Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 4 2017


Sometimes I have to overcome awfully lot of resistance inside me,

sadness, a sense of guilt, insecurity or fear to stand upright before God,

to look Him in the eye, to tell about what' s happening inside me.

I use today's biblical image to call the state of such difficulties, just to be with Him.

I call this paralysis, a spiritual one, emotional, mental paralysis, which makes

us unable to come to God and spread the wings of our love for Him.

It's interesting the paralysis can last shortly, it can result from a sense of guilt,

e.g., following a sin. It may result from the feeling God neither wants me nor waits for me.

However, it can stay there for years.

Wherever you are in your way of life today, if you have such freedom, you can spread your wings,

to get carried away by the Holy Spirit to meet your Lord,

whether there' s a paralysis inside you, making you sit back and shrink out of guilt, shame, fear or sorrow before God.

No need to wait. Jesus says at once ,' I will come and heal the one who is paralyzed.'

Do not wait, tell Him at once about this, the paralysis that stops you from the meeting,

and He'll tell you right away, ' I will come and heal the servant who is your hope and your wish to meet God.'


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 4 grudnia 2017 - (Mt 8, 5-11) - Duration: 2:13.


Receitas caseiras para micose nas unhas - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Receitas caseiras para micose nas unhas - Duration: 5:30.


⭐️ ASMR ⭐️Will you be able to solve this crime? Let's play Detectives - Duration: 13:22.

hello to all my little "corazones".

Hello my little "saltamontes", how are you?

Welcome to another "mental games video" with Sasha, your trusted psychologist

Today we will only do one riddle

and it is said that only people with IQ of at least 140 will be able to answer and solve it.

Are you ready to accept this challenge? Ok, stay here and let's get started.

Imagine you are Sharlock Holmes.

One day a young detective, named, let's say, Smith, or your last name, had to solve an unusual crime. In this circumstance five people were involved

they all knew each other, and one was murdered with a gun.

The drawback is that, for a strange reason, the archive had no information about who the victim was and who the killer was.

Specifically, we must therefore understand who the victim was and who the killer was.

At this point I introduce you to the first person involved in this story: JOHN.

John is an amateur tennis player. The day after the crime, he and another person who has nothing to do with this story, played an amateur tennis tournament.

This is the only thing we know about John. Now let's talk about JACK.

Now let's talk about JACK.

Jack moved to that city a year before the murder,

but was born and grew up on a small island whose residents devoted themselves to fishing.

This is why his biggest dream was to have his own boat. This was Jack, gentlemen.

. Now let's move on to the third individual in this story. His name is Steve.

Steve works as a model and he love himself. So much so that a few days before the murder he began to pose for Bill

who was painting his portrait.

And you say: Steve was posing for Bill, but who is Bill?

This is BILL.

Bill is a famous portrait painter. Next week he thinks can finish Steve's.

Ok now let's move on to the next individual in this story to know who the victim was and who the killer was.

Do you already have an idea? Ok let's go on with ALEX.

Since the day of the murder, Alex, that is dedicated to the investigation of marine fauna, is on an expedition in the Antarctic with 20 other scientists.

I repeat, Since the day of the murder, Alex is on an expedition in the Antarctic with 20 other scientists.

Apart from the details of the people involved, I remind you that we have to guess who the killer is and who the victim, apart from these clues I just gave you

or, we say, the presentation and description of the five people involved in this crime, the detective noted other very important circumstances.

A week before the murder, the killer broke his leg. A week before the murder, the killer broke his leg.

Steve and Alex met for the first time about 6 months before the murder. I repeat, Steve and Alex met about 6 months before the murder.

And lastly: Alex and the killer knew each other from childhood: they lived in neighboring houses in a big city.

I'm going to repeat the last note of our great detective.

Alex and the killer knew each other from childhood: they lived in neighboring houses in a big city.

After thinking very, very, very much, Smith deduced who the killer was and who the victim. And can you do it?

Ok, I'll give you some time to think.

Ok we want to have the answer.

Who killed who? Ok the answer is simple. If you have pondered enough and you have carefully considered the description of the characters

and the last notes that our great detective got to solve the case. The correct answer is:

Bill killed jack.

How did you get to this conclusion? What was the logic of our detective?

Since the day after the murder John played a tennis match, he can not be the killer

because playing with a broken leg would be impossible and no one can heal so quickly.

Remember that the day after the murder John played a tennis match and the killer had a broken leg, so it's impossible that it was John.

Alex can not be the killer because he was his neighbor during his childhood.

Steve was innocent because he met Alex 6 months before the murder and the killer knew Alex from childhood.

Therefore, the killer must be Jack or Bill. We can say with some confidence that it was not jack

jack because he did not know the killer from childhood as he grew up on an island.

Only Bill remains: he is alive, because next week he will complete the portrait of Steve.

Do you remember that he had to finish Steve's portrait? So he can not be the victim, he's the killer. Because he is alive.

Only we miss knowing who the victim was. Detective Smith, as we decided to call him,

Detective Smith knows that Alex is in the Antarctica studying the animals so he's alive.

John, who played tennis the day after the murder, and Steve whose painting was about to be completed by Bill the following week

they are both alive. Therefore Bill has killed the poor jack, of which nothing is known because he is a little .... Dead. Poor Jack.

Now please leave me under your comments. What did you think ?

Have you guessed or confused yourself with all these questions and this descriptions of the detective?

So, as always, leave me a like, a comment, and let me know if you enjoyed this new mental games video.

So, as always, leave me a like, a comment, and let me know if you enjoyed this new mental games video.

. If you're new to the Sasha channel here we have two teams: the "corazones" team and the "saltamontes" team, so let me know which one you want to belong to

or if you're already part of one of my two incredible groups.

A little kiss to my "corazones" and a little kiss for my little "saltamontes". Bye Bye.

For more infomation >> ⭐️ ASMR ⭐️Will you be able to solve this crime? Let's play Detectives - Duration: 13:22.


Samsung Galaxy, top Korean brand for the 7th consecutive year in 2017 - Duration: 0:41.

Samsung Electronics' smartphone series, the Galaxy, has been named the most valuable brand

in Korea for a seventh straight year.

Brandstock, a corporate brand-value rating agency, announced the rankings on Sunday,

giving Samsung Galaxy smartphones a score of 9-hundred-36 out of a possible one-thousand


Notably, the Galaxy remained in the top spot despite last year's killing off of the Galaxy

Note 7 due to its battery problems,... suggesting the fiasco did little to hurt Samsung's image.

The Galaxy brand was followed by Korea's largest retailer E-mart, internet portal Naver, and

mobile messenger app KakaoTalk.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy, top Korean brand for the 7th consecutive year in 2017 - Duration: 0:41.


Merry Christmas 2017 - Christmas Classics - Xmas 2017 - Top Christmas Songs Playlist 2017 [1 HOUR] - Duration: 1:14:55.

Merry Christmas 2017 - Christmas Classics - Xmas 2017 - Top Christmas Songs Playlist 2017 [1 HOUR]

For more infomation >> Merry Christmas 2017 - Christmas Classics - Xmas 2017 - Top Christmas Songs Playlist 2017 [1 HOUR] - Duration: 1:14:55.


Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 - បទក្លឹបឡូយកប់​ កំពុងល្បី - NONSTOP KH - Duration: 29:54.

Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 - បទក្លឹបឡូយកប់​ កំពុងល្បី - NONSTOP

For more infomation >> Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 - បទក្លឹបឡូយកប់​ កំពុងល្បី - NONSTOP KH - Duration: 29:54.


A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018 | (New Melody Break Mix 2018) | By Mrr Thea ft Mrr Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 2:38.

