Friday, December 15, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 15 2017

Hey Geeks, it's Andrea and today we are going to take a look inside the life of one

radiant woman.

Geeks of History

With the partition of Poland at the end of the 18th century, its lands were distributed

among Russia, Austria and Prussia.The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ceased to exist as an independent


At the turn of the century, Napoleon gained power in France and turned his sights outward.

This naturally made Europe nervous and helped France's long standing rival, Great Britain,

gather allies against France once more.

This became the War of the Fourth Coalition.

You would think fourth time's the charm, right?

Eh, not so much.

Napoleon claimed victory once again in 1807, and in doing so gained nearly half of Prussian

territories with the help of Poland.

This included Warsaw, or Warszawa, which he made into an independent state, the Duchy

of Warsaw.

Lead by his ally, of course.

Even though Russia technically lost in the war too, they were late to the party and were

left mostly unscathed.

Because of this, they never joined Napoleon's trade blockade towards Great Britain, so in

an attempt to force them to join, Napoleon marched towards Russia again.

Of course, the official reason given was much more noble than that.

They were pegging it as an effort to protect Polish lands from Russian influence.

So, this created some hope of a fully reunified Poland.

Unfortunately, this turned out to be the infamous land war against Russia that Napoleon lost.

The Russian lands are vast and the campaign stretched into the winter.

The French army had to play whack-a-mole as the Russians kept retreating further and further,

bleeding the invading army slowly.

Once Napoleon finally retreated, his army was in shambles.

Russia pushed back and took the Duchy of Warsaw for itself.

Once again, Poland was under external rule.

Russian was made the official state language to be taught in schools, pushing Polish into

the background.

After failed uprisings in 1831 and 1864, Russification intensified, going so far as to even ban the

use of Polish in public places in 1864.

And in this tumultuous time, on November 7th, 1867 Maria Sklodowska was born, the fifth

child in a family of Polish nationals, patriots of a nation that hadn't existed for over

70 years.

Her parents had lost a lot due to their families' involvement in the failed uprisings, but that

didn't keep them from raising Maria with the same sense of patriotism.

Both of Maria's parents were teachers, her father an instructor of mathematics and physics.

This instilled a curiosity and the thirst for knowledge in her at an early age.

After Russian authorities eliminated lab work from Polish schools, Maria's father brought

his lab equipment home and taught his children how to use it.

Once she was old enough, Miss Sklodowska had her eyes set on university with a dream of

becoming a scientist.

The only problem was, she was not allowed to attend the all-male University of Warsaw.

Luckily for her, Warsaw had a secret "Flying University."

Sadly this doesn't mean the university defies gravity, but it did something equally amazing.

Polish professors secretly offered classes in their homes to Polish women, who otherwise

were not allowed into college.

These night classes changed locations to keep their chances of getting caught by the czar's

police as low as possible.

She learned everything she possibly could from the underground university, but Maria

and her sister Bronya dreamed of more.

Their dream was to travel abroad to earn their official degrees.

This naturally carried a hefty cost, so they came to an agreement.

Maria would first work to send money to Bronya while she achieved her degree and afterwards,

Bronya would support Maria through hers.

Maria was hired by an owner of a beet-sugar factory as a governess to educate his children,

but was able to do so much more than just educate his children.

During some of her free time, he allowed her to teach the children of his workers how to


Today this sounds like a very simple thing, but if the Russian authorities had found out

that she was teaching poor Polish children how to read, she could have faced severe punishment.

When she wasn't educating the Polish youth and had some free time, she studied books

on chemistry, math, and physics.

Inspired by Maria's efforts with the children, a chemist at the beet-sugar factory gave her

lessons in secret.

Russian authorities had forbidden Polish people to teach sciences, so he was taking a great

personal risk.

After the first three years of Bronya's education, Maria's father became financially

stable enough to send money to Bronya in Paris every month.

This relieved a heavy burden from Maria's shoulders and allowed her to spend more time


Although she still continued to work as a governess and tutor children, she also studied

chemistry in secret at a Museum.

This museum was a front to a lab used to educate and train Polish scientists.

After several years and hard work, her dreams finally came true in 1891, when she finally

made it to Paris.

As soon as she arrived, she dove right in and enrolled at the Sorbonne University.

Marie devoted all of her free time to her studies.

After paying for her tuition, she had just enough money to rent a small room in an attic

that was freezing during winter and scorching during summer.

During winters, she couldn't afford to heat the room, so she wore all of her clothes to

keep warm.

Her diet consisted solely of buttered bread and tea.

Being so engrossed in her studies, she often forgot to eat entirely.

Despite all of this, she was ecstatic to be studying under some of the world's greatest

scientists of the time.

Coming from Poland, where she couldn't get an official education, her classmates were

better prepared initially.

Not many people are as determined and driven as Miss Marie Sklodowska though.

She completed two master's degrees, one in math and one in physics, in just three


Marie did such an amazing job in her studies that she even earned a scholarship for her


After receiving her masters in 1894, she was commissioned to investigate the magnetic properties

of different steels.

So, naturally she had to find a lab to work in.

Marie was introduced to French physicist Pierre Curie by a colleague because he just so happened

to have a lab that she could use.

You would think that a man with the title Laboratory Chief at the Paris Municipal School

of Industrial Physics and Chemistry would have an amazing state of the art lab, but

you would be wrong.

His lab was less than modest, but it was a lab that she could work in.

It also had the added bonus of containing one Mister Curie.

The relationship between these two great minds began to grow.

On July 26, 1895, the couple married.

After giving birth to their first daughter in 1897, Marie set out to do something no

woman had done before.

She wanted to get a doctorate in science.

When trying to decide what to dedicate her research to, she landed on continuing work

done by a German physicist a couple years prior.

Wilhelm Roentgen had discovered rays that could travel through both solid wood and flesh.

A few months after he discovered this, a French physicist by the name of Henri Becquerel further

added to his research.

Discovering that minerals containing uranium also gave off these rays.

Scientists really took to the concept of Roentgen's X-rays, but didn't pay too much attention

to Becquerel's.

Simply because they saw it as a weaker version of what Roentgen already discovered.

This didn't hold Marie back, though.

Marie became determined to study uranium rays further.

Almost nothing was known on the subject, so she was paving new ground.

She began her work in a storage room at the school that Pierre was a professor at, the

Paris Municipal School.

It wasn't quite the lab she needed, but she always made due with what she had.

She made many discoveries quickly.

Science begins and ends with measurements, so first she had to find a way to measure

these rays.

Roentgen and Becquerel before her had used photosensitive plates to obtain images, but

there was no good way to quantify the results for different samples since they were for

all intents and purposes, pictures.

Instead, Marie used a version of the electrometer developed by Pierre and his brother 15 years


She found that the air exposed to uranium rays became electrically charged, which the

instrument could pick up and quantify.

She quickly confirmed Becquerel's findings that the rays were constant no matter if the

uranium was solid, pulverized, wet or dry, or exposed to light or heat.

Like the French scientist before her, in compounds she saw that the more uranium there was in

the compound, the stronger the rays became.

The only factor was the amount of uranium present.

Her big breakthrough came when she hypothesized that the rays were a property of the uranium

atom itself.

This was a groundbreaking idea at the time.

The word atom comes from Greece and it means undividable.

At that time, scientists didn't know about elementary particles.

To them, atoms were the smallest units of matter.

How could the atom itself emit anything if it was unable to divide?

Even Marie and Pierre were not fully convinced by their own hypothesis with alternative thoughts

in mind.

Like what if the Earth was bathed in cosmic rays that some atoms could absorb and then

later emit as radiation?

Marie started testing the conductivity of air around all the known elements that she

could get her hands on.

Many chemists came to her aid, donating elements from their supplies.

By April 1898 she had only found one other element with such a property – thorium.

She could only conclude that her hypothesis had been true, that the rays were a property

of the uranium and thorium atoms.

She dubbed this property radioactivity.

Soon after, she discovered that the mineral pitchblende, which contains a lot of uranium,

was giving off more radioactivity than the uranium inside of it could be emitting and

there was no thorium present to account for it either.

So she logically came to the conclusion that pitchblende had to contain another element

even more radioactive than either uranium or thorium.

A completely unknown element.

Pierre was so excited that she was discovering a whole new element all together, so he dropped

the study he was doing on crystals and began to work side by side with his wife.

With the Curie couple working together, they could isolate this new element faster.

Pitchblende is now better known as uraninite.

It is packed full of uranium goodness, but can also contain many other chemical elements,

so it made discovering exactly which element was causing this radioactivity a difficult


Difficult, but not impossible.

The Curies discovered that there were actually two previously unknown elements within the

chunk of pitchblende.

One that they named polonium after her homeland of Poland and another that they named radium,

which is the Latin word for ray.

In order to prove their discovery to their peers, they needed to produce more polonium

and radium.

That just wasn't going to happen working in a tiny storage room, so they began to work

in an abandoned shed.

Once they were able to share their discoveries, scientists were fascinated by radium.

The radium gave off heat and light and even damaged human flesh with a long exposure.

Even if all you knew about radiation before this point was from playing Fallout, you probably

know radiation to be a dangerous thing.

We know this today, but at the time Marie never believed that radiation was harmful.

The signs were there in her own health, but she was too close to see it and perhaps maybe

a bit unwilling to believe.

The Curies were given a better lab and they worked hard extracting the radioactive materials

for potential medical uses, but there were other products as well.

They had glow in the dark paint, watches, and more.

While their hard work lined the pockets of those providing them a lab, they were not

personally growing wealthy.

They both had to take more teaching jobs to help pay their bills.

In 1903, after giving her doctoral thesis on radioactivity, Marie Curie became the first

woman to receive a doctorate in France.

Not only did she become the first woman to get a doctorate in France.

In that same year she also became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for this work.

Alongside her husband, Pierre, and Henri Becquerel, of course.

This landed them fame, their place in history, and the ability to pay their bills.

Pierre was promoted at the Sorbonne and Marie was even hired at the school as laboratory


On April 19th, 1906, tragedy fell on the Curie family.

One morning when walking from the lab to the library, Pierre slipped on a wet street and

fell in front of a horse-drawn wagon.

The wheel crushed his head and he died instantly.

Marie was crushed by her grief and was now left to raise her children alone.

Through her pain, she knew she had to continue to do her research, so she went back to work

the day after Pierre's funeral.

Soon after, the Sorbonne gave her the opportunity to be its first female professor.

This meant taking Pierre's former position.

Over the next several years, she continued to work on radioactivity.

She even opened a Radium Institute and headed a laboratory dedicated to radioactivity.

In 1911, one of Pierre's top students, Paul Langevin, had fallen in love with Marie.

Although he was unhappy in his marriage for reasons that didn't involve her, the press

accused her of being a homewrecker.

Newspapers released offensive articles about her as a foreigner breaking up a marriage

and she even once had a mob in front of her house when returning home with her two young


Through all of this, she continued to work hard and in the same year became the first

person to win a second Nobel Prize.

This time in Chemistry for discovering radium and polonium.

Although she was given this award alone, she also accepted it on behalf of her late-husband

when giving her acceptance speech in Sweden.

After returning from Sweden, she began to have kidney problems and fell into a deep


She didn't return to work again until late 1912.

At this point she dedicated her life to the Radium Institute.

After the institute was completed in 1914, many things changed.

In August, Germany invaded France.

Naturally, almost all of her staff enlisted to help aid France in the war.

Although this put a halt to the research, Marie found a way for her research to help


X-rays could easily be used to help save lives.

If a field doctor had access to them, they could find bullets and other shrapnel or even

just get an image of broken bones to see what they are working with.

That lead to an issue though, how could they get the x-ray machines to the front lines

where they needed to be?

Marie convinced wealthy people to donate cars so they could turn them into mobile x-ray


She was able to deploy 20 mobile x-ray machines that were referred to as "Little Curies,"

as well as 200 stationary ones.

