Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 26 2017

Peugeot 308. Moose Test:

This Peugeot 308 has given us one of the best results in the moose test of all the cars that we have tested so far.

Not only have the reactions been safe and predictable, but, in addition, the intervention of stability control goes virtually unnoticed by the driver.

The maximum speed of entry at which we managed not to knock down cones was 82 km / h. It is an excellent value.

We have considered this pass valid despite having a badly placed cone that we did not realize.

However, we mark the inner corners of the cones with a white signal that, fortunately, is well observed in the video,

so we know that it did not touch the cone in its trajectory.

We did pass faster and we were always very close to getting it. The 308 always followed the path marked with the steering wheel very easily,

without violent reactions and losing very little speed at the exit of the test.

The brake lights come on at specific moments of the maneuver, making it clear that the stability control has intervened.


During the slalom we corroborate the impressions that we have told about the car in the written test that appears linked in the description of this video.

The 308 is a car with a chassis exquisitely tuned, agile, easy to drive fast and that changes trajectory fast.

Electronic controls do not have the need to slow down the car to follow the driver's orders.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 2017 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | km77.com - Duration: 2:18.


Predicen más problemas para Julián Gil y Gabriel Soto en 2018 - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Predicen más problemas para Julián Gil y Gabriel Soto en 2018 - Duration: 3:57.


Las Dos Frases Que te Desempoderan y Que Debes Sacar de Tu Vida - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Las Dos Frases Que te Desempoderan y Que Debes Sacar de Tu Vida - Duration: 2:38.


Harry Kane supera a Leo Messi y es máximo goleador de 2017 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Harry Kane supera a Leo Messi y es máximo goleador de 2017 - Duration: 2:21.


Horóscopo hoy, 26 de diciembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo hoy, 26 de diciembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:11.


¡El Puma Rodríguez sigue mejorando de su operación! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> ¡El Puma Rodríguez sigue mejorando de su operación! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:53.


Bachata Mix 2018 - Shakira Y Prince Royce, Romeo Santos, Marc Anthony - Bachatas Romanticas - Duration: 1:02:22.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachata Mix 2018 - Shakira Y Prince Royce, Romeo Santos, Marc Anthony - Bachatas Romanticas - Duration: 1:02:22.


DEVLOG #2 - Phobos Vector Prime gameplay and mechanics - Duration: 6:30.

Let's start with the movement, using both joysticks.

with the left one we move the spacecraft horizontally and vertically.

We move it. Then we have the basic shot

In our game we have different ammunition

and depending on what the player needs, he will use one or the other.

In this case I have missiles.

We have a limited number of that.

They do area damage

and are more effective against structures.

As you see, there's no ammunition left.

And we go back to our blaster, which is our standard ammunition.

Finally, a mechanic that we have recently implemented is the Dash.

It is operated by L1 and this allows us to dodge the shots,

also going into battle and leave it. I could not dodge the shots, anyway.

For example, to dodge, here's a laser.

We can jump the gun and dodge it.

We have several skills here.

They are integrated combat systems, which are the skills of spacecraft

that I'll explain further in the multiplayer.

We're in the multiplayer now.

I'll discuss the different skills that spacecraft

have among themselves.

In the spaceship Bounty Killer, all your skills are intended to tactical combat.

With this, for example, I become invisible. I'm invisible to all players

and to the enemy AI, I'm no longer a target for them.

And to get out of combat or enter it comes very well.

Or to be behind the enemy

to ambush him. It comes it handy.

Second important ability.

We invisible mines, do a pretty high damage

and the enemy can't perceive it.

That's useful when making the ambush.

And last but not least, the ultimate attack.

The particle accelerator.

This comes in handy because it goes through all the enemies that are in your range.

It also does a lot of damage and

the combination of being invisible, approaching the enemy, getting behind

and making an attack

of this magnitude does a lot of damage.

Here we have another ship from our game, this is from the Renegade faction.

They are oriented to tank combat, to hold in combat.

This is the first skill, it's called "Breath of battle".

This gives you a resistance that makes you endure much more damage.

The next skill is the "Death hug", a damage shield.

When you're close to the enemy it causes damage per second

and kill it quickly.

And, finally, the last skill, which makes a wave in the area and that does a lot of damage.

In the last place, Milician

all your skills are intended to damage, to the offensive combat.

In this case, we have the 'Eagle' spacecraft.

This is the basic shot, and the first skill makes this

basic shot faster. When I activate it

the shot is faster, so I double the damage.

The second skill is

"Shockgun", it's a wide range shot.

And this is the ultimate skill of Milician

This is the 'Infernal Rain'

It's an area attack.

With a even wider range shot.

Destroy all the enemies in that area.

I will use this ship to explain

tactical personalization, which is one of our

characteristics that differentiate us from the rest of MOBAs.

With tactical personalization the player can choose what type of minion will accompany him in the game.

The way to do it is to move

to these points on the map to get a score,

which will be what we spend to choose

what type of minion we will take to accompany us in combat.

This one is more effective against other drones, this one is a better choice against others players.

And this one is better against structures.

The particularity that makes even cooler

is that it gets away from the enemy structure and bombs it.

And forces the defender to leave the defense

to have to end the drone,

at that time the attacker would use to kill the defender.

These are all the mechanics that I wanted to explain to you.

Of course you will enjoy them when the Phobos Vector Prime comes out.

Also, if you support us,

everything I have told you will grow even more.

We have many ideas and many things that we want to show

you but we need all kinds of support.

I hope you liked it and, as always, I'll see you in the next devlog.

For more infomation >> DEVLOG #2 - Phobos Vector Prime gameplay and mechanics - Duration: 6:30.


5 Razones psicológicas por las que las personas no pierden peso ni siquiera con gimnasio y dietas - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 5 Razones psicológicas por las que las personas no pierden peso ni siquiera con gimnasio y dietas - Duration: 4:17.


¡Mira cómo celebramos Navidad en los parques de Orlando! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> ¡Mira cómo celebramos Navidad en los parques de Orlando! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:28.


