Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 4 2017

Welcome, children. Come here.

Look what a beautiful and wonderful farmers market. Let me introduce you.

We have tomato there. See?

From this side here we have watermelon

We have melon and pineapple...

I would like you to help me sell the fruits

There are going to be a lot of people here to buy fruit today

You will sell each fruit at R$ 5

Every fruit you sell, I'll give you the money

Very cool, no?

Will you help me?


So I'll be right back!

Stay there

Look at the tomato

Sweet and delicious

It's very cheap

R$ 5!




Hey! What is this mess?

What is this noise?

Here, here!

All right?


Hi, Guilherme! How are you?

Do you like melon?


Why not?

I'm sweet

Hello, girls! How are you?


How are you? Glad you arrived here at the farmers market!


All right, kids?


I like watermelon

I love watermelon!

I like to sing rap

Today is a special day, it's a happy day!

Here in this farmers market is pure magic

Guys, I need to talk with you

Come here

Do not let customers buy us

Can I trust you?

Promise you're not going to sell us?



Promise, Laura?

Can they take your brothers?

My brothers can

Has customer coming

A man arrived

People is coming

Silence! Silence!

Hi, how are you?


Is the farmers market here?


Here we have watermelon, pineapple

Melon and pineapple?

How much?

R$ 5!

What a beautiful melon

I think I'll buy...

This one, no!

Why not?

But a like this melon, I will buy

This one is bad and sour

Let me see

This fruit is rotten


Do not let her take me!

Is rotten

Look at her. She's crying

No, watermelon does not cry

I liked this pineapple


Why not?

Do not let him take me, guys

Is it sour?

But I liked this one! I will buy


Why not?

Because we love these fruits

Do you love them?

We put it here unintentionally

Help me!

Do not let him take me

He is squeezing me

I'll buy this one

Not this one!

Why are you selling? What do you want to buy?

Ice cream

Ice cream?

I'll make a proposal for you

I will pay R$ 20 for each fruit

R$ 10 for each fruit


How much this one?

This one is more expensive

How much? I pay!

R$ 10? I pay!

No! No!

Are you going to sell me for only R$ 10?

I pay R$ 30!

Not to sell me!

She's going to make a lot of money, but do not sell me

Hold this money

Look this money!

You can buy a lot of things

One of each


Do you accept R$ 100 for a fruit?

You can buy a lot of things with this money

Get her out

Go away!

I have more money

This pineapple has fleas

Can I see?


Hey! Help me! Help me!

Catch him

Help my friend!

Ask if the woman farted because it smells strange here

Girl, you farted here?


I'm not going to buy anything else


It's really stinking here

You lost the sale

You saved me!

Give us a hug?

Give me a hug, Nicolas

Thank you!

Thank you! Now, you can buy ice cream with the money

Bye, kids

She's going to cut us

He arrived

Hello, kids!

Everything ok?

Did you sell enough fruit?

He arrived

All right?

You didn't sell anything...

The fruits are wonderful and you didn't sell anything


You sold a lot of fruit

Very cool!

Boy, this money is mine!

The woman wanted to take this rotten fruit


Let's get a knife and check it out

No! No!

Want a piece for you?

I want this one

But I will cut this one!


Let's cut in half

This fruit has blood


Let's go, Laura!

Thank you, Laura!

You didn't help to sell this fruits...

Thank you, Laura!

Bye, kids!

Thank you again!

Bye, guys

You are great salespeople


I wanna kiss too

Very cute

See you!

For more infomation >> Feirinha Mágica - Talking Fruit 2 | Câmeras Escondidas (03/12/17) - Duration: 6:21.


KUWTK | Kendall Jenner & Khloe Kardashian Consider Getting a Gun | E! - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> KUWTK | Kendall Jenner & Khloe Kardashian Consider Getting a Gun | E! - Duration: 2:40.


Trump insiste en que no le pidió al exjefe del FBI suspender la investigación sobre el 'Rusiagate' - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Trump insiste en que no le pidió al exjefe del FBI suspender la investigación sobre el 'Rusiagate' - Duration: 2:13.


KUWTK | Kendall Jenner & Khloe Kardashian Go to Shooting Range | E! - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> KUWTK | Kendall Jenner & Khloe Kardashian Go to Shooting Range | E! - Duration: 2:06.


