Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2017

Hello fellow travelers!

We think that the tasty products of the Pas Valley warrant an entire video to themselves.

We are going to get to know a little more about the sobaos (small sponge cakes) and the Pasiego cheeses.

Well, you have to know that I'm going to live a dream come true, it's no joke.

I'm a real fan of the Pasiego sobaos, specifically from the El Macho brand.

I have done some market research and it's clear to me that these are the best.

They are pure butter. I am even one of their Facebook fans!

How do you have to prepare a sabao for it to be excellent?

A sobao is a very easy product to make. It has 5 basic ingredients: butter, sugar, eggs, flour and leavening.

If you use good ingredients, you will get a good sobao.

So, can we really make it at home? I'm not sure if ours could be as good as yours…

Finally, Fernando, you, who are the oven specialist and besides, part of the family who founded the El Macho company,

I have a question: tell me the origin of the word "sobao" (handled) because it's a bit of a strange word…

The Pasiegos called "sobar" because of the fact that you knead the dough and mix the ingredients.

And how about the name "El Macho" (the male one?)

My grandfather was called this.

I'm not going to ask you why, LOL…

No, it was because he was a very courageous and driven person.

Now we are with Alvaro, from the team of the La Jarradilla cheese farm.

They are experts in Pasiego cheeses, so he is the best to show us what their features are.

Well, the Pasiego cheeses have always been known for their youth, and creamy, soft and acidic flavour.

The Divirin cheese is maybe, one of the best-known Pasiego cheeses. What are their features?

Divirín is that forest. This cheese will remind you of this forest: humidity, mushrooms, soil, vegetable notes, peanuts…

We will try. Thank you very much.

With this idilic scene we end the video. We warmed the Divirin cheese on the grill and it looks excellent. It has a yummy flavour.

Well, so that's all, folks. With our mouths half full, we say goodbye. If you liked the video,

click like, subscribe to our channel, clicking the bell, if you are not yet.

You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

and our website

We´ll be waiting for you on our next trip. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> The Pasiego Valleys taste like... (September 2017) - Duration: 4:52.


Rajoy saca pecho de la aplicación del 155 en Cataluña - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Rajoy saca pecho de la aplicación del 155 en Cataluña - Duration: 4:44.


Gareth! a Gerallt Pennant! - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Gareth! a Gerallt Pennant! - Duration: 6:05.


Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Miercoles 29 de Noviembre 2017 Loteria Panama Numeros Loteria 29 Noviembre - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Miercoles 29 de Noviembre 2017 Loteria Panama Numeros Loteria 29 Noviembre - Duration: 1:16.


Torrecè - Mala Leche - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Torrecè - Mala Leche - Duration: 5:01.


I can't tell you why | Jada Morad y Nacho Falco acoustic cover - Duration: 3:11.

Look at us baby, up all nights

tearing our love apart

aren't we the same two peolple who live

through years in the dark?


Every time i try to walk away

Something makes me turn around and stay

and i can't tell you why..

When we get crazy

It just ain't to right

Girl i get lonely too

You don't have to worry

Just hold on tight


Cause i love you

Nothing's wrong as far as I can see

We make it harder than it has to be

And i can't tell you why

No, baby, I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why



Every time I try to walk away

Something makes me turn around and stay

And I can't tell you why

No, no, baby, I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you whyyyyyyyhhh..

For more infomation >> I can't tell you why | Jada Morad y Nacho Falco acoustic cover - Duration: 3:11.


TORNEO GOBLINS ARMY | goblins army pass goblan | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 2:50:00.

For more infomation >> TORNEO GOBLINS ARMY | goblins army pass goblan | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 2:50:00.


ZenCash Interview: Rolf Versluis | Blockchain Business Operations & Crypto Mining Expert - Duration: 16:37.

Here we are at


Have you asked: What is Bitcoin Cash, How to Buy Bitcoin, Earn Free Bitcoin, How to use Bitcoin, How Bitcoin Works, What is Bitcoin, How to Earn free Bitcoin ?? If so then welcome to our community! I'm Brandon Kelly the Crypto Trader and while I am not Crypt0, Crypto Nick, Jerry Banfield, Chris Dunn, BTCKyle or one of the Thechartguys - I am the Boss Of Bitcoin - my channel covers the technical analysis of crypto trading, icos, ethereum, cryptocurrency news, BCC, and digital currency technical analysis, and most notably when bitcoin price hits an all time high - resulting in the bitcoin bubble.

You know and it was amazing just speaking with you

Initially, and now I think that zinc catch is out there. It's on the market. You know it has a community has a following

Kind of you guys can see we can see you guys are literally building this thing up from the ground floor

So would you be able to speak on how that process is going and you know kind of what the value?

That's in cash is creating comported crypto works sure absolutely

So I got started with this in cash

Cash back when I started mining Z classic so Z cash launched

I guess about a year ago

and the facility were in is my big mining facility and you know went back and you saw the

expansion that we're doing I'm very excited about that we should have about 400 miners done here and

So this is a good place to be you know you're we're in a high-tech area of Georgia. You know us, Alpharetta area

There's a lot going on here a lot of data centers around here

We got good power, and it's a good place to do this kind of stuff so

I was mindin see cash and then Z classic started

No, sir

That was good one of mine make money on and I was talking to people in the community and one things I noticed in crypto

Currencies is it's really important to have a good community. Good strong community and

There's people from all walks of life and all interests committed Allen can contribute in different ways

Which makes a lot of fun and then everybody has all sorts of different perspectives as well right and so you got to be open?

To listening to people's perspective

But let's just tell them what my business partner backed out he's like you know the price is going up so high with Bitcoin

What's going around? I'm like

I don't really go up, but it's gonna go down

But I'll tell you that this is the fourth you know

Fast-growing industry that I've seen and I missed out on the PC revolution. I missed out on the started the internet

I was kind of there for the dot-com most working for Cisco Systems and then

I'm like I'm definitely gonna be here for the cryptocurrency

industry so

We got together with

I got together with some other folks that are part of the C classic team

And we're like hey you need to do this we should do that

We should take in some best practices and the folks lolz classic has a very good charter being

a no-cost version of Z cash we need to do something new

But who wanted to do that so is able to get together with a few other folks

And we said what we're going to take some best practices from Z cash

you know the blockchain technology from Bitcoin the ZK snark the zero knowledge proof technology from

Z cap stream and then some of the governance and reward models attached and kind of put that together and

Work to run it in a kind of a professional manner right, and I think that's an evolution

That's happening you're seeing that problem with some of the AI cos you talk to how you've been involved in covering

some of the ICS


You know one of the things that they need to do is when they get a big chunk of money like that is immediately put

In place a professional and experienced team that knows how to have all the different elements of a project

I think some of the early cryptocurrency projects started out with maybe a key developer, and then they kind of grew from there

I think we're kind of past that you can eat have a team and

Different folks that can contribute in different ways and then scale the organization

As it grows because the community expects so many different things they're like, okay, we've got to get on this exchange

You got to get on this hardware wallet right you got to get on these different devices, so

What is it you got to be able to figure out how to grow right? That's what I was gonna

I mean you covered it so much already

Let's start with the scaling right because you know one of the things people

expect within ICO

They expect to make money

Will you only make money when as far as the?

Perception goes and kind of the status quo you make money when you get on a major distribution exchange well

We know the price crashes when you go on an exchange

So you know, but then you have to you know exchanges aren't free their business

You know and then you need to get on you know ledger or whatever it is whatever you know hardware infrastructure

So as you look at you know crypto currency and bin taken you know kind of these big

bureaucracies that more or less stagnate

Scaling and mainstream adoption how you see you know you guys play in that and playing that part of navigating those channels

Sure, yeah, a great question because this is

Really only the very beginning of the cryptocurrency industry and when I talk to people. I'm like well. It's not just an investment

It's not just an online token that you can put money into and hope it goes up

It's the financial system of the future right and for other projects that are aetherium or do smart contracts

You know it is possible to disintermediate the existing ways of for example holding title to various things or doing insurance

So there's a lot of opportunity there

and a

Lot of things are going in a lot of different directions and experimenting in a lot of different ways


But what you bring up is okay?

