Thursday, December 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 14 2017

Hey there folks!

Today's another special day...

well, days are always special here to be honest.

But today I have a show at Kaiju Salon,

that's a restaurant- cause actually it's not

a conventional or a gallery show

but more like a fan gathering,

and I have no idea of how many people will show up,

but I guess we'll see.

But I think it's gonna be a lot of fun.

And right now we're at the apartment,

getting everything ready.

So I'm gonna show you how I prepare this event.

Aight, this is my suitcase.

As you see, I brought all the toys inside.

The toys are well packed in bubble wrap,

which I think is the best option to protect them.

But like I told you in video of the unboxing of that Dorobanii you see right there,

vinyl isn't a big problem because it's quite resistent.

And now I have to assemble them and pack them in their bags.

Let's do it!

So after a good good while preparing the figures,

we finally finished and we're heading to Nakano,

which is where the Kaiju Salon is.

This show or, well, fan gathering

is a collaboration with another toy brand

called Max Toy Company.

So we'll be meeting up with Yo Miyamoto,

who's the agent of this brand in Japan,

cause the brand was founded by Mark Nagata who lives in the States.

On our way to Kaiju Salon!

Ok, we're already in Nakano!

We're in front of the Kaiju Salon

It's a small bar with a ton of toys decorating it.

Some of the people who work here are toy artists too.

There's all kinds of toys, new and old, and there's also some amazing costumes.

They are made by Japanese artist Pico Pico.

Since we didn't have enough of some toys for everyone,

they played rock, scissors, paper to see who got them!

It was so funny!

I signed toys and prints for fans

I still can't believe people ask me to sign stuff.

It's such a great honor.

They asked me to draw with ketchup on

their omoraisu, that's like a Japanese omelette with rice.

And I totally sucked at that!

The event is over!

Ok guys! We're on our way back to the apartment after today's event

Like I said it was more like a fan gathering

Fans that I didn't know I had here!

And- cause yeah,

lately most fans I've met were from Taiwan, Thailand and other parts of Asia

And the last time I came to Japan

I had just released my first sofubi,

and it went alright, but not as good as today,

cause today fans where so cool and welcoming.

The restaurant was full


it was so cool. They already knew my characters,

asked me to draw them-

I've even drawn with ketchup. Damn was it hard!

You see people draw on food here like it's nothing

and they make it look so easy! But hell it's not!

It's so hard!

There should be some pics and videos around,

you'll see the shits I drew!

But it was so amazing,

cause honestly the part I enjoy the most from making toys

is meeting people, and meeting people who like what I do

cause I don't know, in a way you feel useful

knowing there's people waiting for you to release new toys

cause collecting them makes them happy

it's such a great feeling

and, well

I guess that's all. I hope you enjoyed this vlog,

and that it helps you to understand the toy scene a little bit better

Though actually,

I have to apologize because I couldn't record too much during the show.

Cause being a private event only for fans,

I thought it wasn't right to record them while they were enjoying.

But at least we recorded something.

Anyway, we need to get a bite to eat

See you soon guys!

For more infomation >> [JAPAN VLOG 04] My SOFUBI EVENT at KAIJU SALON - Duration: 7:00.


Puigdemont defiende la independencia como "la mejor política de bienestar" - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont defiende la independencia como "la mejor política de bienestar" - Duration: 6:56.


Anna Ferrer también es responsable de que Cepeda se haya salvado 3 veces - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Anna Ferrer también es responsable de que Cepeda se haya salvado 3 veces - Duration: 2:46.



What is going on members of the barrio

It's Jon in Merida, we've got just 1 week left here

And honestly I couldn't think of anything better to film today

So why don't you guys come along with me

For a trip to the Mexican supermarket


What's your favorite thing about supermarkets in Mexico ?

That I can find different kinds of salsa

And chiles


That I don't in the U.S

Do you need a cart?


These are so cheap

15 so that's

Less than a dollar for all these beans wow

Why do they play christmas music in Mexico for 3 months?

One pound steak about.. 70 pesos about 3 dollars

a little more

Oh my god that is a huge Mayonnaise

Look at this guys

This is like..

Three dollars

This is the largest Mayo I have ever seen



Pre made Mole

Pre made mole

For lazy women?

No, it's not for lazy

In the past women used to make their own mole..

But I think now a lot of the young generation

They're just to lazy

They'd rather be on facebook than make mole

Yes.. you have different sizes

Mole poblano

Highly highly recommend it guys

Yeah but not that one

Not that one

This is survival in Mexico

Chiles Jala..

What is it

Chiles Jalapenos

7.50 pesos each

Less than 50 cents

These salsas we have them

And put them on everything

Even our beer

These two types of salsa

With tomato sauce


tomato juice sorry

She was in an old black and white movie

And the brand needed someone there for the brand

Because Abuelita means little grandma

And this is hot chocolate

I think we're going to buy this

This is actually kind of cold today

It's like 67 degrees

Yeah sure..

These are mutant avocados

At least compared to the U.S

They're grea though, they're cheap.

They're only 2 dollars right.

Yeah let's take one.

Let's show people the size

The size of the palm of my hand

It's a whole section for chile

Guys don't these chiles kind of look like grasshoppers?

Or crickets from far away?

That's because we have different kinds of chiles

I'm not an expert

But this is dry

Already you see.

It's dry.. this is dry to

They have different names when they are not dry

And their name changes..

Their names change when they are dry

These are dry


Actually today we are going to buy some..

4 different types of chips

Doritos, Cheetos, Crujitos and poffets


In one

You show up at a party with this

You are the VIP

You are the man


You want to buy some?

It's like an American supermarket

And then you have these really hot chiles everywhere


I'm going to pay you..

1,000 dollars

If you eat this

Without drinking water

One thousand dollars

What kind of chile is it?


Chile habanero for 1,000 dollars guys?

Can I do it.. what do you think?

It's not like regular sauce for your eggs

This is special salsa

For chips


Like if you go to the movie theater

You're going to see


With the sauce

It's very important

We have two levels of spice in Mexico

Extra hot

And then..



Extra, extra, extra hot

Candy section

So good

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate..

More chocolate

Gracias. Muchismas gracias

Two bags cost about 400 pesos

About 20 dollars was spent on that whole trip

About 50% cheaper than I normally spend in New York City

That's one thing I love about supermarkets in Mexico

Probably my favorite thing

Also usually their is an older man or woman

Who helps you bag your groceries

And it's polite

You're expected to tip them a couple of coins

Adriana gracias for a great job explaining to our favorite viewers out there

Everything. You're welcome

I mean I'm not an expert

But I love food

Alright members of the barrio

Leave me some comments

Tell me what your favorite item in a Mexican supermarket is

Or better yet if you are Mexican

Is there anything I missed

That maybe I should have bought

Make sure to subscribe if you are new to this channel

We've got a couple of more episodes coming out from the Yucatan

We're going to be in Mexico until March though

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> MEXICAN VS AMERICAN SUPERMARKETS! 🇲🇽 🇺🇸 - Duration: 5:41.


