Thursday, December 14, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 14 2017

Nobody enjoys the aches, cough, and stuffy nose that comes with a cold, so it's no

surprise that we spend a ton of money on over-the-counter symptom relief — $3 billion a year in the

US alone.

And you've probably heard all sorts of tips and tricks to keep from getting sick: Drink

some OJ for the vitamin C. Or spray some zinc into your nose.

But it turns out that none of those popular cure-alls actually work.

Take vitamin C, for example.

It rose to fame as a cold-busting immuno-booster in 1970 when Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus

Pauling published a book promoting what he called "megadoses" of vitamin C.

Since he was so famous, the idea that vitamin C could cure colds spread quickly, even though

it wasn't backed by solid science or the medical community.

It's not hard to see why he was so enamored with vitamin C — it's involved in a ton

of biological processes, including regulating how your genes are expressed.

It's so important that most animals synthesize it on their own; we humans are in the minority,

because we don't have that ability and have to get it from our diet.

Now a vitamin C deficiency does decrease your ability to fight off some infections, and

the most severe form, scurvy, can be fatal.

But if you don't have a deficiency, the evidence for boosting your immunity with extra

vitamin C is pretty shaky.

A 2013 review pooled data from 29 studies with more than 10,000 participants and found

that taking extra vitamin C had no effect on the number of colds a person got.

Some studies found that taking extra vitamin C during a cold could shorten it slightly,

but when other studies tested that, the effect wasn't replicated.

Overall, the reviewers didn't recommend taking vitamin C unless you're undergoing

extreme physical stress — like if you're a marathon runner or doing military training

in the subarctic.

So, if you're planning on exploring the frigid tundra Hoth-style, it might be helpful.

But otherwise, don't bother.

The evidence isn't much better for zinc, although there's a lot more controversy about it.

Like with vitamin C, the idea of taking zinc is based on what happens to people with severe deficiencies.

Zinc is an essential component of all kinds of cellular processes, like DNA replication

and cell division.

People with zinc deficiencies have severe immune dysfunction, and many die from infections.

Since too little zinc is so devastating, the idea that more zinc equals more immunity might

seem like a sensible leap.

But a review of the available research, also published in 2013, was lukewarm.

There was no evidence that zinc prevented colds, and the only thing it seemed to do

was make colds shorter, as long as you took it within 24 hours of the first symptoms.

But there are a bunch of reasons to be cautious about that finding.

For one thing, it's really hard to compare the studies on zinc in a scientific way, because

there's no standard formula or dosage.

The earlier version of the review, published in 2007, was withdrawn, and so was the 2015 update.

That's how hard it is to draw conclusions from the research that's been done so far.

And even if it does work, the side effects can be pretty awful.

Many studies suggest taking more than 75 milligrams of zinc every day for effective treatment,

but the Institute of Medicine says the tolerable upper limit is only 40 milligrams a day.

Even at that dose, a lot of people notice a bad taste and get nauseous.

And the nasal sprays have been linked to more than 100 cases of anosmia — the loss of

the ability to smell.

As for the almost unlimited number of herbal supplements, tonics, and teas that promise

to help you dodge or cure colds ... very few of them have been studied extensively.

Not even echinacea, a long-time favorite in the herbal cold and flu arsenal, has science

on its side: a 2014 review found no benefit from anything with echinacea in it.

And that's assuming these supplements actually contain the advertised ingredients.

An investigation of herbal supplements by the New York State Attorney General's office

found that four out of five products didn't contain any of what they listed on the box.

At this point, you're probably wondering if there's anything you can do to prevent

colds or get rid of them more quickly once you have them.

Unfortunately … no.

Not really.

Nasal decongestants, over-the-counter cough medicine, and antihistamines all show little

to no benefit when it comes to decreasing cold duration or severity.

That said, they can still make you feel better by helping with the symptoms.

It's also probably good advice to rest, stay hydrated, and try not to spread your

germs to all your friends and coworkers.

And while you're resting, take comfort in the knowledge that there are researchers out

there working on antiviral drugs and vaccines for the common cold.

They haven't found much yet, but they are trying.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help support this show, you can go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Can Vitamin C and Zinc Help Cure Colds? - Duration: 4:27.


Search Party x Patrón Present: The Citrónage Paloma - Duration: 0:51.

ANNOUNCER: TBS and Patron Tequila

present how to enjoy the second season of "Search Party"


I'm Igor Zukowiec, and I'll show you how

to make the Citronge Paloma.

You will need half an ounce of Patron Citronge orange,

an ounce and a half of Patron Tequila Silver.

Add a pinch of salt and two ounces

of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice.

And then your glass, a highball full of ice.

Add some ice to your shaker.

Now let's shake it.

Once the cocktail is nice and cold, strain it into the glass

and top it off with about two ounces of club soda.

You want to give it a little stir while you are doing it.

Garnish the cocktail with a grapefruit wedge.

This light and the refreshing sparkling tequila cocktail

is as sweet as an innocent bystander.

ANNOUNCER: Brought to you by Patron Tequila.

Simply perfect.

Enjoy responsibly.

For more infomation >> Search Party x Patrón Present: The Citrónage Paloma - Duration: 0:51.


TIMES WE GOT DUMPED #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:36.

From getting told by someone's MOM to broadcasting a breakup to an entire class, the Planet Dolan

crew re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the worst ways people

discovered they were single.

I'm Melissa, and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was Submitted by llamagirl89 Andiemations Andiemations and her boyfriend Adam were together

for two years before Andie had to move.

They kept up their relationship over Skype after that, but one day they both went to

a local event, and Andie's best friend was there as well.

Andie's friend tried to avoid her, but eventually they started chatting.

That's when Adam's little brother came over to them and said, "My big brother's

got a girlfriend!"

Andie pretended not to know and said, "Who's that," to which Andie's friend said, "It's


Apparently, she thought Andie and Adam had broken up already.

Andie gave her friend a death stare and walked over to Adam and slapped him.

After that, they really WERE broken up.

Number 9 was Submitted by Ziphorah14 Ramona When Ramona was in middle school, she was

dating a boy who was very close to his mother.

Ramona helped him get work at the sandwich shop she worked at.

One day he skipped his shift, and Ramona got upset with him.

Two days later, Ramona came over to see him.

When she got there, he told Ramona his mother wanted to see her.

The boy's mother broke up with Ramona for him, because Ramona had gotten upset he skipped


He didn't even have the guts to break up with Ramona himself.

He had his mommy do it for him.

Number 8 was Submitted by theberlin_wall Spincess Spincess had a good relationship with a pretty

nice guy named Tolop.

Tolop was a jokester and loved to pull pranks and go out with his other friends.

They had bonded at a magic show and it's where they had their first date.

Over time, they began growing a little distant, so Tolop recommended another date, something

they hadn't done in a long time.

Time flew by and the performance ended.

Afterwards, Tolop led Spincess up to the stage and held her hand the whole way.

When they got up there he said, "You wanna see a magic trick?"

Spincess replied, "yeah, why not?"

So Tolop touched his finger to her nose and said, "Poof, you're single."

Number 7 was Submitted by arjethebarge Grgak Grgak once dated a girl named Melon.

One day, after they had been dating about 3 months, Melon was hanging out at Grgak's


Grgak went to use the restroom, but when he was in the middle of peeing, Melon unlocked

the bathroom door with a bobby pin.

She came up behind Grgak, pinched the tip of his penis, and starting yelling at him

for cheating on her with a girl named Mandie.

After that, she stormed out and slashed the tires on Grgak's mom's car.

Melon later found out that "Mandie" was Grgak's older sister, who had recently moved


She apologized, but after that stunt, Grgak wanted nothing more to do with her.

Number 6 was Submitted by RoseShadedGlasses Snewpee

Snewpee joined the Army to pay off her student loans, because she wanted to open a bakery

together with her fiancé of 7 years.

During boot camp, Snewpee was able to call get one phone call home.

In that call, her fiancé flat out told Snewpee that her stuff was going into storage and

he had found someone else.

When Snewpee asked who she was, he said, "it's not a she, it's a HE and you don't know him!"

Snewpee had been with him since high school and all through college, and had no idea.

Number 5 was Submitted by josephjojo5 SpinalPalm SpinalPalm was holding hands with his girlfriend

Princess Proton, when suddenly she said she needed to go to the bathroom.

SpinalPalm said ok, and thought nothing of it.

About 5 minutes later, he saw her sitting under a tree, holding hands with his best

friend SaltySquid.

SpinalPalm walked over to that tree to say something, but nothing came out.

While he was trying to find the words, Princess Proton said, "Go away, SpinalPalm," and walked


SpinalPalm stood there, alone under that tree, completely stunned.

He still thinks about what he could have done differently, but can't think of anything.

He doesn't talk to Princess Proton or SaltySquid anymore.

Number 4 was Submitted by Oranges_lie2 Mimi_up

One day, Mimi had to go to Florida for a business trip, and she decided to go to the hotel pool.

The only other person there was a woman on her phone.

After she hung up, Mimi and the woman started talking.

The woman was on the phone with her husband, so she talked about him and got out a picture

of her husband and her two kids.

Mimi saw her boyfriend in that picture.

She asked the woman about her husband's phone number, and it matched the number of

Mimi's boyfriend.

Mimi had been dating him for five years – the same amount of time the woman had been married

to him.

They called him together to tell him that Mimi was breaking up with him and his wife

was throwing him out of the house.

After that, Mimi and her ex-boyfriend's wife became good friends.

Number 3 was Submitted by CaTastrophy427 Pandora

When Pandora was teaching a 10th-grade class, she had her laptop connected to a projector

for an essay.

Pandora started texting with her boyfriend, but didn't realize her texts were showing

up on the computer screen.

Her boyfriend said he wanted to talk about something, and Pandora said she wanted to

see when they could meet his family to talk about getting married.

The text message she got back said, "I have found that I prefer your sister, and that

she likes me, and so we've been fucking for a few weeks, sorry.

But hey, we'll still see each other sometimes for dinner, so... that's nice, right?"

Pandora still didn't realize the entire class was reading the exchange until someone

said, "OH.



That had to hurt SO MUCH.

And that timing?


How unfortunate.

Miss Brown must be SO embarrassed."

Pandora was already holding back tears when she looked up at the projector screen, cursed

VERY loudly, and ran out of the room crying.

