Thursday, November 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 17 2017

In the last video we made about this topic we explained the rules and the details of

the transition from backstroke to breaststroke for the individual medley swims.

On this video we will show you 3 exercises you can do to master this turn.

1- No arms 2- One arm

3- Touch the wall 4- Bonus

1- This first exercise is probably the most complicated but stay with me.

Start floating with your arms down to your sides.

Turn to one side and bring your knees toward your chest quickly.

Now use your core to push your legs behind you and your upper body forward.

Let's see that again.

It looks complicated and in fact it is not that easy to execute, but think about it like

this to make it easier.

You just need to bring your feet to where your head is.

To do that effectively the head must sink a little and the feet must come out to the


2- Once you dominate the first exercise the next one is going to be easier.

It is very similar except this time you use your arms.

Put one arm straight behind your head as if you were in the middle of a backstroke stroke

and bring your feet to where your hands are by turning to one side like in the first exercise.

3- Finally, the third exercise is the easiest.

It consists of touching the wall.

You must be turned a little bit sideways but make sure you don't rotate past 90 degrees.

Also you should sink a little more than a usual backstroke finish.

Practice doing the three exercises with both sides of your body, you will be naturally

better with one side than the other, but you never know with what hand you are going to

finish the backstroke part of the IM.

For that, it is better to be able to turn to both sides.

Bonus- If you are not feeling comfortable yet to do the full thing you can do this bonus


Start by touching the wall and from there practice doing the turn.

Once you practice enough it is time to put it all together and start doing the full transition.

Don't get discourage if at first you can't do the first exercise.

It takes focus and repetition, so be patient.

We design a swim cap with some important words to get you in the best mindset.

If you are interested you can learn more about them here.

See you next time!

Swim fast!

For more infomation >> 3 Exercises for the backstroke to breaststroke flip turn with underwater slow motion footage - Duration: 2:59.


Ctx 3030 vs Excalibur II Parte 1. Los mejores para playa!!! - Duration: 27:07.

Hey what´s up Folks what will I do in this first part of the comparison between the 3030 ctx and the excalibur ii

is I´m gonna try to use them in the same conditions

with the ctx I´m gonna use a 11" coil and as you folks know the excal has a 10" coil so its fair for both

if I was using the 17" coil with the ctx wouldn´t be fair

because the 17" coil has more depth and more ground coverage and other advantages


besides the same size of coils I´m gonna be using what I think its the best settings for wet sand in both detectors

I´m gonna use the best settings in the excal and the best settings in the ctx

the first test its gonna be about depth, the depth its what most of you would like to know

depth is not always the most inportant factor but let´s get started with it

I´m gonna be using a 10 pesos coind on the wet sand

and I´m gonna burry it at 10" deep

see you then...

ok there is the 10 pesos coin at 10" deep

and the ctx picks it up without any problem

let me put the mic inside the headphones so you can hear the signal

as you can see the ctx pick it up very easy but I want to show you something

when I swing the coil over the coin the ctx says its 7" deep

this happen because the ctx depth its calibrated with a US quarter

and the 10 pesos coin its bigger so the ctx shows only 7" deep but its 10" deep

if I was using a dime

the ctx would show maybe 12 o13" deep even with the dime at 10" deep so...

ok now let´s get the excal and see how it responds

ok here it is and is picking it up with out any problem at 10"

let´s put the mic inside the headphones so you can hear it

as you can see the excal picks it up very easy

this is in All metal mode

all right there is no issues for the excal at 10" and there is no even close to the detection limit

I almost forget

when you turn on the excal on the beach

lay the coil over the sand and the turn it on

adjust the threshold barely audible and wait about 15-20 seconds

if you do this right the excal will work very smooth and stable without falsing

and don´t forget to make sure there is no metals under the coil while doing the calibration

this is a very importat tip about the excal

alright lets burry the coin at 14" and see how it goes

allright there it is at about 14"

and this time I can hear a weaker signal

but this is because i have my volume gain this way so the deep signals are faint

let´s hear it

For more infomation >> Ctx 3030 vs Excalibur II Parte 1. Los mejores para playa!!! - Duration: 27:07.


ASTROYAKS - Aquí (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Aquí (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:34.


ASTROYAKS - Gigante (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Gigante (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:37.


Ale Mendoza - Hoy Vine A Verte [Video Oficial] - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Ale Mendoza - Hoy Vine A Verte [Video Oficial] - Duration: 4:05.


AUSTRALIA //2nd YEAR// DAY 4-5 - Duration: 21:31.

Good morning, today we've already had breakfast and we decided to start

this adventure to go to a cool walk. This is the road

and we are in Adventure Mode ON! If before it seemed already like Jurassic Park,

now, even more!

We've arrived at a point in the road that says "4WD vehicles only past this point".. picture

Well, here we see why ..

we have a section of the river that obviously only

4WD can cross.. and crocs

This is the most we can get north with our van. By this road

We are in the middle of the jungle

and after crossing quite a while the jungle

we've reached this beautiful part of the river.. so cool

what happens is that it's not rain season now so the water level is low..

there is also a swing rope to jump in the water

Battle to see who is the first to jump in the water

Here we see how along the road the vegetation

is completely covered in dust

Now we're going to do this walk "Dubuji"

It is this boardwalk, this wooden path.. now we are here, we will do all

the way to the beach

Here we are with our expert

in tropical fruits, Miss Laura, with who we just

found a very rare fruit. Very very rare ..

Tell us Miss

What's so strange about that? Well, I think I had not seen before a blue fruit.

From now on we will say a lot the world "mangrove" in spanish (mandrágora), but in a wrong way (mangrovia), because in italian it's called like that. We apologise to Oscar, which told us the correct way to say it.. but too late ;)

Mangrove area

They grow basically on sand

very particular this plant

We are now leaving the tropical area

to enter the marina area of the Barrier Reef

Except for this beached whale

It is stunning

Laura has just spotted these holes

and all these little balls of sand

They are all over the beach, it'is full

It is full full full .. How curious, very curious!

