Monday, December 18, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 18 2017

The first time I actually realized that I had met my goal in working out at the

Y was when I put everything on and I could walk around and everything. And I

could get on my horse without using a mounting block and the armor didn't

weigh me down and I wasn't incredibly sore afterwards. But the real benefit and

the real crowning jewel came when the owner of the company went to my husband and

said, "Tell your wife to knock it off." He said, "What do you mean?" He goes, "This is not

competition tilting. She's not trying to unhorse him. Tell her to knock it off.

She doesn't have to hit that hard." So then it's kind of been an ongoing goal

of mine every year to hit just a little bit harder. Because if I can make the owner

of the company whine to stop hitting so hard and I can make, you know, the other

jousters get off and rub their shoulders or rub their arm and go, "Okay, those are

good solid hits," then I'm happy. I've done my job.

I thought I was in pretty good shape. I thought I was pretty strong. I could

drive fence posts and you know haul everything around that I needed to haul.

Until I decided to become a jouster. And the very first time I

picked up a lance and they said, "Okay, couch your lance," and I raised this 10-foot pinewood

pole up and go to drop it and it just keeps dropping. Like, you have to keep it

up with two hands. "No, one hand!" "But I can't." "Well then you can't do this." So it

was the fight of, "I have to be stronger." The first time I fitted myself into all

my leg armor, I thought I was going to die because you couldn't walk and then you're walking in

sand and you have to fight, and it's just, there was a lot to do and I suddenly

realized that I was sore every day. And I hurt and it wasn't any fun anymore.

I was disillusioned I guess and so we have a family plan

at the YMCA. The other gyms didn't offer that. The other gyms had the

benefit of, oh we're 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That's great. What am I going

to do with my kids? The Y has an awesome place upstairs that they can hang out. Plus

they offer some classes that my kids can get into and some benefits of

letting my kids learn how to eat nutritiously and how to work out

properly. Just fun ways of getting them involved. It was economical for us

and it just felt like the right place to be. I started hitting it hard and heavy

at the Y after that first season of jousting. I decided I didn't want to be

sore, I didn't want to be tired. I didn't want my equipment to feel so heavy and

so cumbersome. I wanted to just enjoy what I was doing.

Specifically for jousting...the triceps on the machine, pull downs this way, pull

downs this way, push downs this way, go onto biceps, you're doing the lawnmower

pull, work in chest, do inclines/declines and flats, back and shoulders.

I use a lot of the machine. Do a lot of lat pulldown. Lots of push ups. Lots of

planking. Lots of core exercises and there are a lot of people at the Y

that help you do that. They'll see you doing something. "Do you need help?" And you

tell them what you need and they're more than happy to help.

It was really neat...the first time a little girl came up to me and there's a wood maker that

makes replica shields and lances and things of ours. And she had my shield and

she says, "Will you sign it?" You get emails from parents that are like,

"Thank you for being a strong role model for my daughter. Now she, you know, she's

got someone to look up to." My hopes are that not only these little girls that I

don't know all of them, but hopefully my own kids will look up and go, "Well, my

mom's really strong and she's done all these things and so I can do it too."

For more infomation >> Amy - There's a Y in Every Family - Duration: 4:07.


Comunidad Njambre Espacio de innovación y cocreación de empresas de innovación de impacto - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Comunidad Njambre Espacio de innovación y cocreación de empresas de innovación de impacto - Duration: 3:46.


DIY Miraculous Ladybug XMAS 🐞 +7 ideas - HOW TO Party themed / inspired - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> DIY Miraculous Ladybug XMAS 🐞 +7 ideas - HOW TO Party themed / inspired - Duration: 10:40.


Isabel Gemio desvela los momentos más duros de 2017 - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Isabel Gemio desvela los momentos más duros de 2017 - Duration: 7:19.


6 alimentos que te ayudan a promover la función pulmonar - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> 6 alimentos que te ayudan a promover la función pulmonar - Duration: 7:53.


3 TIPS for IMPROVE your HANDSTAND + 3 Best EXERCISES - Duration: 6:30.

What's up guys! Today I bring to you solutions with your Handstand problems

If you want improve your body or your statics

we have to know this static its very essential

for the beginners and the advanced calisthenics

Today I bring 3 tips they gonna help you with your Handstand let's start!

maybe for a lot of people is not important to train, but this is a mistake because when you start to grow up in this sport

the exercises you have already done they become basics for your routines

for example, a person who have the maltese he can't leave his full planche trainings

beacause the full planche is a progression for get the maltese

it's the same, the handstand is an progression for do some hard statics

and remembering that the handstand is a good way to get streght on your shoulders and your traps

so this is the reason because is very important to train the handstand

with the correct tecnhique and always do the same for keep the progress, let's start with the tips!

the first tip is about our shoulders!

our shoulders have to stay always opened

because this static position

For more infomation >> 3 TIPS for IMPROVE your HANDSTAND + 3 Best EXERCISES - Duration: 6:30.



For more infomation >> CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IN MEDELLIN | MEDELLIN EN 3 - Duration: 3:01.


'Snooze', el botón en Facebook para "silenciar" amigos, páginas o grupos en la red social - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 'Snooze', el botón en Facebook para "silenciar" amigos, páginas o grupos en la red social - Duration: 0:56.


Defesas & Gols(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 4:24.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

Goals & Defenses

Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.

For more infomation >> Defesas & Gols(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 4:24.


Quelle est la différence entre un pingouin et un manchot ? - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Quelle est la différence entre un pingouin et un manchot ? - Duration: 1:14.


Trump apunta a Rusia y China como rivales que amenazan la prosperidad de EEUU - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Trump apunta a Rusia y China como rivales que amenazan la prosperidad de EEUU - Duration: 5:40.


6 consejos para eliminar naturalmente los acrocordones - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> 6 consejos para eliminar naturalmente los acrocordones - Duration: 9:47.


