Monday, December 18, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 18 2017


Levitation -- it is a time-honored staple among superpowers and magic spells, but it's

not totally fictional.

In the real world, we can use magnets to levitate anything from trains to metal desk toys.

And you might think levitating something nonmagnetic, say, like a large sack of mostly water, is

just for Hermione Granger or Jean Grey -- but it's not.

It can actually happen, thanks to a phenomenon called diamagnetic levitation.

And scientists don't just use it to pretend to be superheroes.

It has a lot of potential applications, both in industry and research.

We often classify materials as either being magnetic or non-magnetic, but that's not

entirely accurate.

See, inside an atom, electrons are constantly buzzing around creating little loops of current.

And because of the relationship between electricity and magnetism, that current produces a magnetic

field for each electron.

Under most circumstances, the direction of all those magnetic fields are random, so they

cancel each other out.

But when an atom is placed inside another magnetic field, it adds an additional force

to the electrons.

This essentially changes their motion so that the atom gets a tiny, net magnetic field that

opposes the external one.

This interaction is called diamagnetism, and because magnetic fields pointing in opposite

directions repel each other, it produces a teeny, tiny repulsive force.

Every material experiences this -- from a block of wood to an iron bar magnet -- but

diamagnetism is only one type of magnetism, and it's the weakest.

There's also paramagnetism, where atoms become weakly attracted to a magnet in an

external magnetic field, and ferromagnetism, which is probably what you think about when

someone says "magnetic".

Ferromagnetic materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt can hold onto their own permanent

magnetic field long after they've been removed from an external one.

Even though paramagnetism is still pretty weak, both it and ferromagnetism are much

stronger than diamagnetism and will overpower it.

But diamagnetic compounds are still pretty awesome.

Because they only ever experience a repulsive force when exposed to a magnetic field, it

allows them to be levitated.

Essentially, they can counter the downward pull of gravity with an upward magnetic push.

This was first demonstrated by Werner Braunbeck in 1939, when he used an electromagnet -- a

temporary magnet created by running an electric current through a coiled wire -- to levitate

small pieces of graphite and bismuth.

Then, scientists kind of forgot about it until the 1990s.

In the meantime, researchers also experimented with superconductors -- substances that expel

magnetic fields at super low temperatures.

They can levitate, too, but they use the quirks of quantum mechanics to physically 'lock'

themselves into place relative to an external magnetic field.

It looks really cool, but it's not quite the same thing as room-temperature diamagnetic


When that research started back up again, scientists were quick to test it out on a

lot of seemingly silly items, including hazelnuts, tiny pieces of pizza, and animals, including

frogs and a 10-gram mouse.

Those animals required a magnetic field 1000 times stronger than a fridge magnet to float

-- or about 16 or 17 Tesla -- and they came out of the experience with no negative side


Also, watching things float around is a pretty fun day at the lab.

If you're feeling ambitious, you can even demonstrate diamagnetic levitation yourself,

using an L-shaped iron rod, some neodymium magnets, and a piece of mechanical pencil

lead, which is made of graphite.

If you arrange it all correctly, the pencil lead will hover about a millimeter above the


But let's be honest: The real question here is whether or not you can use diamagnetism

to levitate yourself.

And the answer is yes.


According to magnet designers from the National High Magnetic Field Lab in Florida, you'd

need a magnet only slightly weaker than their record-holding 45-Tesla Hybrid Magnet, along

with 1 GigaWatt of continuous power consumption to keep the system cool enough to operate.

That might seem promising, but all these super powerful magnets have very small experiment

spaces -- I'm talking less than 10 centimeters.

That'd be pretty snug.

So you probably won't be floating thanks to diamagnetic levitation any time soon, but

it does have more uses than just looking cool.

For one, it could be used in place of lubrication or ball bearings for truly frictionless transport.

Magnetic bearings already exist and are used to support things like maglev trains, but

they require sophisticated electronics and a continuous power input.

So diamagnetics would be a cheaper option.

They could also be used to control satellites in orbit around planets with magnetic fields.

Scientists can manipulate the diamagnetic properties of graphite using laser light,

and they could develop a system to control a spacecraft's orientation relative to the

planet's field.

And on the research side of things, because diamagnetic levitation operates on an atomic

and molecular level, it could be used to simulate weightlessness in Earth-based labs.

It's not a perfect replication, but it could used to model things like how microgravity

affects fluid dynamics, crystal growth, or biological tissues -- or, for small enough

animals, bone and muscle loss, and cardiovascular changes.

And that would be a lot cheaper than launching experiments into space.

Scientists are still figuring out how they'll use all of this, but we know that, whatever

diamagnetism ends up being used for, it's gonna look pretty cool.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which is brought to you by our awesome patrons

on Patreon -- like SR Foxly, our president of space!

If you'd like to be president of space, or just help support the show, you can go



For more infomation >> Diamagnetism: How to Levitate a Frog - Duration: 5:44.


The Poster for Deadpool 2 May Reveal the Movie's Plot - Duration: 1:33.

What's up guys, Frazier here for Complex News.

At press time, we STILL don't have a trailer or even a pity teaser FOR the trailer for

Deadpool 2.

We know the time traveling mutant Cable will factor in a huge way, played by Josh Brolin.

Zazie Beetz from Atlanta also joins the cast as Domino.

And that's about all we have for now.

Therefor, all we can do, is speculate.

Right now our biggest conspiracy theory lead comes courtesy of Mr. pool himself, Ryan Reynolds.

Last week double R tweeted an image of Deadpool and Cable, that hilariously mimics Michelangelo's

The Creation of Adam.

But what seems like a typical Deadpool-esque joke might actually be an Easter Egg, thanks

to detective work from eagle-eye comic book fans.

Reynolds' image features text that says The Second Coming.

A lot of people smarter than me think that's a hint to the movie's storyline and a reference

to X-Men: Second Coming, a massive event in X comics history.

One of the principle characters in that story?


To make a very long arc short, Second Coming involves Cable saving the first mutant child

born in a long time, aptly named Hope, and taking her to the future to keep her safe,

raising her like his own daughter.

Now, the image not only shows Cable emerging from a time portal, but he also has a teddy

bear clipped to his belt, making this the second time promo images from the film have

shown him sporting a kids toy.

Going this route could also help the movie sync up with Logan, which also saw a mutant

birth shortage.

We shall see.

The movie's due in June so hopefully our trailer drought ends in the next few weeks.

That's the news for now but for the latest on Deadpool, subscribe to Complex on YT today.

For Complex, I'm Frazier.

For more infomation >> The Poster for Deadpool 2 May Reveal the Movie's Plot - Duration: 1:33.



what's going on guys how are you guys doing welcome back to a brand new video

on this channel today I want to talk to you guys about verge I want to give you

guys my price prediction on verge if there's still time to buy in all of

those things I was actually gonna make a video on verge lat on my last

cryptocurrency video by side to do electro Neum so if you haven't see that

if you haven't seen that yet go check that out but I did want to talk about

verse today vert has been doing a lot of stuff for the last few days I want to

let it cool off before we decided to go in and analyze the charts because

sometimes when things are shooting up charts are like very hard to interpret

anyways without further ado let's jump right into it here we are on coin a

market cap if I go here and we scroll for Virg Virg is right here purchase

number 32 so it actually is beating electroni Imran Jones 46 Virg is number

32 with an 822 million dollar market cap currently trading at five cents five

point seven cents it did go up though you guys are gonna see in the charts

real soon okay also before we get started guys if you are brand new to the

channel and you have not subscribed yet please make sure to do so and hit that

Bell icon so you guys are always notified every time we release a new

video yeah back to the video now so yeah 822

million dollar market cap that's 43,000 bitcoins for three and a half thousand

bitcoins boy what I love to have forty three and a half thousand bitcoins right

now that is not the point we are talking about the chart so if we can see let me

go to the month it was trading at like zero point zero point eight cents zero

point eight cents we're comparing this to dollars so zero point eight cents all

the way up to like here zero point nine cents what's even one cent yet right and

this is all of a sudden you know we hit one cent now look at us we're going up

we're making moves in the world we're going to two cents right there we are we

went to seven cents um it's their higher point seven point five cents basically

so seven point five cents going from less than one cent you're like 8x2 your

investment crazy returns only some cryptocurrency things can do this guy's

apps ridiculous now some of the reasons that

might have sparked this jump is we had a tweet from mr. John McAfee I don't know

if I pronounced that correctly but he said no not joking I included verge xvg

because it is a legitimate policy coin and a privacy coin and is also selling

for less than three cents if you know investing you know that's easier for a

three cent coin to go to three dollars than it is for a 300 dollar coin to go

to thirty thousand dollars that's very true

it's very very true so he says here someone doesn't understand market cap

you know trying to talk trash to John McAfee I don't know why you would do

that the guy knows what he's doing hey I understand market cap you're

missing an important aspect of human nature some brilliant fucker once

figured out that people will buy cheap irrespective of irrespective of value

and perception of a deal is everything that's why we happily paid $9.99 for

something but refused to pay $10 that's actually ridiculously true human

psychology is just it's something I'm super interested in and it plays a huge

role when it comes to cryptocurrency a huge huge role when it comes to

cryptocurrency and just stocks in general guys um but I want to get too

much into that but that actually plays a huge role so some that's three cents to

go to three dollars is easier for something to go from $300 to go to

30,000 look at you know other coins look at light coin it jump from 200 to 400

and we lost our we went crazy right that was a huge jump for light coin which is

it was like doubled its money right 2x your investment three extra man

whatever it was that was a huge jump but this thing went from like zero point

eight cents to seven point some cents and we're still not talking about it

enough we're not giving it the credit that it deserves

now like the what he's basically saying about human nature is if you see

something for three cents you don't mind paying three cents to have one of those

coins right you'll pay you know a hundred dollars you'll easily pay a

hundred dollars for X amount of these coins I don't want to do the math in my

head but hundred dollars would get you a lot of these coins a lot of Verge points

you'll happily do that but for that same hundred dollars you don't want to earn

0.333 of this coin of the three hundred dollar coin and you don't with one

hundred dollars you don't want to earn point zero zero zero

whatever it may be a Bitcoin at the moment so you're a lot more likely to

put your money into this then you are into this so that's the first thing that

I think is really really interesting and it's why I love falling this guy's guy

knows a lot about what he's talking about and after that there's this chart

I saw which you know plays into verjus favor a little more so it's comparing it

to Bitcoin it's comparing to Manero it's comparing it to P IV x I don't know much

about this coin so I'm not gonna even touch too much about it but in

transaction speed Virg wins in transaction capability Virg Virg wins

Birds wins and a lot of things you know they've got three green ticks I want to

go too much into all this you know the mobile privacy public blockchain I don't

know what all of these things are exactly so I'm not going to touch too

much into them but Virg actually does really well so the max coin supply is

higher I that can be plus or minus I'm not going to say if it's good or bad um

for market cap wise we're not gonna talk about that but the chart is really cool

it's really interesting how I can compare it it can go up against the big

man himself Bitcoin compare it to um and it's

actually better in some aspects so that's the first thing that I thought

was really really cool now lastly what you guys are all here for we need to all

my God's making me do this again oh I hate when it tells me I need to buy the

thing I hate when it does it um Virg I do versus a dollar you know right

to chart and that's how we get our way around that so like we were saying

before oh my god am i doing so like I was saying before Virg was trading all

the way down here at you know half a cent half a cent guys 0.5 says how much

would you give a dollar for two hundred of these coins yeah probably would've $1

get you two hundred of these coins that's ridiculous um but yet so it's

trading at point five of a cent and it's shot all the way up over here which if I

move my big head as almost eight cents that's like 16

times your investment now it's gonna show you guys how ridiculous that was

but what we did see what what I thought was interesting is what I expected to

happen when it was going up and the reason why I didn't want to make this

video too soon is cuz when it was going up and you see this huge green line it's

not difficult for an investor to tell you that odds are odds are it's going to

correct and if I had to pick a value I thought I was gonna correct right about

here it's the last point I had much resistance was over here I thought it

would it could correct all the way down to here now the reason I want to stop

and not make the video too soon is because this wasn't any old coin this is

a coin that's actually very cheap it has a lot of potential and there were people

