Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2017

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There are all kinds of things that connect to the internet these days,

from smart refrigerators that tell you when your food is expired,

to office lights you can turn off with your smartphone.

Together, this collection of smart devices is called the Internet of Things,

and it's changing how we run our homes, stores, and even restaurants.

But someday it might be able to do a whole lot more.

In the futuristic, perfectly-automated smart homes

you see in comic books and sci-fi, the house basically runs itself.

It knows exactly what you need at any time,

and there's a virtual assistant that can answer questions

and control appliances.

We're not quite there yet, but a future with smart buildings

that can do all those things isn't as far off as you might think.

There are just a few main types of technology that we need to develop first,

and the good news is, we're well on our way to figuring them out.

For a real smart home, you'd need a system powerful enough

to keep all your devices perfectly in-sync, communicating with each other,

and aware of what's happening all around the house.

So, when your smart alarm clock goes off in the morning,

it might turn on the lights in the living room, start a pot of coffee,

and turn the TV on to your favorite channel.

But the system would also need to be advanced enough

to know if your roommate is already up and watching TV,

so it wouldn't change the channel.

A system like that would need some powerful hardware,

and a little speaker on your kitchen counter, at the moment, isn't going to cut it.

But there's a pretty good workaround.

Most smart devices are already connected to a remote,

more powerful central computer

that takes care of the advanced data-processing stuff.

So you wouldn't need a supercomputer at home

to run all the complicated programs that would keep track of everything

and figure out the best way to automate your house.

The data would just be sent to that remote computer over the internet,

which would process it and then send instructions back to your devices.

But even with enough computer power for a connected system,

you still need to design software capable of automating an entire house.

We have assistants on smartphones, but they're not that great.

They're only built to understand certain types of commands,

and they still get confused.

A lot.

To make that perfect virtual butler,

we'll need advances in two fields of computer science:

natural language processing and machine learning.

Natural language processing is centered around designing programs

that can understand us the way we naturally speak.

That means your smart home would have to understand original sentences,

their context, words with different meanings,

and all of the other things that make up language

but because language is so complicated,

we probably won't have computers that can do that perfectly for quite a while.

One thing that could help, though, is machine learning,

where computers gather data and teach themselves.

So instead of programming a billion words and grammar rules

into a smart home, the software could just teach itself what to do.

Devices all over the world would collect data

on the commands people gave them and then adapt their programming

and algorithms in response.

You probably already have an assistant on your phone

that uses a version of this.

That's how it learns about things like new slang or fashion trends.

We just, of course, have not gotten to the point

where they can learn to understand us perfectly.

And, honestly…

I don't understand what people are talking about these days sometimes.

With more advanced machine learning,

your home could figure out how to answer every question

you could possibly ask it.

Based on the data it collected,

it could just learn to only suggest dinner recipes after 5PM

or only brew decaf coffee after noon.

So if you've ever wanted a virtual butler waiting on you hand and foot,

there's still hope.

Finally, and maybe most importantly,

your smart home would need to be totally secure.

Besides having routers or other devices

to protect your WiFi network from snoopers,

the devices in your home would need to be able to shut down attacks.

Everything connected to the internet

would be an access point for the rest of your wireless network.

So hackers could use something like

a smart fish tank to get to the rest of your accounts and passwords.

Which sounds ridiculous,

but that's exactly what happened to a casino last summer.

A perfect smart home would need to be protected

against both current attacks

and any vulnerabilities that are discovered after the appliances are built.

Not all companies think about that when they're building something small,

like a fish tank.

So everyone would have to get on board.

And your house would still need to protect itself

even if the company that made your devices went out of business

or stopped updating its software.

Like, you shouldn't need to buy a brand-new fridge after a year

because the startup that built it went under

and there's a new virus going around.

To get that perfect smart home security,

we'll need to figure out ways to keep updating all of our appliances,

no matter how small,

and to make sure those updates are sustainable in the long run.

Perfect smart buildings will transform our lives someday.

From how we live to how we shop to how we do our jobs.

But there are a lot of developments in computer science

to be made before that can happen.

So for now, our technology isn't quite perfect yet.

But we're getting there.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow,

and thanks to Emerson for sponsoring it.

If you want to support us, check out

to learn a little bit more about what Emerson's about.

For more infomation >> How Close Are We to the Perfect Smart Home? - Duration: 4:54.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 3:17:20.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 3:17:20.


World Championship CR | goblins army vs steeleagles | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 1:11:02.

For more infomation >> World Championship CR | goblins army vs steeleagles | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 1:11:02.


Sleep On It "See You Around"

For more infomation >> Sleep On It "See You Around"


Stefano De Martino e Belen Rodriguez sono tornati insieme? La verità del ballerino | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Stefano De Martino e Belen Rodriguez sono tornati insieme? La verità del ballerino | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:16.


Dry Fly Fishing and making Fly Rod Bamboo building Takes Brown Marble Trout - Duration: 10:06.

My passion for bamboo fly rods has not been love at first sight, indeed!

it has been a long journey of experience to reach this magic world,

and gradually it has managed to engage me and to bewitch me!

I remember at the beginning, when I even teased a school fellow of mine,

always fishing with his old Hardy bamboo fly rod:

„Where are you going with that strange sort of a rod?"…..

He was always smiling without replying anything to my jokes.

Maybe, thinking about it now, he had already understood a lot of flyfishing!!

We were in the middle of the Eighties, in the fullness of the "graphite era",

so I also started fly fishing with a graphite fly rod.

Then, at a certain point, something happened in my mind

and I started to appreciate qualities its plasmability,

and properties of this incredible material that is bamboo,

its DNA

….maybe it was just what I was looking for….

So I discover a new approach to Mother Nature,

to the river and its inhabitants.

This material was able to connect me with the river environment in a diffrerent way,

in a more sporting way, more natural, as natural is the wood with which these bamboo fly rods are built!

My models range from 6 feet to 8 feet and 6 inches long,

and lines range from #3 to #6.

Every model is unique and has specific features for performances.

I also developped a series of theree bamboo fly rod models for saltwater fly fishing.

It is not a return to the past, as many people think, indeed!

I believe that the rediscovery of bamboo and its success,

shows everybody a great deal about its qualities!

A modern bamboo fly rod, with a good project design at the base,

meets the needs of the most advanced fly fisherman!

Most of the modern bamboo fly rod are designed for specific situations and environments,

they're very sophisticated tools and, if put in the best working conditions,

, their performances can magnify the fishing action!

I just hope that this video could reach you and

send you a little bit of my passion,

something positive and my big respect for the river environment!

For more infomation >> Dry Fly Fishing and making Fly Rod Bamboo building Takes Brown Marble Trout - Duration: 10:06.


Michael Phelps' Record Breaking Eight Gold Medals in Beijing | The Olympics on the Record - Duration: 6:02.

I was all lined up pretty

to go out and get a bronze medal,

and the officials came in and basically told me to go,

and Szewinska came in and took the bronze medal.

So it was a very disappointing start for me

as a 17-year-old in my first Olympic Final,

to have that happen to me.






Yes, I'd just turned 17,

it was a quite surprise to me to go across to Mexico.

I don't think at that stage there was a lot of pressure,

I didn't quite understand what I was going to,

I just knew I was going across to the Olympic Games,

which meant not that much to me,

to run some races.

So to go over there,

to arrive in a country that had a lot more poverty

than the country I came from,

and to spend some time there before the Games started,

it was actually quite difficult for me.



Yes, speaking, yeah.

When we landed in Mexico, we discovered

we could not run one lap of the track without stopping,

we were so puffed out.

The altitude was up around 2000 metres

and that made it very hard

to run with the same oxygen intake,

so we did suffer a little bit

and it took us a few weeks to get acclimatized to that.

It was a very warm day,

we had a lot of rain running the semi-final

and some after that so we were all very wet.

I remember warming up for the final,

being very nervous.