Sonadow Me gusta - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Sonadow Me gusta - Duration: 4:07.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Jim Jordan Just Dropped a Shocker to Judge Jeanine — "We're going to subpoena" - Duration: 3:06.

Jim Jordan Just Dropped a Shocker to Judge Jeanine — "We're going to subpoena"

As the RINO Republicans in Washington slowly get the message that conservative Americans

are through with the business as usual method of kow-towing to Democrats, a new breed of

Republican fighters is emerging in Congress.

Trey Gowdy, Louie Gohmert, and Devin Nunes are leading the charge, but standing shoulder

to shoulder with them and demanding answers is Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.

Jordan appeared on Judge Jeanine's show on Saturday night and dropped a major bombshell

about their plans for the FBI leadership.

From the Independent Journal Review website:

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) revealed on Saturday that he wants to "subpoena" FBI Deputy

Director Andrew McCable and Peter Strzok, the FBI official who was removed from the

agency's Russia probe after his anti-Trump text messages came to light.

"We're going to subpoena Andrew McCabe, subpoena Peter Strzok," Jordan said.

"Let's get all the documents, let's bring them in for depositions," the Republican


"Let's put them on the same witness stand that Rosenstein sat in last week and Sessions

sat on a few weeks ago and ask them the same tough questions so the American people can

get the answers."

Republicans have shifted their focus to McCabe after thousands of texts messages between

Strzok and fellow FBI official Lisa Page were released.

One of the messages included a reference to an "insurance policy" against then-candidate

Donald Trump, Fox News reported:

"I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office – that

there's no way he gets elected – but I'm afraid we can't take that risk," Strzok

texted on Aug. 15, 2016.

"It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40."

That's a text among Deep Staters if ever there's been one, isn't it?

Speculation, of course is that Andy is, of course, Andrew McCabe, and that's not really

a huge leap to make since Lisa Page, the recipient of Strzok's text messages is McCabe's


What's chilling about it, of course, is that they seemed to be developing some sort

of contingency plan to put into effect to keep Trump out of the White House and subvert

the will of the American people.

Also from

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) told "Fox and Friends" the text

message concerns him the most.

"Andy is presumably Andrew McCabe … and this text is very troubling because it suggests

that they're doing something, they have a plan to take action to make sure that Donald

Trump does not get elected president of the United States at the highest levels of the

Federal Bureau of Investigation," Goodlatte said.

As much as the liberals and FBI would like for it to, this isn't going away anytime


Here's the video of Jordan's interview with Judge Jeanine so you can see if for yourself.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today

For more infomation >> Jim Jordan Just Dropped a Shocker to Judge Jeanine — "We're going to subpoena" - Duration: 3:06.


Regenerate cartilage | Discover which foods help regenerate cartilage - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Regenerate cartilage | Discover which foods help regenerate cartilage - Duration: 7:46.


Freshwater skimmer, or surface skimmer | Practical Fishkeeping - Duration: 1:46.

Freshwater skimer, or surface skimmer

This type of skimmer is not exclusive to fresh water but is where we most see its application.

The advantage of this skimmer is to be small, a small skimmer is already able to clean the surface

of a large aquarium.

They work by sucking only the upper layer of water, the lamina where the surface tension

and where we see the retention of particles and fat.

Although the name is skimmer, it is not a true skimmer because this word means skimmer

and there are no bubbles like in the true skimmer.

Another advantage is that they are cheap because they use a simpler system of operation.

One can buy a good eheim surface skimmer for a mere fraction of a normal skimmer.

They are suitable for planted aquariums where they are also widely used, do not

the C02 dissolved and improves the quality of water incredibly.

In my case, I use it in a nano and the water quality is much higher when it does not

I'm using

Because I did not have a sump this kind of filtering for me became practically


In the matter of saltwater aquariums, I can not say to what extent they can dispense

the use of a traditional skimmer.

Unfortunately I can not answer this yet, but in the matter of nanos, I believe to be fully

it is possible to touch one of these simpler aquariums of softs and few fish with this skimmer.

For more infomation >> Freshwater skimmer, or surface skimmer | Practical Fishkeeping - Duration: 1:46.


Služba državne bezbednosti, ili pretorijanska garda? - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Služba državne bezbednosti, ili pretorijanska garda? - Duration: 4:19.


유준상 계속 음악하는 이유요?..좋은 배우 되기 위해(인터뷰)- 스타뉴스 엔터테인먼트 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 유준상 계속 음악하는 이유요?..좋은 배우 되기 위해(인터뷰)- 스타뉴스 엔터테인먼트 - Duration: 3:01.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Where the 'I love you' sign came from | OUR FIRST T-SHIRT SALE! - Duration: 4:37.

hey guys!

What's up guys

so the history of the I love you sign that we use all the time

okay. Let me explain

It's a really cool story

so you know the 'i'

Then 'L'

'Love', 'L'

then 'Y', 'You'


then hmm. Why not put them all together?

'I'! 'L'! 'Y'

I love you!

That simple

it's funny that I didn't know that for the longest time.

untill I told you

I was like what? I just used it

and you told me like three years after using it every day all the time.

If there was a sign that used. I use the most it would be the 'I love you' sign

We just use it all the time

I think that sign is big in the Deaf community

Also, it's starting more in the Hearing community now

I've seen a lot of actors and famous people

oh really? I haven't seen that

starting to use 'I love you now'. It's becoming more common

I've seen like 'shaka'

I've seen more 'I love you' that is seriously 'I love you'

like Gene Simmons from KISS

He says 'I love you' all the time

He tried to trade mark the 'I love you' sign

oh really

but he wasn't successful


It didn't work out

but anyways speaking of the 'I love you' sign we love that sign

so much that we put it as one of our designs that you guys pick this one here

and now they are available on our

website called

You guys can go over there and order them. they're ready to be ordered

There are other designs like this, but more like old style

nobody wants that now

It's all about the hip young style

This one's cuter. It's true. You've seen like the

'I love you's out there but this one I think

is a lot cuter than the other ones

I would use this. I would


Mines not ready yet so that's why I'm not using it

but yours is ready

yep and it turned out really great! I just like.

