Sunday, December 17, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 17 2017

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.

Let's start with the biggest news, known as the Survival Mode.

This was first found by MaxReiger and he made an interesting post about it on Reddit.

After the patch of 'October 10, 2016' he found two map references which included

"de_canals" and "survival_island".

We already know what Canals is, but we still have no public info regarding "survival_island".

Now you probably remember the sound exploit that allowed to you play on maps without background


Anyway, Valve fixed the exploit by moving all the soundscript files inside the VPK's,

which are basically files that are used to store materials and other resources.

But inside the VPK's there's a new soundscape line called soundscapes_island which means

"survival_island" has been changed to just "island".

He also noticed that the soundscape for the "island" looks very different compare to an

original CS:GO map.

And if you go to the Survival Mode page under the Counter-Strike Wiki, you can see what

other people have found and collected so far.

Under Localization tokens there are two strings hinting that the game mode will have information

on Players left and survival time.

Under models you can see information about Supply Crates and beacons.

All the references here are very similar to a Battle Royale mode, even the Phases during

the game sounds to me like there's danger zones on the map.

Now we don't know for sure what they're doing, but knowing Valve, they wouldn't call it Battle Royale.

But, it would certainly be in their interest to build something close to that.

PUBG is extremely popular, and Valve are fully aware of it.

So let's say Valve decides to release something similar, how good would it be?

I honestly believe Valve would be able to pull it off quite well.

You can complain all you want about not hitting your shots in the game, and that CS:GO is broken, but what about PUBG?

PUBG isn't famous for it's servers, how well optimized it is, or even the user interface.

Think about it, Valve could surprise us here.

Anyway, all this pretty much shows us that they're definitely working a new game mode

which most likely takes place on an island.

Seeing how PUGB has exploded in popularity, it wouldn't surprise me if they decide to

release this next year.

The next thing I wanna bring up is a new potential case full of new skins for the game.

So this guy named dotcom461 shared information about a tag Valve likes to use for their weapon

cases called "Chimera" (yes that's how you pronounce it).

If you go on Steam and search for items with this tag you get these skins.

These are potentially the ones that we will get to the game but nothing is sure.

In fact, now that this post is out, Valve might actually change the skins.

But let's say these are the correct ones, the first thing you'll notice is that the

names will probably change, Valve usually does this.

My favorites are, the AWP Death, the M4 Neo Noir, the AUG Stymphalian Birds (I think that's how you pronunce it), the USP Cut

and of course the Swag 7.

I'll put the link in the video description so you can check out the skins for yourself.

Let me know which ones are your favorites.

This is purely a guess, but next week we might get a Christmas cheer update which hopefully

could give us some new skins, but, nothing is 100% sure here.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed this video.

Make sure you follow me on other social medias as well so you don't miss out, I'll see you

guys in the next one, and go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO Rumors: Valve working on a Battle Royale mode? Leaked CS:GO case? - Duration: 4:10.


(한글자막) 눈오는날 벤츠 AMG GT R을 혹사시켜 버리다..!!(KOREAN SUBTITLES)✔ - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> (한글자막) 눈오는날 벤츠 AMG GT R을 혹사시켜 버리다..!!(KOREAN SUBTITLES)✔ - Duration: 7:22.


ESO MORROWIND Siostra Przeciw Bratu DIVINE DELUSIONS Warden Gameplay #3 - Duration: 22:18.

after further examination of the documents you brought back and have to

agree with your assessment the Ashland etre dollar has somehow siphoned divine

energy away from Lord vivec not exactly but now there were certainly affliction

is it natural we can pursue a proper solution I suspect we'll need shorter

staff how the Ashland had got his hands on saw the sills tool and turned it into

a weapon I have no idea chod Allah won't hand over the staff and trying to take

it could lead to a war we can't afford to wage I suggest you go to outer and

talk to his sister Saren I don't trust her either but she worked with you

before perhaps she'll do so again I've been thinking about my brother's claim

that he's the narrow variant since we last spoke no matter how I try the word

tastes false on my tongue and now I fear he's about to convince the wise woman

that his quest for power will benefit the tribes my brother is respected and

revered he has allies in all of the tribes not to mention his personal read

exiles we have to proceed with caution respect the Ashland er customs and

traditions anything else will lead to violence and

bloodshed we talked to my brother tried to convince him this isn't the way

barring that we make sure the wise woman doesn't get drawn into his madness

whatever totalus says or does don't attack him we don't need a war between

the houses and the ash Landers

a wise woman I was hoping she'd be here you're too late

dear sister despite your protestations the wise woman has gone to the Cave of

the Incarnate to confirm my claim brother do you really want to pursue

this dangerous course there was a time when you gave me your unconditional

support Saren I missed those days

my brother chodri is about to do something foolish and dangerous but by

dusk and dawn Azura put you and I on the same path for

a purpose just hope we have enough time he's about to claim the title of the

nerevarine and tried to unite the ash Landor tribes gathered here he already

convinced the Red exiles to support him he's using them to intimidate the other

tribes if he persuaded the wise woman to his cause wise woman Dovre see the most

respected counselor and spirit guide this side of Red Mountain she went to

the cavern of the incarnate to meditate on totalus claim if she confirms my

brother's accession the tribes will follow wherever he leads agreed but I

dare not leave Jodl alone with the tribes

I feel the hand of Asura and all this go to the cavern of the Incarnate and

talked to the wise woman I'll stay here and try to keep things under control

until you return the caverns to the northeast of aldrin on the other side of

the mountain hopefully the rumbling and lover won't slow you down too much get

to the cavern and talk to the wise woman if she accepts totalus claim about the

nerevarine Asura proclaimed that someday in Durell

nerevar a hero from our ancient past would return to unite the Dark Elves and

right the wrongs of nirn we call the returned incarnate the nerevarine

my brother Cholula believes that he's near evaru born my brother isn't the

first to believe he's narrow vow returned all of the previous failed

incarnate rest within the havin a statue of Azura watches over

them as they await the arrival of the true narrow Varian inshaallah became a

Gulick on a champion of our people I supported him when he stepped forward as

Ashkan leader of our tribe I was at his side but this new claim it comes with

strange powers and talk of war I can't support those things

Azura is my shield you foul creatures

thank you for aiding me but I sense you came for a different purpose let's talk

inside the cavern

surely there must be another way no my lady of course not

I'll do as you ask come here Outlander we must talk

it feels strange to talk to an outlander in such a secret place but the queen of

the night sky insists I need to render judgment on an important claim and she

says you can help me reach the correct decision words of truth from the mouth

of an outlander remarkable the red X Isles and a few others believe the

Cholula is the narrow bearing he's convinced then but not me

I came here to consider my options I fear a billion if hos his name perhaps

but I must remain impartial if someone else reveals the flaws in cha Dollaz

claims by comparing him to the failed incarnations that might do the trick

which feels straight words perhaps we thought the incarnate were possessed by

the spirit of Navarre but each had a critical flaw that made them destined to

fail to fulfill the prophecy their spirits reside here yes you should

speak to the Incarnate I see Asura's wisdom now take this pouch of blessed

grave dust sprinkle a pinch upon the bones of the incarnate to call forth

their spirits return to Aldrin after you have learned all you can perhaps we can

curb total as ambitions before they lead us to war we need knowledge to defeat

totala of glamour listen well to what the failed incarnate have to say

we are the failed in Kaunas the Ashland is who proudly proclaimed themselves to

be the narrow very but were found wanting the lady of dawn and dusk urged

us to cooperate so ask your question outlet

take my scroll and help the wise woman see the live on bridled power I thought

myself the reborn narraboth for I was the strongest most powerful warrior in

all the land but power alone won't save my people in the end it couldn't even

save me

once I was the hope of my people but then my claim was proven false now I

went and I hoped for the narrow bearings return state your question Outlander and

