Thursday, December 14, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 14 2017

Leaders of the so-called free world don't come cheap.

Whether they are taking trips on Air Force One, hosting get-togethers with other world

leaders, or simply collecting a paycheck, the job demands a fair bit of cash.

You might not be surprised that some leaders are more expensive than others.

There have been men of power that pulled the purse strings and others that weren't quite

so frugal.

But can we blame the President if he, or possibly in the future she, has to spend a lot on doing

the job right?

That's what we will investigate today, in this episode of the Infographics Show, How

Much Does a US President Cost the Taxpayers?

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

First of all, we must think about salary.

(A book called "The Official Role of the United States President - 2015: U.S.C.

Title 3," said that) A President is currently paid as follows: A basic salary of $400,000

a year, $50,000 in expenses, $100,000 for a nontaxable travel account, and a mere stipend

of $19,000 for entertainment.

In total that's $569,000 a year.

But, and there's a big but, the President also receives benefits.

Those include free housing at the White House with all bills included, being driven around

in a presidential limousine, and taking trips on Marine One and Air Force One.

We'll get to the lowdown on those costs later.

We should also add that forever more the President receives $200,000 a year for his pension plus


It's really not a bad job in terms of pay, although as we know it seems to age you at

a ratio of about 4 years for every 1 year.

Another thing that is interesting is that pay raises for this job don't exactly happen

very often.

There have only been five pay raises for U.S. presidents from 1789 to the present day.

The last one was in 2001 when the salary went up from $200,000 to $400,000.

We shouldn't feel bad for Presidents, though, as the wage still puts them in the top one

percent of earners in the USA.

When talking about costs, we must include salaries, but some Presidents refused to accept

their salary.

There have been three in all.

One of them is the current President, Donald Trump, who has been donating his wad to other

causes than himself.

His first quarter salary went to the National Park Service, and his second quarter salary

went to the Department of Education.

The other two American presidents to have displayed such salary largesse were John F.

Kennedy and Herbert Hoover, although Time magazine once reported that George Washington

declared in his inaugural address that he would not accept the paycheck.

Lawmakers were not pleased with that idea and told Washington it was unconstitutional.

We should say here that while Washington was offered $25,000 for the job in his day's

money, that would be around $600,000 today…We might also add that Washington's benefits

were not as extravagant as today's president.

But, who was the most expensive President so far?

Well, we should say that presidents don't stop costing the taxpayer money.

Presidents don't only get a pension, but they keep on receiving benefits.

This we must take into account when adding up how much they cost.

For 2017 Obama broke the record for asking for the biggest budget.

His expenses were $1,153,000, and this was on top of the reported $400,000 he made for

giving one speech to Wall Street folks.

He also has a $65 million twin book deal in the pipeline.

Fox news and other media reported that his price for the Milan speech was $3.2 million,

although some media left the story alone so we cannot confirm its veracity.

We mention this just to highlight that some presidents obviously like to live the high-life,

which could give credence to them being expensive while in office.

As for other former presidents, Bush's expenses for 2017 were $100,000 less than Obama's,

Clinton's $200,000 less and Jimmy Carter's $456,000 less.

But who has demanded the most cash while still on the job?

Well, you might already know that just recently the media reported that that title goes to

none other than Donald J. Trump.

He may not take a wage, but that's nothing compared to some of the costs for his lifestyle

and added extras to his job.

Just flying his family from his Mar-a-Lago golf resort to New York during Easter reportedly

cost taxpayers $110,000.

According to the LA Times just travel and protection made Trump's "presidential

family the most expensive in history."

His first 100 days cost a grand total of $30 million.

According to some reports Obama and family were costing around $12 million a year.

But that doesn't make much sense when we read other reports from established media

who cite the think tank, Judicial Watch.

According to them, Obama's travel costs, including flights, hotels, car rentals and

all the foie gras and champagne one could quaff, cost the taxpayer close to $106 million

dollars ($105,662,975.27) for his entire presidency.

We can only wait to see what Trump will clock-up during his entire term, though.

To compare these two presidents, whom most media seem to think have been the most costly

to the taxpayer, The Washington Post asked the question in April this year: "Are President

Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago similar to Obama's travels?"

Roughly, wrote the post, Obama was costing on average around $33,000 a day, although

they had his total eight years at $97 million rather than what seems like the correct one

we stated before.

This is total cost divided by time as President.

What is perhaps unfair for Donald is that people estimate his cost on what one travel

day or holiday costs, according to The Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago trips reportedly cost around $60,000 a day, but he also sometimes

goes there to work.

The conclusion was that both presidents were perhaps asking for a little too much and both

were extremely expensive men in the big seat.

But what does the itemized bill look like?

In 2016 it was reported by various media that the total cost of the White House, which includes

security, total staffing, entertainment, and travel, was around 1.4 billion dollars a year.

But this also included policy making staff, which adds a lot onto the bill.

Just moving around, whether from car to plane to helicopter is a highly orchestrated thing

and it reportedly costs around $2,614 every minute the president moves.

According to Business Insider it costs $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force one.

This is because of logistics, but also because it's a highly advanced machine with defense


The Beast Limos the presidents use each cost $1.5 million to buy, never mind what they

cost to drive.

As for bills at the White House?

Well, food is not free, and you have to buy your own face wash and black ties.

Utilities there are paid for, as is gardening and cleaning, etc.

The bill for utilities and house staff is unknown, but it's estimated that staff and

day to day taking care of the White House, plus bills, is around 13.5 million dollars

a year ($13,507,000).

One thing we should say is that Jimmy Carter often gets the plaudits for being the most

well-behaved and least extravagant of U.S. presidents.

Time magazine actually reported that in 1977, two weeks after he was sworn in, he gave a

televised fireside chat from his West Wing study to the American public.

People were surprised he was wearing a rather informal woolly cardigan.

Apparently he'd turned down the heating in the White House to save money and conserve


So, do you think these presidential costs are ultimately worth it, or should the government

actively seek a way to reduce the presidential price tag?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called American Soldier vs British Soldier!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> How Much Does a US President Cost the Taxpayers? - Duration: 6:35.


Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.


Beauty Fails of 2017 | cruelty free @phyrra - Duration: 15:09.

Hey friends.

Welcome back.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Courtney, and I have my two standard poodles, Phaedra

and Nyx, in the room with me so you may see them in the background.

Today I'm going to be sharing my makeup fails of 2017 and these are all the products that

I feel really sucked and I'm going to tell you why they sucked.

But before we jump into this video I want to ask you to hit the little subscribe button

down below so you won't miss any of my videos, like my Best Beauty Products of 2017, that's

coming up soon.

Okay, so the first product that I want to talk about that absolutely sucked and was

a big fail for me was the One Two Lashes.

Now, these are magnetic lashes and I tried wearing them and they are just really difficult

to make them look right.

I bought these because of YouTuber Stephanie Lange.

I absolutely love her.

She does the best hooded eye makeup videos of anybody on YouTube and she put these on,

she made it look so simple, but I swear the pair that I got don't match up.

It looks like I'm putting moose antlers on my lashes.

They just look so weird and I really wanted them to work because they're easy to put on.

You just can't adjust them to make them look proper.

No matter what I did, they would still just stick up funny so one would be up this way

and the other one would be this way so they just didn't ever want to look right on my


So, I gave up on them.

I'm going to try and return them to see if I can get my money back but I don't know if

I'm within that window to do so.

So, the next product that really sucked for me was from one of the DCM companies called


It's their Photography Fluent Primer.

Let me read you what the website says it's going to do.

It says it's a novel approach to creating the foundation for skin that reflects even

radiance and life and very specifically, for the camera lens.

This serum textured product contains a wide array of refracting prisms, toning hue correctors

and topical finishing technologies to offer even radiance within seconds.

So, this thing sounds amazing.

It's in a little dropper.

I tried the Pure Found Photography Filter and actually really like it but the one from

Niod sucked for my skin.

Basically, what it did one me was give me a white gold glow all over, which, okay, that's

really cool, but it basically clung to every single dry patch around my face and if you

don't know, I have dry skin.

So, basically, it emphasized all kinds of dryness and looked terrible.

It looked even worse when I tried to put makeup on top of it.

I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone.

It sucked and I was unfortunately unable to return it.

I have major regrets over wasting my money on this primer.

Next up is the Glossier SPF35.

So, I like most of my Glossier products.

There are a couple misses that I have had but most of them have been hits.

I really loved the Perfecting Skin Tint, I loved the Boy Brow.

Those two products are really great for me.

The Milky Jelly Cleanser, I really like as well.

The SPF product, no good.

For me, if I got the SPF anywhere near my eyes, my eyes would start burning.

My eyes are sensitive.

Okay, I get that but even worse, it caused me to break out.

I really was hoping that this product would be something I could love cause it's one of

those colorless sunscreens so it doesn't leave a white cast, which I personally don't mind

a white cast but I know a lot of you really hate white casts so I wanted to be able to

recommend it but nope, can't.

It sucks.

The next product that was a big fail for me is probably one that's going to cause a fight

because I feel like everybody else says it's a holy grail but it was the Tarte Shape Tape.

Now, the Tarte Shape Tape that I got smelled like bug spray.

I'm telling you, it smelled like Off or citronella candles or something just terrible.

I didn't really like how thick it was and chunky and the color that I got, I think I

got Fair Neutral cause I ordered it from Ulta's website because they had the color but then

when I went in store to see if I could exchange it for another one, they didn't have the shade

in store.

So, the formula didn't work for me, the color didn't really work for me but the smell was

the worst part.

I don't understand how anybody could put that on their face when it smells like bug spray

and be okay with it.

Somebody else said that theirs smells like citrus but mine smelled like straight up bug


It was disgusting.

My husband smelled it and he was like, "Don't put that on your face."

This is after I dabbed it on, tried to use the beauty blender to blend it out, nope.

That is not for me.

It was terrible.

Give me my Kat Von D Lock-It Concealer Crème because that shit is awesome.

Tarte Shape Tape, nuh-uh.

Throw it in the trash.

The next product that I tried that I thought would be good was the Makeup Revolution Blush

in Nude and it's one of their matte blushes.

It just really wasn't anything that wowed me.

The formula and texture wasn't that great.

Yeah, it's a drugstore blush so it's really cheap but I didn't like how it settled on

my skin and usually I like matte blushes and prefer them because I think that they look

really flattering, especially since I like to wear more blingy highlighters but I just

didn't like how it looked on me at all.

So, the next product that was a total bust for me was the Smashbox Photo Lid Primer in

Smokey this is supposed to make it easier to do really dark, dramatic and smokey looks

and I thought this would be a time saver and really, not for me.

It didn't work very well.

In my crease, it would crease and wear away so that kinda defeats the point of an eye

shadow primer if it's not going to stick around.

I wanted to love it but couldn't.

The next product on my list that I can't stand is the J Cat Beauty Pearl Illuminizer.

Now, this came in a jar and it looked very similar to a lot of the Ben Nye powders.

I have the Ben Nye Cameo Powder somewhere in my makeup stash.

I don't know where it's at this minute but the Pearl Illuminizer, I thought, it was supposed

to give you a nice ethereal glow.

When I put it on, it was like I put on a white frosty eyeshadow all over my face.

It emphasized every single line, every single pore, was not pretty, was not flattering at


It was terrible.

So awful.

Do no recommend.


So, the next product is something I really wanted to love and I bought into the hype

so I bought it and that was the Kat Von D Lolita Blush.

I love Kat Von D. I love almost all of my Kat Von D products but not this.

This is supposed to be a Rosy Neutral, Rosewood Brown or something like that, Reddish Chestnut,


I think Rosy Brown is how she described it.

Well, when I put it on my skin, it goes ... Actually, I can't put it on this hand cause I have a

bunch of weird swatches on here.

When I put it on my skin, which my skin tone is basically like a cool yellow, it pulls

very orangy brown, not rosy brown, orange.

I don't think it looks flattering on me at all so I can't really

wear it as eyeshadow.

I can kind of wear it as a blush if I want to wear an orangy blush, which I don't necessarily

think that looks good on me.

So, I was really just disappointed that this awesome product that's supposed to be a cult

favorite that everybody loves, looks like crap on me.

I guess that's because of my cool yellow skin tone.

Next up, I bought the Smashbox Studio Skin Face Shaping Foundation Stick in the shade

0.5 Porcelain, I had to look it up, and it was like $42.

I thought this would be cool because it's basically a foundation on one side and a contour

on the other.

The contour shade actually worked pretty well for my skin tone so I was really pleased about

that but the foundation was another story.

