Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 20 2017

It's Chanukah!

And I've got a song I want to teach you!

So it's DOWN the rabbit hole we go!

♪ (intro) ♪

Welcome to Jewish Music Toronto!

I am Eli.

Remember that all of our lesson and sing-along videos are closed captioned, so if you want

to follow along, all you have to do is click the CC button at the bottom of the YouTube player.

In case you were wondering, I wasn't kidding about that rabbit hole comment.

This week's song is Y'vanim (or The Greeks), and in researching this song...


I spent hours poring over page after page, version after version, until finding the melody

and a tiny bit of extra information in a song book I'd borrowed from a neighbour.

Thank. YOU. Sy!

So let's just get into it and bring up the board!


What's that?

We can't use the board anymore?

No more annotations on YouTube...


(Crinkling paper)

(Paper smacking into the ground) (Technical Difficulties Static)

(Technical Difficulties Static)


Alright! Well, at the moment it seems there's nothing I can do about that.

So, from now on, until some other solution comes along, these lessons are just going to run straight through...

Like this!

Let's get into it!

Here comes the Background!

Y'vanim is not an original song unto itself.

(Then again, loads of other Jewish songs aren't either...)

Rather, it's one of the verses of the well-known Chanukah song Ma'oz Tzur.

As noted in our original video on Ma'oz Tzur, each verse of the full song tells a different

story of salvation from throughout Jewish history.

You've got the Egyptians, the Persians, the Romans, the Babylonians

and, of course, the Greeks!

Also, given the last verse's focus on being delivered from a "wicked nation", and the

treatment Jews were getting at the time the song was thought to be written (see: the Crusades...),

the last verse is probably about Christianity as a whole.

(I've included a link to the Wikipedia entry on Ma'oz Tzur, if you're interested in reading a little bit more about that.)

But THIS verse specifically focuses on the Greeks!

Heck, it's the first word in the verse, and, likely because of THAT as well, the name of this spinoff song.

Outside of the first verse of Ma'oz Tzur, it's also the only other verse to actually be about Chanukah itself.

That may well also explain WHY it became a spinoff song.

As you'll see when we get to the lyrics, it does a great job of condensing the elements

of the story into a single verse.

You've got Greek rule, the defiling of the Beit Hamikdash (the Temple),

the miracle of the oil, and the declaration of the holiday!

The only thing that isn't in there is the conflict within the Jewish world that was raging during those years.

Though you wouldn't exactly expect a song celebrating victory over assimilation

(both pushed from without and within) to include that darker chapter...

It's not unlike some of the Jewish people who fell into Persian ways in the Purim story.

I've got a couple of links below if you want to do a little more reading on that.

So let's move on to the author!

We covered this, in short, in the original Ma'oz Tzur lesson video.

But let me just provide a quick refresher with a tad more added information.

This is the same information you could pull up on Wikipedia or any other article about

the song, but you ARE already here.

Ma'oz Tzur is believed to have been written by a Mordechai, mainly because the name appears

in the acrostics within the lyrics.

Which Mordechai it was, though, is between the author of the Shabbat song "Mah Yafit",

Mordechai ben Yitzchak HaLevi,

the scholar Mordechai mentioned in a Tosafot in Masechet Niddah of Talmud Bavli (the additional

commentary in the Tractate of Menstrual Cycles in the Babylonian Talmud)

Yep! That's a thing!

If you didn't know -

...and another Mordechai, who, frankly, I'm not sure should have been considered,

given the expected timing of the song's authorship.

Again, links are down in the description if you want to learn more!

On to the composer!

Here's where I fell down the rabbit hole!

There are so very many versions of this one spinoff song's melody, that I wound up jumping

from song to song, version to version, just to get as close as I have to the little information

that I have now.

And even STILL, I'm left with "It's a traditional folktune".

If you're familiar with why I started this channel, you'll know that's not particularly

satisfying for me (as I'm sure it's not for you either).

That's not to say that the search wasn't informative.

What I found explained why I had so much trouble getting to this conclusion.

I started with Sy's book - a copy of Edward Kalendar and Velvel Pasternak's

"The Ultimate Jewish Piano" book - paired with my usual sources.


No luck.

Sure, it has the words, but the only link it has to sheet music is behind a login page

exclusively for music retailers.

The Milken Archive of Jewish Music?

Not even close.

So I dug in further, into a couple of University databases which have kindly granted me access

for just such research!

First, Florida Atlantic University's Recorded Sound Archive.

I started finding tracks titled "Yevanim" here and there, but every track I heard...

it was always the wrong melody.

Surely there must be some older recording somewhere!!!

And then!!!

There it was...

Sitting on the server at the Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive...

On an album from the early 60's...


This track on "Chanuko Sing with Seymour" featuring Seymour Silbermintz and The Boys

followed the book's sheet music PRECISELY!

That cleared up some major confusion I had regarding this particular melody, because

I had heard something so similar to it time and time again, but something was off every

time I looked at the sheet music.

Every version I've heard of it was altered from the original!

One specific example is on Shalhevet Orchestra's Ha'Neshama Lach Vol. 9, which, itself, features

FOUR versions of Yevanim!

I knew the melody of "Yevanim 4", as it's listed on the CD, sounded almost identical

to what I was reading on the sheet music, but other versions also had similarities

to it, so maybe it, too, was a different version.

But, finally, on hearing the 1963 version, I got my answer!

The Shalhevet version, the approximate melody I'd grown up knowing, is just a spiced-up

take on the original!

No, I didn't learn who the original composer was in the end - it's still just

"A traditional Chassidic folktune melody" - but getting as far as I did was eye-opening nonetheless.

We'll be doing the original melody today, so once you're finished up here and have it

in your head, why not follow the links to other versions below, and see if you can spot

the variations.

Let's get into the lyrics!

The lyrics go:

Y'vah-nim Neek-b'tzoo Ah-lai Ah-zai Bee-may Chash-mah-nim

The Greeks gathered to attack me in the days of the Chashmanim (the Hasmoneans).

Oo'far-tzu Cho-mot Mig-dah-lai V'tee-moo Kol Hash-mah-nim

They demolished my towers and defiled all the oils.

A lot of translations use the word "polluted" instead of "defiled", but, given that word

is tah-mei, which means impure, and that the act itself was making the oil, and everything

in the Temple impure, it just makes more sense to me.

Oo'mee-no-tar Kan-kah-nim Na'ah-sah Neis Lah-sho-shah-nim

And from the last of the pitchers (of oil) came a miracle for the Shoshanim

(a name for the Jews typically used in celebration, like in the song Shoshanat Yaakov)

B'nei Vee-nah, Y'mei Shmo-nah Kav-oo Shir Oo-rih-na'nim...

Men of wisdom, designated eight days of song and praise.

And, boom!

You've got Chanukah!

Finally, it's time for the melody!

The melody goes:

♪ Y'vah-nim, Y'vah-nim Neek-b'tzoo Ah-lai ♪ ♪ Ah-zai Bee-may Chash-mah-nim ♪

♪ Oo'far-tzu Cho-mot Mig-dah-lai ♪ ♪ V'tee-moo Kol Hash-mah-nim ♪

♪ Oo'mee-no-tar Kan-kah-nim ♪ ♪ Na'ah-sah Neis Lah-sho-shah-nim ♪

♪ B'nei Vee-nah, Y'mei Shmo-nah ♪ ♪ Kav-oo Shir Oo-rih-na'nim ♪

♪ B'nei Vee-nah, Y'mei Shmo-nah ♪ ♪ Kav-oo Shir Oo-rih-na'nim ♪

That's it for this week's lesson.

Check back soon for our sing-along to Y'vanim!

If you're enjoying our videos, be sure to subscribe and share.

We really appreciate the support.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below!

I always try to get back to them.

Also, if you're looking to purchase some Chanukah music, I've included a couple of links below.

One is to a recently released album of Chanukah classics.

The other is to Mostly Music's complete Chanukah section!


You can find us on Facebook, at,

and on Tumblr, at

I'm also occasionally on Twitter, under @jewishmusicto.

Thanks for watching, and bye for now!

For more infomation >> Yevanim! Yevonim? Y'vonim?!? (The Greeks) - A Chanukah Song Lesson - Duration: 8:48.


Escandaloso acto de Juan y Medio que ha hecho enfurecer a Podemos - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Escandaloso acto de Juan y Medio que ha hecho enfurecer a Podemos - Duration: 4:02.


Un colaborador de Sálvame estudia abandonar el programa y convulsiona Telecinco - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Un colaborador de Sálvame estudia abandonar el programa y convulsiona Telecinco - Duration: 2:04.


Testigos aseguran que fue el exceso de velocidad el que causó el trágico accidente de un autobús en - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Testigos aseguran que fue el exceso de velocidad el que causó el trágico accidente de un autobús en - Duration: 3:04.


Merry Christmas 2017 - Duration: 0:17.

Hello friends of PintxoGames, today from our video number 100,

we want to take the opportunity to thank you for the support of the channel

and wish you happy holidays.

Merry Christmas to all and prosperous new year!!!

For more infomation >> Merry Christmas 2017 - Duration: 0:17.


Las 8 Reglas Para Liderar De Forma Inteligente | 30K Coaching | Liderazgo - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Las 8 Reglas Para Liderar De Forma Inteligente | 30K Coaching | Liderazgo - Duration: 5:22.


