Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2017

just hours after former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was

frog-marched into special counsel Robert Muller's office Senate Republicans

passed what leading economists are calling the biggest tax scam in history

and while the two events may seem unrelated GOP leaders know this is their

last chance to appease donors before the president's entire administration is

discredited this is so bad we've just gotten a list of amendments to be

included in the bill not from our Republican colleagues but from lobbyists

downtown none of us have seen this list the lobbyists habit trying to review the

GOP tax camp but they're making handwritten changes to brand new text as

we speak can anyone else read this Flynn's sworn testimony revealed the

presidents top advisors ordered him to set up meetings with the Russians Jared

Kushner Jeff Sessions even the president's own son are reportedly

targets of Muller's investigation the legitimacy of the president's entire

cabinet all his judicial appointments his foreign policy will be called into

question if Flynn told pence anything about his Russia contacts and pence then

lied to America to cover it up I hope it goes without saying that neither

Congress nor America will stand for pence assuming the presidency so he must

consider that Flynn's full proffer the one we've barely an

inkling of so far imperils the political and possibly legal future of both the

president and the vice president even in the reddest of Oklahoma's districts

where the president won by 40 points last year Democratic Dark Horse's

including one openly lesbian challenger have recently flipped for seats in

special elections this could signal a major power shift in DC as early as next

year the Democrats are gonna have to come up with a card to step away from

that dirty Wall Street money and propose bold 21st century ideas like Medicaid

for all a massive infrastructure package that not only updates our entire energy

grid but invest in public transit and high-speed rail and a livable wage where

people who work full-time know they can pay their bills and corporations which

by the way have two trillion dollars cash on hand are gonna have to start

doing their part if you found the information in this

video helpful go ahead and share with a friend and don't forget to click on the

subscribe button so you can find me again

For more infomation >> GOP racing to pass tax scam before POTUS removed - Duration: 2:18.


6 rimedi della nonna che aiutano a conciliare il sonno - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> 6 rimedi della nonna che aiutano a conciliare il sonno - Duration: 6:29.


Gossip: Belen e Stefano pronti a tornare insieme? Parla il ballerino | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Gossip: Belen e Stefano pronti a tornare insieme? Parla il ballerino | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:27.


Barbara d'Urso risponde alle accuse dei fratelli Rodriguez e parla della mamma di Cecilia - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso risponde alle accuse dei fratelli Rodriguez e parla della mamma di Cecilia - Duration: 1:13.


Barbara d'Urso e la frecciatina contro Cecilia, Ignazio e Jeremias in diretta a Domenica Live - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso e la frecciatina contro Cecilia, Ignazio e Jeremias in diretta a Domenica Live - Duration: 1:30.


A saga de uma mãe que estudou Direito e virou espiã nas redes até achar assassino de filho - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> A saga de uma mãe que estudou Direito e virou espiã nas redes até achar assassino de filho - Duration: 1:22.


Pyongyang diz que EUA e Coreia do Sul estão sempre prontos para a guerra - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Pyongyang diz que EUA e Coreia do Sul estão sempre prontos para a guerra - Duration: 0:40.


O incrível poder da gelatina - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> O incrível poder da gelatina - Duration: 5:12.





6 rimedi della nonna che aiutano a conciliare il sonno - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> 6 rimedi della nonna che aiutano a conciliare il sonno - Duration: 6:29.


JÁ DEVIAM TER LHE DITO: Quem Come BANANA NUNCA Vai Ter Essas 5 Doenças FATAIS - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> JÁ DEVIAM TER LHE DITO: Quem Come BANANA NUNCA Vai Ter Essas 5 Doenças FATAIS - Duration: 2:48.


Goku & Gohan「AMV」- Till I Collapse - Duration: 3:13.

You have one shot on stage

What you got to play

Generic drops for days

Still the people rage

Am I not insane?

Can you stop and explain?

Why these drops are so lame

Is money buyin you fame?

I'm fuckin on

I'm killin it with this song

You haters can sing along

Or go back where you belong yea

There's nothing wrong

With giving up movin on

Cuz I took your girl to prom

She can't help but sing this song haha

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out

Till my legs give out can't shut my mouth

Till the smoke clears out. Am I high? Perhaps

Ima rip this shit till my bones collapse.

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out

Till my legs give out can't shut my mouth

Till the smoke clears out. Am I high? Perhaps

Ima rip this shit till my bones collapse.

I'm so gone

Faded off a 30 rack

She's so on

Like a light switch flirting back

There's nothing wrong

With the way that she's working that

I just want that body bad

Come on baby bring it back

I'm so gone

Faded off a 30 rack

She's so on

Like a light switch flirting back

There's nothing wrong

With the way that she's working that

I just want that body bad

Come on baby bring it back

I rap with a passion yea I got it in me

I've been waiting quite a long time for y'all to hear me

It's about damn time you put some stock into me

Your either sponsoring me or fuckin bothering me

And the fact is we just practice

All this madness

That is

Why our status

Is like a canvas

Chance is our advancement

Is enhancing

And this

New expansion's

Like a mansion

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out

Till my legs give out can't shut my mouth

Till the smoke clears out. Am I high? Perhaps

Ima rip this shit till my bones collapse.

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out

Till my legs give out can't shut my mouth

Till the smoke clears out. Am I high? Perhaps

Ima rip this shit till my bones collapse.

For more infomation >> Goku & Gohan「AMV」- Till I Collapse - Duration: 3:13.


#MBNeAVISMi - 17: I Tempi della Ricostruzione - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> #MBNeAVISMi - 17: I Tempi della Ricostruzione - Duration: 2:52.


Nadia Toffa si è ripresa – il primo messaggio della Iena - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa si è ripresa – il primo messaggio della Iena - Duration: 1:00.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Zakente - CARANGUEJO CIGANO - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Zakente - CARANGUEJO CIGANO - Duration: 3:34.


GardenScaprs iOS Hack 2018 | GardenScapes Hack Coins & Lives Level | Work 2018 ★√ - Duration: 5:34.

Welcome to Apple hack games channel . Today I will show you . How to hack garden scapes

for ios . No jailbrak . For last update and any update . But you must watch video till

the end to know the right steps to hacked the game . and don't forget to subscribe . And

write a comment if you face any problems . Now you can see unlimited money . Let's play one

game . after that i will show you how to hack

it .

First step delete game from your device . And open your browser safari . And go to App valley

website link in description . Click install .

After install . Go to settings . And general . And profile device management . And trust

it . Open App valley . And click library . Click

games . And download garden scapes . And click install .

After download . Open it . You can see unlimited money . Please keep

watching the video . If you want save cloud game with your account Facebook . Click settings

. And Facebook . And continue . And open . And click here . Close game . And delete it

again . Go to AppStore . And download last update game .

After downloaded open it . And click settings . And click Facebook . And open .

And continue . And click here . Your save cloud game will

back up . With last update . If you like my video . Please support me like and comment

and subscribe . Thank you

For more infomation >> GardenScaprs iOS Hack 2018 | GardenScapes Hack Coins & Lives Level | Work 2018 ★√ - Duration: 5:34.


Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live - Duration: 2:02.

Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live.

Actor Jim Carrey has had some issues staying on the right side of the sanity line for some

time now, but what he just tweeted out against President Donald Trump and the Republican

Party is bizarre even by his disturbed standards.

On Wednesday, Carrey tweeted out a drawing of a lawmaker who appears to represent Senate

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, with following proclamation:

"The GOP and WH have become sinister conclaves of souless traitors, liars and thieves – a

gangrene we must remove so democracy can live," adding the hashtag "#killthebill"

Take a look:

Carey wasn't specific as to which bill he was referring to, but considering that the

tweet was posted Thursday and the GOP tax plan was passed in the early hours of Saturday

morning, according to CNN, we might be able to make a guess.

It's not the first time Carrey has attacked Trump in recent memory — it's not even

the first time he's used bizarre artwork to gt his point across.

In August, Carrey announced that Trump was going to a rally in West Virginia to "eat

a baby."

Fortunately for Americans, it isn't up to declining movie stars — or the "artwork"

they share — to shape the country's political future.

Carrey's world — the Madonnas, the Bruce Springsteens and all the liberal media elite,

did their best to swing the country onto an irrevocable path downward by getting Hillary

Clinton elected in 2016.

Thanks to Trump and the millions of Americans who voted for him, they failed.

But that doesn't mean they're going to stop trying.

Carrey, David Letterman and Rosie O'Donnell — and all the liberals like them — are

going to keep attacking.

Trump supporters and the Republican Party as a whole need to keep fighting back.

We known Donald Trump will.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live - Duration: 2:02.


Can DNA Kits Help Find Your Diagnosis? | VLOGMAS DAY 3 [CC] - Duration: 8:55.

Okay, it's uploading!


Let's see what it says!

Hello, hello!

It is Vlogmas Day 3 and I wanted to see if it was possible to spot an EDS chromosome

variant , uh, through... one of these genealogy tests!

Uh, the one that I took is 23andMe, I talked about that yesterday.

Um, I do already have an official diagnosis of classical Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome via GeneDX,

um, but I thought if this also provides that same information in the results, it might

be a much more affordable and accessible way to get them.

Um, it's not necessarily so official and on the record but it's something that might help

guide someone on a diagnosis journey in the right direction, it's something that you could

hand to your doctor and see what they think!

Um, so now what we're gonna do is a little process my friend taught me to find my medical results!

Also, I didn't mention it before... there's two things I didn't mention before!

One of them is that this is not a sponsored video but I do have a referral link that I'll

leave in the description below.

Um, and the other thing I didn't mention but it's important to note is that the most

common form of EDS is hEDS or Hypermobile type, previously known as type 3, um, but

that one, the most common one, cannot yet be identified by genetic testing.

Genetic testing is currently available for the other types, um, but it's important for

you to know your results could read negative while still having EDS.

I'm a little sniffly so I'll probably be cutting out my sneezes, just so you know.

Um, but yeah, also just so you know, again your results could read negative but you could

still have EDS. hEDS has to be tested clinically by someone who is well aware of EDS and it's


But you can get lots of other information as well, such as results for MCAD and more...

and as I say that now, I just realized I might learn some stuff that I don't know... about..


So that just made me a little nervous!



Alright. Let's start.

So here's what you have to do:

First, purchase a basic package from a genealogy service: like 23andMe,, or

GenesForGood, which I heard, I'm not entirely sure, they will provide your raw data for


And again, you don't have to upgrade to a health package, just get the standard basic


Step 2, download the raw data from that genetic service: on 23andMe I signed in, clicked "Tools"

and "Browse Raw Data", at the bottom of the page, click "I understand" and "Download".

Bottom of the page "Submit Request", then they will email you your raw data to download,

mine arrived pretty immediately.

Go to your email, click download and it will send you to a page where you need to insert

your password and start downloading.

Alright, Step 4, now that you have your raw data file ready, you can go to,

click "Genetics", then "Health Report Tool", then "Subscribe Now" and complete the sign up process.

Step 5, once your reach your profile, click "Purchase a gene app", you will be charged a one time

fee of 19.95, #NotSpons and I wish I was.

Step 6, then you'll be directed to a page where you can upload your raw data file to

It'll take a few minutes to upload.

