Saturday, November 18, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 18 2017

In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight

In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight

Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight

Near the village, the quiet village The lion sleeps tonight

Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight

Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight

For more infomation >> The Lion Sleeps Tonight (A Cappella Cover) - Duration: 3:04.


DE VUELTA EN EL CERRO | Mountain Biking | ENDURO MTB - EMR | Vlog #11 [Español] - Duration: 13:49.

For more infomation >> DE VUELTA EN EL CERRO | Mountain Biking | ENDURO MTB - EMR | Vlog #11 [Español] - Duration: 13:49.


MV "Heart of Darkness" Episode - Behind the Scenes Clip - Duration: 0:40.

So, who ties, who tied the can to our tail back there huh?

You tell me.

You tell me.

Who else, who else would tail someone at a half block in a late model LTD?

Tubbs - The Untouchables.

Crockett - You got it bud.


Artie - He'll call you in the morning, we will set something up in the next couple of days.

Tomorrow at the latest.

If we don't meet Artie by then, we are out of here.

Jimmy - You already met him man.

What do you mean?

For more infomation >> MV "Heart of Darkness" Episode - Behind the Scenes Clip - Duration: 0:40.


Wild West Online # 4 Tutorial: How to steal banks ..! - Spanish gameplay - Duration: 5:01.

Hello everyone, i'm F3Rs

This is a new video to Wild west Online

We are here, with Mr. Eustaquio

Say "hello", Eustaquio

In this day we are going to see a small tutorial

about everything you need to know

to steal a bank

Step one: locate a bank

how do we identify banks

by several visual identifiers

the first is that in the top part you usually put "bank"

the second is an icon of a sack with a $

the second is an icon of a sack with a $

the third is if we press the "Y", we get the icon of the safe

if there is a banker

but if we do not see it, it does not mean there is not a bank in the city

it is possible that there is not a banker and have a safe

The security of banks is "very very efficient"

The security of banks is "very very efficient"

All banks have a back door, which is always open

All banks have a back door, which is always open

All banks have a back door, which is always open

Step two, a closed safe

This is a safe that has already been stolen

is already open and tells you that it is empty

is already open and tells you that it is empty

Step three: picks

They are necessary to open the safe

Without the lockpicks you will not be able to open it safe

Step four: prepare for flight

Step five: open the safe

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

Only have five seconds for this

Step six: run away

We become bandits

At this moment there are twelve minutes of search

Step seven: Change stolen gold for dollars

When you are no longer bandits

you can go to any city that has a banker

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

This is the mechanic to steal a bank :D

I say goodbye now, I hope you like the video

I say goodbye now, I hope you like the video

For more infomation >> Wild West Online # 4 Tutorial: How to steal banks ..! - Spanish gameplay - Duration: 5:01.


Puigdemont publica las listas de Junts per Catalunya - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont publica las listas de Junts per Catalunya - Duration: 5:51.


Rovira asegura que el Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy amenazó con usar armas de fuego contra la población - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Rovira asegura que el Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy amenazó con usar armas de fuego contra la población - Duration: 4:18.


Puigdemont se presenta con exconsellers e independientes en su candidatura de JuntsxCat - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont se presenta con exconsellers e independientes en su candidatura de JuntsxCat - Duration: 1:53.


Bescansa diseña una agenda propia y busca apoyos en las bases para recuperar liderazgo - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Bescansa diseña una agenda propia y busca apoyos en las bases para recuperar liderazgo - Duration: 7:42.


¿Por qué sigue disparado el número de solicitudes para la ciudadanía de EEUU? - Duration: 7:15.

¿Por qué sigue disparado el número de solicitudes para la ciudadanía de EEUU?

Sin embargo hay miles de inmigrantes que no tiene los recursos para pagar los $725 dólares que cuesta la aplicación.

La razón es muy clara para los miles de inmigrantes que eran residentes legales y que hoy en día están aplicando a su ciudadanía.

Ttras el triunfo electoral de Donald Trump en noviembre de 2016, el numero de solicitudes de naturalización se han disparado, un hecho que grupos de activistas ven como una reacción a las políticas migratorias de la Casa Blanca y que potencian con campañas de nacionalización de inmigrantes.

"Considerando los tiempos tumultuosos en los que vivimos hoy en día, esperar que alguien más proteja nuestro futuro ya no es una opción", señaló en un comunicado Angélica Salas, directora ejecutiva de la Coalición por los Derechos Humanos de los Inmigrantes (CHIRLA).

Por ello, la organización lanzó la campaña "Protección sin fecha de expiración" que hasta el 16 de diciembre de este año ofrece cubrir "todos los costos relacionados con el proceso de aplicación para la naturalización", incluidos los 725 dólares que cuesta la aplicación ante el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS).

CHIRLA igualmente está ofreciendo pagar por los costos de revisión de antecedentes para aquellas personas que califiquen para obtener la ciudadanía.

"He notado que -ya por varios años- la comunidad (inmigrante) ha estado ubicada en entender que necesitan hacerse ciudadanos estadounidenses para tener una protección total bajo la leyes de inmigración", declaró en entrevista con Efe Nelson Castillo, abogado especialista en procesos de inmigración.

El jurista considera que esta tendencia ha aumentado en la actualidad "posiblemente debido a lo que la gente percibe acerca de la posibilidad de que pudieran perder su estatus en los Estados Unidos".

El experto en leyes de inmigración considera que el inmigrante que desee vivir en Estados Unidos debe buscar "el mejor estatus migratorio que pueda obtener" y el mejor, en caso de cumplir los requisitos, "es hacerse ciudadano estadounidense".

A su vez, con su experiencia de trabajo con la comunidad inmigrante y especialmente la de bajos recursos, la organización Clérigos y Laicos Unidos por la Justicia Económica (CLUE) no duda que la ciudadanía es un gran logro para todo aquel que la pueda alcanzar.

"Vemos que hay un incremento en la intención de obtener la ciudadanía y siempre que una persona puede buscar la ciudadanía es importante que lo haga porque sabemos que hay muchas personas que se han quedado en la residencia", comentó a Efe Teresa Borden, portavoz de CLUE.

Para la activista, esta tendencia de las personas para hacerse ciudadanos y poder participar en los procesos electorales muestra "que se han despertado a la necesidad de participar políticamente en el país y eso nos anima a pensar que quizás en el 2018 hay un futuro para la agenda progresista".

Los activistas indican igualmente que el alto número de solicitudes ha creado un estado de lentitud en el trámite que está llevando a una demora de aproximadamente el doble de tiempo en el proceso.

El director de servicios legales de CHIRLA, Luis Pérez, advirtió que "la demora de más de 12 meses en el proceso de la solicitudes de ciudadanía son más comunes bajo esta administración", por lo que enfatizó sobre la importancia de aplicar lo más pronto posible al proceso de naturalización.

Indicó al presentar la iniciativa que bajo esta campaña los solicitantes a lo mejor no tengan que pagar "ni un solo centavo para asegurar su futuro y el de su familia".

Mientras tanto, Castillo resaltó la importancia de buscar un profesional experto que realice una evaluación personal de la situación de cada inmigrante sobre su posible opción a la ciudadanía.

"Hay que hacerlo de una forma correcta, con las personas adecuadas, abogados de inmigración representantes acreditados por el Gobierno federal que tengan la licencia y la experiencia necesaria, e invertir en lo que se tenga que invertir para poder lograrlo", señaló el profesional.

Aunque USCIS no respondió a una solicitud de información sobre los tiempos de demora en los procesos, la agencia indica en su página oficial que unas 752,800 personas se hicieron ciudadanos a través de la naturalización en 2016.

Los estados con mayor número de naturalizados en 2016 fueron en orden: California, Nueva York, Florida, Texas y Nueva Jersey, y los países con mayor cantidad de inmigrantes naturalizados fueron México, India, Filipinas, China y Cuba.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué sigue disparado el número de solicitudes para la ciudadanía de EEUU? - Duration: 7:15.


Ableton Live 10: What's New

For more infomation >> Ableton Live 10: What's New


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 52 - Duration: 6:05.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 52 - Duration: 6:05.


Gryffindor Celebrities sorted by Pottermore! - Duration: 10:01.

Lions, Eagles, Badges and Snakes welcome back! It is a hotly anticipated video!

We've done Ravenclaw's, we've found a Hufflepuff, Slytherins but

today it is Celebrities in Gryffindor!!!

The LIONS! Before we launch into this video, I want to remind you guys

that you should subscribe to my channel.... if you haven't done yet it's a party

over here every week and I've got something very special coming up at

Christmas. Also, I do have a Patreon account so if you want to help to

support me on there then I will even link to that in the description box down

below! Okay celebrities in Gryffindor... Ever since Pottermore released their

house sorting feature we can now officially say what houses we're in and

I think it's great... a lot of celebrities have been out there and proud about

their Harry Potter houses and unsurprisingly there are a lot of

celebrities in Gryffindor! Always brave, they persevere! Who we got first up? We

have songstress Selena Gomez! Selena has been out and proud about her Gryffindor

colours she was spotted wearing her Gryffindor

scarf at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. She also enjoys a

butterbeer or after my own heart! From all we know about her, she's pretty

brave so it doesn't come as any surprise to me. Also she spent a long time playing

a wizard / witch in the witches of waverly place,

so it make sense she's got a lot in common with Harry Potter! Next up, another

fabulous lady... this one is an actress we have Margot Robbie! In an interview

Margot Robbie showed her real true colors and she came out as a crimson and

gold ...although I have to say It all sounds a little bit fishy... hmm she said "I'm in

Gryffindor, obviously but I totally ripped my answers on Pottermore." she said

She could tell which answers were Gryffindor and so she chose those

specifically. Now to me that seems a little bit more a green and silver thing

to do! next up we have Liam Payne Liam Payne from One Direction and now a solo

artist, is one of the biggest Harry Potter nerds out there.

He even said that he owns a Ford Anglia like was used in Harry Potter and the

Chamber of Secrets and he has it in his garden. Think of all of the reenactment

fun! Oh my goodness... also get a load of his 22nd birthday

cake! That is Potter licious! He has been spotted at the Wizarding World of Harry

Potter wearing his Gryffindor scarf. He very much identifies with the Lion House.