Antes y después. Resultados de micropigmentación capilar contra la alopecia o calvicie - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Antes y después. Resultados de micropigmentación capilar contra la alopecia o calvicie - Duration: 3:58.


¡Texas se "congela" durante una novedosa exhibición! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> ¡Texas se "congela" durante una novedosa exhibición! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:12.


¡Un día para devolver los regalos que no te gustaron! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> ¡Un día para devolver los regalos que no te gustaron! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:48.


¡Descubre cómo alcanzar tus metas financieras en 2018! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> ¡Descubre cómo alcanzar tus metas financieras en 2018! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:27.


¿Sabías que las patas de gallo tienen un significado y se pueden prevenir? - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> ¿Sabías que las patas de gallo tienen un significado y se pueden prevenir? - Duration: 7:05.


Estos son los nuevos galanes de telenovela | GyF - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Estos son los nuevos galanes de telenovela | GyF - Duration: 2:52.


El City se cruza en el camino del Barcelona por un fichaje - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> El City se cruza en el camino del Barcelona por un fichaje - Duration: 2:15.


Belén Esteban recibe el mejor y más inesperado regalo de Navidad posible - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban recibe el mejor y más inesperado regalo de Navidad posible - Duration: 4:00.


EE.UU. deniega solicitud de asilo y detiene a periodista que huyó de México - Duration: 3:54.

Yo escribí algunas notas informativas en donde relataba el actuar de los militares

en la zona noroeste de Chihuahua, precisamente en el municipio de Ascensión, Chihuahua,

y concretamente en la población de Palomas, que es la frontera con el estado de Nuevo México.

Esto causó una reacción de disgusto en el secretario de la Defensa Nacional, que envió

al jefe de la Quinta Zona Militar en Chihuahua, el general Alfonso García Vega, a amenazarme

de que ya había escrito unas notas, en concreto tres, en donde hacia los señalamientos de

corrupción, de asaltos cometidos en contra de la población por parte de los uniformados del Ejército.

Y pues me sentenció, me dijo: "Ya escribiste tres notas, y no va a haber una cuarta".

Y claro que hubo una cuarta nota, y hubo una queja ante la comisión de los derechos humanos

y una denuncia ante la Fiscalía del Estado.

Eso motivó a que por un tiempo, después de esas amenazas, buscarán una conciliación

conmigo, pero nunca se dieron los términos de una conciliación.

Así las cosas, permanecí prácticamente con un poco de miedo ante la seria advertencia

de un general, un alto mando del Ejército mexicano.

Ya en el 2008, el ejército irrumpió en mi casa, tumbó la puerta principal, nos amenazó

con sus armas, me tiraron al suelo y me dijeron que andaban buscando armas y drogas.

Nos destruyeron nuestra casa, y obviamente que no encontraron nada, absolutamente nada.

Y nuevamente regresó un temor enorme a nuestras vidas, de tal manera que yo tenía que velar

de noche el sueño de mi hijo y permanecer atento en las ventanas de mi casa para ver

quién pasaba cerca, y yo dormía en mi oficina mientras desarrollaba mi trabajo como periodista.

Ya un mes más tarde, el 5 de mayo por la noche, después de haber irrumpido y destrozado

nuestra casa, tomamos más precauciones, y el 16 de junio de 2008 decidimos ingresar

a los Estados Unidos solicitando asilo político, no sin antes advertir que los militares me

estaban vigilando de una manera muy cercana, y de que una amiga mía me dijo que tenía

un familiar dentro de la élite de acción rápida del Ejército, y este personaje militar

le advirtió a mi amiga que había un plan para asesinarme.

Obviamente tuve que tomar las cosas necesarias de mi casa de una manera muy rápida,

ir por mi hijo a la casa de un amigo donde estaba después de asistir a un servicio religioso,

y nos escondimos en un rancho, un sábado, el 14 de junio, nos escondimos en un rancho,

y el día 16 optamos por cruzar hacia Estados Unidos por la frontera del Berrendo-Antelope

Wellsen, en el Estado de Nuevo México, donde nos pusimos a disposición de los agentes

de inmigración de los Estados Unidos solicitando el asilo político.

For more infomation >> EE.UU. deniega solicitud de asilo y detiene a periodista que huyó de México - Duration: 3:54.


"Una deportación implica la muerte": EE.UU. deniega asilo y detiene a periodista que huyó de México - Duration: 1:15.

Una deportación de nosotros implica obviamente la muerte. ¿Por qué?

Porque el servicio del ICE, dependiente del Departamento de Seguridad Interna de los

Estados Unidos, por ley debe entregar un reporte a las autoridades migratorias de México

y al Consulado, y el Consulado y las autoridades migratorias de México, obviamente, no gozan

de ninguna credibilidad, de ninguna confidencialidad, y por el contrario muchos de sus oficiales,

mucho del personal del consulado o del servicio migratorio están coludidos con el crimen

organizado, y el crimen organizado es precisamente el Gobierno mexicano.

Si no hubiera la anuencia del Gobierno mexicano para que los grupos delictivos pudieran trabajar

con esa impunidad, seguramente serían otras las condiciones, pero el Gobierno mexicano

es el que facilita a los grupos criminales que actúen en total impunidad.

El Gobierno mexicano, como todos lo sabemos, es el más corrupto que existe en todo el

hemisferio y obviamente no goza de ninguna credibilidad.

For more infomation >> "Una deportación implica la muerte": EE.UU. deniega asilo y detiene a periodista que huyó de México - Duration: 1:15.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Some of our favorite Christmas snow photos, videos shared on u local - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Some of our favorite Christmas snow photos, videos shared on u local - Duration: 0:52.


Estranho asteroide em formato de caveira passará próximo da Terra em 2018 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Estranho asteroide em formato de caveira passará próximo da Terra em 2018 - Duration: 5:05.


Hackathon "Isključimo nasilje" 2017 - Duration: 2:56.

Lots of fun, lots of work, lots of stress, not sleeping,

just thinking, consulting with others, googling, coding.

We got 6 high quality solutions, all of them almost ready for realization.

lthough they need a phase for and testing before the launch,

we could have supported all 6 of them,

including allowing for at least part of the change they plan to bring about

It's a bracelet-looking device with a button which, when pressed,

sends a message through a mobile phone app to your safe contact(s).

