Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

Nhӓmirri Bukmak (Hello Everyone) My name is Magnolia Maminydjama Maymuru and

I am 20 years old from Yirrkala, Northern Territory.

Wiyi Yani U Thangani is a women's project that is happening now and I'm so privileged

and so, so happy to be part of it.

It has been a very long time since women of Australia have gathered and come together

to do women's business and this is just the perfect time for everyone to come together.

For more infomation >> Magnolia Maymuru - Ambassador for Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women's Voices) - 30 second - Duration: 0:34.


Los dentistas pueden hacer crecer nuevos dientes en pocas semanas, adiós a los implantes - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Los dentistas pueden hacer crecer nuevos dientes en pocas semanas, adiós a los implantes - Duration: 2:32.


সরাসরি আজকের সকা্লের বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট সংবাদ ৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ Independent Tv News Today - Duration: 18:56.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকা্লের বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট সংবাদ ৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ Independent Tv News Today - Duration: 18:56.


Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 2:58.

Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss Including detox drinks in your diet can help

you lose weight, cleanse your body and eliminate excess toxins that can cause illnesses.

Try these great options!


Pineapple and cucumber detox drink

Pineapple is a food that contains high levels of fiber, iron, magnesium and zinc, which

provide us with excellent health benefits.

Cucumber is also an incredible source of vitamin A, B and C, antioxidants, calcium and phosphorus.

Both ingredients are capable of:

Cleansing the body Satiating hunger

Preventing constipation Ingredients

1 medium sized pineapple 1 cucumber

1/2 aloe leaf 1 apple

2 cups of water (400 ml)


Wash all of the ingredients with cold water to eliminate any residue they may have.

Remove the skin and cut the pineapple into small pieces.

Slice the cucumber and the apple, leave the skin on.

Peel the aloe leaf.

Add all of the ingredients to the blender and process them until you have a homogenous


How to consume it

Drink 2 glasses of this drink on an empty stomach throughout the week.

For the best results, we recommend that you have a breakfast that gives you energy for

the rest of the day and that are beneficial for digestion.


Papaya detox drink

Papaya is a fruit that�s capable of effectively fighting bloating and eliminating the harmful

parasites found living in the intestines.

Also, it contains high levels of analgesics and is rich in complex B vitamins, potassium,

magnesium and fiber.

These properties make papaya an excellent choice for natural cleansing.


1/2 kilo of papaya 2 peaches

1 carrot 3 peeled garlic cloves

1 beet 1 banana

2 cups of water (400 ml) Preparation

Wash all of the ingredients with cold water to eliminate any dirty residue.

Use the entire papaya, including the seeds and skin.

Take the pit out of the peach.

Mash the garlic cloves.

Continue by cutting all of the ingredients into small pieces and add them, and the water,

to the blender.

Process until there are no lumps.

How to consume

Drink between 2 and 3 glasses of this detox drink throughout the day.


Orange and kiwi detox drink

Oranges are one of the fruits with the highest amount of vitamin C. Among its benefits are:

Prevents kidney stones Levels out cholesterol

Strengthens the immune system Keeps the skin healthy and hydrated

Kiwi doesn�t just help to get rid of constipation, but it is also capable of reducing liquid

retention and promoting healthy digestion.


The juice from 5 oranges 3 kiwis


Extract the juice from the oranges with the help of a juicer and then add it to the blender.

Peel and chop the kiwi and then add it to the orange juice.

Blend until you have a homogenous mixture.

How to consume it

Drink between 2 and 3 glasses throughout the day.

For more infomation >> Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 2:58.



For more infomation >> 8 LOẠI RAU CỦ QUẢ TRỊ SỎI THẬN KHÔNG CẦN MỔ MÀ NHIỀU NGƯỜI KHÔNG BIẾT - Duration: 16:13.


Trap Queen

For more infomation >> Trap Queen


The Year I Almost Quit Acting by Robin Riker - Duration: 9:05.

Film Courage: Robin, can you share with us one of your toughest days here in Los Angeles?

Maybe an audition gone bad or whatever, and then how you turned it around?

Robin Riker: Oh, yes!

I remember this very, very well.

I had just come off of my first television series, it was the very first television series

ever on cable.

It was called BROTHERS.

It was on Showtime.

It ran for 5 years.

I had come off of that show and now I had one year, so this day that you're asking

about occurred, I had gone through one calendar year of having deals made for 12 new shows,


So I went out on my auditions, it was me and a couple of other people (you know), I signed

my contracts and everything was ready and I didn't get one of the shows.

Not one of them.

