Saturday, December 2, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2017

Under Obamacare, millions of Americans saw their premiums skyrocket, their quality of

service plummet, and their time completely wasted—and while Republicans have been trying

to knock it down for years now, under the guidance of President Donald Trump, it seems

that they may have finally done it.

The recently-passed Senate tax reform bill included one major bonus – it also repealed

the mandate that forced Americans to sign up for Obamacare.

After the ambitious but premature 'Repeal and Replace' bill was blocked by traitorous

RINO John McCain, many believed that the Republican party had no chance of passing any sort of

healthcare bill.

Yet once more, President Trump has astounded us with his ability to expertly maneuver the

political landscape, and keep his promises.

Peter Sullivan of The Hill reports:

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare's individual mandate as part

of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care


"Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works

for them — not the government," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

"I believe if people don't want to buy the ObamaCare insurance, they shouldn't

have to pay a tax penalty to the IRS."

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include

the mandate's repeal.

But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing

the mandate.

No Democrats in either chamber voted for the GOP tax bills.

It's unclear what repeal of the mandate will mean for ObamaCare.

Many experts and health-care groups warn that repeal will destabilize ObamaCare markets,

leading to premium increases or insurers simply dropping out of certain areas.

Without a financial penalty under the mandate for lacking health coverage, there is less

incentive for healthy people to sign up and balance out the costs of the sick.

Some experts counter that the effects will not be as severe as others say, given that

there are doubts the mandate had a strong effect on people to begin with.

Moderate Republicans are now pushing for bipartisan ObamaCare fixes to help stabilize insurance

markets, setting up a showdown with conservatives.

The mandate's repeal was not part of the original tax-reform measure released by the

Senate Finance Committee, and Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) previously said he wanted to

keep the divisive health-care issue separate from taxes.

But President Trump, along with Senate conservatives such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), made a vocal

public push for its inclusion.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years in subsidies that otherwise

would have been spent on consumers, according to the Congressional Budget Office, providing

savings for the tax cuts.

The CBO estimates that 13 million fewer people will have health insurance over the next decade

without the mandate, and it projects that premiums will rise 10 percent.

But it also projects markets will remain stable in "almost all areas of the country."

While three Republican senators, John McCain (R-Ariz.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa

Murkowski (R-Alaska) defeated an ObamaCare repeal bill over the summer that included

mandate repeal, this time they put aside their concerns.

Murkowski wrote that repealing the mandate didn't hurt the structure of the health-care

law, but allowed people the "freedom" to choose whether to enroll.

Collins said she had won a commitment from Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

(R-Ky.) to pass two bipartisan ObamaCare fixes before the end of the year.

She hopes those bills will counteract the increase in premiums from mandate repeal.

One of the bills, from Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray(D-Wash.) funds

key payments to insurers, while the other measure provides funding known as reinsurance

to pay for some sick people's claims and help bring down premiums.

The Alexander-Murray bill does not directly deal with the effects of repealing the mandate,

and some experts argue there would have to be more reinsurance funding than currently

proposed to make up for mandate repeal.

It's unclear if either fix will actually become law, as House conservatives oppose

the measures as propping up ObamaCare.

Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), a member of the moderate Tuesday Group, said he supports passing

Alexander-Murray to try to counteract the premium increases from mandate repeal.

But he acknowledged conservatives oppose that move, meaning he thinks the initial House

version of a government funding bill will not have the health fix attached.

He thinks the Senate will add it later, setting up a choice for the House.

"They'll toss it back to us and either you take it like that or you shut the government

down," Upton said.

Trump appears eager to return to the full repeal-and-replace push after the final tax

bill passes.

"We will Repeal & Replace and have great Healthcare soon after Tax Cuts!" he tweeted

in late October.

GOP leaders have not committed to revisiting the issue in an election year, though Sen.

John Kennedy (R-La.) said he thought mandate repeal brings full repeal and replacement

a step closer.

"I think it's going to make our third attempt at health-care reform easier," Kennedy


For more infomation >> BREAKING: The GOP Senate Just Delivered a Killer Blow to Obamacare – Here Are The Details - Duration: 5:30.



For more infomation >> DIABLO: ВСЕ ВОПЛОЩЕНИЯ ЗЛА (ВЕЛИКИЕ И МЕНЬШИЕ) - Duration: 8:37.


Meet the female candidates ...

For more infomation >> Meet the female candidates ...


Goodbye Nikon! Why I switched to the Olympus OM-D E-M1Mark II and the micro four-thirds format - Duration: 15:34.

Dear John, I mean Nikon.

Dear Nikon, parting is such sweet sorrow… nah thats been done before…

Dear Nikon…. after 42 years and just one short trial separation the time has come for

me to say goodbye….

ah heck - just stay tuned and I'll tell you guys - Nikon - they can figure it out

when they watch the video - I mean thats still better than breaking up with a text message…

Hey gang!

My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop a solid

understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve your goals

as a photographer.

I did it.

I said goodbye to Nikon.

I switched to Olympus.

That's right - micro four-thirds and I couldn't be happier.

My only disappointment is that I didn't do it much sooner.

I purchased my first Nikon camera - used in 1975 and I've shot with Nikon cameras for

my entire professional career except for a brief stint a few years ago when I gave Sony

a try - but I quickly realized I wasn't comfortable with the company or their gear

and went back to my trusty Nikons.

I've stuck with Nikon through thick and thin.

My first - The workhorse Nikon F. I went digital in 1999 with the groundbreaking Nikon D1 for

a mere $5,000 per body and an output of a whopping 2.7 megapixels.

Here is a shot done with the Nikon D1 and an old 80-200mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens.

During those early digital years, I upgraded to a D1X in 2001 with all 5.6 megapixels and

then in late 2004 the D2X with a price drop to three thousand dollars and an incredible

12 megapixels.

Along the way I used the D200 and the D300 which are APS-C cameras with 10 and 12 megapixels

and then moved on to the D700 and D800 and my last two Nikons, the full frame D810 at

36 megapixels with a $3,300 price tag for the body and a D500 APS-C body with 20 megapixels

for $2,000

As a loyal Nikon user I survived the early two thousands and Nikons second generation

digital cameras while Canon just ran right by Nikon with better glass and better cameras.

I stayed loyal to Nikon because they were familiar and comfortable and I liked the ergonomics.

Sony entered the race with it's mirrorless cameras but when I tried the A7R with its

36 megapixels there were very few lenses available and the idea of buying a camera that needs

adapters to put lenses on it is just ridiculous in my opinion.

Plus, given Sony's history with things like Beta Max and proprietary accessories - I was

gun-shy about their long term commitment to photographers.

Earlier this year I purchased the Panasonic GH5 for video.

I shoot all of my videos and my livestreams on Panasonic gear - for now.

When I got the GH5 and it's 20.3mp micro four-thirds sensor, I decided to shoot some

stills with it and I was really surprised at the quality.

So I took it into the studio and shot some portraits and was blown away by how well it


Like a lot of photographers, I had discounted micro four-thirds and simply went along with

the bigger is better philosophy.

I just accepted that cameras had to be big and heavy and I reluctantly accepted the price

of cameras growing seriously out of control - which is making it harder and harder for

people to afford photography as a hobby or turn it into a profession.

I had forgotten that I had produced images like this with a 2.7 megapixel Nikon D1 or

like this with a 10.2 megapixel D200.

Both of those images were shot as jpegs by the way - not RAW.

Please don't tell Tony or Fro.

It's no secret that Nikon and Canon are way behind Sony with mirrorless technology

and it is understandable - they face bigger obstacles because they have much more legacy

with their gear.

The closer we get to a Nikon mirrorless camera the more it looks like it will be full frame

- which is nice - but if the rumors are to be believed it also looks like it will have

a new lens system with an adapter to attach the legacy lenses.

In other words it's likely to have a price tag that rivals the high end Sony cameras

and the need for an expensive adapter to use my existing lenses.

All of this delay from Nikon has become more and more frustrating because I like mirrorless.

I love EVF viewfinders.

Being able to see a finished photo before you press the shutter is amazing!

Not to mention - why have a mirror that makes noise, causes vibration and potentially needs

repair - when you don't have to.

So I started doing research.

A lot of research.

My original thought was to move to Panasonic for both stills and video.

But the more I researched - the Olympus name kept popping up - especially when it comes

to still photography with micro four-thirds.

Olympus is the company that developed the four-thirds standard and then later paired

with Panasonic to share technology and the micro four-thirds standard evolved.

The consortium formed by these two companies now includes companies like Zeiss, BlackMagic

Design, Fujifilm, Sigma, Tamron, Tokina, Schneider, Iowa and a bunch of others - all with the

goal of producing cameras and lenses that conform to the four-thirds standard.

In other words they share technology.

Just imagine for a moment what the equipment landscape would look like if companies like

Canon, Nikon and Sony would get together and set standards and share basic technology.

Think of all the amazing cameras we would have and how much more affordable they would

be because of the shared research and development costs.

But - they don't work together.

Sony is doing its own thing - and doing a great job of it while Canon and Nikon seem

to be swimming upstream to move forward with mirrorless technology.

This design of format wasn't based on the 35mm format like APS-C and full frame sensors.

It's the first and only digital system that is not based on the film era.

The sensor has a ratio of 4:3 which means is an aspect ratio similar to most printing

sizes like 4x5 - 8x10 - 16x20.

Here is the Nikon kit that I worked with for the last few years.

A D810, a D500, and the D7100 that I bought for video and quickly put it on the shelf

because better 4K options quickly became available from other companies.

Let's face it - Nikon isn't really the company most people turn to if they are serious

about video.

For lenses I had a 20mm f/2.8 - probably my most favorite non portrait lens - a 24mm f/2.8

- my favorite lens from my days as a photojournalist - a 35mm f/2.8 - a 50mm f/1.8 - an 85mm f/1.8

- a Tokina 100mm f/2.8 which of course was my favorite portrait lens and a 180mm f/2.8

my favorite telephoto lens from my days as a photojournalist.

Notice there are no zooms - all primes.

I have nothing against zooms - it was actually a financial decision I made after losing money

on the switch back and forth with Sony.

My new kit - 2 OM-D E-M1 Mark II bodies which are 20.4 megapixel cameras.

I have three zoom lenses and four primes.

The zooms are all Zuiko Pro Series lenses - the 7-14mm f/2.8 wide angle, the 12-40mm

f/2.8 and the 40-150mm f/2.8

And if you are wondering about the 35mm equivalents of these lenses - just double the numbers

- the 7-14 is the equivalent of a 14-28mm full frame lens.

The 12-40 is equivalent to a 24-80mm full frame lens and the 40-150mm is equivalent

to an 80-300mm full frame lens.

My new kit also includes four Prime lenses… the new 25mm f1.2 Pro lens and the just released

45mm f/1.2 Pro lens.

I also have a 30mm f/3.5 macro lens and a 300mm f/4 Pro lens which is a 600mm equivalent

and great for shooting sports - if I add the 1.4 teleconverter this becomes an 840mm equivalent


It would take a series of videos to tell you everything about this camera - and that's

already been done.

Aside from the great reputation for quality craftsmanship that Olympus has always had,

this camera weighs in at 1.09lb compared to the Nikon D810's 1.94lb That is practically

half the weight.

The EM-1 Mark II features 5 axis in body image stabilization and it's dust, splash and freeze

proof which makes this an amazing camera for location work of all kinds.

It will shoot up to 15fps with the mechanical shutter and 60fps with the electronic shutter.

Autofocus is split second fast with 121 points of on-chip phase detection and contrast detection.

There is also an in-body autofocus limiter that will shorten the auto focus drive time

baed on up to three customizable ranges.

Now I can tell you that from my personal testing - the eye tracking autofocus is wickedly fast

and accurate.

There are also features like focus bracketing and stacking, a 50 megapixel hi-res shot mode

and 4k video.

And the list goes on...

Why now - at this point in my career after using Nikon for so long and right before they

are hopefully gonna come out with a mirrorless camera???

I did it because for the last two years while I have been making these YouTube videos and

traveling the country teaching and talking with photographers of all different skill

levels from all around the world - my head has been filled with the anxiety from photographers

worrying about Full Frame Is Better - More Mega Pixels are Better - More Dynamic Range

is Better - Sony is Better - Nikon is Better - Canon is better.

I hear this stuff day in and day out in the very next sentence I hear the complaints about

the cost of equipment and size and weight all the while these same photographers are

struggling to improve their craft.

I hear photographer after photographer trying to shoot the way somebody else shoots with

the same gear that somebody else uses because they think thats the secret to improving.

The only helpful advice that I can offer to these folks is to ignore what everybody else

is doing and remember why they picked up their very first camera.

99 percent of the time - it was NOT because they cared about how somebody else took pictures

or about megapixels or dynamic range or any of that stuff.