The message is entered beforehand,

a long with your location

and it can be generic, e.g. "Help me, I'm in danger"

or "Call the police".

Of course, you need to let your contacts know if you have entered them as safety contacts.

I'm happy that we all met here and I think we somehow increased

the critical thinking among youth who see the change

and see how technology, as something that they use every day,

can also be used to prevent and end gender based violence,

and primarily violence against women and girls.

The whole process of transforming ideas into things we can see,

we can play with, we can touch, that has been a wonderful process,

a wonderful experience that we hope to be able to repeat in the future

because I think this is the modern way of brainstorming.

Usually we were brainstorming sitting in a room,

putting ideas on the billboard and then developing a plan.

Now we ask people to really brainstorm and to develop the ideas,

what they think they need.

And that's how the future should look like.

For more infomation >> Hackathon "Isključimo nasilje" 2017 - Duration: 2:56.


추신수 아내(부인) 하원미 결혼 스토리 - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> 추신수 아내(부인) 하원미 결혼 스토리 - Duration: 7:26.


Chính thức : Giải hạng 2 Kimpt Fifa Online 3 Championship - Vòng 26 - Mùa giải 2017/2018 - Duration: 2:17:16.

For more infomation >> Chính thức : Giải hạng 2 Kimpt Fifa Online 3 Championship - Vòng 26 - Mùa giải 2017/2018 - Duration: 2:17:16.


RET metro RSG3 + HSG3 te Vijfsluizen in de sneeuw! - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> RET metro RSG3 + HSG3 te Vijfsluizen in de sneeuw! - Duration: 1:35.


The diagnosis of glaucoma. Decreased eye pressure. Treatment eyes. - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> The diagnosis of glaucoma. Decreased eye pressure. Treatment eyes. - Duration: 0:49.


GF VIP: Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser: Natale a casa di Belen | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser: Natale a casa di Belen | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:02.


GF VIP: Anticipazioni L'isola dei famosi 2018 cast: ecco chi sono i naufraghi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Anticipazioni L'isola dei famosi 2018 cast: ecco chi sono i naufraghi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.


Don't Drink and Drive

For more infomation >> Don't Drink and Drive


off & gun; i wanna know love - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> off & gun; i wanna know love - Duration: 0:25.


PRZEKĄSKI NA SYLWESTRA 🎊 | Karol Okrasa & Kuchnia Lidla - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> PRZEKĄSKI NA SYLWESTRA 🎊 | Karol Okrasa & Kuchnia Lidla - Duration: 9:07.


The Art of Fugue - Johann Sebastian Bach I BWV 1080 I Piano music - Duration: 1:18:07.

♫ The Art of Fugue - Johann Sebastian Bach ♫

♫ The Art of Fugue - Johann Sebastian Bach ♫ "Contrapunctus 1"

"Contrapunctus 2"

"Contrapunctus 3"

"Contrapunctus 4"

"Contrapunctus 5"

"Contrapunctus 6 a 4 in Stylo Francese"

"Contrapunctus 7 a 4 Per Augmentationem"

"Contrapunctus 8 a 3"

"Contrapunctus 9 a 4 Alla Duodecima"

"Contrapunctus 10 a 4 Alla Decima"

"Contrapunctus 11 a 4"

"Contrapunctus Inversus 12 A4 - Forma Inversa"

"Contrapunctus Inversus A4 - Forma Recta"

"Contrapunctus Inversus A3 - Forma Inversa"

"Contrapunctus Inversus A3"

"Canon Per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu"

"Canon Alla Ottava"

"Canon Alla Decima in Contrapunto Alla Terza"

"Canon Alla Duodecima in Contrapunto Alla Quinta"

"Fuga a3 Soggetti (completion by Pianist)"

For more infomation >> The Art of Fugue - Johann Sebastian Bach I BWV 1080 I Piano music - Duration: 1:18:07.


GF VIP: Anticipazioni L'isola dei famosi 2018 cast: ecco chi sono i naufraghi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Anticipazioni L'isola dei famosi 2018 cast: ecco chi sono i naufraghi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.


Fake 2PM - Taecyeon Birthday - Duration: 0:36.


It's been so long!

Wow! you're so awesome!

Minjun: Tacyeon~

I love you Taecyeon

I missed you

For more infomation >> Fake 2PM - Taecyeon Birthday - Duration: 0:36.


Spela i Pussel Babblarna för små barn. - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Spela i Pussel Babblarna för små barn. - Duration: 2:26.


katsouusinsilmin(?) footage - Duration: 3:28.

witness the truths

wake up


I have witnessed the truth

Aapo Weckman

I'm not gone.

I'm somewhere, where I'm under perfect protection. I am untouchable.

So, I can help you now.

Find me, and I'll aid you. I cannot tell you my location.

For more infomation >> katsouusinsilmin(?) footage - Duration: 3:28.


HOLIDAY FAVES! | 연말 짱짱제품! - Duration: 27:15.

For more infomation >> HOLIDAY FAVES! | 연말 짱짱제품! - Duration: 27:15.


АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ #52 - Что это у тебя там такое твёрдое? - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ #52 - Что это у тебя там такое твёрдое? - Duration: 5:48.


'SBS 가요대전'서 아이유X유희열 특급 콜라보 무대 펼친다 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 'SBS 가요대전'서 아이유X유희열 특급 콜라보 무대 펼친다 - Duration: 2:11.


Tips for Sellers - Wallpaper - Duration: 1:58.

Karin Carr here in Savannah, Georgia with Keller Williams and now we are on tip

#3 in my series of tips for sellers. So what else can

we do to get the house ready to put on the market? One of the biggies is

wallpaper. Wallpaper really kind of went out of fashion probably fifteen years

ago, and when buyers come in and they see a house with a lot of wallpaper all they

can think of is, "Oh my gosh, this looks like my grandma's house. This is gonna be

so much work to get rid of." I haven't sold a house in the last five years that

had wallpaper where the buyer did not immediately talk about removing the

wallpaper. So go ahead and do it now. It's not hard, it's just messy. So as you are

moving all of the furniture out of the room so that you can steam the wallpaper,

or I've seen all kinds of tips on Pinterest about mixing stuff up in a

spray bottle, spray it, let it soak, then scrape it off... I mean, you can try

whatever you need to do. Or hire a handyman to do it for you professionally.