It's just perfectly simple and

so you can order them until the 26th of December. After that we're gonna cut off

the orders and then we're gonna get them going and made so we can send them out

to you as soon as possible

Also, I want to make it clear that

when you buy the shirts there will be no shipping fees.

We're going to cover that. Just to let you know

because nobody likes to pay for shipping

I hate paying for shipping

We're going to cover that

so no shipping costs for you guys. We didn't

want to charge you guys shipping.

Patrons get 10% off shirts(everything). So if you're a patron

So if you're a patron don't forget to

go check out the patreon page before you order and we picked really good quality

shirts they're cotton

R: oh, do you want to tell them...?



so they're very soft and very good quality

they're not cheap shirts we wanted to get premium quality

The clothing company is in Los Angeles


Made in Los Angeles


here in California

so I was really happy that we were able to order from them because they're made here in

in America you know. You know that it's. People are being paid fair wages and

everything so I was really happy about that

The company that we buy from is a small company that

that hires workers. It's not a big company. It's a small

That's why we chose to support them

mm-hmm yeah so anyone who wants to order a shirt go ahead and do that and um

we'll see you guys later! Love you!

Sign Duo


For more infomation >> Where the 'I love you' sign came from | OUR FIRST T-SHIRT SALE! - Duration: 4:37.


Research Bank: Why I Joined | Kaiser Permanente - Duration: 3:41.

♪ ♪

So yeah, I found out that I was pregnant.

It was absolutely amazing.

My perspective changed.

It's not about me anymore.

It's about this little person that I have to take care of.

So I was so excited; it was like my dream come true.

I'll have the boy and my two girls; always I wanted that.

The doctor came and say that

"Have you considered your daughter has Down Syndrome?"

"What? Please tell me that's not true."

And he said "Yes."

What's gonna happen?

Is she gonna be okay?

How are we gonna deal with this?

Looking back on our appointment with Dr. Finn,

she kind of looked at us

and she saw that we were not beat down.

We want to know more.

We really want to be an advocate for our daughter

and we want to be ahead of the curve and not behind, right?

We don't want to be reactive.

We want to be proactive.

And that's when she says like

"You know, we're forming a research bank committee

we would love for you to be a part of."

We jumped out of our seat and said

"Yes, we want to be a part of this."

The Kaiser Permanente Research Bank

collects blood from the members of Kaiser

to be able to study those blood samples

to hopefully be able to find

cures or treatments for diseases.

For me what's personal,

if somebody asked me

if the Research Bank and Kaiser Permanente, it's safe?

Can I trust if I donate my blood?

I definitely will say yes.

One of the things that was very fascinating to me was that

there was a company like Kaiser

that was willing to actually meet with you, meet with people;

I mean, they were transparent about it.

It was like "This is what the Research Bank does."

We were taken even to the facilities

to see what the biobank is

and get an explanation of what it was

so that then we could go to the community and say

this is what they're doing.

We are able to bring our voice,

like we as part of a faith community, as Hispanics,

we're able to actually to come and bring the concerns about

or the questions that our communities might have.

And so it feels good actually to be a part of this

and for us to say

"Okay, this plan and this strategy that Kaiser has,

we've been part of it."

It's important for us as a minority community

they get our blood;

that's the only way that they can find out

what's going on in our community.

They need us to be able to find out why, for example,

the Hispanic community is getting diabetes.

The only way they find out something is from us

with our blood and they need us.

And they need us now.

Anything we can do to help our daughter, our other kids,

other people, yeah, we're all in.

Through the process I've learned that Janella has come to us

as a gift and we love her for that gift that she is.

And it's been quite an interesting journey, for sure.

You can experience the most wonderful love.

I think it's the most rewarding experience

if you want to have your future generations, your kids get,

they need us

and it's our responsibility as a human being to help.


For more infomation >> Research Bank: Why I Joined | Kaiser Permanente - Duration: 3:41.


Magdalena Boczarska urodziła! Znamy płeć i imię dziecka! - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Magdalena Boczarska urodziła! Znamy płeć i imię dziecka! - Duration: 2:36.


Nie tylko Antonina i Kondrat. Te pary też zdecydowały się na dzieci, choć dzieli.... - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Nie tylko Antonina i Kondrat. Te pary też zdecydowały się na dzieci, choć dzieli.... - Duration: 2:14.


Rodney Dangerfield Warms Up the Crowd (1988) - Duration: 2:26.


- Alright, okay, okay.

Alright, what a crowd.

What a night.

What a bullshit artist.


No, I'll tell ya, I'm alright now,

but last week I was in rough shape, you know.

Last week I made love to an inflatable girl,

now I got an inflatable guy lookin' for me.


I'll tell you, with girls, I never had any luck.

I'm not a sexy guy.

My dog found out we look alike, he killed himself.


No, I know I'm not sexy.

In high school, I was voted the most likely to masturbate.

(laughing) (applause)

That's okay.

Are you kiddin'?

And my wife, she don't help, either, my wife.

She was afraid of the dark, she saw me naked,

now she's afraid of the light.


With my wife, I never get a break.

We made a rule, we only smoke after sex.

I got the same pack now since 1975.

(laughing) (applause)

And my wife, she's up to three packs a day.

That's alright, okay.

That's alright baby, alright, alright.

That's okay. (cheering)

Are you kiddin'?

My wife, my wife she told me I was one in a million.

I found out she was right.


That's the story of my life, no respect.

I don't get no respect at all, you kiddin'?

