Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 14 2017


President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!!

President Trump is about to end the longstanding abuse of the American welfare system and ban

migrants from getting free money and handouts for five years.

The immigration rules will prohibit migrants from coming to the country and taking advantage

of free American welfare money right away.

It will slow down, or stop, chain migration while protecting American workers and potentially

saving taxpayers money.

What used to happen is that people would migrate to America and just live on the free money

they received.

That's called welfare abuse.

America is open to migrants, but perhaps we don't want migrants who can't fend for


Maybe it's better if people who are self-sufficient migrate to the country so that we can reduce

the amount of citizens living off the system.

President Trump wants to introduce a merit-based Green card system in which migrants compete

for Visas.

Migrants can earn points for themselves by learning to speak English, gaining job training

or job offers, or doing something else that is considered a benefit to the America.

The idea seems to be that in order for America to grant Visas or citizenship, the migrant

has to give something back to the country.

It's as though the government wants to stop people coming to America and living off the

system and would prefer people coming to the country to be contributors.

Do something for America and America will do something for you.

Migrants to those countries must compete for a limited number of visas by gaining points

for English proficiency, competitive training, a job offer or another major achievement that

benefits the host country.

The concept, which is modeled after similar programs from Australia and Canada, is taking

harsh criticism from activists.

It's like they want an open border policy where everyone gets free welfare money, but

that would just be the downfall of America.

If we observe what's happening in Germany, with Merkel's "come on in" policy, then

we see a mass increase in horrible crimes like gang rape.

Do we want mass amounts of migrant gang rape in America?

There's already enough trouble with crime in sanctuary cities that protect illegal immigrant


Those folks should be deported because of their bad behavior and often violent crimes

they commit on American people and even other immigrants.

If America prevents immigrants from getting free benefits for five years, then that makes

people think twice about coming here.

If a family who thinks about crossing the border to start a new life knows that they

cannot live for free, then they may not come at all.

If they have possible jobs lined up and will be almost instantly integrating successfully

with society, then that's a great match.

America is the land of the free, but not the land of the free money.

Migrants who enter the United States cannot receive welfare during their first five years

in the country, President Trump revealed from his upcoming immigration overhaul.

"Just this week, we announced a historic immigration bill to create a merit-based Green

Card system that ends the abuse of our welfare system, stops chain migration, and protects

our workers and our economy," he stated on his weekly radio address.

"As an example, you cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country."

"You cannot just come in like in past weeks, years, and decades, you come in immediately

and start picking up welfare.

For five years, you have to say you will not be asking or using our welfare systems."

Compare that to Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the border to millions

of unvetted migrants who can't speak German and lack employable skills, which dooms them

to perpetual welfare paid by German taxpayers – and boredom that manifests into terrorist

attacks against, once again, German taxpayers.

Last year the German government admitted that only 2.8% of over 1.2 million migrants had

gotten a job – but even then those statistics might be exaggerated, according to journalist

Chris Menahan.

"They said back in July only 55 out of one million migrants had got jobs with any major

firms and 50 of those jobs were working at the post office," he reported.

"Two-thirds or more of these migrants are illiterate in their own languages."

"They came because Merkel promised them free money if they can just make it into the


What in tarnation would be a good reason for any country to accept illiterate people who

don't work?

There is literally no benefit to the host country to admit people like that.

I know it sounds mean to say this, but they don't offer anything to the country other

than leeching the system of funds and it's a complete downgrade to the population.

If you let too many low illiterate people into the country, then they have kids who

could be illiterate, then over time, it would only decrease the overall intelligence of

the country and civilization in America would suffer.

We need hard working and intelligent people who bring promise and productivity to further

the advancement of Americans and mankind.

That sounds like quite a stretch but think of the impact of accepting one million people

who mostly can't read or don't work.

Now the government has to pay for them.

Let's say one million immigrants each get $30,000 worth of welfare benefits per year.

That's $30,000,000,000 of free welfare money sucked out of the American budget for people

who put NOTHING back into our society, culture, or anything at all.

That is literally a $0.00 return on investment.

Not that people are a business, but that's really bad business.

And as you can see, Germany has turned into a cesspool from all the migrants flooding

the gates and ruining their nation.

Prepare for a massive backlash from liberals, democrats, and activists.

There's sure to be protests regarding Trump's potential immigration policy.

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment bellow and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS! President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!! - Duration: 5:42.



For more infomation >> CONOCE TODOS LOS USOS QUE LE PUEDES DAR A ESTAS BOLSITAS - Duration: 2:09.


Un vi@gr@ naturel pour parer toutes les pannes au lit - c0ns3ils - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Un vi@gr@ naturel pour parer toutes les pannes au lit - c0ns3ils - Duration: 4:54.