As you are removing stuff out of the room, go ahead and start packing some of

that stuff up. You're going to be packing to move anyway. Clear away anything that

is making a house look cluttered. Too much knick-knacky stuff on shelves? Go

ahead and just pack that away since you're doing it now and get the

wallpaper off. And then refer to tip #1 where we talked about paint

colors. Just make sure that the walls are an attractive neutral contemporary paint

color and that will make a huge, huge, huge difference in the way that the room

looks and that the way that it is received by buyers who come and see the

house. Stay tuned for tip #4!

For more infomation >> Tips for Sellers - Wallpaper - Duration: 1:58.


Hackathon "Isključimo nasilje" 2017 - Duration: 2:56.

Lots of fun, lots of work, lots of stress, not sleeping,

just thinking, consulting with others, googling, coding.

We got 6 high quality solutions, all of them almost ready for realization.

lthough they need a phase for and testing before the launch,

we could have supported all 6 of them,

including allowing for at least part of the change they plan to bring about

It's a bracelet-looking device with a button which, when pressed,

sends a message through a mobile phone app to your safe contact(s).

The message is entered beforehand,

a long with your location

and it can be generic, e.g. "Help me, I'm in danger"

or "Call the police".

Of course, you need to let your contacts know if you have entered them as safety contacts.

I'm happy that we all met here and I think we somehow increased

the critical thinking among youth who see the change

and see how technology, as something that they use every day,

can also be used to prevent and end gender based violence,

and primarily violence against women and girls.

The whole process of transforming ideas into things we can see,

we can play with, we can touch, that has been a wonderful process,

a wonderful experience that we hope to be able to repeat in the future

because I think this is the modern way of brainstorming.

Usually we were brainstorming sitting in a room,

putting ideas on the billboard and then developing a plan.

Now we ask people to really brainstorm and to develop the ideas,

what they think they need.

And that's how the future should look like.

For more infomation >> Hackathon "Isključimo nasilje" 2017 - Duration: 2:56.


AERIAL TWIST - How to JUMP #21 - Duration: 6:56.

Hi and welcome to my place.

Make yourselves at home, have a snack at the bar.


In the meantime, let's have a look at another 'How To,' that is the aerial twist.

It's going to be fine.


Let's roll, starting with the aerial.

Since this is an a-twist, an aerial is a must.

We jump over the mattress and do the aerial.

One more time to feel the distance.

Over the mattress.

See me do this a little differently,

not focusing on making my position even.

I'm doing this from my side.

You'll need this.

Now we do this aerial,

starting in the same way, from the side,

trying to join my legs so as not to fall on the side.

We try to join our legs.

It would be best to fall facing that way,

since only 180 degrees stand between us and the third step.

We do the aerial, join our legs and see what happens.

I fell somewhere right here with a twist.

Let's try the whole thing.

Let me show you this in slow-mo.

We make a jump right here, this arm doing the aerial

with a swing down, the other joining in to start the rotation.

That's it.

If you're afraid, use a mattress.

I'm not.


Looks easy, because it is easy.






Here we go about some of the mistakes.

First, all mistakes that you can make learning an aerial.

All of them must be eliminated to make it perfect.

We might also call our aerial a side flip for those of you who practice gymnastics.

Apart from the aerial related mistakes, here are some that you can make with an a-twist.

The first one is not making a swing with your leg, doing more of a side flip with both legs, no swing at all, just turning.

Instead of making a swing with my right leg, I'll make a bounce from my both legs.

It might work on a trampoline, but will fail on a hard ground, since you'll lack momentum,

and you might fall flat on your pretty faces.

Let's roll, no swing.

I managed.

One more time.

No swing.

It might work, but this is not the trick we've talked about where we have this nice swing of one leg,

followed by the other one and a pretty landing.

Another thing, the usual, no arms.

Even one arm might help us in doing the aerial.

If I'm doing this left-wise, I start with my left arm to give me the momentum I need.

This way so as to prevent me from falling on my chest or knees.

Once I know I've made it, the other arm helps me turn.

No hands.

I managed,

but when I make a swing with my arms, this looks a lot better.

Now for the third mistake.

Don't crouch too much when in the air.

This is a technical and visual mistake, making our aerial look less pretty.

It might be good to gain some altitude

when landing, to make the leg straight, to do a gainer or a corkscrew.

Don't crouch.

Don't do anything like that.

If you want to make an upgrade to a double twist,

the more you crouch, the less rotation you will get.

Try to straighten up even with a single a-twist.

Easy, right?

If you've managed the a-twist already, try adding a front flip or a webster.

First the front flip, then the a-twist.

See what it looks like.

Our front flip must be strong to give us more momentum.

Piece of cake. You have to try this one.

That's all for today.

f you're scared, try the foam pool or a mattress, ask an instructor for help.

They will certainly help you, providing support.

Make your a-twist perfect, going for the double one and its various types.

Like, sub and share. See ya!

For more infomation >> AERIAL TWIST - How to JUMP #21 - Duration: 6:56.


(祈禱的回應 Ep 4) - 上帝, 可以不提這事嗎? ; 神回: 你在我眼中還是完美的。我是如何走出性騷擾感覺的陰霾…. 不是抽水, 最不想提的事 (什麼是創傷後遺症) - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> (祈禱的回應 Ep 4) - 上帝, 可以不提這事嗎? ; 神回: 你在我眼中還是完美的。我是如何走出性騷擾感覺的陰霾…. 不是抽水, 最不想提的事 (什麼是創傷後遺症) - Duration: 3:36.


Rainorah and the Girl Scout Cookies - Duration: 1:02.

Hi, My name's Rainorah and I'm

super excited to be selling girl scout cookies for the first time ever

Getting your cookies is SUPER easy too.

Just click the link to my website

and place your order,

and I'll deliver them to your door.