Step 7, within minutes you can see your health results, and these should the same results

that took me about 6 months to get from medical testing.


And I'm doing it right now!

Let's see... oh my gosh!


So now I'm on...

Oh my god!

Oh my god, it's here!

Why am I gonna cry right now?

Okay, okay...

[uptempo smooth electronic music]


When I first opened the page, I couldn't find any EDS info but at the top of the page it

says "Sample Varience Report", there you wanna pull down, it says, "Get More Variance Reports".

I'm trying this for the first time too so I'm learning!

Okay and the first thing up there is "EDS by Donna" so I'm gonna click "Install"

Okay, so I clicked "Install" and it's processing my raw data.

What other options do we have here?

So interesting!

Mast Cell Activation, that's what I was hearing about, so you can..


This is so interesting, oh my gosh!!

So you can like...

Check on a bunch of stuff.

Alright, so what does it say here?

Once I clicked the template then click "View Report"...

EDS was the important thing, I'll investigate the Mast Cell Activation, uh, later, for myself

but I'm just trying to see if EDS comes up; if it will show me the same information that

it took me half a year to get and for a lot more than 20$!

Okay, I'm reading it now, it says COL3A1 not 5A1 and that one of my parents had the gene

and the other one didn't.

That's what my results read.

Which is confusing because I have it by memory, my gene test said COL5A1 not 3A1, um, so I'm

gonna continue to look around...

But it's there!

You know...

And I think the important thing is here if I was still looking for my diagnosis, this

is something that I'd want to show to my doctor and hopefully my doctor would see it as reason

to investigate, um, so I'm hoping that that is something that is useful to you.

Um, this may not be perfectly accurate, this may have some faults, like I said, I'm gonna

continue investigating this because this is my first time, you know, doing it.

Um, see what else I can learn.


But ultimately, I think it's worth it, I think it's worth to spent the 20$ and see what you

find and hopefully, it can help guide you on your journey.

I really wish I'd known about this when I was looking for what was happening in my body!

So this is really cool.

Alright, mmm, I'm to explore some more on this website!

Alright, well, I hope you found this video helpful.

If you're watching this I... assume that either you're.. subscribed to me or you are on your own

diagnosis journey or care about someone that is on a diagnosis journey, so I'm wishing you all

the luck in the world on finding out what's going on within you or your loved one's body

and I'll see you tomorrow for another Vlogmas video.

Alright, bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Can DNA Kits Help Find Your Diagnosis? | VLOGMAS DAY 3 [CC] - Duration: 8:55.


DJ Quads - A Coffee To Go [1 Hour Version] - Duration: 1:00:22.

DJ Quads - A Coffee To Go [1 Hour Version]

For more infomation >> DJ Quads - A Coffee To Go [1 Hour Version] - Duration: 1:00:22.


Toyota Yaris - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris - Duration: 0:50.


Sussurrare o sciabolare? - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Sussurrare o sciabolare? - Duration: 0:50.


BUVEZ CE MÉLANGE DE GINGEMBRE ET DE CURCUMA, détoxifier votre foie en une seule nuit !! - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> BUVEZ CE MÉLANGE DE GINGEMBRE ET DE CURCUMA, détoxifier votre foie en une seule nuit !! - Duration: 5:30.


The History of Coffee, as told ...

For more infomation >> The History of Coffee, as told ...


GOP racing to pass tax scam before POTUS removed - Duration: 2:18.

just hours after former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was

frog-marched into special counsel Robert Muller's office Senate Republicans

passed what leading economists are calling the biggest tax scam in history

and while the two events may seem unrelated GOP leaders know this is their

last chance to appease donors before the president's entire administration is

discredited this is so bad we've just gotten a list of amendments to be

included in the bill not from our Republican colleagues but from lobbyists

downtown none of us have seen this list the lobbyists habit trying to review the

GOP tax camp but they're making handwritten changes to brand new text as

we speak can anyone else read this Flynn's sworn testimony revealed the

presidents top advisors ordered him to set up meetings with the Russians Jared

Kushner Jeff Sessions even the president's own son are reportedly

targets of Muller's investigation the legitimacy of the president's entire

cabinet all his judicial appointments his foreign policy will be called into

question if Flynn told pence anything about his Russia contacts and pence then

lied to America to cover it up I hope it goes without saying that neither

Congress nor America will stand for pence assuming the presidency so he must

consider that Flynn's full proffer the one we've barely an

inkling of so far imperils the political and possibly legal future of both the

president and the vice president even in the reddest of Oklahoma's districts

where the president won by 40 points last year Democratic Dark Horse's

including one openly lesbian challenger have recently flipped for seats in

special elections this could signal a major power shift in DC as early as next

year the Democrats are gonna have to come up with a card to step away from

that dirty Wall Street money and propose bold 21st century ideas like Medicaid

for all a massive infrastructure package that not only updates our entire energy

grid but invest in public transit and high-speed rail and a livable wage where

people who work full-time know they can pay their bills and corporations which

by the way have two trillion dollars cash on hand are gonna have to start

doing their part if you found the information in this

video helpful go ahead and share with a friend and don't forget to click on the

subscribe button so you can find me again

For more infomation >> GOP racing to pass tax scam before POTUS removed - Duration: 2:18.


6 rimedi della nonna che aiutano a conciliare il sonno - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> 6 rimedi della nonna che aiutano a conciliare il sonno - Duration: 6:29.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


What If All Convicts Received Capital Punishment? - Duration: 4:58.

Humans aren't perfect.

To be human is to be controlled by emotions and urges that don't always make sense and

aren't sometimes are not considered legal.

What if straying from what society considers to be right ended up getting you killed?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

we are asking What if All Convicts Received Capital Punishment.

A convict is someone who is found guilty of a criminal offense and sentenced to a period

of time in jail, and of course capital punishment is the controversial process of sentencing

somebody to death.

At the moment, 57 countries still maintain Capital punishment, with the rest either abolishing

the practice, or having not engaged in it for over a decade.

Countries retaining the death penalty include Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran,

Egypt and Sudan, as well as China, North Korea and Vietnam…and of course, the United States

of America.

In the US, only murders can receive the death penalty, and only in certain states.

In most other countries, the punishment is extended to drug traffickers, and in Islamic

countries, you can be killed for being homosexual, cheating on your spouse or simply spreading


As you can see, there is already some disparity in what is considered punishable by death.

Our question, of course, implies that all crimes that carry a prison sentence would

now be punishable by death across the world.

Depending on the laws of the country you live in, you could be killed for getting into a

fight, shoplifting, failure to pay tax or being homosexual.

If all convicts were killed then A LOT of innocent people would be dead.

And that isn't okay.

Currently as is, it is estimated that 1 in 25 people sentenced to death in the United

States alone is innocent, which means that around 1,300 innocent people have been killed

in the states since the 1970s.

The states, of course, has a reasonably thorough judicial system, unlike a lot of other countries

to the east.

The body count of innocents would be deplorable.

The situation would be awful regardless of innocence of guilt.

Right now, in the United States Alone, there are approximately 2.3 million American's

in jail.

If they were all killed, the Unites States Population would drop be around 0.9 percent.

They would be wiped off the face of the earth, as would the millions residing in jails across

the world.

Of course, this is not ethical and suggests that offenders cannot be rehabilitated.

High profile figures who have done time include Martha Stewart, Paris Hilton, Paul McCartney,

Fifty Cent and Robert Downey Jnr.

If all convicts received Capital Punishment, then these people would all be dead.

The current statistics for the states suggest that half of all convicts reoffend and are

sent back to jail within 5 years.

Some would argue that enforcing Capital Punishment would reduce crime rates by eliminating re-offenders.

The counter argument would be a study into the likelihood of offending and reoffending

in relation to a person's financial and economic background and upbringing.

Would killing all convicts be considered modern social cleansing?

While crime rates may fall, more serious crimes may rise.

There have been plenty of studies to suggest that blanket, non-marginal punishments may

encourage greater crimes.

For example, if committing any crime would get you killed, it may as well be worth the


Also, why murder one person, when you could murder all possible witnesses…and so on

and so forth.

On top of that, the judicial process would be very bloated.

Guilt would need to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

There would be no appeal process…and perhaps this would mean, through such lengthy and

exact trial times, some criminals would get away.

Historically, if convicts always received Capital Punishment, then Australia and the

Unites States would be very different.

Britain sent 164 thousand convicts over to build a new colony in Australia, and around

52 thousand to the Unites States.

The issue of Capital Punishment is long and complicated enough without the suggestion

that we just kill all convicted criminals, which of course is simply morally unsound

and would provoke huge outrage and risk great oppression.

So, there is an idea of what would happen if all convicts received capital punishment

… and what a scary place the world would be….especially if you lived in the east.

What do you think the world would be like.

Let me know in the comments section below.

For now, please hit that like button if you liked our video and if you aren't a subscriber

then please do become a questioner today.

I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll see you in the next video… for now stay curious, stay alert

and never ever stop questioning.

Hungry for more answers, why not check out our biggest What If's Playlist and our Most

Popular Uploads!

For more infomation >> What If All Convicts Received Capital Punishment? - Duration: 4:58.



what's going on Sharers today we're gonna do something totally epic we got this

giant helium tank, well it's huge we've got these giant

balloons oh it's so many balloons and we've got this giant box fort part we're

gonna connect balloons to it and they can float into the air sky wow what is

going on Sharra's welcome to the ball we're going to another awesome day if

you haven't already heard the song day is out so go check it out what we doing

whoa we're on top of your Jeep I'm sorry

whoa what is that this is a giant helium tank whoa Oh a giant tank of helium oh I

got some ideas on what we can do with this yeah we could float giant balloons

with this thing yeah now I'll have so much lifting power it could float

anything oh maybe we can float you Liz oh cool let's grab the tank let's get

rid of that okay okay this might take a while okay so you grab this side I'll

grab this side oh my goodness okay so heavy ready yeah supposed to be white

ready go Oh helium is so heavy when it's in a tank okay you got it yeah I got it

let's go let's go

whoa okay toss me yeah this is you that's so much helium

I always need some balloons oh yeah sure it's not only we're going to make an

epic flying box for today but we have an awesome giveaway today's giveaway is

this epic drone check this out the x7o aw yeah this cyclone drone is awesome it

can even do the Reedy flips right there look at that okay yeah shares today's

prize is the cyclotron bully having prizes in every single video every

single day yes here's all you have to do to be answered for a chance to win these

prizes is smash the like button on this video

oh you slash it with your nose specially through nose boy and then click the link

