberal if say they move
countries and are exposed to a totally new culture for a long enough time.
Or, someone could spend enough time reading the work of a compelling conspiracy writer
and they might start to believe in certain conspiracies that they used to think were
totally crazy.
However, you cannot suddenly decide that you believe the moon is made out of cheese.
You could have that thought, but you will not truly believe that.
Maybe, you could sign up for a cheese moon brainwashing service, but even then whether
the brain washing works or not is not in your control.
Either the brain washing technique is effective that you come to believe the moon is made
out of cheese, or it's not.
An atheist may decide to that he wants to become religious and tries his best to believe
in the tenets of some religion, but whether the books he reads or the people he talks
to are convincing enough to result in them genuinely adopting these beliefs isn't up
to him.
Beliefs are perhaps the hardest thing to change and control, but at the same time may most
greatly influence our conscious thoughts and behaviors.
So, in the moment we have at most minimal control over desires, emotions, physiology
and beliefs, yet each of these affect our behavior and conscious thoughts.
So, is it the case that each of these can influence conscious thought, but we still
have control?
Do you control your thoughts?
Think about this question for a second.
You may have been unphased by my video so far and you reacted to the question with something
like "Of course we control our thoughts!" or maybe you thought "No our thoughts are
controlled not by us, but by unconscious factors."
or maybe you hair vent had enough time to decide what to think.
Now you might be thinking "did he just say 'hair vent' ?" In any of these cases,
did you freely choose which reaction you had?
Here is Sam Harris giving a lecture in 2012:
"From the perspective of your conscious mind, you are actually no more responsible for your
next thought than you are for your birth into this world.
You can see that you no more author the next thing you think than the next thing I say.
Thoughts simply appear in consciousness.
What are you going to think next?
What am I gonna say next, I could suddenly start talking about why we don't eat owls.
Why don't we eat owls?
They seem perfectly good.
Where did that come from?
It came out of no where as far as you're concerned but the same thing is happening in your own
mind at this moment.
I'm standing up here trying to reason with you and you, you will think 'He does look
a little like Ben Stiller.'
Thoughts just emerge in consciousness, we are not authoring them, that would require
that we think them before we think them."
When I was watching this part, I nodded my head in agreement.
I didn't consciously decide to agree and then nod, it just happened.
Why did I select this reaction and not scoff in disagreement?
Well, because it made sense to me.
So, why did I decide to have it make sense to me?
Well, it's in line with the other information in my brain that came from books I've read,
and conversations or experiences I've had.
Why did I choose to insert such information in my head?
Questions like this could go on and on until we're asking why my parents chose to be
born from their parents.
Even if you could trace what life experiences led to the way you talk or the desires and
beliefs that influence your thinking patterns, when you analyze your thoughts close enough
you realize that they just appear out of a void.
If you sit down, close your eyes and attempt not to think, you'll immediately see that
this is close to impossible - your mind is flooding itself with thoughts almost all the
time, and the thoughts that we feel we consciously chose to think are merely the ones we happened
to agree with.
We of course we have a will to do things, my will to make this video is what caused
it to exist, but I did not freely choose this will.
"So, our choices matter and there are clearly paths for making wiser ones.
There's no telling how much a conversation with a smart person could change you, but
we can't choose what we choose in life.
And when it seems that we choose what we choose, perhaps when going back and forth between
two options, we don't choose to choose what we choose."
This kind of discussion might provoke someone to perform arbitrary actions to demonstrate
their free will.
"Look, I have free will, I can sit in this chair and do nothing because I want to."
But all this would demonstrate is that your past experiences have created the type of
person that would choose to sit in a chair when someone challenges the existence of free
I have to agree with Daniel Dennett's point on Free Will: Realizing the US dollar's
value is an illusion, since it went off the gold standard, is not going to have people
burn their dollars and start bartering.
In the same way, coming to the conclusion that free will is an illusion doesn't necessarily
have drastic repercussions.
All the drivers that had you survive and live your life in a way such that you'd be watching
this video right now are for the most part still going to drive you going forward.
The repercussions of committing a crime will still prevent people from being criminals,
fulfillment and compassion will still drive people to help others, ambition will still
drive us to achieve goals, and boredom, an aching butt, a hungry stomach and a full bladder
will still prevent you from sitting in a chair forever.
In that case, why am I even talking about this?
Acknowledging that we don't have free will is useful even if you're not looking for
an existential crisis.
If you accept that conscious thoughts, decisions and behaviors spur from a cascade of prior
events that occurred in and outside your body, you are better equipped to understand why
you operate the way you do.
Rather than blaming an immaterial self for your shortcomings, you can acknowledge the
fact that what deserves blame or praise is not you, but the information put in your head,
your interactions with other people, the food you put in your body and the habits you engage
This kind of thinking allows you to control your behaviors more effectively.
Any aspiration you have that involves changing the type of person you are - becoming more
disciplined, more productive, more caring will benefit from a logical examination of
how your physical body and brain have come to operate they way they do.
When you don't succeed in say finishing everything on your to do list, you can be
curious about what factors affected your focus: didn't sleep well, ate a poor quality lunch,
drank too much coffee, the office was too loud et cetera.
Then you can start making modifications: Am I more focused if I exercise in the morning
or at night?
Which makes me feel best: cardio, strength training or HIIT?
Would meditation or yoga help my focus?
Maybe if I remove X and add Y to my lunch I won't get sleepy afterwards.
This approach is an assuredly better use of your time than blaming yourself for not using
your 'free will' to stay focused and just saying "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll really
work hard."
The other thing about dismissing free will, is that it promotes compassion, hatred for
others doesn't make any sense, and people can become more interesting.
Like the example with Phineas Gage at the start of the video, if someone is a jerk it
of course makes sense to avoid them or be critical of their actions, but wasting your
energy on hating them doesn't make any sense.
They were unlucky to be afflicted by the circumstances that caused them to be a jerk.
You might even become interested in the factors that had them turn out this way, and if you
choose to continue associating with them you'll understand how to better deal with their behavior.
This kind of thinking may also lead you to be curious about the people you do like, wanting
to learn what about their past made them the way they are and what things are most important
to them and why.
In the process you're sure to strengthen your relationship with this person.
The idea that we don't control our conscious thoughts and our actions are governed entirely
by complex algorithms running inside a squishy hunk of meat inside our skulls can be a harrowing
thought, but being curious about how these algorithms work can actually make life easier
and more enjoyable.
Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T X-TRONIC CONNECT EDITION - Duration: 1:03.
Top 10 Coolest Sonic Characters - Duration: 6:32.
TOP 10 SONIC CHARACTERS Over the years, the Sonic franchise has given
us a plethora of diverse and fascinating characters, some of which have helped Sonic in his quest
for good, while others, well, not so much.
But that doesn't stop fans from loving them.
So today, we're taking a look at some of these fan favourites, and counting them down
in our list of the top 10 sonic characters.
10 Doctor Ivo Eggman Robotnik The main antagonist of the Sonic series, and
one of the first characters whose origins go back right to the start of Sonic's story,
Robotnik made his debut in 1991's Sonic the Hedgehog.
His conception occurred a year earlier, in an attempt to replace Sega's then mascot,
Alex Kidd.
A caricature of Theodore Roosevelt in pjs combined with the idea of creating an egg-shaped
character was the basis for his visual design.
He was then positioned as being the opposite of Sonic, representing machinery, and became
Sonic's first foe.
Due to the English manual of the 1991 game calling him Doctor Ivo Robotnik and the Japanese
one calling him Doctor Eggman, there has always been a mix up between the two, despite Sega
commenting the Robotnik is his true name, and the other just a "common name taken
after his shape."
9 Silver Despite making his debut in the definitely-not-the-best
sonic game, Sonic 06, Silver the Hedgehog comes from around 200 years in the future,
with the goal of altering events in the past in order to save his era.
Capable of psychokinesis, an ability that is apparently of the norm in his time, Silver
is an optimist with a strong sense of justice, who wears his heart on his sleeve.
There are those who aren't fans of the time travelling hedgehog, though; one of the character's
biggest critiques was that he was too similar to Sonic, especially considering Shadow, who
is pretty much on par with the blue blur, already existed as a parallel to the protagonist.
8 Rouge the Bat First appearing in Sonic Adventure 2, Rouge
is a spy trained in stealth, infiltration, combat and is capable of some grade A SASS.
