Saturday, December 2, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2017

























For more infomation >> CALENDARIO DELL'AVVENTO CON RICHARD - 2017 - FELICITÀ - Duration: 1:27.


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Subscirbe My Channel Please

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For more infomation >> Chilakala_pandiri_kinda.mp3 by T.Vijayalakshmi - Duration: 4:02.


Keys to a Miraculous Breakthrough - Duration: 28:35.


JERRY: Hello everyone. I'm Jerry Savelle. Welcome to our

broadcast today. We certainly appreciate you watching and

today I have with me my wife Carolyn. We have been married

for 51 years and we are so blessed to the Lord. And I

wanted her to join me today in wishing you a Happy New Year, a

Merry Christmas, and we just thank each and every one of you

for watching our broadcast and especially those of you that are

partners with us, thank you for believing in this ministry,

thank you for believing in the call of God on our lives.

CAROLYN: As I was praying this morning I came across this

scripture and I wanted to read it to you. "If they obey and

serve Him they spend their days in prosperity and their years

in pleasure." That is the will of God for us, to spend our days

and our years enjoying the fruits and the goodness of our

God. And I want to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

to all of you who support us. We really do appreciate it. JERRY:

Amen. And listen, I want to read a scripture to you as well. This

is what I'm praying for each and every one of you in this coming

New Year. Psalm 115:12-15. It says, "The Lord has been mindful

of us, he will bless us." It goes on to say, "And the Lord

shall increase you more and more you and your children." That's

our prayer for you in this coming New Year that God's

blessing will overtake you, that you will experience increase

beyond anything you've ever experienced before and praise

God, we're expecting testimonies of that from you as we get into

the New Year. And listen, stay tuned, in just a few moments

I'll be back with today's message.

JERRY: Hey, welcome back and thank you once again

for watching our broadcast. You know we believe

that the program that you are about to see is going to

inspire your faith and challenge you to dare to believe God no

matter how impossible your situation may seem. I'm going to

take you into a service where I was preaching about keys to a

miraculous breakthrough. This is the Southwest Believers

Convention sponsored by Kenneth Copeland Ministries and I'm

privileged to be a speaker in that conference each and every

year and I trust that the message that you are about to

hear once again is going to inspire your faith and challenge

you to believe God no matter how impossible your situation may

seem. I'm going to take you into 1 Kings Chapter 17, talking

about Elijah and the little widow who needed a major

breakthrough in her life. So, pay very close attention as you

watch, mark the scriptures in your Bible as you listen to them

and if at all possible take notes because what you're about

to hear is a proven principle from the Word of God that you

will experience a breakthrough in your life if you become more

than a hearer of the Word you be a doer of the Word. So get ready

and watch now as I take you into this

message on keys to a miraculous breakthrough.

JERRY: 1 Kings chapter 17 and verse two. "And

the word of the Lord came unto him saying," this is Elijah,

"Get thee hence and turn thee eastward and hide thyself by the

brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And it shall be that

thou shalt drink of the brook and I have commanded the Ravens

to feed thee there. So he went and did according unto the word

of the Lord for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that

is before Jordan. And the Ravens brought him grid and flesh in

the morning and bread and flesh in the evening and he drank of

the brook. And it came to pass after a while that the brook

dried up because there had been no rain in the land. And the

word of the Lord came unto him saying ..." Now notice every

time Elijah needed a breakthrough the word of the

Lord came. Everybody say the word of the Lord. CONGREGATION:

The word of the Lord. JERRY: The word of the Lord came to him

each time as we follow this story here, and in obedience to

that word, then the breakthrough came, the miracle came. "And the

word of the Lord came unto him saying, arise get thee to

Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon and dwell there, behold I

have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee. So he

arose and went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the

city, behold the widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he

called to her and said, fetch me I pray thee a little water in a

vessel that I may drink. And as she was going to fetch it he

calleth to her and said, bring me I pray thee a morsel of bread

in thine hand. And she said as the Lord our God lives I have

not a cake but a handful of mill in a barrel and a little oil in

a cruise. And behold I am gathering two sticks that I may

go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat and die." It

seems like God forgot to tell him that part. God had already

spoken to her and all Elijah had to do was be obedient. "Elijah

said unto her, fear not, go and do as thou has said but make me

there of a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make

for thee and thy son." But notice, "For thus sayeth the

Lord." The Lord God of Israel "The barrel of mill shall not

waste neither shall the cruise of oil fail, until the day that

the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth. And she went and did."