Los mejores consejos para tener buenas finanzas - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> Los mejores consejos para tener buenas finanzas - Duration: 8:10.


Introducción al curso de Tecnología de Redes Celulares - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Introducción al curso de Tecnología de Redes Celulares - Duration: 3:15.


El secreto de la eterna juventud de José Sacristán a sus 80 años - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> El secreto de la eterna juventud de José Sacristán a sus 80 años - Duration: 2:54.


'OT 2017': Las inmaduras salidas de tono de Agoney contra Ana Guerra - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 'OT 2017': Las inmaduras salidas de tono de Agoney contra Ana Guerra - Duration: 2:47.


"Gracias a la Tierra": ¿Por qué agradeces en el 2017? - What are you thankful for in 2017? - Duration: 1:32.


Kalem (vocals): Thanks for the opportunity, for the experience.

Peter (vocals, rap): For this new language.

Dani (rainstick): Thanks to life for giving me the chance to arrive here,

to have many experiences, to meet incredible people

and to study a subject that's really beautiful.

David (acoustic guitar): For the experiences and the friends one can make here.

Precious (vocals): For a year of learning and new experiences.

Fabri (percussion): I am grateful because, this year, I been able to recognize the growth

I've undergone throughout these four years.

Jana (sax): I feel thankful for all the people who've helped me to study here.

Malcolm (ukulele): For the knowledge and learning I've enjoyed here.

Pame (keyboard, vocals): For having learned more in just one year than I had in 19.

Dasha (vocals): I'd like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to spend time

with so many distinct people and learn from each of them.

For more infomation >> "Gracias a la Tierra": ¿Por qué agradeces en el 2017? - What are you thankful for in 2017? - Duration: 1:32.


Plug-inhybrides: regering keert op haar stappen terug - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Plug-inhybrides: regering keert op haar stappen terug - Duration: 2:21.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism





Rintje laat 't zien - Werkplaatsinrichting Mammoet met werkbank - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Rintje laat 't zien - Werkplaatsinrichting Mammoet met werkbank - Duration: 0:45.


吴尊坦言,教导neinei让着弟弟,并不妥当,自己也有疏忽的地方 - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> 吴尊坦言,教导neinei让着弟弟,并不妥当,自己也有疏忽的地方 - Duration: 5:18.


Fendt Bianco Selection 465 TG - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Fendt Bianco Selection 465 TG - Duration: 1:07.


Star Wars: Sith Order - Canon (Part 1 of 5) - Duration: 6:18.

Thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the force was revered and

studied across many worlds with various religions and sects emerging to devote themselves to

understanding this primal cosmic force.

The most famed and influential of these groups, came to be known as the Jedi, a monastic order

of force-sensitive individuals that dedicated themselves the light side, practicing humility,

patients, empathy and compassion.

Over many years of training some of these Jedi grew to become immensely powerful in

the force, able to move objects with their mind, detect other force users and manipulate

the weak minded.

It also enhanced their physical abilities, making them faster, stronger and more resistant

to distress and pain.

Given their extraordinary abilities, they became masters of lightsaber combat, wielding

weapons powered by Kyber crystals, many of which were found on the planet of Ilum.

In order to prevent abuses of power, or the corruption of their community, a council of

Jedi masters was chosen to oversee their affairs, and ensure all Jedi adhered to the principles

of the Jedi Code.

Yet not all were content to obey the rigid rules and slow training process of the order,

desiring to expand their knowledge and increase their abilities without restraint.

One such individual, came to believe that there was a power in their base, primal emotions,

channelling fear, anger and pain to harness the energy of the darkside.

The Darkside, offered force-sensitives a faster more intense training regimen that led them

to great power far more quickly than traditional jedi teachings.

It also presented a whole new understanding of the force to be studied and explored, which

eventually allowed them to wield exciting new abilities like force lightening.

However when the rogue Jedi explained his new philosophy to the Jedi Council, they were

outraged, exiling him from the order.

Yet many other Jedi were fascinated by this new approach to the force, and so followed

the rogue and learning the ways of the darkside.

The Sith as they became known, inevitably came into conflict with their former brothers

in the force during a time known as the Hundred year darkness.

Yet the Sith were not able to overcome the well established Jedi order, and so retreated

into unexplored space, settling on the planet of Moraband, where they built a new darkside

civilization that would expand to conquer many other planets and systems.

Upon Moraband, they built great temples one of which housed an execution chamber where

they sacrificed jedi prisoners.

Many of the Sith were buried in the Valley of the Dark Lords and it was from Moraband

that they planned their wars against the Jedi order and the alliance of planets known as

the Republic, which they protected.

For many years the Sith battled their ancient enemy in conflicts that grew so deadly, superweapons

powered by enormous kyber crystals were built to inflict mass devastation.

When the fighting reached the planet of Malachor, a superweapon within a Sith temple was activated,

destroying the world in what came to be known as the Great Scourge of Malachor.

During the chaos of these years, the Sith invaded and held Coruscant, capital of the

republic, and there built a shrine to the darkside.

Eventually, the republic would take back this world, and so the Jedi attempted to seal off

the darkside influence by building a great lightside temple over the shrine but this

was only partially successful, and the sith would one day come to make great use of this

ancient source of darkside power.

During the Dark Age, they fought a final great conflict known as the Jedi-Sith War, where

once again the Sith captured Coruscant, only for the planet to be liberated in the year

1032 BBY.

Despite the great advances and unending aggression of the mighty Sith, years of infighting weakened

them to such an extent they were ultimately defeated by the Jedi Order, with the legendary

dark side master Darth Bane emerging from the conflict as the sole surviving Sith Lord.

Recognizing the self-destructive nature of the Sith, and wanting to avoid future infighting,

Darth Bane created the Rule of 2, declaring that only 2 Sith could ever exist at any one


A Master to embrace the power of the Darkside, and an Apprentice to desire that power.

In this way they would work in the shadows, secretly manipulating events to destroy the

Jedi order and return the Sith to dominance throughout the Galaxy.

Darth Bane was eventually defeated by the Jedi, and after his death was buried in the

Valley of the Dark Lords on Moraband, but his teachings and philosophy lived on through

his secret apprentice who escaped Jedi notice.