It was not good.

It basically turned sorta peachy orange on my skin.

It also was one of those foundations that really clung in my dry patches.

So, while it was a Vegan Foundation, it just didn't work for me.

And on the subject of foundations not working for me, next up we have the NYX Total Control

Drops in Pale.

Now the pale yellow color was a really great match for my skin tone.

I give NYX props for making a really inclusive shade range.

They had a ton of shades and I actually had a match.

I was really happy about that.

That's about the extent of all I was happy about because the formula itself looked like

shit on my skin.

It was another one of those things that just clung to all of my dry patches.

I felt like basically, I was dribbling half the bottle on my face to try to get it to

cover all over because if you just put three drops, I couldn't get it to cover anything.

It was ridiculous.

I saw so many people loved this or hated this, it was very polarizing, but I am definitely

in that hate camp because it was terrible on me.

Next up, and I feel bad saying this, but it's the Fenty Pro Filt'r Foundation.

So, the formula, I know it's more geared towards oily skin.

To counter that, what I did was bought some vitamin E oil to put into it, which made it

much more comfortable for me to wear on my dry skin.

The shade that I bought was shade 100.

This shade is supposed to be a perfect match for my skin tone.

When I put it on and it was wet, it matched perfectly.

It looked great.

Once it dried down, it turned this coppery, orangey color.

So, my face would be coppery orange and the rest of me would be this light kind of yellow

toned skin so it looked very weird.

Between the lack of a good shade match and the formula being more geared towards oily

skin, I went ahead and returned it to Sephora.

I felt bad but it just did not work for me at all.

I also tried a couple of the Fenty Match Sticks.

I tried Ivory, which was supposed to be either a foundation or a concealer but either way,

it looks terrible on me.

It basically emphasized all kinds of skin texture and dryness.

It was really dry and cakey.

I don't think it looked good at all and I'm also not a fan of Amber, the contour color,

which I know everybody has been raving about this color but I just didn't feel like it

did a lot for me so I returned both of those because I wanted to love them but didn't like

how they looked on me at all.

Under more foundations I found that I hate this year, the Wet N Wild Photo Focus Foundation

in Porcelain.

I thought this was going to be my perfect drugstore match.

The color's not bad.

I still have to add white to it to make it a perfect match for my skin tone so it's not

just a foundation I can just put on and go or else I have basically a dark head, light

neck, which I don't think is attractive, but the real problem I had with the foundation

was the formula.

It really was cakey and would basically cling to my dry patches and then turn cakey so it

did not work for my dry skin.

Next up, we have another foundation.

It's the Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation.

I bought the shade Snow.

I thought initially I really liked how it looked on my skin.

I liked the finish.

The color on it's own was too dark.

I needed to add white to it to make a good match.

The fragrance was overpowering, the peachy scent.

Ultimately, that's probably the downfall.

The fragrance that was in that foundation caused me to break out really bad along my

chin and my jaw.

It was very painful.

So, while I wanted to love it because I liked the ingredients aside from the fragrance and

I liked the formula, because it made me break out and the fact that I had to add white to

it to make a better match, I just had to return it.

I don't understand why companies continue to add fragrance to foundation when it causes

a lot of people to break out, not just me.

It's very rare that I can wear any sort of foundation, or even a skincare product, with

fragrance because most of the time, they make me break out.

The rare exception I can think of right now is the Huda Beauty Faux Filter Foundation

in Milkshake.

I'm really shocked that does not cause me to break out because the fragrance.

So, Too Faced, if you're listening, I would love it if you made your Peach Perfect Foundation

without any fragrance in it and in a lighter shade because Snow is not Snow.

Snow is about the color of peachy orange.

I don't know.

It's just not Snow.

Or if your Snow is that color, I don't want to play in it.

Next up is the Wander Beauty Flash Focus Hydrating Foundation Stick in the shade, Fair.

I assumed that because the shade was Fair and it had a very limited shade range, that,

hey, this is going to be a match for my skin tone.

I was wrong.

I really like the formula on this though because it's super hydrating.

It is great for my dry skin but the color's too dark and unfortunately, I realized that

it was too dark and not going to work for me after I was already outside of the Sephora

return window and that kinda sucked because it's expensive.

I think it was like $42 or $45 so I had to basically eat that.

I think that's all the foundations for you.

I tried a ton more foundations this year but these are my big fails.

Next up would be the Anastasia Beverly Hills Subculture Palette.

Now, I bought this palette when I was doing a review for Silk Naturals on the collection

that they made that's basically a vegan in dupe of those colors and I gave it a try.

It's not as bad as everybody says it was but I still don't think it's a great palette and

I'll tell you why it's on this list.

In my opinion, because the formula is so powdery, it's very wasteful.

I'm used to working with pigments like loose pigments and stuff so I know how to carefully

tap in to get product off but even when I would carefully tap in, a ton of excess powder

would kick up so it just felt like very wasteful every time I would touch the palette.

I don't understand what Anastasia was thinking with that formula because their eyeshadow

singles are actually, in my opinion, very good but that palette sucks.

The next product on my list is the Wet n Wild Micellar Water.

Now, this is a makeup remover and initially I thought that it was a great product because

it did a pretty good job at removing my eye makeup, my face makeup, but I don't know what

happened to it when I was about halfway through the bottle, it changed.

It smelled like, I would almost describe it as a burnt rubber type smell, but it smelled

bad and I was like, "Oh, no.

This isn't good."

So, I experimented with trying to take my makeup off with it once the smell changed

and it basically kind of burned so I just tossed it out right away.

Don't know why it changed, don't know what went on with that but I was very disappointed

in that because that's the first time I've ever had any micellar water go bad on me and

I use a lot of them.

I mostly use Pacifica's Coconut Water or Yes To's Coconut Water but I was trying the Wet

n Wild because it's like, "Oh, hey, it's a new product from Wet n Wild.

I should give it a shot."

It sucked.

So, last but not least, is the It Cosmetics Bye Bye Redness Neutralizing Correcting Cream.

This stuff comes in a little pot and in the pot, it looks promising.

When I put it on my skin, it's like a peach color but then it dries down to like an orange.

I'm pretty sure I've shared this on my Instagram stories whenever I first got it and I was

so disappointed because I got my hopes up really high because I thought it was going

to be one of those products that I could just dab on my worst areas of my redness, then

put my foundation on and be done, but no.

When I put it on my face, it's like I put blotches of orange all over my face.

It does not look good.

Then I still have to cake on foundation and cover it up.

So, what's the point?

I really wish that It Cosmetics would fix their shade range that they have, truly fair

shades and truly deep shades as opposed to these shades that claim to be "Fair" like

Transforming Porcelain Beige because to me, that sounds like, hey, that would be a color

that would match me.

But in the cream, it does not.

I did have a friend of mine, my friend Britney, gave me the Transforming Porcelain Beige in

the powder and the powder actually is light enough for my skin.

So, if I was going to use all powder foundation, this would work because I could just put it

on the areas where the redness is worst and then put on a light foundation anywhere else

to even me out and be done.

Here's hoping that someday It Cosmetics fixes their shade range.

So, anyway, I hope you enjoyed hearing me rant about my worst products of 2017.

Make sure you let me know what products sucked for you in 2017 in the comments below.

If you liked this video and found it entertaining, fun, informative or helpful, please give it

a thumbs up and share.

It really helps me out when you share my videos and I really appreciate it.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me and I'll see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> Beauty Fails of 2017 | cruelty free @phyrra - Duration: 15:09.


Recom RPA60-FW Series | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.

RECOM RPA60-FW series are high power density, high efficiency DC/DC converters for space

constrained railway and industrial applications.

RPA60-FW converters have a wide 4:1 input voltage range, provide 1500 / 1 minute isolation

between input and output, and are UL60950-1 and EN50155 certified.

Converters are available with a single output at 5, 12, 15, or 24 volts with ±10% output

voltage trimming, tight regulation, and low output ripple and noise.

The RPA60-FW series has no minimum load requirement, can drive capacitive loads up to 20,000 µF,

and has multiple protections to ensure reliable operation.

For more infomation >> Recom RPA60-FW Series | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.


13 GOP governors won't sign letter supporting the Republican tax scam - Duration: 2:02.

13 GOP governors won�t sign letter supporting the Republican tax scam.

Donald Trump might be able to count on blind loyalty in Congress when it comes to his agenda

� including the horribly unpopular GOP tax scheme currently being rammed through Congress

� but outside of the Beltway, key Republicans are keeping their distance.

That includes 13 Republican governors who refused to a sign a letter, spearheaded by

Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), touting the GOP tax scheme.

On Twitter, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) boasted that more than 20 Republican

governors signed on to the push.

But that means an awful lot of governors refused � an embarrassing development for the GOP,

considering that the tax scheme is being touted as the keystone to Trump�s thin legislative

agenda this year.

Among the GOP governors who did not sign the tax letter were Chris Christie of New Jersey,

John Kasich of Ohio, Rick Scott of Florida, Rick Snyder of Michigan, and Brian Sandoval

of Nevada.

Meanwhile, Phil Scott of Vermont recently announced his opposition to the bill, saying

that residents of his state will be �on the losing end� of the GOP�s tax scam.

In fact, most Americans will be on the losing end.

Despite what Republicans may claim, the tax bill is nothing more than a giveaway for the

rich, funded by working class Americans.

According to the Tax Policy Center, 87 million families making less than $200,000 annually

would experience a tax hike by 2027 under the plan that Republicans just rammed through

the Senate in the middle of the night.

Furthermore, according to an analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget,

�nearly 70 percent of the tax cuts would go to businesses over 10 years,� the Associated

Press reported.

�The rest of the tax cuts appear to favor the wealthy.�

Perhaps another reason so many Republican governors wouldn�t sign Walker�s letter

is that the GOP scheme could decimate America�s safety net, which would impact state lawmakers

and governors much more directly than members of Congress.

The pending bill is already projected to cut Medicare by approximately $400 billion over

the next decade � and Republican members of Congress are already signaling that their

next move will be to propose even deeper cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

If the Republican tax bill actually embodied what the GOP claimed it did � a tax break

for the working class � every GOP governor in America would rally behind it.

For more infomation >> 13 GOP governors won't sign letter supporting the Republican tax scam - Duration: 2:02.


Awesome Party Playlist

For more infomation >> Awesome Party Playlist


Al Bano e Romina Power: Ti amo, la dedica romantica per Natale | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Power: Ti amo, la dedica romantica per Natale | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:41.


Escándalo: Trapero ordenó espiar a cargos del PP e intentó destruir las pruebas - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Escándalo: Trapero ordenó espiar a cargos del PP e intentó destruir las pruebas - Duration: 3:21.


The Young | Broad Appeal: Living With E's - Duration: 2:46.

Mannequin! (Eulalia startles)

Jesus Enid, what are ya...

It's something the young people have made up.

They scream out mannequin and you have to freeze

wherever you are.

Oh my God, the young crowd, they think they made up everything.

- Yeah. - Sure, that's just like the

game we used to play, statues or Mother, may I?

Yes, only we didn't video tape it, see.

And they think they invented sex.

Yeah, we didn't video tape that either.

Oh and how stunned are they, just standing there,

as large as life, proof positive that they never invented sex.

Oh God, sex. What a hard old way to spend five minutes.

And then the way they communicate with each other,

with their little pictures.

- Emojis. (both) Yeah.

Just like, on the walls of Egyptian tombs.

Yeah, hieroglyphics.

- Yes. - Same as that.

- Oh my God. - Everything old is new again.

Yes, including cranky old coots like us.

- Yeah. - Oh they say now,

that being old is achingly cool.

Yes, sure, you know, with things moving so fast,

it's inevitable that old bat style would come back in again.

My personal style has trended four times

in my own lifetime.

Oh yes, things are back in before they have

a chance to go out.

Because people are so busy, girl.

But what in the name of God are they so busy doing?

Well, I know they haven't got time for the inconvenience

of a headache.

No, and they're not going to let stomach upset slow down

their active lifestyle.

No, and they never did have time for long grain brown rice.

- Oh, they're too busy to live. - Yeah.

And yet, in too much of a hurry to lie down and die out of it.

Yeah, oh it should.

Coats like ours, they're flying off the racks down to

"Valoo Village."

Oh yes, the young people have gone right cracked for

the vintage, frumpy look.

- Yes, and the gator's.. - Yeah?

Not so much now, the rain hats, you know?

No, I think the world would never really spin fast enough

to bring those rain hats back into vogue.

