Friday, November 17, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 17 2017

WARNING: The following programs are extremely risky. You should not invest in them unless you are prepared to sustain a total loss of your deposit.

I am not a financial adviser. I only talk about the strategies I use in programs that I personally invest in.

For more infomation >> Big News For USI Tech / Updates on Chain Group and Bitconnect / My Journey to $1,000,000 - Duration: 21:22.


Playing around with a Format String vulnerability and ASLR. format0 - bin 0x24 - Duration: 11:11.

exploit-exercises/protostar offers a linux image with several challenges to learn binary

exploitation. But a lot has changed over the years and if you compile these challenges

yourself on a modern system it's not as easy anymore. I already showed you that in

the previous videos about the stack challenge. I had to make a 3 part video series to explain

how we can still do it. And that also only on 32bit. So if you are just starting out,

make sure that you use the Linux image that you can download here and don't compile

it yourself. Otherwise all the tutorials about it won't work. And now for this video, let's

continue with some other challenge. We compile them on a current Ubuntu version, without

any compile flags and see what we get.

Obviously the rules of the game, that is hacking, are, that maybe there are techniques I just

don't know about. I don't really know the edge cases in exploitation, I mostly know

the general techniques and I think I have some reasonable amount of creativity. But

I don't know everything. So it's likely that there are people out there that could

exploit it. In that case, I'd love to see a PoC for that. That being said, let's continue

with format0.

So what is this challenge about? The attacker can pass in an argument, that argument is

then being passed as the string variable to the format parameter of sprintf. So we can

inject stuff like %d or %s.

It's also vulnerable to a buffer overflow, because sprintf, does not print to the console,

to stdout, like regular printf, but prints, or stores the formatted string, in buffer.

And the buffer is only 64 bytes long.

Now when you attack this on the VM that you can download here that has these challenges

precompiled, the target variable would be placed after the buffer so that you can overflow

the buffer, and write into target. And then you have target modified and when you make

it so that it's overflown with 0xdeadbeef you pass this check.

So enter 64characters, and 0xdeadbeef and you won.

But the challenge here also said, try it with less than 10 bytes. And you would do that

by abusing format string modifiers that would stretch the formatted output to for example

64 characters, and then you can simply enter 0xdeadbeef afterwards. So for example %64d

would output a number with a up to 64 character padding. And so 64 characters plus 0xdeadbeef

are written into buffer and you win.

Well is that still possible?

First we have to install gcc and gdb on this fresh maschine and I'm also going ahead

to install peda, a gdb extension that makes things look nicer.

So let's start with the simple buffer overflow example. But first let's set a breakpoint

in vuln() before we compare deadbeef. Then let's start the binary and pass in an input

that is much larger than 64bytes. Okay. So we hit the breakpoint and it compares eax

with 0xdeadbeef. But eax is 0. How can that be? Didn't we overflow the stack?

Well, we certainly did, the issue is that the target variable doesn't come after the

buffer. It is before, so we can write as much data as we want, we won't overwrite target.

You can also see this here. Eax is loaded from base pointer - 0x54, while the address

for the string is loaded from basepointer - 0x50, so it's located after target.

Well does this mean it's not exploitable?

mmhh... So if you are familiar with format string exploits, you also know that you can

write data with it, by abusing the %n modifier which writes the amount of already printed

characters to an address on the stack. And we can overflow the stack, so we could place

an address there and then carefully construct the number of characters printed before, such

that it writes 0xdeadbeef to an address. And so we could write to target, and win that

way, right?

But ASLR is our problem. Let me add a printf to the code to print the address of target.

ampercant target returns the reference of a variable, so that's the address.

And when we compile it and run it in a nice while true loop, you see how crazy the address

of target changes. Target is a local variable so it's located on the stack. So this is

also a stack address. But how much does it change? It always starts

with 0x7ff and ends in a C. And this one nibble here only appears to be C,D,E or F. That's

a huge number. It's over 1 billion. but maybe in this case actually doable. Just takes

some time. Maybe a day or so. I just like to refer to the previous three part video

where we bruteforced a 3 byte stack cookie, that was roughly 16 million possible options.

And so here, 260 million, is in reach, I would say. At least for a very small binary like

this. The execution speed is quite fast. Let's see how it looks like on 32bit. We

have to install the gcc multilib to do that. And then we can compile it with -m32.

When we execute it a few times, you can see that it obviously has less randomness than

on 64bit. It's only two full bytes and then again a nibble. That's about 1 million attempts

to hit it. So definitely even more in reach. But of course it's only feasible if you

can do millions of attempts reasonably fast, for example locally. If this were an application

that takes longer to start or a remote service, then that would probably mean you couldn't

really do it.

How to create a format string exploit and how that exactly works with %n you can watch

in multiple other videos that I have done. But there is one additional trick that comes

to mind we could look out for. So to write with %n we expect the target address to be

on the stack. In a classic format string exploit you would use your input that is maybe also

placed on the stack and reference itself. But nobody says it has to be an address you

place there, the stack is full of values, maybe you get lucky. If we look on the stack

when we are at the 0xdeadbeef compare in the execution flow, you can see a lot of stack

addresses. And so these would always be valid stack addresses even with ASLR. Now if one

of those would magically point to target, then we could just reuse it. We could just

reference that address. But if we check the address we know of target,

we can see that it doesn't show up. Oh well. But you see how creative you can get with

exploitation. We could have been lucky. But let's actually continue that train of

thought. Ok we don't have the whole target address

on the stack, but we do have a lot of other stack addresses. And we have an overflow,

so we can overflow into the addresses. And just overwrite some low bytes and keep the

whole front. Let's add another printf to print the target

value. And print the resulting formatted buffer. And let's play with that. Here you can see

the sprintf formatted result. Let try to find AAAABBBB on the stack by consuming

values from the stack with someformat modifiers. I wanna find the offset where on the stack

this value is placed, and we can explore that with %lx and the dollar notation.So at stack

offset 1 it's not, at offset 2 it's not at offset 3 it's not. And so forth. But

here at offset 9 we now printed the hex value of our input.

Now let's look at the stack layout for a nice stack address we could partially overwrite.

Ok so down here is one, let's see what offset that has. Let's keep going.

There it is, at offset 19. Which also means from the start at offset

9 to offset 19 we have 10 groups of 8 bytes, so 80 bytes to fill and reach this value.

We can achieve that with a format string that pads a number to 80 bytes, and then some input

to proof that we overflow. And when we now execute it, we see that the

end of our address that got printed by our 19 lx, got overwritten with As.

If you paid attention you saw that target is always at an offset with a c, so we can

choose some input that ends' with a C as well to overwrite it. For example L, that

is 0x4c. Let's execute that now, and you can compare

what address we got now through the overwrite with L, and what target really was. You see

that often it's not the same, but eventually, it will match.

And so if we replace the %lx to print a 8 byte hex value to %n, then we will WRITE to

that address. So now we are writing the amount of printed

characters, 81, because 80 + the single L to this address. And maybe at some point we

hit target. Let's keep trying. BOOM! There we hit target, we wrote 0x51 to

it, which is 81 in decimal. And that works fairly reliably, we can try those few attempts

by hand. And I think that's awesome, unfortunately

it's not quite the solution, because target has to be 0xdeadbeef. And that's 3 billion

in decimal. So with this technique we would have to first print 3 billion characters before

we can do %n, and that's not possible.

Anyway I think you can see how much exploitation can become a puzzle that you slowly try to

piece together. In the end I didn't manage to solve it but exploring this was really

fun. I really wonder if somebody is able to make

a semi reliable exploit for this.

For more infomation >> Playing around with a Format String vulnerability and ASLR. format0 - bin 0x24 - Duration: 11:11.


Ayo & Teo on Atlanta's Danc...

For more infomation >> Ayo & Teo on Atlanta's Danc...


ASHTAR COMANDO e ÚLTIMA TRANSMISSÃO À TERRA mensagem completa - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> ASHTAR COMANDO e ÚLTIMA TRANSMISSÃO À TERRA mensagem completa - Duration: 9:09.


World of Tanks - Análise e Comentários da Atualização 9.21 - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> World of Tanks - Análise e Comentários da Atualização 9.21 - Duration: 5:30.


Lily-Rose Depp séparé.e de Ash Stymest ? Pourquoi on n'y croit pas !- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Lily-Rose Depp séparé.e de Ash Stymest ? Pourquoi on n'y croit pas !- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:15.


"Tra Cecilia e Francesco Monte non è finita, Ignazio non va bene per lei…" - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> "Tra Cecilia e Francesco Monte non è finita, Ignazio non va bene per lei…" - Duration: 1:37.


GREEN LANTERN: Heavy Mina - Chapter 1 - Duration: 8:51.

Milky Way

Oh, shit!

Nothing to do today!

Oh my, what is it?

Are you Brenda,

as know as "HeavyMina"?

Yes, I'm Brenda, but, what are you?

You were chosen to protect the galaxy in sector NX2814. Brenda.

And you'll have this ring, that will help you in this important mission.

Use it wisely and carefully

And then, you can become a member of the Green Lantern troop!

This ring is awesome!

Can I use it?

Oh my, this outfit is on fleek!!

Is it under measure? This will be my night club outfit!

Keep calm, young girl!

Your trainning is just beginning.

You were chosen by your strength and your heart

but you'll have to work so much to finally become a member of the troop.

Green Lantern HeavyMina

That's cool!

"Buy beer"

"a while later"

"Look this, look this!!"

Did you saw what she did?

The fruits were floating man!!

