Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 19 2017

Iwan Kulik - Ukrainian painter.

He came to Poland in 1990. and he settled in Warsaw.

The dominant part his works constitute

oil paintings that combine in thematic cycles.

Since 2001, the artist has also created gouaches related to themes

with outstanding literary works.

The first work,

who inspired him was "Master and Margaret" Bulgakov.

The cycle dedicated to this title was created

impressive 700 gouaches,

of which 125 were used

in publishing houses of the gallery,

and about 90 in a beautiful edition

"Master and Margaret" by MUZA publishing house (edition I 2003, 2nd edition 2004).

Atticus presents a beautiful one with these works

illustration for Bulgakov's "Master and Margaret".

Oil paintings and gouaches, which during the artist's stay

around 4000 were created in Poland,

are in your hands

private collectors around the world.

Please visit www.atticus.pl.

For more infomation >> Iwan Kulik – malarz ukraiński. Gwasz - ilustracja do "Mistrza i Małgorzaty" Bułhakowa - Duration: 1:14.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Al Bano e Romina insieme: la canzone di Buon Natale - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina insieme: la canzone di Buon Natale - Duration: 1:07.


3 Ways to Reduce Your Accent | English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 8:56.

Today, I am going to tell you three different

ways that you can reduce your English accent.

Today's lesson is all about pronunciation, and I am going

to talk to you about three different ways that you can

reduce your English accent.

Now, I want to say something very important right here at the beginning.

And that is it's okay to have an accent.

When you are learning another language, it is perfectly

normal to have an accent, and you shouldn't be ashamed of it.

It is fine.

The primary goal when you are learning a language

and speaking and communicating with others is that

other people understand what you're saying.

It doesn't matter if you have an accent.

However, I understand if people out there would like to reduce their accent.

Maybe they are a little more self-conscious.

Or they're a little reluctant to speak and have a

conversation with others because of their accent.

I've also been told that maybe if you're going for a job interview,

learners have said that they might be a little worried

that the person interviewing them might judge them

because of their accent if it's really thick.

So those are reasons why you might want to reduce your English accent.

And if that is the case, then this lesson is for you.

All of the tips that I am about to tell you are very

simple and straightforward.

If you keep these in mind when you are learning and

practicing your English skills, it will help you over the long-term.

And you'll be able to reduce your accent.

And become a little more proficient in English.

So the first way to reduce your accent is

to listen to the accent that you wish to imitate.

So if you would like to speak and sound more like

an American, then you should listen to an American accent.

You can listen to movies, TV, music, and constantly try to hear that accent.

The same goes if you would like to more like a British speaker.

If you want to sound like an Australian speaker or a South African speaker.

Find the accent that you wish to imitate and expose yourself to it.

Listen to that accent because listening is a very important part of pronunciation.

Because when you're listening, you're not only hearing

the pronunciation, you're hearing the rhythm and the flow of speech.

You're hearing the intonation and the emphasis of certain words.

So listening is the first step because we need to listen before we can speak.

And once you listen to the way an accent sounds,

then you can try to speak and imitate the same pronunciation.

How are you?

How are you?

I'm good.

Are you happy?

Are you happy birdie?

And this is something that actors and actresses do

all the time when they would like to use a certain accent.

I've heard you've claimed that you can do an accent any town in the world.


In Russia...Minsk. Minsk is very tight. Tight Russia.

Hamburg, Germany.

Hamburg. Ya, naturlich.

So in Germany...

Fargo, North Dakota. Fargo.

Yeah Fargo, it's not like you think it is.

It's not because...it's not like, it's not like the show.

Did you do voices?



You'd imitate people?


Give me a little Apu.

What would you like to talk about Larry?

May I say, it's an honor, true honor to sit across from...

And Moe you gave us.

Moe you had a little bit there. Don't get greedy Larry.

All right. How about Chief Wiggum?

How about him?

You don't have any...you don't have any legal problems that I should know about do you Larry?

No, there are several different resources that you can

use to find different sentences and words that are being

said in American English or British English or Australian English.

We did a video lesson on different pronunciation

resources that you can check out.

And these are some great online resources that are free.

That you can use to practice and improve your pronunciation.