We just met that guy over there that told us that they are mini crabs

that are making the hole and go pulling out the balls

and we have seen one and they are very little

Here we have the mini crabs

"Oh no, this is not my house!"

We have also found these mounds of sand .. and it is sand.

It seems fossilized poo ..

Very curious..

But this one we actually have no idea what can be

Here they are more the tower type

and over there

they are all balls .. it's like another urbanization

We just also find this larger crab

Wow it's so fast!

Look at the style of Miss Laura .. very hipster.

The explanation is that it's not hipster, it is protection against all

It's twenty to eight in the morning and today we are going to do

a very cool activity that is .. Let's go to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef and maybe

we're going to see turtles!

Here we are with Miss Laura, who is

super iper excited about this adventure. Miss Laura,

tell us how you feel.

I'm actually pretty nervous because It's something I wanted to do for a long time

and now finally we are going to catch the bus that will lead us to the Great Barrier Reef

so I'm a little nervous, as you can also tell by my words, but I am

very happy

Of course, because it is not a bus, it is a

boat - but from here to the boat you go by bus

First stage of the tour

wear the suit


Clearly, I put it the way around

The as****e is laughing a lot - please let's observe it

turn around

and with the knees behind .. perfect baby, perfect. We start well.

We are going towards the boat

We're already onboard!

We've just arrived.

To the water turtles!

We have reached the second spot

where do snokeling

So now ..

to the water again!

We have already got off!

In here it's supposed to have crocodiles so let's quickly go out of the water.

Wow! We have seen 3 or 4 turtles, lots of starfish, blue, gorgeous. A green one, but I don't know if we caught it on video.

And it has been spectacular, beautiful beautiful. I loved the turtles. They are the best.

They are much more beautiful than I thought, super impressive.

I knew I liked them, but now that I've seen them in live, in nature and we swam with them

How pretty

Super nice, and the way they ate,

Like this And super nice when they went

slowly up and blub, they drew their heads out of the water, caught a little air and went downwards again

Gorgeous .. I loved it.

Hurray for the sea turtles.

And this is a really cool tour

and they are very nice people, very friendly

Ocean Safari

We have spent the last two nights in this campsite, which is part of the

same company that runs also the tour we have done today

It is a very quiet and super cool camping with lots of animals around

and birds, especially a very funny black bird, this.

Where? I'll put a picture ..

Ah! I thought it was there..

which makes plenty of sound and is very nice, it is so funny

And in this camping, as it is placed between two large colonies of this

type of bird, you can see a lot of them around

It' been a very good experience

very good staff, super clean bathrooms and kitchen.. very handsome

We recommend it, 100%

Lau is complaining that a march fly has bitten her.

It has landed on the sock, I already wear them high so I wouldn't be bitten

but it was on the sock and I still felt the bite


Let's do the "Marrja Botanical Walk"

I find this very interesting: it says that there are few places in the world where

plants represent all stages of evolution over the past

400 millions of years.. all stages are

on this way.

1.2 km. Here we go - Lets go.

Let's start with this plant that looks like a normal palm tree and indeed this

has appeared 230 million years ago along with the dinosaurs.

A little old.

But it looks good.

These super nice palms, super curious and roundish,

are called "Fan Palms"

they give these red fruits

very curious, very curious and pretty

This is another very curious plant, it grows in the trunk of trees and

below it has a root system protected by these brown leaves

that catch the falling leaves from above, which will be the nutrients

of the plant and these green leaves that go up

that serves to capture sunlight and for photosynthesis

Often birds, snakes and mice

use them as nest.

This plant is called Cannonball mangrove.

For this fruit literally .. PUFF makes noise and everything when it explodes

and scatters the seeds all around.

That's why it's called .. Cannon Ball

That means.. cannon ball.

These are the grey mangroves, they are the 4WD

of plants because what they can do is to live in..

They grow in salt water, mud, sand, rock

or fresh water.

Apart from the main body, they also have these

small roots out of the ground that help the plant breathe and take nutrients

Both the red and orange mangrove's seeds germinate

in the parent plant

and when the seed converts to plant

when there is a good chance to leave the parent plant

it separates and puts down its own roots

This other mangrove is called Looking Glass mangrove

It has these very curious roots.

This plant, "Riparosa Genus", is very

rare and depends almost 100%, the germination of its seeds,

on the cassowaries

And here we are with Miss Laura that will explain us why.

It says that if the seeds are eaten by the cassowary, there is a 92% chance that the

plant will germinate, however if it doesn't get eaten, if it simply drops,

there is a 4% chance for the seed to germinate.

So the survival of this plant depends on the cassowaries and their survival.

Thank you Miss Laura, very good explanation.

Here we conclude our walk.

We are making a stop at Thornton Beach and the very first thing

we just saw stepping on the beach is that island

lying in the middle of nowhere near the beach, so green.. super gorgeous!

For more infomation >> AUSTRALIA //2nd YEAR// DAY 4-5 - Duration: 21:31.


ASTROYAKS - Tumba (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Tumba (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:41.


Encuentran un planeta gemelo a la Tierra que podría albergar vida - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Encuentran un planeta gemelo a la Tierra que podría albergar vida - Duration: 2:16.


ASTROYAKS - Cuando Todo Falte (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Cuando Todo Falte (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 4:04.


ASTROYAKS - Ya No Vuelve (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Ya No Vuelve (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:01.


ASTROYAKS - Quizá (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Quizá (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 4:13.


ASTROYAKS - Diosa (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Diosa (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:11.


ASTROYAKS - Tiza (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - Tiza (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:51.


#Deportes #Noticias Estos son los países que más futbolistas exportan en el mundo - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> #Deportes #Noticias Estos son los países que más futbolistas exportan en el mundo - Duration: 1:40.


B00TY - Funky Sista - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> B00TY - Funky Sista - Duration: 2:50.


ASTROYAKS - TOC (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> ASTROYAKS - TOC (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:57.


Before the Border - Movie - Duration: 1:28:38.

For more infomation >> Before the Border - Movie - Duration: 1:28:38.


IHI National Forum

For more infomation >> IHI National Forum


3 Exercises for the backstroke to breaststroke flip turn with underwater slow motion footage - Duration: 2:59.

In the last video we made about this topic we explained the rules and the details of

the transition from backstroke to breaststroke for the individual medley swims.

