Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 14 2017

Welcome to Lesson 1 of Urdu Grammer

In this Lesson we will learn use of My in Urdu Language

In Urdu Language, " My" have 3 forms. 1. Mera, 2. Meri and 3. Meray

Let's see , how can we use each

First we will talk about " Mera" Mera used for Singular + Masculine Noun

Like in the Video, we say " Mera Chacha" for My Uncle

My Father " Mera Abu"

Let's learn with an example

(In the video) My Father is Masculine and Singular Nouns

and "My Uncle" is also Masculine and both are Singular noun

for Singular and Masculine Noun, we used " Mera"

One more example, My House " Mera Ghar"

Please remember, in Urdu Language, every noun has a Gender,

Either a Noun is Feminine or Masculine

in here (in video) the " House" is Singular and Masculine noun

Therefore we say " Mera Ghar"

one more thing need to remember that it doesn't matter who is talking here

May be you are a Boy or You are a Female

but both Gender will use Mera because here we are talking about " My Father" and " Father" is Masculine and Singular Noun

so, don't feel hesitate to use " Mera " either you are a Boy or Female

both gender can use " Mera " for a noun which is Singular and Masculine

Let's talk about Meri

My Aunt

Meri Khalah

My Mother

Meri Ami

in here (in the video) my aunt is feminine and my mother also feminine.

Therefore we use " Meri". He (Masculine Gender) will say " Meri Ami " and she (Feminine Gender) will also use " Meri Ami "

But in here, " Meri" makes little difference with " Mera "

that " Meri " use for both noun. Singular Noun and Plural Noun

Either a noun is Singular or Plural, we use " Meri " but with condition that noun must be " Feminine "

Let's see some more example

My Bicycle " Meri Bicycle "

in here ( in the video) the Bicycle is feminine noun, therefor we will say " Meri Bicycle "

My Book " Meri Kitab"

in here (in the video) " Book" is feminine noun, therefore we will use " Meri "

here ( in the video) the " Books" is not singular nouns but it's a Plural noun, however we will still use " Meri " because " Meri " use with Feminine noun less than the condition either the nouns is " Singular or Plural "

Let's talk about " Meray "

my friend " Mary Dost "

" Meray " use for Masculine noun but noun must be plural.

Don't use " Meray " for Singular noun but only for " Plural noun "

in here, " Friends" is not singular noun but it's plural noun.

" Friends" means that you have more then 1 friend, therefore it's became " Plural Noun" and we will use " Meray "

Let's see another example

My houses " Meray Ghar "

in here (in the video) " Houses" is plural nouns, therefore we will use " Meray" My house : Meray ghar

and the " Houses" also masculine noun

Let's see another Example My mobiles = Meray Mobile

in here, " Mobiles" is Masculine and Plural noun, therefore we will say " Meray Mobiles "

Let's me explain it for you

Tell me, How if here only " Mobile" not " Mobiles" What will we use? .... ? Yes. We will say " Mera Mobile" if mobile is Singular noun

He ( boy ) will say " Mera Mobile " because he has only one mobile and she ( Girl) will also say " Mera mobile" mean she has one phone

but if the noun " Mobiles" is plural noun, then we will say " Meray Mobile"

at the end, let's recap all

Mera used for = Masculine + Singular Noun

Meri use for = Feminine + ( Singular / Plural Noun)

and Meray use for = Masculine + Plural noun

let's me explain you once again

Remember " Meri " always use for " Feminine Noun"

Don't confuse if the Noun is singular or plural, we will use " Meri " if the noun is feminine

"Mera" always use for Masculine noun with the condition that noun must be Singular

" Meray " always used for Plural noun if the noun is Masculine

This is end of the lesson, I hope you understand the lesson,

if you have any question

please write me in comments

Subscribe now to support us

and if you liked the video. please don't forget to give me " Thumbs up "

Take Care " Apna Khyal Rakhna See you later " Phir miliye gay"

For more infomation >> Use of Mera and Meri - Urdu Grammer Basic Lesson 1 - Duration: 6:24.


Demián- Mala ortografía (Audio) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Demián- Mala ortografía (Audio) - Duration: 3:35.


5 formas en la que te mientes a ti mismo - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> 5 formas en la que te mientes a ti mismo - Duration: 8:07.


Six erreurs communes que vous commettez lorsque vous avez vos règles - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Six erreurs communes que vous commettez lorsque vous avez vos règles - Duration: 5:35.


Laeticia Hallyday, quelle est sa vraie influence sur Johnny ? - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, quelle est sa vraie influence sur Johnny ? - Duration: 1:17.


Iris Mittenaere – l'ex Miss Univers de retour dans un cabinet de dentiste - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Iris Mittenaere – l'ex Miss Univers de retour dans un cabinet de dentiste - Duration: 1:40.


Meet the best rescue team in ...

For more infomation >> Meet the best rescue team in ...


The Easy Way to Make a Modern Room Divider | Home Made Simple | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 2:31.

We're going to be making a sisal room divider.

What is sisal?


It's agave fibers woven into a rope.


We're going to use this to separate the kids

classroom from our music space.

- Oh neat. - Yeah.

Now she's excited.

Now she's excited.

And we're going to be doing a little building today,

so I got roped into this, if you will.

I know, I can't help myself.

So, we're going to be using 2 x 4s

that we've treated down which is sort of a nice whitewash.

We're going to be using these, these

are actually conduits straps.

We're going to be weaving the rope up and down to create

a really cool room divider.


You can do 10 of these straps.

You can do 5 of these straps.

It's just, the more anchor points, the more intricate

your weaving can go.

We're just going to drill right in there, right?

We do.

Looks perfect.

Let's move this back.

Because I feel like we've got some frames to build.

So, these are two side pieces.

You've got our bases and our top pieces.

One for you. One for you.

Thank you.

Of course.

I can already see it taking form right now.

We just got to assemble it at this point.



Now, we're going to do a really simple slipknot.

We're going to put it through here.

Now, I'm going to have a catch.

All of this is going to go through here.


Now take it back and simply--

Slip it into the knot.

Now, what we're going to be doing

is going to be going up and down,

up and down, to really create that cool, organic vibe to it.

So you're going to go through that

and I'll just keep feeding it to you.

- Got it. - You got it?

- Yup. - All right.

You got it?

Got it.

I did not imagine this, but I like it.

It feels earthy, which my husband will love.

A little modern, which I love.

OK, one last thing.

We need to trim the rope before we

go meet James inside to put the casters

on and get that on the wall.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> The Easy Way to Make a Modern Room Divider | Home Made Simple | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 2:31.