In February 2015 he tweeted: I wish I was Harry Potter... and like mate... don't we all.

Another ferocious lion up next, we have Kit Harington, the Lord Commander and the

heir to the Iron Throne himself! Yes! It make sense! When asked about what

Hogwarts house he would be in he said Gryffindor but he had some pretty choice

words about the other houses which I feel not that great about. He said "no one

wants to be a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw is boring and Slytherin is filled with

psychos as we know"....I'm sorry as we know?! I'll show you psycho Kit

Harington! I gotta say as well, in this respect he is very much like his

on-screen character, Jon Snow who I believe is a Gryffindor

I did a whole video sorting Game of Thrones characters into their Harry Potter

houses so I've put that in one of my cards so you should definitely check

that out after this video. Now I stand by everything I say in that video apart

from with Samwell Tarly, I've changed my mind he probably is a better Ravenclaw!

who else is on board that celebrity Gryffindor train?

we have Shawn Mendes! Canadian singer and songwriter, Shawn Mendes, was spotted out

and about in Toronto proudly wearing his Gryffindor robes and I say good on him! I

wish I could get on a streetcar with him wearing his Gryffindor bobes! I'll be

wearing my Slytherin and we could just duel right there! Bring it to me Shawn!

So he actually sorted himself on YouTube in a conversation with Tyler Oakley on

Ellentube. They hung out and ate Bertie Botts every flavour beans, which to me

sounds like my perfect day! I want to hang out with Shawn Mendes and Tyler

Oakley and eat beans! Although not the vomit flavoured ones... or

earwax! Tyler, as we know, is a proud Ravenclaw which makes a lot of sense

really. Next we have Camila Cabello. In 2015 the songstress tweeted

"is it too late to get into Harry Potter?" and as we know it is never too late!

I guess she realized this same thing too because pictures started cropping up of

her wearing Gryffindor robes... she was just broom sticking around!

She was all Gryffindor and stuff!It isn't surprising that she thought that she was

a Gryffindor; the books do paint it as the best house! However Pottermore had

something else to say for her! In 2017, she tweeted: when you think you're a

Gryffindor but take the Pottermore test and you're a Hufflepuff! She said that

she's suddenly had to question her identity as a person and I get that!

Ididn't realise I was a Slytherin until Pottermore told me that now I have a

finer realization about myself a finer understanding. I always wondered why I

was so bloodthirsty! I guess it kind of explained it! Okay back on the

celebrity Gryffindor train! We've got a few from the Harry Potter franchise up next....

now unsurprisingly Daniel Radcliffe is a Gryffindor and to be honest I'd be

shocked if he wasn't. Daniel has told his fans he's in Gryffindor a few times but

specifically in a reddit ask me anything he said that he would absolutely be a

Gryffindor. He said that there was never any doubt and he could only ever picture

himself in their colours. He does understand this is probably because he

played one, but he says he just strongly identifies. I personally like to picture

him as a Slytherin though, that would be really fun! I would love to explore an

alternative universe where Harry was a Slytherin... like what do you think would

have changed! A lot of things! No things? Very controversial up next we

have Tom Felton. Now as we know Tom Felton plays Slytherin King, Draco Malfoy.

And he always waltzes around in Slytherin paraphernalia himself, he's a

very proud Slytherin! That was until he took the Pottermore

test. When Pottermore unleashed their feature, he tweeted:

took the Pottermore test and was placed in Gryffindor... he said he was gutted and

then he said hashtag Slytherin for life. JK Rowling said that she'd always known

but didn't want to spoil his motivation. But I'm! Get back in the dungeon

Tom, you belong with us!

Next up from Fantastic Beasts, we have Ezra Miller who plays Credence in

Fantastic Beasts and is a bit of a dark tormented soul. However in real life he

considers himself to be a Gryffindor but he hasn't yet taken the Pottermore test.

He said that he's just simply too scared... he really respects Pottermore and he

knows that JK Rowling wrote the quiz. He said he's not gonna take it because "what

if I get Slytherin I couldn't live with myself" But no! I feel pretty unhappy that

he said that he said" I need to be in Gryffindor if I wasn't in Gryffindor

I wouldn't know who I was anymore"... Well maybe you would know who you were

because Pottermore would tell you and you'd come to accept it! Okay, so before

we end up this list I want to finish with a few Youtubers who are in

Gryffindor House! firstly we have Kwebblekop. Are there many cops watching this

channel? Jordi is a huge dutch youtuber that focuses on gaming and all

kinds of fun things like that. I've got it from first hand knowledge that he is a

Gryffindor... how do I know well we had some food recently with his girlfriend

Azzy, a good friend of mine and I made him take the sorting quiz!

He wasn't that interested but I said do it! Do it now! Now many of you may know from

my what your Harry Potter house says about you video that Azzyland is also

a Gryffindor... That's right we have a Gryffindor power couple in the YouTube

sphere! It makes sense to me because Azzy is a very brave lady who does not

take stuff lying down!I do spot a bit of Hufflepuff in there but the quiz

does not lie! She is a Gryffindor! If you haven't watched that video yet then

please do it! Finally rockin it for the Gryffindor's

on YouTube we have Joey Graceffa. He made a whole video of him sorting himself

into his Hogwarts house and it turns out he's a proud Gryffindor... now I always

thought that he would be a Ravenclaw maybe that's cause his hair was blue for

a while.... oh no no I guess I'm a Slytherin with red hair but still, good on you

though Joey! So that was celebrities officially in Gryffindor House! Did I

leave any out? Let me know in the comment section down below! There are a few

suspected Gryffindor's out there and I would

definitely place Angelina Jolie as top of my suspected Gryffindor list! What about you

guys? Let me know! Also let me know what Hogwarts house you guys in in the

comment section and also if you haven't watched our previous celebritysortings

then go ahead and do so!

As always guys, if you liked this video make sure you give it a good thumbs up

share with their friends and say subscribed for more magical videos! For

now I'm your friendly and extremely proud neighborhood Slytherin... yay! I will

see you muggles wizards and even squibs in the next video... bye!

For more infomation >> Gryffindor Celebrities sorted by Pottermore! - Duration: 10:01.


5 MINUTES IN NATURE- Relaxing River at Sunset-1080p High Quality Video and Sound - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 5 MINUTES IN NATURE- Relaxing River at Sunset-1080p High Quality Video and Sound - Duration: 5:01.


Zimbabwe news latest 2017| Mugabe refuses to quit as Zimbabweans march in Harare city for his ouster - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Zimbabwe news latest 2017| Mugabe refuses to quit as Zimbabweans march in Harare city for his ouster - Duration: 1:05.



For more infomation >> А ВЫ ТАК ЖЕ ГОТОВИТЕ - "СЕЛЕДКУ ПОД ШУБОЙ"??? - Duration: 2:49.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


What I will never finished...||То,что я никогда не закончу[Hamilton](rus sub) - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> What I will never finished...||То,что я никогда не закончу[Hamilton](rus sub) - Duration: 0:50.


3. Liga: Karlsruher SC schlägt Zwickau I Sportschau - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> 3. Liga: Karlsruher SC schlägt Zwickau I Sportschau - Duration: 6:00.


My Pokemon Team For Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon! - Duration: 8:51.

Wow it only to one week to break faith and not upload on a weekly basis.

But trust me guys there is a good reason for that…

I was lazy…

But anyways by the time this video is released pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon will have

already been out for more than 24 hours.

So I think now is a better time than ever to give you guys the Pokemon team that I will

be using to get through these games.

And as I always do with new pokemon games I really want to try out the new pokemon exclusive

to that region or just pokemon I never used before.

So this isn't going to be a best team for ultra sun and moon or something like that,

this team will only consist of pokemon I really just want to tryout.

So without further ado I present you guys with my pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon team.

If you guys enjoy this video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with

a friend and with that being said let's get started.

1 Normally I would start these kinds of videos

off with the starter pokemon, but I want to keep it a mystery of sorts.

Have a bit of suspense before the climax if you know what I mean…

So instead I decided to start this video off with the first pokemon i'm going to catch,


According to the pokedex leak I saw from project pokemon Inkay is one of the first pokemon

you can catch in the beginning routes.

And I know said I wanted to use new pokemon, but compared to pokemon sun and moon there

aren't really any new pokemon besides lycanroc dusk and the ultra beasts.

Plus this is the only non gen 7 pokemon on my team and I never used it before so bear

with me here.

I always thought that malmar had one of the most interesting ways to evolve with you having

to turn your 3ds upside down.

And combine that with its good typing and ability makes malamar a great pokemon to pick

up for in game use.

Plus he covers weaknesses that my team has so its a win win to get malmar really.

2 As you guys know I really love to center my

teams around a fire water and grass core and for ultra sun and moon it is no different.

And I guess it's fine to tell you now that I won't be using incineroar like I did in

Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Instead I want to replace it with my favorite looking alolan forms, alolan marowak.

When playing through Pokemon Sun and Moon I was so upset at the fact that I had pass

on Alolan Marowak that I just had to add him to my ultra sun and moon team.

It brings great type coverage, strong stats, good abilities, and if you can get the thick

club a seriously dangerous physical attacker.

And I guess it doesn't hurt that it also looks amazing too!

In short Alolan marowak has the total package and is a must have for my ultra sun and moon


3 The third member of my team is finally a pokemon

that is new to this region, Lycanroc dusk form.

A lot of my friends were really surprised when I decided to leave out rockruff from

my sun and moon team and to be honest I regretted it.

Reason being is that I decided to go with drampa over lycanroc and I had to wait till

the near end of the game to get drampa and throughout most of the game I just had 5 party


But this time with the new lycanroc form I decided ehh why the heck not, let's put

him on the team.

And from looking at its stats it'll be nice to have a fast pokemon on the team considering

that most of my pokemon will be pretty slow.

But to go along with that speed it also has a great physical attack and good moves to

compliment that the key move to me being accelerock.

And probably the best thing to come from the new form has to be its new ability tough claws

which powers up most physical moves.