talking about it and the hype was getting built when you know the Twitter

I just showed you was posting its things so I didn't want to make this video too

soon this I knew wasn't gonna hold this candlestick doesn't look good that we

have such a high line and it ended over here but what those interesting is that

here started correct we all saw this coming right everyone knew is gonna

correct where - it's gonna be the lowest over here I guess I couldn't see it

breaking this I didn't see it going back to here the trend line was going up

anyways I didn't think I was gonna crack back to where I was before so here is a

roundabout where I thought it would be the lowest point but I did not expect

it's a stop so soon and it's built up a resistance here so now it's interesting

to see if we shoot up from here if we shoot down from here but as a you know a

buy and hold it's not too bad of a coin um six cents currently I think it's

valid it could be it could reach a dollar um I'm not gonna you know I'm not

guarantee it's going to reach a dollar but I think this coin could very much

reach a dollar it's a coin that you know currently to buy in swing trade might be

not the right opportunity again I'm not giving financial advice but I wouldn't

I'm gonna say I would I would not buy and swing trade it right now if I want

to sell it tomorrow or the day after I wouldn't do it it's very risky

you know just had a ton of volume go up and correct itself a little bit but from

here anything could happen but if I were to

buy this and hold it for a month two months three months four months and I

just want to put it in my portfolio III would be doing it around about now I

think now would be a pretty good opportunity um

again not saying advice I'm saying this is something that I would consider doing

myself I'm currently like I said trading a

little under six cents it is six times my investment if this hadn't happened if

this right here hadn't happened yet you know if I had made the video yesterday

when it was like over here or over here I would not have said that I would buy

it any point until I saw red which I did I did see red and we had a candlestick

which ended here and it got so low here so it did you know bounce back a little

bit and then found some momentum again on its way up so my end result is III

could predict at the end of 2018 this coin really being a dollar like I'm

not joking when I say it could now obviously I say it could you you could

turn around and say well anything could Bitcoin could be a dollar next year

right it could crash all the way down and it could be a dollar but I do like

this coin it's all I'm gonna say I do like this coin and I think it has a nice

little future in our cryptocurrency community like I said I like seeing the

fact they drop down and it gains some resistance and now this looks like it's

new resistance level and I think it could be building you know a new chart

we can probably match the lows here and here I don't know how to draw things on

this chart but I am going to be looking at getting myself some of these coins

you can probably get them at all the big exchanges you know finance matrix

whatever it may be you can get them over there but yeah guys hopefully you

enjoyed this video and I want to know what price do you think avert is going

to be at are you bullish or bearish on Virg do you think it's going to go up or

do you think it's going to go down to put it very simply um let me know that

in the comments down below I would love to know your insight hopefully you guys

learned something and enjoyed this video if you did smash that like button and

don't forget to subscribe again I know I said that the beginning of the video but

it never hurts we'd love to have you as part of the team thank you so much for

watching guys I'll see you tomorrow for another video



SsangYong Actyon - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> SsangYong Actyon - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> PROFESSOR NA ESCOLA VS. NA UNIVERSIDADE | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 1:41.


Big Brothers Tully Smyth hits returned at skinny shamers durability She currently la Breaking News - Duration: 3:23.

She recently lamented the 'exhaustion' that comes with her job as a professional model. And Tully Smyth, 30, just how difficult life can be as an online influencer after she was forced to hit back at body shamers accusing her of looking 'sick' and 'too thin' in recent bikini snaps.

Taking to her stories, the blonde socialite defended her eating habits and strict exercise regimen. Scroll down for video

'I've had a couple of comments that say I look sick, or that I look too thin, or that I would look better with a few extra kgs on me. Um, these comments are kind of just as hurtful than people telling me that I've put on weight or I look chubby,' she defiantly explained in the selfie-style video.

'First off, I know my angles. It's literally part of my job to take photos, so I know how to stand and hold my body so it looks the way I want it to look. That's like 101 ,' she snapped.

Tully continued: 'And secondly- and probably most importantly- and there has been plenty of proof of this on my social media channels, but I train really hard. I work out six days a week. And I do this so that I can eat whatever the hell I want to eat.'

'I will never shy away from a cheeseburger or a kebab or a pizza. I eat what I want to eat, I train really hard, I'm fit and I'm healthy and I'm strong. So for all of those saying I look sick or too thin [middle finger].'

In an effort to prove that she does in fact indulge in calorie-dense food, Tully uploaded a final video of herself posing with a half-eaten schnitzel roll and a can of Coke.

Tully became a household name after starring in the 2013 season of Big Brother Australia. She was embroiled in a scandal while in the house, accused of cheating on her then-girlfriend Tahlia Farrant with co-star Anthony Drew.

The on-air pair were spotted cuddling and locking lips on many occasions, and upon being evicted, Tully was forced to address the scandal.

Following her Big Brother eviction, Tully parted ways with Tahlia and in the years following was linked to The Bachelor's Richie Strahan.

For more infomation >> Big Brothers Tully Smyth hits returned at skinny shamers durability She currently la Breaking News - Duration: 3:23.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Cut 1 Lemon in 4 Pieces, Salt and Put in the Kitchen. You will be surprised! - Duration: 2:56.

It is believed that this recipe is source Indian or North African.

Besides being very tasty, it offers excellent health benefits, thanks to the lemon.

Lemons have extraordinary healing power.

You can harness the lemon.

But most people waste the shell, which is also very rich.

This recipe will allow you to eat the bark lemon, without feeling its bitterness.

You'll really like the taste.

Here's how:


4 or 6 lemons (preferably organic); 1 Jara with lid;

1 tablespoon of sea salt by lemon;

How to make Cut an X in one of the lemons.

Make sure that it is a deep cut.

Then, put a little less than a tablespoon full of salt in the lemon,

where you made the cut.

If necessary, use a spoon to push salt into the lemon.

Align the bottom of the empty bottle with more salt and add the lemon you just fill

With salt.

Repeat for each lemon you put in the glass jar.

When finished, let lemons inside bottle for two or three days.

Every day, open the bottle and press each closed lemon.

Make sure they are closed the much as possible.

After two or three days, wash the lemons, remove the pulp and seeds and enjoy


It is better to cut it into small pieces.

The fermentation process will provide the shell a great flavor.

The bark fermented lemon is much more tasty than the shell of a normal lemon.

Moreover, the fermentation process preserves all nutrients.

Consider adding this Lemon recipe fermented to your favorite dishes.

You can be sure that this will touch special missing in your salad or

your favorite cut of meat.

For more infomation >> Cut 1 Lemon in 4 Pieces, Salt and Put in the Kitchen. You will be surprised! - Duration: 2:56.


Cecilia e Ignazio a luci rosse: 'Abbiamo fatto l'amore nei camerini a Mediaset' - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Cecilia e Ignazio a luci rosse: 'Abbiamo fatto l'amore nei camerini a Mediaset' - Duration: 3:42.


Anticipazioni Uomini e Donne: 'Un bacio prima di morire', frase choc di una dama | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e Donne: 'Un bacio prima di morire', frase choc di una dama | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:05.


Kevin Hart e lo scandalo sex tape, 'sono pronto a tutto per recuperare il rapporto con mia - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Kevin Hart e lo scandalo sex tape, 'sono pronto a tutto per recuperare il rapporto con mia - Duration: 2:06.


Sobre Adão e Eva - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Sobre Adão e Eva - Duration: 3:21.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet AMG Sport Edition Automaat, 360gr Camera - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet AMG Sport Edition Automaat, 360gr Camera - Duration: 0:56.


Uomini e Donne news, Soleil innamorata: il gesto d'amore per Marco - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news, Soleil innamorata: il gesto d'amore per Marco - Duration: 3:30.


Million Dollar Car Breaks On The Drag Strip! | Did It Beat World Record Time ? - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Million Dollar Car Breaks On The Drag Strip! | Did It Beat World Record Time ? - Duration: 10:12.


Constelação de Touro - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Constelação de Touro - Duration: 5:27.


Shinee JongHyun - Elevator/ Honor FMV [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:45.

Hello! I'm Kim JongHyun

I'm 14 years old and I recently joined SM

I'll work hard for my dream become true..

*i'm trying to be well and keep everything normal today, but it's so difficult*

*JongHyun, from Shinee, dies at age 27*

*I'm seeing people that aren't kpop fans being moved by the death of JongHyun, I'm proud*

*SHINee Jonghyun's reported final texts to his sister:"It's been really hard up until now. Send me off please. Tell everyone I've suffered. This is my last greeting."*

*Minho fainted. Onew, Taemin and Key are crying*

*I'm here to say that Shawols are not alone! You are not alone! I really want to hug all of you, and Shinee's members*

*Be strong, Jonghyun will still shining for us in the sky!*

Why is this place so dark?

Thank you. Did you buy all of these?


Thank you so much

*A shock to the whole world with the with the death of Jonghyun. Shinee made 2008 and 2009 for me. Its really difficult*

*He arrived in the hospital alive, he fought but he didn't resist*

*Sm cofirmed his death, I hope he rest in peace, and i hope that,*

*Korea wake up and start to see depression as something more serious*

*Don't say that JongHyun is weak, he spent years suffering, and no one's was noticing*

*he helped who he could help*

*this is an example of strength*

*I didn't know JungHyun, but i wish everything good to his family and for you, fans that are suffering*

*Depression is really serious and i hope that we can make light of something so tragic*

*I didn't give as much love as you deserved. I didn't give the attencion that you needed, you needed help, you were suffering*

*and i didn't realize*

*i know that is too late but, i'm sorry and thank you for everyting. I love and i will always love you*

*8/4/1990- An angel came to Earth. 18/12/2017- This angel come back to the heaven<3*

*Tonight i'wll love to the sky and i'll see your smile reflected in the brightness of the stars.*

*Because you have the brightness of an entire constellation*

*I imagine all the members when they heard the news. I want to hug them, I want to do something for them.*

*Unfortunately I can not*

*thank you*

*today, you'll shine brighter than ever*

For more infomation >> Shinee JongHyun - Elevator/ Honor FMV [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:45.


Resenha sobre Lace Closure 360 Cabelo Natural Liso & silk Top Base | Vicio de Luxo - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Resenha sobre Lace Closure 360 Cabelo Natural Liso & silk Top Base | Vicio de Luxo - Duration: 4:30.


Stages of Family Life: Crash Course Sociology #38 - Duration: 10:53.

How does a family become a family?

Well, when two people love each other very much…

I'm joking, I'm joking – kind of.

As we discussed last week, American families often form around marriages.

So, romantic relationships can be a first step in the stages of family life.

It might seem strange to think of dating as a part of family formation.

After all, when you're swiping right on Tinder you're probably not thinking about adding that person to your family.

But families are a dynamic social institution, changing over the course of your life.

What the word "family" conjures in your mind is going to be very different when you're 16 versus when you're 60.

Sociologists say that every family has a life cycle.

They form, they change, and they sometimes break apart.

[Theme Music]

When we talk about the stages of life, we're usually talking about organisms – the life cycle of a mayfly, or something like that.

But just as you pass through developmental stages from childhood to adulthood to old age, a family evolves as well.

Sociologists describe this process as the family life cycle – the developmental stages that a family passes through over time.

Of course, individual families are different.

Some people might move through the stages of family in a different order, or skip some stages all together.

But these stages are meant to describe the typical life cycle of a modern American family.

The first stage of family life is very cute. It's courtship!

I'm sure you know what courtship means, but in case it's on your final:

It's the period of developing a relationship with an eye toward marriage or long term partnership.

So, how do people pair off in different societies?

Well, some cultures – including the US – put a heavy emphasis on romantic love as the foundation of a partnership.

Finding the "one" is wrapped up in an idea that a relationship should be based on affection, attraction, and passion for your partner.

Other cultures practice arranged marriage, in which a marriage is negotiated between two families in order to create stronger bonds between them.

Love isn't considered a prerequisite for marriage – though parents may consult the children's feelings when picking a spouse.

If the married couple's shared life eventually creates bonds of affection, that's a bonus!

For those in cultures that celebrate romantic love, the idea of an arranged marriage often seems completely unthinkable.

It's important to recognize, though, that even in the US, sex and romance typically aren't the only foundation of a long-lasting relationship.

Passion is often a less stable basis for a relationship than marital arrangements based on social and cultural compatibility.