in the video's description below yeah click your click to click it and learn

how to how you can win oh yes shares don't forget we're still

doing these epic YouTube play button keychains all you gotta do to get one is

get first comment and this so cool is yeah and shares we're also giving away

10 more well in the music video all you have to do is comment we're gonna be

picking 10 random winners all in the comment section of music videos snow day

never be giving you guys swag back oh yeah see you haven't checked out snow

they go check it out you have a chance to win one of these oh yeah way

announcing the winner in tomorrow 3 p.m. so set your alarms you don't want to

miss it yeah let's get on with the blog let's go oh yes we got this huge helium

tank now we just need Jayant balloons oh look protective balloons section to the

storage closet here we go I got all the giant balloons alright oh whoa we're

using that giant balloons and helium yeah check this out okay sure I think

we're gonna use regular balloons but these are cute yeah giant balloons we

want maximum lifting power so let's get started

whoa let's do this one giant red balloon versus helium

let's fill this thing up let's do it oh I think we ought to move the tank out

cuz it's gonna be so good yeah whoa careful do not drop it

do not drop it sure it's do not drop that tank that is not good

alright carefully roll it go ahead car very careful careful this is a regular

balloon this is a giant redwood let's pop it off with some helium ready

alright turn on the tank here we go whoa okay

oh yeah we're ready to go look how big it is it doesn't get fit who shares

what's gonna happen will this giant red balloon fill up let's see it doesn't

even fix I gotta like I have to hold it like this okay ready

Omo so I'm trying to figure out it close it just go for it see what happens ready

and go go go go how big can we get it

ready is it lifting your arm not quite I mean it's got some lifting power but I

think he can go bigger we're gonna need a lot more let's put it back let's add

some more helium ready here we go oh

yeah there we go that's got some lifting power to it I'm gonna tie it off now

whoa I think I got it wooo oh yeah that's got some power

oh no way and whoa that is crazy oh my goodness that is not what a regular

balloon this chair is this is a regular balloon let's see how fast this thing

goes up ready

okay steve-o's go long shot this giant balloon is awesome and I just noticed

all the gummy fit over here I'm gonna grab a bite out as gummy a hotdog oh

yeah snagging gummy hotdog this is so cool

ready go good oh I have an idea what what if we made a

box with them here like this and this is gonna be the base of our box to make

this a big box part we're gonna make a super thing so we can see it float away

in the air so let's get tape in all those check out these epic colors of

duct tape look at this we have like hey purple yeah so we could decorate this

box or make it look super epic so it's in the sky flying around you can see it

oh it sure is back here we have another box bird it was baby on a graveyard it's

like all broken and torn up no it's not really a box word anymore it's missing

the roof it broke down the side but it still does baby otter oh it it's still

baby otters box for those but you know what we should try to make it fly yeah

let's put the balloon in it oh yeah let's grab this balloon and shove it

inside let's see if it'll work Oh kind of I don't think so a lot more

balloons yeah I think it's gonna take like two or three to float this we

should least try to drop oh he's got a little time check this out whoa you're

right do it drop Jessie if it goes slow yeah it kind of floats take the balloon

out and try it oh it hit so much harder I think we just need like two of these

balloons and we'll build a float baby otters box horseshoes let's grab another

balloon and let's blow it up giant green balloon here we go there we

go fill that thing up Steve oh yeah that looks like it's got some lipstick back

hey Liz how's the box we're coming oh

yeah that's awesome this would be a big box for it see this is gonna need a lot

of balloons yeah this thing is quick ready yeah whoa whoa kit don't let it

hit the light if that balloon hits the light it's gonna pop okay we're gonna

get some string and title and I think we're gonna get some lip yeah I think

this is gonna float oh sure it's coming out that's a balk three things gonna fly

with this balloon oh oh yeah I'm thinking hashtag #boxfort for sure this

is definitely gonna flip got the string right here let's tie it up let's do this

tie it tight Carter we need that double knot to keep this thing's got a lot of

cooling power this balloon cools like crazy there we go oh and let's also tie

this red one so we'll have two balloons above the box where that should give it

super lifting power oh here we can loop it through the window right there oh

yeah or the door that works too oh look it's already lit oh my goodness shares

this is gonna be crazy coming right now have same box raising this thing's gonna

lift off the ground oh yeah I think it's gonna lift oh my goodness this is crazy

this is your box we're almost done because this one's about to fly

to finish it off because I want to make his pink oh yeah that way we can see it

in the sky when it's super high okay I think we're ready to see if this thing

will fly chairs come right now hashtag #boxfort you think it's gonna fly yeah

in three two one go that's weird it had lips before wait I think it's told us a

little bit too heavy oh just a tad bit too heavy a little bit what would not

actually see if I got an idea instead of adding more balloons we just need to

make the box for it lighter so let's start cutting and removing some extra

weight to it time to shed some weight

that way okay check this out much lighter oh yeah now that's a look that

looks like a flying box right let's add the green balloon now let's see you

gonna fly I'm sure to have a good feeling that this new lighter more

improved baby outer box work I think this is gonna fly with just two balloons

we can do a lot more we have a lot of extra balloons we gotta save those for

the big one cuz this one over there oh my gosh this is huge this is so big a

bit of climb inside it and then put all the blooms on top into my fly okay see

you are you ready for a flight test yeah I think so here we go 3 2 1 go Oh give

it a push it needs a push ready yeah go oh we're getting somewhere

actually I got a better idea let's put both wounds on the same side all the

lifting power will go one side I think we'll get to flip over that'll see if we

can actually get look yeah yeah yeah this will be this will be the real test

to see if two balloons can do is go two balloons can do this one I think then we

can probably make the big one fly let's see it yeah c'mon see what's going on

let's try it it's almost flying whoa look it's almost Hungary well

that's actually flying the boss was actually working it looks kind of weird

that it can just like stand on the corner like that concept it works we

just got to add a lot more balloons and we got to make it work with oh it's

floating away well I think we added one balloon it would float to the ceiling if

we just added one more whoa okay you know we're partners but add one more

balloon I think it's definitely gonna work

oh let's grab another giant red one let's fill this up well buddy I got a

better idea let it sit a balloon what if we try oh let's try this blue wubble bubble

bubble Steve oh yeah I've never done a wobble bubble before but let's try it

let's do it let's see you think you even get helium in there I don't even know

how do you do it okay I got the bubble bubble and let's fill it up ready yeah

can you even put helium in these oh it's working wait a wobble ball with helium

could be so cool L wonder if it'll float or if it'll sink I think you will whoa

the shara is coming right now hashtag #wubblebubble and if it's gonna

sink or if it'll float like a balloon how big should we go all you got to go

big Steve all right here we go I feel like that's gotta be big enough yeah

okay moment of truth will it oh wait whoa wait it's like oh wait it's sinking

now wait is it floating or sinking it's like half and half hey light just stays

in the mid and mid air it goes so slow it just floats what it's like just

floating in the air that's so cool oh hey so you check this out I got a one

bubble check ready here we go whoa

that's so cool whoa no way hey throw it ready go let's see shares

this is gonna be the flying box for it okay I just have to add my final touches

you ready for this I'm ready it looks like a monster oh yeah this is so cool

but she's ready to fly oh do you know what mr. monster eats

oh she might start flying Oh sheriff's come right now how many

balloons you think it's gonna take to fly mrs. monster box for it I think it's

gonna take all the balloons that we have so I'm gonna say like eight I'm gonna

take about four shares I'm gonna say it's gonna take about six balloons to

fly mrs. box for cherries remember these are giant balloons not regular balloons

so they have a lot of lifting power yeah come right now hashtag #balloons and how

many balloons I think it's gonna take

you guys go on a tour with mrs. box fort and then you come inside

and check this out there's a skylight whoa that's so cool and there's a back

door that's so cool I got the balloon whoa yeah Liz let's grab mrs. box for it

Oh mrs. Monster Oh No come on let's go let's get outside let's go let's go

let's go this thing will float oh no it's dark the moon's out okay no

problem Sheriff what does pump with a bunch of balloons tonight and when the

Sun comes out tomorrow things are gonna get super epic yeah I can't wait for

tomorrow morning it's gonna be epic I want to public so many balloons this

thing is gonna fly so high okay Sherry's before tomorrows blog coming right now

have any balloons we're gonna need to tie to this box work to let it yeah mrs.

Monster BoxFort is gonna go sky high tomorrow oh yeah I can't wait and shares tomorrow's

prices are gonna be even more epic so if you haven't already entered check the

video's description below on how you can enter to win every prizes every single

day 3 p.m.

Stay awesome and Share The Love, Peace!

For more infomation >> FLOATING BOX FORT WITH GIANT BALLOONS!! (PART 1) - Duration: 15:43.


my edited bfb intro - Duration: 0:20.

*Me and Kitty*


Also: This is NOT BFDI Corrupted.

Hope you enjoyed the video anyways. Like and Subscribe! :)

For more infomation >> my edited bfb intro - Duration: 0:20.


Almost Broke My Tailbone - Duration: 2:24.

holy shit we have reached 666 subscribers I outside a bonfire not

special Islander if you live outside the UK bonfire night is where we dress a

dummy up like a hacker then we burn him on a fire for entertainment I think but

I completely forgot to make the video oh well there's always next year

so stay sub for that anyway let me tell you the story of how I ended up getting

smashed in the ass no chip not that story that was badly worded how about

the story of how I ended up with a sore ass after spinning around a pole you

know what never mind just let me explain if you didn't already know I used to do

freerunning and this move called The Italian Job no it's got nothing to do

with Super Mario deviantART don't let your kids what's it and it's got nothing

to do with the film The Italian Job is a freerunning move where you spin around

on the backs of your legs I was practicing this azu do khyati I

was trying to do it non handed I ran up to the rail and stopped I kept doing

this because fear was telling me this is a bad idea

so I looked fear in the eyes and told fear to suck my fork then I tried it

again this time I didn't stop and I nailed it I have gotten over the fear of

doing it so I tried it again this is where shit went wrong I didn't make it

all the way around the bar I stopped halfway and I was slowly tipping back I

said this had nothing to do with the film The Italian Job but I felt like the

buzz on the edge of that cliff a fallback boy had manager up to on the

bar so didn't fall off something worse happened I swung at full speed into the

bottom bar and my elbow made direct contact with the steel bar you could

hear the bar ding like someone's swinging their dick into a huge bar I

was a fair distance away from home without any money for a boss so I had to

walk home looking like I spent the night up what day Ryan's house I'm just lucky

that I didn't break my tailbone sorry it took so long to make this video I've

been ill but I'm back now Commendation this Ricker's will bear

he's super underrated so check him out and stop being a fucking cunt

For more infomation >> Almost Broke My Tailbone - Duration: 2:24.


The Antikythera Mechanism Episode 6 - Making The Metonic Calendar Train - Duration: 23:51.

G'day Chris here, and welcome back to Clickspring.

In this video, I make the gearing that drives the Metonic Calendar pointer,

as well as two small adjacent pointers:

One showing the Callipic cycle,

and the other indicating the 4 year cycle of the Pan Hellenic Games.

The Ancient Greek concept of a calendar was very different to our own.

In fact they used a system of several calendars,

that tied together the cycle of the sun and the moon,

annual seasonal events, and also recorded various intervals of solar years.

Remarkably, the Antikythera Mechanism provided a coherent display

of all of this data for the user to interpret.

At the heart of the calendar display is the gearing that represents the Metonic Cycle.

A fortunate astronomical coincidence where 235 Lunar months

almost exactly equals 19 solar years.

To provide more room for the engraved text,

the cycle is represented on the dial as 5 spirals of 47 months.

The pointer moves through 5 full turns to cover the 235 months in 19 years,

after which its reset to the inside of the spiral again to re-start the process.

So ignoring sign convention for the moment,

and viewed from the perspective of the pointers,

the gearing ensures that a full turn of the Metonic pointer occurs once every 3.8 years.