The years of chaos and war took a heavy toll on the galaxy and ultimately led to the fall

of the Old Republic.

Yet with Sith seemingly defeated, a new galactic republic emerged and for a thousand years

flourished under the protection of the Jedi Order.

Slowly and without need for violence or war, the Republic expanded across the galaxy, spreading

their values of democracy, equality and justice to all member worlds.

Those outside their borders however, were often left to their own devices, making the

Outer rim of the galaxy a refuge for pirates and criminals, which then led to a culture

of animosity between republic and non-republic worlds.

Meanwhile the legacy of Darth Bane, continued on in the shadows, with his apprentice becoming

Master of the Sith, and in keeping with the Rule of Two, took on a single apprentice.

With only 2 Sith ever alive at one time, the only method of Advancement would be for the

apprentice to kill and take the place of their master.

And so the relationship was maintained on a balance of loyalty and strength.

As long as the Master was Strong, the Apprentice owed absolute obedience, yet if either one

ever wavered in their strength or loyalty, the other would be justified to attack.

Leaving only a single Sith alive, to find a new apprentice and begin the process again.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Sith Order - Canon (Part 1 of 5) - Duration: 6:18.


Chính thức : Giải hạng 2 Kimpt Fifa Online 3 Championship - Vòng 24 - Mùa giải 2017/2018 - Duration: 2:02:28.

For more infomation >> Chính thức : Giải hạng 2 Kimpt Fifa Online 3 Championship - Vòng 24 - Mùa giải 2017/2018 - Duration: 2:02:28.


GF Vip: Ignazio Moser temeva Belen Rodriguez, ora sogna una famiglia con Cecilia | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: Ignazio Moser temeva Belen Rodriguez, ora sogna una famiglia con Cecilia | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


How To Make Mandarin Jam Recipe At Home - Remedies One - Duration: 3:08.

while you can find all kinds of jam at the store making it at home will ensure

that it's all-natural and high-quality today's video will discuss healthy Jam

recipe to strengthen your immune system before you watch this video please take

a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button

then tap the bell icon so you will be the first to know when we post new

videos daily did you know that something as simple as a healthy Jam recipe can

help to boost your immune system it's true your body's immune system is in

charge of your defense mechanisms that protect your tissues from attacking

disease-causing microorganisms this healthy Jam recipe is easy to make

and provides a vitamin C boost to your body in exchange for very few calories

ready to try it mandarin jam to strengthen your immune system this

healthy Jam recipe is a great one to make a regular part of your diet if you

want to give your body the nutrients it needs to keep your defenses up the

healthy Jam recipe is 100% natural low in calories with vitamin C to improve

your immune system how can I make Mandarin jam at home making this Jam at

home is easy and doesn't take any expensive ingredients in fact besides

the Mandarin all you need is organic sugar and a bit of lemon juice let's get

started ingredients 1 pound of mandarins the peel of 1 Mandarin graded juice of

1/2 lemon 1/4 cup of organic sugar 250 grams preparation 1 first peel the

mandarins and keep 1-2 great to next remove the white part that covers the

sections along with the seeds 3 after preparing the mandarin sections add them

to a pot and put it on medium heat adding the lemon juice and grated

mandarin peel 4 if necessary add a bit of water to help the fruit break down 5

once it reaches the texture you want add the organic sugar little by little 6

next lower the heat and stir constantly with a Woodman her silicon spoon 7 the

cooking may take between 25 and 30 minutes constantly stirring to prevent

it from sticking to the pot 8 after this time and once you like the texture

removed from heat and let's sit at room temperature for 15 minutes

9 lastly store it in is sterilized and airtight container how to consume have

the Mandarin Jam with breakfast along with toaster bread have up to 2

tablespoons 40 grams a day how do you like it let me know in our comment

section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share with your

friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> How To Make Mandarin Jam Recipe At Home - Remedies One - Duration: 3:08.


Brûler la graisse sans faire les exercices! Est-ce que tu veux ça? - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> Brûler la graisse sans faire les exercices! Est-ce que tu veux ça? - Duration: 9:52.


Uomini e Donne: Mattia Marciano e Vittoria di nuovo nel mirino del pubblico | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Mattia Marciano e Vittoria di nuovo nel mirino del pubblico | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 4:18.


Grande Fratello Vip: l'importante rivelazione di Ignazio su Cecilia | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip: l'importante rivelazione di Ignazio su Cecilia | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


রোলার কোষ্টারে কি মজা | Roller coaster Ride in Drem Holyday Park | Funny Video | Funny Vlog - Duration: 3:41.

Roller coaster Ride in Drem Holyday Park...

For more infomation >> রোলার কোষ্টারে কি মজা | Roller coaster Ride in Drem Holyday Park | Funny Video | Funny Vlog - Duration: 3:41.


Tax Q&A, December 13, 2017, Capital Gains Tax on Listing Gains - Duration: 4:21.

My Learnings had invested in an unlisted share 9 years ago and now the share has got listed recently.

The question is what will be the tax treatment for capital gains

When you sell shares in a stock exchange, you pay Securities Transaction Tax (STT)

You have 2 choices. You can pay 10% capital gains tax without indexation of the capital gains made in nine years

In inflation indexation, your cost of acquiring the shares will be adjusted for the impact of inflation

This reduces the amount of taxable capital gains

You could also pay 20% capital gains tax with indexation

For more infomation >> Tax Q&A, December 13, 2017, Capital Gains Tax on Listing Gains - Duration: 4:21.


Festival di Sanremo 2018: anticipazioni | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Festival di Sanremo 2018: anticipazioni | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:45.


NRI Q&A, Property Checklist For India Visit, December 14, 2017 - Duration: 7:54.

In this video, we give a checklist for NRIs having property in India can use during their India visit

Make a list related to property. For instance, the property might be coming up for possession

The lease is getting over. You might have given it on lease but never met the tenant

Has the property tax been paid for each one of your properties

See the state of your property just in case you haven't visited the property for a long time

You can check the state of your property that might have been locked and kept

A check would be useful since you are getting no return on your asset

You can take the help of professionals based in India on matters related to your property

You can also plan for minor or major repairs that could be planned in advance

You can also plan meetings in advance with property consultants so that your property could be put on lease

You maybe wanting to renew the lease of some of your properties

Plan for minor or major repairs of your properties during your India visit

Chalk out a list of utility bills that need to be paid

There could be RWA bills just in case your property is in a gated community

You can employ a facility management service to take care of your property

Don't forget to carry yor NRE and NRO chequebooks since you might need to make many payments and do settlements

Carry important documents if you need to do a buy or sell transaction of your property

For more infomation >> NRI Q&A, Property Checklist For India Visit, December 14, 2017 - Duration: 7:54.