So this isn't auditions that I didn't get.

These were deals that were made for me that if I had walked out of the room with the job,

I would have had another television series.

And I went one calendar year, 12 of those events and didn't get one.

It was down to me and 2 other women and most discouragingly, one of the episodes (one of

the pilots) was down to me and nobody else!

And I still didn't get it because the producer/writer decided that she wanted to play the role.

Now none of those shows ever went on to become series but that didn't mitigate my feelings

on this particular day and I was crushed.

I mean it was the hardest…I couldn't believe that this was what happened again in this


And I literally went on my face on the rug and just wept and wept and wept and then I

said [speaking to a higher power] "I just want peace.

I want to be happy.

If you think that I'm supposed to move to Kanas, raise chickens and have babies, I'll

do it!

I just want a sign.

I have to know.

I have to know something.

I can't take this any longer, this amount of continual rejection after getting so close

to so many things."

And I stopped crying because I really liked the rug and I was getting schmutz on it so

I had to quit.

So right after I said the thing "I need a sign!

I have to have something that is unequivocal."…the phone rang.

It was my agent.

I had an audition for a movie with the then very old and very ailing Robert Mitchum, but

it was still Robert Mitchum!

And it was an old movie star and I'd watched him when I was a little girl.

I was really excited about the audition.

And then I had this feeling…I will often open a book with a metaphysical or spiritual

or just anything and just see what I see.

And I opened up…and it was something about returning home a desert zephyr, returning

you home.

So I need a sign, the phone rings, I have this audition, then I do the thing, I get

the reading about the zephyr, that feeling to go home…I got this overwhelming desire

to return to Aspen, Colorado which is where my parents owned their own legitimate theater

when I was a child.

So I said "I'm going to do it."

And I made reservations and the name of the train that went there was The Zephyr.

I went on the audition, I didn't get it but I had my sign.

You know it was…I said "If this is just my vanity, let me know because I don't want

to do this any longer."

And if it's not…I felt like this was what I was supposed to do, all the signs when I

came here, I got work right away, I got my SAG card right away, I got an agent right

away and then I didn't work for awhile and then I got jobs here and got jobs there and

waited cocktails at The Improv and The Comedy store and all that in-between gigs.

And so I had gotten all of these signs so I really believed and I grew up on stage and

this is what I love.

So I thought "Well?"

I've had all these other signs that things were right.

That's what I thought I was supposed to be doing but you let me know if I'm not.

So when that call came I felt well that is definitely a sign, you know?

And then I went away on the trip and I came back home and on my deck outside my door was

a script for the TV show Murder She Wrote and an offer to come and do it, no audition.

Just on the basis of the work of mine that they'd seen before, they offered me the

job and I thought "Well, that's my exclamation point on the sign that I asked for."

But that day, Karen.

That day…wheh!

That wrung me out.

Film Courage: And I think a lot of people will have those on-the-rug-moments and I think

that they think it's just them but isn't that part of the evolution of being in a town

where it's competitive and you just have to realize that it will come and then you'll

get back up again.

Robin Riker: Right.

But the other thing that is critically important to take away from this is if you get the feeling

that this isn't for you, that you would rather have a more stable sort of life, there

is no failure in that.

The failure is not trying.

The regret comes from not trying.

And believe me, if you come to Hollywood and you live here for a few years and you get

a few jobs here and there and then you decide it's not what you want to do, you are still

going to have a lot more interesting stories to tell around the old water cooler at your

job at Hewlett-Packard or wherever it is that you end up working because you had an adventure

our here in Hollyweird, you know?

All the characters and strange things that happen to you and the experiences and the

celebrities that you brush shoulders with or actually broke bread with or knew.

You'll have a great story and a great chapter of your life.

So going back to another question you asked about what aspects of the book [A Survivor's

Guide to Hollywood: How to Play the Game Without Losing Your Soul by Robin Riker] people responded

to…having been given permission (as it were) to change your mind is incredibly empowering.

It's incredibly empowering.

You didn't fail!

If you chose to go because you didn't like how you felt here, you win.

You came, you tried, you had some experiences and you said "No!

Not for me, I'd rather do this…"

Because you have to make a lot of compromises in this business.

There are a lot of family events that you don't get to go to even if it's your child.

If you've been in the business a long time and you know…you don't get to go to all

of the little league games, you don't get to go to all of the family celebrations sometimes

because a job comes up.