Number 2 was Submitted by LivingMarshmallow Gooby

While in college, Gooby got to date the boy she had the BIGGEST crush on in high school.

But one day he just stopped texting and calling her.

After a few days, Gooby went on Facebook and saw he had changed his relationship status

and was with another girl.

About a month later, Gooby was having Chinese food with some friends when her ex walked

into the store.

Gooby was upset but decided to calmly ask why he stopped talking to her.

Apparently it was because the other girl he was seeing told him the baby was his.

He said he wanted to be a good dad and didn't want the child to grow up in a broken home.

Gooby felt like she dodged a bullet there.

Number 1 – What's the worst way I found


I was single?

For more infomation >> TIMES WE GOT DUMPED #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:36.


COTA SA Christmas Message - Duration: 1:48.

It's almost Christmas. It's time for the COTA SA community to stop, to chill,

and to reflect on 2017. A lot's happened in our world this year. Donald Trump took

office, Australia celebrated 50 years of Aboriginal recognition in our

Constitution, the world's population ticked over to 7.5 billion, Prince Harry got

engaged, the crows came so close to a premiership,

and Australians achieved marriage equality. Woohoo. A lot's happened here also

at COTA SA. We welcomed new staff Desmond, Jun, Helen Jayne and Sharmilla,

we launched the Plug-in project, we advocated for new housing options for

older South Australians and for better options for older people in the

workforce, we launched ZestFest and then lit up country SA with the faces

of older people, and we traveled all over South Australia talking to older people

about what matters to them most in the lead-up to next year's State Election, we

expanded our peer education service to include our revitalised Information Access

program, took Strength for Life to water and we talked to older LGBTIQ

people all over South Australia, and we appointed two new board members

Scott Nattrass and Barry Apsey. Thank you for being part about COTA SA community

in 2017. Our office will close from the 22nd of December until the 2nd of January.

In a meantime we hope you get lots of time to do what you love.

Love watching the cricket, going camping, hanging out with family and friends,

making New Year's resolutions, perhaps learning to cook.

On behalf of everyone at COTA SA

we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

For more infomation >> COTA SA Christmas Message - Duration: 1:48.


Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

It's that time again!

I'm getting a haircut later today.

lots of people get them

Sometimes people decide to cut their hair much shorter, and sometimes they just get

a trim, like I am.

Even Squeaks had a little trim when he got a piece of gum stuck his fur, remember, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

But there's something that all haircuts have in common:

They don't hurt!

When you think about it, it might seem kind of weird that they don't.

I mean, if you get a cut on almost any other part of your body, like your finger, it definitely


But when someone cuts your hair, as long as you hold very still, it doesn't hurt at


There's also another place on our bodies that it doesn't hurt to cut, and we do it

all the time.

Can you guess what it is, Squeaks?

[Squeaks guesses]

That's right — our nails!

The reason it doesn't hurt to cut your hair, toenails, or fingernails is that they don't

have nerves inside them.

A nerve is a type of body part you have all over the inside of your body, kind of like

how you have muscles all over.

These nerves have a special job to do: they carry messages between different places in

your body.

Now, you have lots of body parts.

So nerves have lots of jobs.

But one of the biggest jobs nerves have is to help you sense the world around you.

Nerves are the reason you can see, hear, smell, taste … and yes, feel things!

Nerves are a big part of the sense of touch.

Squeaks, can I touch your nose to show how this works?

[Squeaks squeaks]

When you touch something [taps Squeaks on the nose], it brushes up against your skin.

And, like most parts of your body, your skin has nerves in it.

When something touches your skin, it activates, or kind of 'turns on' the nerves.

These nerves can feel all kinds of different things.

Some of them feel whether something is warm or cold.

Others can help us tell if something is smooth or rough.

And there are also some that are in charge of sensing pain.

When I tap Squeaks' nose, some of the nerves in my finger get switched on, and each one

sends a message.

Those messages travel through my hands … up my arm … through a big bundle of nerves

that's in my back … and all the way to my brain!

Then, my brain decodes the messages.

It checks if I've ever touched anything like this before, and combines that with any

other information it can get, like if I can see the thing I'm feeling.

This all happens really fast, which is how I can figure out what I'm touching right

away — Squeaks' nose!

[Squeaks sneezes]

Oh, I'm sorry ! I guess your nose is kinda ticklish, Squeaks!

So, our sense of touch takes more than just our hands.

It also takes our nerves, and our brains, too!

But what about our hair?

Well, try this.

Pat the top of your head.

Just like the skin that's on your fingers, the skin that's under your hair has nerves.

So your fingers can feel the top of your head, and your head can feel your fingers touching


Just like how Squeaks felt my finger with his nose.

Now find the very end of a piece of hair and try squeezing it, without pulling on it at


Your fingers can feel your hair, but your hair can't feel your fingers!

That's because there are no nerves inside your hair.

And as long as you're not pulling on your hair, or moving it around too much, you're

not going to feel a thing.

The same goes for the very ends of your fingernails and toenails.

They don't have nerves in them either.

No nerves means no sense of touch, so they don't feel anything.

And if there's no sense of touch, there's no pain.

So the next time you get a haircut, now you'll know why it doesn't hurt!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yikes, you're right Squeaks — I should go if I don't want to be late for my haircut!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

[♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.


Telecommuting State Workers - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Telecommuting State Workers - Duration: 7:13.


Stopping Elder Abuse - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Stopping Elder Abuse - Duration: 8:29.


NAMORADO/A = AMIGO/A? | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> NAMORADO/A = AMIGO/A? | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 2:03.


Is this Funny or Cute?

For more infomation >> Is this Funny or Cute?


Al Bano e l'addio alla musica, le parole commoventi di Romina Power | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e l'addio alla musica, le parole commoventi di Romina Power | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:10.


Gossip U&D, clamoroso ritorno in trasmissione: ecco quando e di chi si tratta | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, clamoroso ritorno in trasmissione: ecco quando e di chi si tratta | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:01.



For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE | NAVI | PANORAMADAK | TREKHAAK | CLIMATE CONTROLE | L - Duration: 0:59.


Mustard: More Than Just a Spice! See Their Incredible Health Benefits - Duration: 4:42.

These yellow seeds are small, but They have tons of benefits.

They are rich in minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins, and also have properties

antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.

Do you know what seed we talking about?

mustard seeds.

Mustard, in all its forms, has been widely used for centuries by

several different nations, for the purpose culinary and medicinal.

Seeds are basically constituted by essential oils, proteins and fibers.

In today's video, we will talk about the seeds mustard and their health benefits.

Help in thyroid

The mustard seeds contain concentrations selenium high, which, besides being a

strong antioxidant also helps to prevent free radicals causing oxidative damage.

This means that include mustard seeds in your diet can not only directly improve

thyroid health, making it work properly, but it can also decrease the

hormonal problems.

Helps prevent

cancer Mustard seeds contain some very useful phytonutrients group

called isothiocyanates, which are good at fight against different types of cancer.

Some studies suggest that isothiocyanates the mustard seeds can prevent

mitosis (cell division and replication process) and stimulate apoptosis (cell death) in

tumor cells.

They contain the anti-inflammatory properties mustard seed has a large amount

curcumin, which gives it properties anti-inflammatory.

Historically, mustard seeds and oil are used to relieve muscle pain

and even rheumatism, and reduce menopausal symptoms, asthma and other problems


They are rich in

nutrients The mustard seeds are full of vitamins and nutrients, including

Omega-3 fatty acids, manganese phosphate, potassium, copper, calcium, zinc and vitamin


This means that the mustard seeds They are a good daily source of nutrients,

ensuring that your immune system and your whole body function well.

They help you lose

weight Mustard is rich in vitamins complete B as phosphate, niacin, thiamin and riboflavin.

Due to its thermogenic properties, You are able to speed up your metabolism as well

how to help with constipation and cholesterol high.

Here's how you can use mustard seeds as a natural remedy:

To relieve To relieve pain Pain with mustard seeds,

you should prepare a bath with mustard.

Place 200 g of mustard seed (the yellow type) in the tub and fill it with water


After the tub is full, mix and seeds and relax for about 15 minutes.

You can also apply the mixture directly in any area that is hurting.

To relieve congested nose to clean congestion, mix with hot water

a little mustard, dip a cloth in mixture and apply it to the chest area.

You can also make a delicious tea that will alleviate the pain and give you more energy.

Mix 1 teaspoon fennel soup, 1 stick cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of seeds

mustard in one liter of water.

Boil water for 5 minutes.

Drink three cups of this tea a day.

For more infomation >> Mustard: More Than Just a Spice! See Their Incredible Health Benefits - Duration: 4:42.


Os avós narcisistas - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> Os avós narcisistas - Duration: 10:40.


De ce scad castigurile youtube - studiu de caz - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> De ce scad castigurile youtube - studiu de caz - Duration: 4:00.


HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV… RECOUNT NOW!! [Video] - Duration: 4:00.

HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV…


Doug Jones pulled off an upset victory in Alabama on Tuesday, but things may not be

quite what they seem.

For one, Roy Moore faced an unprecedented amount of negative coverage from the leftstream

media, who made it their personal mission to ensure he wasn't elected.

If that wasn't bad enough, multiple women waited over 40 years for their moment to accuse

Moore of indecencies from years ago, which happened pretty much as soon as he won the

primary and was set to take on Democrat Jones, not so coincidentally.

But while those were already massive hurdles for the Moore campaign to overcome, now we're

learning of fraud that may have been committed to get Jones over the finish line.

In fact, one of his campaign workers admitted to committing fraud on live television in

the hours after the election.


Watch the shocking video:

"Why are you excited to see this victory," the unidentified campaign worker was asked.

That's when he makes an admission that should trigger a full investigation into this election.

"Because we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship,

and all of us pitched in to vote and canvass together, and we got our boy elected!"

It's that line right there that poses a serious problem.

It's highly, highly illegal for people to vote in a state not their own, and if it's

discovered that Jones pulled off a win due to out-of-state voters flooding Alabama, then

election would be overturned and Moore would take the victory.

It's worth noting that Jones won the black vote by an overwhelming majority.

Interestingly enough, blacks from Mississippi and other neighboring states were being encouraged

by Democrat operatives to go to Alabama and vote in their election, we previously reported.

