Monday, November 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2017

In Medjugorje ... 3 of the 6 visionaries 9 secrets instead of 10.

When they have all 10 secrets will end of daily appearances, including

the appearance from 17:40 when Mary leaves No messages. it will, however, I think

an apparition each LED, 1x year.

When Mary cease to appear, there will 3 warnings in rapid succession

and you will be notified 3 days before each warning. We'll know: where, what, how?

this will be events on Earth that

and it will produce an additional time through to convert.

It semblerai the warnings concern ... the village of Medjugorje.

The visible sign supernatural indestructible Standing and appear on the mountain where

Mary appeared when this sign will appear there will be many cures and this will

the third secret.

Some secrets concerning the lights and the village of Medjugorje and other Earth


We also know that some LEDs will still alive when the 10th arrives secrets

they have about 50 years old today ...

Presumably the tenth secret happen for 20 or 30 years ...

At the end of secrets there will be a Pentecost Love 100 years and the power of Satan

will be destroyed ...

When the secrets come nonbelievers will very scared and those who believe in

Mary and Jesus will be quieter ...

The statue of the Virgin and Child ...

The owners have the statue of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus for 10 years,

When the grandmother saw him, she fell in love and decided to buy it, despite

his lack of money.

When moving, the statue is accidentally fell and she was


After crossing times extremely tough, December 31, 2011 at 16:00.

After having dusted the statue, the grandfather felt a kind of oil in the brush with

which he was cleaning the corners.

It was just as Jesus left arm.

After discovering the oil, they put in a safe place.

The statue began to produce more oil, The owners thank the Lord for having

bless their families.

If you liked this video, you can subscribe ...

Otherwise you can click 200 videos ... to see other videos of the same style ...

For more infomation >> The secrets of Medjugorje (little news) and the Virgin and Child cry of oil - Duration: 3:54.


MK Ultra, Flat Earth, Corey Goode, Luciferian Agenda (Part 1): Interview with the PigTail Gurl - Duration: 31:12.

For more infomation >> MK Ultra, Flat Earth, Corey Goode, Luciferian Agenda (Part 1): Interview with the PigTail Gurl - Duration: 31:12.


DCS: F-15C FC3 - Tacan, ILS and Landing - #5 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 13:33.

Welcome to revientor Reborn, this is DCSw, in a Spanish F-15 with FC3

today I will perform a heavy landing, tacan and ILS landing all in one

as you can see the plane is full of fuel, 25000lb,

to tland the important thing is the AOA, you will have to keep it in 22

with these 22 os aoa will get automatically the speed

I will take out the airbrake, flaps, and G for landing gear, check the landing gear lights

I will land visually, there on the down lefs is the AOA, once we pass 18 AOA it´s showed there, and on the left is the AOA scale

on the right we have the altitude and under 1000 feet will be radiric one

this is all automatic

the nose light I have active the taxi beacause when takeoff i do not turn it off, in that way I know when landing I only have to use the key once to set landing light

If you enter in ckpit with the plane in air, you will have it off

the speed with heavy plane is around 200 knots

with a normal landing is around 150 knots

AOA 19 is really easy to keep it, and now it´s time to look for the black think over the runway

180 knot, some nose Up to keep it safe

it´s time to idle be carefull

not keep the aoa of 22 to aerobreaking

I am end out of the runway.... this is nos breaking too heavy!!!!

land with this weigh kind of shit

too arcade all, I have not flat tire

because there is no enough braking power

look the HUD, there is a W, you have to keep that W less than 15º of pitch, the ideal is 13 to mach the 22 AOA

with 25 AOA you will have a tail strike

do not over pass pitch of 15 or AOA of 25

now to ILS/TACAN

now I have less weigh, alf of internal fuel, 12000lb less than the previous landing,

same procedure, flaps, landing gear, check landing light airbrake if needed

now go to ILS mode, from nav mode hit the nº1 to get ils mode

all is already set to ils now, in the HSI you have the heading to the ILS/tacan station

in the HUD the ils is always a cross, you have to put that cross over the FPM to fly in the ils path

the ADI use the ILS too, you have to make a cross with those yellow lines

I have go go left and descend

the change is automatic but you have to be in ILS recepcion, if you are far away his ils mode will path to you to the start of the ils gate

full arcade, tacan and ils in one automatic

there is the ILSmode, and Cset, Cset is tacan configuration

there are more indication there when ils is find

if we change the waypoint usen the key, this will change the airbase, look the distance, then to go back to your base you have to cycle all ones, and wait for the closest range

you can check with your waypoint 0 the distance and look for the ILS with that distance

when you change the mode nav-ils ils-nav, the base is also change and you have to cycle all the waypoints

now I have the lecture Cesup, that means you have to go up, I already have the landing speed

now when the cross in the hud is in the correct place we lost the lecture cesup, and we have a blank, that means you are in path

would be nice have this mission at night to see the landing light.... but sorry

as you can see you only have to use the nº1 very easy

when you have lecure you can use only the ADI and hsi

now I am in ILSrange the ADI have horizontal and vertical readings

nos is Cson, that means you are too hi, you need to go down

now I am ok

we can use this view only if you want

csup now, I need to go up, as I show to you before

now is time to 22 AOA, is harder to keep but better to slow the plane

150 knot and the ils is good, and landed

keep that 13 of pitch or 22 AOA

at 100knot low the nose and start using the wheel breaks

as you can see the weigh matters

now there is nothing to do to activate the nws, yous use your pedals, be carefull not use the nws while landing you could spin around your neck

with aerobraking you can use it because the nose wheel is not touching the ground and you can center the plane in the runway

keep the flaps down until you get out the runway

that is all I hope you liked subscribe hit that like button and give me a comment below , bye bye and be happy

For more infomation >> DCS: F-15C FC3 - Tacan, ILS and Landing - #5 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 13:33.


Hugo y Gabaldón ('GH Revolution') sobre Lorena, la nueva concursante - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Hugo y Gabaldón ('GH Revolution') sobre Lorena, la nueva concursante - Duration: 3:06.


Negocios Rentables de 200 a 800 $/ € parte 6 Se tu jefe - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Negocios Rentables de 200 a 800 $/ € parte 6 Se tu jefe - Duration: 2:31.


CD9 - No Le Hablen de Amor Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> CD9 - No Le Hablen de Amor Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 5:31.


Os segredos do bom conteúdo, com Ann Handley | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 12:40.

Ann, thank you so much for being here with us.

It's such a great pleasure for us to have you here.

You're a thought leader in content.

and contents are alive here.

So, you've probably seen it.

So, how does it feel to be in Brazil?

I guess for the first time, right?

Yeah. First time in Brazil.

This is an amazing event.

I mean, congrats to you guys.

I mean, it's an amazing event in Latin America

but it's an amazing event, just period.

I go to a lot of marketing events.

and this is... this is special.

This is really, really good. So, well done.

-It's really nice to hear. -Yeah, it's great!

So Ann, right now we have, like, a huge audience

in our blog, in our content platforms.

Many people couldn't come to the event.

What were, like, the highlights of your talk here?

and the things that you think people have to

get away from here with them, you know?

Yeah. So, a couple of things.

First of all, if you're not here this year

be here next year. You do not want to miss it.

He didn't even tell me to say that, but seriously.

So, that's number one.

What I talked about today was the challenge of

standing out in a world of content overload.

There's a lot of noise in content. Marketing is part of that.

You know, we'e trying to break through,

but I think a smarter approach

is to not think about breaking through, but to actually

think about aligning yourself in the lives of your customers

in a way that really matters to them.

I want marketing to matter,

I want marketers to be inspired

and empowered to connect with

their audience, meaning that they know who they're talking to

and that they're providing value to the lives of their customers.

So, that to me is the biggest oportunity in marketing today.

And I want marketers around the world to do that

but especially in Brazil because I think it's a huge oportunity here

to don't market the way everyone else is marketing,

instead, you know, create value for people.

We have a joke here that

one nice thing about being a Brazilian

is that you can predict the future.

You just look to the U.S.

and in probably five years or so it's going to happen here.

How do you see this evolution of content in the U.S.?

From, like, something that no one was doing

to now a more crowded space and you have to stand out.

How was this movement there, so we can project

what is going to be here, like in the next years?

I think content marketing in the U.S.

went through a period of marketers and business

just creating more and more.

You know, because we could. We have technology

that allows us to do that. So, why not?

Let's do more video. Let's do a webnar to go with that video.

Let's do an infographic to market that webnar.

I mean, there're million things that are being created.

But I think in the U.S. we'e realizing

that's the wrong approach.

So, instead, what we're doing in the U.S. is creating less.

So, create not more content, but more relevant content.

Very often, less is more.

If you can create content that has more meaning

and more impact in the lives of your customers,

that's what matters.

So, in Brazil, skip that whole step

of creating all the more stuff

and instead, just focus on how you can matter to the people

you're trying to reach.

So, start there. Don't worry about, you know,

being all things to all people.

I think businessess have an idea that we

need to do everything and we need to appeal to everybody.

but we don't.

Instead, it's a lot more eficient and a lot more effective if we just focus on

ultimately who we really matter to.

And it's really curious because we usually say that

marketing is changing all the time and...

things are changing and the internet is changing everything.

But when I hear you saying the root of ths common mistake

is that we don't do the basics of marketing, which is

-connection to our customer, right? -It's true.

Understand who they are, what they'e doing

what are their problems. So...

Right. And we have more tools than ever to do that, you know.

We have so many more ways of really understanding our customers,

But still... and you're right.

So many marketers that I talk to, never actually sit down

and talk to their customers.

It's like: Oh, no, custumer services does that,

sales does that. You know, we'e collecting data.

But when I say:

When was the last time you had lunch

or when was the last time you had a cup of coffee with your customer?

-Exactly. -It's like...

And that's basic. To me that's the foundation of all marketing.

Even in this world where there's a million ways

to connect with them, that I think is a really valuable thing,

that still is required and that is often missing.

People usually think about tools and channels

and how to create Facebook ads or things like that

but they never leave their chair and...

just study that and think it's enough, right?

Yes. And that is all great.

I mean, it' all important, but at the same time,

let's focus on the basics first,

and then figure out how we're actually going to connect

to them in a bigger way.