There's the price of the cryptocurrency

And then there's the project itself and even that has to vastly different viewpoints

And I see this because we have our slack and now we move to discord

Whenever our price jumps up and then comes back down. I just get ready for all the people

To come in and say

We don't do anything

Right you know I hope this is on making a usable crypto currency

Or usable you know crypto project and then over time

some people might see value and what we're doing and

Over time if we continue to go down the path of development and acceptance and gaining


Maybe more people want to buy our token then the price will go up, but we can't do anything to drive the right they start


Then we get people to kind of ask it in a sideways way

Well you say you're gonna. Do this when exactly right right like well. We're working this back

the roadmap

Right then where you can have it done by never November 20th right. I don't know right

Why are you asking? Are you hoping to contribute?

Right exactly and so you know that becomes a little bit frustrating, but I also understand because price is important

Because the way I cos are a recent phenomenon

Bitcoin itself you know the conus isn't and has started out in this you know

That price just goes and some of the early crypto projects. Just go yeah, and and

With I SEOs I think it's really tough if I was part of an IC

Like wow I have 50 or 100 million dollars to spend and you see that with tezo's right now. It's like okay

You said the focus being on the project of our development focuses on what we do in the honey

Yeah, right, and should that really be the focus of the project right, but however you can hire a whole bunch of developers

For money like that

So I don't know it goes back and forth kind of doing a bootstrap and I can explain that a little bit, yeah

Yeah, yeah, no that would be awesome. I think you know that's the biggest different point of difference

I've seen with you guys is it wasn't an ICO. It's kind of from the ground floor. We're like in the office right now

So you know how do you how do you manage that day-to-day?

you know seeing both sides understanding the investing side, but also seeing you know business development side and

You know still managing to build it out sure. Yeah, well the way we started our mining facility here was we figured okay

Let's try to keep our costs as low as possible if we can keep our costs as low as possible

Then we can compete with anybody in the world whether it's China or Russia or any governments Magma as long as we keep our costs

Really really low then we don't have as much downside

And I had the fortune of started an IT business

back in

2002 and bootstrap that started it on credit cards

Which was difficult at the beginning?

But it was also good that it forced us to keep our costs low and become very efficient in our business

So when we talked about how we were going to fund and grow?

Zen cash

We did it by a change lid which pretty much everybody's familiar with changeable it these days now that we have Bitcoin cash and Bitcoin

And the other ones are doing it

But we did it as a team split off z classic and whoever had on Z classic at the time immediately

Owned a Zen caste and we had a great partner in mid tracks who agreed to list that cash on bid tracks

At the time, so people are immediately able to start training the trading eyes

So that gave us an immediate community and people that that care

And there was a big boost because I still think we have one of the best communities in the creek currency world


People just kind of come together and so after that we said okay

We're gonna do eight point five percent of the money reward so like cryptocurrencies are Sotomayor

Costa miners

and that's important Z cash eighty percent of the mighty reward goes to the miners and twenty percent goes to the

Foundation and to pay back the investors who funded Z cash

I think that's a great way of funding

I think projects have to have some way of funding right because you know when Bitcoin was started people were doing a side maybe

But now it's kind of turning into full-time jobs. I mean I spent most of them every day working on Zen cash, right

Unfortunately mining doesn't take this much time yeah

but having said that we

Launched our cryptocurrency we went through some wild price swings and slowly

It's gone up in price over time and we're able to take a little bit of the funds. They only 5%

mighty reward that we redirect from miners to the

To the Treasury which is managed by the nonprofit Zen blockchain Foundation, which has five directors?

and then we

Have the



everything that we spend every month is going to be open to public scrutiny as we move our treasury model and governance model forward and

That's what we're next development projects after secure notes

But having said that when we first launched in our price, I think went down to $3 a quibble and right like that

We didn't have a lot of funds

So we you know we have started to contract with

Marketing and PR and things like that and like a guess we got to put that on hold and then our

Core team that helped us out with all sorts of different things


Design and people that get out and talk to folks

we give them a

Small amount of debt every month which overtime you know that builds on and if price goes up. That's very helpful


Don't know if you know

But we did have an issue about it a week after we launched where our lead developer found a flaw and caused some

Transaction replays to happen and they decided to leave the project

for so that we had we have some really good friends, and they cryptocurrency industry, so we're able to get a

Development team in to fix that and then added provements to it and that's actually you know being attacked early

Which is what happened to us?

Is kind of difficult, but it forced us to?

Kind of say okay? What's what's important about this about what we're doing and

To focus in on saying how can we prevent being attacked in the future and?


We took our we're saying okay. We don't want to be relying on any ceil person

You know if I step out of the picture

I want some cash to continue operating and we want that way for any person and so now we do

Multiple different development teams like we have three different main wallets right now yeah different development groups are working on

and we

contract with folks and we

One of my co-founders Rob he was an officer in the Air Force and well he did that he was a project manager

I mean what a great?

Still set there have as part of a cryptocurrency

project a very project manager right and so you know I help from business and

Ending the business that I started and grew and I know and them selling that which is why I have time now

but yet the business experience so

We're not developers, but we're able to contract with developers were technical enough

I'm an electrical engineer and Rob's a physics and math major with some good experience that we can you can understand the big picture?

What's what's going on right?

So we then with keep our costs low and we have a budget and we plan ahead and if the price

On the exchange goes up that were able to accelerate our plans

Were able to contract with more developers were able to increase our marketing, right?

And do other things like that and if the price goes back down

We'll cut back a little bit, so it's kind of a bootstrap

And it's a self rewarding system where the better we do and the right

The market rewards us by driving the price up, and then we can do more, right


There's a 3,500 square foot warehouse to go shop

But they're coming in and then we got filters, it's important to filter the air that comes in

Watch it now. It's not all glorious threat

Keep all our boxes because I figure what I learned is that people in other countries sometimes have realized

Equipment all right so when the next generation of employment happens, we're working the celery nice. That's awesome

Minor deep green standard

281 matter dams three-phase there

That's crazy

I know you talked about last time we talked about this the simple engineering you guys are using the move the air in here

On this side then it was over there

At least 20 30 degrees at or right here 20 30 degrees

It's real copper right there

For more infomation >> ZenCash Interview: Rolf Versluis | Blockchain Business Operations & Crypto Mining Expert - Duration: 16:37.


María Teresa Campos retenida en el aeropuerto de Nueva York - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> María Teresa Campos retenida en el aeropuerto de Nueva York - Duration: 3:07.


La escapada rural (y superomántica) de Risto y Laura Escanes - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> La escapada rural (y superomántica) de Risto y Laura Escanes - Duration: 2:32.


"Desayuno con las Campos" y otras películas que puede homenajear el clan en Nueva York - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> "Desayuno con las Campos" y otras películas que puede homenajear el clan en Nueva York - Duration: 7:16.


Grow the Zombie Plant

For more infomation >> Grow the Zombie Plant


'Top FBI Agent' Who Led Clinton Email Investigation FIRED After Disgusting Thing He Did To Trump - Duration: 4:54.

'Top FBI Agent' Who Led Clinton Email Investigation FIRED After Disgusting Thing

He Did To Trump.

For the past year, the left has been doing all they could to try and force President

Trump to resign from office even going as far as to concoct the fake "Russian collusion"


However, the more they try to push this fairytale of Trump working with the Russians to secure

his presidency the more the truth is revealed.

In fact, as we all knew and had said all along the real dirty rats who colluded with Russia

were no other than Hillary Clinton and her minions that conspired to cover up her involvement.

Now, one of those Hillary Clinton operatives has been fired who was a top FBI lead investigator

in both the email and Russian-collusion probe for what he did to Trump behind his back,

which proves just how dirty the swamp in D.C. is.

Washington D.C. is a cesspool of anti-American politicians who work for the deep state to

bring our country down.

For the past eight years, these people were placed in strategic areas within our government

to ensure that their plans to destroy America would continue without missing a beat.