On this video we will show you 3 exercises you can do to master this turn.

1- No arms 2- One arm

3- Touch the wall 4- Bonus

1- This first exercise is probably the most complicated but stay with me.

Start floating with your arms down to your sides.

Turn to one side and bring your knees toward your chest quickly.

Now use your core to push your legs behind you and your upper body forward.

Let's see that again.

It looks complicated and in fact it is not that easy to execute, but think about it like

this to make it easier.

You just need to bring your feet to where your head is.

To do that effectively the head must sink a little and the feet must come out to the


2- Once you dominate the first exercise the next one is going to be easier.

It is very similar except this time you use your arms.

Put one arm straight behind your head as if you were in the middle of a backstroke stroke

and bring your feet to where your hands are by turning to one side like in the first exercise.

3- Finally, the third exercise is the easiest.

It consists of touching the wall.

You must be turned a little bit sideways but make sure you don't rotate past 90 degrees.

Also you should sink a little more than a usual backstroke finish.

Practice doing the three exercises with both sides of your body, you will be naturally

better with one side than the other, but you never know with what hand you are going to

finish the backstroke part of the IM.

For that, it is better to be able to turn to both sides.

Bonus- If you are not feeling comfortable yet to do the full thing you can do this bonus


Start by touching the wall and from there practice doing the turn.

Once you practice enough it is time to put it all together and start doing the full transition.

Don't get discourage if at first you can't do the first exercise.

It takes focus and repetition, so be patient.

We design a swim cap with some important words to get you in the best mindset.

If you are interested you can learn more about them here.

See you next time!

Swim fast!

For more infomation >> 3 Exercises for the backstroke to breaststroke flip turn with underwater slow motion footage - Duration: 2:59.


Miranda Kerr i założyciel Snapchata zostaną rodzicami! - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Miranda Kerr i założyciel Snapchata zostaną rodzicami! - Duration: 2:38.


Porttikoski - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Porttikoski - Duration: 4:00.


india vs sri lanka 1st test 2nd day,live score, live update,live streaming,highlights - Duration: 0:38.

like cricket updates





For more infomation >> india vs sri lanka 1st test 2nd day,live score, live update,live streaming,highlights - Duration: 0:38.










TUỔI HỒNG THƠ NGÂY - Guitar Hải Nam - Bài hát làm say đắm cả một thế hệ trẻ - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> TUỔI HỒNG THƠ NGÂY - Guitar Hải Nam - Bài hát làm say đắm cả một thế hệ trẻ - Duration: 3:40.


Singer Songwriter Chad Focu...

For more infomation >> Singer Songwriter Chad Focu...


Former East Cheer Coach: 'I Didn't Do Anything Wrong' - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Former East Cheer Coach: 'I Didn't Do Anything Wrong' - Duration: 4:50.


Mom - I Do Like Pancakes - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mom - I Do Like Pancakes - Duration: 1:07.


Ewangeliarz OP - 17 listopada 2017 - (Łk 17, 26-37) - Duration: 2:20.


How come? That's all? This is the end?

These are the words spoken by a woman on her deathbed.

I do not remember who it was and where I heard it and from whom, but it is quite shocking indeed.

When this person, not at all young, rather old, has such a feeling that all of her life has passed away so soon.

That all this temporal life is a moment that is already over. Is this really the end?

The answer is of course - no, it is not the end. It is actually a beginning.

We should not moan what passes away.

All those past years, situations, started histories, relationships,

our various works, our daily life, which departs from us in one second, which is called death.

We do not have to look at it with horror because it is a new beginning.

This is what I love Christianity for, this is what I love God for - for giving us this second chapter.

God who says - live seriously with what I give you here, live in serenity, truly engage in it with all your heart.

Live here but with a great hope that there comes the moment when you enter the second chapter, endless, unimaginably richer than the first one.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 17 listopada 2017 - (Łk 17, 26-37) - Duration: 2:20.


Anticipazioni L'isola dei famosi 2018: ecco chi sono i primi concorrenti - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni L'isola dei famosi 2018: ecco chi sono i primi concorrenti - Duration: 3:39.


Briana DeJesus: I Want to MARRY Javi Marroquin! - Duration: 2:56.

Briana DeJesus: I Want to MARRY Javi Marroquin!

Briana DeJesus either has seriously conflicting feelings toward Javi Marroquin, or shes really dedicated to trolling the hell out of Kailyn Lowry.

Rumors that Briana and Javi are dating have been circulating for months, and DeJesus seems to be deriving a lot pleasure from keeping both Kailyn and the public in the dark.

So are she and Javi really in a long-distance relationship? Is this all just an elaborate ploy to mess with Kailyns mind? Does Briana actually want to marry Javi?! Join us as we answer these questions and more in our investigation of Teen Mom 2s most unexpected love triangle:.

Are They or Arent They? Are Javi and Briana really dating, or are they just pretending to be in love in order to mess with Kailyn Lowry? To answer that question, we need to delve into the history of Bri and Kails relationship.

New Girl Briana just joined the cast of Teen Mom 2 last season.

Her co-stars were said to be less than thrilled with MTVs decision to add a fifth mom to the roster.

A Familiar Face Bri got her start on the short-lived Teen Mom 3.

So both viewers and co-stars were familiar with her past.

and her ability to create drama.

Kail and Bri: Best Frenemies? Insiders who were familiar with the situation claimed that Kailyn was one of the only moms who DIDNT hate Briana.

How times have changed!.

Surgery Sisters? Last year, Kailyn and Briana both underwent Brazilian butt lift procedures performed by the same doctor.

Fans have cited this fact as evidence of their close friendship, but Kail says it was just a coincidence.

Not THAT Close So it sounds like Kail and Bri knew each other, got along, but didnt have particularly strong feelings about one another either way.

That all changed when Bri got to know Javi .

Wait! Theres more Briana DeJesus: I Want to MARRY Javi Marroquin!! Just click Next below:.

