Thursday, November 16, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 16 2017

there are lots of great fall decorations out in our neighborhood and one of the

most common ones squeaks and I see are turkeys you might know that turkeys are

connected with Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada and people

sometimes raise them on their farm but did you know that there are also wild

turkeys and they're pretty cool birds there are lots of other fun things to

know about turkeys too from the sounds they make to how they eat to the little

flaps of skin on their beaks you might already know one of the sounds a turkey

makes on the count of three let's all try to make that sound ready one two

three did you make a sound like this

yes turkeys say something that sounds like gobble gobble but not all of them

only the Tom's the male turkeys make that famous gobbling sound and they only

make it some of the time both Tom turkeys and female turkeys

called hens can make other sounds too like this and this so if you ever hear a

turkey make that gobble gobble sound you know it's a Tom turkey and I'm going to

let you in on another secret about how to tell the Tom's and hands apart look

at their poop yes their poop if a pile of turkey poop looks like a spiral it

came from a head if it looks more like the letter J or a question mark then it

came from a Tom turkey one thing that's the same about Tom and hen turkeys is

what they eat adult turkeys munch on things like berries and seeds and even

sometimes small animals like salamanders but like all birds turkeys don't have

teeth so they can't chant their food the way we do instead they have another body

part that kind of does the same thing it's called a gizzard and it's a really

important body part for turkeys and other birds the gizzard is a small pouch

that has a lot of muscle and if we could see inside of the turkeys body we could

see that the gizzard is right here a Turkey's gizzard is full of tiny stones

and pieces of other hard things like gravel the turkey picks up these hard

pieces from the ground and swallows them and they stay in a gizzard

if a human tried to swallow a stone it would be dangerous but for a turkey the

stones in its gizzard act like teeth when food gets into the gizzard the

muscles of the gizzard squeeze it mixing the food with the stones inside this

matches the food up and grind it into smaller pieces then the turkey can use

it for energy the gizzard is just one of the neat body parts that a turkey has

and like the word gizzard they're also pretty fun to say turkeys have two

special body parts on their head the flap of skin that hangs over the turkeys

beak is called a snood and the skin around the turkeys neck is called its

waddle bird experts can tell a lot about how a turkey is feeling by looking at

its nude and its waddle the snoot and model are normally kind of pink or red

in color but if the turkeys not feeling well its snoot and waddle get lighter in

color and if the turkey is scared they can even turn blue okay time for one

more turkey fact you might have heard that turkeys are not very smart well

that's not true turkeys can be just as smart as other

animals they can learn to get along with people and other animals and they can

even learn from each other so now you know all about Thanksgivings famous bird

the turkey thanks for joining us if you want to keep learning and having fun

with squeaks and me hit the subscribe button and we'll see you next time here

the fourth


For more infomation >> Fun Facts About Turkeys! - Duration: 3:44.


Open Education in Practice: Integrating OER Into Your Course - Duration: 4:28.

This week's video is going to talk about how you can integrate Open Educational Resources,

or OER, into your teaching.

Open Educational Resources provide a great opportunity for saving students money

in the classroom.

But a blog post on Open Pedagogy posted earlier this year talks about OER in a different way.

It reads: "When faculty use OER, we aren't just saving students money on textbooks:

we are directly impacting that students' ability to enroll in, persist through, and

successfully complete a course."

But why?

Because when you use OER or open textbooks in place of a traditional textbook in your

class, every student is able to afford and access that resource from Day One.

Now here's the big question: how does using that resource change what you do in a class?

Or put another way, how will the "open" aspect of OER impact the way you teach?

You don't have to change your methods or incorporate the "openness" of your resources

into your assignments or course planning if you really don't want to.

However, if you choose to ignore these aspects of your open resources, what's the point

of including them in your class?

It'll save students money, but there's so much more you can do.

Instead, consider challenging yourself.

Consider asking yourself "how will I edit these resources or my teaching to accommodate

the open resources to my course objectives?

The Open Education Consortium has listed seven steps that you can take to integrate open educational

resources into your teaching.

To keep things simple, I'm going to summarize five of those here.

First, Articulate expectations, goals, and learning outcomes for your course.

Explaining how your resources relate to what you teach and what you expect your class to

learn can be useful for you, your students, and (if you're creating a resource to release online),

it can provide context for future instructors who use your work as well.

Second, allow active engagement with your resources.

Develop activities where students can evaluate or revise OER in your subject area, encourage

students to seek out material online, or engage with websites like Wikipedia where you can

update or critique material that has been submitted openly.

Teach your students to evaluate their resources, and to engage with the material in a new way,

not just absorb it as they go along.

Third, encourage students to have enjoyable and meaningful experiences with your course.

Using Open Educational Resources means that much of your course materials will be available

online, and that you can continue to develop the course content over time as well.

Why not get your students involved in creating resources you can use in future classes, like

video summaries of textbook chapters, or infographics to explain complicated ideas?

The students can get credit for their work, and have homework that persists and can be

used by instructors after they've completed the class.

This can help students to see the impact and importance of their work, and encourage them

to make sure they understand the material better over time.

Fourth, provide opportunities for useful reflection on what users have learned.

Allow students to reflect on their experience with your new resources, to comment on what

they liked and didn't, and how it impacted their learning.

OER are openly licensed, so if there's something small that just doesn't work for your students,

you can edit that out for the next course you teach.

And finally, link learning with students' own circumstances.

Because OER allow for more freedom both in how and what you present to your class, you

have the ability to give the material a more local context.

That might mean you bring in information specific to Iowa in an Agronomy or Agriculture lesson

plan, or it might mean that you use language that your students are more familiar with.

If you're sharing an Open Educational Resource online, other instructors might translate

your work into their language, or provide examples that relate to how they and their

students live in their country, state, or even county.

You have a lot of options for making an open resource your own and making it relatable

and attractive for your students.

Think about that and what that could mean for your teaching.

Open educational resources aren't just analogs

for the materials you already use in your courses.

That is one way you can use them, but ideally they should be dynamic, learner-oriented,

based and rooted in your course objectives, and open to change.

By reviewing your materials, what you want from them, and what they can do for your class,

you can more effectively integrate OER into your classroom.

Thanks for watching and as always, contact your librarian or check out our library guides

if you have any questions.

For more infomation >> Open Education in Practice: Integrating OER Into Your Course - Duration: 4:28.


How to Make Plasma in Your Microwave ... With a Grape - Duration: 3:53.


When you think about plasma, you know, like when you're just sitting around,

thinking about states of matter, you probably imagine stars, or the stuff that comes out of a lightsaber.

You probably don't think about something you'd make in your kitchen microwave.

But it's totally possible, and there are plenty of YouTube videos to prove it.

Thanks to some cool physics, you don't even need fancy technology.

All you need is a microwave that you're willing to destroy … and a grape.

Plasma is kind of like a gas, except that its atoms have some of their electrons stripped off,

so it's made up of positively-charged ions and a bunch of free electrons zooming around.

To make some, you just have to make some gas really hot,

and then send an electrical current through it.

And a microwave is a great way to do that.

Microwave ovens cook food by bathing it in a kind of light called, shockingly, microwaves.

They're just like the visible light coming out of your computer screen right now,

but their frequency, the number of times they oscillate back and forth each second,

is about 200,000 times lower, so matter responds differently to them.

The waves make water and other molecules in your food vibrate,

which generates the heat that makes your hot pocket hot.

Now, if you throw a regular old grape in a microwave oven,

it will probably just get really hot and explode.

You'll get fruit juice all over the inside of the thing, but you won't see any fireballs.

To get the fiery ball of plasma, the grape needs some preparation.

In those YouTube videos, they're always careful to cut the grape almost completely in half,

except for a tiny strip of skin connecting the two halves.

And that strip is important, because it lets the grape act like an antenna

and that makes the whole experiment work.

A sliced grape happens to be just about the perfect size to trap and amplify microwaves,

and when the waves start flowing in, the grape turns into what's called a dipole antenna,

where the electrical charges in each half get pushed back and forth

across the little slice of skin.

To make sure all the microwaves hit the grape from the same direction,

people will usually take out or cover the spinning plate that rotates the food,

so the charges bounce back and forth in the same way over and over again.

All that focuses the energy of these microwaves onto that tiny bit of skin.

Any water on there boils away pretty quickly and then,

unsurprisingly, the strip catches on fire after just a couple of seconds.

Which is one reason why this is a bad idea to try at home:

Fire and powerful electronics, not usually a good thing to mix together.

But the fire doesn't just disappear after that.

Hot air rises, so the flame climbs up between the two grape halves.

And since the microwave oven is still going, electric current keeps bouncing

back and forth between the sides of the grape,

and across any steam or hot molecules carried up by the fire.

Eventually, it gets so hot that the atoms in the steam, the air, and even the grape

juice have their electrons stripped off, and you get a bunch of plasma.

The plasma fireball shoots out from the grape halves and, if everything goes just right,

or horribly, horribly wrong, it tends to hit the roof of the microwave often pretty spectacularly.

Once that fireball stops and it cools down, the plasma just turns into regular gas again,

and there's nothing to worry about, except, probably, for your broken microwave oven.

Which again, is why this is not a great idea to do in your home microwave oven,

which you probably bought with money.

So if you've seen these grapesplosions on YouTube, there's a lot more to them than

meets the eye, and there's a lot of cool microwave science out there.

But I am not condoning you doing them.

It's the kind of thing that should be done carefully by professional grape exploders.

Thanks for watching!

Besides perfectly cut grapes, there are plenty of other things

you should not stick in the microwave, and we've explained some of them before here on SciShow.

If you've ever wondered why you shouldn't put metal in there,

you can watch our episode where we tell you all about it.


For more infomation >> How to Make Plasma in Your Microwave ... With a Grape - Duration: 3:53.



For more infomation >> SLAY OR THROW AWAY: IS ZAFUL A SCAM? HONEST REVIEW 👊 - Duration: 14:52.


On Senate Funding and Sexual Harassment Allegations - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> On Senate Funding and Sexual Harassment Allegations - Duration: 7:59.


Let's Make A Deal - No complaining here with these prizes! - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - No complaining here with these prizes! - Duration: 2:31.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.



For more infomation >> APRENDA UM NOVO IDIOMA EM CASA | CONHEÇA ITALKI | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 3:31.


Echosmith - Get Into My Car

For more infomation >> Echosmith - Get Into My Car


This Powerful Plan is Great for Treating Insomnia and Anxiety, See! - Duration: 6:39.

The essential oil of melissa, is widely used to treat a number of health problems,

such as insomnia, anxiety, migraine, hypertension, diabetes, herpes, depression and dementia.

Its antiviral and antimicrobial properties They are present in a sweet and pleasant aroma.

And one of the best known oil benefits melissa is its ability to treat wounds

and Herpes viruses, naturally without need for antibiotics.

Melissa consumed on a regular basis It can relieve a lot of bad health conditions.

