Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 20 2017

What's up guys everybody knows for the holidays you need a liner you need glitter

and you need a red lip so why not give you all of that if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure to

Subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. Let's get started

I'm starting off by using creme brulee from makeup geek as my transition shade and we're putting that directly into the crease to

Deepen up that crease I am using fez from the saharan 2 palette by Juvia splays

I'm using a smaller brush and once I get to the outer lash line

I'm gonna flick it up to my hairline and after putting that into the crease

I am blending it out with a blending brush with no additional product on it

Taking concealer, this is the Kat Von D. Concealer in L 7 on a flat brush

I am cleaning up my lid space and making a new crease because my my eyes are kind of hooded

Not even kind of they are hooded, so I need to make a bigger work surface

To set that concealer I'm using the lightest transition shade from the morphe

39a palette and keeping it underneath the line that we just made with concealer

Using the gel liner from juvies place

I'm going back to build that base of our wing and this is going to back our glitter over

The wing we just built I am following that with NYX glitter glue and trying not to go outside

of the lines and keep it as clean as possible and

Then we're applying glitter over that and the glitter that I'm using today is from super glitters calm, and it is in vanity gray

I'm just taking my time and using a slow patting motion and to get the glitter off my face

I'm using a dry towel too lightly flick it away

Now we're gonna Finley outline everything with a liquid eyeliner, and we're gonna try to keep that line as thin as possible

Again using the Saharan 2 palette, I am using Aziza, which is this white shade as a brow bone highlight


Then I'm applying Stella lashes, and these are from Koko lashes

To get rid of the dark circles under my eyes

I am using the Tarte CC color corrector in the shade medium and blending that out with my Real Techniques sponge

My foundation today is Maybelline Dream airbrush finish foundation in the shade honey beige, and I'm blending that out with a morphe 439 brush


Then for my contour. I am using the Make Up For Ever HD foundation stick in Y 505

And then I'm blending that out with a kabuki brush from RC Cosmetics

This brush came in a pack of four

There was a pointed one a rounded one a super flat one and then this one which was like kind of flat kind of rounded

But I remember them being relatively cheap, and they are very very good

And this is an oldie but a goodie

This is the Mac Pro conceal in the shade NC 35, and I'm also blending that out with my Real Techniques sponge

And then I'm gonna set all of my

Highlighted areas with the RCM a no color powder this includes my forehead my nose my chin my under eye area

My jawline to clean up that contour and my upper lip so that I don't have any shine above there

And then we are not baking we are just setting so I am immediately gonna wipe all of that away

and then to set all of my contour areas I am using the

glamour dolls bronzed and bitten Lisa Frank bronzer

Which is so good you guys if you are in the market for a contour? Oh my god this powder is so good and

then for blush I am using the tarte amazonian blush in feisty and

Because every holiday look needs a highlighter

I am highlighting with champagne pot from Becca cosmetics, and there's a time where I put a little too much my nose

And then I put way too much on my forehead so if you ever get yourself in this situation you can always take some off

By using a beauty sponge going back into Fez we are going to put that under the lash line

But as close to it as possible

and then I'm blending that out with a bigger brush that doesn't have any additional product on it and

Then to open that eye up a bit, I'm using a nude eyeliner from Rimmel and to finish off the eyes. I am applying mascara

Now for the lips I am lining my lips with Bichette from colour-pop

And then I put it on the outside of my lips the outer corners

And then on the inside in the middle. I am using Monte Carlo. Which is a NYX soft matte lip cream?

And this is your classic look, but if you are extra AF like me

Then we need glitter then to top your lips. You should use the NYX glitter glue and

Then on top of that I am applying sabor red from super glitters calm if you guys are in the market for glitters

These glitters are cheap

And they are so good and they're linked in my description box down below and that will finish up this look

I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did, please give it a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination

And if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure that you hit that subscribe button and that notification bell so that you don't

Miss anything and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> Holiday makeup tutorial |Glitter wing | Glitter Lips | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 5:35.


2017 Nissan GT-R: Godzilla Grows Up But Still Eats Supercars For Breakfast part 3 - Duration: 4:55.

2017 Nissan GT-R: Godzilla Grows Up But Still Eats Supercars For Breakfast part 3

Which is No Big Thing. Honestly.

Within minutes of driving the GT-R, I'm doing my best to keep my foot pinned to the gas and let the ATESSA all-wheel-drive system shunt the torque forwards or backwards as it sees fit.

Nothing's changed in the transmission, it's still an LSD in the back, open differential in the front and the key to getting the GT-R to go quick is to minimize lifting the gas pedal on the exit.

Oversteer? Steer it back out, widen your line.

Understeer? It's rare, even in the wet.

Maybe lift, just a little, or even left-foot brake if you're that way inclined.

Doing some little skids in the GT-R is relatively simple in the wet.

Turn wheel, apply gas, steer out of the turn, repeat.

The AWD will always try to pull the car in the direction you're steering, I can't even imagine what kinds of lead-footed idiot could spin the big Nissan on the power alone.

I'm sure somebody will Google hard enough and post a comment below.

But really big skids are a little bit more difficult, as it's the lift off-oversteer (with some cheeky subtle braking) that really gets the car sliding sideways.

In fact, I have to get something off my chest—I eventually spun, for the first time in nearly three years of weekly track driving, at Bruxelles because after getting her 90-degrees broadside, my brain won't let me mash the gas pedal hard enough.

Enough of the hooligan antics—we've ascertained that the GT-R is grippier, faster, even easier to drive than in previous years.

So what's next?.


The shift paddles are now attached to the wheel, BMW/Corvette style, which in my opinion is far superior.

In previous years the shifters were attached to the column, like a Ferrari, so if you were steering a lot, or even counter-steering, you'd have to take a hand off the wheel to click that paddle.

A kind of Darwinian process to remind drivers that shifting in turns is bad.

Driving the car back to Germany to hand it back to its keepers, I was a little bit sadder than normal.

Yes, the latest (and very likely last R35) GT-R is a little more expensive, a little softer, and a little quieter.

But it's also the most capable, most powerful and most premium-feeling Godzilla yet produced.

It gets just enough of the NISMO-treatment to make you feel special, while not enough to destroy the manners or "feel" of a $110,000 car.

"There's always the feeling that they save the best 'til last," I lament to my co-driver on the autobahn.

"Like the R34, or the Mazda RX-7, the final editions are always awesome, but you know it's nearly over.".

"Dale, keep your eyes on the road," is what he should have said next.

We were doing nearly 300 km/h, after all.

But he just nodded.

For more infomation >> 2017 Nissan GT-R: Godzilla Grows Up But Still Eats Supercars For Breakfast part 3 - Duration: 4:55.


10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths - Duration: 16:32.

I'm a little triggered -I just watched the worst post-workout nutrition window

video I've ever seen -it's terrible, it needs to be fixed, so I'll give you the

Top 10 Post-Workout Nutrition Myths. I'll invoke my NASA research experience at

the Johnson Space Center, we'll look at some of my nutrient timing research looking at

muscle protein synthesis from the lab that inadvertently founded the whole

anabolic window idea. Basically I'll break down everything I learned in my naive

attempt to become the world's expert in nutrient timing. At the end I'll show you

what I do with my clients and athletes. We've got a lot to cover, so let's get

right to it.

[Introduction] I'm David Barr and if you're looking to get bigger faster stronger, get leaner,

go longer, hit that subscribe and then the little bell so you don't miss the

latest updates. And I'm going to one-up it for this video: so if you think that

objective evidence is more important than "special feelings", which is how most

people report information, then you can help advance the conversation by sharing

this video -get this info out there. So myth number one, this is a bit of a

gentle warm-up but it's about the glycemic index, or "GI". This is a rating of

how quickly a carbohydrate is supposed to be digested and absorbed into your blood.

Massively flawed -it's going to require an entirely different video on that, I'll

link to in the discussion once that pops up. This was a hard pill to swallow

because like a lot of you, back in the day I took finger pricks after meals to

see how my body was responding to [those] meals. Unfortunately it turns out to not be as

clear-cut as we thought -it's actually a little more complicated -a LOT more

complicated. That's why it's going to take its own video, but for now if you

want more [information], take a look at the waxy maize starch literature review and investigative

report I did for All you have to do is Google waxy maize

starch and it's probably going to be the first search result. So it was pretty awesome,

special thanks to Anthony Almada for giving me as much info as he did, but

right now the glycemic index doesn't seem to be the way to go. I have to give credit

to Kamal Patel from He changed my life by give me the best way to look

at carbohydrates: "Acellular versus cellular" sources. So if a cell's all

crushed up, like bread for example it's probably going to be more rapidly

absorbed. But if it's intact inside the cells, then it's going to be a slower

absorbing carb. So a fantastic update on an outdated idea which is the glycemic

index or GI. And if anyone's still clinging to the whole simple versus

complex carb thing, that's got to go that's 20 years ago, so then we evolved

to glycemic index, it turns out that's not right so now it's cellular acellular

sources. Quick SideBarr, I'm going to refer to my own stuff a lot, it's not

because I'm being self-indulgent. It's because there's just way too much info

to go into detail here, so it's not really about me, it's not about me at all.