And looking at that physical attack that is quite a tasty ability.

I think it's safe to say that this pokemon will be a BEAST.

4 Speaking of waiting till the end of the game

to get a pokemon the 4th member of my team is a pokemon that I really disliked in Pokemon

Sun and moon.

Kommo-o which is the pseudo-legendary of this region is one that genuinely disappointed


I wasn't really a fan of the design and as you guys know that is a big selling point

for me.

But with a fresh new game comes a fresh new start and I think im ready to finally give

kommo-o a chance.

But this time I think I won't wait till the end of the game to catch it like drampa.

Instead I'm gonna do the cheap thing and trade with a friend for a jangmo-o im sorry

but I really dont want to wait that long to get my last team member again it's really


Moving on to stats do I really need to explain myself here?

The only stat line really lacking is its hp.

Besides that everything else is amazing, even its speed is somewhat passable.

Again it's a Pseudo-Legendary, there is no doubt that kommo-o will be a valuable asset

to the team I just hope I can grow to like it's look.

5 Now if you guys have been paying attention

then you should know that these last 2 spots are reserved to finish my fire water and grass

core that I love so much.

So hey let's finally talk about which starter im going to choose.

Will it be the water fairy type pokemon primarina?

Or will it be the grass ghost pokemon Decidueye.

Well, the starter that I am going to pick for ultra sun and ultra moon is… going to

be told to you right after this message (do you ever want to see this ugly face live?

No well you can in fact This ugly subhuman will actually be streaming pokemon ultra sun

and ultra moon live on twitch and will be using his team he created in this video.

So go check my twitch out man please I need more views.

Link is in the description) The starter that im going to pick for ultra sun and ultra moon



Yup I just couldn't stay away from this awesome archer owl thing even if it meant

having 2 ghost types on my team I just dont care.

All be it has underwhelming stats I can't deny how awesome this pokemon looks.

And not only is the design awesome everything about this pokemon is awesome.

From its signature move, z-move, origin, you name it even shiny is amazing.

So amazing I did a video about it.

And even though it's stats are like I said a bit underwhelming, I think it still will

be good enough to get me through the game.

I guess you can say I am more than a bit excited to try out Decidueye I might even soft reset

for his shiny who knows.

6 And finally the last pokemon on my team and

the pokemon to complete my fire water and grass core will be toxapex.

What can I say mareanie is adorable and toxapex is really strong, it's the perfect combination

for me.

And if you're wondering why I chose toxapex it is one of the best defensive pokemon in

the entire game.

JuST LOOK at those stats, Dang. (you called) And even though every other stat is terrible

it has a bevy of good moves to shield that weakness like toxic spikes and scald.

Plus that unbreakable defense will make it really hard to beat so using toxapex to chip

away damage works well too.

I mean it's no wonder why this pokemon is viable in OU and can even be used in Uber


Too bad regenerator is a hidden ability though, oh well I guess im going to have to breed

for one.

Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a

like and let me know in the comment section below.

If you haven't already subscribe to the channel to become an Eryibro today.

And if you guys ever want to participate in anyone of my top 5 videos I will be asking

for your guys opinion a lot more on twitter so be sure to follow me there.

I also will be updating you guys on when videos come out so if you ever want to know at the

earliest time possible you know where to go.

Also in the comment section let me know what your pokemon ultra sun and moon team will

be I'd love to hear it.

If you want to check out the previous video I did be sure to click the annotation on the


If you want to see some Pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon videos click the other annotation

on the right.

And with that being said I will see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> My Pokemon Team For Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon! - Duration: 8:51.


How I Remade Sonic Mania's Intro Theme using GarageBand | (Behind-The-Scenes of my Song Remixes) - Duration: 19:41.

Hi, how's it going, I'm SilverTom93 and this is a behind-the-scenes look at the Sonic Mania

Intro Theme, which I recreated on GarageBand earlier this year. <music>

So I'm using GarageBand on an iPad; you can

use an iPod or an iPhone; you can even get GarageBand on Macs if you have a Mac or Macbook.

This isn't necessarily a "tutorial" but just sort-of a behind-the-scenes of one of my song

remixes, and to try and show you what goes into a song that I make - it's not just "play

a song, there ya go, there's my remix" - it's a lot more... well as you can see here, there's

a lot of things that go into a song remix. So it's not gonna be a tutorial but it's a

sort-of tips and tricks and how I do it.

So, if I just move my shadowy hand over my iPad: I'm gonna skip ahead to this part; and

I think what I used mainly for the melody in the chorus was the glockenspiel, the piano;

and what it does is it makes this: <music>

You accompany that with a bit more of a thicker sounding electronic lead, so... <music> and

if I just play that on its own (I'll just turn these off)

And then there's an actual melody that plays over the top - so if I play all of those four

at once, then it sounds like this: <music>

And then the melody on its own: <music>

Ok so you get the idea, but then you might be asking: How is this made? How do I put

all these notes together and all these chords, when... when most people use GarageBand, they

have this screen, where you'd play the chords just like that. Now the truth is, I don't

actually use this method, where I play the chords like that; I actually use the grid

method which you see on a lot of other Digital Audio Workstations like FL Studio and things

like that. So...

What you do on GarageBand: you tap on an area that you made, (you double tap) and you click

the edit button. And this takes you in this grid view like this, where you have all of

your notes arranged on a grid. The higher up it is, then the higher the note -- the

lower down it is, the lower the note.

The grid goes up - I dunno if you can see that on this camera, but - the grid counts

up in squares. So, the squares you wanna use as a guidance for the timing of each note

and - it's split into sections where each line is. So you can see at the top:15, 16,

17 etc. And if you want a little bit of guidance, you can turn the metronome on there, which

is like a ticker, which sorta... counts you in.

A song has... usually, two time signatures, which are commonly used. I think every song

on my channel is in a time signature called "4 by 4". It counts up in 4s, 4 times. And

that's just like... one section. So if I just play this right now, can you hear the ticking

noise in the background? 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. So it counts up in 4, 4 times.

There is another time signature called "3 by 4" which counts up in 3, 4 times, as a

segment; but I can't-- usually, there's not many songs made in 3/4 other than Waltz music,

or like "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" or "Happy Birthday To You".

So, this song is in 4/4, obviously, so there are 4 grid squares there, and 4 in there,

to make up 1 segment; and there are 4 of these segments, which puts together to all of these.

So that's 15, 16, 17, 18, before it loops again.

But these grid squares; you wanna sorta zoom in with two fingers, and you can see -- (oh,

didn't know why it jumped like that...) but you can see where the short notes are, which

take up 1 grid square, and there's long notes which take up 4, and right here is in the

middle, so.. it's a bit hard to explain, but once you study the song that you're trying

to recreate and get an idea of the timing of the notes, the position of the notes and

the backing chords, then this should come as like second nature to you.

So, if you wanna place a note, then you slide this red thing over here, and then, just tap

on the grid. So I've added that note in there, and now it makes this:

So if I just tap that and get rid of that - (oops - no! Go away!)

So this was it originally: But I can add an "A" - if you make it wrong,

just slide it anywhere. And then it creates this:

A thing that I see quite a lot on some other people's song remixes when they use GarageBand,

is that they either: try and play the song live and the timing is completely off (that's

quite an impressive thing if you can play a song live on GarageBand and have it sound

incredibly well) - but there's things where like the timing if completely thrown off - so

if I just slide these around just to kinda give a really rough estimate-- it doesn't

go well with how the song is counting; so if I just play this and you can see how badly

this goes along to the metronome. <music> ...yeah so that wasn't timed at all, that

was just..really...sorta... "sloppily placed". It's all about the sound when you make a remix,

because obviously people are gonna be *listening* to it. So you wanna make sure that everything

is at least nicely timed - and the 2nd thing as well, you wanna make sure that all the

notes are correct. Just listen to the song back (that you're trying to recreate), don't

just focus on the main melody but also focus on the backing chords, the bass, how crisp

is the sub-bass? Is it lively? Is it loud?

So that's the main melody. If you've used a lot of other digital audio workstations

then this should all come completely naturally to you, to get a gist of where to place notes

and how to time them, how to make them sound nice, etc.

So, when you make a song, you don't just want the melody playing along with the drums, because

then it just sounds a bit plain and a bit thin - so if I play this now: <music>

You want something to try and thicken the sound and layer it a little bit more. You

might not hear these small mini sounds and effects straight away, but overall for the

entire song, it's gonna make a pretty big difference.

One of the things I added was violin strings - and they sound like this:

So it gives a bit of a background - backing chords, pretty much, just to make the song

a lot more layered. I also added a bit more of a techno synth along with the thing; so

if I play all of those three at once (techno synth, main melody and the violin strings),

and you play those all together: <music>

(Can you already see how this is starting to come together?)

And then as I showed you earlier, I emphasized some notes with the glockenspiel and the piano.

The next thing I added in the intro section was the plucky synth lead which I think starts

here; and there's also another plucky synth which is used for what's called an "arpeggio".

An arpeggio is where notes ascend or descend in an order. So if I show you this arpeggio

(I think that's how you say it? I don't know whether it's a hard G or a soft G)... but

anyway, so the arpeggio on its own sounds like this: <music>'s just that on a loop. If I play the glockenspiel section along with

that, then it's this. <music again>

The arpeggio gives it a bit more of a faster-paced background sound to it, and just makes it

sound a lot more layered - you wanna layer it up as much as you can. If there's too many

sounds going at once, and it might sound a bit badly mixed (you can't hear one thing

over an other) then you just go into the Settings thing up there, next to the effects button.

Here you can change the compression, the treble, bass, you can even change echo and reverb

- that's quite good, especially for drums.

So if we play all of that altogether, if we have every single instrument playing at once,

then the intro segment will sound like this: <music>

(Can you hear the arpeggio in the background?)

And then the final section of the song has a very high-pitched "light melody lead" (not

really very technical, but oh well.) That goes like this:

It's a very 8-bit sorta NES style (Nintendo Entertainment System) synth- and I've used

that along with the same bassline and chords as you heard earlier, so if I play these on

their own: <music>

and then I add the 8-bit synth along with it: <music plays again>

Now i forgot to mention this actually: this line right here (which is being highlighted)

= that track is purely for what's called "sub-bass". You can have a normal bass (do it with strings

if you want, bass guitar, a low electronic bass etc.)