Wack Wrestling challenge - Duration: 3:17.

Hey guys today I`m going to be playing the

Wack Wrèstling 🤼‍♂️ challenge

with some music

oh i got my special move

oh I got my special move

ok guys thanks for watching if you liked it like comment subscribe

and yeah

hope you enjoyed it

For more infomation >> Wack Wrestling challenge - Duration: 3:17.


BREAKING NEWS! President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!! - Duration: 5:42.


President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!!

President Trump is about to end the longstanding abuse of the American welfare system and ban

migrants from getting free money and handouts for five years.

The immigration rules will prohibit migrants from coming to the country and taking advantage

of free American welfare money right away.

It will slow down, or stop, chain migration while protecting American workers and potentially

saving taxpayers money.

What used to happen is that people would migrate to America and just live on the free money

they received.

That's called welfare abuse.

America is open to migrants, but perhaps we don't want migrants who can't fend for


Maybe it's better if people who are self-sufficient migrate to the country so that we can reduce

the amount of citizens living off the system.

President Trump wants to introduce a merit-based Green card system in which migrants compete

for Visas.

Migrants can earn points for themselves by learning to speak English, gaining job training

or job offers, or doing something else that is considered a benefit to the America.

The idea seems to be that in order for America to grant Visas or citizenship, the migrant

has to give something back to the country.

It's as though the government wants to stop people coming to America and living off the

system and would prefer people coming to the country to be contributors.

Do something for America and America will do something for you.

Migrants to those countries must compete for a limited number of visas by gaining points

for English proficiency, competitive training, a job offer or another major achievement that

benefits the host country.

The concept, which is modeled after similar programs from Australia and Canada, is taking

harsh criticism from activists.

It's like they want an open border policy where everyone gets free welfare money, but

that would just be the downfall of America.

If we observe what's happening in Germany, with Merkel's "come on in" policy, then

we see a mass increase in horrible crimes like gang rape.

Do we want mass amounts of migrant gang rape in America?

There's already enough trouble with crime in sanctuary cities that protect illegal immigrant


Those folks should be deported because of their bad behavior and often violent crimes

they commit on American people and even other immigrants.

If America prevents immigrants from getting free benefits for five years, then that makes

people think twice about coming here.

If a family who thinks about crossing the border to start a new life knows that they

cannot live for free, then they may not come at all.

If they have possible jobs lined up and will be almost instantly integrating successfully

with society, then that's a great match.

America is the land of the free, but not the land of the free money.

Migrants who enter the United States cannot receive welfare during their first five years

in the country, President Trump revealed from his upcoming immigration overhaul.

"Just this week, we announced a historic immigration bill to create a merit-based Green

Card system that ends the abuse of our welfare system, stops chain migration, and protects

our workers and our economy," he stated on his weekly radio address.

"As an example, you cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country."

"You cannot just come in like in past weeks, years, and decades, you come in immediately

and start picking up welfare.

For five years, you have to say you will not be asking or using our welfare systems."

Compare that to Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the border to millions

of unvetted migrants who can't speak German and lack employable skills, which dooms them

to perpetual welfare paid by German taxpayers – and boredom that manifests into terrorist

attacks against, once again, German taxpayers.

Last year the German government admitted that only 2.8% of over 1.2 million migrants had

gotten a job – but even then those statistics might be exaggerated, according to journalist

Chris Menahan.

"They said back in July only 55 out of one million migrants had got jobs with any major

firms and 50 of those jobs were working at the post office," he reported.

"Two-thirds or more of these migrants are illiterate in their own languages."

"They came because Merkel promised them free money if they can just make it into the


What in tarnation would be a good reason for any country to accept illiterate people who

don't work?

There is literally no benefit to the host country to admit people like that.

I know it sounds mean to say this, but they don't offer anything to the country other

than leeching the system of funds and it's a complete downgrade to the population.

If you let too many low illiterate people into the country, then they have kids who

could be illiterate, then over time, it would only decrease the overall intelligence of

the country and civilization in America would suffer.

We need hard working and intelligent people who bring promise and productivity to further

the advancement of Americans and mankind.

That sounds like quite a stretch but think of the impact of accepting one million people

who mostly can't read or don't work.

Now the government has to pay for them.

Let's say one million immigrants each get $30,000 worth of welfare benefits per year.

That's $30,000,000,000 of free welfare money sucked out of the American budget for people

who put NOTHING back into our society, culture, or anything at all.

That is literally a $0.00 return on investment.

Not that people are a business, but that's really bad business.

And as you can see, Germany has turned into a cesspool from all the migrants flooding

the gates and ruining their nation.

Prepare for a massive backlash from liberals, democrats, and activists.

There's sure to be protests regarding Trump's potential immigration policy.

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment bellow and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS! President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!! - Duration: 5:42.



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Eng11 I'm Just a Bill Parody - Duration: 2:57.

I'm just a student yes I'm only a student

and i don't know for sure what I'm doing

well its a long long story how i got in this class

see i was down I'm guidance cause they wrote me a pass

said to sign up for english ap and I said whoopee, that sounds fun

Yeah well that was mistake number one

I'm just a student yes I'm only a student

and i don't know for sure what I'm doing

Well its a long long story hey kinda like beloved

Toni Morrisons and Oprah the only 2 people who loved it

It was a great way to kick off the summer Exact for the slaves and dead babies and ghosts,

yeah thats kinda a bummer

Well along came September and we kicked of the class

With lots and lots of arguments we really had a blast

then onto the round table debate, hey, yeah that was great (sobs)

and then onto Howard Zinn's history

Then we read Mango street

and then onto the things they carry

and the guy who blue up in the tree

Im just a student yes I'm only a student

and I don't know for sure what I'm doing

Well we moved onto the speeches and all wanted to die

but we pretend were okay and look each other in the eye,

and try to speak clearly and recite from memory

Well I joke and poke fun but I do AP But there's other stuff thats bad

like changing for pe And that I'm always hungry

And Mr Patton's AP

And the people who cut me off in the parking lot. You know who you are

Yes I'm just a student Yes I'm only a student

andI don't really know what I'm doing

well its a long long line for the girls room down the hall

Don't know who's got time to vape cause the bathroom is so small

But my regret in this 4 year race, besides the bangs on my face

Is the only reason i took Ap to dress up for Gatspy


For more infomation >> Eng11 I'm Just a Bill Parody - Duration: 2:57.


Swansea father opposes parole for his daughter's killer - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Swansea father opposes parole for his daughter's killer - Duration: 1:57.