Marie and her teenage daughter Irene worked for over a year in x-ray stations.

During this time, she developed another way for radioactivity to aid in healing.

They prepared tiny glass tubes with radon, a radioactive gas, at the Radium Institute.

Doctors would then insert these tubes into patients in locations with diseased tissue,

so the tissue would then be destroyed.

For the rest of Marie's life, she continued to do research on radioactivity, but most

of her focus was dedicated to the Radium institute.

Marie Curie died on July 4th, 1934 of aplastic anemia.

This is a blood disease caused by prolonged exposure to radiation.

Marie was known to carry test tubes of radium around in the pocket of her lab coat and obviously

worked with radioactive materials for many years.

After her death, she was buried next to Pierre.

In 1995, decades after her death, Marie and Pierre Curie's remains were interred into

the Panthéon in Paris.

The Panthéon is the final resting place of many of France's greatest minds.

Marie was the first woman to be laid to rest there.

There are at least 86 people there today, although some only symbolically.

As of today, there are only 4 woman entombed.

Although she had passed away many years prior, Marie still became a trailblazer for women

one last time.

Alright Geeks, that's gonna do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

I hope you enjoy this new series, it's something we are very excited about.

I want to thank my pal Emkinator for taking part in this with me.

If you have had an x-ray for a broken bone or anything else feel free to share in the


We would love to hear your story.

Also let us know what other historical events or people you are interested in.If you like

what you saw here, do me a favor and subscribe, like, and leave a comment below.

Alright Geeks, I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> The Life of Marie Curie - Geeks of History #1 - Duration: 16:02.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:47.


A Christmas Story Live: Cele...

For more infomation >> A Christmas Story Live: Cele...


Metal detector in Japan. Coins and jewelry. - Duration: 15:39.

-Hi Guys, how are you?



-Today we are in a very dense forest...

-With many bamboos.

-You can see here.

-I hope...

-We find something cool.


-We'll find it, i'm hopeful.

-So let's go?

-Let's go


-Whoever is already subscribed to the channel...

-Activate the bell.

-To always have new video...

-You receive notification.

-And whoever is not subscribed to the channel yet...

-Subscribe to the channel.

-And do not forget to give us your like.

-For us.


-It is signaling coin.

-Guys, it is signaling coin.

-Will an old coin appear?

-It will be?

-I hope so.

-I'll be very happy.

-At this time, there is much expectation.

-So much.

-Let's find something cool?

-Let me see.

-Look, it's a coin.

-Is it a coin?

-Look there.

-Really guys, is a coin!

-Is not a "square" coin.


-It seems to be old.

-Yeah, it seems to be old.

-Let's clean it up a bit.

-To have a better image to see.

-Let's clean with water to see better.

-Just finding it is cool.


-It was not this time.

-Not an old coin.

-I can see here.

-Number 10.

-10 Yen.


-But it's a good sign.

-Already found a coin.

-We'll clean better later.

-But we know that it is 10 yen.

-But it's cool.

-Is not that it?




-Is not it?

-You found ?


-Look, it's a little button.

-Yeah a button.


-Cool, it seems to be old.

-I don't know if it's detailed.


-Looks like no details.


-But only later to see better.

-Was it just the button?

-I'll look if there's nothing left.

-Cool, seems to be old.

-Yes, seems to be old.

-So cool.

-I had seen something different.

-Your eyes are very good.

-Very good.

-There is nothing else.

-Guys, look how nice...

-What we found here in the middle of the woods.

-Looks like ishigaki.

-Show here.

-This ishigaki...

-They are the old Japanese constructions

-It is possible that...

-There was some house...

-Or village around here.

-Is signaling here.

-Maybe a coin.

-Or can.

-Someone made a campfire here in the woods.

-And there are some wires.

-But this singnal...

-Is coin or can.




-Wow is a coin.

-This coin is?

-Looks like 10 yen.

-Is 10 yen.


-Let's see if there's no more.

-We have another signal here.

-Here, is not it?


-Is not.


-What is this?

-Wow, I thought it was a coin.

-What is this?

-Is not a button?

-Looks like a button.

-Is a button.




-Look how magnificent it is.

-What do you think?

-That the tree broke that stone...

-And it grew?

-Or the tree was in the middle of the rock...

-There was already a crack, and it grew?

-Nature is very mysterious.

-Another coin?


-Look, a coin!

-A little coin.

-This is old.


-Is old.

-Yes, look this size.

-Dude, this is really old.

-What coin is this?


-It's very light.

-Well, after...

-We will clean it to know the model.

-Very nice.

-But it really is an old coin.

-Yes, is old sure.

-Is not ichi(1) yen.

-This is smaller.

-This is too small.

-Yeah guys.

-An old coin.


-I loved it.

-Well guys, is this...

-After a full day in the woods.

-We decided to come here at night.

-At where?

-On the beach.

-On the beach!

-The beach is cool at night...

-Because there are not many people.

-So we can stay carefree.

-And make a hunt without worry.

-Let's see what we'll find?

-Let's go?

-Here it is signaling.

-Will it be a coin?

At the beach...

-We do not expect to find historical items.

-It's more coins and jewels.

-Shined here.





-What is this?


-Holy crap...

-So beautiful...

-It's a pendant!

-Yes a pendant.


-Very beautiful.

-It is very beautiful.

-Is in good condition.

-Is there something written in the corner?

-Is that the light is disturbing...

-Can not see.

-We will see later.

-On the other side?

-Wow, it's beautiful guys!

-Really beautiful.

-We will see later...

-If it's gold or silver.

-Look guys.

-A cool find on the beach.

-We started well.


-Guys i'm wearing headphones.

-You will not hear the detector signal.

-Because there are some houses...

-And some hotels here in front of the beach.

-And to not make noise and bother...

-I'll be wearing the headset.



-What is this?!

-Wow, what is this?

-It's a spatula.

-Really a spatula.

-Look what's on the beach.

-Look guys.

-A spatula.

-Is not this used to open oyster?

-Or something like that?

-People use it for this.

-A spatula...


-Do you want to use it?

-No thank you.

-We will see.

-What will it be?

-Did not i withdraw?




-Is a ring!

-Really a ring!

-A ring guys.

-Is a ring sure?



-Cool ring, but is not gold ring.

-Can be silver?

-It does not look like silver.

-It's kind of dark.

-But can silver be dark?

-Silver can be dark.

-This ring looks like a junk jewelry.

-After, we look for something written here.

-Now i can not see if there's anything written.

-But is a ring guys.

-Yes, look here.

-There just is not the gem here.

-I believe that's the way it is.

-Is that so?

- I think so.


-It is the design of the ring.


-We already found a pendant...

-And now a ring.

-Very cool.

-Only one watch is missing, one Rolex.



-Cool find.



-It's signaling here...

-Look at the size of the hole I've dug.

-Finally found.

-What will be?


-Detects too deep guys.

-Very deep.

-What, I already took out is the stone?

-Was it the stone?

-I threw it together, look here.

-What is this?

-Look, what is this?

-It's a lighter.


-A lighter.

-It's too old.

-It seems to be a long time here.

-It's too slim.

-Yeah, look this.

-Is cool.

-Dude but look at the depth.

-Really detects too deep.

-Very nice.

-It was taken?

-It's very cold here.

-What is this other ring?


-Other ring!


-Wow guys.


-This is an alliance.

-Is written...

-You and Me.

-Only that.

-And inside?

-I'll see, wait a little.

-It's so cold today.


-I do not see anything written.

-You can not see?


-But it seems to be an alliance.

-Yes an alliance.

-It shines a lot.

-Is in good condition.

-Is beautiful.


-We cleaned here to see better...

-There is nothing written.

-But by the conditions ...

-I believe it's gold-plated.

-Because it was deep down, look at the hole there.

-At home we will check it out better.

-Bu i believe it's gold-plated.


-But nice find.

-Well, is this guys.

-Today, all day we hunt.

-During the day...

-We were in the middle of the forest.

-Then we decided to come...

-To the beach at night.

-And the hunt was very fun with the findings.

-Guys, i hope you enjoyed.

-So give us your like.

-Share with friends.

-You are not yet subscribed to the channel...

-And are watching this video, subscribe.

-Activate the bell.

-Until the next video.


For more infomation >> Metal detector in Japan. Coins and jewelry. - Duration: 15:39.


Gemma Galgani non si arrende e fa una sorpresa a… | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani non si arrende e fa una sorpresa a… | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:53.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 18 dicembre: sospeso per la pausa natalizia? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 18 dicembre: sospeso per la pausa natalizia? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:46.


E-Fuel-Aktivitäten des Landes entwickeln - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> E-Fuel-Aktivitäten des Landes entwickeln - Duration: 1:51.


Enviar Correio e recebi correio | Send Mail and received mail | メールと受信メールを送信します。 - Duration: 5:24.

Hello Fifi. "Hello". Let's go to the dance club? "Cool".

Today I'm going to make a video on the rain, I've been rolling all morning Now I'm going to be late again,

the sound will be outside because it will not I have a way to record with the direct sound from camera to camera

I also have to go to the take a letter to HellishRider, I have already received

a letter from OrangeRiderAlgarve, which I'll show you now at the end of this video. Let's go.

When it's raining I do not wear gloves.

I would like to go and send the HellisRider now but it's a lot

late to go to work, for I'll go to the night maybe. 9 00:02:28,544 --> 00:02:33,509 A letter from OrangeRiderAlgarve I've been reading, now just to

showing, 3 cards, very spinning, You can see here if you want.

know, and 1, 2, 3, one for my collection, sent this letter as well.

I do not know if they want to use it. Oh no, it's all burning.

I have to go work with them. friends, well, but you know

How is it, just one person to do? a video and why it deserves it

a LIKE because I know it's a lot of work the person

takes the time to do so, and sure you deserve the LIKE.

Now I'm going to grab Moto and go to the post send the letter from HellishRider, today also in the game of the Dragon (Antas),

so it should be a complicated the transitite, and above all To rain, let's go.

Very good to come here, do it now there SUBSCRIBE, and LIKE. Thanks.

For more infomation >> Enviar Correio e recebi correio | Send Mail and received mail | メールと受信メールを送信します。 - Duration: 5:24.


L'Eredità, Fabrizio Frizzi e Carlo Conti insieme per una puntata speciale - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> L'Eredità, Fabrizio Frizzi e Carlo Conti insieme per una puntata speciale - Duration: 3:54.


Uomini e Donne, il gesto d'amore di Gemma per Giorgio - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, il gesto d'amore di Gemma per Giorgio - Duration: 2:58.


Kiko Nalli e Floriana Secondi stanno insieme? - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Kiko Nalli e Floriana Secondi stanno insieme? - Duration: 2:52.


Luca Onestini: dedica e reazione al bacio con Ivana Mrazova - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Luca Onestini: dedica e reazione al bacio con Ivana Mrazova - Duration: 1:07.


LMC Style 450 E - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> LMC Style 450 E - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 220d AMG LINE Technology pakket, Comand navigatie, LED-verlichting, Pa - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 220d AMG LINE Technology pakket, Comand navigatie, LED-verlichting, Pa - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68PK ALLURE NAVIGATIE CLIMATE CONTROL - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68PK ALLURE NAVIGATIE CLIMATE CONTROL - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Première VOUWDAK CAMERA KEYLESS - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Première VOUWDAK CAMERA KEYLESS - Duration: 0:42.


Elica di Prua e Joystick - [Nautica in Pillole] - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Elica di Prua e Joystick - [Nautica in Pillole] - Duration: 3:35.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Allure - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Allure - Duration: 0:53.


Grande Fratello Vip, Giulia e Ivana hanno litigato? Ecco la verità - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, Giulia e Ivana hanno litigato? Ecco la verità - Duration: 4:04.


Aida Yespica cornuta al GF Vip: Geppy l'ha tradita con un'ex di Uomini e Donne - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Aida Yespica cornuta al GF Vip: Geppy l'ha tradita con un'ex di Uomini e Donne - Duration: 1:28.


