Monday, November 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2017

BREAKING: FBI Caught In Major Cover-Up, It's All Going Public.

Judicial Watch is a government watchdog group that often uses lawsuits to reveal information

to the public.

Their latest investigation is going to flip FBI officials on their heads.

The Department of Justice contacted Judicial Watch to inform them that the FBI located

30 pages of documents.

These pages relate to the meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and

former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.

The materials are scheduled to be sent to Judicial Watch no later than November 30th,


The documents are being sent directly to Judicial Watch in response to a Freedom of Information

Act (FOIA) lawsuit, that was filed when the Justice Department disregarded their request

on July 7, 2016.

A number of details are bound to be exposed when information surrounding this meeting

comes out.

Many have wondered about the nature of the meeting, and this instantly throws out the

narrative that Lynch and Clinton gave for the event.

According to the two of them, they met up to talk about golfing and grandkids.

One can't help but wonder how golfing and grandkids produced 30 pages of documentation

— unless that was just a cover story.

Once the information is released, all FD-302 forms under the FBI's investigation into

former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server will be, too.

Allegedly, the meeting between Lynch and Clinton involved details about these servers.

If anyone in the FBI, the office of the President, or the DNC have a communication log within

these 30 pages, that information is included in the request.

This information could help determine if Clinton and Lynch worked on establishing the "grandkids

and golf" alibi before it ever went public.

Finally, all records related to the meeting of Lynch and Clinton will be released to Judicial


This information can further elaborate on motive and foresight.

Initially, the FBI told Judicial Watch that there were no documents or records relevant

to that tarmac meeting.

However, in a similar case, the Justice Department found emails where officials within the department

spoke with the FBI about the event.

As a result of those findings, a letter was sent to Judicial Watch from the FBI reading,

"Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist.

As a result, your [FOIA] request has been reopened.

Now, the true nature of this meeting is going to be exposed to the public.

There are some that have speculated that the meetings directly involved Hillary Clinton's

private email server.

Others have said that since this meeting happened right before the release of the Benghazi report,

that this may have something to do with that incident where four Americans lost their lives.

Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch has stated, "The FBI is out of control.

It is stunning that the FBI 'found' these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we

caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit."

He continued, "Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI's document

games in court.

In the meantime, the FBI should stop the stonewall and release these new records immediately.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: FBI Caught In Major Cover-Up, It's All Going Public. - Duration: 3:26.


Perché Caduta Libera non va in onda oggi? Ecco la decisione ufficiale - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Perché Caduta Libera non va in onda oggi? Ecco la decisione ufficiale - Duration: 3:38.


5 estiramientos para aliviar los dolores lumbares de forma natural - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> 5 estiramientos para aliviar los dolores lumbares de forma natural - Duration: 9:57.


HOW TO: Cover Under Eye Circles and Bags | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 8:20.

I've discovered I can either only look one of two ways either like this or like this today

I'm gonna teach you guys how to get rid of under-eye circles because they are some pesky motherfuckers

My name is Amber mantra if you guys are into all things beauty and maybe some things, baby

Consider subscribing and hitting that notification Bell so that you don't miss anything and today

We're gonna get right into it dark circles are the bane of my existence

And I'm sure they're probably the bane of yours to really kind of conceal them

So I'm only gonna do one side of my face

Which will be this side you want to start with the basics of color correction?

Under eye circles tend to be blue or purple

Which means that you want to cancel them with something that has an orange undertone or like yellow?