Making fruits shine! - Duration: 1:39:12.

For more infomation >> Making fruits shine! - Duration: 1:39:12.


Fantastic Music Mix 2018 | (New Melody Break Mix 2018) | By Mrr Thea ft Mrr Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 2:22.

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

Fantastic Music Mix 2018

For more infomation >> Fantastic Music Mix 2018 | (New Melody Break Mix 2018) | By Mrr Thea ft Mrr Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 2:22.


Drag Race: Formula E Car vs Cheetah - Duration: 2:00.

Formula E car vs Cheetah

Jean-Eric Vergne - Techeetah Formula E driver

Western Cape, South Africa

Formula E car 0-100 kph: 3.0 seconds. Cheetah 0-100 kph: 3.0 seconds.

The cheetah is one of the 10 animals most at risk of climate change

Formula E racing is accelerating the development of electric powered vehicles

See our cars in their natural habitat... Formula E Season 4 starts in Hong Kong, 2 & 3 December

No animals were abused or mistreated during the filming of this production

For more infomation >> Drag Race: Formula E Car vs Cheetah - Duration: 2:00.


An astonishing old calculator - Numberphile - Duration: 9:20.

In 1963, if you wanted to do calculations,

you had a mechanical calculator like this wonderful Odhner Brunsviga, but it's all mechanical.

This guy, 1962–63,

Bob Ragen, worked at Friden Incorporated, maker of mechanical calculators, had this idea—

let's invent an

all-electronic calculator! Indeed,

nothing mechanical in it. It's all electronic, and I've been lucky enough to

not just get one of them,

but to meet and talk with the late Bob Ragen, who came by and helped me repair two of them.

Signed by Bob Ragen, August 2006. This is a cathode ray tube out of an oscilloscope,

four circuit boards.

It's all discrete transistors. Each one of these is one transistor. Each of these probably cost five or ten dollars

in 1962. Germanium transistors!

Resistors, diodes... circuit boards that are not just double sided but sort of, in an odd way, four sided!

It folds in on itself, plugs in, and there are four different...

But even that's not

what I find amazing. In a

calculator you have to keep track. You need a memory; you need to keep track of the numbers.

Where's the memory? This used a piece of piano wire for memory!

You would tweak one end of the piano wire, vibrate,

go around around around in a spiral, and at the far end there'd be a little microphone to hear it. Each pulse

was a "ding!" [imitates buzzing noise]

"Ding!" It was called "recirculating audio acoustic memory." It's all in here. The number 5—

binary, 0101—had to have "ding,"

no ding, "ding."

So a ding was a bit. It remembers in time. It takes about, oh,

a hundredth of a second for these little bits to go around this long spiral. Come on over, Brady, check this out.

[BRADY: Oh!]

Now let's look over here.

First you can see there's a spiral out here. Every time there's a bit like

the first, the first bit in the number 5,

over here is a little speaker that goes "boink!" Little magnetic coil. It goes "boink" and launches a

pulse. A little "doink" goes around here on the spiral of

piano wire, steel wire,

It spirals in, then spirals out, and a couple of milliseconds later it gets to the far

end, where there's a tiny microphone, a microphone over here,

which goes out into an amplifier and then into the circuit boards.

So the memory of this calculator is

all acoustic.

Every time you type a number into it, the bitstream of the number is represented

continuously as

vibrations in this wire. The alternative, of course, is what we do today. You'd have solid-state memory

Well, solid-state memory, well,


five, let's say there's six,

entries in the stack, each one has say, ten digits. It's more than that, it's thirteen digits, well,

let's say ten, times six is sixty digits, times four bits per digit...

It's on the order of 250. Maybe if I would need somewhere between 200 and 500 transistors and



is costing me a dollar, that's big bucks.

And on top of that, it takes up space, so rather than using

transistors as we would today for memory,

put all the information in

acoustic memory. Okay, I'm working on this, my problem is:

in August of 2006 I got it working.

It was working in November of 2013.

Today, I'm sorry guys, it's sort of...

I'm sorry. It's sort of not working very well.

And I'm going in with an oscilloscope. It's... the oscilloscope is there.

Okay, so unfortunately,

you can see it's dancing around. If we type a number in, BAM.