For more infomation >> Briana DeJesus: I Want to MARRY Javi Marroquin! - Duration: 2:56.


How do I watch WWE Survivor Series 2017? Start time, streaming guide, channel, match card... - Duration: 5:27.

How do I watch WWE Survivor Series 2017? Start time, streaming guide, channel, match card and predictions

With Survivor Series 2017, what was fast becoming the runt of the Big Four WWE pay-per-views is now back up there with WrestleMania, SummerSlam and the Royal Rumble.

Whether or not youve been keeping up with Monday Night Raw, SmackDown Live and 205Live every week, youll be wanting to watch Survivor Series come November 19, 2017.

If youre wondering just how to do that, has you covered with our viewers guide, telling you everything you need to know.

How do I watch WWE Survivor Series 2017?.

If you havent bought a ticket ($25-$500) to be there in person at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas, your options are either the WWE Network, which we highly recommend, or if you dont have a fast, reliable internet connection the more traditional – and expensive – pay-per-view.

How do I live stream Survivor Series 2017 on the WWE Network?. The WWE Network is priced at £9. 99 in the UK and $9. 99 in the US – first-time subscribers get a month free.

You can access it via the following platforms and devices – tap for info on how to access with each app.

Kindle Fire/Kindle Fire TV. iOS devices (iPhone and iPad).

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Roku via the WWE App. Samsung Smart TVs (2013 and 2014 models). Sony Internet-connected TVs and Streaming Blu-ray Players.

WWE. com. Xbox One and XBox 360. How do I watch Survivor Series 2017 on WWE pay-per-view in the UK?.

You can buy Survivor Series 2017 on pay-per-view in the UK via Sky Sports Box Office - priced at £19. If you buy via Sky, you can also catch repeats from Monday, November 20 to Thursday, November 23 - every five hours.

How do I watch Survivor Series 2017 on WWE pay-per-view in the US?. You can buy Survivor Series 2017 on pay-per-view in the US via your local provider – full list here.

What time is WWE Survivor Series 2017 in the UK?. WWE Survivor Series 2017 is on Sunday night into Monday morning, November 20 at Midnight in the UK.

What time is WWE Survivor Series 2017 in the US?. WWE Survivor Series 2017 is on Sunday, November 19 at 7pm ET and 4pm PT in the US.

Whats the full match card for WWE Survivor Series 2017?. Universal Champion Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) vs. WWE Champion AJ Styles.

Less than a fortnight after stunning Manchester and the whole world, AJ Styles is going to pull off an even bigger shock here.

All those predicting that the Phenomenal One will be fed to the Beast are forgetting how Goldberg took Lesnar apart time and again. AJ Styles has the skills to overcome the size difference.

Raw Tag Team Champions The Bar (Sheamus and Cesaro) vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jey and Jimmy Uso).

For more infomation >> How do I watch WWE Survivor Series 2017? Start time, streaming guide, channel, match card... - Duration: 5:27.


Hyundai Getz 1.1I ACTIVE 5drs Stuurbekrachtiging Elec/pakket Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.1I ACTIVE 5drs Stuurbekrachtiging Elec/pakket Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.


BMW X1 1.8I SDRIVE EXECUTIVE Leder/ Navi/ Xenon/ Trekhaak/ Pdc - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 1.8I SDRIVE EXECUTIVE Leder/ Navi/ Xenon/ Trekhaak/ Pdc - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I NOW - Airco - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I NOW - Airco - Duration: 0:59.


Miranda Kerr i założyciel Snapchata zostaną rodzicami! - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Miranda Kerr i założyciel Snapchata zostaną rodzicami! - Duration: 2:38.


BMW X1 1.8i SDRIVE 150pk EXECUTIVE, X-Line, Panodak, Navi, Leder, Xenon, PDC V+A, ECC, LMV - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 1.8i SDRIVE 150pk EXECUTIVE, X-Line, Panodak, Navi, Leder, Xenon, PDC V+A, ECC, LMV - Duration: 1:01.


明日への扉 I WiSH フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 明日への扉 I WiSH フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:56.


AFTERPAY ON EVERYTHING! | Haul - Duration: 6:51.

Hello everyone. Welcome back to my channel.

Today I will be talking about Afterpay

I'm obsessed with Afterpay.

I bought so many things; makeup, sunglasses, pyjamas, clothes.

I have more stuffs I've bought. But today I will show my main I love.

Afterpay is the best thing happened to me.

Because normally I would blow $300 worth

But Afterpay - I have saved a lot money

I recommend everyone to do Afterpay. It will help you a lot. Trust me, it helped me a lot.

I'm in love

I will show you what I've bought. What I have. What I have bought from two months to now.

Quay Australia sunglasses. I'm in love with them and I have so many high keys from Deski Peskin I hope I spelt her name right. and I love it!

I own my very first Peter Alexander pyjamas

I've never own anything because it's so expensive. I can afford it but I am saving to buy a house

They were on Afterpay!

I can wait to wear them in bed.

Beginning Boutique. I love their store! I make sure the clothes I buy are unisex

I bought some tops.

I'm gonna show you now.

There were previous video I have wore this. I bought it a month ago.

Next is Michael x Shani merch

I'm obsessed! I can't wait for their next merch

I'm so fucking obsessed!

And I bought HardDrive from office work

I have so many videos on my laptop. I don't know how and I'm not very good at technology

My friend did the whole for me. Thank you so much for your help!

I bought Rihanna Fenty Beauty from Sephora. They do Afterpay

I bought three shade of foundation because I bought the first one it was wrong shade. Second one was wrong, third one hopefully its perfect.

I haven't tried yet but I will film first impression I know I'm behind but I am catching up.

Maybe this week or next week. I can't wait to film. I'm so excited! I know everyone have already done it

Shade 1 - 100. Shade 2 - 150. Shade 3 - 190

I will buy more Rihanna makeup.

Now Tarte Rainforset of Sea

Oh my gosh! I've tried twice

I'm definitely going buy more.

I haven't tired it yet. I broke the open lock.

That's all Aterpay I bought. I've bought more shoes and a few things but too much to show.

