Sunday, December 17, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 17 2017


Oh y'all look good I want you to look at

something right now

thank you some major goal you want or

maybe it's one you already working on

and you have experienced a lot of

setbacks a lot of defeats you've

experienced a lot of disappointment

maybe you've already given up and maybe

you just need a little fire a little

encouragement to get back in the game

again here's what I want you to look at

they're winners and they're losers and

there are people who have not discovered

how to win and all they need is some

coaching all they need is some help and

assistance just a little support all

they need is some insight or different

strategy a plan of action to make some

adjustments that will open up the key to

a whole new future for them that will

give them access to the unlimited power

that they have within themselves that's

all that they need so what I want you to

do is think about something you want for

you that's real for you that's important

for you that will give your life some

special meaning and power and I don't

even want you to say I can do that I

don't want you to assume that see five

years ago when I started out in this

area I would not have been able to make

the mental leap that I would be up to

where I am right now I don't want you to

begin to just psych yourself out no no I

want you to be able to say something to

yourself that will enable you to

maintain a level of integrity with

yourself that when you say this even

when you face tremendous setbacks it it

will be a benchmark to keep you in the

game to keep you moving forward

experimenting and readjusting your

strategy and your plan of action

continuously looking for ways to win so

what is that something when you got an

idea you want to move on you might not

have the money you might not have the

education you might not have the support

or the resources you need what is that

something that can keep us going that

will enable us to act on our dream

it's one of those keys that will begin

to help us to discover the secrets to

our dream here's what I want you to

repeat after me please with power and

conviction say it's possible that's all

I want you to do when you look at your

dream you say to yourself every day it's

possible just say that every day to

yourself it's possible because what does

that do see it begins to change your

belief system see the way in which we

operate ladies and gentlemen it's a

manifestation of what we believe what's

possible for us whatever you've done up

to this point all that it really is is a

duplication it's a reproduction of what

you believe subconsciously that you

deserve and what's possible for your

life most people operate out of the

their personal history out of their

memory things they have done things have

experienced things have seen things that

they have observed what I'm suggesting

that you operate out of a larger vision

of yourself I want you to see yourself

doing what you want to do experiencing

what you want experiencing having what

you want to have doing what is that

gives your life some meaning and value

operate out of your imagination not your

memory because whatever you look at

where you want to go I'm wanting to warn

you you will have some conversation back

here after you go through the data that

you've experienced in life saying you

can't do it and so what you want to

begin to do is ignore that inner

conversation well most people ladies and

gentlemen when something happens to them

what they do is they begin to believe

that that's the way it is that's the way

it's always been and they can't see the

possibility of it being any different

example before in April 1954 the common

belief the universe will believe because

it had been tried again and again and

again and people that fail the belief

was that man was not physically capable

of breaking the four-minute barrier that

he could not run a mile in less than

four minutes that was the belief on the

planet it

than done but here's what happened

ladies and gentlemen Roger Bannister

came along and he wrote the four-minute

barrier now here's what's significant

about that since that time up to this

day over 20,000 people have done it

including high school kids what changed

20,000 people what changed here's what

happened when they got on the track they

knew it had been done and because they

knew it had been done there was a new

belief about this barrier about this

goal that was unreachable and those

20,000 people got into raised believing

knowing in the heart that someone had

done it that it's possible that they

could do it and I'm saying that if you

know anybody that had some goals some

dreams something they wanted to do and

they did it then I'm saying that you

know in your heart that if someone has

done it then you can do it it's possible

and that if someone can make that dream

become a reality that it's it's possible

that you can make your dream become

reality and so as you begin to look at

where you want to go beginning to

embrace that it's possible I'm blessed

and highly favored I've got a lot going

for me I got some good stuff in me and

it's possible that I can bring my

greatness out here in the universe that

I can do what I want to do it's possible

I can write my own book I can have my

own business I I can take the trip and

travel around the world it's possible I

can bounce back from adversity and

reinvent my life it's possible

regardless of where I am the things can

get better for me it's possible I'm

thinking about two men right here in

Chicago who are fairly successful

similar background educated they work

for corporation for many years and they

were among many people that were laid

off two guys who were very good friends

one when I'm looking for a job for

several weeks along with the other one

and they face disappointment and

rejection again and again and again they

couldn't find any work which is the

story of many people across this country

one guy stopped he became discouraged he

stopped going he stayed home looking at

television became very argumentative and

toxic with his wife drinking beer

getting on the phone talking to his

other negative unemployed friends and he

just gave up the other guy kept looking

for a job everywhere it could go every

time he could get an opportunity kept

asking people networking checking the

newspapers every day kept going

everywhere he could trying to find a job

you have too much education you

overqualified you won't be here long

enough he kept going you kept going he

went to a place and said look he I tell

you what if you can't hire me and I know

you can use my talents abilities and

skills I don't want to sit home and do

nothing just just let me do some

volunteer work you don't have to give me

anything all right I just want to work I

want to be busy guy said okay it's on

you now but don't don't expect me to

give you anything it's okay this guy

came in and work he was the first one

there the last one to leave was the best

employee there about four weeks later

one of the top managers quit they were

looking for a replacement guess who they

selected this other guy this guy who was

volunteering his time he got the job

what was the difference between the two

men eyesight and mindsight

eyesight is judging on what you see

judging according to appearances but

mine site is how you interpret what you

see one guy said it's not possible it's

over I'm finished I can't do it I can't

make it

he's surrendered I'm faced rejection

again and again I'm not going anymore

there are no jobs out there but this

other guy he felt that in spite of the

knows and rejections in spite of how bad

the economy is in spite of what the

newspapers are saying that it's possible

that somebody somewhere will give you a

job he just kept going thinking it was

possible and guess what ladies and

gentlemen that's what we have to do with

our dreams because things happen to you

in life that you can never ever

anticipate and many times when those

things happen you want to give up I

remember when I was in broadcasting when

