From slices of bread to bathroom doors that aren't heavy enough, the Planet Dolan Crew
re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the most irrational fears
people have.
I'm Doopie, and today, I'll be your narrator.
Number 10 was Submitted by yoyo2222222222222222 Honeybits
When Honeybits was younger, there was a fire hydrant on her street that somebody painted
to look like a really creepy devil, with a doodle.
Honeybits' sister noticed that she was scared of it, so she told a story about how some
nights the hydrant opens, and ghosts, devils, and other monsters would come out of it to
kill people.
So Honeybits spent the first 10 years of her life being scared of a fire hydrant.
Eventually, her sister realized she'd gone too far, and told Honeybits that she lied
about everything.
Number 9 was Submitted by Doobladi Spincess Spincess has a really big fear of light bathroom
Whenever she needs to go to a public restroom, she first tests the door to make sure that
it's not too light, and then she pushes open the door.
She sometimes forgets to check first, and when she pushes the door open, she falls right
through, because she was prepared for a heavy door that she would need to lean on, not a
door that can be opened by a light breeze.
Number 8 was Submitted by Kaia_123 Gooby Gooby has a weird fear of napkins and dry
She can't touch napkins, unless they're wet napkins.
If anyone uses napkins or rubs their dry hands and Gooby hears the sound of it, she starts
to have a panic attack.
Gooby has had it since forever, and she has to put lotion on a LOT to avoid the terrible
feeling of dry hands.
Number 7 was Submitted by Elk810 Nixxiom Nixxiom secretly has a fear of his own potential
to do bad things.
Nixxiom thinks of himself as generally a good person who always tries to be helpful, and
never wants to hurt anyone.
But sometimes, he's afraid he could eventually snap and just kill someone, without even . He
keeps thinking one tiny little push could send him into darkness.
But Nixxiom also believes that fear is proof that he still has a conscience, so hopefully
that will keep him from the dark side.
Number 6 was Submitted by Keaton0801 Slapped Ham
The most irrational fear Slapped Ham has is huge open ceilings, like those in an auditorium,
gymnasium or concert hall.
When he walks in and look up, he sees that there are no walls or support structures visible.
Without those structures visible, Slapped Ham always feels like the ceiling is going
to collapse in on top of him.
Number 5 was Submitted by CraftyRagamuffin Melissa
Ever since she was little, Melissa has been terrified of used tissues.
It physically makes her feel sick to see them, and she will shriek if she touches one, no
matter who uses them or what they're used for.
Her fear started when she was 7.
Melissa and her family went to the zoo, and she wore a brand-new coat with a hood, which
she loved.
On the bus to the zoo, Melissa heard her dad shout, "What the HELL?!"
That's when Melissa realized the guy sitting behind her had been at least a dozen of his
snot-covered tissues into the hood of her coat.
They quickly got the tissues out, but Melissa was already traumatized at the thought of
some random freak's snot being inside her coat.
For the next 7 hours, Melissa was stuck in London, wearing what felt to her like a coat
made out of snot.
14 years later, Melissa still can't blow her own nose.
Number 4 was Submitted by swagger224 Legna When Legna was in 6th grade, he had an irrational
fear of bread.
Legna had some bad experiences with moldy bread in the past, and it freaked him out.
As a result, Legna never brought a sandwich for lunch that year.
It got so bad, for a little while he had to wear a blindfold to lunch so he wouldn't have
to look at other people's sandwiches
Number 3 was Submitted by Laila-Chan Ramona When Ramona was about 8 years old, she had
a fear of strawberries.
She doesn't know why, but she always feared them because the seeds were on the outside.
So she thought that if she ate them, the little seeds would launch out of the strawberry and
plant in her mouth.
Ramona thought about how painful it would be to have a strawberry plant growing in her
mouth, and since the seeds were so small, she would never be able to get them out.
After a lot of convincing, Ramona's mom got her to try them, and now they're Ramona's
2nd favorite fruit.
Number 2 was Submitted by Kibishi_shi Robo Robo's irrational fear is not getting in
bed and under her blanket in three seconds.
Ever since she can remember, Robo played a little game she made up called "bed time."
This game has brought a fear to her very soul.
The game is that when she's about to go to bed, she has to close her eyes, say "bed
time," and turn off the lights.
Then she must be in bed with her blanket over her entire body in a matter of three seconds.
Then, she must close her eyes immediately and count to three.
Then, and only then, is she "safe."
After that, she can do whatever she wants.
The two biggest rules are what make the game terrifying.
First, once you've played once, you are not allowed to stop.
Second, you can't fail or "it" will come for you, even if you're under the blanket.
To this day, Robo hasn't failed, so she doesn't know what "it" is, but she doesn't want
to find out.
Number 1 – What's my most irrational fear?
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