Oh and a high powered kick and flight, which also comes in handy.
She's a world famous freelance treasure hunter, whose motivations are always a bit
of an enigma.
In Sonic Adventure 2, she's introduced to us when she tries to steal the Master Emerald
out from under Knuckles, and then goes on the hunt for it's shards when Knuckles smashes
it to prevent Eggman from getting it.
While fans seem to adore Rouge, her critical response upon her arrival left some feeling
that she was just the female version of Knuckles, except with bat wings and breasts.
7 Amy Rose Amy Rose, Sonic's self proclaimed girlfriend,
first appeared in the games in 1993's Sonic CD.
Her debut was not in the games though, but rather in the Sonic the Hedgehog manga, where
she went under a different name, and was the girlfriend of a hedgehog who turned into the
superhero, Sonic the Hedgehog.
But it's important to remember that Amy isn't a character who solely chases after
Sonic's affections.
Having appeared in pretty much every Sonic game prior to Sonic CD, as well as being a
playable character quite often and having her own game with Cream the Rabbit, Amy is
notable for her piko piko hammer, an aspect of the character that made players adore playing
or teaming up with her in the games.
6 Metal Sonic Another reoccurring antagonist of Sonic's,
Metal Sonic is a robotic creation made in Sonic's image by Doctor Robotnik.
And oh boy, does Metal Sonic have his moments, giving players some of the best boss battles
of the series.
An intelligent, cold hearted machine, nothing drives Metal Sonic more than his desire to
prove he is superior to Sonic, even to the point where he will disobey Eggman, his maker
in order to do so.
5 Blaze the Cat Blaze is a pyrokinetic who is from an alternate
dimension in which she is tasked with guarding the Sol Emeralds.
Calm and elegant but with a fiery disposition, Blaze quickly became a fan favourite after
first appearing in Sonic Rush, appearing in multiple Sonic games proceeding it.
First created as a female parallel to Sonic, the two fought against each other at first,
and then eventually worked together, proving that Blaze is definitely a force to be reckoned
Especially when she transforms into Burning Blaze, a state in which she harnesses the
power of the Sol Emeralds.
4 Tails Sonic's faithful sidekick, Miles Tails Prower
first appeared on the scene in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 1992.
Tails has also shown that you don't always need speed to hold your own; his flight abilities
have always been a great asset to the blue blur, and in the narratives of the games,
comics and cartoon shows, Tails mechanical knowledge and gusto have helped Sonic and
friends in more ways than one, making him an incredibly handy resource outside of just
being a loyal buddy.
3 Shadow Sonic's arch-rival was created by Gerald
Robotnik, intended to be the ultimate life form, in hopes to help cure his granddaughter
While he was contained, Eggman would release him 5 years later, hoping to use his power
to further his agenda.
But Shadow wasn't feeling that, rather turning a heroic cheek, and instead of getting his
vengeance for Maria's death, he decided to help keep the world safe instead.
That being said, Shadow is pretty much on par in terms of abilities with Sonic, and
has been described as the quintessential anti-Sonic, typically being rated as second to none except
Sonic himself.
The only reason Shadow doesn't come in higher on this list is due to the fact that there's
a small divide between some Sonic fans, with part of the fandom strongly disliking Shadow
for being somewhat of a carbon copy of Sonic, except darker and more broody.
2 Knuckles It's easy to see why Knuckles is adored;
occasionally referred to as the Batman of the Sonic series, Knuckles shares many similar
traits to the superhero, minus, you know, being an echidna.
His heart is always in the right place, and he's dead set on doing the honourable, just
thing, whatever the situation.
Incredibly loyal but not without his flaws – having a fiery temper, that is – Knuckles
goes beyond just being a companion to Sonic, despite their initial rivalry.
Ever since his first appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, he's been largely popular, even
becoming a playable character in the games follow up, Sonic and Knuckles in 1994.
And let's not forget that Knuckles packs quite the punch, possibly being the most powerful
character in terms of sheer strength in the entire series, whose muscle has been noted
to be on par with Sonic's speed in terms of power.
1 Sonic I mean, come on.
Do I really need to tell you why Sonic is the best?
The leading face of the franchise, Sega's iconic mascot, a character that millions have
fallen in love with since hitting the video game scene in 1991, Sonic the Hedgehog is
undeniably one of the greats.
And despite a history of ups and downs with the franchise, you can't deny that the Sonic
games have had a impact on 2D side scrolling games in general, as well as taking massive
strides in 2D to 3D gameplay mechanics, as we first saw in Sonic Generations.
Being one of the highest selling video game franchises, Sonic, as a character, has gone
further than just being a character on our home consoles, reaching into other aspects
of pop culture, like comics, manga and tv series.
There we have it friends!
Who is your favourite Sonic character?
Let us know in those comments below!
And if you dug this video, show us some love and hit those like and subscribe buttons!
And maybe check out more of our sonic lists on our top 10 sonic playlist.
In the meantime, thanks for watching!
I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top 10 gaming.
Catch you all in the next one!
The Queen Just Gave Michelle Royal Beatdown After She Tried To Sneak A Spot On Wedding Guest List - Duration: 2:41.
「HyunChang」 Turtle - Duration: 1:04.
Aligning with Our Soul Purpose - Duration: 15:27.
Aligning with Our Soul Purpose
By Jessie Klassen
Contributing writer for Wake Up World
During this exciting time upon our earth, we hear much about �living our purpose.�
But, as I know from experience, this is much easier said than done.
It�s not that any of us don�t want to be living our soul purpose, and we know when
there is something not quite aligned or flowing within our lives � but so many of the ways
to get there are either elusive or hard to grasp at best, because, quite frankly, in
our society we are not taught to live our life purpose.
We are taught not to value our passions but to find a career and earn a decent income,
and many career paths don�t feel like they are part of our soul purpose at all.
We also have this idea that to be successful, we should be working long hours and should
feel stressed out�
But as I discovered (and I am still getting there, as I feel we are always �getting
there�) I was making it much more complicated than it had to be.
For a long time, I was under the illusion that perhaps I missed something, or I had
taken a wrong turn, when in fact, I hadn�t.
My experiences, my life, were actually all a culmination of my purpose, and before I
knew it, I had �become my purpose� just by being me.
Because we all have a gift.
And we all have this gift to share with the world, otherwise, we wouldn�t be here.
There are no extras here in this movie of life.
So what does this mean?
How do we get there?
I will offer my humble advice, and sincerely hope that you will find it helpful.
What comes naturally to you?
Look at yourself.
Look at your talents.
And be kind.
Be generous.
What can you do that makes others say �Wow, how did you do that?� or �I could never
do something like that.�
Because chances are, anything that you can do with ease that others can�t, is probably
your gift.
For me, connecting and communicating with nature has always come easily to me.
I do it without thinking about it, it is a part of who I am.
Nature is when I feel �oneness� with all that is.
When I feel I truly connect with the Divine presence.
When do you feel this connection?
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Can you expand this moment, this time, into other areas of your life?
As a society, I feel we focus too much on being amazing at everything, even our weaknesses.
While knowing lots about a lot of different things makes you interesting and boosts confidence,
and I agree that it is good to be a well-rounded individual, but shouldn�t we be encouraged
to focus on what we are naturally inclined toward or talented at?
That is our gift to the world, and by honouring it, we can help other people who struggle
where we are strong (and vice versa).
For example, I have a wonderful lady who helps me with all of the �techy� stuff of running
my website.
Her name is Sian Elizabeth and she is amazing.
That is her talent, and for me, it is a gift, because it is not my strength.
By sharing her strength, I am able to share my gift with the world.
What did you want to be as a child?
When we are children, we are closely connected to our soul and our memory of who we really
Connect with your inner child, remember back.
What did you love as a child?
What did you want to do or be?
Were you interested in people, animals, the earth, helping others?
What was the nature of your happiness back then?
For me, I was going to be a writer.
I wrote joyfully, stories and poems, unabashedly and unworried about the quality or content.
So naturally, it makes sense that I now write about helping others connect with the magic
of nature to rediscover the magic of their own lives.
This is who I am and comes easily to me.
For lack of better or more poetic term, a while back, I felt I needed to �change my
Basically, I knew I needed to quit regurgitating the same old thoughts and out-dated beliefs
that were playing on re-run in my mind.