Natalia Osada: Trotz Liebes-Aus rockt sie den Catwalk! - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Natalia Osada: Trotz Liebes-Aus rockt sie den Catwalk! - Duration: 1:29.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Kate Berlant Leads a tour in Washington, D.C.| I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 4:54.

(political intro music)

- Who's ready to take a tour?


I'm Kate Berlant and I'm a certified America expert.

I've given lectures and written books,

but my main passion is giving tours.

So much so that I made it my job.

Oh, there she is. Come on, to the right.

Today I'm in Washington, D.C., and I'm so excited

to share this unforgettable experience with you.

You'll never look at America the same way again.

Alright, who's excited, here we are.

Alright, the Lincoln Memorial. The monument was erected

to honor Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president.

Little known fact, there was a 17th president.

We don't talk about him. Now it was built in 1922.

The same year as the big switch.

That was a national attempt

to make day, night, and night, day.

Had it been passed, technically, right now

we would be in the middle of the night

and it would be illegal for us to be out.

My ex-husband, Jeff's, office used

to be about five blocks from here.

I used to go visit him for lunch all the time.

Why don't we go on down towards the Reflecting Pool?

18 inches of pure hell.

That water right there is salt water.

It's home to over 46 species of white bellied salmon.

Scenes from Veep, Dharma & Greg, House Hunters,

all shot here. Right here.

In fact, this was the very set of Forrest Gump.

I was an extra in Forrest Gump.

I was just a baby back then,

but if you blink twice in the scene that's the third scene

from the back you'll notice me in the corner.

A lot of businessmen come down here,

crack open a Sam Adams in a brown paper bag,

and try to drink their troubles away.

It's not that easy as I tell them.

If you look at that kind of area over there,

that's where I met my ex-husband Jeff.

He came over to me and we started up a conversation.

11 years later, divorced, you know.

Are there any questions?

- How tall is the Washington Monument?

- Next question. (Yankee Doodle music)

When I say, "You will not," you say, "leave the tour."

You will not- - Leave the tour.

- You will not- - Leave the tour.

- The American flag was actually initially

red, white, and green, but then last minute

someone said "What about blue?"

and that kinda flipped the whole script

so, always speak up in class, I guess.

Alright, off the bus everyone, let's go.

Thank you for not leaving. Thanks for not leaving.

Alright, thank you for staying on the tour.

Is everyone off? We're leaving.

Okay, everyone's off.

I know what you're thinking. Weren't we just here?

Okay, another one? More columns.

Well, no, it's actually a different building.

Believe it or not,

it's called the Jefferson Monument.

(cell phone rings) And, oh,

Sorry, I'm getting a call. (mumbles) So rude of me.

Hi. I can't talk right... Well, what?


The Jefferson Monument was built in 1948?

That's incredible.

Thomas Jefferson's real name was Chiefer Radley,

but folks thought it wasn't presidential enough

so they changed it to Thomas Jefferson.

I personally call him Chiefer.

We don't know too much about him.

You know, who really cares? I care, actually. (laughs)


he was French. No, that can't be right.

You're here towards the very end. I can't believe it.

I can see some people starting to tear up

knowing that the tour's almost over.

Okay everybody, last stop on the tour,

the Washington Monument.

Get ready for some very nutrient dense facts.

This structure was erected in 1884.

There was a national capitol... Okay, wow, okay.


Oh, it's okay. Thank you.

Thank you. F***.

(audience applauds and cheers)

- Charlie Chaplin and Julia.

That was Kate. Isn't she great?

She is so weird and so amazing.


(audience applauds) - Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.


Kate? (audience applauds)

Wow, okay, there you go. We'll be right back.

(upbeat music)

- So sorry, so sorry.

For more infomation >> Kate Berlant Leads a tour in Washington, D.C.| I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 4:54.


Moon Mic - I Yétè Kolon [Official Video 2017] - Duration: 3:58.

Know yourself

Youth, I beg you, learn how to know yourself

Break this chain they put around your neck

Open your heart, your spirit, free yourself

and know yourself

Make the most out of every moment, life is never too long

fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee

know yourself & connect to this gift

Do not leave an open wound get infected

don't let yourself go down, only get better

don't try to be anyone else, please be yourself

clean your heart, keep it clean

when life puts you down, elevate yourself with Jah

how many times have you been wrong, without even questioning yourself

tough life, we have to handle ourselves

walk freely, leave the wicked behind

gather your things, get ready,

say hello to the world, here & there

every bad vibe, leave it on the side

keep moving straight to the sunlight, & pray

when the pretentious come, let them pass by, unnoticed

they have the money, they're soul sellers, working with the devil

they wanna win your bread, confuse you

they will hurt your close ones

such a wicked way

Children, let me repeat myself, Know yourself !

balance is not innate, it grows from your roots

look for the light, fists up in the air

mystic fascination, far from this image they see me through

conscious of my being, I no longer wait

following my heart is my quest's motto

it helps me keep my dignity intact

only to God I owe

my origins, Africa in my dreams

as real as I imagine

it's not luxury, simple air makes me feel alright

need to exile myself

make history in History

when every conflict becomes a big debate

when even the ones I love stay quiet

dark thoughts making me write

I try to understand those things I seem to bear

guided by Jah, I avoid the heat

we are not owners, we rent, it's a test

so measured should be, every lyric & every move

so know yourself !

Youth, please know yourself

break that chain they put around your neck

open your heart, your spirit & free yourself

lies, lies..

lies don't get you anywhere

if wearing a mask, you'll put it down sooner or later

lies don't get us anywhere

you can fool a person

but you won't fool the whole world !

(subtitles by TeeJay bwoy)

For more infomation >> Moon Mic - I Yétè Kolon [Official Video 2017] - Duration: 3:58.


R5 | NEVER HAVE I EVER - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> R5 | NEVER HAVE I EVER - Duration: 5:40.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi special med Gex og Max Marius! - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Last Jedi special med Gex og Max Marius! - Duration: 7:28.