I get no respect at all, are you kiddin'?

(cheering) (applause)

No respect at all.

Well, when I was a kid, Halloween, my old man dressed me

as a hydrant, took me to the dog show.


What a childhood I had.

My whole family were drunks.

When I was missing, they put

my picture on a bottle a Scotch.


What a childhood.

My uncle's dying wish, he wanted me on his lap.

He was in the electric chair.

(laughing) (applause)

(cheering) That's alright,

we'll work it out people, we'll work it out.

That's alright.

Now, my doctor, too, that's another one.

You know my doctor, Dr. Vinnie Boombatz.

Know my doctor? (cheering)

(applause) Forget it, will ya?

What a doctor.

He's really mixed up.

He grabbed my knee and told me to cough,

then hit me in the balls with a hammer.


I tell ya, I don't know who to believe anymore.

They say love thy neighbor as thyself.

What am I supposed to do, jerk him off too?


For more infomation >> Rodney Dangerfield Warms Up the Crowd (1988) - Duration: 2:26.


Daria Widawska: Jestem straszliwie nerwowa i wybuchowa - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Daria Widawska: Jestem straszliwie nerwowa i wybuchowa - Duration: 10:44.


Stan bezpieczeństwa państwa: Zmiany klimatu a nowe szlaki komunikacyjne i handlowe w Arktyce - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Stan bezpieczeństwa państwa: Zmiany klimatu a nowe szlaki komunikacyjne i handlowe w Arktyce - Duration: 8:41.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE Airco-Trekhaak-Cruise Hoge Zit - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE Airco-Trekhaak-Cruise Hoge Zit - Duration: 0:50.


Melankolik Rap Beat I Sad Rap Beat I Ağır Roman - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Melankolik Rap Beat I Sad Rap Beat I Ağır Roman - Duration: 3:51.


The Government Uses Mariah Carey To Control Us During Christmas - Duration: 5:32.

("All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey)

(plays twice speed and then slows right down)

- [Narrator] It's the most wonderful time of the year

as long as you don't mind hearing

Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You

fucking everywhere.

It's inescapable.

But how did we get to this point?

"All I Want for Christmas is You" erupted in 1994,

when the only means for mass music distribution

were radio and TV, both federally controlled by the FCC.

We were inundated with this track,

and as a society have grown to believe

it can't be Christmas time without Mariah.

23 years later, we're all complicit pawns

in its annual distribution,

blasting it into our own brainwashed ears.

File this away under Less than Shocking,

but the Government has a rich history

of using music as a weapon.

Sound torture is not a new thing, or unique to the US.

It dates back to the ancient Aztecs as a tool of war,

but Uncle Sam found that songs

with repetitive lyrical content, like Barney's I Love You,

and intense decibel ranges, Metallica's Enter Sandman,

are effective ways to turn a human brain into egg nog.

Think about that the next time you hear Mariah

nail those high notes while repeating the same lyrics

over and over and over and over again.

The entire premise of the song is

Mariah doesn't want gifts this Christmas,

all she wants is time with her romantic partner.

But anyone who has ever been in any kind of relationship

knows this is a trap.

If your significant other says

they don't want anything for Christmas,

they definitely still want something for Christmas.

The full song title should be

All I Want for Christmas is You

To Still Buy Me Some Shit or Else I'm Dumping Your Sorry Ass

Hearing this song throughout the holiday season

triggers a primal fight or flight

or max out my credit card instinct,

that subconsciously scares you

into buying more gifts than you would have otherwise

to guarantee your mate doesn't abandon you

in the middle of a cold winter.

All of this fuels the seasonal business

that accounts for 19.2% of all retail sales in America,

and 768,000 Christmas related jobs.

You have Mariah to thank for your yearly economic boom

you can set your watch to.

This is still a trap.

At the very least, you better show up on Christmas

with a hand made book of love coupons

for things like a shitty back massage

or a month of no farts.

These coupons often have no cash value,

but will still cause you to spend money

on arts and crafts supplies,

along with your valuable time you could have spent

plotting to overthrow the Government.

Attempting to circumvent all of this

and just get a card this Christmas?

Congratulations, you just bought one

of the 1.9 billion Christmas cards

purchased in the US every year, according to a 2005 Census.

All those cards are taxed, and those taxes add up.

There's nothing you can do

to escape Mariah's siren song of spending.

Mariah clearly states in the song

that she wants her romantic partner

to be hers and only hers, presumably forever.

She's not interested in anything casual,

or one of those functional polyamorous relationships

people on Reddit lie about having.

She wants a monogamous commitment

that directly benefits the US Government.

From a practical standpoint,

marriage lowers the risk of mass sedition.

Have you ever tried to pick a place to eat with your spouse?

Now imagine trying to agree on a revolutionary cause.

That project is never getting off the ground.

From a fiscal perspective,

the business of getting married

was estimated to be worth over $53 billion a year in 2014,

but because your simple ass thought

you'd found your soulmate when you locked eyes

in the sweater department of Macy's

while a Mariah Carey song was playing,

you're probably gonna wind up divorced,

because you two don't have shit in common

besides Macy's, Mariah Carey and sweaters.

And the annual business of getting divorced

generates a whopping $175 billion,

and around and around we are all doomed to go,

while Uncle Sam takes his cut.

Thanks, Mariah!

But it's not enough to settle down and get married

to whoever you're dating when you're 30.

In order to be a good cog in society,

you need to have a child.

Mariah's song wants you to create another mouth to feed,

which means working hard to spend more money until you die.

And, more importantly, providing the United States

with another soldier in the very likely event

we have to battle robots in the near future.

Mariah uses the word "Baby"

an average of once every 21 seconds in the song.

If you don't wanna have unprotected sex

with the intention of conceiving a child,

or at least consider adopting by the end of the song,

there's something wrong with you.