Or like a salmon it depends use me as a point of reference if you're lighter than me or around my shade you can use

A salmon tone if you're darker than me, then you'd want to use something of an orange

Or if you have a super deep skin tone you can use a red

I tend to bounce back and forth depending on how dark my circles are sometimes. They're really really dark sometimes

They're not so if you're my skin tone or lighter my favorite concealer is the Tarte CC

Which is the color correction under-eye corrector? I am in the shade medium tan

They only have two so they have a medium tan which is good for me. I'm Hispanic. I have a yellow undertone

It is almost gone. I use this every day, but it is for a darker

skin tone and then they have one that's lighter than this and I actually have a girlfriend that I just suggested this to she

Loved this stuff, so this is a great under-eye concealer if you're also my tone, and you get really dark bags

or you were darker than me one of my other favorite concealers is the the LA girl Pro conceal in orange and

this is

Full coverage so you don't need a lot this guy retails for

$25 I don't know when I bought it, but I know it was a while ago. You don't need a ton of it

I'm finding this around five dollars on the internet, but I found one place where it's 295 at the HD beauty bar

Huh I know that the LA girl Pro conceal has I believe a salmon or a peach tone

so if you're a lighter skin tone

And you want to be a little bit more budget-friendly

You can do that as well so what you want to do to start is you want to find?

Darkus points of your under-eye circles so a lot of people think that they just put concealer under their eyes

You don't want to do that because it can get creepy it can get cakey this is where we carry a lot of fine lines

At least I do so when you smile it looks all nice and just like Oh

Chunky and gross so what you want to do is tilt your head forward to the mirror and where I'm finding

My dark circles are the darkest is right in here and right down here so typically

I just take my finger, and I'm gonna use this one for today

And I just take my finger and I find that area I try to put it in the line

And then I'll blend it out

So I'm just putting it in the line you want to make sure that a little bit goes above and a little bit comes down

Below to flatten out give it a more flat appearance if you put it just above in that area what it'll actually do is

It'll highlight the fact that you have that area. It's gonna pull everything forward. So if these are puffy

It's gonna pull it even further forward

and we don't want that because that's bad so you want to take it and you want to put it on the line and I

Put it on with my finger

and then I tend to blend it out with a beauty sponge Beauty sponges are my

Favorite because it soaks up extra product that you don't need it blends it out seamlessly, and then I just blend that

Out by tapping it in bring it up to the inner corner and then blend it out

And then I'll just keep going with it until I'm satisfied on how it looks now remember

You don't need a ton of this because you're going to be putting a concealer

Over it and you're gonna be setting it with a setting powder

And it just smooths out that line you always want to make sure

That your under-eye correction is the first thing that you put on before your foundation before your concealer?

This is what goes into color correcting your face

What you're trying to do before you put your foundation on is make sure you have the cleanest palate possible?

and then you put your foundation on and then it's just

Perfection my favorite concealer is the Tarte shape tape concealer, and I am in the shade medium

I absolutely love love it. I've never loved this stuff

It is a little heavy if you're not used to full coverage my actual second favorite foundation is the urban or?

foundation concealer my second favorite concealer is the Urban Decay Naked

Concealer if you're into some a little bit more natural oil love that concealer

It's just ah it's so good so so good, but this has it been my favorite because I am a full coverage girl

So you're gonna take that and you want to?

come down and go over it this way and

Drag it down now if you notice. I'm not putting this directly up to my eye

It's gonna make its way up there when I blend it in, but I'm just making sure to conceal that line

Right in there

And then I'm gonna take my little sponge again and just start to blend that out

Dragging it up

this way because you want to make sure that everything comes up and back and

Blending it out into the skin see as you can see now look at that. Oh

You son, okay, so I'm taking my pure BB cream, and this is in the shade medium deep


Tint oh my god my breath my lights up right. Oh, my god. That's a lot?

We're just gonna go like that

Okay, literally just dropped it okay

Looks like we're gonna

Have a little bit more than light coverage here

Whoops if you want something that just makes your skin kind of glow and look radiant and super natural

This is my favorite drugstore BB cream. Oh my god, so good especially if you have dry skin

Like your mama here today. I'm just gonna blend this out with a sponge

So now you can see when I have my under-eye corrector on my concealer on my foundation

on the fact that this side just looks nice and bright and just

So cheery and this side

Dead on the inside now that we have that all done

And you can see the difference what I would like to do is show you the difference of what this side would look like without

An under-eye corrector in the same fashion blending it out and then again putting my BB cream

Over that whole area from this angle it looks about the same

You can still I feel like you can see this one a little bit more

But nobody walks like this

Usually and me when I talk to people for some reason I do this so when I look down you can