Where is she going? Come back!

Hey, my love!

Where is my beer?

it's cold

Holy shit!!!

The HeavyMina's Beer is MINE!

Since the beggining, everyone talks about only one beer..

HeavyMina Beer!

oh my, what's the name of that little green man?

I need to call him

Wow, that's good you showed up!

How can I charge this ring?

This ring is powerful, HeavyMina!

Use it carefully

Don't let people realize your true power.

Ok ok ok, i'll take care!

but how can i charge it???

Does this have USB?


Every night you'll have to charge it by using this device


Remember, no energy form is infinite,

Leave it to me! I'll take care.

what's up man!


Hey, sucker


Yes, you! jerk

come on come on

where's your phone?



Why don't you mess with someone with your own size?

What is she talking about?

solve this bullshit, man

Who, that little bitch?

Come on with daddy, baby!

"Green Lantern"

It got a little dented, but it's yours, huh?

Thank you.. but

Who are you?

For more infomation >> GREEN LANTERN: Heavy Mina - Chapter 1 - Duration: 8:51.


tecla-e integration with Amazon's Alexa - Duration: 1:59.

So one of the new features of the app is that you can use Alexa via using voice commands

but also by creating buttons with that you would say to Alexa in order to trigger an


In order to do that, you create a button, you select "Alexa" and then you can select

"command Alexa" so typing a command that would be sent to Alexa, or "Talk to Alexa" that

would bring Alexa upfront so you can speak to it with the command you want.

So we're gonna create a "Command Alexa" button and we're gonna ask what's the weather in


And I'm gonna create a second command to bring up the Alexa voice service, so we can talk

to Alexa and then click finish.

So now I can lock the remote and we'll be able to see what Alexa says.

Now because this is the first time we use it, it's gonna prompt us to sign up with your

Amazon credentials assigned to your Alexa device or account.

So now you put your login and password and then you sign in, and then we can press "what's

the weather in Toronto?"

Alexa: Currently, in Toronto Canada, it is 52 degrees with cloudy skies.

Today, you can expect intermittent clouds with a high of 53 degrees and a low of 41


Now we can press "talk to Alexa" and Alexa voice service would prompt and it would listen

for 15 seconds before closing down.

For more infomation >> tecla-e integration with Amazon's Alexa - Duration: 1:59.


Uomini e Donne oggi: Manila e Fabrizio molto vicini, Sossio si intromette - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne oggi: Manila e Fabrizio molto vicini, Sossio si intromette - Duration: 3:16.


Trattamento all'aglio e olio d'oliva contro varici e capillari rotti - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Trattamento all'aglio e olio d'oliva contro varici e capillari rotti - Duration: 6:00.


Gravações da ópera "Otello" — Coro e Orquestra Gulbenkian - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Gravações da ópera "Otello" — Coro e Orquestra Gulbenkian - Duration: 7:27.


Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 1:42.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 320 CLASSIC A4 AUT LEDER, XENON, OPEN DAK, YOUNGTIMER, ERG MOOI! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 320 CLASSIC A4 AUT LEDER, XENON, OPEN DAK, YOUNGTIMER, ERG MOOI! - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Allure AUTOMAAT!!! - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Allure AUTOMAAT!!! - Duration: 0:46.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE AIRCONDITIONING - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE AIRCONDITIONING - Duration: 1:01.


Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 1:09.


NUOVE CANZONI - Novembre 2017 - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> NUOVE CANZONI - Novembre 2017 - Duration: 7:16.


Lívia coloca em prática plano para separar Clara e Gael - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Lívia coloca em prática plano para separar Clara e Gael - Duration: 1:07.



Hey guys! How are you?

Today I am here with this beautiful scenery, on a Friday afternoon to

chat with you about the inflow of great

things in your life...

and to ponder why these are sometimes not coming in?

There is a saying that goes by that: in order for

the new winds to blow, we need

to free the anchors that are holding us back. And now what?

Let's ponder here and make a link

with your daily life, and question yourself: what is that - perhaps - that is holding you back?

There is a coaching tool that is called "overdue-to-do list"

which focus on having you

select some past-due activities

- be it physical, mental,

or even emotional - so that by matching them you free yourself

from this burden. You set up a time frame to solve this,

or at least to begin with you set up a expected time of solution for this.

What for? Again, to remove this anchor that is holding you back.

To set your sailing free!

To let you life flow! And may the new winds blow the best

of lucky to you and into your life.

Have a wonderful weekend

and we see each other again next Friday,

in the T.G.I. Friday series. Big kiss to you!

For more infomation >> T.G.I. FRIDAY (7) - COMO LIBERAR O ESTAGNADO PARA A ENTRADA DO NOVO? - Duration: 1:18.


Seafood from Costa Nova - Ílhavo - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Seafood from Costa Nova - Ílhavo - Duration: 2:20.


Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Due uomini e mezzo - Duration: 1:03.


Lutto per Riccardo Scamarcio, è morto il padre Emilio - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Lutto per Riccardo Scamarcio, è morto il padre Emilio - Duration: 1:59.


Tasty Cauliflower Casserole

For more infomation >> Tasty Cauliflower Casserole



For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 D3 150PK GEARTRONIC FWD R-DESIGN XENON / STOELVERWARMING - Duration: 0:59.


Big News For USI Tech / Updates on Chain Group and Bitconnect / My Journey to $1,000,000 - Duration: 21:22.

WARNING: The following programs are extremely risky. You should not invest in them unless you are prepared to sustain a total loss of your deposit.

I am not a financial adviser. I only talk about the strategies I use in programs that I personally invest in.

For more infomation >> Big News For USI Tech / Updates on Chain Group and Bitconnect / My Journey to $1,000,000 - Duration: 21:22.


Playing around with a Format String vulnerability and ASLR. format0 - bin 0x24 - Duration: 11:11.

exploit-exercises/protostar offers a linux image with several challenges to learn binary

exploitation. But a lot has changed over the years and if you compile these challenges

yourself on a modern system it's not as easy anymore. I already showed you that in

the previous videos about the stack challenge. I had to make a 3 part video series to explain

how we can still do it. And that also only on 32bit. So if you are just starting out,

make sure that you use the Linux image that you can download here and don't compile

it yourself. Otherwise all the tutorials about it won't work. And now for this video, let's

continue with some other challenge. We compile them on a current Ubuntu version, without

any compile flags and see what we get.

Obviously the rules of the game, that is hacking, are, that maybe there are techniques I just

don't know about. I don't really know the edge cases in exploitation, I mostly know

the general techniques and I think I have some reasonable amount of creativity. But

I don't know everything. So it's likely that there are people out there that could

exploit it. In that case, I'd love to see a PoC for that. That being said, let's continue

with format0.

So what is this challenge about? The attacker can pass in an argument, that argument is

then being passed as the string variable to the format parameter of sprintf. So we can

inject stuff like %d or %s.

It's also vulnerable to a buffer overflow, because sprintf, does not print to the console,

to stdout, like regular printf, but prints, or stores the formatted string, in buffer.

And the buffer is only 64 bytes long.

Now when you attack this on the VM that you can download here that has these challenges

precompiled, the target variable would be placed after the buffer so that you can overflow

the buffer, and write into target. And then you have target modified and when you make

it so that it's overflown with 0xdeadbeef you pass this check.

So enter 64characters, and 0xdeadbeef and you won.

But the challenge here also said, try it with less than 10 bytes. And you would do that

by abusing format string modifiers that would stretch the formatted output to for example

64 characters, and then you can simply enter 0xdeadbeef afterwards. So for example %64d

would output a number with a up to 64 character padding. And so 64 characters plus 0xdeadbeef

are written into buffer and you win.

Well is that still possible?

First we have to install gcc and gdb on this fresh maschine and I'm also going ahead

to install peda, a gdb extension that makes things look nicer.

So let's start with the simple buffer overflow example. But first let's set a breakpoint

in vuln() before we compare deadbeef. Then let's start the binary and pass in an input

that is much larger than 64bytes. Okay. So we hit the breakpoint and it compares eax

with 0xdeadbeef. But eax is 0. How can that be? Didn't we overflow the stack?

Well, we certainly did, the issue is that the target variable doesn't come after the

buffer. It is before, so we can write as much data as we want, we won't overwrite target.

You can also see this here. Eax is loaded from base pointer - 0x54, while the address

for the string is loaded from basepointer - 0x50, so it's located after target.

Well does this mean it's not exploitable?

mmhh... So if you are familiar with format string exploits, you also know that you can

write data with it, by abusing the %n modifier which writes the amount of already printed

characters to an address on the stack. And we can overflow the stack, so we could place

an address there and then carefully construct the number of characters printed before, such

that it writes 0xdeadbeef to an address. And so we could write to target, and win that

way, right?

But ASLR is our problem. Let me add a printf to the code to print the address of target.

ampercant target returns the reference of a variable, so that's the address.

And when we compile it and run it in a nice while true loop, you see how crazy the address

of target changes. Target is a local variable so it's located on the stack. So this is

also a stack address. But how much does it change? It always starts

with 0x7ff and ends in a C. And this one nibble here only appears to be C,D,E or F. That's

a huge number. It's over 1 billion. but maybe in this case actually doable. Just takes

some time. Maybe a day or so. I just like to refer to the previous three part video

where we bruteforced a 3 byte stack cookie, that was roughly 16 million possible options.

And so here, 260 million, is in reach, I would say. At least for a very small binary like

this. The execution speed is quite fast. Let's see how it looks like on 32bit. We

have to install the gcc multilib to do that. And then we can compile it with -m32.