The women in my family, who are some pretty stupendous women, many of whom have passed

away in the last 5 or 6 years, they used to go on a trip every spring to Rome or Greece

or to Paris or to somewhere and it was just the ladies and they were a great bunch of

broads and that was a wonderful trip and I'd buy a ticket every time and every time I would

have a pilot that I would have to…that they made my contract for that I would either get

or not get and I had to cancel my trips, my living my real life with my family and I didn't

get them.

I didn't get those pilots but you know that hope of that big fish of going away in the

springtime (especially at that time) 10, 15 years ago,…the pilot season, fishing season.

You catch your big fish and you might be able to live for years on the new show that you

just booked.

But I had to cancel two trips with some of the most interesting, wonderful people for

the possibility of getting a job, neither of which I landed.

So you sacrifice for this business.

So make sure that for the time that you are sticking it out that you don't sacrifice

your daily life, too.

Go to the beach, have a picnic, celebrate.

For more infomation >> The Year I Almost Quit Acting by Robin Riker - Duration: 9:05.


I'm Not Dead (Aviso xD) - Duration: 1:40.

Hello Hello

i know, *sighs* i know

it's been like ... three months

I think four since the last video


but anyways

Why had not I uploaded videos?

well, Basically...

my old laptop died


and I had to send to fix

and finally did not repair

i lose all my files...

all my drawings....

alll my animations....

all the projects that I wanted to show ....

* noises of frustration *



But anyways *again*

the fact is that while I was not on youtube


I reached 100 subscribers! <3

wow,I did not think it would go so far

Well, now they are 135

I arrived too late


Well ... I had not planned to do anything for as special but,

I'm doing a little animatic (it's from villainous)

and I hope to upload it soon

I only made this video to warn you ...

I'm not dead

i still alive


Sorry xD

Thank you very much everyone for all the support you give me in each video

for each comment

for every like

they make me happy the day <3

and well, that has been all for now

and of course do not forget to leave a like, and subscribe to the channel

And forgive me for disturbing them with my ...


but unfortunately I was born that (:v)

So, See you in the next video

and thank you very much to all

Bais <3

For more infomation >> I'm Not Dead (Aviso xD) - Duration: 1:40.


Ep.1 (Part 2): Classical Musicians React to NU'EST, LOONA & Day6 - Duration: 11:06.

Aaron: Anyway Olivia: he's getting the meat sweats again Umu: oh the burger is still coming back up

yeah, this one was about I think- *TUMMY SLAP* I mean

Umu: this one was about I think I mean

Umu: So this is a boy group called NU'EST they debuted actually around a little bit earlier than the very first boy group

Umu: That we watched, (Aaron: wait.. nubist?) NU'EST Olivia: It literally says it right there they haven't had come back in a very long time (WE FILMED THIS BEFORE WHERE U AT)

Umu: I think this was 2014 or 2015

Aaron: I like how it's like, oh sh*t sorry! Olivia: we haven't even started yet

Aaron: Did I do something? Olivia: you press this

Aaron: Oh okay I see it's a border

Olivia: This lighting though Aaron: I was gonna say like the I like the gender-neutral-ness with his pink hair


O: this is 2015 (*2016) you said??? A: It matches the bed--and then he's like... wait

And he's like slightly green though like the lighting is different in all of these

A: dance break. rock it

O: I feel like if a guy in American music videos were to wear make up, and hair

Ya A: yo that pool does not have water in it

O: OOOH Did you hear that

A: these are like harder harmonies to hit like in like the higher like falsetto parts of their voice I guess?

O: These harmonies are boommmbb A: damn that silk shirt! that silk shirt!

O: drop it


A: yeah O: daaamnnnnn

A: and I like- it goes with the- O: I like this

Like it goes with the

wuz it called

This kind of sounds like

Like funk a little bit A: yeah, there's definite- cuz it's the baseline. I think it's like a bluesy like type

with like a flat 3...that fades to 5...6.

A: music theory! O: bill...bill marvin

Drop it drop it. Let's go up yes

Like that chord what??? that would never be in like pop music here

That's good, I like this yeah, this sounds like some funk A: oh those drums

You know I bet you that like we like this more because like

the...Since their voices are a little higher

You're able to put it in like higher keys that like have more of like a range on them

For like like human voices so it's like that's why it's like more amped up for us because all of our music is like kind

of just

singing about sad Boyz n shit

Like get over it. Umu: Yeah, so what do you think of this one overall musically? O: I like this one the most so fay A: yeah definitely

Yeah, definitely my fav- O: was bomb A: story was cool

It was awesome.