Definitely see more on this side then you can on this

if you want your under-eye

concealer to stay and not go anywhere and

Make sure that you continue to have the brightness what I prefer to do is take a little bit of

Translucent powder on my sponge, and if you're not into baking you don't have to be but you can just blend that on

The area like so or you can bake it's up to you

Baking is just when you take the powder and you put it on and you leave it there

So I'm just taking the powder right now

And I'm pouncing it on the area until it's pretty much gone and this technique will ensure that you don't get any creepiness

You know baking especially if you do it for a while it can make you look really really dry in certain areas

This side just looks nice and flawless now that I have that setting powder on and this side has no

Corrector on it and you can just you can still see that under area and even when I tilt my head

forward now now that its powdered and like matted down you can barely see anything my favorite setting powder is the RCM a

Translucent setting powder you can get this online

And it's three ounces of powder $12. It's a lot of powder for $12 and this is my favorite. I love

This those are my tips and tricks on how to get rid of under-eye circles

I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did I will link up in the cards where you can find more tutorials

And more makeup stuff and more of my face

And if you like beauty and you want to continue to learn and just have some plain old fun

Go ahead and subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything and don't forget

You can follow me on all of my social media which is Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube

And let me know if you suffer with under-eye circles also

Let me know if there's anything else that I can help you with in these quick little

Tips other than that I will see you guys next time

For more infomation >> HOW TO: Cover Under Eye Circles and Bags | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 8:20.


لا تتشائم ◆ حاول أن تتحكم وتغير الإدراك السلبي ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:12.

For more infomation >> لا تتشائم ◆ حاول أن تتحكم وتغير الإدراك السلبي ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:12.


CUTE AND EASY HAIRSTYLES | @luceslusia - Duration: 4:50.

Hello lovelies and welcome once again to my YouTube channel!

the video today is about hairstyles, the one you've been asking me for so long

I've done lots of different hairstyles and I've left half of my hair behind

in the process

cause I've used these transparent hair elastics

which are horrible, like really horrible.

I hate them, I think it's one the things

I hate the most in life.

But well,

I hope you like it, there are a few hairstyles,

I'm not too sure how many though, I haven't counted them to be honest

But they're really easy, trust me, if I can do them

then anyone else can.

anyone, honestly, if I can...

you can 😂

and well, once this is said, let's go to the video ✌🏼

First thing we need is a hair brush

my one is so dirty 😂

hair pins, everything for the hair 😜

these plastic thingies I hate

aaaand a comb with a stick

I'm so technic...

First thing to do: brush your hair, this is the first step

on every single hairstyle.

And with this first one, what we're gonna do is

tie the "fringe" with a hair elastic

and make it stay with the big pin.

Keep repeating on every section

I got tired of the stick here as you can see

continue.. 3, 4, 5

as many times as you can

un-pin them from the big pin and what we're gonna do now

is join the first pigtail with the second one,

second one with the third, third with fourth and

then fourth with the fifth, the last one.

and from there, make it a bit scruffy from bottom to top

and this is what it looks like ❤️

Second hairstyle: tall ponytail

we divide it into two and curl both of the sides

in the same direction

and then when we join them together, curling them in between,

we have to do it the other way round, contrary to the side we curled them to.

and that's how it stays

magic! I love this one 😊

Third hairstyle, make a low ponytail

make a hole in the middle and put the ponytail inside, I don't know how you call this process

but I'm gonna call it "put it inside"

and with the left hair underneath, we're gonna make a braid

I like two-hair braids, I really fancy them right now

Then we put the braid inside the hole,

we do it another time and this time we use some pins to make it stay

one on each side

and this is the beautiful one 💃🏽

here... I look so horrible haha

this is so bad!

We separate the fringe and use the pin to make it stay apart,

and we do a low ponytail and put it inside again

then put the fringe down into the hole

pin the ponytail up again so it doesn't get in the way

and now braid the left hair from the fringe

we're then gonna turn this round the elastic

and pin it once it's done, and this is how it looks!