It's getting you the best source of info, so

that's why I'm going to link out to other: articles, literature reviews, investigative

reports, that I've done. So myth number two, another warm up myth, was the idea of

combining a solid protein with a fast carbohydrate source, expecting the carbs

to be absorbed quickly. I don't know where this came from -it's almost like we [would]

have separate compartments in our gut for fast and slow things. But no, it all gets

mixed together so if you're consuming a solid protein it's going to be a slower

digesting protein -it doesn't matter if it's lean like chicken or fish, it's still

going to be a slower absorbing protein, and that's ultimately going to slow down

the rest of your carbohydrate intake. Again we don't have different

compartments in our gut so keep things fast or slow. Question Of The Day: what

are you consuming post-workout? Are you consuming protein and carbs? Just protein?

Whole meals? Let us know in the comments below.

Myth number three comes from something called a "drip feed". now if you're

consuming fast carbs and protein this is not what you're looking to do -you're

looking for anabolic spikes, you're not looking for slow and steady release or a

drip feed. So most of the time we DO want a drip feed, but again if you're

consuming that whey protein, consuming fast carbs, that's not what you're after,

you want that anabolic spike or anabolic pulse, so I cover this in detail with the

nutraceutical effect in the BCAA article. I'll link to it above in the top right and

I'll link to it in the discussion as well. Because right now BCAAs are broken

-we need to fix them and we do this not by drip feeding BCAAs -not by throwing

them into a protein shake. We fix them by causing that anabolic

spike. Now the most important time to drip feed our nutrients is going to be

at night when we sleep. It's typically thought to be the most anabolic time but it

turns out that it's our most catabolic time because we're fasting. The way to fix

this, the best drip feed is going be casein. Casein protein is slow absorbing,

going to feed the muscle overnight, going to feed the gut overnight which is the

main source of catabolism or muscle breakdown. But that's what we're after.

it's potentially one of the most anabolic practices we can do. It's

actually going to be anticatabolic, it's going to help with growth,

adaptation, and recovery. Great for bodybuilders and athletes alike. I'll

link to that in the discussion and up top. Okay now we're starting to

get into the harder concepts -the harder concepts for us to absorb. Number four is

going to be the idea of nutrient timing itself! This is one of those things I was

giving a talk for a class of prospective strength coaches during a CSCS exam prep

and man, I feel like I ruined their entire day by telling them "yeah nutrient

timing? Not that big of a deal." In fact, I believed this concepts so much, I picked

up my life, moved to Texas to the lab that had inadvertently founded the

anabolic window concept, and man it was only after I got there that I realized

well no there's no actual anabolic window for muscle. Now there IS a window

for carbohydrate absorption into the muscle -glycogen restoration- and that's

mostly important for athletes who are competing regularly or training

regularly. For the average person it just doesn't matter that much. I'll cover that

more in a second. Now a related concept is myth number five, and that's the anabolic

window itself -the idea that there's this magical window for protein ingestion

where it's going to have a magical effect on growth, adaptation, recovery, and

unfortunately I learned the hard way that's not the case. What we were seeing

was what's called the nutraceutical effect and I covered this in the BCAA article

and we mistook this for a post-workout window idea. Oh yeah I did

this for years, I reported on for years. Well, it turns out I screwed up -so did most

of us- so it's really about tapping into that nutraceutical effect -spiking your

blood amino acid levels, or even more specifically the "anabolic trigger" leucine. I

cover that in the BCAA article, but it's the real way to get that boost in

protein synthesis -however transient or short-lived it may be, it may be

something that you'd want to do. Now the problem with the anabolic window concept

is you see people reporting all kinds of different durations. Is it going to be

30 minutes? 60 minutes? 90 minutes? Well people need to get things straight,

because it's really none of the above. It's a misinterpretation of the research.

I did it myself, not a big deal, we just need to evolve, get really into the 21st

century information. Not to be clear I'm talking about this guy who did this

terrible video -I'm not ripping on him as an ad hominem

or a personal attack. He does a lot of good for people, it just turns out this

video was really bad. He based it on an old book called Nutrient Timing. This

book you know has some decent info but it's really old now and it was outdated

before it even hit the shelves especially when it comes to the whole

anabolic window idea. So worse yet he confused it with actual science. A lay

book is not going to be scientific -it's meant for laypeople to absorb and digest,

so a big big mistake. Now the change I tried to do based on nutrient timing was

in this book -a textbook. This is very different from a lay book, this is

award-winning 2015 most delicious for my dog -loved to chew on this thing, but

ultimately it's a great book, in terms of these science. So I co-author a chapter

with Dr. Josh Cotter about nutrient timing, the window, the transient dosing,

or short-term dosing that we need. I don't make any money off this, it's just

a very thorough lit[erature] review. Credit to the editors Dr's Lonnie Lowery and Joey Antonio.

This is a great resource. Myth number six is going to be MASSIVE carb doses. I

don't know why these are still pervasive, but three to one carb to protein ratio

-even a four to one carb to protein ratio after strength training. Come on,

that's insane! And the author in this video actually suggested one gram of

carbs per pound of body weight a couple hours after train. That is INSANE. We just

don't deplete that much glycogen when we're training -we don't! If you want more

info on that, got another textbook chapter in here. This time co-authored

with Anthony Almada who I mentioned earlier. The guy's an absolute Rock Star when

it comes to supplementation, but especially carbohydrates. We go into a

DEEP DIVE in this textbook -again this is very heavy science, it's not an easy read.

I don't make a dime from it, again, but it is a great resource. So what are we

looking for in terms of repletion of carbs after training? Well it really

depends on what you're training. So if you're doing a heavy leg day you're

going to need a little bit more. If you're doing biceps, you're not

depleting much glycogen, especially for say, powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters

-you're just not depleting glycogen. Now this doesn't mean you don't want to be fed

for the workout -you definitely want to have your pre-workout carbs and I'll get

to that in a second, but as far as post-workout carbs, we just don't need

that much after strength training. SideBarr: you get bonus points if you

recognize the original Top Ten Post-Workout Nutrition Myths article

from T-Nation back in the day. I think this one really kicked off the whole

paradigm shift for nutrient timing. I'm really proud of it, but apparently people

are still being fed the old-school info. That's something we need to change, we

need to advance the conversation. After that article on T-Nation, I expanded on

the concepts of my first two books called The Anabolic Index. These are

lay books -they are not meant to be thorough science reviews -these are not lit[erature]

reviews. Okay these are meant to be read and digested by the average athlete -very

different from the textbook chapters I mentioned earlier. Myth number seven: the

idea of using 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates to get an insulin spike

after your workout -the idea being to not only store more glycogen, but actually

increase creatine uptake into muscle. Wow, this is something I did for YEARS. I

screwed this up for SO long. Unfortunately it turns out we need about 70

to 80 grams to get an insulin spike high enough to really drive that creatine in

there. I discussed this in my creatine video -this is where my research

experience at the Johnson Space Center comes into play, working for NASA, very

cool experience, we get into moon landing, old school stuff and ultimately I was

working with a radioactive poison to do research on [mechanisms of creatine transport]. I cover that in the

creatine video, I'll link to it that one you definitely have to check out but

suffice it to say you need a lot of carbs to get the insulin high enough to

get the creatine into your muscle. So contrast these ideas of consuming a lot

of carbs after your workout, but you want a spike with 30 grams after our workout.

These two ideas are incompatible. The way around that is to look at the

creatine video, I also covered a bit in the beta alanine video, these are all linked

-check it out, fully referenced. It's an extrapolated theory but there's a lot of

rock-solid research behind it. Myth number eight: the idea that insulin

is the most anabolic hormone in the body and there's a catch to that because it

IS technically the most anabolic hormone in the body, but this is biochemically

speaking. Because it's very anabolic for carbohydrates and fats -it's great for

storing carbs and fats in our body. It doesn't really matter for protein -I

bought into this HARD. I tried to keep my insulin high for many years, much to the

detriment of my body composition because it turns out insulin, we do need it for

muscle growth, but we only need a little bit. We don't need that much. So the idea

of keeping insulin high -higher is not better. It's going to be one of those

things that you have a little bit of insulin with your protein containing

meal -protein is going to stimulate a bit of insulin. Anyway you're going to be

covered, you don't need a lot of insulin for muscle growth, adaptation, recovery.

