Sunday, December 17, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 17 2017

Smart Learning for All

Why do we shiver when we feel cold?

Because our body is on vibrate mode.


We shiver because our body tries to keep us warm.

Our core body temperature is about 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

A part of our brain called hypothalamus controls and maintains the core body temperature.

Will it also maintain my physique?

Please listen.

Usually during cold months, the temperature is quite low.

Hence, if we have not worn any warm clothes, we feel cold.

Our body temperature starts to decrease.

This decrease in temperature is instantly detected by our hypothalamus.

Thus, it sends signals to our muscles to contract and relax rapidly, making us shiver.

This rapid contraction and relaxation of our muscles generates heat.

This heat warms our body, thus helping us maintain our core body temperature.

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For more infomation >> Why do we shiver? - Duration: 1:36.





El drama de los trabajadores indocumentados que son descartados cuando sufren un accidente laboral - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> El drama de los trabajadores indocumentados que son descartados cuando sufren un accidente laboral - Duration: 2:22.


La condition de la femme au moyen-âge - Trotula de Salerne -- ArgosRaconte #7 - Duration: 8:29.

Hello everyone, it's Argos.

For the first time in this episode of ArgosRaconte, tells there is going to be question

a woman's.

A woman we just knew existence.

Indeed we are now almost sure that it has existed since the end of the 20th century


Yet she had a huge influence in everyday life in the Middle Ages.

This woman she lived in the year 1000 that make a lease already.

If this woman was famous in the Middle Ages, why have just discovered his


The answer is simple, it's because unconsciously the collective memory wanted to forget it.

But what did this woman of so terrible, so we do not want to hear anymore

to talk about her! Well, that's what we will see.

The life of Trotula in Salerno is unfortunately very little known.

She indeed lived in the year 1000.

But we do not even know his birth dates and exact deaths.

At the same time, when we try to forget someone who lived 11 centuries ago,

do not be surprised that there is not much left traces.

Even though Trotula of Salerno is the source prolific debates among historians,

the veracity of his existence is now no more doubt.

Many works have been found written that have been very popular and

widely disseminated and even translated during all the middle ages.

We know that Trotula is a female doctor and medieval surgeon who did his

studies in Salerno.

Salerno is one of the oldest universities of Europe and the most famous in terms

of medicine at that time.

Its geographical position at the edge of a sea quiet, makes it an ideal place for convalescence

sick, but also to treat the crusaders wounded who stop there after their expeditions

in the holy land.

And, quite rare to be stressed, women are admitted.

And Trotula is one of the greatest glories from this university.

It is particularly famous for his books that deal with diseases


Especially in two of his most famous works, who are called women's diseases, and

treatment for women.

In other words, Trotula is neither more nor less as the first gynecologist in our history.

She has also written many books of cosmetics that offer women

recipes of beauty products.

It goes from perfume to sunscreen going through the foundation.

His most popular cosmetic book pretty latin name "de ornato mullierum" doors,

in other words, the ornament of ladies.

And in the context of the year one thousand and all the middle ages, these writings have deeply

improved women's lives.

It must be seen that at this time the makeup it's much more than a simple accessory

futile beauty.

The condition of women during the Middle Ages is, we imagine it quite complicated.

Even the great doctor Hippocrates said that the woman was only the receptacle

from birth, and for centuries, the company was pretty much in agreement with

this version.

A woman spent her life under the tutelage of a man.

First of her father, then of her husband.

And she had the right to own only very little, and again, this very little

of a thing, she had no right to use it only with the permission of her husband.

This situation was such that widowhood had become a very envied condition

by women.

A widow was not only released from yoke of men, but in addition, she inherited

property of her husband from which she could enjoy at convenience.

Nevertheless, before having the privilege to be widowed at last, a woman must be well

get married because if she does not do it, she will be totally helpless in society

once her legal guardian dies.She can not even rely on inheritance

of his parents since, of course, in a sibling is the boys who inherit,

not women.

This very unhealthy functioning makes that the the only ambition of a woman in life is

find a husband.

And what is a man looking for at this time, step by step a woman if possible

beautiful and especially a woman who is accountable.

Hence the fact that you have interested him in his writings on gynecology and beauty.

Two things absolutely important for a woman in the Middle Ages.

The problem is that these women do not have no help in these two areas.

The outrageous modesty of the Middle Ages excluded totally that a woman goes to consult

a doctor for problems related to his privacy.

So, when she had a problem with that level she had to fend for herself

all alone and in discretion so that her husband does not know anything about it.