The next tip that I have for you and it's basically the next

step in order to reduce your accent is to record yourself.

And actually practice your pronunciation.

So first you listen to the accent, and then you need to try to practice it.

And if you record yourself and listen to yourself,

then you'll be able to identify areas of pronunciation

that you need to improve.

And find out what you need to do in order to reduce your accent.

Because maybe you are having difficulty with a certain

sound or maybe you are having trouble with word stress.

If you're able to record yourself saying different words

or sentences, and then compare that with the way a

native English speaker says it, you'll be able to identify

the areas of pronunciation you need to work on.

And you can record yourself using a phone.

You can record yourself with the computer using an online voice recorder.

There are many different ways that you can record

your own pronunciation and then listen to that so that

you can understand...Okay, "What do I need to work on in order to reduce my accent?"

Another great way to identify some of the pronunciation

issues that you might have is to do some research and

find out what other pronunciation issues exist from speakers of your language.

Many times, speakers from the same language will face similar pronunciation issues.

For example, I lived and taught in Korea and one thing

that gave many Koreans trouble with English pronunciation is the R and L sound.

And this was something that people had trouble not

only pronouncing, but also listening for.

So you can do some research and find out and look up

maybe..."What are some of the pronunciation issues

that many Spanish speakers have or Arabic speakers?

Not all of it will be the same, but you might find one or

two things that you can identify with.

That you feel that you need to work on.

And this will be a good starting point.

And all of this ties right in with the last tip

that I have for you and that is to become a student of pronunciation.

And in order to become a student of pronunciation

you just need to study it and learn more about it.

Learn more about the individual sounds in English.

Learn more about the combinations that different

letters make and the sounds that they make.

For example, the -tion at the end of the word has the /shun/ sound.

The PH will have the F sound.

The WR at the beginning of the word has the R sound and W is a silent letter.

So if you are able to become a student of pronunciation,

then you'll be able to reduce your accent because you're going to learn more about it.

And when you speak, you are going to be saying the correct pronunciation.

And then it'll just become a part of your overall fluency.

And you won't even have to think about it anymore.

There are also many different resources that you can use to improve your pronunciation.

Like books.

There are pronunciation books that you can use.

You can also use the Internet and just look up different

online, pronunciation resources, and you will find

a variety of sites that will help you practice and improve your pronunciation.

And give you all sorts of information and tips that will help you reduce your accent.

So I hope that you found some of these tips useful.

And that you can use them in order to reduce your accent.

If you did find them helpful, please give this video a thumbs up.

And in the comments below, why don't you tell us about

some sounds or words that you've had difficulty pronouncing.

And perhaps tell us what you did in order to improve your pronunciation.

So write to us in the comments.

We love hearing from you guys.

And, as always, thanks for watching

and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways to Reduce Your Accent | English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 8:56.


ÍTACA | Experiencias de #economíasocial #sectorTIC Galicia- Portugal LACES - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> ÍTACA | Experiencias de #economíasocial #sectorTIC Galicia- Portugal LACES - Duration: 1:41.


Why We Added One Step to the Pirate Funnel - Duration: 2:24.

Now although the pirate funnel is in my opinion one of the best business

frameworks ever invented, we actually decided to cut up acquisition into two

separate parts and I'll tell you why...

Back in 2007 - that's more than ten years ago - 500 startups Dave McClure started

spreading the word about a powerful customer journey framework called "The pirate funnel"

As a historical side note YouTube was created in 2005 and Facebook

was open to the public in 2006

We're getting old

But now let's go back to the

pirate funnel which we've been using at corporates and start up successfully ever since

The funnel is called the pirate funnel because the first letter

of each stage spell out AARRR, like a pirate would do

Acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue

If you want to dive deeper in the pirate funnel

there's a link in the description where you can get a more detailed explanation

of the whole funnel

Now although the pirate funnel is in my opinion one of

the best business frameworks ever invented we found one disadvantage that

keeps coming back again and again and again and it's the part of the top up here

The part called "Acquisition". So two years ago we actually decided to cut up

acquisition into two separate parts with "Awareness" and "Acquisition" and I'll tell you why