Hopefully in presenting my mistakes I get away from the concept that I'm just some

dick pointing the finger at somebody who's screwed up. No I'm trying to show

that you know, we've all been there. I've probably screwed up more than anyone

else and hopefully showing this, you can learn from my mistakes. There's no reason

to continue with something that's not working, unless you really like it then

go ahead. But I'm not trying to take anything away from you, just keep doing

what you want to do. It doesn't mean you have to listen to any of it -I mean

experience is often the best teacher, but I'd feel negligent if I didn't share this

information, maybe help you save some money, time, effort, whatever it is. Myth

number 9: antioxidants. Man I bit into this one HARD -the idea of using things

like vitamin C, vitamin E, NAC or N-acetyl cycteine after training to mitigate that

stress, that oxidative stress that we fear so much. It turns out we might actually

be hurting our gains when we do that because we often confuse "stress"

with something bad. Stress isn't necessarily bad, in fact the very reason

we train is to induce stress! It's called eustress or positive stress. That

causes our body to adapt, so stress isn't necessarily bad and when we take away

that stress[-stimulus] after training, we could be hurting our gains. This is especially

important for athletes in a hypertrophy phase, people looking to change their

physique, bodybuilders. Now conversely in-season team sport athletes might

actually benefit from antioxidants, but that is a topic for another video. I will

link to that once I do -that one's a big BIG topic -one that we screw up quite a

bit and I screwed up for years. Myth number 10 a bit of a warm down: the idea

that cortisol is going to be high after training so we try to mitigate that. This

is largely based on fasted research. Now when I would do research we would always

have our subjects fasted because it helps remove or eliminate a lot of the

variables in the research, so we have a higher fidelity result. But in terms of

actual training, we're going to be fed before our training there's no reason

you want to go into a workout fasted, so especially for strength training you're

going to be fed, it's going to mitigate that cortisol response, it's not

something you need to worry about. Okay so what's the take-home here? Well I have

to preface by saying even though I'm CSCS and recognized strength coach [RSCC] with the

NSCA, and the dual certified sports nutritionist [CISSN, Pn-1] I don't make

recommendations or prescriptions -it's just a CYA thing, but I can tell

you what I do and what I would probably do in your situation. So again, check out

the other videos because there's a lot of info, so I can't cover everything here. But

pretty simply I make sure I'm fueled for the workout.

Now remember that the workout is the stress-stimulus to which our body's

going to adapt. So it's "great" that there's a lot of focus on the 24-48 hours after

the training bout, but it's really the stimulus that's going to come from the

workout itself, so you want to make sure that's optimized. This means having your

carbohydrates. I include things like creatine, beta-alanine,

I include my branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Again I refer to all this in the

different videos -heavily based on the research, right now it's extrapolated

theory, but I think it's pretty tight. This is going to be the topic of my

fourth book, I'll link to it as soon as it's available in the discussion. Now

another tip: to consume these nutrients you often have to be fasted. So what this

means is you fast for a time before consuming these ingredients, these

supplements, then consume them 30 or so minutes before your workout, have your

lift, and THEN I would consume a whey protein, a fast digesting absorbing

protein. And it's NOT because there's a magical post-workout window! This is a

KEY POINT it's because nutrient timing is based on the preceding mea!l That's

the key, that's the key to nutrient timing that so many people miss.

It's something we need to fix and I think this video is going to help with that. So

there's a break down of the top 10 post-workout nutrition myths if you

found this video helpful share it with someone -they just might owe you a

protein shake. I love having people advance the

conversation and leave me comments in the discussion below. I'm David Barr until

next time Raise The Ball

For more infomation >> 10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths - Duration: 16:32.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi 132pk First Edition Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi 132pk First Edition Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:55.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


La Rodriguez, insultata ed offesa, attacca Barbara D'Urso e Monte | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> La Rodriguez, insultata ed offesa, attacca Barbara D'Urso e Monte | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:23.


Uomini e Donne 2017, giovane coppia pensa alle nozze | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne 2017, giovane coppia pensa alle nozze | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:40.


Uomini e Donne, Sonia e Emanuele si sono lasciati? Lo sfogo preoccupa - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Sonia e Emanuele si sono lasciati? Lo sfogo preoccupa - Duration: 3:42.


Louis Tomlinson e Eleanor Calder felici e innamorati dopo un anno insieme - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Louis Tomlinson e Eleanor Calder felici e innamorati dopo un anno insieme - Duration: 3:16.


TV Bottero - Coleção Tropical - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> TV Bottero - Coleção Tropical - Duration: 1:55.


Mercedes-Benz | Peça para uma estrela - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz | Peça para uma estrela - Duration: 3:26.


Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser si sposano: c'è già la promessa - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser si sposano: c'è già la promessa - Duration: 3:42.


Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI 68 5DR STYLE EDITION - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI 68 5DR STYLE EDITION - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D AIRSCAPE - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D AIRSCAPE - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën C4 Cactus e-THP 110pk SHINE met 17'' !!! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus e-THP 110pk SHINE met 17'' !!! - Duration: 0:58.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne, Gemma cacciata da Maria De Filippi? La rivelazione - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne, Gemma cacciata da Maria De Filippi? La rivelazione - Duration: 3:59.


Gossip Uomini e donne,Claudio e Mario sono tornati insieme: accuse e sospetti - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e donne,Claudio e Mario sono tornati insieme: accuse e sospetti - Duration: 4:38.


Uomini e Donne: Giorgio Manetti, fuori onda al veleno - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Giorgio Manetti, fuori onda al veleno - Duration: 4:39.


Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino: il mesaggio inatteso - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino: il mesaggio inatteso - Duration: 3:47.


Belen e Iannone imitano Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Belen e Iannone imitano Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser - Duration: 4:12.


Fabrizio Corona fuori dal carcere a Natale: richiesta rifiutata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona fuori dal carcere a Natale: richiesta rifiutata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:43.


Mindy Kaling Welcomes Baby Girl | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:56.

Mindy Kaling's pregnancy project is complete!

According to E! News, the actress gave birth to a baby girl named Katherine.

The New York Post's Page Six points out that Mindy has still not revealed the identity

of the father, however that doesn't mean Mindy is any less prepared for motherhood.

The actress reportedly told NBC's Sunday Today that motherhood is "unknown" to

her, but that might be one of the benefits...

She reportedly told the show, "I have a lot of control over a lot of aspects of my


This is one where I'm like 'Ok, it's out of my hands,' which is kind of a fun


Congratulations to Mindy for her new addition!

For more infomation >> Mindy Kaling Welcomes Baby Girl | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:56.


O Naruto é Infeliz - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> O Naruto é Infeliz - Duration: 5:04.


GF VIP: Cecilia Rodriguez, parole infuocate contro Francesco: 'non è un poverino' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Cecilia Rodriguez, parole infuocate contro Francesco: 'non è un poverino' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.


In Pista sulle Ohvale con JimBiker & Matteo Picci22! | Ohvale Trackday [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:59.

JimBiker: Will change something on a normal size bike ride after try this?

Staff: I think You'll feel more comfortable (Troll Level Over9000)

Me: Ahahahah that's for sure!

Hello Riders and Welcome from Your MadHorse!

After a long long long time, since I've done a Trackday

infact since May 2017

I hadn't done nothing like

Pitbike, Ohvale, Scooters and Deltaplanes

and specially on Ohvale Bikes (Last Time on it February 2017)

Finally We're back for a very good time

with an extreme cold, infact temperature at 12 O' clock was around 6/7 Celsius degrees

so it was a very cold day with a slippery asphalt

I forgot how to ride Ohvale, infact I didn't felt so good on it

but I had great fun indeed and I've spent this day with 2 guys which "Made my Day"

Their channel Links are in description

I strongly reccomend You to give 'Em a check

They're both very good Motovloggers

and They've awesome bikes

so after this short presentation, enjoy the video ;)

JimBiker: Jim Overtakes!!!

Me: Guys I've some troubles with my Brake lever

MP22: We're are You going? (To JimBiker)

JimBiker: Why Your bike "shoots"?

MP22: This bike is so strange

Me: I Don't feel so good on this bike

Me: Cmon let's get Jim!

Me: He's the guy to beat today

Time to rekt this guys

after the end of last session, GoPro turned off

So I had to do this small post production Outro

I remember You to visit their Channels

Leave a comment

and please share this video

and don't forget to subscribe to keep updated on my latest uploads

See You soon in the next video

Lamps from Your MadHorse ;)

For more infomation >> In Pista sulle Ohvale con JimBiker & Matteo Picci22! | Ohvale Trackday [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:59.


Santa and More Challenges ...

For more infomation >> Santa and More Challenges ...


Renault Grand Scénic 1.5 dCi Bose (GLAZEN DAK/R-link/Climate/PDC/7PERS.!) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Scénic 1.5 dCi Bose (GLAZEN DAK/R-link/Climate/PDC/7PERS.!) - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot Boxer 330 2.2 HDI L1H1 Profit+ (CAMERA/NAV./Airco/R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Boxer 330 2.2 HDI L1H1 Profit+ (CAMERA/NAV./Airco/R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:00.


Holiday makeup tutorial |Glitter wing | Glitter Lips | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 5:35.

