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Sir you must eat something
Food will not help me now shoo. Go now. I need the power of something much great
I built with my own two hands from the ground up after the Great War
I live there alone for some time while figuring out what to do next
To protect the sky lens from threats and face there
Once you do you will find the light energy necessary to you?
Terrible to do with stand on the tile that represents you relevant wait seriously
How we never noticed that before would you talk about later Eruptor? Let's move?
Skylander Academy to retrieve my book of spells
And I need you to keep Kaos preoccupied until I return I cannot have him interfering with my plans today understood
Never fear I've got much bigger fish to catch the bone-in fry
My powers have grown considerably since I laid my hot little hands on Mother's book
And I'm not about to let that go away
Hey, remember that time you roasted me on a spitting out that with some quality pain
I'd totally be up for a little more of that. What do you say that was a special time?
Nope, I'm out of here
So happy
Toby what are you doing here? I thought all of us numerators agreed to come get the book as a group tomorrow. You're not
Double-crossing us are you?
Look for yourselves that was not the plan we're sorry a gold nest we'll stick to the script from now on so
Why are you here because?
Come together in a consolidated
formation you mean Skylanders unite yeah that
Ice we're making it worse never living up to my father's expectations
I'm informed political discourse. What is it? We're truly afraid of right what?
Should we go after them kaboom
They're short-handed snapshot, and we can't leave the cadets alone to defend the Academy we need all the hands on deck here
It's the darkness I'm not myself until I am healed of this sickness. No one is safe
Yes, or you are next obstacle well my friends call me Dale, but for your purposes yep
I'm the next obstacle or rather its gatekeeper I
Am sometimes what you fear
Seems like you're gonna fail. We're probably all doomed now. Thanks for that four seconds come on come on
What is it? I don't know, but if this is the end I'm gonna close my eyes
Thanks old wizard, dude
Debts well well look who it is
You've come down from your castle for the first time in years
That book of yours must be as powerful as everyone thinks it is Cassandra the entire school on my own
And if we take it down the place is all yours
You let us have the Academy and whatever comes with it all of it
I um it's been a while and my magic can be
Unpredictable what about chaos don't worry about him. He won't be screwing this up. Any worse than he already has
Ah well you see I've got this spin right so obviously I'm a shark, and I use bubblegum bubbles to to
The main hall let's go gloomy the only place you're going is down
Didn't anyone teach you it's dangerous to play with blades
Choppy marriage mother hey, I told you to keep him busy I tried man
But his powers inside the academy of course my queen whoopee lay down a serious hip no group
Was there another path we missed did we go the wrong way we got to go back if we go back Eon won't
Know this is the way I know it. What are we supposed to do Spyro? Huh?
I'll do it. You ain't going without me. You gotta go sometime
Oh like I'm gonna be the one who ruins it for everybody fat chance Skylanders
Core of light the key to balance and harmony in our world
Can't believe we're here this is like a coolest thing I've ever seen
Sorry that's me
You used one of my spells didn't you Oh fool I?
Did I used my power to move the location of the core of light somewhere you will never find it
The map is useless
Sir get over here now club' gasps
Join us together we will rule the realm
Like you've always dreamed chaos come here do not
Why mother why wouldn't you teach me how to be as powerful as you? I have my reasons chaos
I do not need to justify them to you or anyone else now or ever I choose
Then you leave me no choice
Never come home you're out forever
We gotta go do writers your golden Asst. We did it mr.. On we found the core of white and filled the vial
Here here drink
Evil eating elderberry most delicious so what happens now young I will take this book somewhere
It's evil power can hurt no one ever again
We're so happy. You're okay. Yeah
Did you bring it of course and
Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it belongs with you
Thank you, just do what needs to be done
Which means you aren't going so
Here we are my queen running this gang side by side
Why do you care about that judging by the way Cassandra risked her own nap to get that book back?