I was a disc jockey I became very

controversial not only being a disc

jockey but I felt that radio was

something that you not only entertain

people with but you also empower them

you educate them and I got fired I did

just leave they fired me that was a


I said wait a minute they took my

microphone I thought that was who I was

no no ladies and gentlemen it wasn't I

had to do something else

and I didn't know what else I could do

so here's what I'm looking at one of the

uses for your life right now that you

haven't even reach for you see I believe

that when you don't have enough

encouragement to act on your dreams or

ideas or you're not enlightened enough

that life will act on you see life it

will doorman said let's run you about

grown this it's time for you to do

something else well I wasn't enlightened

enough Mike organized some discharges

and got my job back

so he had to find me a gear I got fired


here's what I did I had to think of

something else and saw a guy suggested

to me he said les why don't want to run

for office a semantic never know

anything about how to operate in the

political arena I've heard the courage

people to register to vote and get

optimal but I don't know anything about

politics he said he's using people who

love robbers all the time



so I ran now here's what I'm suggesting

I ran you got to do what you can where

you are with what you have I didn't have

any money I didn't know anything about

the political process I didn't even have

any support but here's what the guy told

me it's possible you could win that's

all I had

I was running against an endorsed

candidate he wasn't incumbent he had the

newspaper support all of the leadership

in the community and I was challenging

this guy so I had a sing when I was on

radio stand up for what you believe in

because you can fall for anything and I

would go door-to-door I have my kids on

one side of the street I would be on the

other not I'd knock on doors hello my

name is Lester I'll tell everybody I'm

still standing they get on the phone

childless Bravo's to my house today you

know to borrow the radio with the big

mouth yeah he still said see I'm said

yes just keep moving don't stop feeling

sorry for yourself don't spend time

blaming and talking about what happened

to you see whatever you talk about

that's what you multiply and expand in

your life experience so don't talk about

stuff unless you wanted to keep what

happened to you all right so





For more infomation >> Les Brown You have to know you can do it! - Duration: 13:02.


Moje prace scrapbooking: Album ciążowy na gotowej bazie - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Moje prace scrapbooking: Album ciążowy na gotowej bazie - Duration: 8:07.


ចាក់អន្ទង, Tak Tun Tuang, បទថ្មីៗ, [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] { Cool Music } - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> ចាក់អន្ទង, Tak Tun Tuang, បទថ្មីៗ, [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] { Cool Music } - Duration: 13:19.


Russia supports Pakistan's bid to join elite N Trading Club Pak Media - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Russia supports Pakistan's bid to join elite N Trading Club Pak Media - Duration: 4:33.


国税庁発表 仮想通貨の税金を実例で解説 2017年最新版 節税 税金逃れは怖い 税金対策に有効な手段アリ 最前線情報をホリエモン池上彰落合陽一よりわかりやすく解説 - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 国税庁発表 仮想通貨の税金を実例で解説 2017年最新版 節税 税金逃れは怖い 税金対策に有効な手段アリ 最前線情報をホリエモン池上彰落合陽一よりわかりやすく解説 - Duration: 4:29.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 18 dicembre: sospeso per la pausa natalizia? - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 18 dicembre: sospeso per la pausa natalizia? - Duration: 3:43.


Uomini e Donne, Francesco Monte ha un crollo: parla Gianluca Mech - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Francesco Monte ha un crollo: parla Gianluca Mech - Duration: 4:03.


SOFMAS GIVEAWAY!!! (PREMIO FEDELTÀ - sott ita) - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> SOFMAS GIVEAWAY!!! (PREMIO FEDELTÀ - sott ita) - Duration: 4:29.


Things I Just Can't Understand - Duration: 4:36.

I think we can all agree that planet Earth is a strange place,

but there are some things that I just can't understand.

I'm not even talking about the big things;

just those things that make me facepalm and ask:

Why? Why do we even do this?

For example, people who pour their milk before they pour their cereal.


Everyone knows that the only way to measure

how much cereal you're getting, is to pour the cereal first.

Because then you know exactly how much you're gonna get.

if you pour the milk first,


Because the milk makes it seem like you now have more cereal than you actually have

That means, when you get to the bottom of the bowl,

not only are you still hungry-

(because of the obvious lack of cereal...)

But now you have all this extra milk to drink too!

I don't understand it...

So a few years back I visited Seattle for the first time,

and I loved the place!

Fish throwing, Space Needle, Low bathroom stalls,

Adorable little cafes that-

Whoah. Wait. What was that?

Low bathroom stalls?

Just look at this. Look at it.


I forget where I was at the time... I think maybe it was Pike Place?

But I walk into a stall, close the door, sit down, and...

I can still see people's heads...

The entire time I was sitting there-

(Which was like, less than 15 seconds given the circumstances)

All I could think of was:

get in get out get in get out get in get out

Come on, Seattle, you're better than this.

If I were to nominate something to win the "World's most pointless device ever" award,

That would be kind of a hard decision because-

I'm just kidding, it's the iPad Mini!

Yep, because making something 2 inches smaller, totally qualifies it for mini status.

I mean, no one calls a watermelon 2 inches smaller than normal a...

'Mini watermelon'.

That title is reserved for those personal watermelons the size of cantaloupes!

Huh, I guess the rule only applies to 'Apples'.

(Please don't sue me)

I'm sure at this point some of you are gonna go:

Hey N, the iPad Mini isn't the most pointless device ever.

There are WAY more pointless things than a-

(Kate is silenced)

(Silenced once again)

May I now direct your attention to the title of this YouTube video.

"Things I Can't Understand."

Okay, moving on.

I don't know if this counts or not, but has anyone else noticed that no one finishes erasers?

I mean, not the ones on pencils. The normal ones.

No one finishes them.

I've used erasers my entire life, but never have I experienced the

satisfaction of rubbing away with my eraser, and then suddenly I go:

Huh. Looks like there's nothing left to rub with.

I must have used up my eraser!

Bam! Fabulous!

I always just lose them.

If you've ever used an eraser all the way to the end, props to you!


Let me know in the comments.

Okay, enough tangent. Little paper umbrellas you find in drinks.

Like, what do they even do?

I mean, I know they're there for decorative purposes, but everyone just throws them out anyways.

It's kind of sad...

Now that I think about it, they're kind of like those super thin blankets they put

on hotel room beds that have like 0% blanket value,

But for some reason make you feel fancy, and cared for, and loved and stuff?

I don't know anybody who keeps them on. Sorry hotel people, We still love you.

Anyways, I hereby declare a motion to stop and stare at those

tiny paper umbrellas for at least three seconds before taking them out.


And last, but definitely not least,

Misspelled signs in Asian grocery stores.

This one's kind of close to my heart, because my family is Korean; so I'm kind of laughing...

At my own people?

But hey, nothing makes me grin like a good bananana!

(N laughs in background)

Or what about a delightful abocado?

Okay, okay, once I was walking down the snack aisle at a Korean market,

and saw a box of Oreo fakes called:



Cookies. Seriously?

The worst is actually when Asian supermarkets try to write the names of American products.

Would anyone like a Pop-Tard?

Heh. Chicken nutguts?

(Please don't sue me)

(Laughs) Why?!

I don't think this one's a misspelling, but it's still hilarious.