But what are you saying, you don't like my rain hat?

Oh no, I love it!

I just don't see it turning up in "Valoo Village"

anytime soon, you know.


What are you doing?

Dapping, or dabbing or something.

The young ones claim they came up with that too, but,

sure it's in that famous picture of Adam and Eve,

you know, being cast out of the Garden of Eden, you know?

Oh yes, I know, because I was there.

- I took the picture. - What?

Yes, and you know, it was Adam and Enid, not Adam and Eve.

(laughter) Enid...

You shouldn't go to church,

you're going to burst into flames.

Here's hoping.

For more infomation >> The Young | Broad Appeal: Living With E's - Duration: 2:46.


GF Vip, Luca e Ivana fidanzati? Arriva il messaggio d'amore | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, Luca e Ivana fidanzati? Arriva il messaggio d'amore | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


ZEN - Relaxing Zen Music And Sounds Of Nature And Water For Meditation - Duration: 2:01:57.

ZEN - Relaxing Zen Music And Sounds Of Nature And Water For Meditation

For more infomation >> ZEN - Relaxing Zen Music And Sounds Of Nature And Water For Meditation - Duration: 2:01:57.


Belen e Andrea Iannone | Crisi passata | Bacio a Roma - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Belen e Andrea Iannone | Crisi passata | Bacio a Roma - Duration: 1:44.


Repelente natural para mosquitos da dengue, zica, pernilongos e moscas da cozinha - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Repelente natural para mosquitos da dengue, zica, pernilongos e moscas da cozinha - Duration: 6:08.


2 Idee per Natale. ❊ Tutorial: fermagli e orecchini in fimo ❊ - Duration: 13:00.

For more infomation >> 2 Idee per Natale. ❊ Tutorial: fermagli e orecchini in fimo ❊ - Duration: 13:00.


X Factor 2017, Samuel Storm, The story: testo e traduzione dell'inedito - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> X Factor 2017, Samuel Storm, The story: testo e traduzione dell'inedito - Duration: 5:54.


Zen - Sweet Music And Water Sound Scrolling For Meditation And Relaxation - Duration: 2:01:57.

Zen - Sweet Music And Water Sound Scrolling For Meditation And Relaxation

For more infomation >> Zen - Sweet Music And Water Sound Scrolling For Meditation And Relaxation - Duration: 2:01:57.


Enzo Dong, Singolo D'Oro: testo e video - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Enzo Dong, Singolo D'Oro: testo e video - Duration: 3:05.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BLUETEC HYBRID Distronic / Memory / Pano / Leder / LED - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BLUETEC HYBRID Distronic / Memory / Pano / Leder / LED - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 3D Allure - Duration: 1:01.

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Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 5-DRS Blue Lease (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:54.

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Niesmann+Bischoff Arto 76 E - Duration: 1:00.

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Gossip U&D, clamoroso ritorno in trasmissione: ecco quando e di chi si tratta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, clamoroso ritorno in trasmissione: ecco quando e di chi si tratta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.


GF VIP: Mattino 5: Aida Yespica e la la rottura con il fidanzato napoletano Geppy | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Mattino 5: Aida Yespica e la la rottura con il fidanzato napoletano Geppy | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


Citroën DS3 E-HDI AUTOMAAT - NAV - JBL SOUNDSYSTEM - Duration: 0:54.

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For more infomation >> Cena de perseguição e prisão de Malagueta requer da Globo o uso de dublês - Duration: 3:59.


Rocio Munoz parla del divorzio difficile tra Raoul e l'ex moglie - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Rocio Munoz parla del divorzio difficile tra Raoul e l'ex moglie - Duration: 3:02.


Rajasthan Tourism

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Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Business Edition R Connected - Duration: 0:54.

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Renault Mégane TCE 130pk Bose (R-link/Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.

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Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi Bose (R-link/Camera/Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi Bose (R-link/Camera/Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 1:03.



For more infomation >> МУЛЬТИКОШЕЛЕК #CRYPTONATOR РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ ОБЗОР - Duration: 9:17.


How Much Does a US President Cost the Taxpayers? - Duration: 6:35.

Leaders of the so-called free world don't come cheap.

Whether they are taking trips on Air Force One, hosting get-togethers with other world

leaders, or simply collecting a paycheck, the job demands a fair bit of cash.

You might not be surprised that some leaders are more expensive than others.

There have been men of power that pulled the purse strings and others that weren't quite

so frugal.

But can we blame the President if he, or possibly in the future she, has to spend a lot on doing

the job right?

That's what we will investigate today, in this episode of the Infographics Show, How

Much Does a US President Cost the Taxpayers?

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

First of all, we must think about salary.

(A book called "The Official Role of the United States President - 2015: U.S.C.

Title 3," said that) A President is currently paid as follows: A basic salary of $400,000

a year, $50,000 in expenses, $100,000 for a nontaxable travel account, and a mere stipend

of $19,000 for entertainment.

In total that's $569,000 a year.

But, and there's a big but, the President also receives benefits.

Those include free housing at the White House with all bills included, being driven around

in a presidential limousine, and taking trips on Marine One and Air Force One.

We'll get to the lowdown on those costs later.

We should also add that forever more the President receives $200,000 a year for his pension plus


It's really not a bad job in terms of pay, although as we know it seems to age you at

a ratio of about 4 years for every 1 year.

Another thing that is interesting is that pay raises for this job don't exactly happen

very often.

There have only been five pay raises for U.S. presidents from 1789 to the present day.

The last one was in 2001 when the salary went up from $200,000 to $400,000.

We shouldn't feel bad for Presidents, though, as the wage still puts them in the top one

percent of earners in the USA.

When talking about costs, we must include salaries, but some Presidents refused to accept

their salary.

There have been three in all.

One of them is the current President, Donald Trump, who has been donating his wad to other

causes than himself.

His first quarter salary went to the National Park Service, and his second quarter salary

went to the Department of Education.

The other two American presidents to have displayed such salary largesse were John F.

Kennedy and Herbert Hoover, although Time magazine once reported that George Washington

declared in his inaugural address that he would not accept the paycheck.

Lawmakers were not pleased with that idea and told Washington it was unconstitutional.

We should say here that while Washington was offered $25,000 for the job in his day's

money, that would be around $600,000 today…We might also add that Washington's benefits

were not as extravagant as today's president.

But, who was the most expensive President so far?

Well, we should say that presidents don't stop costing the taxpayer money.

Presidents don't only get a pension, but they keep on receiving benefits.

This we must take into account when adding up how much they cost.

For 2017 Obama broke the record for asking for the biggest budget.

His expenses were $1,153,000, and this was on top of the reported $400,000 he made for

giving one speech to Wall Street folks.

He also has a $65 million twin book deal in the pipeline.

Fox news and other media reported that his price for the Milan speech was $3.2 million,

although some media left the story alone so we cannot confirm its veracity.

We mention this just to highlight that some presidents obviously like to live the high-life,

which could give credence to them being expensive while in office.

As for other former presidents, Bush's expenses for 2017 were $100,000 less than Obama's,

Clinton's $200,000 less and Jimmy Carter's $456,000 less.

But who has demanded the most cash while still on the job?

Well, you might already know that just recently the media reported that that title goes to

none other than Donald J. Trump.

He may not take a wage, but that's nothing compared to some of the costs for his lifestyle

and added extras to his job.

Just flying his family from his Mar-a-Lago golf resort to New York during Easter reportedly

cost taxpayers $110,000.

According to the LA Times just travel and protection made Trump's "presidential

family the most expensive in history."

His first 100 days cost a grand total of $30 million.

According to some reports Obama and family were costing around $12 million a year.

But that doesn't make much sense when we read other reports from established media

who cite the think tank, Judicial Watch.

According to them, Obama's travel costs, including flights, hotels, car rentals and

all the foie gras and champagne one could quaff, cost the taxpayer close to $106 million

dollars ($105,662,975.27) for his entire presidency.

We can only wait to see what Trump will clock-up during his entire term, though.

To compare these two presidents, whom most media seem to think have been the most costly

to the taxpayer, The Washington Post asked the question in April this year: "Are President

Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago similar to Obama's travels?"

Roughly, wrote the post, Obama was costing on average around $33,000 a day, although

they had his total eight years at $97 million rather than what seems like the correct one

we stated before.

This is total cost divided by time as President.

What is perhaps unfair for Donald is that people estimate his cost on what one travel

day or holiday costs, according to The Post.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago trips reportedly cost around $60,000 a day, but he also sometimes

goes there to work.

The conclusion was that both presidents were perhaps asking for a little too much and both

were extremely expensive men in the big seat.

But what does the itemized bill look like?

In 2016 it was reported by various media that the total cost of the White House, which includes

security, total staffing, entertainment, and travel, was around 1.4 billion dollars a year.

But this also included policy making staff, which adds a lot onto the bill.

Just moving around, whether from car to plane to helicopter is a highly orchestrated thing

and it reportedly costs around $2,614 every minute the president moves.

According to Business Insider it costs $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force one.

This is because of logistics, but also because it's a highly advanced machine with defense


The Beast Limos the presidents use each cost $1.5 million to buy, never mind what they

cost to drive.

As for bills at the White House?

Well, food is not free, and you have to buy your own face wash and black ties.

Utilities there are paid for, as is gardening and cleaning, etc.

The bill for utilities and house staff is unknown, but it's estimated that staff and

day to day taking care of the White House, plus bills, is around 13.5 million dollars

a year ($13,507,000).

One thing we should say is that Jimmy Carter often gets the plaudits for being the most

well-behaved and least extravagant of U.S. presidents.

Time magazine actually reported that in 1977, two weeks after he was sworn in, he gave a

televised fireside chat from his West Wing study to the American public.

People were surprised he was wearing a rather informal woolly cardigan.

Apparently he'd turned down the heating in the White House to save money and conserve


So, do you think these presidential costs are ultimately worth it, or should the government

actively seek a way to reduce the presidential price tag?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called American Soldier vs British Soldier!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> How Much Does a US President Cost the Taxpayers? - Duration: 6:35.


Crytek sues RSI over Star Citizen & Squadron 42 - Duration: 54:28.

For more infomation >> Crytek sues RSI over Star Citizen & Squadron 42 - Duration: 54:28.


Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.


Beauty Fails of 2017 | cruelty free @phyrra - Duration: 15:09.

Hey friends.

Welcome back.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Courtney, and I have my two standard poodles, Phaedra

and Nyx, in the room with me so you may see them in the background.

Today I'm going to be sharing my makeup fails of 2017 and these are all the products that

I feel really sucked and I'm going to tell you why they sucked.

But before we jump into this video I want to ask you to hit the little subscribe button

down below so you won't miss any of my videos, like my Best Beauty Products of 2017, that's

coming up soon.

Okay, so the first product that I want to talk about that absolutely sucked and was

a big fail for me was the One Two Lashes.

Now, these are magnetic lashes and I tried wearing them and they are just really difficult

to make them look right.

I bought these because of YouTuber Stephanie Lange.

I absolutely love her.

She does the best hooded eye makeup videos of anybody on YouTube and she put these on,

she made it look so simple, but I swear the pair that I got don't match up.

It looks like I'm putting moose antlers on my lashes.

They just look so weird and I really wanted them to work because they're easy to put on.

You just can't adjust them to make them look proper.

No matter what I did, they would still just stick up funny so one would be up this way

and the other one would be this way so they just didn't ever want to look right on my


So, I gave up on them.

I'm going to try and return them to see if I can get my money back but I don't know if

I'm within that window to do so.

So, the next product that really sucked for me was from one of the DCM companies called


It's their Photography Fluent Primer.

Let me read you what the website says it's going to do.

It says it's a novel approach to creating the foundation for skin that reflects even

radiance and life and very specifically, for the camera lens.

This serum textured product contains a wide array of refracting prisms, toning hue correctors

and topical finishing technologies to offer even radiance within seconds.

So, this thing sounds amazing.

It's in a little dropper.

I tried the Pure Found Photography Filter and actually really like it but the one from

Niod sucked for my skin.

Basically, what it did one me was give me a white gold glow all over, which, okay, that's

really cool, but it basically clung to every single dry patch around my face and if you

don't know, I have dry skin.

So, basically, it emphasized all kinds of dryness and looked terrible.

It looked even worse when I tried to put makeup on top of it.

I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone.

It sucked and I was unfortunately unable to return it.

I have major regrets over wasting my money on this primer.

Next up is the Glossier SPF35.

So, I like most of my Glossier products.

There are a couple misses that I have had but most of them have been hits.