When we execute it a few times, you can see that it obviously has less randomness than

on 64bit. It's only two full bytes and then again a nibble. That's about 1 million attempts

to hit it. So definitely even more in reach. But of course it's only feasible if you

can do millions of attempts reasonably fast, for example locally. If this were an application

that takes longer to start or a remote service, then that would probably mean you couldn't

really do it.

How to create a format string exploit and how that exactly works with %n you can watch

in multiple other videos that I have done. But there is one additional trick that comes

to mind we could look out for. So to write with %n we expect the target address to be

on the stack. In a classic format string exploit you would use your input that is maybe also

placed on the stack and reference itself. But nobody says it has to be an address you

place there, the stack is full of values, maybe you get lucky. If we look on the stack

when we are at the 0xdeadbeef compare in the execution flow, you can see a lot of stack

addresses. And so these would always be valid stack addresses even with ASLR. Now if one

of those would magically point to target, then we could just reuse it. We could just

reference that address. But if we check the address we know of target,

we can see that it doesn't show up. Oh well. But you see how creative you can get with

exploitation. We could have been lucky. But let's actually continue that train of

thought. Ok we don't have the whole target address

on the stack, but we do have a lot of other stack addresses. And we have an overflow,

so we can overflow into the addresses. And just overwrite some low bytes and keep the

whole front. Let's add another printf to print the target

value. And print the resulting formatted buffer. And let's play with that. Here you can see

the sprintf formatted result. Let try to find AAAABBBB on the stack by consuming

values from the stack with someformat modifiers. I wanna find the offset where on the stack

this value is placed, and we can explore that with %lx and the dollar notation.So at stack

offset 1 it's not, at offset 2 it's not at offset 3 it's not. And so forth. But

here at offset 9 we now printed the hex value of our input.

Now let's look at the stack layout for a nice stack address we could partially overwrite.

Ok so down here is one, let's see what offset that has. Let's keep going.

There it is, at offset 19. Which also means from the start at offset

9 to offset 19 we have 10 groups of 8 bytes, so 80 bytes to fill and reach this value.

We can achieve that with a format string that pads a number to 80 bytes, and then some input

to proof that we overflow. And when we now execute it, we see that the

end of our address that got printed by our 19 lx, got overwritten with As.

If you paid attention you saw that target is always at an offset with a c, so we can

choose some input that ends' with a C as well to overwrite it. For example L, that

is 0x4c. Let's execute that now, and you can compare

what address we got now through the overwrite with L, and what target really was. You see

that often it's not the same, but eventually, it will match.

And so if we replace the %lx to print a 8 byte hex value to %n, then we will WRITE to

that address. So now we are writing the amount of printed

characters, 81, because 80 + the single L to this address. And maybe at some point we

hit target. Let's keep trying. BOOM! There we hit target, we wrote 0x51 to

it, which is 81 in decimal. And that works fairly reliably, we can try those few attempts

by hand. And I think that's awesome, unfortunately

it's not quite the solution, because target has to be 0xdeadbeef. And that's 3 billion

in decimal. So with this technique we would have to first print 3 billion characters before

we can do %n, and that's not possible.

Anyway I think you can see how much exploitation can become a puzzle that you slowly try to

piece together. In the end I didn't manage to solve it but exploring this was really

fun. I really wonder if somebody is able to make

a semi reliable exploit for this.

For more infomation >> Playing around with a Format String vulnerability and ASLR. format0 - bin 0x24 - Duration: 11:11.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Legends & Gabi Du Plessis - Can't Sleep Alone - Duration: 3:18.

♪ Last night, you had me feeling like the first time ♪

♪ Words so smooth, just like white wine ♪

♪ So use your fingers, trace my outline ♪

♪ All eyes, on me, their hands on my body ♪

♪ but I can't see, a thing, got me missing your feeling ♪

♪ And I know you're not here in the crowd, that's why it feels this way ♪

♪ Got me dancing on my own, baby I can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Can't be on my own ♪

♪ Can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Got me dancing on my own, baby I can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Tonight, so captivated by your design ♪

♪ And when you touched me it felt so right ♪

♪ I swear there's nothing that it feels like, ah oh ♪

♪ All eyes, on me, their hands on my body ♪

♪ but I can't see, a thing, got me missing your feeling ♪

♪ And I know you're not here in the crowd, that's why it feels this way ♪

♪ Got me dancing on my own, baby I can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Can't be on my own ♪

♪ Can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Got me dancing on my own, baby I can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Baby, yeah ♪

♪ You were never on your own ♪

♪ and baby, yeah ♪

♪ You will never be alone ♪

♪ Their eyes, on you, their hands on your body ♪

♪ I try to feel, nothing, but I keep missing your feeling ♪

♪ I know you're somewhere in the crowd, that's why I feel this way ♪

♪ I left you dancing on your own, baby I can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Can't be on my own ♪

♪ Can't sleep alone ♪

♪ Got me dancing on my own, baby I can't sleep alone ♪

For more infomation >> Legends & Gabi Du Plessis - Can't Sleep Alone - Duration: 3:18.


Pourquoi Vanessa Paradis a-t-elle quitté Benjamin Biolay ?- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Vanessa Paradis a-t-elle quitté Benjamin Biolay ?- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:32.


Audi TT TTS Roadster 2.0 T TTS - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi TT TTS Roadster 2.0 T TTS - Duration: 0:54.


Tritonal - Call Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:34.

Then you wouldn't call me

So call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

But if you didn't want me

Or keep me at afar

You can put up your guard

So call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

But if you didn't want me

Or keep me at afar

You can put up your guard

And don't you ever stop

As long as you call me

Anything you want

So call me

You'll never take away the feeling

Let me talk you gotta listen

Cause I don't see the difference

You can watch me from a Distance

As long as I'm on your mind

Treat me mean, Treat me unkind

Tell me that I'm fucking up

Tell me something, Tell me off

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

Then you wouldn't call me

But if you didn't want me

Or keep me at afar

You can put up your guard

And don't you ever stop

As long as you call me

Anything you want

So call me

You'll never take away the feeling

Let me talk you gotta listen

Cause I don't see the difference

You can watch me from a Distance

But you can never hold your bluff

Call me reckless, Pull me up

Whatever works for you

Call me crazy, Call me cruel

For more infomation >> Tritonal - Call Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:34.


Shocking new study proves that the vaccine industry is just an extension of the abortion industry - Duration: 4:44.

Shocking new study proves that the vaccine industry is just an extension of the abortion


by Edward Morgan

The mainstream media is actively trying to bury the findings of a new study that sheds

a not-so-positive light on influenza vaccines. Published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine,

the shocking paper reveals that pregnant women who receive seasonal flu shots year after

year are more than four times more likely to have spontaneous miscarriages compared

to women who don�t get jabbed.

Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this groundbreaking

research rejects the official government narrative that all vaccines are completely safe and

effective, which is probably why some of the gatekeepers of �science� are already starting

to question its implications. Vaccine�s editor-in-chief, Dr. Gregory Poland, for instance,

recently stated contradictorily that while the paper raises important questions about

vaccine safety that shouldn�t be ignored, he also doesn�t believe that flu shots are

in any way responsible for causing miscarriages.

�Not at all,� Dr. Poland emphatically stated when asked whether or not flu shots

are risky business for pregnant women.

How Dr. Poland can make such a claim when the study was conducted using rigorous scientific

methods that many consider to be the �gold standard� is a bit disingenuous, especially

when considering the fact that if the opposite had been discovered � that pregnant women

can get flu shot after flu shot with no risk of complications � such findings would have

been immediately declared by every major health agency and news station to be gospel truth.

Further, it was two CDC researchers, not �anti-vaxxers,� who noticed what ABC Newsdescribed as �a

big difference� between women who had miscarried within 28 days of getting a flu shot, as well

as who had received a flu shot the year prior. Among such woman, 17 of the 485 evaluated

had miscarriages compared to only four of 485 women from an unvaccinated comparison


The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota

reported on these findings as suggesting �a strong association between receiving repeated

doses of the seasonal influenza vaccine and miscarriage.� That pretty much speaks for

itself, wouldn�t you say?

Flu shots cause spontaneous abortions, the remains of which are used to manufacture other


Besides the inherent risk of spontaneous abortion that comes with pregnant women getting flu

shots, according to this latest research, there�s also the use of aborted human fetal

tissue in many vaccines that suggests the vaccine industry is really just an extension

of Planned Parenthood and other key players in the abortion industry.

Consider a research article that was published by Jessica Farnsworth back in May 2011 that

looked at the link between aborted human babies and vaccine production. As it turns out, the

vaccine industry technically relies on the abortion industry to develop new vaccines,

so it�s hardly surprising that these same vaccines seem to cause abortions as well.

�Cell strains from fetal organs can multiply many times and provide a cell source for many

decades, serving as an ideal culture medium due to their longevity,� Farnsworth reported.

�One aborted baby can be the source of a cell strain with a potential yield of about

20 million metric tons of cells, which can be stored frozen for many years. The availability

of aborted babies also presents an economic advantage over animal sources of cell cultures

such as monkey, chicken, duck, dog, or rabbit, since animals must be housed, fed, maintained,

and bred.�

So there you have it: The disgusting truth that the abortion business is key to vaccine

production, which in turn results in more abortions. It�s a constant cycle of death

being propagated against the American people in the name of �public health,� but thankfully

the truth is spreading.

For more infomation >> Shocking new study proves that the vaccine industry is just an extension of the abortion industry - Duration: 4:44.