And you might notice that two of the gears cancel out in the train calculation,

so they appears to be redundant.

But as it happens a 53 tooth gear turns out to be essential for another part of the mechanism

thats driven by the first section of this train,

and I'll cover that in detail in a later video Now there's a small error in the Metonic cycle

thats corrected in the Callipic cycle,

by essentially multiplying the entire Metonic cycle by 4 to give a more accurate

76 year relationship.

And finally the Olympiad pointer indicates the passage of the 4 year Games cycle.

So there are 6 wheel assemblies to be made to complete this part of the mechanism,

as well as a number of supporting components.

And as I make a start on the wheels,

its worth commenting on one of the engineering techniques used in this part of the mechanism.

You'll have noticed that the assemblies are all rotating on either a single pivot,

or in the case of the M assembly, a through pivot with a bracket support.

This single pivot idea is also present in the wreckage of the Byzantine Sundial Calendar.

But generally, it has to be said that its not a practice that survived from antiquity

to be used in the modern age.

Somewhere along the line, the idea evolved.

Becoming more mechanically sound and efficient.

So that today a wheel assembly in a modern clock or watch for example

has 2 very slender, low friction pivots.

Now there are many engineering "firsts" like this within the mechanism,

that I'll cover cover the coming episodes.

Some were evolutionary dead ends, and simply didn't make it.

Some, like the single pivot idea were the origins of an idea that continued to evolve.

And others were evolutionary winners from the very beginning.

Travelling through time essentially unchanged, right up to the modern era.

Now one idea that of course definitely evolved is the tooth profile.

But that's not to say it wasn't largely effective as it was.

Because despite its mechanical inefficiency,

a triangular tooth profile brings a tremendous advantage when it comes to

certain aspects of the build.

Like for example, depthing.

For a traditional clock movement,

depthing involves using a specialised tool like the one I made in a previous video series.

Unlike modern cycloidal teeth,

the optimum depthing for triangular teeth is very close to full depth of engagement.

So by simply pushing the wheels together,

a very close approximation of the correct center distance is immediately achieved.

Then by adjusting the wheels out slightly,

a good working distance can be set, captured with dividers,

and subsequently marked on the plates.

The entire mechanism can then be depthed using this simple method,

with no requirement for a specialty tool.

And there's a further advantage to triangular teeth,

if the wheel engagement is found to be a little tight,

once the pivot positions have already been drilled.

In that instance the entire outside profile of one or even both of the wheels

can be very slightly filed back, much like when the teeth were originally formed.

So that the final stage of depthing essentially becomes

an extension of the tooth forming process,

and I'll show you some more detail on this later in the video.

I used a deburring tool to tidy up the perimeter of the pivot holes.

And then used a transfer punch to locate the three holes

that allow the pointers to pass through the dial plate.

OK, so that's both plates complete for the moment, next up I made the wheel assemblies.

Which follow a basic pattern of square holes threaded over square shafts.

Each of the assemblies presents different combinations of tapered arbors,

and interference fits, rivets and pins as fastening techniques

to keep the wheels in place on their respective arbors.

But the way that these ideas have been executed in each case

says a great deal about not only the state of the engineering technology of the day,

but also the objectives of the maker when constructing the device.

And the L assembly is a great example to show you what I mean.

This assembly sits directly beneath the main solar drive wheel B1.

The clearance between the top of this assembly and the underside of B1 is less than a millimetre,

so by design there's not enough room for a retaining pin to be used on its upper surface.

And, rather than provide a shoulder for the 2 wheels to face onto,

the pivot has been deliberately turned smaller than the square mounting boss.

Presumably to keep the pivot friction to a minimum.

Now in each case, it didn't necessarily need to be this way.

The main bearing could have been made to lift B1 a little higher,

and so provide enough room for a fastening pin.

And, the L pivot could have been made with a larger diameter

without that much of a friction penalty.

But in each case, they weren't.

Instead the much more challenging route was taken,

of fastening the wheels using a firm interference fit on a very small tapered square arbor.

And this leads to a couple of conclusions.

The first is that there can be no doubt that the Maker was consciously pursuing

miniaturisation of the mechanism.

Bypassing the easy options,

and instead choosing the much more difficult, but sleeker options.

Which then naturally leads to a second conclusion:

That this must surely have been a mature version of the design,

and that other versions must have come before it.

Now as tends to happen when pushing the limits,

things don't always go according to plan.

The scans show at least one small retaining rivet used to hold the two wheels together,

that strictly speaking isn't required.

We can never know for sure of course,

but maybe the wheels were tapped off their arbor for some reason,

perhaps to improve a depthing as mentioned earlier.

And when re-assembling, the fit perhaps wasn't quite as firm the second time,

requiring the rivet.

Regardless, the slim profile of a pinless assembly was achieved,

and the entire device was that much more compact because of it.

Next up are the O,P and Q assemblies.

The O assembly is present in the wreckage,

so there's a bit guidance about how this part of the mechanism was put together.

But the P and Q assemblies are absent,

so I've reconstructed them along similar lines to the O assembly.

I used the lathe and mill to form the basic arbor profile,

taking light cuts due to the extent of the work overhang.

And I then used needle files to bring them to final dimension.

In each case, I gave the arbors a gentle taper,

so that the wheels could be held in place with a light interference fit.

Each of the square holes was carefully opened up

until the wheels just threaded onto the end of the arbor.

From there, the holes were further opened until each wheel

could be easily pushed onto the arbor for staking.

And its worth pointing out that this process of opening up each of the squares

was incredibly delicate,

with barely a handful of file strokes between initial entry onto the arbor,

and getting the wheel into a good position for staking.

The wheels, pinions and a small retaining disc on the O assembly

were then gently hammered into position on their arbors.

Now again, much of the M assembly is also missing from the wreckage.

But from what remains, we know that the assembly passed through the main plate.

So it serves as a possible example of how close fitting parts,

and removable taper pins could have been used to enable the disassembly

of some parts of the mechanism.

It would have been necessary to provide the M assembly

with some degree of what clockmakers call "end shake":

A small clearance gap between the plate and the assembly that ensures free movement.

The main plate is a bit cumbersome to use for this job,

so I used a scrap of the same thickness instead.

It provided a clear profile view of the assembly as it will be when in position,

allowing good inspection of the end shake.

The last assembly to look at is the N assembly, which is the one that carries the Metonic


And this assembly neatly ties together most of the ideas presented in the previous 5.

It has a wheel and pinion that are firmly staked into position.

But it also has the larger wheel at the pivot end as a press fit,

so that it can be pushed or tapped into place during the assembly process.

You'll see this happen later in the video.

OK thats the bulk of the work on the assemblies complete,

so next I moved on to the pointer components,

starting with the support frame for the metonic pointer.

And since I'll soon need a second one of these for the Saros pointer,

I figured I'd better make both of them at the same time.

The Metonic and Saros pointers, are a nice straight forward shape,

designed to be a loose sliding fit within the support frames.

There'll be a small stylus on the end of each of these pointers

that will follow the spiral groove of the dial plates,

but I'll save installing those until I cut the spirals in a later episode.

The Callippic and Olympiad pointers are not present in the wreckage,

but the rest of the surrounding structure requires that they be quite short.

So I found it convenient to form the squares first while they were still part of the parent stock,

and then once they were cut free I draw filed them to a smooth teardrop profile.

And that completes all of the parts for the assemblies,

so each one that requires a taper pin was then marked out and the cross holes drilled.

The holes were then lightly taper broached, and the retaining pins fitted into place.

Now most of the assemblies for this part of the gear train run directly in the main plate.

But both the P and Q assemblies require raised bushings,

to bring them to the correct height for meshing.

They're basically small cylinders that are intended to sit proud of the main plate,

held in place with a pin and washer on the other side.

And speaking of washers, I turned those next.

The largest of the three being the spacer that raises the O assembly up off the main plate,

to bring it to the correct meshing height with the N assembly.

The final part to be made for this part of the build is the small bracket supporting

the M arbor.

And this is one of those Ancient engineering ideas I mentioned earlier in the video,

that was most definitely an evolutionary winner.

Because we see essentially the same support structure

used throughout all forms of mechanical horology.

The wreckage scans shows that it was fastened to the main plate

using with 2 diagonally opposed rivets.

And the rivets are required to be filed flush to permit the motion of wheels

both directly above and below the fitting.

Ok, so thats enough of the hard work, time for my favourite part of the build: Assembly.

Now as that last assembly is inserted, notice how its just a little bit tighter than the others,

as its seated into place.

This is a perfect candidate for the depthing adjustment that I mentioned earlier in the video.

By cutting the teeth ever so slightly deeper into the wheel,

the outside diameter is slightly reduced, easing the depthing to a better engagement.

And on the second insertion, its much improved.

In the next episode, I'll continue to build the gearing

that existed beneath the rear dial of the mechanism.

Thanks for watching, I'll see you later.

Now if geared mechanisms like this are your thing,

and you'd like to help me make more of these videos,

then consider becoming a Clickspring Patron.

As a patron of the channel you get immediate access to the Patron Series of videos.

This includes the 5 videos of the Wedge Style Hand Vise build,

and the first 6 videos of the Byzantine Sundial Calendar build,

with more to come as that series progresses.

In the most recent episode,

I made 2 versions of the mechanism body,

one fabricated from sheet stock,

and the other by casting the part from scrap brass.

And don't forget that as a Patron you also get free access to the plans

for the Patron Series projects.

So you can follow along, and build them yourself if you wish.

Now as an added Patron Reward, for a limited time I'm also offering $10 off

on your purchase of the Clickspring Fire Piston.

Its a terrific little fire starting device,

based on the prototype that I made some time ago.

And it makes a great addition to any camping or hiking bag.

So be sure to visit to find out more.

Thanks again for watching,

I'll catch you on the next video.

For more infomation >> The Antikythera Mechanism Episode 6 - Making The Metonic Calendar Train - Duration: 23:51.


TELYKast - There For You (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:26.

I love the way your hair looks

The way you giggle at my bad jokes 🤭

Summer nights when we just pushed

As the sunset on the Gold Coast

The way you look with your eyes closed

Laying on my chest, wearing my clothes

Blowing smoke at the window

As we roll down to San Diego

And don't you think it's crazy

How we made it here look at us now

If you ever feeling low

It's something that you gotta know

'Cause even if the world comes crashing down

I'll be there for you

And even if the sky goes up in flames yeah

We'll make it through

And at the end of it all

At the end of it all

I'll still be there for you ❤️


All the times that we fought but

In the end we would make up

And you know when the luck's fade

That we still feel the same way

And don't you think it's crazy

How we made it here look at us now

If you ever feeling low

It's something that you gotta know

'Cause even if the world comes crashing down

I'll be there for you

And even if the sky goes up in flames yeah

We'll make it through

And at the end of it all

At the end of it all

I'll still be there for you ❤️


I'll be there for you




Even if the world comes crashing down

I'll be there for you

And even if the sky goes up in flames yeah

We'll make it through

And at the end of it all

At the end of it all

I'll still be there for you ❤️



I'll be there for you ❤️






For more infomation >> TELYKast - There For You (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:26.





5 Ways To INSTANTLY Look MORE ATTRACTIVE | How Be More Attractive & Be Better Looking - Duration: 9:11.

5 Ways to Instantly Look More Attractive

Don't you hate when someone gives you USELESS advice about looking attractive?