Our minds tend to become a replay of what we think our lives are, rather than what they
really are or could be.
The most effective, profound way that we can shift our lives is by shifting our thoughts
and beliefs, and that can be achieved through meditation.
Do not meditate to �clear your mind.� Meditate to �focus your mind.�
There are many styles and techniques out there, and each are suited to each individual.
Meditation is personal.
Find a style that works for you and commit to doing it everyday.
Nothing major.
Even ten minutes a day.
I promise the effects are profound and life changing.
Life just flows with much more ease, and as I found, I began thinking new thoughts and
seeing new things.
Science has finally proven what the wise men and women have know for eternity.
Meditating unleashes your creativity and problem-solving capabilities.
It relieves stress and makes you more productive.
You become a much higher vibration, better version of yourself.
Actually, it unveils who you really are.
And as I found, I became addicted to the natural �high� that meditation provides.
The joy, the bliss, the feeling of �oneness� with the Universe.
I now cannot imagine a day without a few mindful minutes of going inward and being connected
to everything.
Ask empowering questions.
It is important to remember that we were never plunked here so that we could drift along
without a clue (even though sometimes it feels that way).
The answer, the way, is always available if we open our awareness to it.
I have found a quick and effective way to do this is to ask some empowering questions.
What is an empowering question?
A question asked from a position of power.
Such as from the place of a co-creator of your life, rather than a helpless victim.
You are taken from �poor me, how come things never go my way?� to �I create my life.
Why do things always go my way?�
Even if you don�t feel that way sincerely, say it anyway.
Other examples could be, �Why do I have such an amazing gift to share with the world?�
�What is the nature of my life purpose, or my happiness, or fulfillment, etc.�
�Why do I get to live my life purpose?�
�Why do I always know which direction to go?�
Notice the shift in your consciousness.
Your vibration rises when you ask questions in this format, and as your vibration rises,
so will the vibration of of experiences that you invite into your awareness.
You could also write these questions down, or re-word them as affirmations.
Not long ago I wrote, �I walk the path of my Divine life purpose.� Or you could say,
�I love living my life with purpose.� Or I also stated for a while, �I am living
the life of my wildest dreams.�
A message came through during one of my meditations, �when in doubt, write it out.�
Writing is powerful.
Because we believe it when we see it.
And what we believe, we become.
So consider what you are writing, and be ready for a shift, a change to occur, because it
Disclaimer: It�s not always easy.
Walking the path of my Divine life purpose is not always a walk in the park, everything
does not automatically go honky dory.
I hadn�t considered that it was a pretty tall request.
But of course, being me, I dove right in to the �deep� stuff.
I had and still have a lot to clear so that I can continue on this path.
But I�ve noticed as I keep asking these questions, such as, �How can it get any
better than this?�, the universe answers me.
Things really do always get better.
As creators of our lives, we need to be mindful of what we are asking for, because the answers
always come.
You can have fun a lot of fun with this.
I also like to ask, �Why am I such an amazing parent?� or �Why am I so great at �� or
�Why are my kids so happy?�
We get what we ask for.
Don�t worry about the �how� of the answers.
The messages always arrive and it can be in a variety of ways.
For myself, I am a dreamer.
So for me, the answers usually come in a dream or from a messenger from nature.
But I have also had the answers come in songs, random people, coincidences and serendipity
occurring in much higher frequency than usual.
Stay open and give the Universe a chance to answer.
And many times, the �answer� is just a smoother flowing of your life.
Or you may feel guided to read a book, go somewhere, take a course, but you will realize
after that it was all for the best.
There is a balance to strike between asking and stating, and then letting it go and staying
in the moment.
Assure that when you asked or stated, you were heard.
So then it is your job to trust.
What strengths are your children revealing in you?
As parents we have accepted the high honour and privilege of raising children in a critical
time upon our earth.
And as I have found, my kids are teaching me as much as I can teach them.
What has raising your children taught you about yourself?
Or your grand-children or other children in your life?
This can even apply to other loved ones in your life that you feel a deep connection
with, good or bad.
My children revealed to me my own fears about myself.
I have had to �up my game� if I am going to be the kind of role model that I feel they
should have.
I discovered that one of my fears for them is that they will feel that I don�t understand
them, because, as a child, I often felt misunderstood.
This has made me a more patient and compassionate parent.
I have also seen how they thrive when I am open and allowing my inner child to come through
and play.
What is it that you want for your kids?
Now want that for yourself.
It is not selfish of you.
You will be improving their lives as you improve your own.
And another bonus?
You will feel fulfilled and you won�t be loving them from a place of need.
You will be satisfied and when we are satisfied, we see others for who they are rather than
what we want them to be-and that means everybody will be happier!
I have another piece of advice that has come to mind, and I have to admit, it won�t sound
the most spiritual or enlightened� Actually, I�m not sure if it is even advice
� perhaps we will just call it me sharing an experience and you being amused.
There have been times in my life where I have felt extreme frustration and hopelessness
to the point where I thought I was literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown, like
I couldn�t take anymore-and this is when I have completely flipped out on the Universe.
I have come to affectionately call these my �What the f**k?!
sessions with God.� (yes, there�s been several�)
And they have been ugly, crude, verbal diarrhea where I literally screamed at the top of my
lungs, through a mess of tears, �what the f**k do you want from me?
What now?
What more can I do?
I don�t get it!
You want this, and then you want that!
You need to get a lot more clear and get your f***ing s**t together because I can�t take
this anymore!�
I told you they were ugly.
And I don�t typically curse!
Thankfully, I have only done this when I am alone in my own company, either in my truck
or out by myself in nature.
I have to say though, when I get my fill of screaming profanities, I come down from my
anger, and I suddenly become very aware of the love and compassion of the Universe as
it floods over me.
I will have a knowing that all is okay and usually a sense of knowing what I should do
There is often a valuable insight that comes, and a realization that I have just cleared
some old �stuff�, and that is actually what it was all about in the first place.
I then feel ready to move forward.
I can actually feel the Universe ��hug� me.
I will actually chuckle to myself later, imagining my guides shaking their heads, saying amongst
one another, �what was that about? we sure have our work cut out for us with her.�
So I forgive myself and apologize to the Universe, dust myself off and carry on.
As I said, I�m not sure that I�m suggesting this, but if you feel inclined to do so in
your own company, then go for it.
My life growing up on a farm, and now as a farmer, means that everyday I am in nature.
No matter the weather, 30 celsius above zero or 30 celsius below zero, I am outside.
So my life is what has given me the opportunity to be surrounded by nature, connected with
the earth, and as my own boss, the freedom to write and share my experiences.
For me, it has been my children and nature who have revealed my purpose to me, because
they both have brought out my talents and the very best version of myself to share with
the world.
Look at your life, because your life IS your gift.
It is your purpose.
Perhaps there are some aspects that need to change.
Maybe small changes, maybe big changes.
Or maybe only your perspective of yourself and your life is all that is needed to shift.
Either way, the answer is there, because it is you.
In love and gratitude, Jessie
The Sapling: An Inspiring Story From the Trees The new book by Jessie Klassen�
Learn how to communicate with Nature while enjoying fun activities and energy exercises
that will encourage spiritual growth, self-confidence, and awareness in you and your child while
developing a close relationship with Nature.
In �The Sapling�, author Jessie Klassen offers an inspiring story from the Trees for
the children of Earth, with vivid, full colour Nature illustrations that will appeal to younger
children and provide valuable Life lessons that will grow with your child � just like
a Tree!
Full colour demonstrations easily display dozens of activities and exercises for you
and your child to enjoy.
�The Sapling� is the first book in Jessie�s Nature Child Children�s Book Series, committed
to helping children grow into who they truly are meant to be through a close relationship
with Nature.
You can get your copy here.
A portion of proceeds are donated to the TreeSisters and the Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Dr. Pillai: Deepam Message From Arunachala - Duration: 32:43.
Welcome to everyone on this special Deepam day Message.
This is a very, very important day for me literally.
Why it's very important?
I have been here in Tiruvannamalai many times on Deepam days too.
But I never went outside to see the crowd.
I was always told that — they say there are about a million people.
And it is because of this reason that I always stayed in a place where I could look at the
mountain and at Sparsa hotel, what I have done before.