I really loved the Perfecting Skin Tint, I loved the Boy Brow.

Those two products are really great for me.

The Milky Jelly Cleanser, I really like as well.

The SPF product, no good.

For me, if I got the SPF anywhere near my eyes, my eyes would start burning.

My eyes are sensitive.

Okay, I get that but even worse, it caused me to break out.

I really was hoping that this product would be something I could love cause it's one of

those colorless sunscreens so it doesn't leave a white cast, which I personally don't mind

a white cast but I know a lot of you really hate white casts so I wanted to be able to

recommend it but nope, can't.

It sucks.

The next product that was a big fail for me is probably one that's going to cause a fight

because I feel like everybody else says it's a holy grail but it was the Tarte Shape Tape.

Now, the Tarte Shape Tape that I got smelled like bug spray.

I'm telling you, it smelled like Off or citronella candles or something just terrible.

I didn't really like how thick it was and chunky and the color that I got, I think I

got Fair Neutral cause I ordered it from Ulta's website because they had the color but then

when I went in store to see if I could exchange it for another one, they didn't have the shade

in store.

So, the formula didn't work for me, the color didn't really work for me but the smell was

the worst part.

I don't understand how anybody could put that on their face when it smells like bug spray

and be okay with it.

Somebody else said that theirs smells like citrus but mine smelled like straight up bug


It was disgusting.

My husband smelled it and he was like, "Don't put that on your face."

This is after I dabbed it on, tried to use the beauty blender to blend it out, nope.

That is not for me.

It was terrible.

Give me my Kat Von D Lock-It Concealer Crème because that shit is awesome.

Tarte Shape Tape, nuh-uh.

Throw it in the trash.

The next product that I tried that I thought would be good was the Makeup Revolution Blush

in Nude and it's one of their matte blushes.

It just really wasn't anything that wowed me.

The formula and texture wasn't that great.

Yeah, it's a drugstore blush so it's really cheap but I didn't like how it settled on

my skin and usually I like matte blushes and prefer them because I think that they look

really flattering, especially since I like to wear more blingy highlighters but I just

didn't like how it looked on me at all.

So, the next product that was a total bust for me was the Smashbox Photo Lid Primer in

Smokey this is supposed to make it easier to do really dark, dramatic and smokey looks

and I thought this would be a time saver and really, not for me.

It didn't work very well.

In my crease, it would crease and wear away so that kinda defeats the point of an eye

shadow primer if it's not going to stick around.

I wanted to love it but couldn't.

The next product on my list that I can't stand is the J Cat Beauty Pearl Illuminizer.

Now, this came in a jar and it looked very similar to a lot of the Ben Nye powders.

I have the Ben Nye Cameo Powder somewhere in my makeup stash.

I don't know where it's at this minute but the Pearl Illuminizer, I thought, it was supposed

to give you a nice ethereal glow.

When I put it on, it was like I put on a white frosty eyeshadow all over my face.

It emphasized every single line, every single pore, was not pretty, was not flattering at


It was terrible.

So awful.

Do no recommend.


So, the next product is something I really wanted to love and I bought into the hype

so I bought it and that was the Kat Von D Lolita Blush.

I love Kat Von D. I love almost all of my Kat Von D products but not this.

This is supposed to be a Rosy Neutral, Rosewood Brown or something like that, Reddish Chestnut,


I think Rosy Brown is how she described it.

Well, when I put it on my skin, it goes ... Actually, I can't put it on this hand cause I have a

bunch of weird swatches on here.

When I put it on my skin, which my skin tone is basically like a cool yellow, it pulls

very orangy brown, not rosy brown, orange.

I don't think it looks flattering on me at all so I can't really

wear it as eyeshadow.

I can kind of wear it as a blush if I want to wear an orangy blush, which I don't necessarily

think that looks good on me.

So, I was really just disappointed that this awesome product that's supposed to be a cult

favorite that everybody loves, looks like crap on me.

I guess that's because of my cool yellow skin tone.

Next up, I bought the Smashbox Studio Skin Face Shaping Foundation Stick in the shade

0.5 Porcelain, I had to look it up, and it was like $42.

I thought this would be cool because it's basically a foundation on one side and a contour

on the other.

The contour shade actually worked pretty well for my skin tone so I was really pleased about

that but the foundation was another story.

It was not good.

It basically turned sorta peachy orange on my skin.

It also was one of those foundations that really clung in my dry patches.

So, while it was a Vegan Foundation, it just didn't work for me.

And on the subject of foundations not working for me, next up we have the NYX Total Control

Drops in Pale.

Now the pale yellow color was a really great match for my skin tone.

I give NYX props for making a really inclusive shade range.

They had a ton of shades and I actually had a match.

I was really happy about that.

That's about the extent of all I was happy about because the formula itself looked like

shit on my skin.

It was another one of those things that just clung to all of my dry patches.

I felt like basically, I was dribbling half the bottle on my face to try to get it to

cover all over because if you just put three drops, I couldn't get it to cover anything.

It was ridiculous.

I saw so many people loved this or hated this, it was very polarizing, but I am definitely

in that hate camp because it was terrible on me.

Next up, and I feel bad saying this, but it's the Fenty Pro Filt'r Foundation.

So, the formula, I know it's more geared towards oily skin.

To counter that, what I did was bought some vitamin E oil to put into it, which made it

much more comfortable for me to wear on my dry skin.

The shade that I bought was shade 100.

This shade is supposed to be a perfect match for my skin tone.

When I put it on and it was wet, it matched perfectly.

It looked great.

Once it dried down, it turned this coppery, orangey color.

So, my face would be coppery orange and the rest of me would be this light kind of yellow

toned skin so it looked very weird.

Between the lack of a good shade match and the formula being more geared towards oily

skin, I went ahead and returned it to Sephora.

I felt bad but it just did not work for me at all.

I also tried a couple of the Fenty Match Sticks.

I tried Ivory, which was supposed to be either a foundation or a concealer but either way,

it looks terrible on me.

It basically emphasized all kinds of skin texture and dryness.

It was really dry and cakey.

I don't think it looked good at all and I'm also not a fan of Amber, the contour color,

which I know everybody has been raving about this color but I just didn't feel like it

did a lot for me so I returned both of those because I wanted to love them but didn't like

how they looked on me at all.

Under more foundations I found that I hate this year, the Wet N Wild Photo Focus Foundation

in Porcelain.

I thought this was going to be my perfect drugstore match.

The color's not bad.

I still have to add white to it to make it a perfect match for my skin tone so it's not

just a foundation I can just put on and go or else I have basically a dark head, light

neck, which I don't think is attractive, but the real problem I had with the foundation

was the formula.

It really was cakey and would basically cling to my dry patches and then turn cakey so it

did not work for my dry skin.

Next up, we have another foundation.

It's the Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation.

I bought the shade Snow.

I thought initially I really liked how it looked on my skin.

I liked the finish.

The color on it's own was too dark.

I needed to add white to it to make a good match.

The fragrance was overpowering, the peachy scent.

Ultimately, that's probably the downfall.

The fragrance that was in that foundation caused me to break out really bad along my

chin and my jaw.

It was very painful.

So, while I wanted to love it because I liked the ingredients aside from the fragrance and

I liked the formula, because it made me break out and the fact that I had to add white to

it to make a better match, I just had to return it.

I don't understand why companies continue to add fragrance to foundation when it causes

a lot of people to break out, not just me.

It's very rare that I can wear any sort of foundation, or even a skincare product, with

fragrance because most of the time, they make me break out.

The rare exception I can think of right now is the Huda Beauty Faux Filter Foundation

in Milkshake.

I'm really shocked that does not cause me to break out because the fragrance.

So, Too Faced, if you're listening, I would love it if you made your Peach Perfect Foundation

without any fragrance in it and in a lighter shade because Snow is not Snow.

Snow is about the color of peachy orange.

I don't know.

It's just not Snow.

Or if your Snow is that color, I don't want to play in it.

Next up is the Wander Beauty Flash Focus Hydrating Foundation Stick in the shade, Fair.

I assumed that because the shade was Fair and it had a very limited shade range, that,

hey, this is going to be a match for my skin tone.

I was wrong.

I really like the formula on this though because it's super hydrating.

It is great for my dry skin but the color's too dark and unfortunately, I realized that

it was too dark and not going to work for me after I was already outside of the Sephora

return window and that kinda sucked because it's expensive.

I think it was like $42 or $45 so I had to basically eat that.

I think that's all the foundations for you.

I tried a ton more foundations this year but these are my big fails.

Next up would be the Anastasia Beverly Hills Subculture Palette.

Now, I bought this palette when I was doing a review for Silk Naturals on the collection

that they made that's basically a vegan in dupe of those colors and I gave it a try.

It's not as bad as everybody says it was but I still don't think it's a great palette and

I'll tell you why it's on this list.

In my opinion, because the formula is so powdery, it's very wasteful.

I'm used to working with pigments like loose pigments and stuff so I know how to carefully

tap in to get product off but even when I would carefully tap in, a ton of excess powder

would kick up so it just felt like very wasteful every time I would touch the palette.

I don't understand what Anastasia was thinking with that formula because their eyeshadow

singles are actually, in my opinion, very good but that palette sucks.

The next product on my list is the Wet n Wild Micellar Water.

Now, this is a makeup remover and initially I thought that it was a great product because

it did a pretty good job at removing my eye makeup, my face makeup, but I don't know what

happened to it when I was about halfway through the bottle, it changed.

It smelled like, I would almost describe it as a burnt rubber type smell, but it smelled

bad and I was like, "Oh, no.

This isn't good."

So, I experimented with trying to take my makeup off with it once the smell changed

and it basically kind of burned so I just tossed it out right away.

Don't know why it changed, don't know what went on with that but I was very disappointed

in that because that's the first time I've ever had any micellar water go bad on me and

I use a lot of them.

I mostly use Pacifica's Coconut Water or Yes To's Coconut Water but I was trying the Wet

n Wild because it's like, "Oh, hey, it's a new product from Wet n Wild.

I should give it a shot."

It sucked.

So, last but not least, is the It Cosmetics Bye Bye Redness Neutralizing Correcting Cream.

This stuff comes in a little pot and in the pot, it looks promising.

When I put it on my skin, it's like a peach color but then it dries down to like an orange.

I'm pretty sure I've shared this on my Instagram stories whenever I first got it and I was

so disappointed because I got my hopes up really high because I thought it was going

to be one of those products that I could just dab on my worst areas of my redness, then

put my foundation on and be done, but no.

When I put it on my face, it's like I put blotches of orange all over my face.

It does not look good.

Then I still have to cake on foundation and cover it up.

So, what's the point?

I really wish that It Cosmetics would fix their shade range that they have, truly fair

shades and truly deep shades as opposed to these shades that claim to be "Fair" like

Transforming Porcelain Beige because to me, that sounds like, hey, that would be a color

that would match me.

But in the cream, it does not.

I did have a friend of mine, my friend Britney, gave me the Transforming Porcelain Beige in

the powder and the powder actually is light enough for my skin.

So, if I was going to use all powder foundation, this would work because I could just put it

on the areas where the redness is worst and then put on a light foundation anywhere else

to even me out and be done.

Here's hoping that someday It Cosmetics fixes their shade range.

So, anyway, I hope you enjoyed hearing me rant about my worst products of 2017.

Make sure you let me know what products sucked for you in 2017 in the comments below.

If you liked this video and found it entertaining, fun, informative or helpful, please give it

a thumbs up and share.

It really helps me out when you share my videos and I really appreciate it.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me and I'll see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> Beauty Fails of 2017 | cruelty free @phyrra - Duration: 15:09.


Recom RPA60-FW Series | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.

RECOM RPA60-FW series are high power density, high efficiency DC/DC converters for space

constrained railway and industrial applications.

RPA60-FW converters have a wide 4:1 input voltage range, provide 1500 / 1 minute isolation

between input and output, and are UL60950-1 and EN50155 certified.

Converters are available with a single output at 5, 12, 15, or 24 volts with ±10% output

voltage trimming, tight regulation, and low output ripple and noise.

The RPA60-FW series has no minimum load requirement, can drive capacitive loads up to 20,000 µF,

and has multiple protections to ensure reliable operation.

For more infomation >> Recom RPA60-FW Series | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.


13 GOP governors won't sign letter supporting the Republican tax scam - Duration: 2:02.

13 GOP governors won�t sign letter supporting the Republican tax scam.

Donald Trump might be able to count on blind loyalty in Congress when it comes to his agenda

� including the horribly unpopular GOP tax scheme currently being rammed through Congress

� but outside of the Beltway, key Republicans are keeping their distance.