I remember Chi Ching was in the lane next to me.

She had both of her quads,

from her groin down to her knees,

very heavily scratched,

and I found that really strange.

Barbara Ferrell was a shorter black woman,

still very relaxed, had a beautiful running style,

she was like silk to watch.

Outside of that I don't remember Szewinska,

she was at the other side of the track to me.

She was very, very tall and lanky,

and couldn't believe that someone so tall

could run fast.

Di Burge was shorter than me and a bit chunkier,

and of course she was the queen of sprinting

in Australia until I came along.

And Wyomia Tyus was

a couple of lanes to the right from me.



My memories of that Olympic Games are so vivid

from being 14 years old

and watching every moment of it,

that those are my heroes.

And Wyomia was part of that,

she was a natural born sprinter,

very leaned forward.

As an athlete, the psychological strength

that she would bring to a race...

She would just intimidate you

out of any chance of beating her.

And she really wasn't like that,

she was actually kind of shy,

but on the track she was an assassin.

The Tighten Up is famous. She is standing there,

and everybody else was very nervous

at the beginning of a final at the Olympics.

Of course they're nervous on some level,

good nervous, maybe bad nervous,

and Tyus was maybe even nervous too,

but the way she chose to manifest it

was that she got there by her starting blocks

and started doing the Tighten Up

and what that did was it loosened her up

and tightened everybody else up,

and that's why she did it, it was another technique

it was another thing that she thought of,

that she had never done, that she had never seen,

that was going to take

everybody else out of their game.

I was right up there with Barbara Ferrell

and Wyomia Tyus to my right and Chi Ching was on my left.

I remember that it was very tight,

100 metres is very tight,

there's a lot of straining

and it's very hard to stay relaxed.

But I was there to win it

and so when Tyus sort of lead the pack out,

I was trying to stay with her.

It's one of those times when

the race takes forever sort of thing,

and you're trying so hard to go faster

and it just wouldn't come.

I couldn't make myself run any faster at that stage

I was trying extremely hard.

When we crossed the line,

Tyus, Farrell and myself

were taken down into the victory ceremony room,

where we had makeup done and hair done

and general tidying up.

We were down there for some time.

What happened was that the officials on the track,

they gave me 3rd position in the race

and the photo finish gave me 4th and Szewinksa 3rd,

but that didn't happen

until just before we were about to go out

to the victory ceremony.

I was all lined up pretty

to go out and get a bronze medal

and the officials came in and basically told me to go

and Szewinksa came in and she took the bronze medal.

So it was very a very disappointing start

for me as 17 year old,

in my first Olympic Final, to have that happen to me.

It was very confusing, I think I cried,

but in the long term I think it made me very...

very tough as a competitor.

Raelene Boyle overcame what happened in the 100 m podium

and won a silver medal in the 200 m final

Wyomia Tyus broke the world record

in that final with 11.0 (11.08)

She became the first person to win 2 consecutive

Olympic gold medals in the 100 meter dash

For more infomation >> Michael Phelps' Record Breaking Eight Gold Medals in Beijing | The Olympics on the Record - Duration: 6:02.


Saiba como Escrever um Livro - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Saiba como Escrever um Livro - Duration: 5:02.


what we know so far about melanie's second album - Duration: 5:24.

What do we know so far about Melanie's new album?

Let's start with the writing process.

What we know so far is that there are thirteen songs in her upcoming album,

Ten of them written by Melanie alone

And the other three are written by Melanie

In collaboration with Emily Warren,

Who also helped write "Soap".

Melanie explained that her tracklist is being mastered

And that she's finishing up the bonus tracks.

Melanie confirmed that none of her unreleased songs will be on her studio album

Because the album has "too specific of a theme"

And she once responded to a fan on Instagram

That there won't be any collaborations on this new album.

Michael Keenan will be the producer of this album as well,

Who said that the album will have a darker sound.

This was also confirmed by Melanie in a conversation with a fan.

About new possible characters,

Brian Zuniga, who plays the Big Bad Wolf and the Bunny Doctor,

Said on twitter that he is brainstorming for his new character,

Possibly for Melanie's new album.

Melanie stated on an interview

That there will be a character whose name is a pun on Donald Trump.

The album's working concept is that it will be set in a town

And will be told from Cry Baby's perspective.

According to Melanie,

It will be Cry Baby stepping outside of her family life and love life

And acting like a narrator for the album.

The title of the album is the name of a particular place

In Cry Baby's town.

Cry Baby will be narrating the album

From her perspective and will be introducing new characters,

But she should appear on the album at some point.

According to Melanie,

"You are not learning about her, you're learning about the place that she's in and her perspective".

Melanie will be singing about thirteen important topics,

Topics most artists are afraid to sing about.

Melanie has said that there will be a song about

Friends in school that didn't actually want a close connection at all

And that there will be also a song

About how your mental health is important to maintain.

About the tracklist, a song titled "Banana Well"

Was speculated to be a song for her new album.

However, Melanie later denied it.

She has said, though, that there might be a song flashing back to "Tag, You're It".

This song was rumoured to be "I Scream",

An unreleased song which has never been performed live or released to the fans.

The title is a pun on ice cream.

Due to the play on the words in the title,

Fans have speculated that this could be the song.

Another two possible songs in the tracklist

Could be "Loverboy" and "Silence Says".

"Loverboy" is an unreleased song that we know very little of.

The only thing we know it's that it was on her Songfile,

And that it was taken down the next day.

"Silence Says" is also an unreleased song.

Its title is a pun on the children's game "Simon Says".

This song was on Melanie's singing BMI list

On June 30th, 2017

But it was removed shortly after.

However, it is still up on Kinetics & One Love's BMI

And Melanie's official writing BMI list.

Instead of releasing a new video per song,

Melanie will release a feature film

To accompany her second project.

As she told Billboard,

"It's all the videos together of the next record

With dialogue and whatnot in between connecting all of them together.

The film is really a huge priority of mine,

Because it's really important to me

That people can truly undestand the sentiment

And the story when they hear the record for the first time,

And I really want people to be able to follow along properly."

She also confirmed that there

Will be a tour in 2018 to go along with this album.

Shows in this tour will have intermissions and choreography

That will reflect the album's story.

As Melanie said,

"It's basically going to be similar to the way a ballet is set up,

With an intermission and stuff.

There's going to be a lot of choreography. For the first time I'm doing choreography,

Which is also something I have to work on."

Do we have a release date?

The album was first intended to be released on fall 2017,

But Melanie had to postpone the date

Because the movie was taking a lot of work

And she didn't have enough time to work on both projects.

She said on an interview this summer that she pretends

To release the album in January 2018

But we still don't have an exact date of release.

We will have to wait a little more for that, though.

And this is everything we know so far!

Did you know this information already?

Do you know anything else worth mentioning?

If you do, please let us know in the comments!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, this is all folks!

This has been Natalia, aaaand

I see you guys in the next video!

Have a nice day!~

For more infomation >> what we know so far about melanie's second album - Duration: 5:24.


Rompimento de adutora da Sabesp abre cratera em rua e deixa bairros da Zona Sul sem água - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Rompimento de adutora da Sabesp abre cratera em rua e deixa bairros da Zona Sul sem água - Duration: 1:07.


Café da manhã que elimina 10 kg em 3 meses - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Café da manhã que elimina 10 kg em 3 meses - Duration: 7:03.


Café da manhã que elimina 10 kg em 3 meses - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Café da manhã que elimina 10 kg em 3 meses - Duration: 7:03.


Are you stressed? Learn How To Naturally Download Cortisol Hormone - Duration: 4:19.

Have you read self-help books on how reduce stress?

Many of these books comment on how the Stress and anxiety can have social reasons,

after all, everyone has a busy life.

However, the increased anxiety may be related to a hormonal imbalance.

When the body produces too much cortisol, we can go through some behavioral changes

without even realizing it.

When cortisol levels are very high, we can undergo sudden changes

of humor.