I can see that two of the scanning boards are working. I can also see that I've got some troubles in the arithmetic board.

And the logic. Nope, I've got work to do. The happy thing is,

alongside this, that Bob Ragen helped me fix, I've got a second one which happily,

as of last night, was working.

Not sure it's working now, but let me give it a try. If I'm lucky... Oh!

We'll do all our calculations with seven decimal places. There is a stack of four...

four numbers and I enter on the lowest stack, which should be brightest. I'll enter 22.

Enter. Now I have 22.

Oh! I'm going to divide by 7.



3.14, an approximation for pi. We just showed that it divided. Let's do a square root. Square root of 2.

2, square root, watch how long it takes. Boop!

It takes a second to do a square root. Let's actually go all the way out, do it to twelve decimal places.


Square root.

It takes the better part of a second to find the square root of two, but it does it, and in 1963,

people were astonished. Hey, when I first used this in college in 1971–72, I was astonished!

Bring the square root of two to a dozen decimal places in a second! Wow! I don't have to look it up,

I don't have to do an expansion,

absolutely sweet! So this machine that I'm working on,

I compare voltages to this working machine, so I'm in there...

and you can see—I hope it's visible, Brady—so now let's do the square root of 2.

1.414. Let's crank the decimal place back here, clear entry, 22, enter,

7, divide.

And there's an approximation for pi. A little bit lousy, you know,

a few digits of approximation. And so to repair this guy, I'll be comparing voltages from this guy here into here.

And check this out, of course:

It's a continuing problem.

"November 2013 repaired! OK." So this guy's working. Why do I work on this? It's partly out of

respect for those who came before me.

Brilliant engineers. It's partly out of a sense of

appreciation for their work, for their use of the available

technology, that today, people will laugh at it. Discrete transistors?

I'm not sure you can buy a discrete germanium transistor anymore, certainly not one made by Texas Instruments. It's admiration

for those who came before me. And of course, it's also a

wonderfully entertaining

jigsaw puzzle. Debugging software? Hey,

I don't need much more than a computer and a brain. Debugging hardware: it means understanding

not just what's supposed to happen,

understanding not just what is happening, but also understanding

what was in the mind of the people who created this. The reason for

working on this isn't "oh look, I've got a museum piece." No, that doesn't mean anything. The reason is,

it teaches me, gives me a sense of...


joy that I've—

I'm bringing to life

what people who came before me gave birth to.

For more infomation >> An astonishing old calculator - Numberphile - Duration: 9:20.


Get Ready to Drop the Mic on "The Platinum Life" | E! - Duration: 0:16.

I'm ready to kill it.

On the season finale of "The Platinum Life."

I'll be on a mission to make it to the top.

I don't wanna go back to the drawing board.

It's time to drop the mic.

For more infomation >> Get Ready to Drop the Mic on "The Platinum Life" | E! - Duration: 0:16.


Malore Nadia Toffa, Le Iene svelano i retroscena e ultime news: 'E' piena di tubi' - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Malore Nadia Toffa, Le Iene svelano i retroscena e ultime news: 'E' piena di tubi' - Duration: 3:50.



And Today let's go and see the suggestion of

The TAROT of The DAY

we have


The EMPRESS invites us

to take care of

our project if we have it

and She tell us it is impossible that we have not it

because everyone of us has always something to do

something bigger than what we daily do

The EMPRESS invites us

to take by hand our personal power

our force

to find one thousand possible ways

to concrete what we are

The EMPRESS invites us

to put our creative energy into the World

The EMPRESS invites us to be bold

and to justify

what we want and what we feel as ours

what we feel to belong to

together with The EMPRESS


The NAMELESS ARCANUM suggests us

to cut out

what are the legacies of the past

to cut them out even if it was only for a pause

because this legacies coming from the past

have strong roots

and they could maybe prevent us

to go on

in what is our own personal realization

in what is the construction of our personal joy

the invitation is just that

to leave in some way behind our shoulders

what is passed by

left it anywhere

it is possible that tomorrow

the time will come to go and see what we have left

but this somehow will come after

now it is important not to get distracted

by what it was

now it is important to be in the present

and to have a look

on the future

trying to find ways to realize

ways to exercise our influence

in the World

and so Have a Good Day!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> TAROT of The DAY: L' IMPERATRICE e L' ARCANO SENZA NOME con i MARSEILLE TAROT - SUB ENG - - Duration: 3:59.