A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018

A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018

A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018

A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018

A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018

A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018

A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018

For more infomation >> A-TIP | Fantastic Mix 2018 | (New Melody Break Mix 2018) | By Mrr Thea ft Mrr Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 2:38.


khmer remix 2018 - ថ្មីកំពុងពេញនិយម Club MaloDy Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 16:49.

khmer remix 2018

For more infomation >> khmer remix 2018 - ថ្មីកំពុងពេញនិយម Club MaloDy Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 16:49.


The History of Coffee, as told ...

For more infomation >> The History of Coffee, as told ...


#SłowoOPsalmach - 4 grudnia 2017 - ks. Sławomir Sosnowski - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> #SłowoOPsalmach - 4 grudnia 2017 - ks. Sławomir Sosnowski - Duration: 2:24.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


WRITING | nanowrimo 2017 - Duration: 20:18.

Ok, so it is Halloween. I'm headed to my region's write-in. I'm just packing up my

stuff. I'm gonna put down my laptop, get it in my backpack. It goes until 1 and I

think I'll only be able to write about 500 to a thousand words in that time

period. So I'm gonna come back to my apartment afterwards and I'm going to

continue to write until I made word count for the day and then I'm gonna go

to sleep and then I'll wake up and I'll start writing again. I don't think I

really talked about my strategy but my strategy is to go big every single day.

Last year I was concerned about burning out so that's why I kind of took my

time, but this year I don't care. I'm gonna go hard. I did take off for

November 2st so I don't have to work at all

tomorrow technically. So yeah I'm gonna pack and then I'm gonna go.

It is a little bit later in the afternoon. Little bit after twelve o'clock. I am heading to

the grocery store real quick to stock up on some groceries and then I'm coming

back to write. I wrote 700 words at the restaurant which I'm really surprised I

was able to do that. Just because there was you know a lot going on and

everything and then I came back and I wrote another 500 more. So right now I'm

sitting out a little bit more than 1200 words. I wanted to reach, technically,

word count goal for the day before I went to sleep, but it was nearly like 3

o'clock in the morning and then I was like up for 21 hours straight and I just

like got really tired really quickly, so I stopped and I went to sleep around 3

a.m. I don't really have a lot of goals for today I just know I want to write as

much as I can and wherever that lands I'll have to be satisfied with. I don't

want to make this vlog very long so I should probably stop talking now.

Gonna make this quick. It is towards the end of the night. It's almost 9 p.m. I

think I'm gonna write for maybe another hour on and off. Right now as I'm filming

this clip I have about 5.1k words which is kind of awesome. I'm gonna

try to get up to 6000, but I don't know if I'll make that or not and I guess you'll

see if I do or not because it's already listed here. I'm really glad I took off

work and made it worth it as I was thinking if I'm taking off work

I'd better get a lot of words down for the first day. Taking off has since

been justified. I really like what I've written so far. I'm currently in the

middle of chapter 2 and I'm really glad I have my outline to kind of guide me

along. So yes, this is definitely a push to outline your shit.

So it is the end of day 2. I wrote over 4,000 words today and that has left me with a total of 10,111 words

I don't know how I'm doing this right now. I just got back from work

and I've already written 1.2k words for the day. One point two

is pretty good for NaNo standards. It's almost the word count goal of the day.

However I seem to be thinking that three thousand words a day is my goal so

that's what my average is right now on the NaNo site. I am like averaging 3.5k

words a day and I know it's only day three but that's the average of

the first two days. 3.5k words sounds like a good standard to kind of

go for every single day. Talk to me next week, that might not be the case, but my

goal is to reach 25,000 words by the end of the weekend and I think I can do it.

And tomorrow is also a write-in for my region and I'm going to do that. Whenever

I'm around other people I just get like really excited to write so I'm sure I'm

gonna write a lot. I think right now I'm just like word vomiting all of act one.

We'll see what happens when I have to get into Act two. Since I'm

far ahead I'll be able to like take a day off just to do some more like

outlining and not feel like I'm gonna be behind. I just got back from the

NaNoWriMo write-in down at our library. So I went there, I wrote over 2,000 words

which is pretty good for three hours. That pushed me over the 15,000 word

milestone so right now I'm at like 15.3k. Because of that I decided that

gonna, you know, treat myself. So I got some Taco Bell. It looks heavy, but it's

not I just took a lot sauce packets. I'm gonna watch a movie and then after the

movie, I'm pretty much just going to start writing again. I want to try to

make another 2,000 words before the night.

I'm currently at a really like high adrenaline scene because the pirate crew

is just being betrayed by another one right now. I'm also learning a lot about

pirate ships because sometimes halfway through what I'm writing

I'll like stop because I'm like, 'I should probably know what that word is.'

I'll have to like, look it up. I have two pirate diagrams up on my tabs for the

past, I feel like, 5,000 words. Trying to sound intelligent while I don't really

know what I'm talking about. I've never been on a ship. I don't know anything

about sailing. So I'm like, trying to learn as I go. I know that I'll be

better about it when I go back, but I still want to have some kind of

knowledge so I'm not always putting up brackets being like, 'look this up' or 'this

is not the word you're trying to use' or something like that.

I wrote a lot today. I'm currently at 22,155, I think. I am really excited. I'm happy with

my wordcount and I think I'm done for the night. Tomorrow I know I'll hit 25,000

which is insane that I'm gonna be halfway through NaNoWriMo

by the sixth day.

I wrote so far almost 5000 words today alone. All part of the

same chapter because I'm now at that point where my chapters are really

really long. Which they typically are in first drafts. I thought I would kind of

rewind to something that went on yesterday with my writing. I wrote a

death scene and it was really sad because I didn't really want to kill

this character. I was like battling it even during the brainstorming, but then

as I got to the scene where he could have died, it just kind of felt right for

the situation, for the characters, and the future character development. To my much

devastation, I did have to end up killing him and I've talked about music and

writing the music before, but I was actually listening to these three songs

on repeat and I thought I'd share what songs I was listening to.

The emotional part of when he actually died I was listening to "Saturn" by Sleeping At Last

On repeat and then nearly sobbing at the library.

Because it's such an emotional song and I like the song because while there

is vocals in it, it doesn't come until the very like, end of the song. For the

next part of the scene is when one of my main characters, she... this person who died

is very very close to her. I don't really want to reveal who it is.

It's devastating for her that he dies in front of her. Kind of like going into

tunnel vision for her and for that because of the tunnel vision, keynote, I

listened to "Assassins Breathe" from the King Arthur soundtrack. It's a very

singular feeling piece. Surprisingly, a lot of it is comprised of breath and the

way it goes is very awesome and I just really love this piece and it just like

totally put me into the mindset of a singular one person, her perspective, and

like the breathing kind of went into tunnel vision and that was the only

thing she could hear is the breathing, the breathing and then that really

helped me with that part of the scene. There was the burial, which is still in

the same scene because this is a pirate story so burial at sea and all that

business. For that, I listened to "Nation of Thieves" which is the part of the

Black Sails soundtrack. That one's also very emotional. Very, very somber and that

was perfect for a burial at sea. So I listened to that when I was writing

that part of the scene. Almost done with the first act. I don't know if I talked

about this, but I'm following kind of a three-act structure. I've been watching a

lot of video essays on three act structures I really highly recommend

them. I'll put my favorite one down in the description. Every act should end on

a character making an irrevocable decision. That really struck with me.