I shall do as Ozora urges to fulfill the prophecy I followed a path of blood and

war in the end my path became a road that led nowhere and I was cast down

from my lofty spot take my school and help the wise woman understand the

futility of a senseless war

Venera Varon remains a promise unfulfilled and I am as guilty of

prideful posturing as every other failed incarnate that occupies this Hall ask

your question and let's be done with this Outlander the narrow very must

listen as well as proclaim I refuse to accept wise counsel which led to the

doom of my tribe at the end of my quest to embody the spirit of meta bar they

take my scroll and remind the wise woman that wisdom ignored his ignorance mortal

lettuce speech I first saw your usefulness before you even set foot in

Barden fell now comes a test that will challenge your ability to separate truth

from lives you must convince the tribes that chhotya is not the narrow very

Dover sees wisdom outshines most other mortals she recognises the futility of

Childers claim if she rebuffs him however the tribes will turn on each

other and blood will flow the staff sooner

it makes children a confident reckless your instincts serve you well

totalus path took a dark turn however my sight

clouds when I looked too closely so the seal built sooner ah but he did

not create it with this violin purpose in mind you must act on my behalf and

vivex then go return to Alderon and help the wise woman reveal the falsehood of

CHO doulas claim and let Saren assist you

she is my champion and a trusted friend of all Ashe lenders use what the

incarnate shared with you their failures point the way toward totalus downfall

but beware totalus power he may not be the narrow very but some greater agency

has lent strength to his conviction due to an ancient pact I am not permitted to

interfere in the affairs of nirn even this casual discussion pushes the

boundaries of that agreement instead I must work through trusted agents such as

yourself and Saren helping that arrogant imposter whatever gave you the idea that

I was helping that murderer Vardhan fell must stand everything I do

in this regard serves that single goal best that you remember

then star you've returned the wise woman returned from the cavern of the

incarnate and went right into scarred to meet with the tribes totalism there two

about to be named in their averring tell me you came back with something to stop

my brothers rise to power of course use the tails of the field in Carnot's to

counter total as arguments that's brilliant

well except for one problem an outlander has no status in the council the ash

lenders won't listen to a word you say someone else has to present the

arguments someone they trust I suppose that means I have to challenge my

brother with your help of course you spoke to the Incarnate not me I'm

familiar with the stories but I'll need you to help me choose the appropriate

argument to counter each of totalus claims

I hate opposing my brother in this I just don't see another way incarnate run

so was strong and powerful he thought that by strength alone he could unite

the ash lenders he failed when Cholula proclaims his power that's when we'll

refer to this scroll sad tale incarnate Odori was a champion of my people she

defended us against great threats but when she grew to love war for war sake

she proved she wasn't the narrow Varian when showed allah proclaims that war is

the answer hand me this scroll incarnate donna

thought his way was the best way he rejected the counsel of the wise women

and the ash Khan's something narrower I would never do when showed Allah

proclaims he knows better than anyone will use this scroll

meet me inside

must we continue this path it's obvious that I'm the narrow bearing someone has

stepped forward to challenge your claim Cholula Saren

I'm disappointed and you dear sister enough I shall hear your arguments and

render my decision

even the Outlander can see that I'm the most powerful ashc on my strength alone

proves that I am the narrow baron

chote Allah puts forth his great strength as proof of his claim give me

the scroll that discounts such a trait for the nerevarine yes that's a sound

argument incarnate appear as a warrior and as an ash god I was the most

powerful of my age but for all my strength I failed my people don't follow

my example the faithless houses dare to threaten our land but we shall meet them

in battle and I will lead us to a victory this is more nerve-wracking than

I anticipated which Scroll do you recommend to counter

this argument

that makes sense I'll try that in Carnot's appear

I thought the path to the narrow Varian was a path of blood and battle but my

love of war was my undoing war is not the way these fail did Carnot's prove

nothing i need no counsel but my own as befits my status as the narrow baron

I think it's working one more strong assertion and that should do it

of course let's see what happens incarnate appear I refuse to accept the

counsel of the wise women of the ash Khan's thought I knew best but I you

nothing that is not the way of the narrow very

Saren and the Outlander their arguments have merit Sarala we deny your claim you

are not the nur of Aeryn this proves nothing look how the staff

protects me I am the narrow Barry

model I would have

Joe d'leh has been revealed as a failed narrow variant but that hasn't dissuaded

him from his reckless course of action as long as he wields the staff he shall

be unstoppable time is against you mortals

even now Vivek that pompous usurper grows increasingly weaker as much as I

deplore him the vet cannot fall to total as vile magic magic there's another

power at work here yeah one I can't quite put my finger on return to Vivek

City do what you can to aid the Veck and pay heed to my faithful vessel Sarah I

named her champion of the moon and star she will play a pivotal role in ending

her brother's march toward godhood if she surprises that was

as a God weakens so too does his city suffer I know my people grow fearful

even the arch cannon is distressed but the energy that remains to me holds the

moonlit in the sky at least for now so what news does my eyes and ears bring to

me how this upstart Ashland a learned to attune so the seals to confounds my

understanding and he dares use my power still no help is appreciated every

strike in Perry takes us one step closer to ending this threat and restoring my

vitality due to Lordan dish


For more infomation >> ESO MORROWIND Siostra Przeciw Bratu DIVINE DELUSIONS Warden Gameplay #3 - Duration: 22:18.


Navidad en Kodi - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Navidad en Kodi - Duration: 7:59.


Ёлочный шар из бисера. Часть 2. Подготовка к Новому году. - Duration: 16:49.

For more infomation >> Ёлочный шар из бисера. Часть 2. Подготовка к Новому году. - Duration: 16:49.


Never Will I

For more infomation >> Never Will I


Arcimboldo: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Arcimboldo: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 4:47.


Ziliões de maneiras de falar COMO VOCÊ VAI em italiano (e algumas respostas) I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Ziliões de maneiras de falar COMO VOCÊ VAI em italiano (e algumas respostas) I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 4:28.


GF Vip 2:Cecilia e Ignazio Una bella gatta da pelare questo Natale | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> GF Vip 2:Cecilia e Ignazio Una bella gatta da pelare questo Natale | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 8:11.


We Play Join the Love: Igrajmo se, igraj "Mo$e" - Duration: 3:42.

We Play

Join the Love

We Play

Join The Love

We Play

Join the Love

We Play

Join the Love

We Play

Join the Love

We Play

Join the Love

We Play

Join the Love

We Play

Join the Love









For more infomation >> We Play Join the Love: Igrajmo se, igraj "Mo$e" - Duration: 3:42.


Ragù di carne bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Ragù di carne bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 6:37.


Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI Airscape Shine 5drs Automaat - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI Airscape Shine 5drs Automaat - Duration: 0:59.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:56.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Première VOUWDAK CAMERA KEYLESS LM-VELGEN - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Première VOUWDAK CAMERA KEYLESS LM-VELGEN - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot 108 ACTIVE PREMIUM 1.0 E-VTi 68PK 5-DRS | AIRCO | BLUETOOTH | LED | - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 ACTIVE PREMIUM 1.0 E-VTi 68PK 5-DRS | AIRCO | BLUETOOTH | LED | - Duration: 0:56.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 3D Allure - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 3D Allure - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:59.


IL SABATO ITALIANO: Anticipazioni: Alba Parietti e Orietta Berti tra gli ospiti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> IL SABATO ITALIANO: Anticipazioni: Alba Parietti e Orietta Berti tra gli ospiti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.


PANTANAL MARIMBUS | MUCUGÊ | BAHIA - | Max e Mirjam EP 32 - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> PANTANAL MARIMBUS | MUCUGÊ | BAHIA - | Max e Mirjam EP 32 - Duration: 7:21.


Bunker of the Hill of San Michele - Defense of Cagliari ~ 20 November 2017 | Living in Cagliari - Duration: 2:41.