Con Coutinho, Valverde recuperaría su esquema 'fetiche' - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Con Coutinho, Valverde recuperaría su esquema 'fetiche' - Duration: 2:46.


EdN vlogmas 2017 Día 11- Consejos para tener una boda perfecta - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> EdN vlogmas 2017 Día 11- Consejos para tener una boda perfecta - Duration: 3:19.


GF VIP:Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser si sposano: c'è già la promessa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> GF VIP:Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser si sposano: c'è già la promessa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.



For more infomation >> VLOG #6 SHOOTING A MUSIC VIDEO, RED CARPET & EVENTS | ELA. - Duration: 3:18.


Alimentos para tratar la candidiasis vaginal - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> Alimentos para tratar la candidiasis vaginal - Duration: 8:53.


Corte federal escucha argumentos de las demandas que buscan anular la decisión que dio fin a DACA - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Corte federal escucha argumentos de las demandas que buscan anular la decisión que dio fin a DACA - Duration: 2:01.


Guía Saint Seiya Zodiac Brave ; Wyvern Rhadamanthys - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Guía Saint Seiya Zodiac Brave ; Wyvern Rhadamanthys - Duration: 2:45.


Renault Espace 2.0 T PRIVILÈGE Nieuw staat! 5 pers. ruime MPV, &NAP - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Espace 2.0 T PRIVILÈGE Nieuw staat! 5 pers. ruime MPV, &NAP - Duration: 0:59.


Isaiah Thomas' adorable son on Kobe Bryant 'He's not fat like Shaq' - Duration: 1:22.

Isaiah Thomas' adorable son on Kobe Bryant 'He's not fat like Shaq'

Part of being a father is having tough conversations with your kids.

Like, in this episode of Isaiah Thomas' video series on The Players' Tribune, explaining

that one of their favorite players, Kobe Bryant, had retired.

"He's old," the Cavaliers guard explained to his kids, James and Jaiden Thomas.

One of his sons paused.

"He's not fat like Shaq," he argued.

For more infomation >> Isaiah Thomas' adorable son on Kobe Bryant 'He's not fat like Shaq' - Duration: 1:22.


What Will It Take To Beat Trump The Case for a Generic Democrat - Duration: 3:47.

What Will It Take To Beat Trump?

The Case for a Generic Democrat

Democrats, still reeling from last year's wipeout, have been embroiled in a debate over

how to fix what went wrong in 2016.

Should they tack left or center?

Woo white working-class voters with an ambitious economic agenda or double down on the base

by blitzing Donald Trump on bigotry?

Prioritize health care?




The Doug Jones upset in deep-red Alabama may have just rendered these debates irrelevant.

The Senate's newest member did not embrace single-payer health care, free college or

a $15 minimum wage.

He did not swerve right on abortion and guns.

In fact, he didn't have any signature policy proposals at all.

What Jones did was take off the shelf the most pallid Democratic talking points—"

quality, affordable health care," "college must be affordable," "I believe in science,"

"discrimination cannot be tolerated"—and campaigned with a pleasant, inoffensive demeanor.

He was boring.

He was safe.

He was Mr. Generic Democrat.

And it worked.

That should make Democrats think twice about what they should be looking for in a 2020

presidential nominee.

Most of Democrats' Wednesday-morning quarterbacking after last year's election presumed that

to maximize base turnout and impress swing voters, same-old, same-old wouldn't do.

One way or another, Democrats at least needed to be "bold."

But the downside risk of boldness is polarization; what fires up one group can easily anger another.

The decidedly not-bold Jones campaign pulled off a better trick: firing up the Democratic

base while putting the Republican base to sleep.

By being a Generic Democrat, Jones didn't call much attention to himself and instead,

let the harsh spotlight remain on Roy Moore's pile of controversies.

Jones' career milestone of successfully prosecuting two Ku Klux Klan members for the

deadly 1963 Birmingham church bombing may have aided with critical African-American


But his public positions on current civil rights issues were thin and did not go beyond

party platform boilerplate.

And a Washington Post sampling of Alabama black voters found many showed up primarily

to stop Moore, not reward Jones: "[They] did not feel inspired to show up for a candidate

[in Jones] who they felt did not aggressively pursue their vote.

They were moved to wait in line — some people for hours — with the goal of keeping Moore

from winning."

If Jones didn't strain in his outreach to Alabama's African-Americans, neither did

he try to pull a "Sister Souljah," publicly breaking with the left on an issue like criminal

justice reform, to impress Alabama conservatives.

If he dared to challenge party orthodoxy, the Democratic base might not have turned

out in force.

Conversely, if he had campaigned with more left-wing edge, he might have convinced several

thousand additional Republicans that they should set aside their misgivings about their

own nominee, and get out of the house to stop Jones.

Jones stayed within the confines of genericness, and got the turnout mix he needed.

Various progressive groups that have pressed the Democratic Party to shift leftward, such

as MoveOn, Indivisible and the Working Families Party, have taken some credit for pouring

resources into Alabama and boosting base turnout (just as they did after the gubernatorial

victory of Virginia's low-key Ralph Northam).

But that only proves that activists on the left are perfectly willing and able to get

behind a Generic Democrat, and tacitly ally with moderates, to defeat a distasteful Republican.

No boldness necessary.

For more infomation >> What Will It Take To Beat Trump The Case for a Generic Democrat - Duration: 3:47.


Chevrolet's #EverythingButFo...

For more infomation >> Chevrolet's #EverythingButFo...


see yeah later - Duration: 0:13.

Georgie's a little sh*t.

For more infomation >> see yeah later - Duration: 0:13.


The world's first Social Impact Bond - Duration: 0:35.

A prisoner that reoffends

costs the government 22,000 pounds a year.

The original Peterborough Bond

was based on an analysis that suggested

that government would pay

only a third to a half of the expenditure

that is already going to keep a prisoner in prison.

And that saving of two thirds to a half

would come in one year.

For more infomation >> The world's first Social Impact Bond - Duration: 0:35.


Renault Twingo SCE 70pk Dynamique (CAMERA/R-link/Airco/Cruise/LMV) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo SCE 70pk Dynamique (CAMERA/R-link/Airco/Cruise/LMV) - Duration: 0:54.


Trump Lawyers Force Mueller To Give Back UNLAWFULLY Ceased KEY DOCUMENTS! - Duration: 2:32.

Trump Lawyers Force Mueller To Give Back UNLAWFULLY Ceased KEY DOCUMENTS!

It is believed by jurist experts, who investigate special counsel Robert Mueller's seizure

of Trump transition emails, that his move did not only violate the law but cause a larger

problem for Russia investigators if they choose to go to trial.

Lawyer Robert Barnes states that the document grab 'cannot conform to either Fourth Amendment

standards or attorney-client privilege protections.'

Barnes wrote in an op-ed: "LEGAL ANALYSIS: Why Mueller's Seizure of Transition Emails

Likely Violated the Law"

Courts held individuals who agreed, as a condition of employment to "any future searches"

did not waive their right against such searches because the waiver failed to give them the

"right to refuse to give consent to the future search."

For the government to claim implied consent or waiver, "requires clear notice that one's

conduct may result in a search being conducted of areas which the person has been warned

are subject to search," and such notice must ensure an individual "had knowledge

of the right to refuse to give consent."

[…] Hence, a broad waiver was found inadequate to permit a search.

[…]. The Supreme Court made it clear the question usually "must be addressed on a

case-by-case basis" and rarely subject to blanket waivers of Fourth Amendment liberties.


Courts held that an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy in the contents of

his computer even when given specific notice the computers could not be used for personal

purposes and the individual had authorized disclosure for technical and maintenance audits.

Courts held an ex-employee could assert attorney-client privilege against the use of such emails by

his company even though emails were located on employer's computer and employer gave

an employee notice any documents stored on computer which was not protected.

As Strassel writes, Mueller was only looking out for his back as he was hiding key information

from the Congress in order to save himself.

Along with Rosenstein, they refused to make Strzok available for an interview.

The President's attorney is demanding from Mueller to return transition documents as

it's proved they are unlawfully obtained.

Aware of Mueller's tendency for 'fighting dirty' it is doubtful he will give in control

over the emails, for that reason forcing Trump's lawyers to make difficult decisions concerning

the investigation.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trump Lawyers Force Mueller To Give Back UNLAWFULLY Ceased KEY DOCUMENTS! - Duration: 2:32.


Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI Navi/Cruise/Clima/Trekhaak - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI Navi/Cruise/Clima/Trekhaak - Duration: 0:58.


What Will It Take To Beat Trump The Case for a Generic Democrat - Duration: 3:47.

What Will It Take To Beat Trump?

The Case for a Generic Democrat

Democrats, still reeling from last year's wipeout, have been embroiled in a debate over

how to fix what went wrong in 2016.

Should they tack left or center?

Woo white working-class voters with an ambitious economic agenda or double down on the base

by blitzing Donald Trump on bigotry?

Prioritize health care?




The Doug Jones upset in deep-red Alabama may have just rendered these debates irrelevant.

The Senate's newest member did not embrace single-payer health care, free college or

a $15 minimum wage.

He did not swerve right on abortion and guns.

In fact, he didn't have any signature policy proposals at all.

What Jones did was take off the shelf the most pallid Democratic talking points—"

quality, affordable health care," "college must be affordable," "I believe in science,"

"discrimination cannot be tolerated"—and campaigned with a pleasant, inoffensive demeanor.