The deep state did their best to ensure that Hillary Clinton would be elected last November,

but those dreams were dashed when Donald Trump won the presidency in an electoral landslide.

Though while conservatives had Trump in office, these deep state operatives were still entrenched

in our government doing their best to undermine the president.

Now, one of those Hillary Clinton operatives was just discovered who worked in the FBI

and was the lead investigator in both the Hillary email scandal and the Russian collusion

probe, and it now makes sense why she was given a free pass.

In a stunning news report, Robert Mueller, the special counsel who was put in charge

of "finding" any Russian involvement had to remove FBI agent Peter Strzok for sending

out anti-Trump messages.

Here is more from The Washington Post:

The former top FBI official assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of Russian

interference in the 2016 election was taken off that job this summer after his bosses

discovered he and another member of Mueller's team had exchanged politically charged texts

disparaging President Trump and supporting Hillary Clinton, according to multiple people

familiar with the matter.

Peter Strzok, as deputy head of counterintelligence at the FBI, was a key player in the investigation

into Clinton's use of a private email server to do government work as secretary of state,

as well as the probe into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia in the

2016 election.

During the Clinton investigation, Strzok was involved in a romantic relationship with FBI

lawyer Lisa Page, who worked for Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, according to the people familiar

with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of

the issue.

The extramarital affair was problematic, these people said, but of greater concern among

senior law enforcement officials were text messages the two exchanged during the Clinton

investigation and campaign season in which they expressed anti-Trump sentiments and other

comments that appeared to favor Clinton.

The people discussing the matter did not further describe the political messages between Strzok

and Page, except to say the two would sometimes react to campaign news of the moment.

The Justice Department inspector general's office said in a statement Saturday that,

its investigators are "reviewing allegations involving communications between certain individuals,

and will report its findings regarding those allegations promptly upon completion of the

review of them.''

A spokesman for Mueller's office said Strzok was removed "immediately upon learning of

the allegations'' and added that Page left the Mueller team two weeks before it

became aware of the allegations.

The FBI declined to comment.

The Post repeatedly sought comment from Strzok and Page but got no response.

Defenders of Page and Strzok insisted that the issue is "overblown'' and that there

was no misconduct between the two.

A friend of Page's said there was no professional misconduct at issue in the matter, and she

said Page left the Mueller team in July before any of the issues came to light.

Page also no longer works much with McCabe, these people said.

While this is excellent news that Strzok was removed from his position the real question

how much damage has been done?

Strzok was in charge of leading one of the biggest scandals in the last eight years and

since he was a staunch Clinton supporter who is to say the investigation was done correctly.

This revelation may be just what we needed so that a new investigation could be opened

since there is now a REAL appearance of bias.

Finally, the American people may see justice done.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> 'Top FBI Agent' Who Led Clinton Email Investigation FIRED After Disgusting Thing He Did To Trump - Duration: 4:54.


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Trap Queen

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Steve Void & BEAUZ - Hide And Seek (ft. Carly Paige) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:09.

♪ Let's turn off all the lights ♪

♪ Draw the blind and all the curtains ♪

♪ Let's lose track of the time ♪

♪ I'll sneak off and you'll come searching ♪

♪ I'm gonna run, gonna hide, where you'll never find me ♪

♪ (Find me) ♪

♪ I'm gonna run, gonna hide, see if you can find me ♪

♪ (Find me) ♪

♪ So close your eyes, count to ten ♪

♪ Hear the steps, follow them ♪

♪ Through the dark, walls apart ♪

♪ Closing in, hide & seek ♪

♪ Passing by, hold my breath ♪

♪ Hear your steps, circling ♪

♪ Through the dark, walls apart ♪

♪ Closing in, hide & seek ♪

♪ (Hide & seek) ♪

♪ I peek my head outside ♪

♪ Listen try to hear me moving ♪

♪ Too bad I'm out of sight ♪

♪ Catching shadows think you're losing ♪

♪ I'm gonna run, gonna hide, where you'll never find me ♪

♪ (Find me) ♪

♪ I'm gonna run, gonna hide, see if you can find me ♪

♪ (Find me) ♪

♪ So close your eyes, count to ten ♪

♪ Hear the steps, follow them ♪

♪ Through the dark, walls apart ♪

♪ Closing in, hide & seek ♪

♪ Passing by, hold my breath ♪

♪ Hear your steps, circling ♪

♪ Through the dark, walls apart ♪

♪ Closing in, hide & seek ♪

♪ (Hide & seek) ♪

♪ (Hide & seek) ♪

For more infomation >> Steve Void & BEAUZ - Hide And Seek (ft. Carly Paige) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:09.


Steve + Bucky | Sweetest Feeling - Duration: 1:42.

You look beautiful.


Who the hell is Bucky?

My name is Bucky.

Nothing that happened today was your fault.

I'm sorry.

But I knew him.

For more infomation >> Steve + Bucky | Sweetest Feeling - Duration: 1:42.


ARE VLOGS FAKE THESE DAYS? • vlogmas day 2 - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> ARE VLOGS FAKE THESE DAYS? • vlogmas day 2 - Duration: 8:04.


BK'S Cinnamon Toast Crunch Shake & More!!! - Duration: 6:33.

cream yes I do whoo thank you I walk to my car from

Burger King look how fast that the milkshake got all like soggy from the

the whipped cream that fast man so I kind of like it like that

I don't like and thick then I gotta like pull it and get that Burger King vein in

my forehead I'm good don't mind the lighting right now and

you probably can't see it but it's kind of dark and I got a little ghetto flash

like like on switch on/off button thing let me show you this is it I'm using

this is my flashlight right here you know you can see you could let me turn

it off you see it it's like it was like a light switch this is my light anyways

umm yeah let me turn it back one get this right yeah man this is the Burger

King cinnamon toast crunch shake um this been out for like 2 months maybe more

than this and I've just been slacking on doing it and I'm like I finally was

right near a Burger King and I was like let me go ahead and do this so this is

it oh man ain't much you can't really see it but it's all about the taste man

um as much as I can show you is just a like a picture right now like to taste

it here go

Wow I got some flags in it

hmm all right even though I got some chips from the Cinnamon Toast Crunch in

it it it tastes like a regular vanilla milkshake I don't know if they really

put their heart and soul up in there but me eating cinnamon toast crunch inside

the bowl all I got to do is eat a little bit and let the milk get soggy up in the

milk and boom that's the cinnamon toast shake right there in there that actually

tastes better than this shake right now um I don't know if they didn't do it

right but I do taste the little chunks of it in there and it's not it just

tastes like a regular vanilla milkshake son oh oh oh I got some cinnamon toast

crunch in my house yeah I'm not to go get that oh come on now snacks ain't

playing them games what's this right here snacks ain't

playing them games baby this is a much cinnamon toast I got left in here you

know I got it squish it all up come on baby

two tickets a game it's not a game huh we straight hurry up in here baby nobody

no no yeah get up in in this is how we doing it you can't be having a little

bit of chunks up in there not late my sentiment my first time drinking and

tasting a cinnamon toast shake and they don't taste like cinnamon toast crunch

that's like the best part of the cereal man nobody wastes that milk in a bowl if

you eat cinnamon toast crunch come on baby let's go let's go man I wish I had

a spoon but here it is man is perfect another perfect none of it perfect and I

never perfect going to parents me my ninjas are going to peers hmm oh yeah oh

yeah this is how you do it okay Burger King I

don't think it's just you with a company I think it's just that Burger King I

went to man yeah now this right here is the cinnamon toast crunch sake get oh

maybe how you stop there yet look what I got these the cinnamon toast

crunch low bites I found that too grocery store me I found these at a

grocery store I'll stop a shop this 18:18 in the

packet um you can either put it in the microwave or you could just eat it

straight like that man but me I put mines and a toaster cuz I like to get

that gooey you know saying that's like a little minced up of cinnamon toast a

mouth-watering combination of cinnamon sugar and a creme filling which is a

whole bunch of mashed up cinnamon toast crunch

yeah baby I got my little stare all straight out of the oven baby Todd's

gonna get him huh we heard up in here baby

yeah you see that that's a they look damn like perfect like little balls but

you know saying let me crack that open you see that this how one of them look

open right there you see that oh yeah oh yeah

let me get two of them right here you bite it just like that this is one gonna

bite this one like to taste it hit go

this not heavy cinnamon in it it's kind of different from the cereal but it's

more like a Cinnabon and this man thick pause but the cream fill in the middle

is like it's like straight like it's like that the cinnamon the frosting that

be on the Cinnabon that's what this tastes like

mmm you know I got washed down with more cinnamon toes check y'all

oh my god you're gonna make me poop like a mug all this milk up in here mmm YUM

is it Boise snacks not ass how you enjoy Burger King cinnamon toast crunch shake

with some cinnamon toast crunch cereal and little cinnamon toast crunch bytes


For more infomation >> BK'S Cinnamon Toast Crunch Shake & More!!! - Duration: 6:33.