Don't live in Germantown?

Shipping is available too.

Swore off sweets in the new year?

Send a box or two to our troops.

It's not Rocket Surgery.

You get delicious cookies.

I learn to be a

a go-getter,.

an innovator,

a risk taker,

and a leader.

For more infomation >> Rainorah and the Girl Scout Cookies - Duration: 1:02.


🐻 DEAMN - Rendezvous (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:10.

📝 DEAMN - Rendezvous Lyrics

Don't kill my vibe Rendezvous

Don't kill my vibe

I'll be there for you Call on me when you're lonely

Dancing on the roof It feels like rendezvous

You know what to do Keep your love for me only

I get high on you, yeah, you

Hey, baby Kiss me hard, don't kill my vibe

All my feelings on fire It's our time

Hey, baby Kiss me hard, don't kill my vibe

All my feelings on fire It's our time

Don't kill my vibe Rendezvous

Don't kill my vibe It's our time

Don't kill my vibe Rendezvous

Don't kill my vibe It's our time

I'll be there for you Call on me when you're lonely

Dancing on the roof It feels like rendezvous

You know what to do Keep your love for me only

I get high on you, yeah, you

Hey, baby Kiss me hard, don't kill my vibe

All my feelings on fire It's our time

Hey, baby Kiss me hard, don't kill my vibe

All my feelings on fire It's our time

Don't kill my vibe Rendezvous

Don't kill my vibe It feels like

Don't kill my vibe Rendezvous

Don't kill my vibe It feels like

It feels like It feels like rendezvous

It feels like It feels like

Hey, baby Kiss me hard, don't kill my vibe

All my feelings on fire It's our time

Hey, baby Kiss me hard, don't kill my vibe

All my feelings on fire It's our time

Don't kill my vibe Rendezvous

Don't kill my vibe It's our time

Don't kill my vibe Rendezvous

Don't kill my vibe It's our time

Ooooh, oooh Like rendezvous

Do what you do It feels like

Ooooh, oooh Like rendezvous

Do what you do It feels like

It feels like rendezvous It feels like

For more infomation >> 🐻 DEAMN - Rendezvous (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:10.


윤은혜, tvN '개냥' 하차한다.."방송은 내년 1월까지" - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 윤은혜, tvN '개냥' 하차한다.."방송은 내년 1월까지" - Duration: 2:10.


한 인스타그램 스타가 무서울 정도로 자신을 따라 하는 여성을 발견했다 - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> 한 인스타그램 스타가 무서울 정도로 자신을 따라 하는 여성을 발견했다 - Duration: 3:32.


Entrepreneur Podcast Network Launch | eFM - Duration: 3:05.

ah what a crazy night guys I got in super late to KL and get to the hotel

what in awesome hotels like these little metal teardrop buildings that I'm

staying and they also have some containers the interior design it's just

really awesome EFM put me they really picked the place that matches my style I

love it this is much more my style than the ritz-carlton where I was staying at

and China really dig a book and I ate really late when I got in last night and

as a result I didn't feel so good I think I ate something that didn't agree

with me get a little bit of a late start I got a pack up and I'm gonna head over

to the venue for the DFM launch in about 40 minutes so that's what I'm doing this

morning but I think the launch is gonna be dope this team the EFM team is

awesome they took care of me this hotel is free now it's just time to on to the

next thing get ready for the lock just the reason I'm here the big event

so you see and have a lot of pins so this pins are the people we already

plays around the world we already have our present in each one of the cities

but most importantly we do have someone that's yeah I was already so back in

Bangkok from KL at the EFM launch I've got to say that it went incredibly well

I couldn't have asked for it to go better the launch was huge I get to

spend time with you and I get to see - I met javi the producer you know

everything was great I have to say that it's gonna be an awesome Network the

podcast is gonna be great the team supporting it's gonna be awesome

you guys have to check it out we'll be launching in early January with some of

the shows so stay tuned EF MDOT live I will be hosting the

southeast asia business podcast check it out I'm going to bed I'll talk to you

guys later

For more infomation >> Entrepreneur Podcast Network Launch | eFM - Duration: 3:05.


L'Incroyable Famille Kardashian saison 14 : Khloé Kardashian a appris sa grossesse.. - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> L'Incroyable Famille Kardashian saison 14 : Khloé Kardashian a appris sa grossesse.. - Duration: 2:20.


LA to Vegas - New Series on ...

For more infomation >> LA to Vegas - New Series on ...


THE MOST EXPENSIVE GYM OF THE WORLD - Royal City Club - Duration: 1:47.

You are someone who will point to the gym to start each year, with the idea of ​​going all

days? And in the end you never go ... Well, I'll talk

a gym you're going to have to think good sign when.

This is the Royal City Club, a gym in which costs more than € 20,000 per year

It is targeted. Your customers tend to be famous and especially

wealthy Asians. Each member has their own personal trainer

Available 24 hours a day. The Royal City Club has all kinds of luxuries.

Italian soil from quartz to a ring to practice boxing.

In addition to pool, jacuzzi, saunas, bars ... Each partner has a private dressing

in which they include t-shirts, towels, slippers and new drinks every day.

Ah! also it has free weights and machines. And when you finish training Super

tired, you can go to practice yoga yoga center with more than 2,000 square meters ...

Almost nothing eh! So you know, if you are interested in

change pocket and gym Rascate Join the Royal City Club .... I will be


For more infomation >> THE MOST EXPENSIVE GYM OF THE WORLD - Royal City Club - Duration: 1:47.


Antes y después. Resultados de micropigmentación capilar contra la alopecia o calvicie - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Antes y después. Resultados de micropigmentación capilar contra la alopecia o calvicie - Duration: 3:58.


Estranho asteroide em formato de caveira passará próximo da Terra em 2018 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Estranho asteroide em formato de caveira passará próximo da Terra em 2018 - Duration: 5:05.


Feliz 2018 – Colégio Batista Mineiro - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Feliz 2018 – Colégio Batista Mineiro - Duration: 0:49.