That's, like, how I am trying to frame this story. Act one was completely

outlined. I think that's why I'm able to stay ahead as much as I am because I had

a very clear vision of the first act because I knew how the first act was

going to end. However, my second act is more up in the air. I know how act two is

gonna end. I know the decision that one of the characters needs to make. Now that

I know what I'm working up towards, I can honestly take a day just to brainstorm.

act two. I'm looking at my record right now and it says I'm already at 8 minutes I'm

just talking in this clip alone. I'm... this is too much. I think I have about 5,000

to 7,000 more words to write for act one. I'm actually really, really excited to

write the end scene. That was like right when I thought of Witch Pirates, this was

the scene I thought of and I'm so excited to get to it and finally write it.

I'm adding on an additional scene at the end of the first act and that's

introducing the third perspective in the story because I have three perspectives,

but two of them are in the first act and then the final one, he is more introduced

towards the end and he's more of the antagonist character but it's kind of

misplaced antagonism because he can't help it, that's just how he was

raised. Tomorrow and my next clip I would be

talking about competitiveness... yeah.

So, I actually just got home I went to a movie

with one of my friends. I've only been able to write about 1.2k words

today, which is a lot. I really want to continue writing because I'm at a really

great part that I've been excited to write about, but I'm also really tired

and I could go to sleep right now. I really wanted to break 30,000 today, but

I don't think that's gonna be possible. I was gonna talk about competition. This

year I am very, very competitive with my word count. I don't think there's a

problem with being a little competitive when it comes to turning out the words.

If you want to go with a smaller scale of competitive, you can compete with

yourself which is what I kind of started doing. I am really obsessively comparing

my word count this year to my word count last year. In 2016, I didn't get to the

word count I'm at now until like ten days before NaNo was over. Another part

of the competitiveness was me kind of looking at it and being like I want to

be higher I want to be higher I want to be very clear in the lead of myself and

of the word count goal of the day. Also, I'm gonna say it, I'm also being very

competitive with my writing buddies. I have a lot of writing buddies on the

NaNo site and I order them by word count. Because I'm seeing these people with the

higher word counts as well and I want to be there, so I know that definitely

motivates me a whole bunch.

I have written over 3,000 words today I'm up to

32,154. Continuing with the rest of this

act, I'm currently on the last chapter of the first act. This is the introduction

to a new POV, so I've written about maybe 400 words so far of his perspective and

I'm having a lot of fun with it. I wrote about 1.3k words so far today.

I'm hoping to finish this chapter tonight and then I'm gonna stop writing

and then I have to start outlining again. Act two I have ideas for and a lot of them

I have thought of while writing the first act, but now I need to organize all

my thoughts and make it into a cohesive outline. I never felt confined to the

outline because there are several things that happened in the first draft that I

didn't plan, that I decided to do a different way than how I wrote it in the

outline. So there's still... I feel like sometimes outlining gets a bad rap

because people feel like you can't explore other options, you definitely can.

I did introduce my third character, he's a boy. Oh, my god.

I'm in love and he's kind of like from, kind of, a religious cult and those are

two things that completely fascinate me. Religion really were fascinating and

kind of, faith as a whole, just because I'm not religious and I just find

religion really fascinating as well as cults interest the heck out of me. I love

learning about cults, I love reading about them, so it's interesting to write

a character like that.

I've only written 1.3k words so far. I'm not

sure if I'm going to write any more tonight. It's like 8:30p.m. and I want to go

to bed. Yeah, I'm gonna turn on Netflix, over there. I haven't seen Stranger

Things, I feel like I'm the only person that hasn't seen that show.

I'm about to head to the library. It is like 9:20 in the morning which is pretty good for me

to be up. I've been up, kind of, since 7, slowly getting ready and now I'm heading

to the library to work all day. I got nano stuff to do I got other stuff I

need to do and if I stay here in my apartment I'm probably not gonna get anything done.

I am at 37,000 words. I know I'll easily get to 40,000 today.

Today I'm wearing my Nicolas Cage t-shirt. I got it at Society6. There's a

lot of like different celebrities like made up, I don't know how to describe it,

military-wear? When I was looking at all them like, which one is the most

ridiculous? Nicholas Cage. I did outline act two, like,

completely it's done and I'm so glad I did that. I'm gonna login to the NaNo

Twitter Sprints. Hopefully they're doing stuff right now. I'm starting on the

first chapter and I always try to avoid having my writing sessions be of like

the beginning of a chapter. I've been trying to end my writing sessions on

exciting parts. Either about to be exciting or in the middle of something

being exciting, because it's more exciting to get back into the writing.

I have about 8.4k more to go. Didn't get to write at work

today, work was really stressful. Right now I'm like in a scene trying to

explain things. I'm trying to figure out which beats to hit at certain points in

the scene. I haven't really been able to do a good sprint yet tonight just

because like, I'm too busy trying to figure out what the hell I'm trying to say.

It was another really busy day at work today, so I couldn't really do the

things I wanted to do and I've only written about a thousand words and it's

almost eleven o'clock. I'm gonna call it a night.

So my stepdad's coming over

really soon here, so I don't know how much I'm gonna be writing tonight.

Yeah, I'm wearing pretty much the same shirt in the past three clips. I want to

win. I want to win over this weekend. I'm not burned out. However this whole week

has been so emotionally stressful for me and draining that I just don't even want

to write and that sucks. My arm is getting tired. My whole week sucked ass.

I wanted to go to bed tonight at 7:30. Tomorrow is finally Friday because I

need the weekend so bad.

I decided to skip the current scene I'm on just

because it's causing me some difficulties with like my writing flow.

I don't really have the science behind it yet, I don't really know what I want the

outcome to truly be. I don't know, kind of, logistics of it so instead I'm just

deciding to skip it. This is hard for me because it's a major scene. So I started

writing the next chapter and it's actually really difficult cuz I'm like

trying to get into our mindset of something that hasn't really happened

yet. And usually when I skip to the next

thing I'm most excited about it's usually really just because I don't really know

how to end the scene. All the emotional parts of the scene were already in the

chapter so I still feel it's complete even though I'm not quite sure how to

end it. This one, I just skipped a whole scene and now I'm just like, what are the

emotions for these characters right now? I have no idea. So, that's more difficult

for me just because I am such a chronological writer this is something

I'll fix in the second draft.

Hey I just hit 47,000!

So, I actually woke up very, very sick this morning, but I did hit 50,000 today. My total word count is

50,075 words. I'm still gonna keep going.

I wrote another 2,000 words so I am like at 52,000 words right now.

I hit 50,000 yesterday, which is crazy. I don't really want to spend too

much time writing in December. I knew I thought I was gonna go jump right

back into Sharp Hollows in December. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that.

I'm gonna need a break after this month with writing and I really want to read

and I really want to watch TV. I haven't read it all this month and this feels

weird because I really, really wish I was reading Harry Potter, but I'm not.

Oh, it's really dark but this is just a quick update saying I wrote about 2.4k words today.

So I'm back at my parents house for the Thanksgiving weekend.

I've only written about 1.2k words so far. So I just broke

56,000. It's about 11 o'clock right now, I'm gonna try to write a little bit more

and then I'm probably gonna pass out.

It's Thanksgiving we're about to head

over to my grandparents. I have been writing and I'm going to bring my laptop

to my grandparents house, so hopefully I can get some more writing in. Molly's hanging out

over there. Hi Molly. Duncan's over there.

It's about 9 o'clock, so I need to start writing. I did a little bit of writing today but didn't

get that much done.

As expected I have not done much writing today. I think I've

only written like 50 words if that. I guess we'll see.

I'm starting in a new chapter.

I don't know how much I'm gonna write tonight but I'm at 58,000

words anyway so it's like whatever I get is good. The one thing I'm most looking

forward to already rewriting for the second draft

of Witch Pirates is definitely developing relationships better.

Especially one that I want to be a romantic love interest for one of the characters.