But a "sub-bass" is an extremely low note which goes right into the background, and

in short, it kinda just makes a song sound a bit more "boom"y - it gives a bit of a "boom"

to the song. You can't really tell on this microphone,

you can't really hear the boom, but on a recording when I upload a song to YouTube, you can tell

whether there's sub bass or not. Especially when you listen in headphones (really good

bass headphones) you can tell whether there's sub bass added or not. If I try and play this

on its own, then you're most likely not gonna hear it.

It's extremely quiet, just played out of the normal speaker, but in headphones it's definitely noticeable.

If I just show you the melody of the main lead at the end of the song, (the 8-bit NES

lead), again it uses that grid system - and it looks like this:

Now I actually added a little effect into there - I made a really small note that sorta

"flicks" upwards before it goes down. So if I play that from here, then it will just sound

like this: I could've just left it like that, one long

note; I don't know the correct term for this, but it just makes it sound a bit more chip-tuney,

with a bit of a flick on this note section here. It's not too noticeable, but when you

play it altogether in a song, it just makes it sound a little bit more intricate and detailed

- especially with this arpeggio here. It goes up like that to make this sound:

That's going up on the scale (all the notes that the song is playing in) - so, if you

tap each note, then you hear it. This arpeggio doesn't go up on all the notes

on the keyboard, but instead it goes up on the chords that the song is playing in. I

can make this sound really flat and out-of-tune like this:

......that sounds absolutely horrible :/

I'm just gonna really quickly show you what I did for the drums - I used a premade Apple

GarageBand loop for the kick, which is called "Festival Kick 2" - that's a very loud boomy

kick - all it is is just this:

And then to make things like the hats and things like that, you can do kick drums in

this as well, but I don't really think they sound very good here)- you can just use the

maraca shakes, or the hats and cymbals up here; I also used a snare drum as well just

to make some kicks louder than the others - "kick, snare, kick, snare" throughout the song.

(It kinda sounds like something you'd hear in Sonic Riders?)

To make the drum beat like this, it's almost exactly the same as placing piano notes on

the grid, but instead of "higher up = higher note", it's actually just "higher up = different

instrument". Down here are the kicks, snare, drumsticks, a clap (sounds like an awful clap,

you might wanna use another one), and the the hats, then some weird effect.

The main bit of advice you should take from all of this is: make it layered, make it sound

good, varied instruments, varied pitch, get the timing right;

The final thing I added to the song is what's called "Automation" - not really automation,

it's more just like a cymbal crash. So like, when the drop comes in, when the main verse

comes in, there's a very faint "shh" noise in the background, that fades out or fades in.

So if I play that along with the drums and this as well: <music>

If I play everything all together, then you see where that cymbal comes into play, that

crashing "shh" noise. So if I play this from the start:

And there you go! That's a very rough behind-the-scenes look at one of my song remixes!

This is actually my most viewed song remix now (the Sonic Mania Intro Theme) - it's actually

overtaken the Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep theme which I made at the start of this

year for Kingdom Hearts Month. It's actually overtaken that in view count! That's absolutely

amazing and I'm really thankful that all of you guys like that.

But yeah, this has been a very basic, not-really-tutorial-but-a-behind-the-scenes look at my song remixes!


For more infomation >> How I Remade Sonic Mania's Intro Theme using GarageBand | (Behind-The-Scenes of my Song Remixes) - Duration: 19:41.


If I could tell her Rmv (short) - Duration: 1:24.

He thought you were..Awesome

He thought I was awesome?

My brother.




He said....

there's nothing like your smile.

sort of subtle and perfect and real

he said...

you never knew how wondeful

That smile could make someone feel.

And he knew..

Whenever you get bored you scribble

Stars on the cuff of your jeans.

And he notice.

That you still fill out the quizzes

that they put in them t-teens magizines

But he kept it all inside his head

When he saw

He left unsaid

And though he wanted to

He couldn't talk to you

He couldn't find-


I see things that nobody else see


That nobody else see

For more infomation >> If I could tell her Rmv (short) - Duration: 1:24.


Strange Birds Collab || Asian Multifandom - Duration: 3:01.

The Emi I spend time with yesterday...

is someone I don't know today

It's beautiful

Why would I?

No, your majesty!!

For more infomation >> Strange Birds Collab || Asian Multifandom - Duration: 3:01.


Kia Sorento 2.4 I 16V EX - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kia Sorento 2.4 I 16V EX - Duration: 0:56.


Obładowana Rozenek dźwiga torby od Gucci i Louis Vuitton - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Obładowana Rozenek dźwiga torby od Gucci i Louis Vuitton - Duration: 2:46.


Deal with the Devil 'Polish Cover' (Kakegurui Opening) - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Deal with the Devil 'Polish Cover' (Kakegurui Opening) - Duration: 1:47.


AWAY - Honest To Gød (feat. Charity) (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:43.

📝 AWAY - Honest To Gød (feat.

Charity) Lyrics

Honest to God, I never loved you like I said Heaven forbid you feel the same

I will confess that I have sinned with my hands

And there's no one else to blame So I pray

Plead just enough to save Save myself before I wake

So, drag me down I know you know how

I'm addicted to the pain

The pain...

Is it a crime I don't regret the things I've done?

Never believed a word you said Bitter the taste you left, forever on my lips

And the lies that fill your head So I pray

Plead just enough to save Save myself before I wake

So, drag me down I know you know how

I'm addicted to the pain

The pain...

What have I done to you?

What have I done, have I done to you?

I wasn't honest at all I wasn't honest at all

For more infomation >> AWAY - Honest To Gød (feat. Charity) (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:43.


TRY NOT TO LAUGH Watching SUPER Funny Animals Compilation 2017 | Just for Laughs Gags - Duration: 10:32.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO LAUGH Watching SUPER Funny Animals Compilation 2017 | Just for Laughs Gags - Duration: 10:32.


Roblox|Rap - Duration: 8:55.

Skip to 5:34 to see me rap! :D

For more infomation >> Roblox|Rap - Duration: 8:55.


Megyn Kelly Reveals What She Did for Fox News Execs at Audition: I Am Still Humiliated That I Did It - Duration: 3:31.

NBC's Megyn Kelly revealed a 13-year-old humiliation Thursday as she talked about sexual

harassment in the workplace.

The former Fox News host, speaking on her NBC show, "Today with Megyn Kelly," explained

one facet of her 2004 interview to be hired by the network — a part that appeared to

make her emotional over a decade later.

"When I started at Fox News, I was 32, I had practiced law for 10 years already.

I was asked to do the twirl and I did it," Kelly said.

"I am still humiliated by that," she said.

"Humiliated that I did it."

"I felt degraded in the moment.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is degrading, and in the moment, you don't

know what to do," she said.

She also talked about her thoughts as the men interviewing her asked her to twirl around

for them as part of her interview.

"You think, 'I don't want my relationship to fall apart.

In my business, it's a visual business.

I'm not sure if it's inappropriate,'" she explained.

"You know it is on some level," she added.

Kelly's show Thursday also featured two women who said they were harassed while working

on Capitol Hill.

Attorney Rebecca Weir, who formerly worked for former Rep. Gary Miller, R-Calif., recalled

a moment when she was physically evaluated by Miller as part of her interview.

"As I got up to leave, he stopped me and said 'My God, Rebecca.

You just look stunning, just amazing today.

Really great.

Would you mind just twirling for me?

And I was stunned," Weir said.

"I was 22 years old.

I was young.

I was inexperienced and I frankly didn't have the tools at the time to be able to respond

in the way I probably would now so I complied," she said.

"It was gutting, I felt like a prostitute, like he was undressing me with his eyes.

I felt dirty," she said.

"But at the same time, it was also just part of the job.

My situation, that feeling and those types of situations are not unique on the Hill."

Miller's wife, Cathy, denied the accusation.

Katherine Cichy, who worked for former Sen. Tim Johnson, R-S.D., said her supervisor called

her "hot."

When she complained the Johnson's chief of staff at the time, nothing was done, she


Kelly offered a bit of caution to men who ever want to say something nice to a female

co-worker about her appearance

'If you want to pay a compliment to a woman in the office about how she looks, already

you are in dicey territory, but, 'You look nice,' is always, I feel like that (is)


You cross over into 'hot,' less solid, less solid.

Right?" she said.

Kelly has said that women facing sexual harassment often lack the power to defy their tormentors.

"It's disgusting, it's dejecting, it's maddening and so now you have to ask yourself

what you're going to do about it," she said.

"Are you going to reject this man, upon whom your very future at the company in my

case depends, and in all likelihood in the industry?

In my case, and in the Harvey Weinstein victims' cases, their influence is beyond the company.

It's industry-wide.

"If they want to sink you," she said, "you will be sunk."

For more infomation >> Megyn Kelly Reveals What She Did for Fox News Execs at Audition: I Am Still Humiliated That I Did It - Duration: 3:31.


End Of The Year Book Tag! - Duration: 6:19.

Hi guys, today I thought I would do 'The End of the Year Book Tag'. Which was a

tag created by Ariel Bissett, apparently to just totally and utterly panic me

about the fact that we are nearly at the end of the year and I am now 110%

convinced that time is just broken because I don't understand where

this year has gone and I am freaking out. I wasn't tagged to do this because I'm

not really ever tagged to do tags but I really liked the questions and I thought

it would be fun and I thought it might help me come to terms with the fact that

the is nearly over. Because currently that is something my brain just cannot process.

Question one is 'Are there any books that you started this year that

you need to finish?' Other than the book that I'm currently reading, no,

simply put. I am someone that, unless I decide to totally not finish a book

and DNF it, once I start a book I won't start another one until I finished that

book. So I start a book, pick it up, read it, finish it, move on to the next book.