Next hairstyle: we don't have to take the whole piece of hair

but instead a bit from the left

and a bit from the right

tie it up and push it inside twice

so it looks kind of like...


We do it a couple more times, as many as you can

at some point you won't be able to continue

as your hair will kind of stop you, you'll see

when that happens,

then start braiding it down.

Scruff it and this is how lovely it gets!

For the last one, we do get the whole section

of hair from the top, how do you call this

header? don't really know

and what we do now is put it inside

and do it again but this time, carefully, keeping the finger there

to do it right and keep it round.

left hairs can be tied with a pin

and basically, it's giving it that round shape

brush the rest of the hair and that's it!


Here's where the video ends, I hope you've liked it

and that it's been useful

that you do them all and if you do,

please tag me on your photos!

I'd love that ❤️❤️❤️

and that's it,

huuuuge kiss for you,

don't forget to follow me on my social media and subscribe!

and like, and share, and all those things that

make me happy

aaaand, that's it! Lots of kisses and

will see you on next video!

I love u❤️.

For more infomation >> CUTE AND EASY HAIRSTYLES | @luceslusia - Duration: 4:50.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Dr. Pillai Gives Arunachala Meditation to Still the Mind - Duration: 6:03.

Today is the first day when I have just conceived of giving a teaching from Tiruvannamalai for

a few minutes looking at the Mountain.

When I just came in front of the Mountain, the Mountain said that: "The Mountain is

the problem."

I said, "Why?"

"Because this Mountain is hiding the vision."

"But that's paradoxical.

People come here just to look at the Mountain so that there will be a revelation, but you

are telling me now that I am… that the Mountain is a problem.

It's going to hide.

So I get confused.

So what do I need to do?

Then why am I coming here all the way from here?"

There is a deeper understanding about the Mountain saying that, "I am hiding."

When Raman Maharishi came the Mountain said the same thing.

You know, then it's just a rock, but then Raman Maharishi also said "Although it's

just a rock, it can still the Mind.

The Mountain, by looking at the Mountain, it can 'Still the Mind.'

And I would go one step further and would say you don't even have to look at the Mountain.

To just be in the presence of the Mountain, although the Mountain will be a few miles

away from you, and even without seeing the Mountain, but the Mountain can still the Mind.


Because there is a Divine Radiation from the Mountain all around this area, and this Divine

Radiation is capable of stilling the Mind.

And stilling the Mind is the most important thing that can happen to anyone.

"Be still and know that you are God," is Bible, the Old Testament, I guess.

So there is no way you can 'Still the Mind' through human efforts.

You need to have some Divine Intervention, and the Divine Intervention is provided by

the Mountain.

I just want to give this experience to people who come here looking for the, looking for


But again the Mind comes, and the Mind is the problem.

The Mind gives innumerable concepts, ideas, philosophies, etc., etc.

But all of these things have to come to an end, and that will come just being in the

presence of the Mountain.

The Mountain will still the Mind.

How it will still the Mind?

By just using the sound either: Arunanchala.

"Arunanchala Siva, Arunanchala Siva, Arunanchala Siva, Aruna Sivom,

Arunanchala Siva, Arunanchala Siva, Arunanchala Siva, Aruna Sivom"

This sound, Arunanchala Siva, will help, while looking at the Mountain will help you.

There are a million ways through which you can use the Mountain.

There is so much that can be said, but all of

these verbal, visual, presentations lead to one goal.

And that is to still the Mind.

Come to Arunanchala.

I want to invite you for my Birthday, and I have accepted Arunanchala as my domicile

in India. God Bless.

For more infomation >> Dr. Pillai Gives Arunachala Meditation to Still the Mind - Duration: 6:03.


GF Vip gossip: i dubbi di Signorini sulla coppia Moser-Rodriguez - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> GF Vip gossip: i dubbi di Signorini sulla coppia Moser-Rodriguez - Duration: 4:25.