Chat with the Chancellor - Dec. 15, 2018 - Duration: 3:17.

[Intro Music]

I am Dr. Bruce Leslie the Chancellor of the Alamo Colleges.

Tonight is the first night of Hannukah and of course, we're well into entire Christmas

and holiday season so on behalf on the entire Alamo Colleges family, we wish you a wonderful

holiday and a joyous new year.

I'm standing in front of the Ray Ellison Family Center at Palo Alto College to acknowledge

a new grant that I'll talk about in a second, but before I do that I wanted to mention our

holiday e-cards . We, each year, we've been doing this for about ten years now, we have

a competition for students to submit electronic holiday cards with a different theme every

year and the top three winners receive an Alamo Colleges District scholarship.

We love this exercise.

Students have a great time with it and of course, this is what we send out to the community

and all of our friends and partners to celebrate the holiday season.

So, congratulations to Jeanette Serrano-Mendoza, Brad Villa and Karla De La Cruz for their

festive E-Cards to wish our community a happy holiday season.

You go on to our YouTube site and look at each of the three cards and I want to congratulate

the other students who submitted their candidations as well.

We love going through all the cards and selecting the ones we want to show off, but they're

all so much fun, and I know the students have a great time.

And of course, our faculty help support the students in this exercise.

Palo Alto College received a child care grant.

It's a half-million dollar project awarded to the college from the U.S. Department of

Education's Child Care Access Means Parents In School or CCAMPIS Program.

This will help twenty limited-income student parents to become a parent scholar for the

daycare program so that they have one less issue to worry about at Palo Alto College

as they're completing their degrees and certificates.

So, congratulations to the team at PAC for submitting this winning proposal.

And also, tonight is the, excuse me, Friday is the annual graduation for St. Philip's


St. Philip's, as you know, is the only college in our district that has a December graduation.

About 650 students will be graduating the end of the semester, which is a little bit

more than last year which is also a good thing.

And also, the San Antonio Police Department which is one of the nation's largest police

departments is holding their graduation at the Watson Fine Arts Center at St. Philip's

College as well, so we'll be having these two graduations going on this week.

Again thank you for joining the Chancellor's Video Blog.

Have a wonderful holiday season.

God Bless.

For more infomation >> Chat with the Chancellor - Dec. 15, 2018 - Duration: 3:17.


Filippa Lagerback su Daniele Bossari: io la causa del male - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Filippa Lagerback su Daniele Bossari: io la causa del male - Duration: 4:26.


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ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП НА YOUTUBE? / Марьяна Ро M | R Ольга Бузова - Duration: 7:26.

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Volvo V60 T5 245pk Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:01.

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Renault Clio 1.5 dCi Intens (R-Link/PDC/16") - Duration: 1:00.

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Volvo XC60 T5 245pk R-Design - Panoramadak - AUT - Duration: 0:59.

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For more infomation >> Tax reform: Economic growth takes care of a lot of things, Sen. Cassidy says - Duration: 2:37.


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For more infomation >> Sopa Pho de ternera - Beef Pho Noodle Soup Recipe (Pho Bo) - Duration: 9:05.


Fêtes de fin d'année - MélanieDeaf - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Fêtes de fin d'année - MélanieDeaf - Duration: 4:40.


The Life of Marie Curie - Geeks of History #1 - Duration: 16:02.

Hey Geeks, it's Andrea and today we are going to take a look inside the life of one

radiant woman.

Geeks of History

With the partition of Poland at the end of the 18th century, its lands were distributed

among Russia, Austria and Prussia.The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ceased to exist as an independent


At the turn of the century, Napoleon gained power in France and turned his sights outward.

This naturally made Europe nervous and helped France's long standing rival, Great Britain,

gather allies against France once more.

This became the War of the Fourth Coalition.

You would think fourth time's the charm, right?

Eh, not so much.

Napoleon claimed victory once again in 1807, and in doing so gained nearly half of Prussian

territories with the help of Poland.

This included Warsaw, or Warszawa, which he made into an independent state, the Duchy

of Warsaw.

Lead by his ally, of course.

Even though Russia technically lost in the war too, they were late to the party and were

left mostly unscathed.

Because of this, they never joined Napoleon's trade blockade towards Great Britain, so in

an attempt to force them to join, Napoleon marched towards Russia again.

Of course, the official reason given was much more noble than that.

They were pegging it as an effort to protect Polish lands from Russian influence.

So, this created some hope of a fully reunified Poland.

Unfortunately, this turned out to be the infamous land war against Russia that Napoleon lost.

The Russian lands are vast and the campaign stretched into the winter.

The French army had to play whack-a-mole as the Russians kept retreating further and further,

bleeding the invading army slowly.

Once Napoleon finally retreated, his army was in shambles.

Russia pushed back and took the Duchy of Warsaw for itself.

Once again, Poland was under external rule.

Russian was made the official state language to be taught in schools, pushing Polish into

the background.

After failed uprisings in 1831 and 1864, Russification intensified, going so far as to even ban the

use of Polish in public places in 1864.

And in this tumultuous time, on November 7th, 1867 Maria Sklodowska was born, the fifth

child in a family of Polish nationals, patriots of a nation that hadn't existed for over

70 years.

Her parents had lost a lot due to their families' involvement in the failed uprisings, but that

didn't keep them from raising Maria with the same sense of patriotism.

Both of Maria's parents were teachers, her father an instructor of mathematics and physics.

This instilled a curiosity and the thirst for knowledge in her at an early age.

After Russian authorities eliminated lab work from Polish schools, Maria's father brought

his lab equipment home and taught his children how to use it.

Once she was old enough, Miss Sklodowska had her eyes set on university with a dream of

becoming a scientist.

The only problem was, she was not allowed to attend the all-male University of Warsaw.

Luckily for her, Warsaw had a secret "Flying University."

Sadly this doesn't mean the university defies gravity, but it did something equally amazing.

Polish professors secretly offered classes in their homes to Polish women, who otherwise

were not allowed into college.

These night classes changed locations to keep their chances of getting caught by the czar's

police as low as possible.

She learned everything she possibly could from the underground university, but Maria

and her sister Bronya dreamed of more.

Their dream was to travel abroad to earn their official degrees.

This naturally carried a hefty cost, so they came to an agreement.

Maria would first work to send money to Bronya while she achieved her degree and afterwards,

Bronya would support Maria through hers.

Maria was hired by an owner of a beet-sugar factory as a governess to educate his children,

but was able to do so much more than just educate his children.

During some of her free time, he allowed her to teach the children of his workers how to


Today this sounds like a very simple thing, but if the Russian authorities had found out

that she was teaching poor Polish children how to read, she could have faced severe punishment.

When she wasn't educating the Polish youth and had some free time, she studied books

on chemistry, math, and physics.

Inspired by Maria's efforts with the children, a chemist at the beet-sugar factory gave her

lessons in secret.

Russian authorities had forbidden Polish people to teach sciences, so he was taking a great

personal risk.

After the first three years of Bronya's education, Maria's father became financially

stable enough to send money to Bronya in Paris every month.

This relieved a heavy burden from Maria's shoulders and allowed her to spend more time


Although she still continued to work as a governess and tutor children, she also studied

chemistry in secret at a Museum.

This museum was a front to a lab used to educate and train Polish scientists.

After several years and hard work, her dreams finally came true in 1891, when she finally

made it to Paris.

As soon as she arrived, she dove right in and enrolled at the Sorbonne University.

Marie devoted all of her free time to her studies.

After paying for her tuition, she had just enough money to rent a small room in an attic

that was freezing during winter and scorching during summer.

During winters, she couldn't afford to heat the room, so she wore all of her clothes to

keep warm.

Her diet consisted solely of buttered bread and tea.

Being so engrossed in her studies, she often forgot to eat entirely.

Despite all of this, she was ecstatic to be studying under some of the world's greatest

scientists of the time.

Coming from Poland, where she couldn't get an official education, her classmates were

better prepared initially.

Not many people are as determined and driven as Miss Marie Sklodowska though.

She completed two master's degrees, one in math and one in physics, in just three


Marie did such an amazing job in her studies that she even earned a scholarship for her


After receiving her masters in 1894, she was commissioned to investigate the magnetic properties

of different steels.

So, naturally she had to find a lab to work in.

Marie was introduced to French physicist Pierre Curie by a colleague because he just so happened

to have a lab that she could use.

You would think that a man with the title Laboratory Chief at the Paris Municipal School

of Industrial Physics and Chemistry would have an amazing state of the art lab, but

you would be wrong.

His lab was less than modest, but it was a lab that she could work in.

It also had the added bonus of containing one Mister Curie.

The relationship between these two great minds began to grow.

On July 26, 1895, the couple married.

After giving birth to their first daughter in 1897, Marie set out to do something no

woman had done before.

She wanted to get a doctorate in science.

When trying to decide what to dedicate her research to, she landed on continuing work

done by a German physicist a couple years prior.

Wilhelm Roentgen had discovered rays that could travel through both solid wood and flesh.

A few months after he discovered this, a French physicist by the name of Henri Becquerel further

added to his research.

Discovering that minerals containing uranium also gave off these rays.

Scientists really took to the concept of Roentgen's X-rays, but didn't pay too much attention

to Becquerel's.

Simply because they saw it as a weaker version of what Roentgen already discovered.

This didn't hold Marie back, though.

Marie became determined to study uranium rays further.

Almost nothing was known on the subject, so she was paving new ground.

She began her work in a storage room at the school that Pierre was a professor at, the

Paris Municipal School.

It wasn't quite the lab she needed, but she always made due with what she had.

She made many discoveries quickly.

Science begins and ends with measurements, so first she had to find a way to measure

these rays.

Roentgen and Becquerel before her had used photosensitive plates to obtain images, but

there was no good way to quantify the results for different samples since they were for

all intents and purposes, pictures.

Instead, Marie used a version of the electrometer developed by Pierre and his brother 15 years


She found that the air exposed to uranium rays became electrically charged, which the

instrument could pick up and quantify.

She quickly confirmed Becquerel's findings that the rays were constant no matter if the

uranium was solid, pulverized, wet or dry, or exposed to light or heat.

Like the French scientist before her, in compounds she saw that the more uranium there was in

the compound, the stronger the rays became.

The only factor was the amount of uranium present.

Her big breakthrough came when she hypothesized that the rays were a property of the uranium

atom itself.

This was a groundbreaking idea at the time.

The word atom comes from Greece and it means undividable.

At that time, scientists didn't know about elementary particles.

To them, atoms were the smallest units of matter.

How could the atom itself emit anything if it was unable to divide?

Even Marie and Pierre were not fully convinced by their own hypothesis with alternative thoughts

in mind.

Like what if the Earth was bathed in cosmic rays that some atoms could absorb and then

later emit as radiation?

Marie started testing the conductivity of air around all the known elements that she

could get her hands on.

Many chemists came to her aid, donating elements from their supplies.

By April 1898 she had only found one other element with such a property – thorium.

She could only conclude that her hypothesis had been true, that the rays were a property

of the uranium and thorium atoms.

She dubbed this property radioactivity.

Soon after, she discovered that the mineral pitchblende, which contains a lot of uranium,

was giving off more radioactivity than the uranium inside of it could be emitting and

there was no thorium present to account for it either.

So she logically came to the conclusion that pitchblende had to contain another element

even more radioactive than either uranium or thorium.

A completely unknown element.

Pierre was so excited that she was discovering a whole new element all together, so he dropped

the study he was doing on crystals and began to work side by side with his wife.

With the Curie couple working together, they could isolate this new element faster.

Pitchblende is now better known as uraninite.

It is packed full of uranium goodness, but can also contain many other chemical elements,

so it made discovering exactly which element was causing this radioactivity a difficult


Difficult, but not impossible.

The Curies discovered that there were actually two previously unknown elements within the

chunk of pitchblende.