A woman could not really confide in nobody on these topics.

You imagine how hard it must have been.

In Trotula's book, a woman found finally the explanations and remedies of which

she needed but about which she could not trust anyone.

Trotula studied in detail the anatomy and women's diseases, and is able to

to propose remedies against the troubles clinics and submits the basics of

their personal hygiene.

It also deals with problems related to sexual activity such as lack of

desire or other more mechanical issues say.

You imagine it's still not nothing.

She even offers anesthetics for to reduce the pain of women during childbirth

that too is absolutely huge.

Because at the time the church forbade totally that.

Some doctors went past the inquisition for wanting to reduce the pain of

women who give birth, simply because the Bible says that childbirth must be done

in pain. It has even been found in his writings operation descriptions

to repair a woman's perineum who broke up during a delivery.

She was not just a gynecologist she was also a surgeon.

So it was really a gynecologist obstetrician, the very first.

And also another quite crazy thing she dares pretend that infertility can come from

the man.

Yes I say "she dares".

Because in the middle ages when a couple was sterile, or when a woman did not arrive

to give birth to a male heir, one accused the woman immediately.

And the irony is that since new discoveries in genetics, one

know that it's only the spermatozoon of the man who determines the sex of the child

to be born.

Regarding its work on the products of beauty, she offers background recipes

complexion and even creams against attacks of the sun.

There are also many recipes of perfumes.

In the Middle Ages, we also like that woman has a beautiful voice.

It was not uncommon to find in the makeup boxes of these ladies

herbal teas supposed to make the voice more pleasant.

So now I think you imagine a little better in which the texts of too much you

do we really help women to better live their lives.

She finally had a book that allowed them to know everything they wanted to know

but she could not ask anyone.

The question now is if it's too much you've been so famous,

if she had such an influence that her book was read by almost everyone was

translated into several languages, how can is it that we have forgotten.

Well, it's because of a phenomenon that is more about psychoanalysis than history

as a matter of fact.

This is called the Matilda effect.

The Matilda effect that systematic designation the contribution of women in research

scientist, often attributed to work to men.

And yes that's all this time believed that Trotula was a man.

And for two main reasons.

The first, the most obvious, is because that we just did not imagine that

woman can be intelligent, that a woman can be learned.

And there is also a societal effect.

The Middle Ages was so blinded by his outrageous modesty is so engonce

in his Catholic morality that wanted that women are absolutely exemplary of a

point of view modesty and chastity, it was simply impossible that a woman be


And why ? Trotula studied women in detail, that means she saw and

that she touched another naked woman.

At the time it was impossible, never it came to us from another

woman could touch another naked woman, no it's impossible impossible impossible.

now our society is evolving finally.

And even now in our modern age, we are just starting to find fabulous

work done by women in your wanted to minimize earth or even ignore the

contribution in history.

And Trotula unfortunately is far from the only.

I will have the opportunity to talk about other women scholarly in my future videos.

But while waiting for my next videos on the subject, remember at least Trotula

of Salerno, the first ever gynecologist of history, which we have just rediscovered

and who had the courage to ignore us and customs of yesteryear.

For more infomation >> La condition de la femme au moyen-âge - Trotula de Salerne -- ArgosRaconte #7 - Duration: 8:29.


Американский жестовый язык Словарь 6(5) (неправильный, поздний, вау, кофе...) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Американский жестовый язык Словарь 6(5) (неправильный, поздний, вау, кофе...) - Duration: 1:01.


JS Sol de Can Picafort, Adults Only, Spain (Europe). The best of JS Sol de Can Picafort - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> JS Sol de Can Picafort, Adults Only, Spain (Europe). The best of JS Sol de Can Picafort - Duration: 5:12.


Dentífrico casero blanqueante de coco y carbón vegetal - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Dentífrico casero blanqueante de coco y carbón vegetal - Duration: 7:47.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism



Hello, you are on the channel Anuka Let's go.

Mom Well we vidio shooting, You can then be washed?

Ah, okay, in general today the 17 of December and we will

write letters to Santa Claus.

Pupsya you've invented what to write?

What can I say?

Oo sun.

I'll get something tasty.

And I!

I also ask tasty.

Murka and how you at the expense of tasty Prank with sausage.

With sausage?

This I always behind!

Come here soon Prank.

Prank called sausage claw.

For him, use the box Prank of deft worms,

ie a box with holes for legs.

Here we put a plate of sausage.

A run on the back side seals.

That's all.

I know that smell.