I remind them when they first picked up a camera it was FUN and that's why they picked

it up again and again and got hooked.

The more I tried to persuade photographers to get back to having fun - mainly because

it's easier to learn and improve when you are having fun - the more I realized I was

making the same mistake.

My advantage though was that I did the bulk of my learning long before we had megapixels

to worry about or an internet full of photographers to compare myself to.

When I learned photography the focus wasn't on gear - sure you wanted to have the right

gear for the job - but you also had to learn to solve problems.

You focused on the image that was in front of your camera.

So in short - I decided to take my own advice.

It's time to have fun again.

Why spend so much money?

The OM-D Mark II body from Olympus is a pro level camera body that sells for just under

two thousand dollars.

Why carry such heavy gear that really just discouraged me from picking up a camera and

instead encouraged me to use my iphone because it was easier.

Why keep waiting for a company that I've been loyal to for decades to get their act

together when every other month there's a press release that they are losing money or

laying off people or closing factories.

As part of my research - I talked to a LOT of micro four-thirds photographers.

Professionals and amateurs.

I spent a lot of time at PhotoPlus looking over the Olympus gear.

I was fortunate enough to spend some time with the very awesome Gavin Hoey who is a

fellow photographer and YouTuber from the UK and an Olympus Ambassador.

I left PhotoPlus leaning towards the change, but my next step - I rented an E-M1 Mark II

and the 12-40mm f/2.8 Pro lens - just like you hear me advise so many of you to do if

you are considering a camera change.

Never buy a camera based on the specs or a YouTube video - try it out first.

Now full disclosure - I actually live about 12 minutes from the US headquarters for Olympus.

I reached out to they're marketing team because I wanted to test the camera out a

bit more, hopefully without having to pay to pay rent for a few weeks.

Olympus was very gracious and lent me a body and three lenses to test.

The Mark II met or exceeded all of my expectations.

So here I am - an excited Olympus Owner.

And just in case there's any confusion - I purchased the Olympus system, It wasn't

given to me.

Olympus has been running awesome Black Friday and Holiday sales on most of their gear including

the EM1 Mark II.

And before some of you start getting defensive about your full frame cameras or aps-c cameras

- please note - I have not said it's wrong to use them or that you should switch.

I am just telling you why I switched, because I've had literally hundreds of people ask

for an explanation on the various social media platforms where I share my photos.

So please don't accuse me of saying one brand is better than another.

I am just telling you what is best for me.

I will tell you that I haven't had this much fun or enjoyed my gear as much in years.

This camera performs wonderfully regardless if I'm shooting my grandson for fun or professionally

on location or in the studio.

I am able to shoot tethered in the studio with my Tether Tools gear and the features

of E-MI MarkII actually makes my workflow easier and I am not sacrificing quality.

So there you have the reason for my switch.

I didn't sell out, I don't hate Nikon - I wish them all the best of luck - I simply

wanted to make photography fun again and get back to the things that really matter to me.

In the two weeks that I have owned my own Olympus gear, I have shot two jobs for commercial

clients and they didn't look at my cameras and think I was an amateur - they were thrilled

with the images and have committed to booking me again - life is good.

I'll be doing the same kind of videos that I always do - shooting the same kinds of images

that I always shoot.

Sure - you'll learn more about micro four-thirds if you keep watching and I hope you will but

just like before - I am committed to sharing with you as much as I can about the how's

and why's behind making great photographs.

And for those of you that are interested - be sure to follow me on social media because

I will gladly share every bit of my micro four-thirds journey with you.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's

your NEXT shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> Goodbye Nikon! Why I switched to the Olympus OM-D E-M1Mark II and the micro four-thirds format - Duration: 15:34.


loh e Qurani ka wazifa | Lohe Qurani Ka Naqsh | Mushkilat Ka Hal || Loh e Qurani with Recitation - Duration: 8:06.

loh e Qurani ka wazifa | Lohe Qurani Ka Naqsh | Mushkilat Ka Hal || Loh e Qurani with Recitation

For more infomation >> loh e Qurani ka wazifa | Lohe Qurani Ka Naqsh | Mushkilat Ka Hal || Loh e Qurani with Recitation - Duration: 8:06.


😍 Bere Aceto di Mele Prima di Andare a Dormire Migliorerà la Vostra Vita - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 😍 Bere Aceto di Mele Prima di Andare a Dormire Migliorerà la Vostra Vita - Duration: 3:50.


Ana Maria Nascimento e Silva, atriz e produtora, morre aos 65 anos - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Ana Maria Nascimento e Silva, atriz e produtora, morre aos 65 anos - Duration: 3:28.


Astrofotografia Amador 01 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Astrofotografia Amador 01 - Duration: 3:44.


1 घंटे चेहरे पर लगा लो चेहरा इतना गोरा हो जायेगा यकीन नहीं करोगे | GORE HONE KI CREAM - Duration: 2:15.

Gore hone ke tarike in hindi for all women and men

get fair skin whitening cream

this is really get fair skin tips for skin whitening


For more infomation >> 1 घंटे चेहरे पर लगा लो चेहरा इतना गोरा हो जायेगा यकीन नहीं करोगे | GORE HONE KI CREAM - Duration: 2:15.


Fantastic Music Mix 2018 | (New Melody Break Mix 2018) | By Mrr Thea ft Mrr Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 14:21.

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

For more infomation >> Fantastic Music Mix 2018 | (New Melody Break Mix 2018) | By Mrr Thea ft Mrr Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 14:21.


Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 - បទភ្លេងញាក់ក្លឹប កំសត់ៗ - NONSTOP KH - Duration: 36:42.

Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 - បទភ្លេងញាក់ក្លឹប កំសត់ៗ - NONSTOP

For more infomation >> Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 - បទភ្លេងញាក់ក្លឹប កំសត់ៗ - NONSTOP KH - Duration: 36:42.


The History of Coffee, as told ...

For more infomation >> The History of Coffee, as told ...


Able R Us hosts Christmas party - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Able R Us hosts Christmas party - Duration: 0:44.


Alice vs. Austin McCallum - Playoff Football Highlights - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Alice vs. Austin McCallum - Playoff Football Highlights - Duration: 3:03.


WARFACE: ТОП 1 НА ШТУРМЕ С MK14 EBR - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> WARFACE: ТОП 1 НА ШТУРМЕ С MK14 EBR - Duration: 12:26.


BREAKING: The GOP Senate Just Delivered a Killer Blow to Obamacare – Here Are The Details - Duration: 5:30.

Under Obamacare, millions of Americans saw their premiums skyrocket, their quality of

service plummet, and their time completely wasted—and while Republicans have been trying

to knock it down for years now, under the guidance of President Donald Trump, it seems

that they may have finally done it.

The recently-passed Senate tax reform bill included one major bonus – it also repealed

the mandate that forced Americans to sign up for Obamacare.

After the ambitious but premature 'Repeal and Replace' bill was blocked by traitorous

RINO John McCain, many believed that the Republican party had no chance of passing any sort of

healthcare bill.

Yet once more, President Trump has astounded us with his ability to expertly maneuver the

political landscape, and keep his promises.

Peter Sullivan of The Hill reports:

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare's individual mandate as part

of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care


"Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works

for them — not the government," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

"I believe if people don't want to buy the ObamaCare insurance, they shouldn't

have to pay a tax penalty to the IRS."

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include

the mandate's repeal.

But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing

the mandate.

No Democrats in either chamber voted for the GOP tax bills.

It's unclear what repeal of the mandate will mean for ObamaCare.

Many experts and health-care groups warn that repeal will destabilize ObamaCare markets,

leading to premium increases or insurers simply dropping out of certain areas.

Without a financial penalty under the mandate for lacking health coverage, there is less

incentive for healthy people to sign up and balance out the costs of the sick.

Some experts counter that the effects will not be as severe as others say, given that

there are doubts the mandate had a strong effect on people to begin with.

Moderate Republicans are now pushing for bipartisan ObamaCare fixes to help stabilize insurance

markets, setting up a showdown with conservatives.

The mandate's repeal was not part of the original tax-reform measure released by the

Senate Finance Committee, and Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) previously said he wanted to

keep the divisive health-care issue separate from taxes.

But President Trump, along with Senate conservatives such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), made a vocal

public push for its inclusion.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years in subsidies that otherwise

would have been spent on consumers, according to the Congressional Budget Office, providing

savings for the tax cuts.

The CBO estimates that 13 million fewer people will have health insurance over the next decade

without the mandate, and it projects that premiums will rise 10 percent.

But it also projects markets will remain stable in "almost all areas of the country."

While three Republican senators, John McCain (R-Ariz.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa

Murkowski (R-Alaska) defeated an ObamaCare repeal bill over the summer that included

mandate repeal, this time they put aside their concerns.

Murkowski wrote that repealing the mandate didn't hurt the structure of the health-care

law, but allowed people the "freedom" to choose whether to enroll.

Collins said she had won a commitment from Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

(R-Ky.) to pass two bipartisan ObamaCare fixes before the end of the year.

She hopes those bills will counteract the increase in premiums from mandate repeal.

One of the bills, from Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray(D-Wash.) funds

key payments to insurers, while the other measure provides funding known as reinsurance

to pay for some sick people's claims and help bring down premiums.

The Alexander-Murray bill does not directly deal with the effects of repealing the mandate,

and some experts argue there would have to be more reinsurance funding than currently

proposed to make up for mandate repeal.

It's unclear if either fix will actually become law, as House conservatives oppose

the measures as propping up ObamaCare.

Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), a member of the moderate Tuesday Group, said he supports passing

Alexander-Murray to try to counteract the premium increases from mandate repeal.

But he acknowledged conservatives oppose that move, meaning he thinks the initial House

version of a government funding bill will not have the health fix attached.

He thinks the Senate will add it later, setting up a choice for the House.

"They'll toss it back to us and either you take it like that or you shut the government

down," Upton said.

Trump appears eager to return to the full repeal-and-replace push after the final tax

bill passes.

"We will Repeal & Replace and have great Healthcare soon after Tax Cuts!" he tweeted

in late October.

GOP leaders have not committed to revisiting the issue in an election year, though Sen.

John Kennedy (R-La.) said he thought mandate repeal brings full repeal and replacement

a step closer.

"I think it's going to make our third attempt at health-care reform easier," Kennedy


For more infomation >> BREAKING: The GOP Senate Just Delivered a Killer Blow to Obamacare – Here Are The Details - Duration: 5:30.



For more infomation >> DIABLO: ВСЕ ВОПЛОЩЕНИЯ ЗЛА (ВЕЛИКИЕ И МЕНЬШИЕ) - Duration: 8:37.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


SP Priest AU - Mochizuki Rii BG Story [Voice Act] - Duration: 0:31.

more than this...

I don't want to kill people more than this


anyone please stop me!

I want to kill~

I can't hold it anymore


I want to kill so bad~

For more infomation >> SP Priest AU - Mochizuki Rii BG Story [Voice Act] - Duration: 0:31.


HOLY CRAP! Obama Just Went On The World Stage And Stabbed Trump In The Back - Duration: 5:09.

HOLY CRAP! Obama Just Went On The World Stage And Stabbed Trump In The Back

While former President Obama might have been one smooth talker, anyone who compares his

words to his actions can tell he�s just that; all talk. Whether you agree with what

he did in office or you think he�s the worst thing that ever happened to this country,

it would be nice for the rest of the world to see that we had the good sense to elect

a President that doesn�t say one thing and then do another. But alas, that�s not the

case with our former Commander-in-Chief.

It seems that Barrack Hussein Obama might be taking retirement hard, since he can�t

seem to quit trailing around behind President Trump, looking for ways to sabotage what the

President is doing. Even though Obama had eight long years to do his damage, he�s

still working overtime to try and sink the knife of liberalism into the just recovering


Most recently he actually followed the President on his tour of Asia, stopping where the President

stopped and seeming to apologize for everything that President Trump did while he was on his

diplomatic missions. According to Down Trend, during the former President�s speech in

India, he went so far as to actually attack President Trump on everything from his social

media following, to Obama�s beloved Paris Agreement that POTUS did away with post haste:

�Obama�s legacy as president was almost entirely based on the sometimes illegal executive

orders he issued. He had to know that Donald Trump was going to come in and erase the sad

level of achievement and that�s precisely what has happened. It has to be disappointing

for Obama to realize the only thing he will be remembered for is the color of his skin

and that bitterness is showing. At a speech in India he repeatedly shit-talked his replacement,

showing what his wife meant when she said, �When they go low, we go high.�

The AP reports that Obama spoke at a �leadership� forum in New Delhi on Friday. I guess that�s

kind of like when Hillary Clinton gave a speech on cybersecurity; it�s just as important

to hear from failures as successes. As you know, Obama is terrified to utter the word

�Trump� because he thinks it will unleash untold evil and the AP actually made note

of this:When former President Barack Obama spoke to a leadership forum in India�s capital

on Friday, he never once used the words �Donald Trump� and was careful to avoid any direct

reference to his successor in the White House.�

Actually, that�s not true, Obama directly referenced Trump many times. Here he�s trying

to rub it in that he has more Twitter followers than Trump:

�And look, I�ve got 100 million Twitter followers. I actually have more than other

people who use it more often,� said Obama, followed by, �Think before you tweet.'�

For the record, even AP was willing to correct the fact that Obama doesn�t actually have

100 million followers, he�s got 97 million followers, but one can understand why he might

be mentally rounding up. What isn�t forgivable is why he would personally attack the President

for something like pulling out of the Paris Agreement, but that�s just what he did,

calling Trump a �climate denier.�

��It�s an agreement, even though we have a little bit of a pause in American leadership,

that is giving our children a fighting chance,� Obama said.