One that they named polonium after her homeland of Poland and another that they named radium,

which is the Latin word for ray.

In order to prove their discovery to their peers, they needed to produce more polonium

and radium.

That just wasn't going to happen working in a tiny storage room, so they began to work

in an abandoned shed.

Once they were able to share their discoveries, scientists were fascinated by radium.

The radium gave off heat and light and even damaged human flesh with a long exposure.

Even if all you knew about radiation before this point was from playing Fallout, you probably

know radiation to be a dangerous thing.

We know this today, but at the time Marie never believed that radiation was harmful.

The signs were there in her own health, but she was too close to see it and perhaps maybe

a bit unwilling to believe.

The Curies were given a better lab and they worked hard extracting the radioactive materials

for potential medical uses, but there were other products as well.

They had glow in the dark paint, watches, and more.

While their hard work lined the pockets of those providing them a lab, they were not

personally growing wealthy.

They both had to take more teaching jobs to help pay their bills.

In 1903, after giving her doctoral thesis on radioactivity, Marie Curie became the first

woman to receive a doctorate in France.

Not only did she become the first woman to get a doctorate in France.

In that same year she also became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for this work.

Alongside her husband, Pierre, and Henri Becquerel, of course.

This landed them fame, their place in history, and the ability to pay their bills.

Pierre was promoted at the Sorbonne and Marie was even hired at the school as laboratory


On April 19th, 1906, tragedy fell on the Curie family.

One morning when walking from the lab to the library, Pierre slipped on a wet street and

fell in front of a horse-drawn wagon.

The wheel crushed his head and he died instantly.

Marie was crushed by her grief and was now left to raise her children alone.

Through her pain, she knew she had to continue to do her research, so she went back to work

the day after Pierre's funeral.

Soon after, the Sorbonne gave her the opportunity to be its first female professor.

This meant taking Pierre's former position.

Over the next several years, she continued to work on radioactivity.

She even opened a Radium Institute and headed a laboratory dedicated to radioactivity.

In 1911, one of Pierre's top students, Paul Langevin, had fallen in love with Marie.

Although he was unhappy in his marriage for reasons that didn't involve her, the press

accused her of being a homewrecker.

Newspapers released offensive articles about her as a foreigner breaking up a marriage

and she even once had a mob in front of her house when returning home with her two young


Through all of this, she continued to work hard and in the same year became the first

person to win a second Nobel Prize.

This time in Chemistry for discovering radium and polonium.

Although she was given this award alone, she also accepted it on behalf of her late-husband

when giving her acceptance speech in Sweden.

After returning from Sweden, she began to have kidney problems and fell into a deep


She didn't return to work again until late 1912.

At this point she dedicated her life to the Radium Institute.

After the institute was completed in 1914, many things changed.

In August, Germany invaded France.

Naturally, almost all of her staff enlisted to help aid France in the war.

Although this put a halt to the research, Marie found a way for her research to help


X-rays could easily be used to help save lives.

If a field doctor had access to them, they could find bullets and other shrapnel or even

just get an image of broken bones to see what they are working with.

That lead to an issue though, how could they get the x-ray machines to the front lines

where they needed to be?

Marie convinced wealthy people to donate cars so they could turn them into mobile x-ray


She was able to deploy 20 mobile x-ray machines that were referred to as "Little Curies,"

as well as 200 stationary ones.

Marie and her teenage daughter Irene worked for over a year in x-ray stations.

During this time, she developed another way for radioactivity to aid in healing.

They prepared tiny glass tubes with radon, a radioactive gas, at the Radium Institute.

Doctors would then insert these tubes into patients in locations with diseased tissue,

so the tissue would then be destroyed.

For the rest of Marie's life, she continued to do research on radioactivity, but most

of her focus was dedicated to the Radium institute.

Marie Curie died on July 4th, 1934 of aplastic anemia.

This is a blood disease caused by prolonged exposure to radiation.

Marie was known to carry test tubes of radium around in the pocket of her lab coat and obviously

worked with radioactive materials for many years.

After her death, she was buried next to Pierre.

In 1995, decades after her death, Marie and Pierre Curie's remains were interred into

the Panthéon in Paris.

The Panthéon is the final resting place of many of France's greatest minds.

Marie was the first woman to be laid to rest there.

There are at least 86 people there today, although some only symbolically.

As of today, there are only 4 woman entombed.

Although she had passed away many years prior, Marie still became a trailblazer for women

one last time.

Alright Geeks, that's gonna do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

I hope you enjoy this new series, it's something we are very excited about.

I want to thank my pal Emkinator for taking part in this with me.

If you have had an x-ray for a broken bone or anything else feel free to share in the


We would love to hear your story.

Also let us know what other historical events or people you are interested in.If you like

what you saw here, do me a favor and subscribe, like, and leave a comment below.

Alright Geeks, I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> The Life of Marie Curie - Geeks of History #1 - Duration: 16:02.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:47.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Keskejfé ? Ep4 - Don't kill her - Duration: 2:59.

What do you do in life ?

Same as you.

What do you mean ?

I quitted.


Don't be, I wanted it.

It's been a long time I wasn't agree with the objectives of the place where I work.

All the project were taking so long to achieve.

We were nowhere.

I was tired of this, so I left.

I understand.

Justine, I can see you in the kitchen.

What's happening ?

You won't believe me.

Explain !

She was here to take my place.

She locked me in the basement.

She wanted me to die here.

She's my doppelganger from a parallel universe.

it's impossible.

It's the truth ! She travelled with this !

This is an object from a paralell universe.

Is it fragile ?


Someone died tonight.

But it was an accident.

Nobody will search for her, because she's from another world.

And the corpse is not here anymore.

If we keep this secret... nothing bad will happen.

Let's do like if it nether happened.

And continue life as usal.

It really happened !

Do you want to keep this secret for the rest of your life ?

There is no other solution.

There is one.

You and me, we leave with this.

Don't be stupid.

We could live adventures in parallel universes !

We could swim in a violet ocean.

And if we arrive in a world where there is no air ?

Or on a battlefield ?

It's too dangerous, we don't know how it works.

If we stay here, we'll be happy.

What is holding you back ?

You don't have a job anymore.

Yes, but I kept contacts.

Here, I know what kind of future we'll gonna have. With this machine... it's the unknown.

The unknown ?


If we stay here, I know how to have a good situation, stay with me.

For more infomation >> Keskejfé ? Ep4 - Don't kill her - Duration: 2:59.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI 120 GT-line - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI 120 GT-line - Duration: 1:00.


Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi GT-Line A/T Full-option - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi GT-Line A/T Full-option - Duration: 0:59.


Flosstradamus & Dillon Francis - Tern It Up (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:25.

♪ Dillstradamus ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, turn it, t-turn it up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, up, up, up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, turn it, t-turn it up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, up, up, up, up ♪

♪ We 'bout to turn it up, up, up ♪

♪ Let's get it ♪

♪ We 'bout to turn it up, turn it up, turn it, turn it, turn it ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, turn it, t-turn it up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, up, up, up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, turn it, t-turn it up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, up, up, up, up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, turn it, t-turn it up ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, up, up, up ♪

♪ We 'bout to turn it up, up, up ♪

♪ Let's get it ♪

♪ We, we 'bout to turn it up, turn it, t-turn it up ♪

♪ We 'bout to turn it up, up, up ♪

♪ (Let's get it) ♪

♪ Dillstradamus ♪

For more infomation >> Flosstradamus & Dillon Francis - Tern It Up (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:25.


Johnny Hallyday- comment a-t-il choisi sa tombe à Saint-Barth ? - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday- comment a-t-il choisi sa tombe à Saint-Barth ? - Duration: 1:19.


High Jump Challenge |SickSeries #36 - Duration: 13:00.

hey guy´s, it´s us again, Sick Series

to start, we will give you some informations about our online shop

all our servers where down, and nothing worked

and now, all our products are sold out, it´s crazy how many things you guy´s bought

the shop is closed and will reopen in the first week of january, if anything is restocked

but we will informate you asap

however, we are here in Innsbruck in the WUB-Hall and we thought about to do a High-Jump-Challenge

for this we prepaired something, and we also have some special guests

but first we have to say, that the inspiration for this video comes from Scotty Cranmer

but now it´s time to start

we have Peter Kaiser with us, cheers peter

sick that you joined us

next one is Leon


some slopestyle and dirt bikers

and again our young gun

and then we have Elias

Hello, it´s me

or is it Martin?

We have our selfmade high jump lath´s.

or selfmade from Elias

should work and hold perfect haha

the whole competition will be there out of the quater

and you aren´t allowed to pedal the whole way from there, over the box till the quater

It´s gonna be interesting, espacially the flat landing

so we will start at 80cm

good work

so, peter in front

sick! yeah, there you can see whose a Dirtjumper

excited what Fabio will do

Dude haha

1 meter

now I´m excited

Leon, let´s go

Each of us has two tries.

right, if he isn´t able to do it, he´s out

1.2 meters

have fun, young gun

you made the 1 meter. Sick

pretty sick!!

see you the next time

he´s a regular guest in our videos

Follow him! Dominik Windisch

so peter is next


can you do it?

nice impact

it´s gonna be exciting

cockiness isn´t good my friend haha

what an impact

so, 1.4, zwenty centimeters higher than before

he will do a late bar

the impacts are pretty hard

it´s gonna be pretty sick

this one was good bro!

so Fabio it´s your turn

still made it!


have a look at this: 1.6m

ok, peter will start

every time again a hard impact

so now I´m excited

that close bro

you have another try

you passed the jump right?

oh maan, shit

but it´s like there is a wall in front of you.

Peter, what do you think? you have an second first try

Sick Series isn´t that easy dude

let´s go

so, second try

thanks for the action

ohh, only two left - this is the big final

that´s good

something broken?

so Fabio it´s your turn, have fun

so now it´s gonna be tricky

Fabio against Leon


Schnig Schnag Schnug who will start right?

yeah ok

ok, Fabio you will start

he just reached the 2.2m mark

Dude, this one was sick

I think we have a good final

2 meters, are you serious?

2 meter, let´s go, have fun

yeah Fabio, let´s change it

Martin, you won´t loose anything?

so, rim changed

or tire changed

so now the second first try

now you could loose Fabio

I´m just a little bit nervous

let´s go Fabio

ok, what do you think?

Ok, Leon gives you a redo

but you aren´t allowed to put down any feet

so now next round of the final

Leon, have fun

have a look at this

it looks like a wall in front of you

have a look at this, there is Fabio, and there is the pole

It´s pretty high now

how do you feel like?

there are butterfly´s in my stomach

so Fabio, now I´m excited what you will show us

So it´s Fabios turn




pretty sick

yeah, really really sick, congrats!

This was really pretty sick

we will see us at the winners ceremony

So we have another winner

now it´s really the winner of the hearts

the winner of the high jump

high jump, right

However, please welcome

Leon thiele

and we have a special price

in fact

the high jump pole

the high jump pole

With this, I will congrat Leon as the high jump winner

Sick session, was a plesure

Peter come to us

sick session, we´ve to do it again

in this case, thanks for watching

was a pretty sick session

follow these guys on instagram

and yeah, right

see you the next time



For more infomation >> High Jump Challenge |SickSeries #36 - Duration: 13:00.


ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП НА YOUTUBE? / Марьяна Ро M | R Ольга Бузова - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП НА YOUTUBE? / Марьяна Ро M | R Ольга Бузова - Duration: 7:26.


How A Mens Dress Shoe Should Fit & How To Find The Right Shoe Size Online & In Store - Duration: 11:56.

Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette!

Today's video is all about dress shoes and how you can find the right fit, what constitutes

a good fit, and how you determine your proper size.

In recent years, buying shoes online has become very popular.

Originally, people thought "How can I buy a shoe that I've never tried on that actually

fits properly?".