THIS ONE'S FOR THE HATERS! - Duration: 7:41.

this video is for all the haters for all the people who told me I couldn't do

what I wanted to do or I couldn't do what I dreamed of this one's for you so

I don't know what it is about me or what I've done in life but basically since

the day I was born since the day I everything that I did in life somebody

told me I couldn't do what I wanted to do if it was you know in high school I

wanted to be a filmer my teacher in high school actually told me that I would

never make any money filming or I couldn't actually make a living from TV

production or a video production world and I thought that was really really bad

for him but told me that but then at the same time I actually looked back at now

I'm like I think well they told me that because all the people that he told that

they could do that they never did anything all the people that he told

would have great careers that would have amazing potential in the movie world and

the TV production world never went anywhere so all those kids in my high

school that were the promised ones all the ones who were had huge potential are

not doing anything and it's not that I'm trying to brag but I think it's the

people the underdogs the people who are told constantly they can't do something

people that are told that they're not good enough people that are told that

they can't achieve those goals or those dreams are the ones who normally

surprise everybody I guess that goes with this thing about people rooting for

the underdog but I think most the time it's when you are faced with adversity

when you're faced with complications that's when you overcome that's when you

become a better person in the sense of whatever you're trying to accomplish for

me when I first started filming when I first started doing all this I started

out really just doing it and just doing it and doing it and doing it the point

where I finally could get paid and once it started getting paid I was like I got

to get better at this because I want to get paid more or I want to keep this job

going I want to impress people in the haters the people who were really the

negative people the people that constantly told me I was bad or told me

that I wasn't idiot er told me that I couldn't do what I wanted to do those

were the people who motivated me those are the people who made me want to be

better it wasn't the people who told me that I did a good job

it was never when people told me hey your videos good that's not what

motivated me it was always the motivation from the haters the people

who told me that I couldn't do it that made me want to

prove them wrong so every time I failed told myself that I had to get back on

the horse that I had to get up there and I had to prove them wrong it was always

the random anonymous people online that's the best thing about the Internet

was the random people who could just make up any names and make a comment and

say hey this video sucks Patrick Whelan sucks he's terrible he's

the worst and those are the comments that really got to me even though they

shouldn't have because it was like they're anonymous and they're not really

any doesn't really matter who cares somebody made up a fake profile and

wrote a comment about you who cares but really I cared I wanted to prove them

wrong I wanted to make my videos so good to the point where nobody could comment

badly nobody could had any critique nobody could say hey this video wasn't

good and it got to a point where the comment stops and people stopped

commenting and then I was kind of sad cuz I was like man now no one's

commenting nobody's hating so then I was like I need to push the envelope I need

to get weird I need to do things differently I need to make people

comment again I need to make people hate these videos again so that's what I did

I would start using different kind of music or different kind of editing

techniques and if people would be like this is the worst this music sucks or

Patrick's the worst what does he do and he's so bad at editing and I would push

that envelope to the point where I'll say okay now they're back okay now we

got them they're back let's prove them wrong again let's make better music

let's find better videos let's do it better so then when I started doing

other things in life and I started doing social media or whatever else it was

people again would tell me you know you can't make a full-time job out of this

you can't do this as a living you can't make enough money to survive off of just

of this you need to get a real job you need to go to college you need to do

this stuff and I said no no there's no way I'm gonna work harder than anybody

else has ever worked I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna be more involved in that

process than anybody else I'm gonna work you know twelve hours a day no problem I

don't care cuz really when it comes down to I'm gonna prove everybody wrong who

told me I couldn't do it so the guys out there

my dad had friends who told him that you know he can't do this for a living or he

needs to protect his money he'll lose everything he can't do this he won't be

able to do this so all those guys out there they might actually be watching

but all those guys out there who did that I proved him wrong and now they're

like wow they're kind of impressed they're impressed cuz they didn't

actually think it was possible and that's the greatest thing about all this

is proving people wrong but then also proving that

is possible proving that it's possible to have a dream and do it in to

accomplish it it's not just like hey I want to have a dream to become a

billionaire I want have a dream do this you need to make little steps along the

way you gotta make steps to the point where you know obtainable steps but

still you know steps that are realistic but also steps that you can keep growing

in the sense that hey I want to make a hundred thousand dollars like hey I want

to make two hundred thousand dollars you know I'm making those goals it's not

always about the money but I use the money just it's like kind of a goal like

hey kind of gives me a range or my value and and I've always thought about it

like if I can make a million dollars filming that gives me value because it's

like hey people are willing to pay that it's not that I'm making a ton of money

or not that I'm really rich but the idea that people are actually willing to pay

me a lot of money to do my services that at one point I made no money doing it so

that proves I do have value people do value my skill or people do value what I

bring to the table so that's the one cool thing about looking at it as like

hey you know this company's willing to pay me $30,000 to make this video that's

that's pretty good you know I did I did good I did a good job

I've worked hard I now I deserve that I put in the work I put in the effort I

put in the long hours when no one else did I didn't go to the bars or I stayed

home I worked all night I hate to say the word deserve it's not like I deserve

any of this but really you know putting in that effort and putting in the work

you do deserve it because you put in the effort you put in the work you did

things that people told you we're impossible people told you you couldn't

do things and you did that so everything that I'm talking about can be applied to

anything in life anything that you do not just video everything there's a

million different jobs out there there's a million different ways to make money

or whatever you're doing or whatever your passion is do not give up because

someone told you can't do it well told me that I wouldn't be able to date rate

people told me that it was impossible to day trade you couldn't make any money

day trading that you couldn't started you to about danger and you nobody would

ever watch my videos that was the best people told me that and I was like yeah

I'm gonna prove them wrong cuz that was what fueled me if you want me to do that

you know the comments the comments some of these comments are the best you know

that's what fuels me to do better that's what makes me want to make these videos

better and better and better for you guys as well as proving the haters wrong

so the haters can come along all they want they can leave the comments I love

it I need more leave comments all you got I want it

sort of make me work harder and harder to prove everyone wrong it told me I

couldn't do it the first place so I don't know where I'm gonna be in 10

years now but I got a lot of goals I got a lot of things I want to do in life and

I can't wait for someone to tell me that I can't do it because I'm gonna prove

them wrong cuz I will do it and I want to stress this to everybody out there

who has haters everybody who has someone who tells them they can't do something

if people tell you you can't do better or you can't work harder prove them

wrong and when you prove them wrong just sit there and smile cuz you will prove

them wrong in the long run if you do put in the effort if you do work hard and

they do and you can show them that the possibilities are endless when you

really put your mind to anything it's putting in the work it's putting in the

effort and doing things that you don't want to do today so you can do things

that you want to do tomorrow so there it is my theory on why haters why people

out there that tell you you can't do it are some of the best people out there

because they're the ones who are gonna make you want to prove them wrong

For more infomation >> THIS ONE'S FOR THE HATERS! - Duration: 7:41.


Token Metrics - A Data-Driven Approach to ICO Investing | ICO Forward Summit Key Note - Duration: 25:51.