In addition, energy is diverted from the tract gastrointestinal.

This process reduces the production of enzymes, making it difficult to digest.

The very high cortisol in the body can trigger several problems, including anxiety.

Therefore, decrease cortisol production in the body it is important to maintain good

mental health.

Here's how to control anxiety, decreasing cortisol levels:


Eliminate caffeine worth trying to eliminate it from your diet for at least two weeks.

To get an idea, just 200 mg of caffeine can elevate blood cortisol by 30%

only 1 hour.

So if you have problems with anxiety, Avoid coffee, tea and energy drinks.


Sleep well Sleep deprivation can create a series

health problems.

Studies show that a good night's sleep It helps reduce the production of cortisol.

On the other hand, sleep in the morning because insomnia increases the production of cortisol.

So, choose to consume foods with tryptophan, such as bananas, for example, the

night to keep your sleep rhythm.


Exercise regularly Exercise helps your brain to produce

hormones serotonin and dopamine.

These hormones are considered the hormones happiness and no wonder!

Together, dopamine and serotonin has the function to reduce stress, depression and anxiety.


Keep your level of blood sugar stable

Look eat foods that have good fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates

- which can help keep levels low cortisol.


Drink more water Try drinking a glass of water when you

go to bed and so wake up in the morning.

This simple process not only helps reduce cortisol levels, as avoids other

problems such as the risk of having a stroke while sleeps in the case of patients prone to this



Take anti-stress supplements Sometimes the busy life does not allow

We have the diet we need or want.

So to supplement your diet, try to use the anti-stress supplements

to reduce the level of cortisol.

These can be found naturally in calcium, vitamins B and C, magnesium, zinc

and CoQ 10.


Meditate and try to relax Browse take one special time for you.

See what is more comfortable in the silence or with soft music, meditate and look.

Even when we have a busy life, a small break can make a big difference.

So, keep in mind that reducing cortisol It is not just a food issue, but

Also habits.

Similarly, to learn how to control anxiety, it should be understood that the change

habits make much difference.

For more infomation >> Are you stressed? Learn How To Naturally Download Cortisol Hormone - Duration: 4:19.


Histórias de Inclusão | Deficiência Física - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Histórias de Inclusão | Deficiência Física - Duration: 3:03.


Samsung QLED Q6F 4K HDR TV Unboxing & Setup - Special Edition QN49Q6F! - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Samsung QLED Q6F 4K HDR TV Unboxing & Setup - Special Edition QN49Q6F! - Duration: 1:52.


OBS Studio 139 - LUTs - What are LUTs? How to use LUTs in OBS Studio - OBS Walkthrough & Guide - Duration: 4:10.

In the last video, I showed you some ways you can use VST plugins in OBS Studio to process

and improve your audio.

Today I'm showing you a similar ability, but applied to your facecam or other video

footage, through the use of LUTs or "Look Up Tables."

This is actually pretty cool, let's take a look.

TunnelBear is the fast and easy VPN service that keeps your data safe and secure, behind

a bear.

Sign up for your 7-day free trial and learn more via the link in the video description.

I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun, and welcome back to my OBS Studio

tutorial course.

I have many, many more videos on the software in the playlist linked in the description.

Check that before asking questions, and check the introduction video to learn how this course

works, if you get confused.

Color Look Up Tables are used to take an image and adjust its color information based on

the values in the Look Up Table.

Applied to OBS, it will basically apply some cool color filtering to your webcam.

Linked in the video description, I have a specific webcam LUT included for download,

as well as a website that offers a few for free.

Try them out and see if you like them.

OBS Studio also includes some sample LUTs in the install directory under "obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\obs-filters\LUTS\".

These are .PNG files.

The "Posterize" LUT applies a kind of comic book like effect.

Black and White is, well, obvious.

"Red Isolated" only shows shades of red, turning everything else black and white.

"Teal Lows Orange Highs" applies the cliche "cinema" effect of blue-ish shadows and

orange-ish highlights.

Kind of a neat look.

The one I included in the description does a similar effect, but retains more of the

original coloring, too.

What's neat is that you can easily make your own.

The "Original.png" included with OBS is a default LUT.

Apply your color correction presets to this PNG via your favorite photo editor and be

sure to save it as a new file so you can make new ones later, and apply it to your webcam.

What about the other ones I linked in the description?

The freebies - and most LUTs you download - come zipped up as a .CUBE file.

OBS won't accept that.

You will need to use a program like Adobe Photoshop to apply it to a copy of the "original.png"


Copy your desired .cube, .3DL, or .look files into the appropriate preset directory for


For me that is "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017\Presets\3DLUTs".

Re-launch Photoshop if you had it opened, and drag a copy of "original.PNG" into


Now go to "Image" - "Adjustments" - and "Color Lookup."

Here, click the drop-down menu next to 3DLUT file and choose the file you copied over.

For whatever reason it won't let me browse for other LUTs outside of that folder, which

is why you need to copy it.

Click OK and watch as the image file changes.

Now save this as the name of the lut dot PNG.

For example for me this will be "Aspen.png".

Now you can use it in OBS and apply to your webcam or gameplay!

This can be great for basic things such as adjusting contrast and saturation, or applying

crazy effects to your footage.

You can also apply multiple LUTs to one source.

It just… will get messy as you lather on the effects.

Do you have a favorite LUT?

Share in the comments below.

I hope this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course has been helpful for you.

If it was, drop-kick that like button and subscribe for awesome tech videos.

If you like game streaming, come follow me on Twitch and drop a message in chat.

Until next time, I'm EposVox, Happy Streaming!

Thanks for watching this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course.

More videos like this and a full master class are linked in the playlist in the video description.

Click to learn more.

Also consider joining us on Patreon to help keep tech education free.

Go to to sign up.

For more infomation >> OBS Studio 139 - LUTs - What are LUTs? How to use LUTs in OBS Studio - OBS Walkthrough & Guide - Duration: 4:10.


HELLEVATOR - MAP [OPEN] - Duration: 3:52.

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff

I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up this cruel, dreadful day alone

My school hallway is fading away. On this unfamiliar way

I'm so unlucky I don't have any map to tell me if this road is right

There's no way to go up What I've been through is a maze I never want to go back to

I'm comforting myself, shedding blood and sweat Instead of blood and tears

They tell me such hills Are just passing showers

If you want success Put snares that are called failures

So yes, I bite the baits that are called pain

I'm wandering around with my exhausted wings Of passions temporarily folded

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up This cruel, dreadful day alone

Though I reach out my hand, there's nobody to hold it

They're going up riding on my pain and tears

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

There's nothing for me Nobody really cares about me

No worries for me, just stone cold "Give up on your nonsense dreams"

Their words on giving up hit my ears My despair only gets bigger

Covering the sky called hope With the hands of the people beside me

I'm praying for myself to hold on To save myself from their unkind stares

They're arguing if I'm crazy or not I'll be somebody's clown even if I make it through

That's what you're going to be Stop trying to be a singer

I push myself Through hearing their words

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up This cruel, dreadful day alone

Though I reach out my hand, there's nobody to hold it

They're going up riding on my pain, my tears

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

I'm going to find out where the exit is To save me from being locked in the darkness

I frantically try to run away I'm on the hellevator, I'm going up

I'm escaping my dark past Lighting up my dark road ahead

I run as I could forget Those tedious moments

The bell of the new beginning That they've been ignoring rings

I got on my hellevator that'll hold my hand And take me to the penthouse My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

For more infomation >> HELLEVATOR - MAP [OPEN] - Duration: 3:52.


remede naturel - Le gingembre : un remède naturel contre le mal des transports ? - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> remede naturel - Le gingembre : un remède naturel contre le mal des transports ? - Duration: 6:01.


Nadia Toffa condizioni: la conduttrice de Le Iene è uscita dal coma - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa condizioni: la conduttrice de Le Iene è uscita dal coma - Duration: 3:51.