I am more convinced than ever that it holds the key to darkness reign
You're up early never slept of course we did
And some randos that we don't know probably doesn't mean as much, but they're coming wow
You guys really didn't have to do that. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing
You don't have time for this you have a said talk to prepare for don't get distracted. I just realized oh
I thought it was a Skye sheep
No, I know I had tickets for the whole series
I'm still furious about the whole job kerfuffle first
I'm forced to keep her around in this desert get up to pay the bills and now mother forbids me from leaving the lair how
The indignity never ends although in this case
Yeah, that's pretty much it. You know I was only considering forcing you to eat this now
Mothers might not have faith in me
but if the sky vendors are
And even the most evil masterminds need a day off now and then for instance
There's plenty to do here in the potting room to pass the time to your mother calms down again
I mean just look at how disorganized your villainous collectibles are
What is going on here
Chiba phobia is pervasive
By the way, we made signs for your said talk. Oh you shouldn't have
knowledge bombs
When did you first realize your fear?
But when life gives you lemons you have to ask
When did life get hands and take up lemon farming? I'm kind of in the middle of something JV
Yes, I can see you seem really preoccupied with this hole
Yeah, who I've been to every single said since I was a junior cadet
And why aren't you thinking about it at all I am. It's all I can think about. I haven't slept in days
But you you want to know why I'm so desperate to solve the sheep thing
I'd win the meat at first, but eventually brave and victorious
They all have these distinguished titles I'm just
Me I see you are hoping to become stealth elf the Sheep all that
Could you do me one more favor?
Could you not tell anyone of course just call me jet-vac the nan teller
No, that's a terrible name and holding a read for an extended period of time
It sounds great, but are you sure you're done organizing those sir
What how did pepperjack get in front of the golden Queen in sudden disarray of your comic book collection what?
It simply will not do thoughts exactly
Day three shiipa phobia continues - I'm not doing oh, I know you're probably working, but you missed breakfast and dinner last night
So it's morning already. Oh guess. I forgot to sleep again. Huh, that's it?
You're a genius age 14 silly floating head in the real world, but incredibly powerful in the dream realm
Get ready to face off in my dreams
Sobbing you are small
Insignificant you have no knowledge to impart you're nothing are nobody
The real world Elaine goody two-shoes like Ian and my parents they thought they could reform me by sending me to this
stupid school
Sorry it's like super hard to take you seriously with those shoes I
Can't wait here l said no right that was my way of letting
You know that someone was giving his said talk called me a genius well until she arrives
I don't suppose any of you have something you would like to give a talk on
Opening your face indoors
Yes, oh dear. I can't do this. I pass not it anyone else oh
I got this oh good. You're awake
Oh, I'm not so sure about that sir you see once. I'm out. Oh, I think we should just stay here
I mean the Sun is starting to go down and it is bath night remember. We're gonna walk on the wild side Lemmy. Let's go
Reason to do it
Of course you can't beat me in the dream realm. I am all-powerful
I unless what I'm interested in we're right. How are you doing that?
I meant to turn those into butterflies that match my bow, but no matter
You feeling ready I I never heard from Jireh again and
Right so uh
Well first off. There's a lot more to me than just my name hitting your mark
What is it mark exactly it can be anything a target villain and annoying cousin named mark?
I do have an annoying cousin named Mark so relatable
These blades not a big deal. You know I trained with them. I fight with them, and I've cut apples with them
This is a metaphor you're more than one achievement
You're the sum of everything you do every day and as long as you believe you can do something
And you can go after it with all you've got you'll be surprised what you're capable of Oh
Also I caught this villain who's been crashing your dreams to make you all scared of sheep
But as long as you remember. You're the most powerful in your own head. She can't get to you
But this is the most not boring sad talk I've ever been to thank you the sheathing added a really nice button so you know
You helped cool?
Does this mean I think can you please just take us away already?
I'm sure but popping up in a room full of Skylanders
Not that I'm complaining
But what was the plan here guys Oh believe me there wasn't one I get what you're trying to say
I'm a Skylander we do nice things for each other and kiss puppies and chase rainbows
Gross whatever you don't have to be around us anymore the door Busters a big toys, it takes forever
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