For more infomation >> Token Metrics - A Data-Driven Approach to ICO Investing | ICO Forward Summit Key Note - Duration: 25:51.


Hyundai i30 1.6i i-Cat.climate,leder,trehhaak - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6i i-Cat.climate,leder,trehhaak - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY Automaat Airco - CV - Camera - Bleuthooth - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY Automaat Airco - CV - Camera - Bleuthooth - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play Airco Climate Control Achteruitrijcamera Cruise Control 5drs - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play Airco Climate Control Achteruitrijcamera Cruise Control 5drs - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC PANORAMIC NAVI TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC PANORAMIC NAVI TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:01.


20 Style Tips On How To Wear High Waisted Jeans - Duration: 2:44.

Make your summer crop tops work for fall by pairing them with high-waisted jeans and a blazer.

You can also make your favorite summer tank top work for fall by wearing it with high-waisted jeans and a big, chunky cardigan.

Striped shirts are a classic, and look great tucked into high-waisted jeans… ankle boots add a nice touch.

Tuck a button-down shirt into your high-waisted jeans for a more sophisticated look.

A corset top looks very cute and retro with dark high-waisted jeans.

Cropped sweaters look really adorable with high-waisted jeans… dress it up with heels.

Go for a super casual look by wearing high-waisted boyfriend jeans, a cute jacket and sneakers.

A bralette top works for colder weather with a cargo jacket and high jeans.

Add a loose, cropped tank and a long kimono for a more boho vibe.

Keep it simple with a skinny belt and a white tee. It's comfy and perfect for school!

Front tuck a graphic tee and add cute shoes for a fun look.

Knot a shirt in the front to show off a little bit of a skin.

A pretty patterned shirt with a statement necklace makes for a fanicer outfit that's perfect for going out.

Wear wide-leg high-waisted jeans and a loose top for a '70s vibe.

A plaid shirt and ankle boots give high-waisted jeans a grungey, cool feel.

Make your high-waisted pants look amazing for a night out with a simple top, statement necklace and heels.

If you want your legs to look longer, wear black high-waisted jeans with black boots.

Go for the denim-on-denim trend with some high-waisted jeans… love the red lipstick!

A cropped graphic tee, beanie and sneakers make high-waisted jeans casual and cute.

Try red (or another color) to mix things up.

For more infomation >> 20 Style Tips On How To Wear High Waisted Jeans - Duration: 2:44.


Przemoc w rodzinie: rodzaje i fazy przemocy w rodzinie - Duration: 14:18.

For more infomation >> Przemoc w rodzinie: rodzaje i fazy przemocy w rodzinie - Duration: 14:18.


Ich ❤ Tauben (14 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Ich ❤ Tauben (14 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:23.


Citroën Saxo 1.4I SX AUTOMAAT, NWE APK, KEURIGE GOEDE auto ... RIJDT FIJN - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën Saxo 1.4I SX AUTOMAAT, NWE APK, KEURIGE GOEDE auto ... RIJDT FIJN - Duration: 0:59.


Sewing on the Skin - Skin on Frame Kayak - E6 - Duration: 6:58.

Hi, I'm Nick Schade at Guillemot Kayaks.

Welcome to episode 6 of my build of the skin on frame microBootlegger Sport.

In today's episode we will be wrapping the frame with its skin of polyester fabric.

My friend Dave came by to see how I'm doing it and give me a hand.

Dave is one of my frequent paddling companions.

He is also very skilled with a surfski in rough conditions as well as a experienced

boat builder.

The cloth I'm using for the skin is a polyester filter fabric.

This is left over material I purchased years ago for an earlier project from Dyson Baidarka

& Company.

Looking back at my records, it is a 14 ounce cloth.

I had just enough to cover the frame.

We unrolled it and centered it on the frame then pinned one side in place.

I slipped a lath under the skin as a cutting surface.

In the past I used a soldering iron with a modified tip to cut the cloth.

I now have a nice hot knife that glides through the material.

A melted edge like this is really nice as it binds the edge a bit to keep it from unravelling.

After trimming one side, I fold it back and cut the other side.

The trim line is about one inch from the centerline.

This should give me enough material to sew the seam.

The seam stitching method I use I learned from Robert Morris' book "Building Skin on

Frame Boats".

I start by running two lengths of parachute cord down the length of the seam.

Here I looped the cord around the coaming and tied it tightly back to the stem form.

Here is Dave working on sewing the bow seam.

The twine is threaded through the cloth, under the parachute cord then through the cloth

again before going through the other side in a similar manner.

Then another needle runs another length of twine back approximately through the same

holes from the other side.

The bow has a stringer running directly down the centerline.

This helped keep the seam straight.

Dave stuck push pins through the para-cord into the stringer to keep the cord tight and


With this cloth, a stitch every centimeter or half inch seems to do a good job.

We are trying to get the cloth as tight as we can at this point, but it doesn't need

to be drum tight.

While Dave worked on the bow, I got started on the stern.

I did not have a stringer running down the center line so it was a little hard to keep

the seam straight.

In the future I will probably insert a temporary batten as a guide.

I found that pulling the thread taught along the seam helped pull it down under the para-cord.

I moved the spring clamp after each stitch to hold the tension.

This method of sewing the seam is quite quick.

I like how the parachute cord reinforces the edge providing a secure point for pull the

cloth tight.

There is no fear of over pulling and ripping the fabric.

The results are very clean and neat, especially where Dave was following the deck stringer.

At the stern where there was no stringer, I found I got the best results when I pulled

the para-cord very tight and secured it with some push pins.

By working my way down, pulling the thread tight, I eventually started getting straighter


I also eventually started running out of thread.

So I finished off the ends by pushing the needles through just one side of the fabric

and tying a knot between the threads.

When I started the new length of thread I step back a few stitches and overlapped for

a while to insure a secure junction.

We kept with this seam technique until we got to the stem.

I did not want the large raise seam cutting into the water.

I trimmed off the para cord even with the end of the stem and trimmed the fabric a bit

over size.

Working down the stem, I stitched one side to the other just using the thread to gather

together the excess cloth.

I was still using two needles but I would do a few stitches with one, going one direction

and then follow with the other going the other direction.

I kept this up all the way down to the bottom of the stem, gathering together the last little

pucker with a few more stitches.

I wasn't completely satisfied with this seam so on the bow, I left a little more excess

when I trimmed the fabric.

This extra let me fold the ends over and stitch through the fold, tucking the excess inside

the seam.

I then proceeded like before, stitching around the edges with two needles.

I finished off the bottom by returning part way back up the stem.