For the restless, she is an excellent reassuring, reduces anxiety and stress, provides

relaxation and improves the quality of sleep.

Now look at some of the oil benefits melissa


Improves symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

The researchers found that the oil melissa helps reduce the effects of the disease



It has anti inflammatory activity

The melissa oil can be ingested or applied topically to reduce swelling and relieve

pain due to its anti-inflammatory action.


Prevents and treats infections

A series of studies have indicated that the herb It can be used to heal wounds, including

Oral and genital herpes.


It antidiabetic effects

Studies suggest that melissa oil is one hypoglycemic and antidiabetic agent



Promotes healthy skin

The melissa oil is used to naturally treat eczema, acne and minor wounds because it has

antifungal and antibacterial properties.

These were just some of the benefits melissa oil, but you can also

get your benefits by using water or melissa tea.

Learn how to make water Melissa

There is yet another way to consume melissa: melissa water.

This is a homeopathic medicine that can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription.

This drug is indicated to treat gases intestinal; prevents spasms and cramps

stomach, intestines and bladder; it is stimulating and soothing the digestive system; analgesic

(Lessen the pain) and lowers blood pressure.

Water melissa, as well as tea this plant also calms and relaxes nerves.

It has sedative effects, or promotes sleep, and so it is better to be consumed before


Please note, if you have to take medicine sleep because the drug interaction

melissa water with other sedatives may cause excessive drowsiness.

Using water melissa It is recommended to use 30 drops of water melissa

diluted in half a glass of water to use it as a sleep aid, or to tackle problems

anxiety and insomnia.

But the ideal is to consult a doctor you can evaluate your case and indicate or

melissa not for you in particular.

ingredients: 20 grams of leaves of Melissa 3 grams

angelica leaves 3 grams of cilantro 2 cinnamon leaf Clove 0.5 grams 15 grams

lemon peel 1 liter of alcohol (Vodka) Preparation

To prepare, just mix all herbs with the liquor and leave for marinas

15 days, stirring occasionally.

Then simply filter and store in a glass closed and store away from heat.

Dosage is 30 drops diluted in water.

In addition you can also use lemon balm in tea form.

melissa tea is popularly used for digestive problems, to eliminate the gases

caused by poor digestion, providing well-being after the heavier meals.

It's also great to relieve nausea, cramps and menstrual migraines.

To make the lemon balm tea, just boil 200 ml of water and then adding a handful

the herb leaves, cover and leave to brew for 10 or 15 minutes.

When warm, strain and drink.

The melissa is naturally sweet and hot, you do not need to sweeten but you can

add a few drops of lemon will very good!

Consume tea before bedtime, or at times where it is possible to relax because it causes


Water contraindications melissa

The water should not be consumed melissa by people who have hypothyroidism, children

children under two years, pregnant or lactating.

It is also contraindicated for people having sensitivity to alcohol or

They are being treated for leave the consumption of alcohol as the drug

It contains alcohol.

Seek medical attention if you are carrying chronic conditions like diabetes or have

problems with the liver before consuming melissa water.

There are no reported side effects making normal use of melissa water.

But excess can cause discomfort melissa abdominal pain and gas.

Look for service in the event of excessive intake accidental melissa water.

For more infomation >> This Powerful Plan is Great for Treating Insomnia and Anxiety, See! - Duration: 6:39.


WAGS LA | Barbie Blank Cries Over Her Husband Sheldon Souray | E! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> WAGS LA | Barbie Blank Cries Over Her Husband Sheldon Souray | E! - Duration: 1:08.


Sistema Cardiovascular - a parceria entre pulmões e coração - Duration: 2:53.

Hello, little scientists, I am Professor Bill Tyson and together we are going to know

different forms of science.

Today we are going to talk about the Cardiovascular System, which transports nutrients,

oxygen and even defense cells to our entire body.

(Truck noise and horn) Aaah is not really the type of transport,

it is our blood transport through a network of different tubes,

which we call blood vessels.

The one responsible for causing all that blood to circulate is the heart.

For this the blood must pass twice for it because the circulation is divided into two types,

the Great Circulation, or Systemic Circulation and the Small Circulation,

or Pulmonary Circulation.

I'm going to explain to you.

In our body the heart and lungs are close together, almost hugged,

but I will show separately so that you can understand how the partnership of these organs works.

The Little Circulation, is what we call the path that blood makes from the heart

to the lungs to get oxygen.

Then the blood returns to the heart, and then carries oxygen

to the rest of the body.

Blood is pumped from the heart, into the lungs

by a blood vessel called the pulmonary artery.

When blood goes to the lungs it has too much carbon dioxide,

so it's called venous blood.

When blood passes through the lungs, it receives oxygen, and returns to the heart.

Now the blood, with oxygen, is called arterial blood.

In the second stage, the Great Circulation, where arterial blood is carried throughout the body

through blood vessels called arteries.

On the way back to the heart the blood has left the oxygen and now brings the carbon

dioxide produced by the cells.

In return, the blood uses another path: the blood vessels called veins.

E and back to doing the little circulation.

Yes, our heart is a great engine for this great system of transportation, is not it?

For now, it's just personal, see you next time.

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Sign up for the channel and share this video.

For more infomation >> Sistema Cardiovascular - a parceria entre pulmões e coração - Duration: 2:53.


Due uomini e mezzo - l' ex di Lindsey nonchè Judd Nelson di The Breakfast Club - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Due uomini e mezzo - l' ex di Lindsey nonchè Judd Nelson di The Breakfast Club - Duration: 1:20.


Música de Casamento | Ed Sheeran Photograph Instrumental | Quarteto de Cordas - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Música de Casamento | Ed Sheeran Photograph Instrumental | Quarteto de Cordas - Duration: 1:24.


Chronicles of Elyria: The Free Kingdom of Elyria Lore - Duration: 6:10.

In the year

671 of the fourth age the deranged King began his terrible

Conquest to become emperor of all the known lands of, Illyria

enslaving men women and children

He dispatched the ones capable of holding a sword to the far reaches of his empire to encroach upon the lands of Fortuna

but in the summer of

696 when the old had perished and the children had known no other life than war

the deranged Kings reign came to an end

Stretched too thin the occupation of board walled and failed invasions of the scattered lands led to prolonged resistance

the people of zealous would no longer tolerate the cruel leadership of their tyrannical king a

Coup erupted and the king was defeated the Empire fractured and plunged into years of chaos after

The fall the tribes of the scattered lands that had banded together became the current day Kingdom of Vaughan air

The region that once housed the grandest and most elegant parts of zealous were consumed by what is now the kingdom of Kairos?

The kingdom of Fortuna proved its namesake and the area sprang back into health

while board wall vowed to never again be occupied and

Finally a third of the former Empire of zealous was left in chaos

Devoid of leadership with the previous nobility an aristocracy cast out of the Empire, but rather than wither and die

government arose a

Kingdom composed of free people who shared nothing more in common than their desire to live in a world without tyranny and oppression

They would be the free kingdom of, Illyria

They could be you

The North American East server known as Luna is a competitive landscape with powerful nobility and influential aristocracy

But one kingdom remains unclaimed to ensure that the last Kingdom slot goes to an equally powerful player

We're running an election of sorts from now until December 31st at midnight Pacific time players can go online and purchase Kingdom tokens from our

Online store and either claim them for themselves or give them to others after the event ends

We'll tally up the tokens and award the following prizes first place will receive a modified monarch package so they can rule the free kingdom

Until fate deems them unworthy the next six token winners will receive modified royalty packages

So they can rule as a Duchy within the free kingdom and the following

144 winners will receive a modified quarter package so they can govern a county within the free kingdom

But electing new leaders isn't the only benefit to purchasing kingdom tokens each token you purchase Awards the purchaser

100 ap the same as a standard ap item in our store

And if you gift the token to another player at the end of the event the player will receive an additional 50 EP for every

token they receive

Chronicles of Illyria is a player centric game and the players in our community already helping us to write the lower in history as they

build alliances

organisations and friendships in the community

I'm Barnabas Telemachus a Tyrian bombast Asst Duke of the freehold duchy of zell fania of the Kingdom of Warren err

Hi, everybody. I'm Hollander

I'm des Lettres, and I'm the monarch of the kingdom of Boardwalk on the NA each server hi everyone

I'm violet also known as viola 20 point

I was really drawn in by the uniqueness of this game and the ability to create not just a character

But a dynasty in an ever-changing world

I really was drawn into the community itself because of all the positive players and the positive feedback and

All the interest in creating things for the game

Should push to be what you want to be in the community if you want to be that leader

And you want to grow your community. This is a great opportunity to do that get involved

CEO is going to define a whole new genre of MMO, and we the players

We've got this amazing and unique chance and opportunity

To help build and shape the actual in-game world and its communities in ways that no other studio that I'm aware of

when creating an MMO of this size has ever allowed its player community to do I feel that it's

Possible that a monarch that is charismatic and sociable

Will be able to win this event

Versus just one person who has very deep pockets

the great thing about this contest is anybody can participate, and you should participate because it means that

You can jump in and really engage in the dance of dynasties

And show your stuff and prove that you've got what it takes

and it doesn't take a big wallet to get there it just takes a lot of support from a lot of people and I think

That that's a really exciting opportunity even verbal support. I'm sure would help out a long way

just knowing that others have the same ideals or

Support the ideals of the people that are running so join the COA community and not just witness

What's going on, but be an actual active?

participant in the creation of

epic gaming history

You should campaign for the free Kingdom you should

Take your chance to seize the reins of power now because this opportunity isn't gonna come again for North America

East and we really want to get the best people and the best minds involved in building this world and

Now's your chance

To participate head to Chronicles of Illyria calm now and purchase a pledge package if you don't already have one

And once you do you can purchase and gift

Kingdom tokens to one another to help shape the landscape of the North America East server

And if you're an aspiring Cordy girl royal or monarch

Then go ahead and head to the forums now post in the Luna domain server and let people know what you're up to

The campaign has already begun, so good luck and fun

For more infomation >> Chronicles of Elyria: The Free Kingdom of Elyria Lore - Duration: 6:10.


Unboxing the graphic tablet GAOMON M106K (active english subtitles) - Duration: 9:52.

What's up, my dear. How are you?

Today I'm bringing this video after a long time without edited video

To do a review of a graphic tablet

Is this little thing here, the GAOMON graphic tablet M106K

This is the tablet

I'm going to unbox it for you, I'll show you its content

I'll show how is this tablet, its specifications, its size to install the driver in your computer...

...AND, clearly, before you comment, recommend, before anything...

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Click on the little bell beside the subscribe button and turn notifications on, ok?

Then you'll always know when I upload a new video here in my channel.