I don't tend to juggle more than one book at one go. Having said that, the only book

that I think I guess kind of fits into this question is 'The Disney Princess

Comic Treasury'. This is basically just a massive collection of all of the stories

all the Disney Princesses and also some new stories from them as well because

I've just been dipping in and out of this between reads. But other than this

there aren't any books that I have unfinished or half finished but I guess

this is one that I'm not kind of sitting down to read from start to finish but I

don't know whether necessarily I'm going to or want to finish this before the year

is up because I'm quite liking picking this up and making my way through it very slowly.

Question two is 'Do you have an autumnal book to transition you into the

end of the year?' and I have 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern. This is one

that I've been wanting to read for years and I had it on my summer TBR but quite

a few people told me that this would be better to read during the autumn and

winter. So I saved it and I'm hoping to read it this autumn. To be totally honest,

I'm a little bit intimidated by it. Just because I have heard so many amazing

things and I've also heard that it's quite description heavy, which is

something that I'm not usually the biggest fan of but I have heard so many

wonderful things about it and I am very, very excited about it because it sounds

magical, it looks magical and also it has a circus in it. which always intrigues me massively.

The third question is, 'Is there a new release that you were still waiting for?' and to be honest there aren't really

many and the ones that I do have are all graphic novels. Most of the books that I

am super excited about and waiting for seem to be coming out around January or

at least at the beginning of next year. So I am assuming I'm going to be totally

broke by the time 2018 has started. But as I said there are a few graphic novels

that I am very, very excited about that are coming out in the next few months

but I think the one that I'm most excited about is 'Quiet Girl in a Noisy World' by Debbie Tung.

This is a graphic novel that is a collection of short

stories and short comic strips about being an introvert and about growing up

as an introvert and I am so excited about this. I've followed Debbie Tung on

Twitter for quite a while and I absolutely love her artwork and her

little comic strips she posts are always incredibly relatable, especially as an

introvert myself and I am super super excited about it and I think that it is

coming out at the end of November in the UK but I believe it may be coming out

earlier in other places. Question four is 'What are three books you were hoping to

read before the end of the year?' and as I said firstly 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern,

I am desperate to read this. I then also have 'Six of Crows' by Leigh Bardugo

because I am determined to read this book by the end of the year because

it is been on essentially probably nearly all of my TBR's this year and yet

I've still not read it and we are so close to the end of this year and the

last book that I am hoping that I would read before the end of the year, although

I'm not entirely sure whether it will happen. Is 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak

because I've heard so many amazing things about this and I've been wanting

to read it for so long and this was on my TBR for last year of books that I wanted

to read before the end of the year. I didn't manage it, so I'm hoping that

maybe by the end of this year I will have read this book but who knows?

Question five is 'Is there a book you think can still shock you and become your

favourite book of the year?' and honestly no because my favourite book or books of

this year made such a huge impact on me and meant so much to me and I adored

them so, so much, that I think it would be so incredibly hard to top that. I'm not

going to say it's impossible because I would love to find a book that I loved

as much or more than my current favourite book of this year but I do think

that it is highly unlikely but I'm not gonna say it's impossible.

And the last question is 'Have you already started making plans for 2018?'

and yes but I think my main reading plan for 2018 is to just not make a reading

plan for 2018. I kind of just want to take it day by day and book by book and

see what happens. I don't want to put any pressure on myself on how much I want to

read or which specific books I want to read and things like that. Although I

really, really want to get through my TBR and try to not buy as many books. I want

to narrow my TBR down as much as humanly possible throughout 2018 and as I said,

try and not buy as many books. Whether that would be possible, probably

not because I very much enjoy buying books but I'm hoping that, fingers crossed,

I will be able to reduce my TBR significantly next year but other than that,

I don't really have too many reading plans as of right now but having

said that, I do really enjoy planning things. So I'm sure I will change my mind

and have a ton of plans by the end of this year. So those are my answers to

'The End of the Year Book Tag' and because this is a tag, I will tag some people in

the description box and also over on Twitter but I would absolutely love to

know your answers to any of these questions. Especially whether or not you

think there is still a book that could top your current favourite for this year

because I would be really, really interested to know because I personally

find it very unlikely for myself but also I would love to think there is a

book out there that I would love just as much as my current favourite and I would

love to know what you think about your current favourite and whether you think

it could be topped and things like that and yeah I will leave the links to my

Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, Blog and Snapchat in the description box

below, so feel free to follow me on any of those if you would like. And I hope

you're having the loveliest day and I hope you aren't having the freak out

that I currently am about the fact that the year is nearly over. Bye!

For more infomation >> End Of The Year Book Tag! - Duration: 6:19.


How to recover database to a point-in-time in DB2 - Duration: 7:57.

Hello viewers welcome back to db tutorials

So many of the junior DBAs are commonly asking for the database point in time recovery in these times

Lets discuss and see practical test scenario on it today.

Here I have a database called "COMMDB". we all know

to recover the database a certain point in time and it must be

Enabled to archive log mode.


We need to configure logarchmeth1 to the log directory

Here for commdb. I already enable this

Now let me explain the scenario in commdb. I will create a table with name test

There is our second step

And then I'll take an online backup

Then I'll insert data into the table



We'll restore the database to a certain point in time

Let's do the practical implementation now here, I already opened the DB2CMD command prompt

Here is my database list db2 list db


See here I have commdb

Let me connect to the datebase db2 connect to


Let's check whether the logarchmeth1 is enabled or not db2 get



findstr -i log

See here it is enabled


Check for the tables list in


Here I have only one table comm


Let me clear the screen. No. I'll create the table test db2




id int

Name as


Here it is created now let me take the backup

Here we already have a folder for backup

with named



See here it is

Let me take the back up to the directory



Now I'll give a command db2

Backup DB




Include logs

Yeah, here it is done, this is the timestamp of our database backup amiss, okay?

Let me see the time first see this is the time

21:45 is the database backup time

db2 to insert into



Here second row

Leave me, okay



Inside the data first

Here I am in suited up



Let me check the time here time see here it is

20 1 4 2 5 43 seconds and here it is 21 46 and four divisions



Let me recover the database to a certain point in time

Here we don't need the data, which we aren't there right now

We need the table


But we don't need the data, so we

need to

recover the database

to the point in time where

The table data before the table data inserted, so let's see into

Recovered leave me

Calmly b2

Here it is the ear mum

Today is

The date first


And then that's the time 21


When we inserted the data he have 21 46 seconds 40 45 you

signals, so

I'll recover the database to

21 hours 46 minutes 0 0 seconds I

Am using my local time

What they recovered DB command

Will do is it will restore the database and roll forward the logs to a certain point of time

Instead of restoring and roll forwarding we can use this command see let me connect to the database again

Before that let me clear the screen see you to connect to Conley

V2 this

Table here we have test table

Let me check

Whether the data is there about

Test see ya and settle the data

But there is no data because we have point recovered the database before the data that inserted into the database

Thanks for watching the video please do subscribe for more, thank

For more infomation >> How to recover database to a point-in-time in DB2 - Duration: 7:57.


Draw a Fabulous Intro Slide in PowerPoint - Duration: 8:23.


The first slide of your presentation has to be as beautiful as possible to communicate

with clarity that the rest of it is going to be fabulous.

Today, we're gonna learn how to draw this simple and yet stunning European village to use in

your own PowerPoint.

If you do not have time to make each single element or it's simply too difficult,

you can always download these as an image from a link in the description.

Step 1 is to draw the landscape in the background.

First, click insert, shape, and add a rectangle which you need to stretch across the bottom

third of the slide.

Delete the shape outline and make it this darker green color.

Insert one more rectangle and drag it across the remaining portion of the slide.

Just as always, we will remove its outline and under shape fill, click gradient and more


In the right pane, select gradient fill.

Set the first color to be kind of this darker pink and the second shade should be a warm


Great, now let's draw the mountains.

Click insert, shapes, and select curve.

Up from then, just keep clicking every now and then to a zigzag pattern to create mountain

like forms.

This has to be a full shape, therefore let's click a few more times under the original

line and connect the two strings.


Once again, remove the shape outline and color it with a lighter green shade like this one.

Using shift, select both the sky and mountains.

Next, right click and send to back.

If you do not like the way your mountains look, you can always edit the shape under

format, edit shape, edit points.

You can move them around, make them smoother or rougher, you get the idea.

Moving on, insert another rectangle and place it across the area of the slide covered by


Remove the outline and in the right panel, select gradient fill.

This gradient is special, as both colors need to be the same, but make the first one 100%

transparent, the second one deserves to be around 25% transparent.

This mist effect is truly worth it.

Finally, lets add the sun.

Insert, shapes oval and while holding shift, resize it to a large perfect circle.

Color it to white and click this button in the right panel.

Shadow, select the middle preset, set the size to 100%, transparency to 0% and blur

to 100.

The color of the shadow needs to be pale yellow for a true sunlight glow.

Hold shift and resize it how you like.

Follow by placing it in your desired position, select both it and the sky, right click and

send to back.

Wow, now this is starting to look spectacular.

Next up, the trees.

First, click view and select guides for more clarity in your work.

Create a new blank slide and under insert, shapes, select the trapezoid.

As this is the trunk of the tree, it should be rather thin and long.

Using the guides, place it in the exact center of the slide.

Then, insert, shapes, and a rectangle this time.

Stretch it precisely across the right half of the trapezoid, the guides will help you.

Shift and select both, and under format, click merge shapes and fragment.

Now delete the rectangle and as you can see, the trunk is now divided into two equal pieces.

Get rid of their outline and color them in lighter and darker brown.

Next, insert a perfect circle and repeat the process with the rectangle.

Place it across its right half, click merge shapes and fragment.

Same result.

Delete their outline and color them with lighter and darker green.

Group them to one shape.

You can resize it while holding shift.

Moving on, insert this block arch and always hold shift while placing it.

Using the yellow handles, make it thinner and rotate it so that it looks like the branch

of a tree.

Experiment with the ideal position and then make it the color of the trunk it touches.

Copy, paste, and place a few more of them.

Doing this just right may take a few minutes, but you'll get there.

Duplicate those two, click rotate and rotate horizontally to get a perfect mirrored copy.