One thing that is really common, is that... at least here in Brazil,

companies usually get excited about creating content

but they can't keep it up, so...

they just stop producing with the same frequency they had before.

and it's not easy to create a good content.

So, how to overcome that challenge?

Do you think outsorcing is a good chance, or...

How do you make the content, even in house, easier to be made?

I mean, how to keep up with the pace that most companies are not used to?

-It's not like their core, right? -Yes.

I think a lot of companies, really, are too ambitious.

I mean, you don't need to be on Facebook Live

and on Facebook, and on Instagram and on Twitter,

and you don' need to have a Snapchat channel,

and, you know... and again, create a webinar

and also write, you know, five blogs a week.

You don't need to do all that.

Instead, you know, what can you do well?

So, start there.

In other words, sort of contract that. Figure out what resonates the most,

what matters and then, at the same time,

what can you really put the energy to.

And then, create a schedule, you know?

Looking over here at Trello.

Content platform, right? And so...

Just, you know, and editorial calendar can help that process.

It doesn't have to be Trello, it's just that it's staring at me right now.

But anything that helps you sort of, you know, keep on track.

I mean, I think the worse thing you could do

with any content progam is to go big too fast, too soon

and then, burn out.

So, instead, start small

build up your audience over time and make them anticipate you.

I mean, I think a great model for that

is to look at what TV shows do, what magazines do, what publishers do.

It's like they have a shedule, you know,

of their producing shows.

And we should be the same way as marketers.

At the end of the day, that is the chance we have, right?.

We become a media vehicle

inside our companies, right?

Yeah. And the best approach to that would be like think about Netflix

if your customers are willing to binge on your content,

then you're doing it right.

But before that, you know, just the idea of

placing content at a certain cadence, I think it's so important.

We're going to have a Netflix speaker here

-I'm going to use this hook with him. -Ok. Yeah.

So Ann, you have this new book "Everybody Writes".

People can see it here. We can actuallu buy it in Brazil.

We found out that we have it here. There is a store here selling the book.

What do we find in this book? What do we learn?

You can learn everything. Every secret of the universe.

-Everything. -That's a cheap book then.

It's worth it. No, I'm kidding.

So, I wrote "Everybody Writes"

because I wanted to give businesses and marketers

a sense of how do we actually create content that

reaches the people we want to reach and then engages them.

And I focused on writing because I believe

that great writing is the foundation for all the other content that we are creating.

Sometimes it's the backbone and sometimes it's actually the content

But, you know, that is true of a video script, for example,

that is true of any of the copy that's surrounding a podcast,

or anything you're producing.

So, I really wanted to give businesses and marketers

a sort of a how to guide.

How do we create content that is awsome?

You know, and again, from a writing stand point.

A lot of marketers, a lot of business people

have not taken a writing course since college.

But in this world, that is not going to help you.

It's like you need to figure out how to write more engaging

and empathetic content.

And that's what this book does, that's what it's about.

And you also wrote "Content Rules", which was a best-seller.

Yes, we're actually working on the second edition of that now

That's a scoop. You heard it right here in Brazil.

I haven't told anybody that publically.

So, we just signed a contract a few weeks ago.

And we're doing a second edition.

That's awsome. And how was it? I mean, it became like a content bible.

I don't think there was another book about content before that, right?

Well, there were other ones, but it's definitely...

It's the best selling book on content marketing.

And it's been translated into, I don' know,

I think like 15, 17 languages at this point.

It was tremendous and, you know, for me personally, it really did

put me and my barand on the map, so to speak.

But, more than that,

I really feel like it's helped people quite a bit.

And that's really what I try to do with all of my books.

I want to educate marketers.

And I want them to feel inspired.

So, I try to offer equal parts of education and inspiration.

And it's really important.

I was talking about that with my team a few days ago.

That people usually talk about learning in a more technical way,

but inspiration is as important as well.

It doesn't matter if you learn something and you don't put it into practice.

-and don't actually do it. -Exactly.

Of course. We're in marketing, we're not brain surgeons.

In the sense that we can have fun at our jobs.

You don't want your brain surgeon having fun

when he's got your head open and operating on you

But, you know, marketing is fun.

It should be fun. We should be... We should love it.

Like Jocko, who was on this morning before me.

I love that message that he had about, you know,

let's have fun, but also let's create meaning.

I don' think that the two are mutually exclusive.

I think they are the same thing.

That's what I want to bring to the world of marketing.

All right. One last question.

Many people didn't start creating content yet.

So, if you have to give the first step,

What do you have to do? What are the first steps you have to take

to create a good content and to creat an audience to you company?

Sure. So, two things. Number one,

Make sure you know who you're talking to really well.

If you only have this sort of big notion of who your audience is,

you know, do the research, take them to coffee.

Make sure you get to know them better,

because that's number one, so that you really have sombody in mind.

And I always say, you know, create content for one person

Criate content that helps one person who you know.

And I think it makes it a whole lot easier when you think of things that way

Don't think of, you know, our personas and I'm going to reach an entire audience

Think of one person. Huge difference.

So, that's number one.

Number two: look at your data.

I was sharing an example this morning from a law firm in Chicago, Illinois.

And just by looking at their analytics they knew which pages

were the most visited of their website.

Which meant they knew which were the most important

to people who were coming to the firm.

And so, just in terms of getting your message out there

and helping it connect to more people, you know,

look at your analytics, figure it out.

What are those areas of your website that can start to pull in some content

to engage a little bit more.

-Ann, one last request. -Yeah!

Can you please save the date for RD Summit for the rest of your life?

-It was so great to have you here. -Thank you so much!

-So great to have you in this interview. -Yeah, thank you so much!

We hope to see you soon again.

-Bye! -Bye-Bye!

For more infomation >> Os segredos do bom conteúdo, com Ann Handley | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 12:40.


ARCHES Grupos MBBAA - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> ARCHES Grupos MBBAA - Duration: 3:09.


SuperHero Learn Colors with Colours UFO Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 31:06.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> SuperHero Learn Colors with Colours UFO Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 31:06.



if the filming is not that good it's because these arm doesn't really move

more than this -

just trying

Olá youtube my name is Ricardo Lino and I´m a wheel

addict injured wheel addict, and because I can't skate I film my wife skating

if the filming is not that good it's because this harm doesn't really move

more than this

what any reason I can do that so you're you're saying that your hubby did a good

job by building your app at home right

to give a damn and now she's doing it alone because she says that she can't

have the balance with a GoPro check this

most oh we almost got that one live you know you know why there happened because

he came in the ramp sideways anything the time but then try to come more like

straight into the room oh you drop it curb they come back and then I'm gonna

jump this corner it's called the hip gonna jump

and now what you gonna do and that's it that was a that was a quick stop with

injured lino and his wife it'll in lunga ban skatepark about oops

about two hours away when a half hour away from kata now we're gonna drive

back home hopefully my arm will be better tomorrow

and I can flex it and extend it completely and well now that's it what

you guys enjoyed this one if you did enjoy this one don't forget to subscribe

to the channel and let me know if you like the video by giving me thumbs up if

you didn't like it give me thumbs down and more important anything else just

don't forget why we all started skating because it's fun and I'm gonna try to

end this with a slide and hopefully with the lpr that's right

For more infomation >> SKATE PARK SESSION WITH MY WIFE ON ROLLER SKATES // VLOG 187 - Duration: 5:55.


El independentismo necesita un nuevo relato para el 21-D - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> El independentismo necesita un nuevo relato para el 21-D - Duration: 8:11.


Pop Latino 2017 - Mega Video Hits J Balvin, Maluma, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam, Wisin, CNCO - Duration: 1:06:22.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Pop Latino 2017 - Mega Video Hits J Balvin, Maluma, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam, Wisin, CNCO - Duration: 1:06:22.


G.I. Joe. La historia detrás de la leyenda. The story behind the legend (English subtitles). - Duration: 10:25.

In March 1959

in the toy stores' shelves

for the first time appears

the doll that would become into an icon

for the girls around the world


the company Mattel until that moment

dominated the toy industry

that is how the company Hasbro becomes Mattel's first competitor

as in 1964 releases the G.I. Joe liine for the first time

they were 12 inches figures, similar to Barbie

but in masculine version

and using themes that hooked the interest of male children

specifically the military theme

soon the phrase "action figure" is coined

in the beginning the line of action figures had only the military theme

that is, the representation of soldiers

but soon G.I. Joe passed of being a soldier to turn into an action hero

and rather than having tanks, jeeps and all kind of military gear

now other action themes were incorporated

even fantastic ones

we can say that before 1970 G.I. Joe was only a military hero

after this year, G.I. Joe was not only a military hero

but started to incorporate different elements, many of them even borrowed from fantasy

from superheroes and even things much more strange

as it happens with all toy lines

G.I. Joe started a decline period

that ended with the cancellation of the line in 1976

in 1979 Hasbro

had the intention to revive the G.I. Joe line

but in lieu of being a military line

tried to incorporate technological and science fiction elements

they tried to make a "Mission Impossible" like team

nevertheless not all Hasbro's executives believed this was a good idea

the plans for the G.I. Joe revival was not left apart totally

for that time happened something that would change the history of G.I. Joe forever

oil price started to rise dramatically

and this made scarce the raw material with which the G.I.Joe figures were made: plastic

for that time, the Star Wars action figures line was a world success

the 3.75 inches small figures were extremely practical

not only for they allowed to save plastic

but it was easier to create vehicles for figures that small to sell alongside them

so the manufacturer could have a better income

thus Hasbro considering all these factors

plastic high price

3.75 inches Star Wars action figures success

and also the popularity of those small green soldiers everyone has played with

Hasbro thought the next line of G.I.Joe had to be with 3.75 inches action figures

like that they would save plastic and could more easily create vehicles and playsets

in 1981 Hasbro was very close to cancel the G.I. Joe revival project

one of the main problems that faced the group of designers of G.I. Joe

was the competitor line Star Wars

Kenner's toy line had a great momentum thanks to the three Star Wars movies

that for that moment were a boom around the world

Kenner had the three movies as a marketing tool to promote their Star Wars toys

but Hasbro did not have any movie about G.I. Joe to propel the revival of the action figures line