What to Do After You Win a HUGE Lottery! - Duration: 10:56.

Here are the steps to take after you win a huge lottery!

9 - Pick the Lump Sum or Annuity

Sometimes a little bit of self discipline can go a long long ways.

That's especially true for people who win the lottery.

I mean, let's say you win a crap ton of money, like 200 million dollars….cue up

the Dr. Evil laugh.

But seriously, that qualifies as a life changing event.

And while it would be tempting to cash the winning ticket for for 200 million dollars,

well considerably less once the government takes their cut.

Depending on who you are, it's wiser to take the annuity rather than a lump sum.


Basically, it's to protect yourself…….from yourself.

Why do so many lottery winners go broke?

Why do so many professional athletes go broke?

Basically it's just the fact that they spend more than they earned!

The cash isn't forever.

Basically, if you can't keep the same lifestyle after life-changing money, well, the annuity

is probably the best option to take.

It sounds like it's an easy concept, live below your means, but it's harder than it


An annuity is basically like letting the government hold onto your winnings for a while and invest

it for you, without taxing the return on the said investment.

The annuity also continues AFTER you lie, assuming you pass on to the afterlife within

30 years of your winnings.

So it becomes a part of your estate, and once you die, your estate can take out a lump sum

so the IRS can only tax the estate once.

Of course, if you have insane self-discipline and you understand finance pretty well, then

yes, taking the lump sum makes much more sense because, let's be for real, the numbers

don't lie.

Or do what I'd do, take the lump sum, and don't touch the principal and live off whatever

the principal makes!

8 - Hire a Team Mo money mo problems.

Biggie wasn't lying!

You definitely will want to hire a team of professionals to help you manage that money.

You'll basically want an accountant, a fiduciary, and an attorney.

A fiduciary is obligated to give you objective advice about how to go about managing your

new fortune.

They can also be the "bad guy" along with your attorney.

As Jason Kurland, an attorney who specializes in helping lotto winners explained to Vice

News, people will come out of the woodwork to give all sorts of quote, "great investments"

for you.

A series of bad investments can drain your winnings pretty quickly and it's hard to

know when to say "no."

You can simply let one person on your team be the bad guy who decides when or when not

to invest and be the one who says no.

Your attorney and tax accountant will help you set up and navigate all the legal hurdles

to protect your nest egg and minimize your taxes, because let's face it, who wants

to do that on their own with that type of fortune when time is more valuable than money

at that point?

Every state has different lottery rules and tax laws, so you'll definitely want to talk

to someone who can specifically analyze your situation and give you the best advice possible.

Hire that team, and make sure it's not just your uncle Ted without any qualifications!

7 - Stay Anonymous The easiest way to save yourself from a lot

of trouble after winning a giant lottery is to stay as anonymous as possible.

Don't tell anyone that you won the lottery!

First thing you'll want to do is to set up a trust.

It's a way to remain anonymous that way when people look up who won x lottery, they

just see the trust.

I mean think about it.

Let's say you win hundreds of millions of dollars.

Then people find out.

Best case scenario, a bunch of your friends and family start hitting you up to borrow

money and it's just really annoying.

Worst case scenario?

Shady business people constantly hound you for to invest in their horrific business ideas.

Online scammers consistently try to cheat you out of your money, or worse, people try

to blackmail you or even threaten to harm your family for ransom.

This all sounds crazy, but it's all happened before.

First things first, sign the back of your ticket.

As lotto attorney Jason Kurland explains to Vice, "technically whoever hands the ticket

in is declared the winner.

If you sign the back of it, you secure that it's yours."

Okay, so there's that.

Forbes contributor Robert Pagliarini, an expert on sudden wealth, recently wrote about something

called a "Claiming Trust."

This means that as the lottery winner, you assign the ticket to a trust, which then claims

the prize and holds it for a short period of time.

You then set up what's called a bridge trust, which ultimately transfers the money to you.

All this may sound like a lot of headache, but this "trust within a trust" method

shields winners from the public and other people you don't want to know.

6 - Don't Buy Anything….for a while Here's where your self control and discipline

will REALLY be tested.

If you win the lottery, don't make any major purchases that you wouldn't normally make

for at least three months up to a year, and that time period really varies from person

to person.

Really, it's probably just best to do a year.

You gotta get used to the money, and let that initial shock wear off.

It'll take awhile for everything to get back to normal.

But if all of the sudden you start living this new fancy life, chock full of champagne,

limos, and crazy expensive clothes and cars, you'll be setting yourself up for failure.

I'm not even mentioning what the money can do to your relationships, and how with a new

flash lifestyle, people start to look at you differently.

In other words, live your normal life for a while.

Keep your day job, stay in the same house, and don't deviate too far from your normal

spending habits.

Sure, maybe you'll splurge on a nice dinner a bit more often, but for the most part, the

more you maintain your usual routine, the better off you'll be in the long run.

5 - Pay Off Debts If you have any debts, the first spending

you should do with the money is to start paying off all your debts if you have any.

Credit Card bills, student loans, etc.

Yep, even paying off your mortgage is smart, unless your interest rate is ridiculously

low and it's lower than the return you'd earn in some other investment.

That's another discussion really.

According to Forbes writer Deborah L Jacobs, paying off your debt is really the best investment

a person can possibly make, and that's something I'd have to agree with.

She said quote, "When you've paid down a dollar of debt, that's a dollar you no

longer owe.

When you invest a dollar, you can't be sure whether it will grow or shrink."


4 - Make and Live on a Budget Generally speaking, making a budget and abiding

by it is a good practice to live by no matter how much money you have.

But when you suddenly win a whole bunch of money, it can be easy to think that the money

can just last forever, and not worry about a budget at all.

The truth is, no matter how much money you have, you'll always have to manage it, and

you'll always need to be smart with your finances.

By the way, you can totally spend some money on yourself and friends after the initial

waiting period is over.

It's okay to take a vacation, buy a new car, enjoy a fancy dinner now and again.

The key is to figure out how you can make the money last a lifetime, maybe more, and

basically, let the money work for you.

Even with millions of dollars, it's really easy to light it on fire and blow through

a few million in a very short time.

Setting, weekly, monthly and yearly boundaries will help you avoid the pitfalls of spending

too lavishly and burning through all of the money.

Like I said earlier, the safest bet is to not touch the principal for spending.

Just think, you've made it this far without spending crazy amounts of money, so why not

keep that going and save your newly acquired fortune?

3 - Make the right picks We've always been taught to invest our money.

Let our money work for us.

Let's not forget, Warren Buffett made 99% of his money AFTER he turned 50, because of

the magic of compound interest on the hundreds of millions he already made.

However, you'll want to avoid BAD investments.

Now what exactly constitutes a bad investment?

Hmmm, well if your friends suddenly start coming up with new business ideas after you

win the lottery, chances are, it's a really bad investment.

In fact, most new businesses fail.

You gotta invest your money and let your nest egg grow, but you don't need to swing for

the fences.

Just like baseball, focus on solid contact and you'll hit a lot of singles and doubles

with some home runs mixed in.

Matthew Goff, a Houston based financial advisor, told Market Watch that lottery winners should

divest their fortunes after they set up an annuity and pay their taxes.

He recommends putting most of the money in a short term corporate bonds.

This alone can generate millions of dollars every year.

There's also a short term municipal bond, that according to Goff, offers tax free incentives

and can generate additional hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.

Now I could go on and on with different ways of investing the money, but the right investment

depends on the investment goals of the individual.

You just gotta make sure you have someone who's qualified helping you make the right

decisions so you can reach your financial goals.

2 - No New Friends/Practice Saying No If you happen to win the lottery one day,

you'll notice a very odd trend.

You'll suddenly have a lot of people who wanna be friends with you all of a sudden.

Now, it very well may be the case that they're drawn to your winning personality.

However, more often than not, these people are after your money.

Just don't be their friends.

CNBC reported in 2017 that lottery winners are far more likely to file for bankruptcy

within three to five years than everyone else.

One reason is that not only do new quote "friends" appear, but existing friends and family members

tend to ask for money pretty often as well.

And while it can be difficult to say "no" you're gonna have to get used at it.

Remember that attorney Jason Kurland?

Like he said...let someone on your team be the bearer of bad news.

If you're having a hard time saying no, simply defer all of those decisions to that

person and let them be the ones to turn your friends down.

After all, if someone only likes you for your money, are they really your friends?

And if you go broke you can't help anyone...including yourself.

1 - Set up Asset Protection Strategies Even though I just went over practice saying

no, sometimes you'll wanna say yes, but just know that the times you do say yes, you'll

probably never see the money again, and just be okay with that.

Once you figure out who the most important people to you are, and who you actually wanna

help, you'll want to set up some sort of long term asset protections plan.

We've already discussed annuities and blind trusts.

But you may also wanna reconsider your will, to ensure that whoever you picked to help

will be able to get some of your money once you pass on to the great beyond.

If you don't even trust yourself, you can set up something called an irrevocable trust,

which turns control of the money over to the trust, which shields you from outside influences.

A great example of this would be an asset protection trust, which you regain control

of years later.

This insulates your money from creditors and regulations that could adversely affect your


Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> What to Do After You Win a HUGE Lottery! - Duration: 10:56.


What Etruscan sounded like and how we know - Duration: 7:46.

A wealthy civilization once spread across Italy, founded ancient cities and may have

left us words like "person" and "Rome" and even the alphabet.

The Romans?

No, no, not them.

I mean an earlier people whose language was almost lost to us.

Almost... but not quite.

Let me take you back to Egypt in the mid 1800s.