Bomberos no descansan para acabar con las infernales llamas que continúan en el sur de California - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Bomberos no descansan para acabar con las infernales llamas que continúan en el sur de California - Duration: 2:19.


e Lac Bleu de Kazan - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> e Lac Bleu de Kazan - Duration: 1:29.


Esfoliante con olio di cocco e sale per rimuovere i calli dei piedi - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Esfoliante con olio di cocco e sale per rimuovere i calli dei piedi - Duration: 6:55.


Cura dos calcanhares rachados e dos calos com este potente remédio caseiro - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Cura dos calcanhares rachados e dos calos com este potente remédio caseiro - Duration: 8:29.


VLOG// 跟我一起开箱吧 | "双十一"开箱大总结 - Duration: 22:48.

For more infomation >> VLOG// 跟我一起开箱吧 | "双十一"开箱大总结 - Duration: 22:48.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi Spoi...

For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Last Jedi Spoi...


La mère de Nico­las Sarkozy, Andrée Mallah dite Dadu, est mo.r.te à l'âge de 92 ans - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> La mère de Nico­las Sarkozy, Andrée Mallah dite Dadu, est mo.r.te à l'âge de 92 ans - Duration: 2:48.


シビックタイプR の2.0ターボを アコード に搭載【ロサンゼルスモーターショー2017】 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> シビックタイプR の2.0ターボを アコード に搭載【ロサンゼルスモーターショー2017】 - Duration: 2:28.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔PUBG Test Server Yo Yo Yo - Fun Night - Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 5:41:13.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔PUBG Test Server Yo Yo Yo - Fun Night - Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 5:41:13.


夢中になったことで突き抜ける - Duration: 30:11.

For more infomation >> 夢中になったことで突き抜ける - Duration: 30:11.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


【HD】橫顏君 - 你不必知道 [歌詞字幕][完整高清音質] ♫ Heng Yan Jun - You Don't Have To Know - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> 【HD】橫顏君 - 你不必知道 [歌詞字幕][完整高清音質] ♫ Heng Yan Jun - You Don't Have To Know - Duration: 4:39.


Ain't Got Rhythm (Mass Cover) - Duration: 2:16.

This was edited by Mass that's why it sucks

For more infomation >> Ain't Got Rhythm (Mass Cover) - Duration: 2:16.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔PUBG Test Server Yo Yo Yo - Fun Night - Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 5:41:13.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔PUBG Test Server Yo Yo Yo - Fun Night - Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 5:41:13.


136 Santa Cruz Boulevard, Clear Island Waters - Duration: 0:45.

Looking for a bargain buy?

Well I've got the one for you.

I'm Luke Henderson, Professionals Mermaid Beach and this is 136 Santa Cruz Boulevard,

Clear Island Waters. Check it out.

Located in the heart of Clear Island Waters, close to shops, restaurants, schools, transportation

and the church.

731m2 of Clear Island Waters living.

This could be the home that kicks off your property portfolio.

Contact me on the details provided, I'd love to get you through for an inspection.

Let's make this home yours.

For more infomation >> 136 Santa Cruz Boulevard, Clear Island Waters - Duration: 0:45.


heart.wmv - Duration: 3:41.








Heart! (Hmmm much better than a...)






Heart! (Hmmm much better than a...)





gotta go






Heart! (Hmmm much better than a...)




Heart (Hmmm much better than a.....)






For more infomation >> heart.wmv - Duration: 3:41.


Trump tries to save face after Republican loss in Alabama Senate seat race - Duration: 0:54.

After Republicans lost a key Senate seat in Alabama on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald

Trump has started to try and save face.

In a predawn tweet on Wednesday, Trump defended his decision to initially back Junior Senator

Luther Strange against Roy Moore, who lost to Democrat Doug Jones.

Trump said he was right in thinking that Moore would not have been able to win the General


Despite warnings from senior GOP officials, the president endorsed the ultra-conservative

Moore, who has been mired in sexual misconduct allegations.

Jones became the first Democrat in 25 years to take the Alabama Senate seat, narrowing

the Republican majority in the Senate to 51 to 49, and putting a potential dent into Trump's

legislative plans.

Trump told reporters at the White House that although he would have liked Moore to win,

he doesn't think the loss will affect the White House agenda.

For more infomation >> Trump tries to save face after Republican loss in Alabama Senate seat race - Duration: 0:54.


BREAKING NEWS! President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!! - Duration: 5:42.


President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!!

President Trump is about to end the longstanding abuse of the American welfare system and ban

migrants from getting free money and handouts for five years.