Their relationship needs to have better seeds in the beginning I just like, did not do that.

I feel like I'm getting sick and I have not written today, but I'm

disappointed that I didn't write today because this is like the first day I

haven't written at all. I was doing really good with writing every single

day. So I'm watching Spongebob, which is very interesting watching it as an adult.

This is a quick update to say that I've been sick the past two days so I have

not been writing and I'm really sad. I'm still at like 59,000 words

which is so hard for me to like not have the mental energy right now to write

because I'm so close to sixty thousand. I'm still sick and I haven't written

today, I don't think I am. It's like 8 o'clock and I think I'm gonna go to bed.

I really want to hit 60,000. I'm so annoyed that the end of this vlog is like, me sick.

It's the last day of NaNoWriMo and I'm still sick. My voice is slowly going

and walking around tires me out really quickly.

I've only been like, eating cough medicine. I did manage to write over a

thousand words. I just validated my thing. Yay I'm a

winner. Those are my stats. I was ahead the entire month which I am very happy

about. I've never been ahead the entire month. I've always been behind the entire

month until the eleventh hour of the last day. I am a chapter and a half away

from the end of act two and then I'm gonna start brainstorming act three and then

I'm gonna try to write it here in December. I'm just so happy with what

I've written and I'm excited to finish it. Still very much in love with Sharp

Hollows. Possibly December or even the new year is when I'm gonna really hit

hard on rewriting that. I need water so much right now, but it's not in here.

I want to know how you guys did with NaNoWriMo. If you won that's awesome, if

you didn't that's still awesome. You're still writing more words than you

thought you might have written if you didn't participate at all. I'm gonna let

you guys go and I'm probably gonna go to sleep. I'll see you guys soon then, bye!

For more infomation >> WRITING | nanowrimo 2017 - Duration: 20:18.


Liberty House fundraising for homeless veterans - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Liberty House fundraising for homeless veterans - Duration: 3:38.


National Assembly to hold plenary session Monday aimed at budget vote - Duration: 2:45.

Another plenary session is scheduled for today-- with the aim of putting the government's 20-18

budget proposal up for a full floor vote,... after Saturday's midnight deadline came and

went without the rival parties reaching a compromise.

Lawmakers will meet again in the coming hours in a bid to narrow their differences.

Kim Min-ji tells us more.

Questions linger over whether rival parties will manage to reach an agreement over the

government's 394 billion U.S. dollar budget bill for next year.

The National Assembly will hold a plenary session on Monday,... if lawmakers have the

proposal ready for a full floor vote,... with marathon talks expected to continue throughout

the day.

The clock is ticking with rival parties already having missed the legal deadline of December


"We did our best to meet the deadline, but regret that we couldn't.

There are still areas we can't agree upon."

The most contentious area has been the creation of public sector jobs -- the Moon Jae-in administration's

number-one campaign pledge.

The ruling Democratic Party of Korea wants to add some12-thousand new jobs next year.

It says it's willing to cut the number down by 1-thousand, but no more, while the main

opposition Liberty Korea Party wants the figure halved.

"Many of our lawmakers have said they cannot go along with this plan to create public sector

jobs just for their own sake."

Rival lawmakers also still have to narrow their differences over the 2-point-7 billion

dollars to be set aside for small businesses to cushion the fallout from next year's hefty

minimum wage hike.

They're clashing over how long the support would be provided,... with the opposition

stressing that the budget can't be used to bankroll higher wages.

With the ruling party short of a majority in the 299-seat parliament,... winning opposition

support has been seen as crucial to get the government's agenda rolling.

The ruling bloc could at least try getting the center-left People's Party -- which holds

40 seats -- on its side.

But the minor party has been more or less aligned with the conservatives on the disputed


"There are voices within our party that want to drive a hard bargain,... so we're going

to get as many concessions as we can from the ruling party."

The ruling party is expected to pull out all the stops to reach an agreement by Monday,...

but at this point it remains unclear... with neither side budging.

If no agreement is reached,... and negotiations persist beyond this month -- the government

will have to draw up a provisional budget that can only be used for mandatory expenditures.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> National Assembly to hold plenary session Monday aimed at budget vote - Duration: 2:45.


The 1 Thing You Need to Do If You Want a Creative Career - Duration: 9:36.

hello this is a video for crazy (creative) people with crazy (creative) dreams! yes I am wearing puppy

pajamas and it is Saturday night. I am just the classiest and the coolest

person you'll ever know. This is such a not fancy video for a reason though

because I keep wanting to make this video and I want to make it perfect and

then I just I'm not making it so rather than doing all the fancy stuff with low

lights and looking like a human being I'm just gonna make it because this

point is so much more important than any of that I want to talk to you about

making your own work and this goes for actors and other crazy ( creative ) dreamers whatever

it is if you want to be a writer or you want to have your own business or you're

a singer musician whatever it is artists crazy crazy (creative) people you get me you know

if your parents keep asking you how is it going with the blink thing every

holiday season this is for you I think you should make your own work and I

should have talked to you about this back in summer if you were subscribed to

this channel which if you're not subscribed to this channel get on it

turn on the notifications I promise I make fancier videos than this most of

the time but you never know when you get a cool hangin with Shay on a Saturday

night video I can get back to the point okay VidCon this woman introduced

herself to me I I had introduced myself to a group in a workshop when she came

up to me during the break telling me how important she thought it was that I was

making my own work and she had given up on an acting career when she was in her

20s because she didn't think it was even possible to make her own work and she

wasn't getting anywhere and so she just gave up and now years later she's

actually produced something that she is acting in

but she wished that someone had told her it was possible to do that when she was

in her 20s and she wanted me to tell all of you to get on it and make your own

work and I think she's a thousand percent right I I really I honestly

think it is the way to go and anytime any of my friends are struggling and

their acting careers or they're feeling the normal hopelessness that happens if

you're an actor I think this goes for any creative career let me know if I'm

wrong about this or if you feel the same way but there's a lot of highs and

really deep lows it's things happen all at once especially if you're going on

vacation that's the time where you always get callbacks or you always get

auditions and you've got tons of stuff going on and then and then you have

these periods where nothing happens and I think in those periods it's so common

to feel helpless and not know what to do and and it can feel very just depressing

for lack of a better word when so much of the process of going after a creative

career or a career that quite frankly everyone wants is a lot of business

stuff that doesn't require you to do any of the actual creative thing that you're

going after and what I mean by that is that you're spending all this time

trying to just get meetings or trying to get auditions or just making marketing

materials and branding yourself and and doing all this stuff that isn't

necessarily the thing that you do and when you make your own work yes you're

still doing that work and you're you're doing more you're having to do all these

other jobs to produce the actual product that maybe you're not trained for and

maybe you'd never intended to do but a part of the process is

actually acting or doing whatever it is that you do because you're producing

your own work you get to do the thing that you do is a part of your journey

and because of that at least for me it has been so much more rewarding and how

you say this as someone who has struggled on YouTube as well I have a

slow-growing channel I love all of you guys who are here by the way and I

really appreciate you but I think you know and I've had plenty of comments

from people saying oh why isn't this channel this many subscribers I love

those comments by the way please keep complimenting my greatness

um I oh man uh I'm sorry guys you know what I mean I

just I'm not at that crazy famous point yet where I think you hear this most

from people who have succeeded already and they're telling you things like well

if you really love it it's all worth it and you just gotta really love it I

think a lot of people roll their eyes at people who are successful because they

go oh well but you didn't really struggle for that long or you're not

struggling how can you say that so I'm telling you this as someone who's in the

middle of it and and actually struggling it's worth it it's worth all of the

struggles it's it's worth it if you love whatever it is you're going after making