That includes 13 Republican governors who refused to a sign a letter, spearheaded by

Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), touting the GOP tax scheme.

On Twitter, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) boasted that more than 20 Republican

governors signed on to the push.

But that means an awful lot of governors refused � an embarrassing development for the GOP,

considering that the tax scheme is being touted as the keystone to Trump�s thin legislative

agenda this year.

Among the GOP governors who did not sign the tax letter were Chris Christie of New Jersey,

John Kasich of Ohio, Rick Scott of Florida, Rick Snyder of Michigan, and Brian Sandoval

of Nevada.

Meanwhile, Phil Scott of Vermont recently announced his opposition to the bill, saying

that residents of his state will be �on the losing end� of the GOP�s tax scam.

In fact, most Americans will be on the losing end.

Despite what Republicans may claim, the tax bill is nothing more than a giveaway for the

rich, funded by working class Americans.

According to the Tax Policy Center, 87 million families making less than $200,000 annually

would experience a tax hike by 2027 under the plan that Republicans just rammed through

the Senate in the middle of the night.

Furthermore, according to an analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget,

�nearly 70 percent of the tax cuts would go to businesses over 10 years,� the Associated

Press reported.

�The rest of the tax cuts appear to favor the wealthy.�

Perhaps another reason so many Republican governors wouldn�t sign Walker�s letter

is that the GOP scheme could decimate America�s safety net, which would impact state lawmakers

and governors much more directly than members of Congress.

The pending bill is already projected to cut Medicare by approximately $400 billion over

the next decade � and Republican members of Congress are already signaling that their

next move will be to propose even deeper cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

If the Republican tax bill actually embodied what the GOP claimed it did � a tax break

for the working class � every GOP governor in America would rally behind it.

For more infomation >> 13 GOP governors won't sign letter supporting the Republican tax scam - Duration: 2:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Why my new audiophile cable won't sound better - Duration: 11:08.

Often people clearly state that higher sampling rates, expensive cables and other refinements

to their stereo don't lead to a better sound.

And they probably are right too: they don't hear a difference.

Then why do all kinds of people - including myself - say tweaks work?

Let me start with the obvious: a number of these tweaks frankly are BS.

Which ones, you might ask.

Well, I don't know.

My mission statement is to bring proper music reproduction to the people.

In general this means that I do tutorials and reviews and these reviews should always

be of use to a wider public, seeking for better sound.

That is a full time job and if I had to review all kinds of tweaks and cables that according

to some work fine while are rubbish to others, that would be a bad time investment.

Cables might be different.

Although there also are snake oil sellers, there are also people that by trial and error

develop cables that work fine in their test setup for they compensate for shortcomings

already present in that setup.

I use cables by - in alphabetical order - AudioQuest, Crystal Cable, Grimm Audio, Kimber and Transparent.

All well respected brands, chosen since I could try them out - which admittedly is somewhat

easier for me than for you.

That doesn't mean that other brands automatically are of less quality.

If you want to try a cable, ask your dealer if you can buy it and return it if it doesn't

live up to the expectations.

If you keep the product and the packaging fresh, there are dealers that will do that.

Sometimes even a manufacturer has special try-before-you-buy cables.

If the investment doesn't offer improvements, don't spend the money.

There are some big BUTs though.

Tweaking a stereo is like refining the cooking process for a delicate dish.

You should start with fresh ingredients, use the right pots and pans, make sure you got

your timing right, taste every step in the process and have a developing or developed


Every step in the process should be perfect to get a dish cooked to perfection.

If you buy fresh, fine tuna but ruin it by using margarine in stead of oil, have the

pan too hot and leave it in for too long, you'll end up with sad tuna.

It's the same when tweaking a stereo.

I have made a series called Audio Hygiene that describes a number of steps for improvement

of your stereo, so I'll give you the general approach here.

It basically is rather simple: you don't want the audio signal to be degraded anywhere

in the path from the source to your ears.

Of course, your equipment should have the lowest of low distortion.


It should have a ruler flat frequency response.


And the lowest of low noise.


Well, that would be nice, but not at any price.

Cartridge manufacturer Ortofon already concluded in the previous century that having a good

phase behaviour should have preference over a ruler flat frequency respons.

And some large consumer electronics manufacturers chased ultra low distortion figures in the

eighties since managers can explain a lower distortion figure to their superiors but not

a better sound.

So they built amps that had rigorous overall feedback designs giving very low distortion

figures but also gave time smearing that killed details.

That - by the way - illustrates the difference between the big consumer electronics companies

and specialised audio brands.

Although the big companies sometimes can surprise you with a very good sounding device - often

for the chief designer had a private quest for quality and managed to sell the design

choices to the management.

Specialised audio brand often have very consistent audio quality, although they do have the occasional

lemon too, of curse.

And there are also specialist audio brands - although limited in numbers - that perform

poorly throughout but manage to hype their brand.

One has to conclude that it is impossible for the average consumer to choose the right

equipment based on objective data.

There are some ways around this.

One is if you have a friend that has a good sounding stereo.

That could be a starting point for you.

Another is watching and reading reviews and base your choices on those.

The third option is to find a dealer of good reputation and have him advise you.

What approach will fit you best, depends on your preferences and budget.

Let's assume you now have good equipment at home and you want to gradually bring it

to a higher level by, for instance, choosing better cables.

You order a set of interlinks and don't hear any improvement.

What's going on?

Was it the wrong choice of cables?

Well, that might be.

But it might also be that it is a good cable that will improve your stereo.


Remember what I said about cooking the Tuna?

If you use a tuna that is not fresh, the result of a high quality baking oil won't be that

clear when compared to cheap oil.

So what you should do ideally is the following:

Start by removing all equipment and remove all cabling.

Then only place back the equipment that is essential for the reproduction of music.

So don't place back that room corrector, equalizer or any other gear that is not essential.

Make sure the equipment is on sturdy, resonance free furniture.

Devices that have mechanics, like a CD-player or turntable should be placed on a level surface.

If you can, choose the furniture so that you can separate the interconnects and loudspeaker

cable from the power cords.

Even better is if you could create distance between all three groups.

Also keep in mind that the equipment still is placed practical so it can be used easily.

Now it's time to reconnect the cabling.

First connect the power cords after checking the equipment is switched off.

Connect all equipment to the same socket box to lower the risk of earth potential problems.

These power cords are first on the list to be replaced by audiophile cables, as you can

see in Part 1 of Audio Hygiene.

In part 2 you can see that the polarity of the power plugs can make a difference, depending

on where you live.

If you want to check that, do it before you take the following step: connecting the interlink

or interlinks.

Finally - after checking again your amp is switched off - the loudspeaker cables.

These are the cables that I would replace by audio grade cables after the power cables.

The digital interconnect would be the next and finally the analogue interconnects.


I have written a complete chapter on why cables can differ in my book File Based Audio aka

Streaming Audio, so there is much to tell.

But the most essential factor is the influence of magnetic stray fields between cables.

110 to 230 volts at one or two amps gives a nice strong interference on all cables close

by and cheap cables have very poor shielding, let alone a construction that helps there


So you want the power cords to radiate as little interference and that is one of the

main qualities of audiophile cables.

You now also understand why only that last one or two meters can make a difference despite

that cheap installation wire is used in your walls.

It now is important to take your time for loudspeaker placement.

That starts with watching my Loudspeaker placement video.

Don't try to be smarter than needed.

Just do what the video tels you to do and you should be able to obtain a good result.

If you have equipment left, hide it away for now.

More equipment than needed wil always degrade the sound quality.

Keep It Simple Stupid!

If you used electronics to 'repair' acoustic problems, fist try to get it sound well without

the magic boxes since there is no such thing as magic.

Robert Ingersol said it already in the 19th century: in nature there is no reward nor

punishment, there are consequences.

You can only go for the right consequences if you know them.

Therefore first start with an optimised minimal stereo and go from there.

But take at least two weeks between each and every step.

That way your auditory system has time to evaluate what has happened.

If you doubt, go one step back.

Often you won't like the previous situation but if you do.

take another road from there.

And if you have questions, post them below this video so everyone can learn from it and

your question will not get lost in the large amounts of mails I get.

Especially email asking for personal advice are impossible to answer and will be stopped

by my moderator.

So if you want to stay informed, subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook

or Google+.

See the show notes for the links.

If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon and see super

exclusive videos too.

Just one dollar a month will do and more will be appreciated.

The link is in the show notes.

And don't forget to tell your friends on the web about this channel.

I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on

And whatever you do, enjoy the music.

For more infomation >> Why my new audiophile cable won't sound better - Duration: 11:08.


Hyundai Getz 1.5 CRDi GLS Apk t/m jan. 2019 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.5 CRDi GLS Apk t/m jan. 2019 - Duration: 0:59.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120PK GT-Line Met 7 jaar garantie!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120PK GT-Line Met 7 jaar garantie!! - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Insignia 1.4 T ECOFLEX EDITION Touchpad Navigeren, Navigatie, Achteruitrijcamera, Cruise Cotnro - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia 1.4 T ECOFLEX EDITION Touchpad Navigeren, Navigatie, Achteruitrijcamera, Cruise Cotnro - Duration: 1:01.


Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Fails Compilation 2017 | Best Fails Vines & Funny Videos 2017 - Duration: 10:02.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Fails Compilation 2017 | Best Fails Vines & Funny Videos 2017 - Duration: 10:02.


Côtes anglaises : les augmentations - partie 1 - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> Côtes anglaises : les augmentations - partie 1 - Duration: 12:11.


Volvo XC90 2.5 T Exclusive Automaat AWD 7 Persoons - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.5 T Exclusive Automaat AWD 7 Persoons - Duration: 1:00.


Wailing Trees - Into The Book [Official Video 2017] - Duration: 4:40.

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Teach a man to read books he'll feed his mind for a lifetime

On this quest fe the roots culture will help him to find

The best way to feed the youth

they deserve the truth

Food for thoughts to guide them on the way to the inner fruit

The more a man learn

the more a man earn

Me don't speak about money on the spiritual journey

empty head will run

use violence and guns

But a fed soul will always be ready

What is a man able to understand

When he thinks knowledge is nowhere to be found

He is on the mercy of a brainwashed education

Culture is the key of healthy population

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Not only your belly you've got to feed

Inside your soul there is a seed

This is the water of knowledge

preventing you from illness and rage

You gwanna find your mind strenght Into your own spirituality

Following the guidance of your own curiosity

Showing you the way to escape world inequity

Each man deserves the best, the highest quality

A book is a travel through time and space

a good link for the members of the human race

Don't waste your brain ,oh no no no

Open your book and let your spirit grow.

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

You'll get stronger by

feeding your heart

Only the fool cries

cause he doesn't dance with the stars

You can embellish yourlife

with wisdom colors

Imagination will make your inner seed grow

inner seed grow !

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

This is the only way for me to be fed

Into the book

I really wanna look

Into the book

I really wanna look

Into the book

I really really really wanna look

Into the book

For more infomation >> Wailing Trees - Into The Book [Official Video 2017] - Duration: 4:40.


La Loi de l'Attraction ► Expliquée en 7 minutes - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> La Loi de l'Attraction ► Expliquée en 7 minutes - Duration: 7:07.


Fox News And Republicans Are Desperately Trying To Convince Trump To Fire Special Prosecutor - Duration: 4:48.

For at least the last 24 hours, Fox News has had wall-to-wall coverage bringing on hard

core conservative members of Congress to talk about how biased the special prosecutor's

investigation into Donald Trump truly is.

Now they're basing these claims of bias on the fact that text messages were recently

released between two of the people who were working on the investigation.

Text messages that actually took place long before the investigation even began and when

Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller found out about this he immediately got rid of them from the


Now Fox News is not happy with that.

Republican lawmakers including my idiotic house Representative Matt Gaetz are not happy

about this.

They say that the entire investigation is completely tainted because two people had

text messages with one another where they expressed disinterest and their dislike for

Donald Trump.

They called him an idiot.

Well I don't know if Fox News is aware of this but over the summer Rex Tillerson, the

Secretary of State, actually called Trump a "fucking moron" and he still has a job.

So I don't understand what's so bad about these two people having opinions about politics.

Everybody's allowed to have those.

Furthermore, it's not illegal for them to do this.

It's not even unethical.

They did not break any rules in terms of the investigation, in terms of their jobs or anything

like that with regards to these text messages.