Now as per dave McClure this part of the pirate funnel acquisition is

when a user visits your website and doesn't abandon

The problem with acquisition is twofold, there's two main problems with it

The first one is that it actually includes two very different metrics

First metric is getting them to visit the page product or website the second one is

getting them not to abandon. Getting them to visit the page it's much more attuned

to digital marketing efforts. Whereas getting them not to abandon the

page is much more tuned to optimization efforts for example landing page optimization

So we're dealing with two very different metrics in here

The second problem is that this model is perfect for subscription businesses for

SAAS businesses. But as we started training different types of businesses

- like transactional businesses or e-commerce businesses or media

businesses - we found out that a lot of them would get stuck on that first step

Typically stating that they didn't require signup or that their business

model relied on unique visitors. So for these two reasons we decided to cut up

acquisition and ultimately added one extra step to Dave McClure's pirate funnel

In line with Dave McClure's AARRR pirate metrics, we had to make sure that

that first step also started with an A. We call this step awareness and we

define it as getting people to visit your product service or website

Unique visitors of your landing page visitors of your app page visitors of your product page

And we've kept acquisition as the moment a customer doesn't abandon

For an e-commerce site that's looking at a number of products

and staying X amount of minutes on the website. Per a SAAS business or a

subscription business that could be leaving an email address so thanks again

to dave McClure and 500 startups for 10 years of beautiful pirate funnels we

have 10 years more to come and we hope you'll like our extra edition

For more infomation >> Why We Added One Step to the Pirate Funnel - Duration: 2:24.


Da Camponogara a Mestre per risolvere il suo problema di udito da Pontoni - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Da Camponogara a Mestre per risolvere il suo problema di udito da Pontoni - Duration: 1:33.


Prova di tiro con il fucile a pompa Fabarm STF 12 Telescopic FE - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Prova di tiro con il fucile a pompa Fabarm STF 12 Telescopic FE - Duration: 4:07.


Cute Twins ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 5:20.

Cute Twins ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> Cute Twins ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 5:20.


become a real mermaid,fairy, magic, ice cream jelly kinder joy, toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:51.

Oh my god!!


I am so boring

What am I supposed to do?

Oh my god!!

Hello there~

Who are you?

I will tell you very interesting story~

If you eat this chocolate ball

You will transform to mermaid princess

Oh really??

of course!


Then, please give me quickly

I turned into a real mermaid.


Show kinder joy

Hello kitty!!

so beautiful

so sweet !

Show Jelly!!

Show toys

Show M&M chocolate

so sweet

Show bath bubble

This is ice cream

I want to eat real one

By the way!

How can I transform to normal human

Oh I forgot to tell you this

The way you go back to normal human is~


No way~~~~~~~~~~~~

For more infomation >> become a real mermaid,fairy, magic, ice cream jelly kinder joy, toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:51.


前男友猝死、出家、癱瘓,只有吳京逆襲成名,如今她卻孤獨終老! - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 前男友猝死、出家、癱瘓,只有吳京逆襲成名,如今她卻孤獨終老! - Duration: 5:25.


Cibi da evitare in caso di vescica iperattiva - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Cibi da evitare in caso di vescica iperattiva - Duration: 7:00.


Fantaghirò, il classico di Natale ora in streaming su Netflix - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Fantaghirò, il classico di Natale ora in streaming su Netflix - Duration: 2:21.


Marco Freccero ha deciso! - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Marco Freccero ha deciso! - Duration: 2:05.


Überempfindlichkeit und Schwellung der Brüste 2 - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Überempfindlichkeit und Schwellung der Brüste 2 - Duration: 4:48.


Überempfindlichkeit und Schwellung der Brüste 1 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Überempfindlichkeit und Schwellung der Brüste 1 - Duration: 3:44.


Speed Art - Abstract Painting demo with Acrylics | Chronaxie - Duration: 4:12.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an painter abstract I have created

a DVD called the secrets of abstract painting to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Speed Art - Abstract Painting demo with Acrylics | Chronaxie - Duration: 4:12.