A pause in American leadership? Does he mean the 8 years he was in office? That�s not

a pause; that�s a full-on drought.

Obama actually continued to attack Trump�s leadership:

�And so if you see a politician doing things that are questionable, one of the things as

a citizen is to ask yourself �Am I encouraging, or supporting or giving license to the values

I�m hearing out of the politician?� Because frankly, politicians tend to be more of a

mirror and more of a reflection of forces in the society,� said Obama.

If I�m understanding this correctly, while Obama was president, America was lazy and

inept? Another way to look at that is that Obama is saying now that Trump is president,

America sucks.�

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and apparently, Obama�s is that President

Trump is doing a bad job. Sadly, he�s not even the only one who thinks that, and that�s

OK. What isn�t OK is the former President actually following the current President around

and trash talking him behind his back.

President Trump has a lot to do while he�s in office if he plans to repair the damage

done by the Obama Administration and make good on his promise to make America great

again. If he�s going to do that, he needs to be able to keep his eyes forward without

someone who might still hold clout in the eyes of world leaders going behind him and

undoing his progress and stabbing him in the back. This flailing attempt by Obama to make

President Trump look bad is pathetic at best and treasonous at worst. It�s time to put

a stop to it.

For more infomation >> HOLY CRAP! Obama Just Went On The World Stage And Stabbed Trump In The Back - Duration: 5:09.


Awkward Language Barrier (feat. Billy But Better) - Duration: 4:28.

If you've ever traveled to an extremely distant place from your home,

or work in the field of tourism. then I'm sure that you've likely met others who speak a different language.

I had these sort of encounters in my past, but my first direct experience was a bit awkward...

Just like what I was as a person at the time-- BUT I'M NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE!

I've grown and prospered and into a fine human who can do things in public...

With a comfortable mind set... It's a start.

Preparing for the holidays, my family and I traveled to another province to do some shopping.

You know that old show called

6teen where they're inside this massive-y mall thing? Where we went was almost that big,

And it was a rare sight. I don't see stuff like that where I live. It was breathtaking

It makes me wonder how I'll handle VidCon if I can ever afford to go

You know, because it's over a $600 plane ticket just to get there...

I'm losing the point in this video, but that's my perspective. I live in a small community.

Because I had already done the majority of my shopping, my family allowed me to spend some time with my friend who lived nearby.

Just until my family finished shopping. Doesn't seem like a long time, but some time is always better than none.

He suggested that we go out for a bite to eat at a place called Goji's,

a self-service eatery where you can build your own dishes full of frozen yogurt.

Remember what I said that the big mall was a site for me to behold? A build-it-yourself eatery...

was mesmerizing!~ The fact that you can choose your own flavors and build your own dish gave me an

appreciated feeling that locals would definitely find a rarity.

I've never seen you this excited

before, have you never been to a place like this where you build your own dish?- No, at least not in the public setting.

This... is astonishing! Holy shrimp. This looks like a delicacy. I'm ready to pay! Well

I mean, you built that yourself, hence why you would love it. Don't justify this for me

We got over to the checkout where a sweet girl who worked there was ready with a weight

mechanism. That must have been how each price for the dish was determined. My friend goes up to pay first.

Ca va être six point quatre vingt sept dollars.

Débit, si vous plais.

Wait whoa- hold up. They're speaking French, and I don't understand French...

I was obviously next in line, since

we were the only three people in the room. So I frantically looked around the desk to see if there was any kind of

price indicator or a clue that I could exploit so I wouldn't have to speak.

But there wasn't anything. As she's weighing my frozen yogurt,

I look over at my friend so he can catch a glimpse of just how much peril I was in, but he just looks back

At me with a light comforting smirk. Son of a- wait, does he not know that I can't speak French?

Where I live, French and English of the two main languages, however

English is more focused upon as French isn't a mandatory thing to learn where I'm educated, but that doesn't mean

I don't know anything about the language.

Ca va être six point quatorze dollars.

Okay, I think that means that six or some dollars,

but what if he asked me how many flavors around my dish? I can't respond to that. I don't want to look like a fool.

*Deep breath*

Je ne comprende pas Français. ~ "I don't understand French."

In return for my impromptu and unpracticed attempt at speaking French,

I get a simple stare and I don't blame her. If someone came up to me and said that they don't understand English,

I'd be bamboozled too. Seems kind of contradictory doesn't it? It's like reading a book...

...about... to read.

Oh, that's $6.14.

Debit, please.

Oh my gosh, she could speak English, too.

So you knew the whole time that she was bilingual?

Yeah, we go to the same school. I personally knew her.

It's a good thing that I can never get mad at you. I worked myself up over an issue that never existed.

Hey, what's up? You reach the end of the video I'd like to give a big warm

Thanks to my buds Billy But better and the prince cosplay for lending their voices for this video.

Thank you! a couple of weeks ago Billy had a temporary shirt sale

That sold limited edition number one models that would mean if you purchased it you were a quote day one fan

And I bought one and actually received it in the mail while working on this video

It's better than my other shirts. Yeah. while the prince and I were setting up to record. We made a nice little outtake

I like, stopped breathing

Hello, pumpernickel

po-tashio. "Po-tashio"?

Yeah- It's pistachio. *laughing*

I'm sorry, I do not know how to speak...


For more infomation >> Awkward Language Barrier (feat. Billy But Better) - Duration: 4:28.


1 घंटे चेहरे पर लगा लो चेहरा इतना गोरा हो जायेगा यकीन नहीं करोगे | GORE HONE KI CREAM - Duration: 2:15.

Gore hone ke tarike in hindi for all women and men

get fair skin whitening cream

this is really get fair skin tips for skin whitening


For more infomation >> 1 घंटे चेहरे पर लगा लो चेहरा इतना गोरा हो जायेगा यकीन नहीं करोगे | GORE HONE KI CREAM - Duration: 2:15.


Goodbye Nikon! Why I switched to the Olympus OM-D E-M1Mark II and the micro four-thirds format - Duration: 15:34.

Dear John, I mean Nikon.

Dear Nikon, parting is such sweet sorrow… nah thats been done before…

Dear Nikon…. after 42 years and just one short trial separation the time has come for

me to say goodbye….

ah heck - just stay tuned and I'll tell you guys - Nikon - they can figure it out

when they watch the video - I mean thats still better than breaking up with a text message…

Hey gang!

My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop a solid

understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve your goals

as a photographer.

I did it.

I said goodbye to Nikon.

I switched to Olympus.

That's right - micro four-thirds and I couldn't be happier.

My only disappointment is that I didn't do it much sooner.

I purchased my first Nikon camera - used in 1975 and I've shot with Nikon cameras for

my entire professional career except for a brief stint a few years ago when I gave Sony

a try - but I quickly realized I wasn't comfortable with the company or their gear

and went back to my trusty Nikons.

I've stuck with Nikon through thick and thin.

My first - The workhorse Nikon F. I went digital in 1999 with the groundbreaking Nikon D1 for

a mere $5,000 per body and an output of a whopping 2.7 megapixels.

Here is a shot done with the Nikon D1 and an old 80-200mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens.

During those early digital years, I upgraded to a D1X in 2001 with all 5.6 megapixels and

then in late 2004 the D2X with a price drop to three thousand dollars and an incredible

12 megapixels.

Along the way I used the D200 and the D300 which are APS-C cameras with 10 and 12 megapixels

and then moved on to the D700 and D800 and my last two Nikons, the full frame D810 at

36 megapixels with a $3,300 price tag for the body and a D500 APS-C body with 20 megapixels

for $2,000

As a loyal Nikon user I survived the early two thousands and Nikons second generation

digital cameras while Canon just ran right by Nikon with better glass and better cameras.

I stayed loyal to Nikon because they were familiar and comfortable and I liked the ergonomics.

Sony entered the race with it's mirrorless cameras but when I tried the A7R with its

36 megapixels there were very few lenses available and the idea of buying a camera that needs

adapters to put lenses on it is just ridiculous in my opinion.

Plus, given Sony's history with things like Beta Max and proprietary accessories - I was

gun-shy about their long term commitment to photographers.

Earlier this year I purchased the Panasonic GH5 for video.

I shoot all of my videos and my livestreams on Panasonic gear - for now.

When I got the GH5 and it's 20.3mp micro four-thirds sensor, I decided to shoot some

stills with it and I was really surprised at the quality.

So I took it into the studio and shot some portraits and was blown away by how well it


Like a lot of photographers, I had discounted micro four-thirds and simply went along with

the bigger is better philosophy.

I just accepted that cameras had to be big and heavy and I reluctantly accepted the price

of cameras growing seriously out of control - which is making it harder and harder for

people to afford photography as a hobby or turn it into a profession.

I had forgotten that I had produced images like this with a 2.7 megapixel Nikon D1 or

like this with a 10.2 megapixel D200.

Both of those images were shot as jpegs by the way - not RAW.

Please don't tell Tony or Fro.

It's no secret that Nikon and Canon are way behind Sony with mirrorless technology

and it is understandable - they face bigger obstacles because they have much more legacy

with their gear.

The closer we get to a Nikon mirrorless camera the more it looks like it will be full frame

- which is nice - but if the rumors are to be believed it also looks like it will have

a new lens system with an adapter to attach the legacy lenses.

In other words it's likely to have a price tag that rivals the high end Sony cameras

and the need for an expensive adapter to use my existing lenses.

All of this delay from Nikon has become more and more frustrating because I like mirrorless.

I love EVF viewfinders.

Being able to see a finished photo before you press the shutter is amazing!

Not to mention - why have a mirror that makes noise, causes vibration and potentially needs

repair - when you don't have to.

So I started doing research.

A lot of research.

My original thought was to move to Panasonic for both stills and video.

But the more I researched - the Olympus name kept popping up - especially when it comes

to still photography with micro four-thirds.

Olympus is the company that developed the four-thirds standard and then later paired

with Panasonic to share technology and the micro four-thirds standard evolved.

The consortium formed by these two companies now includes companies like Zeiss, BlackMagic

Design, Fujifilm, Sigma, Tamron, Tokina, Schneider, Iowa and a bunch of others - all with the

goal of producing cameras and lenses that conform to the four-thirds standard.

In other words they share technology.

Just imagine for a moment what the equipment landscape would look like if companies like

Canon, Nikon and Sony would get together and set standards and share basic technology.

Think of all the amazing cameras we would have and how much more affordable they would

be because of the shared research and development costs.

But - they don't work together.

Sony is doing its own thing - and doing a great job of it while Canon and Nikon seem

to be swimming upstream to move forward with mirrorless technology.

This design of format wasn't based on the 35mm format like APS-C and full frame sensors.

It's the first and only digital system that is not based on the film era.

The sensor has a ratio of 4:3 which means is an aspect ratio similar to most printing

sizes like 4x5 - 8x10 - 16x20.

Here is the Nikon kit that I worked with for the last few years.

A D810, a D500, and the D7100 that I bought for video and quickly put it on the shelf

because better 4K options quickly became available from other companies.

Let's face it - Nikon isn't really the company most people turn to if they are serious

about video.

For lenses I had a 20mm f/2.8 - probably my most favorite non portrait lens - a 24mm f/2.8

- my favorite lens from my days as a photojournalist - a 35mm f/2.8 - a 50mm f/1.8 - an 85mm f/1.8

- a Tokina 100mm f/2.8 which of course was my favorite portrait lens and a 180mm f/2.8

my favorite telephoto lens from my days as a photojournalist.

Notice there are no zooms - all primes.

I have nothing against zooms - it was actually a financial decision I made after losing money

on the switch back and forth with Sony.

My new kit - 2 OM-D E-M1 Mark II bodies which are 20.4 megapixel cameras.

I have three zoom lenses and four primes.