Pastor Smacks Trump in Oval Office and Secret Service Absolutely Love It - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Pastor Smacks Trump in Oval Office and Secret Service Absolutely Love It - Duration: 2:55.






December Garden Update (watermelon, tomatoes fruit tree + more) - Duration: 13:51.

how's it going everyone so for today's video I'm just going to be giving you

guys a bit of an update around the garden I know that you haven't seen this

back just an up general update on how this back garden is doing as well as

some of the veggies out the front so I just made a couple of clips over the

past few days that I've just put together just to give you guys a bit of

a look around and see how things are doing and I do also just want to quickly

apologize that I didn't put a video up last weekend I was really hoping to but

I was very crook last week and wasn't able to film and edit and upload a video

but there will be another video coming out this week which I will try to get

onto tomorrow so make sure you stay subscribed if you haven't yet for that

and also while I'm on that subject if you're watching this like oh this is one

of the first videos of mine that you're watching and throughout this video you

like it make sure you click that subscribe button there'll be a link in

the description that you can click on or in the actual video in the bottom right

hand corner you will be able to see this little icon that you can click on and

that way you stay updated in for future videos so I'll stop jabbering on and

I'll take you guys and see how the garden is doing and I will catch you all

at the end okay so I'll start off here with the watermelon and it's gotten

pretty big growing really nicely and it is time to really put out a lot of these

nice pretty petite flowers as you can see around here the thing is I see a lot

of the male flowers but it doesn't appear to be as many female flowers

which is a bit of a problem unless I'm just not seeing something right but

that's okay the second plant did die it just never took off that well and so

it's unfortunately only this one this sugar baby watermelon only is doing

really well so hopefully we'll get some more some melons from that and here

we've got some basil this is actually coming back

we saw the Facebook post that I made probably a couple months ago or

something like that now they got really hammered but now they've toughened up a

bit and I've been starting to pick a few of

leaves for meals which is awesome because basil is my favorite herb of all

time so that can grow heaps more that would be awesome and then that way I'd

be able to make some pesto and things like that this is just another that I

transplanted from my the veggie patch down at my course which I've now

finished which is awesome so that is a habanero chili from see there have a

narrow chili that I got from garden center it was actually a half price was

on the discount shelf but with a bit of fertilizer and water it just took off

and it's doing really well this is the corn after I don't know how long it's

been but it's growing really well I mean after all it is is a grass and grasses

grow very quickly but I'm super stoked with how these are growing oh I so

planted some beans around probably I think about to each around each of the

corn just so I can grow up even though I think the beans are actually a dwarf

variety but they can just happily grow among the corn and so we'll get some

beans from them soon hopefully as well I planted those about five days ago I

think next we're sure the tomato this is doing reasonably well as you can see

it's definitely reached the top of the stakes now so it has no more room up top

still putting it out some nice flowers and I have knows the flowers are looking

a lot better than they were after giving it a bit of the sulphate of potash which

it needed that potassium so it's got some nice trusses of tomatoes that is

the biggest one right there I know this is the mortgage lipstick variety so it's

supposed to get pretty big the tomatoes said I'm trying to break my Fred pause

one of my granddad's his record is a set of a single Twila of this variety is one

kilo so I'm trying to beat that but it's doing reasonably well I just think I

need to make sure I keep on top of the fertilizer it's getting plenty of water

learn blueberries these are doing quite well if you saw my Instagram posts I

made a few just about some nutrient deficiencies that iron is pretty much

gone and see some bits of it there but otherwise it is looking a lot healthier

the death tips have stopped in the new which you cannot see along there which

is good and they're growing very very happily which is awesome boiling down

the back is my zucchinis so I planted these think about a month ago now and

they just got smashed at the start by Slade as I thought it was the slugs and

snails came out here one morning and found that sliders were just chewing off

the leaves and stuff so it's doing okay it's coming back but there's no flowers

on there yet there's a few little signs of flower buds along there as you can

see but yeah I just got a mitt they're not attacking them now which is good but

yeah compared to the other two I bought four zucchinis planted two here and two

over in a different garden bed and I'll show you the comparison right now okay

so here we are at the zucchinis now these Keeney's were planted at the exact

same time as the ones out the back and you can see what the difference does

when you don't have pests nibbling at them so this is the first zucchini which

is flowering today which is awesome so I love zucchini I'm looking forward to

picking heaps of these guys so within probably two weeks I reckon when we

start to really pick a lot so now over here to where the ginger is doing not

too well actually as you can see it does have a chute that's gone up and the

leaves shriveled now this was a sort of fool growing leaf it was very small was

only like the size of my finger or so a bit less than that it was about that

wide and then it just sort of died from the margins inward and yeah it's it

doesn't seem to be doing too well I did see another chute which is right there

that's just coming out I think that's been nibbled off by some sliders or

something like that and same story for this one this shoot is actually

completely died back but I think it is sending out some more soon but really I

don't know why exactly it's probably just not the best conditions and I know

I have been a bit slack with the water so that probably hasn't helped then

along here I have got some spring onions that I just replanted from my veggie

plot for the TAFE course that I was doing because now that's finished so I

just replanted those straight back in because there's no point in just wasting

wasting them then all the lettuces are going to seed I will be keeping only

seed from a couple namely this one which is a cause which did the best out of the

causes and then probably one of these like curlier sort of lettuces because

they were quite nice as well and then along here we have the broccoli which is

about eight months old and it is still sending out our shoots so that is

awesome this has been here for most of the year can't remember exactly when it

was put in but it's been here for a very long time Souter is doing very very well

that's just a little silver beet that's going to seed and a lot of the pyrethrum

plant and oh it's not edible but that is absolutely everywhere then around this

place we have lots and lots of different nectarine and peach seedlings that I've

just come up from the stones that were in the compost and they've just sprouted

from the soil or in Germany or I should say along here we have a volunteer

pumpkin not a hundred percent sure which variety it is look like it's starting to