She also talks a lot about holding hands and kissing,

two things I'm told can lead to sex.

And that sex will probably lead to you

having a stupid ass kid.

Guess what?

You'll have to buy that stupid ass kid

many gifts for many Christmases yet to come,

further bolstering the bottom line for our national economy.

By the time New Year's rolls around,

all we wanna do is buy stuff and fuck,

and get married and have babies for another 10 months,

until the cycle starts again.

Mariah's message has been sufficiently

drummed into our skulls one more time,

and we are mindless robots

ready to perpetuate the patriarchal Government

and seasonal retail economy.

Before we know it, November rears its autumnal head,

and it's all Mariah, all the time, everywhere you go,

whether you like it or not, motherfucker.

Then we cart her out on national TV to sing

All I Want for Christmas is You

in increasingly grand ceremonies

that the Romans might see and say, this feels a bit much.

So this holiday season,

if you wanna buy your loved one something nice,

or get married and have a dumb kid,

do it because it's something you wanna do,

not because Mariah brainwashed you

in the Best Buy checkout line.

And if I disappear tomorrow,

never to be heard from again,

it's because I was right about all of this

and the Government silenced me.

But I'd rather die on my feet

than live sitting on Santa's lap.

All I Want for Christmas is The Truth!

For more infomation >> The Government Uses Mariah Carey To Control Us During Christmas - Duration: 5:32.


Am I Willing to "GO" for the Lord? - Duration: 28:32.

For more infomation >> Am I Willing to "GO" for the Lord? - Duration: 28:32.


Polski punkt widzenia 18.12.2017 - Duration: 20:49.

For more infomation >> Polski punkt widzenia 18.12.2017 - Duration: 20:49.


Aquinas Lenten Meditations (series intro) - Duration: 0:46.

The 1937 book "Meditations for Lent, from St. Thomas Aquinas," collects excerpts of

St. Thomas' writings under thematic headings for each day of Lent.

I have posted 47 videos, covering Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday.

Each video contains the text and my reading of the meditation.

I have also posted 17 video meditations for Shrovetide, the two and a half weeks before

Ash Wednesday. I hope you find them rewarding; goodbye.

For more infomation >> Aquinas Lenten Meditations (series intro) - Duration: 0:46.


"Ivory" by Helena Ruth - Duration: 3:16.

It was a long and silent cry

She spoke before she died

I never true knew why

I even tried

Then just ivory lips she left

To speak the words of the dead

And this was what she said, fast losing sight

When the heart does cease to beat

How long must the mind survive?

For only seconds split Until the night

Or do agony hours ensue

To follow the light inside of you

Until it's sudden through Into the blue

It was a long and drawn-out sigh I breathed before I died

I never true knew why She even tried

Then just empty eyes I left

To see the world of the dead

As quietly she fled, out of my sight

For more infomation >> "Ivory" by Helena Ruth - Duration: 3:16.


10 Min Quick Full Body Yoga Workout | Yoga for Weight Loss | Yoga to Burn Fat | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 11:02.

Hi, I'm Christina and welcome to my channel, ChriskaYoga! Today, we'll be doing a full body

Yoga workout, this is quick and simple

It will get your body moving help you to build muscle help you to build strength even

Promotes weight loss because building muscle building strength helps to burn fat

You don't need a lot of time to do it, and it's a really effective workout

Just in case you don't know this is day nine of the 12 days of ChriskaYoga that I am doing on this channel

there were eight other videos before this one and there will be three more videos after this one so be sure you're

subscribed check out the videos in the playlist

Down in the description box below if you are not yet subscribe hit that subscribe button as well down below the video

And it's free to subscribe that's right. It is free

I would love to have you join us in this community of subscribers

It's awesome and please join us so if you're ready grab your mat, and let's get started

Begin on your hands and your knees

Bring your hands right underneath your shoulders your knees are right underneath your hips shins are parallel to one another

Start out with your spine straight looking down towards the floor

On an inhale tuck your toes arch your back look up and forward spread your shoulders wide apart

Exhale untuck the toes bring the tops of the feet to the floor turn your spine in the opposite direction

Reaching the upper back towards the ceiling and looking towards the legs and hips

Inhale come back to your cow pose arching your back

Spreading the shoulders wide exhale and tucking the toes

Curve the spine and the opposite way looking behind you

Moving on the own your own breath timing with each inhale that you take you'll come here to cow pose

With each exhale that you take you'll come to your cat pose

And continue to move with your own breath here one movement with one breath

From here come to a flat back neutral spine tuck your toes straighten your legs into downward facing dog

Bend your knees if you need to if you're feeling some tightness in the hamstrings hold here for a moment

Breathe deeply in and out through the nose

From here lower your hips down you might need to adjust your hands

Come into plank, so we're bringing our body into plank

One straight line from the top of your head all the way down your spine down your hips

Down your legs to your heels

Take an exhale lift the hips up and back once more downward facing dog

Will flow in and out of plank and down dog three times

One more time here lowering down to plank hold here

Send the hips up and back downward facing dog take it inhale in and exhale

Take it inhale and down dog and on your next exhale lower down into plank

And on your next exhale lift your hips up downward facing dog

Inhale plank

Exhale downward dog good hold downward dog breathing here

Inhale raise your right leg all the way up behind you from here. We're going to tuck our right knee in towards the nose

keeping the leg raised up, so you do not put it down on the floor and

Then lift the leg back up and to three-legged downward dog from here bring the right knee to the right elbow

Hold here raise it up

Bring the right knee to the left elbow and

Lift it up and

Then we'll take that one more time that whole sequence so knee to nose

Lift it up

Need to right elbow

Lift it up

Knee across the body to the left and then lift it up

last time with the right leg

Need to nose

Lift knee to right elbow left

Knee to left elbow


Lift good place the foot down place the knees down onto the ground

Sit onto the heels for a moment

relax the arms

Breathe here. We'll take that whole sequence on the left side in a moment

When you're ready pause the video if you aren't ready yet, we're gonna go now come back into your downward dog

Inhale raise the left leg up

From here bring the knee to the nose

Three-legged dog left knee to left elbow

Feels like a dog

left knee to right elbow across the body and

Twice more all the way around nose


left elbow

Lift it up right elbow

Lift it up last time around need to knows raise it up

left elbow

Lift it up and right elbow

Lift it up set the foot down

Breathe here for a moment

Set the knees down on to the floor come to a seat on the ground

We're going to take for our final pose of the sequence boat pose also known as navasana

We're going to modify it feel free to do the full expression of the pose if you would like with your leg straight, however

What we're gonna do bring the torso on the diagonal?