Bring the circle to front, duplicate it a few times and again play with their positions

and sizes.

Don't worry if it doesn't look good right away, this simply requires time.

When you're almost done, insert yet another circle, send it to back, and make it a very

dark green.

After you are satisfied, select the entire tree, right click and group, group.

Insert one more oval and stretch it at the bottom of the trunk.

Color it to black, but then go to shape fill again and click more fill colors.

Here, adjust the transparency to around 85%.

Send it to back, make it thinner and group it with the tree.

Copy and paste it a few times and experiment with how they look in your scene.

Looking good.

Another thing we need to do is draw the houses, and these are a lot easier, actually.

Create another blank slide and I'm gonna make it green by stretching a shape so that

it sticks out more.

Insert a rectangle, remove its outline and color it white.

Next, insert this isosceles triangle and place it directly on the rectangle.

Make it white again.

Place them however you like, it's your house, your rules.

Now, insert a parallelogram to the left of the triangle.

Using the yellow handles, distort it so that it precisely aligns to the triangle.

Click on shape fill, select gradient and more gradients.

In the right panel, click gradient fill.

Just as always, we need two colors for our roof, and this depends on you, I'm going

with magenta and tangerine.

Feel free to zoom in in the bottom right corner and adjust the distortion.

Zoom back in and duplicate the white rectangle.

Place it just like this, making it form the side wall.

Its color should be a very light grey.

Duplicate the white wall and the roof and create this sideway garage just for effect.

Copy and paste the rectangle again and above it, place this right-angled triangle to fill

the remaining space.


Up from now, the decorations are up to you.

You can add as many windows, flowers, doors or balconies as you like.

I am going for a more simple look with just 3 windows and one door.

As previously, accompany the house with a shadow which you need to stretch along the

entire floor of the house.

Select everything and group, and group.

Awesome job.

Let's turn to the wind turbines.

This is the easiest part, so let's use hyper motion to give you a rough idea how it's


Basically, you just insert a trapezoid, add a circle on top with a smaller darker circle

in the middle and then add three ovals which you need to position in a way that looks good.

When you are finished, select all the shapes and group them together.

And the very last step is to add the title.

Just to let you know, I am using the Product Sans font which was developed by Google, download

it through a link in the description.

First, I am going to insert a text box, but I cannot click on the slide, I have to do

it elsewhere.

I will type in my main title – Austria, and I need to resize it accordingly.

Apply your preffered font, never use Calibri.

I am going to make mine bold.

I am going to duplicate my title and type in the subtitle real quick.

Depending on your background, choose matching colors.

I am going with this dark navy blue and white for the main title.

The last thing you need to do is apply the right shadow.

Under format, click text effects and under shadow, select shadow options.

I am selecting the middle preset, making its size 100%, coloring it to dark red and playing

with its transparency.

Now it just looks perfect.

And there you have it – a wonderful introduction slide for an even better presentation.

Awesome job.

For more infomation >> Draw a Fabulous Intro Slide in PowerPoint - Duration: 8:23.


Sunderlan e Viladoms a EICMA 2017. Obiettivo Dakar - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Sunderlan e Viladoms a EICMA 2017. Obiettivo Dakar - Duration: 9:06.


Pickups: October/November 2017 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Pickups: October/November 2017 - Duration: 2:14.


How to Lower Soil pH for Blueberries (Agricultural Sulfur) | Container Grown | - Duration: 4:46.

how's it going everyone so blueberries require a really low pH to grow best and

sometimes the pH can go up and it needs to be lowered so today I'm going to be

adding some sulfur to my blueberries behind me that I'm growing in root pouch

containers just to lower it so they can grow better and I noticed that the these

blueberries started putting on a bit of an iron deficiency now this can be for

one or two reasons one is that there is no iron in the soil or the second is

that the pH is too high and what happens when the pH is too high the iron becomes

locked up so the roots can't actually uptake the iron that is in the soil and

they can't use it and so what I did was have a bit of a pH test which you can

see up here and I noticed the result of that showed that the soil had a pH of

around eight to eight point five which is way way too high so I really need a

lower which is why I'm going to be adding so far however you can see that

there are some sort of green flecks in that small test so there is some parts

that are quite acidic and that was a pH of about six which is just at the top

range that pepper and blueberries prefer so that is probably the reason why

they're still just chugging along a bit okay so this brand of sulfur recommends

to add five grams per 10 liters of soil or potting mix now these root pouch

containers here they're 30 liters and this recommendation is to lower the pH

by one unit so for example from pH of 7.5 to a pH of a 6.5 but I want to lower

the pH by two units so I'm actually going to double that amount so instead

of using 15 grams per pouch I'm going to be using 30 grams per pouch which

equates to six scoops of the spoon that it includes but first I'm just going to

be taking up the mulch now I'm taking off the mulch because I

want the sulfur to break down in the soil where the roots are and not where

the mulch is now I'm just going to be adding the six scoops evenly around soil

okay now that the software's on now I'm just going to be lightly digging it into

the soil just by the cup of first few centimeters or about the first inch or

so also just make sure that you don't damage the plant roots while you do this

especially blueberries because they're quite fibrous and more to the surface

just be very careful when you're just lightly digging into the soil so there

you go guys that is how easy it is to add sulfur to your soil especially in

containers for blueberries just so they get that optimum pH range and really

explode with some growth so first these o be checking up on them about every

week and doing a pH test every week or so because sulfur actually isn't water

soluble and it requires the microbes in the soil to to break down so as the

microbes feed on it and work it it breaks down into acid and this is what

causes the pH to lower so this generally takes around two to four I think even

maybe four to six weeks to do that so I'll be coming out here every week just

doing a quick pH test just to see how it's going and if it sort of the pH then

stabilizes after a number of weeks at a pH that I think it's still too high I'll

just be adding a bit more sulfur every few weeks until it hits that four to six

pH range so that is it for the video pretty much so thank you for watching

guys if you stuck around to the end so make sure if you like that please leave

it a big thumbs up and if you have any comments suggestions or questions or you

just want to say g'day I'm just put them down below in the comments section and

I'll get back to as soon as I can and finally if you haven't subscribed make

sure you click on my face that'll be popping up around here somewhere it's

not there it'll be there soon and this way you was just stay updated with me on

here on YouTube not Facebook so yeah that way you stay notified whenever I

post a new video you can come along and suss out what I'm doing so yeah thanks

for watching guys I hope you're all having a cracker of a week and I will

catch you guys next video cheers oh sorry guys thought I might also quickly

add if you want to check out more I have more updates around my

garden and these blueberries and things then check out the links in the

description below they'll take you to my meet a social media site so that's a

Facebook and Instagram that way you get more photo updates about these

blueberries and other things I'm doing in the garden so thanks for that I hope

you're having a cracker and I'll catch you next video

For more infomation >> How to Lower Soil pH for Blueberries (Agricultural Sulfur) | Container Grown | - Duration: 4:46.



I will eat chicken, potatoes and cucumber ^.^

And that too


And that !

A pen that I won at the Flunch

So, I'm going to eat that first

Yummy I love it ♥♥

We'll go to the Reunion Island, we'll see my great grandfather and my great grandmother and we'll go to the beach..

We're going to eat..

We're going to do all this stuff

We'll take the bus

And the plaaaaane

We'll do all this stuff

Super and I'm going to pee in the water ^.^

And when we pee too much in the water

Sharks come and eat us like that

Oh I want to.. Oh I want to pee


I went to pee ^^'


I'm back now

So, I asked Santa Claus..

I want Nenuco and Baby Nurse for Christmas ♥

Doctor, why is my Nenuco crying ?

Because he has fever

Doctor, why is my Nenuco crying ?


He is hungry

Doctor, why is my Nenuco crying ?

Because he has fever

I am learning to heal my Nenuco

*that's what is said in the advertising


Look at my dress, it's very pretty, isn't it ?


I love chicken ♥♥

I'll give you some

Take this

What's your favorite princess to disguise you ?

What's your favorite princess to disguise you ? I love the dress of..

The Sleeping Beauty dress

I'm very pretty said mom.. the mom of me

Uh.. I mean my mommy

Why are you coughing ?

Because I lost one of my gloves, I lost one..

Which one is it ?

It taps up

It taps down

It taps on the right

It taps on the left

My little hands, they rub, rub, rub..

They rub up

They rub down

They rub here

And they rub there

I'm a bad deer, I'm going to eat you !

A rabbit come to him, and knock like that..

Deer, deer, open your door

Or the hunter will kill me !

Rabbit, rabbit please come in

An shake my hand

My mom and I are going to make a cake

And then we go to the school party with all my friends *.*

Oh I think I'm not hungry anymore

I'm not hungry anymore

I make you big kisses




How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


[TUTORIAL] Basic Step by Step [V/O] - Duration: 14:13.

Hi, this is your Captain speaking.

While I do a lot of speed paints on this channel, I've been really wanting to do an actual tutorial on how I draw digitally and use photoshop!

I use Photoshopcs5—I have been for about 6 years?

So, I'm very familiar with it, but I'm gonna try to explain all the hoops I jump through on an almost daily basis to make digital art.

The picture I'm working on is of two OriginalCharacters of mine;

It's kind of a companion drawing to one I did before hand of the same characters outside their superhero forms.

So, I'm gonna be jumping back and forth between that drawing and this one a bit to make sure the techniques match.

The sketch is all done before hand.

I usually have a background color in mind before starting and

set that as the BACKGROUND layer as oppose to the default white.

I then make another layer and sketch above the background.

Sketching process is usually the longest, and sometimes I leave myself notes of what I want to include later, or where Ill be putting words at the end.


Now, I'm going to get to work on lineart on a new layer.

I usually use a brush about the size of 13pixels/13px.

I'm going to reference the companion drawing a bit more before going in.

Then I'm going to speed through this so we can get to the shading process!!

Thank you for being patient. Let's get to work!

Right here, I'm eyedropping the colors from the companion drawing and using a paint bucket to fill the new drawing.

The girl is named Rosemary, and the boy is Brad,

and they each get their own layer for their base colors—keeping them separated.