your own work hustling whether it's on YouTube or self-publishing or however

you make your own business I don't know all of that is worth it if you really

love it and you should start now just get rid of all of your excuses and start

now there's there's no excuses because I know that the biggest thing that I keep

hearing from everybody is that I would do that but I don't hurt

I'm or it's just not worth I think it's just not worth the time is the main

thing I I'm trying to think of other excuses I know for me I was terrified of

not knowing how to solve produce stuff and and doing all of this work on stuff

that wasn't acting that was another thing I was terrified of having to do

all of these other jobs and then feeling like the acting part would be just super

small which it is true most of the time I am working on making thumbnails and

and trying to get videos seen and putting together scripts and all this

other stuff but but there is guarantee of acting in this so it's still all

worth it and it is a lot more work than the traditional route but I think it is

a lot more rewarding I hope this made sense to you guys this non cut video of

me and pyjamas but I I don't know what else to say yeah I just you have time to

do it you just if it's worth it to you what's that this is the thing what is

your main priority whatever your main priority is spend the most time on that

I think it's easy and I know I understand we all gotta pay bills but I

think it's easy to let survival jobs uh and by that I mean a day job get in the

way and kind of take over at a certain point because adulting is tough and you

got to pay bills and you got to do all this stuff but you can make it work you

have to spend a lot of extra long nights and you might be filming a video on a

Saturday night when all your friends are at a bar but

it's worth it and I think that a lot of times we can talk ourselves out of doing

things because we're scared but we're using excuses like I don't have enough

time I don't have enough money I don't know what other excuses there are but if

you have one of them tell me in the comments below and I'll tell you why

it's not a good excuse okay alright go make your own shit if

you like puppy pajamas liked this video and leave a comment in the comments

below yeah

For more infomation >> The 1 Thing You Need to Do If You Want a Creative Career - Duration: 9:36.


Antthony "Paris with Love" Velour Jog Set - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Antthony "Paris with Love" Velour Jog Set - Duration: 11:31.


How To Make Your Hair Fall Out | 6 AVOIDABLE WAYS! - Duration: 4:00.

Hello Boys and Girls.

I hope you're ready to get that Samuel L. Jackson look...huh, yeah, uh huh, uh huh.

In this video I'm going to be showing you how to make your hair fall out.

Well, I'll be telling you how to make your hair fall out.

I'm not actually going to make my own hair fall out because I'm not a moron.

"Queries of the Interweb."

So I recently broke three thousand subs.

I use a tool called Tube Buddy to grow my youtube channel.

If you're trying to grow a youtube channel, you need to be using this tool.

Link to it is in the description.

Now let me be clear.

This video is not about Trichotillomania.

I know, it's a big word for some you people.

Trichotillomania is classified as an impulse control disorder which means that people who

have it, can't help but pull out their hair uncontrollably.

This video isn't about that.

I know that anybody can pull out their hair to make their hair come out and I know that

some people do it out of impulse because they can't control themselves.

I don't know much about it because I've never had it.

So if you're looking for info on that, I'm not your guy.

I'm going to be showing you six avoidable ways that you can make your hair fall but

I guess by learning these things, you'll know how to make your hair not fall out too.

So here we go!

So the first way to make your hair fall out is to put yourself through some sort of physical


Physical stress can trigger hair loss.

There's a condition called telogen effluvium.

I'm very scientific.

Telogen Effluvium is a condition in which your hair falls out after a traumatic event.

Your hair cycle gets thrown all out of whack.

Your hair can get kicked into the shedding phase.

See sources in the description for more info on this.

I'm very scientific.

The second way to control hair fall or to help your hair fall out is to get pregnant.

So this kind of ties back into physical trauma.

Delivering a baby is quite a traumatic experience I imagine, so I here.

Now obviously only half of you watching can accomplish this one so... not that you should

get pregnant just to make your hair fall out, that would be a very poor decision.

So now that you know by not getting pregnant, your hair will stay in tact.

The third way to make your hair fall out is to over-consume vitamin A. According to the

American Academy of Dermatology, who I definitely follow when I'm not making videos about hair

loss, over-consuming vitamin A can trigger hair loss.

The fourth way to make your hair fall out is vitamin B deficiency.

Vitamin B deficiency is kind of uncommon because vitamin B is in so many foods we eat like

fish, dairy, meat, poultry, all that good stuff.

Stop eating vitamin B and your hair well become like Keegan-Michael Key.

This fifth way to make your hair fall out is protein deficiency.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, who as I mentioned I follow them.

I follow their organization.

I stay up to date with all their stuff.

Under-consuming protein could cause your body to halt hair growth in order to ration your


And the sixth way to make your hair fall out is, excessive styling; the dyes, the drying,

the perming, the blow drying, the hair relaxers, the hair straighteners, I, I don't really

use any of that crap so I don't really know that much about them, but excessively styling

your hair, can cause your hair to fall out.

If you start using a product, your hair starts falling out, I don't know, maybe do the math,

stop using the product.

Stop using the product.

Stay away from the product.

If you want a good hair product, I got a product that's one hundred percent organic.

Now you know how to control your hair fall.

If you want to know how to make your hair fall out, you can look at the sources I've

mentioned below.

Thanks so much for watching guys, thanks for three thousand subs.

Holy crap, three thousand of you!

That's like a decent size stadium, I think.

I don't know, I, I don't know.

I'll see you guys in the next video, peace!

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Hair Fall Out | 6 AVOIDABLE WAYS! - Duration: 4:00.


Special cooking methods to make better multigrain rice and tenderize cheap beef cuts - Duration: 2:26.

Local researchers have devised some new methods that can help us make more enticing home-cooked


Researchers say all it takes is a cup of edible alcohol to make multi-grain rice fluffier…while

special aging methods can make cheap beef cuts more tender.

Cho Sung-min reports.

More and more Koreans are choosing multigrain rice over the nation's traditional staple,

white rice,... as their main source of carbs.

The Korea Rural Economic Institute reports that as of 2016 Korea's per capita rice consumption

had fallen sharply to 61.9 kilograms a year, down from 128.1 kilograms in 1985.

Sales of grains like barley, beans, and quinoa meanwhile... have doubled since the last decade...

and continue to increase.

Multigrain rice didn't go mainstream overnight.

Health experts have consistently warned that white rice can raise the risk of diabetes.

Westernized eating patterns have also contributed to the decline of white rice consumption.

To make multigrain rice more enjoyable and approachable for beginners,… researchers

at the Rural Development Administration have a suggestion -- they say the trick is alcohol.

Cooking the rice in nine parts water and one part Korean rice wine soju... brings down

the boiling temperature and lengthens the cooking time.

That makes the rice fluffier and smoother.

(KOREAN) "The overall texture and taste were better

when the alcohol was used."

The researchers added that the alcohol prevents rice from causing a spike in blood sugar when

consumed by bringing down its glycemic index.

(KOREAN) "Once the water is heated, the alcohol penetrates

the grains and weakens the structure."

A second cooking tip the team showcased is a special aging method for cheap beef cuts.

Researchers said the aging method can make unpopular cuts like chuck rolls and rounds

more tender.

(KOREAN) "During aging, meat is contained in a special

pack to retain its moisture for certain amount of time."

The researchers aim to complete the development of twenty four different meat-aging methods

depending on what part of cow the meat comes from.

Each method has a different duration and temperature.

The complete set of recipes will be publicized so that people can try it for themselves.

Cho Sung-min, Arirang news.

For more infomation >> Special cooking methods to make better multigrain rice and tenderize cheap beef cuts - Duration: 2:26.