get a bit of a fungal disease which you can see from those spots hopefully it'll

be alright though so yeah that looks like it's gonna start flowering soon

because there's some flowers in here if you can make them out then along the

back there we have a volunteer tomato then over to the beans which are doing

very well it's still I hope there we go that's a beautiful one right there which

you can see so yeah lots and lots of beans which I've been coming in here of

a few days and just having a munch they haven't even made it to lunch or dinner

I've just been eating them as I come out here as a snack and then I have a few

potatoes along here that I did plant my selves these armed volunteers actually

did plant these two they are doing really really well appointed these I

think two or three months ago time gets away

real quick so it's probably more three so they should be almost ready have a

bit of a scratch that's right I did see a small potato

much it was a fairly fairly sized one the other day so yeah hopefully I'll be

able to leave these in for a bit longer and then dig them up and see what I

whatever harvest we got now around some of the fruit trees so this is one of the

dwarf peach which you can see there is lots and lots of fruit up there we have

covered it with the netting just because of the birds but there is plenty of

fruit everywhere we actually had to thin out like more than half of the fruit

that was just so much on there you know this is another mini peach variety

haven't seen as many there's just one right in there it's a bit dark so it's

hard to see but there is some in there so hopefully we'll get some lovely

peaches from those which I'm looking for to a few other people around this area

they're already harvesting some peaches which is surprising actually

yeah I'm looking forward to picking our own this is another peach variety so

some nice fruit coming along here this one is this variety which I forgot the

name I might pop it up on the screen if I can remember this peach variety is

gently supposed to be ripening around Christmas so hopefully they are ripe

within a few weeks but yeah now this is quite a tasty one as well I believe it

is a whitefish I can't remember what the top my head but yeah this is looking

really really good so again we should have some more lovely peaches and here

we just have a kaffir lime and he's putting on some new fruit which is nice

and then also along the back we have a lemon I think it is a Meyer lemon from

memory but as you can see that's a nice big lemon there there's a few others

towards the base if you can make them out and then along here we have a golden

queen peach so this is a yellow clingstone peach we have quite a few

fruit on it this year they are looking quite nice and this is

the variety that they use for tinned or canned peaches and they are very very

good at preserving they make a delicious preserved peach so we've still got some

from last year that we're still eating and then here we have a apricot so I

think this is just a Moorpark variety but this is doing quite well also this

year we actually had good conditions around the blossoming time and so we've

got plenty of fruit as you can see the birds already having a bit of a garden a

bit of a mark in that one but yeah now we should have plenty of apricots which

is awesome unfortunately this one does have bacterial grossest I had noticed as

it was growing some of these tips were dying back and had some cankers which

the SAP was bleeding from so that's no good but really it won't kill it

straight away my slowly killer over a number of years but we do have a lot of

apricots this year which is awesome so there you go guys that gives you a

beautiful look at how everything's been growing lately so again a rule sorry I

didn't get that other video but I will be posting it this weekend I haven't

filmed it yet but like I will be posting the video that I had planned for last

weekend this weekend for you who stuck around this long I will give you a bit

of a hint it's to do with one of the fruit trees that I mentioned but to do

it I just have to wait until this hot weather passes because we're having a

short heat spell today in tomorrow so anyway thanks for watching if you liked

that please give it a big thumbs up and if you have any comments suggestions or

questions for me pop them down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can I

just want to give a massive shout out to my patrons they are amazing they just

get some rewards for helping me by making a small donation every month so

they get some awards specifically I reckon the best ones are the small video

updates that aren't seen anywhere else so if you want to check out patreon

there will be a link in the description as well as

I'll put it in the YouTube card I think that corner maybe this one either way

and finally if you haven't subscribed make sure you do that that way you stay

updated and whenever I post a new video here on YouTube then come along and

check out what I'm talking about so I hope you're all having a cracker of

a week and I hope your guns are brimming like it is down here and I will catch

you guys next video cheers OH

For more infomation >> December Garden Update (watermelon, tomatoes fruit tree + more) - Duration: 13:51.


My YouTube Rewind Tag 2017 - Duration: 4:37.

What's up coffee beans!? I'll be doing the My YouTube Rewind Tag for 2017

courtesy of Clueless Mama D. Myself and some other YouTubers will be looking

back on our year and see how much we've grown. I'll link the playlist down below

so to start with that why did I become a youtuber so I've always been creative

type when given the opportunity instead of turning in essays I would make

presentations, write songs, do little parodies, instead of doing the actual

work. I mean I'll still do the research but, at the same time, I've always been

drawn to taking something out of the box and doing it more creatively. Now with

YouTube it allows me to study film and at the same time get my hands dirty,

write my own scripts, as well as *clears throat* as well as understand how the camera works and

when shooting something from behind the camera, what it connotes as well as how

it translates to the viewers. How long have I been on YouTube? Well, since June

of 2017 so I'm reflecting on my first year of

YouTube. What was my first video? That was Anime Expo 2017. My first Anime Expo. It

was actually also my least favorite video; however, I digress. So how have my

skills grown over the year because of YouTube? Well, to be honest after my first

vlog and noticing how much I didn't like it, I binged watched a ton of Casey Neistat

and a ton of Peter McKinnon to learn what else I could do and what I could

bring to each video so as you notice with each video as they progress

there's always another little editing tidbit. Whether it is adding a mask to

making a transition smoother or going crazy with my favorite

video, my trip to the zoo, where the edits are everywhere and they go from

cinematic to completely random and childish which it was actually a lot of

fun to create. Now, which video of mine was most successful? It would actually be

my trip to Beetle House LA. I think because I've noticed that there's a huge

community behind Tim Burton. I myself definitely loved The Nightmare Before

Christmas and have watched a lot of his movies. Also, the nice thing about that

video was that was the first time where I really got to check out some of the

pop ups in Los Angeles so it was a lot of fun for me to film as well. My

favorite videos for 2017; however, have not come out yet. I am actually working

on some right now and hopefully scheduled to post them sometime soon

hopefully soon as this Sunday but we'll see as I'll be traveling and we'll have

limited internet access so how soon you'll get this content will be based on

how soon I finish it *giggles* Footage you haven't seen from me include

when the peacocks took over my parking lot and also footage from my camping

trip as well as my graduation. I might do more with the graduation footage soon

but we'll see. Aside from editing, I think the biggest thing I've learned from

YouTube is definitely the community (as cheesy as it sounds). I've had a lot of

support on the way and a lot of these people in this playlist below have

supported me through my youtube journey. The nice thing is

to have people that understand the struggle. As much as I love creating

videos, sometimes it's a little demoralizing wondering if... if you're

going in the right direction and where you should be moving forward

Speaking of moving forward, what you can expect from me in 2018 is a lot more

skits, a lot more creative aspects, as well as me diving into my communication

background. Maybe giving y'all a little bit of tidbits here and there from what I've

picked up over the years about communication. The rest, well, you'll see

that after my Iran trip so if you want to keep up with me or you liked anything

I said please be sure to subscribe, maybe hit that like button, and never settle

for less than what you deserve. A'ight bye!

For more infomation >> My YouTube Rewind Tag 2017 - Duration: 4:37.


Plantas y alimentos que evitan la coagulación sanguínea - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> Plantas y alimentos que evitan la coagulación sanguínea - Duration: 11:50.