MESDAMES le saviez-vous??? redevenir vierge est possible! Lisez et apprenez! - c0ns3ils - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> MESDAMES le saviez-vous??? redevenir vierge est possible! Lisez et apprenez! - c0ns3ils - Duration: 7:05.


khmer remix 2018 l បទដែលកំពុងល្បីនៅក្លឹប l New Melody Break mix club thai 2018,NONSTOP KH - Duration: 44:32.

khmer remix 2018

For more infomation >> khmer remix 2018 l បទដែលកំពុងល្បីនៅក្លឹប l New Melody Break mix club thai 2018,NONSTOP KH - Duration: 44:32.


Wann ist der Betriebsrat beschlussfähig? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Wann ist der Betriebsrat beschlussfähig? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 1:19.


Le grand bêtisier de Noël - Market Academy - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Le grand bêtisier de Noël - Market Academy - Duration: 8:59.


Калибровка аккумуляторной батареи для ноутбука. - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Калибровка аккумуляторной батареи для ноутбука. - Duration: 7:21.


Never Will I

For more infomation >> Never Will I


Catfished - Duration: 41:52.

For more infomation >> Catfished - Duration: 41:52.


Главные ТАЙНЫ «Звездных войн» у которых до сих пор нет разгадки - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> Главные ТАЙНЫ «Звездных войн» у которых до сих пор нет разгадки - Duration: 10:38.


Iwan Kulik – malarz ukraiński. Gwasz - ilustracja do "Mistrza i Małgorzaty" Bułhakowa - Duration: 1:14.

Iwan Kulik - Ukrainian painter.

He came to Poland in 1990. and he settled in Warsaw.

The dominant part his works constitute

oil paintings that combine in thematic cycles.

Since 2001, the artist has also created gouaches related to themes

with outstanding literary works.

The first work,

who inspired him was "Master and Margaret" Bulgakov.

The cycle dedicated to this title was created

impressive 700 gouaches,

of which 125 were used

in publishing houses of the gallery,

and about 90 in a beautiful edition

"Master and Margaret" by MUZA publishing house (edition I 2003, 2nd edition 2004).

Atticus presents a beautiful one with these works

illustration for Bulgakov's "Master and Margaret".

Oil paintings and gouaches, which during the artist's stay

around 4000 were created in Poland,

are in your hands

private collectors around the world.

Please visit www.atticus.pl.

For more infomation >> Iwan Kulik – malarz ukraiński. Gwasz - ilustracja do "Mistrza i Małgorzaty" Bułhakowa - Duration: 1:14.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Un proche de Johnny Hally­day a-t-il pris une photo du rockeur sur son lit - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Un proche de Johnny Hally­day a-t-il pris une photo du rockeur sur son lit - Duration: 2:13.


Un proche de Johnny Hally­day a-t-il pris une photo du rockeur sur son lit - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Un proche de Johnny Hally­day a-t-il pris une photo du rockeur sur son lit - Duration: 2:17.


Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW 5-DRS EDITION | CLIMATE | CARPLAY - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW 5-DRS EDITION | CLIMATE | CARPLAY - Duration: 0:59.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T N-Connecta 360 camera, Clima - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T N-Connecta 360 camera, Clima - Duration: 1:03.


Un proche de Johnny Hally­day a-t-il pris une photo du rockeur sur son lit de mort ? - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Un proche de Johnny Hally­day a-t-il pris une photo du rockeur sur son lit de mort ? - Duration: 2:14.


Why We Added One Step to the Pirate Funnel - Duration: 2:24.

Now although the pirate funnel is in my opinion one of the best business

frameworks ever invented, we actually decided to cut up acquisition into two

separate parts and I'll tell you why...

Back in 2007 - that's more than ten years ago - 500 startups Dave McClure started

spreading the word about a powerful customer journey framework called "The pirate funnel"

As a historical side note YouTube was created in 2005 and Facebook

was open to the public in 2006

We're getting old

But now let's go back to the

pirate funnel which we've been using at corporates and start up successfully ever since

The funnel is called the pirate funnel because the first letter

of each stage spell out AARRR, like a pirate would do

Acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue

If you want to dive deeper in the pirate funnel

there's a link in the description where you can get a more detailed explanation

of the whole funnel

Now although the pirate funnel is in my opinion one of

the best business frameworks ever invented we found one disadvantage that

keeps coming back again and again and again and it's the part of the top up here

The part called "Acquisition". So two years ago we actually decided to cut up

acquisition into two separate parts with "Awareness" and "Acquisition" and I'll tell you why