The immigration rules will prohibit migrants from coming to the country and taking advantage

of free American welfare money right away.

It will slow down, or stop, chain migration while protecting American workers and potentially

saving taxpayers money.

What used to happen is that people would migrate to America and just live on the free money

they received.

That's called welfare abuse.

America is open to migrants, but perhaps we don't want migrants who can't fend for


Maybe it's better if people who are self-sufficient migrate to the country so that we can reduce

the amount of citizens living off the system.

President Trump wants to introduce a merit-based Green card system in which migrants compete

for Visas.

Migrants can earn points for themselves by learning to speak English, gaining job training

or job offers, or doing something else that is considered a benefit to the America.

The idea seems to be that in order for America to grant Visas or citizenship, the migrant

has to give something back to the country.

It's as though the government wants to stop people coming to America and living off the

system and would prefer people coming to the country to be contributors.

Do something for America and America will do something for you.

Migrants to those countries must compete for a limited number of visas by gaining points

for English proficiency, competitive training, a job offer or another major achievement that

benefits the host country.

The concept, which is modeled after similar programs from Australia and Canada, is taking

harsh criticism from activists.

It's like they want an open border policy where everyone gets free welfare money, but

that would just be the downfall of America.

If we observe what's happening in Germany, with Merkel's "come on in" policy, then

we see a mass increase in horrible crimes like gang rape.

Do we want mass amounts of migrant gang rape in America?

There's already enough trouble with crime in sanctuary cities that protect illegal immigrant


Those folks should be deported because of their bad behavior and often violent crimes

they commit on American people and even other immigrants.

If America prevents immigrants from getting free benefits for five years, then that makes

people think twice about coming here.

If a family who thinks about crossing the border to start a new life knows that they

cannot live for free, then they may not come at all.

If they have possible jobs lined up and will be almost instantly integrating successfully

with society, then that's a great match.

America is the land of the free, but not the land of the free money.

Migrants who enter the United States cannot receive welfare during their first five years

in the country, President Trump revealed from his upcoming immigration overhaul.

"Just this week, we announced a historic immigration bill to create a merit-based Green

Card system that ends the abuse of our welfare system, stops chain migration, and protects

our workers and our economy," he stated on his weekly radio address.

"As an example, you cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country."

"You cannot just come in like in past weeks, years, and decades, you come in immediately

and start picking up welfare.

For five years, you have to say you will not be asking or using our welfare systems."

Compare that to Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the border to millions

of unvetted migrants who can't speak German and lack employable skills, which dooms them

to perpetual welfare paid by German taxpayers – and boredom that manifests into terrorist

attacks against, once again, German taxpayers.

Last year the German government admitted that only 2.8% of over 1.2 million migrants had

gotten a job – but even then those statistics might be exaggerated, according to journalist

Chris Menahan.

"They said back in July only 55 out of one million migrants had got jobs with any major

firms and 50 of those jobs were working at the post office," he reported.

"Two-thirds or more of these migrants are illiterate in their own languages."

"They came because Merkel promised them free money if they can just make it into the


What in tarnation would be a good reason for any country to accept illiterate people who

don't work?

There is literally no benefit to the host country to admit people like that.

I know it sounds mean to say this, but they don't offer anything to the country other

than leeching the system of funds and it's a complete downgrade to the population.

If you let too many low illiterate people into the country, then they have kids who

could be illiterate, then over time, it would only decrease the overall intelligence of

the country and civilization in America would suffer.

We need hard working and intelligent people who bring promise and productivity to further

the advancement of Americans and mankind.

That sounds like quite a stretch but think of the impact of accepting one million people

who mostly can't read or don't work.

Now the government has to pay for them.

Let's say one million immigrants each get $30,000 worth of welfare benefits per year.

That's $30,000,000,000 of free welfare money sucked out of the American budget for people

who put NOTHING back into our society, culture, or anything at all.

That is literally a $0.00 return on investment.

Not that people are a business, but that's really bad business.

And as you can see, Germany has turned into a cesspool from all the migrants flooding

the gates and ruining their nation.

Prepare for a massive backlash from liberals, democrats, and activists.

There's sure to be protests regarding Trump's potential immigration policy.

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment bellow and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS! President TRUMP Finally Did It- Let The RIOTS BEGIN!!! - Duration: 5:42.


Commit to Action | daily sprout 440 - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Commit to Action | daily sprout 440 - Duration: 0:39.


Pineapple Cheeseball ~ Retro Recipe ~ 1960's Throwback Recipe ~ Holiday Treat ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:49.