What's up guys everybody knows for the holidays you need a liner you need glitter

and you need a red lip so why not give you all of that if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure to

Subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. Let's get started

I'm starting off by using creme brulee from makeup geek as my transition shade and we're putting that directly into the crease to

Deepen up that crease I am using fez from the saharan 2 palette by Juvia splays

I'm using a smaller brush and once I get to the outer lash line

I'm gonna flick it up to my hairline and after putting that into the crease

I am blending it out with a blending brush with no additional product on it

Taking concealer, this is the Kat Von D. Concealer in L 7 on a flat brush

I am cleaning up my lid space and making a new crease because my my eyes are kind of hooded

Not even kind of they are hooded, so I need to make a bigger work surface

To set that concealer I'm using the lightest transition shade from the morphe

39a palette and keeping it underneath the line that we just made with concealer

Using the gel liner from juvies place

I'm going back to build that base of our wing and this is going to back our glitter over

The wing we just built I am following that with NYX glitter glue and trying not to go outside

of the lines and keep it as clean as possible and

Then we're applying glitter over that and the glitter that I'm using today is from super glitters calm, and it is in vanity gray

I'm just taking my time and using a slow patting motion and to get the glitter off my face

I'm using a dry towel too lightly flick it away

Now we're gonna Finley outline everything with a liquid eyeliner, and we're gonna try to keep that line as thin as possible

Again using the Saharan 2 palette, I am using Aziza, which is this white shade as a brow bone highlight


Then I'm applying Stella lashes, and these are from Koko lashes

To get rid of the dark circles under my eyes

I am using the Tarte CC color corrector in the shade medium and blending that out with my Real Techniques sponge

My foundation today is Maybelline Dream airbrush finish foundation in the shade honey beige, and I'm blending that out with a morphe 439 brush


Then for my contour. I am using the Make Up For Ever HD foundation stick in Y 505

And then I'm blending that out with a kabuki brush from RC Cosmetics

This brush came in a pack of four

There was a pointed one a rounded one a super flat one and then this one which was like kind of flat kind of rounded

But I remember them being relatively cheap, and they are very very good

And this is an oldie but a goodie

This is the Mac Pro conceal in the shade NC 35, and I'm also blending that out with my Real Techniques sponge

And then I'm gonna set all of my

Highlighted areas with the RCM a no color powder this includes my forehead my nose my chin my under eye area

My jawline to clean up that contour and my upper lip so that I don't have any shine above there

And then we are not baking we are just setting so I am immediately gonna wipe all of that away

and then to set all of my contour areas I am using the

glamour dolls bronzed and bitten Lisa Frank bronzer

Which is so good you guys if you are in the market for a contour? Oh my god this powder is so good and

then for blush I am using the tarte amazonian blush in feisty and

Because every holiday look needs a highlighter

I am highlighting with champagne pot from Becca cosmetics, and there's a time where I put a little too much my nose

And then I put way too much on my forehead so if you ever get yourself in this situation you can always take some off

By using a beauty sponge going back into Fez we are going to put that under the lash line

But as close to it as possible

and then I'm blending that out with a bigger brush that doesn't have any additional product on it and

Then to open that eye up a bit, I'm using a nude eyeliner from Rimmel and to finish off the eyes. I am applying mascara

Now for the lips I am lining my lips with Bichette from colour-pop

And then I put it on the outside of my lips the outer corners

And then on the inside in the middle. I am using Monte Carlo. Which is a NYX soft matte lip cream?

And this is your classic look, but if you are extra AF like me

Then we need glitter then to top your lips. You should use the NYX glitter glue and

Then on top of that I am applying sabor red from super glitters calm if you guys are in the market for glitters

These glitters are cheap

And they are so good and they're linked in my description box down below and that will finish up this look

I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did, please give it a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination

And if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure that you hit that subscribe button and that notification bell so that you don't

Miss anything and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> Holiday makeup tutorial |Glitter wing | Glitter Lips | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 5:35.


2017 Nissan GT-R: Godzilla Grows Up But Still Eats Supercars For Breakfast part 3 - Duration: 4:55.

2017 Nissan GT-R: Godzilla Grows Up But Still Eats Supercars For Breakfast part 3

Which is No Big Thing. Honestly.

Within minutes of driving the GT-R, I'm doing my best to keep my foot pinned to the gas and let the ATESSA all-wheel-drive system shunt the torque forwards or backwards as it sees fit.

Nothing's changed in the transmission, it's still an LSD in the back, open differential in the front and the key to getting the GT-R to go quick is to minimize lifting the gas pedal on the exit.

Oversteer? Steer it back out, widen your line.

Understeer? It's rare, even in the wet.

Maybe lift, just a little, or even left-foot brake if you're that way inclined.

Doing some little skids in the GT-R is relatively simple in the wet.

Turn wheel, apply gas, steer out of the turn, repeat.

The AWD will always try to pull the car in the direction you're steering, I can't even imagine what kinds of lead-footed idiot could spin the big Nissan on the power alone.

I'm sure somebody will Google hard enough and post a comment below.

But really big skids are a little bit more difficult, as it's the lift off-oversteer (with some cheeky subtle braking) that really gets the car sliding sideways.

In fact, I have to get something off my chest—I eventually spun, for the first time in nearly three years of weekly track driving, at Bruxelles because after getting her 90-degrees broadside, my brain won't let me mash the gas pedal hard enough.

Enough of the hooligan antics—we've ascertained that the GT-R is grippier, faster, even easier to drive than in previous years.

So what's next?.


The shift paddles are now attached to the wheel, BMW/Corvette style, which in my opinion is far superior.

In previous years the shifters were attached to the column, like a Ferrari, so if you were steering a lot, or even counter-steering, you'd have to take a hand off the wheel to click that paddle.

A kind of Darwinian process to remind drivers that shifting in turns is bad.

Driving the car back to Germany to hand it back to its keepers, I was a little bit sadder than normal.

Yes, the latest (and very likely last R35) GT-R is a little more expensive, a little softer, and a little quieter.

But it's also the most capable, most powerful and most premium-feeling Godzilla yet produced.

It gets just enough of the NISMO-treatment to make you feel special, while not enough to destroy the manners or "feel" of a $110,000 car.

"There's always the feeling that they save the best 'til last," I lament to my co-driver on the autobahn.

"Like the R34, or the Mazda RX-7, the final editions are always awesome, but you know it's nearly over.".

"Dale, keep your eyes on the road," is what he should have said next.

We were doing nearly 300 km/h, after all.

But he just nodded.

For more infomation >> 2017 Nissan GT-R: Godzilla Grows Up But Still Eats Supercars For Breakfast part 3 - Duration: 4:55.


10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths - Duration: 16:32.

I'm a little triggered -I just watched the worst post-workout nutrition window

video I've ever seen -it's terrible, it needs to be fixed, so I'll give you the

Top 10 Post-Workout Nutrition Myths. I'll invoke my NASA research experience at

the Johnson Space Center, we'll look at some of my nutrient timing research looking at

muscle protein synthesis from the lab that inadvertently founded the whole

anabolic window idea. Basically I'll break down everything I learned in my naive

attempt to become the world's expert in nutrient timing. At the end I'll show you

what I do with my clients and athletes. We've got a lot to cover, so let's get

right to it.

[Introduction] I'm David Barr and if you're looking to get bigger faster stronger, get leaner,

go longer, hit that subscribe and then the little bell so you don't miss the

latest updates. And I'm going to one-up it for this video: so if you think that

objective evidence is more important than "special feelings", which is how most

people report information, then you can help advance the conversation by sharing

this video -get this info out there. So myth number one, this is a bit of a

gentle warm-up but it's about the glycemic index, or "GI". This is a rating of

how quickly a carbohydrate is supposed to be digested and absorbed into your blood.

Massively flawed -it's going to require an entirely different video on that, I'll

link to in the discussion once that pops up. This was a hard pill to swallow

because like a lot of you, back in the day I took finger pricks after meals to

see how my body was responding to [those] meals. Unfortunately it turns out to not be as

clear-cut as we thought -it's actually a little more complicated -a LOT more

complicated. That's why it's going to take its own video, but for now if you

want more [information], take a look at the waxy maize starch literature review and investigative

report I did for All you have to do is Google waxy maize

starch and it's probably going to be the first search result. So it was pretty awesome,

special thanks to Anthony Almada for giving me as much info as he did, but

right now the glycemic index doesn't seem to be the way to go. I have to give credit

to Kamal Patel from He changed my life by give me the best way to look

at carbohydrates: "Acellular versus cellular" sources. So if a cell's all

crushed up, like bread for example it's probably going to be more rapidly

absorbed. But if it's intact inside the cells, then it's going to be a slower

absorbing carb. So a fantastic update on an outdated idea which is the glycemic

index or GI. And if anyone's still clinging to the whole simple versus

complex carb thing, that's got to go that's 20 years ago, so then we evolved

to glycemic index, it turns out that's not right so now it's cellular acellular

sources. Quick SideBarr, I'm going to refer to my own stuff a lot, it's not

because I'm being self-indulgent. It's because there's just way too much info

to go into detail here, so it's not really about me, it's not about me at all.

It's getting you the best source of info, so

that's why I'm going to link out to other: articles, literature reviews, investigative

reports, that I've done. So myth number two, another warm up myth, was the idea of

combining a solid protein with a fast carbohydrate source, expecting the carbs

to be absorbed quickly. I don't know where this came from -it's almost like we [would]

have separate compartments in our gut for fast and slow things. But no, it all gets

mixed together so if you're consuming a solid protein it's going to be a slower

digesting protein -it doesn't matter if it's lean like chicken or fish, it's still

going to be a slower absorbing protein, and that's ultimately going to slow down

the rest of your carbohydrate intake. Again we don't have different

compartments in our gut so keep things fast or slow. Question Of The Day: what

are you consuming post-workout? Are you consuming protein and carbs? Just protein?

Whole meals? Let us know in the comments below.