Umu: Okay, so this is a girl group that hasn't debuted yet meaning. They're just like they're in their training

Session at the moment, but they're still releasing music videos

It just means debut is when you like go and compete on music shows. Yeah, okay, so yep?

they haven't ended yet, so their story youngins


A; *sings* Looona

O; I like her hair

Why is their eyeliner brown like this girl

it makes her look more innocent

she's very white we took film class together Aaron

A: oohhh. true

There's something I love about...there's a lot of like jump cuts, O: oh wait do you hear that chord? mm


OOOOOO A: this is like jazz.. O: this is jazzyyyy

I didn't like it at first, but now I like it


that's a descending 6th?

Ohhhh A: yas O: *fans self*

OHH My god, I like this

And that strings sect- A: I know its amazing mmm

that's tasty

Oh my god

This is nice A: that harmony tho

Oh My god wait what A: I was gonna say

I felt a dance break coming on and we just like took a South American turn, O: but it also had an accordion in it?

but now it kind of

What I feel like I'm in a Broadway show

O: jazz hands

It kinda reminds me a little bit of Billy Joel. O: It sounds like Billy Joel

Umu: in what way? O: the long Island hero Billy Joel

Wait what is that?

That like that last part cuz it didn't feel like tonic it just felt like

Was it oh wait it's a group called sonatine? Umu: No, that's *what* the song *is* called

The group is called Loona and it's only *four* of them (I FILMED THIS BEFORE I WAS A HARDCORE LOONA STAN AHHH)

So that's why it's called one third or or maybe it's one third of the group. There's *four* of them, so that means there's

(hi, can you tell Umu's tired? lOLZ)

what da f*ck is math Umu: what do you think of this song overall musically? I like this one. I still like the the form that last one more

Umu: NUEST O: The same the beginning I was not a fan of A: but like the fact that it's called sonatina

I think like it might have form?

O: was it? I wasn't paying attention to the overall form A: I was- I was not...I was just...

O: what is this about?

umu: the lyrics are..

So it sounds like like an innocent first love type thing. O: that's why they're wearing white A: okay, okay innocence now

I definitely got like an innocence like vibe from them especially with their like makeup

yeah they're wearing all white- We took French cinema. Let's go

professor Shay would not be proud

I would like I would totally like drink a glass of wine to this and like feel sad about my life. O:'s okay.

So this is a

K-boy band group so they're also under a company that other k-pop boy bands are under

But this was like actual like rock group except their style is a little bit more poppy

So yeah, so this is day6

They used to have six members, sadly one of them started dating too early like people in the Korean entertainment aren't allowed to date

After like sometimes are never allowed to date while they're in the group and sometimes

They're not allowed to date after a certain period and so in this group is first two years after your debuted you're not allowed to

Date, but he dated so they kicked him out

Yeah, that's that.So now they're like day five and they write their own music and right now this year

They're coming back every single month

O: ooh I like his glasses A: she's cute, I thought they were allowed to date


yeah Aaron

All right, this sounds like kind of an American pop music. A: Yeah I'm getting a little bit- O: like except for like right there

That's like a little different. A:I don't know what that...that was like a flat...somethin

But like this is kind of like A: I like no fall they make the chords tho like this isn't just like power chords

It's like O: like there. A: yeah exactly O: But then It sounds like a Christmas song

umm: lol what A: but it's like a chromatisized Christmas song O: like you know that was definitely in a Christmas song A: he looked-

A: oh daamnnn O: Yo, she looks like one of my friends A: tensiooonn

So we like this is a good clear form too like we just got a chorus, and now we're back in the- O: alright

But he's just like low key staring at her like

yeah this is definitely more pop-y

A: but this is like a jam song O: I feel like this would be in Lemonade Mouth

O; ya know, the Disney channel original movie A: oh wait that was cool. the *sings*

Was cool that was a it lifts back to the tonic oh the headband



yo he's so cute

Yeah, that sounds like a Christmas song A; yeah the *sings*

I feel like this is driving music and you just kind of *demonstrates*

This literally sounds like a Christmas song like like you could literally talk- be talking about Christmas, and I'd be like okay I could buy that

wait this keyboard thing goin

O: why you sayin keyboard when- A: No because you know it's definitely an upright keyboard like one of those like, O: then why are you strumming

NO I'm not strumming I'm-

O: stick to the clarinet A: I know

this sounds like a chri- it would be in Love Actually A: wait that last part was like an inverted like they didn't do the duh they did like a

Down to like resolve it that was cool O: all right

You know okay? What do I think about this one? O: I think this is my least favorite one?