Now as per dave McClure this part of the pirate funnel acquisition is

when a user visits your website and doesn't abandon

The problem with acquisition is twofold, there's two main problems with it

The first one is that it actually includes two very different metrics

First metric is getting them to visit the page product or website the second one is

getting them not to abandon. Getting them to visit the page it's much more attuned

to digital marketing efforts. Whereas getting them not to abandon the

page is much more tuned to optimization efforts for example landing page optimization

So we're dealing with two very different metrics in here

The second problem is that this model is perfect for subscription businesses for

SAAS businesses. But as we started training different types of businesses

- like transactional businesses or e-commerce businesses or media

businesses - we found out that a lot of them would get stuck on that first step

Typically stating that they didn't require signup or that their business

model relied on unique visitors. So for these two reasons we decided to cut up

acquisition and ultimately added one extra step to Dave McClure's pirate funnel

In line with Dave McClure's AARRR pirate metrics, we had to make sure that

that first step also started with an A. We call this step awareness and we

define it as getting people to visit your product service or website

Unique visitors of your landing page visitors of your app page visitors of your product page

And we've kept acquisition as the moment a customer doesn't abandon

For an e-commerce site that's looking at a number of products

and staying X amount of minutes on the website. Per a SAAS business or a

subscription business that could be leaving an email address so thanks again

to dave McClure and 500 startups for 10 years of beautiful pirate funnels we

have 10 years more to come and we hope you'll like our extra edition

For more infomation >> Why We Added One Step to the Pirate Funnel - Duration: 2:24.


For Honor - Winter Event Trailer - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> For Honor - Winter Event Trailer - Duration: 1:06.


OUR SONG -それは世界でひとつだけ- 隼旬 ver. | OUR SONG -Sore wa Sekai de Hitotsu Dake- HayaJun ver. - Duration: 4:43.

A pleasant wind is blowing

Where in the world did you come from?

In our head, we're so noisy a little while ago

We always talk about "Singing" a lot

Let's play music one by one

This is

Our special emotions This overflowing joy is fate

Our tune is the only one in the whole world

Our heart's wish connects

It's not good if we miss even one person

Our song is the only one in the whole world

When we fight over stupid things

(Singing melody)

We forget them as soon we make music

(Let's sing a song together)

Even the words we spoke somehow

(Singing harmony)

Say surprisingly good things when we wrote them

We're not just dreaming

(To fulfill them)

No matter what day it is, we'll move forward

(Even if we fell, we won't lose)


To an emotional tomorrow

This newborn emotion is eternity

Please listen to our important tune

Our heart's flash shines brilliantly

Everyone's smiling by each other's side

Please listen to our important song

A pleasant wind is blowing

Where in the world did you come from?

To our future's

Special emotions

This overflowing joy is fate

Our tune is the only one in the whole world

Our heart's wish connects

It's not good if we miss even one person

Our song is the only one in the whole world

(Singing our melody Singing our harmony, yeah... Singing our melody Singing our harmony)

For more infomation >> OUR SONG -それは世界でひとつだけ- 隼旬 ver. | OUR SONG -Sore wa Sekai de Hitotsu Dake- HayaJun ver. - Duration: 4:43.


Learn English Words: SUBLIME - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:32.

Sublime something of such excellence, impressive or awe-inspiring

After the sublime meal, we asked to see the chef so that we could give him our compliments.

Because of a bad case of laryngitis, the soprano wasn't able to sing, but her understudy

received a standing ovation for stepping into the role and delivering a sublime performance.

Jess's favorite element of the cruise was the beautiful views and sublime scenery along

the Alaskan coast.

Although the young starlet has a sublime figure, she is very modest on the beach and stays

covered up when she's not in the water.

Compared to the ordinary tract homes in our own neighborhood, these beach homes are absolutely


Sublime something of such excellence, impressive or awe-inspiring

Sublime something of such excellence, impressive or awe-inspiring

Sublime something of such excellence, impressive or awe-inspiring

For more infomation >> Learn English Words: SUBLIME - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:32.



So for today's menu we will eat rice

With Gabonese seafood boil, with...