From Big League Politics:

Democratic activists are making a last-minute push to get out the vote against Roy Moore

in Alabama by encouraging "African-Americans in Mississippi" to vote in the wrong state.

Sources on the ground in Alabama confirm that these tactics are real, and they are being

used by supporters of Democrat Doug Jones.

Big League Politics received evidence of a Reddit call for "African-Americans in Mississippi"

to "make a short trip to Alabama on December 12."

That Reddit thread is still active.

Similar calls have been made on Reddit for African-Americans in other nearby states,

including Georgia and Tennessee.

That's not to mention, Democrats were abusing a new law that allows felons to vote by sending

out operatives to register them and naturally tell them to vote for the Democrat.

Worse yet, another form of election tampering was reported by

A woman by the name of Perman Hardy was using her SUV to round up black people and compel

them to vote for Jones.

Coercing people to vote and offering them free things to do so a certain way (the ride

down there) are also against election laws in this country.

The worst part is that you know Hardy wasn't the only one subverting the election process

in Alabama.

Meanwhile, the vote tally in Jefferson County, which only went to Obama by around 50 percent,

is also raising serious questions after Jones received nearly 70 percent of the vote.

Following the election, Moore told his supporters that his campaign isn't going to concede,

and they want to possibly pursue a recount.

That doesn't seem like a bad idea after seeing what actually happened in the state.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV… RECOUNT NOW!! [Video] - Duration: 4:00.


NAMORADO/A = AMIGO/A? | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> NAMORADO/A = AMIGO/A? | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 2:03.


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For more infomation >> L'elefante incatenato - Duration: 1:59.


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For more infomation >> Vaidoso, Neymar mostra tratamento com máscara facial - Duration: 2:17.


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Can Vitamin C and Zinc Help Cure Colds? - Duration: 4:27.

Nobody enjoys the aches, cough, and stuffy nose that comes with a cold, so it's no

surprise that we spend a ton of money on over-the-counter symptom relief — $3 billion a year in the

US alone.

And you've probably heard all sorts of tips and tricks to keep from getting sick: Drink

some OJ for the vitamin C. Or spray some zinc into your nose.

But it turns out that none of those popular cure-alls actually work.

Take vitamin C, for example.

It rose to fame as a cold-busting immuno-booster in 1970 when Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus

Pauling published a book promoting what he called "megadoses" of vitamin C.

Since he was so famous, the idea that vitamin C could cure colds spread quickly, even though

it wasn't backed by solid science or the medical community.

It's not hard to see why he was so enamored with vitamin C — it's involved in a ton

of biological processes, including regulating how your genes are expressed.

It's so important that most animals synthesize it on their own; we humans are in the minority,

because we don't have that ability and have to get it from our diet.

Now a vitamin C deficiency does decrease your ability to fight off some infections, and

the most severe form, scurvy, can be fatal.

But if you don't have a deficiency, the evidence for boosting your immunity with extra

vitamin C is pretty shaky.

A 2013 review pooled data from 29 studies with more than 10,000 participants and found

that taking extra vitamin C had no effect on the number of colds a person got.

Some studies found that taking extra vitamin C during a cold could shorten it slightly,

but when other studies tested that, the effect wasn't replicated.

Overall, the reviewers didn't recommend taking vitamin C unless you're undergoing

extreme physical stress — like if you're a marathon runner or doing military training

in the subarctic.

So, if you're planning on exploring the frigid tundra Hoth-style, it might be helpful.

But otherwise, don't bother.

The evidence isn't much better for zinc, although there's a lot more controversy about it.

Like with vitamin C, the idea of taking zinc is based on what happens to people with severe deficiencies.

Zinc is an essential component of all kinds of cellular processes, like DNA replication

and cell division.

People with zinc deficiencies have severe immune dysfunction, and many die from infections.

Since too little zinc is so devastating, the idea that more zinc equals more immunity might

seem like a sensible leap.

But a review of the available research, also published in 2013, was lukewarm.

There was no evidence that zinc prevented colds, and the only thing it seemed to do

was make colds shorter, as long as you took it within 24 hours of the first symptoms.

But there are a bunch of reasons to be cautious about that finding.

For one thing, it's really hard to compare the studies on zinc in a scientific way, because

there's no standard formula or dosage.

The earlier version of the review, published in 2007, was withdrawn, and so was the 2015 update.

That's how hard it is to draw conclusions from the research that's been done so far.

And even if it does work, the side effects can be pretty awful.

Many studies suggest taking more than 75 milligrams of zinc every day for effective treatment,

but the Institute of Medicine says the tolerable upper limit is only 40 milligrams a day.

Even at that dose, a lot of people notice a bad taste and get nauseous.

And the nasal sprays have been linked to more than 100 cases of anosmia — the loss of

the ability to smell.

As for the almost unlimited number of herbal supplements, tonics, and teas that promise

to help you dodge or cure colds ... very few of them have been studied extensively.

Not even echinacea, a long-time favorite in the herbal cold and flu arsenal, has science

on its side: a 2014 review found no benefit from anything with echinacea in it.

And that's assuming these supplements actually contain the advertised ingredients.

An investigation of herbal supplements by the New York State Attorney General's office

found that four out of five products didn't contain any of what they listed on the box.

At this point, you're probably wondering if there's anything you can do to prevent

colds or get rid of them more quickly once you have them.

Unfortunately … no.

Not really.

Nasal decongestants, over-the-counter cough medicine, and antihistamines all show little

to no benefit when it comes to decreasing cold duration or severity.

That said, they can still make you feel better by helping with the symptoms.

It's also probably good advice to rest, stay hydrated, and try not to spread your

germs to all your friends and coworkers.

And while you're resting, take comfort in the knowledge that there are researchers out

there working on antiviral drugs and vaccines for the common cold.

They haven't found much yet, but they are trying.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help support this show, you can go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Can Vitamin C and Zinc Help Cure Colds? - Duration: 4:27.


Search Party x Patrón Present: The Citrónage Paloma - Duration: 0:51.

ANNOUNCER: TBS and Patron Tequila

present how to enjoy the second season of "Search Party"


I'm Igor Zukowiec, and I'll show you how

to make the Citronge Paloma.

You will need half an ounce of Patron Citronge orange,

an ounce and a half of Patron Tequila Silver.

Add a pinch of salt and two ounces

of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice.

And then your glass, a highball full of ice.

Add some ice to your shaker.

Now let's shake it.

Once the cocktail is nice and cold, strain it into the glass

and top it off with about two ounces of club soda.

You want to give it a little stir while you are doing it.

Garnish the cocktail with a grapefruit wedge.

This light and the refreshing sparkling tequila cocktail

is as sweet as an innocent bystander.

ANNOUNCER: Brought to you by Patron Tequila.

Simply perfect.

Enjoy responsibly.

For more infomation >> Search Party x Patrón Present: The Citrónage Paloma - Duration: 0:51.


TIMES WE GOT DUMPED #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:36.

From getting told by someone's MOM to broadcasting a breakup to an entire class, the Planet Dolan

crew re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the worst ways people

discovered they were single.

I'm Melissa, and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was Submitted by llamagirl89 Andiemations Andiemations and her boyfriend Adam were together

for two years before Andie had to move.

They kept up their relationship over Skype after that, but one day they both went to

a local event, and Andie's best friend was there as well.

Andie's friend tried to avoid her, but eventually they started chatting.

That's when Adam's little brother came over to them and said, "My big brother's

got a girlfriend!"

Andie pretended not to know and said, "Who's that," to which Andie's friend said, "It's


Apparently, she thought Andie and Adam had broken up already.

Andie gave her friend a death stare and walked over to Adam and slapped him.

After that, they really WERE broken up.

Number 9 was Submitted by Ziphorah14 Ramona When Ramona was in middle school, she was

dating a boy who was very close to his mother.

Ramona helped him get work at the sandwich shop she worked at.

One day he skipped his shift, and Ramona got upset with him.

Two days later, Ramona came over to see him.

When she got there, he told Ramona his mother wanted to see her.

The boy's mother broke up with Ramona for him, because Ramona had gotten upset he skipped


He didn't even have the guts to break up with Ramona himself.

He had his mommy do it for him.

Number 8 was Submitted by theberlin_wall Spincess Spincess had a good relationship with a pretty

nice guy named Tolop.

Tolop was a jokester and loved to pull pranks and go out with his other friends.

They had bonded at a magic show and it's where they had their first date.

Over time, they began growing a little distant, so Tolop recommended another date, something

they hadn't done in a long time.

Time flew by and the performance ended.

Afterwards, Tolop led Spincess up to the stage and held her hand the whole way.

When they got up there he said, "You wanna see a magic trick?"

Spincess replied, "yeah, why not?"

So Tolop touched his finger to her nose and said, "Poof, you're single."

Number 7 was Submitted by arjethebarge Grgak Grgak once dated a girl named Melon.

One day, after they had been dating about 3 months, Melon was hanging out at Grgak's


Grgak went to use the restroom, but when he was in the middle of peeing, Melon unlocked

the bathroom door with a bobby pin.

She came up behind Grgak, pinched the tip of his penis, and starting yelling at him

for cheating on her with a girl named Mandie.

After that, she stormed out and slashed the tires on Grgak's mom's car.

Melon later found out that "Mandie" was Grgak's older sister, who had recently moved


She apologized, but after that stunt, Grgak wanted nothing more to do with her.

Number 6 was Submitted by RoseShadedGlasses Snewpee

Snewpee joined the Army to pay off her student loans, because she wanted to open a bakery

together with her fiancé of 7 years.

During boot camp, Snewpee was able to call get one phone call home.

In that call, her fiancé flat out told Snewpee that her stuff was going into storage and

he had found someone else.

When Snewpee asked who she was, he said, "it's not a she, it's a HE and you don't know him!"

Snewpee had been with him since high school and all through college, and had no idea.

Number 5 was Submitted by josephjojo5 SpinalPalm SpinalPalm was holding hands with his girlfriend

Princess Proton, when suddenly she said she needed to go to the bathroom.

SpinalPalm said ok, and thought nothing of it.

About 5 minutes later, he saw her sitting under a tree, holding hands with his best

friend SaltySquid.

SpinalPalm walked over to that tree to say something, but nothing came out.

While he was trying to find the words, Princess Proton said, "Go away, SpinalPalm," and walked


SpinalPalm stood there, alone under that tree, completely stunned.