A European traveler has been touring the local sights, and now he's shopping for a souvenir.

Wandering the streets he chances upon the perfect bargain: a sarcophagus, with the mummy

still wrapped up inside.

He hauls it back to Vienna and sets it up as a creepy showpiece in his home.

After his his death, it's donated to a museum where something odd is found.

The mummy's bandages are filled with letters.

And not a few letters either.

A whole book.

A puzzling book.

It wasn't Egyptian at all.

The ink read like inscriptions from Italy made by an ancient civilization the Romans

called Etrusci or Tusci.

Today we still call their homeland Tuscany.

And now here was this mummy wrapped in the longest Etruscan text ever seen.

It was precious, but this Linen Book had a problem.

A problem it shared with thousands of other Etruscan inscriptions: the language looked

nothing like any other.

Mysterious... but not undeciphered.

These letters go from right to left, but flip them and you'll see they are basically

our letters.

See, the popular story goes that the ABCs spread from the Phoenicians, to Greece, to

Italy where Rome inherited them.

We're missing a piece though: it was the Etruscans who spread the alphabet in Italy.

It seems the Greek alphabet they inherited had too many sounds for them.

Etruscans were fine with voiceless p, t, k but they didn't need the voiced b, d, g.

In an inscription, they even wrote the word Greek as "Creice".

This is why the Romans, when they borrowed the alphabet, originally pronounced C as both

k and g.

Looking at the Greek alphabet, it should've only made the sound "g".

In my video on Latin letter modding, this is why we met a vexed Roman who added a tail

to that C to create our letter G.

But Etruscan did make use of sounds that might be harder for you to distinguish.

Get your ears ready: p, t, k versus aspirated ph, th, kh.

Like phersu, mask, a word that lives on right in the heart of our English vocabulary.

Ancient reports tell us that they were also missing the vowel "o".

Or, linguistically, we'd say that they didn't distinguish o from u.

If we believe the claim that Rome took its very name from Etruscan, one interesting example

is the word Ruma.

So this book was missing letters, but it also added letters.

Like this curious 8-looking symbol, earlier written /v/ plus /h/.

The Romans cut out the H and left us with F. So this is a /f/.

Etruscans also had many letters for s-sounds but only used two of them at a time, a hint

that they distinguished s from sh.

But what do these letters mean?

The answers lie in an ancient dictionary written by the last known speaker, Emperor Claudius!

Whose work was lost.

No dictionaries.

No grammars.

And find after find after find frustratingly never uncovered an Etruscan Rosetta Stone.

The experts turned to "guessology": pull words out of the text and guess.

Is this by chance Indo-European?

No, clearly Semitic!

Wait, it's like Basque!

No, no, Hungarian!

Fed up with this circular approach, Etruscologists took a new path.

Don't pull words out of artifacts; leave them in.

Then, like a code without a key, try out combinations.

Look at each inscription in its context.

Combine different meanings in different contexts until you find

meanings that unlock every text.

It was brute force, but slowly this "Combinatory technique" yielded results.

We caught glimpses of a language with real grammar.

It had singular and plural nouns: "clan", "clenar", "ais", "aiser".

There were case endings, like nominative -e on Creice.

Pronouns like mi, mini.

And verb tenses: "tur" had a past tense "turuce".

We uncovered a language with dynamic and changing sounds.

Vowels were trending simpler over time.

The hero Ajax was once Aivas but later became Eivas or Evas.

The word for the gods, the highest Etruscan concern, was aiser and later eiser.

They used nucleic consonants where we might expect vowels: lautn.

Or maybe faint vowels, like Atlnta.

These smashed Etruscan words suggest the language underwent a big shift.

Centuries into its written history, inscriptions start to drop vowels after the first syllable.

The Etruscan name for themselves was once Rasenna but became Rasna, and in one inscription

a Latin word gets chopped down to preśnts.

It's a major clue that Etruscan words started with a heavy accent on their first syllable:

not /ra'senna/ but /'rasenna/.

Comparing translations and glosses yielded even more results.

Take quasi-bilinguals, these inscribed Etruscan artifacts with a Latin or Greek doppelgänger.

My favorite are "talking objects", aristocratic gifts that speak for themselves: mini muluvanice

Laris Velχanas.

It's very quirky, but it's plausible when we find out that objects also talk like this

in Latin and Greek and Venetic.

We were even finding hints of a context for the language itself, a language so unlike

its neighbors.

A fascinating stone from the Greek island of Lemnos features a soldier surrounded

by letters and words that really resemble Etruscan.

Is this a lost sister language?

A dialect?

Perhaps Etruscan wasn't so alone.

Did it belong to a larger family of Tyrrhenian languages?

The language of that Linen Book is still mysterious.

We don't know how this text got to Egypt, but thanks to all this work we can tell it's

a kind of ritual calendar.

And sometimes we can follow whole threads of text: "celi huθiś zaθrumiś flerχva

neθunsl śucri θezric".

It's almost like if you close your eyes I can take you right back to the days of fluent Etruscan,

but ask how to say a simple yes or no and we're lost again.

Stick around and subscribe for language.

For more infomation >> What Etruscan sounded like and how we know - Duration: 7:46.


Pentagon Accidentally Retweets Message Calling For Trump To Resign - Duration: 2:58.

In a bit of humorous news that happened this week, the official Twitter account of the

Pentagon accidentally retweeted somebody who tweeted that Donald Trump should resign from


Now, in the Pentagon's defense, the part about Trump resigning was pretty far down in the

tweet, because at first, it said, "Roy Moore and his sexual accusers.

He should resign from the race."

Then it said, "Al Franken, with the new revelations about him, he should resign," two things I

happen to agree with.

But then at the bottom, it mentioned the 17 women who have accused Donald Trump of either

rape, sexual assault, or sexual harassment.

It said that he should also resign.

Whoever was running the Pentagon's Twitter decided, "You know what?

I like this message.

I'm going to retweet it."

Now, it only took a few minutes for the tweet to actually be deleted by the Pentagon, but

that still didn't stop plenty of people from catching on to it on Twitter, including some

of the 5.2 million people who happen to follow the Pentagon's Twitter account.

Here is the bottom line.

Yeah, somebody at the Pentagon screwed up, probably shouldn't have done that.

Maybe they'll be reprimanded, maybe not.

But the fact that Roy Moore and Al Franken are putting the issue of politicians and sexual

assault on the table, it is getting impossible for Republicans to continue to ignore all

of the allegations against Donald Trump.

We have to start paying more attention to that, and just like all of these other women

who have come out against Harvey Weinstein, the people who have come out against Kevin

Spacey, against Al Franken and Roy Moore and everybody else that seems to be a powerful,

famous guy, we have to take the women accusing Donald Trump seriously as well.

We have to treat them with the same kind of respect and dignity that we're treating all

of these other women coming out accusing everyone else, because their stories are just as likely

to be true.

They are just as plausible, and we have no reason to doubt them.

Yet, for some reason, the President has continued to remain unscathed in all of this, when he

is personally on tape admitting to doing it.

He is the one guy that there's really no question whatsoever about, because he admitted to it,

and yet Republicans want to bury their heads in the sand.

Democrats don't seem to want to pursue it, and the big question is why?

I applaud whoever it was at the Pentagon, accident or not, because the issue of Donald

Trump's sexual assault, the history of sexual assault that this man has, that is something

that every American citizen needs to be talking about and needs to be concerned about.

For more infomation >> Pentagon Accidentally Retweets Message Calling For Trump To Resign - Duration: 2:58.


Jersey Shore's Vinny G Talks Boardwalk Snacks || SnackTalk - Duration: 14:02.

Please, someone, get this out of my sight.

Vinny's appalled.

-Who wants to reinvent bacon?

Bacon is the greatest thing of all time.

-Welcome to "Snack Talk," the show that answers

every snack-related question you could possibly imagine.

Ya know, I really love boardwalks,

and what's not to love?

You got 30-year-old arcade games to play,

bootleg "Family Guy" T-shirts to scope out.

You can even get berated by a dunk tank clown.

That's great.

But the best thing about boardwalks,

it's the snacks, the glorious snacks

and the possibility of taking these

boardwalk snacks to the beach.

But you know, in all my years of being on

and under boardwalks, I've never been able

to truly determine, which of these beach

and boardwalk snacks is the best.

So, who better than to help me out

with this conundrum, than someone you may know

from the cast of "Jersey Shore."

You may also have seen him lately

as the host of various television programs.

There was even a time where he removed

a piece of lint from Pauly D's hair.

Please welcome, Vinny G!


-What's going on?

-How are you?

-Amazing, welcome to the Bodega.

Thank you for being here.

-Oh, thank you for having me.

-Let's talk about some snacks.

-Let's do it.

-So, Vinny.


-What's going on?

-Nothin much, just ya know, came to the Bodega,

I was hungry, wanted to get a snack.


-And then I ran into you.

-Yeah, well, here we are.

I'm glad that you're so into snacks.

Vinny G, you are here to help us

get to the bottom of what is the best

boardwalk beach snack.

So let's see, you've been doing some cooking?

-We just did a show on the Cooking Channel

called "Vinny & Ma Eat America."

My mom is this little Sicilian woman

who's never left Staten Island before

so taking her out of Staten Island

all over the country to try new food was hilarious.

Italian moms don't like eating new things.

-What would you say mom's favorite snack is?

-Ah man, she likes the stuff that she makes.

So she makes this thing call struffoli.

You guys ever hear of struffoli?


-They're like these fried honey balls.