Harmonically just like A: definitely gonna say the third one was my favorite with

The boy band Umu: nuest A: nuest yes

definitely my fav O: this is definitely my least fav

Umu: Because I was more predictable? O: it was more predictable

It was like very very poppy and like when I think of rock music like I think

O: I think of Zeppelin O: This is like a Disney Channel movie

Who's like the kids have a rock band and this is what they call rock Young K; come on gazorpazorpfield go easy on me, huh?

Huh yeah, it just kind of reminded me of like...all I want for Christmas is you

umu: not quite as many dissonances but...


Okay, so has your like idea of kpop changed at all after like marathoning these five videos?

I thought it was like gonna be more like the first video that we watched like all of them

I just even realize that like so many different like styles music were like

incorporated into kpop and it's not like for instance like American pop music like

It's you could it all fits into one genre, and it kind of like all starts to sound the same

No and like this whole new thing where like

Artists are taking other people's bass lines or like

Beats and whatnot and just rapping over them like okay rapping is cool, but like this is like they have rapping

They had like literally have it all and like it's just it seems like I'm just like saying like Kpop is...

yeah, my view is definitely different. it's like..yeah

Both: *yeah*

For more infomation >> Ep.1 (Part 2): Classical Musicians React to NU'EST, LOONA & Day6 - Duration: 11:06.


Taji - SPEEDDRAW - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> Taji - SPEEDDRAW - Duration: 11:33.


Learn Chinese From Children's Books [1\6] | A Precious Doll - Duration: 4:18.

Hello everybody, welcome to my channel

When I went to my cousin's house a couple of days ago

I found she has many children's books

Because she is at the age to start learning some simple characters

So her parents bought many ... pretty easy reading children's books

which with pinyin

So she can read them with the help of pinyin

And I thought these books might be helpful to you guys as well

So I borrowed these six books from her

I want to... read them for you

Because they don't have much pages

So I guess one book a video, I will read slowly for you

Also, because they are bilingual, have both English and Chinese

So I don't need to translate them

which is great

So in the following 6 videos

I'll read one in every video

You can feel how they are, because these are stories that a 5-year-old Chinese child...

is able to understand, and...

they are quite easy

Not sure if you will like them

So let's have a go

A precious doll

Mimi likes collecting carious rag dolls, and her room is decorated with a variety of dolls.

Today, when passing by the store, Mimi observed some dolls of a new style - big eyes and colorful appearances. How lovely they were!

Mimi walked in the store, asking the salesman, "Uncle, how much is the doll?" (*calling someone who is not your blood relation "uncle" or "aunt" in Chinese is considered polite in China*)

The salesman replied, "This is of limited edition, thus is a little expensive. It's a hundred yuan."

Realizing that there was less than 10 yuan in her purse,

Mimi had to walk out of the store disappointed.

Mimi kicked the little stones on the road carelessly, thinking to herself, "Ah, a hundred yuan. Before I save up for the doll, it would have been sold out."

"Ouch!"Mimi kicked something and hurt her foot.

It was a blue wallet.

Opening the wallet, Mimi was surprised to find that there were a few hundred inside!

Mimi was so happy, this money was enough to buy her favorite doll!

"What if the money is used for emergencies?" Mimi thought. However, she was so fond of that doll!

At this moment, a middle-aged woman was approaching and muttering, "Where might the wallet be?"

Mimi felt her heart begin to thump.

The woman, catching sight of Mimi, asked, "little girl, did you see a blue wallet here?"

Avoiding eye contact with her, Mimi stammered, "No...didn't see..."

After that, she ran towards the store quickly.

Walking into the store, Mimi was going to take the money out of the wallet.

Suddenly, Mimi occurred that teacher had told her it was wrong to privatize other's money and she should be an honest kid.

Mimi took back her hand, and rushed out, only to run into the woman who lost the wallet.

The salesman followed up worriedly, and saw Mimi giving the wallet to the woman.

"Xiao Lan, this is exactly your wallet, isn't it?" He said smilingly.

The woman replied, "Thanks to the little girl, I have found the money we use to replenish the stock of the store!"

Knowing that it was the uncle's money, Mimi was flushed in her face.

To appreciate Mimi, the uncle gave the doll to her.

Mimi felt that the doll became more precious.

For more infomation >> Learn Chinese From Children's Books [1\6] | A Precious Doll - Duration: 4:18.


Bitcoin Time Traveler From 2025. Scam or Smart? - Duration: 30:23.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Time Traveler From 2025. Scam or Smart? - Duration: 30:23.


Hold Me Down - TheFizzleFlame (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) [Back 2 the Basics] - Duration: 4:13.