Bunker of the Hill of San Michele - Defense of Cagliari ~ 20 November 2017 | Living in Cagliari

For more infomation >> Bunker of the Hill of San Michele - Defense of Cagliari ~ 20 November 2017 | Living in Cagliari - Duration: 2:41.


ZenHOW | Come utilizzare la modalità Beauty Live di ZenFone 4 Selfie - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> ZenHOW | Come utilizzare la modalità Beauty Live di ZenFone 4 Selfie - Duration: 0:43.


MOVIE LOCATIONS IN NEW YORK, NYC Ep.#3 - Greenwich village, High Line - Duration: 7:24.

This squirrel is a bit nervous

and now is even mad at me

We are at Greenwich Village

we are walking

in one of those neighbourhood

which can be considered

a typical neighbourhood

of New York

hence here there aren't those big skyscrapers

that we have seen in the center

but are smaller houses

with external emergency stairs

typical of the movies

let's go around

Greenwich Village

is really a

a very nice area

of New York

is the place where you will find

all yours

memories of cinematography

that's why we are now going

to the location



how comes you are able to remember

all the words of all the songs?

I have a very linguistic memory


this is the location

where the TV series Friend was shot

this is the apartment of


of Sex and the City

the TV series

for which the Americans went crazy

Here is full of tourists


and I think that the lady

is a bit


let's continue our tour

we are at Chelsea Market

a shopping mall

full of stands


and is very special

to visit

we are inside

tha pasta factory

Giovanni Rana

another piece of home

it's an incredible place

absolutely worth a visit

especially if you want to eat

something different

there is a huge choice

is relatively cheap

we are at the high line

which was

an old rail trail

above the ground

which is out of order nowadays

and a park was created onto it

where to go jogging

take a rest

or relax

is really incredible

we are on a bridge

which is now a park

come on don't be shy

say Hello to the friends of Foot

there is some

there is some wind

we are going to

the Museum of Natural History

which from 16:45

has free entry

just to understand

this museum is where

the movie Night at the Museum was shot

where all things inside the museum animated

let's go and check it out

the picture of the first man on the moon

10 min left


if you want to visit this museum for free

you have to run

I think that is true

that the animals

are animated

guys, this was a drudgery


we have to explain

if you want to visit for free the museum

the free entry time slot is

from 16:45 to 17:45

we said the same thing in two different ways

nevertheless the museum is huge

so you have to hurry

what we can suggest

is to go directly to the 4th floor

where are the dinosaurs

which is something that we in Europe

can't see so easily

and then go down

visit the Indians section

in our opinion

do as you want

if you want to do it in one hour and for free

otherwise come here relaxed

because you can spend easily the whole day here

there is a lot to see

and now?...

For more infomation >> MOVIE LOCATIONS IN NEW YORK, NYC Ep.#3 - Greenwich village, High Line - Duration: 7:24.


Ejercicios recomendados para bajar la tensión - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Ejercicios recomendados para bajar la tensión - Duration: 7:59.


Ventajas de Adoptar un Perro - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Ventajas de Adoptar un Perro - Duration: 4:50.


Palm Jumeirah October / November 2017 Market Updates - Duration: 7:31.


For more infomation >> Palm Jumeirah October / November 2017 Market Updates - Duration: 7:31.


Zagreb Apartment Tour in Croatia - Duration: 8:03.

Alright guys it is time for our Zagreb apartment tour.

We have just come back from our last day of sightseeing.

We are leaving tomorrow.

This right here is our building.

It is undergoing some renovations so it looks a little rough but follow me.


Also I would like to mention there is a cat that lives in this courtyard.


Maybe we can find him.

Cat friend.

He's been very he's been friendly.

It took a little while for him to warm up to us but.

You were supposed to buy food for the cat.

Oh, right.

I was going to get him some tuna.

Meow meows.

We'll show the carrier.

Where he this is where he sleeps.


He's not in there.

He sleeps right here.



Last night we spotted him actually I'll show you where I saw him last night.

Last night he was here.

It was so dark.

He was just a silhouette but he allowed me to give him some strokes.

So that was nice.

Some pets.

Yeah, we can't find him.

But yeah, he's got his little bowl with water and food.


So let's go to the apartment without the cat.

How can you tell we are animal lovers huh?

Meow meows.

And this is what the apartment looks like from the outside.


Let's go check it out.

Going upstairs.

Turn on the light.

And we are on the second floor right?

First floor.

First floor.

Because the ground doesn't count.

Ah, it is so nice we didn't have to carry our luggage all the way up.

Like we have in the past.

So yeah we're just right here.

Dun dun dun.

Dun nun dun dun.

Da na nuh nuh.


Come on in.

So here we are.

Inside the apartment.

Nice and cozy.

This is the part where I admit we've been here a week and the place is an absolute mess.

It is not a messy.

There is dirty laundry everywhere.

Let's be honest.

It is a pigsty.

There is a pile of dirty underwear like right here on the floor.


You're like saying don't film the dirty underwear.

We're not filming the dirty underwear.

Yeah, we're also not going to show you that either.

Um, so I'm going to cleanup.

I'm going to tidy up.

Do some packing and then we'll do the tour.

Normally we don't mind show us being a little messy but this is next level.

So yeah.

Next level stuff.

We should cleanup a bit.


See you in five.

And we are now ready for the apartment tour to commence.

So I did change.

I needed something more comfy.

Has a magic wand been waved?


It sure has.

Um, so yeah.

This is the main entrance.


Coat rack right here.

A pile of dirty laundry.

It is now self-contained.

It has been self-contained.

It was uh exploding before.

Why don't we start this way.

Sure we'll start this way.


So if you follow me this is our living area which is pretty spacious.

I really enjoyed it.

So we had a massive couch which was so nice for like lounging and watching a little bit

of Netflix and doing some work on the computer.

We did a lot of Netflix and wine and After 8 sessions on this couch.

Yeah, wine and chocolate.


Um, we had a TV that we didn't really use.

Yeah, that is it seems to be the norm.

We never do use it.

And then our window looks out into the courtyard.

Yeah, so we have a really quiet apartment so we're not facing the main street.

We had another couch.

Oh, that was really nice.

We've actually had some noisy apartments you know this year.

A few but not too many.

But some of them have been a little loud.

And then we had a little work desk that I did use but now it is just like storing our


So yeah, that is kind of like the living area.

Then if you follow me this way into the bedroom.


Duh duh dun.

Nice big bed and we had a gazillion blankets in the closet.

Oh yeah.

Which was nice.

Yeah, we've been actually using them.

It has been getting chilly at night.

Especially for me.

For you?


I don't know why but I've been getting cold at night.


Yeah, during the day I'm fine.

That is very rare.

When I need to sleep at night.


Okay moving on.

The bathroom.

Oh and in case we didn't let you guys know we have really high ceilings.

So yeah.

So if it sounds a bit echoey that is the reason.


So it is a pretty good size bathroom I would say.

So I'll just quickly show you guys the shower.

And a little behind the scenes while I was filming this I hit my head on here so I'm

in a bit of pain at the moment.


This is really cool.

Um, what is this called?

Like a towel or a heated towel rack.

Yeah, it is a heated drying rack basically.

You know what I was doing since we didn't have a washing machine, I'd be doing my laundry

and then hanging it up to dry here.

Oh yeah, it dried so fast.

That was the one thing the only liability of this place is it doesn't have a washing


So but we actually knew that in advance so we did all of our clothes and we've only just

been handwashing a bit.

Uh huh.

So yeah.

Yeah that is about it.

Nice drying rack though.

Sink and toilet.

That is the bathroom for ya.

And the heating system in this apartment just so I can show you here.

A radiator.

This is actually how you turn it on.

That is how you turn on both the hot water and the heating the central heating for the


Dun dun dun.

Into the kitchen.