When the passion fades, if there aren't other foundations for the relationship, it may fall apart.

And in fact, even in countries that emphasize romantic love, societal forces often "arrange" marriages based on who is socially, economically, and morally compatible.

Societies often encourage homogamy, or marriage between people with similar social backgrounds, like educational achievement or class standing.

Another common factor in romantic love is propinquity, or a physical proximity to another person.

Doesn't sound very romantic, but we tend up with people who are just...around, because we often live near people like ourselves.

Now, of course, courtship doesn't always lead to marriage.

In fact, in recent years, marriage rates have been declining in many high income countries,

partially due to people waiting longer to marry and partially due to people forgoing marriage altogether.

Among women who between 35 and 44 in 2010, around 20% had never been married.

In comparison, for the previous generation at that age, only 10% of women had never been married.

Even with declining marriage rates, most Americans will marry at least once.

Marriage – and particularly weddings – are often seen as a life goal, something to aspire to.

Weddings are not marriages, of course, and for many this stage of settling into a new family comes with changes in expectations of what married life will look like.

How a couple handles the transition from courtship into marriage is an important predictor of family stability.

Some find that once the honeymoon phase ends –

that is, the first couple years of marriage when everything is new and exciting – they are no longer satisfied in their marriage.

To find passion, some turn to infidelity, which occurs more often than you might think.

In an anonymous survey of approximately 900 Americans, researchers from the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University

found that 19% of women and 23% of men report cheating on their partners at least once.

One outcome of infidelity that may NOT surprise you is divorce.

You might have heard that half of all marriages end in divorce.

But that's not quite accurate.

For one thing, it's not that every couple has a 50/50 chance of divorce.

The 50% stat comes from looking at the likelihood that marriages reach a certain anniversary.

How likely are you to still be together 5 years after marriage?

What about 20 years?

For couples who married 40 years ago, we know what percent of those marriages have ended in divorce –

and that's a decent proxy for how many will ever end in divorce.

For Americans who married in the 1970s and 1980s, about 40 to 45 percent of those marriages have ended in divorce.

There was a huge surge of divorce in the 1970s,

in part due to many states loosening their restrictions on who can divorce through No Fault divorce laws, which allow couples to divorce for any reason.

Prior to No Fault laws, divorce was only allowed if one spouse could prove abuse, abandonment, or adultery.

Along with the removal of legal barriers, social norms also changed, with divorce becoming more socially acceptable.

Plus, increased opportunities for women in the workforce made it more feasible for women to leave bad marriages,

because they were better able to support themselves and their children without a husband.

But the divorce rate in the US has been on the decline since the 1990s.

Some estimates suggest that the percent of marriages ending in divorce for more recent generations will be closer to 1/3 than 1/2

Why has it declined?

Well, for one thing, fewer people are marrying, and fewer people are marrying young.

With more people waiting to find a partner until they're more settled, marriages have become much more stable than they were in previous decades.

Plus, the type of people who get married – and their likelihood of divorce – has changed, too.

Divorce rates are higher for low income and less educated Americans –

who are also the socioeconomic group with the greatest declines in marriage rates in the last 40 years.

So the fewer who get married, the fewer who get divorced.

Changing marriage patterns has also meant changing patterns in the family when people have kids.

While childbearing is typically thought of as the stage of the family life cycle that follows marriage,

the percent of children born outside of marriage has been increasing, with about 40% of all births to unmarried mothers.

There are also increasing social class divides in who has kids before or after marriage:

While only 9% of births to college educated moms take place outside marriage, 58% of births outside marriage are to women with only a high school diploma.

But regardless of whether having kids comes before or after marriage, this stage in the family life cycle is an important one.

Let's go to the Thought Bubble to talk about our next family life stage: childrearing.

What a family looks like has changed a lot in the last couple centuries.

In pre-industrial America, large families were much more common –

partially because of a lack of effective birth control, partially because having more children meant more hands to help with the work on a farm,

and partially because high rates of child mortality meant that many kids didn't live to adulthood.

But as child mortality rates declined, and the US industrialized, the average family size declined from 7 children in 1800 to 3.5 children by 1900.

Nowadays, birth rates are even lower.

The old adage about the American dream being a house with picket fence, a dog, and 2.5 children isn't too far off –

the average American mom has 2.4 children and this rate has been pretty stable for the last 30 years.

But when women have children has been changing.

In addition to delaying marriage, women are also postponing having kids.

The average age at first birth is 26, up from 21 in 1970.

Some of this is due to increased access to birth control, which allows people to better control the timing of when they have a child.

And some of it is because raising a kid is expensive!

Many people want to wait until they're older and in a more financially secure position before they add a third mouth to feed.

The US Department of Agriculture estimates that for kids born in 2015, the typical middle class family will spend $233,000 dollars on that kid over the course of their childhood.

Clothes, food, toys, transportation, basic education, medical care – it all adds up pretty fast.

And that figure isn't even accounting for the cost of college!

But even if the cost is high, being a parent is highly valued in American society.

A 2010 survey found that the majority of Millenials say that being a good parent is "one of the most important things" in life –

ranking it higher than having a successful marriage.

Thanks Thought Bubble!

The next stage of family life is the launch stage in which kids grow up and leave their parents' house, usually in their early twenties.

Though Mom and Dad might suffer from some empty nest syndrome when kids first leave,

many remain involved in their kids' lives, often providing childcare for their grandchildren once their kids start families of their own.

This post-children stage of family life is the final part of the family life cycle.

Additionally, as life spans increase, many adult children find themselves in caregiver roles for their aging parents.

The sandwich generation refers to people who care for their aging parents at the same time that they provide care for children living in their household.

This is particularly common for women, who are more likely to take on caregiving roles in a family.

As I said at the beginning, these stages of the family life cycle are just one path that a family can follow.

There are all types of families and not all of them will be nuclear families with a mom, a dad, and a bunch biological offspring.

For one thing, a married couple doesn't need to be a man and a woman.

In 2015, the US Supreme Court made marriage equality the law of the land and ruled that all states must recognize marriages between same-sex couples.

For another, not all married couples have, or want, children.

Plus, not all families with kids have two parents.

Single parent families make up about one-third of all families with children.

Single parent families are most often headed by a single mother, rather than a single father.

There are also large racial differences in family structure,

with 66% of Black children being raised in a single parent home compared to only 25% of non-Hispanic white children.

Some of these kids are still growing up in households with two parents, though –

58% of unmarried births were to cohabiting couples, or couples who live together without being married.

Unmarried or divorced parents may also marry someone new,

creating a blended family with one parent in a household who is unrelated to some or all of the children.

So there's a lot of diversity in what a family can look like.

But they often tend to follow similar paths.

But no matter what a family looks like, the family life cycle helps us understand how families evolve over time.

Today, we looked at one way of thinking about the different stages of family life: courtship, marriage, child-rearing, and family life in your later years.

We also discussed changing patterns of marriage and childbearing in the US, highlighting some of the varied family types that exist.

Crash Course Sociology is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT, and it's made with the help of all of these nice people.

Our animation team is Thought Cafe and Crash Course is made with Adobe Creative Cloud.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon,

a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support.

For more infomation >> Stages of Family Life: Crash Course Sociology #38 - Duration: 10:53.


Clannad After Story - Episódio 13 - Formatura :-( - Duration: 24:12.

For more infomation >> Clannad After Story - Episódio 13 - Formatura :-( - Duration: 24:12.



For more infomation >> PROFESSOR NA ESCOLA VS. NA UNIVERSIDADE | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 1:41.


Sales and Use Tax: Adding Locations - Duration: 2:55.

If you operate your business from more than one permanent physical location, you may file

one consolidated tax return for all locations.

If your business is currently registered for one location, you must contact the Department

of Revenue to add a second location.

Please call us at 651-296-6181 or 1-800-657-3777 .

If your business is currently registered for two or more locations, you may add additional

locations through e-Services.

In this example, the business is only registered for one location.

Let's look at an example where the business is already registered for two locations.

Select Manage locations in the I Want To section.

Select Click here to add a new location.

First, enter a name for the location and the begin date.

Next, select whether or not you will make taxable sales from this location, and whether

or not the location is on a Minnesota Indian Reservation.

Enter a North American Industry Classification System Code.

If you don't know the code, you can search for it by selecting the Click here to search

for NAICS Code link.

Next, enter the address of the location.

Select any local sales and use taxes that apply to the location.

A summary of the information you entered displays.

If the information is correct, select Submit.

Your request to add a new sales location has been submitted.

For more infomation >> Sales and Use Tax: Adding Locations - Duration: 2:55.


South Korean TERRORIST Trading WEAPONS For North Korea chan han choi - Duration: 8:44.

Welcome back to my channel

I'm Dave

And if you want to keep updated with what's really going on in Australia click that subscribe button so don't miss out on anything

So today, I'm in Eastwood which is now officially the?

Capital of terrorism in Australia because something massive happened only a couple days ago. This guy called Chan Han Choi who is a

South Korean

born man

He came here when he was about nine years old lived in Australia for about 30 years was arrested on

terrorism charges

for aiding and abetting

North Korea

I want to make this really clear Australia has the highest standard of living and has had the highest standard living

compared to any other country in the world for

Approximately eight years now just in case you're watching this in 15 years time and you're wondering how?

Australia changed in this period so just for future reference

I'm just saying that for someone who might be logging in and watching this video in 15 years time

Compared to even South Korea Korea even today and and Korea 30 years ago had a terrible standard living

Compared to Australia so probably wondering why would someone turn?

informant for


rogue regime like North Korea

especially when the standard living so high here and the Australian Federal Police

Have also said that they are absolutely shocked at this, but me personally

I'm not shocked at all now another thing that I'd like to add straight up early in the video

Is there's very big difference between Asians see this guy was born in South Korea?

He lived there for ten years, so he is kind of

Korean by nature he's different from someone who is a was born here. You often see like

60-year old men that have lived here for like 40 years, but they came here in their 20, and they still identify as Chinese

People who are born here are very different. They call them ABCs a bas whatever someone who is born here

Who is Asian has a very different view on Australia than someone who was born overseas and there's a difference between?

How old they were when they were born overseas and came over here so if they came over here when they're 10 years old?

and they lived in an Asian Enclave which was extremely racist like I

Perceive eastland to be their view on the world would be very different from an ABC that was actually born here, so

Not quite sure that a lot of you guys out there aware of the differences here, I have a lot of friends that

Asian and they're born in Australia

and they're more bogan than I am they they eat meat pies and have barbecues and drink more than I do and they

They speak like this get a mate, but don't enter this debate without having knowledge of the different types of people in Australia

Also, it depends on what country they come from you can understand

This is a this is a large grey area with lots, and you once's there's no black and white here

And I just want to make that clear that

It's very new once in this area and you cannot paint everybody with the same brush one thing

I think that we need to be aware of is that we're not in America

but in Australia

I think we need to redefine what terrorism is and be very clear on what it is and have the

nuances to understand the ever-changing landscape within Australia

And we're not in America where it's very clear that Islam in America has this real big beef going on

But I think we need to redefine what terrorism is in Australia

Mylo gianopolous came here only last week and there was this big uproar against Islam

I'm not Islamic by the way. I'm not Muslim. I'm not religious in any way

I don't think that Islam is the biggest threat in Australia. I think we have far greater

Threats in Australia and Australians within Australia are in far more danger to our lives today

then a

North Korean living within North Korea because the North Korean living within North Korea isn't surrounded by

Americans who are immigrants with in North Korea yet Australia is surrounded by a lot of

possible terrorists within Australia from North Korea and

from what we have learnt today a

South Korean

defector could possibly turn on Australia at any

Moment without notice and we don't fully understand why?

I do now back to Chen Han Choi

who's the South Korean dude living in Australia naturalized Australian lived here for most of his life and

Eastwood now one thing I did notice when I looked at the map that if a nuclear bomb was to land on Sydney CBD

Eastwood just happens to be outside of the blast radius

But I have noticed when I look at the map of Sydney that there are other

Notable suburbs, which are Asian enclaves that are very similar to Eastwood that just happened to be outside

What would be a blast radius if a nuclear bomb was to hit?