But those things I showed you I will use them often

Thanks for watching. Don't forgot to subscribe and give this video a massive thumb up if you like it. It will help me a lot.

For more infomation >> AFTERPAY ON EVERYTHING! | Haul - Duration: 6:51.


Best Straight Razor Stropping For The Beginner, The Straight Razor Edge Friday Special - Duration: 5:29.

Welcome to The Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with Adventures

In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you now if this is your

first time here you're interested learning how to straight razor shave and

all things straight razors are related go ahead and hit that subscribe button

then click on the bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos that way

you won't miss a thing in tonight's Straight Razor Edge Friday

Special we are looking at the Best Straight Razor Stropping for Beginners

all right Mark commented "I don't think I've seen a strop video for the very

beginner I would praise" thanks MarK I really appreciate you leaving the

comment and let's do something about that we're gonna be using my CZ Grand

Slam for this this is a nice razor good beginner razor by the way and not

expensive half hollow real wood scales metal spacer brilliant alright and we're

going to be using my 30 degrees draw okay in now this drop has the smooth

leather side it has the suede leather side we have fabric as a separate piece

and on the inside of that fabric I do put chromebox when needed so now I'm

going to take this drop in with this we're going to go ahead and clip it on

to the Shepherd's hook like I'm showing you right now and that's the best way

I've found to stabilize that strong alright let's get going

what I do is I hold on to the Tang right here with two fingers and I don't really

hold on to the scales and try to do this I always holding on to the razor tang

itself I hold this drop at an angle not flat and straight like that but I hold

it at an angle because it's more after all for me and now I will one that

up with my hand and that one activates the oils in this weather and make the

strop work so much better and you just do that until that weather is nice and

warm and then what I do with my straight razor is I'm holding me here and the

straw is down here the spine of the blade goes down first and then I start

moving and drop the edge turn it over on the spine move drop the edge just like


nice and slow you don't need to go fast with this now what I will suggest is

keep your eyes on that blade all the time because just like a ping-pong game

if you're not watching the ball you're gonna miss it you know on a straight

razor if you're not watching the straight razor you're going to cut

you're strong and you don't want to do that so we spin the blade on the spine

just like that and as we're doing this you will get better you will get more

comfortable but even when you get better you get more comfortable you always have

to watch the blade because you don't want to cut your strop in half if this

could do it all right there you go just like that

now I'm gonna let you listen for a few strokes

now that's what you're listening for is the same sound on both sides and that

means you got the right pressure again everything going so I'm holding the

strap tight enough that it doesn't really say a whole lot I'm not putting a

whole lot of pressure on that blade I'm just letting the strop do its thing

you're just going to string up that blade it won't sharpen it by the way I

think we'll straighten it up hopefully you found that helpful thanks again mark

for the comment I really appreciate it you can click right up here to see the

best one-pass shape for a beginner that you've ever seen in your life all right

click right over here to see my latest video click down here on the video

especially picked out for you click over here on me subscribe like comment share

this video with your friends have a great shave and a good day and I will

see you next time one adventures in wet shaving

For more infomation >> Best Straight Razor Stropping For The Beginner, The Straight Razor Edge Friday Special - Duration: 5:29.


Living in the Moment | All We Have is NOW - Duration: 2:47.

sometimes you just need some coffee! whoa okay, so we are here today, for

another thought of the day and this time we're gonna go back to an old topic that

I like to talk about...time

so if you follow the majority of my social medias you'll notice especially

on Instagram I like to talk about time a lot it's a major topic and I think just

about all of us deals with time one way or the other

am I right or am i right so uh throughout the years of my life I've

been afraid I'm confessing to you right here I've been afraid of time of losing

time of wasting time of getting older my parents can definitely attest to this

one mama go ahead and like this but time something profound has happened to me

lately and I realized something about time because we're all stuck in it it's

like a rat race but nobody's getting out trust me you don't get out alive

so enjoy what you can while you can but here's the thought about time the only

thing that exists is this very moment the past is a distant memory some

memories more distant than others and the future is nothing but imagination

all you have is right now in your hands so my question to you is how are you

going to use right now and be careful because if you don't use it wisely it'll

become a memory - I know that's not humorous but hopefully it gets you to

think that is your thought of the day after all thanks for watching once again

I've been dizzy Parker check me out on all the social medias Facebook Instagram

Twitter YouTube snapchat all at the dizzy Parker and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Living in the Moment | All We Have is NOW - Duration: 2:47.


"Song of Myself" Verse 10 by Han Vu and Dang Nguyen - Duration: 6:16.

[Jennifer Crandall] All right, I'm ready whenever you are, Pierre.

[Pierre Kattar] All right, whenever it shows up.

[Dang Nguyen] You look so serious. Just like we're getting married again. ( laughter )

( lively piano )

[Customer] Just tell me something to try. What's your favorite?

[Han Vu] Did you try the pan-fried noodle with chicken? [Customer] Not yet.

OK, it comes with baby corn, pineapple, red pepper, white onion, broccoli.

[Han] But if you love spicy, we can make it spicy for you. [Customer] Perfect.

[Dang] We got three noodles, total. [Cook] Huh?

[Dang] Three total.

[Dang] You wanna read?

[Han, in vietnamese] Eva can't read yet.

Alone far in the wilds and mountains I hunt

Wandering amazed at my own lightness and glee,

In the late afternoon choosing a safe spot to pass the night,

Kindling a fire and broiling the fresh-kill'd game,

( sizzling wok )

[Han] How are you? Two today?

[Eva] Helloooooo!

[Eva] Shark, shark, shark, shark, shark.

[Jenn] Who are you?

E-V-A, that's my name.

[Han] You can stay here but you have to be a little quiet. It's OK? [Eva] OK.

[Dang] Fall asleep on the gather'd leaves

with my dog and gun by my side.

The Yankee clipper is under her sky-sails,

she cuts the sparkle and scud,

My eyes settle the land,

[Eva] Today, today my dad will build a house for me.

[Dang] Build a room.

[Han] A room, not a house.

[Eva] A house!

[Han] Hi, how many sir? One? OK.

[Dang] I bend at her prow or shout joyously from the deck.