the G.I. Joe revival project faced a lot of obstacles

and there was a point in which again it was thought the project would be cancelled

and G.I. Joe would not be seen on the toy stores shelves never again

however, a destiny twist allowed the project not to die

as in a charity event the president of Hasbro met casually the president of Marvel comics

both discussed the G.I. Joe project

Marvel's president took interest in the project as Hasbro wanted to try something different

and this different thing was they wanted to advertise the G.I. Joe comic-book on television

turning G.I. Joe into the only comic in history that has been advertised on TV

Hasbro's intention was to promote G.I. Joe action figures

via television animations

however there were many restrictions at the moment regarding how an action figures commercial should be

one of these regulations said that the commercial had to show kids

playing with the promoted toy

moreover the animations had to be quite brief

but to promote a comic by means of television there were not any regulations

simply because no one had tried that before

Hasbro took the risk and invested 3 million Dollars in creating a series of 30 seconds commercials

to promote G.I. Joe comics produced by Marvel

new toy line's characters to be introduced would be featured in the comics

that is how Marvel started the project of the G.I. Joe comic

the person in charge to bring life to the comic was Larry Hama

in a next video we will talk about this man

who had so much influence in the origin and development of the G.I. Joe a real american hero line

in the beginning no enemies were considered to G.I. joe

because of in the past enemies action figures did not sell well

but Larry Hama insisted that a special forces squad with no threat to fight was something that made no sense

thus writer Archie Goodwin who was working for Marvel at the time, created the terrorist organization Cobra

it was also Larry Hama's idea creating the famous filecards that came with every figure

these cards contained the character's biographical information

and his military specialty

finally the day came in the summer of 1982

G.I. Joe a real American hero was born

it is said that Hasbro's president Stephen Hassenfeld cried with emotion that day

although Hasbro's projections for sales that year

were roughly 15 million Dollars

G.I. Joe a real American hero ended that year selling more than 50 million Dollars

turning into children's most sought after toy that Christmas

For more infomation >> G.I. Joe. La historia detrás de la leyenda. The story behind the legend (English subtitles). - Duration: 10:25.


Spiderman Finger Family Song - Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Duration: 2:04.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Spiderman Finger Family Song - Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Duration: 2:04.


¿Se puede prevenir la amnesia? - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> ¿Se puede prevenir la amnesia? - Duration: 9:38.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


New 3 ICO । New Connect। Chronium । NUMIV। Updates of Three Coins।। - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> New 3 ICO । New Connect। Chronium । NUMIV। Updates of Three Coins।। - Duration: 7:04.


✔ Jasper變身樹懶耍賴!陳小春的處理方式和應采兒不同但非常有效 ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> ✔ Jasper變身樹懶耍賴!陳小春的處理方式和應采兒不同但非常有效 ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 4:42.


Món ăn bài thuốc phòng trị tăng huyết áp ✔ - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Món ăn bài thuốc phòng trị tăng huyết áp ✔ - Duration: 3:33.


Cười không nhặt được mồm ║ Những pha chơi ngu hài hước bá đạo nhât ─ #60 - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> Cười không nhặt được mồm ║ Những pha chơi ngu hài hước bá đạo nhât ─ #60 - Duration: 10:59.


TOP 10 České vynálezy, které změnily svět - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 České vynálezy, které změnily svět - Duration: 10:06.


방탄소년단, 10번째 1억뷰…"BTS, I NEED U" - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> 방탄소년단, 10번째 1억뷰…"BTS, I NEED U" - Duration: 2:14.


How to วิธีทำเครื่องเจาะสว่าน เครื่องเจาะตั้งโต๊ะ ทำเองง่ายๆได้ที่บ้าน - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> How to วิธีทำเครื่องเจาะสว่าน เครื่องเจาะตั้งโต๊ะ ทำเองง่ายๆได้ที่บ้าน - Duration: 7:08.


GF Vip: errore imperdonabile di Giulia De Lellis | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: errore imperdonabile di Giulia De Lellis | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


GF Vip, la verità sulla sessualità di Jeremias: parla mamma Rodriguez | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, la verità sulla sessualità di Jeremias: parla mamma Rodriguez | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Martin Kohlstedt - Strom (Chapter I) - Duration: 13:14.

Everyone has an image of himself but also a persona

Usually those two barely resemble each other in the slightest

The guy in the photo helps, he helps me.

He has everything under control

He has a plan

I'll just wait for what he has planned and see if it feels right

[We start 8:15 pm]

Check the sound and entrance. Sound is important

[How many people are coming?]

We start in fifteen seconds, then Martin will come on stage.

Have an awesome evening. Thank you for everything

Best wishes from Martin


Far too quiet microphone


A form of communication is taking place that I deemed impossible, because I thought I developed something just for myself

But I can apparently speak freely about it

On stage, I try to let the nightmare take over, because it contains the most energy

It reaches another who understands what I'm going on about

I have the feeling that I'm somehow breaking things everywhere

That's a kind of underlying feeling because I really am breaking things within myself

That is my goal

You embody a dialoge, so to speak

a breaking

The sound of the piano has

something woody to it, something incredibly intimate

It has a character, like every living being has one

It is this old instance that listens to everything. It became a listener.

It knows you. It has seen you grow up. Because it grew up with you

All your tears, sweat and everything of you in these wooden boards

Eh, that was crap

We do not really want to go in there commissioner, do we? It's getting dark.

To find out something...we should do that

I am going to begin my expedition! Supposedly nobody has been here in years

This could cost me my life!

We shall have a look at the teeth of Martin Kohlstedt. Show us!

Despite multiple warnings he has not got dentures

We're in the house of the Kohlstedt family

and witnessing live

how our new guitar...

Hello Martin, do something useful, would you?

A very normal Saturday in November

We observe Elger Kohlstedt

building a bird house

What are you doing there? Is your camera working again?

My good girl

Let me start from the beginning

I had these piano pieces for myself for a long time. I needed that, in all the turmoils of growing up.

Everytime problems came up. I used my piano to work through them

Even though it seems like you let your guard down on stage

You cannot make yourself completely vulnerable

Oh man

Today will be really peculiar

— Hold hands

Only 40 minutes. I hate to go all out in this short timeframe

I'm so curious about who's coming tonight — Oh god...

But you don't need to be nervous about that... — It's not that kind of nervousness

It's more of not knowing what I should play in the very beginning.

I need a real, normal human that I play for; or else I freak out.

I play way too weird stuff then.

He is here. We are here. — Sure

But you, you will want the full range

Calm appearance, a calm hello

Take my time to see everyone, to experience the room

Wait for a bit, sit down, wait again and then...

Slowly gather some first chords. Contemplate a bit until...

...until it's there by itself

Eli, very briefly: This effect?

Hi! Do you want me to say something particular when i announce you?


That's the one i was looking for

Here you have to sign. — Add "HAR" as well

This is the plan

I have maybe 5 minutes afterwards to quickly say hello but actually you guys should get straight to business

Let's do it.

All that because of 40 minutes...

I told her to announce the upcoming album already

There is something, but i can't find it.

For more infomation >> Martin Kohlstedt - Strom (Chapter I) - Duration: 13:14.


I Know The Chief - Feel The Way - Duration: 4:13.

Don't forget to like, subscribe and stay awesome ~

For more infomation >> I Know The Chief - Feel The Way - Duration: 4:13.


Trello Tip: Top Used Tool For Trello I Use Every Day - Duration: 0:43.

Windows Key, then start typing ""snip"

Edit -> Copy

Ctrl + V

For more infomation >> Trello Tip: Top Used Tool For Trello I Use Every Day - Duration: 0:43.


North Korea submarine strike IMMINENT? Expert warns Kim's new toy 'NOT an experiment' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:12.

North Korea submarine strike IMMINENT? Expert warns Kim's new toy 'NOT an experiment'

SHOCKING images that show North Korea building

a ballistic missile submarine are an "extraordinary" signal of intent that could be thrust into

action upon completion, experts have warned.

Last week dramatic satellite snaps captured the construction of what US experts believe

is a deadly underwater weapon in the making.

Washington-based expert site 38 North said the activity occurred at the Sinpo South Shipyard

and the sub is likely to be a SINPO-C ballistic missile – an upgrade from an experimental


A spokesman for the site said the pictures show that leader Kim Jong-un is preparing

to deploy his potentially fatal new toy upon completion.

The spokesman said the state is on an "aggressive schedule to build and deploy its first operational

missile submarine".

Since then, an expert has claimed rival nations should be wary about the weapon's manufacturing

and said the threat needs to be taken seriously.

Security expert Euan Graham told 9 News: "This is more than a one-off experiment.

"It shows an extraordinary level of ambition and the extravagant use of resources by North


Commenting on the sub's weapons, Dr Graham added it could spark a hellish scenario in

which it would "use it or lose it" when faced by enemies in the sea.

The commander of the vessel, he says, could fire a missile unilaterally – without the

authorisation of others – based on a fear of being sunk.

So far the Hermit Kingdom has used only underwater missiles in test stages, but the completion

of a SINPO-C would give it more options in Kim's staring contest with US president Donald


38 North said in a statement last week: "A probable launch canister support, or launch

canister, appears to be present within the service tower at the missile test stand suggesting

the ongoing ejection testing of submarine launch ballistic missiles (SLBM).

"Such testing could support the continued development of SLBMs, a new ballistic missile

submarine or a combination of both.

"Both the SINPO-class submarine and submersible missile test stand barge remain berthed at

the same locations as observed since last August and appear capable of putting to sea

at any time of Pyongyang's choosing."

Daily Star Online previously revealed how billionaire president Trump has been "sentenced

to death" by the communist state after he called Kim "short and fat".

An editorial published by North Korea said: "He should know that he is just a hideous

criminal sentenced to death by the Korean people."

For more infomation >> North Korea submarine strike IMMINENT? Expert warns Kim's new toy 'NOT an experiment' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:12.


Ridurre i livelli di acido urico con ingredienti naturali - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Ridurre i livelli di acido urico con ingredienti naturali - Duration: 6:47.


Une idée en marche I Passerelle Circos, une initiative signée députés LaREM - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Une idée en marche I Passerelle Circos, une initiative signée députés LaREM - Duration: 1:53.