Belen riprende Cecilia: "Con la storia dell'armadio volevo strapparti i capelli" - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Belen riprende Cecilia: "Con la storia dell'armadio volevo strapparti i capelli" - Duration: 2:15.


Fazilet Hanım ve Kızları/Pani Fazilet i jej córki, odcinek 26, zwiastun 1 - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Fazilet Hanım ve Kızları/Pani Fazilet i jej córki, odcinek 26, zwiastun 1 - Duration: 0:43.


I Am Invisible No More! - Duration: 6:38.

(Natalie Tysdale) Have you watched someone parking

in an accessible spot

but they're not using a wheelchair?

Have you wondered if they really have a disability?

Has someone ever shared with you

about their illness or disability

and you can't see the symptoms

and you might think

or actually say to them

"you don't look sick?"

Well these situations

and many others like them

often end in disbelief,

prejudice, isolation and loneliness.

Wayne and Sherri Connell founded

the Invisible Disabilities Association

for these very reasons

over twenty years ago.

they wanted to provide education,

encouragement and connection

to the millions who are touched

by illness, pain and disability

around the globe.

IDA is treating the deeper roots

of problems in society

not just specific diseases

but the perceptions

and misconceptions

and deep-seated notions

of what it means

to live daily with an invisible disability

or to care for someone who does.

Everyone has a story

a friend,

a family member,

a co-worker,

maybe even yourself?

Here are some of their stories.

(Sherri Connell) I had great plans for my life.

I was extremely active goal oriented person.

I was just always on the go

and none of those plans included being sick.

I was also having bouts with paralysis

and they didn't know why

then at 27 years old

all of the sudden

one side went totally paralyzed

the next thing I know

I was paralyzed from the ribs down.

Eventually after being in the hospital for a week,

they diagnosed me with multiple sclerosis.

The world changed

I was in an auto accident


the accident.

I was unconscious.

I was injured

and my memory was fading away.

I discovered that I had a brain injury

as a result of the accident.

(Pete Ohlin) [piano music]

Initially I was interested in Invisible Disabilities

because I believe my music

could help others they're struggling

with an invisible disabilities

and then about four years ago

my daughter was diagnosed

with a with a rare heart condition

which would be considered an invisible disability.

[Piano Music]

(Cassandra Perkins) I was born blind in my left eye

and you can't tell

because it's hemi-blindness

people get angry

people would make fun of me

and you know

you don't think that it gets to you

but then it starts to get to you.

I can't even take care of my daily needs

I can barely get a shower

or wash my hair.

It takes takes me days to wash my hair

and get it combed out.

No one can imagine

living alone

with a brain injury.

You don't know if the dishes are done

you don't know if you're taking a bath

you don't know how to dress

you don't know, you don't know

because you don't remember

if you know me, you see me

you don't think that I have this thing going in my head

that I'm constantly battling.

And the hardest part is

people didn't get it.

People would say,

"but you look fine."

"What's the problem?"

People need to see it to believe it!

and that is the hardest part.

And I was this happy, positive,

outgoing, life loving kid

and then everyday being told that

"I'm fat" that "I'm emo"

that "I'm goth" that "I'm ugly"

it gets in your head

it really starts to get to you

and I would go to my mirror

every day in my room and

slowly this person

this Cassandra Perkins that I love

just disappeared.

One of the most insensitive things

I think that I got from

a principal and also a teacher was that

your daughter "looks fine"

"she looks great"

and I get it from people on Facebook

to which in my head

I'm replying like "yeah right

you can you can see

that the blood is pooling in her legs

and that her heart isn't working

correct right?"


One day I realized

I have an invisible disability!

It's invisible!

People can't see it!

And I was so excited

because it just completely wrapped around

the description of what I was going through.

I think if we give people a platform

and give people a safe place

to talk about these things

they're gonna be more willing to open up

and know that they can make connections.

I have someplace to go

some people to talk to

when I'm starting to get frustrated

or I had a bad day

I can pick up a phone and call

that's very important because

up until recently I was by myself.

There's days where people feel really good,

there's days where people feel really bad,

but they know that they can come

to this social media platform

and be able to connect through that.

[Background Music]

And the Invisible Disabilities Association

shows people the mountain

so that they can see our perseverance

and how hard we fight.

I feel supported

and I feel like I have an organization

that's fighting for me!

Here's why I love Invisible Disabilities

because there's so many aspects of the spectrum

there's helping the caregiver

there's helping the person who's going through it

as well as helping people who are

just outside family or friends

how to help that person

how to say the right things

what to do.

So what I drool?

So what my clothes don't match?

It's my disability,

get over it!

I'm here and I'm not going to go away,

I'm not gonna hide anymore,

I'm here!

[Background Music]

(Wayne Connell) Wow, those stories were amazing

and many of you have a story

maybe it's a story of illness and pain

but really what it is

is a story of people not believing you

and we

want to believe you

we want to understand that just because

we can't see the illness or the pain

that doesn't mean it's not real

so it Invisible Disabilities

we believe you,

we want to acknowledge the difficulties

you're going through

because we know you're the expert

who's living with the illness and pain and disability.

We want to be your voice

and we want you to join us in that.

We want you to join us in sharing those stories

and we want you to be that voice as well

along with us.

So please go to


Because let's together

envision a world where people living

with illness, pain and disability

will be

Invisible No More!

For more infomation >> I Am Invisible No More! - Duration: 6:38.


ZenCash Interview: Rolf Versluis | Blockchain Business Operations & Crypto Mining Expert - Duration: 16:37.

Here we are at


Have you asked: What is Bitcoin Cash, How to Buy Bitcoin, Earn Free Bitcoin, How to use Bitcoin, How Bitcoin Works, What is Bitcoin, How to Earn free Bitcoin ?? If so then welcome to our community! I'm Brandon Kelly the Crypto Trader and while I am not Crypt0, Crypto Nick, Jerry Banfield, Chris Dunn, BTCKyle or one of the Thechartguys - I am the Boss Of Bitcoin - my channel covers the technical analysis of crypto trading, icos, ethereum, cryptocurrency news, BCC, and digital currency technical analysis, and most notably when bitcoin price hits an all time high - resulting in the bitcoin bubble.

You know and it was amazing just speaking with you

Initially, and now I think that zinc catch is out there. It's on the market. You know it has a community has a following

Kind of you guys can see we can see you guys are literally building this thing up from the ground floor

So would you be able to speak on how that process is going and you know kind of what the value?

That's in cash is creating comported crypto works sure absolutely

So I got started with this in cash

Cash back when I started mining Z classic so Z cash launched

I guess about a year ago

and the facility were in is my big mining facility and you know went back and you saw the

expansion that we're doing I'm very excited about that we should have about 400 miners done here and

So this is a good place to be you know you're we're in a high-tech area of Georgia. You know us, Alpharetta area

There's a lot going on here a lot of data centers around here

We got good power, and it's a good place to do this kind of stuff so

I was mindin see cash and then Z classic started

No, sir

That was good one of mine make money on and I was talking to people in the community and one things I noticed in crypto

Currencies is it's really important to have a good community. Good strong community and

There's people from all walks of life and all interests committed Allen can contribute in different ways

Which makes a lot of fun and then everybody has all sorts of different perspectives as well right and so you got to be open?