I think this system of folding in the edges before sewing made a cleaner looking seam.

I made a mistake when I first cut the fabric to size.

There was a little corner next to the cockpit that the cloth did not cover.

To fix this I needed to cut a patch.

I wanted it to look symmetrical so I cut a matching corner out of the other side.

I then cut a triangular patch to fit.

The parachute cord was not part of the patch, so I cut it off.

I used a similar stitch to the bow, folding the edges down and sewing between the two


While I would rather I didn't have to patch it.

The fix was quick and easy to do.

I added a para-cord edge to attach the skin to the coaming perimeter.

I'm sorry I didn't get any close ups, but I just sewed up through the holes and doubled

up fabric, then around the para-cord and back down through the same hole.

This process was just repeated all the way around the perimeter.

The fabric is rolled around the cord and then sewn down through the holes in the coaming


I thread up through a hole, through the doubled up fabric, around the para-cord and back down

through the same hole, then move to the next hole.

Over, up, around and down, over, up, around, and down.

If I needed an extra hole, I shot one in.

I trimmed as I went to be sure I didn't cut too much off.

It's a little awkward reaching in under the coaming to thread the needle up through the


I found a pair of forceps handy to hold the thread tight in the prior hole while I was

threading into the next hole.

The thread I'm using a braided polyester fishing line.

It was nice stuff to work with.

It didn't have much tendency to tangle, and was relatively easy on the hands to pull tight.

I am really pleased with this technique for sewing the skin to the coaming.

It is very straightforward, not requiring anything fancy.

As long as I kept the skin rolled tightly around the parachute cord, it made a very

clean edge.

Now for the magic of polyester fabric.

I want the skin drum tight.

While it is possible to do this with sewing techniques, it takes some work.

At this point the fabric is finger tight, with most of the slack removed.

A very hot iron pressed firmly against the cloth makes it shrink.

While polyester is not the strongest fabric choice, this ability to heat shrink is awesome.

Once shrunk tight the fabric will not loosen and sag.

While its kind of a shame to hide the frame under the fabric, the skinning process is

quite quick and easy.

Of course, the boat is not yet sea worthy.

This is filter fabric, its designed to leak like a sieve.

In the next episode, I'll seal the fabric and do the outfitting preparing the kayak

for the water.

I look forward to your questions and comments.

Please share this video and if you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe.

If you are watching on FaceBook, be sure to see the rest of this series and other small

boat building projects on my YouTube Channel.

If you would like to see more videos like this in the future, I would appreciate your

support via my Patreon page.

Until next time, thanks for watching and happy paddling.

For more infomation >> Sewing on the Skin - Skin on Frame Kayak - E6 - Duration: 6:58.


Seven: The Days Long Gone - godzina quaza - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> Seven: The Days Long Gone - godzina quaza - Duration: 11:04.



What is going on members of the barrio

It's Jon in Merida, we've got just 1 week left here

And honestly I couldn't think of anything better to film today

So why don't you guys come along with me

For a trip to the Mexican supermarket


What's your favorite thing about supermarkets in Mexico ?

That I can find different kinds of salsa

And chiles


That I don't in the U.S

Do you need a cart?


These are so cheap

15 so that's

Less than a dollar for all these beans wow

Why do they play christmas music in Mexico for 3 months?

One pound steak about.. 70 pesos about 3 dollars

a little more

Oh my god that is a huge Mayonnaise

Look at this guys

This is like..

Three dollars

This is the largest Mayo I have ever seen



Pre made Mole

Pre made mole

For lazy women?

No, it's not for lazy

In the past women used to make their own mole..

But I think now a lot of the young generation

They're just to lazy

They'd rather be on facebook than make mole

Yes.. you have different sizes

Mole poblano

Highly highly recommend it guys

Yeah but not that one

Not that one

This is survival in Mexico

Chiles Jala..

What is it

Chiles Jalapenos

7.50 pesos each

Less than 50 cents

These salsas we have them

And put them on everything

Even our beer

These two types of salsa

With tomato sauce


tomato juice sorry

She was in an old black and white movie

And the brand needed someone there for the brand

Because Abuelita means little grandma

And this is hot chocolate

I think we're going to buy this

This is actually kind of cold today

It's like 67 degrees

Yeah sure..

These are mutant avocados

At least compared to the U.S

They're grea though, they're cheap.

They're only 2 dollars right.

Yeah let's take one.

Let's show people the size

The size of the palm of my hand

It's a whole section for chile

Guys don't these chiles kind of look like grasshoppers?

Or crickets from far away?

That's because we have different kinds of chiles

I'm not an expert

But this is dry

Already you see.

It's dry.. this is dry to

They have different names when they are not dry

And their name changes..

Their names change when they are dry

These are dry


Actually today we are going to buy some..

4 different types of chips

Doritos, Cheetos, Crujitos and poffets


In one

You show up at a party with this

You are the VIP

You are the man


You want to buy some?

It's like an American supermarket

And then you have these really hot chiles everywhere


I'm going to pay you..

1,000 dollars

If you eat this

Without drinking water

One thousand dollars

What kind of chile is it?


Chile habanero for 1,000 dollars guys?

Can I do it.. what do you think?

It's not like regular sauce for your eggs

This is special salsa

For chips


Like if you go to the movie theater

You're going to see


With the sauce

It's very important

We have two levels of spice in Mexico

Extra hot

And then..



Extra, extra, extra hot

Candy section

So good

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate..

More chocolate

Gracias. Muchismas gracias

Two bags cost about 400 pesos

About 20 dollars was spent on that whole trip

About 50% cheaper than I normally spend in New York City

That's one thing I love about supermarkets in Mexico

Probably my favorite thing

Also usually their is an older man or woman

Who helps you bag your groceries

And it's polite

You're expected to tip them a couple of coins

Adriana gracias for a great job explaining to our favorite viewers out there

Everything. You're welcome

I mean I'm not an expert

But I love food

Alright members of the barrio

Leave me some comments

Tell me what your favorite item in a Mexican supermarket is

Or better yet if you are Mexican

Is there anything I missed

That maybe I should have bought

Make sure to subscribe if you are new to this channel

We've got a couple of more episodes coming out from the Yucatan

We're going to be in Mexico until March though

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> MEXICAN VS AMERICAN SUPERMARKETS! 🇲🇽 🇺🇸 - Duration: 5:41.


KUNG FU SHAO LIN - The Secret Teachings (CCTV Documentary w. English subs) 功夫少林 第一集 绝学 - Duration: 48:57.