So let's go. My hands are very small so it it seems like it was very bigger than it's

but I'll measure it for you with a ruler, so you can be sure of its size

The box is very beautiful

Well, the first thing here is the graphic tablet, of course

It's a little heavy

let me show it behind

And has this little thing here that is possibly to put the pen

insert the pen here and it's ok

It has many shortcut buttons here

that motivated me to choose this tablet

because it streamlines a lot your work with digital drawings

instead of using your mouse or keyboard for other functions

you can use these buttons that you can preset with a function or with a single key

It's very cool and its has a lot of them

Well, I'm going to measure it for you

with this ruler

so it's a pretty big tablet

it's good to do very detailed drawings

so you can do it with precision

even when you zoom, with other tablet is a little harder

with this one you can reach a great result without much effort

Here we have some numbers. I'll test it to see the exactly function but I think that it's like these ones

they are some shortcuts and if you click them with your pen they have the same function of these beside

I'll remove it

this is the internal content of this box. Here we have the pen,

that comes with this cover. So this is the Gaomon tablet pen.

it's thicker than those ones that I'm familiarize...

and it's very comfortable!

it has this thin tip

this blank background make it easier to see.

and beyond we have these two buttons

Beyond all these buttons we already have in the tablet

we have also these two that makes it easier.

Usually I use these two buttons to drag in digital painting softwares

So if I'm zoom in I can click this button with this finger.. WHATEVER which finger...

Then I just click this and drag the canvas without zoom out.

You can preset it as you want and this one to other thing. We'll do it when I install the software.

Here we have this packet

It must be tips

exactly, so these are its tips, you can change in your pen.

And it comes with this little ring, I'll see how we should change this tip.

I'll do it NOW!

Well, we have the pen

I'll take of the cover, of course, you cannot change the tip with the cover...

I took this tip, we'll see exactly how we must do it.

It's in this manual, everything you buy comes with a manual

and it's explaining how we do it, I'll show it.

In case you still don't know how to do it just reading the manual, take a look here.

Well, it's like that...

This little ring that came with the tips

it has this empty space

that must be fited in the tip

and then you press it to hold the tip

and pull the tip out, it is out, normally

and to put it in is the same process

You hold in the same way and OPS... I dropped it...

WHERE IS IT? I can't lose a new tip!

So, you so it in the same way, hold with this little ring,

Hold it and pull... till...

you hear a... "click"

Actually it doesn't has a "click"

So, this is the way you must change a Gaomon pen tip. Ok?

So... We have the manual, the tips, the pen cover, the pen,

and we have this other compartment in which the cables are.

So here we have this USB cable to connect the tablet in your computer has this wire input

and the USB input.

And this is the cable to recharge the pen.

Well, this is its content

USB cable, pen recharge cable, tips, ring to change the tips, manual and the pen.

And clearly, obviously, the tablet.

Well, let's test it.

I'll connect the USB cable,

So, tablet connected

We'll install its driver

In my computer it's already extracted but I'll do it again.

Well, I'll put the link to download it available in the description of this video,

and here you'll have everything you need. The manual to MAC and Win,

in my case it's windows so I'll open this one to show you,

And this is the complete manual, it's not like the box's. So here you have everything ou need to know about the tablet.

EVERYTHING, the tablet, the pen, installation, all you need to know.

And here we have these two files

that contains the drivers so, you choose it according to your computer

Mine is Windows so I'll open this one.

Then the driver is inside this other paste.

So you'll extract it

Then it's just click on "extract". Mine is already extracted so, all you have to do is clicking this button.

It'll be available on this video description

So here you'll run the file


Here you can choose the place where the software will be installed

And here you choose if you want a desktop icon or not

I'll do it because it'll make easier to show you.

Then, just install!

The installation is very fast and here we already have the desktop icon.

Well, in the software you'll be able to preset all the tablet buttons,

then you can do what you want with all of them.

You can do a lot of combinations, you must click in the corresponding tablet button,

and click here.

It'll open this box,

Then it shows you the possible combinations with these buttons so, for example, I want that this one becomes a "ctrl + C"

I'll choose "ctrl" here and

choose "C" here in keyboard keys.

nothing in switch, it's to change the brush or display,

here is if you want to put any mouse button,

So, you can do everything with these buttons,

Click on "ok" and, ok!

Now it's a "ctrl + C"

Here you can preset too so, for example, I want that "3" becomes a "w"

So it is.

so, "1" is a "A", "2" is a "B" and "3" is a "W"

It doesn't make any sense but you can preset it according to your needs.

So, after this, here you can define the work area that is all this green part, and

In the tablet you have some marks to define this area,

And here is about the software... It can be important.

Here you can reset the settings, click on apply

and "OK"

Well, this is it, my dear. I hope you have liked this tablet as much as I liked

Like this video, share with your friends, ok?

And... THANK'S, I see you in our next video!

For more infomation >> Unboxing the graphic tablet GAOMON M106K (active english subtitles) - Duration: 9:52.



For more infomation >> APRENDA UM NOVO IDIOMA EM CASA | CONHEÇA ITALKI | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 3:31.


Il Contadino Nella Valle | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:08:18.

The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The farmer takes a wife

The wife takes a child

The wife takes a child

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The wife takes a child

The child takes the cow

The child takes the cow

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The child takes the cow

The cow takes the pig

The cow takes the pig

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The cow takes the pig

The pig takes the dog

The pig takes the dog

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The pig takes the dog

The dog takes the cat

The dog takes the cat

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The dog takes the cat

The cat takes the mouse

The cat takes the mouse

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The cat takes the mouse

The mouse takes the cheese

The mouse takes the cheese

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The mouse takes the cheese

The cheese stands alone

The cheese stands alone

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The cheese stands alone

For more infomation >> Il Contadino Nella Valle | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:08:18.


Ultime notizie: Al Bano: "Alla fine del 2018 smetto di cantare" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Ultime notizie: Al Bano: "Alla fine del 2018 smetto di cantare" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:08.


Migliorare la salute arteriosa grazie a 9 alimenti - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Migliorare la salute arteriosa grazie a 9 alimenti - Duration: 7:03.


İsimsizler / The Nameless Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:10.

There is only one thing I know right now...'s that I need to trust Handan.

I want to see fear in people's eyes.

That fear will open us all the doors.

Do we have to do this through Kor Yakup's daugther?

We'll kill two birds with one stone, Hatem.

The codes of conduct is different here, son.

They play chess here, have dinner around the same table...

...then shoot each other outside the door.

You can never do anything to me, Hatem.

Who would hurt whom, you never know.

For more infomation >> İsimsizler / The Nameless Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:10.


Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets Trailer - Episode 4 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:50.

Miss Seher.

- These are for you. - Okay, thank you.

Seher is my life, dad.

I understood this better after seeing her again.

I think he still loves me very much.

Love is not easy to attain, son.

Go after it. Do whatever you need to do.

Do you consider getting back with this man again?

You know, thinking about you, I could not sleep last night.

I have missed him so much.

I saw what state you were in when you were seperated.

Whatever you two went through, I don't want you to go through the same things.


We had a baby.

Burak does not know.

For more infomation >> Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets Trailer - Episode 4 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:50.


Perú está de fiesta y celebra su pase al Mundial | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Perú está de fiesta y celebra su pase al Mundial | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:15.


Quels aliments pour lutter contre la dysfonction érectile ? - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Quels aliments pour lutter contre la dysfonction érectile ? - Duration: 4:26.


Jefferson Farfán sufrió el golpe de un fanático | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Jefferson Farfán sufrió el golpe de un fanático | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Perturbador video de maltrato a unas vacas en una granja | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Perturbador video de maltrato a unas vacas en una granja | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.


Génesis Rodríguez triunfa en una serie animada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Génesis Rodríguez triunfa en una serie animada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:36.


Un payaso termina en llamas por un fatal truco | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Un payaso termina en llamas por un fatal truco | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.


Productor queda fuera de grabaciones de Wonder Woman | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Productor queda fuera de grabaciones de Wonder Woman | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:15.


Simplify Your Grocery Shoppi...

For more infomation >> Simplify Your Grocery Shoppi...



For more infomation >> Suzuki Alto 1.0 CELEBRATION EASSS NED.AUTO, 1STE EIGENAAR, AIRCO, ELEKT. R+S, LM-VELGEN, NAP - Duration: 1:00.


Fun Facts About Turkeys! - Duration: 3:44.

there are lots of great fall decorations out in our neighborhood and one of the

most common ones squeaks and I see are turkeys you might know that turkeys are

connected with Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada and people

sometimes raise them on their farm but did you know that there are also wild

turkeys and they're pretty cool birds there are lots of other fun things to

know about turkeys too from the sounds they make to how they eat to the little

flaps of skin on their beaks you might already know one of the sounds a turkey

makes on the count of three let's all try to make that sound ready one two

three did you make a sound like this

yes turkeys say something that sounds like gobble gobble but not all of them

only the Tom's the male turkeys make that famous gobbling sound and they only

make it some of the time both Tom turkeys and female turkeys

called hens can make other sounds too like this and this so if you ever hear a

turkey make that gobble gobble sound you know it's a Tom turkey and I'm going to

let you in on another secret about how to tell the Tom's and hands apart look

at their poop yes their poop if a pile of turkey poop looks like a spiral it

came from a head if it looks more like the letter J or a question mark then it

came from a Tom turkey one thing that's the same about Tom and hen turkeys is

what they eat adult turkeys munch on things like berries and seeds and even

sometimes small animals like salamanders but like all birds turkeys don't have

teeth so they can't chant their food the way we do instead they have another body

part that kind of does the same thing it's called a gizzard and it's a really

important body part for turkeys and other birds the gizzard is a small pouch

that has a lot of muscle and if we could see inside of the turkeys body we could

see that the gizzard is right here a Turkey's gizzard is full of tiny stones

and pieces of other hard things like gravel the turkey picks up these hard

pieces from the ground and swallows them and they stay in a gizzard

if a human tried to swallow a stone it would be dangerous but for a turkey the

stones in its gizzard act like teeth when food gets into the gizzard the

muscles of the gizzard squeeze it mixing the food with the stones inside this

matches the food up and grind it into smaller pieces then the turkey can use

it for energy the gizzard is just one of the neat body parts that a turkey has

and like the word gizzard they're also pretty fun to say turkeys have two

special body parts on their head the flap of skin that hangs over the turkeys

beak is called a snood and the skin around the turkeys neck is called its

waddle bird experts can tell a lot about how a turkey is feeling by looking at

its nude and its waddle the snoot and model are normally kind of pink or red

in color but if the turkeys not feeling well its snoot and waddle get lighter in

color and if the turkey is scared they can even turn blue okay time for one

more turkey fact you might have heard that turkeys are not very smart well

that's not true turkeys can be just as smart as other

animals they can learn to get along with people and other animals and they can

even learn from each other so now you know all about Thanksgivings famous bird

the turkey thanks for joining us if you want to keep learning and having fun

with squeaks and me hit the subscribe button and we'll see you next time here

the fourth


For more infomation >> Fun Facts About Turkeys! - Duration: 3:44.