Stasera in tv – Programmi tv oggi, 26 dicembre 2017 - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Stasera in tv – Programmi tv oggi, 26 dicembre 2017 - Duration: 10:11.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 655 - Duration: 17:08.

Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!

The horses on

Sofia there's no much for a good teamplay is all

We're going to the champions I

Just love this cheer baby, bro

I remember how the whole school used to sing it for me whenever I flew third-best remember

Sofia and James beat you in the tryout race. They got lucky. I'm sure someday

You'll be just as big a derby star as I was

Counting on you Sofia don't mess this up James well

I hope it can win, but we're going to be racing against the junior Knights Academy. Are they good. Are you okay ow?

my wrist

Well I'm afraid

I must deliver some bad news you in Sofia right for Royal prep in the championships alright

See you two in practice first thing tomorrow yes sir Gillian

Listen it's you. I'm so fast Sofia. We don't need any team place all we need is me flying across that finish line

But I'll try oh that's the spirit see ya practice assistant coach James I like it

She's so perfect. It's to tear a terrifying

Morning you go Sofia. Good morning riders listen up. That's right listen up

I'm gonna be your new coach

Assistant coach James. That's great as you know

James maybe you can go set up the practice poles over there you got it

Sir Gilliam, there's a new team player. I think we should learn Brian be a good jint and step on over for a sec

Okay in midair the riders have to line up side by Sun that is what happens if you do everything exactly

Right there. You go, Brian

Now I'm gonna show you what happens if you do it wrong oops


I'll be right back

So do you want to try the flying slingshot? I told you Sofia. I don't care about team plays

James maybe assistant coach isn't the right job for you after all, but I want to help the team

I know let's just find something else for you today

Royal prep finally has a chance to win the flying crown you can't let Hugo ruin it I won't

They're here, who's here Squire Vons?

Huh, they don't look so tough

I'll just go practice I bet I am ten times faster than you I bet I'm a number you can't even count to

Faster I can count all the way to 100 to see his faster. How about

On your mark get set go

It was way too easy, you just got lucky not lucky. Where's your school spirit?

huzzah huzzah for Royal prep for the red and green Abu

Hugo wait what look I know your father was on the flying derby team when he went to Royal prep and my brother my uncle

My grandfather, so what for you?

Okay, I'll try it great. Oh, it's getting late. Let's practice first thing in the morning

Yes sir Oh

James I don't think groom is the job for you either, but the mascot just wears a costume and act silly exactly

It's the perfect job for you

The mascot inspires the crowd to cheer for our team and root them on to victory

Is you're bigger and stronger you should swing me whoa?

Wait a second then you'll cross the finish line first

Right, but only one of us has to cross the line for both of us to win


Come on. You. Go. You gotta get ready for the big race the whole family's gonna be here, so you better win

Or don't come home. Just kidding baby, bro. I

Can't believe he just up and quit if only I spoke human

I would give him a talking-to me too. You're on our side of course

Sophia shouldn't you be saddled up I need your help, but I'm just a mascot exactly you've got to help me inspires

flying crowd

Defending champions Squires, halt the advance Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo


They're so slow. They can't even make it to the starting line. You've got to get back out there. What's the point?

We can't win, maybe we can't, but we have to try

They're singing for us, but they only sing when you win

I mean James is willing to do anything to be part of this

Hey stop, bro Watson

Loyal friend is trying that harvester partner

But not to you nightclubs an early double derbies were leaving Royal prep in the Derby just can't get around him

That's the junior Knights


I'll sling you you will it's the only way or team could win she's it's about time

He figured that out, so what are we waiting for let's do this alright? You know it goes wrong

It could be a totem pole friend

How do they do that

Very impressive work out there. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me Electra. That's the first nice thing

I've ever said to you true, but it won't be the last

We couldn't have won without you wanna hold the crown

Ivy's true colors come on clover don't you want your snack fresh veggies

Clover clover isn't waking up for food

Fall asleep for how long no one knows for sure hey, I can't get Rex to wake up no

He might have the deep sleeps, too. I heard dad say something about that

Well now I guess it's up to me - oh

What a strange place is everything black and white

No you had to come see for yourself

So why are you even here my amulet sent me to help a princess well

I certainly don't want or need your help truth

Be told my ambulance it lets me talk to animals that amulet it's infuriating

Roma don't tell her anything you're being a very bad skunk

And I need to leave so I can help my animal friends back home. Uh what's wrong with the animals?

They have the deep sleeps

So I be you and I are stuck together till I help you what not would you go up in the trees and see what?

You can see

Wait ivy she's really not so bad. She's just worried about her butterflies if you say so

Wow this is where Ivy lives

The way Roma what are you still doing here Sofia? It's not that simple

I have to really help you and is it that cage a little small to hold all those butterfly

I'm Sofia. What's your name?

Grass how long is this going this hick just a second more

What not will you please climb up that tree and get that cake fruit from mr. Graff?

No, it's an expression my mom taught me it means that if you're nice you'll make more friends the bear was just hungry

right rubber piece cause bear wait

My butterflies, it's Aloysius

Down there can you see them, but why aren't they turning the flowers black and white turn those flowers black and white

Oh, no it can't be get in this cage right now. Please come on, but not we're supposed to have

Meet you Roma we have to get home and help her

Here we go

Here we go

So what am I supposed to do Marilyn? Oh? Yes, see that's what I call enough me problem

Which is another way of saying? It's your problem

Hey this guy earlier props that's right and now I'm tempted to these beauties

Why are you here dear princess my amulet sent me oh?

Did it say you're the fairy. They said was working on a cure yes

I am oh I'm so glad you've decided to be good. Yes. Good and famous

It's amazing all right, but

Where are my butterflies your butterflies? He didn't pick this island out of all the islands

She lives on the other side of the island the butterflies belong to her

I thought by amulet sent me here to help her get them back

But it must have sent me for something else what if Corey said something else strange things

Ivy doesn't like color wait here

Are you still here Oh

Beautiful flowers will die and the flowers are the care for the deep sleeps

Why would I care about that it's come here to your Island soon all the animals on the island will be asleep

Princess ivy you have to help us. This is my Island and I don't have to do anything

What are we going to deal with

We don't have to take the butterflies

What if we just set them free right yes for a good cause don't ruin this for me?