And this time something interesting happened that I got a place here and I could see, not
only the mountain, but also the people.
I saw an enormous amount of people jammed and then walking around the mountain.
I literally cried and that took place in the morning.
Why did I cry?
Because I know the people here who are walking.
About 90% of them or even more, or 95% of them do not have enough resources, whether
material resources or spiritual resources.
Even to take a shower, it is difficult here; or to use the bathroom is difficult here.
And they have been used to this kind of life.
But then, it's even worse today.
But one thing that was going on in their mind is only to depend on the mountain and depend
on Shiva.
"Shiva, we have come here so that there there will be a resolution to our problems."
There are all kinds of problems — physical health problems, food problems, problems from
children, problem from relatives, problem from lack of resources.
So there are all kinds of problems, but there is seems to be no solution.
And we have no education.
Also, even if they have education, there are no jobs available.
What can you do?
So, I was just asking Shiva himself, "Hey here you are.
You have a lot of people, a million people going around the mountain.
Look at their life.
Their life is miserable, really miserable.
And how are you going to fix it?
Because these are people who have minimum education and also, who have no skills.
And how are they going to really be saved?
Are they going to be spiritually saved, so that the soul will go to heaven?
Because that doesn't really make any sense.
Because all that we can relate to is how to get by, day-to-day life.
That's hard.
So they come every year, hoping that you will fix it."
So that made me literally to cry — seeing these people bumping into each other and walking.
There's not even space to walk.
And why do they come here?
But one thing is certain.
Siva is attracting, attracting you guys.
But is he going to give you only liberation?
And what does that mean?
Liberation from what?
Liberation from the body?
What is it?
Is it death?
Even that is not happening.
So I was pretty mad.
But then I went into a meditation and thought about it.
So what has to happen?
This is not something that happens only in Thiruvannamalai.
Thiis happens all over the world.
Not only one religion, but all religions, there are people just gather in millions to
go and pray to God.
And their life is miserable.
They don't even have enough money to lead a decent life.
So how are you going to fix it?
Then it came to me very clearly.
Fixing the problem is not sending these people to heaven.
Okay, because I have, you know, I just remember that, a few months ago, I did a video on Jesus.
Blessed are the poor because they are simple.
How can the blessed, poor people be blessed?
So I want you to look at that.
I think there's a YouTube video.
Now coming back to this question here.
How is God going to help you?
We are living in the 21st century where everything has changed except our faith in God, our blind
faith in God.
And that has to change in terms of practical understanding.
Let me put it this way.
Faith is a matter of total surrender and dependence on some extraordinary, supernormal power to
come and then help you out of the problem.
What we call as Providence — something has to happen.
A miracle has to happen.
Not that I don't believe in Providence or in miracle.
I believe in it, but do they happen?
How often do they happen?
How many miracles have you had in your life?
So what can you believe in?
A miracle or your salary at the end of the month.
You can believe in the salary, because without the salary, we will be without food, without
the shelter.
So you can really believe in the salary at the end of the month so that you can pay your
And the problem is we don't have money to even find a place for rent, find enough money
to buy decent, quality food.
This is the situation.
So we are in a dilemma, whether to have faith or to just believe in your own rational mind.
The rational mind says to "get real Go get a job.
Go get some training.
And then make a decent salary; and then make a living."
So that is reality.
So am I saying that you should not have faith in God?
You should have faith in God.
There is no doubt about it.
You should have miracles in your life.
And those miracles can only come through the Divine.
But that doesn't mean you should abandon your rational mind.
So what that means is — you should 100% believe in your neocortex.
The neocortex is what we have developed in our evolution as a human race from the reptilian
Brain, the primitive Brain.
The primitive people believed in God, faith and then, they organized their life around
And that model is not going to work anymore.
It will work in a very sophisticated way, but not in a fundamental way.
In a sophisticated way, I am teaching you how to use the midBrain because that is the
God Brain.
How to use the lower cerebellum?
That is the God Brain.
It can give you an intuition that is just as it gave intuition to Einstein to find out
this great equation.
So that, you can use.
But for day-to-day living, everything in this world is organized around practical, rational
reality of cause and effect.
There is cause and effect.
So if you just dump cause and effect, then life will be miserable, immensely miserable.
There was a time that — I look back at one New Year's Day — I was talking about the
rational Brain and then God; and then, I put down the rational Brain.
But I'm beginning to understand, that is wrong.
So, I'm going to put more and more emphasis on empowering the neocortex.
The neocortex is what has given you and me the ability to see each other, long distance
through Skype, through Zoom.
And that is the creation of the neocortex.
The telephone is a creation of the neocortex.
The cell phone is a neocortex creation.
And what is God's creation?
Can we converse through telepathy?
That's not going to work.
Not the telepathy is not there.
We have not developed that mind.
That mind went under.
It is still there — buried within the midBrain and the cerebellum.
And we have not paid attention to that.
That's also wrong.
So what we need to do now is — we have to grow and develop both the neocortex, as well
as the midBrain.
In other words, you have to believe in yourself as a human being with a rational Brain as
much as God and the supernatural, the supernormal.
And if you put all your, you know, faith in God, which you don't, which you can't even
How many people can do will think about God all the time?
So that's another problem.
The major problem is — it is very difficult to think about God.
It is very easy to think about, you know, the dream house, dream clothes, dream body
and plastic surgery and so forth.
But can you, with the same kind of passion, think about God?
No way.
It's impossible for anyone to be thinking about God.
So what is easy to think about is your own life on this earth plane, "my body mind."
So we have to really become true to the reality.
Even people who think about God, talk about God, they talk about God because that is their
profession, so there they can make money.
But to live God is very difficult.
The Living God means is not thinking about God all the time unless you are really trying
to understand what enlightenment is; and that is not easy.
And on this day, I want to give you some hope.
And what is that Hope?
It is — deep down I believe that what is going to happen is a merger of the neocortex
with the midBrain.
At least, the children who are growing up will be able to do it.
That's why I'm very dedicated to the Phonemic Intelligence Program.
And on this day, I just want to rededicate my life to the Phonemic Intelligence Program.
Phonemic Intelligence Program says that you have to have Wisdom and that Wisdom can give
you everything.
And where is that Wisdom?
That Wisdom is in the Phoneme, not in the word, not in the sentences.
But if you just go and delve deep into one Phoneme like "Ah."
And that is what I have found in the research — that one phoneme "Ah" activates the
entire Brain.
The global activation takes place.
The fMRI shows you that the entire brain responds to the one single Phoneme "Ah."
And that too, used in a very basic way of either listening of thinking.
But there are other ways of using the Phoneme, which can work in a work in a way that it
can create instantaneous miracle.
So we are not there [yet], but at least I am happy that the Phoneme "Ah" goes and
activates your God Brain.
What is your God Brain?
The cerebellum.
And we have a better definition of God.
You know, the cerebellum carries 80% of your neurons.
The rest of the Brain, including the neocortex which is the chunk of the Brain, only shares,
takes part in the 20%.
80% is in the [cerebellum].
The Yogi's and the Siddhas have said very clearly focus on your cerebellum, particularly
the lower cerebellum.
And that is God.
So, having said that, it doesn't mean that you can get rid of your neocortex or your
rational Brain.
If you get rid of your rational Brain, you are completely lost.
It's not only that your rational Brain is conditioned by the neocortex.
Rationality governs every cell in your body.
Even every DNA is programmed to rationality, not to God.
We have to reprogram it to God, to Faith, unlimited understanding.
But they don't have unlimited understanding right now.
So you have to reprogram even the genes.
So one thing that I'm very excited about this life and which I want to share with you is
— I'm going to dump whatever I have said so far, as far as my understanding of life
is concerned.
And I have great things, of knowledge, of wisdom that is dawning in me.
That I am going to teach everything.
And I dare say that whatever I have taught, although they are better than whatever is
available in the market, I can say that with all my integrity.
I have given you techniques that are far better than anyone has given.
I know that because I know on what is available in the market.
I've been in the business for 40 years, but even that when compared to what I am going
to teach, whether it is Karma removal or whether it is attracting a relationship, or whether
it is going to lose your weight, or whether it is going to get an enlightenment, or getting
rid of your mind, your neocortex and other things, and turn the body into Light.
And I am getting into that realm, thanks to the universe that this knowledge is coming
And I am going to teach new techniques for Karma removal.