Open Education in Practice: Integrating OER Into Your Course - Duration: 4:28.

This week's video is going to talk about how you can integrate Open Educational Resources,

or OER, into your teaching.

Open Educational Resources provide a great opportunity for saving students money

in the classroom.

But a blog post on Open Pedagogy posted earlier this year talks about OER in a different way.

It reads: "When faculty use OER, we aren't just saving students money on textbooks:

we are directly impacting that students' ability to enroll in, persist through, and

successfully complete a course."

But why?

Because when you use OER or open textbooks in place of a traditional textbook in your

class, every student is able to afford and access that resource from Day One.

Now here's the big question: how does using that resource change what you do in a class?

Or put another way, how will the "open" aspect of OER impact the way you teach?

You don't have to change your methods or incorporate the "openness" of your resources

into your assignments or course planning if you really don't want to.

However, if you choose to ignore these aspects of your open resources, what's the point

of including them in your class?

It'll save students money, but there's so much more you can do.

Instead, consider challenging yourself.

Consider asking yourself "how will I edit these resources or my teaching to accommodate

the open resources to my course objectives?

The Open Education Consortium has listed seven steps that you can take to integrate open educational

resources into your teaching.

To keep things simple, I'm going to summarize five of those here.

First, Articulate expectations, goals, and learning outcomes for your course.

Explaining how your resources relate to what you teach and what you expect your class to

learn can be useful for you, your students, and (if you're creating a resource to release online),

it can provide context for future instructors who use your work as well.

Second, allow active engagement with your resources.

Develop activities where students can evaluate or revise OER in your subject area, encourage

students to seek out material online, or engage with websites like Wikipedia where you can

update or critique material that has been submitted openly.

Teach your students to evaluate their resources, and to engage with the material in a new way,

not just absorb it as they go along.

Third, encourage students to have enjoyable and meaningful experiences with your course.

Using Open Educational Resources means that much of your course materials will be available

online, and that you can continue to develop the course content over time as well.

Why not get your students involved in creating resources you can use in future classes, like

video summaries of textbook chapters, or infographics to explain complicated ideas?

The students can get credit for their work, and have homework that persists and can be

used by instructors after they've completed the class.

This can help students to see the impact and importance of their work, and encourage them

to make sure they understand the material better over time.

Fourth, provide opportunities for useful reflection on what users have learned.

Allow students to reflect on their experience with your new resources, to comment on what

they liked and didn't, and how it impacted their learning.

OER are openly licensed, so if there's something small that just doesn't work for your students,

you can edit that out for the next course you teach.

And finally, link learning with students' own circumstances.

Because OER allow for more freedom both in how and what you present to your class, you

have the ability to give the material a more local context.

That might mean you bring in information specific to Iowa in an Agronomy or Agriculture lesson

plan, or it might mean that you use language that your students are more familiar with.

If you're sharing an Open Educational Resource online, other instructors might translate

your work into their language, or provide examples that relate to how they and their

students live in their country, state, or even county.

You have a lot of options for making an open resource your own and making it relatable

and attractive for your students.

Think about that and what that could mean for your teaching.

Open educational resources aren't just analogs

for the materials you already use in your courses.

That is one way you can use them, but ideally they should be dynamic, learner-oriented,

based and rooted in your course objectives, and open to change.

By reviewing your materials, what you want from them, and what they can do for your class,

you can more effectively integrate OER into your classroom.

Thanks for watching and as always, contact your librarian or check out our library guides

if you have any questions.

For more infomation >> Open Education in Practice: Integrating OER Into Your Course - Duration: 4:28.


How to Make Plasma in Your Microwave ... With a Grape - Duration: 3:53.


When you think about plasma, you know, like when you're just sitting around,

thinking about states of matter, you probably imagine stars, or the stuff that comes out of a lightsaber.

You probably don't think about something you'd make in your kitchen microwave.

But it's totally possible, and there are plenty of YouTube videos to prove it.

Thanks to some cool physics, you don't even need fancy technology.

All you need is a microwave that you're willing to destroy … and a grape.

Plasma is kind of like a gas, except that its atoms have some of their electrons stripped off,

so it's made up of positively-charged ions and a bunch of free electrons zooming around.

To make some, you just have to make some gas really hot,

and then send an electrical current through it.

And a microwave is a great way to do that.

Microwave ovens cook food by bathing it in a kind of light called, shockingly, microwaves.

They're just like the visible light coming out of your computer screen right now,

but their frequency, the number of times they oscillate back and forth each second,

is about 200,000 times lower, so matter responds differently to them.

The waves make water and other molecules in your food vibrate,

which generates the heat that makes your hot pocket hot.

Now, if you throw a regular old grape in a microwave oven,

it will probably just get really hot and explode.

You'll get fruit juice all over the inside of the thing, but you won't see any fireballs.

To get the fiery ball of plasma, the grape needs some preparation.

In those YouTube videos, they're always careful to cut the grape almost completely in half,

except for a tiny strip of skin connecting the two halves.

And that strip is important, because it lets the grape act like an antenna

and that makes the whole experiment work.

A sliced grape happens to be just about the perfect size to trap and amplify microwaves,

and when the waves start flowing in, the grape turns into what's called a dipole antenna,

where the electrical charges in each half get pushed back and forth

across the little slice of skin.

To make sure all the microwaves hit the grape from the same direction,

people will usually take out or cover the spinning plate that rotates the food,

so the charges bounce back and forth in the same way over and over again.

All that focuses the energy of these microwaves onto that tiny bit of skin.

Any water on there boils away pretty quickly and then,

unsurprisingly, the strip catches on fire after just a couple of seconds.

Which is one reason why this is a bad idea to try at home:

Fire and powerful electronics, not usually a good thing to mix together.

But the fire doesn't just disappear after that.

Hot air rises, so the flame climbs up between the two grape halves.

And since the microwave oven is still going, electric current keeps bouncing

back and forth between the sides of the grape,

and across any steam or hot molecules carried up by the fire.

Eventually, it gets so hot that the atoms in the steam, the air, and even the grape

juice have their electrons stripped off, and you get a bunch of plasma.

The plasma fireball shoots out from the grape halves and, if everything goes just right,

or horribly, horribly wrong, it tends to hit the roof of the microwave often pretty spectacularly.

Once that fireball stops and it cools down, the plasma just turns into regular gas again,

and there's nothing to worry about, except, probably, for your broken microwave oven.

Which again, is why this is not a great idea to do in your home microwave oven,

which you probably bought with money.

So if you've seen these grapesplosions on YouTube, there's a lot more to them than

meets the eye, and there's a lot of cool microwave science out there.

But I am not condoning you doing them.

It's the kind of thing that should be done carefully by professional grape exploders.

Thanks for watching!

Besides perfectly cut grapes, there are plenty of other things

you should not stick in the microwave, and we've explained some of them before here on SciShow.

If you've ever wondered why you shouldn't put metal in there,

you can watch our episode where we tell you all about it.


For more infomation >> How to Make Plasma in Your Microwave ... With a Grape - Duration: 3:53.



For more infomation >> SLAY OR THROW AWAY: IS ZAFUL A SCAM? HONEST REVIEW 👊 - Duration: 14:52.


On Senate Funding and Sexual Harassment Allegations - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> On Senate Funding and Sexual Harassment Allegations - Duration: 7:59.


Let's Make A Deal - No complaining here with these prizes! - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - No complaining here with these prizes! - Duration: 2:31.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.



For more infomation >> APRENDA UM NOVO IDIOMA EM CASA | CONHEÇA ITALKI | Amigo Alemão - Duration: 3:31.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK VELOCE DISTINCTIVE, Ti Pakket, 5-drs, Leder, Navi, 17 inch !!! - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK VELOCE DISTINCTIVE, Ti Pakket, 5-drs, Leder, Navi, 17 inch !!! - Duration: 0:44.


Kanye West ‒ Power (Joe Mason Edit) - Duration: 4:14.

kanye west power remix

Kanye West ‒ Power (Joe Mason Edit)

For more infomation >> Kanye West ‒ Power (Joe Mason Edit) - Duration: 4:14.


Making Crayons! - Duration: 8:31.

Hey guys what's up welcome back to my youtube channel my name is Jacob and now

today before we get started please make sure you hit that subscribe button if

you're new to my channel I post new videos every Mondays and Thursdays and

let's get started today I have a little bit of a surprise for you guys I have

the Crayola crayon maker now I'm sure most of you know what a Crayola crayon

is because you use them in like first grade but today we are going to be

making crayons on our own on the front of the box it says it's made for

eight-year-olds and older which I mean I'm 16 which is double the age so I

should be able to do this pretty well but first I think we should take a quick

look and see what's inside my sister has used this before to make

crayons but I never have so I mean I figured I guess we can try it but on the

directions the first thing it says we need is crayons on the front of this box

it says it's a crayon maker so the fact that you need crayons in order to make

crayons is just crazy to me but I guess we might as well take it out the first

thing on the instruction says it's not recommended for children under 8 years

of age again luckily I'm 16 so this should be good

so here's the crayon maker itself doesn't really look like there's

anything special about it then here we have this thing and this thing and all

these different knobs and I'll be right back I'm gonna read the instructions oh

my god so all that this whole thing does this giant kit with all these different

little pieces is it melts crayons and turns them in to more crayons now why my

family would buy this I don't know but I guess we can try it out the first thing

it says we have to do on the instructions is put this together so I

guess I might as well do that I'm guessing this slides into here

there all right so I got that now this Oh it's where the crayons go once

they're done melting and they harden cool so now the crayon maker is all set

so we can make crayons lucky for me in this box there's a box

of crayons it must have been from what my sister used it and we can break

pieces apart to make new crayons or anything what colors would look good

together I'm guessing I'll do a red and a blue and that a green what color goes

good with green a green and an orange all right I'll do that the first step we

have to do is peel off these wrappers now I don't know if you've ever peeled

off the wrapper of a crayon but it makes me think of peeling the skin off of

great if you know what that's like like trying to peel it all off without

actually breaking it or it's like peeling like an orange and you're trying

to peel the skin off an orange and it's just breaking into a million little

pieces like this but I'll come back when I get all the crayons peeled all right

so I finally got all of the wrappers off of these four little crayons and it was

actually way harder than I thought it took me like 20 minutes just to get

these little wrappers off and now there's little pieces of crayon

everywhere but the next step in the direction says to plug this in so I have

a little extension cord here that I can plug this into and I'm gonna try to make

sure that it stays plugged in because I don't know if you saw my last video

where my friends and I tried to waffle some things but when we started waffling

things we were like huh this isn't cooking and then I looked down and

realized that it wasn't plugged in so right now this is plugged in and we have

to lift this up and we have to break these into pieces to get the crayons to

fit into these tiny little wells right here so I'll do green with orange and

now I'll put the blue in with our colors are now all mixed up into the

little wells and we have to close this plastic lid and there's these dials

right here I think one of them walks it so can you

oh my god are you kidding me the way that this thing heats up is with a light

and I didn't put a light in it and I don't have a light to put in it so

honestly this will probably just do the same thing if we put it in the microwave

except now there's only one problem this thing as a safety mechanism box so that

little children can't just grab it when it's heating up and it gets really hot

and this won't spin until it's completely done but I think if I push

hard enough I might just be able to get it undone got it all right I'll be right

back I'm gonna go get some bowls to heat up these little crayons in so that we

can put it in this mold and I'm back so I got these glass bowls and I'll throw

these cook what color should I say we're gonna do before oh yeah green orange and