She went and did. Say that with me. CONGREGATION: She went and

did. JERRY: According to the word of Elijah. And what did he

say? It was the word of the Lord. "And she

and he and her house did eat many days and

the barrel of mill wasted not neither did the cruise

of oil fail according to the word of the Lord, which he

spake unto Elijah." Notice here a couple of very important

ingredients you might say to a major breakthrough in your life.

Number one, a word from the Lord. A word from the Lord. None

of this would have happened if there hadn't been a word of the

Lord first. That's why it's so important when you need a

breakthrough stay before the Father, stay before the Lord.

Amen. Because he knows exactly what to do, he knows exactly

where to send you, he knows exactly when and where your

breakthrough will take place. You ought to pray often, Lord,

put me in the right place at the right time. Put me in the right

place at the right time. And notice here the word from the

Lord was vitally important for this breakthrough both for

Elijah and for her and her son. The Lord said to me coming

into 2017, the faithful shall flourish and it will be like

days of heaven on earth. The faithful shall flourish.

Faithful people, people that won't quit, we've been talking

about in my day services, quit is not an option. Quitting is

unacceptable. You never get rewarded for quitting. Faithful

people don't quit. Faithful people stick with it. Faithful

people so even when it seems like in the natural it's not

feasible. Notice this little woman says, I only have enough

for me and my son. We're going to eat it and then die. Don't

you think Elijah might have thought, boy, did I make a wrong

turn somewhere. God told me to come down here and this widow

woman would sustain me and I get here and she's about to eat the

last meal she has and then she and her son plan on dying. Am I

in the wrong place? Many times it looks like before the

breakthrough comes that there's no evidence that the

breakthrough will ever come. Can you say amen. CONGREGATION:

Amen. JERRY: But he was in the right place and he was at the

right time. But notice once again the most important element

in this breakthrough was a word from the Lord. Every time I've

needed a breakthrough, I spent time in the presence of God and

I got the Word of the Lord and when we did what he said, the

breakthrough came, praise God. Amen. The breakthrough came.

When the Lord said that to me in October of 2016, then I began to

confess it immediately because I have endeavored to be faithful

all these years. And God's blessed me and God's caused me

to flourish and so forth, but sound like to me he was ready to

take us to another level. Amen, there's always another level.

Amen. There's always another level. When you think you have

reached the top, there's always another level. But if you never

spend quality time with him and you never hear that word from

the Lord it's not likely that you'll ever experience that

breakthrough. Can you say Amen. So notice here the most

important element of this miracle that both she and her

son experienced and Elijah as well was a word from the Lord.

Notice Elijah received that word to go to that brook. And the

Bible says, the ravens sustained him. They brought food, they

brought food for him to live on. Most people wouldn't think in

terms of God would use the birds but he did and even when the

brook dried up God was already ahead of that. He already had

plans for where he needed to go next and he said, you go to

Zarephath, there's a widow woman there, I have commanded her to

sustain thee. Amen. And when he gets there it certainly doesn't

look like that she's capable of doing this but notice he

encouraged her. Even though you're down to your last cake,

don't eat it, sow it. Don't eat it, sow it. Amen. That was the

word of the Lord to her. Don't eat it, sow it. And the Bible

says, "And as she went." I love that story because I don't

notice in here that she contemplated for about three

months, came back to him and said, I think maybe you've heard

God that's what I'll do. As she went. When he said that, she

didn't hesitate. Too many times we want to bargain with God as

if God didn't know what he was doing. The moment that she heard

that word she went. She was obedient and that's the second

most important element is if you need a major breakthrough in

your life get the word of the Lord. Don't just start doing

anything and everything, get the word of the Lord. And the moment

you get it, then be obedient to do it. Amen. She was willing to

obey, as she went. And the Bible says, "As she went, she and he

and her house did eat many days and the barrel of mill wasted

not neither did the cruise of oil fail according to the word

of the Lord, which he spake by Elijah." Did it happen, did it

come to pass, did she get her breakthrough? Did God honor his

Word? He always honors his Word. Amen. And a third ingredient

that I see here is this, an unwavering faith that God would

honor what he said. So number one, a word from the Lord.