Lemme lavorate e diventerete ricchi ,Barbara D'Urso lo rimprovera in diretta - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Lemme lavorate e diventerete ricchi ,Barbara D'Urso lo rimprovera in diretta - Duration: 0:55.


ESPECIAIS - Após atrito, Rita Cadillac abraça Monick Camargo e pede desculpas - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> ESPECIAIS - Após atrito, Rita Cadillac abraça Monick Camargo e pede desculpas - Duration: 2:09.


A Fazenda 9: "Mais uma evolução como ser humano", diz Yuri Fernandes sobre "A Fazenda" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 9: "Mais uma evolução como ser humano", diz Yuri Fernandes sobre "A Fazenda" - Duration: 2:34.


A Fazenda 9: Conheça Paddy, a senhora de 83 anos que surpreendeu no Teleton, no Chile - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 9: Conheça Paddy, a senhora de 83 anos que surpreendeu no Teleton, no Chile - Duration: 1:42.


Simona Izzo e la famosa doccia - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Simona Izzo e la famosa doccia - Duration: 1:23.


TG4 -Silvio Berlusconi e Giorgia Meloni - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> TG4 -Silvio Berlusconi e Giorgia Meloni - Duration: 3:02.


The History of Coffee, as told ...

For more infomation >> The History of Coffee, as told ...


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 2:35:22.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 2:35:22.


TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.300【elude】 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.300【elude】 - Duration: 0:58.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Chhak Socheat - How to release from a slave ideas of other people | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:11:29.

Chhak Socheat

how to release from a slave ideas of other people by success reveal

For more infomation >> Chhak Socheat - How to release from a slave ideas of other people | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:11:29.


'Do You Think They Will Surrender?' Sneak Peek Ep. 808 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 1:07.


Do you think they'll surrender?

They will.


Not now?

Would we give up that quick?

No, we wouldn't.

Damn straight.

They don't surrender today, they will soon.

Just need to run out of food...water...


Slow down.

What is it?

Tree in the road wasn't there before.

Could've fallen on its own.

Trees do that.

It's them.

For more infomation >> 'Do You Think They Will Surrender?' Sneak Peek Ep. 808 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 1:07.


'How It's Gotta Be' Next on Ep. 808 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 0:48.

On the next episode of AMC's "The Walking Dead"...


It worked. We'll roll in, tell them to give up.

Jadis: There's no more supplies going in,

but there might be people.


We have to be ready.


Get the guns and get away on foot.


All we need to do is survive tonight.

For more video, go to

For more infomation >> 'How It's Gotta Be' Next on Ep. 808 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 0:48.


Nightcore - This Is My DJ - Duration: 3:01.

I- I feel the rhythm

I- I feel your heart

I- I feel the rhythm

Just one touch

My love is true, music and you

Easy to see, listen to me

Moving along, singing this song

Playing for me, a smile's what you need

Crowd starts to move (it's clear)

Seeing them groove (I hear)

You start to play, and the night is yours forever

Lost in this room (I know)

Speakers go boom (and grow)

Pounding the floor, all the people joined together

This is my DJ

Please, everybody hear the music

This is my DJ

Everybody love the music

This is my DJ

Please, everybody hear the music

This is my DJ

Everybody love the music

I- I feel the rhythm

I- I feel your heart

I- I feel the rhythm

Just one touch

Spirits are high, music is loud

You are my man, that makes me proud

Begging for more, total control

This is your throne, the DJ console

Crowd starts to move (it's clear)

Seeing them groove (I hear)

You start to play, and the night is yours forever

Lost in this room (I know)

Speakers go boom (and grow)

Pounding the floor, all the people joined together

This is my DJ

Please, everybody hear the music

This is my DJ

Everybody love the music

This is my DJ

Please, everybody hear the music

This is my DJ

Everybody love the music

For more infomation >> Nightcore - This Is My DJ - Duration: 3:01.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 2:35:22.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔 Fun Night Yo Yo Yo - Duo's, Squads Fun Night Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 2:35:22.