We're gonna go over all of the ingredients for this old-school

pineapple cheese ball

And I put my own kind of twist on this I remember

This from when I was very young this is really a throwback to the 60s

And you know every family has their favorite thing that shows up at that holiday get-together

This is one of them the pineapple cheese ball

it is ubiquitous in nature, and it was for many years, and it's kind of fell out of favor for a while, but now I

Noticed that it's kind of having a resurgence in popularity

People really want to go back to those things that they loved those things that they remembered from their childhood from their younger years


Exactly. They're tried and true their flavors that we love their treats that we enjoy that we associate with the holidays

I put up a poll on my community page on YouTube

And if you guys aren't you should be seeing those in your regular feed like on your telephone

And I'll put I put up a poll

What do you want to see more and pineapple cheeseball was the one thing that came in at the top of the list the?

number two thing that came in was

Fruitcake gems so I will be

Sharing those in an upcoming video, but today we're gonna focus on a pineapple cheeseball

And this is so so simple

I have two bricks 8 ounces each of just regular old cream cheese

I am these or have been softened to room temperature and then

I have

Approximately half a pound or 8 ounces of shredded Monterey Jack cheese

I have this looks like almost a cup, but it's a little bit less. They're just in there loosely

It's some bell pepper that I've diced up really really fine now

I had three bell peppers an orange a yellow and a red

And agreeing I decided four of them, and I didn't want them to spoil

And I wasn't gonna use them so I cut him up in strips

And I stuck him in a bag in the freezer, and I just took out a variety of them

And I chopped them up really fine

So that's what we have here, so it's about a half a cup

And then I have a 20 ounce can of crushed pineapple

which is your regular size can and I drain this actually squeezed this through a

Flour sack towel to get almost all of the liquid out of it you want this to be super dry

You don't want too much liquid going into this cheese ball, or your cheese ball. Isn't really gonna be a cheese ball

It's gonna be a dip

For a seasoning we're going to use a teaspoon each of onion powder

Garlic powder and regular old season salt we're going to roll the cheese ball in some slivered almonds

You can use chopped pecans chopped walnuts up to you

But this is a super super simple recipe and just like with any other cheese ball the first thing we're gonna

Do is we're gonna go ahead and we're going to whip the cheese with our hand mixer

Our cheese is nicely whipped. There's some air incorporate in there now

we're just gonna go ahead and start adding all of these ingredients, and I am using a new mixer my old one is fine, but

Family gave me a new hand mixer

For my birthday, so I'm using it will put this cheese in here and then in with all of our seasonings

and then we're just going to

whip this together

And that's as easy as that gets folks give this a good stir down with your spatula now

I'm gonna go grab a couple of gloves because we're gonna divide this in half and roll this into two

We need to taste for seasoning first oh

Hang on

That'll work, are you sure your birthday? Oh?

Wow wow that was so good oh my gosh it takes me back

And that really takes me back you're gonna love this I

see a lot of recipes for this cheese bomb that do not incorporate the Monterey Jack cheese and

This by no means does this taste overly sweet

It's not like a dessert

This has a nice savory flavor to it with the bell pepper and the seasonings that we've added. This is really delicious, so

I'm gonna go ahead and get a pair of gloves on and we're gonna divide this in two and roll it in some

Cheese balls, and then we're going to roll it in some slivered almonds

I have just put on a couple of plastic gloves because this is an easier job to do when your hands are covered I

Also, ran some water over my hands because that's gonna help the cheese ball

Not to stick before we get it into these almonds

So I've just put my almonds on a paper plate, and I'm just gonna roll it in here

You just kind of kind of turn it and plop it and turn it and plop it that is an official

Technical cooking term plop and just do that until you have your cheese ball

Coated to your satisfaction, and then we're gonna roll we're gonna

We're gonna put this in some plastic wrap and we're going to put these in the refrigerator until you're gonna use them

I would refrigerate these overnight if you're gonna make these for a party or to take somewhere

I would definitely these are too soft transport and serve right now

They're just gonna turn into a flat disc and not a cheese ball, which you know what they're gonna taste

Just as good

But they're not gonna look as pretty so just keep that in mind

Once you get it in the plastic wrap it is gonna

Help it retain its ball shape so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap these up

And I'm going to show you what they look like before we put them in the fridge, okay?

Just wanted to show you how I wrap these

I had this one wrapped over here already, so I have a piece of plastic wrap on my counter

And then I have another piece gone the opposite direction, so it looks like an X

So the one on the bottom is the one you want to fold up first you just bring it up here like this, okay?