red and blue so I'll throw these into the little glass bowls because I mean if

you think about it it's pretty much just doing the same thing this is just gonna

melt it and pour it into this mold right here but what I'm doing is just melting

it in these bowls and then pouring it into this mold yeah so it should be

pretty much the same and I'll be back again I'm going to go microwave these

okay so now I'm back and these things took like five minutes in the microwave

each to warm up so they're super hot it's burning my hand through this glove

but now our crayons are all melted so I think the first step that we should do

is pour it into this mold so it can harden actually no what I'm gonna do

I'll pour it into this because it's gonna be easier to pour it in and then

it'll be just like how it would be if I followed the instructions for this thing

let me get my elegant spoon oh this is really elegant this plastic spoon and

I'll take one of these and I guess I'll just pour it in

there we go then I'll take this one and I'll just pour it into the mold oh god

no no no it's freezing it's freezing okay so I guess I'll just pour this in

like you're making the crayon ball to the mold right here so lift this up

oh and one of them froze but now I'll give this a couple minutes to cool I

thought I would take this piece of paper and I'll get this red and this blue

crayon and we can just draw using these to see what the difference will be verse

this so that is my little picture and then now these I think these are done

would they be done it's only been like five minutes but you can open this the

mold and our crayons are ready oh this is still kind of hot actually you might

not be able to tell I didn't quite think this through but the red and the blue

just mixed together to make purple I did learn about the color wheel in first

grade but I didn't realize that they were just mixed together cuz look this

is such a lie on the box it shows the colors are all gonna stay separate and

it's gonna be this wonderful swirl of a crayon mix that you kind of make

yourself but also not really make yourself but now I'll make the same

exact picture with this crayon oh yeah that's not good that doesn't

even look like a good purple it's just like an ugly purple and a mesh of the

two colors so I mean after this pretty bad experience I guess you could try the

crayon maker um just keep in mind you're not making crayons you're just mixing

them into uglier colors then they started and unless you have a light bulb

this won't work and when you do get it to work I would imagine it would take a

pretty long time in the microwave and it took five minutes and this is just using

like a little light bulb but I guess if you're really bored and you just want

something to do you could purchase this crayon maker wait how much is it oh my

god this thing is fifty dollars why didn't we buy this that's my question

anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it

please make sure you hit that like button

subscribe to my channel down below I post new videos every Mondays and

Thursdays well sometimes leave a comment down below on what you think I should do

next time and I'll see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> Making Crayons! - Duration: 8:31.


WAGS LA | Barbie Blank Cries Over Her Husband Sheldon Souray | E! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> WAGS LA | Barbie Blank Cries Over Her Husband Sheldon Souray | E! - Duration: 1:08.


UCLA Basketball Players Freed from Custody After Trump Intervenes - Duration: 3:55.

Two New Faces Defy Michelle Obama, Youngest Black Republicans Elected in Blue State.


Tyrell Brown and Ed Ford Jr. are thought to be the two youngest black Republicans elected

to public office in deep blue Connecticut. And they�re going to drive Michelle Obama


Michelle, you might remember, thinks that the Republicans are the party of old, white

men. She dropped this particular piece of race-baiting nastiness last month at the Pennsylvania

Conference for Women.

�On one side of the room, it�s literally gray and white. Literally, that�s the color

palette on one side of the room,� the former first lady said, according to The Washington


�On the other side of the room, there are yellows and blues and whites and greens. Physically,

there�s a difference in color, in the tone. Because one side: all men, all white. On the

other side: some women, some people of color.

�And whenever I was sitting, I would always have a guest in that booth, and I was always

the most embarrassed at the beginning when people would see that, because I�d say that,

is it just me, am I looking at how governance works?�

Well, Mrs. Obama, why not ask Mr. Brown and Mr. Ford? According to WTNH-TV, they�re

part of the �color palette on one side of the room.� And they�re neither pale nor


The two 20-year-olds, both juniors in college, first met each other playing touch football

and were president and vice president of student government their senior year in high school.

On Tuesday, both were elected to positions in the town of Middletown � Ford to the

school board, Brown to the Middletown Planning and Zoning Commission. According to WTNH,

they are believed to be the youngest black Republicans ever elected in the Nutmeg State.

�When the results came in I was absolutely euphoric,� Ford, a psychology major at Central

Connecticut State University, said.

Brown, a business major at Southern Connecticut State, was more pragmatic in his celebration:

�When I found out I won, I said �OK, time to get to work.��

They also noted that they definitely get it from family for being Republicans. �I definitely

love Christmas and Thanksgiving at my house because it always gets interesting,� Brown

said with a chuckle.

However, it doesn�t sound like they regret a bit of it.

�If you have the will to do it, if you have the passion

to do it, go do it now,� Ford said.

So, sorry, Michelle. Share with your social media.

For more infomation >> UCLA Basketball Players Freed from Custody After Trump Intervenes - Duration: 3:55.


Staying Focused - Law of Attraction Success Hack - Duration: 4:02.

yo its WT Hamilton and I approve this message

yes WT here what's up mofos so I it's been a little

while since I'd done some videos look I got a new webcam hands-free so now I can

not I can do videos without a standing there holding the camera and looking at

that little circle and all that kind of things but it listen today I want to

talk about really getting focused on what you're trying to do and really

stand stand true to to what you're trying to do a lot of times what happens

is but we can get sidetracked so easily it's all these different distractions

are happening you know we make a plan to do something then we will stick to that

plan we start to get sidetracked with other things everything looks like hey I

should do this right away it should be urgent so I'm gonna give you a technique

that can help you with with being able to manage that what it is is whenever an

idea comes to me write it down just write it down that's all you got to do

write down your idea and then you can start to prioritize when you can do them

if you have all the things that you need to be able to do that right now or is it

something that you're gonna have to do a little bit later but once you write it

down MorphOS once you do that it's there man it's ready for you

what happens a lot of times is you haven't idea it's in your head and you

want to act on it and then you start working on it it gets a little bit

difficulty trying to figure out exactly how you gonna do it then another idea

prompts in your head you start working on that when you're

trying to do both of them at the same time the third idea pops in your head

before you know it that first I did it because it was getting hard you shove it

and it was something that you probably could have done if you just stuck to it

and the third idea the newest idea you probably don't need to do it right now

because it will be better done once the first one is done and the second one is

it developed so you see where I'm saying is yet multitasking they would think

we're busy but think we're doing a lot of stuff but we're really not doing a

lot of stuff we're just a few little things so if you rate your

ideas down you won't lose them but you also won't have that feeling of urgency

that you got to do it right away before you forget you just written it down now

you can make a plan for working into your plan

that's why I don't wanted to talk to you about today let me do this I know I know

D Trump was doing this the other day career blades laughing you trying to

open up the bottle they're doing all kind of things in your exam but anyways

yeah so that's what I'm telling you write down your ideas then you can make

a plan to do them you don't have to try to have five and six or seven things

going on all at the same time alright mofos thanks subscribe to this

channel like this video share this video I'll be doing more videos you know you

know I always say that I'll be doing more videos and I also check out my

podcast man the podcasts giving a lot of ideas on how to use a lot of Attraction

in your daily lives I'm also giving you a lot of lot of ways to to see things to

really become the champion of your mind and to be the Shepherd and not the sheep

dust as part of my theme part of my message that I'm putting out there let

people know you don't gotta believe everything people tell you to follow it

just because they say to be part of this we have to do this so check that out

check out the podcast I got a playlist for it so you can check out past master

shows plus the new shows and drop them at least weekly sometimes and drop more

than one a week check it out and I subscribe to this channel like I said

share this video we'll talk to you again yo its no BT Hamilton and I approve this



For more infomation >> Staying Focused - Law of Attraction Success Hack - Duration: 4:02.


Rampage Trailer REACTION - Duration: 4:15.

How is this not...Jumanji?

For more infomation >> Rampage Trailer REACTION - Duration: 4:15.


(November 16, 2017) A married man's mistress won't let him go. - Duration: 44:52.

For more infomation >> (November 16, 2017) A married man's mistress won't let him go. - Duration: 44:52.


Tony D'Astolfo, Deem at DataArt Question Time 7, New York 2017 - Duration: 3:07.

(upbeat music)

So you're very topical, the whole idea of

whether policy is dead or not

is a really great question,

and the dialogue reflected that, right?

So it's a very engaged group.

You attracted a phenomenal panel, always good,

is that beyond the conversation was

I saw two or three people that I needed to see,

so for me it was a home run.

It's great policy, you know.

All companies including your own,

of course, have policies in place in order to

safeguard, you know, its employees.

I mean, this was very much discussed,

but it's also a matter of one of the words

that came up again and again was communication.

How do we better communicate?

Why do we have to have these policies in place?

Yeah, I don't think anybody disagreed with the fact

that we have to have a policy.

The question is how does the policy get implemented,

how do you communicate it out to people,

and there's a lot of conversation about that.

If you think about how people receive information today,

some read, some will never go to a website,

some love video, so I think there's a lot of conversation

that needs to happen about how you actually get people

to understand what the company wants to do.

But when they do, I think most people

will follow the policy.

That was actually agreed.

The group pretty much said, 95% of the time,

we are following the policy.

One comment was, "I have a company

"that completely disavowed their policy

"and people are still following the policy."

Well that's because they, it got ingrained in them

and people generally want to have a path to follow.

So, interesting dialogue, but yeah.

It all comes down to how you communicate it,

how people are receiving information today,

very different, and people receive information differently

depending upon the age group,

whether they like it in an app

or whether they like it in paper.

I'm an old-timer that still reads

the newspaper every morning.

People laugh at me about that,

but I will take and physically print something

and look at it and read it and then I digest it

and that's it, I'm done.

- [Charlotte] Yes, and somebody in your organization

has to reach you as well.

- [Tony] That's exactly right.

- [Charlotte] And that has come out of the policy

whether you like to read newspapers or not.

- [Tony] That's exactly right.

- [Charlotte] Do you think that there's a need

in the industry for these types of event in general?

Yes, so I always like small, intimate,

senior type events.

So maybe that's because I've been around for a while,

but I don't like the kind of basic conversation

that happens at a lot of events

where there's a lot of people.

I'd much rather have a small, intimate, targeted,

senior audience, and that's what you had tonight,

so that's really good.