420 smoke sesh with Mookie 12-3-17 (: Glass water pipe :) - Duration: 1:21:23.

For more infomation >> 420 smoke sesh with Mookie 12-3-17 (: Glass water pipe :) - Duration: 1:21:23.


Next on Episode 6 | Shameless | Season 8 - Duration: 0:50.

Mrs. Cardinal?


Oh, God.

♪ rock music ♪

She okay? Mrs. Cardinal's dead.

I want to be with a man.

[Veronica] You're not gay.

I can be all gender-liquid like you.

You mean gender-fluid?

Are you hitting on me? Excuse me?

[Debbie] Damn it!

Would you be so kind as to buy me

the morning-after pill? Of course.


Where's my pill?!

Where's my money?!

[backup singers] ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

For more infomation >> Next on Episode 6 | Shameless | Season 8 - Duration: 0:50.


Margo Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Margo Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 6:38.


Conor Mcgregor Trolls Max Holloway; UFC 218 Post Fight Reactions; Kamaru Usman on Emil Meek Fight - Duration: 2:59.

Fight I have an update directly from Usman regarding

his fight vs emil meek and whether the fight will be going down.

He said he's been fighting the flu for the last week.

He was told that Meek was unlikely to be issued a visa and that he didn't want to train

for no reason.

He said yesterday he realized that Meek had his visa approved and said it was too late

to fight him.

as far as he knows the fight is off.

He wants to see how he feels next week and then he'll have an official response.

He also said he fears nothing that Meek brings to the table because he can't out wrestle

him, out grapple him, and doesn't have the punching power that Woodley has.

He said the fight was initially made to keep him busy so he doesn't understand why fans

are calling him a duck if he's looking for better opponents.

UFC 218 has concluded and we saw Francis Ngannou obliterate Alistair Overeem with THE nastiest

uppercut I have ever seen in round 1.

I feel Francis possesses the equivalent, if not, more power than shane carwin did in his

prime.In the post fight press conference He said he feels great and couldn't stop thinking

about stipe during his training camp and through the buildup of this fight.

Both he and Dana want to set the fight up as soon as possible.

He plans to spend his bonus money on a training camp in Paris, visit his family in Cameroon,

and wants to invest more money into a gym he's building for kids.

And for those concerned for Overeems overall health.

He said he's fine and was just caught by an uppercut from hell.

Max Holloway tko'd Jose Aldo for the second time via punches in round 3 but did it 40

seconds faster this time around.

When asked about whether he would be interested in a rematch with conor he said "if the

UFC offered me the fight I'd gladly fight him."

If the conor fight doesn't happen it's not on my side I'll tell you guys right


Mcregor trolled Holloway on twitter with this tweet saying that he misses these sunglasses.

This is a picture after Max's loss to conor in 2013.

It must've been his way of implying who the real king of the featherweight division


Conor is tactical so I'm sure he's setting up an additional lucrative future fight.

This was also Max's last loss before going on his 12 fight win streak.

Max replied to conor and said "miss the sunglasses?

I bet you also miss 2015 brother.

Retired fighters love the past."

A poll was taken to see who fans want to see mcgregor face next and it's still Tony Ferguson

for a title defense.

But Max Holloway has pulled ahead of Nate Diaz.

This is a small sample size so variance is a factor here as the voting can swing quickly

in another fighters favor.

Who do you guys want to see Conor face next?

and finally Eddie Alvarez and Justin Gaethje's highly anticipated fight lived up to the hype

as they had a toe to toe slugfest.

In round 2 we saw Alvarez's right cheek inflate to the size of a tennis ball.

I thought he would quit but he pressed on the gas and managed to tko Justin via knees

and punches in the 3rd round.

Both eddie alvarez and Justin Gaethje did not attend the post fight conference as they

were escorted to the hospital.

Both fighters $50k Fight of the night bonus.

For more infomation >> Conor Mcgregor Trolls Max Holloway; UFC 218 Post Fight Reactions; Kamaru Usman on Emil Meek Fight - Duration: 2:59.


Today Take Notice | daily sprout 430 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Today Take Notice | daily sprout 430 - Duration: 0:57.