CH' - Plata ou Plomo [Prod. Visions] - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> CH' - Plata ou Plomo [Prod. Visions] - Duration: 2:42.


Um trcho da RECORDTV A Faenda Nova Chance, achei bonito com musica - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Um trcho da RECORDTV A Faenda Nova Chance, achei bonito com musica - Duration: 3:57.


The Polish nobility in the Russian Empire - Duration: 1:31.

My name Shtyabushevsky, I am from Tomsk, and my family

legends say that the great-grandfather He was a nobleman, exiled to Siberia.

It is often found plot.

Where did he come from?

In 1799 the Kingdom of Poland was part of the Russian Empire.

Polish nobles who called "gentry" gave

the same privileges as the Russian.

But there was a caveat - to Russia nobles were about 3-5% of the population,

Poland was the gentry much more, about 15%.

This caused a certain irritation the representatives of the center.

And it was decided, it is, of course, yes, but

documents necessary gentry gentry arrange all the rules.

With hard documents and in our time, but 200 years ago,

try to find a document that grandfather was stolnichim

Prince, especially if children stolnichego have been about ten ...

fantastic genealogy stamped in tens,

sent to herald where (too large batches)

returning from failures in recognition of the nobility.


Hundreds of disgruntled nobles, Polish uprising (of their

There were two, 1830 and 1860), arrests and exile in Siberia.

Is your true nobility history?

We can help you find out.

For assistance with texts thanks to Cyril Chashchin.

If you liked the video, put the Huskies, subscribe to the channel. Good luck in your search!

For more infomation >> The Polish nobility in the Russian Empire - Duration: 1:31.


Staune! – Joyce Meyer – Gott begegnen - Duration: 23:30.

For more infomation >> Staune! – Joyce Meyer – Gott begegnen - Duration: 23:30.


Oroscopo Paolo Fox della settimana a Mezzogiorno in Famiglia, 3 dicembre - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Oroscopo Paolo Fox della settimana a Mezzogiorno in Famiglia, 3 dicembre - Duration: 5:44.


The History of Coffee, as told ...

For more infomation >> The History of Coffee, as told ...


How Close Are We to the Perfect Smart Home? - Duration: 4:54.

This episode of SciShow is brought to you by Emerson.

Visit to learn more.

There are all kinds of things that connect to the internet these days,

from smart refrigerators that tell you when your food is expired,

to office lights you can turn off with your smartphone.

Together, this collection of smart devices is called the Internet of Things,

and it's changing how we run our homes, stores, and even restaurants.

But someday it might be able to do a whole lot more.

In the futuristic, perfectly-automated smart homes

you see in comic books and sci-fi, the house basically runs itself.

It knows exactly what you need at any time,

and there's a virtual assistant that can answer questions

and control appliances.

We're not quite there yet, but a future with smart buildings

that can do all those things isn't as far off as you might think.

There are just a few main types of technology that we need to develop first,

and the good news is, we're well on our way to figuring them out.

For a real smart home, you'd need a system powerful enough

to keep all your devices perfectly in-sync, communicating with each other,

and aware of what's happening all around the house.

So, when your smart alarm clock goes off in the morning,

it might turn on the lights in the living room, start a pot of coffee,

and turn the TV on to your favorite channel.

But the system would also need to be advanced enough

to know if your roommate is already up and watching TV,

so it wouldn't change the channel.

A system like that would need some powerful hardware,

and a little speaker on your kitchen counter, at the moment, isn't going to cut it.

But there's a pretty good workaround.

Most smart devices are already connected to a remote,

more powerful central computer

that takes care of the advanced data-processing stuff.

So you wouldn't need a supercomputer at home

to run all the complicated programs that would keep track of everything

and figure out the best way to automate your house.

The data would just be sent to that remote computer over the internet,

which would process it and then send instructions back to your devices.

But even with enough computer power for a connected system,

you still need to design software capable of automating an entire house.

We have assistants on smartphones, but they're not that great.

They're only built to understand certain types of commands,

and they still get confused.

A lot.

To make that perfect virtual butler,

we'll need advances in two fields of computer science:

natural language processing and machine learning.

Natural language processing is centered around designing programs

that can understand us the way we naturally speak.

That means your smart home would have to understand original sentences,

their context, words with different meanings,

and all of the other things that make up language

but because language is so complicated,

we probably won't have computers that can do that perfectly for quite a while.

One thing that could help, though, is machine learning,

where computers gather data and teach themselves.

So instead of programming a billion words and grammar rules

into a smart home, the software could just teach itself what to do.

Devices all over the world would collect data

on the commands people gave them and then adapt their programming

and algorithms in response.

You probably already have an assistant on your phone

that uses a version of this.

That's how it learns about things like new slang or fashion trends.

We just, of course, have not gotten to the point

where they can learn to understand us perfectly.

And, honestly…

I don't understand what people are talking about these days sometimes.

With more advanced machine learning,

your home could figure out how to answer every question

you could possibly ask it.

Based on the data it collected,

it could just learn to only suggest dinner recipes after 5PM

or only brew decaf coffee after noon.

So if you've ever wanted a virtual butler waiting on you hand and foot,

there's still hope.

Finally, and maybe most importantly,

your smart home would need to be totally secure.

Besides having routers or other devices

to protect your WiFi network from snoopers,

the devices in your home would need to be able to shut down attacks.

Everything connected to the internet

would be an access point for the rest of your wireless network.

So hackers could use something like

a smart fish tank to get to the rest of your accounts and passwords.

Which sounds ridiculous,

but that's exactly what happened to a casino last summer.

A perfect smart home would need to be protected

against both current attacks

and any vulnerabilities that are discovered after the appliances are built.

Not all companies think about that when they're building something small,

like a fish tank.

So everyone would have to get on board.

And your house would still need to protect itself

even if the company that made your devices went out of business

or stopped updating its software.

Like, you shouldn't need to buy a brand-new fridge after a year

because the startup that built it went under

and there's a new virus going around.

To get that perfect smart home security,

we'll need to figure out ways to keep updating all of our appliances,

no matter how small,

and to make sure those updates are sustainable in the long run.

Perfect smart buildings will transform our lives someday.

From how we live to how we shop to how we do our jobs.

But there are a lot of developments in computer science

to be made before that can happen.

So for now, our technology isn't quite perfect yet.

But we're getting there.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow,

and thanks to Emerson for sponsoring it.

If you want to support us, check out

to learn a little bit more about what Emerson's about.

For more infomation >> How Close Are We to the Perfect Smart Home? - Duration: 4:54.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 3:17:20.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 3:17:20.


World Championship CR | goblins army vs steeleagles | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 1:11:02.

For more infomation >> World Championship CR | goblins army vs steeleagles | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 1:11:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


what we know so far about melanie's second album - Duration: 5:24.

What do we know so far about Melanie's new album?

Let's start with the writing process.

What we know so far is that there are thirteen songs in her upcoming album,

Ten of them written by Melanie alone

And the other three are written by Melanie

In collaboration with Emily Warren,

Who also helped write "Soap".

Melanie explained that her tracklist is being mastered

And that she's finishing up the bonus tracks.

Melanie confirmed that none of her unreleased songs will be on her studio album

Because the album has "too specific of a theme"

And she once responded to a fan on Instagram

That there won't be any collaborations on this new album.

Michael Keenan will be the producer of this album as well,

Who said that the album will have a darker sound.

This was also confirmed by Melanie in a conversation with a fan.

About new possible characters,

Brian Zuniga, who plays the Big Bad Wolf and the Bunny Doctor,

Said on twitter that he is brainstorming for his new character,

Possibly for Melanie's new album.

Melanie stated on an interview

That there will be a character whose name is a pun on Donald Trump.

The album's working concept is that it will be set in a town

And will be told from Cry Baby's perspective.

According to Melanie,

It will be Cry Baby stepping outside of her family life and love life

And acting like a narrator for the album.