- [Charlotte] It's been wonderful, and I'm glad

that you could make it as well.

I'm glad as well.

I'll be here next year if you do it again.

- [Charlotte] Thank you.

- [Tony] Always good to see you.

- [Charlotte] Yeah, you too.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Tony D'Astolfo, Deem at DataArt Question Time 7, New York 2017 - Duration: 3:07.


Interview with English teacher Monica Fischer - and great listening practice! - Duration: 18:32.

Hello Real Fluency Friends! Today's lesson will be a little different I'm

going to interview another English teacher so that you can learn more about

how she teaches English also you can use this interview for listening practice

we will be speaking fluent English and you can follow along with the subtitles

at the bottom of the screen let's get started

don't miss a lesson click the red subscribe button then click the bell

okay hello I'm Trisha from row fluency now

and today I'm interviewing another online English teacher and her name is

Monica and her teaching business is called semper satus is that right if I

pronounced that wrong again well that's right Latin and it means always time to

start yes so Monica can you tell me or tell us when did you start teaching

English well I started a long time ago well at least it's a long time ago for

me 20 years ago yeah I was still in high school and I had this I really felt like

English was a language that I wanted to learn it was something that I really

appreciated I loved hearing people speak in English and I started learning by

myself and then right after I started learning like some years after that few

years I had some of my peers my classmates asking me would you would you

help me here I can I can pay you something if you help me teach me

English and then right after that I had this person this friend who also he she

used to speak English really well she started teaching me and she started

teaching me how to teach as well and it was really good I had

contact with books for teaching English as a Second Language I started really

learning what it was really to be an English teacher well it was that's how I

started teaching so then English isn't your first language then no my first

language is Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese so you lived in Brazil at the

time yeah yeah well I lived in Brazil for for 30 34 years actually yeah

I've been living here in the US for three years but I could learn a lot by

myself and after some time I went to college I I have a major in English and

Portuguese so I I ended up improving my knowledge of English as well as language

as well as literature during college but it's not really my first language yeah

so so what like methodology or do you use to teach English or what's your

philosophy or whatever as far as teaching English well I try to to have

this approach with my students the same way I learned I want them to have a more

natural experience so what I try to do most of times is making them listen

a lot and speak a lot I've been using for awhile this method called shadowing

and also I have them using a lot of flashcards also because I thank

repetition listening several times is really important as well as trying to

speak as you know naturally though most I'm

mostly using those do you use electronic flash cards or having make flash cards

on paper well I've been using the app anki

a n k i it's kind of popular for write among

foreigners but I I like to do it because I can really customize the flash cards I

speak for every flash card they can listen what it sounds like they will not

be only reading it's sort of that approach like that

duolingo has lots of repetition and then they have this practice that the flash

card comes up for them like according to how they are doing during the process of

memorizing them like if they know a lot about it they're gonna tap their that

they are fine they are okay with that sentence or that structure and then they

won't be practicing that one that they know a lot that much but if they have

some problem with something pronunciation or structure itself

building that sentence or anyway so if they have that problem with that

particular thing then they'll be repeating it more yeah okay so what kind

of help do you think that Portuguese speakers need the most when they're

learning English I think fortunately speakers they mostly have this problem

with pronunciation and listening most of them it's like I feel that like the

people who are Portuguese speakers and they're learning English they're divided

into two groups the people who have problems listening mm-hmm actually three

groups the people who have problems reasoning recognizing sounds the people

who have problems pronouncing the words properly and the people have problems

both have both problems going on it's actually really comprehensible that

it happens because those people they even though they have contact with the

American culture British culture they still they don't speak that language at

all during you know their lives most of times it's not needed from them but

nowadays I see that they needed oh really

yeah they needed people in Brazil you know yeah they needed not because like

it's mostly for professional reasons academic reasons they do need it and

because it's not part of their culture to learn that language since they are

little kids so most of people start learning and they have lots of

challenges like pronunciation listening because they're not really used to to

have it on an everyday basis like you know but they now they are realizing

that they needed okay Monica one more thing I want to ask what's the

difference between teaching online and offline in which do you like better

teaching offline is different in a way that you have this proximity with the

students and you end up getting to know them better and online it's because

you're not really having this direct contact with your students you end up

not getting to know them that well but it's still like I think it's not

completely different because you end up teaching the same way

you end up thinking on what's the best option for your students to learn

effectively so you have this part in which you are not having this eye

contact with your student but at the same time you are also the same way you

would be offline preparing yourself to to deliver good information share

knowledge with your students I think the purpose is the same so well what I like

the most I think nowadays I like online the most because first of all I can see

I can not see them but I can share this knowledge that I have with lots of

people that I wouldn't be able to do have this contact to share with them if

I were offline offline I would probably be I would be happy having this people

from the neighborhood or from a town and online I can teach for much more people

like I've been teaching to Brazilian people but you know there are Brazilians

who live in the United States resilience who live all over the world so they are

going to be somehow knowing that I am there and I will be teaching pretend

wherever they are whenever they are so I think this possibility of reaching

people yes I think that's what makes me feel like online is better you know

having this possibility of reaching this huge amount of people oh yeah yeah tons

of people all over the world yeah I think even online I end up having

more fun because I end up having so many people that I have contact with me but I

have hold those confessions sometimes you know when I don't and I do 101

lessons I have people doing confessions asking me for advice like so many things

and I had people asking me I what should I do as a major in college you know this

kind of thing even though it has it doesn't have a law to do with with

English but we were speaking in English and I was teaching practice first time

how to say majors minors and the person ended up saying that she was in a really

complicated situation she needed some help some advice and also other

situations online teaching can give me like I wanted to show people for example

how snow is like talking about teaching about weather and it was knowing and I

am I am outside walking showing people snow and I end up falling anyway so I am

making the video they're really happy show it snow did you get hurt but you

know there are many situations or sometimes when I go for a stroll with

you know the baby stroller and I am there trying to show people how nice the

way there is this kind of thing that and then people walking on on the road

across the road are looking at me and they're like what's this crazy woman

doing she's talking to herself no I'm not I'm online you're try to teach

online so people would think sometimes that we are

crazy you know teachers yeah I've still been too chicken to record anything

outside for that reason but a lot of white people do but I haven't done that

yet so there's no video on YouTube of you falling in the snow because I could

put a link to that for everyone and I don't have it I felt so embarrassed that

I just cut it off the video and yeah but yeah so I have many situations like

people looking at me is she crazy you know what it is what it is

you have this experience right - ours - yeah yeah I haven't tried that yet but

someday I may may make a video outside like that one more one last question

what kind of online like lessons do you teach well now I've been teaching on my

I have course an online course in which people access it and they're able to go

through several lessons there are videos there are flash cards there are

presentations PDFs so they can download them and they can after after every 5

lessons they gotta send me some material like some some speaking material and

also they they have to practice listening to and then they send me that

and I give them feedback that's not good yeah that's what I've been doing now and

I come twice a month then I have this lesson online I mean totally live so

they're able to get there and talk to me and tell me everything that they need

like make um tell me if they have they need

something from me I'm there to help them I'm also helping them on what through

what's up that that way so I can ask him how they're doing if they need anything

so it's a process in which I'm I'm really having feedback from them and

they are having feedback from me so it sounds like you your students that are

taking your course your online course that you give them a lot of help and

extra extra help and support them to get through the course yeah I think that's

what makes the difference the experience yeah Rhys nowadays everybody can go and

get lots of free material online mm-hmm though and it's not like a matter of

getting a lot of information only I think to really effective learn you got

to have some extra support from your teacher so that's what I'm trying to do

in my course that's great that's really good okay well we probably should finish

this up in a little bit so I will make sure that the link to your website for

people who are interested in learning English from you is offender card on in

this video but also I put it in the description of the video and make sure

that everybody can find it wherever wherever I can put it up in it so people

can find it in everything so I think that's about is anything else you want

to say then everybody I just want to say hi for everybody and thank you so much

Trisha for this opportunity to talk to you and Trisha is a wonderful teacher as

well you can see there are lots of videos her than hers she's been doing

here and you gotta check them all out because they're really really good well

thank you very much I'm still learning too though as far as making videos

teaching is you know English is one thing making videos is something

different and I think most of us are still learning.

okay so I think that's all then so I guess that's all goodbye to everybody

watching and Monica and we will we'll get you two links later so you can get

in touch with each other all right see ya

thanks for watching if you want to learn English with Monica a link to her

YouTube channel is up here also a link to her website will be in the

description for this video that's all for today and remember with hope

anything is possible thanks for watching if you want to learn English with Monica

a link to Hearst it's all for today with hope anything is possible

I didn't say that right

For more infomation >> Interview with English teacher Monica Fischer - and great listening practice! - Duration: 18:32.


🔴Install Latest KODI 17.6 ON FIRESTICK & FIRE TV in 3mins! - Duration: 4:11.

hey guys welcome back in this video I'm gonna be showing you the easiest way to

install or upgrade your kodi to the latest 17.6 this is actually the last

release of the Krypton series the version that comes out after this will

be Kodi 18 codename leia so I'll be doing my upgrade on a fire stake but the

process is generally the same on all devices but before I start I did mention

in my last video that the first three people to leave the comment I'm Iron Man

I'll give you a mention in my next video so all of the names you can see on the

screen right now I just want to give a shout out to and say thanks so make sure

you watch this video to the end to find out how you can feature in my next video

so all of that being said let's get started okay so to install on a fire

stick it's gonna be a four-step procedure step one is to make sure you

go to your settings device options developer options and make sure these

two options are set to on if you've been installing apks for a while they'll

probably be on anyway but just double-check that and make sure the bird

says online and that's step one done step two is to download an application

called downloader again you probably have already got this installed but if

you haven't just press left on the remote on the home screen click on

search and then search for the app downloaded or once you see that click on

that click on download and that should now be ready to use okay next up we want

to start download our and on the left hand side we wanna go to settings inside

settings just make sure you've got the enabled JavaScript on by default this is

switched off so if it is off when you just click on it and then say yes this

will enable JavaScript once you've done that go back to home I'm going to

navigate to this URL which is Kodi TV just type that in and click on go when

you get to the Kodi website press down a few times on the remote and then click

on the android logo okay once you've done that scroll down again and we're

going to find the android logo again let's click on that now we want to click

on the arm v7a with 32 bit in brackets so let's click on that

this will now commence the download of Cody's 17.6 onto your device and just a

gentle reminder guys if you are finding these videos useful do hit that thumbs

up and please subscribe to make sure you don't miss out on the latest apks the

latest builds and the latest add-ons thanks when you see this message press

down a few times and then press right to install if you only have Kodi installed

this will do an in-place upgrade to the latest 17.6 if you're doing a fresh

installation this will just install the latest version onto your device

okay that's now done so before you click on open and click on done again this

will take you back to download door so this is a tip that I always recommend so

once you have downloaded your apps or your apks or kodi always go back to

download because you'll have an option to delete the APK straightaway and this

is about 70 or 80 makes so especially reading this on a fire stick this will

allow you to get some of that space back so click on delete and click on delete

again okay so now if we go back to the home screen and let's try watch Cody we

should now see the latest 17.6 and there we have it guys Cody 17.6 Krypton has

now been installed and there we have it if you just copy settings and going to

system information we can just confirm at the bottom here where it says Cody

17.6 so you definitely know you are in the latest version and that's all that

done right so if anybody still watching my video at this stage are waiting to

leave the comment below Cody forever and the first three people

to do that I'll give you a special mention in my next video select slew

though that's it guys I hope you found that video useful give me a thumbs up if

you did comment below let me know if this worked for you and please subscribe

for more content thanks again for watching guys oh and if you're

interested in a VPN if you click on that link on the bottom left you'll get a

great 46 percent discount if you are worried about your privacy and you want

to stay safe online I do recommend you check out our VPN thanks again guys see

you on the next one

For more infomation >> 🔴Install Latest KODI 17.6 ON FIRESTICK & FIRE TV in 3mins! - Duration: 4:11.