FATAL X ELPHVRV - I GOT NEW WAVE 🌊 (Official Video) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> FATAL X ELPHVRV - I GOT NEW WAVE 🌊 (Official Video) - Duration: 3:30.



what's going on guys how are you guys doing welcome back to a brand new video

on this channel today I know this is a little different setup if you guys can't

tell I'm in New York right now I don't have my big computer to record these

videos so on Wednesday I'm gonna get a better setup so you guys you know

everything looks better but for now this is gonna have to do because I don't want

to not make content for you guys so this may have to do today um if you guys are

aware in my facebook group we talked about doing free consultation calls for

Amazon I'm helping you guys out with Amazon I

wanted to give back to you guys you guys show a lot of support we're at almost

800 subscribers I don't know how many we're gonna be at by the time this video

goes up but thank you all who subscribe I wanted to make it so yeah you guys

read the title of the video i'm gonna be doing free amazon FBA mentorship and so

i'm gonna be calling it so its face is gonna be three ten-minute phone calls

three ten-minute consultation calls every single day so every day I'm gonna

need a that I released a video I'm gonna be also doing and I'm gonna be doing it

live I'm gonna be doing a consultation call I'm gonna find a consultation

called winners so the way that you guys can enter I know it's gonna be the big

question how can I enter this the way you guys can enter is simply to number

one be subscribed to channel number two well basically it's gonna be based on

engagement so the more I see you guys the more chanda bigger the chance that

you guys are gonna win the consultation call right and you guys can win two

three days in a row if like I see you the most right so only gonna have to do

comment on videos share videos those are two biggest one you guys know leave a

like on the video too that's great I appreciate it comment on videos and

share videos maybe the big ones share them I don't know wherever you guys

think that that video could provide value and that's starting with this

video free mentorship I feel like this could

provide a lot of value to a lot of you guys a lot of people out there so don't

forget before this video ends leave a comment down below explaining why you

want to consultation call and what we're going to be talking about in the

consultation call that way I also kind of know what we're gonna talk about when

we when we call and also share this video - I don't know Facebook pages

Facebook groups - wherever you guys can wherever you guys

think people find value from it so yeah that's gonna be little short video just

gonna be updating you guys on how that's going to work so subscribe and

engagement it's gonna be the two requirements to be able to win the

giveaway I'm gonna be in doing or the consultation call I'm gonna be doing one

of these every day between now and the end of the year I got this idea actually

from Grant Cardone a lot you guys probably know Grant Cardone he's given

away a million dollars I don't have a million dollars to give you guys so I'm

gonna do my best to give you guys value this way and it's gonna be through a

consultation called 10 minute calls every day and hopefully we can you know

improve your business hopefully get to know each other a little bit better to

you know make it a more personal thing yeah that's thing that's gonna be it I

think I covered everything guys thank you so much for watching thank guys

again for soon 800 subscribers can't thank you guys enough but yeah thank us

so much for watching don't forget to subscribe and comment down below

something in this video or just say hi whatever you guys want but yeah thanks

so much for watching guys I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video



❕ASMR Dinosaur EXCAVATION❕Teachers&Students Roleplay⚗🔬Ft. WolfberryWhispers📚⚗🔬 - Duration: 36:22.

For more infomation >> ❕ASMR Dinosaur EXCAVATION❕Teachers&Students Roleplay⚗🔬Ft. WolfberryWhispers📚⚗🔬 - Duration: 36:22.


Kiss - O que você faria por amor? (Because I'm a Girl) - Legendado (Ative Legendas) - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> Kiss - O que você faria por amor? (Because I'm a Girl) - Legendado (Ative Legendas) - Duration: 8:02.


We're HOMESCHOOLING! | Why I Pulled my Older Kids Out of Public School - Duration: 8:30.

So, we are making some big changes around here.

The boys are officially homeschooled.

I decided to homeschool the boys for several reasons and yesterday was their very last

day of public school.

(Intro Music)

We are heading to Medford right now because we're going car shopping!

We have to get a second car, especially because I'm going to be homeschooling the boys.

The boys still want to do their instruments.

Blaine does trumpet and Merrick does violin and they're allowed to keep doing that at

their schools which means that they have to be at school everyday for their band classes.