Bring the shins up to parallel point the toes

the legs are parallel to one another as well and

Then once you're settled here your body is in a v-shape as you can see reach your arms forward

Just hold

working the ABS the hip flexors a

Little bit in the arms here because they're raised and active

Hold for one more breath


Cross lunching in front of the other sitting up toe take a deep breath in and out before repeat that one more time

And now we'll take our final Navas sauna or both pose bring your torso back to the diagonal legs up parallel to the floor

Once you're settled reach your arms forward

Pull breathe


Cross the opposite shin in front

Sit up. Tall bring your hands to your legs close your eyes for a moment take a deep breath in

And release it out

Bring your hands to meet at the center of your chest bow your head to your fingertips namaste

Thank you so much for watching. I really hope you enjoyed this class if you liked it

Please hit that like button down below the video. Let me know in the comment section below

What is the area of your body that you'd like to work on at the most this was a full body workout

I need to work on arms and abs almost full body workouts are always great

But I really need to focus on the arms and abs at this moment

So what are the problem areas in your body or the areas in your body where you feel needs more strength and toning?

I would love to know I always love to connect with you

we'll learn more about you in the comment section below the videos so don't be shy and

comment down below


If you are not yet subscribed to this channel do not forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button

Down below as well it is free

You don't want to miss out on the last three videos of the 12 days of ChriskaYoga coming up

And you do not want to miss out on the awesome stuff that I have coming up in

2018 so definitely subscribe I would love to have you

a subscriber for even more yoga from me helpful yoga advice tips

Premium yoga, resources free yoga challenges visit my website

and do not forget to also head over to instagram and follow me over there as well and very active on Instagram

Yoga motivation inspiration behind the scenes of this channel what I'm getting up to around in my life all that

Fun stuff so all of the links to everything that I mentioned are in the description box below

Thank you so much. See you next time

For more infomation >> 10 Min Quick Full Body Yoga Workout | Yoga for Weight Loss | Yoga to Burn Fat | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 11:02.


Spectre: Why It Sucks And Failed - Video Essay - Duration: 4:51.

Spectre was and still is a huge disappointment for James Bond fans.

Though it's already been over two years now since the film came out, I still remember

just how much hype when into this movie.

It was supposed to be one of the best entries in this long-running franchise and had plenty

of things going for it.

Sam Mendes, who directed Skyfall, returned once again to helm his second straight Bond

movie; Daniel Craig was reprising his role as 007 once again; and Spectre came off the

heels of the already mentioned Skyfall, which became one of the series' biggest hits both

commercially and critically.

At this point in 2015, the franchise had incredible momentum and, unfortunately, it fell flat

on its face.

After I finished watching Spectre for the first time, I came out of the movie theater

feeling confused.

It's undoubtedly a beautifully shot spectacle filled with plenty of striking imagery and

the premise for the movie has always been brilliant - have Bond face his arch nemesis

Blofeld, played by the fantastic Christoph Waltz.

There was also plenty of excitement surround Bautista's role in Spectre as well believe

it or not, as it seemed Bond fans were finally getting a memorable henchman who can hold

his own against Jaws.

But, Spectre can't help but feel like a total drag - a lifeless corpse with awful

pacing, no energy whatsoever from the cast and director, and poorly constructed action

set pieces.

I mean, Daniel Craig looked bored out of his mind in this movie.

Unlike Mendes' previous Bond film Skyfall, which is brimming with plenty of emotional

heft, and the fast-paced and kinetic Casino Royale, Spectre is a million miles behind.

One of my biggest issues with the film, as I already briefly mentioned, is the pacing.

Spectre is 2 and a half hours long and it feels like it.

The opening sequence is dazzling - where Bond is running after some thug in the middle of

the Day of the Dead festival in Mexico City.

The tracking, one-take shots are incredible and must've been difficult to pull off,

and this scene is the closest to matching Skyfall's brilliance.

But right after, the remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes is a total snoozefest.

Craig doesn't look he wants to be there or play Bond anymore, the script completely

mistreats and misuses its two biggest assets, Blofeld and Mr Hinx.

You don't really get a sense of who Blofeld is and why he's such a big threat to Bond

until over halfway into the movie and by that point, it's already too late for audiences

to care too much.

And this doesn't give the film enough time to fully develop Blofeld as a character and

give Waltz time to shine as the villain.

The way Mr. Hinx figures into the film is even worse.

I like the choice of not giving him any lines save for a few words.

But it feels like he's barely in it and totally inconsequential.

If you remove him and replace the character with any other nameless thug, you won't

even notice the slightest difference.

Why was Mr. Hinx even there in the first place?

And the biggest problem Spectre has is its main plot - which is muddled, predictable,

and doesn't fit in with Daniel Craig's run as Bond.

A story about the threat of global surveillance, in a Bond movie, really?

That whole storyline featuring M and C in London completely kills whatever pacing the

film has.

It also doesn't help a few months prior Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation practically

had the same plot, and executed it much better.

Mendes was so clearly going for a more classic-Bond type of feel with Spectre, as Daniel Craig

was more playful than ever here.