Into the kitchen.

It was really warm.

Sam's office.

Yeah, basically.

This is where he hung out.

Computer desk.

We made tea here.

And oh my gosh this is like the messiest part of the apartment.

He is the embarrassing part.

Not so much embarrassing but we had 3 bottles of wine.

3 bottles in a week.

3 bottles in a week.

Not one night.

Not horrible.

Not in one day.

It has been my birthday week.

We tend to celebrate our birthdays because sometimes we're too busy on the particular


We'll celebrate for like a week.

We'll call that, a week of wine.

My week of wine.

Birthday celebration.

Um, yeah that is the kitchen really.

There is microwave we didn't use.

I did use the stove.

I was making lots of pasta and polenta.


Yeah, we ended up cooking here more than most other places.

We made tonnes of pasta, salads.

Yeah, just all kinds of different things.

And now let's talk about the price.

Mula mula mula.

How much did this place cost?

Money time.

So this place cost 33 US dollars a night.

Um, obviously if you stay for a week like us then you get a discount as well.


Which we did.

And this place was had a phenomenal location.

Oh yeah.

Like it was right in the heart of the Old Town.

We were nearby several different grocery stores.

We had great restaurant options.

Both like kind of for fancy dining but also lots of bakeries, lots of little places that

did burritos and things like that.

And we had a beautiful park just down the street.

Yeah, I went jogging.

So I just felt right at home here.

And you had a cat.

A cat in the courtyard.

I had a cat.

It is like this place couldn't have been better.

I'm going to miss the cat.

I'm still going to try to arrange some tuna.

A can of tuna for it.


At night but um yeah that is getting a little off topic but anyways so yeah that is it for

our time here in Zagreb, Croatia.

And what is next?

Next up is Zadar.

We are going to be heading back to the coast and then basically following the rest of our

time in the Balkans.

It is going to be along the coast so yeah.

We are moving back.

Alright, tata.


For more infomation >> Zagreb Apartment Tour in Croatia - Duration: 8:03.


What she is thinking

For more infomation >> What she is thinking


Volvo V60 1.6 T3 R-DESIGN - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 1.6 T3 R-DESIGN - Duration: 0:42.


CS:GO Rumors: Valve working on a Battle Royale mode? Leaked CS:GO case? - Duration: 4:10.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.

Let's start with the biggest news, known as the Survival Mode.

This was first found by MaxReiger and he made an interesting post about it on Reddit.

After the patch of 'October 10, 2016' he found two map references which included

"de_canals" and "survival_island".

We already know what Canals is, but we still have no public info regarding "survival_island".

Now you probably remember the sound exploit that allowed to you play on maps without background


Anyway, Valve fixed the exploit by moving all the soundscript files inside the VPK's,

which are basically files that are used to store materials and other resources.

But inside the VPK's there's a new soundscape line called soundscapes_island which means

"survival_island" has been changed to just "island".

He also noticed that the soundscape for the "island" looks very different compare to an

original CS:GO map.

And if you go to the Survival Mode page under the Counter-Strike Wiki, you can see what

other people have found and collected so far.

Under Localization tokens there are two strings hinting that the game mode will have information

on Players left and survival time.

Under models you can see information about Supply Crates and beacons.

All the references here are very similar to a Battle Royale mode, even the Phases during

the game sounds to me like there's danger zones on the map.

Now we don't know for sure what they're doing, but knowing Valve, they wouldn't call it Battle Royale.

But, it would certainly be in their interest to build something close to that.

PUBG is extremely popular, and Valve are fully aware of it.

So let's say Valve decides to release something similar, how good would it be?

I honestly believe Valve would be able to pull it off quite well.

You can complain all you want about not hitting your shots in the game, and that CS:GO is broken, but what about PUBG?

PUBG isn't famous for it's servers, how well optimized it is, or even the user interface.

Think about it, Valve could surprise us here.

Anyway, all this pretty much shows us that they're definitely working a new game mode

which most likely takes place on an island.

Seeing how PUGB has exploded in popularity, it wouldn't surprise me if they decide to

release this next year.

The next thing I wanna bring up is a new potential case full of new skins for the game.

So this guy named dotcom461 shared information about a tag Valve likes to use for their weapon

cases called "Chimera" (yes that's how you pronounce it).

If you go on Steam and search for items with this tag you get these skins.

These are potentially the ones that we will get to the game but nothing is sure.

In fact, now that this post is out, Valve might actually change the skins.

But let's say these are the correct ones, the first thing you'll notice is that the

names will probably change, Valve usually does this.

My favorites are, the AWP Death, the M4 Neo Noir, the AUG Stymphalian Birds (I think that's how you pronunce it), the USP Cut

and of course the Swag 7.

I'll put the link in the video description so you can check out the skins for yourself.

Let me know which ones are your favorites.

This is purely a guess, but next week we might get a Christmas cheer update which hopefully

could give us some new skins, but, nothing is 100% sure here.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed this video.

Make sure you follow me on other social medias as well so you don't miss out, I'll see you

guys in the next one, and go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO Rumors: Valve working on a Battle Royale mode? Leaked CS:GO case? - Duration: 4:10.


(한글자막) 눈오는날 벤츠 AMG GT R을 혹사시켜 버리다..!!(KOREAN SUBTITLES)✔ - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> (한글자막) 눈오는날 벤츠 AMG GT R을 혹사시켜 버리다..!!(KOREAN SUBTITLES)✔ - Duration: 7:22.


HammAli & Navai - Задыхаюсь (2017) - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> HammAli & Navai - Задыхаюсь (2017) - Duration: 3:17.


Navidad en Kodi - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Navidad en Kodi - Duration: 7:59.


ESO MORROWIND Siostra Przeciw Bratu DIVINE DELUSIONS Warden Gameplay #3 - Duration: 22:18.