Now, even if you're at a store in your try on shoes,

you might not find some that fit because at the end of the day, all that

matters is the last, its shape, and the size, and whether it works for your foot or not.

Humans are an asymmetrical bunch.

For example, look at me, my right shoulder is a lot lower than my left one and because

of that, the arm is a different length and it's the same for your hands, for

your face, and for your feet.

The left side is never like the right one.

The solution to that problem would be that every man out there gets a pair of bespoke


The problem with that is it costs about $2,000 for one pair and

it's simply not something the majority of men out there can afford.

That's where off the rack shoes come into play; they're nicely finished on an elegant

last with high-quality leather, hand polished and burnished, at just a fraction of what

a bespoke shoe would cost you.

For example, look at these shoes by Ace Marks, they cost $300,

they're made in Italy from high-quality leather, they use a rather flexible Blake rapid stitch

sole and the inside is cushioned with some foam between the leather,

that way, you just have a very comfortable feel.

On top of that, their last is well thought through and it fits my foot really really


It's a medium D width and it's slim in the heel, it hugs my foot in the middle, and overall,

the fit for me is very close to a custom shoe even though it just costs a fraction.

So today's video is brought to you by Ace Marks and all the shoes you can see here are

from them.

So how do you find a pair of shoes that fits you really really well?

First of all, let's talk about what a good fit constitutes and

then let's talk about sizing.

In my opinion, the most important part for fit of a shoe is the middle part.

You want it to really fit snugly around your foot so it holds it in place even without

you having to tie your shoelaces.

At the same time, you want the front part of your foot to have enough room in the front

and be neither too wide or too slim at the side.

When you walk, your foot gets longer and shorter and because of that, you want about half an

inch to an inch or one to three centimeters in front of your longest toe inside the shoe

so you compensate for the movement and you're always comfortable.

So what's right?

The perfect width of the last is the one that just hugs you without being too tight or too


Another important aspect of the fit of the shoe is the vamp.

If there's too much space between the vamp and your foot, you'll easily see wrinkles

in the leather and it's also more uncomfortable to walk in them.

Ideally, you want the leather to be very close to your foot without it being too

tight and uncomfortable for you.

Finally, my pet peeve with most ready to wear shoes is the heel.

Most shoe company is designed so it's very roomy and wide so it fits every kind of shoe,

however, I find it's very important that it's very close to your heel because that way,

it hugs it, you're not gonna slide out when you walk, and it's a lot more comfortable

to wear a shoe that way.

Because of that, all bespoke shoes are always very tight and so whenever I slip into a shoe

that has a tight heel, I immediately feel like oh wow this is more like a custom shoe.

Also to keep the shoe in shape, you have caps in the front and in the back.

Most of the time, heel caps are stiffer than the front caps and some are really stiff and


So if your heel doesn't fit a hundred percent in there, it's gonna hurt and you may end

up with blisters.

These shoes here are quite nice in the sense that the heel is not too wide, the cap gives

stability but it's not too hard, and the leather is really soft so there's some room for different

heels and different sizes.

Now with the lace-up shoe, you always have the benefit of having laces that keep things

in place but you don't want things to be too tight.

When a shoe is new and the leather is unstretched, you will likely see a slight v-shape in between

the laces in an Oxford that should close overtime.

Too much of V shape means that you need to last that's slightly bigger or maybe you just

have a bigger foot.

Now, if you have laces you can get away with a fit that is maybe just 90 or 95 percent

versus if you go with a slip on or a loafer shoe such as this penny loafer from Ace Marks,

you have to get a fit that is much better because you don't have laces that help you.

Again, it's super important on a loafer that hugs you tightly around here and that the

heel isn't too wide otherwise, your feet will slide out all the time.

With new shoes, when in doubt always go slightly in a smaller side with a slip-on shoe because

you don't want them to come loose and otherwise, you won't be able to wear them at all later


So one of little secret that you don't hear about very often is that when you remove the

shoe and you get that sound like the release of a vacuum, that's a good indicator that

you have a tight fit.

On a bespoke shoe that's usually what you get and it's also a little more difficult

to take them off so if you experience that, chances are this shoe fits your foot quite


So now that you know how a shoe should fit properly, how do you find the proper size?

Of course, it sounds very simple and you just have to measure your feet before you buy.

The problem is your left foot is not just different than your right foot but the size

of your foot also varies throughout the day with a swelling and depending on how much

you walk.

For most people, the feet are biggest in the evening so that's a good time when you should

measure your shoes or go and buy shoes.

Goes without saying that you should always measure both feet because sometimes people

have more than a size difference between left and right.

In the US, the most common sizing system is the Brannock system.

You can find these metal sizers in shoe stores all across the US or you can buy them on Amazon

for about 60 to 65 bucks.

That device is very simple you just step in take the reading of the width as well as your

length based on your big toe.

Now, most people don't have a device at home and because of that Ace Marks provides you

with a letter-sized and a din a4 format shoe sizer that you can just print out at home.

We will provide you with the different links in the print out below and once you have that,

you simply take it, you tape in the middle, you check the size either with a dollar bill

or with a credit card because sometimes printers are calibrated in a weird way that makes things

print bigger or smaller and that would of course throw off the sizing.

Once you have it though your heel must be on the line.

I always suggest to take a big book put it down.

That way you can't slide back then you stand there and then you take a pen and mark it

slightly facing inward where your big toe is and that way you determine your size, do

it on both feet and you know exactly what size you should get.

What I've found over time is that a lot of shoe companies have different sizes within

their own brand, meaning, different lasts have different sizes and I had ten, ten and

a half, and eleven in one brand; now that's not helpful at all and it always meant I had

to buy shoes, return them, try them on again, and it's just a big hassle.

What I like about Ace Marks is that their sizing conforms to the US Brannock system

so it's all in line and if you know what your Brannock size is, you know Ace Marks is going

to fit.

While it's possible to determine the right size of your foot with a print out at home,

I suggest to have someone help you just to make sure it's 100% accurate.

Now if you don't have a printer, what you can do is to trace the outline of your foot

with socks and make sure to hold the pen slightly inward so you get a neat tight outline of

your foot.

Once you have that, you measure it from the longest point of your heel to your big toe.

With that measurement, you can check out the size chart in centimeters or inches on the

ACE Marks website and you can exactly determine what US Brannock size you are.

When you do this, make sure you stand because the size can be different than when you sit.

Personally, I wear a size 11 and a half US on the US Brannock system and it works quite

well for me.

The Ace Marks come in a medium D width and overall, they hug the middle part of my toe,

they leave enough room for my toes, and they really are good around the heel.

Lets you measure and you come up in between sizes, I suggest you simply get both

sizes have them shipped to you at home, then you can try them on on a carpet or a rug so

they don't scratch the bottom and you can send the pair back that doesn't fit you and

that way, you make sure that you get the best size

for your foot.

When it comes to the width of the shoe, most manufacturers have numbers so A means it's

a slimmer width, D usually is a medium width, and E or EE or F are larger widths.

The problem is this is not a uniform standard and so you have to look at each individual

brand and determine what is wide and what is slim and how wide or how slim they are.

So with the US Brannock system device or the printout, you can also determine your width

in medium, wide or extra wide.

All you have to do is align the outside of your foot or the inside at that line and then

you just take the measurement on the other side.

in today's video I'm wearing a tweed sport coat in brown it's a Donegal tweed and it's

perfect for fall/winter I'm combining it with a light blue and blue striped twill shirt

with button barrel cuffs and a medium spread collar the tie

you see is a olive green cris de la soi knit tie from Fort Belvedere which you can find

in our shop here just like the pocket square which is a printed silk Paisley

pocket square in light blue blue with black from Fort Belvedere and it's

printed in England it's nice because it picks up the colors of my shirt but it pops on my

jacket the skacks I'm wearing are part of a navy suit they have turnups

they were custom made for me and they have a rougher heavier fabric and

because of that they drape nicely my shoes are a pair of medium brown Oxfords with half

broguing which means it's a cap toe with broguing it's a very versatile

shoe that I like a lot for travel and of course it's from Ace marks it's quite comfortable

it's a Blake construction which means it's a thinner sole a much more flexible sole so

if you have issues with Goodyear welted shoes because they're too hard definitely check

out Blake rapid or Blake stitch the last is quite elegant classic

and round and I think for $300 they're really great buy as you

can see the shoes are hand polished and hand burnished which takes much longer is more

expensive but it results into a much nicer look because you have different rates of brown

on top of the leather and it helps to create really

nice and rich patina the socks I'm wearing here from Fort Belvedere they are shadows

striped in navy and yellow so they work with the pants but contrast the

shoes and overall create a nice look that's interesting and different from the standard

plain sock last but not least I have a pinky ring in silver with a malachite stone which

is green which picks up the green in my tie if you

enjoyed this video you want to learn more about shoes please subscribe to our Channel

and hit that little belt so you're notified whenever we have a new video popping up in

our Channel

For more infomation >> How A Mens Dress Shoe Should Fit & How To Find The Right Shoe Size Online & In Store - Duration: 11:56.


Anne-Marie ‒ Then (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:50.

anne marie then lyrics

then lyrics

Anne-Marie ‒ Then (Lyrics)

For more infomation >> Anne-Marie ‒ Then (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:50.


The Molecule Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> The Molecule Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:38.


Petit Biscuit - Waterfall Ft. Panama (Tim Legend Remix) - Duration: 3:02.

Don't know what I should do

Sometimes I wish we could go somewhere

I feel it all around

I know you're seeing it too

I want to know if these words are enough

Sometimes you got to give it up

Sometimes you better not be rough

Because I need to know when I'm down and in trouble

Jump in the water

Jump in the waterfall

Jump in the waterfall

Jump in the waterfall

Jump in the waterfall

I want to work this out

The words you say don't fit right now

I hear your name around

Sometimes it takes too long

And I want to know if these words are enough

Sometimes you've got to give things up

Sometimes you better not let go

Because I need to know when I'm down and in trouble

Jump in the water

Jump in the waterfall

Jump in the waterfall

Jump in the waterfall

Jump in the waterfall

Jump in the waterfall

For more infomation >> Petit Biscuit - Waterfall Ft. Panama (Tim Legend Remix) - Duration: 3:02.


5 Days Of Hygge | Try Living With Lucie | Refinery29 - Duration: 9:13.

I'm Lucie Fink, and this week is 5 Days of Hygge.

Hey guys!

It's me.

Welcome back to another

Try Living With Lucie 5 Day Challenge.

Before we start if you're new to our channel,

click right here to subscribe!

And also comment below right now to let me

know what other 5 Day Challenges you want

to see me try.

We all good?

Let's get into it.

I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing it 100% correctly.

This little book is going to be my guide this week.

Amd the book tells that me it's pronounced "Hoo Ga,"


we'll go with that.

It's a word that the Danes in Denmark use

to describe a feeling.

Some call it being consciously cozy,

or cocoa by candlelight.

The term originates from the Norwegian word

for well-being and my major takeaway after

reading this entire book from cover to cover is that

you cannot really describe hygge.

The book did breakdown some of the major hygge

pillars for me.

So you'll definitely want to watch until

the end of this video if you want to get the

clearest and fullest possible picture of

what hygge means.

So sit back, relax, grab a hot cocoa, and get comfy.

I started out today by making the atmosphere

of my apartment more hygge-like.

Candles are arguably the most important piece

of the hygge puzzle.

When asked how many candles you're supposed

to light at once, most Danes will tell you

that it's more than five.

So I got myself 20 candles, all unscented.

And I turned my apartment into what most Americans

would call a fire hazard.

In Denmark though, candles are burned at home,

in offices, even at school.

I opened up my windows to make sure there

was proper ventilation and I was being very cautious.

Most Danes will tell you that an open fireplace

makes a room more hygge-like.

Living in a New York City apartment,

that wasn't really an option for me.

But I did take my big TV and I turned on YouTube

and put on the yule log video that lasts 11 hours.

And I had a crackling open fireplace in here.