And then bring all sides up and make sure that

The cheese ball is not sticking out anywhere


Then I want you to take it and twist it as much as you can

Tightly tightly tightly and then that is going to help it retain its shape

And you're just gonna pop that in the fridge and boom your cheese balls are done, and what we're gonna

Do is we're gonna come back in a little while after these have had time to set up a little bit

and we're gonna show you what they look like when we dig into them with some crackers and

Share with you how they taste there you go that is our

Pineapple cheese ball old-school style now. I'm gonna go ahead and kind of dig into this because I want you to see the inside

I feel like it's just nice

Now we didn't let this kind of sit as long as we normally would because we're making the video

and we want you guys to see it, so

It's just beautiful. You can see the chunks of the bell pepper and the pineapple in there, and it looks just delicious

I have just some little Wheat Thins here, and you can see how pretty that is it's very festive looking

I love this I'm gonna try it

There you go the almonds give you a little crunch

Mmm. That is really really tasty. I'm glad you're going to love this. I just know it mm-hmm

You could add clam you can add a couple of tablespoons of chopped jalapeno into this

You could sprinkle the outside or roll the outside and some chipotle powder that would give it a really nice heat

And it would give it a little smokiness as well. This is so delicious

I don't know about you all but I love a cheese ball. Yeah

I really do and I know that they're totally old school, but there's something so inviting about them

And you know you go to a holiday gathering just about anywhere somebody's gonna bring a cheese ball

And it just says it's time to have a party right this one. You get a little bit of the fresh

vibrant flavor of the bell pepper you get the little bit of underlying sweetness of the pineapple

You get the Tanous from the cream cheese, and you get all

Savoriness from the spices that we put in there this is just fantastic

really really fantastic

I couldn't tell that's how you make an old-school pineapple cheese ball stay tuned in your feeds for more polls so I can find out

Exactly what you guys want to see I hope you liked today's video if you did please consider giving me a thumbs up if you

Are new to my kitchen welcome it

It's always a pleasure to welcome new friends if you liked what you saw

Please consider hitting that subscribe button as always if you are a tried-and-true member of the Noreen's kitchen family

Thank you

But be sure and hit that Bell notification button so you don't miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

I hope you give this old-school pineapple cheeseball a try this holiday season I know you're gonna love it and until next time

Happy holidays

For more infomation >> Pineapple Cheeseball ~ Retro Recipe ~ 1960's Throwback Recipe ~ Holiday Treat ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:49.


Justice League Honest Review - Duration: 5:05.

What was that?

It wasn´t great, but

it wasn´t bad

It was a GOOD movie

You have

been Rickrolled!

Internet prank

For more infomation >> Justice League Honest Review - Duration: 5:05.


¡¡Mi primera vez haciendo senderismo aéreo!! I ECO CAMP INN - Duration: 10:39.

Hi guys! How are you today? I hope you are doing super good, and welcome to those who are new to my channel.

I am in my favorite touristic attraction of Cajeme here in Sonora. Located in the Hornos - Tesopaco highway.

A place where you can come and do sports tourism, alternative tourism and extreme tourism.

You can come with your family and or friends.

Here we are, of course in Paola´s Youtube Channel.

Basically Eco Camp Inn was dedicated more to cattle raising and also hunting. The owner had the idea of

forming something ecological. The hunting part is not going against the animal as it sounds.

When the alpha gets to a certain age, it can´t reproduce anymore and it doesn´t let the females reproduce with other males.

So those can only be hunted, and that way the animal can keep on reproducing. Hunting isn´t done just to kill.

The lady in charge here told me about it, her name is Aimee. I will leave you guys the number so you can

contact her whenever you want to come.

(Lodging) Then the owner thought about putting cabins that are also very ecological. Since they sow a lot, what

is left over, the sheaf is used to construct the cabins.

After the cabins, he thought about putting hostels. They have their showers behind the bathrooms.

And that´s where I found out that where the water comes out, everything connects. Including the solid and

liquid that comes out of the bathrooms. They have a type of bacteria inside of where it passes, that converts

the solid into liquid. And that´s what they use to improve what they are sowing. Everything is very ecological,

I like it because you can come and do tourism but at the same time take care of the environment.

You can wake up early, milk the cows and collect the eggs for your breakfast.

We are getting ready for a sports rally with our friends, one of the many activities you can come and do here.

If we aren´t on the same team, I am going to kick your butt.

We are in the same team. Oh okay.

Each one of you is going to pick a duck. Underneath the duck you can find a number. According to your number

is the way we are going to make teams.

Jump, big jumps, big jumps, I want you doing big jumps! I want you doing big jumps!


I have reborn.

We won!

Come and get muddy!

We are not taking a shower anymore.

Hypothermia at night.

Oh it´s warm.

We just finished the rally.

We won.

We won! But we are very wet and it is so cold!

We are about to go on! This is the cowboy line.

How many meters is it? 16 meters tall and 250 meters long. Ready?