He still thinks about what he could have done differently, but can't think of anything.

He doesn't talk to Princess Proton or SaltySquid anymore.

Number 4 was Submitted by Oranges_lie2 Mimi_up

One day, Mimi had to go to Florida for a business trip, and she decided to go to the hotel pool.

The only other person there was a woman on her phone.

After she hung up, Mimi and the woman started talking.

The woman was on the phone with her husband, so she talked about him and got out a picture

of her husband and her two kids.

Mimi saw her boyfriend in that picture.

She asked the woman about her husband's phone number, and it matched the number of

Mimi's boyfriend.

Mimi had been dating him for five years – the same amount of time the woman had been married

to him.

They called him together to tell him that Mimi was breaking up with him and his wife

was throwing him out of the house.

After that, Mimi and her ex-boyfriend's wife became good friends.

Number 3 was Submitted by CaTastrophy427 Pandora

When Pandora was teaching a 10th-grade class, she had her laptop connected to a projector

for an essay.

Pandora started texting with her boyfriend, but didn't realize her texts were showing

up on the computer screen.

Her boyfriend said he wanted to talk about something, and Pandora said she wanted to

see when they could meet his family to talk about getting married.

The text message she got back said, "I have found that I prefer your sister, and that

she likes me, and so we've been fucking for a few weeks, sorry.

But hey, we'll still see each other sometimes for dinner, so... that's nice, right?"

Pandora still didn't realize the entire class was reading the exchange until someone

said, "OH.



That had to hurt SO MUCH.

And that timing?


How unfortunate.

Miss Brown must be SO embarrassed."

Pandora was already holding back tears when she looked up at the projector screen, cursed

VERY loudly, and ran out of the room crying.

Number 2 was Submitted by LivingMarshmallow Gooby

While in college, Gooby got to date the boy she had the BIGGEST crush on in high school.

But one day he just stopped texting and calling her.

After a few days, Gooby went on Facebook and saw he had changed his relationship status

and was with another girl.

About a month later, Gooby was having Chinese food with some friends when her ex walked

into the store.

Gooby was upset but decided to calmly ask why he stopped talking to her.

Apparently it was because the other girl he was seeing told him the baby was his.

He said he wanted to be a good dad and didn't want the child to grow up in a broken home.

Gooby felt like she dodged a bullet there.

Number 1 – What's the worst way I found


I was single?

For more infomation >> TIMES WE GOT DUMPED #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:36.


COTA SA Christmas Message - Duration: 1:48.

It's almost Christmas. It's time for the COTA SA community to stop, to chill,

and to reflect on 2017. A lot's happened in our world this year. Donald Trump took

office, Australia celebrated 50 years of Aboriginal recognition in our

Constitution, the world's population ticked over to 7.5 billion, Prince Harry got

engaged, the crows came so close to a premiership,

and Australians achieved marriage equality. Woohoo. A lot's happened here also

at COTA SA. We welcomed new staff Desmond, Jun, Helen Jayne and Sharmilla,

we launched the Plug-in project, we advocated for new housing options for

older South Australians and for better options for older people in the

workforce, we launched ZestFest and then lit up country SA with the faces

of older people, and we traveled all over South Australia talking to older people

about what matters to them most in the lead-up to next year's State Election, we

expanded our peer education service to include our revitalised Information Access

program, took Strength for Life to water and we talked to older LGBTIQ

people all over South Australia, and we appointed two new board members

Scott Nattrass and Barry Apsey. Thank you for being part about COTA SA community

in 2017. Our office will close from the 22nd of December until the 2nd of January.

In a meantime we hope you get lots of time to do what you love.

Love watching the cricket, going camping, hanging out with family and friends,

making New Year's resolutions, perhaps learning to cook.

On behalf of everyone at COTA SA

we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

For more infomation >> COTA SA Christmas Message - Duration: 1:48.


Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

It's that time again!

I'm getting a haircut later today.

lots of people get them

Sometimes people decide to cut their hair much shorter, and sometimes they just get

a trim, like I am.

Even Squeaks had a little trim when he got a piece of gum stuck his fur, remember, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

But there's something that all haircuts have in common:

They don't hurt!

When you think about it, it might seem kind of weird that they don't.

I mean, if you get a cut on almost any other part of your body, like your finger, it definitely


But when someone cuts your hair, as long as you hold very still, it doesn't hurt at


There's also another place on our bodies that it doesn't hurt to cut, and we do it

all the time.

Can you guess what it is, Squeaks?

[Squeaks guesses]

That's right — our nails!

The reason it doesn't hurt to cut your hair, toenails, or fingernails is that they don't

have nerves inside them.

A nerve is a type of body part you have all over the inside of your body, kind of like

how you have muscles all over.

These nerves have a special job to do: they carry messages between different places in

your body.

Now, you have lots of body parts.

So nerves have lots of jobs.

But one of the biggest jobs nerves have is to help you sense the world around you.

Nerves are the reason you can see, hear, smell, taste … and yes, feel things!

Nerves are a big part of the sense of touch.

Squeaks, can I touch your nose to show how this works?

[Squeaks squeaks]

When you touch something [taps Squeaks on the nose], it brushes up against your skin.

And, like most parts of your body, your skin has nerves in it.

When something touches your skin, it activates, or kind of 'turns on' the nerves.

These nerves can feel all kinds of different things.

Some of them feel whether something is warm or cold.

Others can help us tell if something is smooth or rough.

And there are also some that are in charge of sensing pain.

When I tap Squeaks' nose, some of the nerves in my finger get switched on, and each one

sends a message.

Those messages travel through my hands … up my arm … through a big bundle of nerves

that's in my back … and all the way to my brain!

Then, my brain decodes the messages.

It checks if I've ever touched anything like this before, and combines that with any

other information it can get, like if I can see the thing I'm feeling.

This all happens really fast, which is how I can figure out what I'm touching right

away — Squeaks' nose!

[Squeaks sneezes]

Oh, I'm sorry ! I guess your nose is kinda ticklish, Squeaks!

So, our sense of touch takes more than just our hands.

It also takes our nerves, and our brains, too!

But what about our hair?

Well, try this.

Pat the top of your head.

Just like the skin that's on your fingers, the skin that's under your hair has nerves.

So your fingers can feel the top of your head, and your head can feel your fingers touching


Just like how Squeaks felt my finger with his nose.

Now find the very end of a piece of hair and try squeezing it, without pulling on it at


Your fingers can feel your hair, but your hair can't feel your fingers!

That's because there are no nerves inside your hair.

And as long as you're not pulling on your hair, or moving it around too much, you're

not going to feel a thing.

The same goes for the very ends of your fingernails and toenails.

They don't have nerves in them either.

No nerves means no sense of touch, so they don't feel anything.

And if there's no sense of touch, there's no pain.

So the next time you get a haircut, now you'll know why it doesn't hurt!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yikes, you're right Squeaks — I should go if I don't want to be late for my haircut!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

[♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.


Telecommuting State Workers - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Telecommuting State Workers - Duration: 7:13.


Stopping Elder Abuse - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Stopping Elder Abuse - Duration: 8:29.


NAMORADO/A = AMIGO/A? | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> NAMORADO/A = AMIGO/A? | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 2:03.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

It's that time again!

I'm getting a haircut later today.

lots of people get them

Sometimes people decide to cut their hair much shorter, and sometimes they just get

a trim, like I am.

Even Squeaks had a little trim when he got a piece of gum stuck his fur, remember, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

But there's something that all haircuts have in common:

They don't hurt!

When you think about it, it might seem kind of weird that they don't.

I mean, if you get a cut on almost any other part of your body, like your finger, it definitely


But when someone cuts your hair, as long as you hold very still, it doesn't hurt at


There's also another place on our bodies that it doesn't hurt to cut, and we do it

all the time.

Can you guess what it is, Squeaks?

[Squeaks guesses]

That's right — our nails!

The reason it doesn't hurt to cut your hair, toenails, or fingernails is that they don't

have nerves inside them.

A nerve is a type of body part you have all over the inside of your body, kind of like

how you have muscles all over.

These nerves have a special job to do: they carry messages between different places in

your body.

Now, you have lots of body parts.

So nerves have lots of jobs.

But one of the biggest jobs nerves have is to help you sense the world around you.

Nerves are the reason you can see, hear, smell, taste … and yes, feel things!

Nerves are a big part of the sense of touch.

Squeaks, can I touch your nose to show how this works?

[Squeaks squeaks]

When you touch something [taps Squeaks on the nose], it brushes up against your skin.

And, like most parts of your body, your skin has nerves in it.

When something touches your skin, it activates, or kind of 'turns on' the nerves.

These nerves can feel all kinds of different things.

Some of them feel whether something is warm or cold.

Others can help us tell if something is smooth or rough.

And there are also some that are in charge of sensing pain.

When I tap Squeaks' nose, some of the nerves in my finger get switched on, and each one

sends a message.

Those messages travel through my hands … up my arm … through a big bundle of nerves

that's in my back … and all the way to my brain!

Then, my brain decodes the messages.

It checks if I've ever touched anything like this before, and combines that with any

other information it can get, like if I can see the thing I'm feeling.

This all happens really fast, which is how I can figure out what I'm touching right

away — Squeaks' nose!

[Squeaks sneezes]

Oh, I'm sorry ! I guess your nose is kinda ticklish, Squeaks!

So, our sense of touch takes more than just our hands.

It also takes our nerves, and our brains, too!

But what about our hair?

Well, try this.

Pat the top of your head.

Just like the skin that's on your fingers, the skin that's under your hair has nerves.

So your fingers can feel the top of your head, and your head can feel your fingers touching


Just like how Squeaks felt my finger with his nose.

Now find the very end of a piece of hair and try squeezing it, without pulling on it at


Your fingers can feel your hair, but your hair can't feel your fingers!

That's because there are no nerves inside your hair.

And as long as you're not pulling on your hair, or moving it around too much, you're

not going to feel a thing.

The same goes for the very ends of your fingernails and toenails.

They don't have nerves in them either.

No nerves means no sense of touch, so they don't feel anything.

And if there's no sense of touch, there's no pain.

So the next time you get a haircut, now you'll know why it doesn't hurt!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yikes, you're right Squeaks — I should go if I don't want to be late for my haircut!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

[♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> Why Don't Haircuts Hurt? - Duration: 3:38.