He was boring.

He was safe.

He was Mr. Generic Democrat.

And it worked.

That should make Democrats think twice about what they should be looking for in a 2020

presidential nominee.

Most of Democrats' Wednesday-morning quarterbacking after last year's election presumed that

to maximize base turnout and impress swing voters, same-old, same-old wouldn't do.

One way or another, Democrats at least needed to be "bold."

But the downside risk of boldness is polarization; what fires up one group can easily anger another.

The decidedly not-bold Jones campaign pulled off a better trick: firing up the Democratic

base while putting the Republican base to sleep.

By being a Generic Democrat, Jones didn't call much attention to himself and instead,

let the harsh spotlight remain on Roy Moore's pile of controversies.

Jones' career milestone of successfully prosecuting two Ku Klux Klan members for the

deadly 1963 Birmingham church bombing may have aided with critical African-American


But his public positions on current civil rights issues were thin and did not go beyond

party platform boilerplate.

And a Washington Post sampling of Alabama black voters found many showed up primarily

to stop Moore, not reward Jones: "[They] did not feel inspired to show up for a candidate

[in Jones] who they felt did not aggressively pursue their vote.

They were moved to wait in line — some people for hours — with the goal of keeping Moore

from winning."

If Jones didn't strain in his outreach to Alabama's African-Americans, neither did

he try to pull a "Sister Souljah," publicly breaking with the left on an issue like criminal

justice reform, to impress Alabama conservatives.

If he dared to challenge party orthodoxy, the Democratic base might not have turned

out in force.

Conversely, if he had campaigned with more left-wing edge, he might have convinced several

thousand additional Republicans that they should set aside their misgivings about their

own nominee, and get out of the house to stop Jones.

Jones stayed within the confines of genericness, and got the turnout mix he needed.

Various progressive groups that have pressed the Democratic Party to shift leftward, such

as MoveOn, Indivisible and the Working Families Party, have taken some credit for pouring

resources into Alabama and boosting base turnout (just as they did after the gubernatorial

victory of Virginia's low-key Ralph Northam).

But that only proves that activists on the left are perfectly willing and able to get

behind a Generic Democrat, and tacitly ally with moderates, to defeat a distasteful Republican.

No boldness necessary.

For more infomation >> What Will It Take To Beat Trump The Case for a Generic Democrat - Duration: 3:47.


What Clothes To Wear With Timberland Boots For Girls | Love From Lucy - Duration: 6:13.

hi everybody welcome to my channel so today's video is giving you a bunch of

outfit ideas for what to wear with timberland boots so let's get to it

hi everybody so welcome to my channel I'm Lucy with love from Lucy I do two

videos a week on Wednesdays and Sundays at 7 p.m. they are fashion videos of

what to wear and styling tips to help you look and feel fabulous please hit

that subscribe button because it means the absolute world to me

today's video is looking at a bunch of ways to style timberland boots. They are

a wardrobe staple and must-have and a classic piece especially to have in

wintertime so I'm going to show you a bunch of ways to wear them to make you

look and feel great so let's get to it so if you look number one I've got my

light brown or tan colored timberlands on I've teamed them up with some

leggings from adidas - which I've got a printed stripe down the side I love

these leggings they're so so cool I will leave the links in the description

box below for everything I'm showing you incase you want to look at it in a little

bit more detail as well so I've also teamed us up with a green bomber jacket

with the faux fur hood a pale blue high neck really cozy knitwear jumper and this

light gray backpack I've also got my John Lennon style sunglasses

I kept my hair down for a super relaxed fun comfy edgy cool I then got this

gorgeous black dress on which is from ASOS it's got the open V with the choker

bit around the neck and then it's got a lace trim which I think's really

lovely this to be a great dress for layering up and I've teamed up with my

black timberlands and some gray socks ive also got some sheer black tights on

just for warmth sake. I love this stuff I think it's really actually kind

of grungy and really cool

number three is embracing my bohemian vibes so I've got this gorgeous printed

maxi dress which is from Free People this light blue or pastel blue faux fur

jacket I've got a turtleneck on underneath the dress to just keep it a

bit warmer and to layer it up got my John Lennon style sunglasses on and I've

got my tan classic timberland boots it's just such a cool edgy bohemian vibe

I love this

so again I've got my tan or light brown timberlands on I've got these light blue

ripped jeans my long dark gray coat from Zara

I love this bag from Free People remember ill leave the links in the

description box to all similar stuff if you want to have a further look

this bags from Free People is so amazing I'm obsessed this little box bag I've got a

green jumper on which is from weekday at ASOS and then I've got this

massive light pinky beige tone color scarf on and I've got my sunglasses

on my head again it was really cold with us feeling this I actually was

wrapping up to keep warm so all of these looks will keep me super super warm and

embrace your amazing Timberland boots

last but not least I wore this to work so it's a super more casual option I've

got my black timberlands on my classic black dungarees and I've got this really

cool big sleeve striped top which is from Hollister really like this look

really comfy I've got my hair half up half down again I just thought was

really actually really cool and it was such a comfortable outfit to wear

thank you so much for watching guys please don't forget to hit subscribe and

stay tuned for more videos every Wednesday and Sunday at 7 p.m. your

subscription and you joining the family means the absolute world to me

leave your comment down below of which video which outfit you like the best

and hopefully I'll see you again very soon don't forget I've left all the

links in the description box below. If you want to check out any of the things I've

shown in this video. I love you so much and thank you so much for watching

Love from Lucy xx

For more infomation >> What Clothes To Wear With Timberland Boots For Girls | Love From Lucy - Duration: 6:13.


Music for Playing Animal Crossing 🦉 Relaxing Mix 🦉 Playlist to play Animal Crossing - Duration: 1:02:33.

Make friends with adorable animal villagers and have fun creating a world of your own in the Animal Crossing series.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Get back to nature in this Animal Crossing mobile game where you take on the role of campsite manager!

You're in charge, so you can decorate your own campsite however you like!

Make it fun, make it cute, make it sporty—it's up to you to craft the kind of furniture and amenities that will make your camp a must-see for animals visiting the area.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Step into the role of mayor and create your ideal world.

Express your creativity as you explore a living, breathing world and make friends with your neighbors. You can also use compatible amiibo™ cards and figures to interact with those villagers—invite them to visit or move to your town, buy unique items, and more.

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Show off your style by designing homes for all of your favorite Animal Crossing villagers!

Use your creativity to design the perfect houses—inside and out—for both old and new friends. And with compatible Animal Crossing series amiibo™ cards, call your favorite villagers into the game.

For more infomation >> Music for Playing Animal Crossing 🦉 Relaxing Mix 🦉 Playlist to play Animal Crossing - Duration: 1:02:33.


L'Isola dei famosi 2018 concorrenti: svelati i nomi ufficiali in anteprima | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei famosi 2018 concorrenti: svelati i nomi ufficiali in anteprima | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.


UOMINI E DONNE: Sossio Aruta festeggia 47 anni: gli auguri per se stesso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> UOMINI E DONNE: Sossio Aruta festeggia 47 anni: gli auguri per se stesso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.


Uomini e Donne, Sonia e Emanuele si sono lasciati? Lo sfogo preoccupa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Sonia e Emanuele si sono lasciati? Lo sfogo preoccupa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


GF VIP:Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser si sposano: c'è già la promessa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> GF VIP:Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser si sposano: c'è già la promessa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.


GF Vip, Daniele Bossari: l'alcool, la Freddi e la sua presunta crisi con Filippa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, Daniele Bossari: l'alcool, la Freddi e la sua presunta crisi con Filippa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.


Never Will I

For more infomation >> Never Will I


Bowflex 1 Minute Pro Tips: How Do I Build Up My Cardio Endurance? - Duration: 0:48.

Hi I'm Tom Holland Bowflex Fitness Advisor.

How do I build up my cardio endurance?

Short answer is, slowly.

It takes time, you're gonna do it gradually.

You're gonna do what you can do, you're gonna stick with it.

And over time you'll get stronger.

Alright, so you may do a 3 minute workout cardio one day, 4 minutes the next, it takes

time, you're gonna build up.

Start slowly, give it time. And you will get there.

And you will get there.

For more infomation >> Bowflex 1 Minute Pro Tips: How Do I Build Up My Cardio Endurance? - Duration: 0:48.


My Biggest Pet Peeves - Duration: 3:58.

Let's jump right into it.


Number one.

I hate when I'm laying in bed and I'm

in a very comfortable position,

like my comfortable meter is up to 100, maxed out.

And then somebody makes me get up and go do something,

because I'll never be able to achieve that comfort level

I was at ever again.

This one time, I was about to go to bed,

my comfort level's 111%

(glass breaks)

and then my mom calls me from the living room,


I just laid still for a moment,

just in case she decided she could do whatever she wanted

me to do my herself, and then she called me again.

"Elijah, get in here!"

So I get up and she literally asked me,

"Hey, can you grab me that remote right there?"

The remote was literally a arm's reach away.

She made me come all the way into the room just for that.

Blast for me, that's what it is, I tell ya.

Number two.

Something that makes me really wanna stab somebody

in the eye with my finger is when somebody

starts off their story with, "So funny story,"

because usually when somebody starts off their sentence

with, "So funny story," it's usually never funny.