after further examination of the documents you brought back and have to

agree with your assessment the Ashland etre dollar has somehow siphoned divine

energy away from Lord vivec not exactly but now there were certainly affliction

is it natural we can pursue a proper solution I suspect we'll need shorter

staff how the Ashland had got his hands on saw the sills tool and turned it into

a weapon I have no idea chod Allah won't hand over the staff and trying to take

it could lead to a war we can't afford to wage I suggest you go to outer and

talk to his sister Saren I don't trust her either but she worked with you

before perhaps she'll do so again I've been thinking about my brother's claim

that he's the narrow variant since we last spoke no matter how I try the word

tastes false on my tongue and now I fear he's about to convince the wise woman

that his quest for power will benefit the tribes my brother is respected and

revered he has allies in all of the tribes not to mention his personal read

exiles we have to proceed with caution respect the Ashland er customs and

traditions anything else will lead to violence and

bloodshed we talked to my brother tried to convince him this isn't the way

barring that we make sure the wise woman doesn't get drawn into his madness

whatever totalus says or does don't attack him we don't need a war between

the houses and the ash Landers

a wise woman I was hoping she'd be here you're too late

dear sister despite your protestations the wise woman has gone to the Cave of

the Incarnate to confirm my claim brother do you really want to pursue

this dangerous course there was a time when you gave me your unconditional

support Saren I missed those days

my brother chodri is about to do something foolish and dangerous but by

dusk and dawn Azura put you and I on the same path for

a purpose just hope we have enough time he's about to claim the title of the

nerevarine and tried to unite the ash Landor tribes gathered here he already

convinced the Red exiles to support him he's using them to intimidate the other

tribes if he persuaded the wise woman to his cause wise woman Dovre see the most

respected counselor and spirit guide this side of Red Mountain she went to

the cavern of the incarnate to meditate on totalus claim if she confirms my

brother's accession the tribes will follow wherever he leads agreed but I

dare not leave Jodl alone with the tribes

I feel the hand of Asura and all this go to the cavern of the Incarnate and

talked to the wise woman I'll stay here and try to keep things under control

until you return the caverns to the northeast of aldrin on the other side of

the mountain hopefully the rumbling and lover won't slow you down too much get

to the cavern and talk to the wise woman if she accepts totalus claim about the

nerevarine Asura proclaimed that someday in Durell

nerevar a hero from our ancient past would return to unite the Dark Elves and

right the wrongs of nirn we call the returned incarnate the nerevarine

my brother Cholula believes that he's near evaru born my brother isn't the

first to believe he's narrow vow returned all of the previous failed

incarnate rest within the havin a statue of Azura watches over

them as they await the arrival of the true narrow Varian inshaallah became a

Gulick on a champion of our people I supported him when he stepped forward as

Ashkan leader of our tribe I was at his side but this new claim it comes with

strange powers and talk of war I can't support those things

Azura is my shield you foul creatures

thank you for aiding me but I sense you came for a different purpose let's talk

inside the cavern

surely there must be another way no my lady of course not

I'll do as you ask come here Outlander we must talk

it feels strange to talk to an outlander in such a secret place but the queen of

the night sky insists I need to render judgment on an important claim and she

says you can help me reach the correct decision words of truth from the mouth

of an outlander remarkable the red X Isles and a few others believe the

Cholula is the narrow bearing he's convinced then but not me

I came here to consider my options I fear a billion if hos his name perhaps

but I must remain impartial if someone else reveals the flaws in cha Dollaz

claims by comparing him to the failed incarnations that might do the trick

which feels straight words perhaps we thought the incarnate were possessed by

the spirit of Navarre but each had a critical flaw that made them destined to

fail to fulfill the prophecy their spirits reside here yes you should

speak to the Incarnate I see Asura's wisdom now take this pouch of blessed

grave dust sprinkle a pinch upon the bones of the incarnate to call forth

their spirits return to Aldrin after you have learned all you can perhaps we can

curb total as ambitions before they lead us to war we need knowledge to defeat

totala of glamour listen well to what the failed incarnate have to say

we are the failed in Kaunas the Ashland is who proudly proclaimed themselves to

be the narrow very but were found wanting the lady of dawn and dusk urged

us to cooperate so ask your question outlet

take my scroll and help the wise woman see the live on bridled power I thought

myself the reborn narraboth for I was the strongest most powerful warrior in

all the land but power alone won't save my people in the end it couldn't even

save me

once I was the hope of my people but then my claim was proven false now I

went and I hoped for the narrow bearings return state your question Outlander and

I shall do as Ozora urges to fulfill the prophecy I followed a path of blood and

war in the end my path became a road that led nowhere and I was cast down

from my lofty spot take my school and help the wise woman understand the

futility of a senseless war

Venera Varon remains a promise unfulfilled and I am as guilty of

prideful posturing as every other failed incarnate that occupies this Hall ask

your question and let's be done with this Outlander the narrow very must

listen as well as proclaim I refuse to accept wise counsel which led to the

doom of my tribe at the end of my quest to embody the spirit of meta bar they

take my scroll and remind the wise woman that wisdom ignored his ignorance mortal

lettuce speech I first saw your usefulness before you even set foot in

Barden fell now comes a test that will challenge your ability to separate truth

from lives you must convince the tribes that chhotya is not the narrow very

Dover sees wisdom outshines most other mortals she recognises the futility of

Childers claim if she rebuffs him however the tribes will turn on each

other and blood will flow the staff sooner

it makes children a confident reckless your instincts serve you well

totalus path took a dark turn however my sight

clouds when I looked too closely so the seal built sooner ah but he did

not create it with this violin purpose in mind you must act on my behalf and

vivex then go return to Alderon and help the wise woman reveal the falsehood of

CHO doulas claim and let Saren assist you

she is my champion and a trusted friend of all Ashe lenders use what the

incarnate shared with you their failures point the way toward totalus downfall

but beware totalus power he may not be the narrow very but some greater agency

has lent strength to his conviction due to an ancient pact I am not permitted to

interfere in the affairs of nirn even this casual discussion pushes the

boundaries of that agreement instead I must work through trusted agents such as

yourself and Saren helping that arrogant imposter whatever gave you the idea that

I was helping that murderer Vardhan fell must stand everything I do

in this regard serves that single goal best that you remember

then star you've returned the wise woman returned from the cavern of the

incarnate and went right into scarred to meet with the tribes totalism there two

about to be named in their averring tell me you came back with something to stop

my brothers rise to power of course use the tails of the field in Carnot's to

counter total as arguments that's brilliant

well except for one problem an outlander has no status in the council the ash

lenders won't listen to a word you say someone else has to present the

arguments someone they trust I suppose that means I have to challenge my

brother with your help of course you spoke to the Incarnate not me I'm

familiar with the stories but I'll need you to help me choose the appropriate

argument to counter each of totalus claims

I hate opposing my brother in this I just don't see another way incarnate run

so was strong and powerful he thought that by strength alone he could unite

the ash lenders he failed when Cholula proclaims his power that's when we'll

refer to this scroll sad tale incarnate Odori was a champion of my people she

defended us against great threats but when she grew to love war for war sake

she proved she wasn't the narrow Varian when showed allah proclaims that war is

the answer hand me this scroll incarnate donna

thought his way was the best way he rejected the counsel of the wise women

and the ash Khan's something narrower I would never do when showed Allah

proclaims he knows better than anyone will use this scroll

meet me inside

must we continue this path it's obvious that I'm the narrow bearing someone has

stepped forward to challenge your claim Cholula Saren

I'm disappointed and you dear sister enough I shall hear your arguments and

render my decision

even the Outlander can see that I'm the most powerful ashc on my strength alone

proves that I am the narrow baron

chote Allah puts forth his great strength as proof of his claim give me

the scroll that discounts such a trait for the nerevarine yes that's a sound

argument incarnate appear as a warrior and as an ash god I was the most

powerful of my age but for all my strength I failed my people don't follow

my example the faithless houses dare to threaten our land but we shall meet them

in battle and I will lead us to a victory this is more nerve-wracking than

I anticipated which Scroll do you recommend to counter

this argument

that makes sense I'll try that in Carnot's appear

I thought the path to the narrow Varian was a path of blood and battle but my

love of war was my undoing war is not the way these fail did Carnot's prove

nothing i need no counsel but my own as befits my status as the narrow baron

I think it's working one more strong assertion and that should do it

of course let's see what happens incarnate appear I refuse to accept the

counsel of the wise women of the ash Khan's thought I knew best but I you

nothing that is not the way of the narrow very

Saren and the Outlander their arguments have merit Sarala we deny your claim you

are not the nur of Aeryn this proves nothing look how the staff

protects me I am the narrow Barry

model I would have

Joe d'leh has been revealed as a failed narrow variant but that hasn't dissuaded

him from his reckless course of action as long as he wields the staff he shall

be unstoppable time is against you mortals

even now Vivek that pompous usurper grows increasingly weaker as much as I

deplore him the vet cannot fall to total as vile magic magic there's another

power at work here yeah one I can't quite put my finger on return to Vivek

City do what you can to aid the Veck and pay heed to my faithful vessel Sarah I

named her champion of the moon and star she will play a pivotal role in ending

her brother's march toward godhood if she surprises that was

as a God weakens so too does his city suffer I know my people grow fearful

even the arch cannon is distressed but the energy that remains to me holds the

moonlit in the sky at least for now so what news does my eyes and ears bring to

me how this upstart Ashland a learned to attune so the seals to confounds my

understanding and he dares use my power still no help is appreciated every

strike in Perry takes us one step closer to ending this threat and restoring my

vitality due to Lordan dish


For more infomation >> ESO MORROWIND Siostra Przeciw Bratu DIVINE DELUSIONS Warden Gameplay #3 - Duration: 22:18.


Ёлочный шар из бисера. Часть 2. Подготовка к Новому году. - Duration: 16:49.