Brand Quad Kill, followed by Rengar Penta on ARAM - Duration: 19:16.

For more infomation >> Brand Quad Kill, followed by Rengar Penta on ARAM - Duration: 19:16.


5 formas en la que te mientes a ti mismo - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> 5 formas en la que te mientes a ti mismo - Duration: 8:07.


¿Qué es lo bueno y lo malo de tomar café? - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es lo bueno y lo malo de tomar café? - Duration: 8:16.


Pika Girl ( S3RL) - LFZ Remix - Duration: 4:14.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Pika Girl ( S3RL) - LFZ Remix - Duration: 4:14.


MY FIRST COMMENTARY in Fortnite: Battle Royale! - Duration: 14:15.

Yo what is going on guys it is before Yogge here and today guys I'm

starting a new series I guess so guys today basically what I'm gonna be doing

is starting basically a new series cuz it's basically it's a commentary over

some fortnite gameplay just going through solo just play some matches

having fun because I will be playing call of duty right now but I don't know

I just wanted to try out for a night a little bit and see what happens where to

see if you guys like it if you guys do like it more I feel like more night is

that one game where you have like long pauses so you can really like chill and

just talk and that's mainly why I want to play this game so much is because

World War two you kill a guy get your streaks okay you chill a little bit and

then you just die so that's me I wanted to play fort night anyways guys

something if you guys want to see more of this and the comments down below but

uh yeah anyways let's get into it

here we go got a shotgun at least okay okay okay

that's not bad that's actually not that bad

how did I know that was gonna happen I knew that was gonna all right guy so you

are finally in a match so yeah so as you see I pinpointed the map or the on the

little crosshair thinking it's a blue pinpoint a yeah yeah I can see it who

the hell is Disney right here but oh yeah so this is where we're headed as

these houses right next to these rivers it's it's I want to say it's a common

common place not like salty springs but it's I guess it's a little rare I guess

listen guys all I know is that whenever I come here I either get good stuff or I

die so let's hope I don't die this time let's just hope we get good stuff

perfect Lenny let's get out a little bit when I'm laying like that perfectly a

brick nice so let's see previous of the nuts in here oh let's go boo air off the

bat as good alright so I guess that was all right I mean at least we got a

weapon out of this house we can check this house of nobodies in here which I

don't think nobody came here this time which is really really good I come on

give me something good oh now see that's kind of good but kind of bad this potion

I'll take that but it's not precise sub win in this game y'all snipers is not

something that I would want I hold up I

don't know about y'all but that she just sounds nasty sometimes

alright come on let's see if there's anything in here please oh I mean I

guess I'll take the burst I have nothing else to think I'll take those Nate's too

so not me that's pretty good collection of weapons I guess but I need some help

that's what I need alright guys so now what I can do is I

can come over here and check if there are bandages or some sort of health

something over there or I can just head towards there out of

the storm or enter the yeah out of the storm but uh-oh people built here

already hold on oh I think they see me I think they see me y'all seen that seen

somebody moving here oh yeah I missed I miss y'all miss I missing

they've run enough oh wait somebody shootin at me who's

shooting at me what the hell wow I thought I had my I thought I had my

semi-automatic y'all up come on I just want Madonna just let me do this

my friends do this whenever I play with them so might as well do it even though

it's not the safest thing to do I'm just put the drop behind me just in

cases were playing solo oh he had a rocket launcher sale si definitely

killing him now oh no no you're not getting away from me let me let me throw

that right there come on you mind now

okay now this is the part where I don't like cuz I don't have a shotgun let me

pick that up oh no behind him let's go he's behind of

yo okay now I know what to take I'll switch that for this pick up all of that

I'm gonna switch this for that shotgun alright guys I can't believe we actually

got away with that so so I dropped a slapper because honestly I'm not good

with a sniper and I don't know it was just way too many good stuff there so

that's why I just dropped it but anyways we need a head in here because I believe

the storm you had a storm is coming out we gotta move alright guys so here we

are in the storm I believe there are 33 people left cuz we count as one and the

little player thingie so we only have one kill so far so if you I don't know I

like to play like a little girl it is yeah I'm not gonna lie which I like to

most of the time just stand back and just chill really I don't know but

that's just because I don't really play solo a lot usually I do this I'm just

hiding a little bushes like these bar oh no I'm gonna try to do good for you I'm

gonna try to get a lot of action for you guys but we'll see what happens

hold on hold on let's check in this little barn right here

odor is actually rockets in here this was actually where my time thank God

okay let's pick these up now have six rockets let's go though

be really really useful when I need it so so far guys I'm strapped and I have

good health healing items so I should be really straight to be honest with y'all

all right guys so let's head down here near Anarchy uh in turkey acres I guess

that's what is called us headed down here um I'm really scared to be in

places like this amid low people built there already I could get sniped out my

butt this is about being open like this

you got that one mill scare the shit out of me both ha let's head inside a circle

man I really hate positions like these cuz look how much land is behind me look

at that somebody could literally just boom and I die so honestly guys I need

to find a place to hide I need to hide y'all seen that thing broke oh my god

I don't want to fight nobody right now I so just what I'm gonna do at damage is

find a good place to hide and it wait so almost everybody dies and then just run

out there I'm RPG and blow people look tell me what's up thinking that strategy

I don't know I mean it's it could work right alright there's a house up here I

don't know how I feel about going into this house but I guess we'll check it

anyways it's whatever is that it just over there it's actually chests in here

that's good

oh I'll take those bandages in that hem I was really open for another shield but

it's cool it's cool oh my god guys we have a seat a single

person yet this is crazy I mean look at this broad this looks like that one

windows a screen remember that screensaver from the first windows look

at this guys look what I'm looking at I can't believe nobody's following me or

nothing I'm gonna stop doing it because I feel like anybody could just start

looking back in pew and I died anyways guys in the comments tell me if you guys

want to see some more videos like this or should I go in that house oh I see I

see people road road road road road to go to chatter snipe yard they aren't

they aren't they aren't they he definitely sees me I know he sees me oh

my goodness why why do I feel so scared alright let's run up this hill and let's

see if we can get an advantage over them I know they see me but I just don't know

where they're gonna do from there let's run up this hill because I need I feel

like just people up this hill though at the same time I don't know what to do

y'all don't know what to do I let slide down this mountain real quick please

Auto damage no no no good okay now y'all listen this circles getting so small

there's only 40 people left I know I see some people behind me so I don't know

what to do I know this man I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I'm a