The zooms are all Zuiko Pro Series lenses - the 7-14mm f/2.8 wide angle, the 12-40mm

f/2.8 and the 40-150mm f/2.8

And if you are wondering about the 35mm equivalents of these lenses - just double the numbers

- the 7-14 is the equivalent of a 14-28mm full frame lens.

The 12-40 is equivalent to a 24-80mm full frame lens and the 40-150mm is equivalent

to an 80-300mm full frame lens.

My new kit also includes four Prime lenses… the new 25mm f1.2 Pro lens and the just released

45mm f/1.2 Pro lens.

I also have a 30mm f/3.5 macro lens and a 300mm f/4 Pro lens which is a 600mm equivalent

and great for shooting sports - if I add the 1.4 teleconverter this becomes an 840mm equivalent


It would take a series of videos to tell you everything about this camera - and that's

already been done.

Aside from the great reputation for quality craftsmanship that Olympus has always had,

this camera weighs in at 1.09lb compared to the Nikon D810's 1.94lb That is practically

half the weight.

The EM-1 Mark II features 5 axis in body image stabilization and it's dust, splash and freeze

proof which makes this an amazing camera for location work of all kinds.

It will shoot up to 15fps with the mechanical shutter and 60fps with the electronic shutter.

Autofocus is split second fast with 121 points of on-chip phase detection and contrast detection.

There is also an in-body autofocus limiter that will shorten the auto focus drive time

baed on up to three customizable ranges.

Now I can tell you that from my personal testing - the eye tracking autofocus is wickedly fast

and accurate.

There are also features like focus bracketing and stacking, a 50 megapixel hi-res shot mode

and 4k video.

And the list goes on...

Why now - at this point in my career after using Nikon for so long and right before they

are hopefully gonna come out with a mirrorless camera???

I did it because for the last two years while I have been making these YouTube videos and

traveling the country teaching and talking with photographers of all different skill

levels from all around the world - my head has been filled with the anxiety from photographers

worrying about Full Frame Is Better - More Mega Pixels are Better - More Dynamic Range

is Better - Sony is Better - Nikon is Better - Canon is better.

I hear this stuff day in and day out in the very next sentence I hear the complaints about

the cost of equipment and size and weight all the while these same photographers are

struggling to improve their craft.

I hear photographer after photographer trying to shoot the way somebody else shoots with

the same gear that somebody else uses because they think thats the secret to improving.

The only helpful advice that I can offer to these folks is to ignore what everybody else

is doing and remember why they picked up their very first camera.

99 percent of the time - it was NOT because they cared about how somebody else took pictures

or about megapixels or dynamic range or any of that stuff.

I remind them when they first picked up a camera it was FUN and that's why they picked

it up again and again and got hooked.

The more I tried to persuade photographers to get back to having fun - mainly because

it's easier to learn and improve when you are having fun - the more I realized I was

making the same mistake.

My advantage though was that I did the bulk of my learning long before we had megapixels

to worry about or an internet full of photographers to compare myself to.

When I learned photography the focus wasn't on gear - sure you wanted to have the right

gear for the job - but you also had to learn to solve problems.

You focused on the image that was in front of your camera.

So in short - I decided to take my own advice.

It's time to have fun again.

Why spend so much money?

The OM-D Mark II body from Olympus is a pro level camera body that sells for just under

two thousand dollars.

Why carry such heavy gear that really just discouraged me from picking up a camera and

instead encouraged me to use my iphone because it was easier.

Why keep waiting for a company that I've been loyal to for decades to get their act

together when every other month there's a press release that they are losing money or

laying off people or closing factories.

As part of my research - I talked to a LOT of micro four-thirds photographers.

Professionals and amateurs.

I spent a lot of time at PhotoPlus looking over the Olympus gear.

I was fortunate enough to spend some time with the very awesome Gavin Hoey who is a

fellow photographer and YouTuber from the UK and an Olympus Ambassador.

I left PhotoPlus leaning towards the change, but my next step - I rented an E-M1 Mark II

and the 12-40mm f/2.8 Pro lens - just like you hear me advise so many of you to do if

you are considering a camera change.

Never buy a camera based on the specs or a YouTube video - try it out first.

Now full disclosure - I actually live about 12 minutes from the US headquarters for Olympus.

I reached out to they're marketing team because I wanted to test the camera out a

bit more, hopefully without having to pay to pay rent for a few weeks.

Olympus was very gracious and lent me a body and three lenses to test.

The Mark II met or exceeded all of my expectations.

So here I am - an excited Olympus Owner.

And just in case there's any confusion - I purchased the Olympus system, It wasn't

given to me.

Olympus has been running awesome Black Friday and Holiday sales on most of their gear including

the EM1 Mark II.

And before some of you start getting defensive about your full frame cameras or aps-c cameras

- please note - I have not said it's wrong to use them or that you should switch.

I am just telling you why I switched, because I've had literally hundreds of people ask

for an explanation on the various social media platforms where I share my photos.

So please don't accuse me of saying one brand is better than another.

I am just telling you what is best for me.

I will tell you that I haven't had this much fun or enjoyed my gear as much in years.

This camera performs wonderfully regardless if I'm shooting my grandson for fun or professionally

on location or in the studio.

I am able to shoot tethered in the studio with my Tether Tools gear and the features

of E-MI MarkII actually makes my workflow easier and I am not sacrificing quality.

So there you have the reason for my switch.

I didn't sell out, I don't hate Nikon - I wish them all the best of luck - I simply

wanted to make photography fun again and get back to the things that really matter to me.

In the two weeks that I have owned my own Olympus gear, I have shot two jobs for commercial

clients and they didn't look at my cameras and think I was an amateur - they were thrilled

with the images and have committed to booking me again - life is good.

I'll be doing the same kind of videos that I always do - shooting the same kinds of images

that I always shoot.

Sure - you'll learn more about micro four-thirds if you keep watching and I hope you will but

just like before - I am committed to sharing with you as much as I can about the how's

and why's behind making great photographs.

And for those of you that are interested - be sure to follow me on social media because

I will gladly share every bit of my micro four-thirds journey with you.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's

your NEXT shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> Goodbye Nikon! Why I switched to the Olympus OM-D E-M1Mark II and the micro four-thirds format - Duration: 15:34.


임호 아내(부인)윤정희. 임호 다산 아빠되다! - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> 임호 아내(부인)윤정희. 임호 다산 아빠되다! - Duration: 11:27.


FSG spending big money could give Liverpool best midfield since Gerrard and Alonso ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:17.

The Reds faithful propping up the bar were hoping to be firmly established in the top-four

at this stage in the season, but they currently sit outside the Champions League places in

6th position.

However, barring league-leaders Manchester City, there is very little to separate the

sides competing for a place in the top-four which suggests the race for Europe will go

down to the wire next May.

With that in mind, Jurgen Klopp will be beginning to work in conjunction with FSG to establish

targets who can enable them to compete for the Premier League title next season.

RB Leipzig's Naby Keita has already agreed to join Liverpool next summer, and according

to Tuttosport Liverpool are in the market for another central-midfielder, with Lazio's

Sergej Milinkovic-Savic firmly on their radar.

At just 22 years of age, Milinkovic-Savic is one of Europe's most sought-after midfielders

with Manchester City, Manchester United and Juventus also reportedly fighting for his


The future of Liverpool's captain Jordan Henderson could be in jeopardy if Liverpool

are successful in beating the strong competition to lure Lazio's prize asset to Merseyside.

It is fair to say that Henderson has not begun the season in fantastic form and his lacklustre

performances have been duly noted by Liverpool supporters.

Indeed, with the Serbian sitting and Keita running forward from deep, Liverpool could

find their best midfield partnership since the glory of days of Steven Gerrard and Xabi


The signing of the Serbian maestro should not end his Liverpool career altogether, but

it is unlikely he will retain the captain's armband in the event of Milinkovic-Savic's


For more infomation >> FSG spending big money could give Liverpool best midfield since Gerrard and Alonso ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:17.


HOLY CRAP! Obama Just Went On The World Stage And Stabbed Trump In The Back - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> HOLY CRAP! Obama Just Went On The World Stage And Stabbed Trump In The Back - Duration: 4:43.


[Closed Captions] Shin Koihime Musou - Moeshouden 038 - Duration: 48:33.

Sawa: Well then, now that the lunch break is over, it's time to start the second round!

Mao: First, the review of the first round! Briefly introduce the winners, Nagi!

Nagi: Yeah! The following participants won!

Nagi: Everyone's wife, Renfa-sama. Nosebleed strategist, Rin-sama. The only non-pervert strategist of Gi, Fuu-sama. Our Conqueror, Karin-sama.

Nagi: Fledgling Phoenix, Awawa strategist, Hinari-sama. Mega Shuuyu Cannon of Go, Meirin-sama. Sleeping Dragon, Hawawa strategist, Shuri-sama. Self-proclaimed Great General, Nanano-san.

Nagi: Also, Yuushu-born, Pairen-sama and the only one with common sense in En family, Toshi-san, the following ten.

Mao: Quite an interesting lineup, but I can accept it, with some exceptions.

Sawa: For sure. But that was pathetic of Captain. #I can't remember if I want to capitalize Captain or not#

Mao: Fearsome good fortune of En family! I wonder if I could sell locks of Reiha-sama's hair as a charm...

Mao: Captain. Can you get around ten strands of Reiha-sama's hair.

Kazuto: I don't want to, I bet I'll get some unfair curse if I do that...

Mao: Tsk. And here I thought it was a golden opportunity for profit.

Kazuto: Just work and save up... you don't want to be like me in the first round and have a lightning strike next to you despite the clear sky, right?

Sawa: My skin would get charred if I were hit directly... I'm glad you're okay... #That's the opposite of what she just said about it being pathetic#

Nagi: You're not called a Heavenly Messenger for nothing! #Actually, doesn't that make Reiha one instead?#

Kazuto: No, I don't think that's related... #What if she's the real one? She set previous game's events in motion#

Mao: If being Heavenly Messenger is unrelated, how are you alive, Captain? #Warning shot?#

Kazuto: Probably because I'm close to Sheren.

Sawa: What do you mean?

Kazuto: Son family is the nemesis of En family, right? That's why.

Sawa: Hmm... I don't get it. #Reiha's nemesis is Karin though#

Kazuto: Hey, at least try to understand somehow... anyway, how's the lineup for the second round?

Nagi: Participants were drawing their lots just now, so it should be announced soon.

Shoku soldier: Sir, I've brought the chart, sir!

Sawa: Not bad, for a slow trash dickhead!

Shoku soldier: Sir! Thank you! Sir!

Sawa: You can leave, you premature ejaculator! #Was this part really necessary?#

Shoku soldier: Sir! Thank you, sir! I'll be going now! Sir!

Kazuto: ...Umm, Sawa-san?

Sawa: Huh?

Kazuto: Did that Shoku soldier just make a marine corps greeting...

Sawa: I've been helping train recruits at Sei-san and Shishun-san's requests.

Kazuto: Ah... makes sense. But why just you?

Sawa: Nagi-chan and Mao-chan are also doing it. #Btw, is Sawa and Mao even needed in this event?#

Kazuto: Hee. I didn't know. #The only one doing her job is Nagi anyway#

Mao: That "camera" thing that you told us about ended up being quite useful... everyone's quite perverted, after all.

Kazuto: Don't go too far, okay? Risque pictures are forbidden, you know? #I bet it's mostly Shion and Non that are used for this#

Mao: I know, I know. I'm only baiting new recruits with the photos of their daily life.

Mao: Like Keifa's lewd face when Karin-sama is scolding her, or when Aisha's selecting a wooden sword with a serious face, way too serious one.

Kazuto: That's fine, right? ...So, you're doing it too, Nagi?

Nagi: Yes! It's a good experience for me too.

Nagi: The way Sei-sama or Shishun-sama conduct training and their outlook on fighting are really educational.

Kazuto: I see. That's good.

It's a relief that the cultural exchange between countries is going well.

As I was thinking that, Gi soldier was pointing at the board, as if saying "get to it already!"...

Kazuto: Ah, we're told to continue already, so do the rest.

Mao: Sure.

Sawa: Well then, here's the pairing for the second round!

Mao: First match of the second round! Gi trickster, master of nosebleed!

Mao: There are rumors that she was hired by Karin-sama for this ultimate attack, strategist of the fresh blood, Rin-sama

Rin: Kuh... and I still can't deny it for some reason!

Mao: Her opponent is the central pillar of Go! Let's overlook the "horse" she's riding!

Mao: Riding a mount that makes me want to prepare Big-chan, great strategist, Meirin-sama!

Meirin: I don't know what you're talking about, but best regards. #She made Non into her mount, didn't she?#

Nagi: Next, the pairing for the second match!

