Sunday, December 17, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 17 2017

In our previous video on the Napoleonic Wars we described the beginning of the war of the fourth

coalition and the twin battles of Jena and Auersted that concluded the first phase of the conflict that

The war was just starting and soon Napoleon was tested by the new Russian army and a harsh winter

Welcome to our documentary on the battle of Eylau

The war of the fourth coalition erupted in October of

1806 and in less than a month French Emperor Napoleon

Had utterly defeated the Prussian army at the battles of Jena and Auerstedt and occupied Berlin

The Prussians could not oppose the grand army

But despite that King Frederick Wilhelm 3rd refused to negotiate and fled to

Konigsberg in eastern Prussia as he was assured that Russian armies would soon support him


68,000 Russians under Bennigsen were in Grodno and a forty thousand strong force commanded by Buxhoeveden was on its way

Napoleon knew that he had to

Decisively defeat the Russians to win the war but his supply lines were still not secure enough as some of the Prussian strongholds

Continued their resistance so in early November he sent the corps of marshal davu across the Oder River

To prevent the Russians from setting their defensive line, man

fortunately for the French the main Prussian bastion of Magdeburg fell on November 8th and on the next day

davu entered Poznan which triggered a patriotic Polish uprising

The pole started fighting against the remainder of the Prussian forces in the area

at the same time the fall of

Magdeburg allowed Napoleon to move more cause across the Oder and that forced Bennigsen to stop and wait for his reinforcements a

Lack of supplies was preventing Napoleon from marching at his usual fast pace

So he ended Warsaw only on the 19th of December

Still he attempted a pincer move by moving some of his forces to the north

The Russian troops were spread 60 kilometers to the north of Warsaw between po2 scanned gulaman

On the 26th of December the French attacked from the north, west and south, but failed to encircle the Russian troops

Bennigsen managed an orderly retreat to be Ellis dock where he decided to winter

Although Napoleon hoped to chase the enemy the winter was too harsh, and he also had to send his cause back to their winter cantonments

Both armies had a hard time procuring rations

By the middle of January the situation became critical and Bennigsen started moving towards Danzig

It was still controlled by the Prussians and had ample supplies

Coincidentally marshal ney attempted a raid towards Hiles Berg on the 17th of January

Napoleon was furious and ordered ney to return

the latter complied at

The same time the Russians reached the position of Bernadotte and threatened to cut him off from the majority of French troops

The French marshal was too quick for them and retreated to the south

The Russians caught up her mother and gun but Bernadotte scored a minor victory and successfully withdrew

All that gave Napoleon a brilliant idea he ordered Bernadotte and ney to continue their withdrawal

While oshiro, Siouxland davu were commanded to march north the goal was to cut the Russian retreat and impose a general battle

unfortunately for Napoleon

Constant rains made the road impassable and on the 31st of January his messenger to Bernadotte was caught by Russian

Cossacks, which allowed Bennigsen to learn of the Emperor's plans and retreat

French troops almost caught up to the Russians on two occasions in early February, but Bennigsen was able to escape

However, further retreat was impossible as that would have let the French capture crucial Konigsberg

Bennigsen stopped at the small town of presage a low modern day by gratia nafse in Russia he asked for assistance from the

12,000 strong Prussian Corps under less stock that was nearby

Napoleon knew of the Prussian forces in the area and ordered ney to prevent them from joining Bennigsen

But the Prussians managed to avoid the French marshal

The Battle of a lout took place on the 7th and 8th of February


At the beginning of the battle the Russians had about sixty six thousand troops against forty five thousand with Napoleon

But the Emperor knew that ney and davu each with fifteen thousand soldiers were within marching distance

The Russians had a decided advantage in artillery with four hundred and fifty guns against Napoleon's two hundred

Pfennigs and needed time to set up his troops to the northeast of a lap so he left his rearguard under the command of BA

Gretchen to cover the deployment the

Russian general was able to repulse the French initially but by midday, Oshiro

And the Imperial Guard joined the battle and Baratheon had to retreat under overwhelming French pressure

For Grad Sheehan retreated towards the main army while General Berkeley screened his withdrawal in the town of a loud

The layout of the town wasn't conductive to an attack and Barclay managed to defend his positions well into the evening

By 2200 hours. He was ordered to move back and joined Bennigsen

the Russian commander knew that not all of the French troops were

Present and ordered part of his right flank to strengthen the reserves, which weakened his wing

the morning started with an artillery to

Past the French were expecting the arrival of Davos core from the southwest sue was ordered to attack the Russian right and create a diversion

However the Russian stopped soon and when the Vanguard of Davos forces arrived. They were intercepted by the cavalry Reserve

Napoleon needed to win time to let the remainder of Davos soldiers join the battle, so he ordered his center and right to attack a

Blizzard started and blinded the center of the French army led by OSHA Road

Visibility was so limited that the French artillery mistakenly bombarded oshiro, who walked right into the Russian artillery battery?

more than

5,000 French died in the centre without reaching the Russian lines while the French right didn't do much damage to the Russian left

Bennigsen counter attacked against the French right led by song Hilaire with his cavalry and forced it to stop its advance

While his infantry moved against the French Center, which was defended by what was left of Russia rose Corps

However, Napoleon still had his guard to send in

while the infantry units joined the center stopped the enemy advance

The cavalry portion of the guard attached the Russians from the rear and the majority of this column was destroyed

The French also had more as cavalry in reserve

And it was ordered to counter-attack the right wing of these units attacked the Russian cavalry fighting song Hill airs right flank and scattered them

Marat and song Hilaire

Continued their movement and although the infantry was stopped their cavalry charge dispersed every Russian unit in front of it and reached the reserves

At this point in the battle the Vu's remaining troops arrived and attacked the Russian left and while su

Oshiro marat and the guard held their positions davin supported by Sawhill air pushed the russians back and by

1530 the russian left and left center who almost at a 90-degree angle to the rest of the forces

Luckily for Ben exam

9,000 Prussians commanded by less stock entered the battle and joined the beleaguered Russian left

The Russians attacked davu from the right and slowly pushed him away

By 1900 hours dave who had to retreat and set a line between the villages of cotton and and clapping

around that time nay's Corps

Which was supposed to stop the stock entered the fray his forces moved against the extreme right of the Russian troops

But Bennigsen used the remainder of his cavalry to intercept them the battle continued until

2200 hours at which point the sides disengaged

Both armies lost at least 15,000 troops, and it is possible that Napoleon's army suffered more casualties

despite that at

2300 Bennigsen ordered a retreat

The French were in no shape to chase the enemy

And although the battlefield belonged to Napoleon it was clear that for the first time in his career

he had failed to win a decisive battle a

Lao indicated that the war of the fourth coalition was far from over

Thanks for watching our

Documentary on the Battle of Eila in two weeks Napoleon will be back to command his troops at the Battle of Friedland

We would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters who make the creation of these videos possible

Patreon is the best way to suggest a new video learn about our schedule and so much more

This is the kings and Generals channel, and we will catch you on the next one

For more infomation >> Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Eylau 1807 DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 9:27.


The Cost of Ranching - Duration: 10:54.

Hi I'm Mike, today we take a look at the actual numbers behind farming and ranching,

the dollars and cents and not the common sense, because after this, you might be wondering

if I have any sense at all.

Stick around on Our Wyoming Life.

So, ranching is easy right?

Basically, all you have to do is get some cows, some land with grass on it and watch

the cows grow and collect your paycheck.

It sounds easy, but if it were really that easy everyone would be doing it and driving

Lamborghinis out to feed to cows.

When it comes down to the cost of raising cows, there are a bunch of different factors

to take into consideration.

You've got land, fencing, corrals, feed, mineral, water, electricity, taxes, insurance

and a whole mess of other costs.

We are going to delve into all that as we take a look at a pretend ranch here in Wyoming.

You just bought it and its big enough to run 100 cows.

Here in this part of Wyoming you need an average of 30 acres per cow to support them, the grass

they eat and the grazing area they need.

So, your new ranch is 3000 acres, that you purchased for 800$ per acre for a total of

2.4 million dollars.

Congratulations, you are a Wyoming rancher.

Let's get to fencing this monster off, now hopefully fences are already in place.

That would be a good thing, because fencing will cost you about 2$ per linear foot.

Even if you have most of your fences in place already, I'm going to say you are going

to want to change things a bit and at least put in a couple miles of fence to suit your


There goes another 20 grand, that includes posts and fencing material.

Now we have to put some cows on here, like I said you have room for 100 cows, you are

going to go out and buy bred cows, because that is going to make your life easier and

you will get a calf sooner and have an income sooner.

So, bred cows at this moment are selling for about 1500$, you need 100 cows.


Let's stop here, you have about 2.5 million invested at this point.

You've got cows, you've got fence and you've got land.

All this money has to come from somewhere, so you have a very generous banker out there,

who really believes in you and he is giving you all the money you need.

At let's, be really generous and say 4% percent interest.

If you can get this loan for 30 years let's say, then your payment is 150,000$ per year.

Are you starting to see the problem here?

To make that loan payment, each of your cows' calves have to sell for over 1500$ and that's

just to make your payment.

Let's change some things up.

Let's say your uncle left you the land and the cows.

Now you are starting at 0.

There isn't any operating capital to go with it because most ranchers don't carry

a huge cash reserve.

But you are very lucky to get what you have and you are a Wyoming rancher again.

Now we are back to the cows, they aren't an endless source of income and each cow is

going to cost you in replacement costs and death loss.

When it is time to sell her, she is going to bring less than half of what she is worth,

so it's a pretty conservative estimate to say that each cow is going to cost you $100

per year in replacement cost.

You have the cows, and now you have to feed them.

Here in this part of Wyoming we plan on feeding hay for about 6 months out of the year.

A cow will eat about a half of ton of hay per month and in a year like this one you

are going to have to buy hay at 180$ per ton.

If we break this down by the cow, each cow is going to eat 540$ worth of hay.

Grass is cheaper, and worth about 20 per month for the other 6 months of the year so that's

120$ per year for grass for her.

Its adding up pretty quick, we already have 760 dollars invested in this cow and she's

not even bred yet.

So, we better get a bull in here.

A good bull will cost you about 4000$, a good bull will last about 6 years, so we have a

yearly cost of him at 660 bucks and he will breed about 20 cows, so 33 dollars per cow

to own the bull, plus his feed which will average about 30$ per cow.

We are in another 63$ to get her bred.

Now we are up to 823$ for this one cow.