There are a lot of things in life that make me laugh, and wonder why

anyone thought that would ever be a good idea.

Like underwear for hands.

And pink plastic flamingos!

Oh, and this gate! and ahhh

I could go on and on.

Some things will forever be a mystery.


For more infomation >> Things I Just Can't Understand - Duration: 4:36.


GFVip news: le dichiarazioni di Luca Onestini dopo il bacio con la Mrazova - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> GFVip news: le dichiarazioni di Luca Onestini dopo il bacio con la Mrazova - Duration: 4:04.


Một Lần ➤ Trung I.U [ Lyrics Video ] - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Một Lần ➤ Trung I.U [ Lyrics Video ] - Duration: 3:11.


Go To The Nebula of Kallida! | Abstract Painting Demo | Space Travel - Duration: 4:18.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an painter abstract I have created

a DVD called the secrets of abstract painting to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Go To The Nebula of Kallida! | Abstract Painting Demo | Space Travel - Duration: 4:18.


ចាក់អន្ទង, Tak Tun Tuang, បទថ្មីៗ, [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] { Cool Music } - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> ចាក់អន្ទង, Tak Tun Tuang, បទថ្មីៗ, [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] { Cool Music } - Duration: 13:19.


How To Draw Castle and Flowers To Creative For Children | 3 Coloring Page For Kid's Video TV - Duration: 14:49.

Don't Forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT under videos To Support US.Thanks and love you all!!

Don't Forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT under videos To Support US.Thanks and love you all!!

Don't Forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT under videos To Support US.Thanks and love you all!!

Don't Forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT under videos To Support US.Thanks and love you all!!

Don't Forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT under videos To Support US.Thanks and love you all!!

Don't Forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT under videos To Support US.Thanks and love you all!!

For more infomation >> How To Draw Castle and Flowers To Creative For Children | 3 Coloring Page For Kid's Video TV - Duration: 14:49.


12 Days of Mythmas: Estonian Pagan Holidays: jõulud (Finnish with subs) - Duration: 10:29.

Hi guys! It is Niina and you are watching Fairychamber Channel.

Welcome to

Mythmas once again.

New myth

During 12 Days before Christmas.

Today´s topic is not really a myth.

It continues

my famous yt-series

about Estonian pagan holidays.

Today talking about Winter Solstice/ Christmas.

Like in several countries in Estonia

people celebrated Winter Solstice

before the arrival of Christianity.

Winter Solstice was celebrated between 20-22nd of December.


Winter Solstice

sun of course is as far from the earth as it can be.

Solstice was celebrated

as a holiday to welcome back the sun. Because after that

sun would come more closer each day.

In modern day Estonia Christmas Jõulud

is celebrated between 23-25th of December

and what I have researched Estonian

Christmas traditions they are very similar

to Finnish holiday traditions.

At least in my mind

in Estonia there are more authentic

pagan/winter solstice traditions than in Finland.

This is mostly because Finland

was longer time period under Lutheran (or in generally Christian)

influences than Estonia.

In Estonia Winter Solstice/Christmas is Jõulud

so it has the same origins as Finnish word

for Winter Solstice/Christmas "joulu".

They are both Germanic origin

and have originally meant Winter Solstice.

In Estonia there is also older name for

Winter Solstice and that is Talvistepuha

which means winter holiday/winter festival.

This might have connection to Latvia

where people celebrate Ziemassvētki.

Which is Latvian version of Christmas

but it literally means winter festival.

In Baltic countries

Christmas is not

very Christian holiday


Baltic countries are rather non-religious.

Neither are Scandinavian countries.

In all these countries the name for Christmas

has more

connections to

the pagan origins of Winter Solstice.

In Estonian

folk calendar

It officially started from the day of St.Thomas

21st of December

and it ended in Epiphany

January 6th.

In Estonia there was (and is)

lots of traditions connected to

Winter Solstice and Christmas celebrations that are connected to sun worship.

Generally in many parts of northern Europe

sun was worshiped as feminine

source of life.

In Estonia there was a tradition

to keep fire in the fire place

during the time of


At least during the Jõulud night.

Fire was the symbol of the returning sun.

I found a record that

back in the days in Estonia

there was a belief that sun slept through winter. So in away sun went to hibernation.

In many cultures across the world it was believed

that during winter sun would become sick

or would not be feeling well.

I find this quite interesting idea if

sun went to hibernation. These beliefs have also

varied in different areas.

Both in Finland people celebrated Jako-aika (Finnish) Hindedaeg (Estonian)

literally means dividing time. It was the

darkest time of the year.

From September to December.

In Estonia there are lot´s of pagan

festivals that

were connected to this time period.

Such as Mardipäev and Kadripäev.

Jõulud or Talvistepuha

was the culmination

of Hindedaeg.

It meant that this dark time is now passing and sun will return.

It was believed that day of ST.Thomas December 21st

started the time of rest.

It started the Jõulud peace.

By that time all food had to be prepared

beer had to be made

animals had to be slaughtered.

It was also believed that there was lots of

invisible spirits around Jõulud .

Both nasty demons and good spirits.

When people wanted to..

forgetting my words...


attract good spirits.

People wanted those

spirits to stay with them.

One Estonian pagan traditions

was to make a big human-sized doll

that was taken

from house to house

to bring luck for people.

I´m not 100 % sure

about this so this is my personal speculation but

I think this doll ritual might have connection to pagan goddess worship

and ancient goddess cults in Estonia.

It was believed that especially broomsticks

attracted spirits.

Maybe because people thought that evil spirits might steal their

broomsticks and fly around doing evil deeds.

This is why broomsticks were kept very clean.

If we leave these old traditions behind

and chat about modern Jõulud celebration.

In Estonia Jouluvana brings the Christmas gifts.

Who is the Estonian version of Santa Claus/Father Christmas and

he is accompanied by päkäpikk the elf.

Same way as in Finland is Estonia

there is announcement for Christmas peace in

24th of December.

I wonder if this has connections to Finland the

way before Christianity was introduced there was announcement for Kekri peace.

Maybe some of my Estonian pagan viewers can

help me with this.

Little sidenote here

in Estonia the announcement for Christmas peace started 350 years ago.

In Estonia some of the traditional

Christmas foods are blood sausages,

Christmas beer

and ginger breads.

Same way as in Finland in Estonia

back in the days there was belief that people should

leave food for the table for the Jõulud night.

Because spirits of the passed away

relatives would enjoy their

Christmas dinner during the nigt.

In Estonia there was also belief that

in Christmas one should eat very well.

Pagan custom that was practiced in both Finland and in Estonia

was to spread straws all over the floor.

