This was my favorite interview since J.F.K.
Star Wars The Last Jedi: Warships of the Resistance - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
The Isle | Cuddly Stego and Trike Family! | #113 [Early Access] - Duration: 14:19.Hey guys!
I feel insecure when you're running like this to me. 0.0
That Stego is chasing me! :O
I'm not sure if I can trust you. xD
You want to kill me or not?
We will see!
I'm just waiting when the Stego swips his tail into me
OK. It's friendly. :)
That Stego holds me like a glue. :D
But I'm glad that I'm not dead. :3
and I really do not know where I am. :'D
Darkness is coming!
That was fast. o,o
Hmm, that Moon is running in the sky too fast
On this server is accelerated time.
I think he does not know about us.
I hope he will not run on us :O
Praise the sun!
I'm waiting for you my friend. :)
How cute, there is a Trike family. <3
I look like I'm exercising.... xD
This is awesome. ^0^
let's get more exercise!
there's something interesting going on...
This is so beautiful. ^-^
You are very cuddly Stego. :D
Your head is in my head xD
Hello darkness my old friend. ;)
This is gonna take forever...
I'll starve to death before I'll eat (something)
Shanty is so huge! :O I'm tiny :(
Today is lazy day. :P
Make your own moves.-------------------------------------------
PISCATORE 'E PUSILLECO 1925 Napoletana Classica karaoke Playback instrumental wav edit by © Graziana - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Hacklog 2 • Annuncio Nuova Stagione - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne: dopo Anna Tedesco, un'altra dama va via dal programma, ecco chi - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
Türkiye'de ''Kudüs'e Sahip Çıkıyoruz'' Mitingleri Diyarbekir , Ankara ve Kocaeli - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Cityscape Photography in LONDON with a TILT-SHIFT Lens - Duration: 12:54.Today's episode is sponsored by Squarespace if you need a website domain
name or an online store make your next move with Squarespace.
Hello and welcome to
London today I'm going to be doing some cityscape photography using a tilt shift
lens so come with me
Hello so I'm here in London today and I've been meaning to do this for quite a
long time I used to live in London for about 10 years I know the place very
very well but I've never really photographed it it's one of those
occasions when you live in the place you just take it for granted and I never did
as much cityscape photography as I should have done. So i've come here today
to put that right and I just thought I'd switch and change up from the usual stuff
in the Lake District and in the mountains would be a nice little change of pace
that hopefully you will enjoy so the plan today is to go to a few different
locations and use the Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II tilt shift lens to shoot some cityscape photography the
reason I'm using a tilt shift lens is because when you use a normal wide-angle
lens it really affects the perspective of buildings and they sort of tilt in
towards the center of the frame which just looks and feels unnatural. Your eyes
don't do that, or your brain corrects your eyes when they do that but using the
tilt shift lens corrects that as well so I'm going to do that today and hopefully
capture some really nice images it's a beautiful sunny day probably too sunny
in fact but it should be a good shoot
Okay so I'm set up for my first shot of the day I've got the camera here on the
tripod and I really don't want to sound like I'm complaining about what a
beautiful day it is today but these are are not the conditions that I wanted, it's just
too sunny I'm trying to make the best of it though so what I've done is sort of
take a bit of shelter from the Sun behind this wall here and what that's then
allowing me to do is to still shoot south across the river and I have, if you
can see here, is the Shard in the shot that's the sort of scene that I wanted
it's not quite from the position I wanted so the composition isn't quite
right for what I had planned but it's still gonna be a decent shot and I'm
gonna make it work for me so I have the polarizer on there as well because it's
just so hazy but the polarizer is taking some of the haze out of the scene and
I've then got a 16 stop filter on the front, the water is very choppy and I
want to just smooth all of that out I've got boats moving through the scene as
well I don't want any of them in there so it's just gonna give that nice
ethereal feel to the scene and that's really what I'm looking for today settings wise
I'm in bulb mode, I've got that 16 stop filter on there I'm at F 6.3 because I'm
just shooting straight across the river, there's nothing too close so that's enough in
terms of depth of field and it's also then allowing me to get a shutter speed
of about 6 minutes it's a bit less than that but 6 minutes roughly and in that
time it's letting the water all smooth out there is some sort of very light clouds
above which will capture a bit of movement as well so let's start that shot
now, get that going and then we'll see what that looks like but absolutely
stunning day what a good day to be in the city!!
So here I am for the second shot of the day and i'm at Tower Bridge, is there a more
photographed scene in the whole world possibly not but that's what I want to
shoot anyway because I've not really shot it properly before and that's what
I'm gonna do today using this tilt shift lens I'm going as ambitious as I
possibly can with this shot just to try and raise it up above all the others
that you see of the scene I'm quite close to the bridge here I'm gonna try
and get that in the scene and then pan round and make it into a panorama and
then get the Tower of London in the shot as well and some of these City buildings
behind me there as well that's that's the composition that I'm going for I'm
gonna use the tilt shift lens to get the nice straight lines I'll show you how
that works in a minute but I'm also going to be using long exposures as well
so what I'm gonna try and do is combine two long exposure images because as I
pan because I'm so close it actually distorts quite a lot
so I'm just going to try and combine two shots it might not work but it might
turn into something pretty good I've got a 16 stop filter on the front to give me
an exposure time of about five and a half minutes and that's what I'm gonna
do because again there's boats moving through the scene, there's some nice
interesting clouds it will also remove the contrails that I can see in the sky
as well and it will also smooth out that water so in total this this picture if
it works will have taken me 11 minutes to expose by the time I combine the two
of them together so it is ambitious it might not work; very different to being
in the countryside as well is I'm having to deal with all my gear and make sure
it doesn't get stolen which is always an element of doing cityscape photography
especially if you've got good gear there's lots going on and I'm gonna make
it work so I'll show you now how I'm going to use that tilt shift lens.