I decorated my living space with excess fluffy

blankets and pillows.

I strung up some lights around my lamp.

And I also went around replacing all of my

LED light bulbs with lower temperature bulbs.

As I learned in the book, the lower the light temperature,

the more hygge it is.

Hygge can happen all year-round.

Yes, even in the summer months.

But in Denmark, December is arguably the biggest

month for it which is why I chose this time of year.

Also most of the clothing associated with

hygge is clothing that you would most likely

associate with a warm winter's night spent

locked inside by the fireplace.

What better way to show you guys

my hygge wardrobe than to do a

The book told me about a word hyggebukser.

I'm not sure if I'm saying it correctly

but it basically refers to a pair of pants

that you would never be caught dead wearing in public.

Maybe I should get a pair of hyggebukser.

We're here.

This blue chunky sweater is from my friend

over at Hania by Anya Cole.

And you'll see a few other pieces in here from them.

They actually let me borrow a few of their

items for this week of hygge.

First item is this sweater that I wore yesterday.

This is a chunky, oversized but sort of cropped,

long-sleeve turtleneck.

I got it from Tobi.

And it's really really freaking soft.


Here are another of those Hania by Anya Cole sweaters.

How soft is that, right?

So nice.

You can't have hygge without scarves as

I learned from The Little Book of Hygge.

This one I just don't remember, oh—

I blew out the candle with the scarf.

Don't remember.

I'm making a mess.

Please hold.

Food plays a major role in hygge.

Especially, sweet, delicious, and really indulgent food.

And certain foods are very hygge-like while

others are just not.

For instance, cookies are.


Celery sticks are not.



So today now that I had my hygge environment

in the living room glowing and I had my comfy

hygge clothing on, I spent today indulging.

I started with a mug of rich, dark hot chocolate.

Piled to the brim with mini marshmallows.

Sugar and sweets are part of a balanced, hygge-like

lifestyle so I of course was munching on gummy

bears all afternoon.

But something that I read in the book is that

the longer it takes to make something,

the more hygge-like it is.

It's all about preparing food and our relationship

with food and the joy that comes from eating

something that we worked hard to make.

Cinnamon buns.

I'll put the link to this recipe in the

description box below.

I started by making the dough from scratch

with yeast.

I mixed in the salt, eggs, and flour which, let me tell you, was a real workout on forearms.

And then I let it rise.

I cleaned off my countertop before pouring

some oil on to it.

And then I spread out the dough into

a rectangular shape.

I poured melted butter on it.

And then I spread my cinnamon sugar mixture on top.

Next I rolled it up into a log shape and then

I cut out slices.

While they were in the oven baking, I whipped

up some homemade cream cheese icing.

And I've got to be honest with you as always,

they looked really great but they were not great.

But if I took anything away from the food

section of the hygge book, it's that the

food you're cooking doesn't have to come out perfectly.

So even if my cinnamon buns didn't come

out that well, the entire experience of making

them could not have been more hygge.

Time for another hygge definition.


A comfy or cozy corner, or a snug place.

Apparently most Danes have a hyggekrog in

their home where they like to snuggle up with

a warm blanket, a cup of tea, and a good book.

My windowsills aren't exactly wide enough

to sit on so I decided to make that little

corner of the couch my hyggekrog for the day.

I spread out my fluffiest blankets.

Brought along a few good books and a journal.

Popped on my fuzzy socks.

And relaxed.

Today was all about having a hygge filled

day using some of the hygge tips that I've

learned in the book so far.

In my journal I wrote down a few of the happiest

hygge-like moments that I've had in the past.

And then I created a hygge bucket list of

hygge moments that I want to have in the future

with the people I love.

Things like a board game night with my siblings,

renting a cabin with my family, and getting

snowed in with Michael.

This is a good time for me to mention that

even though I'm hygge-ing at home this week,

Hygge does not need to take place in the home.

Actually some of the best hygge can take place

outdoors in nature or in coffee shops.

This is also a good time for me to mention

that I've been by hygge-ing by myself this

week because it's the middle of the work

week and all the people I know and love are

either at school or at work.

But most Danes will tell you hygge is the

best when it's experienced with others.

So once Michael gets home from work tonight,

we're going to snuggle up in our little hyggekrog.

And he recently just went through and printed

all of our photos from when we first started

dating in high school

So we're going to look through our new photo album.

I got Michael.

And we're in our little hyggekrog.

We've got some candlelight on.

Dark outside.

This one is our first photo that we ever took together.

We're so young!

Oh yeah that was my college graduation.

That's when we went to Newport.

Happy Friday!

Or as they say in the book, Happy Fredashygge.

Which is hygge on Fridays.

So last night Michael and I hygged together

on the couch, but any Dane will tell you that

the sweet spot for hygge is with three to four people.

So tonight we invited my sister Ally over,

because the three of us, Me, Michael, and

my sister, have always called ourselves

The Three Musketeers.

We're best friends and we love spending time together.

Sine hygge is all about being present we turned

our cell phones off, and then we worked together

to cook a delicious dinner.

And then we spent the rest of the night laughing

together, playing board games on the couch,

and just enjoying being with one another.

Doing the hoedown.


Writing a book?



I think looking like an idiot.


Three Musketeers!

I don't think I've enjoyed another five

day challenge quite as much as this one.

And this little book here could not have been

more helpful at allowing me to integrate this

amazing Danish feeling in to my everyday life

here in New York.

Comment below letting us know how you hygge

and if you've never heard the term before,

I highly recommend you get this book and give it a try.

And as always, let me know what you want to

see me try next time for five days.


Hey YouTube!

Thanks for watching 5 Days of Hygge.

Click here for another video on Refinery29.

Right here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

And here for my personal YouTube channel.


For more infomation >> 5 Days Of Hygge | Try Living With Lucie | Refinery29 - Duration: 9:13.


♕ cleo & lewis (season 2) || wolves - Duration: 3:39.

You must be new

I'm Charlotte


I think it would be better

if i were alone for a while

It's a good idea

I mean really alone

as in by myself

without a boyfriend

She and Lewis seem to be getting on well

The way she flicks back her hair, that cute little smile.

The way she laughs a little too hard Very friendly


You know when we were together it wasn't because you were tough

It was because you were a great guy

I mean ARE a great guy



Lewis spends all his time with Charlotte you know? It's like they're hanging out everyday!

And I don't see him anymore!

It's just...

I miss him

Lewis just wants to be with an ordinary girl Like Charlotte

People can do things they dont understand at the time

Then they realise too late it's a mistake

So how do you know when she's the one

She's the person who can't stop smiling when she first sees you

You really let me down

I always thought that you were on... you were on my side

And I was on yours

I thought deep down that you um...

still cared for me

You're going to have to choose It's her or me

There really is no choice Charlotte

I never wanna see you again

I realised that you were right

In your message I let you down and I am so sorry

I never wanna do that again

For more infomation >> ♕ cleo & lewis (season 2) || wolves - Duration: 3:39.


Bastiaan floats like a balloon after taking salvia | Drugslab - Duration: 8:25.

It's as if my hands are being lifted up. My hands don't want to go down.

Hello, I'm Bastiaan. -And I'm Nellie.

And welcome... -In our Drugslab.

Every week we test a drug to test its effect on our bodies.

If you're curious about a drug, let us know in the comments.

Just like Rachelle and Joshisja. -And Trippy Jitte and MrLeethium.

And they want Bas to try Salvia.

This is Salvia. It has a greenish colour.

It looks like tea, and it smells like... tea as well.

I've already tried it. It's the most powerful herbal hallucinogenic on earth.

It makes you hallucinate, very briefly, but very intensely.

It's also known as 'sage divine', but I didn't think it was that divine.

I thought it was unpleasant, and a lot of people share that opinion.

I have to admit that I'm very nervous.

It's unreal. I've never been this nervous on Drugslab before.

I've known I was going to do this for a few weeks. I'm well prepared.

I also watched your video a few times. -Not a good idea.

I feel a lot of tension. -You wanted to try it yourself.

I really want to try it. I'm very curious, but I am really nervous though.

The zero values are on the board.

The Mazatec people used to chew on the leaves or used them to make tea.

The trip is then longer, but less intense.

We have an extract. It can be bought in smart shops.

An extract is a concentrated version of the leaves.

We have what is known as Extract 10X. We're going to use 50 mg.

The dosage differs per extract. Ask for more info at the smart shop.

We're going to try 50 mg.

That's fine. -That's 50 mg of extract.

We have a tiny filter in our pipe, so that it doesn't fall through.

We're going to use this lighter.

The effects of Salvia are unpredictable.

They can vary from barely noticeable to very intense.

It can trigger psychoses, if you're prone to psychoses.

Be aware of your environment, as Salvia affects your coordination...

which can cause you to fall.

That's why we're remodelling the lab into a relaxed and chill setting.

Well, here we are on the couch, in our new setting.

No odd objects laying around. I'll explain what's going to happen.

Salvia divinorum contains salvinorin A. It mainly affects your opioid receptors.

But unlike other psychedelics, it binds to your kappa opioid receptors.

It can make you hallucinate, but it can also result in a bad experience.

A lot of things can happen. It can make you feel like an object...

like you're somewhere else, or make you babble in a strange language.

You never know beforehand. I'm here for you.

Try to be relaxed, and focus on your trip.

Don't worry about the setting. It's unimportant. You don't have to talk.

Okay. Let's go. -Here's the pipe with the Salvia.

You have to heat it up, inhale smoke, and keep it in for about twenty seconds.

Then you hand the pipe to me, and we'll see what happens next.

I don't know why you'd want to, but don't mix it with medication...

drugs, or alcohol. It's intense enough as it is.

It's not that intense, it just feels like I'm taking off. That's all.

It's not like I'm going out of my mind.

If I do this with my hands, it feels like I have helium balloons under my hands.

As if they're being pushed upwards. -It really feels that way.

What if you hold them like this? -They still go up.

You want to lift off, but...

My hands... My hands don't want to go down anymore.

It's as if I also have helium in my hands. -I thought it was scary.

That's all that I'm feeling. I'm not tripping or anything.

It has the same effect on my feet.

The same feeling? -Yes. When I lift them up.

It's like I'm pushing down helium balloons, but they won't stay down.

Now it's over. I can't feel it anymore.

What about your legs? -Neither. I just feel it a little bit.

And in your mind? -My mind is normal.

It's a bit hazy, but it's not as if I'm tripping.

When I hold them here, they still go up. I'm constantly doing this.

But especially this one. -That's weird. Weird. That's just weird.

Perhaps your reaction to it was so mild that all you felt were 'helium hands'.

This one has stopped, this one hasn't.

Aren't you also a bit relieved? -I am.

That you didn't get launched right away. -That's what I thought would happen.

Salvia has six levels. They're mentioned in the description.

I think you're on the first level, which only has a subtle effect.

It did have some effect on you. -I'm a bit disappointed.

I just tried Extract 10X. That only had a mild effect on me.

Now I'm going to try the Extract 20X. -This is 60 mg of Extract 20X.

You want me to light it, right? -How about now?

I feel nothing, guys. I feel nothing. I inhaled a lot. It burned in my throat.

I just feel warm. -Maybe it just has little effect on you.

How is that possible? -Salvia has no effect on some people.

It could be that the dose was too small.

This goes to show that everyone reacts differently to drugs.

2CE, for example, had no effect on me, but it made you go bonkers.

That's why you should listen to your own body.

It's odd that the second, and stronger, extract had less effect.

Usually the effects are quite intense.

That's why it's not addictive, because you don't want this every day.

But maybe something exciting will happen tonight or tomorrow.

I feel fine, but I expected that.

I have a headache, but I don't know if that's because of the Salvia.

I was disappointed yesterday, mainly because I was well prepared.

I was fucking nervous, so it really sucked that it had no effect.

It can happen to anyone. This was Drugslab for this week.

If you're curious about a drug, leave a comment. Like and subscribe.