The title of the album is the name of a particular place

In Cry Baby's town.

Cry Baby will be narrating the album

From her perspective and will be introducing new characters,

But she should appear on the album at some point.

According to Melanie,

"You are not learning about her, you're learning about the place that she's in and her perspective".

Melanie will be singing about thirteen important topics,

Topics most artists are afraid to sing about.

Melanie has said that there will be a song about

Friends in school that didn't actually want a close connection at all

And that there will be also a song

About how your mental health is important to maintain.

About the tracklist, a song titled "Banana Well"

Was speculated to be a song for her new album.

However, Melanie later denied it.

She has said, though, that there might be a song flashing back to "Tag, You're It".

This song was rumoured to be "I Scream",

An unreleased song which has never been performed live or released to the fans.

The title is a pun on ice cream.

Due to the play on the words in the title,

Fans have speculated that this could be the song.

Another two possible songs in the tracklist

Could be "Loverboy" and "Silence Says".

"Loverboy" is an unreleased song that we know very little of.

The only thing we know it's that it was on her Songfile,

And that it was taken down the next day.

"Silence Says" is also an unreleased song.

Its title is a pun on the children's game "Simon Says".

This song was on Melanie's singing BMI list

On June 30th, 2017

But it was removed shortly after.

However, it is still up on Kinetics & One Love's BMI

And Melanie's official writing BMI list.

Instead of releasing a new video per song,

Melanie will release a feature film

To accompany her second project.

As she told Billboard,

"It's all the videos together of the next record

With dialogue and whatnot in between connecting all of them together.

The film is really a huge priority of mine,

Because it's really important to me

That people can truly undestand the sentiment

And the story when they hear the record for the first time,

And I really want people to be able to follow along properly."

She also confirmed that there

Will be a tour in 2018 to go along with this album.

Shows in this tour will have intermissions and choreography

That will reflect the album's story.

As Melanie said,

"It's basically going to be similar to the way a ballet is set up,

With an intermission and stuff.

There's going to be a lot of choreography. For the first time I'm doing choreography,

Which is also something I have to work on."

Do we have a release date?

The album was first intended to be released on fall 2017,

But Melanie had to postpone the date

Because the movie was taking a lot of work

And she didn't have enough time to work on both projects.

She said on an interview this summer that she pretends

To release the album in January 2018

But we still don't have an exact date of release.

We will have to wait a little more for that, though.

And this is everything we know so far!

Did you know this information already?

Do you know anything else worth mentioning?

If you do, please let us know in the comments!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, this is all folks!

This has been Natalia, aaaand

I see you guys in the next video!

Have a nice day!~

For more infomation >> what we know so far about melanie's second album - Duration: 5:24.


How To Find Jobs On LinkedIn - Search Tip - Duration: 2:59.

Hey guys have you been over on LinkedIn looking for jobs? You go to the jobs

board and you're just not finding what you're looking for. Well let's take a

quick trip over to LinkedIn and I'll show you a little trick where maybe you

can find what you are looking for. Hey guys, I'm Sheryl Loch with Ginger Roots

Media. Everybody talks about LinkedIn. LinkedIn you gotta go there to find jobs

and professionals. If you're like me, you go to LinkedIn and you're not

finding squat. You just can't get around. It's not as user friendly as maybe it

should be and a lot of us go to the jobs board. We're always looking, but these are

a lot of big corporations. A lot of times we aren't finding what we want. So I want

to show you a little trick you can use in the search, so that hopefully you'll

be able to find people that are looking for exactly what you have to offer. So

let's go over and take a look. And I hope it helps. Okay guys, here we are on my

LinkedIn. I'm logged in and a lot of times when you come here and you're

looking for new clients you may go to the jobs and that's great. You're gonna

find a lot of things there, but not always what you want. So right now I'm on

my homepage and what I want you to do is click in the search. We're gonna search

post. If you didn't see that let me go again. You can do people, jobs or posts so

we're gonna go to post. Then we're gonna type in something like "looking for

event planner". The main thing you want is "looking for" and then event planner. Put

in whatever it is your clients would be asking for. So we're gonna click it, so

that it does its search now. Right now it's on "ALL" right here you see all.

That's not what we want. If you just want to look for an event planner, someone

that hasn't listed, it would be right there. The jobs are going to give you in the

search are the same job boards. But what we want to do is go to "CONTENT" right

here. You're going to see post from people that have put out on their

LinkedIn profile, that may not be listed in the jobs. They have just put out a

post and you can find all kinds of things in here. So just make sure you

have "looking for" put in whatever keywords you think might work for what

you do and give it a try. You might come up with a lot better results. So I hope

this helps! Be sure to give this video a like, a dislike, a comment, share it with

your friends that are also looking to find some new clients or possibly a job.


For more infomation >> How To Find Jobs On LinkedIn - Search Tip - Duration: 2:59.


"Ріббентропа повісили": скандальний спіч телеведучого про Лаврова (русские титры) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> "Ріббентропа повісили": скандальний спіч телеведучого про Лаврова (русские титры) - Duration: 0:41.


Battlefield 1 - Sunday Night Live - BFMS Livestream #44 - Duration: 1:52:54.

For more infomation >> Battlefield 1 - Sunday Night Live - BFMS Livestream #44 - Duration: 1:52:54.


Aquaporin Channel - Duration: 3:06.

I am an Aquaporin channel.

Today we are going to talk about Aquaporin.

For many years we believed the only way

water molecules can actually make their way across the membrane

from one side to the other side of the cell is by diffusion.

Today we are going to talk about Aquaporin

and see how Aquaporin lets water get through the cell.

Hey, I am an Aquaporin Channel

remember what I said

I only let water get in through the cell

I am a water molecules and I am going to get in the cell.

Hey, welcome to the cell.

I am also a water molecule trying to get in the cell.

Go ahead

This water molecule is going in to the cell.

Go ahead!

Water loves Aquaporin.

Hey, welcome.

Whoo I'm going to get in

I'm going to get in.

Hey, you water molecule

One more time.

Hey, welcome.

Remember what I said

I only let water molecules get inside of the cell,

nothing else.

I am an Ion, and I am trying to get in the cell

No sorry, you can't

get through.

I am sorry you can't get through.

I am sorry.

I am an Ion

and I want to get in the cell.

Hey I am sorry

I can't let you get in.

I can't you

No, no sorry I cannot let you get in

Your an ion

No sorry

I can't let you get in

You can not come through.

Sorry, your an ion

You cannot go through

Let me in

No sorry you cannot go through

Let me in

No sorry

it cannot let

No sorry ion

You cannot go through

I am sorry

No sorry you

cannot get through

Oh you have to let me in

No I'm sorry dear


Your an ion I don't like you.

Remember what I said

I only let water get through

and no Ion.

I am an Ion and I'm trying to get in

Your an Ion

No sorry I don't like you

Please I don't like you

stay away from me

an ion I don't like you.

I say go away


Your water please go through!

Not fair!

No I cannot let an Ion

go through sorry

Yes water please go through.

Ion no, you cannot go through

Water please go through

How is that fair!

It's not fair

I only love water

I don't like Iike Ions.

Water molecules move

from high concentration to low concentration.

We move down our concentration gradient

but we don't use ATP

I'm at high concentration

We are at high concentration.

I am at a lower concentration of water.

I cannot go against my concentration

(Water molecules are moving down from high concentration to low concentration.)

Ugh, Ugh Ugh



Ugh, Ugh

Ugh, Ugh




Ugh, I cannot go


Aquaporin channels

only let water molecules

go in one at a time

from high concentration

to low concentration

(Water molecules are going

down their concentration

gradient one at a time.)

For more infomation >> Aquaporin Channel - Duration: 3:06.


HALO 2 IS ALIVE!?!? - Duration: 8:16.