And my definition of Karma is — it is something that is deep down embedded in you.
And you have to go through various stages in your cognitive mind.
Your cognitive mind will go one after another, after another, and another, after another
and then go to and look at your your Karma.
And then get rid of that.
Until you do that, it will be Karmic life that you will be living.
And you won't be living the life that you want to live.
You will be living only the karmic life.
It's very interesting that I am talking about Karma from Tiruvannamalai.
And this is the place where I have made many statements about it — that I am going to
live here as much time as possible.
Because what happens here is Miracle, in terms of your Brain turning into a higher state
of consciousness and erasing your Karma.
And especially, it is a place for all the Siddhas.
So all the scriptures say that from the entire universe, people come here and hang out, going
around the mountain over and over and over again, non-stop.
And who are those people?
These are the most enlightened beings from all galaxies.
They have no other place to go but to here because this mountain has so much power, because
the mountain itself is the ultimate God.
Call it Shiva.
Call it whatever name you want.
Call but they call it here — Shiva.
And that's why I have decided, it's better to bring the people, the quantum physicists
Because the quantum physicists are none but Yogis who were in a previous time perfected
their intellect.
And then, they thought, "Well, let me go and try to explore physical reality."
not only the quantum physicists, the molecular biologists, the people who deal with nuclear
And these are the people who should come here.
But once you come here something will light light up your consciousness.
You will end up in discovering something that has never been discovered before because it
has so much consciousness.
So much wisdom embedded in this Ether here.
See, the Ether is the most important element of all the elements.
the ether is because the ether carries wisdom.
So you have great opportunity.
It's not only for people who are scientists.
If you are a great actor, for instance, you have to come here.
I just remember — there's one actor here who is a very famous actor.
He's all over India although he comes from Tamil Nadu.
His name is Rajinikanth.
He has two movies that he made which has the title of this place.
One is called Arunachala.
The other is called Annamalai.
And I have been told that he has spent a lot of money trying to put roads and lights around
the mountain.
So the reason why I'm bringing them is — because even if you are an artist, you're a musician,
come here.
Stay here.
And then you will be inspired.
But I am not putting down all those other people who are just going round and round
around the mountain.
And they have, of course, possibility to get beyond their own limitations.
So you have no education, but you will still come here and go around the mountain.
What's going to happen?
You still will have benefits come.
But not not a great deal, because your neocortex, your rational Brain is not fully developed.
So what I would say is that develop the rational Brain, which means your education is important.
Go and develop skills.
Go to schools where you can learn more.
And then pray to God.
But just simply praying to God and then "God is going to put money from the roof", it's
going to fall down; that is not going to happen.
So you have to really develop both together.
That's what Einstein said; you have to bring religion and God together.
If you don't do it, then you will not have the wholistic understanding if you want a
wholistic understanding — full wisdom or total wisdom — you have to bring together.
And finally, I want to say something which I have already mentioned.
My teachings are going to be, at least there I would say, 90% different from what I have
taught before.
Not that they are completely new, but then then I may I have talked about Karma.
Karma I have extensively talked about and taught courses on Karma.
But now, the teaching of Karma and then the way to get rid of Karma is going to be very
different, more scientific more result oriented.
And of course, more dedication is needed.
So that's, I'm very happy about that.
So Karma has always been my priority.
And that will continue to be my priority.
This time I will succeed because I have better technology.
And especially, those people have been in many, many courses that I have taught; and
I invite you to come and enroll. and I have never said this before; enroll in the courses
that I am going to teach, beginning from January.
I'm spending a lot of time organizing myself so that I can deliver it in a way that is
not complicated but easy for you to follow.
So the last message is, there is providence for everyone, but don't discard the rational
You will develop the rational Brain.
So there are two things.
One is Phonemic Intelligence which will help you to develop the entire Brain; and that
is a must.
And also it will go into key areas in the midBrain as well.
Then, also go to schools and colleges where they teach science and technology.
So the teaching has implications for spirituality as well.
Simply going to a temple or doing rituals are not going to be beneficial.
Or chanting a Mantra, unless the mantra you understand what a Mantra is and how it is
going to work and how it is going to benefit your rational Brain which is the neocortex
as well as the midBrain.
So everything is going to be enlightened.
This is what, after the meditation, I realized.
I heard Shiva telling me, "Hey, go and tell people that it is not enough going round and
round and round the temple.
Go and develop your skills; and that is important.
Use your rational Brain; and that is important.
And with that in mind, if you go around and round and round the temple or the the mountain,
then it will be doubly effective.
Otherwise, if you just go around and round, without a game plan.
Just go around and round the mountain, but with one goal in your mind.
Not chit-chatting or understanding how the Brain works or what part of the Brain is going
to give you the intelligence to manifest.
All these things are necessary.
So it's a great day for me personally and also for the world.
There needs to be a new spirituality, just not based on faith because faith is very difficult,
in the first place, to hold in your consciousness.
It is true that I totally believe in Christ who said, "With faith you can move mountains."
But Faith is very difficult to have.
You can have faith in having a mansion, in having good clothes, and then getting married,
and then having a car.
And that is easy, but can you have faith in God?
Again, I'm going to teach courses on what is Faith and how it fits into the rational
paradigm in the neocortex context.
So that's going to be also part of the teachings that I'm going to give you.
I'm very happy that Arunachala Shiva here enabled me to talk to you.
God bless.
Training every other day? DONT MAKE THIS MISTAKE (Alpha Destiny Novice Program Week 2) - Duration: 7:39.
hey guys so welcome to week 2 the Alfa destiny novice program now this week
things didn't go exactly according to plan I was really stupid and I thought
to myself you know what I'm running this program in a surplus this week you know
I've hit these weights before but let's just train every other day instead of
three days a week so I was doing like four days four days a week this week and
it just did not work out I thought I was gonna be able to recover and I couldn't
you'll see later in the workout I had to split one of my days up to two days
because it just wasn't happening but here I am with the box squats you drop
the weight back down to 185 by 5 the way better so definitely more like it should
and Paul just gonna slowly build up from here I'm not gonna make that big jump
back up to fine anytime soon next got Penley row and for press like I
mentioned I like you know just drawing before I do the press and just kind of
going back and forth most exercise it's just cuz it saves a lot of time so
you're just sitting up for the Penley row and I'm working with 155 pounds
penrose are feeling heavy this week looks like I mentioned I'll just petite
I I worked out more than three days before and I was just going straight you
know every other day just wasn't feeling it that I wasn't gonna get the workout
done without having the proper management
here for press for press was doing a little bit more challenging especially
in the last couple reps but you probably won't really notice it in the video it
might seem pretty consistent but I definitely felt big difference between
55 will see what I go up to next week um I kinda wanna do 160 while I wonder 165
but it might just have to end up moving 160 so here I am you know just trying to
really you know do a dead stop I'm not positive you know for a whole long time
but I'm just making sure to pause enough to where I'm pressing from a complete
stop so here I am just about to finish up this set here
overall pretty pretty good I am feeling a lot stronger than it was before so
here my still a dozen looks I put question mark here because when I
was kind of looking back I almost looks like doing regular conventional deadlift
to me I mean I know that with the stiff leg deadlift this is just you know
incorporating as much leg back hamstrings that's how it feels for me I
don't know I'll have to kind of play around a bit and just you know wait for
this one as well so next moving on to the overhead tricep extensions what
happened wait this time I didn't notice though that when I was doing the
extensions I had my arms a little bit more like to the side so then I tried
doing my last set with my elbows tucked in more like forward like this instead
of like this and I was able to get a really good burn with a lower weight so
I might end up just doing that instead of trying to you know maybe not doing it
perfectly with the higher way that makes sense I'm I can't even talk right now
next we went to the barbell curl when someone commented below in the comment
section to try these out definitely did and
I had I felt such a bird and pump in my forearms and we liked it and actually
went a bit too heavy here so I'll be able to get six reps with my last set so
I'm probably gonna drop that down to like 55 or even 45 next time I do this
exercise but I really liked it so this is my second day this is actually the