To listening to people's perspective

But let's just tell them what my business partner backed out he's like you know the price is going up so high with Bitcoin

What's going around? I'm like

I don't really go up, but it's gonna go down

But I'll tell you that this is the fourth you know

Fast-growing industry that I've seen and I missed out on the PC revolution. I missed out on the started the internet

I was kind of there for the dot-com most working for Cisco Systems and then

I'm like I'm definitely gonna be here for the cryptocurrency

industry so

We got together with

I got together with some other folks that are part of the C classic team

And we're like hey you need to do this we should do that

We should take in some best practices and the folks lolz classic has a very good charter being

a no-cost version of Z cash we need to do something new

But who wanted to do that so is able to get together with a few other folks

And we said what we're going to take some best practices from Z cash

you know the blockchain technology from Bitcoin the ZK snark the zero knowledge proof technology from

Z cap stream and then some of the governance and reward models attached and kind of put that together and

Work to run it in a kind of a professional manner right, and I think that's an evolution

That's happening you're seeing that problem with some of the AI cos you talk to how you've been involved in covering

some of the ICS


You know one of the things that they need to do is when they get a big chunk of money like that is immediately put

In place a professional and experienced team that knows how to have all the different elements of a project

I think some of the early cryptocurrency projects started out with maybe a key developer, and then they kind of grew from there

I think we're kind of past that you can eat have a team and

Different folks that can contribute in different ways and then scale the organization

As it grows because the community expects so many different things they're like, okay, we've got to get on this exchange

You got to get on this hardware wallet right you got to get on these different devices, so

What is it you got to be able to figure out how to grow right? That's what I was gonna

I mean you covered it so much already

Let's start with the scaling right because you know one of the things people

expect within ICO

They expect to make money

Will you only make money when as far as the?

Perception goes and kind of the status quo you make money when you get on a major distribution exchange well

We know the price crashes when you go on an exchange

So you know, but then you have to you know exchanges aren't free their business

You know and then you need to get on you know ledger or whatever it is whatever you know hardware infrastructure

So as you look at you know crypto currency and bin taken you know kind of these big

bureaucracies that more or less stagnate

Scaling and mainstream adoption how you see you know you guys play in that and playing that part of navigating those channels

Sure, yeah, a great question because this is

Really only the very beginning of the cryptocurrency industry and when I talk to people. I'm like well. It's not just an investment

It's not just an online token that you can put money into and hope it goes up

It's the financial system of the future right and for other projects that are aetherium or do smart contracts

You know it is possible to disintermediate the existing ways of for example holding title to various things or doing insurance

So there's a lot of opportunity there

and a

Lot of things are going in a lot of different directions and experimenting in a lot of different ways


But what you bring up is okay?

There's the price of the cryptocurrency

And then there's the project itself and even that has to vastly different viewpoints

And I see this because we have our slack and now we move to discord

Whenever our price jumps up and then comes back down. I just get ready for all the people

To come in and say

We don't do anything

Right you know I hope this is on making a usable crypto currency

Or usable you know crypto project and then over time

some people might see value and what we're doing and

Over time if we continue to go down the path of development and acceptance and gaining


Maybe more people want to buy our token then the price will go up, but we can't do anything to drive the right they start


Then we get people to kind of ask it in a sideways way

Well you say you're gonna. Do this when exactly right right like well. We're working this back

the roadmap

Right then where you can have it done by never November 20th right. I don't know right

Why are you asking? Are you hoping to contribute?

Right exactly and so you know that becomes a little bit frustrating, but I also understand because price is important

Because the way I cos are a recent phenomenon

Bitcoin itself you know the conus isn't and has started out in this you know

That price just goes and some of the early crypto projects. Just go yeah, and and

With I SEOs I think it's really tough if I was part of an IC

Like wow I have 50 or 100 million dollars to spend and you see that with tezo's right now. It's like okay

You said the focus being on the project of our development focuses on what we do in the honey

Yeah, right, and should that really be the focus of the project right, but however you can hire a whole bunch of developers

For money like that

So I don't know it goes back and forth kind of doing a bootstrap and I can explain that a little bit, yeah

Yeah, yeah, no that would be awesome. I think you know that's the biggest different point of difference

I've seen with you guys is it wasn't an ICO. It's kind of from the ground floor. We're like in the office right now

So you know how do you how do you manage that day-to-day?

you know seeing both sides understanding the investing side, but also seeing you know business development side and

You know still managing to build it out sure. Yeah, well the way we started our mining facility here was we figured okay

Let's try to keep our costs as low as possible if we can keep our costs as low as possible

Then we can compete with anybody in the world whether it's China or Russia or any governments Magma as long as we keep our costs

Really really low then we don't have as much downside

And I had the fortune of started an IT business

back in

2002 and bootstrap that started it on credit cards

Which was difficult at the beginning?

But it was also good that it forced us to keep our costs low and become very efficient in our business

So when we talked about how we were going to fund and grow?

Zen cash

We did it by a change lid which pretty much everybody's familiar with changeable it these days now that we have Bitcoin cash and Bitcoin

And the other ones are doing it

But we did it as a team split off z classic and whoever had on Z classic at the time immediately

Owned a Zen caste and we had a great partner in mid tracks who agreed to list that cash on bid tracks

At the time, so people are immediately able to start training the trading eyes

So that gave us an immediate community and people that that care

And there was a big boost because I still think we have one of the best communities in the creek currency world


People just kind of come together and so after that we said okay

We're gonna do eight point five percent of the money reward so like cryptocurrencies are Sotomayor

Costa miners

and that's important Z cash eighty percent of the mighty reward goes to the miners and twenty percent goes to the

Foundation and to pay back the investors who funded Z cash

I think that's a great way of funding

I think projects have to have some way of funding right because you know when Bitcoin was started people were doing a side maybe

But now it's kind of turning into full-time jobs. I mean I spent most of them every day working on Zen cash, right

Unfortunately mining doesn't take this much time yeah

but having said that we

Launched our cryptocurrency we went through some wild price swings and slowly

It's gone up in price over time and we're able to take a little bit of the funds. They only 5%

mighty reward that we redirect from miners to the

To the Treasury which is managed by the nonprofit Zen blockchain Foundation, which has five directors?

and then we

Have the



everything that we spend every month is going to be open to public scrutiny as we move our treasury model and governance model forward and

That's what we're next development projects after secure notes

But having said that when we first launched in our price, I think went down to $3 a quibble and right like that

We didn't have a lot of funds

So we you know we have started to contract with

Marketing and PR and things like that and like a guess we got to put that on hold and then our

Core team that helped us out with all sorts of different things


Design and people that get out and talk to folks

we give them a

Small amount of debt every month which overtime you know that builds on and if price goes up. That's very helpful


Don't know if you know

But we did have an issue about it a week after we launched where our lead developer found a flaw and caused some

Transaction replays to happen and they decided to leave the project

for so that we had we have some really good friends, and they cryptocurrency industry, so we're able to get a

Development team in to fix that and then added provements to it and that's actually you know being attacked early

Which is what happened to us?

Is kind of difficult, but it forced us to?

Kind of say okay? What's what's important about this about what we're doing and

To focus in on saying how can we prevent being attacked in the future and?


We took our we're saying okay. We don't want to be relying on any ceil person

You know if I step out of the picture

I want some cash to continue operating and we want that way for any person and so now we do

Multiple different development teams like we have three different main wallets right now yeah different development groups are working on

and we

contract with folks and we

One of my co-founders Rob he was an officer in the Air Force and well he did that he was a project manager

I mean what a great?

Still set there have as part of a cryptocurrency

project a very project manager right and so you know I help from business and

Ending the business that I started and grew and I know and them selling that which is why I have time now

but yet the business experience so

We're not developers, but we're able to contract with developers were technical enough

I'm an electrical engineer and Rob's a physics and math major with some good experience that we can you can understand the big picture?

What's what's going on right?