[Dang] The boatmen and clam-diggers

arose early and stopt for me,

I tuck'd my trowser-ends in my boots

and went and had a good time;

[Han] I have a rare steak pho.

[Han] The P2.

[Dang] You should have been with us that day round the chowder-kettle.

I saw the marriage of the trapper

[Dang] In the open air [Han] "A"

[Dang] In the far west,

[Dang] the bride was a red girl,

[Han] I told my husband, I don't push Eva...

[Han] least you have to finish your high school...

...but not really—you don't have to be an engineer, nurse, doctor or something.

[Han] You do whatever you want. [Customer] Absolutely, yeah.

[Dang] Her father and his friends sat near cross-legged

and dumbly smoking, they had moccasins to their feet

and large thick blankets hanging from their shoulders,

[Han] Yes, ma'am, you had some questions?

[Customer] Is the vegetarian vermicelli... Can that be made vegan?

[Dang] Oh, they want it spicy?

[Customer] Do you have chicken-fried rice? [Han] Yeah, we do.

[Customer] May I have some peanut sauce?

[Customer] How many vegetable spring rolls do you get?

[Customer] Do you have brown rice? [Customer] Do you have just fried rice?

[Dang] On a bank lounged the trapper,

he was drest mostly in skins,

his luxuriant beard and curls protected his neck,

he held his bride by the hand,

[Han] Sorry... sorry, can I do that again?

Because I didn't pay attention. [Dang] My god.

[Jenn] That's OK. That's OK.

[Dang] Why do you keep eating? You're supposed to focus!

[Han, laughing] I'm not paying attention, I'm just eating!

[Dang] Oh my god. [Han] Sorry!

( Dang laughs )

[Han] Thai tea, no boba.

[Han] He held his bride by the hand,

[Han, speaking in Vietnamese] She had long eyelashes,

her head was bare, her coarse straight locks

descended upon her voluptuous limbs and reach'd to her feet.

The runaway slave came to my house and stopt outside,

I heard his motions crackling the twigs of the woodpile,

[Customer] You will see me again, OK?

[Server] Please, do. Awesome!

[Customer] You made us happy. We just came from a funeral so

to come and eat, and the food was so good, it made us feel better.

[Server] Thank you so much!

[Dang] Through the swung half-door of the kitchen I saw him limpsy and weak,

And went where he sat on a log

and led him and assured him,

and brought water and fill'd a tub for his sweated body and bruis'd feet,

And gave him a room that enter'd from my own,

and gave him some coarse clean clothes,

[Han] Yeah, they're open. We're open. [Dang] And remember perfectly well his revolving eyes

and his awkwardness,

And remember putting plasters on the galls of his neck and ankles;

He staid with me a week before he was recuperated and pass'd north,

[Dang] I had him set next me at table,

my fire-lock lean'd in the corner.

[Dang] You go—you wanna go find Jonathan? [Eva] Mhm.

[Dang] All right. [Eva] Let's go find Jonathan!

[Dang] Shh! Eva, Eva, Eva, be quiet.

[Dang, speaking in Vietnamese] Did Tang arrive yet? [Han] Go, go.

[Eva, excited] Jonathan! I'm so excited to meet Jonathan!

[Dang] All right.

[Pierre] Wait, who's Jonathan?

[Dang] He's the son of the dishwasher lady.

[Han] Can I get something to drink for you, sir?

[Customer] Um, do you have unsweetened tea? [Han] We do.

[Han] And you need a couple more minutes, right? [Customer] Yeah. [Han] OK.

[Han] Watch your step. [Dang] All right, what else we got?

[Han] Careful, it's hot, OK?

[Han] No calamari. OK yeah, sure, sure!

( phone rings ) [Han] Viet Cuisine, may I help you?

[Customer] Thank you! [Han] You're welcome, honey!

For more infomation >> "Song of Myself" Verse 10 by Han Vu and Dang Nguyen - Duration: 6:16.


Report: Trump May Move to Cripple Creepy "Church" of Scientology - TODAY NEWS - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Report: Trump May Move to Cripple Creepy "Church" of Scientology - TODAY NEWS - Duration: 5:39.


Supreme Court Justice League - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Supreme Court Justice League - Duration: 2:18.


What does dualin mean? - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> What does dualin mean? - Duration: 0:40.


Digital or printed pre-listing kits? What's your position? - Duration: 0:43.

One thing I really like about a beautifully printed pre listing kit is that you can actually

put it on a coffee table and refer back to it later.

There may be trend for digital pre listing kits but you can't convey the look and feel

of a professionally printed, finished and slick printed piece through a screen.

Don't let your main sale piece end up in someone's junk mail.

In this video is a pre listing kit which we made for a real estate agency.

For more infomation >> Digital or printed pre-listing kits? What's your position? - Duration: 0:43.


B00TY - Funky Sista - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> B00TY - Funky Sista - Duration: 2:50.


The biggest racing event of the year hits the South Texas Speedway - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> The biggest racing event of the year hits the South Texas Speedway - Duration: 1:03.


Dortmund ace Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang dropped for disciplinary reasons: Future in doubt - Duration: 2:10.

Dortmund ace Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang dropped for disciplinary reasons: Future in doubt

Several European heavyweights were courting the Gabon international in the summer, including Real Madrid, Chelsea and Man City.

But the pacy striker ruled out a move on Instagram by posting a picture with the caption: "Doesn't matter where I fly because I'm always back in Dortmund at the end." But his future at the club has been brought into disrepute after Dortmund revealed via their Twitter account he had been dropped from the squad to face Stuttgart on Friday.

Dortmund announced the decision was due to "disciplinary reasons". Aubameyang has been removed from the squad for tomorrows match for disciplinary reasons, the club said, without offering any further clarification on the nature of his indiscretion.

"It is expected of me that I score goals" Dortmund forward Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang The Bundesliga side are in poor form at the moment, having won just one of their last seven games.

The 28-year-old has not scored since October 14 and only recently revealed he was intent on breaking his goal drought. It is expected of me that I score goals, he said.

I face up to criticism even though I dont think everythings fair. I know that I now need to score goals again.