It seems like there are more gadgets than ever in Spectre, and Q has a bigger role to

play as well.

But it just doesn't work.

A major part of what made Casino Royale so brilliant is it felt grounded and realistic.

It was a direct response to the shambles that was Die Another Day, a hard reboot that breathed

new life into this venerable franchise.

And I think now, it's time to that again.

But there's a big problem, apparently Daniel Craig will still play Bond.

Now I love Craig as Bond -- I think he's right up there with Sean Connery as 007, but

can you really pull off a soft reboot of sorts with the same actor playing Bond?

It's never been done before, and this is what the franchise so desperately needs right


The ending of Spectre was a perfect conclusion for Daniel Craig, so color me surprised when

he confirmed a few months back he's indeed returning for the role one last time.

The Bond film, which for now is being called Bond 25, needs to somehow have Daniel Craig

go out with a bang as this character.

He definitely deserves it, because he's had a rocky run as the character.

Here's hoping we don't got another Spectre.

For more infomation >> Spectre: Why It Sucks And Failed - Video Essay - Duration: 4:51.


3 TIPS for IMPROVE your HANDSTAND + 3 Best EXERCISES - Duration: 6:30.

What's up guys! Today I bring to you solutions with your Handstand problems

If you want improve your body or your statics

we have to know this static its very essential

for the beginners and the advanced calisthenics

Today I bring 3 tips they gonna help you with your Handstand let's start!

maybe for a lot of people is not important to train, but this is a mistake because when you start to grow up in this sport

the exercises you have already done they become basics for your routines

for example, a person who have the maltese he can't leave his full planche trainings

beacause the full planche is a progression for get the maltese

it's the same, the handstand is an progression for do some hard statics

and remembering that the handstand is a good way to get streght on your shoulders and your traps

so this is the reason because is very important to train the handstand

with the correct tecnhique and always do the same for keep the progress, let's start with the tips!

the first tip is about our shoulders!

our shoulders have to stay always opened

because this static position

For more infomation >> 3 TIPS for IMPROVE your HANDSTAND + 3 Best EXERCISES - Duration: 6:30.


Russian cases through examples. Accusative plurals. - Duration: 6:43.

Hey, guys! And welcome to a spcial episode of Master the Russian cases through examples.

Today we will practice the accusative case singulars and we will look at the accusative plurals by decorating the christmas tree

It's already a little bit decorated but we will finish it. So, let's get started

I'll speak mixed English and Russian to explain the grammar to you, so activate the subtitles to follow me better

And we will start with singulars

МЫ БУДЕМ УКРАШАТЬ ЁЛКУ / we are going to decorate the Christmas tree

СНАЧАЛА ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ МАТРЁШКУ / first we will put matryoshka on the christmas tree

ЭТУ МАТРЁШКУ МЫ ПОВЕСИМ ВОТ СЮДА / this matryoshka we will put right here

А ТЕПЕРЬ ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ ЁЛКУ / and now we will put a christmas tree on the christmas tree

ЁЛКУ - ВОТ СЮДА / Christmas tree right - here

А ТЕПЕРЬ ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ ЯЩЕРИЦУ / and now we will put a lizard on the tree

НО ЯЩЕРИЦУ МЫ НА ЁЛКУ ПОЛОЖИМ / but the we will put the lizard on the tree

МЫ НЕ МОЖЕМ ЕЁ ПОВЕСИТЬ / we can't hang it

И ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ ДЕДА МОРОЗА / and we'll put Ded MoroZ on the tree


ДЕДА МОРРОЗА МЫ ПОВЕСИМ ВОТ СЮДА / We will put Ded Moroz right here

И ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ ВОТ ЭТОТ ШАРИК / and we'll put this ball on the tree as well

СЮДА... НЕТ! ВОТ СЮДА! / here... no, here

Now I will quickly remind to you that

if i's singular feminine, we always change the ending, no matter if it's animate or inanimate

МАТРЁШКУ, ЯЩЕРИЦУ and if it's masculine, we don't change the ending if it's inanimate

never, and for example ШАРИК it remains the nominative; and we change the ending

if it's animate, for example ДЕДА МОРОЗА we change the ending into A and if the ending was soft,

we should change it into Я

and now let's get to the plurals

ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ ВОТ ЭТИ СНЕЖИНКИ / Let's put these snowflakes to the Christmas tree

ОДНУ СНЕЖИНКУ МЫ ПОВЕСИМ ВОТ СЮДА / one snowflake we'll hang here

А ДРУГУЮ СНЕЖИНКУ - ВОТ СЮДА / and another one - right here

А ТЕПЕРЬ ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ БЕЛЫЕ ШАРИКИ / and now let's put white Christmas balls on the tree

ПОВЕСИМ ШАРИКИ: ОДИН ШАРИК - СЮДА / let's put christmas balls, one here

И ДРУГОЙ ШАРИК ПОВЕСИМ ВОТ СЮДА / and another Christmas ball we'll put here

ТЕПЕРЬ ДАВАЙТЕ ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ ЗОЛОТЫЕ ШАРИКИ / and now let's put golden Christmas balls to the Christmas tree

ОДИН ЗОЛОТОЙ ШАРИК - СЮДА / one goldn Christmas ball here

И ОДИН ЗОЛОТОЙ ШАРИК - ВОТ СЮДА / and another one - right here

А ТЕПЕРЬ ДАВАЙТЕ ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ АНГЕЛОВ / and now let's put angels to the Christmas tree

КАКИЕ КРАСИВЫЕ АНГЕЛЫ! / how beautiful the angels are!