Like "here are 3 ways to look more attractive, #1 take a shower and put on a clean shirt"

like oh gee thanks bro never woulda thought of that!

Awesome advice right there, I totally haven't taken a shower in like 10 years but after

I watched your video I took one and then went outside and I was instantly swimming in pussy!

Yeah no.

In this video I'll be teaching you a bunch of things that you AREN'T already doing.

So let's hop right into it.

#1 Take baths with mineral salts.

Now you're probably thinking what the fuck?

Who even takes baths?

But hear me out, I was recently reading about productive morning routines and I came across

Tom Ford's daily schedule, and in it he talked about how he took baths religiously

as a form of relaxation and meditation.

So I said fuck it and decided to try it.

If the guy who makes all the suits for the James Bond movies recommends it, I gotta try

it out.

And what I found was taking baths with mineral bath salts is actually really beneficial for

cleansing your skin and leaves it soft and smooth.

It even gives your skin a really healthy-looking, noticeable glow.

Even after just a few days, I noticed my skin was overall A LOT smoother and looked much

better than it did before.

Not to mention, taking baths helps relieve muscle soreness which is perfect if you workout

and exercise regularly.

Now I'm not saying to stop showering and only take baths, but if you're looking to

make your skin look and feel a lot better, then definitely give it a try.

I make sure to do it a couple of times each week after my showers to make sure my skin

always looks on point.

Now, a lot of you guys have been asking me to do a face reveal.

So here it is.

You ready?

Here it is ...... . Here I am.

Not bad, huh?

But I didn't always look like this.

In fact, just a few months ago, I actually looked like this .... Big difference, huh?

. Look at how much better my SKIN is.

Like holy shit, no acne whatsoever!

And you want to know how I did it?


I literally just put this on my face every day and look for yourself - the difference

is HUGE!

And since it worked so well for my face, I decided to try it on my body too - and OH



Look how skinny I was in the Before pic, and how shredded I am in the After pic!

And I didn't even set foot in a gym.

It's all thanks to TIEGE HANLEY!

You can also put Tiege on your dick and it'll make it grow to AT LEAST 8 inches, guaranteed.

You can put Tiege on your wallet and it'll make hundred dollar bills appear in it.

You can use Tiege as laundry detergent when you wash your bedsheets, and when you make

your bed, there will be a Victorias Secret model laying in it waiting for you.


In the year 1400, the alchemist Nicholas Flamel began his search for the famed Philosopher's

Stone, believed to have the ability to turn any metal into gold, and to bestow the possessor

of the stone with immortal life.

Nobody had been successful in acquiring the priceless stone ... until now.





Seriously though.

If you're on YouTube a lot you may have heard of this, and you've probably wondered if it's

actually legit or if it's all hype.

I did too.

So I reached out to them and decided to try it out for a few weeks.

And damn, this stuff is legit.

If you're planning on drinking it to become immortal, you might be a little disappointed.

But if you're looking for something that'll take your skin game to the next level, you'll

love it.

You know how sometimes after you have sex ... or, if you're a virgin, you know how sometimes

after OTHER people have sex, it looks like they're glowing?

The thing that's so dope about Tiege is it actually makes you look smoother and you look

like you're giving off that same type of after-sex glow that attracts tons of girls.

I'll admit I was actually surprised at how well this stuff works.

I recommend you try it out yourself and you'll see what I mean, so I'll have a link in the

description linking you to their stuff, and be sure to use promo code BASEDZEUS20 to get

20% off.

#2 Wear accessories

Shit like bracelets, watches, and necklaces, all help make your outfits look a lot better

and they also make you stand out from all the other guys who never bother to pay attention

to the small details of the outfit.

My go to accessories on a regular basis are usually a couple bracelets and a watch.

If you're not sure what you should get, I suggest starting by getting a few cheap

bracelets from pretty much any clothing store, and then trying them out to see which ones

you like, since they're inexpensive and immediately make your outfits look better.

It may sound really small and like it won't make a difference BUT trust me, girls will

pick up on that and it will be an advantage over most guys.

#3 Don't be afraid to break the rules

So, I remember back in middle school when we still had to wear uniforms, the best way

to stand out and be stylish was to wear a fresh pair of shoes that nobody else had.

For example, if everyone is wearing the same uniform like a polo shirt and some khakis,

and there's no variety at all, but then there's a guy wearing a pair of Yeezy's with it,

then that guy is clearly gonna be perceived as cooler.

So you can use this concept in any scenario, whether you have a uniform or not, but just

adding one unusual piece to your outfit that makes you stand out from other people.

An unusual pair of shoes, a really nice watch, something in a really stand-out color, or

whatever you like.

You can also do this in a work environment if you're older, for example, if you're

wearing a typical grey, navy, or black suit, you can combine it with a bold colored button-down,

or an unusual tie such as a knit tie or a bowtie.

Or a nice pair of shoes or a cool watch band.

This'll really help to elevate the distinctiveness of your outfit and the girls you work with

will find you much more attractive by comparison.

Long story short, don't be afraid to break the rules a bit and show more of your personality

through your clothing.

#4 Body language

This is probably one of the most important ones because it directly influences how a

person thinks of you, before you even talk to them.

You should have confident body language 24/7.

This means, you should walk confidently, stand confidently, sit confidently, and even fucking

BREATHE confidently.

Hell, I even sleep confidently

Now there are tons of videos out there about body language, so I'm gonna give you only

the TOP THREE specific tips that you need to know.

Instead of trying to memorize a huge essay or a list of a hundred fucking things, just

remember these THREE, and you'll already be ahead of at least 90% of guys.


Your shoulders should to be rolled back and upright, this will force your chest out and

make it look bigger 2.

Your chin/head should to be up.


When you're walking, you should be making eye contact with people.

NOT mean mugging them like you're a Sylvestor Stallone character from an 80's movie , just

looking at them for a couple seconds in a mature way.

Also, if you're standing still, you usually look more confident if you're leaning up

against something because your body takes up more space.

In short, make sure you walk with confidence and are confident in all of your body movements.

It'll make a HUGE difference.

#5 Clothes

I've talked about clothes before, but what makes you look attractive at first glance

is having that aesthetic V shape, where your upper body is bigger and naturally tapers


That's why when you look at statues, their bodies look perfectly proportioned It's

the same idea, except you can achieve that V-shape with the clothes you wear.

My top 3 style tips for this video, that you may not have heard before, are:


As a general rule of thumb, if you want to enhance that V shape, you should wear your

clothes in a slimmer fit.

So for shirts, you want them to fit snugly around the chest and arms but you want to

have room in the torso area.

You should also wear slim fitting pants and jeans because it'll help give your body

a tapered look for the lower part of your body and that's when you'll really start

to get that V shape and look like a greek god.


I recommend wearing boots like chukka boots and chelsea boots because they make you look

taller and help make the outfit look a lot sleeker.

But you can also go for something like Vans which look just as good


Another trick you can do to achieve that V-shape is to wear layers, to make your top half look

bigger and to really emphasize that tapered V look.

You can do this by wearing a hoodie and a jacket, or a t-shirt under your button downs,

and so on.

I'll have pictures on screen now of outfits that do a good job of pulling off that look.

In summary: • Take mineral salt baths

• Wear accessories ( I'll have the bracelets I've personally been wearing linked below

) • Break the rules

• Have confident body language • Wear dope clothes

Also, BE SURE to try out Tiege Hanley for your skin.

I ... honestly, I almost didn't want to like it, because I wanted to make fun of it, but

after I tried it I actually really did like it and it's a completely different feel to

typical skincare products.

It's also REALLY simple to use, they include step by step instructions right on the bottle

so you don't have to know anything about skincare, since it already includes everything you need

for your face for a super low price.

It's important to take care of your face now so it looks good now, AND stays looking good,

because you don't want to turn into one of those old dudes with skin so wrinkly people

can't tell the difference between you and that dude from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

So hit that link in the description and give it a shot, and be sure to use promo code BASEDZEUS20

to get 20% off.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To INSTANTLY Look MORE ATTRACTIVE | How Be More Attractive & Be Better Looking - Duration: 9:11.


Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live - Duration: 2:02.

Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live.

Actor Jim Carrey has had some issues staying on the right side of the sanity line for some

time now, but what he just tweeted out against President Donald Trump and the Republican

Party is bizarre even by his disturbed standards.

On Wednesday, Carrey tweeted out a drawing of a lawmaker who appears to represent Senate

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, with following proclamation:

"The GOP and WH have become sinister conclaves of souless traitors, liars and thieves – a

gangrene we must remove so democracy can live," adding the hashtag "#killthebill"

Take a look:

Carey wasn't specific as to which bill he was referring to, but considering that the

tweet was posted Thursday and the GOP tax plan was passed in the early hours of Saturday

morning, according to CNN, we might be able to make a guess.

It's not the first time Carrey has attacked Trump in recent memory — it's not even

the first time he's used bizarre artwork to gt his point across.

In August, Carrey announced that Trump was going to a rally in West Virginia to "eat

a baby."

Fortunately for Americans, it isn't up to declining movie stars — or the "artwork"

they share — to shape the country's political future.

Carrey's world — the Madonnas, the Bruce Springsteens and all the liberal media elite,

did their best to swing the country onto an irrevocable path downward by getting Hillary

Clinton elected in 2016.

Thanks to Trump and the millions of Americans who voted for him, they failed.

But that doesn't mean they're going to stop trying.

Carrey, David Letterman and Rosie O'Donnell — and all the liberals like them — are

going to keep attacking.

Trump supporters and the Republican Party as a whole need to keep fighting back.

We known Donald Trump will.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Jim Carrey Comes Unglued, Demands Republicans Be "Removed" so Democracy Can Live - Duration: 2:02.


Best way to sew a smocked bishop together | No shoulder seams | No broken needles | No frustration - Duration: 4:13.

Hey everyone, I am so excited to share this technique with you of pleating a bishop first,

and then sewing the shoulder seams together.

It does take a few extra minutes, but the benefits of being able to use thicker fabric,

not worrying about breaking needles over those shoulder seams, and not having those shoulder

seams cause bulk in your pleats – I think it's well worth the few extra minutes.

So you'll start this like any other bishop – cut out your pattern pieces.

I'm using the children's corner bishop pattern, but this technique will work for

any pattern and any style of bishop.

Then you'll use a water-soluble marker to mark your seam allowance.

In my case, the seam allowance is 1/2", which is what I'm marking…

Thread up your pleater – completely up to you and your pattern on how many needles to


And take your first piece for your bishop.

If your bishop closes in the back, then your first piece will be one of the back pieces.

If your bishop closes in the front, then your first piece will be one of the front pieces.

I rolled my left back piece on a dowel with the right side of my fabric facing up.

And I pleated this like normal.

When you get to the end of your first piece, you'll actually take the whole piece off

of your pleater.

Then take out the threads to the nearest pleat by your seam allowance.

It's not an exact science and it doesn't need to be – close enough is just fine here.

Then roll up whichever sleeve comes next for you.

In my case, I rolled up the left sleeve with the right side of the fabric facing up.