Sydney CBD and here's a few suggestions

Now one of the big ones is Chatswood of course




Some of these suburbs in my opinion if Eastwood was to be a breeding ground for terrorism

some of these other suburbs are very similar in demographic and possibly could be seen as

Breeding grounds for terrorism as well one thing. I've noticed from doing research at a lot of South Koreans and North Koreans

They would prefer to reunite Korea the Korean Peninsula the fact that I'd like to add to this is that there's a possibility that

Chan hand soy was able to identify with North Koreans

More than the Australians that he lives with in the country that he comes from purely on the basis of race

It's not that race is a big issue to but being online for three years and talking about race and having all of the data

to show for it

Race is a big issue to a lot of Asians now the back of my claims that race is such a big issue for

Asians even in Australia, but more specifically abroad

But if you have a lot of immigrants from overseas and they come here

And they bring this racism with them look at these four guys. It's like the Fung Bros or something

There's no diversity in any of the real estates around here

Could I call LJ cook cook a racist well? Yes, I could I don't see any buddy from the subcontinent

I don't see any black people. I don't see any white people. I just see

Asian guys and by the looks of their names they're all from China. There's not even

international diversity, it's just

it's just it just seems a bit racist out here to me and

Some of the looks that I've got just walking around and white because of the camera

But a lot of looks that I get from a lot of the guys well combined. They're like they look at you they like

And they give you this bad look it's like it's like I'm not even welcome in Eastwood

But keep in mind these are Asians which are fresh off the boat, and they're in their Asian Enclave

And they're free to be racist in


But I gotta say that a lot of the Asians that were actually born here. I feel safer around them

I actually don't really feel that safe around a lot of Asian immigrants, but I do feel very safe around


Australian born or been here such a long time that they haven't

Learned all these bad races bad habits from overseas if you liked this

Video give me this give me a thumbs up. I know I'm a little bit ahead of my time these days

Maybe fifteen years in advance you guys will look back and you'll be like oh this guy was right

but anyway click that subscribe button if you want to know what the future of Australia holds and

I'll see you guys very soon

For more infomation >> South Korean TERRORIST Trading WEAPONS For North Korea chan han choi - Duration: 8:44.


Suzuki Alto - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Alto - Duration: 1:01.


Uomini e Donne: Anna Tedesco si sfoga contro Giorgio Manetti? - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Anna Tedesco si sfoga contro Giorgio Manetti? - Duration: 3:52.


What is in this box? Funny hamburger eating show, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:59.




I am hungry~

OK. I will cook for you

Thank you

Wait a moment


I made fried vegetable

Thank you

Enjoy it

Let's eat now

There are only vegetables

Now it will be delicious

What is this?

This is hamburger

I want to eat too

I will make another one for you

Abracadabra. show hamburger

Oh thank you

Shall we open the box?

It looks delicious

Taste good?

It is my turn

What is this?

It just a toy hamburger

So sweet!

is it sweet?

It's my turn

It is empty

French fries

It is delicious~

taste good?

It is my turn

This is an onion

It is a Super Mario toy

is it fun?


It is my turn

What is this?

I think it is better than RIWON's toy

it is just tissue

I want to have toy

For more infomation >> What is in this box? Funny hamburger eating show, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:59.


马思唯(MASIWEI) - 成都(Rappers_ft. FreeT) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 马思唯(MASIWEI) - 成都(Rappers_ft. FreeT) - Duration: 4:03.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


Volvo V60 D6 Plug-In Hybrid 283pk Geartronic AWD R-Design - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 D6 Plug-In Hybrid 283pk Geartronic AWD R-Design - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo V60 D2 R-Design - Xenon - Stoelverwarming - Roofrails - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 D2 R-Design - Xenon - Stoelverwarming - Roofrails - Duration: 1:00.


Diamagnetism: How to Levitate a Frog - Duration: 5:44.


Levitation -- it is a time-honored staple among superpowers and magic spells, but it's

not totally fictional.

In the real world, we can use magnets to levitate anything from trains to metal desk toys.

And you might think levitating something nonmagnetic, say, like a large sack of mostly water, is

just for Hermione Granger or Jean Grey -- but it's not.

It can actually happen, thanks to a phenomenon called diamagnetic levitation.

And scientists don't just use it to pretend to be superheroes.

It has a lot of potential applications, both in industry and research.

We often classify materials as either being magnetic or non-magnetic, but that's not

entirely accurate.

See, inside an atom, electrons are constantly buzzing around creating little loops of current.

And because of the relationship between electricity and magnetism, that current produces a magnetic

field for each electron.

Under most circumstances, the direction of all those magnetic fields are random, so they

cancel each other out.

But when an atom is placed inside another magnetic field, it adds an additional force

to the electrons.

This essentially changes their motion so that the atom gets a tiny, net magnetic field that

opposes the external one.

This interaction is called diamagnetism, and because magnetic fields pointing in opposite

directions repel each other, it produces a teeny, tiny repulsive force.

Every material experiences this -- from a block of wood to an iron bar magnet -- but

diamagnetism is only one type of magnetism, and it's the weakest.

There's also paramagnetism, where atoms become weakly attracted to a magnet in an

external magnetic field, and ferromagnetism, which is probably what you think about when

someone says "magnetic".

Ferromagnetic materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt can hold onto their own permanent

magnetic field long after they've been removed from an external one.

Even though paramagnetism is still pretty weak, both it and ferromagnetism are much

stronger than diamagnetism and will overpower it.

But diamagnetic compounds are still pretty awesome.

Because they only ever experience a repulsive force when exposed to a magnetic field, it

allows them to be levitated.

Essentially, they can counter the downward pull of gravity with an upward magnetic push.

This was first demonstrated by Werner Braunbeck in 1939, when he used an electromagnet -- a

temporary magnet created by running an electric current through a coiled wire -- to levitate

small pieces of graphite and bismuth.

Then, scientists kind of forgot about it until the 1990s.

In the meantime, researchers also experimented with superconductors -- substances that expel

magnetic fields at super low temperatures.

They can levitate, too, but they use the quirks of quantum mechanics to physically 'lock'

themselves into place relative to an external magnetic field.

It looks really cool, but it's not quite the same thing as room-temperature diamagnetic


When that research started back up again, scientists were quick to test it out on a

lot of seemingly silly items, including hazelnuts, tiny pieces of pizza, and animals, including

frogs and a 10-gram mouse.

Those animals required a magnetic field 1000 times stronger than a fridge magnet to float

-- or about 16 or 17 Tesla -- and they came out of the experience with no negative side


Also, watching things float around is a pretty fun day at the lab.

If you're feeling ambitious, you can even demonstrate diamagnetic levitation yourself,

using an L-shaped iron rod, some neodymium magnets, and a piece of mechanical pencil

lead, which is made of graphite.

If you arrange it all correctly, the pencil lead will hover about a millimeter above the


But let's be honest: The real question here is whether or not you can use diamagnetism

to levitate yourself.

And the answer is yes.


According to magnet designers from the National High Magnetic Field Lab in Florida, you'd

need a magnet only slightly weaker than their record-holding 45-Tesla Hybrid Magnet, along

with 1 GigaWatt of continuous power consumption to keep the system cool enough to operate.

That might seem promising, but all these super powerful magnets have very small experiment

spaces -- I'm talking less than 10 centimeters.

That'd be pretty snug.

So you probably won't be floating thanks to diamagnetic levitation any time soon, but

it does have more uses than just looking cool.

For one, it could be used in place of lubrication or ball bearings for truly frictionless transport.

Magnetic bearings already exist and are used to support things like maglev trains, but

they require sophisticated electronics and a continuous power input.

So diamagnetics would be a cheaper option.

They could also be used to control satellites in orbit around planets with magnetic fields.

Scientists can manipulate the diamagnetic properties of graphite using laser light,

and they could develop a system to control a spacecraft's orientation relative to the

planet's field.

And on the research side of things, because diamagnetic levitation operates on an atomic

and molecular level, it could be used to simulate weightlessness in Earth-based labs.

It's not a perfect replication, but it could used to model things like how microgravity

affects fluid dynamics, crystal growth, or biological tissues -- or, for small enough

animals, bone and muscle loss, and cardiovascular changes.

And that would be a lot cheaper than launching experiments into space.

Scientists are still figuring out how they'll use all of this, but we know that, whatever

diamagnetism ends up being used for, it's gonna look pretty cool.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which is brought to you by our awesome patrons

on Patreon -- like SR Foxly, our president of space!

If you'd like to be president of space, or just help support the show, you can go



For more infomation >> Diamagnetism: How to Levitate a Frog - Duration: 5:44.


The Poster for Deadpool 2 May Reveal the Movie's Plot - Duration: 1:33.

What's up guys, Frazier here for Complex News.

At press time, we STILL don't have a trailer or even a pity teaser FOR the trailer for

Deadpool 2.

We know the time traveling mutant Cable will factor in a huge way, played by Josh Brolin.

Zazie Beetz from Atlanta also joins the cast as Domino.

And that's about all we have for now.

Therefor, all we can do, is speculate.

Right now our biggest conspiracy theory lead comes courtesy of Mr. pool himself, Ryan Reynolds.

Last week double R tweeted an image of Deadpool and Cable, that hilariously mimics Michelangelo's

The Creation of Adam.

But what seems like a typical Deadpool-esque joke might actually be an Easter Egg, thanks

to detective work from eagle-eye comic book fans.

Reynolds' image features text that says The Second Coming.

A lot of people smarter than me think that's a hint to the movie's storyline and a reference

to X-Men: Second Coming, a massive event in X comics history.

One of the principle characters in that story?


To make a very long arc short, Second Coming involves Cable saving the first mutant child

born in a long time, aptly named Hope, and taking her to the future to keep her safe,

raising her like his own daughter.

Now, the image not only shows Cable emerging from a time portal, but he also has a teddy

bear clipped to his belt, making this the second time promo images from the film have

shown him sporting a kids toy.

Going this route could also help the movie sync up with Logan, which also saw a mutant

birth shortage.

We shall see.

The movie's due in June so hopefully our trailer drought ends in the next few weeks.

That's the news for now but for the latest on Deadpool, subscribe to Complex on YT today.

For Complex, I'm Frazier.

For more infomation >> The Poster for Deadpool 2 May Reveal the Movie's Plot - Duration: 1:33.


ICO Review of HDAC. (DAC Token) HYUNDAI creates competition for IOTA On the Blockchain. - Duration: 10:07.

Hello there guys today I'm going to be talking about the HDAC ICO

HDAC TGE now this token is created or backed by the Hyundai company now the

company that creates cars yes but did not plan to create scars a plant creates

what we called Internet of Things now if you've seen that video where there's a

smart house everything just collected itself the TV works on itself the cars

drive themselves yeah that kind of world now this might take a while to get

through but I guess in future we're going to have them and if we want to see

the future come to fruition that starts now now it gets issues the

plan to solve all those things advise you check out scripts a portfolios video

on this HDAC and I wouldn't speak about what others have spoken about or

talk about it in my own way using my ICO spreadsheet so let's get down to the

spreadsheet first of all the hitch duck token now the token is going to be

called DAC token now it's going to have the audience of the Internet of Things

now everything on the internet of things it's a platform which keeps it among the

top-ranking kind of tokens now it's aims to commit to tough communication between