So they take dough and then you deep-fry them

and you dip them in honey and you put

rainbow sprinkles on top.

It's like an Italian treat that you eat during the holidays.

And they are delicious.




-I gotta bring some back for you guys.


All right so Vinny you are here to help us

determine which is the absolute best

of boardwalk beach snacks.


-We've devised a method to help us

determine which is the best of beach boardwalk snacks.

I was up all night thinking about it,

and this is a variation on the classic game

(bleep), Marry, Kill, but without the

misogyny, commitment, or potential for murder.


-So we are calling this game,

Snack, Bury, Chill.

Snacks that we like, we'll set them aside.

-So clever.

-For immediate consumption.


Thank you so much.


-Snacks that we can't stand, we're gonna bury them,

right in the sand.

And then snacks that we're all right with,

we're gonna chill in the cooler

and maybe we'll have them later.


Enter, the sand.


-Pretty nice, huh?

Before we attack this task,

it's important that we take some precautions.

Here, I have a towel for you.

-Oh thank you.


And I have to, safety first Vinny, safety first.

-Is that sunscreen?

-Yeah, who's the white nerd now, Vinny?

-You just made it worse.

-Oh man this is a fried food feud.

-That is a hard one.

-Here we got deep-fried Oreos, churros and

please give us the definitive pronunciation

of this treat.


-Not, zepolay.

-No, not zepolay.

Zepolay sounds like a High-school douchebag.

-Fair, fair, I mean, how do you feel about these?

-Oh man, you want me to go first?


-OK, I'll start it off.

So, I'm gonna kill the deep-fried Oreo.

-Yeah, why so?

-I've had them before, and it's a bit excessive.

-It's a freaking novelty, Vinny, I'm right there with you.

-It is, ya know, it's just like,

who's ordering, I'm a fat kid at heart,

but I'm not that fat.

I like a deep-fried piece of dough

is good enough for me, or just an Oreo.

I don't have to blend them together,

and really feel like I'm a piece of (bleep).

-I agree with you, look, these two critters here

have stood the test of time.

They were here 50 years ago, they'll be here

50 years in the future, but think about it,

the deep-friend fair food is falling off.

We've already moved on to unicorn bar food.


-All right, well I'm with you on that.

-So I'm gonna bury the deep-fried Oreo.

-Put it in its quartz-based grave.

-This is kinda nasty now.

I feel like I'm making chicken cutlets.




-All right and then we're gonna move on to the churro.

Do you feel like the churro is a West Coast

thing more than an East Coast thing?

I don't see them a lot on the East Coast.

-From myself, as a Brooklyn person,

I hang out in the neighborhoods

that have a high Hispanic population.


-And so I see them occasionally,

mostly sold in the subway.



-Or like real bodegas and stuff.


-But, you know, I don't know, I could go either way on these.

-Well I think a churro is just basically

like a long donut, or a zeppole or something like that.

So I kinda see these as one in the same,

but you know what, because I kind of have a liking for them

but they don't really do it for me that much,

I'm gonna chill it.

-Chillin' on the churro.

-Chillin' on the churro.

-Un churro frio.

So that means zeppoles.

-Oh, zeppoles I'm keeping, let me tell you

about this guy.

My mom makes zeppoles in Staten Island

and the pizzerias, they have zeppoles,

they are amazing. You put some

Nutella in one of these things,

you dip it in some powdered sugar:

You can't get better in life.


I will literally (bleep) thinking about it.

-Oh man, fantastic.

-Not right now.

-Don't think any harder.

-Yeah, sorry.

-Fantastic, all right, so we will save the zeppole

for later snack consumption and

we will move on to the next round.

-I'm ready.

-All right.

The eliminations are gonna get a lot more tricky.

I have a feeling you're gonna be biased

towards one of these things.

So here we are, we have pizza,

a lobster roll, and fish tacos.

-Can you go first?


-I have a lot to think about with this.

-Yeah, I will.

So I think the thing that I wanna snack for me

is probably, and maybe I'm being an elitist

but it's probably the lobster roll

and I just think about the idea

of a lobster roll, and I don't want a lobster roll

in the city, I don't want a lobster roll at my house,

I want a lobster roll at the beach,

but I feel like I could have fish tacos and pizza

anywhere and it would be fine,

but a lobster roll, in a bodega, no.

So for me, that is the snack of choice,

the problem is, I think the taco is a better

beach snack but I love pizza more,

and I hate to say this to one of the loves

of my life, but I think I'm gonna have to

bury pizza and chill on the tacos.

-Wow, that is shocking.

Each one of these things could be amazing

or they could be horrible.

-Well said.

-I am very biased when it comes to pizza.

I could have horrible pizza where I would bury it.

So assuming, I just want everyone to know this,

assuming that these are all the best

of the options here, this is pizza

from Staten Island, this is a lobster roll

they imported from Maine, and that's fish tacos

that doesn't smell like, you know.

I will say, I am burying the fish tacos.

-Bury that fish taco.

-Because I just don't know.

-We both agree on that.

-I just don't know what's up inside of that fish taco.

So I'm burying that, this is disgusting.

-Thank you for your sacrifice.

-I am going to chill the lobster roll,

equally disgusting, 'cause you know

we gotta freshen that up a little bit.

And again, if this is the best pizzeria,

if this is a great pizza...

-We're gonna snack on that pizza.

-This is the greatest single invention on earth.

Whoever invented pizza, was an Italian guy probably right?

-Oh I'm sure.

-I wanna thank him and kiss him,

'cause pizza, you can't go wrong with pizza,

you always have to keep pizza.

You can honestly put anything up here

and I'll still pick the slice of pizza on there.

-Pizza wins.

-So the fact that you buried it, I don't like you.

-I didn't bury it, I chilled on it.

-No, I think you buried it.

-No, I buried the taco, didn't I bury the taco?

-I think you buried pizza.

-Roll back to see.

(tape rewinding)

I think I'm gonna have to bury pizza

and chill on the tacos.

-You buried pizza, even you're a denier,

you're a pizza denier.

-You sold me, Vinny, you changed me.

Now get these tacos out of our sight.

-Yeah, throw it back in the ocean.

-So Vinny, I want you know that I

personally drove all the way to the

Jersey Shore boardwalk to procure

these fine foods for you.

Don't let the little ends on the cup fool you, OK?

-I just saw a homeless guy outside selling this.

-All right, how do you feel about these frosty treats?

-All right, so right away, I'm going to bury

this little contraption you call a snow cone,

right here. Snow cones, I don't really see the point

in having them; there are so many better things

you can order as far as dessert goes.

It's really just eating flavored ice.

Now I love these two things, I love a milkshake,

and I love ice cream, right?


-The milkshake to me, I get confused about.

You know when you go to a diner,

you order a milkshake, but it's like,

do I eat it before I eat my meal?

Is it a beverage for my meal?

But to me, it's dessert, but I don't know if it's dessert.

You know what I mean, I get really confused.

But I love milkshakes so I'm gonna chill

on the milkshake.

-Wow, you should be like a snack lawyer.

-I can talk about this all day.

And now on the boardwalk,

on a nice hot summer day, you got an ice cream cone.

Don't even overcomplicate it,

just get a nice twist, maybe add some sprinkles to it,

but once you start messing with all the other flavors,

I don't (bleep) with it.

So, I'm gonna keep this.



-All right, ice cream wins.

The next round.

Chocolate-covered bacon,

chocolate-covered frozen banana, and watermelon.

This is the battle of the fruits.

I consider bacon to be kinda a fruit.


-Me too.

-All right, which one would you bury

and which one is the snack of your dreams.

-OK, right away, you gotta get this

as far away from me as possible.

What the hell?

As a bacon lover, I find this offensive.

Is this a real thing?

-Yeah, bite into it, bro.

-Someone out there, no.

Someone out there is eating.

I've heard of, even candy bacon,

you know when they put a coat of sugar on it?

It's a little excessive to me.

Who wants to reinvent bacon?

Bacon is the greatest thing of all time

and you want to put chocolate on it?


All right, bury it, bro.

-I'm burying.

And you know honestly, I would bury it as well,

I think this was invented purely for novelty sake,

to get likes on Instagram, and that's not

the kind of food that I want on my set.

-Yeah, go back to Williamsburg.

-Indeed, well said.

Please someone, get this out of my sight.

Vinny's appalled.


-Wow, I like the service around here.

-Keep this in, it will be great.

All right, now we've got chocolate-covered banana

which is slowly melting onto me.

Or the watermelon.

Watermelon, it's kinda like

nature's candy, the watermelon.

-It really is.

You know, I'm going to have to

chill the chocolate-covered banana.

I mean, those things are amazing.


-I'm not gonna lie, ya know.

They're the perfect combination

if you want to get your fruit in,

and you're chocolate and everything,

it's a great, when you're hot, a great treat.

But I love watermelon, and we've been looking

at all these (bleep) foods that are gonna kill you,

you know, so.


For health purposes and to end this

on a nice healthy note...


-I'm picking the watermelon.

-I understand.

All right Vinny, I need you to crown a victor.

We told these people that we would give them

the absolute best of boardwalk snacks.

Which snack is the best?

-The pizza is my favorite food ever, right?

But it has to be good pizza.

But you could also get pizza anywhere.

You brought me here for a reason.

-I did.

-You wanted to talk about a boardwalk snack, right?

-Give me the snacks.

-I think fried dough, powdered sugar,

wins takes everything for the boardwalk consumption,

I'm going with the zeppole.

-There you have it my friends.

-It has a cool name, it's Italian -- zeppole all day.