10 English Expressions with HAVE - phrasal verbs, idioms and slang sayings - Duration: 12:38.

For more infomation >> 10 English Expressions with HAVE - phrasal verbs, idioms and slang sayings - Duration: 12:38.


Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4i-16V 4WD Navy LEDER NW APK BJ 2003 !!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4i-16V 4WD Navy LEDER NW APK BJ 2003 !!! - Duration: 0:54.


CPA Strength is being like McDonalds and LOVING IT !!! / And now for the rest Asheville vacation - Duration: 11:45.

yo yo yo CPA strength here back with another video

hold on one sec let me change this Auto for you no I don't like that there's

like this box around my head and I go so you know what's up everybody

this happens to come out and I'm under my Monday upload I said I was going to

be back this week to see if you guys did anything last week did you guys do

anything just saying so this like Monday's watching me for motivational

days but I wasn't like feeling you know motivational topics so for the Asheville

North Carolina visiting a friend from high school that I that I've met in high

school so we've kept in touch throughout the years and stuff and so yeah so I'm

having a good time I think this is like mine let's suck on a third day here huh

go on another another friend of mine so anyways I've been hanging out with a lot

of friends and I was thinking yeah I'm really behind on my blogs watering house

burning up coal stuff from Asheville well you know basically I came here to

visit my friend and like hang out with him like I'm staying at his freaking

house and yeah so I didn't feel like like like I I am still recording to

making videos but just not like crazy I'm not making really the that focal

point of the day the focal point of the day just like doing stuff with my buddy

my buddy 180 180 he's part of the squad now on the the home page on my youtube

channel so you're going places buddy Chris you're going places dog you're on

the squad page for seeking strength 33 boasting over 33,000 subscribers thank

you for every subscriber I have what else so yeah I'm having a great trip

the Franklin Easter it's Jeremy on staring you on the face here so that's a

that's Wall Street girls so Franklin is band Franklin he's band to rap people

have hands I don't even know get your hands up get your brands up as tiro I

listen to two albums in a row of franklinian on the way up here

for our other way Nashville from on the way to Nashville from Fort Lauderdale

and yeah lyddie who I dude one of my favorites for for reals

if you always bring it always brings the heat so what so I've done some stuff

we've got this place cookout I love that place that place sounds like dope or

awesome love shakes what oh I think that would be Chris down maybe not

but what's a Lone Star for a steak I know you say why did you go there as

well as all these little places but do anyone wait like a tower I don't know

seems like the CT knows I'm a bigger guy you went back still hurting the seating

for the bigger guys like I like lumps or Lone Star that it was a good steak

number one and the seats were like you know they're big and stuff and then

someone's not recognized to you like in some of these little restaurants like

someone will be like right here you'll be paying like a lot of money for dinner

I don't like to pay over $20 for dinner what else is what else did we do we went

to that if you watching our blog watch this like hiking part walked around we

went out we went downtown and that's it the other video then RV was cool yeah

was so since that video and it's time I've really discombobulated a little bit

because I'm on vaycay but I'm just I'm uh I'm really learning that like you

know I have my I have my laptop and my my worktop I guess know where does it

the surface pro 3 and my offices are the same room where Tyson what's up in Tyson

wanna get the vlog looming I guess is a blog I don't know if I'm gonna label as

vlog I don't know anymore guys the Tyson reminds me of cinnamon you see him as a

Christmas dog what are you worried like dog so yeah we're chilling he's cool

yeah I see I visited a different friend I

hendersonville today so that's cool that's like I don't know how it was like

40 minutes away for astral that's the reason why I bring a car because like

yeah can I just like to drive around be mobile I always feel like I'm forgetting

something so I just load my car up and stuff and then I just like kind of you

know I'm gonna be gone for two weeks on this trip so I got two more so yeah I

went to Hendersonville name back and didn't really do much else I mean that

was enough but uh making the YouTube video now try run some payroll okay so

yeah I got a Monday and Tuesday maybe maybe Wednesday uh looking like it's

looking like I'm probably gonna do Monday and Tuesday in Nashville I'm

gonna try to get some outdoor stuff because I think Chris has some stuff to

do so he has some stuff he does his stuff called to go I'll do my strengths

are outdoorsy Bloggie type stuff YouTube stuff that'll be fun for me you know

create a video or something so Wednesday I think I'm gonna go to Hendersonville

again hang out with another friend of mine down there your I got friends in

low places where the whiskey runs like oh so I got friends in low places yeah I

didn't think I knew cars huh so I came in with the linee boy a man someone else

yeah I mean I was catching some passes my boy used to be quarterback in high

school I said oh man I said you already know I was tight and then I was making

some moves out there I should be in the league man watching these much these

guys in the TV today but you know what I didn't believe in myself back then that

was the main thing I didn't put a lot of effort I didn't put any effort into it

and I didn't believe in myself or else sales stupid that sounds or else I'd be

in the league yeah you so stupid but I think if I

would have given the effort and yeah I would have given me

and I I could have went somewhere but I didn't so then so then you're like okay

what do you do have for that bro the day after that is Thanksgiving where your

Thanksgiving Thanksgiving I got invited by my lovely friends kind of I don't

know would you almost say the good friends

like the family like thurible family so I'm almost part of the family I don't

know I don't know maybe I'm just maybe I just throwing words out there but

anyways I gotta fighting for Thanksgiving to my buddies in Tampa so

we're doing that and then so I think Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday or

something I think or Saturday it's gonna be family of friend friend of mine well

let's say her four-year-old daughter woke up and said his uncle daughter yet

so hey so that's uncle's that's family so whatever yeah so I'm visiting my

family and Thursday Thursday from any so Thanksgiving Friday and Saturday I'll

show you some things giving stuff up and

what else is going on here yeah great a top a one lighting of course

because we're trying to just give some content some quality you know some

conversation or whatever over and and works you know we're trying to get in

the like and inside the videos nothing great like this is gonna be a 1012

minute whatever video of just me kind of talking about my trip and what I'm gonna

be doing some thoughts and you know it's a video I would say that's more

entertaining a lot of some crud but you know or maybe my thoughts are cool or

whatever okay got it not a spectacular video this video we're really any of my

videos but the fact that I thrown up 250 videos on my channel the fact that I've

thrown up like 110 115 videos in a row like eight 115 straight 8 a.m. uploads

every day 8 a.m. 415 straight days so now that's starting to get pretty

impressive we're just throwing out ten minute video that's decent okay that

some people like it then the friends family and Tampa are going somewhere

else I know you're like oh you're there I'm not everybody

mmm so my buddy said hey you're already gonna be here if you want to stay at the

house while we're over I think they're gonna land or something

like a theme park if you want to stay at the house while we're over there then

then you're more than welcome to do that and I was like I don't know I don't know

I mean like yeah I mean you know but he's like well you'd be helped me out

because uh because max needs someone to watch them max is his dog Max is like 15

16 year old hot dog doggy I love him so he's old and then Max be like spitting

out his teeth and just like not even leaving his little pillow

so max is just straight thuggin it thug life max all week do me a maximum fuck

life because he's like you know you'll hit me helping me because if you

watching max so I think that's going on for like I don't know four or five days

or something so I feel when you get back in for like December poof and yeah play

a lot of work is like you ready for January because I'm going to go so I'm

just gonna try it out obviously I do last year progress from last year last

year was my second tax season on my own this year's my third and I feel like I'm

making a lot of games lately it this is my I've just passed like two years in my

own business two and a half years whatever I feel like in the beginning

you're like daily is this gonna even happen like I've been here a month or

two maybe I won't be here for many more months like yeah you want you've been

there for a couple months so you can definitely see yourself maybe not being

there forever or you know I was just like dang is it's gonna work cuz it's

gonna work like oh like you know maybe one clients like unhappy for a little

bit you're like oh like you know mmm man my whole operations gonna shut down and

then you know some things arise problems arise for mine white

case two and a half years and then you start to so just the other day I worked

this past week in the office I was I was um just working and stuff and I was like

yeah I was like this is I was like I got I got stuff coming in from a couple

different ways now and I just felt like yeah like you can't really stop hearing

a like oh and so I'm saying yeah there's such a good idea that I open my own

business up for me because I have that kind of entrepreneur spirit

I pretty much say say a lot of stuff that's just on my mind that like I don't

care be politically correct or no I needed that really I care to be like

nice to people but I mean this video is really long was kind of me rambling but

it was about my vacation status mostly anyways until next time


For more infomation >> CPA Strength is being like McDonalds and LOVING IT !!! / And now for the rest Asheville vacation - Duration: 11:45.


Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-i Sol - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-i Sol - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC Automaat, Navi, Panoramadak - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC Automaat, Navi, Panoramadak - Duration: 0:56.


BROKEN RED BUILD + ELECTROCUTE RUNES IS SO OP | QUINN TOP 7.22 | League of Legends S8 - Duration: 10:03.

Oh Lulu !! I'm coming

Kill the Lulu, baby Ok Bye Bye


Let me kill Vayne One Shot in Toplane

I think she's gonna walk around

Wow Oh my Gosh WTF is that ??

Well, I'll take it One Shot baby

So Lee Sin

Ok How you doing, bros It's your boy, LolLap

I'm gonna try Quinn in (Electrocute) with (Red Build)

It's my another special build I made it

It name is name (Red Build)

This Build gonna consists main Items (Duskblade) + (Black Cleaver) + another third item I forgot its name that do (Attack Speed)

Let's see how is this build gonna be on Quinn

I'll try as much as possible to play this build

I guess there is a (Blue Build) >> Next Video 😉 It looks like (Ezrael Build)

Back off, darling 💚

Come on, Jump on him

Jump, Jump 🙈🙈

Ok Nice Why did you take the kill ? Good Job

Well Played, dude

Lee Sin is right here !!

Nice well played

Oh Auto !!!

WTF ?? He's (10 hp)


Do you gonna use Ult on me or what ?

Ok nice

He's just died And my team played nice

Let's farm these to back fast

I'm coming, bro

To me

Come on

That's Enough Back Teemo just arrived

Ok nice

Zac !!! Hello

Ok Ok come on do something

Ok he died


Also he just stole my Kill

Ok Ok Ok I'm going in !

Ok nice

Did he die ??

Oh my Gosh

Ok Not big deal !


Nice Double Kill ? Triple Kill ??