How was the zipline?

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

I wanted to go on doing the spiderman pose, but I chickened out halfway.

Tomorrow I am doing it, I really am.

This was our prize for winning the rally.

How do you prepare the meat fortino?

The man doesn´t speak, he simply enjoys it.

That thing is going to be so salty.

My gift for Paola, they are friendship bracelets. They were very expensive. (Onion wrappers).

If you don´t do it, you won´t eat.

Paola you have to do your work.

I already told you how. Grab the milk from here.


Are your hands cold?

That doesn´t matter, do it!

First try.

You have to do it without ripping it off, slowly.

I don´t know how!

Look, look. Grab it like this. Ha you saw it! I´m just kidding.

Don´t pull it! Squeeze it Paola.

It won´t come out!

You are not getting out of here until you milk the cow.

Here we are with Manuel, he is the cowboy in Eco Camp Inn.

When you want to milk the cow or collect the chicken eggs, you have to come to him, right?

The cart too.

The cart too, they have cart rides pulled by donkeys.

100% organic.

He is calling the animals.

I love this language that we share.

We are riding a cart pulled by the donkey.

Go filemon!

We have our driver Karina.

Dang it, he stopped.

Mountain biking!

Aerial hiking!

Here we are with Almara. She is the one in charge of all of the activities that you´d like to do.

What´s up guys? We invite you to come and visit us here in Eco Camp Inn. We are here everyday from 8:00am to 5:00pm, except Wednesdays.

You can do any type of adventure when it is cold or hot. You will have an incredible time!

Well guys this is the end of the video. I hope you liked it, and if you did, be sure to give it a like, subscribe

and turn on notifications so you can follow me on my next adventures. See you next time!

For more infomation >> ¡¡Mi primera vez haciendo senderismo aéreo!! I ECO CAMP INN - Duration: 10:39.


We wish you a Merry Christmas (Караоке - Песни на Английском) English karaoke with Russian subtitles - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> We wish you a Merry Christmas (Караоке - Песни на Английском) English karaoke with Russian subtitles - Duration: 1:55.


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For more infomation >> (Update) Hack Last Day on Earth: Survival 1.6.10 - Unlimited Money, Weapon, Level 92, Free Craft - Duration: 2:10.


Tire Pressure System Needs Service Tesla - Duration: 1:13.

All right just wanted to do a quick video and show you guys if you've been watching my videos you for sure have seen it

When I when I put my winter tires on I did not put

tire pressure sensors in them and

drove for two days no problems nothing and then all of a sudden I

Got a message that said this

Tire pressure system that's switching back because my car's cold

it says tire pressure system need service contact Tesla and

every time I start the car that blinks and

makes noise and says something's wrong, but I just know that it's searching for a pressure and

There's no sensor there so that is the message you will get when?

You're cheap like me you don't want to spend three dollars on pressure sensors for your winter tires, so yeah, just a quick note on

That's what happens if you don't put them in

For more infomation >> Tire Pressure System Needs Service Tesla - Duration: 1:13.


My girlfriend is a world famous porn star who has sex with other men and women every day - Duration: 8:03.

My girlfriend is a world famous porn star who has sex with other men and women every day but I don't mind

An understanding boyfriend has revealed what its like to date one of the worlds biggest porn stars.

Mike Adkins, 32, has been dating Allie Haze for the last four years after being introduced by a mutual friend.

Thirty-year-old Allie is the star of a string of famous adult-movies - including Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody where she plays a more sexually adventurous version of Princess Leia.

Despite Allies controversial day job, Mike says he wasnt intimidated the first time they had sex.

And, most surprisingly, he doesnt feel jealous that Allie has sex with other men - and women - every day.

Mike, who lives with Allie in Las Vegas, said: I didnt feel intimidated having sex with a porn star.

I really didnt look at it that way.

I just look at her as a person.

But yeah, she is definitely the more adventurous of partners Ive ever had.

It doesnt bother me that shes with other men as far as work.

If it was something where she was just like, Im going out Friday night, going to hook up with some people, that would 100% bother me.

There are times that she has been offered to do certain movies or whatever and I am just not very comfortable.

I mean, yeah, its a different job than being a receptionist or something, but at the end of the day you cant base a relationship around each others career.

Mike was unaware of Allies chosen career when they first met, and although it came as quite a shock, he admits that he found it pretty cool.

Mike has never been on set with Allie, he says whilst he caught glimpses of her videos in the very early stages of their relationship, he soon stopped watching them when things began to get more serious.

He said: I dont watch her videos.

Nothing against them Ive just got her right beside me so I dont feel the need to..