Follow us on Instagram, and on our personal Instagram.

I'll see you again next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Bastiaan floats like a balloon after taking salvia | Drugslab - Duration: 8:25.


Prince Harry and Meghan to wed on May 19, 2018 - Duration: 1:37.

Prince Harry and Meghan to wed on May 19, 2018

Britain's Prince Harry and American actor Meghan Markle will marry on May 19, 2018,

Kensington Palace announced Friday.

The pair, who will get married in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, announced their

engagement in November.

On that occasion, Harry told reporters that he knew Markle was "the one" from "the very

first time we met."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announce their engagement to the press.

The couple attended their first royal event together in the city of Nottingham earlier

this month, where they were met by well-wishers.

On Wednesday it was revealed that they will spend their first Christmas as an engaged

couple with Queen Elizabeth and other members of Britain's royal family at the Sandringham

royal estate.

Harry and Markle meet well-wishers in Nottingham during their first royal event together earlier

this month.

The couple will live in Nottingham Cottage in the grounds of London's Kensington Palace,

the official residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The couple opened up for the first time about their relationship in an interview last month

when Harry told the BBC that his late mother, Princess Diana, would have been "over the

moon" about the pair's engagement.

Harry and Markle first met for a drink in July 2016 on a blind date, brokered by a mutual

friend, whose name they would not reveal, but "it was definitely a setup," Markle said

in the interview.

For more infomation >> Prince Harry and Meghan to wed on May 19, 2018 - Duration: 1:37.


YAMAHA Paddock Girls Sexy Vietnam Motorcycle Show ▶ - Duration: 13:29.

Hello my dear friends! Welcome to my Youtube channel!

We are grateful if you click on sponsored ads! Thank you :)

Now, let's see the details of this motorcycle! Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE for updates!

We are grateful if you click on sponsored ads! Thank you :)

For more infomation >> YAMAHA Paddock Girls Sexy Vietnam Motorcycle Show ▶ - Duration: 13:29.


The Messed Up Thing In Christmas Vacation No One Talks About - Duration: 2:42.

For those of us who dread seeing our relatives over the holidays, National Lampoon's Christmas

Vacation is a comedy classic.

It's got memorable characters, great slapstick gags, and some of the most quotable lines

that you'll see all season.

"Where you gonna put a tree that big?"

"Bend over and I'll show you."

But as funny as it is, there's something at the core of the story that makes the whole

thing seem more than a little sad.

For one thing, despite his all-consuming dedication to Christmas cheer, Clark Griswold is actually

a pretty terrible person, a fact that's obvious from, well, pretty much every frame

of the movie.

He's prone to violent fits of rage, the entire plot is driven by the fact that he's

been spending money he doesn't have in an effort to be a big shot - putting a pool in

at his home.

And don't forget, most of the comedy comes from the sheer, seething hatred that bleeds

out in the form of one-liners at the expense of his extended family.

"This will be the last Christmas."

"Keeps it up it WILL be his last Christmas."

Here's where the real problem comes in: it's not just his distant relatives that

Clark seems to be having trouble with.

Pay attention, and it's pretty clear that his marriage is crumbling, too.

When Clark heads to the store to buy a present for his wife, he encounters the beautiful

Mary, and almost falls over himself with the desire to cheat on his wife.

The fact that he's fantasizing isn't the problem — Nicolette Scorsese circa 1989 hiking up

her skirt is enough to provide a distraction for a lot of people — but when his Freudian

slip goes straight to "adultery," that's a big indication that there's a problem

back at the Griswold house.

It only gets worse later, when he's fantasizing about how sweet life will be once he owns

the pool.

Mary shows up in his fantasy to do a swimsuit striptease on the diving board, which also

involves all of his relatives vanishing from both the pool and, presumably, his life — including


Again, the fantasy's understandable, but Clark mentally sorting Ellen into the same group

as Cousin Eddie, whom he flat-out hates, doesn't speak well for how he thinks of her.

It's not just in this movie, either.

In the original Vacation, Clark famously flirts with Christie Brinkley as they're both driving

down the highway, and even winds up going skinny dipping with her when they end up at

the same hotel.

He's only stopped from cheating when he's interrupted by his wife, and while she manages

to look past this near-infidelity, there's definitely some tension remaining as they

head into the holidays.

"Forgive my husband, for he knows not what he does."


And the worst part?

Despite her happy face and the fact that she manages to keep it together through at least

five movies, Ellen is absolutely aware of how much of a sham her marriage is.

When her daughter complains about having to share a bed with her brother due to the family

staying at the Griswold house, she refers to it as "sick and twisted."

Ellen's response?

Pointing out that she's the one who has to sleep with Clark.

"I don't know what to say, except it's Christmas and we're all in misery."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Messed Up Thing In Christmas Vacation No One Talks About - Duration: 2:42.


NEW FREE YOUTUBE TOOL ALERT: Video Tag Templates - Duration: 3:23.

We think YouTube's got a problem with default video tags, so we're going to fix it and this

is how

Hello everyone, welcome to vidIQ, my name is Rob.

If this is your first time here we are the YouTube channel that aims to help you get

more views in less time.

Out tool is free to download, a link is in the description and while you're at it, subscribe

to the channel and click on the notification bell so you don't miss anything.

Put the hammer down,






Here's where we think YouTube's own tools, they just aren't up to the task.

The upload defaults allow you to set one collection of videos tags and in this day and age that

simply doesn't cut the mustard.

If you cover a range of topics on your channel you will want a core set of tags you use for

each of these topics

So what we propose and serve up to you fully free of charge is the Tag template tool.

You will find this tool on both the video upload page and video info page as a button

just under your video tags.

In a practical example we have this video about 10 ways to use playlists to get more

YouTube views.

We're not going to use YouTube's defaults at all so let's go straight to the tag template


We've already setup one collection of tags but it's more about how to get how to get

a certain number of views over a certain period of time.

This video will form part of series about the top 10 Youtube tips for different topics

like, comments, getting subscribers, starting a channel and of course using playlists, so

by typing out a title we start a new tag template.

To add a tag to this template simply type in a keyword or phrase and then press enter

or click add tag to add that single tag to the collection.

To add more than one tag at a time separate each one with a comma so it adds them like


So now you get the idea, start writing all the tags you want within a template and when

you've finished don't forget to click the save button in the bottom left hand corner.

Now get ready for a little vidIQ magic, click the insert tags button and that automatically

adds those tags to your video, and note the vidIQ SEO score update too.

Not bad eh?

Those are the basics but you may want to consider a couple of things before you insert these


First of all while these will form your core tags that you may use in many videos you will

want to add the video specific unique tags first.

In this example I am adding YouTube Playlist specific tags before I add the tag template


When you do this your existing tags are not overwritten, the tag templates tags are simply

appended to the bottom.

Also you'll be keen to know that the vidiq keyword inspector has made it into the tool

so simply click on any tag to reveal loads more information about its popularity, historic

trend and related videos that use the tag.

And that's vidIQ template tags in a nutshell.

No more need for txt files full of different tags, simply setup them up in our tool and

add them to your videos in a matter of seconds.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this brand new tool and don't forget it's absolutely

free when you download the vidIQ chrome extension a link is in the description.

Enjoy the rest of your video making day.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> NEW FREE YOUTUBE TOOL ALERT: Video Tag Templates - Duration: 3:23.


How To Treat Fungal Infection - 6 Easy Ways - Duration: 10:31.

Natural ways to beat fungus. Do you have questions about fungal infections like

who gets them? Where do they happen? Is it a toenail fungus, a chronic sinus

infection, a respiratory disease and what are the treatment options and how can

you prevent it?

So after watching this video, you'll know the four types of

infections, how you can avoid fungus, you'll know the difference between yeast

candida and fungus and what treatments are available and the six solutions for

treating fungal infections and as a bonus, the four advanced therapies for

candida, yeast and fungal infections. Hi, this is Dr. Jason West in the West

Clinic in four generations, a hundred years of healing with me and now, before

I go on, I need your help, I want to you to help as many people as possible a

cause to help people achieve and maintain optimal health without going to

doctors, without unnecessary drugs, without unnecessary surgery, aggressive

interventions and the value that I bring to you is that the information and the

report that goes with it, and in return, would you please like and

share the video? Thank you for doing that. I was asked yesterday by a patient, "What

can you do about infection?" I replied, 'What type of infection?" because there are

four types of infection, there's bacteria, there's virus, there's parasites and

fungi and after the discovery of antibiotics, it seemed like everyone

assumed infections were bacterial and we just hammered people with antibiotics, it

was called the wonder drug. The dictionary defines anti means fighting

or posed or against and bios is the Greek word for life, so it literally

means life killing therapy. Now I'm not anti-medicine but I feel you should use

antibiotics cautiously because they can be life-saving but they can also have

some detrimental side effects to your health and I need to talk about side

effects. Drugs either have effects or they don't, there's no such thing as a

side effect. Okay, I have seen hundreds of patients with the effects of antibiotics

and often antibiotics are the cause or the contributing factor the chronic

yeast or Candida infections so let's talk about yeast and mold and mushrooms.

I mean who really eats those? I mean we need an MRI schedule

your brain if you are a fungus or mushroom eater. Now I say that jokingly

because I don't like the taste of mushrooms but it's a proven fact that

people that eat mushrooms eventually die. Okay, I'll drop the comedy act, I just

have an aversion to mushrooms. I mean, do you know that they grow on? Seriously,

it's poop, okay, alright, nevermind about the fecal living organisms, the

video must go on. Really this is a good place to talk about the definitions

because mold, yeast, mildew, they're all fungus, the word gets used

interchangeably and many times people are talking about yeast, candida or

candida fungus and to describe the same thing, now yeast are unicellular fungi

while fungus are made up of long tubes of Heifetz like basically a bunch of

them and Candida basically is the precursor in yeast, it's kind of like a

butterfly so it's just different life cycles of the organism. Now there are

different areas that the yeast or candida fungus, the monster likes to go

after, you can have skin problems like athlete's foot, jock itch, fingernail or

toenail fungus and ringworm and why is this such a problem? Because Americans

unintentionally fertilize the yeast or the Candida and who does that? It's

because the American diet is filled with so much sugar and simple carbs, that's

one way to address the problem.. If you starve the fungus, you'll start feeling

worse because it's releasing toxins and the natural thing to do is to start

eating sugar and then the yeast laps up and it's sugar and then you feel better

but your conditions stay the same so yeast and Candida multiplies and it

makes us crave sugar, that's why it's such a difficult thing to take care of

and how do you know if you have a yeast problem? One clue is the symptoms, things

like oral thrush, fingernail or toenail fungus, vaginal yeast infections or even

patches on your skin your, respiratory system you can get into your lungs, there

can also be systemic Candida which can get into your muscles, your lungs and

your brain. Now I believe Candida is a huge contributing factor to fibromyalgia

and chronic fatigue syndrome or the new name, systemic, exertion, tolerance disease.

I mean, that sounds way better than chronic disease. Now a lot of medical

practitioners don't believe in Candida or systemic Candida like it's some type of a

religion or something and like Will Rogers statement here, there's two sides

to every argument. Lying and the wrong one, so a lot of

medical practitioners, they just miss the boat on yeast and Candida. Now the

medical practitioners who do recognize these problems may be treating them

wrong, many antifungals affect liver and kidney

function especially if you mix the antifungals with alcohol or another drug

therapy and antifungals weaken the heart's ability to contract, this can

lead to heart failure and the medicine that the antifungals reactant are

usually common prescriptions, or over-the-counter medicines. Now fungus

are microorganisms that are present everywhere, indoors, outdoors. In fact,

there's over 50,000 types of fungi in the environment, they can coexist or live

on your skin for years without a problem but sometimes, it change happens and then

the infection occurs and it can be ringworm on your head or nail beds or

candidiasis, it can be in the mouth, a vaginal tract or the urinary tract.