Brandi Carlile on The Secret Sisters 'You Don't Own Me Anymore' - Duration: 0:36.

With the Secret Sisters

the familial connection developed into

fanaticism for me. I became a serious fan.

How would you feel if you got the opportunity to make your favorite band's album?

I've seen them struggle through what they struggled through

and I want to be a part of helping them take back their power.

They're strong women with their own opinions

their own songs

I think they are two of the great singer songwriters of our generation.

For more infomation >> Brandi Carlile on The Secret Sisters 'You Don't Own Me Anymore' - Duration: 0:36.


Cold temps don't stop construction workers - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Cold temps don't stop construction workers - Duration: 2:18.


Don't Panic - Duration: 9:08.


Give me five minutes.

Everything is okay.

Well... Okay-ish.

The FCC repealled Net Neutrality.

We knew this was coming.

We /knew/ this was coming.

We've been preparing [Note: I meant trying to prevent it].

But we... didn't think it would work.

And it didn't.

It's okay.

Time to move to the ne[xt plan].

Find your representatives.

Send them an email, call them, meet with them in person if you can.

Tell them you don't support this; you want them to...

Prevent it, you want them to re-instate it...

I will put links down below, uh, for scripts, if you want to take a look at those, but...

It is okay...ish.

Don't panic.

It's not over yet.


I don't know if this will work for people who are under eighteen.

I don't know how this will work for people who are not registered to vote.

If you are eighteen-- if you are turning 18 before the next election, whenever that is

for your area, please register to vote.


Just look up 'how to register to vote' and then your county.



First step: representative.

Go to

Then, you'll click the menu at the top.

If you're on your phone there will be three bars.

If you're on a computer, I'm not sure, but click- click on whatever the menu button is.

There will be two search bars.

You want to click the second one that says 'find my representative.'

Then in the search bar, type in your zip code.

Some zip codes are...

There's a split in the districts.

So you might have to put in your street address.

That's okay, and that's normal.

I had to do that; it's okay.

They'll tell you who your representative is.

Then there'll be a little tiny envelope, and then there's a little... phone... button...

Depending on what you want to do.

Click one of those.

[If you click the envelope] button, [it'll] give you the, the contact page for that representative.

Then you just tell them something like 'hey, this is my name, I'm a constituent-' a constituent

is, um...

A person who...


Part of...

The population that...

The representative or whoever it is, whoever the leader is, it's who they....

Not are in charge of, but...


So you tell them 'hey, this is my name; I'm a constituent of-' and then your town-, say

something like, 'I don't support what the FCC says.

Please do what you can to...'

[silence caused by a weird upload]

Like I said, I'll put scripts down below.

You'll have to put in your name- you have to put in your legal name.

This is /really/ important.

You need to put in your legal name.

I know it sucks.

I have to use my deadname.

But that's- otherwise your, your voice will not count.

(garbled audio) [You give them] your legal name, they might ask for your prefix.

That's Ms., Mrs., Mr., Dr., that kind of thing.

And then you might have to confirm that you're not a robot.

That's also normal.

You do not have to get newsletters from your representative.

You don't have to click that box.

And then, then you hit send.

Um... You might also have to

specify whether or not you want a response.

That's totally up to you, if you want a response.

Next is your senators.

You have two options here.

(garbled audio)

[It depends on how close] you've kept with politics.

(breathy laugh)

Okay, so option one: go to

And then you will, uh...

(silence from weird upload)

I didn't write it down, I'm sorry, um...

I'm going to have to edit this part.


Alright. Let's go to

So I know what I'm talking about...


At the very top of the page, on

Let me try this again.

I'm going to wave so I can get my attention.

Hello! Yes, hello... Okay.

Then you want to go to

At the very top of the screen is a tab that says find your senators.

You will choose your state from there.

And then it will give you your two senat[ors.]


However, it does not tell you which one is yours; it doesn't...

There's nothing that will help you there [on the site].

I know mine, because I used resistbot; I have in the past, and I continue to use it.

I think this way might work better, but I think you can use resistbot anyway.

But if you want to go the long way, that is totally okay.

And here is...


And I'll explain how to use resistbot in a minute.

So that's option one.

Option two is to just go to google and search- sorry, um...

Weird things are popping up on my screen.


Or you can just go to google and look up 'who is my senator' and then your state [I meant

zip code].

And that should help you.

Or you can go to your state website, that could also give you this information-ation.

And you- and you'll- you can choose contact us, they should have a contact page on,

uh, they also have an e-mail you can email them that way, just...

Be vocal.

That is the key right now: be vocal.

Hope is not lost.

It is okay.

Don't panic yet.

Focus on preventing this.

We can get through this.

Even if you are under eighteen, your voice might matter [to your reps].

If I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me below; that's totally okay.

If you want to contact them, feel free.

Worst case scenario, it doesn't do anything.

Best case scenario, your opinion matters.

Um, it might matter more if you're going to be eighteen before the next election, or specifically,

when they're up for re-election, so you might want to specify that.

You know, say, you know, 'I'm,' you know, 'I'm sixteen, but I'm...

I turn eighteen before the next re-elect-- for your next election.'

So that your voice would matter.

It will be okay.

I know there's a lot of panic going around right now.

It will be okay.

You are not alone.

There are people who love you, even if they're only on the internet.

You are loved.

You are not alone.

None of us are alone.

We will get through this.

You will get through this.

I have faith in us.

Good luck, and...

Get crackin'!

For more infomation >> Don't Panic - Duration: 9:08.


Can Vitamin C and Zinc Help Cure Colds? - Duration: 4:27.

Nobody enjoys the aches, cough, and stuffy nose that comes with a cold, so it's no

surprise that we spend a ton of money on over-the-counter symptom relief — $3 billion a year in the

US alone.

And you've probably heard all sorts of tips and tricks to keep from getting sick: Drink

some OJ for the vitamin C. Or spray some zinc into your nose.

But it turns out that none of those popular cure-alls actually work.

Take vitamin C, for example.

It rose to fame as a cold-busting immuno-booster in 1970 when Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus

Pauling published a book promoting what he called "megadoses" of vitamin C.

Since he was so famous, the idea that vitamin C could cure colds spread quickly, even though

it wasn't backed by solid science or the medical community.

It's not hard to see why he was so enamored with vitamin C — it's involved in a ton

of biological processes, including regulating how your genes are expressed.

It's so important that most animals synthesize it on their own; we humans are in the minority,

because we don't have that ability and have to get it from our diet.

Now a vitamin C deficiency does decrease your ability to fight off some infections, and

the most severe form, scurvy, can be fatal.

But if you don't have a deficiency, the evidence for boosting your immunity with extra

vitamin C is pretty shaky.

A 2013 review pooled data from 29 studies with more than 10,000 participants and found

that taking extra vitamin C had no effect on the number of colds a person got.

Some studies found that taking extra vitamin C during a cold could shorten it slightly,

but when other studies tested that, the effect wasn't replicated.

Overall, the reviewers didn't recommend taking vitamin C unless you're undergoing

extreme physical stress — like if you're a marathon runner or doing military training

in the subarctic.

So, if you're planning on exploring the frigid tundra Hoth-style, it might be helpful.

But otherwise, don't bother.

The evidence isn't much better for zinc, although there's a lot more controversy about it.

Like with vitamin C, the idea of taking zinc is based on what happens to people with severe deficiencies.

Zinc is an essential component of all kinds of cellular processes, like DNA replication

and cell division.

People with zinc deficiencies have severe immune dysfunction, and many die from infections.

Since too little zinc is so devastating, the idea that more zinc equals more immunity might

seem like a sensible leap.

But a review of the available research, also published in 2013, was lukewarm.

There was no evidence that zinc prevented colds, and the only thing it seemed to do

was make colds shorter, as long as you took it within 24 hours of the first symptoms.

But there are a bunch of reasons to be cautious about that finding.

For one thing, it's really hard to compare the studies on zinc in a scientific way, because

there's no standard formula or dosage.

The earlier version of the review, published in 2007, was withdrawn, and so was the 2015 update.

That's how hard it is to draw conclusions from the research that's been done so far.

And even if it does work, the side effects can be pretty awful.

Many studies suggest taking more than 75 milligrams of zinc every day for effective treatment,

but the Institute of Medicine says the tolerable upper limit is only 40 milligrams a day.

Even at that dose, a lot of people notice a bad taste and get nauseous.

And the nasal sprays have been linked to more than 100 cases of anosmia — the loss of

the ability to smell.

As for the almost unlimited number of herbal supplements, tonics, and teas that promise

to help you dodge or cure colds ... very few of them have been studied extensively.

Not even echinacea, a long-time favorite in the herbal cold and flu arsenal, has science

on its side: a 2014 review found no benefit from anything with echinacea in it.

And that's assuming these supplements actually contain the advertised ingredients.

An investigation of herbal supplements by the New York State Attorney General's office

found that four out of five products didn't contain any of what they listed on the box.

At this point, you're probably wondering if there's anything you can do to prevent

colds or get rid of them more quickly once you have them.

Unfortunately … no.

Not really.

Nasal decongestants, over-the-counter cough medicine, and antihistamines all show little

to no benefit when it comes to decreasing cold duration or severity.

That said, they can still make you feel better by helping with the symptoms.

It's also probably good advice to rest, stay hydrated, and try not to spread your

germs to all your friends and coworkers.

And while you're resting, take comfort in the knowledge that there are researchers out

there working on antiviral drugs and vaccines for the common cold.

They haven't found much yet, but they are trying.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help support this show, you can go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Can Vitamin C and Zinc Help Cure Colds? - Duration: 4:27.


HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV… RECOUNT NOW!! [Video] - Duration: 4:00.

HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV…


Doug Jones pulled off an upset victory in Alabama on Tuesday, but things may not be

quite what they seem.

For one, Roy Moore faced an unprecedented amount of negative coverage from the leftstream

media, who made it their personal mission to ensure he wasn't elected.

If that wasn't bad enough, multiple women waited over 40 years for their moment to accuse

Moore of indecencies from years ago, which happened pretty much as soon as he won the

primary and was set to take on Democrat Jones, not so coincidentally.

But while those were already massive hurdles for the Moore campaign to overcome, now we're

learning of fraud that may have been committed to get Jones over the finish line.

In fact, one of his campaign workers admitted to committing fraud on live television in

the hours after the election.