So funny story, I was walking down the street

and I bumped into a gas cloud and he said,

"Well, excuse me."

(crickets chirping)

I thought it was kinda funny.

Number three.

I just really wanna rip out somebody's belly button

every time somebody texted me, "Hey, I'll text you later,"

and they never texted me back.

Like hey, what was the point of even telling me you will

text me later, if you weren't gonna text me back, jerk?

Number four.

I hate when people.

- Hey, do you know when Matt gets home, like...

- No, I have no idea, can you...

I told you to be quiet, I'm like recording,

text him or something.

Switching it up a little bit.

Number four.

I hate when people ask me where people are,

because I have no idea where that person is,

I'm not their keeper.

Text them, it's a generation where you could text people.


You know what I mean?

Number five.

I hate when people explain their jokes.

If nobody laughed, it's because it wasn't funny.


I'm also a hypocrite because I often explain my jokes

because I need a reassurance.


It really scrambles my eggs when I'm walking

down the street with headphones in

and somebody tries to talk to me.

I have headphones in for a reason,

I don't wanna talk to you,

especially if you're a homeless person asking me for money.

Number seven.

It really spoils my milks when somebody kick the back

of my seat, or even puts their feet on it

because I could feel it.

I just wanna turn behind them and just strangle them

and not in a sexual way.

Number eight.

You know what really rustles my jimmies?

Public displays of affections.

I hate when I'm going down an escalator

and I just see two people like attacking

each other's faces, or like almost having sex in the mall.

It's just disgusting, there are children here.

It also might rustle my jimmies because, you know,

I'm single and I haven't had any action

in the past two weeks, so...



- Wow, what a loser!

- Shut up.

Number nine.

You know what really tugs on my udders?

I hate when I hit the crosswalk button

and a few seconds later because the light doesn't change,

the person standing next to me hits it as well,

as if they're saying, "Ha, your press wasn't good enough,

I'm gonna do it myself!"

Screw you, my press was good, it was good.

I'm an excellent button pusher.

Just ask my ex, I pushed her buttons all the time,

that's what she told me.

Number 10.

Something that really butters my biscuit.

That's not what I wanted.



Something that really busks my piñata

is when I go into a public bathroom

and I go into the stall and I open the seat

and there's just a huge present sitting inside still.

And by a present, I mean big, steamy pile of poop.

Okay, to be honest, this video was just a PSA to tell you

to flush your poop.

And that's where I'm ending this video off,

on a poop joke.

You're welcome.

I'm gonna go.

(fast paced rhythmic music)

For more infomation >> My Biggest Pet Peeves - Duration: 3:58.


I think I have an existential crisis? // MINI-COMIC PAGE #3 - Duration: 6:42.

hey guys and welcome to my channel saphitstrue

I'm Mary as always and today I

don't really know what I'm talking about.

I thought I'd probably ramble a little

bit about my art journey



more like

where I want to be where I see

myself in the future

because I've been thinking about that a lot lately I've

been struggling to be honest to find my path I guess because for the longest

time I thought that you could only be one thing you know I thought you could

only be a digital artist or you could only be a traditional and

that you had to focus on one thing and could only do one thing so I've been

struggling a bit because I've been hopping from from one thing to the other

when I finished school I wanted to become a concept artist in the game

industry and I actually started to study game design and I really liked the art

classes that I took but I hated all of the other classes like programming in

that kind of stuff so I dropped out first I thought you know what I don't

need a degree to make it in the industry so I'm just gonna practice I told myself

you have this time now to actually try out everything that you want so I've

been trying out a lot of different things and I like all of them not all of

them but a lot of them and so I had this crisis for months now where I think like

what am I going to do with my life like the way I want to concentrate in YouTube

do I want to become a YouTube artist or do I want to practice my digital art and

hope that I can break into the game industry one day I just don't know

because there are so many pros and cons to everything being a YouTube artist is

really cool because you can basically do whatever you want you can draw your own

stuff and I'm a lot until my own characters and stories so that would be

perfect for me but I feel like as a youtube artist you are first and

foremost a youtuber you mostly focus on entertaining people and doing artists

kind of a side thing I watch a lot of art youtubers and have been for years

and I feel like sometimes they don't really improve that much

anymore because they just don't have time to practice and that's you know I

as a watcher don't mind that at all I like watching them because I watch them

for the entertainment but as a person I'm just very ambitious not in a sense

where I have to like be a boss or you know reach a certain pay grade or

something like that but on a personal level I am very ambitious and I I'd like

to get to a certain level with my art and I'm just so afraid that if I focus

on YouTube that I won't have that much time anymore to practice so I feel like

if I don't improve anymore or very slowly that would actually be very bad

for my mental health but then the aspect of just you know

doing what you want basically is just so overwhelmingly awesome that I feel like

maybe the risk is worth taking but then I think but it's this whole working from

home thing for me do I prefer working for a company in the game industry I

just don't know like I have social anxiety and I struggled with going

outside sometimes so I am really afraid that if I would get a job at a company I

wouldn't be able to go there regularly so in that case working from home is

awesome but on the other hand as a person who doesn't leave their home very

much I feel like it would be nice to have a normal regular day job where you

go outside so you know I am NOT stuck inside all the time it's so hard there's

so many things and don't even get me started on the different mediums because

I always thought I'm going to be a digital artist only and I thought that

for the longest time because I thought I had to pick one but this past year where

I have been experimenting with a lot of different stuff I really fell in love

with using watercolors and filling sketchbooks and I'm just so confused and

I know that you don't have to concentrate on one thing maybe that's my

ambition here speaking but I kind of want to be good at everything and I know

that's not possible but it's stressing me out

it's stressing me out because I don't know what to focus its yeah I've just

had this crisis for month now and I've learned that you know what I haven't

been drawing for that long so I really shouldn't stress out so much I know that

some day I will get to that level that I want to just that I'm at this point in

my life where I have to make decisions on how to move forward because I'm an

adult now and I have to pay the bills somehow and I'm very fortunate that my

parents are supportive and but they won't be supportive forever you know I

will have to make money someday so that's why I'm just stressing out so

much but don't get me wrong like I'm complaining this whole video but I'm

actually very positive about my future and I get scared from time to time like

really really scared this kind of existential fear of oh my god I'm going

to fail at life but overall I'm very positive and I'm very optimistic so yeah

I hope I haven't been annoying you I just wanted to share my thoughts on that

because sometimes I feel like you know it's nice to also share the doubts and

the fear I always want to be honest with you guys and share what I'm thinking

about so that's just what has been going through my mind lately and this past

year I guess well that's the end I hope you enjoyed the video as always please

leave comments I would love to know what you guys think about this do you have

any fear what is art to you are you only doing it

as a hobby do you want to do a professional do you have any tips for me

maybe how to deal with that stuff feel free to spare me in the comments I love

reading comments and if you're new here and you want to see more of my eye I

would totally appreciate it if you subscribe and I guess I'll see you later

bye bye


For more infomation >> I think I have an existential crisis? // MINI-COMIC PAGE #3 - Duration: 6:42.


L'Isola dei famosi 2018 concorrenti: svelati i nomi ufficiali in anteprima | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei famosi 2018 concorrenti: svelati i nomi ufficiali in anteprima | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.


Ask An Eye Doc: Will I still need glasses after cataract surgery? - Duration: 1:03.

- Hi everybody welcome to Ask An Eye Doc

where I answer your questions on social media.

All right so Richard asks

after cataract surgery do eyes still change and need

new prescriptions?

Well Richard that's a great question.

Yes, your eyes still do change and it's kind of a

birthday thing.

As time goes on there's gonna be changes.

So what is a cataract?

A cataract is when the lens inside of your eye grows

kind of like a tree trunk and it keeps adding more and

more layers.

Eventually those layers that are right in the middle

they're gonna get a little bit cloudy,

kind of looking through a dirty window.

So you're going to need to see a surgeon

to take that lens out and put a new clean lens in.

Most commonly they put in lenses that allow you to see

well for distance in which case you would still need

glasses for reading.

So whether it's before cataract surgery or after

you wanna make sure that you're going to get

your annual exam with your eye doctor.

Thanks for watching and if you have any questions

just remember hashtag AskAnEyeDoc.

For more infomation >> Ask An Eye Doc: Will I still need glasses after cataract surgery? - Duration: 1:03.


Kevin D. Jimison - God I Love You [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 4:27.