And the icing on the cake is that as soon as Bob Mueller, the special prosecutor found

out about it, he pulled them off of the investigation.

What more do you want?

Mueller himself worked at a law firm that defended Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn yet

I don't hear them saying that that could be a pro-Trump bias within the investigation.

Here's the reason Republicans and especially Fox News who I'm not kidding, they won't shut

about this, here's the reason they want this to end and why they're trying to spread these

claims of bias.

They know that the end is near and the end is Donald Trump.

They know because they see the writing on the wall.

They understand how this investigation has progressed.

They've seen the organizations that have now been subpoenaed for records like the banks.

They know that Donald Trump is going to eventually be indicted on something.

Whether or not it's related to actual Russian interference doesn't matter.

They know that because of what Bob Mueller has looked into.

The IRS record, the banking records, everything.

Donald Trump will eventually be indicted and Fox News is trying to go ahead and stoke the

flames of some kind of revolution within the American public so that they get up in arms

and possibly quite literally if Donald Trump is impeached over this.

They are trying to spread anarchy and chaos and undermine a governmental organization

that is operating without bias and without outside interference the way they should be.

Anyone who claims that this investigation is biased is lying to you.

There were people on there who had political opinions but that didn't interfere with their

work and they were removed.

It's over.

Fox News won't shut up about it.

People like Matt Gaetz, my representative here in Northwest Florida ... actually, here's

the thing.

Matt Gaetz recently when Donald Trump came to Pensacola last week which is where we are,

Matt Gaetz flew with him because he represents this area and he admitted that he told Trump

on the plane that this investigation is swirling with bias.

Almost worse than Watergate the level of corruption within this investigation.

He is trying to feed Donald Trump false information to get this investigation to stop.

That is what Fox News is doing to the American public and there are other members of the

Republican Party who are serving as elected officials in Washington D.C. trying to do

the same.

Do not believe these claims of bias.

They have been debunked.

The people who committed this bias allegedly have been removed.

Four people have been indicted.

Two have pled guilty.

That's not a nothing burger.

That's not political bias.

Those are facts.

For more infomation >> Fox News And Republicans Are Desperately Trying To Convince Trump To Fire Special Prosecutor - Duration: 4:48.


The Flip Flap Railroad and Marshmallow Bearings: Citation Needed 7x04 - Duration: 17:20.

This is the Technical Difficulties, we're playing Citation Needed.

Joining me today, he reads books y'know, it's Chris Joel.


Everybody's favourite Gary Brannan, Gary Brannan.


Let me get the line out, you b******s!

And standing in for Matt Gray, stand-up mathematician Matt Parker!

Always clear all before an important calculation.

In front of me I've got an article from Wikipedia and these folks can't see it.

Every fact they get right is a point and a ding

and there's a special prize for particularly good answers which is...

And today we are talking about the Flip Flap Railway.

Ay, ah, hah!

- Hmm. Err. Erp. - Wow.

Is this... this is where the word "No"...

if we had an actual railway tunnel,

and there's a big steam engine coming down the tunnel

with the word, "no" written on the front right now.

You'll notice that sometimes I have my hand ready over the ding button here.

This is not one of those times.

Er, is it a pneumatic railway? the south of England?

Am I right? Am I wrong? I'm wrong.

He's wrong.

Both flipping and flapping are things railroads should not do.


So this is some kind of disaster...

- No, it's not a disaster. - Oh!

If you got on this railway expecting a normal ride, something has gone wrong.

Oh, so it's like a metaphorical railway.

Whoa. I was going to go for, like, theme park or something, but I like that better.

And you'd have got the point. What might the Flip Flap Railway be?

Is it a roller coaster?

Yes, you're absolutely right.

Is it one of those scenic railways, the 19th century ones where it would,

rather than like a normal rollercoaster now, you've got all the bits and bobs underneath exposed,

you'd put big panels on and paint an alpine scene.

So from a distance it would like you were riding a train up and down mountains

and there's a guy at the back who acts as a brakeman to stop the train.


The interesting thing about that is:


Can I just say--

But you have successfully got several things later on that we were going to talk about,

without any questions. So, yes, absolutely.

What were those really early rollercoasters called? We're talking 17th century here.

Pushing someone down a hill.


Yeah, they weren't called that, but they were giant slides.

The first ones were just park benches going down a…

There's one in France somewhere, where literally there was a park bench

and you kind of sat on it sideways and then it slid down a hill

and it was terrifyingly dangerous.

The thing is now when we hear the phrase, "a park bench"

we just think of Matt and Tom sliding sideways down a hill on a very poorly fixed one.

Yes, there was a gravity track in Paris in 1812.

- Gravity track! - Ohhhh...

And you said brakeman, this was before that.

Before someone thought of stopping the f***ing thing!

Are you stuck on them forever? Just falling and falling through eternity like Sisyphus

pushing the rock…!

Sorry, wrong meeting.

Er, no.

Well, f***!

What, it wasn't falling through eternity for ever? Really?

I'm getting sick of his negative attitude this episode.

Push up a hill, drop back down the hill.

The very early ones were called Russian Mountains.

Oh, I just thought you meant some Russian mountains.

Well, this is what they originally were.

Russian sled rides on hills of ice that had been constructed.

So that's where the name came from, and they would just...

So, up until the point someone went to Russia and saw a mountain that had ice on it,

nobody had had the idea of even sitting on a cart and riding down a steep hill?

Not specially constructing an ice hill 200 feet tall to slide down.

I'll grant you, that would be difficult in Norfolk.

Then you started getting the scenic railways. Now, you talked about brakemen...

It's done with a guy at the back who acts as a brakeman

and just puts the brakes on in the right place,

rather than any kind of retarding device that you might have on the wheels,

like you would now.

Oh, brilliant! So if he decides to let it all hang out you get a…

Well if it does that on that height, everyone's seeing it, let's face it.

The brakeman is the opposite of a hype-man.

So instead of someone going, "Yeah!" there's a guy going, "I don't know."

"Go steady, or I could make this dead boring for you."

You're right, he is the fun-killer of the roller coaster world isn't he?

"Not that! Too much fun. There we are…"

"No, everybody be calm."

There is also something here in America that is an early rollercoaster

that is called the Mauch Chunk Switchback Railway.

I both trust and utterly distrust that ride.

I'm just trying to imagine who thought the word "chunk" was a good word to put...

Well, that's the name of the place where it was. This was a nine mile track.

Oh! I don't know what it is, but we're going.

- Smash cut right now. - Special!

Is it just some old railway?

It was one of the very first permanent railways in America.

Is it like that bit in Indiana Jones 2?

Go on, press it! Go on, I saw you go…

Yeah, I did, because this is 1827, so what didn't they have for this railway?


Harrison Ford!


Lucasfilm special effects.

Chris gets the point. Yes, they didn't have that. Obviously, gravity, they can get cars down,

how do they get the cars back up?

Gert big men shoving up.

Er, you're close...

Whoever's on the ride next.

You say ride. This, to start off with, was just genuinely a railway to move coal.

Oh, someone would have managed to sneak onto that.

Yes, you're absolutely right.

When there was down-time people would just sneak onto it and ride the cars down,

but how do they get the cars back up?

I guess it's not a loaded-car-pulls-down-an-empty-car scenario here?

No, no.



Yes! You're absolutely right, mules.

But they would send down enough cars and then they would send down the mules...

- In the car? - In the car...

- In the car. - That's very good.

- They get a ride! - And in fact yes, have a point.

- Their little ears… - That's probably not how they felt about it, Gary.

Yeah, but the first time they're like "what the hell is all this",

we all would be, but then they'd be like, "Fantastic."

They'd be going down and their little ears'd be flapping in the wind, all like that…

I think you've chronically misunderstood what it is to be a mule, my friend.

And there's a bloke halfway down doing a drawing of it

so they can buy it when they get to the bottom as a souvenir of the day.

There's always the smart mule

who works out where the etching guy is so they can make a face.

I reckon people saw the mules come off going,

"they look pretty excited, I'm having a go on that".

That is basically what happened.

I don't think it was the mules there,

but it was people going "this is an exciting ride".

"This is fun wasted on mules", basically.

And then someone else went, well, we can charge for this

when there's not enough coal to move.

Or mules to play with.



Lonely country town, let's say...

That was basically the world's first roller coaster.

Someone sat on the back of one of the mules as it goes down.

"This is f***ing awesome!"

That is Indiana Jones, just a century too early.

Nah, that's Slim Pickens riding the bomb!

Dr Strangelove with a mule in the compartment.

Sadly that has now been dismantled.

There is a trail there you can walk down,

but I imagine that's not the same.

Ironically a trail there you could ride a mule down,

which is worse for all concerned, isn't it?

You could, or you could ride a mule down on a little wagon with some wheels.

Oh my God, yeah. ...Wagon Wheels?

They're just going to go squishy.

They'd overheat and get flat spots!

Yes, they're smaller than they used to be anyway.

You can't trust a marshmallow bearing.

Can't, no.

Just overheat and then you'd get decent speed.

Jam lubricant's all well and good up to 50mph, but once you go over that...

Yeah. You're looking for a stout marmalade aren't you?

Something fine-cut though.

Oh yeah, you don't want the bits in it.

You can't have a coarse shred, it'll get jammed.

Oh absolutely, absolutely.

Marmite is your breakfast lubricant of choice isn't it?

Yes, but it burns up quickly.

It does and gives off quite the odour.

And woe betide the man who uses Branston!

For breakfast?

Matt, for God's sake interrupt, you've been going like this for about two minutes.

Yeah, but I go, "okay, I think they're finished",

Oh no, there's more. Yes. No, they've peaked now. No, they haven't…

I was just going to say, but then I realised I was going to give actual advice, saying,

"use Maltesers as bearings" then went that's just a practical….

Oh yes, yes, you could have a race couldn't you? You could have a bearing race!

I've misunderstood this conversation, yes, yes, if you're actually going to do it…

Yes, Maltesers in.

Chocolate finger, Maltesers…

What's the outer race though?

Oh, that's a good point.


I'm just going to point out for anyone not in the UK that Wagon Wheels

are a type a big chocolate round biscuit, so...

- They look a bit like the wheel off a wagon. - They're awful.

If your wagon were about yea-high.

No, they're smaller than that.


There we go.

So we had the Mauch Chunk Switchback, which is arguably the first rollercoaster…

For donkeys.

We had the Russian mountains which could also be early roller coasters, that sort of thing.

By the point that we had the Flip Flap Railway,

there was this idea that you might want to get in a car that careened down a hill.

What was the Flip Flap Railway adding to that?



It wasn't an early attempt to do a loop-the-loop or something?

Spot on.

- Oh my god. - It was the first loop-the-loop in America.

And they got the shape wrong?


Were they lured in by the easy appeal of a nice circle?

Yes, they were, would you like to tell us some more about this?

Oh, they didn't think about having a nice, consistent amount of acceleration on their passengers.

And I bet they were either passing out or bleeding from the eyeballs by the time…

Or both! They're not mutually exclusive.

Those poor donkeys.

You see I thought they'd go too slow and it'd get to the top

and they'd stop and all the donkeys would fall out.

Yes. That's exactly where I was going next.

No, because the problem is, right, the amount pushing you out as you're turning...

I'm going to be very careful here, or physics teachers will email me afterwards.

It depends on the rate at which you're curving,

and so to stop people from falling out at the top,

because the curvature of a circle is pretty consistent,

by the time you get to the top you've got to be going bloody fast

to have enough force to keep you in your seat.

Or the mule.

So what you want to actually do is change the rate at which your loop is curving

to give you extra force where required.

And so you don't have do it all with speed, you can do it with curvature instead.

Whereas they tried to do it all with speed and it didn't end well.

Yes. They tried... I've already given you biscuits for that

but I feel like a round of applause is required for that thing.

No further biscuits will ever be issued. That wins them all, I think.

A circle is too big, so they use an ellipse to get you over the top very quickly.

How many Gs were they roughly pulling on this "centrifugal railway", as it was called?

Anything above… where does it get painful? It must be over four...

I think modern roller coasters you can briefly pull about 5Gs. Which will...

So they were probably clipping seven or eight,

and that's going to be very uncomfortable.

Yes, it actually pulled 12Gs.

Oh my God.

Yeah, that's not good.

Not only is it a circular loop, it's only a 25 foot circular loop.


What were some of the issues with riding this?

Your hat would fly off and you would look ungentlemanly at the end.

Quite the opposite because if anything your hat is going to be quite stuck to your head.

Ah, no, it came off on the little hill down into it, didn't it?