So this is the Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II - tilt shift lens and the way
it works or the way we use it for this kind of photography is we use the shift
function what that does is if I just have it normal so this is just like any
normal 24 millimeter lens if we angle it up you can see that the tower or of the
bridge sort of starts to angle in towards the centre of the frame and
that's what would happen if you used any normal sort of wide angle lens
especially at this distance between yourself and the bridge so what this
lens allows you to do is if we start to centre
the camera so we want it nice and level and you can see those lines start to go
straight with the tower then we just tighten off the tripod and you then use
the shift function of this lens and we just shift up by turning the knob there
then you get the composition that we would like with the whole tower in it
and all those lines remain nice and straight what I'm then going to do is
like I said, is pan around and try and get that a whole
scene in at the shot. It's an absolutely brilliant use of the tilt shift lens in
this situation and it's just going to help get that image above all
the others that you see of this scene
okay so here I am on the Greenwich Peninsula and I'm set up for my last
shot of the day it's a shot I've been planning for a very long time it's a
well shot location again but it is particularly quiet there's barely anyone
here at the moment and it's just an absolutely stunning evening. The scene
behind me is Canary Wharf or the Isle of Dogs and it's got all those bank
buildings there and I'm gonna shoot two shots one now, I'm doing a
very long exposure it's about six minutes and 50 seconds this one. The
reason for that is just to really smooth out that water and get the most
ethereal feel I possibly can and I'm gonna capture a little bit of colour in the
sky and in those clouds as the Sun starts to set the second shot is then
going to be after dark because when it gets dark these buildings light up and
all those colorful lights are reflect off the water and just provide a really
really interesting image the way I'm doing it again is similar to the last
time I have got the tilt shift lens on the front of the camera again and if you
see here if you angle up at a normal angle 24 millimetres without any shift
whatsoever you can see that the buildings again are tilting in to the
center of the frame and that's not what I want so using that shift function of
the tilt-shift lens I just get it nice and level nice and straight and then
just turn that shift so it goes up and you get the perfect composition with
nice straight lines that's how the image is gonna be working let's just see just
finish shooting that and that's a six minute and fifty second image and it is
looking absolutely beautiful with just a few flecks of color starting to come
into it and a perfectly smooth River Thames I'm actually pretty excited about
that image
So it's been an absolutely brilliant day today it's just exactly what I needed
as you know I've been struggling with my landscape photography recently
particularly around motivation to get out so this nice change to come and do
some cityscape photography has just been absolutely perfect and exactly what I
needed I've been gone from London for a while
now, moved back up to Yorkshire I would have been down a few times since then
but today I've really had a chance to enjoy it and it's just reminded me how
much I love this city it's actually being it's actually being quite
emotional today because I met a wife here...... I met my wife here we had our first
child here as well and just..... there's lots of history here; Tower Bridge, I used to
drive across that every day so I see my wife when we first met so just so much
of my history and my family's history is tied up in this place so it's just such
a special location for me it's strange as well really because when I was here I
pined for the mountains and now I'm getting out into the mountains a lot I'm
pining to be back here so it's really been a really nice time for me today to
get back in touch with the London and I've enjoyed every second of it and I've
enjoyed using that tilt-shift lens as well to really make the most of some of
the scenery and the nice buildings and stuff that we have in London
Please do leave a comment down below and let me know what you think of the
cityscape and the tilt-shift lens is it something you might be interested in and
also stick around to the end so you can see the night time image and what I'm
shooting now which i think is going to be an absolutely epic time-lapse this
video though is sponsored by Squarespace if you go to to start your
free trial today and if you go to you can
you can get 10% off your first purchase they are brilliant and it's worth checking out
please do also subscribe to the channel if you liked the video and hit that
notification bell if you're already subscribed so you can see my videos as
soon as they come out I really do hope you enjoyed this I'll see you on another
video very very soon I'm Adam this is First Man Photography
in London
Lutto a Uomini e donne: l'addio shock che spezza il cuore | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Lutto a Uomini e donne: l'annuncio choc dell'ex tronista di poche ore fa - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Lutto a Uomini e donne: l'annuncio choc dell'ex tronista di poche ore fa - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Sanremo 2018: il Festival e la polemica sulle prime fughe di notizie | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
Receta a base de alcohol e ingredientes naturales para combatir los hongos en las uñas - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, Gemma: sorpresa a Giorgio in camerino, dama lascia il trono over - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Cecilia e Ignazio sono già in crisi? La clamorosa rivelazione della Rodriguez | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Gossip Caterina Balivo lascia Detto Fatto da gennaio? | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
Al Bano/ Ecco perché la pace in famiglia è ancora lontana: madre e figlia contro la Lecciso - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
Watchmakers Face Plate - Part 9 - Duration: 23:37.-------------------------------------------
The Sheep Farming Brothers Aiming at Curling Gold at PyeongChang 2018 | Day Jobs - Duration: 9:22.DAY JOBS
I am one of those people
where I am not good at being bad at things.
If I want to do something,
I either have to try and be the best at it
or just not do it at all.
It relates to here on the farm
and it is the same with the curling.
If I'm going to compete, I want to be the best.
I guess it starts because you're born
and brought up into it
and then once you start competing and winning games,
I guess it is that addiction to the adrenaline, or winning.
Me and my brother have just been brought up
in a family that's like that.
I am Glen Muirhead
and I am a self-employed sheep farmer.
I am Thomas Muirhead,
a farmer here in Highland Perthshire.
My lifelong ambition is to become an Olympian.
My goal is to achieve a gold medal
at the Winter Olympic Games.
In the morning, we are up about 5.30.
We'll be out on the farm at six o'clock.
A lot of the sheep get fed twice a day,
so one of us will deal with that.
While the other then will go round
making sure all the pens in the shed are fed and watered,
cattle have got silage, the Texels are fed.
It is good working along with your brother
because sometimes when things need to be said, you say it.
She's not playing ball now.
We have the odd argument along the way
but at the end of the day we'd be lost without each other.
We're both good at what we do and we help each other out
if there's ever any problems, you know.
Having Thomas, my brother there, to help out
is second to none, to be honest, it's great.
Dad taught us how to lamb sheep when we were wee kids.
We've just learnt how to do it over the years
and it's a way of life.
We have to farm to make a living.
At the moment,
the curling is put to one side just for a wee while.
We're still training but
we have to concentrate and focus fully
on what we need to do in the farm here
to have a successful spring.
Hopefully there'll be plenty of lambs and calves on the ground
to hopefully make it to market at the end of the summer.
There is definitely a balance between
where you are putting your hours -
are they going into the curling or into the farm?
At the minute it is 50/50,
but, you know, ideally I'd like to see
more hours going into the curling side of things
and slightly less in the farming side of things.
I started curling when I was maybe six years old.
I'd been dragged along to ice rinks by Mum and Dad
to support family members competing in competitions.
It's something that has always been in the family.
I started curling as long as I can remember, just as a kid,
born and brought up next door to an ice rink.
My dad was a competitive curler in his own right
and I think just watching video footage back
of him compete at a high level
made me want to idolise my dad, if you like,
like most kids do, and it just led from there.
They used to come along
if I was playing a Scottish championship, Perth Masters,
things like that
and I think that is probably where they got the bug.
I was in the Olympics
in 1992 in Albertville in France,
but curling at that time
was a demonstration sport.
We were trying to get curling into the Olympics
and I like to think that we might have been
part of the reason it got in,
because after we were there in '92
it was taken on as a full medal sport.
(SOCHI 2014)
Watching Dad from such a young age achieve what he did
and then go on to watch Eve
win a bronze medal at the Olympics... has given me the drive
to be up there alongside her hopefully one day.
Surreal, really, seeing Eve on the telly
competing on the biggest stage in the sporting world.
As an Olympian, I was a bronze medallist in 2014.
So, for me that was a massive achievement
and I put in a lot of effort to get there.
It is great - you can discuss it with Eve.
She will tell you how it feels
and give the odd bit of advice along the way
You're maybe just a hair high.
For me, I'd do anything to help my brothers get better.
I'd like to think that
I am acting like a role model to them,
and acting like someone they want to be as good as,
if not better.
I think one of the main reasons I love farming
is seeing results of all your hard work through the winter,
making sure you are feeding all the animals correctly,
knowing they are pregnant,
and then helping them give birth
to nice healthy offspring.
That is your reward for your winter's work, I guess.
It's almost like the feeling
when you make a great shot at the curling.
You pull that lamb out and it takes its first gasp of air.
There is no greater feeling than that, really,
other than hopefully winning a gold medal at the Olympics.
- Glen, do you want coffee? - Yes, please.
I really, really have a lot of time for my two brothers.
The amount they do with sport... Like here in the farm,
they are working from four in the morning until 12 at night.
Then you think, "What really could they do
"if they focused fully on the sport of curling
"like I do myself?"
Unfortunately, Eve maybe holds the bragging rights
in the family at the moment,
but we are definitely set out to chop that on the head.
Let's hope.
Have to mix this milk up
probably three, four times a day,
just for the lambs that have lost a mother.
It's been a long day - up at half past five.
So we just need to make sure everything in the shed
has to have hay and water before we go to bed.
I guess anything I do I want to be the best at.
The ultimate in curling or any sport is the Olympics.
So, for me, it is a lifetime ambition and goal.
When you're competing on such a high level,
it is hard to be so competitive
and competing against a family member.
It is something that probably not a lot of families
have experienced but we've just learnt to deal with it.
Gomorra 4 si farà dopo l'epilogo della terza stagione | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
Movies 2017 - Duration: 8:05.This is Major.
I'm on site.
I always told you
you're special.
I am a believer a perfectibility of human beings.
What is the primal instinct of any life form?
To survive.
What is the line?
I wanna rob that bank.
Let's go get our money back.
What's up, guys?
Wait a minute.
You guys aren't the real Avengers.
You know what amazes me about you?
Well, it could be anything. I'm a pretty amazing guy.
I'm touching a tiger.
Don't cry, don't cry, it's gonna be okay.
Hi, pal.
You are the first of your kind
but you're not invulnerable.
Maybe next time you can design me better.
The more they lock us down and isolate us
its trips us of our power.