Let Ka Murochka I look.


Nuka Nuka.

Mmm what today delicious sausage.

I still got 2 slices delicious.

Murka and we like to get?

I do not know maybe we aunt Ryzhulya will get?

I do not know, of course I'll try get.

Mom let you hooked.

Kid come in this hole see.

Yeah, I look.

Oh hooked, bring!

Let me take a look, too.

Wait fine.

Mom, come on, come almost.

Oh, hang on.

Dai ka I'll try.

Oh, sausage left.

Come here now.

Eu I got!

And here I'll try.

Kolbasochka just do not run away!


Now try the top.

Where did it go well I can not find her. yet

one attempt and all.



As for me, because it is the most a real machine with toys

well only with sausage.

At least fun sausage and fur seals are guaranteed.

Baby, here smells great Total.

Let you look.

Well ka ka well.

Hooked, hooked, and not. one more time.


It is indeed a great Prank.

Only what's Prank?

Look on the other side box.

Where to look?

Here or what?

Murka come here.

What is it?

We have all this time could bypass and eat a sausage.

Annie us prankanula.

Ah ha, my naive seals once caught, liked


Yes, more such.

Kittens, once you bite already go to write letters

Santa Claus?

And the guys choose whose letter they liked more and

in the end will vote.

Exactly, let's go quickly. Well that kid will be the first!

Oh Annie What you give me a sheet beautiful chosen.

Thanks, I'm glad you like you've invented

what to write?

Wait need to think.

So you first need to apply the him kindly.

And it can be represented as write!

Dear Grandfather Frost comma, He writes to you kid point.

I have a dream.



This is a huge sausage garland.

I just like it will introduce, already drools.

Huge sausage garland what's next?

Write: I hope that miracles there are in the world and a dream come true.

Oh Annie, I can not imagine straight sausage garland that

It could be better? bite juicy sausage.

Hey, hey, do not get carried away.

And then you have a handle instead dogs chew.

Oh sure, I'm straight dreaming!

Come what else to write?

Please write to the New Year to you Santa Claus

and an exclamation point.

Well, all right?

All well-Anuta, only Here here. here here, it is necessary

even decorate!

Well, look at me here There are different designs and color

pencils if you want.

Risunochek can choose What you want.

Here look there snegovichok and Christmas tree that you like.

Which hat from the snowman and importantly, it is melted


Take off your snowman soon clothes.

Come Christmas tree better than she is zelenenkaja.

Good Kid, Now Glue.

Santa Claus Glue here.


And what will be glued with tape?

No let's better glue here this.

As you say, so sticking sticking.

Guys and you have already written Letter to Santa Claus?

write in the comments.

That is what a beautiful letter It turned out at the Kid.

By the way these and many other Figures for letters you can

Find in our group VKontakte.

And in order to send our an envelope do.

Prints the envelope pattern VC cut from the group of

contour coloring elements as desired, folding

and glue the envelope.

Here's what happened.

Of course, you can make another envelope or even buy,

Well, I decided to do just such.

It only remains to fill from where he was going pismo.Ot


Write the name of who it a letter from the kids.

From where?

Here we write the address where we We want to come

response, we have a city Kobrin, Belarus channel

Anuka Davayka.

Who then of course we will write Santa Claus.

Where: Santa Claus in We live in the North Pole.

And so we will fill our envelopes with letters.

Fold the letter so so that it fits in


And to seal all the glue.

Here kid, your letter is ready.

My pretty letter.

I would rather have a new year. Have patience Little.

I wonder what Murka ask Santa Claus.

Murka, Murka!

Go write a letter.

Well my dear Murka you you already know that you will write

Santa Claus?

I chose this for you pink leaf because

you're such a sweet little kitty.

Thank you Annie.

So well, that we write?

Write Hello Grandpa Frost.

So, it is necessary to introduce, He also does not know me.

Murka My name is and I am learning school cats.

Now you can give a present?

Can. write: I have a small and very much want a lot

sausage candy.

And write Thank you!

Help yourself wrote sausage.

Yum, thank you Annie.

Very tasty sausage.

Let's decorate your letter pattern.

Yum, oh, mixed with sausage.

Ah ha, my dear sausage.

And what is that over risunochek such?

Oh it 3 cute rabbit.

we attach them now.

You're a good IAW to not peeled off.

Think like Grandfather my letter?

I think yes.

Can still decorate, add snow and snowflakes.

Well davayyu blue marker narrisuyu.

Yeah, those rabbits in the snow obtained.