Number two, a willingness to obey and number three an

unwavering faith that God would honor his Word. Amen. I have a

great airplane that takes care of my needs here in the U.S. and

boy, I'm really enjoying it. God gave it to me, praise God. It's

a great blessing to my life. It protects the anointing on me,

hallelujah and we're certainly thanking God every time we get

in that airplane and what a blessing it is. But I travel

overseas the majority of the time. A number of years ago I

started believing and sowing seed toward an international

jet. At one point I thought, well, maybe I don't need an

international jet anymore. All my offices were doing well. I

thought I'd pretty fulfilled everything the Lord told me to

do overseas. I had an easel in my office with a picture of the

jet I was believing for, international jet. I had Romans

four on there about God calleth things that be not as though

they were. And every time I'd go in my office, I'd lay my hands

on that, it's a beautiful big easel of that jet, I had a model

of it made and set on my desk and every time I'd walk in my

office I'd lay my hands on that easel and I lay my hands on that

model and thank God for that jet. And then like said one day

I just kind of thought, what do I need with an international

jet. Maybe we can do this other ways and so forth. One day the

Lord said, whose idea was that? And the way he was talking I

knew better than to say yours. It was my idea not his. And I

had put that easel in the closet. And he said, go to your

closet in my office, go to your closet and get your dream out of

the closet. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I walked in there