second time I did day B this week and I was just destroyed I had to split up two
days the try squatting just wasn't happening so I went on to overhead press
overhead press felt really easy so I did 95 pounds I couldn't easily done like a
hundred maybe 105 but you know just trying to take those slow steady steps
especially if the overhead press because these movements lifts that it's just so
hard where it just takes us a long time to progress in so next time you know I
might go to 105 I'm not really sure it depends on how I feel weighted chin up
so earlier in the week I did three sets of three with 10 pounds you know spine I
mean just to do three reps was a bit of a grinder but here I didn't even get to
for these like I got two of my first set and then basically this is my second my
last set and we got one rep too so it was just the unfortunate might just drop
down back to 20 pounds again in jail for like three sets of five here close grip
bench I was doing a little bit on bench or at least I wanted to have some good
workout I think at this point I decided you know what I'm gonna break up the
work out and I'm gonna have plenty of days to recover because I'm gonna have
you know the whole weekend off plus the other day so I say you know I'm gonna go
a little bit heavy on the close grip bench and that's why I did 165 hit for
three sets of eight it felt really good like I meant you know that was my
thought process my thought process wasn't gonna have you know the next day
and then two other days to recover from this we're gonna go a little bit heavier
so chop our deadlift felt really really good to speak earlier in the week I did
445 and the felt was really heavy but today I was just fully recovered was
able to get these five reps easily you'll see here the weights just shift
they start struggling these last two reps just because the weight
even but other than that it felt really good feeling really strong the knees
probably up another 20 pounds next time you remember the bar weighs 65 pounds
instead of 45 minutes so next madaky's is Richmond hold so
I've slowly been adding about 20 pounds each time pauley gonna start lowering
the progression on these because this was heavy for me today 185 185 pounds
just held it for 30 seconds I think for this one even I held it for like 40
seconds because I didn't have my timer on just counting my head but that was a
good left I also started really reversed Hyper's and I feel like they helped me
quite a lot it's really uncomfortable just because the base is like pushing
into my stomach or my gut but I really like them I've been feeling like my back
isn't as tight or like s1 with my Duty's just because of that extra blood flow
it's really nice and also you'll see here I started doing my neck yeah so on
the past couple days I tried doing 10 pounds I just wasn't able to get as many
reps but now doing five I was easily able to get my three sets of 25 and I
mean not easily cuz it was to like really challenging it was just burning
the first couple times I was doing I felt like I was kind of like just
bending like something was like popping but I just kind of had to play around
perform a little bit and I mean it feels really good now and I'm definitely gonna
keep up with these but yeah I mean that was the week just really short video for
you guys just keeping the two main movements or the my two best days I mean
I'm keeping my two best days of a or B because I am going back to just training
three times per week because I can definitely not recover enough for four
times per week at least my legs upper body seems like it was okay except like
my corpse my pressing movements really good but anyways thank you guys so much
for watching we're gonna try to upload another video
this week about some other topic not really sure yet just want to get this up
for you guys let me know what you guys think do you guys like this like shorter
video I know it was you know not a whole lot shorter than the other one but it
was a little bit shorter so anyways let me guys let me know what you guys think
in the comments below and
see you guys next time
Jurgen Klopp: Why I didn't enjoy watching Liverpool's 5-1 win at Brighton ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:35.
Jurgen Klopp has conceded that watching Liverpool FC's 5-1 win at Brighton wasn't always
comfortable despite Saturday's landslide win.
Liverpool FC were 3-0 winners against Stoke City at the bet365 Stadium on Wednesday night
thanks to goals from Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah.
The Reds boss showed his squad depth up front as Roberto Firmino and Philippe Coutinho started
alongside Salah for the trip to Brighton.
Emre Can made the breakthrough with a powerful header before Firmino finished from close
range to cap a superb counter-attacking move after Coutinho and Salah combined to devastating
The Liverpool FC number nine made it 3-0 with a powerful finish in the 49th minute seconds
after Glenn Murray was denied by Reds goalkeeper Simon Mignolet.
The Brighton striker reduced the deficit from the penalty spot before Coutinho scored a
cunning free-kick to restore their three-goal cushion with five minutes to go.
And the Liverpool FC playmaker made it 5-1 with a deflected strike to take the Merseyside
outfit's tally to 33 goals in 15 games this term.
However, Klopp was downbeat in his post-match analysis of Liverpool FC's 5-1 win after
a late flurry of goals put the result beyond doubt.
"Did I enjoy it?
Not really, not all the time," Klopp told BBC Sport.
"At the beginning we needed to be patient with Brighton's style.
We needed to get used to it.
"We scored two fantastic goals.
It was good to watch.
We scored a third which is a good idea in a game like this.
A few weeks ago we were lucky with refereeing decisions and we paid it back tonight.
"Brighton's goal made it a little bit more exciting but in the end we closed the
game in a nice way."
Liverpool FC will host Spartak Moscow in their final Champions League group-stage game at
Anfield mid-week with a place in the knockout stage up
for grabs.
Roger Stone REVEALED: Bob Mueller Used FAKE INTELLIGENCE To Charge Michael Flynn! – Joe Biden And S… - Duration: 3:02.
Roger Stone REVEALED: Bob Mueller Used FAKE INTELLIGENCE To Charge Michael Flynn!
– Joe Biden And Susan Rice Involved.
USA Politics Today reported, on Friday night former National Security Adviser pleaded guilty
to collusion with the Russians by Trump's command.
More specifically, Michael Flynn claimed that he was commanded by President Trump to contact
with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the start of this year.
Flynn's announcement left America suspicious wheter or not this hoax is made-up by Obama
administration and cleared by FBI director James Comey or there are some third parties
involved, which is less likely to be.
As we already know, in August, Trump administration was forced by Special Councel Robert Mueller
to hand over document regarding retired Lt. Gen Michael T. Flynn.
Mueller made a hell of an effort to investigate alleged Turkish connections, which is, by
my opinion a clear lie just to sway away the focus from the major scandals that happened
in the previous month.
"According to reports, former CIA Chief James Woolsey briefed law enforcement agents
working with the Special Counsel on matters relating to General Michael Flynn's plan
to "removal of a Turkish cleric," from the U.S. "Flynn.
the former national security adviser, was paid more than $500,000 in 2016 for lobbying
that benefited the Turkish government," reported NBC News."
NBC News reports:
"Former CIA Director James Woolsey has been interviewed by FBI agents working for Special
Counsel Robert Mueller about allegations that Mike Flynn discussed the potentially illegal
removal of a Turkish cleric from the U.S., Woolsey's spokesman told NBC News.
"Ambassador Woolsey and his wife have been in communication with the FBI regarding the
Sept. 19, 2016 meeting Ambassador Woolsey was invited to attend by one of Gen. Flynn's
business partners,"
Woolsey spokesman Jonathan Franks said in a statement.
"Ambassador Woolsey and his wife have responded to every request, whether from the FBI, or,
more recently, the Office of the Special Counsel."
In March, Woolsey confirmed to MSNBC the contents of a Wall Street Journal story which reported
Woolsey's account of a meeting he says made him so uncomfortable he felt compelled to
report what happened to Vice President Joseph Biden."
On this, Roger Stone said that Bob Mueller has given fake intelligence by former CIA
Director Chuck Wolsey which was given during a meeting with former Obama top-notch official
Susan Rice, former VP Joe Biden and Ben Rhodes.
"Woolsey is projecting," Stone says, "he was involved in the plans to extradite and
kidnap the Turkish cleric."
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
The Best Horror Movie Endings Of This Century - Duration: 6:30.
Horror movies have to really stick the landing to last.
Whether that means coming in with a surprise twist, or an explosive event, or even a maddening
cliffhanger, the final moments of any good thriller should bring together all the jump
scares and eerie elements that have defined the rest of the movie.
For these modern flicks, the third acts were so good that they'll easily stand the test
of time.
Let's take a look at the best horror movie endings of the century so far.
And don't be scared, but there are huge spoilers ahead.
The Others
This atmospheric period film follows the Stewart family, a mom and her two kids, who start
to notice that their house is haunted.
There's a couple roaming the hallways, a ghost boy hiding behind the curtains, and even a
freaky blind lady lurking in the shadows.
But when Grace and her children stumble upon a séance in the attic, they suddenly realize
they're the ones who are deceased.
Her daughter had been right the whole time about her mother's maniacal ways.
"She won't stop!
She won't stop until she
hurts us."
As Grace remembers that she did away with her children and then herself after temporarily
going insane, she realizes she's damned her whole family to an eternity inside their creaky
It's a gut-punch of a twist and also changes the entire film when you realize the so-called
ghosts that have been scaring the Stewarts are actually living people who've moved into
Grace's old home.