Internet of Things devices so the car communicating with the house the house

communicating with the grocery store to the fridge which then asks for more milk

maybe when your milk is done and all those different parts of it now the base

technology is going to be on the blockchain unlike where we have a user

which is his major competitor or it is just major competitor in this case iota

walks on the tango system which is its own blockchain but this uses the normal

blockchain and it encompasses two parts of this blockchain

the public parts which is what we know in Bitcoin and etherium and also the

private part which is going to be more like to protect you so that when your

car is trying to make your payments for parking or something

you cannot just interfere with this system or getting through your funds in

that case so now mining is going to take

place where you get 86% of the remaining tokens being created to proof of work

system trusts based system as the set on the white paper now 5,000 tokens are

going to be the amounts created consistently and to go to the halvening

through the process of 170 years and then know your customer now this is very

serious part of this I seal now first of all we have US China and Singapore

citizens are not allowed to participate in this ICO which you should take note

of and also the know your customer rules and regulations are crazy on this the

admin all the documentation which is your ID card and your proof of residency

and also video verification is also needed for the full proof of identity or

know your customer bases in this case and it is taken really seriously spoken

about something about getting a call so if you intend to participate in this I

see you you need to go to all this things now next I see a price now it

seems to have gone up compared to when I see you initially started so if you had

started initially the price was 0.5 2 cents now 0.85 cents I give you this

yesterday I made the review and my CEO spreadsheet a while ago before making

this video so it just kind of changed since the price of BTC has gone up

dramatically since then so you'll be paying approximately zero point eight

five dollars per each of the tokens so you have to check the profitability of

that eventually when the ico is over so now the tokens that are going to be

issued are going to be the incentive is 6000 Bitcoin at the moment which

represents its calculation using this price we have it's been a total of 112

million dollars intended to raise at this IC o---- now they are going to be

giving out 840 million of their tokens and it was all over on pillion 680

tokens are going to be available so half of the tokens are going to be sold and

the rest are going to be held back for the community

at the time of the ICO this is total supply but maximum supply is 12 billion

tokens which you have to keep in mind now 7% of the tokens are generally given

at this ICO stage but you should also put in mind that 50% of the tokens of

the 70s which you are getting so give or take those are some of the things you

should know now this ICO don't know the cap couldn't

find its minimum investment guessing one token now discounts could go up to 4,000

DAC tokens by 0.1 BTC invested so if you invested upon one bit see you get total

of 4,000 tokens 400 tokens given to you for free which seems very good I guess

now method of payment BTC straight-up didn't cerium I taught

theorem Oba Diah but it doesn't add it now this ICO starts on the 11th started

on the 27th of November and will end on the 23rd of December which is in a

couple of days from now so four days left

now token adjustments will not be done took us will not be burnt not created

after this so just creation of more to construe

proof of work now the extras is where things get interesting now you have to

also know that at the extras they talk about at entry you have to abide by

anti-money laundering laws and you can't go to this information right here now

advantages I've come to see with this token one strong ties with the Honda

company which then gives it a lot of backing and gives them a lot of

resources are a lot of money power to be able to move things around

next use of blockchain instead of creating a new kind of blockchain and

have to go to testing like what I would hard to do now they're also creating

some quantum resistance for the future because we know quantum computers are

the greatest rats we have in cryptocurrencies so for them to scale

better they have to do this non implementation of the privacy which was

kind of look ahead instead of having to upgrade to increased our privacy

why not put it in the beginning and just have it all at once now we also have

smart homes and factories various devices equipments which will work on

this system eventually now disadvantages I was able to find with this is that

first of all he has a very high cup so unless you believe that hike up coins

are going to keep getting good just like iota Carano and people have

shown in the present days then that's that also the road map would map seems

to have had elaborately stated but not enough information stitching some basic

factors or what people actually want to know so you could want to check that now

for the common community this community information was from when I made this

spreadsheet to it club gone up or down depending but that is the score I give

them for that two out of three now for the idea it is a very good idea though

iota has similar I know now for the road map presently as I've stated previously

an extras you've seen that now for something to show just the blockchain

use of the blockchain and exclaims to have a prototype at the present time so

that's now for competition they have quite not so much competition other than

where we have iota now another downside to this is that it's implementation

could take years to happen because we need to have the technology in place

first before we could have this token coming to serious use cases now

probable arity it is not that matter a popular ICU because it is not from the

western world give or take but I guess it's growing in popularity and since

it's an acceptor in the u.s. that might have its down toll on it now there's

been my thoughts on it now finally should you invest in this IC o---- I

would say it is your decision to make but if I were to invest in this I see

what I'll do is I'll let this IC you get on the exchange if people want to dump

it they will dump it and then you have a chance to get in at

the cheapest price possible or if you had a chance to get in at the pre sale

or pre ico stage where you got it for cheaper maybe and also you got big

discounts on it and also big bonuses which will eventually increase your

profitability in this ICUs so it's your choice to decide and I hope

you get to make a decision that works well for you now let's check how Iota

has done in comparison to this now iota has been for five months and presently

costs four point one nine dollars and has gained a total of six hundred and

eleven percent since the ico time and presently standing at six point one one

time game so the question of the days if you would want me to make a comparison

between H duck and iota like this video and leave a comment saying you will want

that in the comments box below so thank you very much and I hope this helps you

to make better decisions on your icos NeniEmsu from the CryptoDoctor signing out.

For more infomation >> ICO Review of HDAC. (DAC Token) HYUNDAI creates competition for IOTA On the Blockchain. - Duration: 10:07.



what's going on guys how are you guys doing welcome back to a brand new video

on this channel today I want to talk to you guys about verge I want to give you

guys my price prediction on verge if there's still time to buy in all of

those things I was actually gonna make a video on verge lat on my last

cryptocurrency video by side to do electro Neum so if you haven't see that

if you haven't seen that yet go check that out but I did want to talk about

verse today vert has been doing a lot of stuff for the last few days I want to

let it cool off before we decided to go in and analyze the charts because

sometimes when things are shooting up charts are like very hard to interpret

anyways without further ado let's jump right into it here we are on coin a

market cap if I go here and we scroll for Virg Virg is right here purchase

number 32 so it actually is beating electroni Imran Jones 46 Virg is number

32 with an 822 million dollar market cap currently trading at five cents five

point seven cents it did go up though you guys are gonna see in the charts

real soon okay also before we get started guys if you are brand new to the

channel and you have not subscribed yet please make sure to do so and hit that

Bell icon so you guys are always notified every time we release a new

video yeah back to the video now so yeah 822

million dollar market cap that's 43,000 bitcoins for three and a half thousand

bitcoins boy what I love to have forty three and a half thousand bitcoins right

now that is not the point we are talking about the chart so if we can see let me

go to the month it was trading at like zero point zero point eight cents zero

point eight cents we're comparing this to dollars so zero point eight cents all

the way up to like here zero point nine cents what's even one cent yet right and

this is all of a sudden you know we hit one cent now look at us we're going up

we're making moves in the world we're going to two cents right there we are we

went to seven cents um it's their higher point seven point five cents basically

so seven point five cents going from less than one cent you're like 8x2 your

investment crazy returns only some cryptocurrency things can do this guy's

apps ridiculous now some of the reasons that

might have sparked this jump is we had a tweet from mr. John McAfee I don't know

if I pronounced that correctly but he said no not joking I included verge xvg

because it is a legitimate policy coin and a privacy coin and is also selling

for less than three cents if you know investing you know that's easier for a

three cent coin to go to three dollars than it is for a 300 dollar coin to go

to thirty thousand dollars that's very true

it's very very true so he says here someone doesn't understand market cap

you know trying to talk trash to John McAfee I don't know why you would do

that the guy knows what he's doing hey I understand market cap you're

missing an important aspect of human nature some brilliant fucker once

figured out that people will buy cheap irrespective of irrespective of value

and perception of a deal is everything that's why we happily paid $9.99 for

something but refused to pay $10 that's actually ridiculously true human

psychology is just it's something I'm super interested in and it plays a huge

role when it comes to cryptocurrency a huge huge role when it comes to

cryptocurrency and just stocks in general guys um but I want to get too

much into that but that actually plays a huge role so some that's three cents to

go to three dollars is easier for something to go from $300 to go to

30,000 look at you know other coins look at light coin it jump from 200 to 400

and we lost our we went crazy right that was a huge jump for light coin which is

it was like doubled its money right 2x your investment three extra man

whatever it was that was a huge jump but this thing went from like zero point

eight cents to seven point some cents and we're still not talking about it

enough we're not giving it the credit that it deserves

now like the what he's basically saying about human nature is if you see

something for three cents you don't mind paying three cents to have one of those

coins right you'll pay you know a hundred dollars you'll easily pay a

hundred dollars for X amount of these coins I don't want to do the math in my

head but hundred dollars would get you a lot of these coins a lot of Verge points

you'll happily do that but for that same hundred dollars you don't want to earn

0.333 of this coin of the three hundred dollar coin and you don't with one

hundred dollars you don't want to earn point zero zero zero

whatever it may be a Bitcoin at the moment so you're a lot more likely to

put your money into this then you are into this so that's the first thing that

I think is really really interesting and it's why I love falling this guy's guy

knows a lot about what he's talking about and after that there's this chart

I saw which you know plays into verjus favor a little more so it's comparing it

to Bitcoin it's comparing to Manero it's comparing it to P IV x I don't know much

about this coin so I'm not gonna even touch too much about it but in

transaction speed Virg wins in transaction capability Virg Virg wins

Birds wins and a lot of things you know they've got three green ticks I want to

go too much into all this you know the mobile privacy public blockchain I don't

know what all of these things are exactly so I'm not going to touch too

much into them but Virg actually does really well so the max coin supply is

higher I that can be plus or minus I'm not going to say if it's good or bad um

for market cap wise we're not gonna talk about that but the chart is really cool

it's really interesting how I can compare it it can go up against the big

man himself Bitcoin compare it to um and it's

actually better in some aspects so that's the first thing that I thought

was really really cool now lastly what you guys are all here for we need to all

my God's making me do this again oh I hate when it tells me I need to buy the

thing I hate when it does it um Virg I do versus a dollar you know right

to chart and that's how we get our way around that so like we were saying

before oh my god am i doing so like I was saying before Virg was trading all

the way down here at you know half a cent half a cent guys 0.5 says how much

would you give a dollar for two hundred of these coins yeah probably would've $1

get you two hundred of these coins that's ridiculous um but yet so it's

trading at point five of a cent and it's shot all the way up over here which if I

move my big head as almost eight cents that's like 16

times your investment now it's gonna show you guys how ridiculous that was

but what we did see what what I thought was interesting is what I expected to

happen when it was going up and the reason why I didn't want to make this

video too soon is cuz when it was going up and you see this huge green line it's

not difficult for an investor to tell you that odds are odds are it's going to

correct and if I had to pick a value I thought I was gonna correct right about

here it's the last point I had much resistance was over here I thought it

would it could correct all the way down to here now the reason I want to stop

and not make the video too soon is because this wasn't any old coin this is

a coin that's actually very cheap it has a lot of potential and there were people

talking about it and the hype was getting built when you know the Twitter

I just showed you was posting its things so I didn't want to make this video too

soon this I knew wasn't gonna hold this candlestick doesn't look good that we

have such a high line and it ended over here but what those interesting is that

here started correct we all saw this coming right everyone knew is gonna

correct where - it's gonna be the lowest over here I guess I couldn't see it

breaking this I didn't see it going back to here the trend line was going up

anyways I didn't think I was gonna crack back to where I was before so here is a

roundabout where I thought it would be the lowest point but I did not expect

it's a stop so soon and it's built up a resistance here so now it's interesting

to see if we shoot up from here if we shoot down from here but as a you know a

buy and hold it's not too bad of a coin um six cents currently I think it's

valid it could be it could reach a dollar um I'm not gonna you know I'm not

guarantee it's going to reach a dollar but I think this coin could very much

reach a dollar it's a coin that you know currently to buy in swing trade might be

not the right opportunity again I'm not giving financial advice but I wouldn't

I'm gonna say I would I would not buy and swing trade it right now if I want

to sell it tomorrow or the day after I wouldn't do it it's very risky

you know just had a ton of volume go up and correct itself a little bit but from

here anything could happen but if I were to

buy this and hold it for a month two months three months four months and I

just want to put it in my portfolio III would be doing it around about now I

think now would be a pretty good opportunity um

again not saying advice I'm saying this is something that I would consider doing

myself I'm currently like I said trading a

little under six cents it is six times my investment if this hadn't happened if

this right here hadn't happened yet you know if I had made the video yesterday

when it was like over here or over here I would not have said that I would buy

it any point until I saw red which I did I did see red and we had a candlestick

which ended here and it got so low here so it did you know bounce back a little

bit and then found some momentum again on its way up so my end result is III

could predict at the end of 2018 this coin really being a dollar like I'm

not joking when I say it could now obviously I say it could you you could

turn around and say well anything could Bitcoin could be a dollar next year

right it could crash all the way down and it could be a dollar but I do like

this coin it's all I'm gonna say I do like this coin and I think it has a nice

little future in our cryptocurrency community like I said I like seeing the

fact they drop down and it gains some resistance and now this looks like it's

new resistance level and I think it could be building you know a new chart

we can probably match the lows here and here I don't know how to draw things on

this chart but I am going to be looking at getting myself some of these coins

you can probably get them at all the big exchanges you know finance matrix

whatever it may be you can get them over there but yeah guys hopefully you

enjoyed this video and I want to know what price do you think avert is going

to be at are you bullish or bearish on Virg do you think it's going to go up or

do you think it's going to go down to put it very simply um let me know that

in the comments down below I would love to know your insight hopefully you guys

learned something and enjoyed this video if you did smash that like button and

don't forget to subscribe again I know I said that the beginning of the video but

it never hurts we'd love to have you as part of the team thank you so much for

watching guys I'll see you tomorrow for another video



SsangYong Actyon - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> SsangYong Actyon - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> PROFESSOR NA ESCOLA VS. NA UNIVERSIDADE | DICA DE ALEMÃO | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 1:41.