and I dusted that easel off and I brought it back out and set it

there were it had been setting for some time and dusted that

model off and I said, the Lord told us Carolyn to get our dream

out of the closet. That he's not through yet with us in aviation,

praise God. And he's not through blessing us with aircraft. I've

been thinking about it the last several weeks. Every airplane

that God's ever put in this ministry came by the word the

Lord, instructions as to what to do, being willing to obey those

instructions and sowing my best seed. Every time. Every major

breakthrough that I've ever experienced. First, the word of

the Lord. Secondly, a willingness to obey and third,

sow the best seed I had. Amen. Today I was praying about the

service and the Lord said, "How serious are you about that

international jet?" I said, "I'm real serious." He said, "Why

aren't you doing what you've been doing all these years?" He

said, "Do you have enough money to pay cash for it now?" I said,

"No." He said, "You remember the three dollars Carolyn had and it

didn't meet her need and so it became seed." He said, "You got

a quarter of a million. What are you going to do with that?" I

said, "By the way you're talking it sounds like it's becoming

seed." Amen. I talked to Carolyn today and I said we've got the

money and I want to be part of the reason why Brother Copeland

has that G5. And so, we're going to take what we've got in that

aviation account and we're going to sow it. Amen. And you know

what's about to happen to me, my barrel of mill will waste not

and my cruise of oil will not fail. Hallelujah, Amen. A

miracle breakthrough praise God. Amen. And some of you may be

down to the bottom of the barrel. That's not a bad place

to be when you know God, when you know the Word. Now for

people that don't know God and they don't know the Word, that's

a real bad place to be. But when you know God and you know the

word, then apparently there is nothing else you can do in the

natural to change your circumstances. But you don't

live in the natural. You live in the supernatural. You walk by

faith and not by sight, hallelujah. Amen. So I challenge

you tonight that if you're down to your last cake, don't eat

it, don't eat it. Sow it. Brother Jerry, you don't know

what you're asking. Well, if you're not at the place where

you can do it, then hold on to it. Pray about it. But I pray

some day you'll get to the place that it becomes a way of life to

you. That you don't even think twice, you don't even bat your

eye. Every major breakthrough we have ever had in the ministry

has come just this way and personally just this way. We

found out what God wanted us to do, we got the word of the Lord

and then we were willing to obey and then with an unwavering

faith we did it. And God has never let us down. Never let us

down. Praise God. I believe something has broken in the

spirit realm tonight. I believe there are supernatural

breakthroughs that are own our horizon, praise God. Wouldn't

surprise me if some of you had some before you even left this

convention, praise God. Amen, Amen. So I'm going to ask you to

pray about following the Bible example. Get the word of the

Lord. Is God speaking to you tonight about sowing seed into

this ministry and all the things that they're believing God for.

What better ground could you find. I've never sown in this

ministry that I didn't reap harvest. Is God speaking to you?

Are you willing to obey? Is your faith at the level where you'll

do it without hesitation, without reservation, unwavering

faith. Amen. And apparently when this woman went, she went

expecting. Why would you do that and not expect results. She

already told the prophet all I have is just a little bit here,

we're going to eat it and die. But when he gave her the word

the Lord, she just got up and went. You wouldn't do that if

you didn't expect something to happen. Can you say amen. How

many of you have expectancy in your heart today. How many of

you believe God wants you to flourish, praise God. Amen. That

it's going to become in your life like days of heaven on

earth. Glory to God. So tonight, I'll preach the other sermon in

the morning or whatever my next time is but tonight I'd like for

you to follow my example. Follow me as I follow the Lord. Sow

your best seed believing that your barrel of mill is not going

to waste and your cruise of oil is not going to fail and that

God will multiply and you're going to live many days on the

harvest, hallelujah. Can you say amen. Give

the Lord a shout if you believe it and if you

receive it. Amen. Praise God, Hallelujah.

ANNOUNCER: Is there an obstacle in your life that

seems too large? Is there a situation that feels impossible?

Are you on the brink of giving up? If so, it's time for you to

get to know the God of the breakthrough. In the powerful

and engaging three CD teaching, get to know the God of the

breakthrough. Jerry Savelle shares revelation on the keys to

a miraculous breakthrough. Discover how to know God in a

new and personal way and learn the three keys to keep you ready

for the God of the breakthrough to show strong for you and bring

breakthrough to your house. Nothing is impossible for God.

No obstacle is too big to stop him. When you get to know the

God of the breakthrough nothing can prevent it. Breakthrough can

be yours. Call or go online now to and request

the powerful three CD teaching Get to Know the God of the

Breakthrough. You were made to be victorious, the head and not

the tail, above and not beneath. Don't wait any longer. You can

start your journey to breakthrough today.

JERRY: I want to say it again. God is the

God of the breakthrough. Don't ever give up on

God, don't ever give up on his Word. I enjoy

hearing testimonies of people just like you that are receiving

miracles in their life, breakthroughs in their lives,

answered prayer and I always enjoy reading them and I enjoy

sharing them with our viewing audience because I know that

when other people besides just me are having miracles in their

life it inspires people of faith. I know that when I share

a miracle that's taken place in my life you might say well,

that's you because you're a preacher. It's not because I'm a

preacher. I know a lot of preachers that are not having

miracles, it's because I'm a believer. But here, here's

someone that's not a preacher, it's a person just like you and

they're sharing with us how that they too have experience

breakthroughs from God. This is from Lou Anne. She says I wrote

about four months ago for prayer for my sister Lisa and I wanted

to update you. She was diagnosed with grade four lung cancer. The

tumor in her left lung was half the size of her lung. The doctor

told us it was a rare cancer and that there wasn't a chemo drug

to kill it. However, I want to say that God has done the

miraculous. The tumor has begun shrink half the size, praise

Jesus. I want to say God bless you and all that work for you

and keep my sisters in prayer because we know that God is

going to finish this work. And Lou Anne, we thank God for that

testimony and we praise God that he is doing a great miracle in

your sister's life. Here's one from Gloria. My son and his wife

had a situation trying to sell their home and finding a new

home. Four days after writing a prayer of petition, the book we

received from your ministry the Lord answered my prayer and my

son's prayer and now their house has sold and they're in their

brand new home and it certainly is an upgrade, God does answer

prayers. And praise God, he'll answer your prayers as well.