Intro: Kevin D Jimison, God I love you…

God I love you like I love myself…

In fact I put you before I put myself You are all I need, you're my everything, God

I just want you to know…

I love you

Hook: God I love you like I love myself (myself) In fact I put you before I put myself (myself)

You are all I need, (need) you're my everything, (my everything) God I love you (God I love)

God I love you more than I love anybody else (More than anybody esle)

The love I got for you will always be kept (always be kept)

In a special place in my heart (in my heart) cause God I love you real hard, (real hard)

God I love you (God I love you)

V1: God I love you like I love myself, a whole lot (a whole lot)

And the love I got for you is 100% real God (it's real God)

If you measure the love I got for you God who (Measure it, measure it, measure it)

created Heaven and Earth You would see it stretches (yeah, yeah, yeahhh)

all the way from here to the end of the universe That's why I'm living my life for you

Loving and praising you, you come first (you come first)

I'm worshipping you and serving you with faith

And I'm obeying yo every word (yo every word)

You are my air, my food, my water, my shelter, the reason I rap and sing (Hallelujah)

You are my love, fun, joy and peace You're all I need, you're my everything

(Hallelujah) I love you like a son love his good dad

God you bring out the (You bring out the best in me) best in me

And every day I love you more Cause God you keep blessing me, blessing me,

blessing me (blessing me) Your love is the best love in the world

your love is better than everything I will always love you God, on everything

Hook: God I love you like I love myself (myself) In fact I put you before I put myself (myself)

You are all I need, (need) you're my everything, (my everything) God I love you (God I love)

God I love you more than I love anybody else (More than anybody esle)

The love I got for you will always be kept (always be kept)

In a special place in my heart (in my heart) cause God I love you real hard, (real hard)

God I love you (God I love you)

V2: God I love you more than I love anybody else

That's the truth (thats the truth) More than my family, friends

Or anyone that was (I do, I do, I do, I do) created by you

You are an amazing creator You created this big world your self (your

self) Heaven, Earth, The sun, the moon, the stars,

humans, animals (wow) Even love itself (You're so amazing)

You blessed us with life and sent your only begotten Son to give His life (thank you)

So all who believes in him may not perish but (thank you, thank you, thank you, thank

you) have eternal life in paradise So God I will love you, will love you, will

love you, will love you Til I see the (til I see the death of me)

death of me Even after the death of me

God I will love you, will love you even in the (even in the Heavenlys) Heavenlys

The love I got for you is locked in my heart like a locked vault (a locked vault)

And it will last forever like you will last forever amazing God (amazing God)

I'll love you forever like the Angels And God I will do my best for ya

To spread your word And tell as many people as I can about you

like a messenger (whoo) God I will talk to them, God I will teach

them and lead them directly to you (to you) I will guide em like a flash light in the

dark (they should be, they should be, they should

be living for you) And help them see they should be living for you

Loving, praising, worshiping, serving, having faith and obeying you too

Like I do and I do it cause I love you (I love you, I love you)

Hook: God I love you like I love myself (myself) In fact I put you before I put myself (myself)

You are all I need, (need) you're my everything, (my everything) God I love you (God I love)

God I love you more than I love anybody else (More than anybody esle)

The love I got for you will always be kept (always be kept)

In a special place in my heart (in my heart) cause God I love you real hard, (real hard)

God I love you (God I love you)

Hook: God I love you like I love myself (myself) In fact I put you before I put myself (myself)

You are all I need, (need) you're my everything, (my everything) God I love you (God I love)

God I love you more than I love anybody else (More than anybody esle)

The love I got for you will always be kept (always be kept)

In a special place in my heart (in my heart) cause God I love you real hard, (real hard)

God I love you (God I love you)

For more infomation >> Kevin D. Jimison - God I Love You [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 4:27.


Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision (1STE EIG.!!!/Glazen dak/Climate/PDC/16''LMV) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision (1STE EIG.!!!/Glazen dak/Climate/PDC/16''LMV) - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Getz 1.3i Active Cool - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3i Active Cool - Duration: 0:51.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-Play X-Shift Automaat, Navi, Unieke KM! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-Play X-Shift Automaat, Navi, Unieke KM! - Duration: 0:54.


Baked Camembert Recipe + How to Style a Grazing Platter - Duration: 4:12.

This baked camembert is indulgent and delicious.

Serve it along side a grazing platter the next time you are entertaining.

Thank you to Mood Store who have sent me the beautiful platters and bowls I've used in

this recipe, they have so many great homeware and serve ware items you can check out on

their website.

Start with a round of camembert cheese, or if you just have brie that will work also.

The two cheeses are very similar.

If you've ever wondered the difference brie is a little creamier in texture and tastes

whereas camembert has a stronger earthier flavour.

Unwrap the cheese and place it back into the box it came in, it works perfect for baking


If yours didn't come in a box I would recommend baking it in a small dish or ramekin that

is similar size to the cheese, that will make sure you don't have cheese going everywhere.

Part of what makes baked camembert so good is it's infused with different flavours,

and my favourite is always roasted garlic.

Cut the ends off a large clove of garlic and do painful job of peeling it.

One of my least favourite things to do in the kitchen.

Slice it into small strips with a sharp knife, my clove was massive so I'm cutting the

large pieces up a little smaller too.

Set the garlic to the side and using the same knife start to score the camembert cheese,

going about 1 cm deep or a third of an inch.

I'm following the pattern on the top of my cheese, then turning it and cutting the

other way so I have a collection of small squares.

Scoring the cheese helps let the heat and flavour to get in.

Pick up a piece of garlic and push it into the cheese where the cuts meet, repeat until

you have used most of the garlic.

Next add your favourite herb.

My recommendation would be rosemary or thyme as those flavours would work best.

I had thyme growing in my garden so thats what I've chosen to use.

Pick the leaves from the stalks and sprinkle over the top.

If you choose to use rosemary instead stick small sprigs into the cheese.

Finally drizzle the camembert with a little olive oil, about half a tablespoon and place

it into a baking dish.

Bake in a 180 degree celsius or 350 Fahrenheit oven for about 15 minutes or until the cheese

has puffed up a little and the garlic has caramelised.

While the cheese is baking put together a grazing platter.

There isn't really a recipe for how to do this, it's more just trial and error until

you have it looking the way you would like.

First start with a beautiful platter like the one I'm using from Mood Store.

Add a few of your favourite items like cheeses or dips and then simply fill in the empty


Try for a variety of things, savoury and sweet and you can't really go wrong.

I'm going for a few different types of cheeses, blue and brie, a tomato and cashew dip, a

few different types of crackers, grapes, pretzels, chocolate, and everyones favourite chocolate

covered strawberries.

Add a few cheese knives and it's ready to serve.

When your camembert has finished baking remove it from the oven and place it onto a cheeseboard

surrounded by small pieces of toasted bread, then simply dig in.

Let me know if you're going to try this recipe, I would love to see pictures of your


Thank you for watching and I will see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> Baked Camembert Recipe + How to Style a Grazing Platter - Duration: 4:12.


Hyundai Atos 1.0I GLS nw. dis. riem - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.0I GLS nw. dis. riem - Duration: 0:54.


Pantone Color of 2018 Ultra Violet Purple | Nail Polish, Blush, Lips, Eyeshadow, More @phyrra - Duration: 10:34.

Hey, friends.

Welcome back.

I'm Courtney, and today, I am excited to be talking to you about the Pantone color of

2018, Ultra Violet.

Now, I love purple, and I know people often ask, "Is purple your favorite color," or "Is

teal your favorite color?"

Well, I do often say both.

If I had to choose just one, I would absolutely choose purple.

If you are a long-time follower of me, you'd probably know that purple is that color.

If you've ever seen any pictures of my bedroom, you would know that I created a custom bed,

like I designed it.

I designed it all myself and had somebody build it.

I even picked out all the fabrics, and it's this bright ultra violet purple.

I absolutely love it, so I am all about purple.

I'm going to start with nail polish because I know not everyone likes to wear purple all

over their face like I do.

I've got three colors to show you.

Well, actually, you're going to see a fourth color, so I might as well mention that.

These are all nail polishes by KBShimmer.

The black color here that shifts to blue and purple is I'm Onyx.

It's my all-time favorite black.

It's the go-to black that I own.

The second color here is Berry Chill.

It's more on like the Berry Pink side, so if you're afraid of Ultra Violet, this might

be a good way to ease into the color.

Then, we have Hashtag You're It, which I actually think is probably one of the most perfect

Ultra Violet nail polishes, and this last color here is called Royal To A Fault, which

is like a purple with a blue shift.

These are the four nail polish colors.

You can see that they have the awesome scattered hollow type finish from KBShimmer except for

this last shade here, which really seems more like a glowy look from within color.

I'm going to go ahead and move on to blush.

Now, purple blush is not for the faint at heart.

I especially think it looks beautiful on deeper skin tones.

Probably the easiest purple blush to start with us Urban Decay's Bittersweet.

This is like a pinky-purple because it blends out into like a hot pink.

I am going to swatch it for you on the back of my hand.

That is Bittersweet.

This is Fyrinnae Royalty.

It's more of a true purple.

You can see it right there.

This is a Aromaleigh Pharmakon.

This is more of an Ultra Violet Purple with a little bit of a turquoise shift.

You can see it has a pinker base.

Moving on to lips.

This is Kat Von D Roxy.

It's an awesome purple.

There is a matching pencil.

Urban Decay Pandemonium, it's this one right here.

Kat Von D Televator, oh yes, that's fucking awesome.

OCC Technopagan, this one's more of a blue-purple duo chrome, but I feel like it should be included

just because it is one of those amazing colors that whenever you wear it, people stop and


This is Urban Decay Monarchy.

It's one of the Vice special effects top coats so you can layer it on top of any other color.

It's actually designed to be one on top of other colors, so it looks smoky when you just

put it on the back of your hand, but it will add purple shimmer to any look.

Then, the Sugarpill Dark Sided, which is a deep purple.

Next, I want to show you liquid eyeshadows.

These are the Stila Glitter and Glow Eyeshadows.

I like these best layered on top of other eye shadows.

This is Violet Vixen.

This is Into The Blue, which is really more of a blue with a purple shift.

That's Sea Siren, which is like that soft lavender purple with a blue shift.

Here are the three colors.

I'm going to move on to pressed eyeshadows and start with Urban Decay.