height of this bush right here I'm telling y'all man I'm hiding this bush

and not move okay already I'm hiding here for most of the match and we'll see

how this plays out man honestly I could see how this kind of weren't for you

guys I me I just watching me sit here you know not doing nothing

at the same time I could easily get sniped right I I know y'all saw those

people following behind me either that or I was just tripping so hard but I

knew there was people behind me what do you guys think I should do should I boob

I don't know what to do y'all that oh my goodness just just sit here

and stop moving I mean literally somebody could have just saw me move

right then and just snuck the living life out of me but we'll see what

happens oh no oh no no no no people are sniping now okay

the bullet didn't come from me so I think I'm still straight all right this

is a slow storm but man I'm gonna just wait to some people run past me and then

boom boom boom oh shit what though was that y'all heard that oh shit they're

down there what the hell should I kill him y'all should I don't know if I

should I mean I could going home right now but no no let's just stay here let's

stay here oh oh this people go down a bit

oh my gosh okay what they have built I don't know about y'all but I'm ready to

let these Rockets loose I just want to make sure nobody's behind me that's the

only thing I'm worried about but yeah guys since we're just you know wasting

time here a little bit I just want y'all to tell me to come as down below if

y'all want to see more for night or more call of duty just comment down below

which I want to see Cod or for night and then I'll just make more videos

depending on that okay here we go are there any people over here any any

any stragglers from the storm you know I feel like there isn't what i'ma try to

do is try to make a move on that house but I'm not gonna do right now i'ma just

I'm gonna just chill a little bit more do you guys actually see how many

buildings these guys are building oh my goodness what is that what the hell you

can built that oh yeah I guess you can't wait I don't know

Kenny built Waja seen him yo shut up I will see ya I'm gonna sit here until

there's barely anybody left I tell y'all that I'm gonna let this do the dirty

work and then imma run in and sweep them all out but at the same time I could get

demolished by the items these guys have damn I don't think about that all right

since he's busy with that i'ma move into this house right here let's see if we

can't make you happen without nobody seen us cuz that is a fast storm I do

have to say so myself that is a very fast storm there's a scar just sitting

there what in the world is that a trap thank you this but

I'm gonna take it take it run run run run run I can't believe I

got away with that okay I'm uh I'm just chill right here just watch that doorway

out but just chill right here y'all I got a score so I should be straight I

already know somebody walks through there I'm letting this thing rip boss

all those guys that built that way you need to go this way now

which is advantageous to that dude oh my gosh he's really building a fortress in

there is he you heard that I know y'all heard that

tell y'all here oh you hear that this mean alright thanks to me but why did he

have to say that to me man like I'm trying to but uh I'm trying to win this

Brooke uh-huh

I have to move this way but what am I gonna do is there a door somewhere out

here there's a door right here Coco Coco Coco Coco Coco go I hope nobody saw me I

hope nobody saw me I hope nobody saw me I hope nobody saw me there's an electric

trap right there somebody in there what do I do I'm gonna

just chill right here close that door and then just chill right here somebody

walks through you already done was go ahead I'm actually so scared it's not

even funny like my heart is beating right now like

I'm going for a nuclear something currently there's only two people left

yo y'all heart is beatin out places worn out faces bright and early for the daily

races going nowhere going nowhere

the tears are filling up their glasses no expression

For more infomation >> MY FIRST COMMENTARY in Fortnite: Battle Royale! - Duration: 14:15.


방탄소년단, 美 신년쇼 출연…'뉴이어스 로킹 이브' 녹화 완료 - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 방탄소년단, 美 신년쇼 출연…'뉴이어스 로킹 이브' 녹화 완료 - Duration: 2:03.


Translation Newspaper: Garment sector officials call for calm after meeting EU ambassador - Duration: 9:29.


By Onn Rathy

For more infomation >> Translation Newspaper: Garment sector officials call for calm after meeting EU ambassador - Duration: 9:29.


New Lip Art 2017 👄💄 Lipstick Color Tutorial & Makeup Ideas December 2017 | Part 1 - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> New Lip Art 2017 👄💄 Lipstick Color Tutorial & Makeup Ideas December 2017 | Part 1 - Duration: 6:04.


Stacia Robitaille: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 8:58.

Stacia Robitaille: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Stacia Robitaille and Luc Robitaille at the 2016 NHL Awards at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on June 22, 2016 in Las Vegas.

The wife of a former NHL star tweeted that Donald Trump told her "You're coming home with me" in an elevator inside Madison Square Garden.

Stacia Robitaille, who is married to Hall of Famer Luc Robitaille, tweeted allegations against Trump on December 11. Stacia wrote, "I was once on a elevator alone with @realDonaldTrump (& a man w/him) at Madison Square Gardens.

He was aggressive & told me I was coming home with him. I laughed, stating I was married to a Ranger. He guaranteed me my husband didn't make as much money as him.

#ThisIsOurPresident." On December 13, Stacia followed up with, "I tweeted about an unwarranted & uncomfortable experience I faced years ago — my tweet was not for money or attention, but in hope that others would not be intimidated by these horrific bullies we face today.

Responses I've received are why women don't speak up in first place.".

One troll who accused Stacia of making up her allegation called her, "a liberal lefty making up unverifiable stories, enjoy your 1.2 minutes of twitter exposure." Stacia responded by saying, "I'm not a liberal lefty and I'm not looking for attention.

Just felt bad keeping it to myself.". Stacia Robitaille married former Los Angles Kings and New York Rangers left winger Luc Robitaille in 1992. Luc Robitaille is now the president of the Kings. Here's what you need to know:.

Stacia Has a Child With Steve McQueen's Son. Stacia, then known as Stacia Toten, married TV producer Chad McQueen in 1987. McQueen is the son of iconic American actor Steve McQueen and Filipino star Neile Adams.

Stacia and McQueen's marriage lasted until 1990. The couple had one son, The Vampire Diaries star Steven R. McQueen. In 1995, Stacia gave birth to her and Luca's son, Jesse. Stacia Is an Accomplished Singer & Attended Juilliard.

In an April 2007 ESPN feature, Stacia is referred to as an "accomplished singer. " Luc was then asked about what it was like balancing hockey and while Stacia was pursuing her singing career:.

I want my wife to do what she wants to do. We spend a lot of time with our kids [two sons, Steven and Jesse].

We also have a foundation we spend a lot of time on. I believe everyone should follow their dream and do what they love.

She loves what she does, so we make our commitments together and we have a lot of fun together. When asked what it was like when Stacia's music comes on the radio, Luc said, "We've had that happen. It is really cool.