So we then with keep our costs low and we have a budget and we plan ahead and if the price

On the exchange goes up that were able to accelerate our plans

Were able to contract with more developers were able to increase our marketing, right?

And do other things like that and if the price goes back down

We'll cut back a little bit, so it's kind of a bootstrap

And it's a self rewarding system where the better we do and the right

The market rewards us by driving the price up, and then we can do more, right


There's a 3,500 square foot warehouse to go shop

But they're coming in and then we got filters, it's important to filter the air that comes in

Watch it now. It's not all glorious threat

Keep all our boxes because I figure what I learned is that people in other countries sometimes have realized

Equipment all right so when the next generation of employment happens, we're working the celery nice. That's awesome

Minor deep green standard

281 matter dams three-phase there

That's crazy

I know you talked about last time we talked about this the simple engineering you guys are using the move the air in here

On this side then it was over there

At least 20 30 degrees at or right here 20 30 degrees

It's real copper right there

For more infomation >> ZenCash Interview: Rolf Versluis | Blockchain Business Operations & Crypto Mining Expert - Duration: 16:37.


I can't tell you why | Jada Morad y Nacho Falco acoustic cover - Duration: 3:11.

Look at us baby, up all nights

tearing our love apart

aren't we the same two peolple who live

through years in the dark?


Every time i try to walk away

Something makes me turn around and stay

and i can't tell you why..

When we get crazy

It just ain't to right

Girl i get lonely too

You don't have to worry

Just hold on tight


Cause i love you

Nothing's wrong as far as I can see

We make it harder than it has to be

And i can't tell you why

No, baby, I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why



Every time I try to walk away

Something makes me turn around and stay

And I can't tell you why

No, no, baby, I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you why

I can't tell you whyyyyyyyhhh..

For more infomation >> I can't tell you why | Jada Morad y Nacho Falco acoustic cover - Duration: 3:11.


IZ GOVNA I PALOK • Tribute to Venezuela Orienteering team - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> IZ GOVNA I PALOK • Tribute to Venezuela Orienteering team - Duration: 0:56.


Citroën C3 1.4i 16V Airco Panorama LMV Nw.APK Nette Auto! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4i 16V Airco Panorama LMV Nw.APK Nette Auto! - Duration: 1:00.


The Ballad of Flemmingrad | traditional version (Danish) Subs +Trans - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> The Ballad of Flemmingrad | traditional version (Danish) Subs +Trans - Duration: 3:09.


Antioxidants: Superfood or Super-hyped? - Duration: 3:26.

Hey guys, Matt here for Science or Fiction and today I'll tell you how I plan to live

forever with antioxidants.

I just bought a TON groceries. I've got some blueberries here, we have some dark chocolate.

This is gonna be awesome, right? Oh!

Can antioxidants really lead to a longer, healthier life?

Maybe you've heard that certain berries or nuts are good for you because of the antioxidants.

And all that dark chocolate that you like to eat around the holidays, you know, like Christmas,

Valentine's Day, Passover, Easter, Arbor Day.

Everyone eats chocolate on Arbor Day, right?

Well, those antioxidants are going to help you live longer, too.

Or is it the opposite?

I mean, these headlines makes it seem like you should lock that chocolate up and throw

your acai bowl in the trash.

So which is it?

Will antioxidants help you live longer, or stop you from living all together?

Well, like a 2006 Facebook relationship status, it's complicated.

First you should know there's a thing called "free radicals" which is not only an excellent

band name, but they are also the natural by-products of chemical processes like those that occur

when our bodies turn food into energy .

Free radicals steal electrons from our lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins which slowly damages

our genetic material and contributes to the aging process.

And that's where antioxidants come in.

Antioxidants intervene by providing extra electrons to free radicals so they stop stealing

them from other places in our bodies.

So it would seem eating a bunch of antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries should then slow the

aging process, right?

Well living longer isn't as simple as just ridding your body of free radicals.

One study indicated that free radicals may be a product rather than a cause of aging,

and in some circumstances, free radicals may actually increase the longevity of cells.

Now, research has shown that people who eat more fruits and vegetables, which happen to

be high in antioxidants, have a lower risk of disease.

But there's no proof that it's the antioxidants in the food that's causing this.

There's also little evidence that taking supplements full of antioxidants like vitamin

C, or beta-carotene offer any significant effect on heart disease, cancer, or other

chronic conditions, although the jury is still out on Vitamin E.

You're Ok for now Vitamin E, but I've got my eye on you.

So antioxidants may not have all the health benefits that the media and nutrition companies claim.

But could antioxidants actually be bad for you?

When it comes to antioxidant supplements, maybe.

A study showed that one source of antioxidants, beta-carotene, may increase the chances of

developing lung cancer in men who are heavy smokers.

Rates of skin cancer were shown to be higher in women who took a combination of vitamin

C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc.

And studies have shown that rather than increasing lifespans generally, antioxidant supplements

may be associated with a shorter lifespans.

In the end, antioxidant supplements are a mixed bag that you might want to be careful with.

But antioxidant heavy foods, like dark chocolate and blueberries, really, don't have enough

antioxidants to probably do much of anything.

So keep on eating those, but only because they're delicious, not because they'll

extend your life.

Which reminds me, does anybody want any blueberries?

How about some dark chocolate?

I bought way too much.

I thought I was going to live forever. No?

So antioxidants might not be that good for you, but vitamins are definitely good for

you, right?


Find out in this video here, don't forget to subscribe,

and keep coming back to Seeker for more videos.

For more infomation >> Antioxidants: Superfood or Super-hyped? - Duration: 3:26.


VLOGMAS 3 - ODBIERAMY GOŚCI - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> VLOGMAS 3 - ODBIERAMY GOŚCI - Duration: 8:54.


Arrested Development - interview - Spike Lee, evolution of Southern hip-hop ( - Duration: 18:54.

For more infomation >> Arrested Development - interview - Spike Lee, evolution of Southern hip-hop ( - Duration: 18:54.



Hi everyone!

Today I am going to tell you guys about my SM audition experiences in the years of 2014 and 2015!

I auditioned for SM Entertainment in 2014 and 2015

SM Entertainment had their annual, I think? Global Auditions

And Jakarta was included in their list of cities that they were going to hold their auditions at

Being a Kpop fan at that time,

I was very curious about how auditions-

are like in the Kpop industry

So me and my sister decided to just go for it because...

I mean, why not? Right?

We weren't very serious about the audition, as in like-

We knew we wouldn't get picked anyway because

The standards of Kpop are very high

I don't know about my sister

But personally I thought that I wasn't very qualified

I mean like

My skills are standard... my-

My looks are also standard so like-

I also cannot dance

Basically I wanted to audition just because I was curious

And I thought that it would be a very good experience for me

And also just to see how auditions are like

So first let me start with the 2014 experience

For more infomation >> MY SM TOWN GLOBAL AUDITION(S) EXPERIENCES!! - Duration: 13:27.


Why is the Phandom so Extra? - Duration: 5:36.

In the world there are lots of questions-

Why are we here?

What is life?

But the most important question is...

Why is the fandom so-


Disclaimer: I'm in the phandom myself, so if i say something offensive to the phandom, remember, I'm actually in the phandom so

I'm technically speaking about my own fandom...


Let me tell you something.

The phandom is actually not that extra.

Have you ever been in a fandom?

If not, I will show you.

So basically-

a fandom-

is basically like a hole.


and this is you.

And you fall into the fandom as soon as you get obsessed with something that the fandoms are obsessed with too

Sometimes you can get out, and it will all be fine...

And you're happy with your sOciAl liFe

So yet again this is a hole

Which is called a "Phandom" this time.

you are here

What you do? You watch, two videos, of Dan & Phil

and you have fallen completely into the phandom.

But you have to try really really hard

So you're basically stuck, in this phandom

there's something different in the phandom. I've watched many youtubers in my life, and

There's something different, about Dan & Phil, you just get so obsessed with them

Like so obsessed and since you get so obsessed with Dan & Phil

Those two giant british guys.