And Merrick is going to start taking acting classes starting in January and the acting

classes are all the way in Ashland every Friday, so we need a car.

We're looking for an SUV and that is what we're going to find right now.


Alright, we're gonna test drive this soccer mom van.

What do you think about it?

Ya ya ya ya.


Raya likes the van.

Oh, she kicked her shoe off she liked it so much.

Now the reason we're looking at mini vans right now is because our price range is really low.

Like, we just HAVE to have a second car so we don't have a lot of time to save up money

so we don't have a lot of money to spend and our options are limited.

Literally, there's like, just a few cars that we can look at in our price range, so..

We're driving! *gasp*


Raya does this thing now where she gasps.

Shes like, "Gasp!*

Where we going?

*gasping and laughing*

I think we're gonna go back and get the first vehicle we looked at because

the van that we just test drove had a weird rattle to it and the lights, when it would

sit in idle, they would kinda flicker and there was just some weird things that we didn't

like about it, so we're gonna go with the SUV.

Plus the SUV was cheaper anyway.

Alright, here it is.

I am driving my new car home.

That feels so weird to say.

It's so weird that we just woke up this morning and went out and bought a vehicle!

Look how beautiful!

The fog and the mountains, I love it.

Here's our new vehicle Mer-bijer.

What do you think of it?

(Blaine: I think it's pretty cool.)


There's a picnic table in this car.


There's a picnic table in this car.




There is it.

See the legs on it?

Take it out.

(Blaine: Did you get that for free?)

It came with the car.

And this car is an automatic, which is not the best thing in my opinion but it's ok.

It'll take some getting use to.

And it's all wheel drive so we can take it on back roads and, yea it's a honda, and we

can go on some of the tiny roads that we could not take the Fiesta on.

So, we can get to some of the trails that we've always wanted to go hiking on but never

could before.

And the heat and air works in it pretty well.

It was toasty on the way back home.

Here it is.

Kinda boxy.

We were just skyping with my mom and Raya was so cute, she was touching the screen.

She was really confused how we were talking to a screen, I guess.

Is that Nonna?

Na na na na.

"She's saying "na na na na" and pushing, pointing.

I'm about to take Blaine to a friend's house so I'm thinking I'm gonna take Keira with

us because Keira never gets to ride in the car and now that we have that car we can take


Alright Keira, go on.

Keira come here.


She doesn't understand.


What a wussy dog!

What, we gotta get you a ramp? Come on!

I think you'll have to pick her up and toss her in.

Oh, come here.

Oh my gosh, that is so funny.

We're all in the car together for the first time!

Raya's wanting Keira.


What's happening?

Raya wants to pet Keira so bad.

Hey boys, how much room do you have back there with the car seat?

A lot more room.

You have a lot more room?

A lot more room than last time.

And this is open so we can actually put stuff right here.

Oh yea, you've got a lot more foot space?

It feels so weird with us all being in the car at the same time, doesn't it boys?

Like, with Keira in the car too.

We can go places now and take Keira with us without having to board her.

So it will actually be cheaper for us to take trips now.

We're taking Blaine to drop him off at a friend's house.

He's gonna stay the night there and his friend has a cool view of Grants Pass, so we're heading

up a hill.

I'll show you the view when we get to the top.

We're putting the new car to the test.

We're going up these hills.

Alright, here is the view.

It's Grants Pass.

It looks a lot cooler at night 'cause you can see all the lights.

Come on Merrick, let's go.

Well, we are at home now.

I wanted to tell you a few reasons that we've decided to do homeschooling.

The biggest reason is our lifestyle because we do not eat animals and public school kind

of pushes animal products onto the kids.

Like, Blaine had a science class where they did an experiment and the kids had to eat

gummies but the gummies had gelatin so he couldn't participate.

So he just had to sit there for an hour not doing the science experiment with the other kids,

And Merrick had a nutrition class that he did not like at all, he came home complaining

about it and we started thinking about homeschooling after that.