We get to throw in about 10$ per cow for vet fees, we need her to pay her share of the

tractor costs for feeding her which average on the low side, 50$ per cow.

Now if you want to get paid for your time, which I'm guessing you do, lets give you

30,000 per year.

That's another 300$ per cow.

Now this one cow is costing your ranch over 1100$ per year.

Now this is a bad year, we didn't put up any hay of our own to feed the cows over the


Let's pretend it's a good year, and we have lots of hay to harvest.

Now we need a tractor and a baler and probably a rake.

The cost of putting up your own hay is maybe 90$ per ton.

That brings the cost of this cow down to 830$ Keep in mind, these are the major expenses,

we aren't talking about taxes, utilities, corrals, a truck and a stock trailer, a 40

thousand dollar used tractor, they all add up as well.

Let's average a good a bad year and say this cow costs the ranch 965$ a year.

Now its time to look at the income.

When we sell calves, we are hoping for a calf that is around 600lbs.

This year prices aren't horrible and a 600lb calf last week sold for 1.60 a pound.

That's an income of 960, not all of them are going to weigh 600lbs so let's average

900$ per calf and only 90% of cows will have a calf all the way to sales time so brings

us down to $810 income per cow.

Then there's the trucking of the calf and the vaccinations we give them before they

can be sold and now we are at 800$ of income per head.

So, in a good year and not including about a million other little expenses this cow is

costing you 30$ per year, in an average year 165$ and in a bad year $300.

Take those numbers and multiply them by all 100 cows in your herd, and the numbers don't

add up.

Did we screw up our math, no.

These are the real costs.

And now I'm going to tell you the secret of ranching and ranchers.

No rancher, recognizes all the true costs of raising cattle.

Each and everyone has some trick, or extra cash flow or a way to ignore the inherent

costs of ranching.

Let's start at the beginning, once again.

Most ranchers have a herd that is bought and paid for, they don't account for the cost

of cows.

When ranchers put up their own hay, the equipment and the land has been paid for, so you have

the cost of fuel, and repairs.

When it comes to labor costs, we take a huge pay cut and look for ways to make up that

loss somewhere else.

Jobs in town, side jobs with friends, hunting income, YouTube.

A rancher ignores the value of his own cows, the hay, the grass, and his time.

If you get rid of all those costs, that's the money that is left.

With that money, you can buy a new pickup, every 10 years, or put up new corrals every


Keep in mind, every operation is different, in some places land may be worth 10 times

what it is here, and there they have a whole new mess of problems.

So, the question is, can it be done?

Of course, it can, but it has to be done smartly.

I've seen people inherent whole ranches and couldn't hold the operation together,

but I've also seen people be successful in what they do and love every minute of it.

I think that's the key, you need to love it and have incentive to do it.

Make a promise to yourself or someone else that you will do everything you can to make

every bit of your hard work, worth it.

Speaking of hard work, I'm about ready to head to work but I want to thank you for taking

your time to hang out with me today.

I know I threw a lot at you, but hopefully it brings you closer, to us and to knowing

why farming and ranching is important, another reason we don't want to lose even a single

ranch or farm.

In the US 40 acres of farm and ranch land is lost every hour and once they are bulldozed

and paved over they are gone forever.

We are just trying to do our part.

We all are and thanks for that also.

Make sure you subscribe for more from the ranch and exactly why through hard work great

things can happen.

Have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> The Cost of Ranching - Duration: 10:54.


5 mascarillas ideales para tener una piel radiante - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> 5 mascarillas ideales para tener una piel radiante - Duration: 9:19.


A Christmas Story Live: Cele...

For more infomation >> A Christmas Story Live: Cele...


Gossip Uomini e Donne: Anna è innamorata di Giorgio? Le sue recenti parole | K.N.B.T - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e Donne: Anna è innamorata di Giorgio? Le sue recenti parole | K.N.B.T - Duration: 5:43.


Uomini e Donne, a pochi giorni dal clamoroso riavvicinamento tra la dama torinese e Giorgio... - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, a pochi giorni dal clamoroso riavvicinamento tra la dama torinese e Giorgio... - Duration: 3:18.


GF Vip 2: Luca Onestini e Ivana Mrazova/ L'ex tronista si dichiara ancora single | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 13:22.

For more infomation >> GF Vip 2: Luca Onestini e Ivana Mrazova/ L'ex tronista si dichiara ancora single | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 13:22.


Uomini e Donne news: Emanuele Trimarchi contro tutti al Trono Classico - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news: Emanuele Trimarchi contro tutti al Trono Classico - Duration: 3:53.


IVANA E GIULIA DE LELLIS :le dichiarazioni di Luca Onestini: "Vi voglio bene cicce" | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> IVANA E GIULIA DE LELLIS :le dichiarazioni di Luca Onestini: "Vi voglio bene cicce" | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:10.



This video is going to be very quick

and different because today I'm going to call one of my subscribers

Yes"! I'm going to call one of you!

Maybe you!

I have you phone numbers, you know that!

but before we continue

remember that if you subscribe to the channel

you'll be given access to the pdf files

with extra exercises, so please subscribe to the channel

Let's get started

1- watch the video with the subtotles in your language 2- watch the video with the subtitles in English 3- watch the video without subtitles

Today, i'm going to call one of you!

WHY? Because I want to know if you're watching my videos

I'll ask you questions about my previous videos

and I have your phone numbers

Let me see...Let me get my phone

So I'm going to call one of you randomly


Hello, can I talk to Rodger, please?

Who is speaking?

This is Rodger. The sexy teacher from Youtube.

Oh Rodger! The teacher from Youtube!

I remember you!

Are you busy? Can you talk now?

What are you doing?

I'm not busy! I was just having breakfast.

I'm in the kitchen now. I'm not in the toilet.

I'm calling you because I want to ask you some questions about my previous videos

in order to check if you're really watching my channel

and if you're studying English

This is like an Oral test

Oh my God! an oral test!

I love ORAL


you can ask me anything because I always watch your videos

and I know everything

about everything. Ask me!

Question number one:

from the video "Australian English"

How do Australian people call themselves?

alternative A--------Aussie

alternative B--------Kangoos

alternative C------------Pantyhose

three seconds!

Aussie!!! The correct answer is Aussie!!!



If you want to know more about Australian English, please click on this card here and check the video that I've made about it

The second question is:

How do you say "flip flops" in Australian English?


Oh...I didn't watch this video

I don't know...Flat Shoes?


No, the correct answer is THONGS

Now, from the video "phrasal verbs with the verb LOOK"

What is the meaning of LOOK AFTER?

[a]see the future [b]take care [c]do the homework

The correct alternative is "take care".

You are correct!

ifn you want to know more about phrasal verbs with the verb LOOK, take a look here in the card

I've made a video about this

now the next question is:

from the video "American Slangs"

What's the meaning of DOUGH?

I'm not going to give you alternatives this time, ok?

3 seconds

Oh, I remember this video. I watched it this morning

Dough is "money". Correct?

yes!!! You are correct!!!


if you want to know more about American slangs

please click on this card here:

and watch the video that I've made about it

You are the champion!!!

You've done it! You've passed the test!


Thank you very much for this conversation

Now you can go back to your breakfast!!!

so, have a nice meal

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much for watching this video

please hit the LIKE button

subscribe to the channel

LIKE our page on Facebook

follow me on Twitter and on Instagram

Share this video and share this channel with your friends

I am posting videos throughout the week on Instagram

so you can have contact with me!

with me?

no, with English

and with me too

throughout the week, so please

follow me on Instagram

Thank you very much and I'll see you tonight

in my dreams!

For more infomation >> ORAL TEST [CALLING A SUBSCRIBER] - *ACTIVATE THE SUBTITLES*- - Duration: 5:20.


Uomini e donne:CLAUDIO E MARIO La coppia non si nasconde più? Ecco la prova social | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne:CLAUDIO E MARIO La coppia non si nasconde più? Ecco la prova social | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:10.


Cansadas de boatos sobre rivalidade, Claudia Leitte e Ivete tomam decisão - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Cansadas de boatos sobre rivalidade, Claudia Leitte e Ivete tomam decisão - Duration: 3:23.


Handstand Series - Episódio 5 - Progressões (English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:53.

In this video we are going to introduce some preparatory exercises

and also some progressions so that you can learn a handstand

First, we are going to start with a Frog Stand

where we are going to work on our balance, stability and strenght

For this movement, put your knees resting on the top of your elbows

then lift your feet off the ground, by leaning forward

and through your hands, balance the control of your body

This exercises can and should be performed in two different ways

A static exercise

where we want to hold it from 30 seconds up to 1 minute

And in a dynamic way

where we switch from the beggining position to the final

Here we want to perform from 10 to 12 controled repetitions

Next, we have the Frog Walks

Here, we will start from a squat position

and then, by placing your hands in the ground, we will jump to an intermediate step of the handstand

This is a dynamic movement, which has the purpose to prepare the body to the movement

helping you to gain more shoulder strenght and stability

Now, starting with a similar position to the Pike Push Ups

in this exercise, we will just want to raise our shoulders

to keep improving our shoulder stability and strenght

But also, this way we can start to adapt to a real handstand position

In this exercise, you should try to push the ground as far as you can

Reaching your shoulders near your ears

We'll perform 5 to 8 repetitions

And also hold for more 10 seconds the final position

Finally, we will perform Wall Walks

Here, we will start by climbing the wall with our feet

and ideally reach the handstand position

We'll perform this exercise in a dynamic way, going up and down the wall

And we'll hold the final position in each repetition for about 1 or 2 seconds

Here we will do about 3 to 5 dynamic repetitions

and also, on the last repetition, an hold of 10 seconds in the final position

Where you should elevate your shoulders, contract your abdominals and contract your glutes

If you can't hold the previous final position

you can stay in an intermediate position

and where you should also perform 3 to 5 dynamic repetitions

and in the last one, hold the final position for 10 to 15 seconds

Remember to also maintain your shoulders elevated, and your abdominals and glutes contracted

For more infomation >> Handstand Series - Episódio 5 - Progressões (English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:53.


reagindo nas minhas fotos velhas / reacting on my old photos #CoracaoForteResponde 02 - Duration: 12:53.

you !

that are wachting this video

on a tv

put a glass of water on the tv

we are going to bless it !

shout out to canal canalha

what up guys ??

everything good?