It happened a few times a couple of years ago when her album came out and we had a good time with it." Luc also said that the couple's youngest son, Jesse, was pursuing a career as a singer/songwriter.

According to an online profile, Stacia says that she attended Juilliard while her husband was playing for the New York Rangers. This is the same time that Stacia says she was harassed by Donald Trump.

In 1998, Stacia began her own record label, Raystone Records. Stacia maintains a website, Art by Stacia, where she shows off her paintings. On her IMDb page, it says Stacia has appeared in three movies between 1983 and 1986.

Stacia was an extra in the movies, Star 80, Lovelines and Back to School.

Stacia Runs a Non-Profit That She Started With Her Husband. Stacia runs a non-profit that she founded with her husband, Echoes of Hope, according to her LinkedIn page.

On the charity's website, Stacia says that she and her husband began the charity after the various disasters that struck the Gulf Coast in 2005. It began life another charity, Shelter For Serenity.

The charity's website says, "Echoes strives to identify young people, often emancipated foster youth, with the drive and ability to succeed and to give them the opportunities they so richly deserve." In May 2011, the family fell on some hard times when Robitaille's home foreclosed upon by their bank.

This was based on a "failed business partnership" Luc Robitaille and entered into with disgraced financier William "Boots" Biaggio III, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The Times had reported in November 2007 that the family moved from their home in Holmby Hills to Santa Monica after putting "to a family vote.". Stacia Had a Brush With Death in 2015 When She Was Hit By a Car.

In April 2015, Stacia had a brush with death when she was struck by a car. Her husband wrote on Facebook at the time, "This is Luc and I wanted to update you.

Stacia got hit by a car while walking today, but after a lot of testing she is going to be ok. They are keeping her overnight for observation.

She got banged up pretty bad, but she is one tough cookie! Thank you for all your concerns." Ultimately Stacia suffered a concussion and upper body trauma.

Stacia wrote in a Facebook post sometime after the accident that she accepted full responsibility for the incident.

Stacia added, "Today, I now face different issues with my health that absolutely could have been avoided—and it's as though everything I worked so hard for was taken away from me.

Once again, I'm back to being silent in my pain.But I'll never say, "Why me?" and if anything I have held nothing but compassion for the twenty-three-year-old young man that hit me.".

While in 2013, Stacia says on her charity's website that "while coping with health issues," she trekked nearly 700 miles alone across France and into Spain as part of Camino de Santiago, as part of the ancient pilgrimage to the shrine of St.

James. More Than 12 Women Have Accused Trump of Sexual Assault & Harassment.

So far, more than 12 women have accused Trump of sexual assault and harassment. Trump has labelled these allegations as "false smears" and said that they are the result of a conspiracy against him.

Trump has yet to follow through on an October 2016 promise that he would sue the women who were accusing him of misconduct.

That is an addition to the infamous Access Hollywood where Trump bragged that he "can do anything" to women and that he could even "grab 'em by the pussy." Trump has also been accused of abruptly entering the dressing rooms of contestants in his various beauty pageants.

For more infomation >> Stacia Robitaille: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 8:58.


정형돈 아내 한유라 건물 및 쌍둥이 딸 이야기 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 정형돈 아내 한유라 건물 및 쌍둥이 딸 이야기 - Duration: 5:13.


Stacia Robitaille: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML News - Duration: 10:37.

Stacia Robitaille: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Stacia Robitaille and Luc Robitaille at the 2016 NHL Awards at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on June 22, 2016 in Las Vegas.

The wife of a former NHL star tweeted that Donald Trump told her "You're coming home with me" in an elevator inside Madison Square Garden.

Stacia Robitaille, who is married to Hall of Famer Luc Robitaille, tweeted allegations against Trump on December 11.

Stacia wrote, "I was once on a elevator alone with @realDonaldTrump (& a man w/him) at Madison Square Gardens.

He was aggressive & told me I was coming home with him.

I laughed, stating I was married to a Ranger.

He guaranteed me my husband didn't make as much money as him.

#ThisIsOurPresident." On December 13, Stacia followed up with, "I tweeted about an unwarranted & uncomfortable experience I faced years ago — my tweet was not for money or attention, but in hope that others would not be intimidated by these horrific bullies we face today.

Responses I've received are why women don't speak up in first place.".

One troll who accused Stacia of making up her allegation called her, "a liberal lefty making up unverifiable stories, enjoy your 1.2 minutes of twitter exposure." Stacia responded by saying, "I'm not a liberal lefty and I'm not looking for attention.

Just felt bad keeping it to myself.".

Stacia Robitaille married former Los Angles Kings and New York Rangers left winger Luc Robitaille in 1992.

Luc Robitaille is now the president of the Kings.

Here's what you need to know:.

Stacia Has a Child With Steve McQueen's Son.

Stacia, then known as Stacia Toten, married TV producer Chad McQueen in 1987.

McQueen is the son of iconic American actor Steve McQueen and Filipino star Neile Adams.

Stacia and McQueen's marriage lasted until 1990.

The couple had one son, The Vampire Diaries star Steven R.


In 1995, Stacia gave birth to her and Luca's son, Jesse.

Stacia Is an Accomplished Singer & Attended Juilliard.

In an April 2007 ESPN feature, Stacia is referred to as an "accomplished singer.

" Luc was then asked about what it was like balancing hockey and while Stacia was pursuing her singing career:.

I want my wife to do what she wants to do.

We spend a lot of time with our kids [two sons, Steven and Jesse].

We also have a foundation we spend a lot of time on.

I believe everyone should follow their dream and do what they love.

She loves what she does, so we make our commitments together and we have a lot of fun together.

When asked what it was like when Stacia's music comes on the radio, Luc said, "We've had that happen.

It is really cool.

It happened a few times a couple of years ago when her album came out and we had a good time with it." Luc also said that the couple's youngest son, Jesse, was pursuing a career as a singer/songwriter.

According to an online profile, Stacia says that she attended Juilliard while her husband was playing for the New York Rangers.

This is the same time that Stacia says she was harassed by Donald Trump.

In 1998, Stacia began her own record label, Raystone Records.

Stacia maintains a website, Art by Stacia, where she shows off her paintings.

On her IMDb page, it says Stacia has appeared in three movies between 1983 and 1986.

Stacia was an extra in the movies, Star 80, Lovelines and Back to School.

Stacia Runs a Non-Profit That She Started With Her Husband.

Stacia runs a non-profit that she founded with her husband, Echoes of Hope, according to her LinkedIn page.

On the charity's website, Stacia says that she and her husband began the charity after the various disasters that struck the Gulf Coast in 2005.