World War III Is On As Trump Just Brought Hell On Kim Jong-un Who Won't Live To See Tomorrow - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> World War III Is On As Trump Just Brought Hell On Kim Jong-un Who Won't Live To See Tomorrow - Duration: 4:53.


চাইনিজ মানি ব্যাগ /Chinese Money Bag Spices Snacks/চাইনিজ ঝাল কিমা পিঠা - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> চাইনিজ মানি ব্যাগ /Chinese Money Bag Spices Snacks/চাইনিজ ঝাল কিমা পিঠা - Duration: 5:48.


Gorgeous Beautiful Mitchcraft 5th Curved Roof In Fort Collins Tiny House - Duration: 4:14.


For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful Mitchcraft 5th Curved Roof In Fort Collins Tiny House - Duration: 4:14.


The Next Revolution 12/03/17 9PM | December 03, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 33:57.

For more infomation >> The Next Revolution 12/03/17 9PM | December 03, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 33:57.


Forgotten Science: This Is The Most Essential Source Of Energy - Duration: 14:23.

Here's a riddle for you:

Every living organism needs it in order to thrive.

It's the human body's preferred source of energy.

Your brain runs exclusively on it.

Your muscles are powered by it.

It courses through your veins to nourish all the cells throughout your body.

Without it, your body literally thinks it is dying and will go into starvation mode.

And yet it is vilified and treated as an enemy to be feared.

They claim that it makes you fat.

That it is the cause, rather than a symptom, of diabetes.

That removing it from your diet will somehow magically make you skinny.

But as you will see, this primary source of energy is extremely important and necessary

for optimal health.

What is this essential source of energy?

You probably guessed it.


Or more commonly referred to and vilified as: carbohydrates.

Or even, sugar.

Hold on.

Before you start telling me about how you heard that carbs are bad for you and that

you should eat fat to lose fat, let's go back to the basics.

Sometimes, the media circus loves to shock you with a headline to get you to pay attention

and get everybody talking about it.

But before you hop on the bandwagon, I'd like to dial it down a bit by reviewing what you

and I (should have) learned in biology class back in the day when we were still in school.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't pay much attention in class.

Every night before an exam was spent cramming as much information as I could, only to quickly

forget everything immediately after turning in my test with the justification that I needed

to make space in my brain for the next exam.

Yeah, I was that guy.

I took for granted all the knowledge available to me while in school and squandered it all

in exchange for hacks to get passing grades.

Now that I'm older (and wiser), I look back and wish I had taken school more seriously.

But since I can't do that, I did the next best thing: I bought a textbook.

Like everything else in life, if you don't do it right the first time, you'll have to

do it again.

With my new trusty textbook in hand and a renewed search for the truth, I'd like to

share with you some of the things I've learned to show you

how important sugar is to your health.

And no, I'm not talking about refined sugar, which is a far cry from the way sugars exist

naturally in the real world.

Your Body Needs Sugar

Most of the processes that sustain life involve energy.

The energy and nutrition that are required for every cell in your body is supplied by

the contents of the food you eat.

Think about that for a moment.

Everything your body needs, you supply.

By what you feed it.

Through the food that you eat.

The first time I realized the impact of this simple idea, it changed everything.

So simple yet so profound.

But I digress.

Every cell in your body uses sugar, specifically glucose, for energy.

Glucose Is The Main Source Of Energy For Your Brain And Central Nervous System

Your brain requires a continuous supply of glucose and uses about 20% of your caloric

needs even though it is only about 2% of your body weight.

Brain functions such as learning, memory, and thinking

are closely related to glucose levels.

When glucose is low, things requiring mental effort (like willpower, self-control, and

decision making) are impaired.

Have you ever felt like you're more prone to sabotaging yourself at the end of the day?

Less patient?

More likely to just let yourself go?

You might be glucose deficient.

Or you might just need some sleep ;)

Have You Ever Wondered: Why Aren't There Any "Essential" Carbohydrates?

There are "essential" amino acids (proteins) and "essential" fatty acids, yet there are

no "essential" carbohydrates.

Why is that?

"Essential" is a bit of a misnomer.

All it means is that your body cannot make these things on its own so it must get them

externally, or in other words, through the food you eat.

Glucose is so important that the body has processes that enable it to create glucose

from non-carbohydrate sources.

This is called gluconeogenesis: as in "creating new glucose."