Don't ever give up on God. Say it with me, my God is the God of

the breakthrough. Say it again, say it out loud. My God is the

God of the breakthrough. That's what our special offer is about

this week. Get to know the God of the breakthrough. Three

powerful CD's. Anointed teaching. I'm telling you it

will inspire your faith. I don't think you're going to be able to

put it down once you start listening to it and I believe

praise God that as you listen to it, you'll get to know the God

of the breakthrough more intimately and then you'll begin

to believe that he can break through for you. So order your

copies today. Thank you once again for watching our

broadcast. We'll see you again next week and until then,

don't ever forget your faith will overcome the world.

ANNOUNCER: Next week. JERRY: We talk about the word of Faith, we

talk about the law of faith and here the Apostle Paul is talking

about the spirit of faith. Now, I said many, many years ago and

I believe I learned this from Brother Copeland, it's one thing

to hear the word of Faith, it's one thing to operate in the law

of faith but the spirit of faith is something to have to

catch. It's something that comes on you and enables

you to live by it for the rest of your life.


For more infomation >> Keys to a Miraculous Breakthrough - Duration: 28:35.


Volvo XC70 2.5 T SUMMUM NL-Auto/ Leder/Xenon/ Navi/ Trekhaak/ Zonnedak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC70 2.5 T SUMMUM NL-Auto/ Leder/Xenon/ Navi/ Trekhaak/ Zonnedak - Duration: 0:54.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI NAVIGATOR Navi+BT+Camera Airco 16"LMV Cr.Control 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI NAVIGATOR Navi+BT+Camera Airco 16"LMV Cr.Control 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:54.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T TEKNA - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T TEKNA - Duration: 0:59.


Fishing With Net in Pond | Rare Net Fishing Video For Snakehead, Climbing Perch And Koi in Puddle - Duration: 10:58.

Fishing With Net in Pond. Rare Net Fishing Video For Snakehead, Climbing Perch And Koi in Puddle.

It's a snakehead fish.

It's a fishing video Where we fish With Net in the Pond.

A rare net fishing video for snakehead, climbing perch and koi in a puddle.

This video has featured snakehead fish and climbing perch fish.

I believe you'll enjoy the video.

First try, let's see what happens :)

A climbing perch fish.

Another one.

So on this first occasion, we got two climbing perch and some baby fishes.

I got a big one!!!


It's a huge snakehead.

Come in the dry place.

The biggest fishing moment so far.

The big one :P

This is the big fish, what do you say guys!!!

It's a healthy climbing perch fish. Not bad at all.

Oh this time three climbing perch fishes. Amazing fishing experience so far.

The weather was too hot there. So we decided to go back at home.

He was suggesting to release those baby fishes and we agree and did it.

This is what we got today.

We got more than enough fishes for us to eat for at least two to three days.

Please LIKE & SHARE the video

Your one SHARE

Can change our

Entire Life :)

For more infomation >> Fishing With Net in Pond | Rare Net Fishing Video For Snakehead, Climbing Perch And Koi in Puddle - Duration: 10:58.


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For more infomation >> Пешком по Краснодару. Оз Молл и хостел в Краснодаре ► Поездка в Сочи - Duration: 8:47.


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For more infomation >> TALKING TOM and TALKING ANGELA - MAGIC potion cartoon game for kids Tom and Friends - Duration: 10:07.


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For more infomation >> Ed Sheeran - Perfect《紅髮艾德-完美無瑕》【歌詞】中英對照 繁體/简体《林默娘公園》 - Duration: 4:32.


The Greg Gutfeld Show 12/03/17 1AM | December 03, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 33:20.

For more infomation >> The Greg Gutfeld Show 12/03/17 1AM | December 03, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 33:20.


How to Get 100% Real 10000 Instagram Followers in A Week 2017 | Instagram Followers | Trick 2017 - Duration: 2:39.

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