Okay, I mean

What are you doing? What'd you find out what not oh, okay follow me?

You're gonna need. Ivy's butterflies

It was Sofia and you are a bad skunk, I am on your side miss ivy way

Dragon eyes, I mean we just need the butter fries for a little while no Sophia. He takes care of me. I over this


Roma how long will he be asleep, I don't know

From my eye

I've never felt quite like this before

And I don't know why it makes me cry to think he might everything is really

For this misty on this way cause you care

that's why

You're feeling won't you try?

Now I understand why you let the butterflies go go go quickly

For the squirrel Sofia he's been asleep the longest

Okay whatnot IVs helping us now


Would like to

Apologize to you Sophie what about the color?

Oh look miss nettle made these for me

Miss nettle have you two become friends don't make a big deal out of it


Beautiful all I wanted was a kingdom of my own, but I guess I had one all of them

The farmer in the Dell hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 655 - Duration: 17:08.


Do you think nobody listens to you? ► Reflection - El Faro - Duration: 2:39.

We have gift this reflection that called "The Lighthouse"

A captain and his crew were traveling in midst of a terrible storm during a

dark night and after several days at sea.

The small boat was hit repeatedly by waves and wind, rocked and almost

to topple while the entire structure creaked and writhed until it seemed

break apart. They had lost instruments and they did not know where they were not even.

Amid all this the captain did more than yell and curse, shouting to life

and reproaching everything that happened and They had been abandoned by her. Taken

rudder firmly in the bow shouted at thunder, lightning and the sky

knowing lost.

At one point, a sailor left his post and he ran to the captain who rebuked him

heavily in the storm and rain.

"Why leave your place! We may lose the mast, "shouted the captain.

To which the sailor replied: "I know sir! But more than 10 minutes ago

light lighthouse port dislumbra !!! But you have not seen it to be screaming. "

How often do we see that life support complain constantly gives us all

what we have. We will just refuse all we have.

Maybe your life is not a life without storms, but you can be sure you always in

midst of the most cruel and ferocious storm you can imagine, this will always be a light

to show the way and reminding you that you're never alone and always dislumbrado,

you must hayar light, if you stop shouting is easier, we recommend it.

This is a little reflection we hope reach your heart, remember the light only

see if you stop the crying, we are interested that your quality of life improves, for that

we are here, we are thinking of Color. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Do you think nobody listens to you? ► Reflection - El Faro - Duration: 2:39.



For more infomation >> KHI VIRUSS CHƠI CÙNG QTV CĂNG THẲNG THẤY MẸ - Duration: 5:02.


Introvert VS socially anxious VS shy, Which are you? - Duration: 6:07.

Introvert VS socially anxious VS shy, Which are you?

Quiet people are having their moment.

The world is embracing introverts in a big way, spurred by movements like Susan Cain's

"Quiet Revolution."

It's happening because the research validates so many of us, said Ellen Hendriksen, a clinical

psychologist at Boston University's Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders who writes

the Savvy Psychologist columns.

"So to finally have a message sent that introverts are valuable and necessary, and

most of all that nothing is wrong with being quiet, is really empowering to people who

thought something was wrong with them."

But are you actually an introvert, socially anxious or shy?

Being introverted and socially anxious are two different things, but shyness is usually

a short-hand way of saying social anxiety, Hendriksen said.

In case you can't define yourself, here are some clues to help you tell according to Ellen



Introversion is born; social anxiety is made

Hendriksen said that introversion is a personality trait, a temperament you are born with.

Introverts are energized and refueled by being by themselves, or a small group of confidantes.

Social anxiety, on the other hand, is often learned.

Life experiences convince you that people are judgmental, and you begin to believe that

if you risk doing something, it'll become obvious that you are incompetent or inadequate.


Social anxiety is fueled by avoidance

People with social anxiety won't show up to the Christmas party.

They'll let their calls go to voice mail or leave a gathering early.

They may also avoid the situation covertly: They'll show up to the party, but might

avoid eye contact, spend most of their time scrolling through their phone or find other

ways to not be present.


Socially-anxious people can be extroverts

You might get your energy from people, but be afraid of them at the same time.

So you really want to go to lunch with your coworkers, but worry they don't want you


Or you'd like to host a dinner party, but be afraid you'll be judged as being inadequate.

"That's actually quite torturous because then you're uncomfortable when you're

alone and you're uncomfortable when you're with people.

It's a no-win situation.


Introverts enjoy solitude; while people with social anxiety not so much

For the introvert, being alone is necessary and refreshing.

It feels good to read a book in a quiet room without any people around.

But if you're socially anxious and you're alone in order to avoid a social situation,

you may end up feeling regret or disappointment.

"By not going, it makes you feel less anxious, but it doesn't make you feel good."


Socially-anxious people are supremely worried about what others think of them

Introverts aren't concerned about how they present.

They can be themselves and not worry they'll be "revealed" as deficient or inadequate.

There's no performance or perfectionism involved.

For people with social anxiety on the other hand, social situations turn into a performance

with very high standards.

They tell themselves, "I must never let a gap occur in a conversation," "I must

always have something interesting to say," or, "I am responsible for entertaining this


"You're spending so much time and energy on impression-management and anxiety-management,

there's not much energy and attention left over to pay attention outwardly, focus on

that conversation and what somebody is saying.


Socially-anxious people employ 'safety behaviors'

It's very common for people with social anxiety to think they have no social skills.

They may tell themselves: "I'm always awkward," or, "I don't know what it's

like to have a normal conversation."

In fact, they're actually quite good at navigating social situations.

They'll steer the conversation to things they are comfortable talking about or pepper

the person they're talking to with questions to take the attention off themselves.

But they also resort to "safety behaviors," avoiding eye contact, speaking softly, smiling

all the time, or being very ingratiating as a way to artificially lower their anxiety.

"All that's doing is taking up your bandwidth so that there's not very much left over

to actually pay attention to the conversation that you're having.

So, how to deal with this situation?

If you're an introvert, you should simply embrace your quiet self.