Carbohydrates may not be "essential" in the sense of the scientific definition but there

is no doubt that glucose is the most important nutritional component of sustaining life.

I would like to make the claim that glucose is so essential, or necessary, to life that

in the absence of it, the body will find a way to produce it.

Again, your body needs glucose and there are many systems, organs, and cells that cannot

survive without it.

Glucose Transporters Exist Throughout The Body

For glucose to be used by cells, a transport mechanism is needed to move it into and out

of cells, appropriately named glucose transporters, or GLUT for short.

Scientists have identified a total of 14 different GLUTs.

Compare that to only 6 types of fatty acid transport proteins (FATP).

Only a few of the fourteen different GLUTs have been studied in detail.

And there is still a lot that even science does not fully understand.

But what we do know is that glucose is used pretty much everywhere in our body, even if

we don't fully understand the exact mechanisms of how it works.

Want Better Workouts? Load Up On Carbs

If you're into fitness, you've heard of glycogen,

which is the storage form of glucose.

Glycogen is stored primarily in the liver and muscles.

The average human body stores 1,500 - 2,000 calories of glycogen, most of it (about 75%)

in muscle tissue.

The more glycogen in your muscles, the better they can output because glucose is its preferred

source of energy, especially at higher intensities.

Muscle fatigue occurs when there is an inadequate supply of glucose to power your muscles.

In fact, depletion of muscle glycogen levels is the single most contributing factor to

muscle fatigue.

If you've ever "hit the wall" while exercising, that's your body running out of glycogen.

Higher initial glycogen levels (carb-loading) means your muscles can work harder longer

with less fatigue.

Your Liver Is A Sugar Processing Powerhouse

As we talked about previously, glucose is essential for every cell in your body.

But the thing about glucose is that it is an immediate source of energy

so it does not have a very good shelf life.

Meaning that it must be used up very quickly or else it starts going bad.

Too much glucose hanging out in your bloodstream is not so good for you.

So any excess gets converted to and stored as glycogen, which is much more stable.

Your liver plays a very important role in processing and managing sugar.

Like your muscles, the liver also stores glucose as glycogen and can reconvert that stored

glycogen back into glucose for energy.

Your muscles, however, cannot release that glucose back into the bloodstream for the

body to use.

Muscle glycogen can only be used by the muscle tissue that it is stored in.

What makes the liver such an important organ is that it can release glucose into the bloodstream

as needed to keep your blood sugar levels in homeostasis and prevent your blood sugar

levels from getting too low, or hypoglycemic.

Remember that the brain runs on glucose and needs a constant supply?

The sugar released by the liver helps to keep the brain and the rest of the body's cells

nourished, particularly between meals, when you are in a fasted state, and there is no

external source of glucose to feed your brain and body's energy needs.

This blood sugar homeostasis is very important as the inability to regulate the blood levels

of glucose can lead to many problems, most notably, diabetes.

The liver is such an important part of this process that all the sugar (or carbs) in the

food that you eat is broken down to simple sugars and taken directly to the liver first

for processing before passing it on to the rest of the body for energy.

Kind of a random side note: in the Chinese language, there is a term of endearment that

is roughly translated as "darling" or "beloved."

But the literal translation of this word is "heart liver," two very important organs that

you literally could not live without.

When you call someone "darling," or "heart liver" in Chinese, you are implying that you trust them

with everything, including your most critical organs, more than anyone else.

In fact, many other cultures also understand how important the liver is and use it as a

term of endearment that signifies someone you cannot live without.

I know "I heart liver you" doesn't have quite the same ring to it

but it has a much deeper, richer meaning.

The Big Idea Here Is That Glucose Is Everywhere And Is A Critical Part Of Sustaining Life

We've only covered examples of how carbohydrates are used in our bodies.

We haven't even talked about fiber which doesn't get nearly enough attention and which most

most people don't even realize is a carbohydrate.

We haven't even talked about how critical sugars are in plants and other living organisms.

That starches, which are the storage form of glucose in plants, were the staple foods

of the most prominent civilizations throughout history;

think of wheat in ancient Egypt,

potatoes in the Inca Empire,

corn in the Aztec and Mayan empires,

rice in China,

sweet potatoes and soybeans in Japan,

and chickpeas in the Middle East.