Okras, shrimp, Madagascar crab and lobster tail

Sephora : yes

With tomatoes, onions and a lot of spices


It wasn't planned, it's my granny who wanted absolutely that we eat that

Because she hasn't eaten for a long time and she loves this meal

S : Well I love rice and I love..

Let's go, we can start

Pépé, do you..

G : Ah, wait..

S : I want to drink some water please

G : Wait 2 sec


Tell me stop

P : Not a lot

Like this ?

P : Yes

G : Its good ?

Granny, you put the sauce ?

G : Yes, here..

While I'm doing this, you put the sauce ?

P : Nevertheless, we know it's good

Granny, tell me stop

G : I don't see, wait

P : There we will eat with the fingers

For more infomation >> SEAFOOD BOIL MUKBANG FAMILY EDITION • EATING SHOW • 먹방 - Duration: 39:02.


become a real mermaid,fairy, magic, ice cream jelly kinder joy, toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:51.

Oh my god!!


I am so boring

What am I supposed to do?

Oh my god!!

Hello there~

Who are you?

I will tell you very interesting story~

If you eat this chocolate ball

You will transform to mermaid princess

Oh really??

of course!


Then, please give me quickly

I turned into a real mermaid.


Show kinder joy

Hello kitty!!

so beautiful

so sweet !

Show Jelly!!

Show toys

Show M&M chocolate

so sweet

Show bath bubble

This is ice cream

I want to eat real one

By the way!

How can I transform to normal human

Oh I forgot to tell you this

The way you go back to normal human is~


No way~~~~~~~~~~~~

For more infomation >> become a real mermaid,fairy, magic, ice cream jelly kinder joy, toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:51.


Five Liverpool star first-team players who could leave in January transfer ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 3:41.

Jurgen Klopp might look to get rid of players in the January window to make way for new


One criticism that does not seem to go away is Klopp's lack of quality defensive options.

The January window could be used by the former Borussia Dortmund coach to rope in a few central

defenders that could help the Reds secure a top-four berth for the second season in

a row and also to have a go at continental glory.

Here are five players that could be on their way out in January:

Signed for £20 million back in the summer of 2014, Lazar Markovic seemed like a good

future investment made by the club.

While the 24-year-old is a part of Liverpool's league squad this season, he is yet to make

a single appearance for them.

On top of that, he isn't even featuring for the reserves - putting his Liverpool future

in serious jeopardy.

Ings can be labelled as a player with immense potential, but one who failed to reach the

astronomical heights expected of him due to a number of injuries.

Since joining from Burnley two and a half seasons ago, the Englishman has only made

a handful of appearances for the 18-time top division champions.

The Serbian midfielder was Jurgen Klopp's first signing at Liverpool.

Unfortunately, he has failed to live up to his credentials as he has made a meagre 13

appearances for the Reds since August last year.

With his injury concerns seemingly behind him, the 21-year-old could prove to be a valuable

signing for most of the bottom half Premier League clubs that are desperately fighting

against the shackles of the dreaded relegation zone.

Liverpool fans see Daniel Sturridge as one of the club's finest strikers of the past

few seasons, particularly due to his contributions in the 2013/14 campaign when the Reds nearly

won the Premier League.

Leading the attack alongside Luis Suarez, the duo wreaked havoc upon opposition defences

and enjoyed a scintillating campaign for the Merseyside club.

However, since then, Suarez is no more at the club, and Sturridge's constant injury

woes have seen him fading from the Liverpool setup.

The German midfielder's contract runs out at the end of the season and with every passing

day, the chances of him leaving in January keep increasing.

In two weeks, Can will be able to discuss terms and come to a pre-contract agreement

with another club.

Liverpool will not want this to happen, and rather than letting him leave for free in

the summer, they could do all they can look to offload him for a decent sum of money in

the January transfer window.

For more infomation >> Five Liverpool star first-team players who could leave in January transfer ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 3:41.


19/12/17 3:07 PM (81 ถนนนวมินทร์ แขวง นวมินทร์ เขต บึงกุ่ม กรุงเทพมหานคร 10230) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 19/12/17 3:07 PM (81 ถนนนวมินทร์ แขวง นวมินทร์ เขต บึงกุ่ม กรุงเทพมหานคร 10230) - Duration: 4:59.