Mao: The second round, she defeated strategist of her own army, perfect human and our lord, Karin-sama! Does she even need strategists?!

Keifa: S, shut up! I couldn't get serious because I was against Karin-sama! #She does need strategists. More than anyone, actually#

Mao: And that's your one serving of tsun! #Karin really fails to rely on her subordinates#

Karin: Fufu, It was by chance that I won against Keifa.

Mao: I question that...

Karin: ...Let's keep it that way, okay?

Sawa: Then, let's! Karin-sama's opponent is the Awawa strategist of Shoku, genius of the strategy, invincible witch girl, Hinari-chan!

Nagi: Will the Conqueror win or the invincible witch girl win. It'll be worth seeing, Captain.

Kazuto: Right. I'm quite interested as well. #Let's see Karin getting destroyed#

Mao: Next, third match... oh! That's quite a geeky combination. #Hinari is not really creative, but this game favors her too much#

Sawa: Who versus who?

Mao: Wise strategist of Gi, Fuu-sama! And the genius strategist that can even tell where the horse was born or where to buy arrows! She can even make the southeastern wind blow. Sleeping Dragon, Shuri-sama!

Kazuto: Oh. Battle of ortodox strategists. Gotta look forward to it. #Ortodox? Fuu? Baseson, what were you smoking?#

Fuu: You've heard them, Shuri-chan. #Normally, Fuu would win. But Koihime has bias here, making Shuri look wiser#

Shuri: Hawawa! I, I'll do my best as the same orthyodyox type! #She'll win only because she's Shokatsuryou#

Fuu: Yup, let's do our best. #Outside Koihime, Fuu is many levels above#

Sawa: Next is the fourth match!

Mao: Self-proclaimed Great General, Nanano! Actually, just how did you manage to beat Ren-sama?!

Sawa: Biggest mystery of the century. #And Nanano might be on an even higher level#

Nanano: Ufufu. I won with nothing but my skill, don't worry. #She's crafty enough that noone but Kayuu realizes her skill#

Two: Lies! That's a lie!

Nagi: ...How is it really?

Kazuto: Yeah... Ren was almost evenly matched with the strategists of Three Kingdoms...

Nagi: Almost?

Kazuto: Shuri, Ei, Keifa, Ashe and Non... also, other officials lost to her.

Mao: What was that? Those are main strategists of all factions with a lot of experience... Ren-sama is a monster.

Sawa: Did anyone win against her?

Kazuto: Hinari and Meirin. And Sheren.

Nagi: So much, huh... but, why couldn't the strategists match her?

Kazuto: From what I've heard, Ren is using some animal senses to make decisions, which doesn't go well with common sense.

Kazuto: Even for strategies that look unusual at first, 90% of them are built on basics and just adjusted to the situation.

Kazuto: So, everyone got overwhelmed by Ren, who ignored those basics in her strategy.

Mao: Yeah, but there were winners too, right?

Kazuto: Yeah. Hinari is a genius of strategy, Meirin has a clever mind and a lot of experience, while Sheren holds the same property as Ren.

Nagi: For even Shuri-sama to lose...

Kazuto: Shuri's speciality is the accumulation of basics, she's quite brittle if it leaves the common sense. That's what she admitted herself.

Kazuto: Shuri is more of a strategist than tactician, after all. #Another fail. Using magic to call southeastern wind is basics?#

Mao: Hee... wait a bit. Then, what? #Both Shuri and Fuu used abnormal strategies before#

Nagi: Nanano-san won against Ren-sama... so does that make her an experienced genius?

Nanano: Fufu. It's too late for you to notice it.

Three: Nah, definitely not.

Kazuto: Yup, that's not possible... Then, there's only one thing I can think of. Great luck of the En family.

Mao: Ah... that I can accept. #In fact, Miu's branch has no luck#

Sawa: But, her next opponent also has En family's luck, so it'll be worth seeing. #Toshi has luck? Are you kidding?#

Kazuto: That means, Nanano's opponent is...

Nagi: Nanano-san's opponent is Toshi-san. The hardest worker of En family, 34 intelligence, 93 chest...

Nagi: 93... you say?! #Umm, you have Mao right next to you#

KAzuto: Ah, yes, yes. Don't get so shocked by that.

Nagi: Ugh, but, Captain...

Kazuto: Don't worry about it.

Nagi has some, so it's okay... but I can't say it here.

Reiha: Toshi-san! Make sure to win for the pride of the main family of En!

Iishe: That's right! Good luck, Toshi!

Reiha: If you lose, you'll wear the traditional swan loincloth of the En family, stand in front of the gate and everyone that comes in...

Reiha: Good day. #Wait, so that was not anime-original item?#

Reiha: You'll greet them with a bright smile like that! #They were probably trying to trick us into thinking something worse here#

Toshi: Uee! I don't want to do that! #Luck, you say?#

Reiha: Then win fast!

Toshi: Don't be absurd!

Iishe: Show them the power of your intelligence 34!

Toshi: As I said, it's 36!

Next to the cheerful as always idiot trio... #Trio? Kazuto, you bastard!#

Miu: Nanano! Nanano!

Nanano: Yes, yes. What is it, Ojou-sama?

Miu: Don't lose to Reiha! I believe in your victory, Nanano! #And she's way nicer to her subordinate than Reiha#

Nanano: Well, I won't lose to Ganryou-chan at least. After all, my intelligence is 41. #In Koei, maybe. In Koihime, I suspect it's around 999#

Miu: Right. Show them the power of your 41 intelligence.

Nanano: Okay. I'll do my best for you, Ojou-sama. #Unless something happens, Toshi has no chance#

And those two are showing off their love as always.

Sawa: Well then, let's ignore those cheering people, amazing in several ways, and get to the next match, Mao-chan, please introduce them!

Mao: Fifth match, Go's big...

Renfa: My butt is not big! It's definitely not!

Mao: Go's... Go's... Go...

Kazuto: (She's really trying to think of something...)

Mao: ...

Mao: Daah! Big butt of Go, Renfa-sama!

Renfa: I, I told you my butt is not that big!

Mao: I don't care! You have the most beautiful butt in the world, so don't complain!

Sawa: Kyaa! Mao-chan snapped!

Nagi: C, calm down, Mao! You're talking to a royalty!

Mao: I don't care if her butt is royal! Haa, haa, her opponent is a normal person! #The main example of this game's bias towards archetypes, poor Pairen#

Pairen: D, don't summarize it in one phrase! It's kinda... making me sad! #Even though she's a nice variation of tsundere and just generally interesting#

Mao: That's the lineup, battle start! #Pairen's cursed with her archetype being a background character#

Pairen: D, don't ignore me! #Even though there are characters like Yue or Chousen#

Cheers filled the stage at Mao's signal.

There are rows of tables arranged on the stage. Something resembling a camera is set next to them and the board is projected on something resembling a monitor.

How convenient... That's all I could say.

Nagi: Well then, let's observe various matches through the quartz plates.

Mao: First match is Rin-sama versus Meirin-sama... huh? They're in a stalemate.

Nagi: Archer-centered crane formation of Meirin-sama and cavalry-centered geese formation of Rin-sama. They're both observing each other for now...

Himiko: Wroooong! #Oh, hai#

Nagi: Whoa?! That scared me!

Mao: Don't appear out of nowhere! Your face is scary enough as it is!

Sawa: Uu, uuu...

Nagi: Sawa, keep it together! Now's not the time to blow foam out of your mouth!

Nagi caught Sawa, who fainted and was about to fall, and tried to awaken her with ki through her hands, so the announcer seats entered temporary chaos.

Kazuto: A, anyway, take a deep breath! #Don't you dare make the retarded "birthing breathing" joke#

Three: Haa... haa... #Good#

Kazuto: Did you calm down?

Nagi: Yes... somehow.

Mao: Now that we're calm... let's leave commentary to this old dude.

Himika: I want to protest against this designation... but whatever. I'll explain.

Himiko: Strategists Kakuka and Beautiful Shuu, their board might seem to be in a stalemate at the first glance...

Himiko: However! However! They're in the middle of invisible fight for initiative!

Three: W, what! What! What?!

Mao: I tried acting amazed like that, but I'm not sure what's so amazing here...

Nagi: Agree.

Sawa: What's this invisible battle for initiative? We demand explanation!

Himiko: Fine. Then, first of all, look closely at Kakuka's formation.

Nagi: Umm... geese formation... am I right, Captain?

Kazuto: Yeah, you're right.

Himiko: Geese formation is, as it's called, a formation of geese flying in V shape.

Himiko: Wild geese change their formation according to the air currents... in other words! Geese formation can change into any other formation easily!

Kazuto: I see! ...But isn't crane formation the same?

Himiko: Correct! But think about it. Crane formation was made from the image of a crane landing while flapping it wings widely.

Himiko: It's good at surrounding and annihilating! But crane has its flaws!

Nagi: ...And what is this flaw?!

Himiko: Crane's wings are thin!

Mao: No, well, that's true...

Himiko: To break through thin wings, your best option is to focus on one spot!

Himiko: Because she can see through that plan, Shuuyu is not moving, while Kakuka is watching her closely!

Sawa: In other words... what's going on?

Nagi: It'll be settled the moment anyone moves!

Kazuto: I see. Their formations are centered around their main camp, so they'll move parts of their frontline at most.

Nagi: So soldiers at the right wing of Rin-sama and the left wing of Meirin-sama hold the key to victory...

Kazuto: Right... yeah! Now it looks like a proper battle between strategists!

Mao: For sure. And, Captain, this pair is also having an interesting match.

Saying that, Mao pointed at a small crystal monitor at the announcer seats.

Mao: Third match, Shuri-sama versus Fuu-sama. They're in a stalemate, same as the first match.

Kazuto: Oh, let's see.

We all looked at the crystal, urged by Mao.

Himiko: They're both in crane formation and observe each other... however, Shokatsu Koumei's right wing cavalry is about to move.

Kazuto: Ah, true. Since their formations are quite organized, that cavalry stands out even more...

Nagi: Is that a bait...

Sawa: Most likely. But it seems Fuu-sama also noticed that.

Mao: Right. But, she can't attack Shuri-sama's force if she ignores that cavalry... it's worth seeing how she'll deal with that.

So, while the four critics discussed it...

Sawa: Ah! Fuu-sama made her move!

Fuu started moving as if this stalemate was just an illusion. #Frankly, I believe Fuu is many levels above Shuri. But she'll lose#

Fuu: Hmm.I understand that you're looking really far ahead and trying to grasp initiative, but seeing this stalemate will be boring for our guests.

Fuu: Let's dispatch three infantry units against Shuri-chan's right wing cavalry. #I guess Fuu is not even trying to win#

Fuu: Okay, Shuri-chan. Make your move.

Shuri: Hawawa... it's kinda depressing when you move despite seeing through it...

Fuu: Don't worry about it. All that matters is for our guests to enjoy it.

Shuri: Hawa... then, umm... eei!

With a cute battlecry, Shuri skillfully surrounded the infantry units that Fuu mobilized.

Himiko: Hmm! That's?!

Kazuto: What's wrong, Himiko?

Himiko: That formation... Mystical Doors To Thriving Kingdom Technique! #Qi Men Dun Jia#

Himiko: To realize Mystical Doors on shogi board, as expected of tactician, Shokatsu Koumei!

Kazuto: Mystical Doors... I think I've heard it before. What was it again?

Himiko: If you've entered this formation, you'll never escape!

Himiko: It's a fearsome formation, when the army cooperates efficiently to annihilate the enemy troops trapped inside!

Kazuto: ...In other words?

Himiko: Now that Shokatsu Koumei made Mystical Doors formation, if she's attacked even a bit, all other troops will be dragged inside and annihilated!

Kazuto: ...That formation is that amazing?!

Himiko: Yup!

Mao: But still, that's some amazing movement... she surrounded infantry Fuu-sama dispatched in the shortest amount of time possible.

Nagi: Fuu-sama is moving a different squad though... ah! Her formation changed again?!

Sawa: Amazing! All the pieces she moves get surrounded!

Himiko: This is a total control! This is infinite variety! Fearsome tactician Koumei!

Mao: Hey, Captain...

Kazuto: Hmm? What's wrong?

Mao: Doesn't this old dude overuse the word "tactician"?

Kazuto: He probably likes it... let him.

Adults have their own reasons.

Mao: I don't understand the world of adults.

Sawa: Ah, look! Shuri-sama is moving her troops even fiercer now!

Nagi: Amazing! What a wisdom! What a plot! And while I was saying that... ah, Fuu-sama's main camp?!

Shuri: This is a checkmate... I guess.

Fuu: Oh, my... this is quite. Quite a vivid victory you have there. #She doesn't seem to care much#

Shuri: Umm, this is... only because you obediently moved your troops as I wanted, Fuu-san...