Holiday Inn Cast Jump Rope and Tap Dance in "Shaking the Blues Away" - Duration: 1:41.

[Jump ropes, tap dancing, cheers, instrumental music]

BRYCE PINKHAM: I got you something!

Merry Christmas!

MEGAN LAWRENCE & DANCERS (singing): Do like the voodoos do.

Listening to melody.

MEGAN LAWRENCE & BRYCE PINKHAM (singing) They shake their bodies so.

MEGAN LAWRENCE & DANCERS (singing): To and Fro.

MEGAN LAWRENCE & BRYCE PINKHAM (singing): With every shake, a lucky break.


DANCERS (singing): Proving that there's a way to chase your cares away.

MEGAN LAWRENCE (singing): Chase your cares and...

MEGAN LAWRENCE & DANCERS (singing): If you would lose your weary blues, shake 'em away...

ALL (singing): Shake 'em away...

[Clapping and cheering]

For more infomation >> Holiday Inn Cast Jump Rope and Tap Dance in "Shaking the Blues Away" - Duration: 1:41.


İsimsizler / The Nameless Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:10.

There is only one thing I know right now...'s that I need to trust Handan.

I want to see fear in people's eyes.

That fear will open us all the doors.

Do we have to do this through Kor Yakup's daugther?

We'll kill two birds with one stone, Hatem.

The codes of conduct is different here, son.

They play chess here, have dinner around the same table...

...then shoot each other outside the door.

You can never do anything to me, Hatem.

Who would hurt whom, you never know.

For more infomation >> İsimsizler / The Nameless Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:10.


Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets Trailer - Episode 4 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:50.

Miss Seher.

- These are for you. - Okay, thank you.

Seher is my life, dad.

I understood this better after seeing her again.

I think he still loves me very much.

Love is not easy to attain, son.

Go after it. Do whatever you need to do.

Do you consider getting back with this man again?

You know, thinking about you, I could not sleep last night.

I have missed him so much.

I saw what state you were in when you were seperated.

Whatever you two went through, I don't want you to go through the same things.


We had a baby.

Burak does not know.

For more infomation >> Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets Trailer - Episode 4 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:50.


Dealing With Disappointment | How To Handle Frustration - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Dealing With Disappointment | How To Handle Frustration - Duration: 8:05.


Energy Update – Old Timeline Looping - Duration: 6:26.

Energy Update � Old Timeline Looping

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

Old Time Line of our TOTALITY doing a �LOOP

With the recent 11/11 energies and the 10/10 gateway energies and old timelines that have

�fallen away� � we are now re-feeling the Ancient of times past when we came to

a space �similar� to this and its like we �didn�t make it� back then.

This message is from and of the Divine, that came through�I will not be able to fully

explain this further with any �back-up� as I usually do in the human linking to Spirit.

Apart from what I sharing here that is coming through myself as I am sharing this here and



This is an old loop that has come up, re presenting itself of a way of BE-ing in our Totality.

That if we do not change something in its �totality� of we �did� or how �we

were� in the past � this loop will continue to re-repeat as in like a �Holding Pattern�

until we shift through this for ourselves!

The word like a �Pause� is coming over and over again. So if one feels at a �pause�

in their life, what has come through, is to go in and feel deeper as to what they are

yet needing to look at or shift (There is more to this, but I just wanted to share briefly

on this, as this is very big right now and may be covered in the near future).

I do not know �how long� this will �take� or be for souls as this is so individual and

further information may come to light on this in which I will share as guided as I do.

As this is an overall of BE-ing ourselves.

This is so very huge and it�s a little �hard� to put into words further right now � as

this is coming up and through as I write and share with a personal experience I am guiding

another soul with right now, during this post!


To allow and bring this energy and information through to you. 11:11 Double Energy.

With this soul, they previously spread their energy and white light over their family�this

is what we �used� to do as Angels.

Yet, I was let know, this was the start of the �downfall� of the beginning! (This

is what the Divine has said with this remember. For �what ever it means��don�t �shoot�

the messenger lol, those �days� need to be over!).

That now in the human, we are unable to do so, with those close to us, from an Ancient

time of when we did that, that we are each �carrying� inside or within ourselves!

As in, we did this in Spirit and we need to do things �differently� now in linking

with the human!

As this is not viable or healthy to do so in the human!

I know we �know� this but this is DIFFERENT. This is Double!

Each old loop is just so personal.


In this persons situation that we are �doing� right now in this healing while writing this

post, it is about deeply deeply FORGIVING THEMSELVES.

Of having or starting to finally link their Spirit to their Soul in the human recently

and getting �very real�. As it is a process!

Our �last� bit of �stubbornness� and resistance� and to FORGIVE OURSELVES is

what has come through for humanity from this!

To �finally� �put the stick down�.

This resistance is us blocking ourselves from us moving forward.

Of an old timeline loop that is here, that is being re-presented for us to shift and

change � an old loop of a TOTAL Way of BE-ing.

Any more than expressed here is for those to feel and resonate to and for themselves.

As this is all as guided and I am being �let know� of in messages of/from the Divine

and from my personal experiences as they are coming through right now.


The flower essences that have come for humanity (that one can read and feel and tap into their

crown chakra) for and with this are:


spiritual discernment accessing gifts from past lifetimes

release of negatively held psychic energies clear spiritual communication


courage tenacity

adaptability strong faith

enhancement of survival skills Emergency:

Ability to cope Comfort, reassurance and courage

And also Mustard.

People in this state often list all the reasons they have to feel happy and contented, but

still everything looks black and hopeless to them.

The remedy helps to dispel the clouds so that we can once again appreciate the joy and peace

in our lives.

Even I have shifted an old loop of a timeline of my Totality in how I am proceeding ahead

with humanity�so if this is new for me, then�

**The energy of this post is from another Master as well, 11:11 Double energy = Double

Divine Healing. Add to this the Flower essence vibrations that have come through with all

of this as well = Triple = Trinity Energy**

Much love to you in all you are, have been and WILL BE.

A newer �version� of an upgraded YOU!


There is a lot of forgiveness that is needed also, with mainly our mothers at the moment,

that is coming up time and again � that is linked with this Time-Line �loop�.

*Just now as I wrote and share this, I have been given what I call the �tap on the shoulder�

� where I go away overnight to process and receive something very very big that is coming

through for humanity, to share with you all soon*

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template

for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Old Timeline Looping - Duration: 6:26.


Client Success Story - Shannon M. - Duration: 1:40.

I had planned to expand my business.

I was planning on renting a larger space and expanding, not just from the grooming,

but I was going to start a doggy daycare and have a doggie bakery.

And the building that I Ieased was three times the size of the place that I was already leasing.

A few weeks before I was due to move in, I find out that Walmart had done a zoning change.

And I was in a situation where I could not have my business in the shopping center because

dogs wouldn't be allowed in my building.

So my option was to get out of the contract and stay where I was.

The new building refused to let me out of it.

They decided that I should open up a different kind of business and still lease this building -

paying three times the amount of rent for three times the size of the building that I had.

So, I called Lee and asked him for help.

Lee had me bring all the necessary paperwork and he reviewed everything and we decided to fight it.

And they sued me for the entirety of the lease and Lee defended me and we won.

It was very stressful, but Lee's a pretty cool guy and he's real mellow.

So, he handled it with charm.

When you think attorneys, you don't think personable and fun and easy going, but he is definitely the epitome of all of that.

Matt is just as good of a guy as his dad.

He's nice, easy going, friendly.

I just can't say enough good things about Myers Law Firm.

And like I said, everybody I know that used them has had the same positive experience that I've had.

For more infomation >> Client Success Story - Shannon M. - Duration: 1:40.


How to Create a Dated Sequence in ConvertKit - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> How to Create a Dated Sequence in ConvertKit - Duration: 7:07.


30 MILLION VIEWS on FACEBOOK | - Duration: 2:36.

I just pulled up to my meeting at New Form. As you've seen some from some my other

posts I did a series with NewForm for one of their shows called

TXT stories. I love everything that I do and I really like this project I've

been working on, but when you have expectations about what your shows gonna

be or what the outcome of posting the video is if you focus on it and you let

and it could let you down if you have really high expectations for this one I

really had no idea and usually when that happens that's when things go crazy or

go viral for me and this video went more than viral and I think the course of two

to three days it had 20 million views across all the posts.

And the response from everybody I hear is just amazing so not to go into this

meeting to see what the genius is here at new form have to say take a look at

some of the data and then see what we're gonna do with the series going forward

stuck an awful awful traffic it's the only reason why I'm doing this on my

phone right now but just found out that it wasn't 20 million views it was over

30 million views because it was stolen everywhere and the stats on this thing

are freakin crazy the team is a new form it's really

awesome to work with God it's just it was an awesome experience going in there

and talking to them before this meeting about ghosts did I had a meeting with

Stacey who I used to work with and she brought me in to pitch a couple series

and that went really well as well and it's really cool just to be able to work

with people that you consider friends and still going install butterflies in

your stomach when you're pitching but you know it's nice because you have a

repertoire with one another just a really good day I'm not even mad I'm

stuck in traffic right now it may look like I'm actually driving really fast

right now but I'm not I'm going 0 miles per hour so like I said don't ever do

this or I'd never do this if I wasn't in bumper-to-bumper all right later


For more infomation >> 30 MILLION VIEWS on FACEBOOK | - Duration: 2:36.


Crochet Koala Tutorial - Duration: 53:35.

Hello everyone welcome, I'm Kerri. Today I'll be showing you how to crochet this

koala appliqué. It's slightly bigger than the ones I've shown you previously.

For the koala our main colour will be a light grey, we'll also need a darker

gray, black and white crochet cotton or wool. I like to use four ply crochet

cotton. I find cotton gives you a crisper finish. You'll also need a crochet hook,

scissors, I use sewing thread to stitch my appliqués together. I use a darning

needle to weave in my ends, and a sewing needle to stitch them together.