Myth number three comes from something called a "drip feed". now if you're

consuming fast carbs and protein this is not what you're looking to do -you're

looking for anabolic spikes, you're not looking for slow and steady release or a

drip feed. So most of the time we DO want a drip feed, but again if you're

consuming that whey protein, consuming fast carbs, that's not what you're after,

you want that anabolic spike or anabolic pulse, so I cover this in detail with the

nutraceutical effect in the BCAA article. I'll link to it above in the top right and

I'll link to it in the discussion as well. Because right now BCAAs are broken

-we need to fix them and we do this not by drip feeding BCAAs -not by throwing

them into a protein shake. We fix them by causing that anabolic

spike. Now the most important time to drip feed our nutrients is going to be

at night when we sleep. It's typically thought to be the most anabolic time but it

turns out that it's our most catabolic time because we're fasting. The way to fix

this, the best drip feed is going be casein. Casein protein is slow absorbing,

going to feed the muscle overnight, going to feed the gut overnight which is the

main source of catabolism or muscle breakdown. But that's what we're after.

it's potentially one of the most anabolic practices we can do. It's

actually going to be anticatabolic, it's going to help with growth,

adaptation, and recovery. Great for bodybuilders and athletes alike. I'll

link to that in the discussion and up top. Okay now we're starting to

get into the harder concepts -the harder concepts for us to absorb. Number four is

going to be the idea of nutrient timing itself! This is one of those things I was

giving a talk for a class of prospective strength coaches during a CSCS exam prep

and man, I feel like I ruined their entire day by telling them "yeah nutrient

timing? Not that big of a deal." In fact, I believed this concepts so much, I picked

up my life, moved to Texas to the lab that had inadvertently founded the

anabolic window concept, and man it was only after I got there that I realized

well no there's no actual anabolic window for muscle. Now there IS a window

for carbohydrate absorption into the muscle -glycogen restoration- and that's

mostly important for athletes who are competing regularly or training

regularly. For the average person it just doesn't matter that much. I'll cover that

more in a second. Now a related concept is myth number five, and that's the anabolic

window itself -the idea that there's this magical window for protein ingestion

where it's going to have a magical effect on growth, adaptation, recovery, and

unfortunately I learned the hard way that's not the case. What we were seeing

was what's called the nutraceutical effect and I covered this in the BCAA article

and we mistook this for a post-workout window idea. Oh yeah I did

this for years, I reported on for years. Well, it turns out I screwed up -so did most

of us- so it's really about tapping into that nutraceutical effect -spiking your

blood amino acid levels, or even more specifically the "anabolic trigger" leucine. I

cover that in the BCAA article, but it's the real way to get that boost in

protein synthesis -however transient or short-lived it may be, it may be

something that you'd want to do. Now the problem with the anabolic window concept

is you see people reporting all kinds of different durations. Is it going to be

30 minutes? 60 minutes? 90 minutes? Well people need to get things straight,

because it's really none of the above. It's a misinterpretation of the research.

I did it myself, not a big deal, we just need to evolve, get really into the 21st

century information. Not to be clear I'm talking about this guy who did this

terrible video -I'm not ripping on him as an ad hominem

or a personal attack. He does a lot of good for people, it just turns out this

video was really bad. He based it on an old book called Nutrient Timing. This

book you know has some decent info but it's really old now and it was outdated

before it even hit the shelves especially when it comes to the whole

anabolic window idea. So worse yet he confused it with actual science. A lay

book is not going to be scientific -it's meant for laypeople to absorb and digest,

so a big big mistake. Now the change I tried to do based on nutrient timing was

in this book -a textbook. This is very different from a lay book, this is

award-winning 2015 most delicious for my dog -loved to chew on this thing, but

ultimately it's a great book, in terms of these science. So I co-author a chapter

with Dr. Josh Cotter about nutrient timing, the window, the transient dosing,

or short-term dosing that we need. I don't make any money off this, it's just

a very thorough lit[erature] review. Credit to the editors Dr's Lonnie Lowery and Joey Antonio.

This is a great resource. Myth number six is going to be MASSIVE carb doses. I

don't know why these are still pervasive, but three to one carb to protein ratio

-even a four to one carb to protein ratio after strength training. Come on,

that's insane! And the author in this video actually suggested one gram of

carbs per pound of body weight a couple hours after train. That is INSANE. We just

don't deplete that much glycogen when we're training -we don't! If you want more

info on that, got another textbook chapter in here. This time co-authored

with Anthony Almada who I mentioned earlier. The guy's an absolute Rock Star when

it comes to supplementation, but especially carbohydrates. We go into a

DEEP DIVE in this textbook -again this is very heavy science, it's not an easy read.

I don't make a dime from it, again, but it is a great resource. So what are we

looking for in terms of repletion of carbs after training? Well it really

depends on what you're training. So if you're doing a heavy leg day you're

going to need a little bit more. If you're doing biceps, you're not

depleting much glycogen, especially for say, powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters

-you're just not depleting glycogen. Now this doesn't mean you don't want to be fed

for the workout -you definitely want to have your pre-workout carbs and I'll get

to that in a second, but as far as post-workout carbs, we just don't need

that much after strength training. SideBarr: you get bonus points if you

recognize the original Top Ten Post-Workout Nutrition Myths article

from T-Nation back in the day. I think this one really kicked off the whole

paradigm shift for nutrient timing. I'm really proud of it, but apparently people

are still being fed the old-school info. That's something we need to change, we

need to advance the conversation. After that article on T-Nation, I expanded on

the concepts of my first two books called The Anabolic Index. These are

lay books -they are not meant to be thorough science reviews -these are not lit[erature]

reviews. Okay these are meant to be read and digested by the average athlete -very

different from the textbook chapters I mentioned earlier. Myth number seven: the

idea of using 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates to get an insulin spike

after your workout -the idea being to not only store more glycogen, but actually

increase creatine uptake into muscle. Wow, this is something I did for YEARS. I

screwed this up for SO long. Unfortunately it turns out we need about 70

to 80 grams to get an insulin spike high enough to really drive that creatine in

there. I discussed this in my creatine video -this is where my research

experience at the Johnson Space Center comes into play, working for NASA, very

cool experience, we get into moon landing, old school stuff and ultimately I was

working with a radioactive poison to do research on [mechanisms of creatine transport]. I cover that in the

creatine video, I'll link to it that one you definitely have to check out but

suffice it to say you need a lot of carbs to get the insulin high enough to

get the creatine into your muscle. So contrast these ideas of consuming a lot

of carbs after your workout, but you want a spike with 30 grams after our workout.

These two ideas are incompatible. The way around that is to look at the

creatine video, I also covered a bit in the beta alanine video, these are all linked

-check it out, fully referenced. It's an extrapolated theory but there's a lot of

rock-solid research behind it. Myth number eight: the idea that insulin

is the most anabolic hormone in the body and there's a catch to that because it

IS technically the most anabolic hormone in the body, but this is biochemically

speaking. Because it's very anabolic for carbohydrates and fats -it's great for

storing carbs and fats in our body. It doesn't really matter for protein -I

bought into this HARD. I tried to keep my insulin high for many years, much to the

detriment of my body composition because it turns out insulin, we do need it for

muscle growth, but we only need a little bit. We don't need that much. So the idea

of keeping insulin high -higher is not better. It's going to be one of those

things that you have a little bit of insulin with your protein containing

meal -protein is going to stimulate a bit of insulin. Anyway you're going to be

covered, you don't need a lot of insulin for muscle growth, adaptation, recovery.

Hopefully in presenting my mistakes I get away from the concept that I'm just some

dick pointing the finger at somebody who's screwed up. No I'm trying to show

that you know, we've all been there. I've probably screwed up more than anyone

else and hopefully showing this, you can learn from my mistakes. There's no reason

to continue with something that's not working, unless you really like it then

go ahead. But I'm not trying to take anything away from you, just keep doing

what you want to do. It doesn't mean you have to listen to any of it -I mean

experience is often the best teacher, but I'd feel negligent if I didn't share this

information, maybe help you save some money, time, effort, whatever it is. Myth

number 9: antioxidants. Man I bit into this one HARD -the idea of using things

like vitamin C, vitamin E, NAC or N-acetyl cycteine after training to mitigate that

stress, that oxidative stress that we fear so much. It turns out we might actually

be hurting our gains when we do that because we often confuse "stress"

with something bad. Stress isn't necessarily bad, in fact the very reason

we train is to induce stress! It's called eustress or positive stress. That

causes our body to adapt, so stress isn't necessarily bad and when we take away

that stress[-stimulus] after training, we could be hurting our gains. This is especially

important for athletes in a hypertrophy phase, people looking to change their

physique, bodybuilders. Now conversely in-season team sport athletes might

actually benefit from antioxidants, but that is a topic for another video. I will

link to that once I do -that one's a big BIG topic -one that we screw up quite a

bit and I screwed up for years. Myth number 10 a bit of a warm down: the idea

that cortisol is going to be high after training so we try to mitigate that. This

is largely based on fasted research. Now when I would do research we would always

have our subjects fasted because it helps remove or eliminate a lot of the

variables in the research, so we have a higher fidelity result. But in terms of

actual training, we're going to be fed before our training there's no reason

you want to go into a workout fasted, so especially for strength training you're

going to be fed, it's going to mitigate that cortisol response, it's not

something you need to worry about. Okay so what's the take-home here? Well I have

to preface by saying even though I'm CSCS and recognized strength coach [RSCC] with the

NSCA, and the dual certified sports nutritionist [CISSN, Pn-1] I don't make

recommendations or prescriptions -it's just a CYA thing, but I can tell

you what I do and what I would probably do in your situation. So again, check out

the other videos because there's a lot of info, so I can't cover everything here. But

pretty simply I make sure I'm fueled for the workout.