Ooh woah ooh woah Ooh woah oooh woah,

Woah ooh woah ooh woahooh woahh

Feel like triple sevens cause I'm lucky as hell,

At the crib and I'm feeling myself, Imma take you on a ride real quick, getting

fly real quick, baby hold me down,

Ayo, imma take you on a journey baby, Ayo,

I know, I know, I know, you still learning baby,

Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down, Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down,

Yeah, so hold me down baby, Cause I'm talking low, way down to the ground

baby, Yeah, on my left side, tell me how that sound

baby, Hit them squats, cause that shit been getting

round baby,

Ohhh, damn, make it clap for 'em, See you on that snapchat, setting up a platform,

Fizzle flame been singing, they been asking me to rap more,

Songs seeing the world, I ain't even got a passport,

Yeah, And I'm passed poor livin, Shawty you can get it, hit the dance floor

widdit, uhh, Yeah, And I know yo man so livid,

Cause you're groovin to my music and I rap more viscious, damn,

Yeah, I don't know what you could say, I just copped a watch and I ain't even gotten

paid, Tell me how that sound imma take you on a

ride, And Them basic bitches hating cause they barely

getting by, hold me down baby,

Ooh woah ooh woah Ooh woah oooh woah,

Woah ooh woah ooh woahooh woahh

Feel like triple sevens cause I'm lucky as hell,

At the crib and I'm feeling myself, Imma take you on a ride real quick, getting

fly real quick, baby hold me down,

Ayo, imma take you on a journey baby, Ayo,

I know, I know, I know, you still learning baby,

Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down, Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down,

You hold me down like I'm six feet under, We gone be in a six speed, or a six seat hummer,

Like all them rappers used to drive, in 06' we'd wonder,

Bout moving on from a whip that sells for 16 hundred, yeah

So many 6's, like I'm Drake selling albums, I never sold a Graham, to secure all my outcomes,

And how come, they saying take care now, When really nothing is the same with all these

fake heirs now,

Yeah, So hold me down, hold me down, cause my heads big,

And you ain't ever gotta worry bout the next chick,

Cause next is, a mixtape for the fan base, And a bunch of merch that they could wear

over the damn place,

Yeah I'm talking local to global, And hold it all down from the screen of my

mobile, And you gone be the one they see in my photos,

Cause you the one that's holding me down, and staying loyal,

Ooh woah ooh woah Ooh woah oooh woah,

Woah ooh woah ooh woahooh woahh

Feel like triple sevens cause I'm lucky as hell,

At the crib and I'm feeling myself, Imma take you on a ride real quick, getting

fly real quick, baby hold me down,

Ayo, imma take you on a journey baby, Ayo,

I know, I know, I know, you still learning baby,

Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down, Hold me down, hold me down, hold me down,

For more infomation >> Hold Me Down - TheFizzleFlame (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) [Back 2 the Basics] - Duration: 4:13.


Exo Reaction MIC DROP - BTS || Exo, 여자 친구,MIC DROP||Mama in HK 2017 - Duration: 4:29.

Exo, Girlfriend, Warner One

Mama in hong kong 2017

For more infomation >> Exo Reaction MIC DROP - BTS || Exo, 여자 친구,MIC DROP||Mama in HK 2017 - Duration: 4:29.


"흰티+청바지 유행예감" 트와이스 '하트셰이커' MV 티저 공개 - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> "흰티+청바지 유행예감" 트와이스 '하트셰이커' MV 티저 공개 - Duration: 5:32.



you know people will think now that it's you

(fr) but stop!


i'm gonna die

I've been living in France for two years now

almost three years

it's snowing outside!

*annoying singing*

*singing* it's my first time to see sn-

*unintelligible complaining of the cold*

(fr) i'm cold!

*more annoying singing*

dad: *pulls my hair* WEAR YOUR SWEATER!

dad: wear your sweater

dad: you're already going to the snow

dad: you just woke up!

dad: you're such a-

dad: put your...

dad: sweater

not sweater...

it's manteau (coat)

*annoying singing again* it is snowing...

i'm going to upload this video tonight

sarah: (fr) wait!

dad: hein, it has subsided

*annoying singing* congratulations, sarah

*singing* it is snowing!

*singing* are you happy?

i am

..not really


it's frozen

oh, it's not even cold

(tg) ah; it's now raining


(fr) stop it!

i will reuse your balls

what did-

did i hit you in the face?

(fr) but what?

i have my kingdom here!

you can stay there!

i have mine here

let's make it into a ball

sarah (fr) do you want that?