Watch the shocking video:

"Why are you excited to see this victory," the unidentified campaign worker was asked.

That's when he makes an admission that should trigger a full investigation into this election.

"Because we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship,

and all of us pitched in to vote and canvass together, and we got our boy elected!"

It's that line right there that poses a serious problem.

It's highly, highly illegal for people to vote in a state not their own, and if it's

discovered that Jones pulled off a win due to out-of-state voters flooding Alabama, then

election would be overturned and Moore would take the victory.

It's worth noting that Jones won the black vote by an overwhelming majority.

Interestingly enough, blacks from Mississippi and other neighboring states were being encouraged

by Democrat operatives to go to Alabama and vote in their election, we previously reported.

From Big League Politics:

Democratic activists are making a last-minute push to get out the vote against Roy Moore

in Alabama by encouraging "African-Americans in Mississippi" to vote in the wrong state.

Sources on the ground in Alabama confirm that these tactics are real, and they are being

used by supporters of Democrat Doug Jones.

Big League Politics received evidence of a Reddit call for "African-Americans in Mississippi"

to "make a short trip to Alabama on December 12."

That Reddit thread is still active.

Similar calls have been made on Reddit for African-Americans in other nearby states,

including Georgia and Tennessee.

That's not to mention, Democrats were abusing a new law that allows felons to vote by sending

out operatives to register them and naturally tell them to vote for the Democrat.

Worse yet, another form of election tampering was reported by

A woman by the name of Perman Hardy was using her SUV to round up black people and compel

them to vote for Jones.

Coercing people to vote and offering them free things to do so a certain way (the ride

down there) are also against election laws in this country.

The worst part is that you know Hardy wasn't the only one subverting the election process

in Alabama.

Meanwhile, the vote tally in Jefferson County, which only went to Obama by around 50 percent,

is also raising serious questions after Jones received nearly 70 percent of the vote.

Following the election, Moore told his supporters that his campaign isn't going to concede,

and they want to possibly pursue a recount.

That doesn't seem like a bad idea after seeing what actually happened in the state.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> HOLY HELL: Jones Campaign Worker Admits To MASSIVE FRAUD ON LIVE TV… RECOUNT NOW!! [Video] - Duration: 4:00.


Using Screening to Create a Feedback Loop - Duration: 1:55.

So I got Christina here doing a little step up

with a little ankle mobility activity.

Now, I've got the band wrapped around her,

so Christina go ahead and go forward.

So she goes forward, and what the band is doing

is making sure her foot, her ankle, her knee, and her hip

are all in a good position.

I don't really have the cue her what to do.

The band is doing it for me.

She's reacting and responding.

So she goes forward keeping that heel down

by the band pulling her in.

She's got to get that-- kick that knee out,

puts the foot in a good position.

Now, after she does four or five I

can transition her into a little step up.

So go and step up.

Again, the band is doing the same thing.

I want to try to eliminate a lot of the cuing

so she can automatically react and respond and let everything

up the kinetic chain do what it needs to do.

So again, with that band pulling her in her foot

grabs the ground, gets that ankle, knee, and hip all

in a good position as she does our step up.

Now here's what I'm going to do next.

I want to show you why I think this exercise is

so important for her.

So now the reason I was doing that step up with Christina

is because she got a one on the hurdle step.

Now the one on the hurdle step means

she's got a problem with single leg stance.

Now I was able to look at the entire Movement Screen

to rule out certain mobility restrictions

and certain other things that I don't need to worry about.

That's the point of the Movement Screen.

Now I use the Motor Control Screen

to really gauge or give me a little bit better idea of where

that limitation is.

Now I looked at ankle mobility.

Ankle mobility looked pretty good.

So ankle mobility wasn't the problem

because that could be a reason why she's got poor single leg


So we checked the right, checked the left,

and this gives me an idea that or told me

that she was more limited on the left when

she did this, which is why I was doing that step up.

Now here's the thing.

I do the step up.

I come back.

I look at this baseline that we got from the initial test

to see if we had some improvements.

If that exercise I showed you didn't give her

any improvements with the Motor Control

Screen or the forward reach, then I try something different.

But I saw some improvements, so I know I'm on the right track.

For more infomation >> Using Screening to Create a Feedback Loop - Duration: 1:55.


How to Not Get SUED When Dropshipping (w/ Aliexpress & Shopify) - Duration: 8:19.

Hey, guys.

So today, I'm gonna talk about how to protect yourself from being sued when dropshipping.

This wasn't a question I was planning to answer but we've recently had a flood of comments

and emails from people asking those questions so I knew I had to address it.

So here are the questions that I'm gonna be answering in this video.

One, will you be sued if you use AliExpress product images that suppliers have publicly


Two, how can you stop yourself from being sued for using copyright images?

Three, can you sell products from AliExpress that have trademarks on them?

So to find out the answers for these and how to stop yourself from being sued, keep watching

this video.

One, will you be sued if you use AliExpress product images?

I'm gonna preface this with the fact that I am not a lawyer but my answer to this is

no, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm gonna be honest.

I find this question quite surprising because it's quite common knowledge that China is

the country of piracy and knock-offs, yet people ask me this question all the time.

Piracy and knock-offs are rampant in China.

Pirated movies, games, and music are sold very publicly on the streets, even though

it's technically illegal, which is why I guess I'm a little bit surprised that people are

concerned that Chinese suppliers are gonna pursue you in court for using their product


But I also understand because the thought of getting sued is scary so it makes sense

that you would want to double check.

I can tell you now, I am 99.9% certain that not only would a supplier not pursue you in

court but that they would view you using their images as a smart thing.

You see, in China, they have a very different cultural attitude towards piracy.

It's because in the West, we strongly value the rights of the individual.

In China, they do not.

And in China, the idea that just one person should financially benefit from something

that can be so easily and cheaply copied and distributed to the masses is crazy.

And I want to be clear, I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with these ideas.

I'm just explaining how things are different in China.

So when an AliExpress manufacturer posts photos of the products they are selling on their

listing, they won't have the same reaction as we would have in the West because those

images are so easy to be copied and reused.

Instead, they'll be happy that you're using them to sell more of their products because,

of course, it makes them more money.

And consider this, take the self-stir mug as an example.

If we head over to AliExpress, guess what we will find?

We'll find that the manufacturers are stealing images from each other.

The same images are used by different manufacturers to promote their own version of this product.

And more importantly, all of these suppliers are just manufacturing their own copy of this


Who even knows who was the original manufacturer and creator of the mug?

And the same goes for the images, who knows who was the first manufacturer to take the

common stock images for this mug?

It's impossible to know.

If the original creator in China was going to be suing anyone, they would be suing the

manufacturing companies that are reusing them that are based in China, not some random person

who lives halfway around the world.

But the fact is is that they're not going to even sue their local manufacturing companies

because their cultural attitudes towards intellectual property are entirely different to ours.

So no, I don't think you need to be worried that you're going to get sued for reusing

their images on your store but I am not a legal expert, I need to state that.

If you're still worried, my recommendation to you would be to simply message the supplier

and ask them if they are okay with you reusing their images.

I've never met a supplier that would say no but it's always nice to get their confirmation.

Two, how can I avoid being sued for copyright images?

In China, they may not care if you reuse images that originated there but in the West, it

is an entirely different story.

I've had multiple friends that have been sued for making this mistake.

I had one friend that got sent a bill for $10,000 for accidentally using copyright images.

Interestingly enough, the lawsuit didn't actually go through because it was for one of my friends

that was based here in New Zealand and here in New Zealand, the laws surrounding copyright

damages are very different.

Here, to claim damages of $10,000, you need to actually show that you lost $10,000 by

someone illegally using your images.

My friend was not making any money off the images.

It wasn't a commercial website.

When they realized that he was broke and had no money, they just dropped the lawsuit and

he took the images done.

And no, they hadn't sent him a takedown notice.

It's a common misconception that you can skirt the law and just take down the images when

you get sent a notice.

No, they don't have to send you that.

They are perfectly within their rights to just immediately sue you.

But it was a good reminder that small websites that aren't even making any money yet can

still be sued for copyright infringement.

If my friend had been living in the USA, then that lawsuit would have gone very differently.

He got very lucky.

So don't think that because you don't have a super successful site yet that you're not

going to get sued.

You still need to make sure that you're following copyright laws.

An easy way to stop yourself from being sued for copyright is to use images that you're

allowed to use and an easy way to find them is with Google Images.

On Google Images, click Settings and then click Advanced Search.

Type in what you want to search for and then just scroll down to usage rights and select

free to use, share or modify, even commercially.

You'll be surprised at how many images you find that you're allowed to use.

Three, can I sell AliExpress products that have trademarks?

I'm gonna preface this again with the fact that I'm not a lawyer but no, no, no, no,


You cannot sell items that are trademarked.

I know that I've probably confused some of my viewers because of the video I created,

"How to Dropship from AliExpress."

In that video, I highlight a store from a friend of mine called World of Harry.

It is a WooCommerce dropshipping store that dropships Harry Potter items from AliExpress.

Now the reason why I highlighted the store wasn't because I recommend dropshipping trademarked

Harry Potter items like he is doing.

It's because that website has a ton of SEO done to it and it's getting lots of organic,

free traffic from Google.

I was using it as a case study for how you can optimize your own stores for the Google

search engine.

In that video, I say two things.

Firstly, I say that that store is very well optimized for Google but secondly, I also

state that I do not recommend selling trademarked products.

Dropshipping trademarked products is a risky business because it's highly illegal.

I'll tell you now, I have a friend that told me a story about how his dropshipping business

almost ended in disaster when he first started it.

He was dropshipping products from China that were counterfeit and illegal but he was naive.

He assumed that because the manufacturers were selling hundreds to thousands of these

every week that it must have been legit and that they had every right to do so.

Well, he discovered that that was not the case one day when the Feds came knocking at

his door.

So he opened it and found that it was the Feds who had come to talk to him about how

he was illegally selling counterfeit items.

Now, like my friend earlier, he also got lucky and managed to avoid any serious legal action

or jail time but it could have so easily gone the other way.

So do not sell anything that is branded with a trademark.

You might think that because the self-stir mug with Harry Potter on it is selling 200

units a week that the manufacturer must have the right to do so but they don't so don't

sell it.

Instead, sell this generic self-stir mug that has no trademarks or logos on it.