we are here for another video

this video we are going to talk about

coracaoforte responde

to start with the first question

for the people asking when i'm going back to Brazil

to be hornest

if it was on my hands

I was there now

but how i don't have money

I'm waiting for God to help me

this question was from Jairon and Igor

next question


debinho make a video reacting on your old photos


I don't remenber if was brushing my teeth


if I was eat something


look at my hair



what was I thinking at that moment

son of a bitch


look at this


look at those thin legs

omg that hair

my knees was black


I still remenber this day

we went to this place nearby Vicosa

i forgot the name of the place

but the place had some boat

i still remenber

but I forgot the name of this boat

there was an organization for trip

and everybody from the goes

I still remenber this day

I couldn't swim

and all my friends went to the seabed

AND I went after them

with no fear'

just jumping like this

after on the deap

i was just forward

my last jump I went too far

I started to drown

and I was the last person so nobody saw me'

I started to fight with the water

but somebody was diving

I just saw a head in front of me

when I saw that head

I pulled that head so hard

so I can come to the shallow

so I can stand again

the man was angry cause

I pulled his head with all my force

he gots fright

i think that he tought that it was some sea monster '

that pulled his head

but thank god because of that men i still alive today

next photo

I'm looking here

because to pictures are on my leptop


I had no teeth

in front

my hand was broken

I don't remenber why

I remenber that shirt

on the back of the

was all the country of th WK

a list with all the country

I loved this shirt

no teeth

but still can't remenber why my hand were broken

I think I fall from my bed

look at this



this is why people say

went we have style

we born with it

look at my feed

now prepare youself

now a little bit older photo

not older photo but

I was older

the wint here is to hard

I hoop that it doesn't disturb this audio


look at this

what was I thinking og myself

this was even a earring

it was a piece of aluminium

that i founded somewhere

and just pressed on my ear

because couldn't have earring

look at this


looking good i wasn't to ugly


to be hornest

this was my favorite photo

of that time

it was my facebook profile

lets me hornest

this was a good one

with this one I even found some girls ahah


look at this one black and white


still looking good

4 pack ahaha

now it is for even 1 pack

cause a can't train

I got injury

like I said on my other video

if you didn't see

after this go wacht it

the link will be on my discribtion

but this was a good one

I remenber this one that

one og my teacher shared this photo

and one moro recent

heyy guyy

blond hair

my dad didn't like it too much but


what did you think of my new hair

comment here below

what u think of my new hair

next question


debinho are you ugly like that or

you walk sucking lemon

I will show you how my face if sucking lemon

lets but a little bit of salt to gets better



thet worst of it is because

later your teeth gets sensive


I had a cut on my finger

it's burning

next question

shiwanie dance on a hinstoestaans music


next question julio

debinho whats dit you asked whe you turned 18years

when I turned 18years

I asked my dad

me : dad, now i'm 18+

I want to 'have fun'

he said

it's simple

I will learn you one time

It will take time

but you are gone be good at it

me : ok'

learn me

he said

take a 5dollar bill

and but on your side

5 dollar here


do this

you do this the hole day

and tomorrow

I will give you the next lesson

and I was like this

at school and in front of a mirror

i was like

five five five

then I went to my dad and said

what is the next lesson

he said : take a 10 dollar bill

and put it on the other side

and do this

five ten

five ten

and I was like that

everywhere I go

in front of the mirror

ate school

my friend came talk with me and i was like

after that

I said dad I'm done

I did it with 5 and 10

and now?

what do I do

he said


take the 5.. 10

and one more bill of 50 dollars

and but it on your back

and be like





and I was like




after that he saidmy son

take a 100dollar bill

and put it on your front

and be like

5 here

10 here

50 here

and 100 in front

and be like

then I came to my dad

and said : am I ready now?

he said now you go to that girl

u pay her 50 dollars

and do yout thing

I said ok

when we went to room she was in that position

quarter to three o 'clock

I took my bills

I put 5 here

10 here

50 here

100 in front

just like

she was there like in that position

I starded

I thiink I was slow

then she yelt

my son take out the changes

then I was like

100... 100.. 100...

this was it guys

ifyou like like it now

comment here

with the hashtag

for the next video

and don't forget

follow me on

thank you..

For more infomation >> reagindo nas minhas fotos velhas / reacting on my old photos #CoracaoForteResponde 02 - Duration: 12:53.


GF Vip 2: Cristiano Malgioglio difende la coppia sull'armadio | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> GF Vip 2: Cristiano Malgioglio difende la coppia sull'armadio | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 14:11.


Reiki Divino - Aula 1 - Introdução - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Reiki Divino - Aula 1 - Introdução - Duration: 4:20.


BREAAAAKING NEW!!! Suicide bomber kills 5 at church in Pakistan - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> BREAAAAKING NEW!!! Suicide bomber kills 5 at church in Pakistan - Duration: 3:44.


Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean | Episode 7 | Mr. Bean Official - Duration: 25:02.

For more infomation >> Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean | Episode 7 | Mr. Bean Official - Duration: 25:02.


171216 O valor de um cumprimento. - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> 171216 O valor de um cumprimento. - Duration: 2:42.


♫ Músicas coisadas de Natal - Noite Feliz♫ - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> ♫ Músicas coisadas de Natal - Noite Feliz♫ - Duration: 2:45.


Dog toys and how to use them right. - Duration: 5:40.

in this video I'm going to talk about toys and what you need to be cautious

and be careful about toys and your dogs all that are more coming up hello my

lover my name is Saro I'm a dog trainer also coach dog owners if this is your

first time here welcome if you want to become an educated dog lover and have a

great well behaved dog consider subscribing to my channel and hit the

bell icon as well so you would be notified as soon as I post my next video

dog toys can be source of stimulation and frustration for your dog believe it

or not most dog owners don't realize how beneficial or how

negative dog toys are for that dog so in this short video I'm going to explain

and go over a few things that you need to be cautious when it comes to your

dogs and dog toys the first thing that you want to be careful about dog toys is

that most dog toys are made in China and they are exposed to chemicals and metals

that are really not healthy for your dog so I would suggest you to be careful

about the toys that you buy make sure that they're locally made try to allow

your dog to used the dog toys that you're getting you for your dog as

stimulation mental stimulation rather than a way that your dog releases its

frustration on the dog toy there are many dogs who have seen that they get

really frustrated from whatever it is but many things can cause your dog to

get stressed frustrated and anxious and they use the toy of a way of releasing

that anxiety and frustration on their toy most dog toys they have squeaky's

and they make noises and that usually causes dogs to get frustrated they

usually they don't like those noises even though it sounds funny for us and

it sounds cute but it actually causes a lot of stress in dogs

it causes them to be stressed because they feel like that toy is alive in that

they want to kill that animal so they kind of get frustrated and

they try and work hard to shut that toy off so in that way it can become

frustrated most dog owners they start introducing a lot of toys dog toys to

their dog and that builds a source for a dog to start socializing with dog toys

rather than the reality of life and instead of socializing with real dogs

real people real situations they tend to socialize only with toys and they get

really attached to their toys and they take their toys everywhere and they

literally ignore everything else I've seen examples that I've gone to a dog

park and my dog Harvey wants to play with that dog but that dog is so focused

on the toy that that has that the park that doesn't care about Harvey and what

Harvey is asking it to do to play a real game with another dog and that dog is so

focused on his toy that doesn't read and realize that my dog Harvey's asking it

to play that dog prefers to play with his toy than the real dog which brings

me to the next point next time you go to a dog park

don't take your dog's toy don't allow your dog also to take its toy to the

dog park let your dog socialize with real dogs real people real things at the

dog park and if you're gonna take your dog toy to the dog park make sure that

you're alone and you're not bothering other dogs while you're allowing your

dog to play with this toy it can be kind of distracting and also frustrating for

other dogs when they see your dog playing with the toys I also recommend

to allow your dog to play with whatever toy it is maximum 10 to 15 minutes more

than that it becomes an obsession that will cause your dog and to become

stressed and anxious about not having its toy around all the time

you can also use toys for training your dog you can teach your dog to do tricks

you can teach your dog the obedience because of the toy if you have a dog

who's really into toys and likes to play with toys

you can teach them tricks you can teach them obedience commands you can teach

them the fetch game there are so many games that you can play with toys if

it's done properly and the last thing is don't use tennis balls as your dogs play

toy tennis balls tend to have materials that they're dangerous and toxic for dog

and tennis balls have this tendency to grind your dog's teeth like a sandpaper

and it can cause health issues in your dog's gum as well so instead of tennis

balls you use plastic or some rubber balls that are not made in China I hope

you like these tips and I hope you will be cautious and careful about your dog's

toy next time you get that toy out to play with your dog you like this video

give it a thumbs up share and comment and if you want to become an educated

dog lover consider subscribing to my channel until next time have fun with

your dog

For more infomation >> Dog toys and how to use them right. - Duration: 5:40.


Game Story Time #03 – My First PC - Duration: 5:22.

Hello there guys and girls,

A while back I introduced this series to my channel, which is called "Game Story Time".

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last video for your lovely feedback.

For those who don't know: In this series we will talk about our greatest memories about

video games and anything gaming related.

I would like to remind you to share your stories in the comment section and maybe I will comment

on your story in the following episode.

It doesn't need to be retro at all.

Just tell me what gaming related moment touched you or you remember very vividly.

That's one way I want you to get to know me a little better.

And of course I wanna get to know you!

I wanna thank Captain Madman for sharing his little story in the comment section of episode


Let me read that for you:

I'm hope you have heard of ark survival evolved.Anyway that game is always full of extreme "take

everything to heart players" and well me and my friends marched up to this base and simply

said "we will sell our bodies for food" and well that triggered a huge tribe war cause

somehow they thought we had a huge base!so their allies joined in so we have at least

25 plus players searching for our base which is actually just a small thatch hut!

I think this is a nice story because the one big strength of these survival games is that

they bring players together to experiment and test the boundaries of the game's world.

And there's a big social factor to it as well.

People form alliances and try to gain power just like in real life.

I think it's just funny how you kinda tricked those people without even having the intention

to do so.

Maybe you can use this strategy next time to draw these players from their own base

and then have another part of your team stealthily raid their base while they're away.

Anyway thanks for sharing this one and keep em coming.

I still like to hear all of your stories, guys and girls.

My third story is about my first own PC.

As you can tell from my videos, today I am quite the nerd.

Well, I was, too before, but for other things like being an edgy depressed teenager.

Also I didn't have that much access to technology when I was younger.

I was an outdoors kid really.

The only way I could tinker around with computers and consoles was when I visited my friends.

But it just wasn't the same thing as having your own machine at home.