(fr) but stop it

sarah: (fr) bah, you too, stop it

you're going to put it in my mouth




oh la-la

la la la la la lahh

la la la la


sarah: my baby...

*counting* (fr) one!

(fr) two!

(fr) three!


what are you doing, sarah?!


maybe we should go out and take all of the snow...

but i have to change

sarah: i can't anymore feel my fingers

i need to change my shoes

we have to save everything and make it a li'l snowman!

maybe we can...


do you think so?

sarahn: (fr) one!


sarah: bam!

so our plan

to go out to our street

and take all of the snow

and maybe make an olaf

make a snowman!

only from the ones on top of then cars...

it's not snowing anymore...

so, we're collecting snow

because we are poor of snow

and we want to make a snowman

maybe we'll put him on top of the...

*taps the trash bin*

it's snowing more!

okay, i will make the snowman...

like, how do you even make a snowman?!

uhh. it's so cold!!

i think the people are laughing at us

sarah: (fr) i don't care


put here!

and I will take some-

it's so big

i'm happy!


guess who's gonna be sick tomorrow




the snow loves me!

sarah: (fr) look

the snow went to my mouth

sarah: bon appetit!

*unintelligible* (blocked mic)

my Olaf is coming



we are dyi-

(fr) it's the first snow!

(fr) i'm cold!

uhh, he's about to come to life now

we have

a snowman!

awe, it's...


sarah: (fr) hurry up-

sarah it lo- it looks like a person, not a snowman

sarah: bah, olaf!

bah, look!

sarah: bah, it's a man

look, it's creepy!!!

it looks like a person


maybe we should-

*singing* someone's gonna be sick tomorrow

*blocked mic* it's paris' very first snowman this winter

it looks like a man

sarah: *duh* snowman

*blocked mic*

*talking to the snowman* you're the very first snowman of paris

in the year 2017

made by us

sarah: family picture!

(tg) who's that?

(tg) it's kuya tonton

*annoying singing back* the very first snowman of paris

this year

we need...

we need an award!

sarah: what's his name?


the very first snowman of paris is made by sarah and me

from the snows

from the cars

we did it

For more infomation >> FINALLY IT SNOWED IN PARIS! /FIRST SNOWMAN //with CC - Duration: 9:17.



For more infomation >> LEARNING PERUVIAN SLANG WITH STRANGERS - Duration: 4:04.


윤태진 아나, 스토킹 피해 호소 "제발 그만해주세요" - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 윤태진 아나, 스토킹 피해 호소 "제발 그만해주세요" - Duration: 3:09.


[MAMA] "홍콩이 빛났다"…송중기·이영애, 화려한 피날레 - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> [MAMA] "홍콩이 빛났다"…송중기·이영애, 화려한 피날레 - Duration: 1:46.


Shadow tries to look for stars - Duration: 2:51.

Gee I want to find some stars, there's one around here, maybe I should go look here

Maybe I could go ask the locals around here. Maybe they'll tell me where I can find some stars. I need to find the stars

Hello alarms, you know where stars are? YOU'RE USELESS

K- Perish... Uh, you guys

Fine don't tell me I didn't need your help anyways... I need to find those starsssss

Those stars are invaluable. They are the ultimate of ultimate- te- te-

Ultimate yes ultimate. Though I need to find the ultimate star you- THAT'S NOT A STAR GET IT AWAY FROM MY FACE

You... You get away from my face you have no idea where the stars are

You have no idea I can't believe they'll be put in such absurd spots

These are some of the weirdest places I've ever seen in my entire lifeeee

They don't know where stars are tell me where your stars are. YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE STARS ARE GET OUTTA MAH FACE

Hello evil spiky things that'll probably end my life, um do you know what- d- fine...

Don't tell me I didn't need your help anyways

So th- do you know where stars are weird... bug thing... NO??? YOUR USELESS GET AWAYYYY

If you don't know you're useless, none of you know, you are all useless do you guys know where stars are?

There are no stars around here

Okay hello Mr. Bush, Bush, Mr. Bush, do you know where I can find some stars?

O RLY??? I see how it is. I won't ask help from you. You are useless!!! BEGONE

Hello Mr... Bush, do you know where the stars are?

O rly??? Huh...

No, I already checked there, there's no stars there UR USELESS away peasant

Now mister, do you know where I could find a star?

Huh, no stars, wait you know where to find a star? Go on tell me



He tricked me. No. I was supposed to find stars not to complete the stage


For more infomation >> Shadow tries to look for stars - Duration: 2:51.