For more infomation >> Ёлочный шар из бисера. Часть 2. Подготовка к Новому году. - Duration: 16:49.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T Connect Edition // Bluetooth / Navi / Camera / Keyless - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T Connect Edition // Bluetooth / Navi / Camera / Keyless - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T INNOVATION NAVI/CAMERA/CLIMA - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T INNOVATION NAVI/CAMERA/CLIMA - Duration: 1:00.


Ford Ka 1.3 Style Stuurbekrachtiging, Radio/CD, 96.500Km NAP APK t/m Nov 2018 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford Ka 1.3 Style Stuurbekrachtiging, Radio/CD, 96.500Km NAP APK t/m Nov 2018 - Duration: 1:00.


Mom Asks Repairman To Fix Furnace – What He Writes On The Invoice Melts My Heart - Duration: 3:14.

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Mom asks repairman to fix furnace – what he writes on the invoice melts my heart

Raising two children takes a lot of work.

And no matter how good your kids are, there's always more food to cook, laundry to wash

and homework to check.

So it's nice to have a partner to share the responsibilities with.

But unfortunately for Bridget Stevens, that wasn't possible last year.

Her husband, Bobby, is a soldier, and at the time, he was deployed.

And of course, the furnace at Bridget and Bobby's house took the opportunity to break


One day, Bridget opened her front door to find that it was freezing inside, and she

quickly realized that the furnace had died.

Everyone who has owned a home knows that a broken furnace can be really expensive to


But Bridget had no choice.

She couldn't fix it herself and the temperature inside her home was bone chilling.

Bridget called a plumbing company and the owner, Paul, stopped by her home to see what

he could do.

While Paul was working on the furnace, Bridget happened to mention that her husband was in

the military and had been called up for duty.

Bridget forgot the conversation until she drove to Paul's office a few days later

to pay him.

But when Paul handed her the bill for the job, Bridget got a shock.

On the receipt, Paul had written: "No Heat.

Evening Call.

Deployment Discount.



Bridget was so moved that she went on Facebook and wrote that she tried to pay Paul for the

work he did, but he refused to accept her money.

Instead, he thanked her husband for his service.

In the post, which was shared more than 7,000 times before it was removed, Bridget wrote:

"This is a bit lengthy, but I just want to take a minute to acknowledge Betlyn Heating

and Cooling.

I came home with the boys to a cold house that was 50 degrees.

When turning up the thermostat was not kicking the furnace on, I called Betlyn's, thinking

I'd get a machine and have to leave a message, then run to the store for space heaters.

Ultimately, Paul, the owner, answered and was very patient as he walked me through different

things to do to try to get it back on.

When none of that worked, he said he needed to come to the house to fix it.

As he was working on the furnace, we got to talking about Bobby and the deployment.

I had mentioned in passing that I tried to figure it out with my husband, but since he's

deployed and couldn't see it, he wouldn't know what to do.

After he was finished, I was a little apprehensive about how much it was going to cost.

He handed me the slip that is in this photo.

When I tried to give him any money at all, he said that the $1 was a joke, and to thank

my husband for his service.

So, thanks Paul Betlyn.

My house is nice and warm thanks to you."

Paul later set up a Military Deployment Kisses Fund to help military families meet their

needs while soldiers are deployed overseas.

And he raised more than $17,000.


It's hard not to be moved by this kind gesture.

Please share this story if your heart was also warmed by this mom's story.

For more infomation >> Mom Asks Repairman To Fix Furnace – What He Writes On The Invoice Melts My Heart - Duration: 3:14.


Testing our new equipment! - Duration: 3:18.

Hey guys! Felix and I woke up really early today. Its about 8 am.

We rode to our home trail to test some new stuff!

Like Christmas before Christmas.

So we are going to pedal up to the top and then you will get more information about our new stuff.

We are in the palatinate forrest flying the drone around to get some footage of the clouds.

We got 2 new things.. the drone and a new cam so we can shoot 120fps in Full Hd.

We will have a couple new possibilities.

be prepared :D

After playing around for a while we are packing up to ride to the trail.

Next up biking so some action gets into this edit.

We are at the trail now which is really technical, tight, lots of big rocks.

We think it might end up looking really cool!

We are going to place our gear and ride!

We are heading down a bit so the trail is a bit faster to get better shots.

So guys! its a wrap. just a short session to test the drone and new camera.

The trail has much more to offer for the next video!

We don't have more time today. we hope you enjoyed todays video

Don't forget to subscribe to don't miss anything again!

here is also our latest video:)

Thanks for watching!<3

For more infomation >> Testing our new equipment! - Duration: 3:18.


Restoring natural habitats for flora and fauna - Duration: 1:53.

The newt may soon disappear for ever.

A large number of animals and plants in Switzerland are under threat,

more than a third of the over 10,000 species.

Of course housing construction impacts on biodiversity.

The infrastructure, the roads and rail tracks

cut through the different habitats.

But intensive farming which includes discharges

into the soil also plays a part.

The government wants to assist species directly

and indirectly via measures such as those for roads.

And by sensitizing the population.

It's set to cost 80 m francs per year.

Bridges across motorways, like this one near Winterthur over the A4,

unite fragmented habitats.

For the WWF they are key for a future ecological infrastructure.

Thomas Wirth, responsible for biodiversity at the WWF,

isn't satisfied with the government's action plan.

From our point of view

the action plan contains too many measures

which are ultimately studies, the development of further strategies

or concepts.

It contains too few measures that can be implemented directly on the ground.

Although we've known for some time what has to be done.

What? - The three main points are quite clear:

the links between habitats and the eco-system have to be improved,

CO2 emissions into the environment have to be reduced,

and in future we mustn't pay any more subsidies

that are harmful to biodiversity.

However, pretty landscapes don't show

how bad the situation is in terms of diversity of species.

The WWF and the government believe that

the population is not sufficiently aware of this.

For more infomation >> Restoring natural habitats for flora and fauna - Duration: 1:53.


Get A Clear And Fair Skin, Free Of Dark Spots With This Amazing Natural Remedy! Recipe! - Duration: 3:29.


Get A Clear And Fair Skin, Free Of Dark Spots With This Amazing Natural Remedy!


Generally, the brown spots that appear on your shoulders, face, limbs and hands are

the first symptom of aging.

In addition, their number increases with age.

However, you shouldn't worry about them anymore as in this short article we are going

to demonstrate you how you can eliminate them.

And the best part about it is that the preparation of this solution requires solely two ingredients,

and is most likely that you already have them in your kitchen.

What triggers the dark spots?

One of the primary reasons for the appearance of brown spots is the excessive exposure to

sunlight and its dangerous UV rays.

If you are exposed to sun for longer periods of time, the melanin in the body appears more


Melanin is the name of the pigment that is responsible for your skin's dark tan.

After a certain period of time, the tan disappears, however the dark brown spots are going to

appear on the areas that were exposed to sun the most.

Can age spots harm your health?

It isn't supposed to mean that every single dark spot is going to trigger cancer, however,

some of them can be very harmful.

The following are some of the crucial things that you need to do:

Look for any unusual borders around the spots Observe any area that is growing or changing

In case the brown spots turn red or become tender, instantenously consult your physician.

Closely monitor your age areas so that you can find whether their color has altered or

have become darker than the others.

The best thing that you can do to be certain and not worry is the ABCDE's of Melanoma


This test is going to aid you learn the condition of your spots and how dangerous are they.

How to eliminate dark spots?

A quite simple solution exists that you can prepare in the comfort of your home and it

requires solely two ingredients.

These two ingredients are fresh onion juice and organic apple cider vinegar that are extremely

potent when mixed together.

Apple cider vinegar has the ability to remove the dead skin layers as a result of the alpha

hydroxyl contained in it, and the onion juice incorporates potent anti-oxidants that have

the ability to minimize the damage triggered by free radicals and it that manner they provide

protection for the external layer of the skin.