Then every one would roll and play in them.

Straws were symbols of the sun

also in agricultural society they were

symbols of the land as well.

This is why in Estonia and in Finland

it was very common

to make f.e Christmas tree ornaments from straws.

Apparentally in Estonia folks also made straw crowns (that were hanged into ceiling)

and this tradition arrived to Estonia from southern Finland.

All these "straw decorations"

they have slowly

disappeared from both countries.

Slightly different reasons for that though

Finland now days is not really based on agriculture

and in Estonia all the

pagan customs related to Jõulud.

They were all banned during Soviet era when celebrating

Christmas as a Christian and/or pagan holiday was forbidden.

But what I have followed

Estonian life style many of these

traditions have been brought back within

recent decades. Straw in back in fashion.

Like in most European countries in Estonia

Jouluvana brings gifts in December 24th.

In Estonia kids

put shoes in their windows

and in Jõulud morning there is candy.

Brought by the elves.

Another pagan Christmas tradition that is still practiced in Finland

and is still practice in Estonia as well

is of course Christmas sauna.

In Estonia people have traditionally gone to

Christmas sauna or warmed up sauna

for the Winter Solstice.

Way newer tradition compared to Jõulud sauna is Christmas tree

well..newer and newer

first Christmas trees arrived to Estonia in 19th century from Germany.

Even more recent tradition

comes from Scandinavia...maybe from Finland

is pre-Christmas parties

which are

celebrated first week of December.

No matter culture or country

Christmas always tends to be a mixture between

pagan and Christian traditions.

Estonia of course is well-known for being the most atheist country in the world.

As far as I know in Estonia

Jõulud is about spending time with your friends and family

same way as in Finland.

Estonian Jõulud traditions they are very similar

to Finnish Christmas traditions.

Yet they of course have their own Estonian


My Estonian Jõulud memories come from my teenage years

when I traveled to Tallin with my mom many times

and we bought almonds and walked around the Christmas market.

Thank you for watching guys.

Give this video thumbs up if you enjoyed it.

Subscribe to my channel if you are interested to

learn more about myths around the world.

Remember to watch tomorrow´s Mythmas! Bye bye )O(

For more infomation >> 12 Days of Mythmas: Estonian Pagan Holidays: jõulud (Finnish with subs) - Duration: 10:29.



Follow Me! @internetsihirbazi

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또 다시 시작된 'EA'의 만행 스타워즈 p2W사태 그리고 한국 시장..| 흑열전구 - Duration: 10:41.

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【10コスR禁大会】三国志大戦 2017年12月17日 呂布VS張姜子 - Duration: 7:08.

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Moje prace scrapbooking: Album ciążowy na gotowej bazie - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Moje prace scrapbooking: Album ciążowy na gotowej bazie - Duration: 8:07.


ចាក់អន្ទង, Tak Tun Tuang, បទថ្មីៗ, [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] { Cool Music } - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> ចាក់អន្ទង, Tak Tun Tuang, បទថ្មីៗ, [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] { Cool Music } - Duration: 13:19.


Les Brown You have to know you can do it! - Duration: 13:02.