You don't treat a trait, so there's no need to change your personality.

However, if social anxiety is standing in the way of living the life you want, then

it becomes a problem.

Here are the step you can take:

Slowly put yourself into situations you're afraid of: Talk to the coworker you always

avoid or attend a gathering you'd normally skip.

You don't have to do a cannon ball into the pool, you can inch in a little bit at

a time.

Drop the safety behaviors: Stop avoiding eye contact or speaking very softly.

Trying to suppress anxiety is like trying to keep a beach ball under water.

It's just going to pop up again eventually.

Turn your attention outward: "Rather than self-monitoring and focusing inward… listen

to the conversation."

Whatever you fear is probably not going to come true.

And even if it does, you can handle it.

Well, that's the clues to help you define whether you are an introvert or socially anxious.

So, how can you define yourself after watching this video guys?

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Introvert VS socially anxious VS shy, Which are you? - Duration: 6:07.


Captain Murphy - Between Villains (ESPAÑOL) Ft Earl Sweatshirt & MF Doom - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Captain Murphy - Between Villains (ESPAÑOL) Ft Earl Sweatshirt & MF Doom - Duration: 3:19.


Crema banana e miele per alleviare tosse e sintomi del raffreddore - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Crema banana e miele per alleviare tosse e sintomi del raffreddore - Duration: 6:23.


Las Dos Frases Que te Desempoderan y Que Debes Sacar de Tu Vida - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Las Dos Frases Que te Desempoderan y Que Debes Sacar de Tu Vida - Duration: 2:38.


'আমরাও চোর' বলায় নাহিদের প্রতি অন্য মন্ত্রীদের ক্ষোভ দেখুন | Nurul Islam Nahid Kakku | Bangla News - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 'আমরাও চোর' বলায় নাহিদের প্রতি অন্য মন্ত্রীদের ক্ষোভ দেখুন | Nurul Islam Nahid Kakku | Bangla News - Duration: 1:59.


Downpours in Oman. What happened on our Planet. What happened in the world. - Duration: 1:51.

At Oman, south-east of the Arabian Peninsula, collapsed

torrential rains, due to which It has suffered several


Rescuers had to evacuate people from the car caught

in turbulent flow.

Dozens of people were locked in their


Torrential rains from 16 December 2017, and is projected

Professionals can continue whole week.

The world already has Tens of millions of people,

forced to leave their homes because of natural disasters.

Each year, this figure is growing.

In the near future climate Refugees will be billions!

Accommodation on the huge devastated, flooded

elements infected (due man-made disasters)

territories will be impossible.

Meanwhile, the majority of people are still blithely

pinning hope, responsibility for their lives and expectations

assistance and any action on those who run away first

at the slightest threat.

All people should think: If now, in a relatively

peacetime, priests and politicians the world's elite are concerned

only software of its own well-being and salvation

their families, what will In the near future - in

time of global cataclysms?

Assume that the problem of survival all mankind touches

you personally, your children and grandchildren, extremely hindsight,

this is equivalent to that starve yourself, your children

and grandchildren to perish ...

For more infomation >> Downpours in Oman. What happened on our Planet. What happened in the world. - Duration: 1:51.


Argentina: estallan protestas mientras legisladores aprueban recortes a las pensiones - Duration: 1:04.

El martes en Argentina, los legisladores aprobaron cambios radicales al sistema de jubilaciones

del país, por un estrecho margen de 128 a 116, al tiempo que afuera estallaron masivas

protestas y los sindicatos convocaron a hacer un paro general de 24 horas.

Bajo la nueva ley, la fórmula usada para calcular las prestaciones de jubilaciones estará vinculada a la tasa

de inflación, lo que, según los economistas, resultaría en menores estipendios mensuales

para los jubilados. La ley también sube a 70 años para los hombres y a 63 años para

las mujeres la edad requerida para jubilarse. Previo a la aprobación de la ley, miles de

manifestantes tomaron las calles de Buenos Aires, golpeando ollas y sartenes, al tiempo

que rodeaban el edificio del Congreso. La policía respondió disparando balas de acero

revestidas de goma y gas lacrimógeno contra las multitudes, hiriendo a docenas y arrestando

a unos 60 manifestantes.

"Es un robo a todos. [El presidente Mauricio] Macri nos

mete la mano en los bolsillos. Esto se veía venir. Ahora que se hagan responsables los

que votaron a Macri, y los traidores del peronismo, que le dieron luz verde para votar esta ley".

For more infomation >> Argentina: estallan protestas mientras legisladores aprueban recortes a las pensiones - Duration: 1:04.


Faça esse make lindo para Ano Novo! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Faça esse make lindo para Ano Novo! - Duration: 3:33.


Trabajadoras de sectores de bajos salarios enfrentan serios problemas al denunciar el acoso sexual - Duration: 1:58.

Hemos batallado mucho para asegurarnos de que las mujeres se sientan en confianza en

nuestras comunidades para poder hablar sobre la situación del acoso. El acoso está conectado

con la sexualidad y con hablar acerca de sexo, son tabúes que existen en nuestra comunidad,

y hay muchos mitos de que la mujer es la culpable de este problema y que exageramos estas situaciones,

se cree que los hombres nos hacen un favor al fijarse en las mujeres. Lo que estamos

tratando de hacer es crear teatros y proyectos que ayuden, como el proyecto Bandana, que

fue creado hace varios años por Mónica Ramírez, quien es ahora la presidenta de Alianza,

en donde desde hace casi diez años empezamos este proyecto en el cual le pedimos a la gente

de nuestra comunidad que diseñen las bandanas blancas con ejemplos o mensajes que hablen

acerca del problema del acoso sexual. ¿Qué derechos tienen las mujeres? y lo que hemos

logrado es que las mismas mujeres empiecen a sanar y a hablar, ya sea por medio del teatro,

donde ellas mismas son las que están ayudando a platicar de lo que ven en el teatro es algo

que es malo, que ellas necesitan más apoyo, y de qué manera pueden tener opciones,

o saber dónde están los programas, quién las puede apoyar.

Y eso está abriendo el diálogo que necesitábamos.

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