But there have been periods like this before. There has been no indication by the club on when the star will return to the club.

For more infomation >> Dortmund ace Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang dropped for disciplinary reasons: Future in doubt - Duration: 2:10.


CUORE UNCINETTO tutorial lezione 5 - DOPPIA MAGLIA ALTA - tutorial italiano Natale 2017 - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> CUORE UNCINETTO tutorial lezione 5 - DOPPIA MAGLIA ALTA - tutorial italiano Natale 2017 - Duration: 8:39.


Manchester United vs Newcastle: Paul Merson gives his Premier League prediction - Duration: 2:10.

Manchester United vs Newcastle: Paul Merson gives his Premier League prediction

The pundit believes Manchester City will earn three points against Leicester meaning Jose Mourinho's side must win against the Magpies. And Merson thinks they will record a 2-0 victory at Old Trafford.

He told Sky Sports: "It is a must-win game for United as if I get my earlier results right, Man City will be clear and then they will need to win.

"Man Utd have good fixtures coming up, but it will be a difficult game. "United are not far away, if I am being honest…. I know they went to Liverpool and Chelsea and did not score.

"I think the plan was to beat the lesser teams and do not get beat by the big teams, but getting beat by Huddersfield has put them behind the eight ball and so they have to win." Manchester United are currently eight points behind leaders City as they look to close the gap on their title rivals.

Red Devils boss Jose Mourinho has also revealed Zlatan Ibrahimovic is set to return before the end of the year. He explained: "He is a lion, he is a fighter.

I think that is a good description of him, he has the anger all the time and thats the reason why hes almost coming back.

"As we expect, hes reduced the timing of his recovering and he will be back in 2017, which is a magnificent recovery. " United's clash with Newcastle is at 5.

For more infomation >> Manchester United vs Newcastle: Paul Merson gives his Premier League prediction - Duration: 2:10.


Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo tells Jorge Mendes to sort move to Chelsea - report - Duration: 1:59.

Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo tells Jorge Mendes to sort move to Chelsea - report

The Real Madrid star has been linked with a Bernabeu exit in recent weeks. Reports have claimed the Portugal international has told Real president Florentino Perez hes desperate to leave the club at the end of the season.

And according to Spanish transfer outlet Don Balon, Ronaldo has told his agent Jorge Mendes to sort a move to Chelsea. They claim Ronaldo thinks Manchester United cannot afford to sign him and hes keen to live in London.

Don Balon add that the Real star is desperate to return to the Premier League. Chelsea is his preferred destination, with United the attackers second option.

"Cristiano Ronaldo wants to join Chelsea" Ronaldo has had a hit-and-miss start to the season this time out, with the 32-year-old netting just one La Liga goal in seven appearances.

Real are back in action this weekend, with the La Liga champions travelling to Atletico Madrid.

A win for Real against Atletico at the Wanda Metropolitano could trim the gap to Barcelona to five points. Real already trail rivals Barca by eight points after just 11 games in La Liga.

For more infomation >> Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo tells Jorge Mendes to sort move to Chelsea - report - Duration: 1:59.


Before the Border - Movie - Duration: 1:28:38.

For more infomation >> Before the Border - Movie - Duration: 1:28:38.


임신 6개월 셀카 올린 여성에 네티즌 비난 봇물 왜? - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 임신 6개월 셀카 올린 여성에 네티즌 비난 봇물 왜? - Duration: 3:02.


Sega 32x Longplay - BC Racers - Duration: 12:29.

YobeBit here and today I'm playing the prehistoric racing game BC Racers for the Sega 32x set

in the Chuck Rock Universe.

It was released in 1995 for the Sega CD, PC, 3DO, and the 32x which is my version.

I'll be playing all eight tracks on easy mode with pure gameplay and not commentray. Lets jump in.

So what's your favorite racing game.

Thanks for watching.

Like, Subscribe, follow.

As always, see you next time.

For more infomation >> Sega 32x Longplay - BC Racers - Duration: 12:29.


KSDK- Kingshighway bridge partially reopens - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> KSDK- Kingshighway bridge partially reopens - Duration: 1:57.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Namazer Gorutto O Fozilot by Allama Delowar Hossain Saidi bangla waj, bangla waz sayeedi HD - Duration: 28:27.

For more infomation >> Namazer Gorutto O Fozilot by Allama Delowar Hossain Saidi bangla waj, bangla waz sayeedi HD - Duration: 28:27.


AUSTRALIA //2nd YEAR// DAY 4-5 - Duration: 21:31.

Good morning, today we've already had breakfast and we decided to start

this adventure to go to a cool walk. This is the road

and we are in Adventure Mode ON! If before it seemed already like Jurassic Park,

now, even more!

We've arrived at a point in the road that says "4WD vehicles only past this point".. picture

Well, here we see why ..

we have a section of the river that obviously only

4WD can cross.. and crocs

This is the most we can get north with our van. By this road

We are in the middle of the jungle

and after crossing quite a while the jungle

we've reached this beautiful part of the river.. so cool

what happens is that it's not rain season now so the water level is low..

there is also a swing rope to jump in the water

Battle to see who is the first to jump in the water

Here we see how along the road the vegetation

is completely covered in dust

Now we're going to do this walk "Dubuji"

It is this boardwalk, this wooden path.. now we are here, we will do all

the way to the beach

Here we are with our expert

in tropical fruits, Miss Laura, with who we just

found a very rare fruit. Very very rare ..

Tell us Miss

What's so strange about that? Well, I think I had not seen before a blue fruit.

From now on we will say a lot the world "mangrove" in spanish (mandrágora), but in a wrong way (mangrovia), because in italian it's called like that. We apologise to Oscar, which told us the correct way to say it.. but too late ;)

Mangrove area

They grow basically on sand

very particular this plant

We are now leaving the tropical area

to enter the marina area of the Barrier Reef

Except for this beached whale

It is stunning

Laura has just spotted these holes

and all these little balls of sand

They are all over the beach, it'is full

It is full full full .. How curious, very curious!

We just met that guy over there that told us that they are mini crabs

that are making the hole and go pulling out the balls

and we have seen one and they are very little

Here we have the mini crabs

"Oh no, this is not my house!"