It began life another charity, Shelter For Serenity.

The charity's website says, "Echoes strives to identify young people, often emancipated foster youth, with the drive and ability to succeed and to give them the opportunities they so richly deserve." In May 2011, the family fell on some hard times when Robitaille's home foreclosed upon by their bank.

This was based on a "failed business partnership" Luc Robitaille and entered into with disgraced financier William "Boots" Biaggio III, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The Times had reported in November 2007 that the family moved from their home in Holmby Hills to Santa Monica after putting "to a family vote.".

Stacia Had a Brush With Death in 2015 When She Was Hit By a Car.

In April 2015, Stacia had a brush with death when she was struck by a car.

Her husband wrote on Facebook at the time, "This is Luc and I wanted to update you.

Stacia got hit by a car while walking today, but after a lot of testing she is going to be ok.

They are keeping her overnight for observation.

She got banged up pretty bad, but she is one tough cookie! Thank you for all your concerns." Ultimately Stacia suffered a concussion and upper body trauma.

Stacia wrote in a Facebook post sometime after the accident that she accepted full responsibility for the incident.

Stacia added, "Today, I now face different issues with my health that absolutely could have been avoided—and it's as though everything I worked so hard for was taken away from me.

Once again, I'm back to being silent in my pain.But I'll never say, "Why me?" and if anything I have held nothing but compassion for the twenty-three-year-old young man that hit me.".

While in 2013, Stacia says on her charity's website that "while coping with health issues," she trekked nearly 700 miles alone across France and into Spain as part of Camino de Santiago, as part of the ancient pilgrimage to the shrine of St.


More Than 12 Women Have Accused Trump of Sexual Assault & Harassment.

So far, more than 12 women have accused Trump of sexual assault and harassment.

Trump has labelled these allegations as "false smears" and said that they are the result of a conspiracy against him.

Trump has yet to follow through on an October 2016 promise that he would sue the women who were accusing him of misconduct.

That is an addition to the infamous Access Hollywood where Trump bragged that he "can do anything" to women and that he could even "grab 'em by the pussy." Trump has also been accused of abruptly entering the dressing rooms of contestants in his various beauty pageants.

For more infomation >> Stacia Robitaille: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML News - Duration: 10:37.


Na Wspólnej online odcinek 2598 na za darmo dostępny w internecie - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Na Wspólnej online odcinek 2598 na za darmo dostępny w internecie - Duration: 2:05.


BREAKING: McConnell Stuns Media, Announces Fate of Gorsuch… - Duration: 4:23.

breaking McConnell stuns media announces fate of Gorsuch Liberals have been

trying to destroy every action Trump has announced including the nomination of

Neil Gorsuch but they're going to be disappointed on that front to Mitch

McConnell the Senate Majority Leader told reporters on Tuesday that Judge

Gorsuch will be confirmed to the Supreme Court on April 7th via the Daily Caller

this is huge news and I bet the Liberals are losing their minds in anger

McConnell seemed pretty sure of the nomination but he also stated that the

Democrats would have the opportunity to invoke cloture this is a motion to bring

a debate to a quick end the word being derived from the French word meaning

ending or conclusion the Democrat leader allegedly won't get cloture but

according to McConnell it's up to the left as to how Gorsuch will be confirmed

in the upcoming days how he will be confirmed is still unclear at this time

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer stated before that he and others would

try to filibuster gore such as nomination this month after his hearings

were concluded the Republicans need 60 senators to move gore such as nomination

to the floor with 52 Republican members a Democrat votes are necessary which

Democrats will vote for Gore such is also a mystery but hopefully some will

see that Gore such is the right person for the job and put their anti Trump

agenda aside for once the GOP can still confirm Gorsuch if they change Senate

rules to the nuclear option which is where the filibuster of Supreme Court

nominees is abolished in 2013 the Democrats in the Senate used this

measure for the lower court judges and nominees of the executive branch which

was led by Harry Reid then the Senate Majority Leader

to keep this filibuster in place the more moderate Democrats may make a deal

with the Republicans and side with the GOP to confirm Gorsuch some of the more

liberal Republicans are against removing the filibuster and going with the

nuclear option such as senators Lisa Murkowski from Alaska and Susan Collins

from Maine they do not wish to overturn this rule of the chamber which is based

on consensus votes but McConnell claims the Republicans would support the

measure if it were necessary if Gorsuch is able to be confirmed next week he

will be joining the Supreme Court at an opportune time and will be able to

participate in the April sitting which may be the last time justices will

listen to arguments until the fall the first case of the High Court will be on

April 17th many Republicans are confident that Gorsuch will be confirmed

just as some Democrats have come forward and expressed their belief in the judge

moving into the Supreme Court because Gorsuch is backed by President Trump

however many of the Democrats may vote against him out of spite the liberals

need to keep their personal feelings out of the equation and start doing what is

best for this country Gorsuch follows in the footsteps of Justice Antonin Scalia

a great former Associate Justice in the Supreme Court before his passing in 2016

corset will do great things and the liberals need to recognize that

hopefully next week Gorsuch will be sitting in a Supreme Court where he

belongs what do you think about the Republicans

confidence in gore such as confirmation to the Supreme Court please share this

story on Facebook and tell us because we want to hear your voice


For more infomation >> BREAKING: McConnell Stuns Media, Announces Fate of Gorsuch… - Duration: 4:23.


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Lewis Hamilton: Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas explains what he must do to beat F1 star - Duration: 2:32.

Lewis Hamilton: Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas explains what he must do to beat F1 star

That's what the Finn has admitted about his Mercedes team-mate after seeing the Brit secure his fourth F1 title this year. Bottas and Hamilton joined forces at Mercedes in January after the former McLaren man was brought in to replace Nico Rosberg.

And he looked set to rival his team-mate in the title race after winning the Russian Grand Prix in April. Bottas' challenge faded as the season went on though and he secured just three race victories to Hamiton's nine.

I think for me I need to focus on my qualifying Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas opens up.

Hamilton's victories were aided by having a superior qualifying record to Bottas. And Bottas says he needs to improve in F1's Saturday sessions in order to have a chance of beating the 2017 champion. His strength was the qualifying, Bottas told


He did some really good qualifying performances and most of the time started the race from pole position and [the race is] always different [from pole].

I think for me I need to focus on my qualifying, and also some of the races that I struggled with the race pace.

The last few races of the season I could really learn a lot and improve a lot, so I need more consistency with my results and then its possible to fight with him. Bottas will be looking to make his mark on the 2018 F1 campaign when it kicks off in Australia next March.

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