Be careful to be consistent about rolling up the fabric pieces in the same manner – either

all of them with the right side of the fabric facing up, or all with the wrong side of the

fabric facing up.

Anywho, feed this piece through a little bit until you get to your seam allowance mark.

Again, go to the nearest pleat to the seam allowance mark and you'll kinda free your

needles, if you will.

Just take the seam allowance off the needles, I hope that makes sense.

Then thread up your pleater again and continue to pleat.

What you have now created is a pleated sandwich.

Continue this same method until all of your pieces have been pleated together.

I pulled the pleating threads taught before taking the dress to my machine.

Pulling the threads taught ensures you don't sew over any of the threads as well as matches

up the pleats for you.

So you'll sew as close to the pleating thread as possible without sewing over it.

Then to finish this seam off, I guess you could run it through your serger or run a

zigzag over the raw edges… but I did a mock French seam instead.

So that means I cut one half of the seam down to about 1/8" or so.

Then I folded the other half over twice so the folded edge would line up with the machine


And I used these machine stitches to secure my hand sewing to.

This creates a mocked French seam.

And that's all there is to it.

Go ahead and block the bishop like normal.

I have many videos that show how to block a bishop and the rest of the steps to finish

the side seams and such.

I will link them below along with this lovely super-fine flannel I've used for the tutorial.

It's one of my favorite, favorite fabrics for little ones.

Really soft and cozy.

I hope this video was helpful.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below and I'll do my best

to answer them.

As always, I appreciate y'all for watching and I hope to catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Best way to sew a smocked bishop together | No shoulder seams | No broken needles | No frustration - Duration: 4:13.


(EP-6) Trixz play Syndrome - Duration: 4:12:58.

For more infomation >> (EP-6) Trixz play Syndrome - Duration: 4:12:58.


This Is How You Can Make Money Online In 2018 With NO MONEY As A Beginner! - Duration: 17:54.

What's going on guys in this video today

We're going to be talking about how you can make money online in 2018 and start your own online business with zero dollars

It's not drop shipping

It's not affiliate marketing although that has something to do with it later on it's not any other make money online method

You're probably thinking about however that it's in front of you right now. It's all over the internet you see it every single day

It's personal branding hate it or love it guys personal branding makes people a lot of money

And I'm going to show some income results in a second so stay tuned where you can see the potential of personal branding

There's a few reasons why I'm doing this video today guys number. One is I want to show people that

anyone can do this anyone can literally go out there start a personal brand and will go through my story because I'm I have a

Feeling my story is going to relate to a lot of people. I'm going to go over

What's holding?

You back later on in this video and how to overcome that and the second thing

I want to motivate people to do that we just had 50,000 subscribers on this channel, and I'm a very very lazy youtuber

I'm very inconsistent. I don't upload all the time. I am getting bitter that I used to be very very socially awkward

I still am not on YouTube as much anymore

But I want to show you that you can actually get this done yourself

And how much money can be made from personal branding because hey love it. It's here to stay and personal branding

There's going to be massive and 2018 all right, so let's jump into this. I'll show some earnings then later on in the video

We'll talk about how you can get this done

Show the potential show you how to get past those those blocks those roadblocks that are stopping you from doing this yourself

First of all dropping like guys. We just hit fifty thousand subscribers, which is pretty good for someone. That's been a lazy

Youtuber so if you're new drop alike if you've been with me since the start guys drop a like as we have tons more

Content on the way, so let's jump into some earnings

So you guys can see kind of the potential and what personal branding can do we'll just do a refresh here

So you can have a look now?

This is $55 thousand dollars u.s.. In the last

30 days now this is

mostly pretty much 90% traffic from a YouTube channel to one of my courses a

Fifty-five thousand is not is not a lot compared to what some people making online

This is kind of at the low end scale for me. I suppose it really depends my incomes

Up and down online sometimes I get lazy sometimes

I don't but this is the last 30 days from mostly YouTube traffic

And I'd haven't even really use my YouTube to promote my course a lot

I just sometimes mention it in videos

And then also the power of personal branding guys a lot of people hate people that do personal branding

But at the end of the day come on guys you know personal branding can make money because you're helping people

this is and

Three months I think it was on the when I launched one of my courses one hundred sixty fifty thousand dollars just on the launch

This is what North elites know nothing

This is just from some emails and posting an Facebook group, so as you can see guys personal branding is pretty powerful

and you can make money from it and

2018 is going to be a very very big year for personal branding

So it's a good idea to get started if you want to get into that

Now how much money do I make from YouTube itself? I can't actually tell you I'm talking about ad revenue

It's a ranges between around about fifteen hundred to two thousand two hundred per month

It really just depends on how much my post and stuff like that

So I don't know the I don't know if that's a lot, or I mean that's pretty good

I suppose for a channel of fifty thousand subscribers, but I'm not really 100% sure I don't worry about that too much alright

And then there's also

Affiliate commissions if you want to know how much I make from that there will be a video and the link below go and check

That out after this video

it shows you all of my affiliate earnings from my

Personal branding stuff alright pretty cool stuff there now the one thing I want to kind of crush right now guys

Is everyone thinks you need to have a good camera you need to be on camera you don't okay?

if you want to be on camera all you need is a cell phone if

You don't want to be on camera

You don't need to be on camera, so this is my channel here all of my first videos guys

I wasn't even on camera, and they have thousands of views my talking sucked. I sucked at talking everything just sucked

But because I was providing value people liked my content people still signed up to my email list I still built a community

From the content. It's not about you like you on the camera

It's about the value you provide so one of my first videos and actually guys stay tuned

So I'm actually gonna tell you how I got all these views how to get lots of views and lots of subscribers alright

So what I actually did was on my first video here. I was on camera, but I used my cell phone

We have our cell phone every single day YouTube is about

documenting what we're doing and it's exactly what I did I

Did a video on how I get traffic to my blog. I simply shared that online and blow up

I've got quite a lot of views in the fields like a couple of months

And I did that with just a cell phone guys

Nothing else and even then you don't even need to be on camera if you don't want to

That's the thing I thought to myself I have to be on camera

I have to do all this crazy stuff and these two these are my two first videos right I

Thought I had to be on camera and I was like man. This sucks. This is hard, and I nearly gave up

I nearly gave up two took me so long to do these videos then you'll see the rest of my videos guys

I wasn't on camera apart from these ones. I wasn't on camera because I thought I don't need to be on camera


Why why do I need to be on camera so if you're one of those people that you?

Haven't done. This well. You're not doing this because not being on camera. I've because being on camera is stopping

You don't let that stop you. Okay go out there right now after this video start a YouTube channel effect

I challenge you to go and do that okay

Go and start a YouTube channel, and or even a blog or something and start to build up a community now

Here is someone here miles of Bickler

He does every single one of his videos guys from a mobile cell phone every

single one of his videos

He's built up a personal brand worth thirty eight thousand followers and quite a quick time quick amount of time

And he just does all of his videos via mobile phone. Here's another one Joaquin a friend of mine

Started as YouTube channel one month ago currently at four hundred and sixty thousand subscribers. That's quite good for someone

Just started in a month now that this thing about um

You should as it works and levels so what happens is once you hit 1000 subscribers

Your videos start to get shown more once you have

10,000 your videos start to get shown more on YouTube and then 20,000 the more subscribers you get the more your content gets right around

The internet that that's how it works with YouTube because the more people that engage with your content

All right, so once Joaquim had some a thousand. He'll start to get followers quite a bit quicker

Here's another guy guys, and this brings me to how to actually get views to your YouTube channel all right

I'll tell you in a second so this guy's called Ryan

He makes around about ten thousand dollars per month from his YouTube channel

And what he does is he goes out there and actually replicates other videos that are doing really well

And he does his own version. Why would why you will never get rich and two weeks? They've got over

450,000 views and make sure gonna be doing my own version of this soon

He found another video very similar that was getting a lot of views and into his own version

And he's getting crazy amount of views

That's how you got and get views guys you replicate other videos that are doing very very well

And you do your own version of that okay?

That's how I go out there and build do videos as well if you see from a lot of my other videos so these ones

Aren't actually the first on the scene to do these, but make money online with Instagram

I've did my own version of someone else's video the Tai Lopez scam

I did a another version of someone else's videos, and that's how I got tons of views alright, so you can see the potential

Now this is where I get most of my traffic from suggested videos and YouTube search

So suggested videos is basically what I Ryan's done here

He's gone out and done a video very similar to another video. You know people watching that video. They're gonna suggest Ryan's video

Okay, that's how suggested what our views work, and then YouTube search you go and rank for keywords

I think for instance I rank for something like how to make money on


I'm pretty sure I'm first

Yeah, so my video is first how to make money on Clickbank for free guys seventy seven thousand views and I wasn't even on camera

Okay, so that's how you get the traffic

That's how you got there start your personal brand and all of that good stuff now

I'm another thing you guys can do is actually start a Facebook group, which I've done thirty thirty six thousand members

This wasn't actually for my brand this was more for talking about many online methods

However, my brand is quite strong here

So that does help a lot and another thing you can do to boost your personal brand guys is actually run a blog

This blog actually ran before I started a YouTube channel

So I did this blog before that and um I get a lot of traffic to this blog and it's all


Branding which is really really cool stuff, so what can you actually do like like with your YouTube channel?

What kind of income streams can you look at I was going to a slide for this?

But let's just go over right now first of all you can say your own products right that's really cool stuff

Let's go back to YouTube real quick. You can sell your own products

Second you can do a flip marketing third you can build an email list to do your own

To promote your own products you can do sponsored videos if you like I don't really do any of that stuff

I don't know much about that sort of stuff, but I get emails guys

I get emails every single day with people asking me to do sponsored promotions and in fact

Let's just have a look at this video this this video right here how to make money online or shove afire

300,000 views when I first posted that guys

People were emailing me saying can I put my link in the description? I'll pay you after 50 bucks per month 100 bucks per month

$200 for a week people were actually emailing me every single day asking if they can put their link in the video

I asked if I could do sponsored videos for them so once you actually start getting videos rent

People will contact you and ask you to do reviews on their products

Ask you to do a flip promotions on their products as you do sponsored stuff on your products on their products

I don't really do much of that you probably don't really need to I would concentrate on building an email list and I would also

concentrate on


You know promoting some affiliate products later on or your own course

Now the reason people kind divided with branding because a lot of people think that you know

Personal branding people just go out there to make money and stuff well if you provide value

And let's say you do a video on how to create a website and you put a link in there to

You know get a commission well you have the right to do that you've created a free quality video

This you could either go and put the link of the website in there

Or you could put an affiliate link and get us Commission is absolutely nothing wrong with affiliate marketing

This is a perfectly good way to go out there and make money online and for personal branding guys

I recommend YouTube blogs Facebook groups

Snapchat Instagram you don't want to try and stick to one platform, and it's going to be hard to manage all the platforms

But right now. I do YouTube blog and Instagram. I don't do much snapchat anymore all you've got Facebook stories

Things like that just in case if something happens to YouTube then you can go on your Instagram and say hey

This is where I am now

I'm on Facebook or something like that alright, so personal branding is really really big

But I want to squash a few more beliefs guys Before

We jump out of this video alright first of all you don't need to be a super expert in your niche

Okay, don't let that hold you back

You just have to know enough to do some videos and as you go along

You actually start to get better at explaining things

And you start to get better at doing videos and all that sort of good stuff

All right trust me you'll start to get better my first six months

I was so bad at YouTube yet those videos got the most views

And my worst time on YouTube my like worst video quality those got the best views okay

So don't worry about being an expert. You don't need to worry about any of that crazy stuff alright

Don't let that hold you back. You don't need expensive camera gear and in fact

You don't need any camera gear at all this video right now

I'm just using my camera up here just for like personal branding right you see my face you see what I did there

This is just kind of for like personal branding, but you can just do a video with no

Camera no face. Nothing like that just slideshows. They work very very well

And once again, you don't need to be on camera which is what I've listed under there

Okay & Seek and you don't need any crazy camera to camera editing skills so in this video for particular

I am going to do a little bit of editing just because I have to do some cuts because my phone went off had to

answer a phone call before but

usually a video like this guys

I wouldn't have to edit I can just go through talk about a bunch of stuff and then just throw the video on YouTube

Alright now another thing. I want to talk about I should have put it here is


Do I need to?