You literally, get addicted to them

For someone that watched many youtubers, loved them so much but something with Dan & Phil

Is just so

obsessed, addictive

That's-I-I- can't. As in the phandom myself i can't even explain it.

People say that-

"oH, the phaNdom is eXagGeratIng"

"oH mah goD, dan(uyl) and fil r so lAme, how can you liek dem!1?"

The phandom will actually kill you if you say those things

The phandom just reacts, like any other fandom

But it just seems like the world has something against us

seem so extreme, so exaggerating, so crazy but in reality it's not

There people saying that in the phandom there is only "bAd peOple"

That just want to get Dan & Phil together

there are those people they're called

and those [Demon Phannies] they literally-

Obligate Dan & Phil to be together and that's a no-no to the phandom.

actually in the phandom there are a lot of nice people that actually appreciate what Dan & Phil do for us

for example the tour

they do it for us and that's

I love them so much

Also if you think about it, the phandom is actually

big that can actually take of the world.

let me say a fact-

at least one.

That's actually, how many people watch Dan & Phil.

Basically the phandom you can explain it as the parents

the obsessive

protective parents

The phandom will murder you.

Want a trick for more views?

Put Dan & Phil in your thumbnail and everybody will click on it

Also the phandom, and Dan & Phil

Have kind of weird relationship basically the phandom loves Dan & Phil, but also hates them

But Dan & Phil love the phandom, but also hates them


for them, we mean so much to them. If you actually think, about it

If it wasn't for the phandom-

or for the people that watch them

they won't be here where they are today.

Thank you for watching "Reasons Why Phandom's so Extra!! (yay)

also I want to say thank you so much for all the support I've been having on this channel-

I didn't expect- to grow that much

I just wanted to put videos on youtube because I never did and-

I'm just happy.

No but seriously, thank you for watching.

I appreciate you, you are all beautiful-


thank you <3

For more infomation >> Why is the Phandom so Extra? - Duration: 5:36.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i kolejne zapowiedzi z 3 października 2017 roku - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i kolejne zapowiedzi z 3 października 2017 roku - Duration: 6:50.


Southwest Credit Card - Duration: 4:59.

Today I want to talk about the Southwest credit card.

I'll talk about my

experience with it, some of the logistics, the current offer and the pros and cons

of this credit card.

I've had the southwest credit card for about a year now

and I'm super happy with it.

The offer that I signed up with was 40,000 points.

I've saved most of them over the past year but I have done one full round-trip

from Los Angeles to Portland that was completely free with my points. I've

saved a lot of the points up and also have gained more by spending more money

on the card.

I'd really like to go to Costa Rica next year with my points

as well as a couple round-trip u.s. trips that I can get all get completely

free with my points.

I love accumulating Southwest points on things that I would

spend money on anyway like groceries, gas, bills etc. And then I get even more

points when I spend money on Southwest flights.

I would definitely recommend the

Southwest credit card.

Right now the current offer that I have for you guys in the description below is

that if you spend $1,000 in the first three months you'll get 40,000 bonus

points. And right now it's winter of 2017 so if this offer does change I will

update it for you guys below.

To give you an idea of what I mean by points I did

some quick searches on the website and I'll share with you some of the average

fares in points.

For example, Los Angeles to Seattle is 10,000 points roundtrip.

New York to Atlanta is 12,000 points round trip.

Dallas to Aruba- 22 thousand

points roundtrip.

Portland to New York City 20,000 points round trip.

So you

can see how with this 40,000 points bonus offer you could get up to four

round trips smaller US trips, or two international trips.

Or you can even use

your points and take a second person to possibly an international destination.

You can also play around yourself with this if you go to the southwest website

and find the destination finder.

Depending on where you fly from and what

time and what day, you might even get some better deals than we talked about.


would say the promotion offer is the best reason for you to sign up for the

card because it means multiple free trips for you.

Some of the other benefits of the Southwest credit card include two points

for dollar spent on Southwest Airlines and hotel and car rental partners and

one point per one dollar spent on all other purchases.

There are no foreign

transaction fees.

This is something that I really liked when I visited Italy

recently this year because I was able to use my card and there weren't any hidden


You can also save 3% on all international purchases.

Some other

benefits include roadside service, travel insurance, and an alert if anyone steals

your card.

Some reasons that I like Southwest Airlines in general, one is

that you can cancel a flight up to ten minutes before the flight and you don't

end up losing your money. You end up getting this back as Southwest credit

that you can use within the next year. So what I do is when I see good fares I buy

them right away and then if my schedule changes, I just cancel them and then use

that as credit later.

One of my favorite things about Southwest is that there's

no bag fees. So you can check up to two bags for free which really helps you

save money on these cheap flights.

There's also a rapid rewards dining


I haven't done it yet but I want to look into it you get points for

dining at certain restaurants and also certain hotel and car rentals.


benefit is there are special VIP events in certain destinations that you can go

to as a Southwest credit card holder.

Some other logistics about the Southwest cart every year it costs $99 on an

annual fee but you end up getting this money back because every year on your

anniversary, you get six thousand Southwest points.

So basically you're

just paying for this back yourself.

Also your points will never expire and there are

no blackout dates.

Southwest flies to several US destinations and they're

even adding Hawaii in 2018.

They also fly to several international

destinations including all of over Mexico,

Aruba, Belize, Costa Rica,

Cuba, Puerto Rico,

and Jamaica.

Some of the cons include it takes a while to accumulate points on regular

purchases other than Southwest Airlines, but this would be similar for many of

the credit cards. And there aren't as many international destinations as there

are on other airlines.

One of the biggest cons I should say about any credit card

that you really need to be careful about is spending more than your means and

this kind of goes back to basic finances, but you really should be careful about

spending more money than you have.

Some final thoughts.... definitely use your good financial sense and judgment but I

would recommend the Southwest credit card to you.

Check out that link below

and let me know if you have any questions about all this!

I'm happy to

help you guys and will reply to every single comment.

I hope you enjoyed this

video. Please give it a thumbs up if you did and subscribe for more travel videos.

I'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> Southwest Credit Card - Duration: 4:59.


My Reaction to the "Avengers: Infinity War" Trailer - Duration: 3:48.

Heya, Revolts! This is PJ AKA Clodplaye, and I don't normally make reaction videos especially since I'm still sick,

but I'm sure everybody's reacting to this and I thought I would jump on the bandwagon.

Because I have always wanted to make a reaction video,

but I never knew what to react to until now!

What most of you probably don't know about me is that I'm actually a huge Marvel fan and... oh my God.

I've been binge watching all the Marvel movies because I am so excited for this movie. You probably guessed from the title,

but I'm going to be reacting to the "Infinity War" trailer, so let's do it.

Dang! It already has 13 million views in 6 hours...

that's crazy! Right, here we go!

I'm not ready. I'm not ready.

Nick Fury: "There was an idea..."

Tony: "To bring together a group of remarkable people..."

Vision: "To see if we could become something more..."

Thor: "So when they needed us, we could fight battles..."

Natasha: "That they never could."

Yo, yo I'm not ready for this!

Thanos(?): "In time, you will know what it's like to lose."

All these people in the same place...

Thanos(?) "To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail all the same."

Uh oh, what going on??

Thanos: "Dreaded, run from it..."

Aye, Loki's back!

Thanos: "Destiny still arrives.

Oh Thanos, oh God!

T'Challa: "Evacuate the city," Okay, so Spiderman's in it. I think we all knew that.

T'Challa: "Engage all defenses," Thor...

Who was that?

T'Challa: "And get this man a shield!" Black Panther, Captain America,

Scarlet Witch,

Obviously Iron Man, and everybody else has a different look er... some people have a different look.

Thanos: "Fun isn't something one considers when"

Thanos: "balancing the universe. But this..." Where's Star-Lord? I know Star-Lord and the Guardians are supposed to be in this movie too-OH!

Thanos: "does put a smile on my face." OHHHH.


Ah, Bucky!!!

Oh my gosh...


WHAT? That's it for right now??

Aw, no way!

Thor: "Who the hell are you guys?"