Big Brothers Tully Smyth hits returned at skinny shamers durability She currently la Breaking News - Duration: 3:23.

She recently lamented the 'exhaustion' that comes with her job as a professional model. And Tully Smyth, 30, just how difficult life can be as an online influencer after she was forced to hit back at body shamers accusing her of looking 'sick' and 'too thin' in recent bikini snaps.

Taking to her stories, the blonde socialite defended her eating habits and strict exercise regimen. Scroll down for video

'I've had a couple of comments that say I look sick, or that I look too thin, or that I would look better with a few extra kgs on me. Um, these comments are kind of just as hurtful than people telling me that I've put on weight or I look chubby,' she defiantly explained in the selfie-style video.

'First off, I know my angles. It's literally part of my job to take photos, so I know how to stand and hold my body so it looks the way I want it to look. That's like 101 ,' she snapped.

Tully continued: 'And secondly- and probably most importantly- and there has been plenty of proof of this on my social media channels, but I train really hard. I work out six days a week. And I do this so that I can eat whatever the hell I want to eat.'

'I will never shy away from a cheeseburger or a kebab or a pizza. I eat what I want to eat, I train really hard, I'm fit and I'm healthy and I'm strong. So for all of those saying I look sick or too thin [middle finger].'

In an effort to prove that she does in fact indulge in calorie-dense food, Tully uploaded a final video of herself posing with a half-eaten schnitzel roll and a can of Coke.

Tully became a household name after starring in the 2013 season of Big Brother Australia. She was embroiled in a scandal while in the house, accused of cheating on her then-girlfriend Tahlia Farrant with co-star Anthony Drew.

The on-air pair were spotted cuddling and locking lips on many occasions, and upon being evicted, Tully was forced to address the scandal.

Following her Big Brother eviction, Tully parted ways with Tahlia and in the years following was linked to The Bachelor's Richie Strahan.

For more infomation >> Big Brothers Tully Smyth hits returned at skinny shamers durability She currently la Breaking News - Duration: 3:23.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Detective Interrogation Roleplay [Voice Acting] [ASMR..?] - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> Detective Interrogation Roleplay [Voice Acting] [ASMR..?] - Duration: 14:27.


Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Navigatie · Automatische airco · 18"LM velgen - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Navigatie · Automatische airco · 18"LM velgen - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Active info display · Executive pakket · Lane assist - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Active info display · Executive pakket · Lane assist - Duration: 1:00.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115PK DIG-T N-CONNECTA | NAVI | CAMERA | PARKEERHULP | LMV18 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115PK DIG-T N-CONNECTA | NAVI | CAMERA | PARKEERHULP | LMV18 - Duration: 1:00.


Kia cee'd 1.6 T-GDi GT 204PK! ECC, 18"LMV, Navi, Panodak, Cruise Control, Stoelverwarming, 7jr. Gar. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 T-GDi GT 204PK! ECC, 18"LMV, Navi, Panodak, Cruise Control, Stoelverwarming, 7jr. Gar. - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota C-HR 2WD 1.2T Executive - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Toyota C-HR 2WD 1.2T Executive - Duration: 0:43.



For more infomation >> Opel ADAM GLAM FAVOURITE 1.0T 90PK | LEDER | PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:54.


Siblings Get Handcuffed For 24 Hours - Duration: 7:15.

- So, we're gonna be handcuffed together

for the next 24 hours.

- What the hell is this?

(upbeat music)

So, a little backstory a lot of people don't know

is we didn't grow up in the same household,

so for us to have only really spent

as much as a summer or a Christmas together,

we kind of keep in touch pretty well,

considering that gap in our lives.

But we come together,

and now we're handcuffed together for an entire day.

I had just set up everything I was gonna do for work

and you go, "We're out."

The gate clicker's in my car.

- Which means we have to get out of this car?

- That means we have to get back out.

- And then back in?

- And then back in, yeah.

- So, I'm hungry.

- [Michael] Is it--

- Let's go get some food.

All right.

After that, we went to Chipotle.

(Michael laughs)

And then we get to Chipotle and we're in line,

and this lady was like, "Oof, rough day?"

- It was only 45 minutes in. - It's that bad.

- She could already see it all over our faces.

- She could see what was happening!

- She completely,

I mean, but when you walk into a food establishment

with handcuffs on-- - True.

- Something is off.

You can tell everybody

about the years of torment that I put you through.

- So, we are actually half-siblings,

but I never got to see you very often,

and so I would always be this close to you. (laughs)

- And when we got together,

because of that-- - I really,

I remember one time, you tried to push me down the stairs.

- I won't deny that.

I also won't agree that that's true.

- But we went from Chipotle, and then we went to Sephora.

Michael's girlfriend, Chhavi, was with us,

and she really wanted to go to buy Sephora,

and I was like, "Hell yeah, I'm down for it."

Mike is not feelin' this.

It'll be okay.

- But see, it's a lot-- - My place is there.

Outside the door, where it's comfortable and there's air.

- I tapped out.

Chhavi wins, Chhavi definitely wins.

It's only been two hours

and this has been the longest two hours of my life.

- Feels like it's been 20.

- When we were leaving Sephora, Mike decided,

out of the blue, he needed to take a leak.

- I have to go to the bathroom.

I have to go now, and it's right there.

I'm not gonna lie to you, it was kind of a spike pee.

At that point, we were already in Sephora,

(laughs) and I was just like, - What?

- "I'm lettin' it rip."

- [Destinee] I'm talkin' bout,

I walked in there with like head down,

I was like, "Okay, I'm just gonna look at my feet."

- And this one guy was like starin' at you the whole time.

Like it kinda creeped me out.

He saw you walk in as he was about to walk out,

and he was like, "No, I'm here for this."

- (laughs) And we went to the nail salon

and they were very accommodating.

- [Michael] They were.

- [Destinee] They gave us a pillow,

they gave him a stool to sit next to me.

- [Michael] They were very nice.

- They also said, "What the hell are you doing?"

(both laugh)

- Yeah.

- Sorry.

- And we were kinda,

we were kinda good about going back and forth.

- It'll be fine! (laughs)

Come on, let's go! (laughs)

Michael, come on, I'm serious!

(laughing) Mike, Mike, Mike!

Okay, okay, you win, you win, you win, you win!

(Michael laughs)

- But then my blood sugar started getting low.

I got real hungry.

- That was by the time we got to the grocery store.

By the time we got to the grocery store,

he was just like, "I'm ready to go, I'm hungry."

- And then we had to shop for the food we were gonna eat.

- Yeah, and you should never

grocery shop on a hungry stomach.

- No, you shouldn't, but you know,

you have to do what you have to do

when you're handcuffed to your sister.

- This is what Mama made, are you,

do I need to call up our mother and be like,

"Ragu isn't good enough for Michael?"

- [Michael] Is that what she uses?

- Yes!

- [Michael] For everything?

- For spaghetti!

- You asked me what I wanted to eat.

I said turkey meatballs, you said okay.

- No, you said meatballs,

and I was like, "Ooh, spaghetti and meatballs, perfect."

Spaghetti and turkey gravy meatballs does not sound good.

- First of all, the recipe came recommended

from my friend who is a chef.

- But was it served with spaghetti?

- It's a meatball.

It's a meatball! - No!

- First of all, I'm handcuffed to you for 24 hours

and you can't give me two tablespoons of turkey gravy

on my recipe?

- I asked what you wanted to eat when we went to Chipotle.

- We cooked. - We cooked.

Key and Ryann came over from Real Housewives.

- [Michael] They did.

- [Destinee] And we were tryin'

to cook your meatballs and spaghettis.

At first, it was nonsense and chaotic.

(Michael laughs)

But then, we figured like,

"You work that half of the kitchen,

"I work this half of the kitchen."

- [Michael] Yeah.

- [Destinee] And we kind of got it down.


- Hey!

- Wine, housewives.

(woman laughs) (Destinee laughs)

So, we're done hosting for the night

and we have all of these dishes.

I say we just put 'em in the dishwasher.

- Great idea. (both laugh)

I was so physically drained.

And I ate a lot.

So when I finally laid down, it was over.

I was done.

So the snap that you got was like this

because that's how I sleep.

- Dude, I, did we snore?

(both laugh)

- My biggest thing going into this,

I was like, "Michael is always late doing something."

- Hey, first of all--

- It's always something.

- I wouldn't say always.

- We were late coming here!

- We were handcuffed together!

You can't plan to start your day

like you normally start it,

except now you're handcuffed to a person

and have the same-- - You plan accordingly.

- The same amount of, exactly. - You plan,

okay, we're not going back down this road.

- We're not doing that again.

- We're not going back down this road.

- Don't bring that up, stop being petty.

- [Destinee] You still had to come to my job

and I went to your job.

- [Michael] Yes.

- [Destinee] So I had meetings

that you had to be sitting in.

- [Michael] That's pretty cool.

- [Destinee] Yeah?

- [Michael] It was.

It was cool sitting in

and kind of seeing how it looks in here,

and there's all kinds of stuff going on, and--

- All right, so at the end of the--

- So (laughs) don't try to snap while I'm snappin'.

- (laughing) I'm trying to,

I'm trying to do this for my job.

- Okay, it's all right, I'll let you go.

- [Destinee] Sorry, excuse me. (laughs)

- So we're roaming the BuzzFeed hallway

and I'm just gonna interrupt the video that she's doing--

- Yes.

- With my Snap Story.

- I hope this is worth it for you.

- This is worth it for me.

- [Destinee] I hope this is worth it.

- I been handcuffed to you for the entire day

and this is my will, okay?

(Destinee laughs)

You see this?

I can't believe we're really doing this.

- [Destinee] I felt the same way going to your job.

Like it was really cool getting to see what you do

and your side of things.

But the whole us being fluid thing didn't work

when you were trying to deejay.

- No, it doesn't, because you don't know those movements

and you don't know how that whole situation works.

I move a lot, I move quickly.

- I definitely think this experience

has made me appreciate you more.

- Aw, that's sweet.

- Before, I was just like, "Oh yeah, this is my brother."

I see that you have like these different nuances

and mannerisms that make you you

that I didn't know were there before.

- And vice versa, you know.

You see that I get aggressive when I'm hungry.

(Michael laughs)

But I also have a different appreciation for you as well,

and I kind of also get to see, you know,

like what kind of woman you're becoming

as you're getting older

and starting your life and starting your career.

- [Destinee] Aw!

- [Michael] So that's, it's cool

to see where you're at right now,

you know, where you're working.

- He does love me!

(Michael laughs)

Wouldn't do this again, though.

- No, never again.

- Wouldn't do this again.

- You can call that a dub.

- Are we done, 24 hours?

- [Man] Yes.

- All right, yes, absolutely.

- Let's do this.

- Absolutely, sis, I'm wonderful.

Thank you, I'm good, bye.

- Oh, yes!

Here you go.

- [Destinee] Free at last, free at last!

(dramatic music)

(logo whooshes)

(hinge squeaks)

For more infomation >> Siblings Get Handcuffed For 24 Hours - Duration: 7:15.


CLIF : ESOP - Duration: 3:10.

My name is Robert Packard.

I'm a warehouse operator with Clif Bar.

I'm sixty years old.

I'm only seven years away from retirement, so you know what's on my mind?


When you're twenty-five you don't think about that so much but when you get a little older you start to think about it a little bit.