-There you have it, the zeppole,

is indeed the greatest snack for you

to consume on the boardwalk.

Vinny thank you so much for getting

to the bottom of what is the best boardwalk beach snack.

-My pleasure.

-Listen, I gotta tell you, your swag

is starting to rub off on me and I've been inspired.

Yeah it's true, see the greatest thing

about having your own bodega is

after you're done using it, you can

turn it into one heck of a club.



Zeppoles, the No. 1 beach snack.

-I'm outta here, loser.


Thanks for watching "Snack Talk."

Be sure to like and subscribe.

And if you'd like to win this beautiful

tub of cheeseballs, all you have to do

is guess the correct amount and leave

your guess in the comments below.

If you win, I will mail the tub to you personally.

For more infomation >> Jersey Shore's Vinny G Talks Boardwalk Snacks || SnackTalk - Duration: 14:02.


Cancelling Adulthood - Duration: 10:13.

hey SKuad, it's ya girl Shamoya Kelly in today's video we're talking adulthood

now adulthood can be like really overwhelming um there's like a lot you

know like you know you're like sixteen you're like 'GOD I JUST WANT TO BE AN ADULT"

cuz your mom didn't let you like do one stupid thing that you probably would

have hurt yourself doing and she just like no and you were like "vfdnjknjktrktr"

and then now like you're an adult and you can really I mean like you can do

whatever you want but like you can't and there's just a lot cuz there's like a

lot of pressure but like none you know and you don't know what you're doing you kind

of just have to pretend that you do

and I was like was thinking about it I thought I don't want it like what if

what if adulthood was like a thing that you could just return like what if you

could just what if it was the product you know technically it's a gift right

and you should be able to return gifts right so I I decided to call the 1-800

number for adults and see if I could return my free trial and it went a

little something like this

what is the 1-800 number for adulthood

hello "hi there welcome to adulthood, how may I direct your call" hi this is Shamoya Kelly I w as actually calling about

my free trial "free trial? um can I let me give me one second let

me pull up your information here" yeah um well I know my birthday's coming up so

excited Sagittarius and "I'm actually a Sagittarius too"

Oh my goodness! I was actually calling because I wanted to go ahead and cancel my free trial

before my birthday came around that way you know we wouldn't have to worry about

anything there "I'm sorry you wanted to do what ...your free trial I'm confused"

what well well we don't have free trials this is adulthood so if you have any

questions or anything that well that's how we're here to help it

they actually so they told me that you know once I turn 18 that they would

give me kind of like this four year kind of like free trial thing and I know that

they extended it last year and I want it to go ahead because I was you know I was

kind of happy but that was like oh my god let's see I don't you know what this

is going into and I was kind of happy with like I have that dictated here in

your notes you know life I was still kind of dealing with them with some

other stuff and you know just kind of reflecting over everything I'm not too

satisfied and I want it to just go ahead and cancel my free child now we actually

don't and we don't I mean I know like I'm supposed to do it right before my

birthday but technically we kind of are right before my birthday and I didn't

want to wait until the last minute to do it so if you could just tell me how to

do that that would be great actually so we it's it's not a free trial you know

there's kind of one there's kind of only one way out there's

not really much stir up but there's not really my one but we can't cancel it I'm

sorry there's not really much that we're able to do here on our end we're able to

give you advice or anything like that but no like I don't want it okay

I don't want it I want to go back to how things were before I had it right so I

want it okay I don't want it yeah but I don't want it yeah but I don't want it

man yeah but yeah but yeah man yeah but I I don't I don't want it I don't want

it you know but our civilian okay I don't want it I don't want it man we

actually have a document here from your 16th birthday when your mom wouldn't let

you go out and you said that you wanted to be an adult and so we put that in

your file and that's what we were able to give you last year's extension

so I know some crazy 16 year old me I know but I don't want it now it's kind

of one of those things that's why they call it a free trial you know I can just

give it to you you know at least that's what I was told it was a trial run and

I'm happy without the product you know

so how do I go about canceling it now though I'm sorry so okay so with

adulthood the way our program is set up we actually don't offer any type of

cancellation or anything like that unless you know something bad were to

happen or anything like that and we don't ever wish that upon anyone so we

don't have any control over that but in terms of you getting up every day and

getting older you know that's something that we do and we don't offer a way to

take that away so we're unable to this free trial it's no longer free trial it

was a free child when you were in college but once you kind of graduate

you know you have about a month or two and you decided to go ahead and neglect

the cancellation then so because of that we have to go ahead and just put you in

an auto renewal program and there's unfortunately no way to cancel that it

comes standard with all life so

unfortunately we're not able to do that cancellations or anything else that are

you happy with any of the product like I'm happy it was like I don't have


and my body isn't like weirdly shaped anymore right and that's for the most

part sorta in a way like less so than it was before you know but and that's

wonderful like I hope is too much no III mean I

get it but is there anything else that I could help me

ma'am are you doing alright miss Kelly are you okay there we have many ways

that you're able to kind of remedy this you're able to kind of do a lot of

things to just like really help you and and that's like what life is you know

and so we just we can't help you okay um ma'am are you there hi miss Kelly are

you there uh I'll get paid enough for this shit I ain't got time I don't get

paid for this okay

I hope you guys enjoyed that video it was super funny and I'll know if it's

just me I'm who fishes me but like I just sometimes like we all get to that

point and sometimes I just want to return it like I just I just can't but

you can't so the customer service lady was super nice and apparently she's a

Sagittarius Tila you know honestly we all go through

things and I think especially now during the holiday season so time it starts to

get to us but it's so important to just kind of turn it off and see if you can

restart it and see if that gets it going and if it doesn't then you go out and

you seek help and buy turn it off and restart it I mean take a nap

or go to sleep wake up and try again and sometimes that gives us like a clearer

thought but like you know and it's the holiday season it's so fun and so loving

and we get all that imagery but sometimes it is like difficult like it's

not that easy and just remember that you're not alone it's not just you you

know and it will get better you will get better right this isn't supposed to be

like a heartwarming video this supposed to be funny but don't don't

okay I'll see you in my next video don't forget to subscribe join the squad

if we come fight up the squad stay lit okay if you can't shut it down and let

it sit for 10 minutes and then restart it and see if that works go get help

that's my best advice for everything literally everything so

so you guys my next video by is the moment for those who

For more infomation >> Cancelling Adulthood - Duration: 10:13.


Salon Marketing Minute: The Power of Listening - Duration: 1:01.

Hey everyone! Shanna Dee here. Welcome back to your Meet Your Stylist Marketing Minute.

Today I want to talk to you guys about the power of listening to what your

customer is telling you. And I don't know if you guys know this, but statistically

only one in every like 10 clients come back a second time. That - that's insane

and that's crazy, but part of the reason that that's happening is because

we're not listening to what our customer wants, and what our customer is needing,

and asking for. So, what I want you to do is really pay attention and do the thing

your client is asking. If she doesn't like her hair curly don't style it curly.

Just these simple little details make all the difference in providing great

service for your customers. So what I want you to do is comment below. All

right we'll talk to you guys tomorrow for you Meet Your Stylist Marketing Minute.

For more infomation >> Salon Marketing Minute: The Power of Listening - Duration: 1:01.


What Happened to the Dursleys?! - A Harry Potter Plot Hole | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> What Happened to the Dursleys?! - A Harry Potter Plot Hole | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 2:19.


Wot deh fok ;-; [Alt yazıları açın]-[Open subtitles] - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Wot deh fok ;-; [Alt yazıları açın]-[Open subtitles] - Duration: 4:02.


SIYONI & Tazzy - Stay Young (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:09.

📝 SIYONI & Tazzy - Stay Young Lyrics

Is it your head Is it your head

I gotta play in your head Your mama tell you to watch out because of

me And always sneaking out in the corridor, yeah

I do not apologize I don't need no bible in that I just cycle

I just do what I like So I just take the time as it comes on

Take out the time as it comes

Hoping we all gonna stay young Taking the time as it comes

Hoping we all gonna stay young You're not there, we all want stay young

Hold up, hold up Hit that, that's what you want

That's the thing they got you feeling to beat in your bones as they think they make you

see so You want someone out, but this guy never answers

I think I need some new numbers I heard about this one guy, I heard he got

that bum I've got done through the worse circle, we're

about going like karma He offered me some cash, but I said he ain't

no John, no Said I just wanna stay young

And I'm hoping I'm gonna stay young You're not there, we all want stay young

Hoping we all gonna stay young Hoping we all gonna stay

Hoping we all gonna stay Hoping we

all gonna stay young Hoping we all gonna stay

Hoping we all gonna stay young

For more infomation >> SIYONI & Tazzy - Stay Young (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:09.


🎧 Ultimate Nightcore Mix 2017 🎶 Best Gaming Mix 1 Hour ✕ - Duration: 1:00:43.


For more infomation >> 🎧 Ultimate Nightcore Mix 2017 🎶 Best Gaming Mix 1 Hour ✕ - Duration: 1:00:43.


Anti-Gun Protester Supports AR-15's? - Duration: 2:24.

Hey everybody, Greg Pruett here.

2nd Amendment Activist.

I wanted to give you guys some additional footage from

that University of Wisconsin anti-gun protest that I went

and covered. If you guys missed that first video you can

check it out in the description below. I wanted to find

out, can I get an anti-gun protester to support AR-15's?

Let's find out!

Greg: What about semi-automatic weapons? Do you believe people can have those for self-defense or not

have those for self defense? Protester: I think that any automatic weapon should not be used for self-defense.