This is Asphyxia, Tonic, Fishnet, Flash and Plague.

I really feel Flash is probably the closest to Ultra Violet.

These are duo chrome layers that you can layer on top of other colors, and actually, Tonic

on top of Plague is pretty gorgeous.

Moving on, this is Kat Von D Danzig, and it's like this grapey purple with blue sparkles.

It's probably one of the best purples you could find at Sephora.

Then, we have Ardency Inn Royal, which is this one right here, and just for funsies,

I'm going to swatch Ardency Inn Orchid for you too since it's a pinker purple, right


I have two Sugarpill purples I want to show you.

The first is Poison Plum, which is this red-based purple right here.

It's a matte.

I have glitter still on my hand from those liquid eyeshadows, but it's a really nice

red-based purple.

Then, this is Sugarpill Elemental Chaos, and it's like a deep satiny purple, super gorgeous.

I do have one loose purple from Sugarpill that I wanted to show you, which is Strangeling,

and it's super, super sparkly grape purple with rainbow glitter.

I'm literally getting covered in eyeshadow.

I did have three ColourPop eyeshadows I wanted to show you.

The first one is Fantasy, which is a very bring pink with purple undertone or something.

Then, we have Dare.

My Dare is pretty dried out.

Finally, Lace, which, let's see if this will ... Well, this one's not dried out, at least.

I think Fantasy actually is like a hot pink with purple sparkles.

It's not actually a purple, but it sure is pretty with the purples.

If you want to know a secret, I think that Indies make the absolute best purple eyeshadows


This is actually why I get so frustrated that other brands like Too Faced can't make a good

purple to save their life, so I'm going to show you some of my favorite purple Indie


This is Fyrinnae Because Cats.

They have had it in loose and pressed form.

I don't know if it's available as pressed right now, but they definitely have it as


It's like this beautiful grapey purple with a blue shift.

Then, we have Fyrinnae Mystical Hedgehog, which is that color.

Fyrinnae Snowboarding, which I feel like is probably the closest to true Ultra Violet

because it's got a very bright base.

Then, it has another blue shift on top.

Moving on to Silk Naturals.

This is Silk Naturals Scream, which is a softer purple with a strong blue shift, and this

is Kick by Silk Naturals, which is amazingly sparkly.

It's got all kinds of multi-colored sparkle going on.

Obviously, these will look better applied over primer.

This is Geek Chic's Perfectly Normal Human Worm Baby.

It's from Invader Zim.

I really do love the inspiration, and the color's pretty cool.

Now, this is a color you can't get anymore, but I wanted to show it to you because I still

love it.

It's Aromaleigh Phaedra.

Yes, named after my dog, and it's like this beautiful deep velvety purple, but it has

a subtle pink shift.

This is Depths of Erebus.

It's one of the new colors that came out from Aromaleigh, so it's a beautiful cool purple.

This is Carina, which is a purple with a teal blue shift, so it's a pretty interesting shade



Next, I want to show you some Dawn Eye Cosmetics eyeshadows.

Now, the pictures on their website are absolutely awful, so hopefully, my swatches will help

you a little bit, but this is Enchanting.

This is Mystical.

This is Captivating, and this is Fantastical, and they all have blue or purple shifts to

them, which is why I wanted to show them to you because it really is like magic.

Let me get out of this view finder so you can see it better.

See, purple, purple, purple.

They're pretty amazing eyeshadows.

Next, I wanted to show you purple eye pencils and purple lip pencils.

This is Pandemonium from Urban Decay.

This is Kat Von D Coven lip pencil, Kat Von D Roxy pencil, Nyx Jet Set, which is actually

more of like a blue, but I use it with purples as well as blues.

Nyx Oh Put It On, which reminds me of my beloved Mac Grape except that Nyx is cruelty-free.

It's the one right here.

Oh, and I found a purple gloss I meant to show you.

This is Aromaleigh Gorgon.

It's like purple with a green shift.

Okay, purple eye pencils from Urban Decay, this is Asphyxia.

It's purple with a blue shift.

Melt Mixtape, I bought it because I wanted to try a melt pencil.

Urban Decay's Psychedelic Sister, which looks like it's almost a dead-on dupe for Mixtape.

The melt pencil's a dead-on dupe for it.

Those look very similar to my eyes.

This is Plushie, which is a purple matte.

Purple lip pencils are up top.

The purple gloss and the purple eye pencils are on the bottom.

If you're looking for an easy way to start out with purples, Nyx has this set.

It's a holiday set that comes with, it looks like Run the World, Sway and Amethyst.

It's a good way to get into some purples.

One last thing is the Kylie Purple Palette.

Now, I've already done a review for this, and I think I've done some looks with it.

I'll put a link up here so you can go check out my review of this palette.

I hope, I really, really hope that Urban Decay and other brands that we love are going to

come out with purple palettes for 2018 because we deserve them.

We need them.

We've been waiting years, damn it.

Somebody other than Kylie needs to make a purple palette.

Anyway, let me know which company you would like to see make a purple palette in the comments


Also, tell me your favorite purple makeup product.

If you like this video and found it entertaining and informative, please give it a thumbs up

and share.

I love it when you share my videos.

It makes my day, and it really helps me out here on YouTube, so I greatly appreciate it.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Pantone Color of 2018 Ultra Violet Purple | Nail Polish, Blush, Lips, Eyeshadow, More @phyrra - Duration: 10:34.


2017 Makeup Favorites Part 1 Sunscreens, Primers, Foundations, Brushes, Concealers & Powders - Duration: 18:14.

so today we're gonna go into my book this is my little diary that I keep of

all of my favorite things all year long and so we're gonna talk about the things

that I used they may not be brand new things in the year but they were things

that I reached for a lot and loved in the year 2017

I tried really hard to make sure that none of them were discontinued or

something that you couldn't get your hands on and I also threw out anything

that I said last year even though I may very well still love it my first

category is gonna start with sunscreen this is a chemical sunscreen it has an

SPF of 70 and it works really well underneath my makeup so I love this for

using it under my makeup the next one is the drunk elephant embrasure physical

daily defense and also the Josie Maran these are both physical sunscreens and I

wear these when I'm not wearing makeup and I will just put on one of these two

both of them I feel like make my skin look really nice and so yeah I like

these two the next step and when I get ready then would be a primer for my face

and the primer I'm sorry I just could not could not have three so here's the

ones I liked this one is like oh I love this thing so this is long combs love

base it's a silicone primer and we are at the

stage right now where I'm having to pull this out and scrape I don't know what it