Now that Rose and Brad each have their own layers, it's time to get into some shading.

Before I get into "hard shading" I like to add gradients to the base colors.

And in photoshop, you can add a Gradient overlay in the BLENDING OPTIONS.

I'm going to take the background color, and overlay the base layer with a purple to transparent gradient overlay.

I'm going to do that to both Rose and Brad's layers.

The default BLENDING MODE for the gradient overlay right now is MULTIPLY.

I won't get into the different blending options and settings in this video, but

in this recording I'm going to switch the Gradient Overlay blending mode A LOT

until I decide on one that conveys the mood I'm going for in this picture.

Right here, I'm making duplicates of the base colors layers and of the line art layer,

and then merging them together.

After that I put the merged layer just above the background and add a STROKE outline to it from the blending options.

This gives the characters an outline of my color of choice outside their lineart,

and it'll be used as a selection later in the tutorial.

Now it's time for the HARD SHADING.

I'm going to use the color I used for the STROKE outline to shade both characters.

I take a hard brush and shade anything on the characters that casts a shadow

—or where I think a shadow should be? I kind of just wing that part.

I just shade where I think shade should be.

Similar to the GRADIENT OVERLAY blending mode,

I kind of play around with the HARD SHADING blending mode too.

It's all about trial and error for me when it comes to blending modes.

One I like to use a lot, however, is the DIFFERENCE option.

In a nutshell, it overlays whatever you shade with the kinda complementary color of your choice.

So opposite this pink I'm using to shade is a bright lime green in photoshop.

I'm sure that's not the technical explanation, but that's how I'd describe it honestly.

and it hasn't failed me yet.

Here I go back in and finally decide on the GRADIENT OVERLAY for Rose.

I set it back to its default MULTIPLY blending mode while leaving Brad's gradient set to DIFFERENCE.

It gives them the contrast I want in this picture.

I've also changed the shading blending mode to SUBTRACT which is almost the same as DIFFERENCE, but it's easier to blend with darker colors.

When I do a hard shade, I use a CLIPPING MASK to stay inside the lines essentially.

I make a new layer on top of the base color layer, right click the new layer, and select the "create clipping mask" option.

Now whatever I draw on that layer will be attached to the layer below it—

making any stray marks invisible as long as the layers are clipped.

Brad's shading layer gets set to the same BLENDING MODE as Rose's—

which is SUBTRACT.

And again…winging it with where I put shading and where I don't.

I don't think I'll ever do a tutorial on HOW I shade.

Cause I don't know what I'm doing.

Okay, now I want to give the lineart a bit of a tint to it.

So I'm going to make a new layer over the lineart one and clip them together.

I'm gonna use the base colors to cover certain parts of the lineart.

Again, not much rhyme or reason, just covering what I think will look good.

Usually tinting any lines that don't have much space in between them.

Okay, now that everything I want covered IS covered, I'm going to go into the blending options of the mask layer

and set the opacity to 32%

You can set it to whatever you want, but I usually go low—

and a low number I always pick in Photoshop is my favorite number: 32.

NOW it's time to use the merged layer from earlier.

We're going to select it, then go to the selection tool. Then we right click the document, and choose the "LOAD SELECTION" option.

Make sure your settings look like this before you press OK,

and you get a selection around your line art and base colors;

AKA those moving lines.

You can achieve the same outcome with the MAGICAL WAND SELECTION TOOL and a little patience,

but I do this ahead of time to make things easier for myself later.

Once everything is selected it's time for my favorite part of coloring digitally and thats the after lighting and effects.

But before that I'm going to add one more layer of shading across both base layers, using that same pink from before.

I'm just going to go over any parts I want more dark than everything else?

So like under their necks or anything that is towards the background more.

Okay, NOW it's time for some after fx.

I'm going to create a NEW layer above EVERY layer I have so far—so at the very top.

And using the Loaded Selection, I'm going to fill it with the background purple.

Then I'm going to start playing with the BLENDING MODES again until I find one I like.

Then, using the GRADIENT TOOL—not the Gradient Overlay—

I wanna add another purple to transparent gradient from the top of the picture.

Because I still have the characters selected with the loaded one from earlier, the gradient won't spill out to the background.

Then in the BLENDING OPTIONS I'll set THAT gradient to the SATURATION option with an opacity of 45%

After a quick save of the file, I'm going to get started on the highlights.

I usually have a shading and lighting color for each picture—

for this one the shading color is the purple, while the lighting is the pink.

I'm going to take the pink from the outline and highlight both characters where I see fit on a separate layer—

putting this one above the gradient one.

The blending options for this layer varies too, but in this piece I set it to DIVIDE

which is kind of the same as SUBTRACT and DIFFERENCE except instead of making things darker it makes things lighter

Once I'm done with that, I'm going to save again, and dive into some effects and background elements—

or ACCENTS as I sometimes call it.

I'm going to look at the companion piece once more so they have similar blending modes between accents.

This part varies depending on the piece so I'm going to fast forward to the end!


I like to add one last overlay layer that covers EVERYTHING at the top of the list with a single color for an overall tone.

I chose a darker kind of purple for this piece.

And…yeah, that's it.

This drawing and the companion one are two pieces I'm pretty happy with.

This techniques is one of my more simple ones

just because I didn't have like 35 million layers and like 40 folders.

I hope it was helpful.

Even if you don't have Photoshop, you can use a lot of the same techniques in Fire Alpaca and probably PaintToolSAI.

As for the blending options, both of the other applications have similar blending modes you can try.

I might make a separate tutorial going through all those blending modes if any of you would be interested in that.

Glad I could put this tutorial together, because I love photoshop,

and it's super easy to use once you're pointed in the right direction and not afraid to experiment with different settings and modes.

Just go to town.

Thank you for watching!

I'll see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> [TUTORIAL] Basic Step by Step [V/O] - Duration: 14:13.


Carmena pinta de blanco los coches fúnebres y dice que es "como China o Japón" - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Carmena pinta de blanco los coches fúnebres y dice que es "como China o Japón" - Duration: 3:14.


Se dirigir não atenda o celular; se for para atender não dirija - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Se dirigir não atenda o celular; se for para atender não dirija - Duration: 1:24.


Sunflex be a partner of the Planet - Duration: 2:29.

The world is changing

Also the way we use energy.

And Sunflex is born from this change.

We are a business

that connects sustainable persons.

Persons that desire a clean energy world.

We work with a font

alternative energy: Photovoltaic

But do you know what it is?

Recognized and regulated

by normative resolution


The photovoltaic energy

is an alternate method

of Power Generation

that transforms solar radiation

on electric energy

With this Resolution you can create

many ways

to negociate solar energy

in a much more flexible way

dynamic and economical

for example:

assembling the solar pannel

in the northern of the state

and consuming in the energy in the southern

Now it´s also possible to create cooperatives,

condominiums and solar farms

or even a contract

for consumption of that energy,

like acable TV service payment.

Solar energy is a source

sustainable and inexhaustible.

Besides being clean,

is also much more economical

and can reduce by up to 90% of the energy bill

To be a consumer

of photovoltaic energy

it is necessary to install solar panels

in your home,

on rented land or roofs.

It is possible to have solar energy

without having a solar panels system

installed exactly in your residence

Sunflex makes this connection.

Just access our website

and register for free..

From our database

the information is crossed

between those who want to have solar energy

and who wants to rent a space

whether it is a terrain or an airspace

as a roof for installation

Sunflex Business is not Sell

or install solar panels!

Our role is to connect people and companies

who wish to contribute to build

a more sustainable planet.

The most important thing is that with this partnership

a conscious network is born

about the need of

alternative energy source.

Sunflex Connects People

who care about the environment

Contribute to a future

with sustainable energy

Be a partner on the Planet!

For more infomation >> Sunflex be a partner of the Planet - Duration: 2:29.



For more infomation >> ACT - ATACAMA COSMOLOGY TELESCOPE - Duration: 8:00.


How to Play A Pro Level Snooker Ronnie O`Sullivan Teaching 2017 - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> How to Play A Pro Level Snooker Ronnie O`Sullivan Teaching 2017 - Duration: 8:31.


Obładowana Rozenek dźwiga torby od Gucci i Louis Vuitton - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Obładowana Rozenek dźwiga torby od Gucci i Louis Vuitton - Duration: 2:46.


Wild West Online # 4 Tutorial: How to steal banks ..! - Spanish gameplay - Duration: 5:01.

Hello everyone, i'm F3Rs

This is a new video to Wild west Online

We are here, with Mr. Eustaquio

Say "hello", Eustaquio

In this day we are going to see a small tutorial

about everything you need to know

to steal a bank

Step one: locate a bank

how do we identify banks

by several visual identifiers

the first is that in the top part you usually put "bank"

the second is an icon of a sack with a $

the second is an icon of a sack with a $

the third is if we press the "Y", we get the icon of the safe

if there is a banker

but if we do not see it, it does not mean there is not a bank in the city

it is possible that there is not a banker and have a safe

The security of banks is "very very efficient"

The security of banks is "very very efficient"

All banks have a back door, which is always open

All banks have a back door, which is always open

All banks have a back door, which is always open

Step two, a closed safe

This is a safe that has already been stolen

is already open and tells you that it is empty

is already open and tells you that it is empty

Step three: picks

They are necessary to open the safe

Without the lockpicks you will not be able to open it safe

Step four: prepare for flight

Step five: open the safe

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

Only have five seconds for this

Step six: run away

We become bandits

At this moment there are twelve minutes of search

Step seven: Change stolen gold for dollars

When you are no longer bandits

you can go to any city that has a banker

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

This is the mechanic to steal a bank :D

I say goodbye now, I hope you like the video

I say goodbye now, I hope you like the video

For more infomation >> Wild West Online # 4 Tutorial: How to steal banks ..! - Spanish gameplay - Duration: 5:01.


The Lion Sleeps Tonight (A Cappella Cover) - Duration: 3:04.

In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight

In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight

Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight

Near the village, the quiet village The lion sleeps tonight

Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight

Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight

For more infomation >> The Lion Sleeps Tonight (A Cappella Cover) - Duration: 3:04.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi 132pk ECOdynamics First Edition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi 132pk ECOdynamics First Edition - Duration: 1:00.