Greg: Well this would be a semi-automatic weapon which means that each time you pull the trigger, a round

comes out. Where an automatic weapon you would hold the trigger down and rounds would just keep coming

out. So in a semi-automatic, you actually have to pull the trigger each time. Protester: Yes. Greg: So is that okay or

are you thinking like 5 rounds... Protester: So I'm I'm thinking a machine gun, just

spraying bullets, not okay. As far as 2nd Amendment right, to protect yourself in your own home, you pull the

trigger, a bullet comes out. I think that is protected by the 2nd Amendment. Greg: Okay so, what about like an

AR-15 for instance? It's not an automatic weapon. It's a semi-automatic weapon. You just pull the trigger one

time and a bullet comes out. What about those? Protester: I think that is fine. Greg: That's fine? Okay.

Alright everybody, I did it! I got an anti-gun protester to

support AR-15's. And you didn't think I could do it

did you? If that was your guess, you were totally right,

because honestly this girl had no idea what an AR-15

was. If I showed her a picture of an AR-15, I can promise

you, it would have triggered all sorts of snowflake

emotions inside of her and she would have completely

melted down. But that brings us to 2 very important

points. Number 1: Do not go out and protest against

something you know nothing about.

And Number 2: Do not get on a camera and try to

pretend like you know something about a subject

that you know absolutely nothing about.

And that's what we see with these anti-gun protesters

all the time. Number 1, they don't know anything about

it. And number 2, they'll get on camera and try to

pretend like they know something about it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Please make sure to

like it. Be sure to share it with your family and friends

And also, if you like

our content, be sure to "Subscribe" to the channel,

hitting that red "Subscribe" button below.

Thanks again guys and take care!

For more infomation >> Anti-Gun Protester Supports AR-15's? - Duration: 2:24.


Collins Barrow presents #DefendOurHouse - Duration: 0:16.

Your business,


your life's work,

or legacy as an entrepreneur.

With audit, tax

and business solutions,

we don't just defend your house.

We help it grow.

For more infomation >> Collins Barrow presents #DefendOurHouse - Duration: 0:16.


New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 - The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 - Part 59 - Duration: 11:20.

New Nail Art Tutorial 2017

For more infomation >> New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 - The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 - Part 59 - Duration: 11:20.


The Broken Scales Of Wendy Carlos - Duration: 6:33.

hey, welcome to 12tone!

Wendy Carlos is a pioneer in the world of synthesizers who worked with Robert Moog and

helped popularize his new electronic instruments.

her album Switched-On Bach went platinum and won three Grammys, and she wrote innovative

scores for movies including The Shining and Tron. she's also transgender, and was one

of the first public figures to disclose having undergone gender reassignment surgery.

if you'd like to know more about her life, The Listener's Guide did a great video about

her, but today I'd like to focus on her work.

Specifically, an article she wrote called "Three asymmetric divisions of the Octave".

what does that mean?

well, let's back up a second.

when you hear a note, what you're really hearing is a sound wave with a specific frequency,

and the intervals we perceive are based on the ratios between those frequencies. for

instance, this note (bang) is 220 hertz, or cycles per second, and this note (bang) is

440 hertz, which is twice as fast.

that gives us a 2-to-1 ratio between the two notes, which is what we call an octave.

other important ratios include 3-to-2, known as the perfect 5th, 4-to-3, the perfect fourth,

and 5-to-4, the major third.

but most of those ratios don't really exist in modern music, at least not exactly.

mathematically speaking it'd be impossible to tune every interval correctly, so instead

we approximate them.

the most common system by far is to take the octave and break it up into 12 evenly spaced

intervals called half-steps.

these give our scales a nice symmetry, but it means that every interval is slightly out

of tune.

well, every interval except for one.

the most common solution to this is to just use more notes: If we broke the octave up

into smaller intervals like, say, 19 even steps, we could get an even better approximation

of our intervals.

it wouldn't be perfect, but still.

better is better.

this approach led to a group of tunings called EDO systems, short for Equally Divided Octave,

and they're generally considered some of the best candidates for more beautiful tuning.

19EDO especially is a favorite of many theorists, although for some reason the public doesn't

seem to care as much about our mathematical ideals.

but all these systems take one thing for granted: the octave is, for lack of a better word,


we can roughly approximate every other interval, but we have to have perfect 2-to-1 ratios

or what's the point? and it's certainly true that octaves are a big deal, but Carlos wondered

if, perhaps, they weren't really worth all that effort.

why not?

well, for all its benefits, the octave does come with one downside: overrepresentation.

take the perfect fifth, like from E to B. it's got a 3-to-2 ratio.

but if we instead go from B up to the next E, we get the perfect 4th, with 4-to-3.

theorists call this process inversion, but Carlos had another word for it: redundant.

we've got two different names for what is, in effect, the same interval, just upside

down. and while that's certainly not a damning indictment of the octave, it's enough justification

to at least look at systems without it.

before we continue, a brief aside on terminology: when we're talking about tuning, we often

need to refer to very small differences in frequency ratio.

to do this, we invented a unit called the cent, equal to one hundredth of a half-step.

a cent is way too small to be perceived by human ears, even highly trained ones.

here, give it a shot: (bang) yeah, nothing.

you need about 5-10 cents before you can start to really hear a difference.

but still, cents allow us to very precisely describe interval sizes, which lets us compare

them to things we're more familiar with, like the half step.

ok, back to our story.

if you're gonna kill the octave, you need a good reason, and Carlos's was simple: consonance.

much like the EDO systems from earlier, she wanted to find better approximations of the

various intervals, and thought it might be easier to do if she didn't bother preserving

the octave. she programmed a computer to check for promising candidates, and found three,

which she named Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.

Alpha is the closest to our familiar tuning, with a step size of 78 cents, (bang) and it

completely misses the octave.

the closest interval is this one (bang) which is 30 cents flat.

in total, Alpha has roughly 15 and a half steps per octave, but octaves aren't all that

important here.

how does it do on the other intervals?

well, let's start with the perfect fifth.

a perfectly tuned 3-to-2 ratio should be about 702 cents, and if we take 9 of our alpha steps

we wind up with…

702 cents.

we nailed it exactly, or at least to within around 5% of a cent.

the major and minor thirds are both around 3-4 cents off from where they should be, much

closer than the roughly 15 cent error that standard tuning has.

its major third is actually even closer than 19EDO's, which as I mentioned is widely considered

the best option beyond our standard 12. here, listen to a major triad from Alpha: (bang)

it may sound a bit off because your ears are used to standard tuning, but trust me, it's

ridiculously pure.

Alpha also has another feature: It lets you split the minor third in half.

That is, its minor third is made of four Alpha steps, which means that unlike standard tuning

or 19EDO, there exists an interval that is exactly half the size of the minor third,

so you can write melodies like this (bang) that traverse that space evenly.

plus, it nails the harmonic 2nd, an interval with the ratio of 7-to-8, which most popular

EDO systems miss by a mile.

anyway, Beta's steps are a little smaller, at 63.8 cents each, adding up to slightly

less than 19 per octave. this makes it sound pretty close to 19EDO, but by sacrificing

the octave, we get to improve a lot of our other intervals.

for instance, one of 19EDO's weaknesses is its perfect fifth, which is about 7 cents

flat, whereas just like Alpha, Beta pretty much nails it.

the major 3rd is closer too.

here's a major triad in Beta tuning: (bang) again, a very pure sound.

Gamma, the last one, is smaller still, at 35.1 cents per step and a little over 34 steps

per octave. this is getting into deeply microtonal territory, so comparing it to more macroscopic

scales isn't really fair.

instead, let's turn to what's often considered the holy grail of microtonal tuning: 53EDO.

it doesn't see much use because it's pretty impractical to construct, but in theory, its

approximations of harmonic intervals are basically unparalleled.

so how does Gamma stack up?

well, on the octave it obviously fails.

the best it can do is this (bang) which is about 7 cents flat, whereas 53EDO nails it

by definition.

but on the perfect fifth and the major and minor thirds?

Gamma is actually closer.


very slightly.

we're talking fractions of a cent here: both tunings are so close that the human ear has

long since given up on telling the difference, but mathematically speaking, Gamma does better,

despite only having about half as many notes.

is that worth the cost of a flat octave?

well, that depends, but the fact that that's even a question worth asking tells you a lot.

before we go, I do want to clarify something: this is far from the only thing Wendy Carlos

has done.

I've talked before about composers like Conlon Nancarrow, for whom a single experimental

idea consumed their entire musical life, but Wendy Carlos's work is full of experiments

of all kinds.

in fact, as far as I can tell, she only used these scales once, in the title track for

her album Beauty In The Beast, where each song contained a different experimental device.

I couldn't find an authorized, freely-available version online, but the album is up on her

website, which I've linked in the description.

anyway, thanks for watching! if you want to help make these videos possible, please consider

supporting 12tone on Patreon or checking out our store.

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For more infomation >> The Broken Scales Of Wendy Carlos - Duration: 6:33.


Sims 3 Machinima - Amar Pelos Dois (Sub) - Duration: 4:42.

If one day someone asks about me

Tell them I lived

to love you

Before you, I only existed

Tired and with nothing to give

My dear, listen to my prayers

I beg you to return, to want me again

I know that one can't love alone

Maybe slowly you might learn again

My dear, listen to my prayers

I beg you to return, to want me again

I know that one can't love alone

Maybe slowly you might learn again

If your heart doesn't wish to give in

Not to feel passion, not to suffer

Without making plans of what will come after

My heart can love for the both of us

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