Fuu: Kufufu, I was focusing on the moves that our guests could see, after all. But, look...

Fuu: Our guests are enjoying themself quite well. #So, didn't Fuu just manipulate Shuri into making a flashy game?#

Shuri: Fufu, that's right.

Fuu: My greatest pleasure is seeing everyone enjoying themself like this.

Shuri: I agree.

Mao: Shuri-sama is amazing, but as expected of Fuu-sama too!

Kazuto: She was making obvious moves to entertain spectators...

That consideration... focusing on making things entertaining instead of worrying about herself, that's Fuu's style.

Nagi: It's usually hard to figure out what she's thinking behind that smile... but she calmly observes her surroundings more than anyone and plays her role.

Sawa: She's pretty aesthetic. #"Ibushi gin" seems to be some term#

Fuu: Thanks for the compliment... here we go.

Kazuto: Hmm? Fuu, this is announcer's seat, right?

Fuu: Yeah, I'm aware.

Fuu: I'm fine with this spot. I'll help you as a commentator. #Shuri's victory feels pretty hollow now#

Fuu: You need a specialist's comment sometimes too.

Kazuto: You'll help us? Thanks, you're a lifesaver!

Fuu: Kufufu, it's okay, you're welcome.

Mao: (Hey... did Fuu-sama... lose on purpose because she wanted to come by Captain's side?)

Sawa: (She completely secured the seat next to Captain) #Fuu transcended this game#

Nagi: (Uu... now there's one more powerful rival) #You don't compete against god, Fuu is in a different realm#

Fuu: Okay, that trio over there. Whispering secretly is fine too, but that battle seems quite interesting.

Kazuto: That battle?

Fuu: Big butt versus normal, their battle is going in a pretty interesting direction.

Kazuto: Oh. Let's see?

Urged by Fuu, I turned monitor-like thing towards Renfa and Pairen's battle...

Kazuto: W, what the hell?

Crystal reflected a shogi board in a state that can only be described by the word "chaos".

Mao: I can't even understand which force is which and who's fighting who...

Nagi: How... unbeautiful.

Sawa: Nagi-chan, you're really toxic sometimes...

Kazuto: But I know how she feels...

Fuu: It appears they focused too much on offense and ended up in skirmishes.

Fuu: To describe this situation with one word... how about a swamp?

Nagi: Swamp... that's exactly it!

Himiko: Yeah! This Himiko has never seen a battle this disgusting in all her life!

Kazuto: No, that's going too far... or maybe not?

Himiko: Not! I've survived countless hailstorms, but I've never seen a battlefield this terrible before.

Kazuto: So it's THAT bad, huh...

Fuu: Well, I understand how they feel.

Kazuto: They feel... what do you mean?

Fuu: How they feel to end up going on offense so much. You're as thickheaded as ever, Onii-san.

Kazuto: No... I don't get what you're talking about, okay?

Sawa: It's probably because they've heard about the tournament's prize. #Which Kazuto clearly wasn't told about, so it's not his fault for not knowing#

Kazuto: Prize... I don't know what it is. What's the prize?

Mao: Basically! A right to have a date with Captain for the whole day! Well, and what comes afterwards too.

Kazuto: ...Seriously? Actually, did that get decided without my awareness again?!

Mao: Well, it's nothing new. Don't sweat it.

Kazuto: Don't make it sound so simple... but yeah, that's fine.

I wish they'd properly discuss it with me... but I bet they'll just refuse if I ask them to...

As I sighed with a wry smile...

Pairen: Eei! Not bad, Renfa! But I'll checkmate you with my next move! I'll settle this with the white horse formation!

Renfa: Hehe, come at me, Pairen! The elites of my Go will blow your white horse formation away like a pebble!

Pairen: Try if you dare! My whitehorsians are invincible!

Renfa: You're a one trick pony, don't expect your cavalry strategy to work forever!

Pairen: What! Take that, go, whitehorsians!

Renfa: I've been waiting for this!

Pairen: What?!

Renfa: Now! Conqueror of the Southern Sea II, activate! #Great job there raising morale of the chess pieces by yelling#

Pairen: Kuh, not bad! But, it's not over yet! Go, white horse knights! #I kinda want to see heavily armored full plate knights in Koihime#

Renfa: Push back! Impregnable warriors!

Kazuto: (This is kinda exciting...) #For some reason it reminds me of sentai#

I'm getting flashbacks to when I was 14 years old... and my heart feels fuzzy... #Oh right, or this is simply chuunibyou#

Mao: Well...

Sawa: It seems fun...

Nagi: They are trashtalking, but they might be a pretty good match. #That's because Pairen is even more similar to Renfa than Touka#

Kazuto: That's true. #Since they're both tsundere#

Also... I feel like Renfa is somewhat broken right now, but she feels like a normal girl, so this is fine too.

Grinning at them, I looked away from the crystal showing Renfa's battle when...

Kazuto: Whoa?! What's that?! What is this amazing situation at Karin's board?!

The battle between Karin and Hinari looks opposite of the board of Renfa and Pairen.

Mao: Can I see?! Whoa, seriously? No way...

Nagi: Karin-sama is getting... pushed back?! #Orly? What's so surprising about it?#

Sawa: Whoa... I never expected to see this sight...

Kazuto: I mean... it's Karin we're talking about. #Yup. Bad at leadership, bad at strategy, good at fighting#

Nagi: Yes. But Hinari-sama is amazing too. While isolating Karin-sama's main camp, she's defeating her surrounding pieces one by one.

Mao: What a movement. All of her troops are moving at maximum efficiency.

Sawa: What a fearsome girl...

Himiko: Yeah! As expected of the genius of strategy, Hou Shigen!

Mao: Whoa?! He popped up again?!

Sawa: Awawawawawa... #Together, it looks like Sawawawawa#

Nagi: Sawa, keep it together! Sawa!

Sawa was about to collapse with foam flowing out of her mouth, but Nagi caught her and brought her back to her senses.

Kazuto: Himiko, appearing out of nowhere is a bad habit.

Himiko: I don't care!

Himiko: More importantly! You're an immature officer if seeing their battle doesn't excite you!

Mao: No, that's not true, you know? We're quite excited.

Nagi: Yeah. What will their next move be... I can't even imagine.

Sawa: As expected of Karin-sama and Hinari-chan...

Himiko: Right! Their battle is that of supreme intelligence! However, that battle will be the victory of Hou Shigen due to a certain habit.

Kazuto: Hinari's victory? Why do you think so?

Himiko: Sou Moutoku's troops move both precisely and fiercely! But she has a habit that even she doesn't realize about!

Kazuto: Habit? ...Karin has one? No way.

Himiko: What. Master, you haven't noticed yet? You're still a boy that doesn't understand women then...

Kazuto: Guh... I know I'm thickheaded, but hearing it from Himiko is extra mortifying...

Mao: Right, but, old dude. We can't imagine our perfect human leader to have a bad habit, what is it?

Himiko: And that's exactly it!

Mao: ...What is?

Himiko: Sou Moutoku's flaw... is that she aims for perfection too much. #That is true. What's worse, she demands it from everyone#

Kazuto: Umm??

Himiko: You can see if you look at the board! Against Houtou's single squad, she dispatches a set of cavalry, archers and infanty.

Himiko: It's obvious that Sou Moutoku's force won't lose against that one squad. #Actually, isn't that an extremely beginner thing to do?#

Himiko: However, if you look at the battlefield, Houtou's forces are spread throughout the field and surround Sou Moutoku's forces on long distance.

Sawa: Ah... you're right. #Btw, where's Fuu? Is she sleeping?#

After Himiko mentioned it, I looked at the crystal again and noticed that Hinari's forces are positioned at the key points of the battlefield, blocking Karin's forces.

Kazuto: But, are you telling me that Karin didn't notice it until it's too late?

Nagi: Thinking of the battlefield as whole is one of the basics. I can't even imagine Karin-sama forgetting about that...

Himiko: Exactly. And that's what makes Hou Shigen so powerful! #And who exactly forgot about Miu's WHOLE FREAKING ARMY before, eh?#

Kazuto: What do you mean?

Himiko: Seeing through Sou Moutoku ten moves ahead, Houtou casually moved her troops and completed this encirclement.

Mao: Seeing through opponent's next ten moves...

Sawa: I, I didn't know Hinari-chan is that amazing...

Nagi: She's in a whole different realm, so I don't really get it.

Kazuto: No, at least try to understand...

Nagi: Au... s, sorry... #How did they survive that war again?#

As I'm patting Nagi's head, since she lowered it and blushed from my comment...

Kazuto: Still... Karin is not moving at all.

I looked at Karin, who's focusing on the board without even flinching.

Kazuto: She doesn't seem to be... looking for a way to counter it... #Maybe she realized her own incompetence and broke down?#

Himiko: It's not that she doesn't move, it's that she can't.

Himiko: While Houtou is a strategy genius, Sou Moutoku is also an unprecedented genius... that's why, she can see how it'll end.

As if to prove Himiko's explanation, Karin, who was just looking at the board with a serious look...

Karin: It's done. I have no options left.

She relaxed her shoulders and admitted her loss. #Well, at least she's not a sore loser#

Sawa: Oh! The second table was dominated by Shoku's genius strategist, Hinari-chan!

Fuu: Hmm... Hinari-chan's technique is godly. #Good morning#

Kazuto: Is that so? Do you understand her as a fellow strategist? #She kept quiet for 8 minutes despite being here as a commentator#

Fuu: Yes. Judging from how she moves her pieces, Himiko-san told the truth when he said she reads ten moves ahead.

Kazuto: So she's so amazing that even Fuu says so... by the way, Fuu, how many moves can you read ahead?

Fuu: It depends on opponent, but in average around five moves. #Well, that's calculations, Fuu's specialization is creativity#

Fuu: By the way, in Gi, Keifa-chan can see four moves ahead and Rin-chan can see around seven moves ahead.

Kazuto: Hee. And what about Karin?

Fuu: For Karin-sama, it would be around the same as for Rin-chan.

Kazuto: So Rin is actually quite amazing... #That is, once again, archetype bias. Rin did NOTHING impressive#

Fuu: A mere nosebleed strategist wouldn't have survived that war. #Except for that's all she is. When even Mii, Tenhou or Sawa survived...#

Kazuto: That's true... what about everyone else? #But yeah. In all games, Rin did NOTHING useful#

Fuu: Hmm... in Shoku, putting aside Hinari-chan and her ten moves ahead.

Fuu: Shuri-chan is eight moves. Nenenenene-chan is four moves. Aisha-san and Sei-san are around two or there moves ahead, right?

Kazuto: What about Go? #No, what about Ei?#

Fuu: In Go, Meirin-san is nine moves, Non-san is seven moves, Ashe-chan is around six moves.

Fuu: Sheren-san and Ren-chan move based on some primal instinct, so I don't know how many moves ahead they can read.

Kazuto: Hmm... I can understand how amazing Hinari is from this explanation. #But that's still only calculations. There's no power levels in strategy#

Fuu: It was quite a splendid match. #And you still forgot not only Ei, but Nanano as well#

While Fuu is thinking of their match with a smile, Mao announces results of one match after another next to her.

Mao: First table! The battle between Gi's nosebleed strategist Rin-sama and Go's strategist Meirin-sama ended in Meirin-sama's victory!

Himiko: Kakuka got frustrated, while Beautiful Shuu stood firm and waited for opportunity. This match displayed their difference in experience.

Nagi: To break through crane formation, Rin-sama changed her formation into arrow formation, but Meirin-sama instantly changed into column formation.

Nagi: After deflecting Rin-sama's charge, she maintained her state of confusion and moved her guerrilla force next to Rin-sama's main camp, taking crane formation again. That led to surrounding and annihilating it.

Kazuto: Umm... all I can say about this match is that it was amazing.

Sawa: For sure! At ant rate, it was amazing! That's all we need to know. I wish I could move my troops like that too...

Mao: Meirin-sama's technique is an art. Just which spot on your head do you need to press to learn that command skill? Or maybe you press on boobs?

Kazuto: Don't fondle your own boobs now...

Nagi: It was really amazing... it made me realize once again that soldiers are capable of something like this if you polish your command skill.

Kazuto: Oh. You three got quite motivated.

Sawa: It's hard seeing the whole battlefield when you're fighting yourself on it.

Mao: Yeah, but seeing it on shogi board like that makes me realize how battlefields work.

Nagi: Yeah... we're entrusted with soldiers' lives, so we need to study more.

I couldn't resist smiling, seeing them discuss their goals positively while exchanging their impressions of this match.

Kazuto: (This way... many people will admire "wisdom". This Heavenly Shogi Tournament is a success)

Officers, commoners, getting motivated is a good thing. I also need to work harder...