I think a cute drawing.

And you can still other markers something to draw?

Yes, let's candy red draw.

Only more, more Draw.

Like this!


And let's candy in a wrapper and write her sausage.

Murochka Well, how can you say!

Here is the letter came in Murka.

It can be put in an envelope and send.

And I went to the best comments look.

Guys I am very happy, that you know the name

birds of the last video. and thank you so much writing

We pleasantness.

And those who wanted to see Buffy Milaffi, expect soon

she will receive a letter to write.

And now my mother will call.

you wrote Annie?

Long live grandfather frost.

With the upcoming holiday.

So with the upcoming holiday you and your Snow Maiden.

I wrote, what's next?

I have long dreamed to try the most delicious dish

for seals. So beautiful flashlights.

And it is possible a pink marker leg draw?

Yes, of course Finish.

What to write next?

Then subscribe.

From Murzi.

I think he remembers me, I last year, he has already written.

Well, you're done, look at the I have such a beautiful

risunochek to your letter.

Want Glue.

Yes, I think it would be great.

We are here with murzyashey more legs decorate her letter.

In my beautiful.

Do you like?

Yes, I really like, Annie Thank you!

Not at Murzyashka!

Well Ryzhulya invented what to write?

Will pen to write?


Well then decorate something Write that markers.

Hello Grandfather Frost, my name is I'm very Ryzhulya

much like the New Year.

I have everything already there, so I want to ask for a gift

- which surprised me.

And put a smiley face at the end.


Yes, such a sweet smile. snowflakes and blue marker.

It's good here?

Well and one more higher. the same.

Only a little.

And even less therebetween.

You can also circle the emoticon?

So, yeah smiley circle, OK.

Now let's red marker Grandfather Frost


Done. you have there drawing cat?

but see, this approach?

What a fluffy cat me like glue.

I saw you there Fish It was. yes there is a golden

Fish and cloud.

Cloud, it can be done as bud cat dreams

of fish.

Yes, that's so join and glue. Here is the letter came

in Ryzhuli.

Yes, you can add and send Santa Claus.

Further there will be a letter from the Bobblehead.

Annie please write : Hello Dedushka Moroz.



Soon new year and why do you think Annie

he would give me a gift?

And why do you think that do not give?

Well, I said a neighbor dog that Dede Claus brings

gifts only obedient kiddies.

What are you not obedient it was?

Well, sometimes my mother says I had enough time to walk and


I say that already go, and then and I forget a little late.

It's not scary.

Try to just keep in mind You're not special, but simply

because it is small.

You think so?

Oh well.

Then write and why I want to ask you

most tasty bone.

Annie was so late, we must already sleeping.

At the end of write happy new year from the RSSI and decorate my letter.

We chose here Bobblehead such nyashnye dog.

And a sock krasivenny New Year.

It should be in it so tasty juicy bone to put

Now straight here inside.

Now draw a marker.


Just beautiful to Frost liked grandfather.

Oh, but this tree is so beautiful her bow is the same as

I have.

Well ka show. hii really how about you. you with herringbone

2nd devchuli cute. Well, I think your letter is ready.

It can be folded in an envelope.

I do not know, such as Christmas trees green is not enough let


Well come on then top a little Greenfinch

draw. and red stars.

Well, here is a letter from Pupsenki Santa Claus.

I think he likes it.

And I'll try not to forget time to come home

and listen to my mother.

Guys and you obey mother and father, if so,

Like place.

And do not forget to subscribe per channel and click on the bell.

Well pupsya now turn Buffy!

Milaffi di letter writing.

What beautiful ogonechki, such colorful.


Oh yes Hi guys.

I thought of what to write.

And, yes definitely write.

You know, I have long thought to ask for what. because you me

and so all the purchaser.

And the lights really cool.

Baffenysh well, though.

You know write.

Santa Claus!

My name is Buffy and I believe in miracles, because I'm in the most

best family Anuka Davayka, but I'll write you a secret that

I really love hats.

Please Give me a new girl cool hat. I wrote


Now it is necessary to decorate.

I have that's so cute rabbit with Pirozhenko. what

do you think?

Th th who he reminds me of.

Ah ha yes yes, I have it drawing also thought

that is a copy of you.

Voobscheto I'm talking about you.

Ah ha add to the rabbit herringbone.

Oh, a bow like a bobblehead.

Let the glue too. guys, Here is a letter from Baffyushki.

It's so cute on pink a piece of paper.

Green herringbone and nyashnye Annie in the form of a rabbit.