Every opportunity you have to prepare you should take advantage of it.

My mom always had a saying when I was growing up and it was...

"Put yourself in someone else's shoes."

And when we thought of doing the ESOP that was one of the things I thought of.

What would it be like when someone leaves the company, when they retire.

The ESOP, the Employee Stock Ownership Program, is really a great benefit for people working here.

The main benefit is that employees get ownership of the company, and they don't have to buy it.

It's a gift.

Kind of like, what? They just give that to you?

There's some vesting requirements and other things but it is intended as a retirement benefit.

And people can have their accounts grow over time.

And then that money will continue to build throughout your tenure with the company

by the time you get to retire it can really become a very significant amount of money.

I'm an avid fisherman.

I can't go to South America and fish for the kind of fish I want to but when I retire take a guess what?

I'm going to Bolivia, I'm fishing for Peacock Bass.

That added income coming in is going to make it to when I retire

that I'm actually going to be able to do what I dream about and what I wish I could do.

It's a sense of security, a sense that gives someone a purpose that they can

retire with dignity and retire with a lot of flexibility.

It helps me dream again.

In manufacturing, especially as an hourly team member

it's very unusual to be able to be part of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

We wanted to embrace everybody.

And this was our way of doing it, was like...

hey you're part of this company now and you're a part owner as well.

They own that joint.

Gary and Kit's philosophy is that the company is about our people.

It's truly family business.

And family is about love, right?

As much as a company can spread the love, I think Clif Bar tries to spread the love.

I'm just not an employee that comes here every day to work.

This is partly mine as well.

I'm not just an employee, I'm also an owner.

I'm an owner.

I'm an owner.

I'm an owner.

This is my company.

This is my company.

For more infomation >> CLIF : ESOP - Duration: 3:10.


马思唯(MASIWEI) - 成都(Rappers_ft. FreeT) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 马思唯(MASIWEI) - 成都(Rappers_ft. FreeT) - Duration: 4:03.


Series 11 Christmas Special - Would I Lie To You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 28:26.

For more infomation >> Series 11 Christmas Special - Would I Lie To You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 28:26.




BY Jon Rappoport,

Over the last 11 months, pharmaceutical companies have spent a stunning $3.2 billion on TV ads

for drugs.

That much money buys you influence.

It buys you control.

If a major network suddenly decided to set its hounds loose and investigate the overall

devastating effects of medical drugs on the public, there would be hell to pay at the


Drug companies wouldn�t stand for it.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr., whose film, Trace Amounts, about toxic mercury in vaccines, was getting

no media coverage, made this comment:

�I talked to Roger Ailes [then CEO of FOX News], who I have known since I was 17 years

old, he�s very sympathetic with this issue and saw the film Trace Amounts.

I said to him, �I just want to go on one of your shows.

Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.� He said to me, �I can�t

allow you on any of them.

I�d have to fire any of my hosts that allowed you on my station.� Because he said, �My

news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the

pharmaceutical companies�.�

That�s called control.

There is a wider sphere to consider.

Through octopus foundations like Rockefeller and Gates, for example, the medical/pharma

agenda is part and parcel of the Globalist agenda.

That is key.

Gathering in the world population under the umbrella of �humanitarian health care�

is a covert op of the highest order.

How can you control billions of people, erase national borders, destroy untold numbers of

communities and their traditions, wage senseless wars, send millions of jobs out of industrial

countries to Third World backwaters, and build a de facto global management system�unless

you can also debilitate, weaken, confuse, toxify, and thus pacify those billions of


Accomplishing this is the work of the pharmaceutical empire.

I have produced, many times, open-source mainstream reviews of the death and damage numbers wrought

by �Rockefeller medicine.� In the US, 106,000 deaths every year from government-approved


In the US and Europe, 330,000 die, every year, from correctly prescribed drugs.

6.6 million hospitalizations occur.

80 million adverse effects occur.

These are conservative estimates.

So�what is the likelihood that pharma-controlled mainstream news will dig deeply into the issue

of Globalism, the major tyrannical movement of our time?

The likelihood is zero.

The influence of pharmaceutical interests on the news is, therefore, much greater than

most people can fathom, in their wildest dreams.

Most people, when confronted with these pharmaceutical death-and-destruction reports, will immediately

dismiss them as impossible.

Others, who accept the reports, will claim the �unfortunate� facts show no intention

to harm whatsoever.

However, the reports are public knowledge.

They�ve been available to one and all.

Government officials�and particularly, pharma princes�know the truth.

And they�re doing nothing about it.

This is called a clue.

If you were in charge of a juggernaut operation that was causing this much horrific damage,

and you knew it, would you stand by and let it keep happening?

Would you foster the development of new drugs whose effects would only add to the ongoing


And would you exert such powerful control over major media that the truth could not

be told?

I didn�t think so.

The pharma princes are not like you.

You can�t see who they are if you look through the lens of your morality.

They don�t share that morality.

They don�t resemble you.

Don�t ascribe your qualities to them.

They don�t respond to life as you do.

Their capacity for self-deception is awesome.

Your good is not their good.

It is as if they were born freezing and never recovered.

They come from an Ice Age and their blood is still cold.

They are rigid robots.

Muscular truth can take them down.

For more infomation >> BIG PHARMA'S CONTROL OVER THE NEWS - Duration: 4:48.


#Ep13 To fight something off / Lutar contra algo (Uhm, Not exactly) - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> #Ep13 To fight something off / Lutar contra algo (Uhm, Not exactly) - Duration: 1:43.


The Real Reason Why These 2017 Films Flopped At The Box Office - Duration: 8:16.

2017 hasn't been Hollywood's best year at the box office.

The rise of high-quality entertainment options outside of theaters, combined with sequel

fatigue and rising ticket prices, have helped contribute to a series of domestic flops—leaving

the film industry struggling to cope with increasingly disappointing returns on their

would-be blockbusters.

These hugely expensive, high-profile releases have one thing in common: they all failed

to deliver at the box office.

Transformers: The Last Knight

The Transformers franchise has been a cash cow for Paramount for years, but the long-running,

series stumbled with The Last Knight.

The movie, which brought Sir Anthony Hopkins into the fold alongside Mark Wahlberg to expose

the secret history of the Transformers, was made on a $217 million budget, but only grossed

slightly over $130 million at the domestic box office.

There are a few things that can be blamed for The Last Knight's disappointing domestic

performance, including a slow summer box office that was unkind to several sequels and long-running


The film was also trashed by critics and faced tough competition from Guardians of the Galaxy

Vol. 2 and Wonder Woman, both of which had better reviews.

While The Last Knight failed to deliver in the States, it still did well overseas, pulling

in nearly $600 million.

This is still below the worldwide performances for previous Transformers installments Dark

of the Moon and Age of Extinction, but Paramount has shown no signs of slowing down with the


The next release, an '80s-set spinoff focusing on the popular Bumblebee character, is due

out in December of 2018.


Stop lubricating the man!'

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Luc Besson wowed sci-fi fans with The Fifth Element and Lucy, but he wasn't able to do

it again with Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

The movie starred Cara Delevingne and Dane DeHaan as two intergalactic agents on a quest

to save the universe and was a massive flop at the box office, pulling in just under $40

million in the US on a nearly $180 million budget.

Valerian had a few things standing in its way.

For one thing, its young stars, while both up-and-comers, weren't very well known, nor

was the comic on which it's based.

Reviews were also just average, which wasn't enough to push through the movie's confusing


Valerian also faced tough competition, opening the same weekend as Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk

and just shortly after Spider-Man: Homecoming and War for the Planet of the Apes.

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Guy Ritchie tried to launch a franchise with King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, a $175 million

epic that starred Charlie Hunnam as the title character.

However, the film suffered a massively disappointing box office run, bringing in just $39 million

domestic to kick off a stagnant summer.

King Arthur was plagued by bad omens from the start.

The movie came out after many, many years of attempts to make another film about the

character following 2004's King Arthur.

"You've got some heat on ya Arthur, you're name keeps coming up."

Reports say Ritchie's script was a messy mash-up that combined elements of all of the failed

projects that came before.

On top of that, the movie saw its release date delayed multiple times, which is rarely

a good sign.

King Arthur also suffered some pretty dismal reviews, amassing a 29 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

While the international box office did provide some relief, the movie is estimated to be

a $150 million loss for Warner Bros.

"You're giving me a headache."

The Great Wall

With Matt Damon in the lead and a bunch of weird monsters on the attack, it seemed reasonable

to expect that The Great Wall would be a hit.

However, a whitewashing controversy and bad reviews presaged its miserable box office

run, which brought in just $45 million domestic against a $150 million budget, plus marketing.

The Great Wall was set to pull together the power of Chinese and American audiences to

deliver what should have been a massive blockbuster, but it proved a domestic dud—perhaps in

part due to the controversy surrounding Damon's white savior narrative.

The movie also received the ire of critics, hitting just 35 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

The movie is said to have lost more than $75 million, a monumental loss for the investors.

The Mummy

Universal's plans to launch a monster movie universe hit an early snag when their reboot

of The Mummy made just $80 million domestic on a $125 million budget.

The Mummy started to unravel early on when it faced dismal reviews from critics, and

a slow summer box office that was unfriendly towards reboots also didn't help.

Many people thought The Mummy was also bogged down by its efforts to try to launch a cinematic

universe right away.

Unlike the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it immediately went gung-ho toward setting up something bigger,

an effort that took precedence over simply making a good film.

"We're all gonna come up with a new plan."

While the international box office was enough to keep Universal from scuttling their Dark

Universe altogether, there are definitely many lessons to be unwrapped from The Mummy.

Monster Trucks

Paramount knew Monster Trucks, the CGI-heavy blockbuster about a monster who, well, lives

in a truck, would be a flop long before the movie hit theaters in January.

Viacom, Paramount's parent company, wrote already off $115 million for the expected

bad performance of the still-unreleased film.

When it finally arrived in theaters, it realized the studio's worst fears, grossing just $33.3

million domestic against a $125 million budget.

"Kids will love this movie because explosions, monsters and really fast trucks."

Except they didn't.

At first, the studio had high hopes for Monster Trucks, which they thought could launch a

Transformers-type franchise.

However, the film was pushed back multiple times, and it eventually came out to the derision

of critics and was a monster disappointment.

Blade Runner 2049

Sure, Blade Runner 2049 received rapturous reviews thanks to its stunning visuals and

ability to both update and honor the original film's classic story.

However, its vocal fans were not able to help the movie make a big splash at the box office,

with the film opening to less than $32 million at the domestic box office against a $150

million budget.

One of the biggest issues was the film's extremely long run time, coming in at a whopping 163

minutes, which may have dissuaded casual moviegoers and limited the number of showings a theater

could hold in a day.

The film aso relied heavily on fans of the original film to turn out, and while many

of them did, Blade Runner wasn't exactly a box office success during its first run, either.

In the end, the biggest thing standing in Blade Runner 2049's way was itself.

The film was a stunning visual feast and making something that beautiful clearly wasn't going

to come cheap.


The expensive disaster flick Geostorm faced a chilly reception during its opening weekend,

and it wasn't because of malfunctioning weather machines.

The movie, starring Gerard Butler as a scientist tasked with saving the planet after the satellites

keeping the dangerous effects of climate change at bay malfunction, cost upwards of $120 million

to make but brought in just $13.3 million in its opening weekend, suggesting an expensive

failure for the studio.

"It's worse than we thought."

Geostorm was a troubled production from the start; its release date was pushed back multiple

times as the studio brought on mega-producer Jerry Bruckheimer to oversee costly reshoots

to fix a reportedly "unwatchable" first cut.

Its fate was sealed when it earned the ire of critics, who gave it an unlucky 13 percent

on Rotten Tomatoes.

On top of all of that, the movie hit theaters at an awful time, premiering just a few short

weeks after a trio of hurricanes devastated large parts of the United States and the Caribbean.

Talk about a disaster movie.

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> The Real Reason Why These 2017 Films Flopped At The Box Office - Duration: 8:16.


HUGE Asteroid Heading Towards Planet Earth - NASA Discovery - Duration: 2:23.

HUGE Asteroid Heading Towards Earth Well hello there!

Welcome back to IO!

It's me again!

For the new subscribers, I'm Ron, I used to be around more but then I started focusing

on Top 10 Nerd and Top 10 Gaming.