Then even think we closed the books.
We're dying breed.
They're dead fucking wrong.
What do you want?
I wanna ask you some questions.
John Wick.
You're not very good at retiring.
I'm working on it.
Are you here to save my soul?
I understand it's your birthday.
The party is just getting started.
I do not kill with my gun.
I kill with my heart.
Tell them.
Tell them all.
Whoever comes
whoever it is
I'll kill them.
I'll kill them all.
What is your name?
Rich city folks live in fancy apartments
but their air is so polluted they can't even see the stars.
Good morning.
Would you have dinner with me?
I'm sorry
I have no right.
You have every right.
That's all I saw today.
Good versus evil, love versus hate.
The devil hits you like that
there's only one weapon you have to fight back with.
It's love.
That's the only thing he can't touch.
Whatever you do
do it carefully.
I'd like to tell you it gets easier.
It doesn't.
It's just surviving.
Life's very existence requires destruction.
Do you have nightmares?
People hurt me.
Mine are different.
I hurt people.
I killed Tom.
It was an accident.
People don't go away for accidents.
You just have to show up for once! Show up?
I showed up for you!
You don't think I'm strong enough?
I don't know if you're cruel enough.
Powerful men don't have to be cruel.
I'll tell them everything they want to know about me.
About me
that's it.
Did you see everything you needed to see?
I saw enough.
You gave up everything after that.
not everything.
No one could be prouder of his boys
than I am of you guys.
They're trying to make a hero out of me.
You need to tell your family what's going on with you.
You hear that?
No birds
no animals
Wolves don't kill unlucky deer.
They kill the weak ones.
You fought for you life.
I'm gonna need the suit back.
But I'm nothing without this suit.
If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it.
I need someone
to show me my place in all this.
Have you finally come to save your apes?
I came for you.
Want a piece of me?
Come and get it.
You got your rules and we got the gang's rules.
And theirs matter.
You're the one who flew into the sun.
I'm just here to make sure you actually burn.
As anyone in the world knows or cares
you no longer exists.
No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.
Rose, we gotta go.
Is everything okay?
Tutte le donne di Giorgio Manetti | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
The Secret to CREATING What You Want EFFORTLESSLY! - Guided Visualization (Formula for Success!) - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
Learn Sizes & Birds with Woo...-------------------------------------------
Fallon meets Hart EXCEPT it gets awkward - Duration: 0:46.This was my favorite interview since J.F.K.
Star Wars The Last Jedi: Warships of the Resistance - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
The Isle | Cuddly Stego and Trike Family! | #113 [Early Access] - Duration: 14:19.Hey guys!
I feel insecure when you're running like this to me. 0.0
That Stego is chasing me! :O
I'm not sure if I can trust you. xD
You want to kill me or not?
We will see!
I'm just waiting when the Stego swips his tail into me
OK. It's friendly. :)
That Stego holds me like a glue. :D
But I'm glad that I'm not dead. :3
and I really do not know where I am. :'D
Darkness is coming!
That was fast. o,o
Hmm, that Moon is running in the sky too fast
On this server is accelerated time.
I think he does not know about us.
I hope he will not run on us :O
Praise the sun!
I'm waiting for you my friend. :)
How cute, there is a Trike family. <3
I look like I'm exercising.... xD
This is awesome. ^0^
let's get more exercise!
there's something interesting going on...
This is so beautiful. ^-^
You are very cuddly Stego. :D
Your head is in my head xD
Hello darkness my old friend. ;)
This is gonna take forever...
I'll starve to death before I'll eat (something)
Shanty is so huge! :O I'm tiny :(
Today is lazy day. :P
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Durafly T-28 Trojan USMC 1100mm (43") V2 PNF On horse tracks - Duration: 16:30.This plane is just great. We really recommend it. Order it on HobbyKing while you still can. Oh yeah... Thanks for all support, all views, all comments and for your time that you spend here on our channel. We salute you all. Captain Blaž & Pilot Robert Slovenia
Daewoo Kalos 1.2 ACE 5DRS / TREKHAAK / APK T/M 21-11-2018 - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT FABRIEKSGARANTIE T/M APRIL 2021 / VERBRUIK 1 op 20 - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Funny Fails 2017 - Life Awesome - Duration: 10:29.Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
Amazing $149 Laptop/Notebook Deal! (50% OFF!) - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
Mélanie Dedigama (LPDLA5) a t-elle couché avec Julien Bert (La Villa 3) ? Elle rétablit la vérité - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
GTN's Long Run Training Guide - Duration: 4:35.(horn sounds)
(upbeat music)
- A long run is something that you might want to add
into your training plan and it might seem
a bit daunting at first, but don't worry,
we've put together some tips to help you get through it.
(upbeat music)
So what do you need for a long run?
Well the most important thing is probably a watch
because you need to know how long you've been running for.
Some watches also tell you pace,
so make sure it's fully charged before you go.
The next thing you need is a good, sturdy,
and well-cushioned pair of shoes.
You don't want to wear a brand-new pair
because you don't want to get blisters
as you're gonna be out there for quite a while.
An emergency energy source, such as a gel,
is a perfect thing to put into your back pocket
to make sure that if you do hit the wall,
you can get back home.
Another thing that you can put in your back pocket
is some money, in case you really hit the wall
and you need to get the bus home or a taxi.
Sunglasses or a cap are great in sunny environments
so that you're not squinting while you're in the sun.
You're gonna be out there a long time.
You need to see where you're going as well,
so these two are a perfect combination
to keep the sun out of your eyes.
A lightweight running jacket is perfect
in case the weather changes and the heavens open
and if you don't need it, you can simply
just tie it around your waist.
And finally, some chafing cream
that you can rub into those irritable areas.
You probably know where yours are.
(upbeat music)
I've typically done a long run once a week
for my whole career and to keep it interesting
and enjoyable, I like to mix up the terrain.
So a bit of off road and then on road
is an absolutely fine way to do it.
(upbeat music)
You'll find that some triathletes
do the full duration of the long run on tarmac
and this is to replicate what you're going to get
in a race and condition the legs for it,
but I'd suggest not doing this every week
because you want to reduce the risk of injury.
(upbeat music)
So how long should a long run be?
Well typically it refers to a duration
of maybe over an hour, but start with a duration
that you're comfortable with
and that you know you can complete.
Don't worry about pace too much
and a good guide for this is that you should
be able to hold a conversation for the full duration.
(upbeat music)
So why do we do it?
Well we do it to build strength and also work on
that cardiovascular system,
and part of the run is that you're gonna fatigue,
which is okay, because as long as you keep
good running form, you're gonna build
good strength endurance.
(upbeat music)
Now you can do your long run with someone else,
but it's probably easier running on your own
because the last thing you want to do
is run with someone that's faster than you
and clinging on for dear life for 90 minutes.
(upbeat music)
And for me, the beauty of the long run
is being out in the elements and seeing
where your own two legs can take you
and for me, it's all about the adventure.
Shall we have a go at that?
(upbeat music)
I just love doing my long run,
but I'm sorry to say there's no simple shortcut or hack
in doing one.
You've just got to get out there
and give one a go and the more of them you do,
the more enjoyment and benefit you'll get out of them
and you'll get to see some fantastic landscapes.
If you like this video, give it a thumbs up.
To subscribe to GTN, click on the globe,
and to see a video on Kenyan Hills, click here,
and to see a video on trail running, click here.
Marathon science !!! - Duration: 15:08.Today, it's marathon day!
When I say "it's marathon day", I'm not the one running.
A marathon, it' 42.195 km (26.2 mi). That's twice the longest distance I've personally ran...
aaaand after which I swore I'd never do it again
let alone a full marathon.
So we'll need guinea pigs.
Runner number 1: Franck Runner number 2: Manuel
They are the ones running it.
And boy didn't they know what they were getting themselves into.
Three days before the Montréal marathon, it has been cancelled
Sunday's long distance run got cancelled
because of high temperature and humidity
and they had to fall back on the Magog marathon that was happening three weeks later,
thinking it would be the same challenge...