Come on

Please ! My Quadra ! My Penta ! 😆😆😆

Just as always ! Never lucky because of my Stupid Team 😡

Nice Wave

If you wanna lear how to make (clear Wave) with Quinn 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

Let me do Push here But before that, Let me take (Red) first

Oh my Gosh

Is he coming alone ? 😭😭😭

Come on !!!

Fuck me 😅😅😅

no no no

That's it !! 😆 Kill him, jerks

Come on

WTF !!

Oh nice


No don't let him Ult on me

They've tank !!

Ok Ok Team >> Hello

Ok nice

Well played, dude

Go Go Go to Garen

His stupid (Ult) didn't work 😂 Ok Nice

Ok let Lee Sin go You shouldn't die, he's gonna (Shut Down) you

Fuck him, man

OK Drake is available now We can take it

We can take it, everyone

Oh Lulu !! I'm coming I'm coming

Kill the Lulu, baby Ok Bye Bye

One fucken Shot Oh my God

WTF is that ?

Holy Shit

Oh Wait a minute Do they gonna start a fight ?

Ok Nice Bye Bye Lulu ✅

Bye Bye Teemo ✅

Bye Bye Garen ✅

Bye Bye Everyone 😂

Let's do this Ok Go Go Go Go

Come on Come here

It's okay Come around me

It's your boy, LolLap Let me kill you, please 😁

Anyone tank this Turret ! We can dive him or Finish this Turret


Let's go

Recall, Recall WTF !!

WTF, What is she doing here ? Jesus man, Are she drunk ? 🤦

Let him for me, I'm coming start fighting Garen

He shows off his tank thing 😹😹😹😹

Ok Stun him Do a (Stun), please !


>> Fuck me 🙄🙄 >> Kill him >> Nice

Fuck this guy

Fuck this guy Bye Bye, baby


Let me kill Vayne One Shot in Toplane

I think she's gonna walk around

Wow Oh my Gosh WTF is that ??

Well, I'll take it One Shot baby

Till now, Nobody can see me right here Ok there is 2 Enemy just died

So I must finish this Turret

The Enemy have to make Recall now No One gonna defend

This is so perfect

OK WTF ! Didn't she die ?

I don't know

Bye Bye, Lee Sin This is the big mistake of your life



Anyway guys, As you can see The last Item was (Rageblade) to complete my Red Build

💙 In future, I'm gonna show you this build more 💙

For more infomation >> BROKEN RED BUILD + ELECTROCUTE RUNES IS SO OP | QUINN TOP 7.22 | League of Legends S8 - Duration: 10:03.


阿滴英文|外籍老師行不行?! 挑戰誰能先讓老師說出XXX! - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> 阿滴英文|外籍老師行不行?! 挑戰誰能先讓老師說出XXX! - Duration: 13:04.


The secrets of Medjugorje (little news) and the Virgin and Child cry of oil - Duration: 3:54.

In Medjugorje ... 3 of the 6 visionaries 9 secrets instead of 10.

When they have all 10 secrets will end of daily appearances, including

the appearance from 17:40 when Mary leaves No messages. it will, however, I think

an apparition each LED, 1x year.

When Mary cease to appear, there will 3 warnings in rapid succession

and you will be notified 3 days before each warning. We'll know: where, what, how?

this will be events on Earth that

and it will produce an additional time through to convert.

It semblerai the warnings concern ... the village of Medjugorje.

The visible sign supernatural indestructible Standing and appear on the mountain where

Mary appeared when this sign will appear there will be many cures and this will

the third secret.

Some secrets concerning the lights and the village of Medjugorje and other Earth


We also know that some LEDs will still alive when the 10th arrives secrets

they have about 50 years old today ...

Presumably the tenth secret happen for 20 or 30 years ...

At the end of secrets there will be a Pentecost Love 100 years and the power of Satan

will be destroyed ...

When the secrets come nonbelievers will very scared and those who believe in

Mary and Jesus will be quieter ...

The statue of the Virgin and Child ...

The owners have the statue of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus for 10 years,

When the grandmother saw him, she fell in love and decided to buy it, despite

his lack of money.

When moving, the statue is accidentally fell and she was


After crossing times extremely tough, December 31, 2011 at 16:00.

After having dusted the statue, the grandfather felt a kind of oil in the brush with

which he was cleaning the corners.

It was just as Jesus left arm.

After discovering the oil, they put in a safe place.

The statue began to produce more oil, The owners thank the Lord for having

bless their families.

If you liked this video, you can subscribe ...

Otherwise you can click 200 videos ... to see other videos of the same style ...

For more infomation >> The secrets of Medjugorje (little news) and the Virgin and Child cry of oil - Duration: 3:54.


zapowiedzi i reklamy z 20 września 2017 roku - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> zapowiedzi i reklamy z 20 września 2017 roku - Duration: 5:54.


How to Make Dal Without Oil or Ghee in Your Pressure Cooker - Vegan Alert! - Duration: 5:28.

hi and welcome to my video this week I'm sharing a recipe for a dal without

using any oil or ghee for this recipe I decided to use the very delicious and

always nutritious chilke waali moong dal these are split mung beans

that still have their skin and before you do anything else you have to pick

through these for any little stones I didn't find any this time but it's very

common to find a stone or two then soak your dal for a minimum of 30 minutes in

addition to the dal you're going to need some whole cumin seeds some

turmeric powder one whole dried red chili pepper

two cloves of garlic and of course some water after soaking your dal it is

really important that you thoroughly rinse it out I suppose you could do this

before I always seem to do it after but whenever you do, do so meticulously next

it's time to dry roast the spices and this is a wonderful way to get aromas

out of whole spices without using any oil or ghee you pretty much set a pan

over medium to medium-high heat throw in the whole spices keep them moving

occasionally and wait for them to darken in color if you're not sure whether

they're really dark or not just wait for the smell to hit you cumin in particular

has a very distinctive aroma when you smell it you'll know that it's done just

as a side note when I was a kid I used to equate the smell of cumin with that

of armpit I'm not even I'm not even really sure how I came up with that but

as you can see my spices are darker so I'm just gonna set them aside for later

at this point I haven't even turned on the stove I'm just adding the strained

soaked and washed dal to the pressure cooker I'm also adding the two cloves of

garlic that I minced up as well as the haldi powder that's the dry turmeric

powder my whole spices and I added three times as much water as I had half

a cup of moong so I used one and a half cups of water

then shut the lid turn up the heat to high and allow this to cook for 3

whistles if you're not sure what a whistle looks like I will link my how to

make a simple video that very clearly shows you what whistles are

after three whistles I turn down the heat to the lowest possible for ten

minutes and allowed the dal to finish cooking then I switched off the stove

removed it from the heat and waited for the steam to escape the cooker so at

this point I got out my dal ghotni I'm not even really sure how

to pronounce that but it's this swizzle stick that allows you to smoothen the

consistency of your dal I used to have one but I lost it when we moved and I

saw this in Rishikesh for 20 rupees and I couldn't leave it there so I opened up

my dal this is what it looked like and yours might look a little different

that's okay then I put my dal ghotni into my dal and swizzled away and

what you do is you just roll it back and forth between your palms it's specially

helpful when you're cooking with dal that have the skin because that skin

does give it a great texture but sometimes you need to smoothen it out

just a little bit and then you can go ahead and adjust the salt I didn't even

list it among the ingredients I know it's there you know it's there but it's

such a personal measurement just add as much salt as you require and then that's

it if you want to add a little bit of ghee you can but it's not necessary this

dal has a really beautiful consistency on its own without any oil or key and

it's tasty and flavourful and it's good for you so I hope you enjoyed this

recipe and I will see you next week with another one until then please like my

video thank you so much for watching okay bye bye oh and here's a sneak peek

at the vlog

For more infomation >> How to Make Dal Without Oil or Ghee in Your Pressure Cooker - Vegan Alert! - Duration: 5:28.


방탄소년단, 10번째 1억뷰…"BTS, I NEED U" - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> 방탄소년단, 10번째 1억뷰…"BTS, I NEED U" - Duration: 2:14.


Galileo MV - Duration: 4:40.





Everybody loves Galileo!

Except those with giant egos

He was from Italy!

Guilty of heresy

The church kicked him (Ouch!)

But he still went all-out

He was pushed all around,

But he got up from the ground!

He loved astronomy,

Thanks to his curiosity

He discovered Neptune!

Everyone thought he was a goon!

Now everybody loves Galileo!

Except those with giant egos

He was from Italy!

Guilty of heresy

He enrolled for a medical degree,

But he chose math instead (Yipee!)

Put his ideas in his teachings,

People didn't like his preachings

He was a supporter of,

the Copernican theory

Opposite to,

The king's whole army

Now everybody loves Galileo!

Except those with giant egos

He was from Italy!

Guilty of heresy

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I love, I love Galileo!)

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I know, I know you do too!)

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I love, I love Galileo!)

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I know, I know you do too!)

Galileo Galilei, once upon a time,

He was just a small boy, only had a dime,

Was a child of Vincenzo,

Had a growing family, a crescendo,

Moved to Florence

For his father's performance,

Wanted to study medicine

He must have known, where to begin,


He's got quite a story,

Tho he had some issues,

Like financial misuse!

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I love, I love Galileo!)

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I know, I know you do too!)

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I love, I love Galileo!)

Ga-li-le-oooooo (I know, I know you do too!)

Everybody loves Galileo!

Except those with giant egos

He was from Italy!

Guilty of heresy


For more infomation >> Galileo MV - Duration: 4:40.


"Here's BTS"…AMAs의 슈퍼스타 - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> "Here's BTS"…AMAs의 슈퍼스타 - Duration: 9:35.


Atlanta has Torpedo - Duration: 15:41.

For more infomation >> Atlanta has Torpedo - Duration: 15:41.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Como tornar o Customer Success uma cultura de toda empresa | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 9:45.

Hi, guys. My name is Lillian

This is RD Summit and we have a very special guest,

Paulo who is the Salesforce VP

We will talk a little about Customer Success.

We prepared interesting questions for Paulo.

- How do you do, Paulo? - How do you do?

- Are you ready? - Yes, I am.

I have very interesting question

which is also very precise.