Kazuto: Well then, let's get to announcing other tables... Mao.

Mao: Sure! Okay, announcing results for the second table.

Sawa: Second table, genius strategist Hinari-chan versus king of Gi, Karin-sama! Through Karin-sama's surrender, it's Hinari-chan's victory!

Nagi: It was a wonderful battle of wisdom.

Sawa: It reminded us of how amazing Karin-sama is, but it also made us realize just how amazing Hinari-chan is, since she surpassed her!

Mao: That's professionals for you... so, next, third table was Sleeping Dragon Shuri-sama versus the most strategist-like strategist of Gi, Fuu-sama.

Fuu: Fuu ended up losing to Shuri-chan's wonderful commandment.

Fuu: Well, but did everyone enjoy themself?

Fuu: That's good.

Sawa: Our guests' satisfaction level was quite high!

Mao: For sure. Hearing all those cheers makes us glad we're commentators here.

Nagi: That's right. Let's keep it up... next, fourth table results.

Nagi: Self-proclaimed Great General Nanano-san versus En family's waist 63, Toshi-san!

Toshi: What?! Nagi-san, don't casually expose my private information!

Nagi: Ah, sorry... I kinda didn't want to read the line about breast size...

Toshi: Aah, noone will marry me now!

Iishe: It's okay, Toshi! I'll take you! #Then do so already#

Toshi: That's not the problem here!

Nagi: Well then, I'll continue.

Toshi: Whoa, she continued as if nothing happened?!

Sawa: Nagi-chan is quite a devil sometiems...

Nagi: The battle between Nanano-san and Toshi-san ended in Nanano-san's victory.

Kazuto: That's it? What about details?

Mao: I don't know them...

Sawa: I also don't know.

Nagi: Me too.

Kazuto: I wasn't looking either, you know?

Himiko: I didn't watch either.

Fuu: I didn't care even a tiny bit about it.

Toshi: Wha?! That's too rude of you!

Nagi: Well, it was Nanano-san's victory, so let's carry on.

Sawa: Okay, next!

Nanano: Eh, no way, is that it?! What about discussion about my brilliant play?!

Kazuto: Well... we haven't seen it, so what can we say? #I guess it's a hidden running gag of Koihime, underestimating Nanano#

Miu: It's okay, Nanano! I watched your showtime properly.

Miu: You did well, Nanano. I praise you!

Nanano: Aah. Ojou-sama, you make me happy.

Mao: Okay, let's ignore that and carry on...

Nagi: Fifth table, Renfa-sama versus Pairen-sama, Pairen-sama won. #Ahahahaha. She defeated two of four most popular heroines#

Kazuto: Eeh?! Pairen won?! #Renfa, Aisha, Ren and Minmei#

Pairen: Explain yourself, Hongou!

Kazuto: Well... I thought Renfa would win. Sorry.

Pairen: Heh! I can do that little if I try! Come on, say you've seen me in a better light! I bet you did!

Kazuto: Yeah, I did... congratulations, Pairen. #Good... I thought he'll turn this into a stupid joke again#

Pairen: Hehe...

Pairen: As long as you get it. Yup. #So now she's against Shuri, Hinari, Meirin and Nanano. Lol, good luck#

Fuu: I also expected for Renfa-san to win... I wonder what happened.

Fuu: What do you think, Renfa-sama? #Sama? Didn't she call her with -san just a line ago?#

Renfa: I got led astray...

Fuu: Astray?

Renfa: Blinded by the prize...

Fuu: So you ended up playing recklessly because you wanted the prize too much.

Renfa: ...(nod)

Fuu: Well, I understand how you feel, but you need to work harder, since you're the king of Go...

Renfa: Uu... I have no excuses... haa...

Sheren: Kufufufu. That's so like Renfa. But your sister loves you for that, Renfa-chan.

Renfa: Hey, Nee-sama, don't cling... whoa, you reek of booze!

Sheren: Ahahaha. This got kinda fun.

Renfa: Wha, someone, help... she reeks! Reeks!

Sheren: Kyaha. Well, why not, why not.

Renfa: Wha... aaaaah!

Sawa: Umm, we have some sad news...

Nagi: Previous king of Go, Sheren-sama, got drunk and dragged her younger sister, king of Go, Renfa-sama towards her bedroom.

Mao: Let's pray for Renfa-sama's safety. #Sudden incest?#

Sawa: And so! Those are the strategists that advanced to semi-final!

Nagi: First! Rich in experience and techniques! Legendary Viceroy, Shuu Koukin, Meirin-sama!

Sawa: Second! She looks pure, but her clinging is peerless! Strategy genius and the invincible witch, Hou Shigen, Hinari-chan!

Mao: Third one! She does what she has to, despite saying "hawawa" all the time! Great minister of Shoku, Shokatsu Koumei, Shuri-sama!

Nagi: Fourth one! She'll perform a miracle and bring victory for her belowed lord! She mysteriously won, self-proclaimed Great General, Choukun, Nanano-san!

Fuu: And finally, Pairen-san, who won in a way that's not any exciting.

Nagi: Semi-final with those five is coming soon!

For more infomation >> [Closed Captions] Shin Koihime Musou - Moeshouden 038 - Duration: 48:33.


천이슬 양상국 결별이유 이용 찌라시 과거성형전사진 자연미인? - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> 천이슬 양상국 결별이유 이용 찌라시 과거성형전사진 자연미인? - Duration: 4:46.


[ENG SUB] 011217 " ASTRO PLAY 신스틸러 Scene Stealer " - Duration: 5:59.

[After the music video, in the bamboo field(?)...]

[Eun-Woo] I challenge you to a duel.

[MJ] He's challenging me to a duel in a bamboo(?).

[Eun-Woo] Let's fight in a bamboo field!

[JinJin] Even talking down to you...!

[Judge] Ready, action!

[ROUND 1] [Cha Eun-Woo VS MJ]

He defended it. He defended it.

It's 100 to 50.

It hit his heart. His heart.

He avoided it. [Accuracy rate - 0%]

[Strength left] He's 100! You're at 40.

It hit a place where is not good!

[ROUND 1] [MJ perfect victory] I won!

[Scent of a game master]

[ROUND 2] [Master Moon Bin VS slow JinJin]

[Like a master, a speedy surprise attack]

40 VS 100 right now.

I'm in big trouble.

What am I supposed to do at a time like this?

[Shadow is getting closer]

Ah, I'm scared.

100% vs 80%.

[Confession] Aren't I 80?

Oh really? [Weak with numbers] [Judge has a fatal flaw]

Fool~ A fool~

[He's too slow to handle the master's fake skill]

I will show you a changed me.

I am going to give a time limit of 60 seconds now.

And whoever hits first, wins! [Judge got really bored]

[A fake]

[Where are you looking?]

[He lost easily by being fooled by the fake move]

[ROUND 2] [Master Moon Bin's perfect victory]

It ended too easily.

[Ends with a lovely picture of taking care of the brother with no shoes]

[Cha Eun-Woo appeared from somewhere]

Our mascot! Come over here.

[JinJin] You might get in big trouble.

[Unfailing Cha Eun-Woo]

Let me show you what fear is.

[Eun-Woo enjoys teasing JinJin]

[I caught you!]

[San-Ha was resting after he ate]

[San-Ha] You need to use your brain.

They need to save their energy

but if they keep on playing like that, they're going to be like this

later tonight.

[Cha Eun-Woo + piggyback] [Similar to what we just saw...]

I promise you.

[What San-Ha promises will happen to them...]

They'll be like this.

[MJ's shoes]

[Oldest lost his shoe and is one Bin's back]

[To catch the criminal] Right! Straight! Straight!

[Shoe stealer]

[You're going to be in big trouble if you go down]

[Eun-Woo is on fire as the shoe stealer]

[Happy about everything]

[Shaking head]

One, two, three!

Over there! Straight ahead!

[Younger brothers having a hard time taking care of their brother]

[Found the target]

Barabara bara! [On my way to joke around]

[So fun]

[Suspicious back]

[Scene stealer MJ] [Shoe stealer Eun-Woo]

[Wrong encounter between the two stealers]


[In] [sync]

[Eun-Woo, who found peace, plays the ukulele]

Play a different chord. A different chord.


[Playing with his mouth]

Go on vacation.

[Filled with joy] Where do we go?

[Moon Bin] We need to bring JinJin. JinJin!


[Moon Bin] Is he going to play with that?

- (Title) Shaolin Temple. - Shaolin Temple.

[Already funny]


[Big fan] I

train today~

[You probably meant training]

- I'm at a loss of words. Loss of words. - It's not bad. [Blinded by love]

[Members are checking their roles for the filming of the bed scenes]

Look, I'm going to sleep.

[San-Ha's role is to sleep]

He's going to slobber in five minutes.

It's time for MJ to sleep.

[Moon Bin fell asleep while writing music]

[JinJin] One person who's showing his best acting.

Two people.

[...Really sleeping...]

Three people.

[And one person working hard and fulfilling his role]

Please strike a pose.

Oh, good!

Thank you! When are you going to print it out?

When I am going to print it out...

[Empty 1]

[JinJin and Eun-Woo are having fun today, too]

[Second prey] Do you want me to take a picture?

What is this?

Strike a pose!

In a cute way.

In a handsome way.

In a sexy way.

Is it being taken? [Felt a strange feeling]

- Is it being taken? - Of course! With a film...

[Stuttering] These are film pictures.

[Empty 2]

[Bites mouth] Mm...

He was filming it in his mind.


To be honest, I can't see through this. I didn't know what you were doing.

[Cute joke played by Eun-Woo]

[My cute friend]

- I will print it. - Yes, send it to me!

- It will go to you. - Okay.

Please look forward to it.

I acted like I was fooled but I knew. [Cheers to your friendship]

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 011217 " ASTRO PLAY 신스틸러 Scene Stealer " - Duration: 5:59.


Sunday Shave Of The Day #OVS, Gold Dollar 66 Straight Razor Shave, Geo F Trumper Shaving Cream #SOTD - Duration: 25:56.

Welcome to the Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet

Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you

if this is your first time here and you're interested in learning how to

straight razor shave go ahead and hit that subscribe button then click on the

bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos so that way you won't miss

a thing in tonight's shave I'm using my gold

dollar 66 this is half hollow in or so tonight it's actually gonna be Geo

Trumper so George F Trumper and this is Coconut Oil shave cream and now this

has absolutely no scent to me so I'm gonna be able to pair it with anything

now I did not have that blooming because it is a cream and we're using my Omega

10098 yeah I stuck some that cream right in the end of there

and let's just get her going here yeah alright so how are you doing

you having a good weekend I hope so yeah yeah hopefully you're having some

downtime being able to spend time with family and friends that would be good

yeah they have been able to relax yeah

in that brush let's get some of that over there

burnished actually holds quite a bit of our yep yeah so hopefully you're like I

say you're having a good weekend did you have any plans this weekend mm-hmm yeah

yeah my daughter is at the University and that will be she's got about three

weeks left yeah and then this semester done and same thing for my son he's got

like three weeks and then he's done so that's good yeah yeah this is coming to

life yeah so hopefully you are having some good chips yeah

there we go yeah I do shape of the date videos every Wednesday and Sunday so

stop one bye you can check it out see what's going on

and join in yeah you know go ahead leave comments tell me how your shape you're

going what's going on with you that kind of stuff

this is past one and this is primarily with the grain let's do it

oh yeah

we can be really good with this shaving cream doing


there you go nice this is working well

right there we go no bunker here either the last video or the video before last

I said something a nice tip that we're gonna make the tip of the day and that

is when you're shaving especially with straight razor what you want to do is

wipe off that shaving cream okay just like you're wiping it off with your hand

but use the straight razor so nice and gentle just wipe it off all right so

good tip and you know keep an eye on the comments I've got a lot of good

subscribers that just come up with some of the best tips for shaving so check it





oh yeah nice

this is doing really well tonight

yuria girl pass one complete yep nice yeah let's get that red stuff yeah yeah

that'll work that'll work and that place stuck with that stick is

okay nice

here we go okay has to now I do straight razor edge IV specials on the first and

third Friday of every month and I do those based on your questions comments

suggestions for upcoming straight razor edge Friday specials so go ahead and put

some comments questions suggestions down in the comments for me yeah hopefully

you enjoyed last Friday's special so now for something completely different music