That looked like a cute town bordering a lake, but it also borders
a mountain, which makes for a marathon with a 530m - 1740ft - elevation
(660m. - 2165ft - according to the runners' watches).
A marathon cannot be improvised, it's a intense physical and mental stress
And that's what we're going to explore today.
How does our body react to endurance effort? And to answer this, I'll follow
by bike Franck and Manuel who will be pushed to their limits.
And for us, without any sadism whatsoever, it'll make a great study subject.
If it were the Montréal marathon, I'd hope to finish it in less than 3 hours.
But now, with the elevation, 3:20 would be not that bad.
For me it'll the the first one. In Montréal I was targeting 3:50, here I'm hoping to finish it.
OK, let's say 4:10.
They started, I am waiting for them at the first meeting point, at the 4th km.
It's soon enough in the race for the runner
to be at their cruise speed without too much fatigue.
Meaning, the perfect time to look at their running technique
and what makes a runner go faster than another one.
Biomechanically speaking, running speed is simply
the stride length times the stride frequency.
To get faster, we could then simply increase one of these parameters.
But it's not that simple.
If we increase the stride length, it requires a huge increase in propulsion power
which is not worth it because we start loosing energy vertically
as we run like a gazelle (which is the name of this type of runners).
As for the frequency. It seems that runners naturally choose the most economical for them.
And it should not change at the 42th km when the tiredness will be at the peak.
And be certain that we'll be check if it's true.
Now, I'm going for the next point at the 16th km (10mi).
They will have plenty of hills until then, so they probably won't be in the same shape.
Yes. Because since they realized it was a very steep race only days before the race
None of them trained specifically for this.
And climbing a hill requires much more energy
than descending saves it.
Incidentally, it's the descents that are going to be the most painful for the runners
as they approach the end of the race.
And slopes up or down, they'll have plenty of it...
So that's the map
Right now, I'm at the 16th km. Franck is expected to get there after 1:08
and Manuel after 1:30.
We'll be able to see if the elevation slowed them down or not.
Franck is here.
He is on time and he is still smiling!
As expected, 20 minutes later, here comes Manuel!
Go Manuel Are you OK?
There's no gels! No gels?
OK. Gels.
At several places along the route are water stations that are essentials for the runners.
And I'm measuring my words. There is stuff to drink and eat.
For the drinks, there is water obviously, to rehydrate after loosing all this sweat.
But it runners were to drink in water all they loose, it would be too much
and they would literally inflate.
The sodium in the blood plasma would be so diluted that the concentration difference
between the inside and the outside of the cell would push
by osmotic pressure the cell's water, forcing it to inflate.
It's called hyponatremia.
And if that happens, you're in for nausea, vomiting, cramps, dizziness, confusion...
and death for the most extreme cases.
The other option is to drink some Gatorade
That orange water that really smells like a bad marketing plan is actually useful.
It contains many things but we are particularly interested in the electrolytes
including the sodium, that prevents people for blowing up by restoring the sodium balance
between the inside and the outside of the cells.
If you drink a lot during a marathon, alternate between water and Gatorade.
That's for the drinks.
Regarding food, sometimes there's bananas but what Manuel was talking about
are the carbohydrate gels. Sugar ion a gel form factor.
Most of them are disgusting but they're not here for the taste.
A runner, even if he ate correctly in the previous days (we'll get back to this)
usually doesn't have enough fuel to last for an exercise that long.
During a marathon on a flat course, a 70kg (150lbs) man expends 3000 calories in 4 hours.
On a normal day, this same man would expend about 2100 calories in 24 hours.
This brutal consumption can be partly counterbalanced by these gels...
although studies are not all laudatory about them.
Go Manuel. How are you?
Fine but it's gonna be tough. You know you're in time for the 4h?
Yes I know.
At this point they respect surprisingly well their timing.
Next rendezvous point:
29th km (18 miles)
In the meantime it started to rain quite a lot.
As you can see.
The last time I was them it was there
And now, I'm here, at the 29th km
Damn, there's already someone!
OK. So the person we just saw is probably going to finish in less than 3h.
3 hours what Franck was planning for a flat course.
And that's something I've been wondering about for a while. Between Franck finishing in 3 hours
and Manuel in 4. Which one spends the most energy?
(considering they weigh the same weight).
Is the faster one but finishing early?
Or the slower one finishing later?
Personally, being in the slower group, I'd say the slowers runner expend more
because we run for longer
and are much more deserving!
But no.
Actually the energy expenditure for someone running in 3h and
for someone running in 4h is the same if they have the same weight.
their mass will matter a lot in the calculus
The amount of calories spent is 1.05 x mass x distance.
In this equation there's no speed, no time.
It's really the distance that is the key of the energy expenditure.
When someone is running, he breathes oxygen.
And this oxygen is used to make our muscles and cells work.
The oxygen volume can be used has an indirect indicator
of the burned calories.
This oxygen quantity, that we can measure in a lab, si directly
linked to the speed
The faster we run, the more oxygen we use.
But since speed is also linearly linked to time and distance
The whole thing balances out.
Yes we use up more oxygen going faster but we run less time for the same distance
In short, it's kif-kif bourricot!
But for now, I am at the 29th km, under the rain.
Man, you're so early! Fuck yeah!
You're so early. It's really tough.
I think I'll crash at 28! You crash at 28?
I'm getting cold. You're at 29 now.
Keep up! I'll catch you at the end.
I don't think I'll be smiling anymore
What do you think of the current geopolitical context?
Fucking hell! Glycogen!!!
Glycogen! Go Franck!
So. Glycogen.
The glycogen is our own fuel.
It's a glucose macromolecule, stored in the muscles and the liver
It's our easiest source of enery
we can also extract some from the lipids but it's longer
And for endurance exercises, it's worth doing something called
a carb overload: eat lots of pasta and other things full of carbohydrates
in the days leading to the race.
Starting with a higher level of glycogen would delay fatigue by 20%
and enhance performance by 2% to 3%
But if you are running for a shorter time than 90 minutes, don't bother,
you don't need to fill up your stocks.
Franck is 6 minutes early on a 3h objective.
It's huge!
Especially with that many hills. I ran 20 meters with him and I'm already dying.
Now I'm leaving for the 36th (22.3 mi) km to meet them again.
Next time I'll see them, their legs will be 36km older.
But it's not only in the legs.
At this point, all the friction with the clothes can become painful
36km with the t-shirt rubbing your tits, that can lead to this:
That's why they planned ahead, spreading vaseline on the feet,
between the thighs, and band-aid on the tits.
OK. So now, my role is to assist them during the last kilometers, the hardest.
I am going to bike next to them to be a moral support.
Here he comes! Largely behind schedule although he was in advance
last time we saw him.
Oh my god. I'm at 5:55 while I was at 4:10.
The numbers Franck gave are his pace. Being at 5:55 means
he can run 1 km in 5 min 55 sec (~9.23 min/mi)
Which, for him, is really slow.
And my vocal kicks don't help much.
Franck! What's with that stride! It's 20cm long!
Speaking of stride.
I checked at the 36th km to see what Franck's stride looked like.
As expected, the frequency is exactly the same.
But the length has been significantly reduced: by about 30%.
Which means is speed dropped.
And that's what happened.
2 more kilometers before the finish line. I leave Franck to get back
to Manuel for the last kilometers.
While I head back on the track, let's have an historic break
WHY? How got it invented ?