Ah-ha. Now let's envelope, Do you have an envelope from


Yes there is, here, see what all envelopes beautiful.

Like, you can pack.

Here's your letter rabbit.

Let's send more.

No, tomorrow will send all together, it is now too late.

Well, you just own do not forget to write a letter

Santa Claus.

Good. Well, I went.

For example, a letter from Buffy, bobblehead, Ryzhuli MPD Murki and Toddler

there is.

It remains valid Only my letter.

Andrew said he had great To ask that the

Santa Claus.

Well, perhaps I'll ask something.

Hello dear Grandpa Frost.

I want to thank you for all the gifts that you give me

I gave.

This year I will have to you an unusual request.

I would like to learn how to create best video.


I add a magical unicorn.

I think it is well suited to this letter.

It's all so cute, creative and magical.

I think you can send.

Tomorrow morning our ship letters magic mail.

Dear Santa Claus, You know that for me

There is nothing more important in the world, than my family.

Therefore, I would this year I wanted all adversity

I avoided my family party.

With respect, Andrew.

Even though I was an adult, but I believe strongly that if

want, then it is obligatory It will come true.

The main thing to want a pure heart.

Good morning kittens.

Well we are going to send?

That just go to the post office?

No, we will use magic mail of Santa Claus.

Annie, where's the magic-mail?

It is our mailbox.

Murochka, this is all magic.

And you took all the letters?

Do not you worry child.

We will put our letters in our mailbox ?.

And then the magic-mail to give him the letter.

Annie, and if we do not was a mailbox that


I worry.

Then I would have given the letter mom or dad and they carried

to them in the mail.

On volshubnuyu mail?

Kid on what volshubnuyu.

Annie let's have already sent.

Seals do not worry, I so every year I send

and everything is fine comes. all We can go.

Kid what are you doing?

I look like a letter to disappear.

Nitsche not see.

Murka you look you.

Not now, kid, they Yeshe In the box.

Annie and soon they will disappear.

Ah-ha well you are funny go when no one

He will not see.

I wish I could catch the magic postman.

What to do now?

go home and wait for a new of the year.


let's go.

Hey I'm with you.

You guys vote for best writing.

Yes, in the upper right corner press. and choose whose

letter you liked more. pupsya, wait for me!

And do not forget to put Like, Subscribe and press

a bell.

And write your letter Santa Claus.

And all until today see you soon.



How to Make a Match House Fire at home - match stick house - Duration: 4:00.

How to Make a Match House Fire at home - match stick house

For more infomation >> How to Make a Match House Fire at home - match stick house - Duration: 4:00.


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For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4 Turbo 150pk Start/Stop Innovation - Duration: 0:41.


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George Clooney, i gemelli piangono in volo? L'attore fa un regalo ai passeggeri" - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> George Clooney, i gemelli piangono in volo? L'attore fa un regalo ai passeggeri" - Duration: 2:14.


The Art of Kate Vestlie - Duration: 4:03.

Whenever there's tests or difficulties in life,

like art is my prayer, so I run to my art.

I come into the studio, its my refuge.

I think, like being an artist is like your cup is full, but you have to have an output.

If you're not finding a place where you can adequately empty your cup

its a very tight feeling, to not have an output.

My name is Kate Vestlie and I live in Madison Wisconsin and I'm and artist.

I try to be an artist, and a mother, I try to be a mother.

I used to be a painter, but I was never satisfied with it

and the reason why, and I realise it, because one of my teachers was a paper artist.

Once I started to cut and layer paper -

this is how my brain works! It was a natural fit!

I think the more layers and the more spacing, the more mystery there is behind it.

I create a lot of layers in my art because I don't want anything to be left out.

Just like people in a community, or in a family, or in the world, communities in the world.

I want everything to be represented, whether you can see it or not.

[meditative music]

The Baha'i Faith pretty much affects every

aspect of my life.

This piece is based off the Baha'i House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois, and it's a place

I often go for Baha'i Holy Days and celebrations, and also for individual prayer,

and when you walk into the House of Worship it's domed, and you look up and this is what you see

when you walk inside

but it's one layer in the House of Worship.

Its amazing, the feeling you get when you walk in there and you look up, you feel empowered

but also very small at the same time.

I replicated the design as close as I possibly could get,

and I took a picture of the sky when I was there in Wilmette, which is the picture underneath.

I broke up the design into twelve distinct layers and when put together, creates the

complete design that's in the House of Worship.