Shout out to my fellow nerds and gamers out there!

You'll be seeing a bit more of me in the next few weeks.

I'm sure that might make some of you sad, but don't worry!

Charlotte will still be around, she's just off being all talented and stuff.

In the meantime, let's talk space.

So you may have heard of a giant asteroid that a lot of folks are claiming is going

to crash into the Earth and doom us all.

This isn't exactly novel, sometimes it's an aliens ship, sometimes a rogue planet,

and sometimes a big asteroid, but every year we're still here.

That said space is scary, and it may well be that one of these could cause us to go

the way of the dinosaurs.

This time, scientists are talking about an asteroid that's been named "3200 Phaethon."

Not exactly the catchiest name, but whatcha gonna do?

Scientists have claimed that the Phaethon is a potentially hazardous object that's

heading towards the Earth.

Now here's when the language gets a bit misleading.

When people say it was heading "towards the Earth" it actually means "within 6.5

million miles of the Earth."

That is to say, it will pass within 821 Earths, of Earth.

So we're fine.

You may also hear the term "potentially hazardous" thrown around.

This isn't really as scary as it looks either.

A potentially hazardous object, or PHO, is one with an orbit that has the potential to

come close to Earth, and that WOULD cause significant regional damage IF it struck the


This doesn't mean that it WILL hit the Earth, or even that it's something to worry about.

As of March 2017, there were 1,786 PHAs (potentially hazardous asteroids), so this isn't exactly

one of a kind.

That said, if it did land, it could have some pretty disastrous consequences.

Phaethon is 3 miles wide, roughly half the size of the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs,

and could kill millions of people if it did touch down on Earth.

However, and here's the most important point, it's already passed us!

It missed by over 6 million miles, so we can relax!

However, it's still pretty close, so if you're interested in checking it out, grab

your telescope before it gets too far!

It won't be back again until 2093!

That's it for today!

Thanks so much for watching guys, if you enjoyed, please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe

to IO for more videos!

Let me know what YOU would name this asteroid in the comment section down below!

3200 Phaethon sounds so weird, it should be something cool like "Disastrocon" or "Paul."

If you enjoy this video, maybe check out this bad boy about flat Earth.

Now THAT'S an interesting comment section.

Hope you guys are having a fantastic day, and I'll see you in the next one.

Later taters!

For more infomation >> HUGE Asteroid Heading Towards Planet Earth - NASA Discovery - Duration: 2:23.


Vlogmas: Prague Christmas Market - Duration: 4:25.

Hey guys!

I'm in Prague in the Czech Republic and behind me is the Old Town Square Christmas Market.

This Market has been called one of the top ten in the entire world

and one look at that huge Christmas tree tells you why.

This enormous Christmas tree is almost 25 metres tall

and it really is the centre piece, the crowning glory, of this entire market here

and what I love about this is that the company whose job it is to source the tree- the perfect tree -

actually offers a reward- a monetary reward - for tips on finding the absolute perfect tree.

And what I love about the process of finding this tree

is that they look for one that's already in danger of being cut down

which minimizes the environmental impact, of course, of cutting down a huge, beautiful tree

and then at the end of the Christmas season after everyone has enjoyed its beauty here at the market -

and I'm personally just feeling a lot of joy just looking at it, as I'm sure you are -

they actually use it for mulch so the whole tree has a lovely life cycle.

One thing I've noticed in the Czech Republic is that fortune-telling is very popular,

especially at Christmastime,

so I grabbed some honey wine and wanted to tell you a couple of my favourite stories

that I've heard about this fortune-telling.

One of them is that at Christmas dinner, when everyone is sitting around the table and everyone's finished eating,

every person has to cut an apple in half cross-wise from the top down, from the stem,

and then show both halves to everybody sitting at the table.

And if you have a star it brings good health and happiness for the next year

and it's kind of a prophecy that everyone at the table will get around and be happy at next year's gathering.

If, however, you cut your apple in half and you find a four pointed cross

that is a very bad sign that something is going to happen in the next year-

someone is going to fall ill or even die.

So that could be a real downer after you finish your beautiful Christmas dinner

but feel free to try this, if you dare.

My other favourite story I've heard is about women who are unmarried.

You're supposed to stand with your back to the door and throw a shoe over your shoulder towards the door

and if the shoe lands with the toe pointing at the door it means that you will get married in the next year.

If it's not pointing towards the door it means that you'll be single for at least another year

when you can try tossing a shoe again.

So cheers to that.

This market really deserves a bird's eye view

and the best way to see it is from the viewing platform right in the centre.

If you're lucky, you might see the lights go off

and then come on again with music for a light show on the Christmas tree.

I realize we're in Czech Republic but we walked by this Serbian booth and I just could not resist

because they're selling bureks, which looks like this,

and bureks are made with dough that's stretched over a huge long table

and then they put different fillings in.

So I got one with cheese and spinach and it's piping hot - it just stopped steaming -

and I am going to enjoy this very much 'cause I'm starving.

Oh yeah that's really good.

You know my policy about warm, cheesy carbs: ten out of ten.

I found this cozy little space between two of the stalls

because I need somewhere to eat this traditional Czech food I just bought.

This is cabbage with ham and potato.

I've never tried this before but I'm going to end the vlog here.

I hope that you guys enjoyed seeing the Christmas Market here at Prague's Old Town Square.

If you liked this video, don't forget to like it - give it a thumbs up - and share it.

Subscribe for more videos and I'll see you in my next one.


For more infomation >> Vlogmas: Prague Christmas Market - Duration: 4:25.


New local business focused on helping photographers - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> New local business focused on helping photographers - Duration: 3:40.


Message To Parents Of Visually Impaired Children - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Message To Parents Of Visually Impaired Children - Duration: 10:09.


21 Savage X Future Type Beat - "Cutthroat" | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 | Prod. @MattBricks_ - Duration: 3:23.

21 Savage X Future Type Beat - "Cutthroat" | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 | Prod. @MattBricks_

For more infomation >> 21 Savage X Future Type Beat - "Cutthroat" | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 | Prod. @MattBricks_ - Duration: 3:23.


Crochet Gingerbread Man Tutorial - Duration: 26:20.

Hello everyone thank you for joining me, today I'll be showing you how to make

this gingerbread man. I'll show you how to do this dress in a separate video.

You'll need a tanny, gingery color for the gingerbread man. That's the closest I

could get, black for the eyes and the buttons and I'm using blue for the

bow tie. You'll also need scissors, a crochet hook,

I use thread for sewing it together and I'm using red cotton for the mouth. I use

a darning needle to weave in my ends and a sewing needle to sew it together. I'm

starting with the head. I start with a magic loop, and work three chain, and

fourteen double crochet into my circle.

I pull the circle tight and slip stitch into the third chain. For row 2 I

start with three chain and work a double crochet into the same place as the chain,

and then work two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll work this row

and I'll be back. At the end of the row we join with a slip stitch in the third

chain and fasten off.

And that's the head done I'll just weave in my ends and then I'll be back and

we'll start on the arms. For the first arm we start with 8 chain

and now we join to the head, you can join anywhere, first you do a

double crochet into the next stitch you do a half double crochet and then one

single crochet into each of the next three stitches,

then a half double crochet, and a double crochet, and then for the second arm we

work ten chain.

For row 2 we miss the first 2 chain and work 2 half-double crochet into the next

stitch, next we work one half double crochet into each of the next 3 stitches,

two half double crochet into the next stitch, and then a half double crochet

into each of the remaining chain for the first arm, and then you flip it

round and then work a half double crochet across the bottom of the head,

one in each stitch,

and then one half double crochet into each of the next three chain,

2 half double crochet into the next chain,

and then one half double crochet into each of the chain until the last one.

We work 2 half-double crochet into our last chain.

For row 2 we start with 2 chain and work a joined half double crochet over the

first two stitches, and then work one half double crochet into each of the

next four stitches,

two half double crochet into the next stitch, and one half double crochet into

each of the next 13 stitches,

two half double crochet into the next stitch, and one half double crochet into

each stitch until the last two,

and then we work a joined half double crochet over the last two stitches, and

fasten off.

And that's the arms done. I'll just weave in my ends and I'll be back and we'll do

the body. Now for the body I find the center stitch and then join

four stitches back, so this stitch here. I

work 2 chain and then work one half double crochet into each of the next

eight stitches.

For row 2 I start with 2 chain and then work one half double crochet into each

of the eight stitches.

For rows three to six we start with two chain and we work one half double

crochet into each stitch and then we work a half double crochet into the top

of the two chain at the end of the row, so we'll increase one stitch over those

rows and we finish up with twelve stitches. Just in there in the top of the

chain and then two chain and turn and we work the same, one half double crochet in

each stitch and a half double crochet into the top of the chain.

It's just bending out a little bit on each side so two more rows the same.

Last row 2 chain and then one half double crochet over each stitch and one

half double crochet into the top of the the chain and we'll have 12 stitches, 12

half double crochet plus the two chain,

and there's the body. For the first leg we start with 2 chain and we work a

half double crochet into the next four stitches and then a joined half double

crochet over the next two, and that's the start of our leg.

For the next row we work 2 chain, a joined half double crochet over the first

two, and then a half double crochet into each stitch to the end, and a half double

crochet into the top of the chain.

For the following row we've got 2 chain, a

half double crochet into each stitch to the last two, and then a joined half

double crochet over those two stitches.

For the following row 2 chain, a joined half double crochet into the first two

stitches and then one half double crochet into each stitch and a joined

half double crochet over the first two chain. For the following row we work 2

chain and we work a half double crochet cluster over all our stitches,

and fasten off.

And that's our first leg done. I'll just weave in my end I just find it

gets in the way with my bad fingers and I'll be back. For the second leg we

join in the stitch after the first leg,

and work 2 chain and then work one half double crochet into each stitch and a

half double crochet in the top of the two chain.

For the next row we work 2 chain and turn and work one half double crochet

into each stitch until we get to the last two stitches and we work a joined

half double crochet over those two.

For the next row we start with 2 chain and turn and work a joined half double

crochet over the first two stitches, and then a half double crochet into each

stitch and also into the top of the 2 chain. For the following row we work 2

chain and turn and work a half double crochet into each stitch until the last

two, and work a joined half double crochet over those two.

For the next row we work 2 chain and then work a half double crochet cluster

over all the stitches.

And there's the gingerbread man. I'm now going to work a row of single crochet

right around to neaten the edges. So I start with one chain and then work a

single crochet into each stitch.

Just find a suitable place to put your hook in so it's not doesn't show up too


And don't pull too tight so that it sits flat. I'll find a better place for that


So I'll continue working my single crochet around and then I'll be back.

When we've worked our single crochet all the way around we slip stitch into the

first chain and fasten off and that's the gingerbread man. The eyes and the

buttons are worked the same. I'm using my black and I make a magic loop and work

one chain and four single crochet into my circle. I pull the circle tight and

slip stitch into the chain and fasten off. I'll need four of those. For the bow

tie I'm using blue today. I make a magic loop, and work three chain,

one double crochet, three chain, slip stitch into the circle, work another

three chain, a double crochet and three more chain and slip stitch into the


I pull the circle tight and I fasten off but I leave quite a long tail because

I'm going to sew around the bow tie just the middle with my thread.

So I'll weave in my endings and I'll make three more circles and I'll be back

and we'll put it together. Now here's all my pieces ready, the first thing I'll do

is stitch on a mouth. I'm going to use red cotton and I'll do that and I'll be

back and I'll stitch on the eyes. Now there's a mouth, now the eyes go

just above the mouth I've been putting them

about halfway through that circle part. Just stitching them on there. The bow tie

goes in the center about there and I stitch it on with my tail and I stitch

over quite a number of times over the center part just to hold it on and I

don't stitch around the edges. So I'll do that and I'll be back. The last thing

I'll do is attach the buttons evenly on the front, like that and I'll give it a

bit of an iron and I'll show you the finished Gingerbread man. There's the

gingerbread man finished. If you'd like to make a gingerbread lady the body and

head is done the same and I'll show you how to do the dress on a separate video.

If you like my video please like subscribe and share. I'm also on

Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter the details are in the description below.

Thank you for watching see you next time, bye.

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