Where does the name come from? Let me show you
The name "Marathon" comes from ancient Greece:
The marathon battle, that happened 490 BC during the Greco-Persian Wars
that opposed Greeks and Persians
It took place on Marathon beach, close to Athens, on the Attica coastline
And it's a victory for the Greeks that won over the Persians
The Marathon race has an Olympic sport is based upon a piece of these wars
that is still debated among historians as many versions exist
One of them states that after one of the battle, the Greeks send a messenger to run to
Athens to announce victory... and he died of exhaustion at the arrival
...something we don't wish for our marathonians. And the other version states that the Greeks
sent a messenger running to Sparta to advice about a Persian invasion
incoming in Marathon
Whatever the truthfulness, the Olympic sport is
inspired from it since 1986
Since London Olympic games in 1908, the marathon length got longer
because, supposedly, the queen decided upon the route in order for the royal family to
assist to the race start from the windows of the Windsor castle
That's why a marathon now is 42.195km
So when marathonians cross the 42th km and that the race still is not over
they traditionally
Don't forget to thank the queen! I will, for sure, God save the queen
With this historic break, I just had enough time to bike up to
Are you okay Manuel? It's really hard
If Franck suffered physically, he was in a good mood
Manuel, who is doing his first marathon, has bearable pains but the exercice is
psychologically difficult
By the way, we often say that
between 30 and 35km, there is a phenomenon called "the wall" and is the point at which
runners have to find a sort of second breath, second energy because they
can't take it anymore and that's where the failure will happen
The wall is not something scientifically well defined, it's more a popular definition
If we try to find a scientific definition about it, it would be linked to
a decreased glycemia in the blood
The body is not used to stored enough energy, it is not used to
provide as much during that long of a race
That's why some runners hit the wall. But not all of them
It varies from one study to another but about half of runners
do hit the wall
I don't think Manuel or Franck got hit as they did not suffer from
all the listed sorrows
But they do suffer. There is no doubt
And that's it. 3h15 for Franck and 3h58 for Manuel
with 600m hills (2000 ft)
approximately twice the hills of San Francisco's marathon
And that is JUST a marathon
There is also ultramarathon, iron men, ultra trail such as the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc
And at that time, just there, I dont'think either of them would
have signed up for a longer challenge
Marathons are more and more popular and if you ever give yourself that kind of challenge
Congrats! but be careful, a marathon needs physical and psychological training
especially if you want to enjoy it
I hope that you liked this video, I loved following the runners
even despite the rain, and I hope it was informative for you
I don't do it very often but I'd like to thank all the tipers (patreon equivalent) that fund this channel
I'm not sure if I would still be here if you weren't
Your help does really make a difference
So thank you
And if you want to help the channel, there is the tipeee (patreon equivalent) of course
but sharing, commenting or liking do help as well
I don't always answer to comment but I read all of them
I would also like to thank Pr. Jonathan Tremblay from the university of Montréal
that I hassled with my questions to create this video
Thank you all, and as we say in Quebec, have a nice holiday season
The Original War on Christmas | UNLEARN - Duration: 5:32.The modern war on Christmas is waged by secularists, but did you know the original war on Christmas
was actually waged by Christians?
It's time to UNLEARN the lies.
Hey, welcome to UNLEARN.
My name is Lex, and I'd like to invite you to join us each week as we UNLEARN the lies
and dig deeper into the truth of God's Word.
Now, let's get started.
Have you ever wondered how the first American settlers celebrated Christmas?
It might surprise you to find out that they didn't.
In fact, during the 17th century, the Puritans had laws forbidding the celebration of Christmas.
The original war on Christmas was waged during the sixteenth and seventeenth century by Protestant
Christians who opposed the pagan traditions of the Catholic church.
The Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 were strict Puritans, with firm views against holidays
such as Christmas and Easter, rejecting them because of their pagan origins.
They were particularly contemptuous of Christmas, nicknaming it "Foolstide".
Christmas decorations were considered to be unholy pagan rituals, traditional foods such
as mince pies and pudding were banned, and businesses were required to remain open all
day on Christmas.
They made it illegal to mention the name of St. Nicolas, exchange gifts, or sing carols,
and anyone caught ditching their work duties or feasting was fined five shillings.
Around the time of the American Revolution anti-Christmas sentiment flared up again because
Christmas had become associated with England for so many years.
In fact, after the U.S. Constitution came into effect, the Senate assembled on Christmas
Day in 1797, as did the House in 1802.
We also see Christmas come up as one of the issues affecting the Civil War.
The North and South were divided over the issue of slavery, as well as Christmas.
President Lincoln asked Thomas Nast to create a drawing of Santa Claus with some Union soldiers.
This image of Santa supporting the North had a demoralizing influence on the Confederate
Many people in the North considered it a sin to celebrate Christmas, while Christmas was
an important celebration in the South.
This is why it is no surprise that the first states to legalize Christmas were the southern
states of Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas.
The ban on Christmas remained in New England until 1856 when Christmas became a legal holiday.
Even then, some schools continued to hold classes on December 25 until 1870 when President
Ulysses S. Grant declared it a federal holiday.
Although the change was gradual, people eventually began to embrace the holiday in all of its
fullness, complete with trees, wreaths, mistletoe, and Santa Claus.
Now, listen to what the well known preacher, Charles Spurgeon, had to say about Christmas.
"We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons.
Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas:
first, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be said or
sung in Latin or in English; and, secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever
for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and, consequently, its observance
is a superstition, because not of divine authority."
(Charles Spurgeon, Sermon on Dec. 24, 1871)
"When it can be proved that the observance of Christmas, Whitsuntide, and other Popish
festivals was ever instituted by a divine statute, we also will attend to them, but
not till then.
It is as much our duty to reject the traditions of men, as to observe the ordinances of the
We ask concerning every rite and rubric, "Is this a law of the God of Jacob?" and if it
be not clearly so, it is of no authority with us, who walk in Christian liberty."
(from Charles Spurgeon's Treasury of David on Psalm 81:4.)
In more recent years, another interesting war on Christmas has come to the surface,
involving Wiccans and Atheists who celebrate the holiday in all of its festivities and
traditions, but reject Christ.
These people are trying to bring back awareness that Christmas traditions come from ancient
pagan celebrations, and actually have nothing to do with Christ or the Bible.
I have met several practicing pagans who actually laugh at Christians for celebrating Christmas,
because of its deeply pagan roots.
These people have caused many businesses owners and government officials to feel pressure
to remove the word "Christmas" and replace it with "Holiday" or "Season", to
avoid offending non-Christians.
This is what people today refer to as the "war on Christmas".
As a result, many Protestant Christians today are upset and offended, claiming that we need
to "put Christ back into Christmas", however this stands in stark contrast to many of the
early Protestants who claimed that Christmas has nothing to do with Christ.
This is an interesting shift from Christians who once boycotted Christmas, to Christians
who now boycott retail stores for refusing to greet their customers with the words "Merry
If Christmas is really a religious holiday about Christ, then why are people upset when
secular retail stores greet people with "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings"?
It sounds like Christmas might have more to do with consumerism than Christians care to
I find it very sad that Protestant Christians today are fighting so hard to reclaim unbiblical
man-made traditions that early Protestant Reformers once fought so hard to remove.
I hope that puts things into perspective for you.
Thanks for watching.
If you found this video helpful then share it with your friends and family so they can
UNLEARN the lies with us.
If you want to see more videos like this one, subscribe to my channel.
And I want to say a special thank you to those who support this ministry.
We truly appreciate your generosity.
And remember, the truth will set you free.
See you next time.
Relieving The Pain - Hot food, part 2 - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Teletubbies Advent Calendar 25 Surprise Toys Day 17 - Duration: 2:15.Today on Surprise and Play
Teletubbies advent calendar
day seventeen
Surprise and Play!
Hi everybody, I'm Chocolate Chip
Are you ready for a surprise?
close your eyes
open your eyes
what is it?
It's some surprises
it's a Teletubbies advent calendar!
it's Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po
teletubbies advent calendar
it's almost Christmas!
Happy Holidays everybody!
Don't forget to smile!
Number seventeen
It's a Tombliboo!
He's so cute
he's from the Night Garden
they like to play with the ball
and he pass it to Upsy Daisy and Iggle Piggle and Makka Pakka
and where do they live the Tombliboos
they live in the bush
and then ...
they're gonna go to sleepand then ...
Unn and Ooo and Eee they're gonna play the piano and the drum
oh they like to play piano and the drum too
I love in the Night Garden toys!
Here's my Night Garden videos!