AUTISM A Colorful Tiny House On Wheels Built By Maximus Extreme - Duration: 2:42.


For more infomation >> AUTISM A Colorful Tiny House On Wheels Built By Maximus Extreme - Duration: 2:42.


AI Companion Robot Pororot - Duration: 5:05.

What would it be like if AI robots were your friends?

This is no longer a story from a sci-fi movie.

(SOV) "I'm your Pororot."

(" .")

Let's learn more about Korea's first AI robot of an animated character, prepping us

for a future in which humans coexist with AI robots.

On the 11th earlier this month, the Presidential Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee was

officially launched.

And there, a child-like and pure voice caught everyone's attention.

(SOV) "Who are you?

What's your name?"

( ? ?)

(SOV) "I'm Pororot, the children's president."

( .)

(SOV) "Are you a president as well?"

( ?)

(SOV) "Yes, I'm President Pororo of the children."

( . .)

It was none other than Pororot, Korea's first AI robot modeled after an animation


The name Pororot is a combination of the popular character "Pororo" and "robot," and

it was created by a new startup company in Korea.

(Korean) "Pororot is a combination of "Pororo"

and "robot."

It's modeled after one of the most beloved Korean native characters, which I believe

is an innovative attempt never seen."

The robot's main feature is a speech recognition and synthesis engine, which is based on machine

learning to communicate with children and also convert texts into Pororo's voice.

As a result, Pororot can understand and interact with children, improving their language skills.

(SOV) "Can you sing your theme song?"

( .)

(SOV) "I will sing the theme song."

( )

(SOV) "Wow, it's Pororo

(" ~ ~)

(Korean) "Pororot can converse with children, read

books, play music or play simple games like word chain, which are some of its most basic


Also, it features some educational functions, including a word-guessing game for children

based on pictures."

Based on that feature, Pororot can assist children with academic studies,

(SOV) "Airplain."

(SOV) "That's right.

It's an airplane.

You are doing great " (" Airplain . )

allow parents to input text for Pororo to speak using a feature called Avata Talk, and

help parents better communicate with their children.

(SOV) "Would you like to eat some carrots?"

( )

(SOV) "Go to bed early so we can play more tomorrow


( )

(Korean) "We believe the most fundamental function

of robots is to keep people company.

Pororot can be more of a friend than assistant to children needing care.

Thus, it perfectly fulfills its core function."

Then, how was Pororot developed in the first place?

It resulted from over 2 years of hard work by Korea's top AI experts with chief marketing

officer Han Jeong-seok and engineer turned entrepreneur Jang Young-seung as the driving


(Korean) "I predicted that people would start using

robots instead of computers at home within a few years.

I saw the immense potential and value of the robotics industry, and it motivated me to

develop Pororot."

There were, however, more obstacles to overcome even after the completion of the development.

(Korean) "We had a hard time dealing with hardware

issues because we had to meet a hardware expert whenever those issues occurred, which took

a lot of time and effort."

One of the toughest obstacles was indeed the fact that AI robots are not considered real-life

applications just yet.

Therefore, consumers weren't keen to spend over $US1,000 just for an AI robot.

(Korean) "We were skeptical about the interest of domestic

consumers in robots that cost over US$1,000 each because robots aren't considered everyday

applications just yet.

Therefore, we decided to develop Pororot Mini with the most simple and essential features."

Then they received advanced orders using crowdfunding prior to the official launch in December and

sold a total of 1,400 robots within just a month, raising 260% of the target goal with

115 thousand dollars.

But the innovation never stops.

The crew will continue to spark a revolution with upgraded versions of Pororot.

(Korean) "Companion robots are supposed to remedy the

loneliness of humans.

We're going to continue to tackle various challenges in order for Pororot to fulfill

that role.

I'm sure companion robots will be a household essential and part of everyone's life sooner

than we think."

Beyond merely making life easier, they hope AI robots will be good friends and companions

for people.

That's what makes us anticipate what the AI robot field will create.

For more infomation >> AI Companion Robot Pororot - Duration: 5:05.


Planned Implosion Of Silverdome Backfires - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Planned Implosion Of Silverdome Backfires - Duration: 0:29.


Tf2: MVM Mannhattan Completion - Duration: 44:45.

My god these load times...

Tbh, the DISPOSABLE sentry is trash.

It's just a mini-sentry, its weak but at least gets the job done.

3 uber power ups because the middle to last wave of robots can be SUCH a pain.

*Me trying to decide the best place to put a teleporter*

Finally found the perfect spot.

This Heavy keeps asking for dispenser so I built one.

Bruh I just put your dispenser there stop asking pls.

And now he wants to shoot the dispenser that I built for HIM.

*Quick Note* The wave is going to start soon and becuase this video is 44 minutes long,

I will only make captions for and major events that happen over the course of these waves.






The wave now begins.

Soldier: Last one alive lock the door!

Engineer: Cowboy up!



Um... glitch... bug??

But I already have these.

I switch to Scout because my current Engineer loadout was weak.

First stage of making my current Scout loadout a god.

*My entire team failing to notice the robots capturing a point*

Welp, too late.

I was one of the first few to notice the robots capturing the 2nd gate.

Some conehead just arrow'd me.

We failed to prevent the second capture.

I might have to split this into multiple parts soon.

Halfway point now I can take a break from captioning.

For more infomation >> Tf2: MVM Mannhattan Completion - Duration: 44:45.


Hot-headed NFL anthem protester walks out after never-before-seen tantrum - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Hot-headed NFL anthem protester walks out after never-before-seen tantrum - Duration: 3:02.


Rudolph is in front of our house! | Vlogmas day 2| Crazydivers - Duration: 6:05.

Vlogmas day 2

N'ael: you are not in the frame

good morning everybody

Happy second day of vlogmas

Are you happy to have a calendar?

I have mine to open

what is it?

Nico (in french): it is so badly done!

I see the 21th chocolate from here

oh crap


N'ael: No it's not in autofocus

it won't focus on your f...

it's not in autofocus

i focused it mannualy

so, I've got a card today

from stefy


it's a magnet

with a westfalia

i love it

I love it it's so cute

I'm gonna put it on the fridge


I love it thank you

so you have your first day and your second day to open

he has a kinder christmas... advent calendar

what do you want to do today?

Nico: work hard, party harder

do you want to set up the christmas tree?

do you want to set up the outside today?

Nico: yes

N'ael: okay

so we are going to set up the outside today

Hey Luna,


do you like our christmas decoration?

do you like them?

so that's it for today guys, I hope you've liked this video

give it a thumbs up if you liked it

tell us what christmas decoration you made

We primarilly bought them second hand

or in clearance so these ones cost us about

i would say 50 dollars top

so that's not too bad

and yep, I hope to see you tomorrow


For more infomation >> Rudolph is in front of our house! | Vlogmas day 2| Crazydivers - Duration: 6:05.


Why Did Flynn Lie and Why did Mueller Charge Him With Lying? | Breaking News Today - Duration: 4:27.

Why Did Flynn Lie and Why did Mueller Charge Him With Lying? | Breaking News Today

Why Did Flynn Lie and Why did Mueller Charge Him With Lying? | Breaking News Today

Why Did Flynn Lie and Why did Mueller Charge Him With Lying? | Breaking News Today

Why Did Flynn Lie and Why did Mueller Charge Him With Lying? | Breaking News Today

For more infomation >> Why Did Flynn Lie and Why did Mueller Charge Him With Lying? | Breaking News Today - Duration: 4:27.


The Cottage Studio Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> The Cottage Studio Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:55.


Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 2:58.

Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss Including detox drinks in your diet can help

you lose weight, cleanse your body and eliminate excess toxins that can cause illnesses.