Hey guys mass here welcome to the channel once again, I am bringing you some halo 2 gameplay

That's right

Halo 2 - if you know anything about video games, and you play a lot shooters back in the day

Then you're probably asking yourself isn't that shut down or something or only available through that craffy-er

Crappy Master Chief collection thing that doesn't even work half of the time

Well my friend. I have great news to tell you halo 2 pc. Is alive and doing pretty well actually

It is alive through a feature or not feature it is a group of

individuals, beautiful individuals. who have brought it back through the name halo 2

Project cartographer which basically means it's awesome, and it's back and it's everything that it used to be well

It's not everything that it used to be but it sure is fun. I mean

There's no ranking system yet or anything like that. I don't think they're gonna be adding any but that would be great if they did

But they might actually if we get a bunch of people on here and play it a bunch

Um but anyway right now

This gameplay is actually with my brother and my nephew

Though you can't hear them

Or even me because I changed my settings and screwed everything up like I usually do because I can't stop

Finicking with everything. I want to make everything perfect and it makes up and it ends up ruining everything in the process which


Anyway, yeah, it's not that big of a deal. We're playing king of the hill

I don't even know what map this is because I only played four hours of Halo 2 for the first time in like

More than 10 years, so it's been a long time since I played this game and when I did play it

I only played the campaign because I was really young and didn't have.. I don't even think I had internet back then or knew what the internet was

and if I did, I only played on Cartoon Network games or something anyway, I digress

This is halo 2, and it's it's fantastic. one thing I experienced when playing it was

Obviously the graphics are outdated

But I played for like four hours straight four hours straight because it was addicting we played this non-stop

Like we didn't even end we played forever. It was fantastic

Okay, back to what I was saying um one thing

I really noticed when I was playing this is that the graphics look dated

But the gameplay is very much still modernized

Once you've fix once you get the mouse fixes and everything and you get everything set up to you know to your comfort zone like

your key bindings and everything the game feels so smooth and modern and

No wonder this game was considered a masterpiece back whenever it first came out it set the bar for

Everything else that came after it. It's really amazing I

cannot believe that they

made this

When they made it don't even know what date, it was so please quitting it only in the comments

Oh, I could probably google it

But I'm trying to do this as a semi live comas and like I'm not actually talking to you like while playing the game

I'm talking in the editing program, but like I don't want to do a whole bunch of cuts

I'm probably going to have to do a couple, but anyway


the game still feels very modern and smooth and very

Very enjoyable and skill-based it feels absolutely fluid and amazing. It's fantastic

It really is the aiming the the way you shoot people it feels great still like

Like a modern competitive shooter, and this this game needs

So many more players it needs

Halo players people that played it before people that are interested in playing it now

the way it used to be and the way it should be and

Yeah, so if you watch this video, and you haven't played halo 2 project cartographer you got to give it a chance

I'll put a link to the website in the description and you can download it from there and give it a try

Because we need more people especially in the US area because I can't freaking find a game. That's in the US

I mean, I probably can but everybody freaking speaks, Spanish, which your no problem with that

I just can't understand them, so I can't team play

So I just playing with my brother and nephew, and we loves it. It was fantastic

We played it for like well as I said we played it forever so with the whole subnautica thing. I've been doing recently

I'm about to start working on the next couple episodes after this goes live

I basically I've had this stuff scheduled up so I have time to work on videos more often

Basically what I'm doing is I'm making one videos and up then setting it to upload on say today

And then if I make another video during that day, I'll set it up set it to upload the next day

And then I'm basically doing that so that it makes me look like I'm super active and stuff it gives you guys more

content more like

Every single day almost and it gives me time to work on more content, so it's kind of like a a

win-win situation

but anyway if you guys want to play Halo 2 Park Project cartographer

And you want to like group up with me we can play a game together

Maybe even set up like some competitive teams or something that'd be great

That doesn't mean that I'm going to completely drop out on

Halo online as well because I remember talking about playing some of that at some point I even had some

gameplay up on my channel of Halo online I am basically waiting for the

0.61 patch or whatever for Halo online which basically adds dual wielding

The forge mode is going to be incredibly different and better and increased so that you can basically make any map you want

forges like this map editing tool

That is inside the game, so you can make whatever you want and play it however you want. It's really cool

But yeah, that's that's basically what I am waiting on when it comes to Halo games other than this of course

This is fine the way. It is. I like it's great. It's freaking amazing

But a halo halo online. Yeah, it's um

I'm waiting on that I have this weird issue with it

Where it causes my game the like lag?

it's a very very weird lag like I

Look in the middle of the map and I my framerate

Feels like it's laggy, but it's not actually laggy. I got a frame counter. I've used multiple ones

It says I'm running at 60 frames, but it feels like I'm running out like 40 and I don't know what to do

The devs telling me to use them use vsync I use vsync it doesn't do a difference

It doesn't help so it Debs of Halo online if you're watching this

Help me

Please I love your game, but I cannot play it as it is right now

I don't know. Why what's wrong with it, or what's wrong with my system my system should be able to run it perfectly fine

I freaking run battlefield one without issue

so yeah

if you're a dev of halo online listen to me help me comment on this video or

Contact me elsewhere. I don't know anyway. Hope you guys have enjoyed the video so far and

Please comment and if you want to

Keep to keep up to date on my channel what you can do is subscribe and you will get notifications if you want more often

Notifications and you want to be like even even cooler

You can hit that little bell icon next to the subscribe button and that will give you mobile notifications or whatever

Basically it just makes everything better

Anyway as I said before I hope you enjoyed the video so far and I will see in the next one


For more infomation >> HALO 2 IS ALIVE!?!? - Duration: 8:16.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 3:17:20.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 3:17:20.


HELLEVATOR - MAP [OPEN] - Duration: 3:52.

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff

I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up this cruel, dreadful day alone

My school hallway is fading away. On this unfamiliar way

I'm so unlucky I don't have any map to tell me if this road is right

There's no way to go up What I've been through is a maze I never want to go back to

I'm comforting myself, shedding blood and sweat Instead of blood and tears

They tell me such hills Are just passing showers

If you want success Put snares that are called failures

So yes, I bite the baits that are called pain

I'm wandering around with my exhausted wings Of passions temporarily folded

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up This cruel, dreadful day alone

Though I reach out my hand, there's nobody to hold it

They're going up riding on my pain and tears

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

There's nothing for me Nobody really cares about me

No worries for me, just stone cold "Give up on your nonsense dreams"

Their words on giving up hit my ears My despair only gets bigger

Covering the sky called hope With the hands of the people beside me

I'm praying for myself to hold on To save myself from their unkind stares

They're arguing if I'm crazy or not I'll be somebody's clown even if I make it through

That's what you're going to be Stop trying to be a singer

I push myself Through hearing their words

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up This cruel, dreadful day alone

Though I reach out my hand, there's nobody to hold it

They're going up riding on my pain, my tears

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

I'm going to find out where the exit is To save me from being locked in the darkness

I frantically try to run away I'm on the hellevator, I'm going up

I'm escaping my dark past Lighting up my dark road ahead

I run as I could forget Those tedious moments

The bell of the new beginning That they've been ignoring rings

I got on my hellevator that'll hold my hand And take me to the penthouse My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

My hellevator

I'm on a hellevator

For more infomation >> HELLEVATOR - MAP [OPEN] - Duration: 3:52.


Trump 'I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn | Breaking News Today - Duration: 3:09.

Trump 'I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn | Breaking News Today

Trump 'I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn | Breaking News Today

Trump 'I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn | Breaking News Today

For more infomation >> Trump 'I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn | Breaking News Today - Duration: 3:09.


10 Absurd Things Schools Did To Save Money - Duration: 7:44.

• What school put a student in charge of teaching class because they couldn't afford

a teacher?

Where can you find a school that becomes an actual nightclub after hours?

From collection threats to straight-up cheating, here's 10 crazy ways schools tried to save

some extra cash.

10 – Threats • There have been a number of cases in which

schools make calls or send letters to parents that sound very much like threats.