Give me a thumbs up
Smile emojis in the comments
I heart you!
Have fun and be happy!
Merry Christmas everybody!
Happy holidays!
From the Teletubbies and me, Chocolate Chip!
We're counting down to Christmas with the Teletubbies Advent Calendar
we'll be opening a new surprise toy every day
You don't want to miss what's hiding inside
Let's count down to Christmas together with fun surprises from the Teletubbies
See you again soon!
come back soon!
Adam Lambert - Ghost Town - Duration: 3:28.Adam Lambert - Ghost Town
Trump Should Resign Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Majority Of American Voters Say - Duration: 2:48.According to a new round of polling, 53% of voters in the United States believe that Donald
Trump should resign over the sexual misconduct allegations that are against him.
53% of the public believe the women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct
and they believe that these offenses that Trump has allegedly committed should result
in the President resigning from office.
Now I wholeheartedly agree with these people.
The allegations against Trump, even if it was just one, should disqualify him from office.
After all, let's not forget that one of the main reasons Bill Clinton got impeached and
that whole process even started was because they were investigating extra marital affairs
and other claims of harassment against the President.
That ultimately, coupled with a few other things, but that led to the hearings that
led to his impeachment that led to the perjury charges, all that.
So Donald Trump has literally done the same thing, we just haven't gone that route yet
for some reason.
But here's the other thing, these 53% of people that now say he should resign because of these
charges against him or these allegations, these aren't new, okay?
These allegations didn't just suddenly spring up when he became president of the United
These were things that we knew about during the campaign and yet some of you who now say
it's disqualifying voted for him anyway.
You can't suddenly be outraged by it.
I'm glad ya are but where were ya last year?
Where were you when the Access Hollywood tape came up?
Why didn't the media make this a bigger issue?
And that's the overall problem here.
We've known about this for years.
We just didn't act on it.
Well, some of us didn't.
We have known what this man does to women.
We have known how he treats them.
We've seen the lawsuits and we saw the allegations and yet some people in this country had to
wait, wait a year after he was inaugurated to finally say, you know what I'm gonna start
taking these women seriously and it's time for him to go.
If you would've done that last November he wouldn't even
be President.
Top 5 Hardest Totem Pokemon in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon w/Monkiez! - Duration: 7:19.Top 5 Strongest Totem Pokemon in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Introduction In Pokemon Sun and Moon we were introduced
to one of the most innovative things game freak has ever done in a pokemon game and
I'm glad to say that I actually enjoyed it.
This was the Island Challenge.
This was different from traditional league challenges as the island challenge replaced
Gym Battles with the all new trial system.
The trial system was added in Sun and Moon and of course was carried on to Ultra Sun
and Moon, and while I do like Gym Battles more for the nostalgia the Island Challenge
was actually great.
The totem Pokemon were a great concept, it added something that made Alola Different
than other Pokemon games and they posed an actual challenge for me.
In sun and Moon the trials were kinda easy but in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon it seems
like they realized this and upped the difficulty a bit.
But without further ado, I present to you all the Top 5 Hardest Totem Pokemon in Pokemon
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
And before we begin please note that this is my opinion, so if you happen to disagree
make sure to let me know down in the comments below.
And at the end of the video if you did enjoy make sure you leave a like and maybe even
subscribe if you're new.
But with that being said, let's get started.
Totem Marowak Our number 5 slot on the list has to go to
one of the worst Totem Pokemon on this list, at least what should be.
Alolan Marowak is easily considered a sub par Pokemon.
His only average stats combined with his extremely shallow movepool should make it so that this
Trial was a breeze.
However from the get go I was already at a huge disadvantage as my starter was a Dartrix
at the time and gave no help in this trial.
I decided to catch a Mudbray to aid me with this and it was still extremely challenging.
One of Alolan Marowak's ally Pokemon was a Salazzle, and this was extremely hard to
While I would deal quad effective damage with Mudbray all salazzle needed to do was use
one move… poison gas.
Poison gas would poison me, and while that would do residual damage each turn it would
boost Alolan Marowak's Hex, a base 65 ghost type move which damage doubles when the opposing
pokemon has a status condition.
All marowak needs to do is get setup with the poison and use flame charge once to raise
his speed, and you'll be in for a pretty rough time.
Totem Araquanid In Pokemon Sun and Moon, the second trial
of the games was against a Totem Wishiwashi.
If you picked a Rowlet as your starter this was just a walk in the park.
However, this was all changed in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon.
Lana's trial was changed to a Totem Araquanid.
Now this put me at a disadvantage as I only had a Rowlet at the time and he wasn't able
to deal super effective damage anymore as araquanid's bug typing resisted Grass.
Araquanid was also able to outspeed every member of my team since his Aura boosted his
speed stat.
His ally Pokemon also posed to be very annoying as his Dewpider was also bug typing so it
wouldn't take super effective damage from Grass Type moves.
His other Ally pokemon Masquerain was even more annoying as it had the ability intimidate
and at the time 2 out of the three members of my team were physical attackers, so you
already know how annoying this was for me.
Not to mention he also quad resisted grass type moves and was able to deal super effective
damage to my Zorua.
For taking on this trial honestly, your best bet is to catch a magnemite.
Totem Kommo-o One of the coolest Pokemon to come out in
the Alola Region has to be Kommo-o.
After seeing his trial in Pokemon Sun and Moon I was hoping he was one of the Pokemon
that didn't get replaced, and low and behold he was in the games again, just much harder.
For starters, the Kommo-o was boosted up four levels.
Not only that, but his moveset is insane now.
Kommo-o was given a super stacked moveset with Drain Punch, Dragon Claw, Thunder Punch
and Poison Jab, four coverage moves that cover all the dragon typings weaknesses and give
a wide range of super effective damage.
If you thought that was bad enough, take a look at his ally Pokemon.
His ally Pokemon were now boosted at least 14 levels each.
Yeah, insane, I know.
His ally Hakamo-o was changed to a Noivern which poses a huge threat to you if youre
using a decidueye or any other grass type Pokemon.
Now I know this seems like it should be the hardest trial because of the brute force,
though there are some ways to counter this by just using a Kommo-o itself or maybe even
using a Mimikyu, but if you have neither of those then its gonna be one tough battle.
Totem Lurantis You ever look at something and you just hate
Yeah, that's how I feel when I look at Lurantis.
Lurantis when playing Sun and Moon was the bane of my existence.
There was a countless amount of times that I lost to this thing over and over and over
and over again.
Unlike Kommo-o I was hoping that they would take Lurantis out of the games, but unfortunately
they did not.
In my opinion Game Freak actually made this trial way harder.
While Lurantis itself didn't get any stronger, it's ally Pokemon added to its strength.
They replaced the ally Trumbeak and Castform with the allies Kecleon and Comfey.
While comfey and kecleon may seem less threatening, they weren't…
Both Kecleon and Comfey have the move Sunny Day which allowed Lurantis to use Solar Blade
in only one turn.
Comfey also had the moves Floral Healing and flower shield which made it for a really stally
At the time your only options for a counter if you didnt pick litten was an Alolan Marowak,
and this still was extremely tough due to his sub par stats.
All in all, Lurantis was just super annoying.
#1, Totem Ribombee In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon we were
given an extra trial, and of course this had to be the hardest one.
This was Totem Ribombee.
Totem Ribombee is the literal definition of stall, one of the most annoying tactics ever
For starters, Ribombee has the move quiver dance which boosted Special Defense, Speed
and Special Attack.
It had coverage moves like Bug Buzz and Quiver Dance, and the move draining kiss allowed
it to regain health.
Blissey and Pelipper were already stally Pokemon and their movesets didn't make this better
for us at all.
Blissey would use heal pulse on ribombee, light screen to boost her already insanely
high special defense, and helping hand to give more damage to ribombee's attacks.
Pelipper also had the move Stockpile, and if you didn't know already Stockpile raises
Defense and Special defense by one stage each turn its used.
This ended up becoming a super stally and annoying battle that was really not enjoyable.