There are so many cool, generic products to dropship on AliExpress so don't get lazy and

start selling trademarked products even though they can be very easy money.

So there we go, guys.

I hope you found this video helpful.

If you liked it, I'd appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up and subscribed to us here

at Wholesale Ted for more great videos about selling online.

And if you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments section below.

Admittedly, here at Wholesale Ted, we do get a lot of questions but we do our very best

to answer as many as we can.

And if you would like to start your own dropshipping business but you don't know how, then you

should be sure to download our free eBook, "How to Make $10,000 a Month Online with Dropshipping."

You'll find a link on how to download this incredible, life-changing eBook in the video

description below.

For more infomation >> How to Not Get SUED When Dropshipping (w/ Aliexpress & Shopify) - Duration: 8:19.


COOL NEW YOUTUBE FEATURE: Community Posts!! - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> COOL NEW YOUTUBE FEATURE: Community Posts!! - Duration: 5:44.


Kid Hilariously Steals Baby Jesus From Manger During Live Nativity Scene - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Kid Hilariously Steals Baby Jesus From Manger During Live Nativity Scene - Duration: 0:51.


New Music Video Cookie Celebration - Duration: 0:21.

hey guys i put out a video today

you should go check it out on the youtube

the song is called Don't Go Through My Phone benji: don't go thru my phone

thru my photos or my texts yes

ash: we're celebrating with cookies

spin it up


For more infomation >> New Music Video Cookie Celebration - Duration: 0:21.


JUST IN! Anti Trump Host Tavis Smiley SUSPENDED! – The Reason Is 'Classic Liberal' - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> JUST IN! Anti Trump Host Tavis Smiley SUSPENDED! – The Reason Is 'Classic Liberal' - Duration: 3:18.


SportSquare – Carnival's Most Expansive Outdoor Recreation Area | Carnival Cruise Line - Duration: 0:25.

[vibrant electric guitars and drums]

For more infomation >> SportSquare – Carnival's Most Expansive Outdoor Recreation Area | Carnival Cruise Line - Duration: 0:25.


Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things - Duration: 4:59.

Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things

by Arina

Undoubtedly, often many of us remain discouraged in our lives because of some shoddy and impure

habits of ours.

And, the most unfortunate part of the story is that in spite of knowing the high extent

of deteriorating effects of such practices, we usually find it hard to avoid them!!

Well, no doubt, such degrading habits, and wrongful thoughts sometimes take us to an

extreme level of immorality and atrocity.

But, you should take every possible stride to let the Satan turn out to be unsuccessful

in making you think that you can�t gain victory over your negative thoughts and habits.

However, you can�t even ignore the fact that we all are being overtaken by various

common temptations over the time.

But, in Christ, it is genuinely possible to win over the destructive power of sin.

Just practice these wonderful approaches in your life, follow God, keep faith on him.

Replace the Secret Pictures in Your Mind There remains a certain mass of impure thoughts

in everyone�s mind irrespective of their inherent attributes.

And, when your mind gets tempted then you are more likely to revive these pictures and

finally start focusing on them.

So, you ought to make appropriate attempts to superimpose God�s image over them and

thus you would definitely attain freedom over the influence of such evil pictures.

You should gracefully rejoice that he died for freeing you from impurity!

Sign a Pact with Your Eyes One of the foremost approaches to protect

your mind from any kind of impulsive or negative feeling is nothing but having a complete control

over your eyes.

If you become successful in yielding a control of your eyes towards God then he would definitely

teach you the way how you should see others like the way he believes in seeing them.

So, whenever you get influenced by any temptation to sin against someone whom you don�t like

then ask God to let you get rid of all such wicked feelings and grace you to see the person

as he does.

Try to Win the Battle A battle against the delusive powers to protect

your soul is far more complicated and dreary than any physical or psychological struggle.

It�s because this battle is a spiritual one against the hazardous forms of evils!!

In such a scenario, most of the time our natural inclinations betray us.

So, when God wants you to motivate yourself in terms of grace and knowledge while allowing

you to face the pressure in your mind then do follow him.

On doing this you�ll definitely be able to avoid the clash.

Expel the Hidden Ways to Defeat In the scripture it is stated that �Put

ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts


If there is any sort of provision for the flesh then it proves your likeliness to fail

and actually invites you towards temptation.

It would provide a wide array of tempting possibilities for your mind, excite your emotions

and thus it will defeat the will.

Moreover, Bible suggests us not to walk in the way of evil to completely avoid it.

So, you need to remove the things from your life that Satan usually uses for defeating


If you choose to expel these sources of impure temptations from your life then you can easily

avoid entering into the path of evil.

Know How to Live in the Fear of God This saying in the Bible which states that

�by the fear of LORD men depart from evil� (Proverb 16:6) makes a huge sense.

One of the foremost approaches to have a fear of God always is nothing but a continuous

awareness that God is watching everything and evaluating our every word, action, thoughts,

and attitude.

So, if you bear such a thought in your mind all the time then it would finally let you

get rid of all kinds of impure thoughts.

Realize that Victory Over Impurity is Possible So, by now, you must have understood that

to remain away from all kinds of negativity in life requires huge determination and an

unending believe in GOD.

So, in future, if you ever think that a devil in you is more likely to take the toll then

just start following these aforementioned holy routes of living.

And, I am sure you would definitely end up leading a positive and happy life ahead!

For more infomation >> Know How To Secure Your Soul From Impure Things - Duration: 4:59.


December Holidays around the World: A Special English Vocabulary Lesson - Duration: 11:56.

Hello everyone! it's Jennifer here with a very special lesson.

I love the December holidays. I always feel like there's a bit of magic in the air.

Something that makes the holiday special is tradition.

Each culture has its own way of celebrating holidays like Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Personally, I enjoy learning about traditions around the world. I bet you do too.

That's why I got a couple of friends together to talk about different holiday traditions.

I think you'll recognize my friends.

Emma of mmmEnglish is from Australia, and Vicki of Simple English Videos is from the UK.

The three of us would like to share different traditions that make the December holidays special for us.

Christmas just wouldn't feel the same without a Christmas tree.

I live in Massachusetts, and here in New England it's easy to find a Christmas tree farm.

Many people buy a real evergreen tree every year.

Other families like mine have an artificial tree.

My children and I start decorating for the holidays in early December.

We put on music, we put up the tree, and then we decorate it with ornaments, lights, and candy canes.

The days are short, so we get to enjoy the Christmas tree lights in the evening.

The really magical moment is Christmas morning, when we find gifts from Santa Claus under the tree

and in our stockings that are hanging from the mantle of our fireplace.

Let's go over some key vocabulary

Real and artificial are opposites when we're talking about Christmas trees.

A real tree grows in the forest or on a tree farm.

An artificial tree comes in a box, so you have to assemble it.

"Put on" is a phrasal verb. If you put on music, you cause it to be heard.

Let's put some music on.

Let's put on some holiday music.

"Put up" is another phrasal verb. When you put up a tree, you erect or build it.

When are we going to put the tree up?

Did you put your tree up already?

Stockings at one point were regular old socks, but today they've become much larger and decorative.

Kids like big Christmas stockings because they can hold more treats from Santa.

When are we going to hang the stockings? Did you hang up your stockings already?

This is the mantle. As you can see it's like a shelf above the fireplace.

People often place photos, clocks, and knickknacks on the mantel.

At Christmas time, it's where the stockings are hung.

Oh, that's interesting!

In England we usually hang our stockings on the end of our beds,

so we can start opening our presents the moment we wake up.

But let me tell you about my Christmas day.

I get up early on Christmas morning to make some stuffing.

I mix up sage - that's a herb,

breadcrumbs, and onions.

And that sticky stuff I'm adding is peanut butter.

Our dog loves it!

This mixture is called stuffing because we stuff the turkey with it - put it inside.

Turkey is a very traditional English Christmas dish, and it takes a long time to cook.

But that's good because I have a lot of other stuff to do.

There's more food to prepare, and the family are coming, so I need to get everything ready for the meal.

When the turkey is cooked, Jay takes it out of the oven and it looks great,

so everyone congratulates him.

Great job, Jay!

And Vicky, of course.

Do you remember what I put inside the turkey?

It was stuffing. If you stuff something, then you fill it.

So you saw me stuffing the turkey with stuffing.

Filling it with the mixture.

But "stuff" has other meanings, too.

It's an informal word that we use a lot in spoken English.

Sometimes it means substance.

So for example that peanut butter was sticky stuff.

"Stuff" is a very vague a nonspecific word.

We use it if the name of something isn't important, or if we don't know the name.

So if you want to know what a substance is called, you can ask, "What's that stuff?"

We also use stuff to talk about actions and jobs. And again, it's nonspecific.

So when I said I had stuff to do, I meant jobs.

But I didn't say what jobs exactly. It was just a group of different things.

One more "stuff" word?

After we've eaten a big British Christmas dinner, we feel stuffed.

"I'm stuffed" is an informal expression, and it means full of food.

Okay, that's enough stuff about Christmas.

Let's go to Emma and find out about New Year in Australia.

While Christmas time is about family and food,

New Year's Eve is about letting your hair down and celebrating with friends.

We reflect on the year that's finished, and we wish each other luck and good fortune for the year to come.

Here in Australia it's summertime,

so our New Year celebrations are usually outside...

at the park,

at the beach, on a boat, or at someone's house.

We're usually drinking champagne or other alcoholic drinks,

and everyone is excited and in a festive mood.

Around New Year's Eve you'll hear this question a lot:

What are your New Year's resolutions?

At the start of a new year, we make promises about

how we're going to do better for ourselves in the following year.

we promised ourselves that we'll

exercise more or lose weight or learn a new language or any other skill.

But to be completely honest, most of these resolutions...

they get broken within the first month of the year.

Of course, the highlight of New Year's Eve is the countdown to midnight, when the year officially changes.

During the final 10 seconds of the year, we count down from 10 to 1 out loud

at the top of our lungs, and then we call out,

"Happy New Year!"

and hug everyone around us whether you know them or not.

And of course, that's when the fireworks begin.

Okay, let's take a closer look at the vocabulary that I used.

I said "to let your hair down."

Now this expression is used when you want to relax and enjoy yourself

and behave much more freely than usual.

I also said "a festive mood."

And we use this word "festive" to describe someone's feelings when they're happy and excited because they're

celebrating something special

like Christmas or

New Year's Eve or Thanksgiving or even a birthday.