• In Englewood, New Jersey, a school district implied that it might contact child protective

services about parents who can't pay for school lunches.

• Meanwhile, Tucson, Arizona's Marana High School sent a note home with students

demanding two hundred and fifty dollars in fundraising.

• And apparently, for every day the parents did not comply with these fundraising demands,

the coach would put them through increasingly rigorous sprinting drills.

• At least, that's probably what they mean by "grinders."


9 – Renting out students • A high school wrestling team in Sidney,

Montana, badly needed to raise funds for a trip to a meet in Orlando, Florida.

• Their idea for a fundraiser was to literally rent out the students.

The "Rent-a-Wrestler" program allowed people to hire members of the wrestling team

to perform yard work and other odd jobs for 10 dollars an hour.

• Here's hoping the "odd jobs" weren't too odd.

At least it wasn't an all-male car wash.

8 – School bus fees • The school bus has always been a free

ride to school, but some public school districts have decided to start charging a fee for taking

the bus to school.

• The Keller school district in Texas charged a fee of 185 dollars per semester to ride

the bus, plus another 135 dollars for each additional child in a family.

• Douglas County schools in Colorado imposed similar fees.

• Both districts were looking for ways to offset the high cost of student transportation,

and decided on charging for bus rides, rather than eliminating the buses entirely.

7 – Night Club Elementary • A charter school in Philadelphia has a

very good reason for kids to want to sneak in after hours.

• The Harambee (no, not that one) Institute of Science and Technology serves about 450

students from kindergarten through 8th grade.

• And when the kids go home, its cafeteria opens back up as Club Damani, a nightclub

with drinking and dancing.

Now, the strange thing is, it's illegal to issue a liquor license within 300 feet

of a school.

• So why was there one IN a school?

It turns out, the building was once an Italian-American club, and when the school took over ownership

of the building, the liquor license also carried over.

• But then it expired.

And the club kept serving drinks anyway, until they got busted.

6 – Serving expired food for lunch • Schools in Hawkins County, Tennessee took

6-year-old pork out of the deep freeze, thawed it, and decided that it was good enough to

serve for lunch.

• Well, some of the schools did.

The meat was apparently distributed to a number of schools, some of which decided not to serve


• The cafeteria staff in at least one school decided the meat it smelled awful.

So naturally, they made some gravy to cover up how awful the meat was.

• Word of this got out, and the school board decided to put USDA guidelines into effect

for its food – which means meat can't be served more than 12 months from the time

it's frozen.

• That's great and all, until you realize the school district was NOT ALREADY FOLLOWING


5 – Neglecting repairs • The city of Detroit, in general, isn't

the brightest and most well-maintained city in the world.

• That blight and disrepair have carried over to Detroit's public schools.

• Many schools in Detroit suffer from leaky roofs, a lack of heat or air conditioning,

ripped-up gym floors, and rats and cockroaches roaming the halls in broad daylight.

• But far from finding the money for repairs, these schools are having trouble just keeping

their doors open.

• Enrollment in Detroit schools fell from 150 thousand students in 2000 to 45 thousand

in 2016.

And without students, there's no funding.

4 – Renting out school property • Ann Arbor, Michigan , just 30 miles west

of Detroit, is the home of the University of Michigan, where tons of people go to watch

football and basketball games.

• Pioneer High School realized this, and consequently, that their 5 thousand-space

parking lot was a valuable asset.

• Since the football games are generally on Saturdays, and the basketball games are

at night, they can open their lot to the public without affecting school business.

The school has averaged a million dollars a year in revenue just from parking fees alone.

3 – Students teaching class • Back to Detroit.

As we discussed before, many of these schools are in violation of basic health and safety


• But also, because the schools have no money, they can't hire enough teachers for

the number of students they have.

• In frustration, one math teacher quit on the spot.

The district made several attempts to fill the vacancy, but couldn't get anyone to

take it.

• So for the next month, the class was taught by… the best student in the class.

They put an eighth-grader in charge of teaching math to other eighth-graders.

2 – Changing test scores to earn more funding • Under the "No Child Left Behind" act,

test results were everything.

They determined whether students passed or failed grades.

• They determined teacher salaries, and school funding, and all manner of other things.

Basically, good student test scores were good for everybody.

• So, some Atlanta schools figured the best way to improve student test scores… was

to cheat.

• More than 150 teachers and officials from 44 different schools got together and altered

test sheets to raise score averages.

• Some teachers even gave the answers out during tests, or pointed them out to students

as they walked around.

1 – Ads on buses and hallways • Lesson number 1: Someone will always,

always, always be trying to sell you something.

Marketers are everywhere.

• That's basically what students are learning in schools that have started selling ad space

on school property.

• Schools in Minnesota have painted lockers with a bright ad for the aquarium at the Mall

of America.

• Meanwhile, New Jersey has passed a law allowing advertising on school buses.

Sahara Sam's Oasis Water Park was one of the first takers of that ad space, and many

others are beginning to follow suit.

For more infomation >> 10 Absurd Things Schools Did To Save Money - Duration: 7:44.


Atom with YAML Linter for Home Assistant - Duration: 2:51.

So I've been living inside of Home Assistant's configuration for about two

weeks now. And this is a video I really wished would have existed when I started.

so the editor that you use is going to make things either more difficult or a

heck of a lot easier. For example if I were to open up my configuration.yaml

(I want to slide that back out of the way) if I add an extra space in here, that's

gonna break home assistant but it's not gonna warn me about it. And that's kind

of annoying so one of the things that I have really found helpful is opening up

the the settings for the atom editor and installing the yaml linter. So if we

search for yaml and linter-js-yaml is the linter that I like so I'm

going to install that and all the dependencies.

This takes a minute so I'm going to speed it up

Alright so I'm gonna close settings real quick just to

show you the next part. So anytime I have something that doesn't quite work right

it's going to throw a warning unfortunately it does not know about

these extra !secret tags which are kind of important to use within the home

assistant config so it's going to hang here and call this an error it

specifically says unknown tag secret so to make that go away I'm going to from

the home assistant documentation page splitting up the configuration we're

going to look for all of the extra tags we can use to include other components

within the configuration so we've got !include and then all of the advanced

ones before including directories and so I've got a list of those down here and

what I'm going to do is copy those and in the file settings under packages I'm

going to find the linter-js-yaml I'm going to open settings and I'm going to

paste that into the list of custom tags and so now that that's done I can close

that, and if I (don't save) reopen my

configuration.yaml well is going to no longer throw an error on those extra

tags now if I were to have an extra space somewhere, it's going to let me know

is going to put a warning there and I can go back and fix that before I save

it and crash Home Assistant trying to add some extra button so I'm going to

include that list of extra tags in the description let me know if this helps you.

Good luck!

For more infomation >> Atom with YAML Linter for Home Assistant - Duration: 2:51.


The Literature Club: Annabel Lee [Voice Acting] [ASMR..?] - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> The Literature Club: Annabel Lee [Voice Acting] [ASMR..?] - Duration: 7:45.


Molecule Craftsman Bungalow Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Molecule Craftsman Bungalow Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:51.


Trump Has Given Staffers Assignments and Told Them not to Tell Kelly | Breaking News Today - Duration: 1:47.

Trump Has Given Staffers Assignments and Told Them not to Tell Kelly | Breaking News Today

Trump Has Given Staffers Assignments and Told Them not to Tell Kelly | Breaking News Today

Trump Has Given Staffers Assignments and Told Them not to Tell Kelly | Breaking News Today

For more infomation >> Trump Has Given Staffers Assignments and Told Them not to Tell Kelly | Breaking News Today - Duration: 1:47.


New Bangla Waz | Durniti |Dinajpur | Sheikh Dr Muzaffar Bin Mohsin | 2017 [Full HD] - Duration: 1:40:10.