What is the greatest knowledge you obtained from CS

in your first year in Salesforce?

- It was good, right? - Good question.

I learned many things,

The first thing was that CS and Salesforce

are core elements in a company.

They are part of a philosophy, of a culture.

Among the four values, three

mention CS.

The president, the founder,

Everyone has goals related to CS

- It is rooted in the culture. - Quite much.

Then, one thing is post sales,

a department specialized

in projects and services.

It is part of the company. We are the experts.

- Our whole business... - It has acquired a concept.

It has acquired a concept. That is probable the best knowledge.

- A decissive factor... - A decissive factor...

To enter, to come back for a service world.

I was far away in a service world.

And a call convinced me with a speech.

I said no. This is the core of the business.

That was another one.

I learned many other things.

For example, how to scale more.

Everybody asks how I do that.

How I do Customer Success,

if I don't have enough staff for everything.

For servicing the thousands of customers

Welcome to the real world. You will never say

that you believe people are crucial.

You will have to use many smart technologies

to smart whatsoever.

That is another important thing I learned which is different

from the conventional service areas.

- Perfect. Another question. - Yes, of course.

How do you sales

being aligned with the CS area?

And one more question. Is this important?

Muy importante, muy importante.

Well, as I told you, my life has not been really easy.

Sales department has its goals

related to innovation. It's a good alliance.

I became Sales Force President in Brasil.

And the main concern

was that customers have success,

that sales be achieved,

be successful,

that they don't have problems in the future.

So, integration is fundamental.

When I have a topic to discuss

about Customer Success, I listen the sales area

and I participate in the meetings.

Sometimes (...)

we have right to veto regarding a sale.

I took part in a process


there was a huge RFP. Figures were absurde.

We were all delighted with the opportunity value,

but at the time of approval

we noticed it was not aligned with our values,

the way we deliver

I didn't believe in that project. It seemed to be wrong.

We look at the whole project

and we went back to the customer.

I changed things in the project made.

I am not going to get in.

That was a lesson for me

because the Corporation, mainly the sales area,

sometimes has this rule

of not selling something

because it is not aligned with the values

of what we can sell.

- That makes a whole difference. - A lot of difference.

When the sales team knows

it will get a client who has a proper fit

with the product and they are not focused only on sales,

pure sales, sale by sale, sales to grow,

at the cost of growth.

We know it.

I have a special relationship with Customer Success

because those work concepts to deliver results,

to deliver products with meaning to that customer

is what is related to scaling.

How to make from the beginning, a lot is sold as different projects

with a low adherence.

You don't get adherence in Customer Success.

We need a whole army of people.

Working on adaptations, on customization,

That doesn't work.

Then, it has to be a unique body.

Perfect. That's good, Paulo.

- Let's go to the third question. - Let's go.

Salesforce says we are in the customer's era.

What does it mean for companies?

- What is your vision of this? - Well...

It means many things. It means that...

a customer is empowered.

Now, the customer has many available technologies

that can transform the business.

Customer have to define what is Customer Success

under their own terms.

And we have to be able to listen,

to be able to help...

to address that need,

to solve simple things

such as, sales automation,

to help the customer to make a change

so that its business make a digital transformation.

These are the customers who are empowered.

So, these...

these clients want technology, they want simplicity.

They want automation.

They are empowered to choose and to change

from day to night, from one vendor to a new one.

Then, these customers, our customers

have requested a lot...

of help...

from the Costumer Success area, for the customers.

We left those times when a contract guaranteed a customer.

Yes, we're not there any more.

Today decissions are made with a click,

because it simply gets disconnected.

Currrent platforms have integrations,

work with a click, and with a cancel option

to choose any other vendor very fast

and very easy. - Yes, it is easier. It's easier.

Customer is also empowered.

with technology from the cloud, etc.

which is sold as a service and is kept active.

Then, disconnection is less painful

than disconnection... - Carried out by themselves.

Let's go to the last question?

- Allright. - Good. This is more difficult.

How do you do to make company employees

understand the customer era?

How to make their work be focused

on their success?

That is a great challenge, right?

Another question, how do you keep the purpose of result delivery

in the servicing area, too?

These are two questions in one,

but you can answer them separately.

How to make company employees

understand customer service and be focused on Customer Success.

What do you think it's the core aspect?

To summarize my answer to the first question, there is repetition.

A repetition culture of the people who arrive and stay in the company.

A culture that is measured and managed.

Then, that is the obsession for customer,

for customer success, for the customer era.

It makes that all company mechanisms

from the top levels to the lowest measurement ones

repeat this culture.

It is not only about rewards, but also repetition.

One example is to have a real leadership

Then, all long-term repetition,

benefits, compensations, measurements,

create a culture for alignment.

I already forgot the second question.

The second is how to keep the team

with a purpose

and a servicing quality aligned with success.

- Well, for me.. - I think both things are related, right?

Purpose is a very relevant and big word for me.

For example, I would defiine purpose when one day

all customers become fans of Salesforce.


All customers have to be Salesforce fans.


Because, when I have a big ambition

that is hard to get, I can get nervous, upset...

I definitely have a problem

and I distance myself from that purpose,

from that value. This is what makes me wake up everyday

to struggle, to make people become fans of the platform.

- Your team is convinced, right? - I hope it is.

I will ask them later.

Very good, Paulo.

Guys, this was the interview with Paulo

and his experience in Salesforce.

It is a great challenge to work with these customers.

Here in Summit we have a (...)

of many people talking about this topic.

So, who wants to be here? Come to participate.

We will be welcomed.

I will also be here to help and talk about Customer Success

As Paulo talked to us. - Exactly.Thanks for the opportunity

to meet a great peer of this career of the future.

Well, I am a fan. I am a fan of your work.

No, on the contrary..

- Good bye, guys. - Thank you.

For more infomation >> Como tornar o Customer Success uma cultura de toda empresa | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 9:45.





Eric Santos: dicas para sua empresa não parar de crescer | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 17:22.

Now we'll talk to Eric Santos, RD's CEO.

Eric, what days we had, right? It's always

exciting and inspiring. We are in the second half of event.

There's still a lot to come.

But, we've already seen lots of things.

Yesterday, we had your lecture,

we announced RD as a platform.

Could you tell us about that experience

of creating this community that is RD Summit.

How have these days been for you?

And how important is this to RD and to the market?

All right... Over the last days

I've been giving some interviews. Many people wanted to know

why to organize an event, why to invest in such an event.

And I told them it had to do

with my own learning and development process.

Because I am a voracious content consumer.

But, I also attend various events.

Because they offer experiences and knowledge

which are not explicit, or written or recorded by anyone.

But, mainly, they have an inspirational aspect.

Many times, you attend an event and we talked about this in another event.

You attend an event where you don't learn anything new,

but you were touched in such a way

that you are willing to create and implement things.

So, I think the role RD Summit had to us from the very beginning, was...

a double role:

To inspire the people who were already involved with this community

that we create online somehow throughout the year.

So, it is a virtuous circle.

We work with the community the whole year

on content. Then, that community makes

the event grow. The event grows, the community strengthens.

And again, we work on it the whole year, and so on.

That explains a little...

the fact that we went from 250 to 1,300, 3,300, 5,500 and now

8,000 people in an event.

That was the first role. The second role...

is an inspirational and engagement role.

And it's also a role for us in RD

to have an eye to eye relationship

with the client, with a partner with whom we talk

many times throughout the year.

But due to the business nature, we end up never meeting.

It's good for that.

And I think that community process is a result of that.

What may have come as a non natural consequence

I think it's to be well represented here in this business fair.

And these are companies

weren't necessarily in our radar in the beginning,

but they got interested in the community we are creating.

And today they are adding lots of value,

making the event be more powerful, with more content

because they are bringing here things we don't bring.

Things related to digital marketing, content, etc.

-Great -And that...

not counting the event's size, we moved from 300 to 8,000 people,

number of speakers, etc.

RD Summit reflects a lot what occured in the market somehow.

What do you think? What has changed

from 2013, when we started, up until now

in Brazil's digital marketing?

What are the next steps we expect?

Many things have changed.

And we certainly have some responsibility in that as well.

What has changed is that back in 2013

we had to explain why digital marketing was important

and how to start doing digital marketing.

And today the levels of maturity and demand,

even coming from the audience, is quite different.


That is reflected in the lectures we have in this event.

And there are people entering such a deep and detailed level

that would be unthinkable in the past.

And we have this difficult mission,

but we must accept the challenge of doing both things at the same time

and continue introducing the digital marketing concept

for a gret number of new people coming

and who need to learn in the same way people in the past did.

But, with the guarantee that who is growing with us

is accessing new and differentiated things.

And sometimes, as I was saying in an interview with Ricotta back there,

bringing topics that are not related to digital marketing

Now we have Customer Success tracks,

sales tracks, management tracks, leadership.

So, I think part of our role is how to

help those companies to keep on growing.

and how we can help

not only with digital marketing, but with other things.

Things that every growing business must go through

and they will need that.

And if they don't solve these issues, there's no use for digital marketing.

Your lecture talked quite a bit about your vision for RD in the next years.

Not only what Digital Marketing will be

but also what RD is going to be.

What can people expect from us in the next years?

In what we are really going to invest?

And how is that going to help clients and people

who are in this ecosystem or community?

I think the lecture's central point,

and it applies to RD, but also to everyone else,

is that the major transformations only happen on the long run.

And they require a long-term vision, as well as

an inclination towards execution, to do things in day-to-day life.

Lots of learning and resilience

because we will face problems along the way.


I tried to better elaborate the concept, and show what we did before

that allowed us to gather the results now.

And now we complete a 5-year cycle since

RD Station was launched in 2012.

Now we are plating seeds in order to

eventually be harvesting in the future.

There are five things that we consider essential

and we will be massively investing on them.

I'm not sure where we are going to be or how things will be in five years.

But, these are five clear directions for RD and RDoers,

partners, clients, and community as a whole.

Among them, we have some pillars, such as

talent development, which we are going to continue.

We'll invest even more aggressively in bringing top talents to the company.

But we will continue providing a differentiated experience

for their development.

We will continue investing a lot in Customer Success, in its different aspects,

not only in the Customer Success structure,

but all aspects related to customer experience

in order to deliver a top customer experience here.