And they're the ones being haunted.
These days, Jigsaw is one of the most famous bad guys to ever torture someone on the big
screen, but in 2004, when the first Saw film hit theaters, audiences had no idea what the
infamous serial killer actually looked like.
In fact, for most of the movie, everybody suspected that Zep was the psycho who abducted
and chained up poor Adam in that bathroom dungeon.
But after our hero bashes Zep to bits, he discovers a cassette that reveals the hospital
orderly was just another victim in Jigsaw's game.
And as Adam begins to process this new bit of info, we watch in horror as a body—which
has been lying on the bathroom floor for the whole movie—crawls up off the floor.
Yep, this corpse is the killer himself, John Kramer, and when Jigsaw walks out of the bathroom,
he leaves his latest victim chained to a pipe, parting with his trademark line:
"Game over"
With a doozy like that, it's no wonder the movie has spawned seven sequels and counting.
The Mist
The ending of The Mist is so notorious now that it really needs no introduction.
But it's still pretty brilliant and terrible all the same.
Director Frank Darabont took a major liberty with the Stephen King novella to end it the
way he did, but even King had to compliment the decision, saying,
"I loved [it].
It is the most shocking ending ever."
The story surrounds a supermarket full of people who've been trapped inside by an otherworldly
mist full of monsters.
But they're not exactly safe from harm there either.
As the threat outside continues to dwarf any escape options, religious zealotry begins
to overtake some of the survivors, who threaten to sacrifice our hero David's son.
So he and the others who reject the apocalyptic overtures make a break for it after an intense
stand-off in the checkout aisle.
Unfortunately, they don't get far before they run out of gas, and, faced with certain death
by tentacled terrors, David executes his own and son and friends with a pistol, but runs
out of bullets before he can off himself, too.
Overcome with instant grief, he goes into the mist to accept his fate but finds that
the military has arrived to eradicate the beasts.
If only David had waited just a few seconds, his son would've been okay, and we all could've
been spared that emotional devastation.
The Cabin in the Woods
Possibly the most meta horror movie ever made, The Cabin in the Woods follows a bunch of
college students who foolishly spend a weekend in a creepy forest.
Naturally, their little getaway doesn't go as planned, and they quickly discover they're
meant to be sacrifices in an elaborate ritual to please some angry ancient entities.
With a family of undead rednecks hot on their trail, the two remaining survivors find themselves
trapped in an underground bunker, surrounded by a bunch of goons with machine guns.
Without any other choice, our heroes unleash an army of monsters, resulting in one of the
wildest, you-won't-believe-it-until-you-see-it sequences in horror cinema.
Pretty much every creature you can imagine shows up, ready to do some damage.
We've got a knock off Pennywise, an imitation Pinhead, and masked murderers straight out
of The Strangers.
There's a merman, an enormous bat, and one unfriendly unicorn.
By the time the zombies, ghosts, and werewolves are finished slaughtering everyone in sight,
the walls are caked with blood, the earth is doomed, and audiences have had a gory good
It Follows
It's hard to come up with a completely original movie monster nowadays, but It Follows combined
the common societal fear of communicable diseases with traditional terror tropes to create something
entirely new.
Basically an STD on two legs, the titular "It" is spread via contact, and if you contract
the curse, this enigmatic monster will mercilessly hunt you down.
And if it gets you, it then goes after the person who gave you the curse…and so on
and so on forever.
Sure, the creature moves pretty slowly, but this thing can take any form necessary to
get close enough to end your life.
And no matter what, it never stops following.
Our heroine Jay does her best to fry the monster with every electronic device she can get her
hands on.
And just to play it safe, she gets down with her friend Paul, who then passes the curse
on to a prostitute, just in case the thing comes back.
And that leads us to the final eerie image of Jay and Paul walking down a neighborhood
street, with a man behind them in the distance.
Maybe it's just a guy walking or maybe it's the creature that can never die, coming back
for round two.
Open endings are often too frustrating to withstand, but this one fits the theme of
the film like a glove, if you catch our drift.
Get Out
A modern-day masterpiece, Jordan Peele's Get Out almost had a radically different ending.
Originally, Peele planned on having his main character, Chris Washington, arrested after
escaping the clutches of the mind-controlling family.
Fortunately, the writer-director had a change of heart and crafted a new ending that left
audiences cheering instead of crying.
To set the scene, Chris has just narrowly avoided the lobotomy to end all lobotomies,
and during his getaway, he dispatches every evil white person who steps into his path.
This eventually ends with Chris standing above his psycho ex-girlfriend as she's bleeding
out on a country road.
Suddenly, flashing lights appear in the distance, and we assume the worst is about to happen.
But instead of the law showing up to cart Chris away, who should step out of the car
but Chris's best friend, TSA Officer Rod Williams.
As Rod takes Chris back to safety, everyone in the audience breathes a sigh of relief,
knowing full-well this kind of upbeat ending rarely happens in real life.
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7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality - Duration: 4:48.
7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality
A lot of people mistake Spirituality for Religion or some mysterious, supernatural occurrence.
Some even think of it as a sect but this is because of their lack of knowledge and their
fear of being manipulated.
If we move past this and try to study and understand what spirituality actually is,
we�ll come to a realization that it is nothing mysterious or supernatural nor in any way
connected to a sect of any kind.
These 7 differences between Religion and Spirituality will help you understand what Spirituality
actually is.
Religion Makes You Bow � Spirituality Sets You Free
Religion tells you to follow an ideology and obey certain rules or you�ll be punished
Spirituality lets you Follow Your Heart and What You Feel It�s Right.
It sets you free to be what you truly are without bowing to anything that doesn�t
resonate as right with you nor to anyone because we are all one.
It is all up to you to choose what you�ll honor enough to make it divine.
Religion Shows You Fear � Spirituality Shows You How to Be Brave
Religion tells you what to fear and tells you consequences.
Spirituality makes you aware of the consequences but doesn�t want you to focus on the fear.
It shows you How to Stand Despite Being Afraid, how to move on doing what you feel it�s
right despite the consequences that may come.
It shows you how to act on love and not on fear, it shows you how to control fear and
use the best of it.
Religion Tells You The Truth � Spirituality Lets You Discover It
Religion tells you what to believe and what is right.
Spirituality lets you discover it by yourself and understand it in your own unique way.
It lets you Connect With Your Higher Self and see with your own mind what truth is because
the truth as a whole is same for each one of us.
It lets you believe in your own truth through your own perception of your heart.
Religion Separates from Other Religions � Spirituality Unites Them
Through our world there are many religions and they all preach that their story is the
right story.
Spirituality sees the truth in all of them and unites them because the truth is same
for all of us despite our differences and uniqueness.
It focuses on the quality of the divine message they share and not on the differences in details
of the story they speak.
Religion Makes You Dependent � Spirituality Makes You Independent
If you attend religious events only then you are seen as a religious person and someone
who is worthy of happiness.
Spirituality shows you that you don�t need or depend on anything to be happy.
Happiness is always found deep in ourselves and only we are responsible for it.
We are always where we need to be and not just while attending at some events or buildings.
Divinity is in us and that is why we are always worthy.
Religion Applies Punishment � Spirituality Applies Karma
Religion says that if we don�t obey certain rules there is punishment that awaits us which
relies on our belief.
Spirituality lets us understand that every action has its reaction and realize that the
punishment of our actions will be the reaction coming from the actions we set in motion.
It relies solely on the fundamental forces of The Universe and it doesn�t need you
to believe in that force to be true.
Religion Makes You Follow Other Journey � Spirituality Lets You Create Your Own
The foundation of one religion is the story it tells about a God or Gods, their journey
to enlightenment and the truth they have discovered making you follow their steps.
Spirituality lets you Walk Your Own Journey to Enlightenment and discover the truth in
your own way following what your heart tells it�s right because the truth is always the
same no matter how you get to it.
Every religion came by spirituality, by the journey through which one person became God.
The details of the story are not important they just help the character discover the
The message that shares the truth is what is important, The Divine Code of The Human
Heart that resonates harmoniously through each of us.
That is why every religion has something true in it, the truth.
Renault Scénic 2.0-16V Dynamique Comfort - Duration: 1:01.