So, I lived without any computer at home until 2005 or so.

That was when my Grandpa gave me his old desktop PC.

Yes, you heard that right.

I got my first PC from my Grandpa who was more open to technology than my mother.

I did my high school degree without any internet, which is something most kids today and even

some of you can't even imagine.

Well and this PC my grandpa gave me had just enough power to run Age Of Empires 1 and a

few other classics.

But I loved it.

When playing this game I would always put on System of a Down or this weird band called

Deteriorot in my CD player and then slaughter my enemies.

And do you remember those little scent sticks that you can light up and they fill up your

entire room with smoke?

My favorite scent was called "Nag Champa".

I just literally had the smell in my nose while speaking this very sentence, that just

shows how much this smell and Age of Empires are linked in my brain.

By the way I was a Shang player because they had the best, strongest and highest walls

so these baby raping job robbing Romans or Greeks couldn't enter my fine land.

The wall was huge.

I made the Shang dynasty great again.

A year or two later a big electronics store would open in our small town and they had

these insanely cheap offers for the grand opening.

Somehow I convinced my mom to go there the first day at six in the morning before school,

before work, to buy a desktop PC for 300 bucks.

It was freezing outside but nonetheless there was a 100 meter line across the whole parking

lot when we arrived.

I know, compared to black friday this is a joke.

But that musta been like, half our town's population right there.

Luckily I got the PC I wanted and installed it in the afternoon on my own.

Without any previous knowledge.

And even then we didn't have internet at home.

My friends would burn me CDs with cool games or software.

I started recording stupid music, working with photoshop and make ridiculous dubs for

movies like Titanic.

I spent so much time learning new stuff about my own creative capacities, it was really

insane and kinda made me who I am today.

The thing that kept me from studying for school the most, though, was GTA San Andreas.

It was the first GTA title I could play on my own PC and I put over 300 hours in it.

By today's standards, that's not very much.

But back then this would probably count as addiction.

I finished the game to 100% finding all these little graffitis and collectibles myself.

Who does that nowadays?

Everyone's just downloading maps and then work their way through them.

So yeah, that was another Game Story.

Let me know what you think of this series and don't forget to share your own priceless

experiences with gaming.

Thank you for watching, whanowa over!

For more infomation >> Game Story Time #03 – My First PC - Duration: 5:22.


Bufera su Filippa Lagerback per quella foto con Daniele Bossari: le offese,... - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Bufera su Filippa Lagerback per quella foto con Daniele Bossari: le offese,... - Duration: 4:11.


Kanye | ANIMATION MEME (gift) - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Kanye | ANIMATION MEME (gift) - Duration: 0:36.


A Christmas Story Live: Cele...

For more infomation >> A Christmas Story Live: Cele...


Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Eylau 1807 DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 9:27.

In our previous video on the Napoleonic Wars we described the beginning of the war of the fourth

coalition and the twin battles of Jena and Auersted that concluded the first phase of the conflict that

The war was just starting and soon Napoleon was tested by the new Russian army and a harsh winter

Welcome to our documentary on the battle of Eylau

The war of the fourth coalition erupted in October of

1806 and in less than a month French Emperor Napoleon

Had utterly defeated the Prussian army at the battles of Jena and Auerstedt and occupied Berlin

The Prussians could not oppose the grand army

But despite that King Frederick Wilhelm 3rd refused to negotiate and fled to

Konigsberg in eastern Prussia as he was assured that Russian armies would soon support him


68,000 Russians under Bennigsen were in Grodno and a forty thousand strong force commanded by Buxhoeveden was on its way

Napoleon knew that he had to

Decisively defeat the Russians to win the war but his supply lines were still not secure enough as some of the Prussian strongholds

Continued their resistance so in early November he sent the corps of marshal davu across the Oder River

To prevent the Russians from setting their defensive line, man

fortunately for the French the main Prussian bastion of Magdeburg fell on November 8th and on the next day

davu entered Poznan which triggered a patriotic Polish uprising

The pole started fighting against the remainder of the Prussian forces in the area

at the same time the fall of

Magdeburg allowed Napoleon to move more cause across the Oder and that forced Bennigsen to stop and wait for his reinforcements a

Lack of supplies was preventing Napoleon from marching at his usual fast pace

So he ended Warsaw only on the 19th of December

Still he attempted a pincer move by moving some of his forces to the north

The Russian troops were spread 60 kilometers to the north of Warsaw between po2 scanned gulaman

On the 26th of December the French attacked from the north, west and south, but failed to encircle the Russian troops

Bennigsen managed an orderly retreat to be Ellis dock where he decided to winter

Although Napoleon hoped to chase the enemy the winter was too harsh, and he also had to send his cause back to their winter cantonments

Both armies had a hard time procuring rations

By the middle of January the situation became critical and Bennigsen started moving towards Danzig

It was still controlled by the Prussians and had ample supplies

Coincidentally marshal ney attempted a raid towards Hiles Berg on the 17th of January

Napoleon was furious and ordered ney to return

the latter complied at

The same time the Russians reached the position of Bernadotte and threatened to cut him off from the majority of French troops

The French marshal was too quick for them and retreated to the south

The Russians caught up her mother and gun but Bernadotte scored a minor victory and successfully withdrew

All that gave Napoleon a brilliant idea he ordered Bernadotte and ney to continue their withdrawal

While oshiro, Siouxland davu were commanded to march north the goal was to cut the Russian retreat and impose a general battle

unfortunately for Napoleon

Constant rains made the road impassable and on the 31st of January his messenger to Bernadotte was caught by Russian

Cossacks, which allowed Bennigsen to learn of the Emperor's plans and retreat

French troops almost caught up to the Russians on two occasions in early February, but Bennigsen was able to escape

However, further retreat was impossible as that would have let the French capture crucial Konigsberg

Bennigsen stopped at the small town of presage a low modern day by gratia nafse in Russia he asked for assistance from the

12,000 strong Prussian Corps under less stock that was nearby

Napoleon knew of the Prussian forces in the area and ordered ney to prevent them from joining Bennigsen

But the Prussians managed to avoid the French marshal

The Battle of a lout took place on the 7th and 8th of February


At the beginning of the battle the Russians had about sixty six thousand troops against forty five thousand with Napoleon

But the Emperor knew that ney and davu each with fifteen thousand soldiers were within marching distance

The Russians had a decided advantage in artillery with four hundred and fifty guns against Napoleon's two hundred

Pfennigs and needed time to set up his troops to the northeast of a lap so he left his rearguard under the command of BA

Gretchen to cover the deployment the

Russian general was able to repulse the French initially but by midday, Oshiro

And the Imperial Guard joined the battle and Baratheon had to retreat under overwhelming French pressure

For Grad Sheehan retreated towards the main army while General Berkeley screened his withdrawal in the town of a loud

The layout of the town wasn't conductive to an attack and Barclay managed to defend his positions well into the evening

By 2200 hours. He was ordered to move back and joined Bennigsen

the Russian commander knew that not all of the French troops were

Present and ordered part of his right flank to strengthen the reserves, which weakened his wing

the morning started with an artillery to

Past the French were expecting the arrival of Davos core from the southwest sue was ordered to attack the Russian right and create a diversion

However the Russian stopped soon and when the Vanguard of Davos forces arrived. They were intercepted by the cavalry Reserve

Napoleon needed to win time to let the remainder of Davos soldiers join the battle, so he ordered his center and right to attack a

Blizzard started and blinded the center of the French army led by OSHA Road

Visibility was so limited that the French artillery mistakenly bombarded oshiro, who walked right into the Russian artillery battery?

more than

5,000 French died in the centre without reaching the Russian lines while the French right didn't do much damage to the Russian left

Bennigsen counter attacked against the French right led by song Hilaire with his cavalry and forced it to stop its advance

While his infantry moved against the French Center, which was defended by what was left of Russia rose Corps

However, Napoleon still had his guard to send in

while the infantry units joined the center stopped the enemy advance

The cavalry portion of the guard attached the Russians from the rear and the majority of this column was destroyed

The French also had more as cavalry in reserve

And it was ordered to counter-attack the right wing of these units attacked the Russian cavalry fighting song Hill airs right flank and scattered them

Marat and song Hilaire

Continued their movement and although the infantry was stopped their cavalry charge dispersed every Russian unit in front of it and reached the reserves

At this point in the battle the Vu's remaining troops arrived and attacked the Russian left and while su

Oshiro marat and the guard held their positions davin supported by Sawhill air pushed the russians back and by

1530 the russian left and left center who almost at a 90-degree angle to the rest of the forces

Luckily for Ben exam

9,000 Prussians commanded by less stock entered the battle and joined the beleaguered Russian left

The Russians attacked davu from the right and slowly pushed him away

By 1900 hours dave who had to retreat and set a line between the villages of cotton and and clapping

around that time nay's Corps

Which was supposed to stop the stock entered the fray his forces moved against the extreme right of the Russian troops

But Bennigsen used the remainder of his cavalry to intercept them the battle continued until

2200 hours at which point the sides disengaged

Both armies lost at least 15,000 troops, and it is possible that Napoleon's army suffered more casualties

despite that at

2300 Bennigsen ordered a retreat

The French were in no shape to chase the enemy

And although the battlefield belonged to Napoleon it was clear that for the first time in his career

he had failed to win a decisive battle a

Lao indicated that the war of the fourth coalition was far from over

Thanks for watching our

Documentary on the Battle of Eila in two weeks Napoleon will be back to command his troops at the Battle of Friedland

We would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters who make the creation of these videos possible

Patreon is the best way to suggest a new video learn about our schedule and so much more

This is the kings and Generals channel, and we will catch you on the next one

For more infomation >> Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Eylau 1807 DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 9:27.


The Cost of Ranching - Duration: 10:54.

Hi I'm Mike, today we take a look at the actual numbers behind farming and ranching,

the dollars and cents and not the common sense, because after this, you might be wondering

if I have any sense at all.

Stick around on Our Wyoming Life.

So, ranching is easy right?

Basically, all you have to do is get some cows, some land with grass on it and watch

the cows grow and collect your paycheck.

It sounds easy, but if it were really that easy everyone would be doing it and driving

Lamborghinis out to feed to cows.

When it comes down to the cost of raising cows, there are a bunch of different factors

to take into consideration.

You've got land, fencing, corrals, feed, mineral, water, electricity, taxes, insurance

and a whole mess of other costs.

We are going to delve into all that as we take a look at a pretend ranch here in Wyoming.