We have also found these mounds of sand .. and it is sand.

It seems fossilized poo ..

Very curious..

But this one we actually have no idea what can be

Here they are more the tower type

and over there

they are all balls .. it's like another urbanization

We just also find this larger crab

Wow it's so fast!

Look at the style of Miss Laura .. very hipster.

The explanation is that it's not hipster, it is protection against all

It's twenty to eight in the morning and today we are going to do

a very cool activity that is .. Let's go to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef and maybe

we're going to see turtles!

Here we are with Miss Laura, who is

super iper excited about this adventure. Miss Laura,

tell us how you feel.

I'm actually pretty nervous because It's something I wanted to do for a long time

and now finally we are going to catch the bus that will lead us to the Great Barrier Reef

so I'm a little nervous, as you can also tell by my words, but I am

very happy

Of course, because it is not a bus, it is a

boat - but from here to the boat you go by bus

First stage of the tour

wear the suit


Clearly, I put it the way around

The as****e is laughing a lot - please let's observe it

turn around

and with the knees behind .. perfect baby, perfect. We start well.

We are going towards the boat

We're already onboard!

We've just arrived.

To the water turtles!

We have reached the second spot

where do snokeling

So now ..

to the water again!

We have already got off!

In here it's supposed to have crocodiles so let's quickly go out of the water.

Wow! We have seen 3 or 4 turtles, lots of starfish, blue, gorgeous. A green one, but I don't know if we caught it on video.

And it has been spectacular, beautiful beautiful. I loved the turtles. They are the best.

They are much more beautiful than I thought, super impressive.

I knew I liked them, but now that I've seen them in live, in nature and we swam with them

How pretty

Super nice, and the way they ate,

Like this And super nice when they went

slowly up and blub, they drew their heads out of the water, caught a little air and went downwards again

Gorgeous .. I loved it.

Hurray for the sea turtles.

And this is a really cool tour

and they are very nice people, very friendly

Ocean Safari

We have spent the last two nights in this campsite, which is part of the

same company that runs also the tour we have done today

It is a very quiet and super cool camping with lots of animals around

and birds, especially a very funny black bird, this.

Where? I'll put a picture ..

Ah! I thought it was there..

which makes plenty of sound and is very nice, it is so funny

And in this camping, as it is placed between two large colonies of this

type of bird, you can see a lot of them around

It' been a very good experience

very good staff, super clean bathrooms and kitchen.. very handsome

We recommend it, 100%

Lau is complaining that a march fly has bitten her.

It has landed on the sock, I already wear them high so I wouldn't be bitten

but it was on the sock and I still felt the bite


Let's do the "Marrja Botanical Walk"

I find this very interesting: it says that there are few places in the world where

plants represent all stages of evolution over the past

400 millions of years.. all stages are

on this way.

1.2 km. Here we go - Lets go.

Let's start with this plant that looks like a normal palm tree and indeed this

has appeared 230 million years ago along with the dinosaurs.

A little old.

But it looks good.

These super nice palms, super curious and roundish,

are called "Fan Palms"

they give these red fruits

very curious, very curious and pretty

This is another very curious plant, it grows in the trunk of trees and

below it has a root system protected by these brown leaves

that catch the falling leaves from above, which will be the nutrients

of the plant and these green leaves that go up

that serves to capture sunlight and for photosynthesis

Often birds, snakes and mice

use them as nest.

This plant is called Cannonball mangrove.

For this fruit literally .. PUFF makes noise and everything when it explodes

and scatters the seeds all around.

That's why it's called .. Cannon Ball

That means.. cannon ball.

These are the grey mangroves, they are the 4WD

of plants because what they can do is to live in..

They grow in salt water, mud, sand, rock

or fresh water.

Apart from the main body, they also have these

small roots out of the ground that help the plant breathe and take nutrients

Both the red and orange mangrove's seeds germinate

in the parent plant

and when the seed converts to plant

when there is a good chance to leave the parent plant

it separates and puts down its own roots

This other mangrove is called Looking Glass mangrove

It has these very curious roots.

This plant, "Riparosa Genus", is very

rare and depends almost 100%, the germination of its seeds,

on the cassowaries

And here we are with Miss Laura that will explain us why.

It says that if the seeds are eaten by the cassowary, there is a 92% chance that the

plant will germinate, however if it doesn't get eaten, if it simply drops,

there is a 4% chance for the seed to germinate.

So the survival of this plant depends on the cassowaries and their survival.

Thank you Miss Laura, very good explanation.

Here we conclude our walk.

We are making a stop at Thornton Beach and the very first thing

we just saw stepping on the beach is that island

lying in the middle of nowhere near the beach, so green.. super gorgeous!

For more infomation >> AUSTRALIA //2nd YEAR// DAY 4-5 - Duration: 21:31.


Encuentran un planeta gemelo a la Tierra que podría albergar vida - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Encuentran un planeta gemelo a la Tierra que podría albergar vida - Duration: 2:16.


#Deportes #Noticias Estos son los países que más futbolistas exportan en el mundo - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> #Deportes #Noticias Estos son los países que más futbolistas exportan en el mundo - Duration: 1:40.


Ewangeliarz OP - 17 listopada 2017 - (Łk 17, 26-37) - Duration: 2:20.


How come? That's all? This is the end?

These are the words spoken by a woman on her deathbed.

I do not remember who it was and where I heard it and from whom, but it is quite shocking indeed.

When this person, not at all young, rather old, has such a feeling that all of her life has passed away so soon.

That all this temporal life is a moment that is already over. Is this really the end?

The answer is of course - no, it is not the end. It is actually a beginning.

We should not moan what passes away.

All those past years, situations, started histories, relationships,

our various works, our daily life, which departs from us in one second, which is called death.

We do not have to look at it with horror because it is a new beginning.

This is what I love Christianity for, this is what I love God for - for giving us this second chapter.

God who says - live seriously with what I give you here, live in serenity, truly engage in it with all your heart.

Live here but with a great hope that there comes the moment when you enter the second chapter, endless, unimaginably richer than the first one.

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