Allie added: Yeah when we first got together he didnt really realise - like knowing Im an adult film star is one thing, and then knowing how popular I am and how active I am - he didnt know a lot of that.

Im sure people look at us and assume we have giant orgies in our bedroom.

I mean our sex life is good, otherwise I still wouldnt be here.

Allie has worked in the porn industry for the last eight years - starring in more than 350 adult movies and winning multiple AVN Awards .

The couple claim that they avoid talking about what Allie has done on set in detail - although she will occasionally use it to her advantage.

Allie said: Definitely before I leave, Mike is always like, What are you working on today? and Im like,Oh, boy-girl, girl-girl.

When I come home from work, we dont necessarily talk about the day.

But it depends too, like as a woman and as a spouse, I know what would turn him on.

So yeah, maybe I come home and tell him stories to my advantage to get some, sometimes.

Depends on what the scene is.

I know what he likes to hear about.

Maybe he gets annoyed with the fact that I want to have sex all the time but other than that, I think were pretty good..

Mike admits that he was nervous when he had to tell his mother about Allies profession not knowing how she would respond.

He said: I called my mom and I left her a message and said, Hey, Ive actually been dating this girl and Ive got to tell you something.

My mom called me back and I was like, Yeah shes a porn star and my mom said, Oh my God! Thank God! I thought you were going to tell me she was pregnant.

Allie has to get tested for potential STIs every 14 days.

She often gets recognised for her work when shes out and about a part of her job that she mostly enjoys.

She said: Being recognised in public is kind of hit and miss which is nice.

As far as my work schedule goes, I mean its changed.

Im eight years in the business now, going on nine, and its a career so you take it in stages.

One of my favourite things about shooting is, you know, that butterfly experience that you love to get when youre first dating or doing something and I get to do that over and over and over again.

I like to keep it that way.

I choose my partners and most of them I work with are married with co-workers of mine.

I love my job.

Im very very lucky and super blessed to have a career that I love going to..

Allie has always preferred to date people outside of the porn industry, confessing that most of the public are unaware of her story and how she was in fact married to a preacher in her past.

As far as other guys that Ive dated in the past, Ive had an interesting run of men to say the least, she said.

Ive always dated outside the business.

Ive always dated civilians, but definitely the other ones had interesting life choices.

Mike is definitely more grounded.

I love Mike so much, I cant even express how I feel about him.

I am one crazy person.

I am a lot to handle and Im very grateful to have him by my side. Mike added:I love Allie very much, to the moon and back..

For more infomation >> My girlfriend is a world famous porn star who has sex with other men and women every day - Duration: 8:03.


Hannity 12/13/17 9PM | December 13, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 37:06.

For more infomation >> Hannity 12/13/17 9PM | December 13, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 37:06.


Hunting Pennies - 1960 D Small Date Penny and MORE! - Duration: 8:06.