You just bought it and its big enough to run 100 cows.

Here in this part of Wyoming you need an average of 30 acres per cow to support them, the grass

they eat and the grazing area they need.

So, your new ranch is 3000 acres, that you purchased for 800$ per acre for a total of

2.4 million dollars.

Congratulations, you are a Wyoming rancher.

Let's get to fencing this monster off, now hopefully fences are already in place.

That would be a good thing, because fencing will cost you about 2$ per linear foot.

Even if you have most of your fences in place already, I'm going to say you are going

to want to change things a bit and at least put in a couple miles of fence to suit your


There goes another 20 grand, that includes posts and fencing material.

Now we have to put some cows on here, like I said you have room for 100 cows, you are

going to go out and buy bred cows, because that is going to make your life easier and

you will get a calf sooner and have an income sooner.

So, bred cows at this moment are selling for about 1500$, you need 100 cows.


Let's stop here, you have about 2.5 million invested at this point.

You've got cows, you've got fence and you've got land.

All this money has to come from somewhere, so you have a very generous banker out there,

who really believes in you and he is giving you all the money you need.

At let's, be really generous and say 4% percent interest.

If you can get this loan for 30 years let's say, then your payment is 150,000$ per year.

Are you starting to see the problem here?

To make that loan payment, each of your cows' calves have to sell for over 1500$ and that's

just to make your payment.

Let's change some things up.

Let's say your uncle left you the land and the cows.

Now you are starting at 0.

There isn't any operating capital to go with it because most ranchers don't carry

a huge cash reserve.

But you are very lucky to get what you have and you are a Wyoming rancher again.

Now we are back to the cows, they aren't an endless source of income and each cow is

going to cost you in replacement costs and death loss.

When it is time to sell her, she is going to bring less than half of what she is worth,

so it's a pretty conservative estimate to say that each cow is going to cost you $100

per year in replacement cost.

You have the cows, and now you have to feed them.

Here in this part of Wyoming we plan on feeding hay for about 6 months out of the year.

A cow will eat about a half of ton of hay per month and in a year like this one you

are going to have to buy hay at 180$ per ton.

If we break this down by the cow, each cow is going to eat 540$ worth of hay.

Grass is cheaper, and worth about 20 per month for the other 6 months of the year so that's

120$ per year for grass for her.

Its adding up pretty quick, we already have 760 dollars invested in this cow and she's

not even bred yet.

So, we better get a bull in here.

A good bull will cost you about 4000$, a good bull will last about 6 years, so we have a

yearly cost of him at 660 bucks and he will breed about 20 cows, so 33 dollars per cow

to own the bull, plus his feed which will average about 30$ per cow.

We are in another 63$ to get her bred.

Now we are up to 823$ for this one cow.

We get to throw in about 10$ per cow for vet fees, we need her to pay her share of the

tractor costs for feeding her which average on the low side, 50$ per cow.

Now if you want to get paid for your time, which I'm guessing you do, lets give you

30,000 per year.

That's another 300$ per cow.

Now this one cow is costing your ranch over 1100$ per year.

Now this is a bad year, we didn't put up any hay of our own to feed the cows over the


Let's pretend it's a good year, and we have lots of hay to harvest.

Now we need a tractor and a baler and probably a rake.

The cost of putting up your own hay is maybe 90$ per ton.

That brings the cost of this cow down to 830$ Keep in mind, these are the major expenses,

we aren't talking about taxes, utilities, corrals, a truck and a stock trailer, a 40

thousand dollar used tractor, they all add up as well.

Let's average a good a bad year and say this cow costs the ranch 965$ a year.

Now its time to look at the income.

When we sell calves, we are hoping for a calf that is around 600lbs.

This year prices aren't horrible and a 600lb calf last week sold for 1.60 a pound.

That's an income of 960, not all of them are going to weigh 600lbs so let's average

900$ per calf and only 90% of cows will have a calf all the way to sales time so brings

us down to $810 income per cow.

Then there's the trucking of the calf and the vaccinations we give them before they

can be sold and now we are at 800$ of income per head.

So, in a good year and not including about a million other little expenses this cow is

costing you 30$ per year, in an average year 165$ and in a bad year $300.

Take those numbers and multiply them by all 100 cows in your herd, and the numbers don't

add up.

Did we screw up our math, no.

These are the real costs.

And now I'm going to tell you the secret of ranching and ranchers.

No rancher, recognizes all the true costs of raising cattle.

Each and everyone has some trick, or extra cash flow or a way to ignore the inherent

costs of ranching.

Let's start at the beginning, once again.

Most ranchers have a herd that is bought and paid for, they don't account for the cost

of cows.

When ranchers put up their own hay, the equipment and the land has been paid for, so you have

the cost of fuel, and repairs.

When it comes to labor costs, we take a huge pay cut and look for ways to make up that

loss somewhere else.

Jobs in town, side jobs with friends, hunting income, YouTube.

A rancher ignores the value of his own cows, the hay, the grass, and his time.

If you get rid of all those costs, that's the money that is left.

With that money, you can buy a new pickup, every 10 years, or put up new corrals every


Keep in mind, every operation is different, in some places land may be worth 10 times

what it is here, and there they have a whole new mess of problems.

So, the question is, can it be done?

Of course, it can, but it has to be done smartly.

I've seen people inherent whole ranches and couldn't hold the operation together,

but I've also seen people be successful in what they do and love every minute of it.

I think that's the key, you need to love it and have incentive to do it.

Make a promise to yourself or someone else that you will do everything you can to make

every bit of your hard work, worth it.

Speaking of hard work, I'm about ready to head to work but I want to thank you for taking

your time to hang out with me today.

I know I threw a lot at you, but hopefully it brings you closer, to us and to knowing

why farming and ranching is important, another reason we don't want to lose even a single

ranch or farm.

In the US 40 acres of farm and ranch land is lost every hour and once they are bulldozed

and paved over they are gone forever.

We are just trying to do our part.

We all are and thanks for that also.

Make sure you subscribe for more from the ranch and exactly why through hard work great

things can happen.

Have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> The Cost of Ranching - Duration: 10:54.


5 mascarillas ideales para tener una piel radiante - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> 5 mascarillas ideales para tener una piel radiante - Duration: 9:19.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Single Step - I Don't Know Pain - Duration: 1:29.

I don't know pain.

The racing heart, the grasps for air, the ripped hands,

the aching muscles,

the urge to give up immediately.

Because it hurts.

But I don't. Because I don't know pain.

Pain is being different.

Pain is a fear facing the bully, alone.

Pain is when everyone watches and no one helps.

Pain is being "that loser".

Pain is being alone.

But you know what? That bully is weak, and I am strong.

Cause pain may decide to choose me,

but I choose not to suffer.

I don't know pain.

For more infomation >> Single Step - I Don't Know Pain - Duration: 1:29.


Game Story Time #03 – My First PC - Duration: 5:22.

Hello there guys and girls,

A while back I introduced this series to my channel, which is called "Game Story Time".

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last video for your lovely feedback.

For those who don't know: In this series we will talk about our greatest memories about

video games and anything gaming related.

I would like to remind you to share your stories in the comment section and maybe I will comment

on your story in the following episode.

It doesn't need to be retro at all.

Just tell me what gaming related moment touched you or you remember very vividly.

That's one way I want you to get to know me a little better.

And of course I wanna get to know you!

I wanna thank Captain Madman for sharing his little story in the comment section of episode


Let me read that for you:

I'm hope you have heard of ark survival evolved.Anyway that game is always full of extreme "take

everything to heart players" and well me and my friends marched up to this base and simply

said "we will sell our bodies for food" and well that triggered a huge tribe war cause

somehow they thought we had a huge base!so their allies joined in so we have at least

25 plus players searching for our base which is actually just a small thatch hut!

I think this is a nice story because the one big strength of these survival games is that

they bring players together to experiment and test the boundaries of the game's world.

And there's a big social factor to it as well.

People form alliances and try to gain power just like in real life.

I think it's just funny how you kinda tricked those people without even having the intention

to do so.

Maybe you can use this strategy next time to draw these players from their own base

and then have another part of your team stealthily raid their base while they're away.

Anyway thanks for sharing this one and keep em coming.

I still like to hear all of your stories, guys and girls.

My third story is about my first own PC.

As you can tell from my videos, today I am quite the nerd.

Well, I was, too before, but for other things like being an edgy depressed teenager.

Also I didn't have that much access to technology when I was younger.

I was an outdoors kid really.

The only way I could tinker around with computers and consoles was when I visited my friends.

But it just wasn't the same thing as having your own machine at home.

So, I lived without any computer at home until 2005 or so.

That was when my Grandpa gave me his old desktop PC.

Yes, you heard that right.

I got my first PC from my Grandpa who was more open to technology than my mother.

I did my high school degree without any internet, which is something most kids today and even

some of you can't even imagine.

Well and this PC my grandpa gave me had just enough power to run Age Of Empires 1 and a

few other classics.

But I loved it.

When playing this game I would always put on System of a Down or this weird band called

Deteriorot in my CD player and then slaughter my enemies.

And do you remember those little scent sticks that you can light up and they fill up your

entire room with smoke?

My favorite scent was called "Nag Champa".

I just literally had the smell in my nose while speaking this very sentence, that just

shows how much this smell and Age of Empires are linked in my brain.

By the way I was a Shang player because they had the best, strongest and highest walls

so these baby raping job robbing Romans or Greeks couldn't enter my fine land.

The wall was huge.

I made the Shang dynasty great again.

A year or two later a big electronics store would open in our small town and they had

these insanely cheap offers for the grand opening.

Somehow I convinced my mom to go there the first day at six in the morning before school,

before work, to buy a desktop PC for 300 bucks.

It was freezing outside but nonetheless there was a 100 meter line across the whole parking

lot when we arrived.

I know, compared to black friday this is a joke.

But that musta been like, half our town's population right there.

Luckily I got the PC I wanted and installed it in the afternoon on my own.

Without any previous knowledge.

And even then we didn't have internet at home.

My friends would burn me CDs with cool games or software.

I started recording stupid music, working with photoshop and make ridiculous dubs for

movies like Titanic.

I spent so much time learning new stuff about my own creative capacities, it was really

insane and kinda made me who I am today.

The thing that kept me from studying for school the most, though, was GTA San Andreas.

It was the first GTA title I could play on my own PC and I put over 300 hours in it.

By today's standards, that's not very much.

But back then this would probably count as addiction.

I finished the game to 100% finding all these little graffitis and collectibles myself.