There they are, yay!! *claps*

Yo! Yo, I couldn't handle it! That was just the first trailer??

I am literally... shooketh.

If that was just the first trailer,

I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to sit through the whole movie. I can't wait for this everybody.

This is going to be probably one of the biggest movie events ever.

So I hope you guys enjoyed my reaction! If you want me to make more reaction videos, go ahead and leave your comments and

suggestions down below, and until next time: baibai!

For more infomation >> My Reaction to the "Avengers: Infinity War" Trailer - Duration: 3:48.


ArtU's Photography Graduate...

For more infomation >> ArtU's Photography Graduate...


Keverton Blake - O lugar da gloria [Prod.919] - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Keverton Blake - O lugar da gloria [Prod.919] - Duration: 3:34.



For more infomation >> STEVEN UNIVERSO - AMAR COMO VOCÊ - Duration: 2:28.


Latanie po okolicach | Bitwa o kluczyki ! Ucieczka | +KONKURS!!! | Odc. 2/2 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Latanie po okolicach | Bitwa o kluczyki ! Ucieczka | +KONKURS!!! | Odc. 2/2 - Duration: 4:25.



For more infomation >> BEER YEAST IN BREEDING PASTE FOR CANARIES AND EXOTIC | Natural remedies | - Duration: 5:07.


Easy French Twist Ponytail | Golden Moods - Duration: 3:51.

Hi guys, welcome to Golden Moods!

Today's video is with an hairstyle made with your Instagram requests.

So you chose a haistyle for long hair,

no braids and to use on a daily basis.

So that's what I'll be doing to day. If you'd like to know what is the hairsyle I'm going to do

Just keep on watching.

I've started this hairstyle by removing a section from the temples

and then I've started to twist that section to my right,

but you can twist it to any side you prefer.

I've removed more pieces of hair from each side

like I would do if it was a Frech Twist,

you could say that.

Until you reached all of the remaining hair.

Since I don't have a lot of hair it all ends very quickly.

Just continue to twist the hair to the side you've started.

In my case, I'll keep twisting it to the right.

The main idea is to form the twist that should look tight and secure

because we're going to start to secure it with bobby pins

and we're not really going to leave as neat as it is right now.

Because we want something more...


Here I just made sure that the hair on my face looked good too.

To secure my twist if used the closed bobby pins,

but it depends on the type of your hair.

For my type of hair these work very well,

Here I've trying to catch the hair under the twist and also the twist with each bobby pin.

So it is nice and secure.

There is no minimum or maximum amount of bobby pins, the idea is to

use enough bobby pins until you feel the hairstyle secure.

In my case, I think I've used 6

of the close ones.

But for those of you who have more frizzy or curly hair you could use the open ones, they work really well.

Here you can see that we have the main hairstyle, that holds itself.

You can also make sure if it looks good and you can add 1 or 2 extra bobby pins if you feel the need to.

So I've added a few more right here.

Just to make sure it was secure.

But of course, it depends on your hair type. My hair is very thin

so it is not a piece of cake to secure something like this, maybe stonger hair will hold best

wth less bobby pins.

In the end, I like to add an elastic, just to make sure that it is all secure

So it holds throughout the day.

Of course you can use setting sprays, etc

but I don't like to use that.

I rarely use it, only in weddings and stuff like that.

You can see that the twist has already hidden the elastic.

But I like to remove a piece of hair wrap it around the elastic just to make sure it stays hidden.

Then you just have to... * cambric pain *

Then you just have to secure that wrapped

hair piece with a bobby pin to hide it.

Make sure it looks good in the front.

And here it is the final hairstyle in 3 minutes!

No cuts and no speeds. Nothing.

I really hope you've liked it.

So this is the final result and I hope you've liked this hairstyle.

I'e left my hair natural so it looked more

soft and relaxed.

Not so neat, because it idea wan't to make it like an event hairstyle.

Nonetheless, if you'd like to transform it into something more chic

you could you straighten or curly hair, it would just look perfect.

It is really simple so transform it as you like.

Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it,

subscribe to my channel and I'll see you in my next video.

xxx ♡ ♡ ♡

For more infomation >> Easy French Twist Ponytail | Golden Moods - Duration: 3:51.


03/12/17.Lances e Gols do Jogo Amigos JS 2 x 1 Paozao F.C - Duration: 12:43.

For more infomation >> 03/12/17.Lances e Gols do Jogo Amigos JS 2 x 1 Paozao F.C - Duration: 12:43.


TOP 10 - zajímavostí z filmu GRINCH - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 - zajímavostí z filmu GRINCH - Duration: 2:12.





Arrested Development - interview - Spike Lee, evolution of Southern hip-hop ( - Duration: 18:54.

For more infomation >> Arrested Development - interview - Spike Lee, evolution of Southern hip-hop ( - Duration: 18:54.


Bolsonaro acusa Globo de favorecer Lula e promete espavorizar a imprensa assista - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Bolsonaro acusa Globo de favorecer Lula e promete espavorizar a imprensa assista - Duration: 2:39.


Przygody ze Świętami ! #1 - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Przygody ze Świętami ! #1 - Duration: 11:00.


"Mais uma evolução como ser humano", diz Yuri Fernandes sobre "A Fazenda" - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> "Mais uma evolução como ser humano", diz Yuri Fernandes sobre "A Fazenda" - Duration: 2:01.


Fenerbahçe 4-2 Kasımpaşa Maç Özeti (03.12.2017) - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Fenerbahçe 4-2 Kasımpaşa Maç Özeti (03.12.2017) - Duration: 2:54.


Conheça Paddy, a senhora de 83 anos que surpreendeu no Teleton, no Chile - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Conheça Paddy, a senhora de 83 anos que surpreendeu no Teleton, no Chile - Duration: 1:33.


8 remédios naturais que ajudam a combater o câncer de ovário - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> 8 remédios naturais que ajudam a combater o câncer de ovário - Duration: 9:42.


New Horror Game | Saina : light is true darkness - Duration: 9:39.

hi my name is Mini now we gonna play new horror game sina light is true

darkness as I know this game has two platform PC and Android we play it on

PC with just a different that's a graphic this game made by

unreal and have to say designer is unknown style is mystery and less horror game and

the story is someone stuck in half of the unknown road in Iran and his gass car is

over then he have to find some in madhouse called sofia asylum and a

little girl soul wanna help him pass

at the first you got nothing but the way into the madhouse main door is luck and

you have to find the order then you will see that girl show you next door

and review the hidden monster

mystery one is a machine which has three TV that's shown to a boy something weird

like a nuclear bomb and something else

this machine has many gear and if set them on right way that will work

to turn off and after you solve it one of that monster will kill the boy

violence is the important thing in horror game that we make your heart pounding

good thing about this game is new gun and shut system that make your point at target easier

there is two gun in this game with different view

you will check and charge them different for each one so if you saw any monster and

enemy on Android platform - just double click on their top and shoot them in the head

the other mystery is the freedom of a man after walking around you will see

prison with a three camera around then you will find a room with many display in

three of that display connect to those camera around the prison

three is word near the man that if you set them by the camera on term in the right

location it will work and prisoner will be free

in this game you will solve many mystery and we're puzzle which they have many purpose

sound is another important thing in any horror game and movies ever made

imagine conjuring and resident evil with no effective sound

no boom no bang no door sound

and a screaming music that will be awful

creator did spent many time for sound and

did make them com to any scary effect


the last important thing i have to to talk about is graphic

many game made by unreal and unreal have many thing

to say like this game there is many player who care about it same as me

so all I have to say this game is one of the graphics game in his price

after concise summary and playing I found

this game is special game and

need special player to

gameplay time is two-hour and his price on Google Play is $1

1$ is not that costly for two hour game play that much

this is not like horror game but it will scare you some times

something worked on this game and maybe something not

cuz only thing in this review I can tell about is $1 worth

all thing and experience you will see and get in this game

now we come the part of a story where I have to say bye

just don't forget that there is nothing perfect and we can't say no to this

but it came to us how we made it

Remember just subscribe can make us bigger than this

good bye

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