Now it's kind of a trick question at the beginning of the video because it says,

"How can we avoid fungus?" How can you avoid mold? And the answer is that you

can't, the way that you don't have those infections is you've got to make sure

that your immune system is healthy and you don't intentionally feed the candida,

this can be brought on by a weakened immune system side effects of

antibiotics, diabetes, poor hygiene, warm and moist environments, poor circulation

or a traumatic skin injury. So let's talk about something that's really important..

If you're having fungal concerns or problems, it's a sign that your immune

system isn't working. Let me repeat that. A fungal infection is a sign of a deeper

problem and you can't avoid fungus or yeast or mold spores, they're everywhere

and the immune system takes care of it when it's healthy, if you have the immune

system deficiencies or lifestyle problems, where you're unintentionally

just feeding or fertilizing the yeast and then this thing called stress. Now

stress, too much sugar, not enough sleep and empty calorie diet, what? That means

you can get food space takers, now what does that mean? It means that you can get

food in your system, it's of no well substance. In my opinion, the only

long-term viable solution for a chronic yeast or Candida infection is to work on

the person and not the yeast, you must change the environment and

make the person healthy, rely on a pill or an antifungal medicine I believe is a

recipe for disaster. So let's talk about solutions.. Here's the best way to treat

these types of infections. Number one, remove the food source, stop eating food

cocaine. Now I say that because it sounds cool and everyone says sugar is more

addictive than cocaine so avoid sugar. Apple cider vinegar helps to kill fungus

infections and the acidic properties helps to kill the problem and you can

use it externally and you can use it internally and for systemic conditions,

I really like plain yogurt not sugarfied yogurt, I love garlic because it helps to

kill the fungus, the bacteria and the yeast and oils like tea tree oil, oregano

oil, peppermint, and clove oil. Now my favorite thing to do for anti-fungal

Candida yeast is a natural Native American remedy called Lomatium,

it's a wild crafted herb, originally discovered by the Native Americans that

bolsters the immune system and I believe it's the number one remedy for fungal

infections, for yeast problems and for systemic Candida. There are two ways to

get this, you can get as a tincture, as a capsule and this is particularly

effective against fungal skin infections because it literally burns up the fungus

and it leaves your healthy tissue intact and you rub this on your toenail or your

fingernail and it really really helps that type of fungus but I must urge you,

its consistency, if you treat those areas consistently with Lomatium,

it will help, in my experience. Now you have to figure out who is more

determined you or the fungus, so you take the Lomtium, you rub it on your toenails

and fungus and you can order through that, you can order that through the West

Clinic online or Ntures NX. Now for the people that are not responding

to the home therapy, there's some advanced therapies that are important to

help your immune system. Number one, vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system,

it's my favorite overall vitamin, you may want to couple that with ultraviolet

bloody radiation therapy or UV RX therapy and then dilute hydrochloric

acid. A one to five hundred dilution has some fantastic immune stimulating and

some lymph node flushing therapy and then neural therapy helps to reset

the nervous system, I talked about this on in most every video because it's

literally life-changing. So to summarize the information, you can't avoid fungus

you got to be healthy. If you have a fungal problem, it's a sign that your

immune system isn't working that well and antifungal medicines interact with

common prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines and they're

very hard on the liver and kidney, the only way to win against and Candida our

yeast problem is to make the body healthy, it's kind of like the Humpty

Dumpty plan, you're on a wall, you fall off, you're in pieces, you have to have

someone help put the pieces back together. To beat this, you need to follow

the candida diet and by the way, as a bonus, if you'll message me, I'll send you

my favorite candida diet outline and then Lomatium is the best treatment for

Candida systemically in my opinion. You can put Lomatium

directly on the skin areas, your fingernails and toenails, it works great

as long as you're consistent, based upon my clinical experience and the feedback

that my patients are giving me and then some people with Candida, long-standing

yeast and Candida infections, the only way in my opinion to beat those is to do

the IV vitamin C, some type of ultraviolet therapy and possibly some

dilute hydrochloric acid therapy. Thanks for watching the video, this is Dr. Jason

West in the West Clinic. There's always hope and our mission is to help as many

people as possible to achieve and maintain optimal health.

For more infomation >> How To Treat Fungal Infection - 6 Easy Ways - Duration: 10:31.


Masternode cryptomonnaie en 10mn #bitcoin #altcoin - Duration: 10:06.

Hello again, good evening. For this second video after the staking, this time we will focus on masternode that is finally

Staking with a minimum entrance fee. "Exactly, in fact it's a bit staking's evolution

Wholesale to explain you take the principle of staking as explained in the previous video unless you have an entrance fee

so basically as you have your entrance fee

the network trusts you "yeah" by default

like that there's only you who can verify the transactions and those who have the same entrance fee

So there's less people who can

verify transactions, secure the network but therefor the rate of return is much more superior then

the problem is that it is less

less easy

to make masternode

because it always has a little configuration to do between two "we didn't explain in another video on staking, is

it easy to install and difficult to install; we said we had a small pc unlike mining; staking "

"Click click Next Next Next, finished, you download the blockchain, you put your coins above it, you shift your wallet

that stakes. "So basically as your wallet is connected and the machine has Internet

"There" you stake and there is nothing to adjust while masternode there's a little config, "there's a little bit of

config, there's little command lines to retrieve

stuff that's a little more complex. "" There's command lines but for those who are fans of the only windows

we can still do it with windows. "We can do it with windows

There's a console for orders on each portfolio "ok" okay? but the thing is that as there's less people that can rightly afford

that entrance fee "yes" rate of return is really superior; in general, masternode start

for example 5/6% forthe well-known as Dash

but you can get 200 300 500% and there's even many

1500% per year, but precisely because there's this entrance fee and that's what makes a little scarcity

of masternode; all transactions go through there "and that's something that is still relatively little used"

It's not very used especially as it is there's more

currencies, currencies, people can not do all, "exactly "so we remind a little bit as staking in term of power level

it doesn't requires a crazy thing; "This is the same as staking", "except that staking there's an entrance fee, it

must have this much money to be able to

claim, claim masternode and then generate a large gain in profitability

"Exactly," with gains that will make you forget you clearly Livret A "but for example

Artic coin here is actually at 30% a little over 30%, bisounours at 60%

the Interzone at 200% so you see truly like there's this rarity

the ability to secure the network, there's scarcity of nodes

so obviously we gain tremendously. "So those currencies that will bring us to 40/ 50 /60% Do we have to invest

1000 euros 2000 euros of this coin to be eligible for masternode?

As usual in the crypto currency the more you'll diversify the least you will be subject to the risks of falling

to the disappearance of a currency or so "exactly" it was a shitty project disappearing "exactly and then beyond it

For example I mentioned earlier Interzone which aims to make a complete social network blockchain

A mix between diaspora and facebook you know and everything on blockchain

There's a huge range

So the more it will be known more it will be used and more masternode go up in value "yeah and therefore the entry fee

will go up, "" exactly "so it is better to do it now." For example, I got bisounours at 11 dollars

I think right now it is 30/35 dollars

So you see it is already a plus;it will go up progressively";" So it is very interesting from there, by the end of 2017 because

In 2018 we will not hide it and you know if you're there, watching videos on

masternode, interesting in mining, trading for purchase

holding it's just I buy and wait

if you are at masternoding level you know this is the time to buy, this is the time to invest, "exactly

earlier one is in masternode, the cheaper it is", "the cheaper it is and the more it will bring you crazy

and if it is a concrete project with something that brings a real interest

typically technological, a sort of facebook on blockchain or

or other projects you know it will explode in the next two years and your masternode that cosst you maybe 15

$ of coins will make a x 50 x 100 x 200 "," and beyond the value

the thing is you do values creation meaning that when you got a

masternode as staking, every time you secure a transaction, you are paid, it is actually added to

Your portfolio so even if they drop a bit

as you have created value

Well it necessarily offset the decline, but if it goes up, well your rise will be especially high actually

and it's mostly what's interesting in a mastenode ";" So here I see auditors who are worried, yes you down here, I see you

if masternode, my machine breaks down ";" then in general,

how to explain? they have an error compensation; for example, the one I know most is the Arctic coin

if you reconnecte yourself within the next hour it is as if you were not offline

"Okay, that means what am I doing? I save a

wallet file? "," you backup your wallet and your config

Here, "" my config file "there" to be able to go back as soon as possible meaning

I take another pc lying around at home that served as the dekstop or I buy a raspberry pi

or a small PC because once again there's no need for a big config to make a masternode, a small 30

euro pc is enough nomatter if it's on windows or on linux some things like that, I remind you that I bought mini pc

during black friday that cost 32 euros, which can potentially

make two or three, "three", three masternode of 32 euros computer "here" we can not say that it is expensive "exactly", hardware

So you buy like this, you could have a backup pc when there is one that you do fail

It's okay I get out my wallet file I put my password back, I put my config file back and you relaunch

Bam I am masternode again and I will continue where I was, the blockchain

resynchronize, I get all my gains", " and also to reassure future masternode creators

When, for example, you go over time, for example for the Arctic coin, you are offline

and the time you actually reconnecteyou just lost the time when you were offline

You don't loose again / You put no time

to be back, oh yes it is him I recognize him, "here" after you catch up, "and yet when you reconnecte it takes you 15 seconds, but but the

thing ismostly that the network does'nt reject you, so actually if you're offline for three days you lost three days of gains

but you don't lose what you have created and you will not lose what you'll create

and in fact it is mostly what's interesting

Meaning even with a failure or whatever well in the worst case during three days well you create nothing but it's okay

yes it's just three days "yes exactly"

Ok something to add?

Well except that there are more and more currencies setting about masternode "yeah" So it will

go check, there's several websites that do that like, masternode war online

providing lists of masternode

so I recommend these websites

Go check anyway on the websites of different currencies all that how they are perceived, particularly what's said on twitter

because there's still

some shit coins that making masternode just to be in the mainstream and ultimately break down

three months after they are worth nothing

So be careful anyway", "stay on solid projects, investigate, check the forums, go see reddit, "exactly" go on


ask us questions in comments on youtube, we will tell you what we think, if we know the project or if it

is completely shit coin "here", "and then I would add if you enjoyed this video

please subscribe, put blue thumbs"," blue thumbs, subscriptions all that but also thank you to Samurai


sorrycooperative". " Of course we are hosted tonight, you will notice that it's not the usual set up and as the video

about staking we are hosted by the samurai cooperative with a real director filming us with his"" and for once we have a pro results"," his

beautiful GH5 and we saw

the first video about staking, I think you will find that the result is much more

professional as usual with the little mike that's here and hiden on the chair and so I should stop moving the chair hoping

there is no grips; so feel free to subscribe to the channel, please, you have our BTC

Ethereum wallets, you know that if everyone was donating even a small euro

with the wallets that are below us, it will allow us to buy new equipment, new mikes, new lights

"And it also allows us to participate in other projects such as the Samurai," "exactly"

50 cents or 1 euro; if the 1,300 subscribers give it you know that concerning equipment it's

christmas for us, you have affiliation amazon links, you have affiliation coinbase

link, if you buy 100 euros coinbase you'll have 10 euros back and 10 euros for us

So actually you have plenty of ways to give us money without giving us your money with all these affiliation links

and if you do not have a small euro to invest in crypto

well I think I don't know what you do on the masternode investment video because

Believe me that in 2018 it's not a euro that you will generate; You can also see all these, all the youtube videos on

itunes, don't hesitate to put stars on it"a lot of stars", but still come to us commens on youtube because it's

more fun for us; I'm not aware of what is going on itunes compared to videos

of LanguedeGeek channel. We'll see soon and anyway for an upcoming

No. 6, No. 7 live that will be

on tuesday, wednesday we'll see "we'll see", "we communicate on all social networks, you can find us on instagram, twitter, facebook

"Yeah telegram, discord," "discord and all you want and

that's it. "" Exactly". " Well ciao "." See you soon. Ciao"

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