alright guys I wasn't gonna do a penny hunt I was just gonna do a good

old-fashioned let me just get my own pennies and have some fun. I'm pulling

out the '09's I got a couple of 59s couple of wheat cents 57 and a 50 d

pretty nice 1963 coin nothing great couple of 2017 Ps and I felt like

before I turn this one over here looks really worn it's gotta be 20s or so I

figured I would get it live on camera case it's something fantastic I don't

see a VDD at the bottom it's just the standard 1917 but you know what it's one

of my oldest wheat cents out of a think box of pennies so I'm happy with that

like that with the Wheaties as worn as it is it's still always cool to get a

teen in circulation so we'll go through the rest of this roll and if I find

something else I guess it will make a video out of it all right guys we're in

the 49th roll got about 11 we D so far you've already seen that I pulled out

that 1917 Philly a bunch of fifties basically begin to out a 46 in here as

well a really good example of a really nice 1963 coin pulled the die just

because it's pretty nice as I'm going through the stack look what catches my

eye a 1916 D kind of rough condition but you know what it's my 1st 1916 D so a

couple of teens Wheaties so far in this box and we do have a role and have to go

so I'm pretty happy about that that's a good coin to find especially in a box

we'll be back in if I find anything more in this box if not I'll give you a

roundup and then we'll get going on the second box

alright everyone here is the roundup 5 2017 Ps we ended with 18 of the 2009

Lincoln series we got 5 1959 s none of the mule but I got a really nice 1959

here pretty happy with it a little dirty on the end but I can clean that off did

get a 4 coin 1985 Canadian we ended up with 12 Wheaties excluding in 1916

d and a 1917 got a 1946 Philly and then pretty much to 50s of 51 to 53 s of 56

57 and to 58 they're all DS so not much variety there and we ended up at the

total of 420 copper pennies let's go to the second box see if we can top this

one as far as variety coins and some more different dates on the Wheaties I'm

pretty happy with the 1916 D I will say it's my first one I've got coin roll

hunting pennies be nice to get maybe an air still looking for that infamous

double year 84 and the double die reverse 83 as well as any other wide AM

98 99 2000 s or the close am ninety two's so well see what this box deals

may be an Indian end well loop you in if we find anything cool alright guys my

fortieth roll I have what appears to be a 1960 D small date copper penny it's

actually not in that bad of condition definitely in circulate a condition but

overall still a pretty good coin not a lot of scratches pretty good brilliance

to it still not in bad shape really overall I'm gonna show you a comparison

side-by-side with what I have that is a 1960 d large date just so you

can see the difference when we look at some of the key factors here with the

one the 9, the 6 and the zero the one a Nine are

even with the zero the six has a smaller kale and the zero is more oval versus

round and I'll show them side by sides to get a better look so I felt like this

is a good time to show you the difference between the small date and

large date 1960 coin I just pulled this one from the penny box I'm going through

and I wanted to compare it to what I know is a large date you can see here

the six has a bigger tail as compared to the smaller tail on the six on this one

the second way to tell is the zero is oval in the middle versus round on this

one and the final thing is you could see the nine is level with the one over here

or as the nines a little higher on the large date and when you look at them

side-by-side you can clearly see the sixes are a little different the zeros

are a little different and the position between the one and the nine is

definitely different so what we have here is a 1960 D small date and a 1960 D

large date now of the 1960 year small date really is only really valuable when

it's the Philadelphia Mint with no mint mark 1960 D is kind of considered a

common coin it's gonna fetch about 20 to 40 cents in that condition still better

than the penny or two cents of copper it's worth but definitely not the most

valuable of 1960 small date varieties at the end of the day it's still a good

find it's my first 1960 D small date and I will take it just finished the 44th

role I check this 92 for the clothes I am variety but it's not but I still like

it because this rainbow toning is kind of cool so we pulled that one aside

and then we got another foreign coin this is a Baraka or a colleague on a pad

amount and we sent ECMO 1983 kind of a cool bust on the front so I like foreign

coins especially when they're cool designs like this one hopefully we get a

little better luck in these last six rolls we are sitting smack dab on one

way T 1946 this can be the worst box for weenies I've ever gotten but we did get

a 1960 D small date and a cool foreign and a cool tone and a few other coins

let's finish this up and I'll give you a wrap-up all right guys this concludes

the second box it's a twopenny box hunt we ended up with another six 2017 Peas

10 2009 series a nice foreign coin that's that nice coin from the Panama's

a couple of 1959 I always keep them kind of a nice one right here seem better but

a good coin we end up with only two Edie's worst box ever as far as Wheaties

a 44 to 46 we do here both of them are filling it's kind of a cool rainbow

toned 92 it's not the closest a.m. variety and then I guess the best corner

in the box might be this 1960 D small date if you enjoy this time with me

please give the video a thumbs up I appreciate those that subscribe and as

always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Hunting Pennies - 1960 D Small Date Penny and MORE! - Duration: 8:06.


Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/13/17 8PM | December 13, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 36:20.

For more infomation >> Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/13/17 8PM | December 13, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 36:20.


Wendy Williams Thinks Azealia Banks Is A Prostitute; Check Out Her Reason - Duration: 2:56.

Wendy Williams Thinks Azealia Banks Is A Prostitute; Check Out Her Reason

Wendy Williams entered into the fresh beef between Azealia Banks and Remy Ma during the Hot Topics on Tuesday.

It didn't take very long for fans to realize on which side she was on.

Wendy stated that she has been trying to figure out for a really long time who is Azealia Banks and the audience began to howl.

The problem between Remy and Azealia started when the latter commented on Remy's comments about the way that she sees rap.

She said that rap has changed since she got released from prison back in 2014.

'When I came home, it was nothing,' Remy told Hot 97 last week.

'It was tumbleweeds blowing through as far as female artists in rap are concerned.'.

That's when Azealia unleashed a furious rant and clapback on social media, and she claimed that Remy is not crucial to female rap and she's nothing else than a reality star.

Remy responded to all this by posting screenshots of some texts that Azealia had sent her a while ago searching for advice regarding her private life and professional career as well.

The texts also showed that Azealia asked Remy details about vaginal rejuvenation.

That was when Wendy suggested that Azealia is definitely selling her body for money.

'If you're worn out at 26, and you've got no kids, now we understand how she gets her money,' Wendy said with a wink.

'She works hard for her money.'.

'She's wack,' she concluded.

'This is a big beef, though.

She went real hard at Remy and Remy is still winning.'.

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