Try these great options!


Pineapple and cucumber detox drink

Pineapple is a food that contains high levels of fiber, iron, magnesium and zinc, which

provide us with excellent health benefits.

Cucumber is also an incredible source of vitamin A, B and C, antioxidants, calcium and phosphorus.

Both ingredients are capable of:

Cleansing the body Satiating hunger

Preventing constipation Ingredients

1 medium sized pineapple 1 cucumber

1/2 aloe leaf 1 apple

2 cups of water (400 ml)


Wash all of the ingredients with cold water to eliminate any residue they may have.

Remove the skin and cut the pineapple into small pieces.

Slice the cucumber and the apple, leave the skin on.

Peel the aloe leaf.

Add all of the ingredients to the blender and process them until you have a homogenous


How to consume it

Drink 2 glasses of this drink on an empty stomach throughout the week.

For the best results, we recommend that you have a breakfast that gives you energy for

the rest of the day and that are beneficial for digestion.


Papaya detox drink

Papaya is a fruit that�s capable of effectively fighting bloating and eliminating the harmful

parasites found living in the intestines.

Also, it contains high levels of analgesics and is rich in complex B vitamins, potassium,

magnesium and fiber.

These properties make papaya an excellent choice for natural cleansing.


1/2 kilo of papaya 2 peaches

1 carrot 3 peeled garlic cloves

1 beet 1 banana

2 cups of water (400 ml) Preparation

Wash all of the ingredients with cold water to eliminate any dirty residue.

Use the entire papaya, including the seeds and skin.

Take the pit out of the peach.

Mash the garlic cloves.

Continue by cutting all of the ingredients into small pieces and add them, and the water,

to the blender.

Process until there are no lumps.

How to consume

Drink between 2 and 3 glasses of this detox drink throughout the day.


Orange and kiwi detox drink

Oranges are one of the fruits with the highest amount of vitamin C. Among its benefits are:

Prevents kidney stones Levels out cholesterol

Strengthens the immune system Keeps the skin healthy and hydrated

Kiwi doesn�t just help to get rid of constipation, but it is also capable of reducing liquid

retention and promoting healthy digestion.


The juice from 5 oranges 3 kiwis


Extract the juice from the oranges with the help of a juicer and then add it to the blender.

Peel and chop the kiwi and then add it to the orange juice.

Blend until you have a homogenous mixture.

How to consume it

Drink between 2 and 3 glasses throughout the day.

For more infomation >> Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 2:58.


Hold Me Down - TheFizzleFlame (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) [Back 2 the Basics] - Duration: 4:13.

Ooh woah ooh woah Ooh woah oooh woah,

Woah ooh woah ooh woahooh woahh

Feel like triple sevens cause I'm lucky as hell,

At the crib and I'm feeling myself, Imma take you on a ride real quick, getting

fly real quick, baby hold me down,

Ayo, imma take you on a journey baby, Ayo,

I know, I know, I know, you still learning baby,

Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down, Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down,

Yeah, so hold me down baby, Cause I'm talking low, way down to the ground

baby, Yeah, on my left side, tell me how that sound

baby, Hit them squats, cause that shit been getting

round baby,

Ohhh, damn, make it clap for 'em, See you on that snapchat, setting up a platform,

Fizzle flame been singing, they been asking me to rap more,

Songs seeing the world, I ain't even got a passport,

Yeah, And I'm passed poor livin, Shawty you can get it, hit the dance floor

widdit, uhh, Yeah, And I know yo man so livid,

Cause you're groovin to my music and I rap more viscious, damn,

Yeah, I don't know what you could say, I just copped a watch and I ain't even gotten

paid, Tell me how that sound imma take you on a

ride, And Them basic bitches hating cause they barely

getting by, hold me down baby,

Ooh woah ooh woah Ooh woah oooh woah,

Woah ooh woah ooh woahooh woahh

Feel like triple sevens cause I'm lucky as hell,

At the crib and I'm feeling myself, Imma take you on a ride real quick, getting

fly real quick, baby hold me down,

Ayo, imma take you on a journey baby, Ayo,

I know, I know, I know, you still learning baby,

Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down, Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down,

You hold me down like I'm six feet under, We gone be in a six speed, or a six seat hummer,

Like all them rappers used to drive, in 06' we'd wonder,

Bout moving on from a whip that sells for 16 hundred, yeah

So many 6's, like I'm Drake selling albums, I never sold a Graham, to secure all my outcomes,

And how come, they saying take care now, When really nothing is the same with all these

fake heirs now,

Yeah, So hold me down, hold me down, cause my heads big,

And you ain't ever gotta worry bout the next chick,

Cause next is, a mixtape for the fan base, And a bunch of merch that they could wear

over the damn place,

Yeah I'm talking local to global, And hold it all down from the screen of my

mobile, And you gone be the one they see in my photos,

Cause you the one that's holding me down, and staying loyal,

Ooh woah ooh woah Ooh woah oooh woah,

Woah ooh woah ooh woahooh woahh

Feel like triple sevens cause I'm lucky as hell,

At the crib and I'm feeling myself, Imma take you on a ride real quick, getting

fly real quick, baby hold me down,

Ayo, imma take you on a journey baby, Ayo,

I know, I know, I know, you still learning baby,

Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down, Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down,

For more infomation >> Hold Me Down - TheFizzleFlame (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) [Back 2 the Basics] - Duration: 4:13.


Fox Report Sunday 12/03/17 7PM | December 03, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 32:41.

For more infomation >> Fox Report Sunday 12/03/17 7PM | December 03, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 32:41.


29-34 Weeks Pregnancy Update | stretch marks| Diabetes | Taglish - Duration: 14:00.

Hello guys welcome back to my channel this is Ruth and today we are going to do a pregnancy update

So this is how my baby looks like right now

He so huge!


He is big

So for my pregnancy app

Update I would like to apologize guys it has been so long since I have updated the video

It's supposed to be an every week thing, but then it's going to be a trimester thingy

okay, so

29 to 34th week I'm now on my 34th week of pregnancy


So that's basically the third

Trimester of my pregnancy I have to tell you a lot of things so many things happened. Let me just check my notes

Lot of things happen guys as in so many

Okay, so let's start with the minor ones. I've noticed that my movements are slower

When we are walking in the mall John will be like walking past, and I'd be like wait for me walk slower

Please like that. I move so slowly


Always pee in the middle of the night once or twice. It's been consistent. back then it just happens out of the blue

Three out of seven nights, but now every single night

I have to get up and pee at night so that's what they say, they say that mother nature is training us

to take care of the baby, so like that.