[meditative music]

It's just like prayer and things fall into place, I tend to choose very challenging pieces,

but when you're in that flow, my mind is sharper,

and can face those complications much quicker and faster.

Anytime I do in the studio, it's because my dad is babysitting.

He loves my kids and he really wants to have a very strong relationship with them,

so it works out.

But he's always wanted to support me in whatever way possible to get me to succeed.

The pressure is on, a good pressure.

Name or not name, it doesn't matter, having my artwork in people's homes,

hopefully it will continue to remind them of who they are, and to not ever hide themselves.

I would really like to continue to shed light, and bring more consciousness to society.

For more infomation >> The Art of Kate Vestlie - Duration: 4:03.


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For more infomation >> 북, 해외파견 근로자 돈이 씌어진 그 곳은? - Duration: 4:14.


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For more infomation >> 김정은 특사 최룡해 중국 방문, 왜? - Duration: 4:18.


Fr Legge #2: Can we understand (at least a bit) the Trinity? (I, 27) - Duration: 2:59.

Can we understand (at least a bit) the Trinity? (I, 27)

On Trinity Sunday it's not that unusual for a priest to get up in the pulpit and say:

I'm supposed to preach about the Mystery of the Trinity,

but the Trinity is a mystery, which means we can't really understand it, so... There is my Homily.

And I have always found that to be very frustrating,

and really insufficient,

since the Mystery of the Trinity is one of the central Mysteries of the Christian Faith.

You could say, in a certain way, that it is one of the most important things that God reveals to us.

He sent the Son into the World to reveal that He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Father sends the Son, who teaches us who the Father is, reveals the Father to us,

and then sends the Holy Spirit to us, to conform us to the Son, so that we can return to the Father.

This is the heart of the Christian Faith.

So, if we can't say something about the Trinity -- we can't understand something about the Trinity --

then, we are not doing a very good job as Catholic Priests or Catholic Theologians.

So, what can we know, then, about the Trinity?

Well, I think we could perhaps start with the fact that Jesus reveals the Trinity to us.

And He reveals that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- three Persons --

in the context of a very powerful tradition,

going all the way back to the origins of the Old Testament, of what we could call Jewish monotheism.

So, if Judaism believes as a creed any one thing, it is that God is One.

Think of the fact that when Moses encounters this mysterious burning bush and learns the name of God.

God reveals himself as He who is, and that there is no other.

And throughout the history of the Jewish people, they're persecuted, often brutally persecuted,

for their refusal to acknowledge other gods.

So, Jesus comes to bear witness, in this tradition, that says that there is only one God,

that within that truth -- that God is one -- we also can acknowledge God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Now, the Christian Tradition reflecting on divine Revelation has elaborated what that means,

and gives us for example the Creed, where we profess our Faith in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who are One God.

Well, what does that mean to say that God is one and in three Persons?

There, I think, we can turn to the great resources of theologians like Saint Thomas Aquinas

to give us an answer to that.

For more infomation >> Fr Legge #2: Can we understand (at least a bit) the Trinity? (I, 27) - Duration: 2:59.


Went to Koreantourguides' year-end party + Good news! - Duration: 5:06.

Hi, guys!

I think

this is my first time to start a vlog at night.

OMG too cold!!!!

I'm going to year-end party of

Korean tour guides!!!

They invited me and I said YES!!

but it's really cold now.

My tongue is frozen.

I think it's here

They are already here.

One thing I want to tell you is,

because other people are not used to be in front of the camera,

my camera can make them uncomfortable,

so I won't use it from the beginning.

off the record

- That project has been delayed (the project in the link above)

- From now on, Hosung will give us congratulations on this meeting and

- will talk about the project I mentioned.

Good evening!

He is also a tour guide!

- He is also a licensed tour guide.

I'm working as a freelancer now.

The thing I want to talk and share with you today is,

I'm planning to film a video that deals with

answering to my subscribers' questions.

Questions related to 'Korean tour guides'.

"What usually happen with your foreign customers?"

"When was the most embarrassing moment?"

"How much do you earn?"

People asks me those kind of questions a lot.

but I've worked in this industry for a year now.

Of course, there are some things that I can answer but

I can't be a representative of that.

I will be behind of the camera and film you guys.

I will ask you questions that I got from my subscribers.

Yes... that's all lol

If you want to join this project,

but please know that I'm in a hurry.

I'll leave to New York on 28th.

To sum up, the project will be "Answering to people's questions on

working as a tour guide in Korea".

Yes, that's it.

Above all, thank you so much for having me and

I will learn more for the rest of the time today.