AK Computer Network

Have done this video

For more infomation >> New Bangla Waz | Durniti |Dinajpur | Sheikh Dr Muzaffar Bin Mohsin | 2017 [Full HD] - Duration: 1:40:10.


✘You give me good vibrations [HBD ME] - Duration: 0:18.








For more infomation >> ✘You give me good vibrations [HBD ME] - Duration: 0:18.


Best Buyers Agent Lower North Shore Sydney - How To Find The Best Buyer's Agent Lower North Shore - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Best Buyers Agent Lower North Shore Sydney - How To Find The Best Buyer's Agent Lower North Shore - Duration: 2:09.


THE END IS HERE! | Unforgiving: A Northern Hymn Finale | Purgatory? - Duration: 18:57.

hello and welcome to part 5 or should I say the finale of unforgiving a northern

him I'm hoppy pixel and thank you so kindly

for stopping by ah so we left off where I see ok ok ok I know I am I know I am I

gotta go down to the very bottom of this pit because that's where we saw the

little glowing emblem that we need to unlock so we can proceed through this

door up here but the thing is I couldn't figure out how to get down because it

was just a drop so I'm a son of a bitch it's right here I'm an idiot

what the hell's pitter-pattering around me okay

can I just run it oh okay okay nothing like an early morning heart

attack am i right yes I'm awake now

oh I don't need coffee now whoa whoa oh

there's a lot of bodies oh it's so dark I can't see shit

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha there's a kid behind me but I want to see where this

goes voiced actually this might be the the

way I'm supposed to go let's check out that cave first let's just check it out

because we don't know maybe there's something there that we could use you

know what I'm playing I don't even know what I mean oh not a fan of the baby

nothing like crawling through some really tight corridors we need to know

they're a little demon babies crawling around - come on light that match light

it good on it the cans stay away from the cans cans are bad fate of the

unforgivable the Norns wasn't always generous some humans were punished for

their rotten souls any form of purgatory and had to suffer through their worst

nightmare over and over again until the nornes

was satisfied break it break it break it oh if that's us I wonder if that's a

reference to us and we're like kind of stuck in purgatory right now and we have

to keep reliving all these events because that would be crazy that would

suck so much oh I don't like you one bit

I'm gonna keep my light off

because that seems like the okay nice little baby nice little baby I'm

just gonna ignore me okay okay okay that looks like a way I need to go

yes I got it

they sound adorable but they are far from it okay

Oh God hurts a lot that's a lot oh I do not see you

come on go up that go up that you're gonna walk across here

gotta walk across here I can barely see a thing

ah they're so weird-looking

one question is how do I get over there

okay yeah I gotta go around the left oh don't fall I gotta go around the left oh

fuck oh oh

and I can't sprint either cuz I'm sure that's gonna wake the whole town up the

whole town of angry children come on let me go this way please let me go this way

yes yes

just keep going don't look back don't look back

keep going keep going you are you're doing good you're doing good you're

you're gonna find it's okay it's okay Oh finally Oh doll

no no no I need you to play that I hope it doesn't make me go through all that

crap Oh stairs ah

baby woke up we woke up the baby and I'm lost

stairs good on some stairs that's fantastic keep on the opposite

way yeah no follow the arrows follow the arrows

follow the arrows oh no that's the wrong way let's get that's a bad I did a bad

oh I made it Hey oh I made it oh I gotta run run run run run run


Oh hahahaha

play something fast

okay come on


thank you all for gathering here today I am I have some important news there

won't be any Taco Tuesdays anymore I know I know it's the worst okay boom

fine whoa I jumped


what are you

yes is what a good girl you've proven yourself to be there's to come all this

way to me now I can finally possess it the golden one I can see the poison flow

through your body but as I promised I will end your suffering all I ask for in

return is what you're carrying the golden one of course there remains one

small setback you came here to took the heat good girl

but now you must find your way out again if you can

let's try this again this doesn't feel like I'm running but I am dumpy face big

troll hand coming through yeah don't buy me

please do something please don't just be a random tough cloud I did something so

that's good I didn't mean to link but it should be perhaps seen this before

you suffer over and over it is truly it's truly an amazing sight to see to

see you suffer over and over surely an amazing sight this moment is the most

beautiful when you still remember before oblivion gets you it and you once again

come back to me so we can play over and over just like that good girl

take your poor brother whom you thought you were never going to see again come

do it take them to do it come come to me

oh my god so I was right I was right about the whole loop thing so I had this

thought like at the beginning of the game that this was all not real because

beginning you find out your main character is an addict and maybe you're

suffering from some sort of really bad trip or a detoxification or something

like that but it's not that at all and it's not like she was completely out of

her mind either once we saw that in that book I had that thought maybe maybe were

trapped in that loop and we are and it makes sense to like there's a lot of

metaphors and symbols throughout the game that imply that for example just

like the the snake bus was circular snake eating its own tail it's a

continuous loop what a crazy crazy game that was creepy I've played a lot of

horror games with that one just that wouldn't really creeped me out I think a

lot of it has to do with the pacing of a game you don't want to consistently be

throwing jump scares and scary moments at the player because then the player

gets used to it in this one it had a good rhythm and good pattern of of

allowing the player to explore in and then bringing in a scary element to

counterbalance that so you had a good pace of a game wow I got nothing else to

say it was a fantastic game I will definitely definitely remember this one

for quite some time but I think that's all I got to say thank you so much for

watching I hope to see you next time and as

always take it easy

For more infomation >> THE END IS HERE! | Unforgiving: A Northern Hymn Finale | Purgatory? - Duration: 18:57.


Speech 6 (Youtube) - Duration: 5:25.

[track: Sleepyhead by Passionpit

They always say "home is where the heart is"

but when you take people out of that equation

how does a place capture your heart?

I'm an out of state college student and I couldn't wait

to move out finally, but as I went back

to Nebraska for Thanksgiving this year I couldn't help but notice that

calling it "going home" didn't quite fit anymore.

I think that there's a couple things

that can make a place into a home

without takeing the people that you're surrounding

yourself with into context

I think that the two most important factors of this are:

your input on the layout and contents of the place that you're living

and the amount of time and the period of time

in which you lived in the space.

I feel pretty bad that I didn't take any video of my bedroom

when I was visiting my parent's house this year,

but my mom recently renovated my room and I actually identify

a lot closer with it now that I did

last year or when I moved out.

but as I got older I began to identify less and less

with the room that I had, and I couldn't wait for a fresh start

in college even though I was just decorating a dorm room.

There's some sort of relief I feel when I come back from class

from a long period of class

and I see this space that's mine and

the feeling that washes over me when I enter my room in the evening this year

is something that I don't ever rememer feeling when I entered my

bedroom back at home regardless of the situation that I was re-entering it from.

Regardless of the nature of the environment

when a person spends a lot of time in a place

they have the tendency to become attached.

I spent almost the entirety of my childhood in the house that my parents currently call home

and I have– There's a really intense sense of familiarity in that house

but not only in that house– in the neighborhood as well.

I have the same feeling in my dorm room and on campus, but

to a lesser extent and I remember last year, when I was a freshman,

it was a completely different thing because the second I was taken out of my element

I was completely lost and I had no idea where I was.

There's something really special about learning a new place

and there's an excitement in moving somewhere new and having to figure out

where you're going and what you're doing and where the best places are, but

there's a deep-seated comfort in

places that you know and are ingrained into your memory and you're going to know forever

and I feel like those play into how excited you are for a place

and it differs from person to person, but it's whether you like excitement or familiarity

that makes the most difference.

Home may be where the heart is,

but I guess when it comes to the places that I call my own,

my heart's a little split.

I miss Minneapolis and the friends that I've made here when I'm in Nebraska, but

my pets live with my parents, and

my love for the city and my own personal space doesn't make me miss them any less.

However, I mean, that's just a part of growing up.

Missing things from your childhood but also

looking forward to things from the future,

and I just hope that sometime in the future

I can find somewhere that I can definitely call home.

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