Okay, the next thing is

Anxiety levels so my anxiety levels sometimes increases, it is a big help that do hypno


I listen to hypno birth CDs. I listen to meditation and yoga

It's a big help because your anxiety levels, when it comes to pregnancy and the birth is like

To the roof so I also did

write down all my fears and

try to face them and deal with them before before labor so that I wouldn't

be so tensed which helps, when you're tensed up

It was so down your labor much more and you will have adrenaline in your system. That's not good

So you're supposed to relax during the and you can do that if you have already dealt with your fears you have practice yoga

Practice breathing you know

Reframing everything that's happening so I also

Enrolled to a class it's going to be on December 2 and

I don't know if

I will be in labor, that's the only available schedule and I also

Listen to a lot of a lot of online classes which is on YouTube and Facebook

all about labor and everything. I need to really prepare so that's how I dealt with the anxiety

just getting prepared for me. That's how it is. I already I already got prepared by shopping

I really think that I have everything that I need

only minor things that are missing, so we are just waiting for the sale this coming november 18 in sm

And we're gonna get the little stuff like toothbrush, clips

Tiny stuff that the baby needs, bath stuff like that

But everything else I feel

everything is all covered so that's how I deal with the anxiety levels because it's increasing and then

Update My hand that keeps on having cramps. I found out it's a vit B complex

Deficiency so I started taking B complex. It is so much better it's still happening but on one hand

but it is so much better than both of my hands

that keeps getting cramps and all that, it's so much better

so that's it, the reason why my hands keeps getting cramps is because of the b complex deficiency that I have and also


Level it's super low on these days like

Sometimes there are weeks. There are days now. I'm so low energy

I just want to sleep the whole day and there are days not like today

I was able to film videos today, so I am just like

Up and down up and down so there are days that

I just want to nap every aftermeal, there are days that

I'm so motivated to finish something and when that happens. I take advantage of it I tried to

Accomplish something worthwhile, so thats my energy levels

Okay, one big change

Okay, this is one of the two big


Big update that I want to tell you guys my stretch marks

how it arrived

So they arrived around

13 weeks of

My pregnancy what happened I think is it started here in this lower part

of my

Belly, which I don't see that much anymore cos when I look down. I only see the upper part

You know and then the lower area of my abdomen, and I'm not really able to see it

And I think I probably didn't put enough oil in them, so I got depressed for a few days

Honestly guys this. I really thought that our genes doesn't have stretch marks, but

Then surely my mother's side

They don't have stretch marks

but my father's side they do have a lot of stretch marks so the number one sign is it becomes really itchy

I didn't think that it was stretch marks. I was thinking maybe it's the clothes that I'm wearing

Which is so itchy, or the material is not so good so when I was wearing those clothes. I thought that

the clothes if I were

you if I could have a do-over I would never wear clothes that are itchy. If it itches, changed clothes immediately

Sometimes you think it's just you're just moving the flows

But then you are producing stretch marks so the thing that happened is it started small and it gradually


Maybe, the itch is there and then when I sleep even though in the morning

I will put my belly butter on it or my oils

But the next thing I knew the in the morning They spread and every time that happens you get

sadder and sadder

But now I can talk about because I've dealt with the feelings. I've already accepted it and you know I already accepted

It's gonna be a part of my body and it's one of the

Battle scars of motherhood others say cliche' but true

I just think that either continue to be sad about it or I'll move on so I just move on I

Just accept it and okay, so now I have stretch marks, and I'm just glad it's not that spread out

I hope that it doesn't get more, but yeah, so I still do my oils my

Routines check out my pregnancy routine video it is

Where I showed you what I put on my

Belly, but it's not really for stretch marks pero. It's one of the things that I do in the morning

I really make sure that I put something on my belly are either vitamin E

Oil bio oil or your bellybutter, and then that's where

I use my belly butter, Belly butter is supposed to work on stretchmarks

And it's so soothing it's real I it was so funny because before

Before before I first used belly butter without oils

And I thought that it was like I don't feel anything like I think it's not working so I switch to bio oil

so yeah bio oil

it's good if there are no stretch marks to prepare your skin vitamin E

Oil as well, and then when the stretch marks arrive. the belly butter, is soothing it really feels nice

Anyways, that's a big update for me. I really thought that I'm gonna go through this pregnancy

scratch-free mark free but then no and

It's okay. It's okay. The next big thing that I want to update you guys is that?

My doctor found out that I have gestational diabetes

We found this out now us at my thirty weeks of pregnancy, and then we waited two more weeks to see if its

cause it is boarder line only, not that serious

And then two more weeks become miss to my essential very popular after I cut a price and everything

So then I was diagnosed as a gestational diabetic person so now I have to monitor my sugar

if my sugar levels are still high within the week they have to get me insulin

But if it is less than half the week that my sugar levels are fine, then it means I am on diet control

So there's nothing to worry about at first I became anxious about that issue

I have a lot of fears about it, I am really shookt "Na shookt ako"

I Was shoot, I was shocked because I'm not I'm not saying that

I'm a sexy preggy, but you know people say that I'm so thin for a pregnant person


You know

it's not exclusive to have gestational diabetes, In our family, it is hereditary everyone on the family has it

So it's not really a shocker, but for other people when I told

Ya, but actually I was really sad when I first found out because I thought that I'm not normal something's wrong with me

Why is this happening to me?

I always I was praying always for normal pregnancy, and it's not happening

But then I realized that it's at the end of the world. It's not a

We caught it early and it's not yet too late to do something about it

And then what we can do is do something about it now. Okay? Say, that's what we do

As human beings that's how we thrive we have to thrive, so everything's gonna be fine. I research a lot manjo

I know for a few weeks there. I was a little bit down

You know the stretch marks and the diabetes and all the worries that everything that might go wrong, but then now I got myself together

In a new reason the Hauppauge film because I don't wanna talk to you guys when I'm in a state of confusion

fear anxiety so I always wanted to

Put out positive vibes out there. Okay. I'm not subscribed for good vibes, right?

Also, that's a person. I'm like that in the end

Let time you know if whatever happens in your pregnancy

Let it sink in and then with time it at first

It looks like it looks so bad it feels so bad like it's gonna be the end of the world

I felt like that cuz it's ignore your hormones like you're gonna. Do whatever works anymore like no

It's gonna be the end of the world, but no it's not like that guys just let time sink in and then

then your emotions raging hormones will dissapear then you would realize that

Life is good. You have a miracle inside of you and

Everything is gonna be fine. You have everything that you need

You know your body is there your body is amazing

It's it's gonna be it's gonna be able to birth that baby

For you, okay, and the more you worry about it the less productive you are or the less

You know there's nothing to gain so

Just give it time and everything will go back to its perspective so that's that's what I'm saying anyway

So yeah, let me summarize everything that I just told you guys on this video

I think I talked a lot on this video so in summary on the third trimester

Movement is slower and anxiety levels are up

for my b-complex

For my hands. I just used b complex, and I solved that already and

Energy level is sometimes most of the time low

But then you get to have breaks or days where it's high again so high low high low like that Yeah, and

Two biggest thing that happened to me stretch marks came in

And I found out I have gestational diabetes my baby

It's bigger than what he's supposed to be but so yeah, there's still things that I can do about it. I still have like

The last stretch, okay, so we're now at 34 weeks

Maybe four to five weeks. We will get to see the baby again, so yeah, let's update you guys when that happens, so thanks

So much for listening and watching this video if you find this information


or you like this video, or you like me sorry so you like me give it a thumbs up and

Subscribe for good vibes guys and also I will see you on the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> 29-34 Weeks Pregnancy Update | stretch marks| Diabetes | Taglish - Duration: 14:00.


A First Timer's Ride Review of The Haunted Mansion Holiday - Duration: 6:59.

They are the cutest.

So it seems like Disneyland as a whole decided to open up late this morning.

But we're still monkeying around.

Still monkeying around.

You guys are crazy.

Look at it!

It's raining and it's morning, merning time merning.

Good merning everyone.

And there's nobody here almost.

It's amazing.

Oh my gosh.

This is my favourite movie and I am so excited to be here for this.

It's zero days till Christmas.

Christmas will be ours.

Here we are in the Haunted Mansion Christmas Edition holiday.

I'm like I want to cry.

Longer now than it seems.

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh Ithink Ilike that better than the original.

I know, way better.

It's so good!

I love it.

Did you see Sally and her little let.




Look at the ears, they're Sally ears.


That's so cute.

That's amazing.

Yeah that ride was way better.

Was so good!

I have to say, like that's a cool cool ride but but with ah jack and the whole nightmare

before Christmas oh they made it so good I couldn't believe it.

Well done Disney.

Way to go disney.


Eight thumbs up.

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