ОДНОГО АНГЕЛА МЫ ПОВЕСИМ ВОТ СЮДА / one angel we'll put right here

А ДРУГОГО АНГЕЛА МЫ ПОВЕСИМ ВОТ СЮДА / and another angel we'll put here

И НАКОНЕЦ, МЫ ПОВЕСИМ НА ЁЛКУ КУКОЛ / and finally we'll put dolls on the Christmas tree

ОДНУ КУКЛУ МЫ ПОВЕСИМ ВОТ СЮДА / one doll we'll put right here

А ДРУГУЮ КУКЛУ - ВОТ СЮДА / and another doll right here

Now I will quickly explain to you the rule about plurals

So, if it's plural, for the accusative case we should think in the very beginning if it's animate or inanimate

when I'm saying animate, it means if it represents a living creature; even КУКЛА would be animate

because thre is a face, we mean that it's a person; or an angel АНГЕЛ is also animate

because it's a creature, even if we don't know if they exist or not

personally I do believe that they exist

So, if it's inanimate like ШАРИКИ and СНЕЖИНКИ we would leave the nominative case here


But if it's animate, we should take the genitive plural, we haven't learnt it yet, that's why just listen how it sounds


Okay, so, if it's a living creature, if it's animate, if it represents a living being, we should take the genitive plural

and not the nominative plural, so the accusative case is kind of a mix of nominative and genitive, when it comes to the endings

But it will get clearer with experience if you listen to the language more, if you read more and if you know all the cases,

so in the end it will get clearer

Okay, I hope it was helpful and you enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree; see you!!!!!

For more infomation >> Russian cases through examples. Accusative plurals. - Duration: 6:43.


Funny Hamster ate a mandarin for the first time! - Duration: 3:17.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster ate a mandarin for the first time! - Duration: 3:17.


Greetings Nice to meet you - Duration: 1:57.

Hi Jenny. Hi Antony. Good to see you! Hi Dave!

Hey Dave! How are you? Great, thanks! And you? Good, I'm fine. Hi, Oh, this is Omar.

Hi Omar. I'm Dave. Nice to meet you! and you! Can I join you? Sure, come and sit down.

Are you in Jenny's class? No, we're friends, I'm not a student.

Oh, so, Are you friends from school? Yes, we are, we're old friends from the school.

We used to live next door to each other...

Hey Ken, How are you? Oh, Hi Murray. Good to see you! I'm okay! How are things?

No bad, busy. Yeah, me too. Hi, I'm Ken. Oh, I'm Chris. Nice to meet you!

Oh, sorry. Yes, Ken this is Chris. Chris, this is Ken. Pleased to meet you, Chris!

He's here from the UK. Really? First time in Hong Kong? Yeah, first time.

What do you think? It's fantastic, beautiful, great.

Hey, Nice to meet you! You too, and Good to see you, Mary.

Good to see you too! Goodbye.

Good morning everyone! This is Andrea. Andrea, this is Liz and Mark. Pleased to meet you!

Good to meet you! Nice to meet you! Sorry, is your name Andrew? No, it isn't, it's Andrea.

It's an Italian name. Oh, you from Italy? My mother is, but no, I'm British.

Coffee Andrew? Andrea! Sorry, I'm bad with names. No, Thanks.

For more infomation >> Greetings Nice to meet you - Duration: 1:57.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


'Snooze', el botón en Facebook para "silenciar" amigos, páginas o grupos en la red social - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 'Snooze', el botón en Facebook para "silenciar" amigos, páginas o grupos en la red social - Duration: 0:56.


Salada de Grãos de Trigo (Especial de Natal) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Salada de Grãos de Trigo (Especial de Natal) - Duration: 2:22.


VLOG: Meu aniversário l O que comi em um dia (VEGAN) - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> VLOG: Meu aniversário l O que comi em um dia (VEGAN) - Duration: 7:03.


Reiki Divino - Aula 5 - O que faz um Reikiano Divino - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Reiki Divino - Aula 5 - O que faz um Reikiano Divino - Duration: 2:23.


DIY Miraculous Ladybug XMAS 🐞 +7 ideas - HOW TO Party themed / inspired - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> DIY Miraculous Ladybug XMAS 🐞 +7 ideas - HOW TO Party themed / inspired - Duration: 10:40.


Uma história de Verão, de Pam Gonçalves - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Uma história de Verão, de Pam Gonçalves - Duration: 2:08.


Služba državne bezbednosti, ili pretorijanska garda? - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Služba državne bezbednosti, ili pretorijanska garda? - Duration: 4:19.


Sekrety rodziny Kwaśniewskich wychodzą na jaw! - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Sekrety rodziny Kwaśniewskich wychodzą na jaw! - Duration: 5:28.


Defesas & Gols(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 4:24.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

Goals & Defenses

Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.

For more infomation >> Defesas & Gols(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 4:24.


Freshwater skimmer, or surface skimmer | Practical Fishkeeping - Duration: 1:46.

Freshwater skimer, or surface skimmer

This type of skimmer is not exclusive to fresh water but is where we most see its application.

The advantage of this skimmer is to be small, a small skimmer is already able to clean the surface

of a large aquarium.

They work by sucking only the upper layer of water, the lamina where the surface tension

and where we see the retention of particles and fat.

Although the name is skimmer, it is not a true skimmer because this word means skimmer

and there are no bubbles like in the true skimmer.

Another advantage is that they are cheap because they use a simpler system of operation.

One can buy a good eheim surface skimmer for a mere fraction of a normal skimmer.

They are suitable for planted aquariums where they are also widely used, do not

the C02 dissolved and improves the quality of water incredibly.

In my case, I use it in a nano and the water quality is much higher when it does not

I'm using

Because I did not have a sump this kind of filtering for me became practically


In the matter of saltwater aquariums, I can not say to what extent they can dispense

the use of a traditional skimmer.

Unfortunately I can not answer this yet, but in the matter of nanos, I believe to be fully

it is possible to touch one of these simpler aquariums of softs and few fish with this skimmer.

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