(We had a game!)

(It was a game drawing other people's face)

we are having game now lol

(It was a game drawing other people's face)

yes, I know. It's same. LOL

We have special menu today.

Half dried Billfish

- We will give you a lottery as a present!


It's my first time who films me.

- What are you going to do if you win the first prize?

If I win? I will disappear super quietly.

Here is a lens.

This is Lupy, one of the best tour guides in Korea.

- Nice to see you

Many people might know about him.

Aren't you say anything?

- I'm not good at being in front of the camera.

This is quite personal but

see you again when I'm back.

- Have a safe trip!

Thank you!

They prepared a lot for this party. I appreciate it.

I couldn't film more cause it was Off the record.

Tour guides are working really hard and preparing for the future.

and I'm so thankful that I was invited to this party.

actually for half a year,

until next summer,

I can't work as a tour guides cause I will be in New York as a exchange student.

but I will keep doing this work after that.

anyway, the party was so much fun!!

thank you again.

It's been a while that I'm saying this phrase.

The project has begun!!

Please stay tuned:)

For more infomation >> Went to Koreantourguides' year-end party + Good news! - Duration: 5:06.


Krzysztof Stelmaszyk rozstał się z Agnieszką Glińską? Dotychczas wybaczał jej zdrady - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Krzysztof Stelmaszyk rozstał się z Agnieszką Glińską? Dotychczas wybaczał jej zdrady - Duration: 4:54.


Granblue Fantasy Showcase Level 100 Eternal Skill Unlock Fate Episode (Esser) - Duration: 13:15.

When you get your Eternal to Level 100, you will unlock a special fate episode like this

You need to defeat the rest of Eternals here, nine battles in one go

That means if you failed at the middle, you'll have to start the quest all over again from

the first to the last one

Of course, you'll also have to defeat the Eternal of your choice, at the end of the

fate episode to unlock their Lv100 skill

This quest is not difficult, but it could be very time-consuming if you couldn't figure

out how to fight

This is how I use Esser to defeat all the other nine Eternals

As usual, time stamps are available under the video description

I hope you can use this video as your future reference

for your own fight


For more infomation >> Granblue Fantasy Showcase Level 100 Eternal Skill Unlock Fate Episode (Esser) - Duration: 13:15.


Juleferie - original musikvideo - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Juleferie - original musikvideo - Duration: 3:46.


改造一台終極版任天堂Switch!! (中文翻譯) - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> 改造一台終極版任天堂Switch!! (中文翻譯) - Duration: 6:55.


lava z60 unboxing || mobile unboxing || Intelugu 2017|| lava futures - Duration: 8:40.

Please share, like and subscribe

For more infomation >> lava z60 unboxing || mobile unboxing || Intelugu 2017|| lava futures - Duration: 8:40.


이상아 전남편 김한석 이혼이유와 재혼 - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> 이상아 전남편 김한석 이혼이유와 재혼 - Duration: 10:34.


How To Tone It Up - Duration: 2:03.

what up guys is Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm going to be talking

about the "best exercises to tone up". I normally get this question from females,

from women they're always asking what are the best exercises to tone up,

to shape up, to get firm. Now let's dispel a myth!

If you tone up what you've done is you've built some muscle, some muscle

tone! But of course women don't want talk about muscle building. Muscle it sounds too

masculine, it sounds too mannish, it sounds like you're trying to be like

Arnold, but you're not! To tone up you need to build muscle in conjunction

with a calorie deficit to strip body fat away. So there's no specific exercises

just to tone up. You just want to be doing strength and resistance type exercises

to build muscle. Before we get into what exercises they should be, just be

safe in the knowledge that you're not going to get big and bulky. It's

impossible for many reasons, number one you're not going to be in a calorie

surplus... hopefully not? You'll be in a deficit to lose body fat.

number two, you don't have testosterone or the amounts that men do to build

muscle. Even us fellas find it hard to build muscle so you have no worry about

about building muscle, getting big, getting bulky. But to get toned which

means to add muscle, muscle tone, get firm, shape up whatever you want to call it?

Involves doing resistance training! You should be doing stuff like pushes,

push-ups or bench press, pulling... pull-ups or rows. You should be doing stuff like

squats, like deadlifts, like lunges okay. All these exercises are going

to provide resistance to your muscles. That's gonna maintain that muscle mass,

maybe even build some muscle mass which is a good thing and ultimately that will

lead you to tone up. So basically toning up is building muscle even though girls

don't wanna hear that it is the case. So by doing a well-rounded full-body

resistance training program you will tone up, your shape up and you'll firm up!