Oh y'all look good I want you to look at

something right now

thank you some major goal you want or

maybe it's one you already working on

and you have experienced a lot of

setbacks a lot of defeats you've

experienced a lot of disappointment

maybe you've already given up and maybe

you just need a little fire a little

encouragement to get back in the game

again here's what I want you to look at

they're winners and they're losers and

there are people who have not discovered

how to win and all they need is some

coaching all they need is some help and

assistance just a little support all

they need is some insight or different

strategy a plan of action to make some

adjustments that will open up the key to

a whole new future for them that will

give them access to the unlimited power

that they have within themselves that's

all that they need so what I want you to

do is think about something you want for

you that's real for you that's important

for you that will give your life some

special meaning and power and I don't

even want you to say I can do that I

don't want you to assume that see five

years ago when I started out in this

area I would not have been able to make

the mental leap that I would be up to

where I am right now I don't want you to

begin to just psych yourself out no no I

want you to be able to say something to

yourself that will enable you to

maintain a level of integrity with

yourself that when you say this even

when you face tremendous setbacks it it

will be a benchmark to keep you in the

game to keep you moving forward

experimenting and readjusting your

strategy and your plan of action

continuously looking for ways to win so

what is that something when you got an

idea you want to move on you might not

have the money you might not have the

education you might not have the support

or the resources you need what is that

something that can keep us going that

will enable us to act on our dream

it's one of those keys that will begin

to help us to discover the secrets to

our dream here's what I want you to

repeat after me please with power and

conviction say it's possible that's all

I want you to do when you look at your

dream you say to yourself every day it's

possible just say that every day to

yourself it's possible because what does

that do see it begins to change your

belief system see the way in which we

operate ladies and gentlemen it's a

manifestation of what we believe what's

possible for us whatever you've done up

to this point all that it really is is a

duplication it's a reproduction of what

you believe subconsciously that you

deserve and what's possible for your

life most people operate out of the

their personal history out of their

memory things they have done things have

experienced things have seen things that

they have observed what I'm suggesting

that you operate out of a larger vision

of yourself I want you to see yourself

doing what you want to do experiencing

what you want experiencing having what

you want to have doing what is that

gives your life some meaning and value

operate out of your imagination not your

memory because whatever you look at

where you want to go I'm wanting to warn

you you will have some conversation back

here after you go through the data that

you've experienced in life saying you

can't do it and so what you want to

begin to do is ignore that inner

conversation well most people ladies and

gentlemen when something happens to them

what they do is they begin to believe

that that's the way it is that's the way

it's always been and they can't see the

possibility of it being any different

example before in April 1954 the common

belief the universe will believe because

it had been tried again and again and

again and people that fail the belief

was that man was not physically capable

of breaking the four-minute barrier that

he could not run a mile in less than

four minutes that was the belief on the

planet it

than done but here's what happened

ladies and gentlemen Roger Bannister

came along and he wrote the four-minute

barrier now here's what's significant

about that since that time up to this

day over 20,000 people have done it

including high school kids what changed

20,000 people what changed here's what

happened when they got on the track they

knew it had been done and because they

knew it had been done there was a new

belief about this barrier about this

goal that was unreachable and those

20,000 people got into raised believing

knowing in the heart that someone had

done it that it's possible that they

could do it and I'm saying that if you

know anybody that had some goals some

dreams something they wanted to do and

they did it then I'm saying that you

know in your heart that if someone has

done it then you can do it it's possible

and that if someone can make that dream

become a reality that it's it's possible

that you can make your dream become

reality and so as you begin to look at

where you want to go beginning to

embrace that it's possible I'm blessed

and highly favored I've got a lot going

for me I got some good stuff in me and

it's possible that I can bring my

greatness out here in the universe that

I can do what I want to do it's possible

I can write my own book I can have my

own business I I can take the trip and

travel around the world it's possible I

can bounce back from adversity and

reinvent my life it's possible

regardless of where I am the things can

get better for me it's possible I'm

thinking about two men right here in

Chicago who are fairly successful

similar background educated they work

for corporation for many years and they

were among many people that were laid

off two guys who were very good friends

one when I'm looking for a job for

several weeks along with the other one

and they face disappointment and

rejection again and again and again they

couldn't find any work which is the

story of many people across this country

one guy stopped he became discouraged he

stopped going he stayed home looking at

television became very argumentative and

toxic with his wife drinking beer

getting on the phone talking to his

other negative unemployed friends and he

just gave up the other guy kept looking

for a job everywhere it could go every

time he could get an opportunity kept

asking people networking checking the

newspapers every day kept going

everywhere he could trying to find a job

you have too much education you

overqualified you won't be here long

enough he kept going you kept going he

went to a place and said look he I tell

you what if you can't hire me and I know

you can use my talents abilities and

skills I don't want to sit home and do

nothing just just let me do some

volunteer work you don't have to give me

anything all right I just want to work I

want to be busy guy said okay it's on

you now but don't don't expect me to

give you anything it's okay this guy

came in and work he was the first one

there the last one to leave was the best

employee there about four weeks later

one of the top managers quit they were

looking for a replacement guess who they

selected this other guy this guy who was

volunteering his time he got the job

what was the difference between the two

men eyesight and mindsight

eyesight is judging on what you see

judging according to appearances but

mine site is how you interpret what you

see one guy said it's not possible it's

over I'm finished I can't do it I can't

make it

he's surrendered I'm faced rejection

again and again I'm not going anymore

there are no jobs out there but this

other guy he felt that in spite of the

knows and rejections in spite of how bad

the economy is in spite of what the

newspapers are saying that it's possible

that somebody somewhere will give you a

job he just kept going thinking it was

possible and guess what ladies and

gentlemen that's what we have to do with

our dreams because things happen to you

in life that you can never ever

anticipate and many times when those

things happen you want to give up I

remember when I was in broadcasting when

I was a disc jockey I became very

controversial not only being a disc

jockey but I felt that radio was

something that you not only entertain

people with but you also empower them

you educate them and I got fired I did

just leave they fired me that was a


I said wait a minute they took my

microphone I thought that was who I was

no no ladies and gentlemen it wasn't I

had to do something else

and I didn't know what else I could do

so here's what I'm looking at one of the

uses for your life right now that you

haven't even reach for you see I believe

that when you don't have enough

encouragement to act on your dreams or

ideas or you're not enlightened enough

that life will act on you see life it

will doorman said let's run you about

grown this it's time for you to do

something else well I wasn't enlightened

enough Mike organized some discharges

and got my job back

so he had to find me a gear I got fired


here's what I did I had to think of

something else and saw a guy suggested

to me he said les why don't want to run

for office a semantic never know

anything about how to operate in the

political arena I've heard the courage

people to register to vote and get

optimal but I don't know anything about

politics he said he's using people who

love robbers all the time



so I ran now here's what I'm suggesting

I ran you got to do what you can where

you are with what you have I didn't have

any money I didn't know anything about

the political process I didn't even have

any support but here's what the guy told

me it's possible you could win that's

all I had

I was running against an endorsed

candidate he wasn't incumbent he had the

newspaper support all of the leadership

in the community and I was challenging

this guy so I had a sing when I was on

radio stand up for what you believe in

because you can fall for anything and I

would go door-to-door I have my kids on

one side of the street I would be on the

other not I'd knock on doors hello my

name is Lester I'll tell everybody I'm

still standing they get on the phone

childless Bravo's to my house today you

know to borrow the radio with the big

mouth yeah he still said see I'm said

yes just keep moving don't stop feeling

sorry for yourself don't spend time

blaming and talking about what happened

to you see whatever you talk about

that's what you multiply and expand in

your life experience so don't talk about

stuff unless you wanted to keep what

happened to you all right so





For more infomation >> Les Brown You have to know you can do it! - Duration: 13:02.


Russia supports Pakistan's bid to join elite N Trading Club Pak Media - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Russia supports Pakistan's bid to join elite N Trading Club Pak Media - Duration: 4:33.


国税庁発表 仮想通貨の税金を実例で解説 2017年最新版 節税 税金逃れは怖い 税金対策に有効な手段アリ 最前線情報をホリエモン池上彰落合陽一よりわかりやすく解説 - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 国税庁発表 仮想通貨の税金を実例で解説 2017年最新版 節税 税金逃れは怖い 税金対策に有効な手段アリ 最前線情報をホリエモン池上彰落合陽一よりわかりやすく解説 - Duration: 4:29.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Renault Grand Espace 2.0T 125KW Dynamique 7-Zits - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Espace 2.0T 125KW Dynamique 7-Zits - Duration: 0:53.


ディテール見えた!これがVW新型コンパクトSUV「T-Roc」! - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> ディテール見えた!これがVW新型コンパクトSUV「T-Roc」! - Duration: 1:23.


Eating GERMAN Christmas Snacks (from his childhood!) - Duration: 10:42.

Hey everyone, Dana here! - And Stefan.

And today we're going to be eating some German Christmas sweets from his childhood.

You went out and bought some. - Yes.

I asked Stefan what Christmas snacks he ate when he was younger.

And he told me some snacks and then I went to the store and did my best to buy those things.

Yeah, I'm really curious if you found the ones that I told you, and if they still exist

and if they still taste the same.

And if I even can remember how they tasted.

Let's eat them. - Let's eat them!

The first thing that I have for you in my bag of treats: Zimtsterne.

Zimtsterne. That's a good one to start with because I'm not a fan of Zimt.

And... - What is Zimt in English? Cinnamon. - Cinnamon.

Cinnamon stars cookies...cinnamon cookies shaped like stars with, like, a sugar glaze on top.

And I was never a fan of them but...

They're from your childhood.

Yeah, I think we always had them because my dad liked them I think.

Or they are so German that I just imagined that we had them.

Well if you don't actually like them, you don't have to eat them.

I will eat them. I eat Zimtsterne.

It's really cinnamon-y, so if you don't like cinnamon, I can see how you wouldn't like this.

It's not like a fluffy dough, I would describe it.