And the other three pillars

that eventually had more expressive announcements.

One is related to the partner program.

We had officially announced a new partner program.

It was an almost 1-year project

which ended up being launched in the second half of the year.

It's been showing many developments. Many things are happening now.

And the most important thing is

this program grew in an almost organic manner over time.

Now, we require a better integration of the operation

and differentiated conditions so that partners grow together

and deliver Customer Success.

So, it's an important pillar.

The second pillar, which ands up representing a partners bottleneck

is the education and development work.

RD has always worked a lot of on education,

different contents and events.

But, now we're in a path to the structured development of people.

How can we train people in scale

and in an accredited manner?

In such a way that we can stamp a seal on that person

to ensure that all our players here

RD clients, partners who work with digital economy

have the staff to work in this business, and to continue growing.

So, information and digital marketing, plus

sales, customer success, management, product

and whatever comes over the next years

so that we can ensure that this doesn't become a bottleneck

to companies that are growing.

This was something we had to do in-house in order to continue growing.

And now that we hire 40 people a month,

if we weren't structured and didn't have a process,

RD would have stopped growing.

Finally, I think that the most important launching in this event

is that platform vision we brought to RD Station.

A vision in which we embraced another partner's ecosystem

which was created organically as well

but, so far, we hadn't paid due attention to them.

They are technology, integration partners,

who by their own decision or requested by clients,

started to plug their solutions to RD Station.

Then, we realized there was a very strong demand

to strengthen that ecosystem and embrace these guys,

bringing technical and commercial integration;

a real ecosystem and technology vision.

And many of the companies are part of the expo here in the Summit.

I am very happy to say that these companies

were just starting 3 or 4 years ago.

And today they are growing quite fast as happened

to us three or four years ago.

They are benefiting from that, right?

Eric, today our main product

is a marketing tool, RD Station Marketing.

And you are a guy who likes to look forward, to what is to come,

and this is also an important aspect of your role in the company.

What is to come in marketing in the next years

especially regarding RD Station Marketing?

What are the expected transformations

with that change of scenario we'll see in the next years?

I think we must pay attention to all that is changing,

whatever new things arriving, new aspects of consumer behavior,

and in people's behavior in general.

But, I prefer Jeff Bazos' position regarding...

people are very concerned about what is new,

changes that are coming,

but there is not enough concern

about what will remain the same in 10 years.

And then, to invest in things that will remain the same in 10 years.

Because our client will not wake up in ten years and say:

"God, I need a more complex solution",

or "God, I need a more expensive solution",

or "God, I need a less smart solution".

I think these are the main RD Station Marketing directions.

So, we are moving towards "how can I....

make the job of my clients and the professionals working with them

become simpler day-by-day, less repetitive,

more intuitive. So, simplicity is an important issue.

Integration, to have an integrated vision

of the clients' journey, which goes through different channels.

How to know that the guy talking to me by e-mail or social media,

is the same appearing in my site,

or contacting me through Google, for example,

or if he is the same guy I reach when I post a Facebook Ad?

So, having that integrated vision of a client won't change.

On the contrary, it will be increasingly more important.

Intelligence, how to provide intelligence to the client?

So, I am generating more and more data.

But how to transform that data into intelligence or sites?

And, eventually, into more automation over time?

Into more things that a machine can do alone

and help the client to have more results?

So, these are the things I see that won't change.

And finally, I talked about this in the conference,

we have to assume our role

of having world-class applications in every pillar.

We must have the best e-mail marketing software,

the best learning page software, the best social media software,

These are the directions we have in marketing.

Yes, embrace changes, embrace Whatsapp as a marketing channel,

embrace chats.

We must embrace them, and look at them.

But the trends change quite fast.

So, we must have more focus on things that won't change,

which will ensure that in ten years we'll be there, we'll be relevant.

Eric, a last question before we finish.

I have been here with you every day

and I know RD grew a lot. and it was not by chance.

We have a lot of work,

a lot of resilience, but also there are techniques.

There are many things behind it, a lot of concepts.

Besides working hard and going after things

someone opening a business or someone stuck

with a business for a long time that has shrinked or is moving sideways,

What are the steps or the things a CEO must pay attention to

in order to generate real growth in a business?

What should be put forth, what should be structured

so that the company grows again and generates good results?

I think that it varies depending on the stage.

The role of a CEO, especially in stagnation or initial periods

is much more related to building a growth machine,

building structures for marketing and sales, customer success,

as well as for the product, which is the business strategy.

With time, all these start moving to other people's hands.

and the CEO looks more at people, talents, the organization's design,

capital funding, among others.

What I think it's fundamental

as an approach, as a process

for any person, any CEO, any leader is

to be learing all the time, to be a freak for knowledge.

Because there is a lot of knowledge on the streets

and if you get exposed to it, you will get some necessary shocks

to create stress inside the organization.

That's important. I often bring things to the company that...

I won't say people were in a comfort level,

but we were OK with that.

And then we say: No, it's not OK.

We have to move to the next level,

because some people are doing these things there.

So, to be exposed to other realities and better practices

I think is important.

And to have an approach... You mentioned resilience.

An approach of improving every day.

10% every month will be 30 times in three years,

but how to avoid having to give giant steps every day?

But how can I do something a little better every day,

that in a long run compound result, can have a exponential behavior.

And a great way to be exposed to that is attending events such as RD Summit.

As I said in the beginning of my lecture,

this is where I invested the most money from my own pocket,

personal money for qualification I spent in events in Brazil and abroad.

This is my MBA.

I think it's a great and productive way to have both things

to have knowledge and be exposed to companies or people who are reference.

Great, Eric. Congratulations for your lecture

and for the long path until here.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the event.

-Thanks, guys. See you next time. -Thank you.

For more infomation >> Eric Santos: dicas para sua empresa não parar de crescer | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 17:22.


Um giro pela Escola Pública Sarah Afonso, em Lisboa, Portugal - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Um giro pela Escola Pública Sarah Afonso, em Lisboa, Portugal - Duration: 2:53.


MK Ultra, Flat Earth, Corey Goode, Luciferian Agenda (Part 1): Interview with the PigTail Gurl - Duration: 31:12.

For more infomation >> MK Ultra, Flat Earth, Corey Goode, Luciferian Agenda (Part 1): Interview with the PigTail Gurl - Duration: 31:12.



if the filming is not that good it's because these arm doesn't really move

more than this -

just trying

Olá youtube my name is Ricardo Lino and I´m a wheel

addict injured wheel addict, and because I can't skate I film my wife skating

if the filming is not that good it's because this harm doesn't really move

more than this

what any reason I can do that so you're you're saying that your hubby did a good

job by building your app at home right

to give a damn and now she's doing it alone because she says that she can't

have the balance with a GoPro check this

most oh we almost got that one live you know you know why there happened because

he came in the ramp sideways anything the time but then try to come more like

straight into the room oh you drop it curb they come back and then I'm gonna

jump this corner it's called the hip gonna jump

and now what you gonna do and that's it that was a that was a quick stop with

injured lino and his wife it'll in lunga ban skatepark about oops

about two hours away when a half hour away from kata now we're gonna drive

back home hopefully my arm will be better tomorrow

and I can flex it and extend it completely and well now that's it what

you guys enjoyed this one if you did enjoy this one don't forget to subscribe

to the channel and let me know if you like the video by giving me thumbs up if

you didn't like it give me thumbs down and more important anything else just

don't forget why we all started skating because it's fun and I'm gonna try to

end this with a slide and hopefully with the lpr that's right

For more infomation >> SKATE PARK SESSION WITH MY WIFE ON ROLLER SKATES // VLOG 187 - Duration: 5:55.


Vinheta | RBS TV [Globo RS] (1995) - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> Vinheta | RBS TV [Globo RS] (1995) - Duration: 0:10.


El independentismo necesita un nuevo relato para el 21-D - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> El independentismo necesita un nuevo relato para el 21-D - Duration: 8:11.


BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY 2017! Le Migliori Offerte su Gearbest & Amazon! ITA - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY 2017! Le Migliori Offerte su Gearbest & Amazon! ITA - Duration: 1:43.


СЛОМАЛ ВСЕ КРОВАТИ на Бед Варс [BED WARS DMS Mini-Game] - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> СЛОМАЛ ВСЕ КРОВАТИ на Бед Варс [BED WARS DMS Mini-Game] - Duration: 5:49.


Negocios Rentables de 200 a 800 $/ € parte 6 Se tu jefe - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Negocios Rentables de 200 a 800 $/ € parte 6 Se tu jefe - Duration: 2:31.


Os segredos do bom conteúdo, com Ann Handley | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 12:40.

Ann, thank you so much for being here with us.

It's such a great pleasure for us to have you here.

You're a thought leader in content.

and contents are alive here.

So, you've probably seen it.

So, how does it feel to be in Brazil?

I guess for the first time, right?

Yeah. First time in Brazil.

This is an amazing event.

I mean, congrats to you guys.

I mean, it's an amazing event in Latin America

but it's an amazing event, just period.

I go to a lot of marketing events.

and this is... this is special.

This is really, really good. So, well done.

-It's really nice to hear. -Yeah, it's great!

So Ann, right now we have, like, a huge audience

in our blog, in our content platforms.

Many people couldn't come to the event.

What were, like, the highlights of your talk here?

and the things that you think people have to

get away from here with them, you know?

Yeah. So, a couple of things.

First of all, if you're not here this year

be here next year. You do not want to miss it.

He didn't even tell me to say that, but seriously.

So, that's number one.

What I talked about today was the challenge of

standing out in a world of content overload.

There's a lot of noise in content. Marketing is part of that.

You know, we'e trying to break through,

but I think a smarter approach

is to not think about breaking through, but to actually

think about aligning yourself in the lives of your customers

in a way that really matters to them.

I want marketing to matter,

I want marketers to be inspired

and empowered to connect with

their audience, meaning that they know who they're talking to

and that they're providing value to the lives of their customers.

So, that to me is the biggest oportunity in marketing today.

And I want marketers around the world to do that

but especially in Brazil because I think it's a huge oportunity here

to don't market the way everyone else is marketing,

instead, you know, create value for people.

We have a joke here that

one nice thing about being a Brazilian

is that you can predict the future.