Preparation: Begin by cutting the fresh onion into pieces,

putting them in a Ziploc bag and pulverizing them.

After that, put the onion in a food processor, add half a cup of ACV and blend them till

you get a smooth mixture.

Use the mixture on your age spots with the use of a cotton ball.

Do this on a daily basis for a period of two to four weeks.

You need to be patient as the results aren't going to be visible overnight.

Some time is needed, that is, it takes about one week for the initial results to become


It is of key importance to completely finish the treatment so that you can get the desired


Manners in which you can prevent them

Always apply sunscreen, even during winter Wear t-shirts with long sleeves and comfortable

pants Calculate the time you spend out in the sun

Don't use tanning beds Consult your physician in case you detect

any suspicious spots

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For more infomation >> Get A Clear And Fair Skin, Free Of Dark Spots With This Amazing Natural Remedy! Recipe! - Duration: 3:29.


LINK'S MOTORCYCLE - Funny Moments #4 | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Duration: 2:50.

Hey, Georges! What's up?

Eh, what is that?!

I'm sorry, Georges but...

I will conquer the world!

♫ I'm a thug, I'm a thug, I'm a thug, yeah! ♫

Hey, I can kill a Lynel, now!

Hi, the Lynel! I will kill you, ha ha ha!

Hey! Thank you for watching, I wrote the subtitles for you, English people! Please subscribe and share my Youtube channel for help me, I will be happy if you do that!

For more infomation >> LINK'S MOTORCYCLE - Funny Moments #4 | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Duration: 2:50.


LE ROCK DES BLOCS - La grenouille 🎵 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> LE ROCK DES BLOCS - La grenouille 🎵 - Duration: 1:56.


Cover Lagu Perfect - Ed Sheeran - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> Cover Lagu Perfect - Ed Sheeran - Duration: 6:35.


Клим Жуков и Александр Скробач о происхождении Украины, часть 4 - Duration: 1:06:26.

For more infomation >> Клим Жуков и Александр Скробач о происхождении Украины, часть 4 - Duration: 1:06:26.


Make your mobile Super Fast, No App, Inbuilt option, 90% people don't know | SaikamalYT Coding - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Make your mobile Super Fast, No App, Inbuilt option, 90% people don't know | SaikamalYT Coding - Duration: 7:16.


2017 Gaming Diary | September (9/12) - Duration: 4:35.

Yayyyy more local multiplayer ! I think i've spent way too much time on Puyo Pop Fever

with my girlfriend.

And along with Tetris, Puyo Puyo is one of the only puzzle games I find myself actually


For the few who don't know how to play, you gotta link 4 blobs, or puyos,of the same

color together to make them disappear.

By using the gravity and physics of the puyos, you can chain them together and make cool


It takes some time getting used to it and making combos that go above three, but it's

extremely addicting and fun.

(pls buy puyo tetris i beg of you)

Overcooked is one of the best local multiplayer experiences I've ever had.

It's an up to 4 player coop game where you have to prepare, cook, and give food to your


Once the clients are done with their meals, you have to get their plates back and wash'em,

and repeat.

Of course it's not that easy.

Most of the time, the ingredients, sinks, pans, ovens and every necessary tool are at

polar opposites, and sometimes literally inaccessible to some players.

You'll have to be in perfect sync with your partners to know exactly what to do in the

best possible way, and you can come up with the silliest plans ever.

Throwing ingredients over to somewhere else, juggling between stuff, being careful not

to overcook your meat, deal with 3 clients who are still waiting for their orders…

It can get really stressful, funny, and complicated.

It starts off easy, but you'll struggle soon enough and it's hilarious.

Don't play this game if you're all alone, there's no point.

And clearly this game needs an endless or randomly generated mode, because we were so

into the game that we played through it 100% twice in two days.

That's how fun and addicting it is.

Rhythm Paradise Megamix came out last year but I didn't have the chance to try it out.

I did play the GBA and DS versions earlier this year, but I took this game as an opportunity

to try out every minigame on a single cartridge.

I wish I could elaborate, but that's Rhythm Paradise for you.

A cute and happy collection of various minigames.

Good vibes, good fun.

Steins;Gate is a visual novel I've been meaning to read through for a while now.

I did watch the anime but ended up not caring much about anything at all.

So I launched the original visual novel, in hope of finding out what I missed.

And honestly, the game would come out so much better if it wasn't for all the otaku pandering

and chuniibyou overload.

Yeah yeah, right.

It plays around with it.

OH how fun is it to make fun of tropes to do the exact same thing 5 minutes later.

Also it's clearly a visual novel written for it's time.

Even with the 2013 localization, playing this in 2017 can sometimes be very cringey.

Forced down nerd references, nods, get extremely tiring after a while.

But ! Some scenes are actually very well written and immersive.

Whenever Steins;gate gets serious, the tone suddenly shapes up to become pretty dark or

sometimes even messed up.

Well, sometimes a bit too much, but it's fun hearing Kurisu talk about scientific hypotheses

to Okabe sometimes.

The music in these scenes is also really really good.

Yeah, there are some inconsistencies but this is a time travel visual novel.

I don't mind a few holes, it's science fiction.

The dub is really good and a few characters are really likeable, but everyone else sometimes

just feel either useless or plain boring.

There's worse visual novels out there, but it's clearly not one of the best I've


So, meh, not too memorable on my part.

Now with Steins;Gate done, I had fun with Persona 4 Dancing All Night.

I didn't love Persona 4, but I sure do like the soundtrack.

I bought it on sale just for the sake of my SMT collection, but it turns out Dancing All

Night was surprisingly fun as hell.

I usually am not the biggest fan of remixes of already good enough soundtracks, but here,

there's plenty of addicting and funky tracks.

The game's character models look insanely good for the vita, the game controls are simple

yet the harder songs can become quite challenging.

Too bad you have to play through the useless story to unlock the songs themselves though,

so I just skipped through it all manually just to get everything and actually enjoy

my time.

Honestly who gives a shit about this game being canon when you've got Izanagi playing

the guitar to kill shadows ?

We're reaching the end of the year, so don't expect any longer videos.

I've also played Zero Mission, AM2R and Prime but you know, I already made a 20 minute

long videos on these games already so yeah.

Not again.

I'll see you in two days !

For more infomation >> 2017 Gaming Diary | September (9/12) - Duration: 4:35.


The The Inaugural Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> The The Inaugural Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 5:26.


7 Reasons Your Waistlines Are Expanding - Duration: 2:49.

Visit Our Website Here :

7 Reasons Your Waistlines Are Expanding

Are your waistlines' expanding and you're thinking that not getting enough exercise

and eating too much just might not be the reasons?

Scroll down below to find out why people are getting fat or obese.

#1: Genes

Researchers have proven that genes play a lot regarding the satiation level of an individual.

People who do not have the genes for a big appetite often don't understand how hard

it is for someone who isn't so genetically lucky.

#2: Not Getting Enough Sleep

Decrease level of the leptin hormone and an increase level of the hormone ghrelin are

the result of sleep deprivation.

Not getting enough sleep can make your body to increase food intake and store fat.

According to research, people who get 6 hours per night are 27% more likely to be obese

compared to those getting 7-9 hours.

Individuals who get 2-4 hours of sleep are 67% more likely to become obese.

#3: Not Being Active

It has been proven that not being active enough can contribute much to weight gain.

Exercise is still one of the best way for regulating appetite and maintaining weight.

#4: Your Food Consumption

Go for natural foods and avoid consumption of packaged and processed foods.

Opt for organic foods in which the outer skin is consumed, such as cucumbers and apples.

#5: Demographic Changes

The increase in middle-aged individuals have also seen an increased in obesity rates.