I would describe it as, like, a hard dough. - It's dense. - Dense.

The sugar doesn't make it better for me, on top of it. - Okay. - So they get...

How many childhood points? - 2 out of 6 Christmas trees.

I've never heard someone make the rating go up to 6.

5 or 10. - No. 2 out of 6. - I don't think Zimtsterne could top chocolate.

I love chocolate. - No, chocolate is on top.

Yeah. - Chocolate basically gets 6 out of 6 Christmas trees.

You haven't even seen what chocolate I got.

Or if I even got chocolate at all. Shhh.

Well, anyway...speaking of chocolate...chocolate!

Oh! Yeah, nice.

You told me to go out and buy a Santa Claus chocolate,

but you specified that it needed to be red. - Exactly.

So I got the red one. - I think...the question is: how do you open it?

Do you open from the top and bite off his head?

Or do you open it from the bottom and bite off his legs?

Or do you just crumble it?

So let me know in the comments below what you do with a hollow chocolate Santa.

Oh! That sounds good. Nice, good, uh-oh. I dropped chocolate on the couch.

Don't tell Stefan. - Uh-uh. - Oh, oopsie...he's right here.

Okay, now what do I do? You already bit off the head. That was like the easy bit.

Now you make a mess because you bite it off and now it crumbles.

Or it doesn't crumble. - That's good. - It's good chocolate. - How many Christmas trees?

It gets 6 out of 6. - 6 out of 6? - 6 out of 6.

So for two of the snacks that you told me about, you specified that they should come

from a bakery.

The first of those that you mentioned needs to come from a bakery, I got from a bakery.

And that is Vanillekipferl. What? Did I get something wrong?

No, buy them either at the bakery or...


Homemade, but I said bakery because you get them in small amounts.

Oh okay. But I thought from bakery because they would be better than just at the store.

I mean these Vanillekipferl... - They're probably better than at the store.

But I told you bakery because they come in small amounts. - Oh, okay.

Okay. Well I found Vanillekipferl at...and I've actually, I think I've learned how to say

Vanillekipferl. Kipferl, Kipferl, Kipferl. So we've got Vanillekipferl here.

And so this was from your childhood?

Christmas cookies in general. - Okay.

And Vanillekipferl and then we made the Spritzgebäck.

Would you like to try it? - Yes.

Those are good. - They're pretty good. So how do they taste? They taste like... - Butter.

Lots of butter. - Yeah. - But this sugar. - Oh! Uh-oh! I made more mess. Don't tell Stefan.

I'm not telling. - They're very light. - Uh-huh.

As I mentioned in one of the other trying Germany Christmas snacks videos, my heritage

is Czech and so we actually had a similar cookie, but we also made it with lemon peel.

And so there was a really strong lemon flavor, whereas this one as well as the one I tried

the other year does not have that lemon flavor.

I'll put a picture of the ones that I make over Stefan's face.

Honestly, I like yours the best.

Aw! Thank you. - What is that, powdered sugar on top? - Yeah, there's powdered sugar.

It leaves a...

4 to 5 Christmas trees.

The other one that I got from the bakery is...well, I tried to get, you said Spritzgebäck.

Yes. - Which we already made this year. - We made, yes.

And we didn't keep any for this video.

No, we ate them. We didn't think about that. So I did my best.

I asked for Spritzgebäck at the bakery.

And the woman told me that this is not Spritzgebäck.

Although to me it looks like Spritzgebäck.

It looks like the same stuff that we made.

She said no. It is not Spritzgebäck.

These are actually two cookies.

And in the middle there's chocolate cream.

Hm, interesting. It's even lighter than Spritzgebäck.

Okay, can I try a bite without the chocolate cream?

Oh no, no. It has an after-taste that is not Spritzgebäck. - Oh! - Do you feel it?

No, I don't get an after-taste. But the chocolate is really, really dark chocolate.

Okay. - It's not sweet chocolate. So made that's the after-taste you're getting, is from...

No, I didn't have chocolate. - You didn't have it. Try it there's chocolate cream.

Yeah, not, not, not a fan of this particular cookie.

This particular cookie: 2 Christmas trees.

This one is another cookie: Gewürz Spekulatius.

I like them more than the Zimtsterne but they're also not my favorite.

3 out of 6 Christmas trees.

Maybe I just don't like the Christmas Gewürz flavor.

The Christmas spices aren't your favorite.

No, the nutmeg, cinnamon...I just, no.

So that's it for what I would call, like, technically a cookie.

I don't know what this next thing is, but I wouldn't really call it a cookie.

We have now: Lebkuchen.

I would call it a cookie.

Well then, here's your cookie. Your Lebkuchen cookie. Now, I already know...I don't like Lebkuchen.

I don't like them either.

So we got Lebkuchen and neither of us like it.

But this is from your childhood, yeah?

Because your dad. - Yeah. - Your dad liked it. - Yeah.

1.5 stars. - 1.5. - They're worth... - Wait, we're not doing stars. We're doing Christmas trees.

1.5 Christmas trees. - Okay. - For me they are worse than the Zimtsterne.

These are not cinnamon but, I just...

It definitely smells like Christmas.

But for me also I don't really like the texture. Yeah, I just no. - No, I don't like the texture.

The consistency, it's just wet and fluffy; that should be good.

It's also dry at the same time somehow. - But then it's dry. We are hating on Christmas cookies.

It's wet and fluffy and dry, and we don't like Lebkuchen.

And the chocolate isn't good that is on it.

I like the Christmas cookies that don't taste like Christmas.

Okay. Those would just be cookies.

Um, but, yeah, so...these are things from your childhood, but I'm noticing that really

the only one of these things that you really liked was the chocolate.

The chocolate. - So, like, that kind of sucks.

I'm still waiting for other stuff that you bought.

Oh. Well, okay, so, we're to the last thing now. - I told you what to buy.

Yeah, I know, I was a little confused about this one.

I said: Stefan, can you tell me Christmas snacks?

And on his list was walnuts and citrus fruit.

You said mandarin, but these are clementines. - Yeah. And then peanuts in the shell.

Oh yeah, he specified that the walnuts had to be in the shell.

They have to be all nuts in the shell.

On this plates what I told you, you have then nuts and you have a nutcracker.

But you can, yeah, you can do the trick where you can open them with your hand I think.

These ones are quite big. - Ow! I can't do it. You work on those. I'll open the orange.

Or it's not an orange.

I looked for mandarins because you said mandarin but... - I think they are not available anymore.

I think they are now clementines.


I think clementines are a crossbreed.

I didn't know you knew so much about citrus.