Amisha Patel Movies List 2017 #Update | Amisha Patel Upcoming Movies 2017 to 2019 | Ak Movies List - Duration: 2:14.

Amisha Patel Movies List 2017 #Update | Amisha Patel Upcoming Movies 2017 to 2019

For more infomation >> Amisha Patel Movies List 2017 #Update | Amisha Patel Upcoming Movies 2017 to 2019 | Ak Movies List - Duration: 2:14.


OnePlus 5 Oxygen OS Open Beta 2 released - What`s new? - Duration: 2:30.

OnePlus 5 Oxygen OS Open Beta 2 released - What`s new?

OnePlus 5 Gets Android Oreo-Based OxygenOS Open Beta 2: What's New

OnePlus 5 on Friday received OxygenOS Open Beta 2 build based on Android 8.0 Oreo weeks

after the release of its first Open Beta build.

The new development comes almost a month after OnePlus released Android 8.0 Oreo-based OxygenOS

5.0 for the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T in November.

The latest Open Beta build includes various bug fixes and system improvements to make

the experience smoother ahead of the final Android Oreo update for the 2017 OnePlus flagship.

You can install the Open Beta 2 OxygenOS on your OnePlus 5 by flashing the new build onto

the smartphone.

Users are recommended to back up their data as all the stored data will be lost during

the flashing process.

The official OnePlus flashing guide is available with instructions to get the new beta version.

Further, the ROM is available for download on the OnePlus site for flashing.

As per the official changelog, the Android Oreo-based OxygenOS Open Beta 2 fixes various

widget and shortcut issues as well as comes with camera UI improvements.

The pre-installed Files Manager app has also added the f4v format for videos and uplifts

speed improvements while deleting massive files.

Likewise, there are system-level improvements to the preloaded Reading mode, vibration,

and Bluetooth audio.

The new Open Beta update also fixes bugs on the part of Parallel apps and patches a reboot

issue while using Picture-in-Picture mode.

OnePlus has additionally updated Android security patch for November and included general bug

fixes and stability improvements.

OnePlus hasn't yet revealed a detailed schedule of releasing the public Android 8.0 Oreo update

for the OnePlus 5, beyond early 2018.

Nevertheless, the release of the new Open Beta less than a month after its initial version

hints that it would happen sometime soon.

The OnePlus 5T is a great flagship worth considering.

In this video, I'll be showing you what I believe to be the 5 best and 5 worst features

found within this phone.


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Beta 2, Open Beta 2, Beta 2, oneplus 5 open beta, oneplus 5 open beta 2, oneplus 5 beta

2, oreo, oxygenos, beta

For more infomation >> OnePlus 5 Oxygen OS Open Beta 2 released - What`s new? - Duration: 2:30.


Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Flew to Seattle on a Private Jet for the Best Date Ever - Duration: 1:32.

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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez flew to Seattle on a private jet for the best date ever we got a little nervous for

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's rekindled romance

After learning that Gomez's family isn't super thrilled about the fact that they've been spending so much time together

But boy do we have uplifting news for you on Saturday?

The pop star duo may dreams come true when they embarked on a super

Unforgettable and romantic journey that looks like something straight out of The Bachelor these two lovebirds

picked up their stuff and left LA for a quick trip to Seattle via private jet

Gomez wore a long black coat and carried a handbag while Bieber wore light washed jeans with a colorful puffer jacket

earlier this month we learned that these two seem to be going strong despite the fact that they'll be going their separate ways for the


Justin and Selena are great

They still spend a lot of time together

But are being low-key about it a source told people they attend church service together

Have dinner and just hang out had last minute trips on a jet to their list of preferred activities

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Flew to Seattle on a Private Jet for the Best Date Ever - Duration: 1:32.


투깝스 정나미 역의 배민정 누구 ?? | NO.1 NEWS CHANNEL - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 투깝스 정나미 역의 배민정 누구 ?? | NO.1 NEWS CHANNEL - Duration: 4:19.


প্রতিদান সিরিয়ালের রিজওয়ান আসছে | কিছু না বলা কথা মুভিতে|আরো কে কে আসছে?Actor Rezwan Rabbani Sheikh - Duration: 2:09.

News Bangla 360

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