10 soluções fáceis para a anemia - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> 10 soluções fáceis para a anemia - Duration: 9:35.


존박, 뉴스쇼까지 접수..JTBC '정치부회의' 출격 - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> 존박, 뉴스쇼까지 접수..JTBC '정치부회의' 출격 - Duration: 2:05.


যে কোনো কষ্ট থেকে মুক্তি পাবার সহজ উপায় | how to overcome depression | motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> যে কোনো কষ্ট থেকে মুক্তি পাবার সহজ উপায় | how to overcome depression | motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:29.


✔ 「范冰冰」公司3年無人離職?從這張照片就可以看出理由!令無數老闆汗顏… ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> ✔ 「范冰冰」公司3年無人離職?從這張照片就可以看出理由!令無數老闆汗顏… ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 10:31.


Obama Humiliated In Front Of The World As Jeff Foxworthy Calls Him Out, Internet Goes Wild! - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Obama Humiliated In Front Of The World As Jeff Foxworthy Calls Him Out, Internet Goes Wild! - Duration: 3:06.


Help #Savetheinternet ( Net neutrality explained ) [ Stop the FCC! ] - Duration: 2:34.

"Hello everypony, Snogwritts here!

"Oh great… you're into this too aren't you Snog?"

"Now now let's not point hooves and hear me out."

"Politics it's certainly not my thing.

However, there's a reason why any user of the internet should care about this."

"Allow me to explain, net neutrality is basically the right where ISP (As known Internet

Service Providers) such as Verizon, AT&T and Comcast cannot interfere with website traffic."

"Meaning, Internet service providers cannot slow down speeds make one website load slower

than the other.

This is why it's called net neutrality, because all website traffic are treated equal.

This is also why the internet is free and open and you're anonymous on the internet."

"Now let's say this right disappears entirely, then internet companies can do something like


They can charge you fees to use certain websites, over charge you tons of money to use the internet,

and overall charge you for the most basic of things like email."

"If net neutrality gets killed entirely, these companies have control over website

traffic and they have the power to block access to any website if you haven't paid for it

in so called, "packages."

This image shows my point exactly.

As you can see, it's very similar to television packages in a way."

"This just doesn't only affect me, the brony community, content creators, etc.

This affects everyone who uses the internet.

Regardless of your political ideology, this affects you no matter what and the public

is not happy with the FCC at the moment."

"But mainly this guy…"

"This human is named Ajit Pai, who gets the….

HONORARY SAVAGE AWARD to have the nerve to ruin the internet for

millions of people."

"The internet is free and open and you can go to any website you want with no restrictions

from your company for what you can access and what you can't.

"Although, if net neutrality didn't exist, the internet would be heavily regulated by

the government and that sounds bad..

Because it is bad."

"Theres good news though!

We all can save the internet if you fellow viewer would take action by contacting your

representative, emailing the FCC, any form of action is greatly appreciated, you can

find it in the description of this video.

Show the people who represent us how much we care about net neutrality.

You may just be one person, but you can make a big difference with one vote."

"We all want the internet to be free and open so that we can share our passions to

the world."

"So I encourage you to help save the internet so this savage won't ruin it."

"Your vote is very appreciated by the entire internet community."

"Alright, that's it for me, this is Snogwritts, signing out."

For more infomation >> Help #Savetheinternet ( Net neutrality explained ) [ Stop the FCC! ] - Duration: 2:34.


Want to trade anything online?

For more infomation >> Want to trade anything online?


THE TRUTH DETECTOR #13 - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> THE TRUTH DETECTOR #13 - Duration: 1:44.


'O outro lado do paraíso': Lívia faz a cabeça de Tomáz e menino 'odeia' a mãe - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 'O outro lado do paraíso': Lívia faz a cabeça de Tomáz e menino 'odeia' a mãe - Duration: 2:50.


Benção das Alianças | Ave Maria Bach Gounod | Música Instrumental para Casamento - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Benção das Alianças | Ave Maria Bach Gounod | Música Instrumental para Casamento - Duration: 2:31.


"LowNote" ft. Travis Scott [PREVIEW] - Duration: 1:01.

(Intro) (Travis Hook)

Don't you know I got that for the Low, for the Low? (3x) LowNote (4x) Aye Yah!

Got that for the low... "dojo",.. "presto"

Cuz I flip it, and I chop it, flip floppin.. go around, can't stop it, gotta tell them, gotta switch up to a different topic

Cuz I know shawty wants to know why, I'de pull up with "no stain glass"(2x) with the stain glass yah!

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