But then I was pushed over the edge last week when Merrick received a writing assignment

that was "Imagine you are a turkey the day before Thanksgiving".

So like, how morbid can you get?


Even if you're not a vegetarian or vegan, like how can you write that story without

it being about death or trying to avoid death or killing or death in some way because you're

a turkey before Thanksgiving, so I found it extremely morbid and I told Merrick he did

not have to write that, do that assignment because it was completely against our morals.

Merrick's a really good kid, he can't just not do a writing assignment so he attempted

to write the story.

It was about a turkey who's friends and family were all being shot and killed and the turkey

was hiding and trying to fight his tears and it was just a really really sad and depressing


So he didn't finish writing it and I talked to his teacher and she excused him from the

writing assignment, but after that happened I was just like, you know what? Let go for it.

Lets just jump into it and do this whole homeschool thing because I think it could be beneficial

in a lot of ways.

Not just our lifestyle, but education and learning in general.

Blaine's a really slow learner and he's failing all of his classes and he's been failing all

of his classes for years and he's not learning anything because he's always falling behind

He only gets moved up because of his age and they don't want to hold him back anymore.

If it doesn't work out, like we'll try it for the rest if the year or something and

if it doesn't work out I told them that they can go back to public school.

This was also their choice, not just mine so we're all trying it out to see how it goes,.

And, wish us luck!

Also if you have any advice for us about new homeschoolers starting out, because I know

some of you homeschool also and I am open to advice 'cause I really don't know what

I'm doing at all.

I grew up in public school, my kids have grown up in public schools, I mean up until this

point and I have never saw myself..

I've never even considered homeschooling at all, so this is completely new to me.

Anyway, I am gonna go ahead and end this video.

Thank you for watching.

See ya.

(Outro Music)

For more infomation >> We're HOMESCHOOLING! | Why I Pulled my Older Kids Out of Public School - Duration: 8:30.


Grass fires burning near I-25 and North Gate Blvd. - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Grass fires burning near I-25 and North Gate Blvd. - Duration: 0:44.


Instructional Tech in Under 3 Minutes #15 - Why I love this picture - Duration: 2:27.

Hey folks, it's Andrew and I want to tell you why I love this picture.

What we're looking at here is a math center in a second grade classroom and we've got

Think Central - Go Math on the screen here.

We've got Chromebooks.

Students are wearing headsets.

And then we've got these math manipulatives here that are available to use.

So, as with the last one, the reason that I love this picture and this set up is the

design of the activity that the students are engaged in.

So, what we're looking at here if we zoom in -- See, the geometry teacher in me loves

this picture partially because we've got ourselves a geometry question here.

But, you've got a student who is being asked to solve a problem about a solid figure.

In this case, a rectangular prism.

And as you can see, she is building it.

Now, I was working with this student and she was having a hard time visualizing.

Like you could see her, kind of, in her mind, kind of, she's looking up, sort of, toward

her eyebrow, and taking her hands and kind of moving them around like this.

And it wasn't until she actually built it that she was able to really see what the problem

was asking her to solve and get a better visual.

So, the student who is in the learning stages of this particular content has these available

to her to use.

And that's one of the reasons that I love this picture.

Because it recognizes that while the activity is on the screen and the response is on the

screen, the work does not have to be completely digital.

This student may need a manipulative, may need to build this, may need to pull the image

off the page and into three-dimensional space in order to really analyze what the problem

is asking her to do.

As you can see other things, you've got this student here who's got paper he was scribbling

on, doing a similar type of thing.

You've got headset off, here they're on.

So students are feeling a lot of flexibility and freedom to use the technology in ways

that support their learning and not feel compelled to just all use it exactly the same way.

And that is why I love this picture.

So let me know if you have questions and I look forward to seeing you guys around.

For more infomation >> Instructional Tech in Under 3 Minutes #15 - Why I love this picture - Duration: 2:27.


Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-i YORIN 3 DRS - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-i YORIN 3 DRS - Duration: 1:01.


I GOT U BABE - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> I GOT U BABE - Duration: 2:01.