Er, no, discomfort and neck injuries from whiplash.

I wouldn't put discomfort first in that list.

"Oh dear..."

Discomfort and now I'm like this, yes.

What did they test this with, by the way?

This is at Sea Lion Park at Coney Island, New York.

- Sea lions? - Sea lions!




Okay, not donkeys, not people, not sea lions.

Sh... A. N. Other livestock?


Of course, the monkeys.

Sandbags and monkeys were put down.

Sorry! Sandbag... sandbag... "shall we throw some monkeys in while we're at it?"

"Ah, g'wan… they'll enjoy it, the donkeys did."

Sea Lion Park because Luna Park. Famous names and all that,

but the Flip Flap Railway was not retained, why not?

Was it killing people, perchance?

Because of its unpopularity and reputation, but I will give you the point.

It was not something you got on a second time.

For one reason or another.

No-one got to the end and went, "again!", y'know?

But there is one last legendary theme park I want to talk about.

Is it Flamingo Land, in...?

No, it is Action Park in New Jersey.

Oh God, this is ringing bells and I have absolutely no idea why. Augh!

Why might it be legendary, for folks who were kids in the 1980s in New Jersey?

Because it killed a million, billion people in their wave pool or something?

It hurt a lot of people, certainly. I'll give you the point for it.

So, hang on, wait. Your guess was it killed a million, billion people

and you're like, close enough to "a few people got a bit injured".

Yeah, like, we're...

The error bars are pretty big on this show, right?

The error bars are massive on this show.

Feel free to chuck some ideas in.

And the reason I mention this in particular,

to do with all the other things we've talked about,

is that they had the Cannonball Loop.

Uh oh.

Which is very similar to a few of the things we've talked about,

with one important difference.

In a summer park, in a theme park, what did they have that was a loop-the-loop?

They attempted a water-based loop-the-loop.

- Yes, they did. - Oh, s***.

It was at their water park.

How do you do that, isn't the water just going to fall off at the top?

- Yes. - And be a shower?

The thing about water is, it follows the laws of physics.


Yes, you are absolutely right. It was a looping waterslide.

Not the modern kind, there are a couple of modern looping water-slides,

they do an interesting kind of curve that technically takes you over.

This was...


That would take off your clothes wouldn't it?

No, the thing about clothes…

What, it's really seductive as you go through the loop...

No, but I thought, is that what happens...

"I see you've come to join me in the loop.

"How 'bout we get you out of those wet things?"

It would certainly… having had a couple of waterslide incidents,

shall we say, moments of unpleasantness...

No, it doesn't take your clothes off. Riders were weighed and hosed down with cold water.


And then instructed how to position their bodies to complete the ride.

No. I'm already not getting on this.

You just wanted an excuse to pose, let's be honest here.

It was a laugh.

But you get on top of the ride and someone,

before you even get on the ride, you're at a water park.

You're hoping, I assume, to drop into nice, warm, bath-like water at the end.

The last thing you want is some bloke with a hose pipe

with a little spray gun on the end going, "right, arms up."

They sent some test dummies down first,

what were the reports on what happened to them?

They didn't come down in one, is what I'm going to guess.

Yes, that's absolutely right, they were dismembered on the way down.

And one unfortunate person at the top of the loop, what happened?

Their clothes fell off.

Trousers caught on a nail! Just hanging there in space getting showered on.

It was a closed loop. It was a closed tube.

Oh, they're in a locked…

You know, this is the first one you've described

where I'm still thinking "I want a go on this".

They got stuck at the top and they had to add a hatch at one point

to remove people who got stuck at the top

and didn't want to go down the other side.

Yes, because you're on this surface now,

and as you go down you're going to have that sheer drop.

Yes, "shump, clunk, dunk", carry on.

Yes, there had to be "extractions", as it was put here, which is... not great.

So this person got physically stuck as in they were too large?

No, they just weren't going fast enough.

Oh my god.

Employees were offered $100 to test it and I'm going to quote,

"100 bucks did not buy enough booze to drown out that memory."

I'm with Matt, I want a go on this.

At the end of the show, congratulations Matt, you win this week.


You win a brand new armoured fighting vehicle

that is actually an old fighting vehicle just rebooted to look modern.

It's a JJ Abrams tank.


So with that we say thank you to Chris Joel,

to Gary Brannan,

and to Matt Parker.

I've been Tom Scott and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> The Flip Flap Railroad and Marshmallow Bearings: Citation Needed 7x04 - Duration: 17:20.


Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Настоящее и будущее Искусственного Интеллекта [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:13.


Burton 2020: Sustainability Goals - Duration: 2:29.

From the US Open to company ride days to bringing our dogs to work we've always

tried to live our values and the lifestyle we helped create.

Disruption and leading innovation on the mountain has always been a part of our DNA and

now we're seeing that through the lens of sustainability which is really

exciting and has also led us to set some pretty aggressive goals for 2020.

We make products so that we can stay outside longer and enjoy the outdoors and enjoy

the mountains. Unfortunately you know that process has a cost to the

environment so it's up to us to really minimize that impact.

For 2020 softgoods is working towards a hundred percent bluesign goal and in all of our product

we're always looking for ways to replace traditional materials with more

sustainable and recycled materials in order to reduce emissions generated by

the manufacturing process as well as the packaging process.

We have focused on people since the beginning. In our supplychain we're committed to working with

world-class manufacturers that meet the highest global standards for human rights.

We're committed to talking about this to raise awareness about how our

products are made and use our voice to promote the highest standards possible.

We've been making improvements at our offices throughout our supply chain and

we are continuing to find ways to reduce our footprint, create less waste and just

be more mindful of everything that we do. By ensuring that our own house is clean

it gives us the confidence to spread the word about sustainability. If we can do

it others in the industry can do it as well. That's why we're excited along with

other athletes and brands in the industry to be a part of Protect Our Winters

which is actively lobbying for real policy change.

Burton's done a job of greening our own house but it's really important that we speak up as an

industry and as snowboarders and people who love the mountains and winter to say

that global climate change is real and we can do something about it

For more infomation >> Burton 2020: Sustainability Goals - Duration: 2:29.


Hello Neighbor: What's In Your Basement (by Random Enconters) [Synthesia Piano Tutorial] - Duration: 3:41.




























































Bendy And The Ink Musical by Random Encounters

For more infomation >> Hello Neighbor: What's In Your Basement (by Random Enconters) [Synthesia Piano Tutorial] - Duration: 3:41.


RG3 turned down offers from two NFL teams - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> RG3 turned down offers from two NFL teams - Duration: 4:07.


4 Simple Business Tips I'd Give My Younger Self | Follow These And You WILL Be Successful - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> 4 Simple Business Tips I'd Give My Younger Self | Follow These And You WILL Be Successful - Duration: 5:39.


FACT or FICTION - "Cursed Objects" [Season 1, Episode 3] (YouTube Series) - Duration: 16:47.

Innocuous items can be found all throughout our homes, but are they as harmless as we

think they are?

This simple garage-sale vase looks benign, but though it may not be inherently wicked,

can we be sure that it didn't pass through malevolent hands or has some vile past?

Generally, we trust the things we surround ourselves with, but the following three tales

of innocent-looking cursed objects are going to have you questioning whether your stroke

of bad luck is a coincidence, or attached to something in your home.

You may question the validity behind the concept of curses, but that shouldn't stop you from

determining which of these supernatural tales are inspired by fact… or fiction.

The line that divides the factual from the unreal has long since blurred, the tales we

once thought fantastical now implanted as truth.

To decipher verity from the imagined, you must break from the ordinary and consider

a universe where the outlandish prevails.

Can you expand your mind to see beyond our perceived reality?

Can you decide what's fact or fiction?

It was a proud day for Mike Stetson, but he'd soon find out that the opening of his very

own pizzeria would wind up being a nightmare he could never prepare for.

We take the innocence of those items around us for granted, not considering what may be

attached to them; and as Mike found out, curses come in all forms.

Story # 1: The First Dollar We've all seen them hanging behind the cash

wrap, that first dollar bill received once a new establishment is open for business.

For many, that bill is a symbol of luck and prosperity for their new business.

Others simply like to use it to remember their roots and where the business started.

Then there are men like Mike, owner of a pizzeria that opened in the early months of 2014 in

Hartford, Connecticut, who quickly found that not all dollar bills are alike.

Like so many others, Stetson displayed his first single behind the register, framed in

a cheap but workable picture frame.

He couldn't remember who exactly had handed him the currency, but what he experienced

once it entered his establishment was something he would never forget.

It started mildly enough with the breakdown of a brand-new oven.

Covered under warranty and easily replaced, Mike thought nothing of it, but a day or two

later the replacement would break.

Mike, frustrated, chalked it up to the businesses' growing pains, but the curious statement of

a patron one day had his mind drifting to something more sinister.

"There's a heaviness in your restaurant."

It wasn't a customer Mike recognized, but there was a look in his eyes that seemed to

borderline madness.

Though he tried to continue business as normal, a third oven would fail, despite being a different

brand and installation team.

On the same night, a flame sparked within the oven and threatened to burn the pizzeria

down, while the alley behind it hosted a "drug-deal gone wrong."

Both parties involved died in the shooting, one being killed instantly while the other

survived his mortal wounds into the early hours of the morning.

Patrons started to talk about Mike's bad luck, some even suggesting that his restaurant

was cursed.

He thought nothing of it, allowed the locals to have their insane stories, and went about


And then it happened.

Mike received a phone call at around 2:15 AM on December 5th.

By the time he reached the pizzeria, the fire had been put out, but the damage had been


Though he expected initial reports to point to the oven, which he had replaced with an

entirely different brand, there was no indication of where the fire started or how.

Mike got his answer when he entered the scorched building and saw it laying there in near pristine

condition – the dollar bill, still framed in a blackened case, sitting atop the rubble

of the cash wrap.

Poor, poor Mike.

Can his misfortune be attributed to a lowly dollar bill?

Maybe business wasn't doing well, so he burnt the restaurant down himself.

But then there's the patron, the one that felt something "off" about his pizzeria.

Could he sense the negative vibes being emitted from the mysterious dollar bill?

We'll have an answer for you at the end of this video, but for now, tell us what you're

thinking in the comment section.

Next, we have an old, ugly, antique mirror - the perfect example of trash-to-treasure.

But as John and Marla find out, there may be something very strange about their new

household addition…

Story # 2: The Mirror John hated it.

The moment his wife, Marla, brought home that gaudy, golden frame and that imperfect glass,

it grated on him in a way that seemed insane.

It was a garage-sale find, somebody else's garbage that now adorned his walls.

She said there was a story behind it, but he let her tell it while his mind drifted

to something more interesting.

Weeks later, he wished he had listened.

After the first few days, all seemed normal with the dirty glass and antiquated frame,

but one morning as he noted to himself just how ugly it was, something happened to the


The dirt that permanently coated the surface moved and parted as if to take a silhouette

of a shape.

He questioned his eyes and his own sanity as the outline of a small hand appeared in

front of him.

He would have chalked it up to an early morning after a night of minimal sleep, but he wasn't

the only one to have seen something in the mirror.

It was three days before his wife had approached him and inquired about the unusualness about

her proud find, wondering if he, too, had tried to clean the liquid marks that dripped

down the glass.

Though he hadn't seen such a residue, she was receptive to his visions of handprints,

a curiosity she noticed when she bought the mirror but thought it was a smudge from the

homeowner's children.

She relayed the story to him again and this time, he listened.

He absorbed the mirror's history, its original place in an old Louisiana plantation and the

tragedy of the family that once owned it.

He and his wife spoke in front of the mirror, and as she relayed the history, he swore he

could see the handprints forming again.

That's when she got to the part where a mother and her two daughters were murdered.

John didn't care to hear the rest, figuring he knew how it ended.

They let the mirror remain with them, at first wondering if their imaginations were getting

the best of them; but the occurrences wouldn't stop, regardless of how much John and Marla

tried to reason with their minds, the handprints returned and that liquid stain refused to


It hadn't been a month when Marla decided she couldn't live with the possibility of

owning a haunted mirror and, with no objections from John, donated it to a local thrift store,

feeling a slight bit of pity, for whoever owns it next.

Was what John and Marla experiencing a case of an overactive imagination?

Could the dripping simply have been an imperfection on the old glass?

But what of the handprints?

Did John see them form right before his eyes or were they there this whole time, imprinted

by the hand of a former owner's child?

We'd love to tell you whether you should believe this tale of the antiquated mirror,

but we have one more story to share.