is about this particular silicone primer that is so awesome but this will make

your makeup look so fantastic I promise you the next one is another Becca

last year was Becca backlight and I still use and love that but this year I

bought and loved the first light primer I think this primer the smell of it gets

you I really do I think that it's I mean it does a good job of course on

your skin but there's the smell of this just really wakes me up and gets me

going and loved it it's beautiful and I'm not gonna lie to you because I mmm

because I have both I oftentimes mix them the next one is by Maybelline this

one here is sort of a like a lotion consistency it kind of reminds me in

that way of the wet and wild and it spreads out like a lotion but somewhere

in there turns into something else this one is the blur and smooth so it's

number 100 they have them in other like I have a blur and radiance I've not

tried those though but I do like this one here by Maybelline I can't not not

mention this I'm sorry there's that puts me over my three but it is the Tarte

clean slate timeless smoothing primer and you guys

haven't heard me talk about this before it's like a mm-hmm it's like a paste

consistency but if you have some pores that are really big some wrinkles that

you want to fill in kind of like this stuff here does a really good job do

make sure that you give it time to set before you go in with your anything else

but a lot of days I will put this on and nothing else

I would just pack that on and go with no foundation at all I think it makes your

face look airbrushed after I prime my face I primed my eyes so the this one

here is what I'm working through right now I really do like it it's the Urban

Decay eyeshadow primer potion that's anti-aging almost meeting another one

now is the Mac Paint Pot in painterly and I don't have my third one here

because I used it all up and I'm promised myself no more buying these

primers and stuff until you use up what you have so the next one would be the

mole I shadow and as I said I don't have that

in my possession but as soon as I use these up they will probably repurchase

this and get the Milani again so those are my three after that I begin my

either my eye shadow or my foundation most of the time unless I just know the

eye shadows gonna fall out everywhere I will start with my foundation next any

foundation that I get and love is gonna be a foundation like this one where it's

a light to medium coverage so if if you are looking for a full coverage if

you're not gonna hear about it here I don't like full coverage foundations

so it's going to be dewy and radiant it's going to be lightweight to medium

coverage and it's going to have to perform and give me a look like this one

would the first one is going to be this this is the Clinique but even better

makeup it has an SPF of 15 and I wear mine in the shade o 3 ivory the next one

is gonna be this do your skin air flesh foundation and I wear it in the shade

200 I can't believe that I actually even tried this but I'm so glad I did so what

happened was I went over I'm like oh my gosh everybody keeps talking about this

do your foundation not this one but the other one I don't remember the name I'll

put it there it everybody kept talking about how much they loved it so I

thought I would would to its its matte foundation I don't like matte

foundations oh so I took it back and they said hey well then why don't you

try this one I went no that's a spray foundation you know fast don't go

through that but they talked me into it it is 2 point 3 fluid ounces the way

I've found that this works the best is shake it up just like your spray paint

in your face and then you spray this on a brush now I like to use it with my our

teeth brush spray that on there and then go all over my face and oh gosh talk

about the best skin ever this is like your skin if you had perfect skin

that's what this does and oh I don't know why I've never given the brand

Maybelline a try with their foundations because I do like their concealers but I

did give this one a try it does not come in a bottle like this with a pump I put

it in a bottle like this with a pump because I don't like foundations that

come in bottles without pumps so this is an airless pump that I put this in now

this is the Maybelline fit me and I wear it in the shade ivory 115 ivory this is

a beautiful foundation I got the kind that's luminous they have one that's

matte this one is the one that's luminous and every time I wear this

foundation people tell me your skin looks really beautiful so way to go

Maybelline I don't consider CC or BB creams to be

foundations so this one here sits all by itself and I wanted to mention it

because before I had mentioned the pixi by petra and this is an illumination

tent and a concealer on the end and I would wear this

somedays I didn't want to get all dolled up but wanted a little

something-something on my face but I have to tell you that I really like this

so I've been leaning more toward the Rimmel BB cream irradiance nine in one

skin perfecting super makeup it has a sunscreen of twenty an SPF of 20 and

this is a BB cream it looks gorgeous on your skin let me just put some right

there now this is a medium but thank goodness it doesn't it spreads out and

looks just fine on my skin but there you go this is just really pretty and I

really like you that so I don't consider that a foundation so the rest of my

makeup gets put on using brushes so this category now is gonna go to three brush

brands that I really liked in 2017 I have two brushes by this brand and the

reason that I only have two is because they are so

expensive this one here is the Tom Ford Oh five its the bronzer brush it gets

used every single day I think it's probably the most expensive brush I own

I use it every day it puts on product like nothing that you can imagine and I

don't think it was a bad expense for something that you use every single day

this so soft and then there's this you guys have seen me use this in tutorials

before and this was a present to me from my friend Kristin game and it is so

fabulous this top fort blending brush is I cannot even describe to you how this

thing it's like comes to a point it's stiff yet soft blends like a dream if

you really want to splurge on a nice blending brush this is one this year for

my birthday I asked my husband to get me the zoeva rose gold eye brush that oh I

love these brushes you guys see me using them all the time my favorite brush in

the line if you if you just want to try one get the 228 blending brush I love

this thing I can't even describe to you the way of the zoeva brush does feel in

your hand this brush feels like a wand it's lightweight perfectly balanced and

I love doing crease work with this brush now is this brush like the Tom Ford one

no two totally different animals but I used this away the brush more than I use

the Tom Ford why because this one cost a bunch of money and I don't want to wear

this brush out quite frankly that's it because this is a really nice goat hair

brush and I don't want to wash my goat hair brushes that much right the zoeva

bristles are different okay they're a mixture they're a blend so I

can wash these brushes every day and I do I wash them about three times a week

I wash these brushes so they're still holding up

perfect I highly recommend zoeva brushes and I will buy another set hopefully

this year I'll get more wet-and-wild came out with a brush set for $30 this

was an a Walgreens exclusive but they do have these brushes individually in rose

gold on their website and it's a permanent addition now I love these soft

brushes too and I use them as you can tell there's a few in here that are

dirty even though I just washed them two days ago because that tells you

something right there if I just watched all these brushes two days ago and there

are some are already dirty then that tells you that I use these brushes a lot

right and they've held up very well for me I love this blood of this blush one

but I used a chica hoto today so if this isn't dirty but I do reach for this a

lot this eye contour with this is the powder brush sometimes I do use it to do

blush what you're seeing on there is blush that I blend it out so this these

brushes are really good I like them they get washed all the time and they've not

shed on me and they're super soft and they're by wet and wild know what a

concealer that's lightweight I want it to conceal but yet not be cakey or

getting my fine lines and wrinkles who would but at our age of 50 of plus I

think that's even more important so my first choice if I reach for is this the

L'Oreal infallible Pro glow I love this stuff it's just like I love the

foundation that goes with it don't let the name fool you though Pro glow it

doesn't mean it's gonna be all radiant underneath there you just Pat it in and

I just put it right here in the corner and then just Pat boom done it holds up

all day doesn't get in my fine lines and wrinkles and I love

this stuff my next one I love for the same reasons and that would be this

concealer by rimmel rimmel makes this perfect match or match perfection I

guess they call it and I like to highlight and conceal with it there is a

brush on the end of it and so you just squeeze it up and more often than not I

squeeze it onto another brush but it's really lightweight for less money I can

get two of these I can get one that's light like this to highlight with and I

can get another one that is the actual shade and go up underneath my eye with

it where my last one is and this I just can't seem to get away from mac

prolongwear I will probably always have a bottle of mac prolongwear around next

I'm gonna talk about powder so the first one I'm gonna talk about is Rimmel stay

matte now I use this a lot for going over and setting the primer that's on my

eyes I use that almost all the time I either grab this or wet-and-wild I

shadow called Brule so I use that quite a bit for that next is this one this one

here a super great I love this stuff it's really lightweight and it's this

one is fair but I think they might have an in translucent too but I like to set

underneath my eyes with it and then I take a little brush like that

wet-and-wild brush I showed you or my Wayne Goss brush and I'll get it on

there tap it off and just lightly dust all over my face with the Maybelline

loose finishing powder it's the fit knee and my last powder this goes with me

everywhere in my purse and I had forgotten how much I love this powder

it's long combs dual finish so this powder is fantastic so you can use it

wet or you can use it dry now what the only thing I don't like about

is the smell okay it's got a 1930 old lady smell to it but the finish on it is

gorgeous now I've not wore it wet sometimes I would take a brush in here

more often than not as you can see I just use this little compact that comes

with it but it does also come with a thicker sponge that you can get wet and

come in and wear it as a foundation but I just tap into here and just press

that's all you have to do just press and your pores go away and it gives you this

beautiful finish now I know I like to be luminous but you know midday this stuff

here works like a journey if you have never tried long combs do intensity

power I insist that you give it a try Oh

For more infomation >> 2017 Makeup Favorites Part 1 Sunscreens, Primers, Foundations, Brushes, Concealers & Powders - Duration: 18:14.


Yolanda Hadid Likes Gifting Crystals For Christmas | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:06.

If you're anyone special on Yolanda Hadid's Holiday list this year, know that her gift

might make your festivities shine a little brighter.

According to the New York Post's Page Six, one of Yolanda's favorite gifts of choice

are crystals.

She reportedly says, "I love to give crystals…

Last year for the girls, all the people that are important in their life, we chose a personal

crystal for everybody."

Yolanda is all about forgoing the more materialistic items, and focusing on wellness and healing.

She reportedly tells Page Six, "I have homemade essential oils with a diffuser, which I've

given to all my kids.

Every essential oil has a healing purpose, so I think it's a great gift because it's

something that elevates your mood and your health."

So don't worry Hadid kids…

That's not a lump of coal in your stocking, it's a healing crystal.

For more infomation >> Yolanda Hadid Likes Gifting Crystals For Christmas | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:06.


Top 5 Best WoW Addons for Gathering Professions - Duration: 8:06.

Hey there, guys!

This is Reckles with WTBGold and today we've got a supplement video for my farming series.

We're looking very specifically at my recommended addons for gathering professions.

That's mining, herbalism, skinning, tailoring, and fishing...and at the end I'll go over

a tip or two for each of those professions.

If you're looking for my recommended UI addons, or goldmaking addons, those are in

seperate videos.

Links in the description.

We're just doing farming today.

Ok, so first things first, most popular question, what's the big green circle on my screen?

This is an addon called farmHUD.

It makes AFK farming a lot easier once you know a route pretty well.

Essentially, it's just an enlarged minimap with a transparent background, and actually

there's an option that let's you see what it's really doing.

This used to be a feature of sexymap, but back in WoD they had to end that functionality

so it's a seperate addon now.

I just keybind farmhud to tilda and use it when I'm just chilling and farming while

watching youtube.

Next the nodes on the map and minimap are an addon called GatherMate2.

In a nutshell, once you loot a node it shows up permanently on your minimap and if you

choose, on your normal map as well.

You can of course toggle visibility on these, and you can share your node database with


There are a couple different addons like this, Gatherer, GatherBuddy, but this is the only

one I've used that doesn't make my computer lag out.

Now, if you look at my map of twilight highlands, you must think wow, he's such an experienced

and dedicated, and handsome, farmer, well...first off, thank you that's very kind, but actually,

if you download the additional gathermate2 data addon you can import almost every node

gathered in the game.

Then Viola!

You're independent and don't have to rely on some scrublord youtuber to tell you where

to farm.

Next, the addon Fasterloot is amazing and works without any setup.

You know that little lag you get when you loot things?

Well this removes that.

It's just 1 to 2 seconds you're saving, but when you're mining a couple hundred

nodes an hour, it can add up.

It also helps save time when you're milling, transmog farming, or say...binding a scroll

weel macro to flipping over mysterious fortune cards.

You're welcome

Next is TSM and the TSM desktop addon.

I've got a whole super in depth video on how to set it up if you're a beginner with

it, but blah blah blah, it's nice to see the price of items and how many sell a day

whenever you're looting.

Finally, Server Hop.

No, it's not broken.

It never was.

If you haven't been using it, then that's your own fault.

If you've never heard of this, Server Hop scan the premade group finder for autoaccept

groups and then applies to them.