Who does that nowadays?

Everyone's just downloading maps and then work their way through them.

So yeah, that was another Game Story.

Let me know what you think of this series and don't forget to share your own priceless

experiences with gaming.

Thank you for watching, whanowa over!

For more infomation >> Game Story Time #03 – My First PC - Duration: 5:22.


Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Eylau 1807 DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 9:27.

In our previous video on the Napoleonic Wars we described the beginning of the war of the fourth

coalition and the twin battles of Jena and Auersted that concluded the first phase of the conflict that

The war was just starting and soon Napoleon was tested by the new Russian army and a harsh winter

Welcome to our documentary on the battle of Eylau

The war of the fourth coalition erupted in October of

1806 and in less than a month French Emperor Napoleon

Had utterly defeated the Prussian army at the battles of Jena and Auerstedt and occupied Berlin

The Prussians could not oppose the grand army

But despite that King Frederick Wilhelm 3rd refused to negotiate and fled to

Konigsberg in eastern Prussia as he was assured that Russian armies would soon support him


68,000 Russians under Bennigsen were in Grodno and a forty thousand strong force commanded by Buxhoeveden was on its way

Napoleon knew that he had to

Decisively defeat the Russians to win the war but his supply lines were still not secure enough as some of the Prussian strongholds

Continued their resistance so in early November he sent the corps of marshal davu across the Oder River

To prevent the Russians from setting their defensive line, man

fortunately for the French the main Prussian bastion of Magdeburg fell on November 8th and on the next day

davu entered Poznan which triggered a patriotic Polish uprising

The pole started fighting against the remainder of the Prussian forces in the area

at the same time the fall of

Magdeburg allowed Napoleon to move more cause across the Oder and that forced Bennigsen to stop and wait for his reinforcements a

Lack of supplies was preventing Napoleon from marching at his usual fast pace

So he ended Warsaw only on the 19th of December

Still he attempted a pincer move by moving some of his forces to the north

The Russian troops were spread 60 kilometers to the north of Warsaw between po2 scanned gulaman

On the 26th of December the French attacked from the north, west and south, but failed to encircle the Russian troops

Bennigsen managed an orderly retreat to be Ellis dock where he decided to winter

Although Napoleon hoped to chase the enemy the winter was too harsh, and he also had to send his cause back to their winter cantonments

Both armies had a hard time procuring rations

By the middle of January the situation became critical and Bennigsen started moving towards Danzig

It was still controlled by the Prussians and had ample supplies

Coincidentally marshal ney attempted a raid towards Hiles Berg on the 17th of January

Napoleon was furious and ordered ney to return

the latter complied at

The same time the Russians reached the position of Bernadotte and threatened to cut him off from the majority of French troops

The French marshal was too quick for them and retreated to the south

The Russians caught up her mother and gun but Bernadotte scored a minor victory and successfully withdrew

All that gave Napoleon a brilliant idea he ordered Bernadotte and ney to continue their withdrawal

While oshiro, Siouxland davu were commanded to march north the goal was to cut the Russian retreat and impose a general battle

unfortunately for Napoleon

Constant rains made the road impassable and on the 31st of January his messenger to Bernadotte was caught by Russian

Cossacks, which allowed Bennigsen to learn of the Emperor's plans and retreat

French troops almost caught up to the Russians on two occasions in early February, but Bennigsen was able to escape

However, further retreat was impossible as that would have let the French capture crucial Konigsberg

Bennigsen stopped at the small town of presage a low modern day by gratia nafse in Russia he asked for assistance from the

12,000 strong Prussian Corps under less stock that was nearby

Napoleon knew of the Prussian forces in the area and ordered ney to prevent them from joining Bennigsen

But the Prussians managed to avoid the French marshal

The Battle of a lout took place on the 7th and 8th of February


At the beginning of the battle the Russians had about sixty six thousand troops against forty five thousand with Napoleon

But the Emperor knew that ney and davu each with fifteen thousand soldiers were within marching distance

The Russians had a decided advantage in artillery with four hundred and fifty guns against Napoleon's two hundred

Pfennigs and needed time to set up his troops to the northeast of a lap so he left his rearguard under the command of BA

Gretchen to cover the deployment the

Russian general was able to repulse the French initially but by midday, Oshiro

And the Imperial Guard joined the battle and Baratheon had to retreat under overwhelming French pressure

For Grad Sheehan retreated towards the main army while General Berkeley screened his withdrawal in the town of a loud

The layout of the town wasn't conductive to an attack and Barclay managed to defend his positions well into the evening

By 2200 hours. He was ordered to move back and joined Bennigsen

the Russian commander knew that not all of the French troops were

Present and ordered part of his right flank to strengthen the reserves, which weakened his wing

the morning started with an artillery to

Past the French were expecting the arrival of Davos core from the southwest sue was ordered to attack the Russian right and create a diversion

However the Russian stopped soon and when the Vanguard of Davos forces arrived. They were intercepted by the cavalry Reserve

Napoleon needed to win time to let the remainder of Davos soldiers join the battle, so he ordered his center and right to attack a

Blizzard started and blinded the center of the French army led by OSHA Road

Visibility was so limited that the French artillery mistakenly bombarded oshiro, who walked right into the Russian artillery battery?

more than

5,000 French died in the centre without reaching the Russian lines while the French right didn't do much damage to the Russian left

Bennigsen counter attacked against the French right led by song Hilaire with his cavalry and forced it to stop its advance

While his infantry moved against the French Center, which was defended by what was left of Russia rose Corps

However, Napoleon still had his guard to send in

while the infantry units joined the center stopped the enemy advance

The cavalry portion of the guard attached the Russians from the rear and the majority of this column was destroyed

The French also had more as cavalry in reserve

And it was ordered to counter-attack the right wing of these units attacked the Russian cavalry fighting song Hill airs right flank and scattered them

Marat and song Hilaire

Continued their movement and although the infantry was stopped their cavalry charge dispersed every Russian unit in front of it and reached the reserves

At this point in the battle the Vu's remaining troops arrived and attacked the Russian left and while su

Oshiro marat and the guard held their positions davin supported by Sawhill air pushed the russians back and by

1530 the russian left and left center who almost at a 90-degree angle to the rest of the forces

Luckily for Ben exam

9,000 Prussians commanded by less stock entered the battle and joined the beleaguered Russian left

The Russians attacked davu from the right and slowly pushed him away

By 1900 hours dave who had to retreat and set a line between the villages of cotton and and clapping

around that time nay's Corps

Which was supposed to stop the stock entered the fray his forces moved against the extreme right of the Russian troops

But Bennigsen used the remainder of his cavalry to intercept them the battle continued until

2200 hours at which point the sides disengaged

Both armies lost at least 15,000 troops, and it is possible that Napoleon's army suffered more casualties

despite that at

2300 Bennigsen ordered a retreat

The French were in no shape to chase the enemy

And although the battlefield belonged to Napoleon it was clear that for the first time in his career

he had failed to win a decisive battle a

Lao indicated that the war of the fourth coalition was far from over

Thanks for watching our

Documentary on the Battle of Eila in two weeks Napoleon will be back to command his troops at the Battle of Friedland

We would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters who make the creation of these videos possible

Patreon is the best way to suggest a new video learn about our schedule and so much more

This is the kings and Generals channel, and we will catch you on the next one

For more infomation >> Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Eylau 1807 DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 9:27.


Vegan Homemade Peach Ice Cream (no machine/churning) - Cling Peach Series 3/3 - Duration: 6:38.

Hi friends, welcome to the third part of this series of California cling peach recipes for

this holiday season.

Today we're making an easy homemade ice cream that is bursting with gorgeous peach


This vegan ice cream is thick and creamy and can be made without using an ice cream maker.

Thanks to the canned peaches, this ice cream isn't just empty calories.

Most of the canned cling peaches that we get in Canada come from California where they

are canned within 24 hours of picking, so much of their nutritional value is preserved.

People have been making ice cream manually for far longer than the electric ice cream

maker was invented.

But rest assured, we won't need any considerable amounts of elbow grease to make this ice cream

here thanks to an easy blender method.

So add 4 peach halves to a blender.

So as to get the smoothest ice cream possible, this recipe is a custard-based one.

Much of the creaminess and smooth texture of this ice cream is derived from the cooked


I recommend a starchy rice for best results but any type of rice will do.

Coconut milk not only contributes to the richness but it also adds more flavour and aroma.

The cornstarch binds everything together nicely and is an essential ingredient here.

I like to use whole vanilla bean in this recipe for the intensity of flavour and I love the

little specks of vanilla throughout the ice cream also.

But you can use vanilla extract as well with equally nice results.

2 inches of the bean is enough.

I am using the whole pod, not just the seeds that are inside.

Cut the pod into smaller pieces for easy blending.

Process everything together until very smooth.

Then pour this mixture in a saucepan and add the sugar.

You could also add the sugar to the blender.

Instead of sugar, you can use a natural sweetener like soaked dates if you wish.

This will change the colour to a brownish hue but it will still taste great nevertheless

and might even add some interesting fudginess to the texture.

Taste and adjust the sweetness to slightly sweeter than you would normally eat this custard.

Simmer on medium heat and stir constantly until a thick custard is obtained.

Do not allow the mixture to boil though.

Transfer into a loaf pan and allow to cool.

This custard itself is pretty delicious with the peaches in there.

If you taste it at this stage, you might simply forget about the ice cream altogether and

start eating the custard straightaway.

Once cooled, place the loaf pan directly in the freezer.

Freeze for 3 – 4 hours.

Then remove from the freezer, wait a few minutes and cut into cubes.

If you do have an ice cream maker, then you can skip all these steps.

That is do not freeze the custard.

but refrigerate it instead for 3 hours until set.

Then transfer the set custard into the ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer's


Place the ice cubes in a blender and process just enough to a slushy consistency.

You may need to scrape the blender from time to time to help with the blending.

Or use a food processor.

You may have to process this into 2 batches.

Place the mixture back in the loaf pan.

Optionally, you can add in some diced peaches.

Fold and mix them into the ice cream.

Freeze for at least 8 hours before serving.

To serve, leave the pan on the counter for about 10 minutes.

Then scoop out and enjoy.

Custard-based ice cream made without a machine is best enjoyed no more than 48 hours after

it's made as it has less air churned into it than traditionally churned ice cream.

I hope you'll enjoy making this peach ice cream at home.

Please give us a thumbs up if you liked this recipe.

Don't forget to send us a picture and tag us on social media, if you do try this recipe

over the holiday season.