I associate oranges, clementines, mandarins with Christmas season because they become available

in Christmastime.

When I think of Christmas snacks, I think of cookies, chocolate...that's pretty much it.

Cookies and chocolate.

Nuts in a shell that you have to crack open, good oranges; that is Christmas.

That's 6 out of 6 Christmas trees for me.

We're making a mess. Don't tell Stefan. - Don't tell Stefan.

I got it! - There you go. - I got it!

So our question for you is: What snacks do you associate with Christmas?

Please let us know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching.

We really hope that you enjoyed this video.

Thanks for making it so far into the video.

Yes. - And we really appreciate that you're watching it.

If you're here at the very end and you enjoy these videos...

And you're not subscribed yet...

Yeah, maybe think about subscribing to the channel.

And... - Leave a thumbs up. - Thank you so much, we really appreciate it.

And who do we need to give a really, really big thank you to?

Our patrons on Patreon, - who help make these videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support. - Thank you.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that - down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

What it is, it is a hollow chocolate Christmas Man.

I asked Stefan...asked Stefan. Wow that's hard to say. - I asked...she asked me.

I've made such a mess.

For more infomation >> Eating GERMAN Christmas Snacks (from his childhood!) - Duration: 10:42.



What's going on guys this is Mike again. I just wanted to bring you this quick update about eigen coin remember

This is their last round there in round five right now

For 2 million tokens and this will be the last round you can purchase so if you haven't gotten on that wagon

After you do your research your due diligence you still have a chance to get some tokens

So they have 1.8 million left exactly at one dollar a token ok just keep that in mind guys

But the reason I wanted to bring you this video is because I just got an email from the devs

Sharing that they already have their wallet in place that means the token is ready to go once they close

I see oh they will distribute

Everything then you can start staking and you get up to 22%

Per year when your stake with eigen coins and so far they followed their road map to the T

Keep in mind if they don't end up selling these tokens

They will burn them which will make the tokens value higher now keep in mind guys

I am given 5,000 eigen coin for the people who signed up under me and participated in the ICO

I will do this as soon as they will let us transfer the tokens from wallet to another now a few days ago

I posted a poll on Twitter, and if you're not in my telegram group the link is down below

Just make sure you click on it and join us I'm always in there every once in a while

I go in chat and answer some questions, and if you feel like you need to reach out to me

I do have an open-door policy just join our telegram group and private message me

I'll be more than happy to communicate with you, but a couple days ago

I posted on my Twitter a poll and I put four choices five thousand one percent five hundred to ten participants

two hundred fifty to twenty participants and a hundred 250 participants and obviously I got

63% 182 votes

So I guess you guys walked 100 tokens to 50 different participants, which I will follow

And I will make sure to distribute a hundred tokens 50 participants

Hopefully you're gonna be a winner. It's going to be 100% random. There is no preference here. I'm just gonna give away

100 talkin to 50 different people under me, I appreciate you guys watching

Thank you so much

Make sure you hit that subscribe button

Hit that like button as well make sure you hit that Bell right next to my subscribe button and until next time guys

You stay safe

For more infomation >> EIGENCOIN - 5000 EIGEIN COIN FREE GIVE AWAY + WALLET REVEAL !!! - Duration: 2:28.


La spiruline pour l'escalade : je teste pendant 30 jours - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> La spiruline pour l'escalade : je teste pendant 30 jours - Duration: 6:05.


LEGO Star Wars Defense of Crait review! 75202 - Duration: 11:34.

hello everyone there will be no substantive plot spoilers in this video

if you haven't yet seen the movie the last Jedi

this is Legos defense of crate set which features items and settings that are

very very very heavily featured in the official trailers to the movie I'm

actually surprised that Lego puts so much effort into making such a

large-scale version of this craft the so called

create spear which is actually almost minifig scales almost accurately scaled

to minifigs the way that they've done it I think they could have made it half

this size and it still would have been a fun build and a fun thing to play with

it would have looked good but this is even better the level of detail is

consistently very high for something that's intended to be a toy and not a

collector's display item it looks very good from multiple camera angles it does

have a handful of blue Technic connector pieces that are locked to that color and

and just will not be made in other colors anymore at least not anytime soon

but they don't detract too much from the overall appearance I think that the

color scheme is nailed pretty well here it just it looks good from a distance

and up close with good contrast good texture changes of shapes changes of

direction many interesting building techniques used for sure some that I

think I haven't seen before and they definitely dipped into the very latest

amongst the parts that are available in the Lego inventory the unique keel like

center skid that is prominently shown in the trailers is there and it just comes

down on its own it's just gravity fed doesn't have any mechanism behind it

whatsoever you can't retract it when it's in the air but unfortunately you

know they give you know actual stand for this set so there's no way to actually

make it stay up you know to put it in that standard pose that's kind of been

imprinted on my brain I always want to see this thing up either at an angle

you know banking into a turn or even just completely level and just flying

straight and true so that's that's unfortunate that they didn't include

just a couple of clear pieces to put at a

balance point that would hold this up on display very nicely the surface of the

exterior uses a mix of color changes shape changes and stickers that right

there is a single print but most of the decorations you see here our stickers

even one on the inside of the cab unit there and then this is a printed speed

champions style windscreen piece you can just pull all that off and it has a

really nice those small interior for the cockpit area with the dual handle flight