Eine Waffe wurde gefunden Rätselhafter Unfall: Messi-Bruder festgenommen - Duration: 2:44.
💰Where is the Money? 💵 Looking at Central Banks (Money Series Prt 1) - Duration: 5:06.
Coin Roll Hunting Nickels - 1988 S Proof Found! - Duration: 6:58.
alright guys we ready to get into that second fee of a box I had mislabeled it
in the last video Wells Fargo I'm so used to go into Wells Fargo I forgot
that it was B of A so you just watch the last video you'll notice when I pulled
it this one I don't want to spoil it for you so please check it out let's get
this box open or right now and see what we get in this box
alright beautiful beautiful beautiful exciting let me loop you guys back in if
I find something always a good sign with the first rule you start with you get a
1965 followed by right behind this coin right here a 1940 Philly with some tape
on it so we'll pull that off and see what it looks like second role in it has
that look let's see if I'm right or wrong
yep 1946 it's just you know check the mint really so our second 40's let's get
back after it that's two rolls and 2 40's so far all right guys we're off to a
good start fourth roll in pulled this terrible look at 64 out but right
underneath it was a 1947 San Francisco so that's my third 40s in four rolls
and I'm pretty sure that there's nothing else in here but we'll just double check
for you guys always checking anything pre-86 for the steps nothing there so not
too bad of a start 3 40s and a 2009 in the first four rolls alright guys I'm super
excited right now listen I just dumped this roll out
there was a coin that really caught my eye look at this shine on this coin and
I happen to just slide it down just a little bit and I noticed it's a freaking
proof look at this coin frosted design weird background oh that's that's
beautiful it's also a 1988 s there's not a ding on the steps we got full steps
1988 s proof let me see if I can look at these steps under the loop I really
don't want to mess at this coin too much let's take a look at this together and
see what it looks like not a ding on those steps
what a beautiful coin that's my first proof I am definitely putting this aside
that's a good sign were early into the box Wow
what keep you posted find anything else in this role or this box
all right guys 13th roll into this box scored ourselves a nice 1947 in pretty
good shape Philly a little bitter shape to the last
one God that proof looks so nice I haven't got a couple of almost
uncirculated 1960 is not as nice but it's pretty good and a 1968 that just
looks fantastic but the steps are complete but they have a little bit of
break so anyway not a bad box so far let's
keep looking extra roll, roll number 14 I know it's coming up so I figured I'd go
ahead and get it out looks like it's gonna be a foreign one... yep good old Canadian
1994 that's our first forward one in the box
let's keep looking alright guys 34th roll into the box it's been a little bit we
are stacking up the 50s but it's been slim picking on the 40's of course we
finally got a barely made into the forties 1949 well take it though because
it's only our 5th of the box slowing down a little bit let's hope we get some
lucky finds here towards the last half of the last third of the box alright
guys let's get to the roundup 65 coins from the 60s that's too bad
we ended up with 5 2009's we got one foreign coin we ended up getting 5
really nice coins from the 60s there pretty much almost uncirculated the
problem is they're not really that because the back steps they're not
and they're partial steps so not as great but the Fronts are really nice on
these guys pretty much no scratches I did but also pull out this great example
of a 1995 it's got full steps on the back which I
don't need to show you close but it actually does and I know that that's not
that uncommon it's prior to 1986 really is when the full steps matter but I
haven't seen a mid-90s coin with the full steps in circulation in a while so if
you're gonna pull it out you know I've pulled that 1988's proof or just put a
fingerprint on it but it's in fantastic shape really good looking coin so we're
happy about finding that one and then on to the other finds from the 50s
we got 53 we got a couple of fifty fours we got a 55 a couple of 57's actually we
got three of them and then we got a 58 and 3 59's in the 40's a little bit light
on that box we ended up with one from 1940 a 1946 two 1947 s and a 1949 so not
the grandest box but my first Proof Coin pulled and a handful of pretty nice
almost uncirculated coins as well so that makes me pretty happy if you
enjoyed this home with me please give the video a thumbs up and as always
thanks for watching
The Journal Editorial Report 12/02/17 3PM | December 02, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 33:53.
Bob Mueller Used FAKE INTELLIGENCE To Charge Michael Flynn! Joe Biden And Susan Rice Involved | MK - Duration: 2:52.
Roger Stone REVEALED: Bob Mueller Used FAKE INTELLIGENCE To Charge Michael Flynn!
Joe Biden And Susan Rice Involved.
USA Politics Today reported, on Friday night former National Security Adviser pleaded guilty
to collusion with the Russians by Trump's command.
More specifically, Michael Flynn claimed that he was commanded by President Trump to contact
with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the start of this year.
Flynn's announcement left America suspicious wheter or not this hoax is made-up by Obama
administration and cleared by FBI director James Comey or there are some third parties
involved, which is less likely to be.
As we already know, in August, Trump administration was forced by Special Councel Robert Mueller
to hand over document regarding retired Lt. Gen Michael T. Flynn.
Mueller made a hell of an effort to investigate alleged Turkish connections, which is, by
my opinion a clear lie just to sway away the focus from the major scandals that happened
in the previous month.
"According to reports, former CIA Chief James Woolsey briefed law enforcement agents
working with the Special Counsel on matters relating to General Michael Flynn's plan
to "removal of a Turkish cleric," from the U.S. "Flynn.
the former national security adviser, was paid more than $500,000 in 2016 for lobbying
that benefited the Turkish government," reported NBC News."
NBC News reports:
"Former CIA Director James Woolsey has been interviewed by FBI agents working for Special
Counsel Robert Mueller about allegations that Mike Flynn discussed the potentially illegal
removal of a Turkish cleric from the U.S., Woolsey's spokesman told NBC News.
"Ambassador Woolsey and his wife have been in communication with the FBI regarding the
Sept. 19, 2016 meeting Ambassador Woolsey was invited to attend by one of Gen. Flynn's
business partners,"
Woolsey spokesman Jonathan Franks said in a statement.
"Ambassador Woolsey and his wife have responded to every request, whether from the FBI, or,
more recently, the Office of the Special Counsel."
In March, Woolsey confirmed to MSNBC the contents of a Wall Street Journal story which reported
Woolsey's account of a meeting he says made him so uncomfortable he felt compelled to
report what happened to Vice President Joseph Biden."
On this, Roger Stone said that Bob Mueller has given fake intelligence by former CIA
Director Chuck Wolsey which was given during a meeting with former Obama top-notch official
Susan Rice, former VP Joe Biden and Ben Rhodes.
"Woolsey is projecting," Stone says, "he was involved in the plans to extradite and
kidnap the Turkish cleric."
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe.
This Man Lost 71kgs His Transformation Is Unbelievable - Duration: 2:26.
Back in 2008 Sam Rouen won the third series of 'The Biggest Loser,' a reality TV show
that pits overweight contestants against each other to see who can lose the highest percentage
of bodyweight for a cash prize.
Aged just 19 at the time, Sam weighed a hefty 154kg when he started on the show, and by
the end had lost an amazing 71kg.
Now 29 and a fireman, it is clear that he has kept up his good habits since his appearance
on the show after releasing a post reflecting on the 10 year period of his incredible transformation.
"Wasn't sure if I was going to do this post?"
He said.
"However, 10 years hey.
What a time.
So much has happened, good, bad, everything between.
Highest highs and lowest lows.
All I know is I've got some amazing people in my corner and I'm unconditionally appreciative
of that."
Sharing a before-and-after photo from chubby teenager on the show to ripped and toned firefighter,
he is completely unrecognisable from his former self.
He has found love and appeared as a model in a firefighters calendar, and is dedicated
to his healthy lifestyle and workout regime.
"I'm addicted to working out now, I definitely love running and working out with my brother.
I play a bit of sport to stay in shape and also work out in the gym," he told Australian
newspaper The Daily Telegraph.
However despite his chiseled body he still has some leftover anxiety formed long ago
during his overweight days.
"I'm still extremely self conscious," he says.
"I still don't like taking my shirt off, even at the beach."
Sam's story is pretty inspirational and shows what can be done with some hard work
and dedication to healthy living.
Having achieved his aim of becoming a fireman and coming out looking fantastic in the process,
Sam believes that "you can be at your lowest point and, with a bit of hard work and persistence,
you can turn it around and fulfill your dreams."
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