and the shape of the day yep so you can click right up here on this card and see

that in the entire playlist of those I have three now in tow

yeah if you missed it you can check it out yep yeah that band is from southern

Sweden really do quite well yep I like them good music

yeah gonna keep working this three I normally use soaked because I had better

luck with them however I do own a couple of creams so work them in

there we go all right so this is past two which is going to be across around

my neck gets sprayed on my cheeks against the grain here and let's do this



nice so far so good

make sure find that ear little don't want to lose one of those switching up

that handle

yeah we go nice take that blade cleaned off



I'll see what I'm doing boiling up my cheat then using my hand pull my my face

back that flattens out this whole wearing lets me get right in there

yeah yeah

nice i ride past to complete now let's get that cleaned off see how we did felt

good yeah all right now let's see if we have enough to do the half pass now this

is gonna be my jawline in my neck it is going to be against the grain yeah

that's gonna finish this shave off I don't need a full three pass shave those

cheeks of wreck where we won so no reason to go any further with that then

we already have

I guess about as good as we're gonna get with that now



we go right now if you haven't seen the half past revealed you click one right

up here on this card and see a detailed version of the half pass and it may be



all right and now that blame is really almost completely flat when I'm doing my

chin like this

very little angle of attack I don't need very much so that works out

well for me okay no save in the books yes now let's get

that rinsed off okay nice that's another good one

yeah very good okay now alum everywhere

and I dry that off just like that then wear aftershave

there's lavender witch hazel oh yeah now since this particular cream doesn't have

really any smell I can do anything I want to with it you may be different but

for me I I really I can't really smell that much the scent like this is like

zero for me so it's fine I can use any kind of stuff I want after

this share yeah or a Colonia thing all right

this is Clubman in this is Virgin Island Bay Rob yeah I'm thinking that would be

good to be on some Island right now instead of being in the North East of

the United States

that's what I'm doing

a more wonderful set and then we are going to finish the shave off with Nivea

push a bomb oh yeah this is my go-to for five

and I just put that everywhere yeah I did

through the skin hey thank you I really appreciate you guys you know it's always

good to see you when you stop by just keep on coming back and it just makes me

happy yes it does all right you click right up here to see why you can't hold

really interesting video there why you can't hold a straight razor alright

check it out very interesting stuff again I really appreciate you guys best

community of shavers out there I believe on YouTube are right here so thank you

look right over here to see my latest video click down here on the video

especially picked out for you click over here on me subscribe like comment share

this video with your friends have a great shave and a good day and I will

see you next time on adventures in wet shaving

For more infomation >> Sunday Shave Of The Day #OVS, Gold Dollar 66 Straight Razor Shave, Geo F Trumper Shaving Cream #SOTD - Duration: 25:56.


BREAKING: The GOP Senate Just Delivered a Killer Blow to Obamacare – Here Are The Details - Duration: 5:30.

Under Obamacare, millions of Americans saw their premiums skyrocket, their quality of

service plummet, and their time completely wasted—and while Republicans have been trying

to knock it down for years now, under the guidance of President Donald Trump, it seems

that they may have finally done it.

The recently-passed Senate tax reform bill included one major bonus – it also repealed

the mandate that forced Americans to sign up for Obamacare.

After the ambitious but premature 'Repeal and Replace' bill was blocked by traitorous

RINO John McCain, many believed that the Republican party had no chance of passing any sort of

healthcare bill.

Yet once more, President Trump has astounded us with his ability to expertly maneuver the

political landscape, and keep his promises.

Peter Sullivan of The Hill reports:

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare's individual mandate as part

of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care


"Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works

for them — not the government," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

"I believe if people don't want to buy the ObamaCare insurance, they shouldn't

have to pay a tax penalty to the IRS."

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include

the mandate's repeal.

But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing

the mandate.

No Democrats in either chamber voted for the GOP tax bills.

It's unclear what repeal of the mandate will mean for ObamaCare.

Many experts and health-care groups warn that repeal will destabilize ObamaCare markets,

leading to premium increases or insurers simply dropping out of certain areas.

Without a financial penalty under the mandate for lacking health coverage, there is less

incentive for healthy people to sign up and balance out the costs of the sick.

Some experts counter that the effects will not be as severe as others say, given that

there are doubts the mandate had a strong effect on people to begin with.

Moderate Republicans are now pushing for bipartisan ObamaCare fixes to help stabilize insurance

markets, setting up a showdown with conservatives.

The mandate's repeal was not part of the original tax-reform measure released by the

Senate Finance Committee, and Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) previously said he wanted to

keep the divisive health-care issue separate from taxes.

But President Trump, along with Senate conservatives such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), made a vocal

public push for its inclusion.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years in subsidies that otherwise

would have been spent on consumers, according to the Congressional Budget Office, providing

savings for the tax cuts.

The CBO estimates that 13 million fewer people will have health insurance over the next decade

without the mandate, and it projects that premiums will rise 10 percent.

But it also projects markets will remain stable in "almost all areas of the country."

While three Republican senators, John McCain (R-Ariz.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa

Murkowski (R-Alaska) defeated an ObamaCare repeal bill over the summer that included

mandate repeal, this time they put aside their concerns.

Murkowski wrote that repealing the mandate didn't hurt the structure of the health-care

law, but allowed people the "freedom" to choose whether to enroll.

Collins said she had won a commitment from Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

(R-Ky.) to pass two bipartisan ObamaCare fixes before the end of the year.

She hopes those bills will counteract the increase in premiums from mandate repeal.

One of the bills, from Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray(D-Wash.) funds

key payments to insurers, while the other measure provides funding known as reinsurance

to pay for some sick people's claims and help bring down premiums.

The Alexander-Murray bill does not directly deal with the effects of repealing the mandate,

and some experts argue there would have to be more reinsurance funding than currently

proposed to make up for mandate repeal.

It's unclear if either fix will actually become law, as House conservatives oppose

the measures as propping up ObamaCare.

Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), a member of the moderate Tuesday Group, said he supports passing

Alexander-Murray to try to counteract the premium increases from mandate repeal.

But he acknowledged conservatives oppose that move, meaning he thinks the initial House

version of a government funding bill will not have the health fix attached.

He thinks the Senate will add it later, setting up a choice for the House.

"They'll toss it back to us and either you take it like that or you shut the government

down," Upton said.

Trump appears eager to return to the full repeal-and-replace push after the final tax

bill passes.

"We will Repeal & Replace and have great Healthcare soon after Tax Cuts!" he tweeted

in late October.

GOP leaders have not committed to revisiting the issue in an election year, though Sen.

John Kennedy (R-La.) said he thought mandate repeal brings full repeal and replacement

a step closer.

"I think it's going to make our third attempt at health-care reform easier," Kennedy


For more infomation >> BREAKING: The GOP Senate Just Delivered a Killer Blow to Obamacare – Here Are The Details - Duration: 5:30.


Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning 203-316-8526 Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning - Duration: 0:48.

Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning. Are your gutters prepared to weather the next storm?

Did you know that clogged gutters are actually one of the most common causes of roof leaks?

Gutters play an integral part in your roofs performance and the overall of condition of

your home.

Neglecting a small gutter issue now, will lead to larger and more costly repairs down

the road.

Don't underestimate the importance of routine gutter maintenance.

And trust it to professionals, because cleaning your own gutters can be very dangerous for

some homeowners.

Give us a call today for quality and affordable gutter installation, repair, and maintenance.

For more infomation >> Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning 203-316-8526 Norwalk CT Gutter Cleaning - Duration: 0:48.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 Gameplay - Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Live - The GOAT Of Goats In Goat Town - Duration: 4:54:13.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Battlefront 2 Gameplay - Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Live - The GOAT Of Goats In Goat Town - Duration: 4:54:13.


WINNING! Another Major Democrat Just Announced He's Retiring - Duration: 2:46.

It has not been a good couple of weeks for liberal Democrats.

Besides all of the liberal politicians exposed in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal,

some Democrats have been announcing their retirement from politics, unable to work in

the age of Trump.

Now, another major Democrat has announced he's retiring, which is leading many conservatives

to believe that we could have a strong Republican majority in the House of Representatives quite


Longtime Michigan Representative Sander Levin, who's been elected a whopping 18 terms,

will not be seeking re-election After 36 years in Washington, influencing trade laws and

tax laws against American interests, this Democrat will now be retiring.

Daily Mail reports:


(AP) – The Latest on Michigan Rep. Sander Levin's decision to not seek re-election

after 18 terms (all times local): 11:45 a.m.

Detroit-area Rep. Sander Levin says he won't run for an 19th term in Congress next year

and will teach at the University of Michigan.

The 86-year-old Democrat said Saturday he will retire after 36 years in Washington.

Levin has served on the House Ways and Means Committee for almost three decades.

The powerful panel sets tax and trade laws.

The Detroit Free Press posted Levin's statement online after The Associated Press reported

that he won't run again.

Levin, known as Sandy, says he's grateful to have served residents all over the Detroit

area, especially with districts being redrawn every decade.

He says he'll continue "sharing the values" that he learned from his family.

Levin is the brother of Carl Levin, who was a Michigan U.S. senator until 2015.

___ 10:09 a.m.

Democratic Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan, who has served in Congress for nearly 35 years,

won't seek re-election to a 19th term.

Three Democrats told The Associated Press Levin plans to make the retirement announcement

Sunday at his annual holiday party.

The Democrats spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity to discuss private talks.

The 86-year-old Levin has sat on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee for almost

30 years.

He was the top Democrat on the panel from 2010 through 2016 and was chairman during

passage of the federal health care law.

Levin has represented varying parts of suburban Detroit since the early 1980s.

He's been involved with tax, health care, trade and manufacturing issues over his career.

His brother Carl was a longtime U.S. senator.

For more infomation >> WINNING! Another Major Democrat Just Announced He's Retiring - Duration: 2:46.


ABC Almost Crashed the Stock Market With Fake News about President Trump - Duration: 4:31.

The Dow Jones had a down day on Friday, and America can blame ABC News for it.

On Friday, the Dow Jones session ended nearly 40 points lower for the day, but it had gotten

off to a good start.

it was up at the start of the session, and then word hit of a story by Brian Ross of

ABC News, which said then-candidate Donald Trump had personally directed Michael Flynn

to contact the Russian government.

That report directly contradicted Trump's previous statements, and made it appear as

if the President had, in fact, colluded with Russia prior to the election.

After the ABC story posted near the noon hour, the Dow Jones took a nosedive of 350 points,

as investors worried about what the bombshell meant for the Trump presidency.

Within an hour of the story being reported, several other media sources contradicted the


In short order, ABC News clarified the original story, stating that candidate Trump had not

directed Flynn to contact Russian officials, but rather, it was President-elect Trump who

told Flynn to reach out to Russia.

That is exactly what President Trump said he had done, and it is something any President-elect

is expected to do.

By claiming the actions took place before the election, however, ABC News made a scandal

out of a "nothingburger."

After ABC News clarified the original story, the Dow Jones began to rebound, as investors'

fears were eased.

However, the damage had been done.

The market could not rally quickly enough to move into positive territory, and the market

closed the day in the red.

Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller provides details.

ABC News is making a significant correction to a report it did on former national security

adviser Michael Flynn that sent shockwaves across social media and financial markets

on Friday.

Brian Ross, a veteran journalist at ABC News, reported earlier in the day that a source

close to Flynn said that the retired lieutenant general was prepared to testify that during

the campaign Donald Trump instructed him to make contact with Russian government officials.

The report came out after Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts during

the presidential transition period with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller found that Flynn lied to the FBI during a Jan. 24 interview

on the topic.

The stock market plummeted more than 350 points after the ABC News report, seemingly because

it undercut Trump's longstanding claim that he did not order anyone to contact the Russians

prior to the election.

The source for Ross's report appears to have been Richard Frankel, former senior aide

to Flynn and an ABC News contributor.

After Ross's segment, ABC News published an article quoting Frankel at length.

"I don't know how much General Flynn knows about any criminal activity that took place

during the campaign or in the White House," said Frankel, who retired earlier this year

from a senior role at the FBI.

"However, General Flynn was a top adviser to President Trump in the campaign and a top

adviser to him when he entered into the WH so if there are bodies buried so to speak,

General Flynn would know about them in my opinion."

The Daily Caller reached Frankel after Ross's initial report.

"I have not had discussion with the General regarding these issues.

I cannot comment in that I am with ABC News," he said through email.

Ross issued a "clarification" to his report on ABC "World Tonight," hours after the

initial bombshell allegation about pre-election Russia contacts was made on air.

"A clarification tonight on something one of Flynn's confidants told us and we reported

earlier today," Ross told ABC "World Tonight" host David Muir.

"He said the president had asked Flynn to contact Russia during the campaign.

He's now clarifying that, saying, according to Flynn, candidate Trump asked him during

the campaign to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other world hot spots.

And then after the election, the president-elect asked him to contact Russia on issues including

working together to fight ISIS."

Oliver Darcy of CNN called out ABC on the effect their story had.

On Saturday, ABC News responded to the criticism from other media outlets and the public over

their slip-up.

They suspended Brian Ross for four weeks over the incident.

At no point did ABC News use the phrase "fake news."

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