For now, let us know what you think in the comments and then sit back for a story about

a painting so haunted and cursed that it's known from around the world…

Or is it?

Story # 3: The Haunted Painting When Thomas came to the decision to become

a firefighter, he expected to hear some weird stories.

He'd heard of the lonely housewife that calls simply to garner the attention of the

firemen of her local house and the child that called in a panic because his ball got stuck

in the roof and his parents refused to help.

He never expected to have a weird story of his own to pass down, especially not within

the first few months of joining the Mountain's Edge Firehouse.

The start of it came with a case of arson, a homeowner tired of paying his overprized


After the fire had been extinguished, Thomas took notice of something peculiar in the ruins

– an unscathed painting that had somehow survived the raging fire.

It was an unsettling depiction of a crying boy, a little too lifelike for his tastes.

It was peculiar that the painting hadn't been burnt, especially considering the house

was a pile of ash on the ground, but that peculiarity didn't quite hit him until a

month later.

When the call came in, the entire firehouse recognized the address as that of their colleague,


Luckily, Frank nor his wife were home when the fire mysteriously sparked, but there was

something at the scene that Thomas recognized.

It was the painting, again found face down on the floor, seemingly untouched by the fire.

When Thomas finally did get a hold of Frank once the shock of his damaged property subsided

a little, he asked him about the creepy painting.

When Frank found it in the ruins of the first house, he knew his wife would like it and

so he removed it from the scene, a revelation that started to initiate discussions of curses

and misfortune.

Thomas tried to ignore the claims of a cursed painting but found it impossible to do so

when, two months after Frank's fire, there was a third fire that the painting curiously


Frank swore he had the painting destroyed, yet there Thomas found it, coated in soot

and nothing else.

He attempted to rationalize the painting's presence at three different fires but found

himself unable to do so.

His presence in the firehouse didn't last much longer as he transferred to a quieter

side of town, one more suitable for a child to be raised in – one not somehow linked

to a creepy painting of a boy.

Could one painting cause so much trouble or was it just a matter of coincidence?

Was the first house really a case of arson, or maybe there is something sinister about

this painting of a crying boy?

But what about Frank's home, clearly he wouldn't have started the fire.

We're dying to know what you have to say, so let us know in the comments.

Are you ready to find out if you can decipher between fact or fiction?

Let's look back at tonight's three stories and find out which were born from reality

and which were fabrications of the imagination.

Where do you stand on the story of Mike and the cursed dollar bill?

Do you think there was some connection to reality in that tale?

If so, we're sorry to say, but we fooled you on this one.

This story was a creation of our own minds.

Would be a tragedy to happen to a pizzeria though, no?

What about story # 2, the gold-trimmed mirror with a bit of a ghostly handprint problem?

We probably made that one up on our own, right?

There's no way it was inspired by a true story – oh but it was.

The mirror in question is that of the Myrtle Plantation.

As the story goes, the 200-year-old painting is haunted by the spirits of the Woodruff

family's matriarch and two daughters.

Their murderer was allegedly a slave named Chloe, who used an oleander-laced cake to

poison them.

Their souls are thought to be responsible for the handprints and dripping marks.

Finally, we can trust a story about a fireman finding a cursed painting, responsible for

the burning of three homes?

Believe it or not, you can.

The story was inspired by The Crying Boy, a portrait of an adolescent boy.

Legend has it the Giovanni Bragolin painting was found in multiple burned down houses across

Essex, England, completely unscathed by the fire.

While it's believed the original was covered in a fire retardant, there has been no follow

up on the other copies of the eerie painting.

How well did you in tonight's video?

Did you look past the deception of our world and define the oft-blurred line that struggles

to separate lies from the truth?

Let us all know in the comment section below and should you find the urge to test your

perceptions again, be sure to subscribe and join us next time when we ask you to decide

what's fact... or fiction.

For more infomation >> FACT or FICTION - "Cursed Objects" [Season 1, Episode 3] (YouTube Series) - Duration: 16:47.


The Young | Broad Appeal: Living With E's - Duration: 2:46.

Mannequin! (Eulalia startles)

Jesus Enid, what are ya...

It's something the young people have made up.

They scream out mannequin and you have to freeze

wherever you are.

Oh my God, the young crowd, they think they made up everything.

- Yeah. - Sure, that's just like the

game we used to play, statues or Mother, may I?

Yes, only we didn't video tape it, see.

And they think they invented sex.

Yeah, we didn't video tape that either.

Oh and how stunned are they, just standing there,

as large as life, proof positive that they never invented sex.

Oh God, sex. What a hard old way to spend five minutes.

And then the way they communicate with each other,

with their little pictures.

- Emojis. (both) Yeah.

Just like, on the walls of Egyptian tombs.

Yeah, hieroglyphics.

- Yes. - Same as that.

- Oh my God. - Everything old is new again.

Yes, including cranky old coots like us.

- Yeah. - Oh they say now,

that being old is achingly cool.

Yes, sure, you know, with things moving so fast,

it's inevitable that old bat style would come back in again.

My personal style has trended four times

in my own lifetime.

Oh yes, things are back in before they have

a chance to go out.

Because people are so busy, girl.

But what in the name of God are they so busy doing?

Well, I know they haven't got time for the inconvenience

of a headache.

No, and they're not going to let stomach upset slow down

their active lifestyle.

No, and they never did have time for long grain brown rice.

- Oh, they're too busy to live. - Yeah.

And yet, in too much of a hurry to lie down and die out of it.

Yeah, oh it should.

Coats like ours, they're flying off the racks down to

"Valoo Village."

Oh yes, the young people have gone right cracked for

the vintage, frumpy look.

- Yes, and the gator's.. - Yeah?

Not so much now, the rain hats, you know?

No, I think the world would never really spin fast enough

to bring those rain hats back into vogue.

But what are you saying, you don't like my rain hat?

Oh no, I love it!

I just don't see it turning up in "Valoo Village"

anytime soon, you know.


What are you doing?

Dapping, or dabbing or something.

The young ones claim they came up with that too, but,

sure it's in that famous picture of Adam and Eve,

you know, being cast out of the Garden of Eden, you know?

Oh yes, I know, because I was there.

- I took the picture. - What?

Yes, and you know, it was Adam and Enid, not Adam and Eve.

(laughter) Enid...

You shouldn't go to church,

you're going to burst into flames.

Here's hoping.

For more infomation >> The Young | Broad Appeal: Living With E's - Duration: 2:46.


More Winning: ICE Just Announced Major Achievement In 2017 Under President Trump - Duration: 4:59.

More Winning: ICE Just Announced Major Achievement In 2017 Under President Trump

President Donald Trump understands the massive danger that a weak border poses to all of


That's why ICE has been very busy in the past year.

Just how busy?

Well, ICE just announced what they've been up to — and it's impressive.Because of

former President Barack Obama's weak stance on illegal immigration, we suffered for eight


Border Patrol and Homeland Security weren't allowed to do their job.

Our very laws were neglected.

Illegal immigrants were caught and released in our country.

The border was practically a revolving door.

That has allowed powerful drug cartels to operate freely in the United States.

We're not talking about small-time drug pushers, folks.

These are brutal, ugly, evil groups.

International criminal organizations that wreak havoc around the world.

The good news is, ICE has been busy.

Thanks to President Trump, our national security is up.

ICE has been rounding up members of these drug cartels throughout the year.

They just announced they apprehended 800 members of MS-13, perhaps the worst cartel of them


Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents arrested nearly 800 members of the hyper-violent

transnational MS-13 gang in operations carried out across the U.S. in Fiscal Year 2017.

The arrests came as part of an emphasis from the Department of Justice and the Department

of Homeland Security that resulted in the arrest of nearly 5,000 total gang members.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials reported the arrest of 4,818 criminal

gang members including 796 MS-13 gang members and affiliates during FY2017.

The gang members were arrested for "a myriad of criminal activity, including murder, extortion,

narcotics and weapons trafficking, human smuggling/trafficking and prostitution and other crimes with a nexus

to the border," officials stated.

[Source: Breitbart] Liberals like to ignore what MS-13 and other

gangs are doing.

They pretend that "undocumented" immigrants are just hard-working, honest families.

What they don't tell you is that weak borders allow horrible cartels and violent gangs like

MS-13 to enter our country.

All those innocent families?

Yeah, they're forced to work for groups that chop peoples arms off for disobeying


People who want to enter the U.S. illegally are beholden to MS-13 and other gangs.

Once here, they have to pay off a huge debt.

Which leads to things like drug smuggling and prostitution.

If they don't comply, the cartel kills them — after torturing their families, of course.

This kind of thing goes on all the time, but the liberal media don't want you to know

about it.

In order to keep America – as well as Mexican immigrants – safe, you have to secure the


That means no illegal immigration of any kind.

Otherwise, groups like MS-13 thrive.

They exploit our weak borders, safe in the knowledge that liberals will protect them.

Thanks to President Trump, HSI, ICE, DOJ, and Border Patrol have been able to keep us


ICE officials carried out multiple operations targeting dangerous street gangs.

One of those, Operation Community Shield, began more than 10 years ago.

In 2017, HSI agents conducted a six-week roundup of criminal illegal immigrants.

The operation that ended in May led to the arrests of 1,378 gang members.

Of those, 1,098 were arrested on state/federal criminal charges including 21 for murder and

seven for rape and sexual assault.

An additional 280 were arrested for immigration violations.

[Source: Breitbart] It's interesting how the investigation started

over 10 years ago (under President George W. Bush), but was only finished now (under

President Trump).

Perhaps they were stalled during the years in between.


I wonder how that could have happened?

Perhaps only now was law enforcement empowered to do their job — once a certain somebody

left office.

What do you think about the news?

Is this a sign that, under President Trump, we are winning?

Let us know what you think.

Be sure to share this story with every America-loving person you know.

It's worth celebrating.

For more infomation >> More Winning: ICE Just Announced Major Achievement In 2017 Under President Trump - Duration: 4:59.


Puffy Pastry & Nutella Xmas cake - Sfoglia alla Nutella:15 days of Christmas 2017 Day 10 - Duration: 8:21.

>> Hi and welcome to a new instalment of my serie 15 days of Christmas

I couldn't help including in my serie a cooking video

and involve my lovely husband too


and we're here together to share a super easy dessert recipe

and the first idea I got when we found this recipe

is a Christmas tea party, a tradition I would definitely fight for

because instead of Christmas dinners where we always eat too much, why not celebrating

with a lovely Christmas tea with your friends and this is the perfect recipe for it

it's a ...

let's say a Christmas puffy pastry as it will be in the shape of a Christmas tree

but enough with the intro and let's stalk about the ingredients

for this recipe we will need

2 puffy pastry rolls, the ones that are ready to bake, easy peasy

some nutella, which is a perferct match

an egg and some icing sugar

as I said this is going to be a super easy recipe

so, we listed the ingredients, let's get started


and I lost an elbow there...

You lost it

first of all we need to cut the puffy pastry in the shape of a Christmas tree

so let's open and unroll them

I cut the puffy pastry and I have a lot left

but we'll need some to create a star as the tree topper

and I have a cookie cutter for that

but you could do it free handed too

and I also grabbed a larger cutter because I thought

I can make some star shaped pastries with the left overs

so let's cut the pastry and then we'll apply a layer of Nutella

let's do it!

I added the Nutella on half of the pastry

leaving the other half out and now

I'll layer the 2 halves and then we'll have to

shape the tree a bit more, but you'll see that later

Now we'll cut the pastry horizontally leaving a 2/3cm space in the middle

and then we'll twist the pastry to create the brunches

just keep on watching as it's easier to show than explain

The pastry is ready, we turned on the oven in order to reach 150°

and now we need to brush it with some yolks, which should be here somewhere

then we can cook it, so let's brush it with the yolks

While Daniele was eating a Nutella sandwich I kept working

and I moved the pastry on a baking tray

and now we can bake it in the oven for 15 minutes

quick and easy, I can't wait to taste it

Here we go, it's time to take the pastry out of the oven

then we'll decorate it with some icing sugar and that's it

Here is our puffy pastry Nutella Christmas tree

ready ot be served

as usual we hope that you liked this recipe

if so don't forget to give the video a thumbs up so that I will know it

and if you haven't yet I invite you to subscribe to my channel

in order not to miss any new video

I also remind you that on my blog you'll find

more pictures of the finished recipe together with the list

of all the ingredients needed

and the link to my blogpost is in the downbar as usual

That's it for today, we're signing off

I send you a thousend kisses and I'll see you in the next one, ciao!

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