Now remember that the workout is the stress-stimulus to which our body's

going to adapt. So it's "great" that there's a lot of focus on the 24-48 hours after

the training bout, but it's really the stimulus that's going to come from the

workout itself, so you want to make sure that's optimized. This means having your

carbohydrates. I include things like creatine, beta-alanine,

I include my branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Again I refer to all this in the

different videos -heavily based on the research, right now it's extrapolated

theory, but I think it's pretty tight. This is going to be the topic of my

fourth book, I'll link to it as soon as it's available in the discussion. Now

another tip: to consume these nutrients you often have to be fasted. So what this

means is you fast for a time before consuming these ingredients, these

supplements, then consume them 30 or so minutes before your workout, have your

lift, and THEN I would consume a whey protein, a fast digesting absorbing

protein. And it's NOT because there's a magical post-workout window! This is a

KEY POINT it's because nutrient timing is based on the preceding mea!l That's

the key, that's the key to nutrient timing that so many people miss.

It's something we need to fix and I think this video is going to help with that. So

there's a break down of the top 10 post-workout nutrition myths if you

found this video helpful share it with someone -they just might owe you a

protein shake. I love having people advance the

conversation and leave me comments in the discussion below. I'm David Barr until

next time Raise The Ball

For more infomation >> 10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths - Duration: 16:32.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi 132pk First Edition Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi 132pk First Edition Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:55.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


I Don't Know Anything | VLOGMAS DAY 19 - Duration: 13:11.

Good morning

For more infomation >> I Don't Know Anything | VLOGMAS DAY 19 - Duration: 13:11.


Like To Get Drunk But Don't Like The Hangover ? The Future Solution Could Be "Alcosynth" (2017) - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Like To Get Drunk But Don't Like The Hangover ? The Future Solution Could Be "Alcosynth" (2017) - Duration: 3:06.


WE ARE FURY - Don't Forget (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Mariah Delage - Duration: 3:08.

I Don't Forget

I Don't Forget

I Don't Forget

It's the nights we're doing wrong I don't forget

Like I saw you when we met

I can't see them

The roads I followed Led me here but I know

That I'm insisting I'm contentÊ

And it's for the bestÊ

The separate ways we went

Can't wrap my head around

I'm living everyday

It's just the fantasies

But No

Cause I stopped you from leaving

I see us dancing In the kitchen light

When I'm coming back home

Kills a part of me

You always had me soarin'

To touch the skyÊ

Built my towers high

Like it didn't move on

We can't go along

Don't Forget, Don't Forget

For The Best

Don't Forget, Don't Forget Me

Like The Rest

Don't Forget, Don't Forget Me

Don't Forget Me For the Best

It's the nights we're doing wrong I don't forget

Like I saw you when we met

Cause I can't see them

Keep that weekend between you and I

And these worn out reasons

Circling ceilings

I wonder how It's not you next to me

Every time I'm laying down

Trying to fall asleep

I've been waiting

The kind of hurt you put on me

I thought you should know

Every night you're gone

I've been wasted

For more infomation >> WE ARE FURY - Don't Forget (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Mariah Delage - Duration: 3:08.


Trump Brags About Making Your Life More Miserable - Duration: 4:26.

Recently, Donald Trump staged an event at the White House where he symbolically cut

red tape leading up to a massive stack that allegedly represented the number of regulations

that the Trump administration has cut since they came into office, as well as regulations

that they haven't yet gotten to cut, but don't worry, they're going to get around to it.

Trump, during this little ceremony, bragged about the fact that they're slashing 22 regulations

for every one regulation that they create.

Well, here's the problem with all of this.

Here's the problem with all of the sycophantic Republicans who are cheering this slashing

of regulations.

Those regulations are designed to save lives of American citizens.

That is what they're for.

That's why we have them.

To protect us.

And, yet, here we have a man who is symbolically not just cutting red tape in that image, he

is cutting a lifeline for American citizens.

A lifeline that the federal government provided to make sure that corporations and buinesses

weren't doing things that were going to intentionally get American citizens and American workers

killed while on the job or while out just living their lives.

Trump further said that he wants to slash American regulations back to where we were

in the 1960s, which, of course, means no Clean Air Act, no Clean Water Act, no Superfund

toxic site cleanup so corporate toxic waste can just go unabated, no Endangered Species

Act, no Wilderness Act, no National Forest Management Act so corporations can come in,

clearcut wherever they want.

Again, all of these regulations and many more that Trump has cut and the ones that he wants

to cut, they save our lives.

And if that's not reason enough for you, then think of it this way.

At least in terms of environmental regulations, for every $1 spent on compliance, it adds

$7 in a ripple effect throughout the local economy in those areas.

So, for every $1 the corporation spend, it generates $7 in economic activity throughout

that economy.

That's good.

We want more money flowing throughout the economy.

Regulations, according to every single credible study that's looked at it, actually create


They don't destroy jobs like Republicans have been telling us for years.

They create jobs.

They create economic activity and they save American lives.

Trust me.

The only people who benefit from repealing these regulations are the CEOs and shareholders

of massive corporations.

Repealing the Clean Air Act isn't going to help mom and pop businesses like Paul Ryan

and Donald Trump say it will.

How may mom and pop oil companies do you know of?

Any mom and pop agrochemical companies out there making roundup knockoffs to compete

with Monsanto?

That's not how it works.

Republicans are relying on the fact that you are not going to educate yourself to learn

what regulations actually do.

They're going to assume that you are stupid and you will buy into their propaganda.

That's how they get away with this.

We have to prove them wrong.

At the moment, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to stop the Trump administration

from slashing these regulations and sending us into an America that is about as bad as

it was in the 1960s in terms of air quality and environmental quality.

We're moving backwards.

We're moving backwards at an amazing rate.

We can't stop that until we get Trump and the Republicans out of office.

Just remember, the next time you go to vote, which party thinks that you should breathe

clean air and which party thinks that air should be just as dirty as it was 20, 30,

40 years ago.

For more infomation >> Trump Brags About Making Your Life More Miserable - Duration: 4:26.


How to Make Automatic Assault Rifle That Sh00ts from Cardboard - Duration: 7:26.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> How to Make Automatic Assault Rifle That Sh00ts from Cardboard - Duration: 7:26.


BlackMirror Part 4: Let's go study - Duration: 17:12.

For more infomation >> BlackMirror Part 4: Let's go study - Duration: 17:12.


The Top 10 Worst Stands - Duration: 12:41.

In all things, there must be a balance.

With bad there's good, with yin there's yang, with death there's Africa by Toto.

Now, I almost forgot the balance and didn't do a weakest stands video after my strongest


Since I'm still working with how I'd like to determine that, I'm going to have this

which is can possibly go hand in hand with the weak category.

It depends.

This is going to be my worst stand list, and a few things to get straight first.

For one, my thoughts on a stand hold no binds to how they were introduced, who their user

is, or the fights involved with these stands.

A few of the stands I have on the list have good fights, but this is on the stand and

not everything around it.

Second, worst is subjective.

You might like some of the stands mentioned here, and if you do then that means you have

your reasons on it, so that's fine.

Now, since we got all the formalities out of the way we can start this off.

Number 10, Bastet.

For what Heritage for the Future did to this stand, I give it massive credit.

I think if I had seen this humanoid form in the manga or anime, I don't think I'd

even be mentioning this stand.

But, for my first reason is this.

(Bastet stand stands introduction).

Look, the first time I had seen this (and sometimes even now) I died when I saw this.

I like idea behind the stand in it's ability and love the game humanoid form, but when

it comes to this outlet…

I just can't get behind it.

The idea of just being the one to unfortunately touch a plug that was set due to a stand is

just so odd since it looked like it just comes out of nowhere.

It's possible that if I saw the humanoid stand set the trap before people got zapped,

I wouldn't have a problem with the stand.

Matter of fact, if Bastet was just shown for what it was the whole time, I think I would

have just liked the stand immediately.

Number 9, Tenor Sax.

So, this is a stand where Araki had just put him in to chill for a moment in the story,

and I get that.

Sometimes you'll need a character for that.

Here's the thing, this stand had the potential to out do what Strength did.

As a stand, if you added in with the ability to manipulate the surrounding so it would

have combat abilities, that would add on to the suspense.

Now, if you were to merge Vanilla Ice, and Tenor Sax together for the fight, it would

multiply the level of suspense.

But, I do like Vanilla Ice being a solo stand user that could take out a whole team.

I saw more potential with this stand, and it being Kenny G is like…

Man, he was done wrong.

But Araki knows about what happened, and he likes Kenny G too, so he goes about it like,

"Yeah, my bad".

Number 8, Yo-Yo Ma.

Look, I think this is the only time where I wanted to physically throw a stand.

And when I see D and G, I'm amazed that he's one of the stand users allowed to share

similarities to the stand when it comes to design.

Ok well, they share a hat.