This is also true for the increased diversity, because research has shown that some ethnic

populations have higher obesity rates.

#6: Your Peers

People most often judge their own weight based on that of others.

Research has shown that if your friends are fat, you are more likely to join that camp


This maybe due to the underlying reason of the resetting of what you consider normal.

These findings suggest that obesity has psychological and cultural causes as well as physiological


#7: Medicines

Some medicines may cause weight gain.

Some prescription drugs used in the treatment of diabetes, seizures, mood disorders, migraines,

and high blood pressure, steroids, birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy can

cause a weight gain of up to 10 pounds a month.

Some common medicines include antidepressants Zoloft and Paxil, the anti-seizure medication

Depakote, Diabeta and Diabinese which are diabetes drugs, Cardura and Inderal for high

blood pressure and heartburn drugs such Prevacid and Nexium.

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For more infomation >> 7 Reasons Your Waistlines Are Expanding - Duration: 2:49.


Zagreb Apartment Tour in Croatia - Duration: 8:03.

Alright guys it is time for our Zagreb apartment tour.

We have just come back from our last day of sightseeing.

We are leaving tomorrow.

This right here is our building.

It is undergoing some renovations so it looks a little rough but follow me.


Also I would like to mention there is a cat that lives in this courtyard.


Maybe we can find him.

Cat friend.

He's been very he's been friendly.

It took a little while for him to warm up to us but.

You were supposed to buy food for the cat.

Oh, right.

I was going to get him some tuna.

Meow meows.

We'll show the carrier.

Where he this is where he sleeps.


He's not in there.

He sleeps right here.



Last night we spotted him actually I'll show you where I saw him last night.

Last night he was here.

It was so dark.

He was just a silhouette but he allowed me to give him some strokes.

So that was nice.

Some pets.

Yeah, we can't find him.

But yeah, he's got his little bowl with water and food.


So let's go to the apartment without the cat.

How can you tell we are animal lovers huh?

Meow meows.

And this is what the apartment looks like from the outside.


Let's go check it out.

Going upstairs.

Turn on the light.

And we are on the second floor right?

First floor.

First floor.

Because the ground doesn't count.

Ah, it is so nice we didn't have to carry our luggage all the way up.

Like we have in the past.

So yeah we're just right here.

Dun dun dun.

Dun nun dun dun.

Da na nuh nuh.


Come on in.

So here we are.

Inside the apartment.

Nice and cozy.

This is the part where I admit we've been here a week and the place is an absolute mess.

It is not a messy.

There is dirty laundry everywhere.

Let's be honest.

It is a pigsty.

There is a pile of dirty underwear like right here on the floor.


You're like saying don't film the dirty underwear.

We're not filming the dirty underwear.

Yeah, we're also not going to show you that either.

Um, so I'm going to cleanup.

I'm going to tidy up.

Do some packing and then we'll do the tour.

Normally we don't mind show us being a little messy but this is next level.

So yeah.

Next level stuff.

We should cleanup a bit.


See you in five.

And we are now ready for the apartment tour to commence.

So I did change.

I needed something more comfy.

Has a magic wand been waved?


It sure has.

Um, so yeah.

This is the main entrance.


Coat rack right here.

A pile of dirty laundry.

It is now self-contained.

It has been self-contained.

It was uh exploding before.

Why don't we start this way.

Sure we'll start this way.


So if you follow me this is our living area which is pretty spacious.

I really enjoyed it.

So we had a massive couch which was so nice for like lounging and watching a little bit

of Netflix and doing some work on the computer.

We did a lot of Netflix and wine and After 8 sessions on this couch.

Yeah, wine and chocolate.


Um, we had a TV that we didn't really use.

Yeah, that is it seems to be the norm.

We never do use it.

And then our window looks out into the courtyard.

Yeah, so we have a really quiet apartment so we're not facing the main street.

We had another couch.

Oh, that was really nice.

We've actually had some noisy apartments you know this year.

A few but not too many.

But some of them have been a little loud.

And then we had a little work desk that I did use but now it is just like storing our


So yeah, that is kind of like the living area.

Then if you follow me this way into the bedroom.


Duh duh dun.

Nice big bed and we had a gazillion blankets in the closet.

Oh yeah.

Which was nice.

Yeah, we've been actually using them.

It has been getting chilly at night.

Especially for me.

For you?


I don't know why but I've been getting cold at night.


Yeah, during the day I'm fine.

That is very rare.

When I need to sleep at night.


Okay moving on.

The bathroom.

Oh and in case we didn't let you guys know we have really high ceilings.

So yeah.

So if it sounds a bit echoey that is the reason.


So it is a pretty good size bathroom I would say.

So I'll just quickly show you guys the shower.

And a little behind the scenes while I was filming this I hit my head on here so I'm

in a bit of pain at the moment.


This is really cool.

Um, what is this called?

Like a towel or a heated towel rack.

Yeah, it is a heated drying rack basically.

You know what I was doing since we didn't have a washing machine, I'd be doing my laundry

and then hanging it up to dry here.

Oh yeah, it dried so fast.

That was the one thing the only liability of this place is it doesn't have a washing


So but we actually knew that in advance so we did all of our clothes and we've only just

been handwashing a bit.

Uh huh.

So yeah.

Yeah that is about it.

Nice drying rack though.

Sink and toilet.

That is the bathroom for ya.

And the heating system in this apartment just so I can show you here.

A radiator.

This is actually how you turn it on.

That is how you turn on both the hot water and the heating the central heating for the


Dun dun dun.

Into the kitchen.

Into the kitchen.

It was really warm.

Sam's office.

Yeah, basically.

This is where he hung out.

Computer desk.

We made tea here.

And oh my gosh this is like the messiest part of the apartment.

He is the embarrassing part.

Not so much embarrassing but we had 3 bottles of wine.

3 bottles in a week.

3 bottles in a week.

Not one night.

Not horrible.

Not in one day.

It has been my birthday week.

We tend to celebrate our birthdays because sometimes we're too busy on the particular


We'll celebrate for like a week.

We'll call that, a week of wine.

My week of wine.

Birthday celebration.

Um, yeah that is the kitchen really.

There is microwave we didn't use.

I did use the stove.

I was making lots of pasta and polenta.


Yeah, we ended up cooking here more than most other places.

We made tonnes of pasta, salads.

Yeah, just all kinds of different things.

And now let's talk about the price.

Mula mula mula.

How much did this place cost?

Money time.

So this place cost 33 US dollars a night.

Um, obviously if you stay for a week like us then you get a discount as well.


Which we did.

And this place was had a phenomenal location.

Oh yeah.

Like it was right in the heart of the Old Town.

We were nearby several different grocery stores.

We had great restaurant options.

Both like kind of for fancy dining but also lots of bakeries, lots of little places that

did burritos and things like that.

And we had a beautiful park just down the street.

Yeah, I went jogging.

So I just felt right at home here.

And you had a cat.

A cat in the courtyard.

I had a cat.

It is like this place couldn't have been better.

I'm going to miss the cat.

I'm still going to try to arrange some tuna.

A can of tuna for it.


At night but um yeah that is getting a little off topic but anyways so yeah that is it for

our time here in Zagreb, Croatia.

And what is next?

Next up is Zadar.

We are going to be heading back to the coast and then basically following the rest of our

time in the Balkans.

It is going to be along the coast so yeah.

We are moving back.

Alright, tata.


For more infomation >> Zagreb Apartment Tour in Croatia - Duration: 8:03.





Getting Back with Dave Benson Phillips at MCM ComicCon London - Duration: 24:59.

For more infomation >> Getting Back with Dave Benson Phillips at MCM ComicCon London - Duration: 24:59.


విజయ్ సాయి మొత్తం బాగోతం బయటపెట్టిన భార్య వనిత | Comedian Vijay Sai Wife Vanitha Reddy New Selfie - Duration: 2:08.

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