Oh, what about a New Year's resolution?

Aresolution is a promise to do or not to do something to try and improve yourself

There are a few collocations that you need to remember when you're using

"resolutions." Verbs that are usually used with this noun,

like make, have, keep, and break.

Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

If you do, share them in the comments.

Do you usually make New Year's resolutions?

I don't keep any of my New Year's resolutions.

I usually break all of my resolutions by the end of January. I'm a hopeless.

I also use the noun "highlight,"

which means the best part. The highlight of the night is the best part of the night.

I mentioned the countdown.

But I also used the phrasal verb "to countdown" and that means to wait for something to happen.

When you're watching the clock and you're waiting, waiting, waiting for something to happen, you're counting down the minutes

until something exciting happens.

The countdown is a compound noun and it looks different. The two words are together.

And finally, "at the top of our lungs." And this just means, well, this is an idiom,

and it just means as loudly as you can possibly say something: at the top of your lungs.

Happy holidays and happy studies, everyone

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Happy New Year!

Make sure you subscribe to all our channels, so you don't miss any of our videos.

For more infomation >> December Holidays around the World: A Special English Vocabulary Lesson - Duration: 11:56.


BREAKING NEWS! Liverpool reportedly agree stunning £37m deal for Real Madrid superstar Mateo kovacic - Duration: 2:28.

what's the story liverpool weathered a heavy storm over the summer to keep hold

of their brazilian magician Philippe Coutinho but Barcelona are expected to

redouble their efforts come the January transfer window with the Catalans

captain Andres Iniesta coming out and saying he would be an

important reinforcement in January Liverpool too seemed to be resigned to

the inevitable with this in mind they have already identified and if reports

in the Daily Star are to be believed verbally agreed terms with Real Madrid

superstar Matteo kavacha a key squad player for the European champions the 37

million pounds rated Croat is obviously unhappy with his role and is pushing for

more gametime ahead of the 2018 World Cup in case you didn't know while the

casual fan will wonder why and the how Liverpool would think of kavacha as a

plausible replacement for someone of the caliber of Coutinho the more experienced

fans will know that before he left for Madrid kavacha was the creative hub of

Inter Milan and his dribbling creativity and vision on the ball is vastly

underrated by the majority of casual observers who Jurgen Klopp of course is

far from that ended German seems to have been impressed by what kavacha can bring

to the Merseyside table the heart of a matter Kevon kicks ability to run with

the ball only Lionel Messi had more successful dribbles last season La Liga

would add an extra dimension to the Liverpool midfield while giving it more

balance considering the CRO adds excellent positioning sense and his

defensive diligence authors take kavacha it would be an excellent addition to the

Liverpool first 11 and even if Coutinho were to leave his absence might not be

felt as hard as many Liverpudlians fear kavacha quality on the ball and his

immense dribbling ability would add a whole new dimension to the midfield and

his defensive positioning may protect their shaky back for too

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS! Liverpool reportedly agree stunning £37m deal for Real Madrid superstar Mateo kovacic - Duration: 2:28.


SportSquare – Carnival's Most Expansive Outdoor Recreation Area | Carnival (with audio description) - Duration: 0:46.

This video opens with a sign introducing SPORTSQUARE,

Carnival's colorful, fun-packed outdoor fitness

and recreation area, featuring:

SkyCourt, a lighted multi-purpose space

for basketball, volleyball and soccer;

and SkyCourse, an exciting obstacle course

where thrill-seeking guests, in safety harnesses,

travel across rope bridges, swinging steps,

and beams suspended above the ship's top deck.

Now, active young women make their way through

the aerial rope course, while below,

families enjoy playing miniature golf.

A woman uses an elliptical machine.

A man shoots a basketball into a hoop.

A mom shows her smiling young boy how to hold a cue stick,

at an outdoor pool table, with a view of the sea.

A couple plays paddleboard.

And a young girl high-fives her bother and dad...

at SportSquare!

For more infomation >> SportSquare – Carnival's Most Expansive Outdoor Recreation Area | Carnival (with audio description) - Duration: 0:46.


Thumbs Up T-Shirt and Sticker Contest Winners REVEALED! - Duration: 4:56.

Good evening Everyone! I'm Steve with Steve's POV!

It's been 1 week since I announced the #ThumbsUp contest...

The winners need to be subscribed and need to have left a #thumbsup in the comments.

I will now choose the lucky 3 winners!

This site is called "Youtube Random Comment Picker"

This is the video we are referring too...

Free Gift Pack for Subscribers Thumbs Up!

Japanese English pronunciation!! LOL

I will run the video URL through this site 3 times to choose 3 different people randomly.

I will announce those 3 names now!

I will leave a "CONGRATULATIONS" comment reply to the winners #thumbsup comment.

I then need to hear from the winners in order to coordinate shipping.

Please email me directly:

Lets get to this now!

Its evening and I am partaking in some red wine as we reveal the winners!

Here is the URL input...

Here comes winner #1...

Let's go!!

There were so many comments left on the video!!

I guess I gotta click START now!

Congratulations to winner #1 - OTAKE NAKANISHI

"#THUMBSUP I really want a Thumbs Up T-shirt badly!!!!!!!!!"

Congratulations again!!

Let's get to winner #2!

How do I read this name....???

Ryo Mura Kami ???

"I really like your shirts! I want to wear one and drive my car!"

Ryo Murakami ?

However it is read... Congratulations!

Just 1 winner remaining...



Mr/Mrs SNZT !

"#ThumbsUp I like the way Thumbs Up sounds!"

You are 100% right Mr. SNZT !

It just doesn't sound good but it actually means something good too!!

Be positive and make every day the best it can be!!

Attention to the 3 lucky winners: Please choose which of the 3 shirts you like!

Then send me an email with your information, name, etc....

I will ship out to you immediately!

Thanks for participating everyone!

I would like to do even more contests like this in the future!

The Thumbs Up line of shirts and stickers are available at the website below.

Feel free to check out the website anytime.

I have a lot of great content on the way too!!

Finally, I will be at the Tokyo Auto Salon in January and look forward to seeing you there too!

See you next time!

Thumbs Up!

For more infomation >> Thumbs Up T-Shirt and Sticker Contest Winners REVEALED! - Duration: 4:56.


Altered Bag Tutorial and the NEW Designs by Shellie Easy Read Ruler - Duration: 7:30.

Altered Paper Bags. Altered Paper Gift Bags.

Altered Paper Bag tutorial using Designs by Shellie Tranquil Gardens Scrapbook Paper Collection.

Paper Crafting ideas using lunch bags.

Loaded envelope ideas. Loaded bag ideas.

Loaded envelope tutorial and ideas.

Loaded bag tutorial and ideas

For more infomation >> Altered Bag Tutorial and the NEW Designs by Shellie Easy Read Ruler - Duration: 7:30.


Real Life Jurassic Park Coming Soon - Scientific Discovery - Duration: 4:28.

Is Jurassic Park about to come true?

Are we about to resurrect dinosaurs?

Hello and welcome back to Inform Overload.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about some eerily similar circumstance

taking place in real life that strongly reflect what happened in Jurassic Park.

Before we get stuck into this video, I just want to remind all of you to leave our video

with a thumbs up and of course please do leave us a comment with your thoughts on dinosaurs

at the end.

Also, if you like this video, I have a feeling that you will love our new channel, Life's

Biggest Questions.

It deals with all kinds of historical debates, as well as politics and the odd trending question.

I'll leave a link to that in the description box below.

You know how the whole plot of Jurassic Park Pretty much centres on the discovery of a

mosquito trapped in amber with dinosaur blood in its system?

And then the scientists extract the mosquito and clone the dinosaurs..right?


Well in eerily similar circumstances, scientists have foud a 100 million year old piece of

amber with a tick in it.

Guess what that Tick's last meal was….

This tick is being dubbed the Dracula Tick and it had bloated up to eight times its usual

size as it filled with up on dinosaur blood.

Inside another piece of ancient Burmese amber, another tick was found still holding on to

a dinosaur feather from 99 million years ago.

While in the movies, scientists are able to successfully extract the blood from the mosquito

to recreate the dinosaurs, in real life, scientists are struggling to remove any complete DNA

from the blood.

This is because the molecules have deteriorated over time…which is understandable considering

the blood is 100 million years old.

100 million….

Can you even imagine what the earth looked like then?

Humans have only been around for 200,000 years!

What is crazy too, is that the tick's found in the ancient amber look pretty similar to

what we know today.

It is insane to think of ticks surviving in some way or another all this time.

The oldest pieces of amber we know of are around 300,000 years, so who knows what we

may find fossilized in the future!

Perhaps the next parasitic creature we free from amber will have less deteriorated blood

in it, meaning we might be able to get a full DNA match for a dinosaur.

Seeing their fossils is one thing, but imagine a world where a real life Jurassic park existed

and you could walk amongst the dinosaurs?

Would that be awesome, or scary?

Would we be playing god if we made that kind of thing happen?

Is it ethical?

What do you think?

Let me know in the comments section down below.

That is all I have on this story for you, before I go, I just want to read a few comments

about my video yesterday about Nasa making a huge announcement …

Ready to Watch said : I've always wanted to go to space but now I want to go to space

even more!?

I agree…which would you rather though – Dinosaurs on earth, or space travel?

Absentmindedprof said : If aliens see you Rebecca, they will definitely come here….

Then they put a thumbs up, a smile and a beer emoji…and I feel like the succession of

those three emojis is an accurate portray of what I have to offer the aliens!

Denise Thompson said : Rebecca!!

:) Aliens are all around us!

Love your song!


Aliens are around us…I thought Christmas was all around us!

Thanks for watching, I am your host Rebecca Felgate….

So, it is my last day in the studio before Christmas and the New Year!

Charlotte will be back tomorrow and will be with you up until Christmas.

If you want to see more of me, you can check out my social media, links are in the description

box, and of course you can catch me regularly on Life's biggest questions and Most Amazing

Top 10…and my own channel, where I am making Harry Potter videos every day up until Christmas…maybe

next year I'll make jurrassic park videos…because dinosaurs are cool…shout out to my friend

Jack Ewins who worked on the last Jurassic Park Movie and is working on the new one,



If you want to continue watching IO, check out our videos about the Dear David Ghost

and the original NASS announcement video!

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