Here's the thing, the feeling I have for this stand is like when you see something

that makes you shiver and you want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

By throwing it, fire, or something.

I get this with this stand and the puppets from goosebumps.

If I was to ever see either of these then my tactical visor activates.

But I'll give it credit, that's probably what it was going for since you can't get

rid of it.

Number 7, Boy II Men.

Here's another thing I forgot to mention, me not liking the stands holds no binds to

it's references.

Because trust me, I love Yo-Yo Ma, Kenny G, and when it comes to Boys II Men…

[Meme] While I like the arc with Rohan beating up

a kid for all of it, I just want to put the spotlight on the use of the stand.

Imagine you're getting robbed, and then you run up on the robber challenging him to

rock, paper, scissors.

You die right then and there.

Though I would love to see that as a comic.

I hope the Janken kid grew to like more games.

I like the stand's design though.

Number 6, Atom Heart Father.

I don't think it's that difficult to see why Atom Heart Father would be bad.

Imagine if Okuyasu didn't let him out.

He would be stuck there for all of DIU.

If your stand can get you into a situation like that, I might as well be standless.

Though I will say that the stand would be amazing if you could change what camera you're

bound to.

Could've been used for a photographer stand user that traps people into his realities.

I think the only thing you would want to do then is add a weakness since you can change

what camera you're binding yourself to.

Not bound in the way that Atom Heart Father or Superfly are bound, but more having to

keep an item on you always.

So now, you're the photographer stand user that can capture people in your realities

because you keep that thang on you.

Number 5, Super Fly…

Number 5, Super Fly.

Number fi-.

Ok, look the fight was clean, and Toyo is cool.

But imagine being bound to a transmission tower.

How Toyo innovated and made his stand work for him is amazing, but I think it would be

terrible to have a stand like this.

I rather have it be the first stand that people see and fear when they see it moving, because

imagine having this tower drag behind you as you walk.

I wouldn't actually want that in a part, but I feel like there could've been a different

approach for this stand.

I also want to see someone get caught by superfly and turn metal for it.

When look at mecha-josuke, I was like "yeah I need to see this but full".

Another comic idea, summoning Super Fly.

Just Josuke running up on Toyo and Toyo summoning this gigantic stand.

I'm coming to the sudden realization that all these stands have potential for comical


Number 4, Cheap Trick.

So you're telling me that if someone looks at my back, then I will die.

Alright, yeah, I gotcha.

Thank you.

And trust me I know that this stand was underdeveloped, there are a lot of stands that are underdeveloped

that have potential of being even stronger than they were.

Now, there are things that I do like about Cheap Trick.

There's it's independence, and the coloring used in the manga.

There's not really much you can say about Cheap Trick.

I feel like it was made to be one of those stands that you want gone, but at the hand

of the worst fate possible, and he got that so we're good here.

Number 3, The Sun.

I give credit to the user for being able to play all of the Stardust Crusaders at once

and making Joseph curse, both are great things.

But jeez man.

Look, I know Cheap Trick kills you, that's bad.

But imagine have a powerful stand and you have work around your stand because it can

kill you.

Matter of fact, you can't use it against someone else unless you prepared before hand.

You can't run up and use your stand or else you probably die.

Which is also a comic idea.

I'd be massively disappointed if my stand was the sun, and it could kill me.

No one would be able to combat you if you were affected by your stand, and I don't

think a lot of people can grasp how bad that is.

Imagine if Star Platinum stopped time, except he can't move in it either.

So basically, nothing would happen.

And if Star Platinum didn't have a limit on how long he can stop time, time could've

been frozen forever.

Number 2, Notorious B.I.G.

You have no clue how hype I was to hear about Biggie being a stand, but that stand only

coming to life after it dies.

See, attacking your user is bad, only coming to being when your user dies is just a new


This isn't talking about the originality that goes into this stand or even the stands

I previously mentioned.

This stand did it's job in the arc and it was well enjoyed.

But speaking on the practically of the stand if someone was to obtain this stand, it's

terrible for the user.

There is no way of you knowing that your stand did it's one job, and you just have to go

about your ghost life thinking about that.

Now while I can picture Carne looking at Earth and being disappointed that his one job was

fulfilled, I…

I'm going to be honest with you that's pretty funny.

And the final stand, which I will say is the number one worst stand, is Bohemian Rhapsody.

I'll see you guys in the next one!

Alright since we're being real here and the other people confused are commenting right

now, let's talk about what we have here.

Now do I think Bohemian Rhapsody is the worst, no.

I think that it's one of those stands that gets misinformed on what it does.

The user has no control over what he's spawning in and people use it to think that you have

the ability to spawn in Superman to take over the world.

That's not the case.

Now, you also have Survivor the stand that was told to be one of the worst stands possible

for what it does.

And removing the need of it in the arc and the fights caused by it, then yeah it should

be one of the worst stands.

Then there's Catch the Rainbow, a stand only effective in the rain.

Chocolate Disco, which is battleship.

Or even Hey Ya, which is stand that only has positive talks with you.

But see, I've gone across the world.

Searching far and wide.

Each stand and user has to understand, the power that's inside…


And you know what's in that CD, a Stand.

And you know what that stand does?

It boils water.

Look, I'll take positive talks, disappointed deaths, and the actual sun, before I get infected

by an alien disease that gives me an ability that I can do with the ease of an oven.

There is no form for any of you to get attached to either, so no one is combating me on this

boiling water stand.

But, with all jokes aside, yeah that's the worst stand so far.

Worst is subjective, but to me that's it.

At least Super Fly defends me if I know how it works.

Boiling water is out for everyone, but this isn't a my hero video.

I hope you guys enjoyed the video!

Comment your own list of the worst stands in your opinion and be ready to fend for yourself.

I'll see you guys in the next one.

Until then, peace out, and god speed.

For more infomation >> The Top 10 Worst Stands - Duration: 12:41.


Harvey Weinstein's Wife Set To Walk Away With $15 Million (2017) - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Harvey Weinstein's Wife Set To Walk Away With $15 Million (2017) - Duration: 1:37.


En attendant Noël : iZombie - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> En attendant Noël : iZombie - Duration: 2:27.


Mark Martin is wrecked.avi - Duration: 0:10.

Trouble in Turn 1!


Oh! Car on its roof!



Elliott Sadler...

Son of a bitch!

For more infomation >> Mark Martin is wrecked.avi - Duration: 0:10.


Ian Livingstone | Tomb Raider raconté par l'ex-PDG d'Eidos (NAYSHOW) - Duration: 27:20.

For more infomation >> Ian Livingstone | Tomb Raider raconté par l'ex-PDG d'Eidos (NAYSHOW) - Duration: 27:20.


Area 51 Worker Flew UFO & Reveals Secret Time Travel Experience - Duration: 2:50.

A video of A man who claims he was a former area 51 worker is going viral right now because

in the video he says that while he worked at the mysterious air base, he piloted a reverse

engineered alien space craft.

Im going to tell you everything you need to know, here for you on IO.

What is good conspiracy loving potatoes, this is inform overload, where we overload you

with information.

My name is charlotte, and tell me in the comments below what your favourite conspiracy theory


Before I get into this video, I just wanted to tell you about our other channel lifes

biggest questions, where Ron Rebecca and I answer questions like, what is the government

hiding at area 51.

So if that sounds like something you're interested in, definitely subscribe.

Alright, lets talk about Robert miller.

Robert miller says that he used to work at area 51, and that the US government is hiding

aliens, spacecraft and evidence of extra terrestrials.

Area 51 is a famed US military airforce base, its one of the most top secret places in the

entire world.

It was said to be the place where the wreckage from the infamous roswell crash in the 1947

was taken.

Rumor has it, Scientists at area 51 used the wreckage to reverse engineer a spacecraft.

And Robert Miller says that he was a part of a program at area 51 where he actually

test drove one of these spacecraft.

But the crazy thing is, this spacecraft did not have a steering wheel or a joystick, or

any other controls you normally find on a flying vehicle.

This spacecraft was controlled telepathically, as in with his mind.

He would have to imagine himself as the vehicle.

He got 500 feet off the ground when the engine stopped.

As it hit the ground, he was knocked unconscious, and he woke up in the hospital.

Miller also says that he believes that the aircraft time travelled.

Normally, I would be really quick to point out that this is a full on hoax, but recently,

the new york times and politico confirmed that there actually is a UFO inbestigative

program at the pentagon.

Its called the advanced Aerospace Threat Identification program.

There was also a recently declassified video that was released that shows a glowing, rotating

aircraft that was filmed by pilots in the Navy.

The pilots thought this mysterious rotating aircraft was a drone, until it began to behave


Do you think all of these stories about UFOs coming out at the same time are a coincidence?

Or do you think theres something bigger going on here?

NickNick – Nobody clickbaits as hard as IO.

Honestly, I disagree.

Some of the clickbait on youtube is sooo bad.

You'll watch a 10 minute jake paul video to find out if it correlates to the title,

only to realize it was clickbait.

At least our videos are no more than 3 minutes.

Earth Basher – y do you love doing videos.

Y do u love watching?

Potato for life – charlotte you've taught me more than any of my teachers.

Aw that's nice, but also worrysome.

That is all for this video and thanks for watching IO.