So that is going to be it for todays video I hope you guys did enjoy, if you did make
sure to leave a like, comment and subcribe if you're new, but with that being said
I'll see you guys later, peace.
Angry Elf vs Christmas Music - Duration: 0:54.HEY GUYS I'M SEAN
Best Sleep Positions For Back Pain and Snoring - Duration: 5:32.Best Sleep Positions For Big Br-easts, Back Pain & Snoring !
You try your best to call lights out at a reasonable time so you can get the recommended
7 to 8 hours of sleep.
(Most of the time, anyway.)
And yet your diligence isn't really paying off, since you spend half the night tossing
and turning in discomfort.
Turns out, your go-to sleep position might be to blame.
Laying the wrong way can exacerbate annoying issues from back pain to snoring and heartburn,
stealing your dream time and leaving you exhausted the next day.
Changing your position can help, though.
Here, experts weigh in on the best positions for 5 common problems that can make snoozing
uncomfortable—and share tips for keeping proper form all night long.
Snoring ! That buzzsaw-like sound isn't just annoying
for your partner.
Loud snoring might even wake you up—and it can leave you with a dry mouth or sore
throat in the morning.
Snoring happens when your throat or tongue muscles relax, so your tongue falls toward
the back of your throat.
That narrows your throat, which partially blocks the flow of air and creates a snoring
or snorting sound.
Thanks to gravity, sleeping on your back makes this problem even worse.
A much better bet: staying on your side.
"Your tongue will fall forward and your jaw will move slightly forward," explains
sleep expert and SleepScore Labs advisory board member Michael Breus, PhD.
As a result, you'll likely breathe more quietly.
Lower back pain ! If you're plagued by a sore lower back,
sleeping in a position that helps your spine stay properly aligned can make you more comfortable.
The best way to do that is by snoozing on your back or on your side, says Michael Perry,
MD, chief medical director and co-founder of the Laser Spine Institute.
Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach—it puts your spine in a funky position by arching
your back and turning your neck.
Using pillows strategically can also make a difference.
If you sleep on your back, stick a pillow under your knees to reduce pressure on your
spine and keep it from arching, Perry says.
For side sleepers, a pillow tucked in between your knees will keep pressure at bay by helping
your hips stay properly aligned.
Big bre-asts ! Sleeping on your back is your best bet, for
two reasons: First, your bre-asts won't be underneath you or in between your arms,
where they'll get in the way and make it harder to sleep comfortably, says Reverie
Sleep Advisory Board Member Amelia Bailey, MD.
(If you really prefer sleeping on your stomach or side, at least use a body pillow with cutouts
that won't leave you feeling squished.
As an added bonus, snoozing on your back can relieve some of the pressure caused by the
heaviness of your bre-asts, which means you'll be less likely to end up with back pain during
the day, says Perry.
For the biggest benefit, sleep with a pillow wedged under your knees to help your spine
maintain its natural curvature.
Upper back or neck pain ! Other than not sleeping on your stomach, there's
no one-size-fits-all position that works for everyone, say Breus and Perry.
What you can do?
Pick a medium-firm pillow of medium thickness.
"If it's too soft or thin, it can cause neck strain that leads to upper back and neck
pain," Breus says.
Heartburn ! Reflux happens when acid from the stomach
splashes up into the lower part of the esophagus, Kryger explains.
One way to minimize that while you sleep is by keeping your head slightly elevated with
an extra pillow.
"In a more upright position, gravity helps keep the acid in the stomach," he says.
With your head propped up, you can try laying on your back or on your left side, depending
on what's more comfortable.
Just don't lay on your right, since some studies show that sleeping on that side can
make reflux worse.
"The theory is that sleeping on the right side relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter
and the gut acid leaks out, causing irritation," How to stay put !
Of course, maneuvering yourself into the right position won't do much good if you manage
to toss yourself into an entirely different spot during the night.
Using a sleep positioning wedge can help you stay put, says Breus.
Or, if you're a side sleeper and don't feel like buying another product, try this
hack: Wear a kids' backpack to sleep with a football tucked inside, Breus recommends.
Yup, it's kinda weird.
But the shape of the football will keep you from rolling over while
you snooze.
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10 MOST EXTREME BUBBLE GUT BODYBUILDERS - Duration: 13:57.There's a new phenomenon called "distended gut".
It's been blamed on numerous factors—insulin, HGH immaculate conception—but however it
happens, it's definitely gotten so out of control that it threatens to destroy whatever's
left of bodybuilding as a sport.
So, with that in mind, let's take a look at the worst examples of people with distended
Scott Steiner Now, I know what you're thinking.
Scott Steiner isn't a bodybuilder, he's a wrestler!
Well, considering he shows up in a lot of bodybuilding videos/articles and was once
known as one of the most built men on the planet, he seemed like a good fit for this
On top of that, he actually has something more than just pure Bubble Gut-itis going
on—he also has a gigantic separation in the middle of his chest that's becoming
more and more apparent as he ages.
It's been discussed ad nauseam online and people can't seem to figure out exactly what's
going on with his entire torso, but it's apparent that he's at least aware of it as he's gotten
a gigantic tattoo to cover up the middle of his chest and often wears something to disguise
his bubble gut.
Either way, if the sheer amount of premature deaths don't scare you off of stuff like anabolic
steroids or human growth hormone, then results like Steiner definitely should.
With that out of the way, let's talk about actual bodybuilders!
Phil Heath Phil Heath is the only person on this list
under the age of 40.
At 37 years old, he's an extremely well-known bodybuilder and the most successful this century,
winning seven straight Mr. Olympia competitions (the Super Bowl of Body Building) from 2011
through 2017.
However, as he's gotten older he's definitely developed a case of the bubble guts.
It's actually his rise (along with that of his competition) that's really poured gas
on the fire that has been Bubble Guts in the sport over the last few years.
Numerous pictures of the final contestants were labeled as horrible and even the Mr.
Pregnant show, forcing the legend of all legends in the game that is Bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
to comment on the state of Bubble Guts in the industry.
Arnold stated that perhaps there needs to be a change to how the contests are scored
to penalize the lack of aesthetics in the sport.
The sport used to be all about the "V-Shaped" body and now it really only cares about bulk
and mass.
While Arnold admits that even he had to suck in his stomach from time to time, things have
definitely gotten out of control, and this most recent Mr. Olympia is a testament to
that fact.
Jean-Pierre Fux Outside of the hilarious last name, Pierre
Fux (I bet he does) is mostly known for a terrible accident that occurred during a weightlifting
session and almost ended his career.
He was attempting to squat almost 700-lbs while at Gold's Gym in Fullerton, California.
While initially lifting the amount, during a photo-shoot for FLEX Magazine, he suddenly
collapsed with the full weight on his back.
He describes the accident as follows: "We'd worked up to seven plates on each side.
That weight is not a problem for me -- I had done the same thing a week earlier for my
training video.
I began to squat down and everything was fine.
Then in a split second, I went from complete comfort to collapse.
My knees just went -- I crashed down so quickly the spotters didn't have time to react.
Afterward, they felt bad about it, but it was so quick, nobody could have caught the
Luckily he was prepared for such an accident and knew that if he wanted to save the tendons
in his knees/legs, he should keep his legs straight.
So, once the weight was removed he straightened his legs and that most likely saved his tendons.
He spent two weeks in the hospital and was wheel-chair bound for a long time, which is
perhaps the source of his Bubble-Gut (or maybe it was the drugs he took to catch up after
his injury).
His injury is so well-known because he urged both FLEX magazine and the photographer who
took the pictures to actually publish them to help people know what to do when they're
Which is super cool and makes you hope that he can now conquer his biggest test of all,
the Bubble Gut.
Kai Greene Phil Heath's most consistent competition has
been Kai Greene, who has finished second at the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Mr. Olympia's behind
Heath (he also won the 2016 Arnold Classic, that should at least punish someone like Greene
for having a "bottle shape" as opposed to the classic "V-shape" Arnold/everyone with
eyeballs prefers).