Also, if you missed the previous episodes in this series of peach recipes, you can watch

them by clicking through the links that are in the description under the video.

If you haven't already, please subscribe to our channel and newsletter for more videos

and updates from the blog.

If I don't see you again before the holidays, I wish you all a lovely time with your family

and loved ones.

Happy holidays.

Bye and see you in our next video.

For more infomation >> Vegan Homemade Peach Ice Cream (no machine/churning) - Cling Peach Series 3/3 - Duration: 6:38.


What Is the Sunday Evening Feeling - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> What Is the Sunday Evening Feeling - Duration: 4:59.


How to hide Facebook friends list 2017 - Duration: 2:22.

Hi Paul here from PRwilson Media.

Now one of the things on Facebook is once you've added someone as a friend, they can

see all of the other people on Facebook you are friends with.

But if you want to be able to take control of that, maybe hide your friends list either

from certain people or even from everyone here's how it's done.

Signed in to my Facebook profile and as you can see a the top there you've got the menu

option Friends.

So click on there.

And what you are looking for is this small pencil icon here which is manage your friends.

So click on there and say edit privacy, So first option , who can see your friends list.

So, at the moment I've set it to anyone who is a friend can see it.

I could even make it open to the public.

But here look I can select only me.

So then nobody would be able to see any of my friends other than myself.

And then look I can choose custom.

So I could choose anyone who's a friend any additional people friends of friends or I

could say don't share it with certain people you don't want to see your friends list.

Let's see Peter Wilkins - then there's all the settings you can choose.

So lots of different options.

also you can choose showing the pages and lists that you follow and at the moment I've

got that set to only me because I don't really want everyone to get mesages about what I'm

interested in , what pages I've liked etc.

And finally who can see your followers - that's the default as well which is friends.

And again I could change that to only me or any of the other options.

So that's it really.

Very straightforward to do just go to your personal profile click on the manage button

, make the selections you want to make.

So that's it from me I'm Paul from PRwilson Media your social media personal trainer.


For more infomation >> How to hide Facebook friends list 2017 - Duration: 2:22.


ZED (can t touch this) - Duration: 0:24.



is this ez mood xd

For more infomation >> ZED (can t touch this) - Duration: 0:24.


Jet | TF2 Rocket jump Montage( Orange x7) - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Jet | TF2 Rocket jump Montage( Orange x7) - Duration: 7:01.


Big Shaq - Skra Away (Mashup w/ Lyrics) - Duration: 2:20.

The ting goes SKRRRRRRRA!

For more infomation >> Big Shaq - Skra Away (Mashup w/ Lyrics) - Duration: 2:20.


FARSI SPEAKING MAKEUP w/ English substitutes Fail | ویدیو آرایش زبان فارسی - Duration: 13:00.

Hello everyone.. from here on forward

for you guys I will only speaking in Farsi

for those who don't know English or


its hard for you guys to understand

(no clue what the hell I just said here lol)

I am making this video.. if I can

I will try for those who can't understand Farsi

add English subtitles for you under here

so you guys can easily watch this as well

and understand

Today I said id come on and do makeup


thats very very very plain and simple

nothing much

its not a lot of makeup its just

its very natural and

makeup thats very little, little and


like chic.. o pic (don't ask lol)

I said to do one in Farsi since I have already done one in English

so though id do one in Farsi for those who speak Farsi

First of all

I take my Foundation, this Foundation I got from Sephora

its Sephoras own brand!

Its a very good foundation and I like it a lot

but..its very..not very heavy

on your face

so when you apply it.. your face can

still breath. I don't

like when my face is very heavy and my makeup

is very heavy, also it isn't even nice to see

for example, those who see will know. Take this like this

and put it on this

just applying it like so on my face

like this

making videos like this my Farsi

will become much better

like sometimes speak Farsi with you

make videos

because you know...when I make my videos

then I sit and watch them

when I speak, in my opinion

it seems as if my Farsi is much better then what it actually is

but I don't know..maybe because

a little..


Once I have applied this

under my eyes,

because under my eyes are black..

I apply this Maybelline FitMe Concealer

For more infomation >> FARSI SPEAKING MAKEUP w/ English substitutes Fail | ویدیو آرایش زبان فارسی - Duration: 13:00.


Driving Slow (Emoji King) - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Driving Slow (Emoji King) - Duration: 1:16.


Dead by Daylight is a Balanced Game - Duration: 0:11.


You're not known to be a balanced game, but I wonder...

I think I am actually balanced

I think a much more balanced than you would understand

*Triggered Sound*

For more infomation >> Dead by Daylight is a Balanced Game - Duration: 0:11.


Stunning Sturgis Modern 21ft Tiny House with Secret Ceiling Bed - Duration: 2:35.

Stunning Sturgis Modern 21ft Tiny House with Secret Ceiling Bed

For more infomation >> Stunning Sturgis Modern 21ft Tiny House with Secret Ceiling Bed - Duration: 2:35.


Aviation, 2017 Rewinded, ✈AVIATION ♫ MUSIC ♫ MEGA 🎬 MIX - Duration: 4:24.

thanks to you all for your support in 2017.

I hope we will be standing strong together in 2018 for another great aviation year.

For more infomation >> Aviation, 2017 Rewinded, ✈AVIATION ♫ MUSIC ♫ MEGA 🎬 MIX - Duration: 4:24.


이동건 지연 결별 이유 의미심장하다.|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> 이동건 지연 결별 이유 의미심장하다.|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 5:55.


Little Concord Home, Gorgeous small home in Concord, New York | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 1:55.

Little Concord Home, Gorgeous small home in Concord, New York

For more infomation >> Little Concord Home, Gorgeous small home in Concord, New York | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 1:55.


lowering ldl cholesterol | Lower your levels of bad cholesterol with these 5 home remedies - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> lowering ldl cholesterol | Lower your levels of bad cholesterol with these 5 home remedies - Duration: 6:19.


376 Sq Ft Modern Brick Tiny Home with Ocean Views - Duration: 3:17.


For more infomation >> 376 Sq Ft Modern Brick Tiny Home with Ocean Views - Duration: 3:17.


Drone-Bicycletouring - Trailer [episode start Jan 7th 2018] - Duration: 1:46.

19 days

1.400 km

18.000 meters in altitude


Czech Republic

adventure bicycle tour

For more infomation >> Drone-Bicycletouring - Trailer [episode start Jan 7th 2018] - Duration: 1:46.


Gloria | Powerpoint with Dr. Jack Graham - Duration: 28:57.


Luke chapter 2, beginning at verse 8. The

familiar story of Christmas and the song of the angels: 8) And

in the same region there were shepherds out in the field,

keeping watch over their flock by night. 9) And an angel of the

Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around

them, and they were filled with great fear. 10) And the angel

said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of

great joy that will be for all the people. 11) For unto you is

born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ

the Lord. 12) And this will be a sign for you: you will find a

baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger."

13) And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the

heavenly host praising God and saying, 14) Glory to God in the

highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is

pleased." Now think about these angels who arrived that night

outside of Bethlehem. They were created by the hand of God,

present at creation when God fashioned the heavens and the

earth, when He spoke life into being. But when they saw God...

the God that they had worshiped from eternity past, leave His

throne in heaven and descend and condescend down to earth, to

become an embryo in the womb of a woman, through a birth canal,

to be laid in a... in a manger, a cattle stall... a feed trough,

when the angels saw that, they must have wondered! But no

wonder how they worship the Lord, no wonder they praise God!

The infinite who has become an infant. The sovereign God who is

wrapped in swaddling clothes. No wonder they lifted their voices

in rapturous and rigorous praise to God, shouting, "Glory to God

in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill to men." When

you think about it, the angels had nothing to gain from the

birth of God. Nothing! And yet they are excited and they extol

the glory and the greatness, and yes, the grace of God! They are

amazed by this grace that God would become a Man! They're so

excited about this salvation message... so excited that later

Jesus would say, "When a lost person comes to faith in Christ

and comes home spiritually, when a person is saved, that the

angels rejoice in heaven over one person who comes to faith in

Christ. So when the Savior was born... when Jesus came to

earth, God sent the angels to tell the world! Interestingly

enough the announcement was not made in the courts of Caesar

Augustus, the most powerful man on earth. Nor was the

announcement of the birth of Jesus made in the courts of the

high priest or the religious leaders of that day. Nor was the

announcement made to scholars and scribes or the educated

elite of that time. Rather God delivered the Child and then

delivered the message... you know the story... to lowly

shepherds. Shepherds! Now don't romanticize the shepherds. If

you get the role of a shepherd in a Christmas production or

play, that's like the lowest role of all, alright! If you're

a shepherd. "Oh, I thought I was a big deal because I got to be a

shepherd." Not a big deal if you are truly a shepherd, because

the shepherds were viewed in that society as the lowest of

the low, the last rung on the social ladder! But when Jesus

came, the announcement was made to these outcasts. Some would

have called them lowlifes. And yet Jesus came and the

announcement was made to these. It's a prophecy really of the

ministry that Jesus would have. He came for the outcasts and the

irreligious and the least and the last and the lost!

Why? Because

He loved people... all people! And you know the outcasts loved

Jesus. They loved Him because He came for the hurting, He came

for the helpless, He came for the hopeless, the broken and

wounded in life and by life. So much so that Jesus came to be

known as the Friend of sinners. Aren't you glad that Jesus is

the Friend of sinners? These shepherds were chosen by the

grace and mercy and favor of God. It is as though God is

showing us at the outset this message of grace. That none of

us, like shepherds deserve or earn the favor of God. But God

chose these men and favored them. He wanted to say to

everyone from the very beginning that Jesus is a Savior to anyone

and everyone who will believe and trust in Him! That's what

Christmas is all about. That is the ministry of angels. But

let's think about this message of angels. The angels assured

the shepherds that Jesus would bring them great joy and the

world great joy and banish fear. He said, "Fear not for I bring

you good news, good tidings of great joy." That's verse 10. So

many people live in fear and anxiety and depression. You know

fear came into the world because of sin. Sin brought suffering

and misery into the world so the message of "fear not, I bring

you good tidings, good news of great joy" is a message that he

has come to banish fear in our lives and to give us great joy!