Hey, are you still here?

There's only a couple seconds left of this video, so if you wanna watch another one like

it, check out our aliens playlist, clickable on the screen right now.

Don't forget to click the bell so you never miss an upload.

For more infomation >> Area 51 Worker Flew UFO & Reveals Secret Time Travel Experience - Duration: 2:50.


David, Victoria Beckham NOT Preparing To Split After Christmas, Despite Report - Duration: 2:27.

David, Victoria Beckham NOT Preparing To Split After Christmas, Despite Report, David and

Victoria Beckham are not preparing to split up after Christmas, despite a fabricated tabloid


Gossip Cop can exclusively correct this claim.

We're told it's "rubbish."

As recently reported, the soccer star unveiled a new range of Adidas footwear in Shanghai

earlier this month, and with wife Victoria "nowhere in sight," Australia's OK!

speculates the couple is "headed down a slippery slope."

A so-called "source" is quoted as telling the magazine, "Frankly, [David] is bored.

That has led to a ton of partying and nights out, which Victoria doesn't like."

The tabloid's supposed "insider" goes on to claim that because "Victoria is horribly

busy with her fashion and launching her make-up range," there probably won't be an "amicable

split [until] after the holiday period."

The publication's seemingly fake "source" further alleges, "David has a different

crowd he goes out with when he knows Victoria isn't on the scene.

They've simply grown apart.

They have more of a business relationship than a romantic one at this point."

"They agree this is for the best.

They're both eager to start the next chapter of their lives," adds the questionable tipster.

So they're too busy to divorce?

Despite how absurd the claim is, Gossip Cop looked into it, and a source close to the

couple assures us the report is "rubbish."

What's more, our impeccable insider tells us OK!'s constant flow of "incorrect nonsense"

about the Beckham's relationship is "embarrassing."

Making it all the more embarrassing is how Victoria shared a photo on Instagram of herself

and David celebrating at a party together just a few of days ago.

The outlet's latest tale appears to be just a retelling of its previous inaccurate stories

about the couple allegedly "heading for a split."

In fact, the sentence about their relationship being centered around "business" is taken

word-for-word from one of its recent (and untrue) articles about the Beckham family

being "torn apart at Christmas."

Much like that false report, this newest one about David and Victoria preparing to split

after the holiday season is also completely wrong.

For more infomation >> David, Victoria Beckham NOT Preparing To Split After Christmas, Despite Report - Duration: 2:27.


Conversation Tips for Surviving the Holidays | Angie McArthur - Duration: 3:57.

One of the most powerful tools that we discuss in the book is open questions.

And what we mean by that is, open questions are those questions that you possibly cannot

know the answer to.

And what this does is allow us to be authentic.

Many of us are trained in asking leading questions, meaning: "Don't you think that…?"

or, "If you had the choice, wouldn't you…?"

Those are leading you or prompting you into a specific answer, and people feel that right

away—they feel "done to" in kind of a strange way.

An open question is the opposite.

It's a question that, again, I couldn't possibly know the answer to, so it would be

like: "What was the most important Christmas or holiday you remember growing up, and why

was that?"

It's that genuine curiosity in which you're asking another person questions, that they

feel received, and they feel like there's something there that you're really questing.

I mean it's really interesting, the root of the word "question" is "quest";

I'm questing to learn more about you as a person.

We can't fake that, nor should we.

And this is so often forgotten, especially with those who are actually even close to

us—family members—we forget this very innate ability we all have to be genuinely

very curious about one another.

It's like the first time you fell in love or the first time you met someone: you're

really interested for the first time, you're so curious about them and asking them open

questions, like, "Why did you take that job that you did?

I'm so curious to learn that."

It's that type of questioning.

Those are open questions.

And never before has it been so difficult.

We're very polarized in so many ways right now.

So being at the dinner table, what I would offer is first spending time, before entering

into family events, to consider: what do you most want out of this?

And I think if you can answer that question truly from an authentic place it often is

an answer of, "I want connection; I want to spend time with my dad who maybe he doesn't

have 20 more Christmases"—who knows what it is, but being very, very clear on your

intention for that family gathering, that's one.

The second is using inquiry styles to, again, create bridges.

Having political discussions or having discussions about even sports teams can often lead to

heated places, so remembering your intention in that moment and saying, "My intention was

to come here and connect with my father, my intention was to connect with my mother-in-law.

If I ask a bridging question in that moment, like, 'What is really important to you about

the holidays?

I'm really curious, what was it like for you as a child when you met with your parents?'"

Trying to find anything that you can that will help people relate to experiences, relate

to times of strong connection for them, that will increase the connection with our families.

And, again, I go back to those three cardinal rules: You're not going to change another

person, and you can't make them love or like you, and you can't necessarily even

make them see your perspective, but you certainly can respect them and respect how you treat

yourself and them in those moments.

So moving to bridging questions at least allows for a place of connection during these really

important holidays.

For more infomation >> Conversation Tips for Surviving the Holidays | Angie McArthur - Duration: 3:57.


Travis Scott Type Beat with Hook | ON MY OWN - Duration: 3:17.

2017 Maskerade Beats & Hooks

Travis Scott

Type Beat with Hook


For more infomation >> Travis Scott Type Beat with Hook | ON MY OWN - Duration: 3:17.


Trump's first year in review - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Trump's first year in review - Duration: 1:56.


Celebrate 'STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI' With Rey-Inspired Hairstyle Tutorial - Duration: 1:48.

(digital futuristic computer sounds)

- [Narrator] Pull back a two inch section of hair

and put a small band at the top of the head.

The small ponytail will be added

to the next larger ponytail.

Create a section of hair starting from in front of your ear

to the top back of your head

and band just slightly toward the back and center.

Fold hair over so it is about two inches long

and place another band around to hold the folded ponytail.

Wrap the rest of the length of hair around that band.

Place bobby pins to hold ends securely.

Gather the next section midway down behind your ear

and band it so that it is positioned

directly under the first looped ponytail.

Fold hair over so it is about two inches long.

Band folded hair in place

and wrap the leftover hair around the ponytail.

Place bobby pins to hold ends securely.

Gather the remaining hair and band it so that

it is positioned under the second section of hair.

Fold hair over.

Repeat the same steps as previous looped ponytail.

Then, wrapping the leftover hair around

and placing bobby pins to hold ends securely.

Your training is complete.

(digital futuristic computer sounds)

For more infomation >> Celebrate 'STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI' With Rey-Inspired Hairstyle Tutorial - Duration: 1:48.


Amanda Nieman Success Story — 87 Pounds Down With The Cooking Light Diet (full) - Duration: 2:31.

- After losing 87 pounds on the Cooking Light diet,

there are a lot of little things I've noticed,

things like being able to walk to the top

of the train stairs and not get winded.

When I sit on the train, I take up

a little bit less room than I once did.

I knew I needed to do something

to get my weight under control,

and on social media I saw the Cooking Light diet

and I signed up with the program.

It turned out that that very first free trial,

there were four or five recipes that I loved.

I realized that the Cooking Light diet was starting to work

after a few weeks of cooking delicious food,

having wonderful meals, not feeling hungry,

feeling super satisfied with what I was eating,

and then also losing weight.

The ability to go to the grocery store

and get what you need to cook these delicious recipes

for me has really been a game changer

to have something fit so well and be so easy

and also give me such success.

There's something about the message

of healthy food doesn't have to be tasteless.

It's about teaching you how to shop at the grocery store

or what kinds of food you need to be looking for.

It's also really helped with going out

to lunch during the work day.

I know that I have a delicious meal waiting for me,

so I can just go to the kitchen,

heat up what I had for dinner last night,

and it's been incredibly helpful to be able to do that.

I have an amazing group of friends

and I'm really excited when I can have them over.

Their love and their encouragement, and to be honest

their love of eating my food has really kept me going.

It's so heartwarming to know that

I can introduce healthy recipes and have my friends

say things like, "I love to come to your house"

"because I know I'm gonna eat really great food"

"and it's gonna be good for me."

I love hearing things like that.

(gentle music)

It hasn't been an easy journey for sure.

Changing your life is never an easy task.

I have lost 87 pounds on the Cooking Light diet,

and it feels fantastic.

It's important to share it with people

because you can feel good about yourself

and still eat really good food.

Making healthy changes, eating food that's good for you,

moving more, exercising, all of it really does

impact your outlook on life, how happy you feel,

how excited you are to start every day.

And then I'm stopping 'cause I'm gonna start crying again.

For more infomation >> Amanda Nieman Success Story — 87 Pounds Down With The Cooking Light Diet (full) - Duration: 2:31.


Mindy Kaling Welcomes Baby Girl | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:56.

Mindy Kaling's pregnancy project is complete!

According to E! News, the actress gave birth to a baby girl named Katherine.

The New York Post's Page Six points out that Mindy has still not revealed the identity

of the father, however that doesn't mean Mindy is any less prepared for motherhood.

The actress reportedly told NBC's Sunday Today that motherhood is "unknown" to

her, but that might be one of the benefits...

She reportedly told the show, "I have a lot of control over a lot of aspects of my


This is one where I'm like 'Ok, it's out of my hands,' which is kind of a fun


Congratulations to Mindy for her new addition!

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