Greene has a tough background, growing up in the foster care system and residential
treatment centers.
Because of that, he acted out and luckily for him his science teacher noticed that he
had behavioral problems and also a genetic gift so he helped him pursue bodybuilding
to take advantage of those gifts while giving him a place to vent/funnel all of his anger
and emotion.
What so sad about this current trend is you hear these amazing stories about how bodybuilding
can save a life like Greene's, but at the same time all of that work is essentially
going down the drain because it appears that Bubble Guts are permanent and there's really
nothing that these guys can do and thus their careers will be over.
Now, granted a lot of them are fairly old and Greene (at 42) is at the tail-end of his
career, but still, you'd hate to see an entire generation of bodybuilders wasted because
drugs were taken too far.
Ronnie Coleman If Phil Heath is the most successful bodybuilder
of this decade than Ronnie Coleman was the most successful bodybuilder of the 90's.
He won eight Mr. Olympia's in a row and also holds the record for the most IFBB professional
wins at a staggering 26.
He is now retired and 53 years old so you can't expect him to be in peak shape but it
is sad to see someone who was as huge as Coleman fall victim to Bubble Guts himself.
This guy is a complete beast and makes a lot of his competition look small by comparison,
and that's helped off-set the obviousness of his protruding stomach.
But really if anyone should be the poster boy for whatever causes Palumbo-ism , it should
be Coleman.
You'll notice that while Arnold did gain a gut in his later years, it was a natural gut
made of fat and sagging tissue not one that appears to be made of pure muscle.
So, something that these guys were either doing in the late 90's or are doing recently
is causing this to either manifest years later (when they're around 45-50) or their older
bodies just can't handle it.
There are a ton of theories as to what is causing this problem as discussed in the intro
and in order to get to the bottom of it before it destroys the sport, more guys like Coleman
should come out and discuss it openly.
One has to commend Dave Palumbo for discussing this on his YouTube channel and attempting
to turn a negative into a positive, so hopefully more people will follow his lead now that
Arnold has come out and weighed in on the topic as it's something that needs to end
before next year's Olympia if the sport intends to exist beyond that.
Markus Ruhl At 5'10" and around 310 pounds, even around
other body-builders, Markus Ruhl is considered to be a huge guy, with gigantic arms and legs
that many of his peers just don't have.
A lot of what body-building at least used to be is symmetry and what's aesthetically
While that's obviously subjective and can change from era to era, a lot of guys don't
go for massive bulk as there are also scores for how lean someone is, how vascular they
look, etc.
So, while that means he may not win every competition because of his pure bulk, Ruhl
has actually weathered the Bubble Gut era pretty well despite having one himself.
His massive arms and legs help cover up the fact that he does have a distended stomach,
which really makes him look a lot more like a Ninja Turtles action figure than something
like a He-Man action figure, which, one can assume, is not what he was going for when
he started bodybuilding.
King Kamali King Kamli is a 45 year old body-builder that
was born in Tehran, Iran but now lives in New York City.
Sadly, 45 is around the life expectancy of most bodybuilders thanks to the abuse they
do to their bodies, which is extremely ironic considering bodybuilding is a health-related
Nicknamed "The Persian Pearl" for some reason and "The Terminator" (which is a bad nickname
when you compete in the same sport as...
You know, the REAL Terminator?), Kamali actually has a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise
Physiology from George Mason University, meaning he should know better than anyone why he's
suffering from Bubble Gut and what to do to fix it.
However, it does seem like a lot of the examples of Bubble Guts in the sport end up happening
to older men as opposed to younger ones so perhaps it has more to do with age than anything
Either way, he's clearly past his prime and shouldn't be competing any more, as there's
really no point, and as the recent sad death of perhaps the most famous bodybuilder there
is these days, Rich Piana, showed just this year, there has to be a time where you stop
abusing your body and if your gut is literally distended because of the drugs you're using,
maybe that's a good sign.
But, what do I know?
I don't have a Bachelor of Science in it!
Greg Kovacs As just mentioned, 45 seems to be the age
that most bodybuilders end up—a fact driven home by learning about Greg Kovacs' life and
Kovacs was a Canadian bodybuilder who passed away in 2013 at the age of 45 due to heart
Now, before discussing his career a bit we should really look at the fact that these
men are killing themselves over something that shouldn't be deadly.
No one would argue that bodybuilders in the early 70's or before didn't look a lot better
than the ones do today and perhaps that's why the "Natty" movement has really gained
a lot of steam lately.
But when your sport needs a "natural" division because of the rampant drug use and oil injection,
perhaps it's time for your sport to stop being a sport?
Especially when most of your icons die of "natural causes" before their 50th birthday.
Either way, Kovacs was a beast among beasts.
He was actually the largest pro bodybuilder there was in the latter half of the 1990's,
at 6'4" and an "off-season" weight of 330 pounds.
His arms measured 25 inches, his chest 70 inches, and his legs a colossal 35 inches.
That didn't help hide the Bubble Gut towards the end of his career, though.
Big Lenny Some people actually believe "Palumbo-ism"
should've been called "Lenny-ism" or "Big Lenny-ism" because the bodybuilder known as
Big Lenny definitely rocks the biggest bubble gut of any man, woman or child in the known
In fact, he's more stomach than man at this point, and while he's muscular as compared
to a regular person, he doesn't really seem to be in that great shape.
He also appears to give zero F's about it (at least in most of his pictures).
Like many others on this list he definitely is past his prime, but considering how he
looks now I'm not sure he ever technically had a prime.
Called Big Lenny because of his astonishing height, there is a video of Lenny on Youtube
where he discusses his case of Bubble Guts.
In the 21 minute video, he blames too much cardio on the fact that his legs are smaller
than his stomach.
On that subject, he says that his belly "isn't going anywhere" as it's "large and hard" and
blames it on the fact that he used to weigh 450 lbs.
He says that essentially he'll build the rest
of his muscles around his stomach to compensate (which has worked for other people on this
list) and while he does say that he doesn't take "any of the stuff" people blame Bubble
Guts on, there's no way that a human being gets this large without having taken some
sort of performance-enhancing drug.
If he was telling the truth, that'd be great, as he calls drug-users "half-assers" and "corner
cutters", but it wouldn't be a surprise to find out he's lying about where that gut is
coming from.
Dave Palumbo Thanks to a YouTube channel titled "Nick's
Strength and Power" Dave Palumbo will forever be remembered as the man who changed the term
Distended Gut from Bubble Gut to "Palumbo-ism".
And the new name has infiltrated the bodybuilding world for sure, as it was brought up to Big
Lenny in an interview conducted at, where else, the gym about his bubble gut (this is
like bubble gut Inception!).
Like the other members of this list, Palumbo is getting up there in age (49) and is definitely
past his prime.
Perhaps better than most people on this list, he represents the 90's era of bodybuilding
as the gigantic, unnatural and hypervascular type of builder.
He's retired now but still works in the industry, serving as the Editor of Muscular
Development Magazine, and the CEO of RX Muscle, where he sells supplements.
I can't imagine that being the namesake for a term as embarrassing as "Palumbo-ism" is
great for his brand, the sales of his supplements, or his self-image.
A lot of body-builders are known to suffer from a form of body dysmorphia, called Bigorexia,
in which they are never happy with their appearance and can never quite get big enough.
Perhaps that's why a lot of these guys just destroy their bodies with all sorts of injections
and pills.
While many have died over the years, the fact that death hasn't stopped them shows just
how important being "big" is to them.
Perhaps the silver lining in all of these bubble guts is the fact that it looks terrible
(unlike steroids that make someone look bigger and more powerful, but not bad) so it may
finally be the impetus for change in an industry that is so drug-ridden that it has separate
competitions for people that don't take drugs.
Imagine if Major League Baseball had a Steroids-Free division!
Wait, they used to, it was called the AL Central in the 90's!
Either way, Palumbo truly is an icon in the sport and perhaps can use this to his advantage
at some point.
What do you think?
Was this list big enough?
Sound off in the comments below.
Thanks for watching!
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