Hello! I am Cristiane Amarante, an archaeologist,

and our subject today is: how to

become an archaeologist.

In today's video, I'm going to give you 10 very

important tips if you want to become

an archaeologist.

The first tip: you can start doing an

Archeology college, which we call

graduation. There aren't many

courses in Brazil; we have around

10 courses. In the link

of the description you will see some texts and some links

to these courses if you want to get interested

and study more about it.

Super important tips: there are courses at public

universities and private universities.

It's important to research:

the name of the teachers, the faculty,

who teaches in this course,

and the course's content - what are the subjects,

what you will learn in this course.

Because one is very different from the other,

and which subject interest you the most? Which


who give classes in these courses research things

that have more to do with what you like? So,

this is very, very important.

Second tip:

hmm, but I'm not a graduate of Archeology,

and I really want to be an archaeologist. What should I do?

You can take a master's degree

in the field.

Well, the master's degree will give you the title of

archaeologist. You'll choose a research

topic and with the graduation you did,

which can be History, Geography, Biology,

Architecture or any other,

you'll be able to take an Archeology

course. You can get as close to

themes you have been studying

at your undergrad. So, if you are an engineer,

study similar things, architecture,


or not; another subject may interest you and you

go deeper and studying, but

it may give you the title of archaeologist.

Third tip: doctorate.

So, with the master degree, or sometimes a

straight doctorate, you can become

an archaeologist. But

you can do this if you

want to teach at university,

become a researcher, or

you, just as me, like to study a lot

too. But

if you already have a master degree in Archeology, you are

already an archaeologist; you don't need to have a doctorate

to have a degree. It's a plus knowledge

than what you'd been studying before.

Fourth tip, super important:

watch out for specializations! They

exist in some private

universities, but these specializations

don't give the title of archaeologist.

"Oh, but I really want to do it!" I

indicate it in two situations: one, you are a technician

who already works in the field

in some laboratory of archeology, or

assists some

archeological site of company or university, and wants to

specialize a little more, to understand better, but

doesn't need the title;

or you have an interest in a master or doctorate in the

field, but you don't feel secure to go

straight to a master's or doctor's degree and you want knowledge before.

In these two cases, I indicate them. But beware

that you have no archaeologist's degree if you

have a degree in another field than

Archeology and do a specialization.

Fifth tip,

super important: read, read

a lot about it; but read reliable

texts. Watch videos too; reliable

videos. Are they made by some

archaeologist? Are they connected to

any scientific institution? Many videos of Archeology

and texts of Archeology are linked to

ufology, adventure ... So beware of

what you read, or study, or

watch on the internet. Always look for reliable

sources. Sixth tip:

talk to professionals of this field.

It's important for any field you want to

study. But do you want to be an archaeologist?

For you to understand what the subjects are, what

courses you can do, and to know more

about the field. So that's a very important tip.

Seventh tip: You can be a volunteer.

Where? In some foundation,

museum or Archeology company.

Do you know the person? So make yourself available

there, take a little of your time as a volunteer. You don't

need to follow a schedule; you can go in the late afternoon,

early in the morning, on a Saturday, on a holiday,

but get as close to the field as possible.

I started as a volunteer at an Institute of Archeology,

and that experience was very important to me,

for what I have today as a professional. Eighth



There are paid internships

and unpaid internships. Again,

where can I do an internship? In a museum,

a company,

an institution, a foundation,

an institute that works with Archeology. So,

be a paid or unpaid

trainee. Then you will have a workload,

but you'll have someone assisting you, then

you have a certificate of

what you did and it may be very important for you there in the future.

Ninth tip:

you can attend

congresses, meetings, seminars,

even without being an archaeologist.

It's also very important for you to meet professionals

in the field, to buy books on

the subject, and to listen to the

researches that have been developed in our country.

Super important tip. For some

of these events, you have to be affiliated with some

institution. In others, from universities, they are open

to students who want to know more about the subject.

And tenth tip,

super important to any field, but ...

be very persistent, because sometimes things

do not come fast. Sometimes it takes time, it's a process

a little bit long. But persist,

you'll get there. Here in the description of this video

you'll find some links to

texts, institutions, where you can get better information

and know a little more

of the field and how you can be a professional in

Archeology. If you are not yet subscribed,

sign up! If you are subscribed, you can click there at

the bell so every time there's a new video

you'll know that it's been uploaded. Give

your like in the video, which is also super important,

and follow our page there on Facebook

"Arqueologia Alternativa",

and see you next time!

For more infomation >> 10 DICAS PARA SE TORNAR UM (A) ARQUEÓLOGO (A) - Duration: 7:18.


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Shahid Afridi Bowling BPL today 4 wickets against NEW Record in BPL

For more infomation >> Shahid Afridi Bowling BPL today 4 wickets against NEW Record in BPL - Duration: 2:01.


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For more infomation >> Saiba como se prevenir de doença bucal como a de ex-Dominó - Duration: 2:49.


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For more infomation >> How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy | Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes | how to take care of our eyes - Duration: 3:32.


5 Dangerous Foods All Pregnant Women Should Avoid | foods to avoid during early pregnancy - Duration: 4:08.

five dangerous foods all pregnant women should avoid number one feta cheese feta

is a popular form of cheese used in many salads and pastors and adored by food

connoisseurs all over the world if you're a cheese lover who craves it even

more during pregnancy it's important to know what cheese is safe unfortunately

this type of cheese along with other soft unpasteurized cheese which we

talked about later in this article has been linked to foodborne illness when

infected with listeriosis there's risk of a miscarriage premature labor and

severe illness interestingly some meats are also a risk to pregnant women

because they may contain less Styria keep reading to learn about these meats

number two king mackerel king mackerel may be a healthy source of omega-3 fatty

acids for average individuals but the high level of mercury in this particular

fish and a few others on our list can be potentially dangerous to your unborn

baby too much mercury can damage your baby's developing nervous system the

risks of consuming king mackerel fish while pregnant far outweigh the benefits

especially when there are a lot of other fish you can eat instead for those who

really like mackerel there are some other types of mackerel

that are okay in moderation according to the American Pregnancy Association

number three caffeinated coffee / DS / pop the amount of caffeine a pregnant

woman can safely consume has been widely argued by many experts caffeine can

cross the placenta and affect your baby's heart rate common sources of

caffeine include but are not limited to coffee tea and pop many doctors

recommend that pregnant women consume no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per

day on average an 8 ounce cup of coffee contains approximately 95 milligrams of

caffeine an 8 ounce cup of tea contains about 47 milligrams and under 12 ounce

Popkin Taine's about 29 milligrams if you're

unsure about how much caffeine is safe it's best to avoid it altogether until

you talk to your doctor number for brie cheese brie cheese similar to feta

cheese is commonly unpasteurized and can pose potential health risks to you and

your unborn baby listeriosis can be incredibly dangerous for pregnant women

even a mild form of this infection can lead to miscarriage stillbirth or severe

illness in newborn babies always check the label and avoid any foods that

indicate that they are unpasteurized some doctors say that if the

unpasteurized cheese is cooked it is okay to eat but you shouldn't take this

chance until you've spoken with your doctor if you aren't sure don't risk it

number 5 deli meats deli meats are a staple lunch item in households across

North America they're convenient and cheap make filling sandwiches and

children generally like them but their safety related to pregnant women has

been a controversial topic for years in general processed deli meats should be

avoided during pregnancy these meats have been linked to causing listeriosis

a dangerous foodborne illness that can cause miscarriage severe illness and

even still births the average person would feel mild flu-like symptoms but

the disease is much more severe for women who are pregnant either cook these

meats until they are steaming hot or avoid them altogether thank you for

watching this subscribe for more


For more infomation >> 5 Dangerous Foods All Pregnant Women Should Avoid | foods to avoid during early pregnancy - Duration: 4:08.


5 Important Things To Know When You Are Pregnant For The First Time - Duration: 3:35.

five important things to know when you are pregnant for the first time

important things about first-time pregnancy here is the list of five

imperative things to know about pregnancy especially if you happen to be

a first-time mom following the safety measures will make pregnancy the most

enjoyable and memorable part of life one signs that confirm you are pregnant in

the excitement of conceiving a baby many times false symptoms lead to confusion

understand that there are some solid signs which indicate that you are

pregnant one way to confirm your pregnancy is to conduct a home-based

urine test using the kits available in the market you could also get a

pregnancy test done by a doctor secondly there are some typical first-time

pregnancy symptoms which can ratify your pregnancy you could feel nauseous have a

back pain have mood swings suffer from tender or swollen breasts have cravings

for some particular food and of course you miss your periods to understanding

the family medical history this is one of the most crucial things to remember

during pregnancy once you conceive it is a good idea to discuss your mothers

grandmothers or aunts pregnancies it helps you learn about any genetic

disorders or birth abnormalities in the family line information like this will

prepare you for any potential problems and take preventive actions if required

3 how much weight gain is normal most women are worried about weight gain

during their pregnancy for the first time and are eager to lose it at the

earliest post pregnancy your weight gain depends on your BMI body mass index

before pregnancy if you are overweight when you conceive then you are advised

to put on fewer calories than someone who is of normal weight the basic idea

is that the fetus should get necessary nutrients to grow and have a healthy

development so eating the right meal and understanding the needs of the baby are

a prior for what to eat and what not to eat

along with the regular dose of vitamin and health supplements you should have a

nutritious wholesome and balanced diet doctors usually provide a proper diet

chart as per your unique needs also you need to stay away from alcohol and

caffeine products as they can increase the chances of premature delivery

congenital disabilities and underweight in babies five physical activities are a

must your everyday exercise routine ensures the smooth functioning of your

body remember childbirth is a laborious process that

demands a lot of energy only a healthy body can withstand the various stages of

labor exercises also help in alleviating the usual discomforts one experiences in

pregnancy they strengthen your muscles to endure pregnancy pains results show

the right workout routine of a pregnant mum significantly supports the

development of your baby's entire system thank you for watching this subscribe

for more


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