I do have links to the materials you'll need in the description below. Now I'm

going to start with the head and my light grey. I make a magic loop, and work

three chain, and fourteen double crochet into the circle.

I pull the circle tight, and slip stitch into the third chain. For row two I start

with three chain, and I work a double crochet into the same place as the chain,

and then I work two double crochet into each stitch around.

So I'll continue round this row and I'll meet you at the end. At the end of

the row we join with a slip stitch into the third chain. Now rows three, four, and

five we'll work the same. We start with three chain, and work one double crochet

in the same place as the chain, and then we work one double crochet into each of the

next two stitches, and two double crochet into the following stitch, and repeat

that around. One double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two

into the following stitch, and then at the end of the row we join with a slip

stitch into the third chain. So that's rows three, four, and five. So

I'll complete rows three, four, and five and I'll be back and we'll start on the

ears. Now that's up to row five finished. So the head's finished. Now I'm going to

start with this ear here. So I join my white, the second stitch after my loop. I'll

just pull that a bit looser so it doesn't come undone. And I start with two

chain, and work a half double crochet in the same place as the chain, and then I

work one half double crochet into each of the next two stitches,

and two half double crochet into the following stitch, then one half double

crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two half double crochet

into the following stitch, and that's the first row of the ear. Then we work two

chain, and turn and the work a decrease half double crochet over the first two

stitches, and then one half double crochet into each stitch until we get

to the last two stitches.

Over the last two stitches we work a decrease half double crochet, and then we

work two chain, and turn, and we work a decrease half double crochet over the

first two stitches, and then we work a joined half double crochet over the next

three stitches,

and then a decrease half double crochet over the last two stitches, and that's

the white of the ear. Now fasten that off.

And now I start with my grey, and I work one double crochet into each of the

next three stitches. Just find a good place to work so it doesn't show up

too much around your ear. Sometimes it can be a bit hard to find a good place.

Now we're going to work the little wavy pieces. For each wave we work two double

treble into one stitch, and one double treble into the following stitch. So two

double treble,

into one stitch, and then a double treble into the following stitch,

and then into the next stitch we work two half double crochet. And that's the first

wave, and then we repeat that, we work two double treble,

and then one double treble into the next stitch,

and then two half double crochet into the next.

And then we work one more wave of two double treble into one stitch,

a double treble in the following stitch,

and then two half double crochet.

I'll find another place, that's showing a bit much.

And then we work one double crochet into each stitch around the rest of the ear,

and slip stitch into the head, and fasten off. And that's the first ear done.

Now we miss seventeen stitches, and join our white into the eighteenth stitch,

and start with two chain, and work a half double crochet into the same place, and

then we work one half double crochet into each of the next two stitches, two

half double crochet into the following stitch, one half double crochet into each

of the next two stitches, and two half double crochet into the next, and then two

chain, and a decrease half double crochet over the first two stitches,

and work one half double crochet into each stitch until we're at the last


and a decrease half double crochet over the last two stitches. Then two chain, and

turn, and we work one decrease half double crochet over the first two

stitches, a joined half double crochet over the next three stitches, and a

decrease half double crochet over the last two, and fasten off.

Now I'll just weave in my ends to make it a bit easier to do the outer ear.

Now for the outside of the second ear we miss one stitch before the white

part and join up the stitch before, and then we work one double crochet into

each of the next six stitches.

Now we start the wavy parts, so we work two double treble into the next stitch,

one double treble into the following stitch,

and then two half double crochet into the next.

For the next wavy piece we work two double treble into the next stitch,

one double treble into the following stitch,

and two half double crochet into the following stitch. And

for the last wavy piece we work two double treble into the next stitch,

one double treble into the following stitch,

and two half double crochet into the next, and now just continue around your

ear with one double crochet into each stitch,

and then slip stitch into the head, and

fasten off. And there's the head and ears done. I'll start on the nose now. With my

black I make a magic loop, and start with four chain, and work a treble into

the circle.

Then I work four double crochet,

three treble,

four double crochet,

and one treble. Pull the circle tight, and slip stitch into the fourth chain. For

row two we work two chain, and work one half double crochet into the same place as

the chain, and then we work two half double crochet into each stitch around.

So I'll continue around the nose and I'll be back. At the end of the row we

slip stitch into the second chain, and fasten off, and that's the nose finished.

For the inner eyes, we make two. We start with a magic loop, and one chain, and we

work eight single crochet into the circle.

Pull the circle tight

and slip stitch into the chain and fasten off.

For the outer eye, we start with a magic loop, and two chain, and we work ten half double

crochet into the circle.

Pull the circle tight, and slip stitch into the second chain, and fasten off.

We'll need two.

For the white part of the tummy we start with a magic loop, and three chain, and we

work fourteen double crochet into our circle.

We pull our circle tight, and slip stitch into the third chain. For row two we

start with three chain, and work a double crochet into the same place as the chain,

and then we work two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll finish this

row and I'll be back. At the end of the row we slip stitch into the third chain.

Now rows three and four are worked the same. We start with three chain, and work one

double crochet in the same place as the chain, and then we work one double

crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two double crochet in the

following stitch,

and we repeat that around, so one double crochet into each of the next two

stitches, and then two double crochet into the following stitch all the way

around, and then we join with a slip stitch into the third chain. So I'll work

row three and four, and finish off the tummy piece, and then I'll be back. And

that's the four rows of the tummy part finished, I'll fasten that off. And now I

start on the body part, it's in behind the tummy and the arms. I'm using the

light grey, and I start with a magic loop, and three chain. It's made the same

as the head, so we start with three chain, and then we work fourteen double crochet

into the loop,

and then pull our circle tight and slip stitch into the third chain. For row two we

work three chain, and one double crochet in the same place as the chain, and then

two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll do this row and I'll meet

you at the end. At the end of the row we join with a slip stitch into the third

chain. Now rows three, four, and five are worked the same. We start with three chain,

and work one double crochet in the same place as the chain, and then we work one

double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two double crochet into the

following stitch, and repeat that around, one double crochet into each of the next

two stitches, and two into the following stitch, and then at the end of the row we

join with a slip stitch into the third chain.

So that's rows three, four, and five. So I'll complete rows three, four, and five

and I'll be back. And that's the body finished. For the arms we start with

thirty chain.

We miss the first four chain, and then we work one treble in to each of the

next fourteen chain.

Next we work one double crochet into each of the next seven chain,

and then one half double crochet into each of the next four chain,

and then four half double crochet into the last chain.

Now we work back into the back of the chain, and we work one half double crochet into

each of the next four,

and then one double crochet into each of the next seven,

and lastly one treble into each of the remaining stitches.

Both arms are worked the same,

and we fasten off.

Now I'll work the leg now. I start with eight chain,

and I work four treble into the fifth chain from the hook,

and then I work one half double crochet into each of the next two chain,

and then three half double crochet into the last chain,

and then I work into the back of the chain. I work one half double crochet

into each of the next two,

and then I slip stitch into the top there, of the chain. For row two I start

with three chain, and I work one double crochet into the same place as the chain,

and then I work two double crochet into each stitch around. So I'll work

around this row and I'll meet you at the end. At the end of the row we join

with a slip stitch into the third chain. For row three we start with three

chain, and work one double crochet into the same place, and then we work one

double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two double crochet into

the following stitch, and we repeat that all the way around. So one double crochet

into each of the next two stitches, and two into the following stitch. So I'll

finish this row and I'll be back. At the end of the row we slip stitch into the

third chain, and fasten off. And that's the leg finished, we'll need two legs. Now

I'm going to start on the foot. So I've got my darker grey. I start with eight chain,

and I work four treble into the fifth chain from the hook,

and then one half double crochet into each of the next two chain,

and three half double crochet into the last chain,

and then into the back of the chain we work one half double crochet into each

of the next two chain,

and join with a slip stitch into the top of the chain. For row two we start with

three chain, and work one double crochet into the same place as the chain, and then

we work two double crochet into each stitch around.

So I'll finish this row and I'll be back. At the end of the row we slip stitch

into the third chain, and fasten off, and

that's the foot finished, we need two feet.

For the paw pad I'm using black, and I start with the magic loop, and one chain,

and then I work eight single crochet into the circle.

I pull the circle tight and slip stitch into the chain.

I'll need two of those. I'm going to work the claws now, so I've got black and I

join just near the top of the the arm.

I'm going to work a finger into each of the four stitches round the

top. For the first finger I work six chain, and slip stitch into the same

place, and slip stitch into the next stitch, and work six chain, slip stitch

into the next stitch, and work six chain,

and then slip stitch into the same place, and then slip stitch into the next

stitch, and work four chain, and slip stitch into the same place, and fasten

off. The last little one's for the thumb,

and they'll just push in together. For the other arm, it will be going the other

way, or bend it in the other way. So we start with the thumb,

and we join in, and work four chain, and slip stitch into the same place, and then

slip stitch into the next stitch, and work six chain,

slip stitch into the same stitch, and slip stitch into the next stitch, and six

chain again, slip stitch into the same place, and then slip stitch into the next

stitch, and work another six chain, and then slip stitch into the same stitch,

and fasten off.

Now I'll weave in my endings and do another foot, leg, eyes, and paw pad, and

I'll be back to put it together. Now the first thing I'm going to do is stitch

the nose onto the head, it goes just about there, the bottom of the nose will

touch the line, the second line in. I'll also stitch the black, the inner eyes onto

the outer eyes, and the paw pads they go on the narrow end. So just in there, if

you're not sure of the placement of anything I do have my patterns with

pictures on my website. So I'll stitch these on, I'll also stitch on a mouth

while I've got black thread and I'll stitch on the claws. I'm just going to use the

cotton, the black cotton that I used to crochet the nose. So I'll do those and

I'll be back. Now all that sewing is done, next I'm going to stitch my eyes on, they

just go in there like that.

I'll also stitch the tummy onto the body, just in like that. And I'll stitch

the feet on to the legs,

they just fit in like that.

So I'll do that and I'll be back. Now I'm going to stitch my feet to the body, the

edge of the feet goes just at the last, where the last row starts, so just in

like that. So I'll stitch those on, also I'll stitch the arms on to the

head. I start them, leave a bit of a gap, and the one with the thumb, the thumb

points in, and this thumb will point in this way. So I'll stitch them onto

the head evenly, and then I'll be back and we'll join the head to the body.

Now there's the head and arm stitched together, and the body and the feet. Next we

stitch the head to the body, just in at the top, the head just goes slightly on

to the white, but very little, and we ease the arms around, they go slightly onto

the feet, like that.

So I'll stitch that together and I'll be back to show you the finished koala. And

there's the finished koala. If you liked my video please like, subscribe, and share.

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the subscribe button. Thank you for watching, see you next time. Bye.

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