For more infomation >> How To Tone It Up - Duration: 2:03.


탕웨이 전남편 김태용 결혼 흡연 결혼생활 색계 사진 - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 탕웨이 전남편 김태용 결혼 흡연 결혼생활 색계 사진 - Duration: 4:32.


이승기 오연서 화유기 출연 시청률 10% 넘으면 재입대 공약 방송시간 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 이승기 오연서 화유기 출연 시청률 10% 넘으면 재입대 공약 방송시간 - Duration: 4:13.


Alternativas naturales a los desodorantes comerciales - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> Alternativas naturales a los desodorantes comerciales - Duration: 12:36.


IM A VERY GOOD FREN - Duration: 8:53.

another one.

gr8 time to get some money






click :P

making subtitles are hard so ima talk when something's cool :P

nut again ;-;





making subtitles are hard so ima talk when something's cool :P

ya u done myself

ya u done myself

yeah you better get another

click :P

nut again ;-;


For more infomation >> IM A VERY GOOD FREN - Duration: 8:53.


"SUPERSTITION" - Stevie Wonder // Cover by Daniel Lowe - Duration: 4:10.

Very superstitious, writings on the wall Very superstitious, ladders bout' to fall

Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin' glass

Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past

When you believe in things that you don't understand

Then you suffer Superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, wash your face and hands Rid me of the problems, do all that you can

Keep me in a daydream, keep me goin' strong You don't want to save me, sad is my song

When you believe in things you don't understand Then you suffer

Superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, nothin' more to say

Very superstitious, the devil's on his way Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin'

glass Seven years of bad luck, good things in your

past When you believe in things that you don't

understand Then you suffer

Superstition ain't the way

Hey guys, I'm Daniel and thankyou for watching my cover of Stevie Wonder's "Superstition"!

If you enjoyed it, please be sure to like, comment, subscribe and share, and if you want

the instrumental track, check my Patreon which is below.

Thankyou so much for watching, bye!

Baby I'm dancing in the dark With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, Listening to our favourite

I have faith in what I see...

For more infomation >> "SUPERSTITION" - Stevie Wonder // Cover by Daniel Lowe - Duration: 4:10.


Pat A Cake | Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 2:13.

Pat a cake, pat a cake baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and shape it and mark it with "B" and bake it in the oven for baby and me

Pat a cake, pat a cake baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and shape it and mark it with "B" and bake it in the oven for baby and me

Pat a cake, pat a cake baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and shape it and mark it with "B" and bake it in the oven for baby and me

For more infomation >> Pat A Cake | Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 2:13.


Kolejna gwiazda odchodzi z "M jak miłość"! Chodzi o piękną aktorkę - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Kolejna gwiazda odchodzi z "M jak miłość"! Chodzi o piękną aktorkę - Duration: 2:15.


O DITO DA PROCLAMAÇÃO - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> O DITO DA PROCLAMAÇÃO - Duration: 2:27.


A manga alcaliniza o corpo, melhora a função cerebral e a digestão - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> A manga alcaliniza o corpo, melhora a função cerebral e a digestão - Duration: 8:31.


Grêmio duela contra o Real Madrid pelo título do Mundial de Clubes - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Grêmio duela contra o Real Madrid pelo título do Mundial de Clubes - Duration: 6:43.


Why do we shiver? - Duration: 1:36.

Smart Learning for All

Why do we shiver when we feel cold?

Because our body is on vibrate mode.


We shiver because our body tries to keep us warm.

Our core body temperature is about 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

A part of our brain called hypothalamus controls and maintains the core body temperature.

Will it also maintain my physique?

Please listen.

Usually during cold months, the temperature is quite low.

Hence, if we have not worn any warm clothes, we feel cold.

Our body temperature starts to decrease.

This decrease in temperature is instantly detected by our hypothalamus.

Thus, it sends signals to our muscles to contract and relax rapidly, making us shiver.

This rapid contraction and relaxation of our muscles generates heat.

This heat warms our body, thus helping us maintain our core body temperature.

For more educational videos please visit

Also, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> Why do we shiver? - Duration: 1:36.


El drama de los trabajadores indocumentados que son descartados cuando sufren un accidente laboral - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> El drama de los trabajadores indocumentados que son descartados cuando sufren un accidente laboral - Duration: 2:22.


Biology Slideshow part 2 - Duration: 0:07.

And this is my APA citations that I used for my slideshow.

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