Upload all the time

No way guys you do not need to upload all the time if you go through my channel my first videos

I like did my first one then I waited a month

I think and then did another one you don't have to upload all the time

That's a bit of a myth some people like to do like a 30 day challenge a 90 day challenge

And yes that works great for some channels

I tried that I mind it didn't work very well because people didn't like seeing me every single day they they liked my

my flow of weekly monthly

That's how people liked my channel right now if you start a channel and you want to do the 30 day challenge and stuff yeah


Because that's your flow what happens is you're gonna get a flow through your channel in your branding, and if you change that

People were going to

Notice then some people might not like it and what I mean is let's say you start a channel and you upload

Every couple of months or every month and you all of a sudden you start uploading all the time it might just change things

I'm not saying it will but what I'm trying to say is you don't need to be

Like really square with how you upload all the time. You don't need to upload the same time every day

You don't need to upload the same time every week. You don't even need to upload every week

Just upload whenever you feel like it whenever you're documenting stuff

Okay, that's the key to youtube and stuff like that all right, so you don't need to be an expert guys

You don't need special camera gear. You don't need to be on camera. You don't need to be good at editing

you don't even need an init at all and

You don't need to upload all the time

You can literally guard their ass start a YouTube channel right now after watching my video, and it's free

Okay, you've already got the camera if you want to be on camera

You've already got the laptop or what in it if you want to do slides like this. I don't know if you do those on

On phone maybe you can all right now one other thing I do want to cover guys

It's really important as the haters. Okay. This is a very important topic

Hate haters and sometimes what makes people stop YouTube or not want to start it guys

I embrace the haters so much to bring them on there's a reason

why number one haters comment on your stuff and dislike and like and all that sort of stuff that counts as

Engagement when haters meantime your stuff, that's a good thing

It's engagement and boosts your videos up to the top go in there and comment and get those haters commenting again

And just just like troll them so they keep commenting on your stuff, and it gives you a videos to the top this video

right here


Where is it this video right here?

how to make money online on Shopify got so much hate guys because people were like whatever this wouldn't work

This is all bullshit now look at it. It's one of the biggest money-making methods online

I was actually one of the first people to ever post about the Shopify dropshipping myth that I actually think I was on YouTube and

I got so much hate and I was loving it because

it got the video to the top I was actually getting commissions from Shopify and

The haters didn't realize that their stupidity and their trolling and whatever they were doing was actually helping the video

That's what got it ranked in YouTube

And that's what got a lots of views so if you get haters guys, and you will get haters

Don't worry about it guys. Let them do their thing

Haters come and go okay that is jealous

Cuz then are where you are okay, just let just let them come and go don't worry about haters with your personal branding

You're gonna get them. Just let them do their thing

They're gonna help your videos boost to the top of YouTube so that's it guys

That's how you can go out to make money online in 2018

don't worry about any of the camera stuff and

Just to go out there and like you don't even have to teach you can do gaming you can

Do if you're fishing you can do a fishing channel you can do any anything like you don't have to be not an entrepreneur niche

You can be in any particular niche you want in fact

I was thinking of doing a fishing channel recently cuz I do alot of fishing

so you just go out there and just use YouTube as a

Personal brand if you're in the gaming issues affiliate products in the gaming niche

You can do a gaming course maybe I don't know but you can go out there and start a YouTube channel and pretty much anything

Now before you finish us off guys some of you guys know

I am bringing out a course on a fully marketing and it will include some youtube stuff so get on the VIP list

If you want to get internet because I will be doing a particular discount on that

I will be discounted to the people on the list alright guys to get on there

I'm going to leave some more videos up here for you to check out if you wanna check out my last

Affiliate marketing video where I show you my philia earnings from YouTube and things like that and don't forget to like the video subscribe

For more content, and I'll see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> This Is How You Can Make Money Online In 2018 With NO MONEY As A Beginner! - Duration: 17:54.


CHECK UP le webinaire - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> CHECK UP le webinaire - Duration: 0:57.


Can DNA Kits Help Find Your Diagnosis? | VLOGMAS DAY 3 [CC] - Duration: 8:55.

Okay, it's uploading!


Let's see what it says!

Hello, hello!

It is Vlogmas Day 3 and I wanted to see if it was possible to spot an EDS chromosome

variant , uh, through... one of these genealogy tests!

Uh, the one that I took is 23andMe, I talked about that yesterday.

Um, I do already have an official diagnosis of classical Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome via GeneDX,

um, but I thought if this also provides that same information in the results, it might

be a much more affordable and accessible way to get them.

Um, it's not necessarily so official and on the record but it's something that might help

guide someone on a diagnosis journey in the right direction, it's something that you could

hand to your doctor and see what they think!

Um, so now what we're gonna do is a little process my friend taught me to find my medical results!

Also, I didn't mention it before... there's two things I didn't mention before!

One of them is that this is not a sponsored video but I do have a referral link that I'll

leave in the description below.

Um, and the other thing I didn't mention but it's important to note is that the most

common form of EDS is hEDS or Hypermobile type, previously known as type 3, um, but

that one, the most common one, cannot yet be identified by genetic testing.

Genetic testing is currently available for the other types, um, but it's important for

you to know your results could read negative while still having EDS.

I'm a little sniffly so I'll probably be cutting out my sneezes, just so you know.

Um, but yeah, also just so you know, again your results could read negative but you could

still have EDS. hEDS has to be tested clinically by someone who is well aware of EDS and it's


But you can get lots of other information as well, such as results for MCAD and more...

and as I say that now, I just realized I might learn some stuff that I don't know... about..


So that just made me a little nervous!



Alright. Let's start.

So here's what you have to do:

First, purchase a basic package from a genealogy service: like 23andMe,, or

GenesForGood, which I heard, I'm not entirely sure, they will provide your raw data for


And again, you don't have to upgrade to a health package, just get the standard basic


Step 2, download the raw data from that genetic service: on 23andMe I signed in, clicked "Tools"

and "Browse Raw Data", at the bottom of the page, click "I understand" and "Download".

Bottom of the page "Submit Request", then they will email you your raw data to download,

mine arrived pretty immediately.

Go to your email, click download and it will send you to a page where you need to insert

your password and start downloading.

Alright, Step 4, now that you have your raw data file ready, you can go to,

click "Genetics", then "Health Report Tool", then "Subscribe Now" and complete the sign up process.

Step 5, once your reach your profile, click "Purchase a gene app", you will be charged a one time

fee of 19.95, #NotSpons and I wish I was.

Step 6, then you'll be directed to a page where you can upload your raw data file to

It'll take a few minutes to upload.

Step 7, within minutes you can see your health results, and these should the same results

that took me about 6 months to get from medical testing.


And I'm doing it right now!

Let's see... oh my gosh!


So now I'm on...

Oh my god!

Oh my god, it's here!

Why am I gonna cry right now?

Okay, okay...

[uptempo smooth electronic music]


When I first opened the page, I couldn't find any EDS info but at the top of the page it

says "Sample Varience Report", there you wanna pull down, it says, "Get More Variance Reports".

I'm trying this for the first time too so I'm learning!

Okay and the first thing up there is "EDS by Donna" so I'm gonna click "Install"

Okay, so I clicked "Install" and it's processing my raw data.

What other options do we have here?

So interesting!

Mast Cell Activation, that's what I was hearing about, so you can..


This is so interesting, oh my gosh!!

So you can like...

Check on a bunch of stuff.

Alright, so what does it say here?

Once I clicked the template then click "View Report"...

EDS was the important thing, I'll investigate the Mast Cell Activation, uh, later, for myself

but I'm just trying to see if EDS comes up; if it will show me the same information that

it took me half a year to get and for a lot more than 20$!

Okay, I'm reading it now, it says COL3A1 not 5A1 and that one of my parents had the gene

and the other one didn't.

That's what my results read.

Which is confusing because I have it by memory, my gene test said COL5A1 not 3A1, um, so I'm

gonna continue to look around...

But it's there!

You know...

And I think the important thing is here if I was still looking for my diagnosis, this

is something that I'd want to show to my doctor and hopefully my doctor would see it as reason

to investigate, um, so I'm hoping that that is something that is useful to you.

Um, this may not be perfectly accurate, this may have some faults, like I said, I'm gonna

continue investigating this because this is my first time, you know, doing it.

Um, see what else I can learn.


But ultimately, I think it's worth it, I think it's worth to spent the 20$ and see what you

find and hopefully, it can help guide you on your journey.

I really wish I'd known about this when I was looking for what was happening in my body!

So this is really cool.

Alright, mmm, I'm to explore some more on this website!

Alright, well, I hope you found this video helpful.

If you're watching this I... assume that either you're.. subscribed to me or you are on your own

diagnosis journey or care about someone that is on a diagnosis journey, so I'm wishing you all

the luck in the world on finding out what's going on within you or your loved one's body

and I'll see you tomorrow for another Vlogmas video.

Alright, bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Can DNA Kits Help Find Your Diagnosis? | VLOGMAS DAY 3 [CC] - Duration: 8:55.


Last day in Japan - Duration: 12:19.


You can choose this one or this one

This one? OK


840 yen

Thank you so much

One of the things that I noticed when we arrived to Japan,

The Japanese people are very kind in restaurants and anywhere as well!

After eating at the restaurant, you carry the dishes and put them in the trash basket by yourself!

Meals are very good in KFC

KFC restaurant, 10 of 10

There is a touch between good grape leaves and bad grape leaves

This touch depends on many things

[Ahmed Siddig] many things?

[Mohamed Ahmed] Yes, many things

[Mohamed Ahmed] Most importantly ..

Let's go to the zoo

It is a beautiful garden, let us go

Lion and elephant, and here we tell the story of the lion

The lion is the king of the jungle

[Elaf] God, this person is abnormal

We must let him sleep for enough time

You should not sleep late

He usually sleet early

[Mohamed Ahmed] every one of us has his own biological clock

But when we wake up the person early

We make a disturbance in the biological clock

Because he worked very hard, this man was fighting

Chicken war

This person is a very professional liar

Lying professionally

So why, Muhammad?

[Mohamed Ahmed] lets go to the zoo

[Ahmed friend] we go to the zoo

Me and my friends

We will go to the zoo

let's go

To the zoo

These are sheeps!