For more infomation >> KUNG FU SHAO LIN - The Secret Teachings (CCTV Documentary w. English subs) 功夫少林 第一集 绝学 - Duration: 48:57.







For more infomation >> AMLA FRUIT HERBAL MASK | WHITEN FACE FASTER THAN MERCURY - Duration: 1:50.


My Outsourcing Formula - Duration: 3:10.

this is my outsourcing formula there's four steps to it the first is to start

getting organized once you get organized and you know what's on your plate it's

easier to do the second step which is to eliminate then you can say okay these

things are tedious and I either don't need to do them at all or I can figure

out a way to have somebody else complete these tasks for me the third step is to

automate look for systems even if it's just your email or somebody helping you

with your taxes receipts it doesn't matter

you've got to figure out systems to automate so have a checklist and say

okay I know that I can put this on autopilot and I can put this on

autopilot and then this I have to actually take care of manually then the

fourth step is to outsource so you can't really outsource if you haven't done all

these other tasks and for me if I can automate it in some system then I don't

have to actually pay a person to do it then I want to use the automation

software because it's gonna be cheaper for me it's less of my time I don't have

to sit there and train somebody I know whether it's working or not so for me I

go for systems first if there's some type of automation and then I reach out

to outsource get organized start to eliminate automate and then you can

outsource now you know how to outsource and hire in order to get your business

booming and OnPoint and save you tons more time in your day in your business

in your life so you can go hang out with your friends your family or just focus

on sales and growth let's be real the time that you spend it has to be

prioritized for them prioritize and you want to make sure that you're spending

your time on the important things right I'm brandi of where

you can find tons of free resources to help you

brand your business I'm putting that below as well as my start up check list so if you

have questions and want to get your business started

check out the checklist below I have a start up checklist that walk you through

in six easy steps for getting your business started in the right direction

and then you can work on outsourcing those tasks once you've gotten this

system in place and know that you have all of the right things set up so check

that out in the description and as always thanks for watching I'll see you

in the next video

For more infomation >> My Outsourcing Formula - Duration: 3:10.


2018: o Ano dos Ciclos e Potenciais - (Ashtar) - Duration: 15:40.

For more infomation >> 2018: o Ano dos Ciclos e Potenciais - (Ashtar) - Duration: 15:40.


O mistério do Triângulo das Bermudas foi finalmente revelado pela ciência! Nunca imaginei… - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> O mistério do Triângulo das Bermudas foi finalmente revelado pela ciência! Nunca imaginei… - Duration: 8:28.


Jones Presser 6 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Jones Presser 6 - Duration: 2:06.


Evangelistic Outreach Ministries - 12/17/17 - Duration: 28:30.

For more infomation >> Evangelistic Outreach Ministries - 12/17/17 - Duration: 28:30.


8 jugos naturales para combatir la gastritis - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> 8 jugos naturales para combatir la gastritis - Duration: 13:21.


BREAKING! He Just Tried To Take Down Trump For $200,000… THIS IS HUGE!!! - Duration: 12:57.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! He Just Tried To Take Down Trump For $200,000… THIS IS HUGE!!! - Duration: 12:57.


Chopo TV en Kodi - Duration: 15:20.

For more infomation >> Chopo TV en Kodi - Duration: 15:20.



What is going on members of the barrio

It's Jon in Merida, we've got just 1 week left here

And honestly I couldn't think of anything better to film today

So why don't you guys come along with me

For a trip to the Mexican supermarket


What's your favorite thing about supermarkets in Mexico ?

That I can find different kinds of salsa

And chiles


That I don't in the U.S

Do you need a cart?


These are so cheap

15 so that's

Less than a dollar for all these beans wow

Why do they play christmas music in Mexico for 3 months?

One pound steak about.. 70 pesos about 3 dollars

a little more

Oh my god that is a huge Mayonnaise

Look at this guys

This is like..

Three dollars

This is the largest Mayo I have ever seen



Pre made Mole

Pre made mole

For lazy women?

No, it's not for lazy

In the past women used to make their own mole..

But I think now a lot of the young generation

They're just to lazy

They'd rather be on facebook than make mole

Yes.. you have different sizes

Mole poblano

Highly highly recommend it guys

Yeah but not that one

Not that one

This is survival in Mexico

Chiles Jala..

What is it

Chiles Jalapenos

7.50 pesos each

Less than 50 cents

These salsas we have them

And put them on everything

Even our beer

These two types of salsa

With tomato sauce


tomato juice sorry

She was in an old black and white movie

And the brand needed someone there for the brand

Because Abuelita means little grandma

And this is hot chocolate

I think we're going to buy this

This is actually kind of cold today

It's like 67 degrees

Yeah sure..

These are mutant avocados

At least compared to the U.S

They're grea though, they're cheap.

They're only 2 dollars right.

Yeah let's take one.

Let's show people the size

The size of the palm of my hand

It's a whole section for chile

Guys don't these chiles kind of look like grasshoppers?

Or crickets from far away?

That's because we have different kinds of chiles

I'm not an expert

But this is dry

Already you see.

It's dry.. this is dry to

They have different names when they are not dry

And their name changes..

Their names change when they are dry

These are dry


Actually today we are going to buy some..

4 different types of chips

Doritos, Cheetos, Crujitos and poffets


In one

You show up at a party with this

You are the VIP

You are the man


You want to buy some?

It's like an American supermarket

And then you have these really hot chiles everywhere


I'm going to pay you..

1,000 dollars

If you eat this

Without drinking water

One thousand dollars

What kind of chile is it?


Chile habanero for 1,000 dollars guys?

Can I do it.. what do you think?

It's not like regular sauce for your eggs

This is special salsa

For chips


Like if you go to the movie theater

You're going to see


With the sauce

It's very important

We have two levels of spice in Mexico

Extra hot

And then..



Extra, extra, extra hot

Candy section

So good

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate..

More chocolate

Gracias. Muchismas gracias

Two bags cost about 400 pesos

About 20 dollars was spent on that whole trip

About 50% cheaper than I normally spend in New York City

That's one thing I love about supermarkets in Mexico

Probably my favorite thing

Also usually their is an older man or woman

Who helps you bag your groceries

And it's polite

You're expected to tip them a couple of coins

Adriana gracias for a great job explaining to our favorite viewers out there

Everything. You're welcome

I mean I'm not an expert

But I love food

Alright members of the barrio

Leave me some comments

Tell me what your favorite item in a Mexican supermarket is

Or better yet if you are Mexican

Is there anything I missed

That maybe I should have bought

Make sure to subscribe if you are new to this channel

We've got a couple of more episodes coming out from the Yucatan

We're going to be in Mexico until March though

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

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