Tower 57 - A colorful 16bit era Indie Game! The Sweatshop #3 - Duration: 16:45.

Tower 57 is an indie game made by Pixwerk and 11bit Studios and believe me this is a great title to play.

When I've just touched this game, it's lovely and incredibly beautiful looking game

I love 8/16 bit era and all these pixel art levels, characters, mobs and weapons are something I like.

The difficulty I took is Hard, let's hope it won't be too much for me.

The third level is the first one when it really becomes rough and tougher than before.

I think that the proper selection of primary hero is the key, Scientist works as the best one right here.

If you already have an upgraded Tesla Rifle with Chain Lightning upgrade, this gun does wonders.

During this level, you will be swarmed by a lot of little robotic mobs, they are very annoying.

The selfhealing upgrade will be also very handy, there isn't so much healthpacks around but lots of enemies instead around.

I've made maybe a mistake with siding against the Supervisor...

The game lacks option to load previous autosaves so I don't really know what is the another outcome.

This map is also the first one where we will be able to use the tank - the only vehicle in the game.

Although it's a heavy armored vehicle, it's projectile is very slow but deals a lot of damage.

The final boss of this level is a throwback to the Shock Troopers 2nd Squad.

You fight against a building, yup.

Not so hard battle, but can make a small headache.

If you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe to it. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Tower 57 - A colorful 16bit era Indie Game! The Sweatshop #3 - Duration: 16:45.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €12.995,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €12.995,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €12.995,- RIJLKLAAR - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €12.995,- RIJLKLAAR - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V Caractère - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V Caractère - Duration: 0:59.


Fiat Panda 1.2i EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 1.2i EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.


BMW X6 3.5I HIGH EXECUTIVE Navigatie 4X4 Xenon Leer Clima Camera 20"LM 306Pk! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 3.5I HIGH EXECUTIVE Navigatie 4X4 Xenon Leer Clima Camera 20"LM 306Pk! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 0:58.


RIJKLAARPRIJS ! Hyundai I10 I-Motion Comfort - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> RIJKLAARPRIJS ! Hyundai I10 I-Motion Comfort - Duration: 0:59.


Interior Design Tips: 3 things you need to style your coffee table - Duration: 2:39.

I love styling coffee tables and bookshelves and fireplace mantles. I find

myself arranging interesting objects throughout my home constantly, playing

with scale, texture, and color. I love it and my clients always ask me to

rearrange their shelves when I come over which I love too. There's lots of rules

of thumb for this sort of thing and there's always the main elements of

design to consider (scale, color, texture, etc.) but I usually tell my clients you

only need three things to get started.

Something boxy! And by boxy i mean square, flat and stackable. This is why

coffee table books were invented! You'll need at least two but not more than five

and stack them so that the largest is on the bottom. If you're not a book person,

boxes are perfect so keep them similar in color and style and then just stack

them. Next up you'll need something round. It could be a beautiful bowl, a great

round clear vase, a round tray or a big round floral arrangement. The idea is to

mix in something that is opposite to boxy and square. It creates what we

designers call balance. And finally you'll need something tall. An orchid is

a beautiful tall feature on a coffee table or cut flowers in a narrow tall

vase. It could be a tall vase on its own or a tall sculptural piece. Basically you

need to add some visual height to your coffee table landscape. And keep this

item to one singular piece. You want one tower not a cityscape of towers. And

that's it. That's how simple it can be! As you arrange your coffee table landscape

make sure to move around the table and look at it from various angles. Of course

it can be much more involved and complicated but this is a great starting

point. As you get more comfortable with these three things you can add the next

thing that I always try to include: something quirk! You'll see it in some

of the examples I've shown you. It's usually small and perhaps a little odd

or out of place. It's something your guests will want the story behind.

So here's your take away: start with three things - boxy, round, and tall. Arrange

them as you move around your coffee table. Then add a special quirk! Your

coffee table will be so happy over all the attention! Thanks for watching this

little design tip. We'll have lots more design tips just like this one coming

soon so don't forget to subscribe! And if you like this video please give it a

thumbs up. See you soon.

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