You just look to the U.S.

and in probably five years or so it's going to happen here.

How do you see this evolution of content in the U.S.?

From, like, something that no one was doing

to now a more crowded space and you have to stand out.

How was this movement there, so we can project

what is going to be here, like in the next years?

I think content marketing in the U.S.

went through a period of marketers and business

just creating more and more.

You know, because we could. We have technology

that allows us to do that. So, why not?

Let's do more video. Let's do a webnar to go with that video.

Let's do an infographic to market that webnar.

I mean, there're million things that are being created.

But I think in the U.S. we'e realizing

that's the wrong approach.

So, instead, what we're doing in the U.S. is creating less.

So, create not more content, but more relevant content.

Very often, less is more.

If you can create content that has more meaning

and more impact in the lives of your customers,

that's what matters.

So, in Brazil, skip that whole step

of creating all the more stuff

and instead, just focus on how you can matter to the people

you're trying to reach.

So, start there. Don't worry about, you know,

being all things to all people.

I think businessess have an idea that we

need to do everything and we need to appeal to everybody.

but we don't.

Instead, it's a lot more eficient and a lot more effective if we just focus on

ultimately who we really matter to.

And it's really curious because we usually say that

marketing is changing all the time and...

things are changing and the internet is changing everything.

But when I hear you saying the root of ths common mistake

is that we don't do the basics of marketing, which is

-connection to our customer, right? -It's true.

Understand who they are, what they'e doing

what are their problems. So...

Right. And we have more tools than ever to do that, you know.

We have so many more ways of really understanding our customers,

But still... and you're right.

So many marketers that I talk to, never actually sit down

and talk to their customers.

It's like: Oh, no, custumer services does that,

sales does that. You know, we'e collecting data.

But when I say:

When was the last time you had lunch

or when was the last time you had a cup of coffee with your customer?

-Exactly. -It's like...

And that's basic. To me that's the foundation of all marketing.

Even in this world where there's a million ways

to connect with them, that I think is a really valuable thing,

that still is required and that is often missing.

People usually think about tools and channels

and how to create Facebook ads or things like that

but they never leave their chair and...

just study that and think it's enough, right?

Yes. And that is all great.

I mean, it' all important, but at the same time,

let's focus on the basics first,

and then figure out how we're actually going to connect

to them in a bigger way.

One thing that is really common, is that... at least here in Brazil,

companies usually get excited about creating content

but they can't keep it up, so...

they just stop producing with the same frequency they had before.

and it's not easy to create a good content.

So, how to overcome that challenge?

Do you think outsorcing is a good chance, or...

How do you make the content, even in house, easier to be made?

I mean, how to keep up with the pace that most companies are not used to?

-It's not like their core, right? -Yes.

I think a lot of companies, really, are too ambitious.

I mean, you don't need to be on Facebook Live

and on Facebook, and on Instagram and on Twitter,

and you don' need to have a Snapchat channel,

and, you know... and again, create a webinar

and also write, you know, five blogs a week.

You don't need to do all that.

Instead, you know, what can you do well?

So, start there.

In other words, sort of contract that. Figure out what resonates the most,

what matters and then, at the same time,

what can you really put the energy to.

And then, create a schedule, you know?

Looking over here at Trello.

Content platform, right? And so...

Just, you know, and editorial calendar can help that process.

It doesn't have to be Trello, it's just that it's staring at me right now.

But anything that helps you sort of, you know, keep on track.

I mean, I think the worse thing you could do

with any content progam is to go big too fast, too soon

and then, burn out.

So, instead, start small

build up your audience over time and make them anticipate you.

I mean, I think a great model for that

is to look at what TV shows do, what magazines do, what publishers do.

It's like they have a shedule, you know,

of their producing shows.

And we should be the same way as marketers.

At the end of the day, that is the chance we have, right?.

We become a media vehicle

inside our companies, right?

Yeah. And the best approach to that would be like think about Netflix

if your customers are willing to binge on your content,

then you're doing it right.

But before that, you know, just the idea of

placing content at a certain cadence, I think it's so important.

We're going to have a Netflix speaker here

-I'm going to use this hook with him. -Ok. Yeah.

So Ann, you have this new book "Everybody Writes".

People can see it here. We can actuallu buy it in Brazil.

We found out that we have it here. There is a store here selling the book.

What do we find in this book? What do we learn?

You can learn everything. Every secret of the universe.

-Everything. -That's a cheap book then.

It's worth it. No, I'm kidding.

So, I wrote "Everybody Writes"

because I wanted to give businesses and marketers

a sense of how do we actually create content that

reaches the people we want to reach and then engages them.

And I focused on writing because I believe

that great writing is the foundation for all the other content that we are creating.

Sometimes it's the backbone and sometimes it's actually the content

But, you know, that is true of a video script, for example,

that is true of any of the copy that's surrounding a podcast,

or anything you're producing.

So, I really wanted to give businesses and marketers

a sort of a how to guide.

How do we create content that is awsome?

You know, and again, from a writing stand point.

A lot of marketers, a lot of business people

have not taken a writing course since college.

But in this world, that is not going to help you.

It's like you need to figure out how to write more engaging

and empathetic content.

And that's what this book does, that's what it's about.

And you also wrote "Content Rules", which was a best-seller.

Yes, we're actually working on the second edition of that now

That's a scoop. You heard it right here in Brazil.

I haven't told anybody that publically.

So, we just signed a contract a few weeks ago.

And we're doing a second edition.

That's awsome. And how was it? I mean, it became like a content bible.

I don't think there was another book about content before that, right?

Well, there were other ones, but it's definitely...

It's the best selling book on content marketing.

And it's been translated into, I don' know,

I think like 15, 17 languages at this point.

It was tremendous and, you know, for me personally, it really did

put me and my barand on the map, so to speak.

But, more than that,

I really feel like it's helped people quite a bit.

And that's really what I try to do with all of my books.

I want to educate marketers.

And I want them to feel inspired.

So, I try to offer equal parts of education and inspiration.

And it's really important.

I was talking about that with my team a few days ago.

That people usually talk about learning in a more technical way,

but inspiration is as important as well.

It doesn't matter if you learn something and you don't put it into practice.

-and don't actually do it. -Exactly.

Of course. We're in marketing, we're not brain surgeons.

In the sense that we can have fun at our jobs.

You don't want your brain surgeon having fun

when he's got your head open and operating on you

But, you know, marketing is fun.

It should be fun. We should be... We should love it.

Like Jocko, who was on this morning before me.

I love that message that he had about, you know,

let's have fun, but also let's create meaning.

I don' think that the two are mutually exclusive.

I think they are the same thing.

That's what I want to bring to the world of marketing.

All right. One last question.

Many people didn't start creating content yet.

So, if you have to give the first step,

What do you have to do? What are the first steps you have to take

to create a good content and to creat an audience to you company?

Sure. So, two things. Number one,

Make sure you know who you're talking to really well.

If you only have this sort of big notion of who your audience is,

you know, do the research, take them to coffee.

Make sure you get to know them better,

because that's number one, so that you really have sombody in mind.

And I always say, you know, create content for one person

Criate content that helps one person who you know.

And I think it makes it a whole lot easier when you think of things that way

Don't think of, you know, our personas and I'm going to reach an entire audience

Think of one person. Huge difference.

So, that's number one.

Number two: look at your data.

I was sharing an example this morning from a law firm in Chicago, Illinois.

And just by looking at their analytics they knew which pages

were the most visited of their website.

Which meant they knew which were the most important

to people who were coming to the firm.

And so, just in terms of getting your message out there

and helping it connect to more people, you know,

look at your analytics, figure it out.

What are those areas of your website that can start to pull in some content

to engage a little bit more.

-Ann, one last request. -Yeah!

Can you please save the date for RD Summit for the rest of your life?

-It was so great to have you here. -Thank you so much!

-So great to have you in this interview. -Yeah, thank you so much!

We hope to see you soon again.

-Bye! -Bye-Bye!

For more infomation >> Os segredos do bom conteúdo, com Ann Handley | Studio RD Summit - Duration: 12:40.


CRIATIVIDADE com Keven Berifor – Colégio Batista Mineiro - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> CRIATIVIDADE com Keven Berifor – Colégio Batista Mineiro - Duration: 1:20.


Vinheta | RBS TV [Globo RS] (1988) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Vinheta | RBS TV [Globo RS] (1988) - Duration: 0:16.


Urbex gone WRONG! Abandoned Jailhouse - Duration: 2:53.

okay then let's go over there?

we go to the other side

oh there is someone! is there someone!

oh my god! no no no no

fuck! fuck fuck fuck

hiding hurry!

you left the easel there

*who's there?*

*get out who's there?*


what are you doing here?

we're only taking some photos

do you know that here is private property?

military zone

we are not doing anything wrong

give me your documents meantime

how many are you?

four but...


Do you know that you are now in bad trouble?

all of you

i'm sorry but....

you do not go home tonight

excuse me but taking pictures is a crime?

begins to call home that tonight you stay here

she's is an adult

you stay here too, tricky

where did you enter in there?

there's a hole in the wall, but..

there's someone up there, i hear some noise, how many are you?

just us, yes

anyway I do not think photographing is a crime

this is what WE decide, meanwhile you come down with me

sorry but where do you come from?

we make daily checks


now we're getting off

put down your phone, stop filming

what are you doing with the phone?

i just take some photos with my phone

another complaint? be careful

For more infomation >> Urbex gone WRONG! Abandoned Jailhouse - Duration: 2:53.


Vinheta pós-chamadas | RBS TV [Globo RS] (1994) - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Vinheta pós-chamadas | RBS TV [Globo RS] (1994) - Duration: 0:07.


Vinheta | RBS TV [Globo RS] - 25 Anos (1987) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Vinheta | RBS TV [Globo RS] - 25 Anos (1987) - Duration: 0:16.


Portimão 2017 acolhe congresso da Federação de Filatelia - Latest Science News - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Portimão 2017 acolhe congresso da Federação de Filatelia - Latest Science News - Duration: 5:26.


Melhores músicas gospel para ouvir Deus em 2017 - Músicas Gospel de SUCESSOS mais tocadas em 2017 - Duration: 1:02:18.

tks for watching

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