If the leader of the group is in the same zone as you are, then you change realms.

So kill things.

Server hop.

They respawn.

Kill em again forever.

Tips for Server hop, if any party member is nearby, then they're

also eligible for loot, which means you can skin your vilepetal rooters or felfang basilisks.

Just on to the next realm.

Also, server hop tracks the realms you visit for 15 minutes so you don't go to the same

one twice, but with the basilisks on argus for instance, their max respawn is 7:30, so

you can then go into your settings and change that server tracking reset to 8 minutes.

Other mobs are different though, so learn respawn timers for whatever you're farming.

So, that's addons.

Final tips for individual professions.

For mining and herbalism, there are lots of little goodies to get.

You can cut your mining and herbalism time with a bunch of different items, there's

the legion mining and legion herbalism glove enchants, but the krokul mining pick does


For WoD, there's a mining pick in spires of arak, and for MoP google the Forager's


You'll also need the Mist-Piercing Goggles for MoP.

If you don't want to grind any of that, just keep a stack of darkmoon firewater in

your bags.

Also, a druid.

Druid flight form is not only instacast but you can herb without dismounting, but if you're

not a druid, you can always buy a sky golem or use the felsteel annihilator if you're

lucky enough to have those.

For the skinning and tailoring, you can also use glove enchants or darkmoon firewater,

but the most important thing for these professions is grouping enemies and killing them as fast

as possible, so the legion crafted boots are amazing.

Bear tartar is faster than mount speed if you're moonfire spamming, so keep a stack

of that in your bags.

Other than that, there are a few specific toys like, if you're skinning in MoP, have

a battle horn to group things faster, but those are usually on a case by case basis.

So that's it.

I hope these addons and tips helped you.

If I forgot anything, or if some functionality has changed since the video's release, correct

me in the comments, but also, find someone down there who has a question and help em


We're all here to learn and grow together.

So, that's it!

Subscribe, like the video, good luck out there guys and happy goldmaking. :)

For more infomation >> Top 5 Best WoW Addons for Gathering Professions - Duration: 8:06.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - zapowiedź programu rozrywkowego i kolejne reklamy z 4 marca 2017 roku - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - zapowiedź programu rozrywkowego i kolejne reklamy z 4 marca 2017 roku - Duration: 5:13.


Söz (The Oath) Episode 29 Trailer 1 ENG-SUB - Duration: 1:21.

Last 15 seconds to the target.




Suicide bomb!


My mother always sang to me when I was child. Do you know?

The Oath all new episode Monday at 8 on STAR. Translated by Barış Kocaemre

For more infomation >> Söz (The Oath) Episode 29 Trailer 1 ENG-SUB - Duration: 1:21.


Johnny et Laeti­cia Hally­day : pourquoi ont-ils adopté Jade et Joy au Viet­nam ? - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Johnny et Laeti­cia Hally­day : pourquoi ont-ils adopté Jade et Joy au Viet­nam ? - Duration: 2:00.


HUNTERS V.S. INFECTED - Defend the Lodge - The Last of Us - Round 2 - Duration: 10:14.

Hello everyone my name is StillCage and welcome to the last of us today we are

playing a very special game mode with some very great people and this game

mode has calm defend the lodge this game was brought to you by Nick eh 30 so

here's the rules got four hunters who stands at the lodge they gets a cycle

two for supply crates to get you know Stuff to craft, to throwables to defend

the lodge from the infected who is a set of four other players who will be trying

to kill us all with melees only the hunters loadout consists of a revolver a

semi-auto rifle Hawk-eyed 3 collector 2 and a flamethrower the

infecteds loadout consists of a revolver covert training two sharp ears 3

marathon runner one and TLOU strategist three I mean uh.... strategist 3 it's

also worth noting that covert training to later gets turned into brawler 2

because well the hunters aren't allowed to use listen mode so cover training 2

does the infected no good other rules for the game-mode include the hunters

being able to use anything at their disposal weapons marking they're just

now let's use listen mode and the infected can only use melee they can

also use listen and they can also purchase armor if they get the parts the

hunters must stay inside the lodge no matter what they're not let's go into

the deck or on top of the balcony if a fellow hunter goes down his buddies are

allowed to revive him as for an infected goes down

no one can revive him you're probably wondering so how do you win well the

infected win if they can kill off all four hunters when the hunter dies they

have no more response and they have to go stay on the other side of the map and

watch in shame the way the hunters win is by killing off all 24 infected so

that's the rules of the game so without further ado let's get into the gameplay

I should really quickly mention that at the start of this game I accidentally

picked the hunter's class so I was at a disadvantage that's why I have a

semi-auto rifle do it *random people talking*

boys okay let's get the boys I think we got

agility remember if any of you guys have it equipped so that's good

*lots of talking*

*more talking*

*something about nail bombs*

If your seeing this tell everyone in the comments to turn on


♪ Now this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down ♪

♪ And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how ♪

♪ I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air! ♪

*every thing goes quite*

guys there's what I learned one in I learned one in he's doing specially oh

I got down he did that that's a good ah you thought i was done

maybe your just noticing this isn't actually going to gameplay. what if this just

goes on forever hmmm... what then? but really he should have been Disqualified.

back to something better.... *clears throat *



Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains Within the sound of silence

I hope your Enjoying this. You have no Clue how long this takes. i have to type out each one of these. but i mean if you press like that would be nice XD

Na you don't have to do that.

But you should leave a comment letting me know you found this!

Here's something fun! guess all these songs.

Yes, you know that I've been looking at you for a long time I must dance with you today I saw that the look in your eyes was calling me Show me the path that I will take (Oh)

Next song!

It's been a long day without you, my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way from where we began

last song!

낮에는 따사로운 인간적인 여자 커피 한잔의 여유를 아는 품격 있는 여자 밤이 오면 심장이 뜨거워지는 여자 그런 반전 있는 여자

okay i cant do anymore. back to youtubes auto captions

you're too close too close okay I'll back out good yep nice punning on their

own airman I want it go hey guys next time try doing this cuz we might spawn

in my building if we face backwards like this right here

there's two we got this you got this oh go right side again that works so

well and we all have like armor we could just go in back yeah yeah I got more

let's save it though don't use it yet don't use yet wait so you mean wait till

you're just about the enter enter the building but let's go far right I'm

gonna go over it yeah all right yep there's there's a huge blind spot see

yeah exactly yeah they can't shoot us through the

middle just trying to lose health it's are looking I'm gonna make a run for it

oh okay so yeah oh wait a minute yeah oh gosh guys do you think he's

communicating to them I hope not I hope I think so even if it is there's so much

for blind spot here it's yeah yeah they literally catch you this monster down

below up top the Carolina yeah you can only get down below yeah yeah once we

get near the window guys get ready to armor up don't you yeah way to get up in

position I'm gonna climb up Thomas and I'm gonna go low okay someone back up

for me and um yeah yeah okay I'm gonna try and like set off a bomb see if I can

make it but just so I can get the respawn alright the other guys like

their bags in the bag yeah using the fire bike or is he

looking at it just drive wait Raimondo if you can just that wait till we're all

spun you know what I mean and then we'll bomb rush I don't know I respond pretty

close anyway it's all good okay I'm all revved up let me know what you guys are

ready okay so much I run around like this real quick that I can get them

looking we have to get the guy by the window not moving either if you go and

listen or you can see little ripple spice oh he moved he moved yeah he's not

gonna do Nick Nick guy tomorrow trying to pick us out he's trying to pick us

out yeah he is donate or you're gonna lose your

I'm gonna okay I didn't know just go just go behind your name girl oh yeah

okay let's wait wait or should we go I'm going I'm going

you guys ready Ajay Sorrento go go go

we have health boy we took over our lines yes good thank you very much for

watching the first episode of hunters vs. infected defend the lodge make sure

you subscribe to the channel if you are new and if you want to see more I will

definitely be uploading more episodes of this make sure you check out everyone

who was on my team everyone who was on the other team I will leave all their

channels in the description below thank you very much for watching and you will

all see me later

For more infomation >> HUNTERS V.S. INFECTED - Defend the Lodge - The Last of Us - Round 2 - Duration: 10:14.


You and Me

For more infomation >> You and Me


O QUE OS RICOS FAZEM QUE OS POBRES NÃO | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> O QUE OS RICOS FAZEM QUE OS POBRES NÃO | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 8:52.


Pokemon Brick Bronze #1 O inicial de Kalos Froakie - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> Pokemon Brick Bronze #1 O inicial de Kalos Froakie - Duration: 9:53.


[NAPISY PL]🙄 Księdzu rozmawia z dziadkiem mrozem o współczesnym zarabianiu na youtube - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> [NAPISY PL]🙄 Księdzu rozmawia z dziadkiem mrozem o współczesnym zarabianiu na youtube - Duration: 0:43.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Sem Gael, Clara vive triângulo amoroso com Patrick e Renato - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Sem Gael, Clara vive triângulo amoroso com Patrick e Renato - Duration: 5:33.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Renato implora perdão de Clara e ela pede prova de amor - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Renato implora perdão de Clara e ela pede prova de amor - Duration: 3:38.


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Edição Especial damyhdl1999(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:16.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

damyhdl1999 special edition

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For more infomation >> Edição Especial damyhdl1999(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:16.


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Happy Yalda یلداتون مبارک - Duration: 0:42.

Yaldatoon Mobarak

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