Ray Stedman said, "The chief mark of a Christian should be

the absence of fear and the presence of joy." That's so good

I want to say it again. Ray Stedman said, "The chief mark of

a Christian should be the absence of fear and the presence

of joy." We can live without fear and with great joy in our

lives because we have a Savior and His name is Jesus. The

message of this angel... these angels are... is clear. Verse

11: "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a

Savior who is Christ the Lord." Three titles given to Jesus. We

already have been told that His name shall be called Jesus. So

we have His name, but His titles are Savior...Messiah or Christ,

and King or Lord. Jesus came... and here's the message... Jesus

came to destroy, to crush the power of sin and hell! Because

of His great love... God's love for us there's no greater love

than the reconciling, redeeming love of God in Jesus Christ, for

God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself! And our

Lord came on this mission of mercy. And the good news is that

Christ has come to you and me! No wonder there's great joy! We

sing and the world sings that knows the Lord because He has

come! We ask that question: What Child is This?... the great

carol... What Child is This? We don't have to wonder who this is

laid in a manger. He is Savior. He has come to save; deliver us,

rescue us. Now I know the word saved... is... It may seem to

some a little archaic. We don't seem to use the word saved as

much these days regarding what it means to know Jesus Christ.

I've even heard preachers says, "You know, don't tell people

they need to be saved. It's antiquated...". Really! Well,

I'm glad I'm saved because saved is in the Bible! In fact, the

very purpose and mission of Jesus... [Matthew 1:21] "You

shall call His name Jesus for He will save His people from their

sins." To be saved is to be rescued; it is to be delivered,

particularly in the face of some great crisis, even destruction.

If you were drowning and you were crying out for help, and

you were going under, what would you want somebody to do? To come

out there and do what? Save you! If you were trapped in an

automobile in a wreckage and you feel as though you can't

breathe, what would want someone to do? Come to your car and get

those jaws of life and do what? Save you! If you went to the

doctor and the doctor said, You have this terrible disease and

you're probably... you could die from this disease," but the

doctor treats you and you get well, what would you say? That

doctor saved my life! So when you consider that you are on a

path to destruction... you are in the grip of death... you are

facing judgment and hell, that's a crisis! What would you need

someone to do for you? Something that you couldn't do for

yourself, and that is to save you! And that's why God came! He

is Savior! He will deliver you! Are you saved? Because all of us

have sinned and that sin brings death and judgment! And we need

to be delivered from the power and the grip of sin and that is

the message of Christmas. It's not all about the Baby Jesus and

dancing around the manger. This Savior came to deliver us from

our sins! And not only is He Savior, the angel said He is

Christ. Now some people think Jesus Christ... that that's His

last name. That is not His last name. Christ is His title and it

means Messiah! It means King. Someone who is the Christ means

the Anointed One or the One who is anointed. Primarily this

means that Jesus is anointed as King. He is the son of David,

the promised Messiah, and the Child who is born has always

been King. He was King in the cradle as surely as He was King

when crowned in eternity. He is exalted King. That means that

God keeps His promises and just as surely as God promised the

Messiah would come... the anointed King would arrive, God

still keeps His promises to us. And one day Jesus is coming

again as King of kings. But He also says... the angel says that

Christ is Savior, He is King... Messiah, and that He is Lord.

And you'll note in the scriptures that the word Lord

typically is capitalized there because this is Yahweh God. This

is the name for God; the personal holy name of God. I

know we have taken the word Lord and used it in vernacular. If

you watch Downton Abbey you know Lord Grantham, right? And Lord

and Lady and so on. But that was common in the vernacular of

another time period. But the word Lord here means something

beyond leader of the pack or leader of the family. The word

Lord means Master; it means sovereign God. God Himself! Now

listen up! This is the meaning and the message of Christmas,

that Jesus, the Savior-Messiah who is born is God! He is Lord!

Lord of life and Lord of death. When you speak of Lord it speaks

of sovereignty and authority. So Jesus born that day lives as

Lord. The question is is Jesus the Lord of your life? Because

you cannot be saved apart from confessing Jesus and following

Jesus the Savior as your Lord. Romans 10:9-10 says, "If we

confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus Christ, and believe in our

heart that God has raised Him from the dead we will be saved.

For with the heart you believe unto righteousness and

confession to salvation is made with the mouth, and whoever

calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved." This is the

great confession of Christmas; it's the great confession of the

Christian faith! Jesus Christ is Lord! And when you believe this

and confess this, that's what makes you a believer and

follower... a Christian. And then to live under the authority

and sovereignty of Christ in our lives. Is Jesus the Lord of your

life? Is He the Lord of your time? What you do with your

time... your schedule... Is Jesus Lord of that? Do you pray

about what to do with your time? Do you seek His will about what

to do with your life? Is He Lord of your time? Is He Lord of your

talents? God has gifted you... He's blessed you with abilities

and skills and talents. You're a Christian if you've confessed

Him as Lord. Now how are you using these gifts that God has

given you to serve Him? To use what God has given you for His

glory. Is He the Lord of your talent? Is He the Lord of your

treasure... your tithe? (Now we're getting down to it, aren't

we?) You say Jesus is my Lord but you don't trust Him one dime

out of a dollar, to tithe your income? You say Jesus is Lord of

my life and He's taking me to heaven, but you don't trust Him

with your finances... with your money to believe and to give as

God has taught us in scriptures? Is Jesus the Lord of your money?

Is He the Master of your money? It's an important question to

ask and for all of us to answer. Is Jesus the Lord of your

thoughts? Is He the Master of your mind? The way you look at

life, the way you think about life, your thought life... is He

the Lord of that? How about your temperament? You have no right

or reason to be an old grump if you're a Christian. Did you know

that Jesus transforms personalities? He wants to take

your negativity and your complaints and all that so many

people have... so people think that they have the right to

complain just because they show up! Is Jesus the Lord of your

temperament? When people think of you do they think of the joy

of Jesus living in your life? Is Jesus the Lord of your

testimony? Are you sharing your faith as He has told us... all

Christians are to go as His witnesses. So ask yourself is

Jesus my Lord? Have I confessed Him as my Savior and Lord? And

if I have, than is He the Lord of my time; is He the Lord of my

talent; is He the Lord of my treasure, my tithe; is He the

Lord of my temperament; is He the Lord of my testimony? Is

Jesus the Lord of your life? I guarantee you one day "every

knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ

is Lord to the glory of God!" That's Philippians chapter 2

[2:10-11]. The only question is... You're going to bow before

King Jesus. The only question is will you bow before Him now in

faith and commitment and follow Him in obedience? Or will you

bow before Him in judgment because you have walked away

without faith in Christ, because you've never confessed Him as

your Lord and Savior? Is He your Lord? What matters is that you

confess Him now. The angels sang "Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to all men and women of goodwill." You know

what that means? You might look at that and say, hmm... were the

angels wrong? What about the peace part? There's so much war

and fear and terror in the world! And we look at our own

country. There's so much division and hatred and strife!

Lord, were the angels wrong when they promised peace, goodwill to

all men? What the angel said that night outside of

Bethlehem... what they sang in Gloria to God was peace to all

people of goodwill who have received God's grace. This is

not teaching that we're saved because we have goodwill in our

hearts, but because God has given us His goodwill, and we

have received His grace which is God's gift of eternal life. So

this is salvation peace... salvation peace because we have

peace with God and we have peace within, because the Savior has

come, and we can make peace and be peacemakers in the world

because of what Christ has done for us. But one day the Christ

who came to that cradle is coming with a crown as King of

kings and Lord of lords, and when He does He's bringing with

Him His kingdom and there will be ultimate and final peace on

earth. Would you bow your heads with me in prayer, every head

bowed and every eye closed? Are you saved? Are you sure you're

saved? Do you know for certain that if you were to die today

that you would go to heaven? Are you forgiven of your sin, is

Christ living in your life? That's what it means to be

saved, are you saved? Is Jesus Christ your Lord, have you

confessed him and followed him as your Savior, Messiah, Lord?

Savior, King and Lord? Is he your King? Is he your Savior? Is

he your Lord? If he is then tell the world. Do what these

shepherds did, they ran as fast as they could to see the Christ

child and when they did they went everywhere telling what

they'd seen, what they had heard that Christ was born. If you're

saved tell the nations, we get to tell the nations, we get to

tell our neighbors of the Savior, King, Lord who has come.

If you've not trusted in Christ and Christ alone as your Savior

then pray this simple prayer right now: Lord Jesus, I have

sinned and broken your commandments. Thank you for

coming to earth to die on the cross for my sins, to rise

again, I believe. And right now I invite you to be my Lord, my

Savior, my King. I confess you as my Lord, I receive you as my

King, I trust you as my Savior. And if you will do that right

now, watching online, on television, right here in this

room today, if you will receive Christ and confess him I promise

you according to the authority of God's word that he will

banish fear in your life, that he will give you joy, doesn't

mean there won't be problems and difficulties and suffering but

even in the midst of adversity, heartache and pain you have a

Savior who came and lived and died and rose again so that we

have the promise of eternal life.


I'm here at the

Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. and this is an

incredible room because it is a tribute to the Bibles throughout

history. And when you see these ancient and rare manuscripts of

the Bible you realize all that God did to preserve his word, to

protect his word. So many have given their lives to protect the

Bible, to transcribe the Bible and when we have so many copies

of God's word in our generation it just reminds us how important

it is because of the sacrifice of our God and those who obeyed

him through the years to make sure that we have an accurate,

clear copy of the scripture, that we actually read the Bible.

That we are involved in growing our Christian life because if

you want to grow your faith, if you want to grow as a Christian,

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."

God's word is a faith believing, faith building book and it's our

prayer at PowerPoint that we could help get this message of

Jesus to the world, we're doing that. And I want to encourage

you, if you could help us declare the message of Jesus to

the nations, for your generous gift, we would send you "The

Daily Reading Bible." Now this Bible's a great Bible because it

breaks up the scripture into daily reading and enables you to

read through the Bible and then we also want to send you

"Lifebook," which is my book regarding the nature of

scripture, the authority of scripture, what God's word is

and what it will do in our lives. The word of God, the

testimony of Jesus Christ is the heartbeat of our ministry. And I

want to thank you for your prayers and your participation

in helping us get the gospel, the word of God to the nations.

The day surrounding the birth of Jesus was filled with angels,

the angel Gabriel speaks to Mary and an angel assured Joseph of

the birth of Christ and of course when the shepherds were

tending their flocks outside of Bethlehem the angels were there.

Imagine sitting in the darkness and the sky exploding in light

and the sounds of Gloria! The angels brought praise and news

of redemption, salvation, "For unto you is born this day in the

city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord." That's a

message, THE message that the world needs to hear.

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