I said to Mohammed Ahmed, look at these sheep

He told me .... (laughs)

He told me that, we can make it an excellent barbecue

[Elaf] These 2 guys spoiled our fun, I wished that if they did not come with me, because from the moment we arrived, they are doing sp

Show them the Lamb, so they know what we are talking about

This a lamb

This is another Lamb

This a lamb also

Simple thinking

When you see a sheep

You remember roasts!

Thank you so much

These Japanese children look at rabbits and they touch them gently

Why are you crying? You are living in Japan!

Do not cry .. my little

[Mohamed Ahmed] It's hot! [Ahmed friend] strange that they live here, but it seems that there is a snow



Many Batteries in Arabic are called: Bataryat , and many penguins are called, Boutriqat

Not like that

Do not make fun of us in front of Your YouTube subscribers!


Even worse

[Mohamed Ahmed, what they are called in English?



Thank you so much

This is a pigeons

Or because the world abroad

Dark and fetal

Why they do not fly?!

[Ahmed Siddig] because it is accustomed to confinement

Is the pigeons when they get used to slavery, remains locked in prison


Why pigeons do not fly ?!

Lastly pigeons flew

It's freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

[Ahmed Siddig] You have encouraged the the pigeons to fly away, what did you do? Muhammad Ahmed?

[Mohamed Ahmed] brother you are free in front of the restrictions, it is freedom [Ahmed Siddig peace!

[Ahmed Siddig] freedom is a sign of civilization

[Mohamed Ahmed] Where are you Mawkli, I will eat you now

Can it cross this barrier?

[Mohamed Ahmed] seems he can!

[Ahmed Siddig] If he came, where are we going?!

[Mohamed Ahmed] seems to be not hungry

[Imitating the lion voice] [Elaf] Let's go from here

This is the polar bear

I do not know what it is doing, if there is someone who knows what it is doing, let us know in the comments

Strange movements!

Very beautiful

Thank you so much

[Elaf] very sad

[Elaf] Mohamed Ahmed is funny

Jackson bus station in Khartoum, AlHalfaya, congestion, standing in public transport, hot weather

We will go after only 3 hours

We are going back to Sudan

This trip came to an end

it was a nice trip

We lived with you very beautiful moments

Thank you for watching us

Thank you very much, I love you very much

Thank you very much, I love you very much

[Mohamed Ahmed] was a very nice 12 days

[Ahmed Siddig] Why, Elaf? [Elaf] He will speak a lot

8 days in Kyoto city, very beautiful

Those days were very beautiful

4 days in Osaka city

But Kyoto remains the most beautiful city


the best

Very impressive Kyoto

[Ahmed Siddig] What do you mean by sugoi ? [Mohamed Ahmed] I mean wonderful

Thank Kyoto

Thanks Osaka

Thanks you Japan

Thank you Tokyo

I love you all

[Elaf] This is an emotional drought

[Ahmed Siddig] Say goodbye to the audience Elaf [Elaf] Who? meI? I'm not good at that

[Mohamed Ahmed] words which are not like words [Elaf] Magda Roumi

[Elaf] We do not want to go back to Sudan

[Mohamed Ahmed]We do not say goodbye, we say see you again [Elaf] Mohammed Ahmed spoke instead of me

We never say goodbye, see you again

Burger King Restaurant, how much you give it out of 10?


[Ahmed Siddig] And McDonald's?


[Ahmed Siddig] What about you Elaf?

The same!

Why do not you have a different opinion? Is your character weak?

My character is weak, because I stayed with people who have weak character for 13 days

Pressure moves from top to bottom

[Elaf] in our laws, it is reverse, even gravity go from down to up

Mohamed Ahmed has a weak character, that is why he did not appear in fully in the photo

We are alone in this restaurant?

Mohamed Ahmed has a weak character

[Elaf] so he does not fully appear in the photo

What is the time now?

[Ahmed Siddig] One minute remaining [Mohamed Ahmed] 2 minutes remaining

Let's take a photo

let's go

For more infomation >> Last day in Japan - Duration: 12:19.


What values or standards do you hold high? - Honesty & Loyalty - DragoNate Reading Your Answers - Duration: 3:21.

hello friends this is DragoNate and welcome to another weekly question video

last week's video was brought to us by meet sue and that was what values or

standards do you hold hi and by far it seems that both honesty and loyalty or

the topmost ones which is really good honesty is very important oil tea is

very important but of course we're gonna see what to everyone says and what to

others there were besides those too now your question for this week comes from

bulla B who asks what does the thing that you are most proud of so leave your

answers in the comments below and I will read those next week and I'm excited to

see what it is that you are most proud of but now let's get into your answers

for last week's video and we're gonna start with bulla be who says kindness

and patience are most important to him even though he can sometimes get angry

over nothing mostly because of just having a long day

I definitely know that feeling I can get very upset at certain things just

because I've been having a long day or something is just going wrong you know

April says her she holds her attitude has a value but most importantly honesty

and loyalty and I told you guys how much meets who really hates the rock but

anyway let's move on from there important values for me to our

intelligence not just book smart but also common sense and honesty though she

specifies negative honesty no I was confused of what negative honesty was

versus positive honesty but she says here that a positive honesty is

basically where you tell the whole truth you tell everything and negative honesty

is where you kind of don't tell everything you still tell the truth way

you don't tell everything skelm agrees that so many people say

honesty and loyalty and scam says the same thing both honesty and loyalty as

well as tolerance and kind of meaning in that way that it doesn't matter who you

are what you look like what color your skin is or anything like that it just

matters how you treat other people and that you're a good person and personally

I have to agree with that serious values patience and equality as well as

kindness and mercy my mom values honesty loyalty and patience honesty and

kindness are Xing cats two biggest standards hemti officials says the

ability / willingness to learn because so many people are so happy being

ignorant and refused to learn but learning is definitely important you

don't have to like school necessarily but learning itself

learning new things learning what you already do know like expanding upon your

knowledge already learning is definitely very very important croco also highly

values loyalty and honesty direct honesty specifies regarding loyalty if

you betray him once you're not human anymore and I totally see how how a

person can feel that way because betrayal is a terrible terrible feeling

our bloods closest values are honesty and friendliness and last but not least

wise Bursar's values ourself conformity and national unification now for myself

I would also have to say honesty and loyalty as well as love I believe that

everyone deserves love and that everyone needs love and that about wraps it up

for this week's question video so thank you once again for your participation in

this I really love doing this I really love hearing your answers to different

things and getting to know you guys more now remember that a next week's question

is what is the thing that you are most proud of that comes to us from below B

leave your answers in the comments down below and I'll read them next week and I

hope you have a wonderful week until then so I will see you very soon God


For more infomation >> What values or standards do you hold high? - Honesty & Loyalty - DragoNate Reading Your Answers - Duration: 3:21.


Worst Pick Up Lines Ever (Girl Edition) - The Hard Comedy - Duration: 1:56.

I like my men like I like my coffee



and kinda gay... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh my God!

You're really handsome for an average guy!

Has anybody ever told you that?!

Well I'm a pussy-fister--

I mean...

PACIFIST... that's why meant!

Shall we take this back to yours?

I already know where you live...

THIS is my FAN...

D'ya wanna see my fanny?

You know what they say about guys with big feet...

You went to clown school, right?!


(clown nose honking)

Roses are red...

And violets are blue...

I've got a **** gun now get in the van!

Can I get your digits?

A thumb and a finger will do.

I'm gonna tell my friends you touched me...

(record scratch)

So I can say I was touched by an angel!

When I look at you...

You just...

Make my heart sing!

It goes...

Skraaap! Pap-pap-bap-bap!


And-a kun-kun-kun-kun-kun!


And-a bom-bom-bom-bom-bom!

You dun know!

Wanna go halves on a baby?

Are you an Avenger?

Cos I wanna HULK SMASH!

Wanna be my emergency contact?

Did you just fart because you just blew me away!

You could be the saag to my paneer...

The butter to my chicken...

The Imodium to my diarrhea!

Hey guys it's The Man They Call Moo!

If you enjoyed that, why don't you check out Worst Pick-Up Lines Ever Part One...

Which will be down here or maybe down here I'm not sure which one!

And if you enjoyed this video, why not Like it...

Share it with your friends on Facebook or wherever you want...

And tell us in the Comments below:

What's the worst pick-up line you've ever heard?

I mean we've heard some pretty, pretty bad ones today

I don't know, you know, like really BAD

Like pushing the boundaries of...

Decency and taste... and things like that!

For more infomation >> Worst Pick Up Lines Ever (Girl Edition) - The Hard Comedy - Duration: 1:56.


What causes morning sickness? This could be the answer -#FOTD298 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> What causes morning sickness? This could be the answer -#FOTD298 - Duration: 2:52.


GardenScaprs iOS Hack 2018 | GardenScapes Hack Coins & Lives Level | Work 2018 ★√ - Duration: 5:34.

Welcome to Apple hack games channel . Today I will show you . How to hack garden scapes

for ios . No jailbrak . For last update and any update . But you must watch video till

the end to know the right steps to hacked the game . and don't forget to subscribe . And

write a comment if you face any problems . Now you can see unlimited money . Let's play one

game . after that i will show you how to hack

it .

First step delete game from your device . And open your browser safari . And go to App valley

website link in description . Click install .

After install . Go to settings . And general . And profile device management . And trust

it . Open App valley . And click library . Click

games . And download garden scapes . And click install .

After download . Open it . You can see unlimited money . Please keep

watching the video . If you want save cloud game with your account Facebook . Click settings

. And Facebook . And continue . And open . And click here . Close game . And delete it

again . Go to AppStore . And download last update game .

After downloaded open it . And click settings . And click Facebook . And open .

And continue . And click here . Your save cloud game will

back up . With last update . If you like my video . Please support me like and comment

and subscribe . Thank you

For more infomation >> GardenScaprs iOS Hack 2018 | GardenScapes Hack Coins & Lives Level | Work 2018 ★√ - Duration: 5:34.


The Sex Robots are Coming - Duration: 3:01.

The Sex Robots are Coming by Victoria X Rave

my name is Dave where's where is this gonna be here dad where did you get

these sex robots let's start with that I bought him off of Craigslist I

originally got them for one sole purpose but that's their personalities really

showing through hello Sharon so you got these from

Craigslist are the dolls used I think so what makes you think that yeah they have

signs of the wear on them why did you choose to get used robots they're

expensive you couldn't afford the custom ones No why did he want to sell them

Sharon talks at loud and the de malfunction quite often ha mostly the

arm should she doesn't like her hair messed up sometimes their clothes can

they're kind of difficult but it's worth it and you know you don't just return

something because of their flaws

you can only teach him a few phrases like this oh you're a big man or like

this you are enough daddy for my personal favorite I love you what about

you what do you want what do you want robot robot sex

so sometimes I like to do fun things

you have a way yes yeah what does she feel about this not good I

think my wife knows I'm a complex man and that she can't fill all my needs I

think I think she knows that she should you had issues between your wife and

your sex robots who would you choose if I had to choose I honestly don't know

where do the dolls sleep in a bed with us every man has his idea of a perfect


The Sex Robots are Coming by Victoria X Rave

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