Hummus anyone?

Some arguments against carbohydrates are that

there is too much sugar in the blood in diabetes,

that overweight people tend to eat a lot of added sugars,

that our bodies can adapt to burning primarily fat in ketosis,

or even that sugar feeds cancer cells.

All of which are true observations.

But to say that carbohydrates and sugars are bad because we see it everywhere we see problems

is like saying that people who are sick like to breathe oxygen.

If we cut off their oxygen, their sickness would no longer exist.

This is also true.

But they'd also be dead.

Sugar is needed everywhere and is a critical part of sustaining life.

Part of the confusion lies in the usage of "refined sugar" as simply "sugar."

When you take a food and strip it of all of its other life sustaining vitamins, minerals,

fiber, and everything else,

you are left with pure "refined sugar."

But life is more than the sum of its parts.

And so is food.

When you isolate just a single nutrient, you miss out on the synergies and full benefits

that the whole food can offer that is not even fully understood by science.

We're missing the forest for a tree.

Refined sugar is NOT healthy.

Refined carbohydrates are NOT healthy.

But sugar is necessary and critical for every living organism.

Therefore, we can conclude that refined sugar and refined carbohydrates are

NOT the same as sugar.

Let's call refined sugar, refined sugar.

Refined sugar is the emperor with no clothes on.

But don't just let him stand there naked.

Keep the clothes of fiber, vitamins, and minerals intact so that it can do its job with elegance

and effectiveness as it was meant to do.

So please, stop making sugar out to be an evil villain.

Did you know how important carbohydrates and glucose are to your body?

Did any of these facts surprise you?

Let me know in the comments below.

And please like and share this with anyone you think would benefit from knowing how important

carbohydrates are.

Also, if you like this kind of information, be sure to subscribe so that I can let you

know when I post the next video.

It also lets me know that you find this information helpful and

makes me feel good ;)

I'm Peter Chung from Perpetual Remission.

Thanks for watching and

never stop doing good!

For more infomation >> Forgotten Science: This Is The Most Essential Source Of Energy - Duration: 14:23.


Outlander Season 3 Episode 12: First Reaction "The Bakra" - Duration: 2:47.

hi guys I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV welcome to my

first reaction of Outlander season 3 episode 12 The Bakra this episode

had so many surprises and my mind was blown so many times but by the end I was

just a little annoyed let's start with the surprises though

so the first mind explosion was the reveal of the Bakra as Mrs. Abernathy aka Geillis Duncan

The minute I heard her voice I was like Geillis what Wow okay so but then of

course I was curious how did she get into that house how did she get to

Jamaica but all of us revealed later at the Governor's Ball when she sees Claire

then I wasn't surprised but more like of course this is happening when Claire

witnessed the slave trade sometimes I just don't understand why she throws

herself into situations she knows will get everyone into trouble like attacking

a slave trader in front of everyone she just does not use her capable brain when

she gets this emotional even though she knows the history and the time that

she's in the situation does work in their favor though when their new

companion is able to get them information at the Governor's Ball when

the Campbells show up in the service of Geillis I was a little surprised but

more relieved to finally see their connection to everything and then we see

that Geillis is still up to her old Jacobite ways so no surprise there

but I was truly blown away when the new governor turns out to be Lord John Gray

this could not have worked out better for the Frasers that is until Captain

Leonard shows up and of course they couldn't just get a

as the episode played out with all the reveals of old characters I had so many

questions come up but most of them were answered by the end and I'm not sure if

I love the way that Diana Gabaldon crafts the story where everyone's lives

just intersect continuously at just the right moment or if it feels a little bit contrived

I do know that I feel a little annoyed because we spent so much of this

season slowly playing out background information and though it was important

now that the action and the excitement is picked up the season is over okay

that's my two cents for now check out my Outlander review on Wednesday for a full

episode breakdown and leave a comment below letting me know what surprised you

most about the back row if you enjoyed this video like and subscribe for more

awesomeness thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Outlander Season 3 Episode 12: First Reaction "The Bakra" - Duration: 2:47.


How To Remove Plaque & Gum Disease Without Dentist - Duration: 1:51.

How To Remove Plaque & Gum Disease Without Dentist

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