yoke there that he can almost reach and stickers used on the side consoles and a

printed piece used in front of him also has a nice-looking seat that has a

little bit of texture on the back of it and yeah it's actually even able to fold

down there's nothing behind there it would have been really nice to have just

a small little storage compartment or something back there but that's okay

they do actually give you a single clip extra one on the underside if you want

to use that for your figures personal weapon there is an expertly hidden

compartment here though the center section has an opening mechanism that's

almost like one of those Chinese puzzle boxes it's beautifully disguised

unfortunately though this is just a little maintenance hatch it exposes some

of the very valuable gunmetal gray colored stud pieces that go into this

thing but there's no space to really place anything in there though and then

there's this sort of side build which is actually pretty substantive itself it's

very miniaturized but the shapes are pretty good this is a three layer or a

three level bunker so you can put figures at the ground level this middle

level here and also up on the mezzanine as an overlook though you don't really

have much cover from up there just a small basically anti-personnel cannon in

placement there with the stud shooter and that can be moved around it can also

be actually placed in the hands of the figure I just didn't move the hands

around to make them fit properly and then another cannon a larger one here

which can spin around and that has a spring-loaded shooter down

below that you can operate from the back again shaping is pretty good it's just

very very miniaturized here and this piece of the build this portion of the

build can be rotated around in different ways so if you want to kind of shape

your battlefield a little bit you can you can also very easily remove these

sections or separate them apart so you can make things look even bigger by you

know separating things out farther just just a little bit of extra separation

really makes it look like a larger overall defensive position one

unfortunate thing is that you can't change the elevation of the shooter over

here and that goes for the fake part you know that's just for show and also the

actual spring-loaded shooter down below so it's always going to fire just

straight forward at a very very low level basically at minifig level the

bunker or tower build has a lot of studs on the side construction to finish off

the exterior texturing and that looks very nice has some shaping around the

edges and then this middle level has two printed pieces in there I never would

have expected that upper panel piece to be done as a print but I'm very thankful

for it it looks great it looks like something that I would want to mass if I

was building up a whole custom base not even just Star Wars related but for

anything kind of sci-fi related it just looks really good the sticker sheet in

this set does not have clear backing so that really couldn't have been pulled

off with a sticker so I'm glad they went all out so to speak to actually do a

proper print there and it looks good it's also done practically edge to edge

you get some storage down here or for some minifig accessories with the

gunmetal gray colored blasters off on the right and just a couple of tools as

well as a couple of spare bolts for your spring-loaded shooter here's how the

rest of the stuff looks from the back and that just does it for the build here

are the resistance figures with Poe Dameron on the left with his dual molded

specialized hairpiece that has the integrated headset that's also printed

on both sides and across the top the base color for the hair is black but

then they use gunmetal gray for the headset portion of

that that's nicely executed in the center is admiral Emmet with his

epically white hair and also white in gray facial hair I think they could have

done that all in white but this adds a little bit more texture to it I think

that one looks pretty good glad to get that as an official figure and on the

right is just a generic resistance trooper with the full helmet with the

visor and chin guard as well you get more of the gunmetal gray colored

blasters that's for the one in the center and on the right one on the left

the short one for Poe is just done in black and only two of these actually get

alternate faces oh well there's a better look at the main face for the trooper

especially on the first order side we get two of their snow troopers and I

think these are very good figures for Lego scaled stuff the prints are good

through and through through the body down to the legs the helmets I think

have good sculpts and the prints on those helmets are good each one comes

with the cloth piece each one comes with the printed backpack piece and you know

they didn't strip one of them down to give you just a basic version and then

have version that has the stuff that you really want so I appreciate that you

know they could have gone a cheaper route but they didn't these are just

very masa belitz it's easy to get lots of these and set up a nice larger scene

the only problem that I have here is that these do not belong in this set

they have no business being here they had nothing to do with this scene and I

don't blame Lego for that I'm sure this is just another example common example

of Lego just not getting enough information from Disney early early

early on when they're actually you know starting to plan the process of

developing the toys and it's just unfortunate really it results in

mistakes fortunately this is not a bad mistake because these are still good

figures still good to get but they could have put more appropriate ones in here

if they knew better that's for the faces well yeah

now to sum things up and give you more of my pure subjective opinion about

set the speeder no question about it it's great

I really really strongly feel that it's better than it need it to be and that's

not that's not intended to be a spoiler these things do get screentime in the

movie as you saw in in the the trailer there's no misdirection there but I just

feel like they've they've gone so large with this thing it's it's almost like

they were going replica style with it I feel like they could have made this a

much smaller and less expensive set speaking of which you like this needs to

be a less expensive set the little side builds this is this is nice it could

have been bigger but it's nice for what it is this is kind of meh to me it's

kind of a kind of a mix of things that try to bring in some important shapes

and give you some play value there but it's not all that great to me and just

because of the size of the speeder feel like it makes this stuff smaller or feel

and seem smaller I think this really would have worked in so many ways so

much better if the speeder was about half the size or maybe two thirds this

size at the most I also don't think overall the minifig selection is that

memorable I don't think this this version of Poe is going to be very

collectible long-term it's always good to get more troopers just in general for

massing up bigger scenes certainly the Admiral Emmett figure is the most

interesting thing in this set to me from a collectability perspective but it's

definitely not enough to to make this worth its its retail price in my opinion

so it's not a bad set overall I just feel like it has a limited number of

very strong elements and those elements are not worth the retail price this is

one that I would recommend waiting to find at a fairly significant discount so

not a 5 or 10% discount but more of a like a 25 to 30% discount then it'll

start to be a little bit more attractive but just at its standard price I don't

think it's a good value you can get a lot more play value out of other stuff

for the same price and you can get more display

value and lasting collectability out of other things as well but that's it for

my look at this set hope I showed you everything you want to see here and I'm

gonna get to work on my next video so I'll talk to you as soon as I can


For more infomation >> LEGO Star Wars Defense of Crait review! 75202 - Duration: 11:34.


With Us - A Christmas Poem by Gideon Heugh - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> With Us - A Christmas Poem by Gideon Heugh - Duration: 2:15.


Лазерное омоложение лица - процедура для зрелой и проблемной кожи - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> Лазерное омоложение лица - процедура для зрелой и проблемной кожи - Duration: 11:55.


Moje prace scrapbooking: Album ciążowy na gotowej bazie - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Moje prace scrapbooking: Album ciążowy na gotowej bazie - Duration: 8:07.


Cynical Boyz ( 培特Pett ) - Won't Stop - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Cynical Boyz ( 培特Pett ) - Won't Stop - Duration: 2:37.


Michael Anthony Jewelry MotherofPearl Carved Cross Drop ... - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Michael Anthony Jewelry MotherofPearl Carved Cross Drop ... - Duration: 2:51.


india vs srilanka 3rd odi match 2017,live score,match live,live,live updates,highlights - Duration: 0:37.

india vs srilanka 3rd odi match 2017,live score,match live,live,live updates,highlights





For more infomation >> india vs srilanka 3rd odi match 2017,live score,match live,live,live updates,highlights - Duration: 0:37.


#NovembrePotterhead | Viatge temàtic - Duration: 12:31.

For more infomation >> #NovembrePotterhead | Viatge temàtic - Duration: 12:31.


I Wasn't Ready For How Good The 2017 Ford Raptor Is On Twisty Roads part 2 - Duration: 6:49.

I Wasn't Ready For How Good The 2017 Ford Raptor Is On Twisty Roads part 2

The all-new 2017 Ford Raptor is a 5,500 pound turbocharged brick sitting almost a foot off the ground on 35-inch off-road tires and long-travel shocks.

I was expecting the off-road performance to set a new standard, but on winding roads? I thought we had laws of physics against stuff like that.

The truck was flatter in corners, smoother on shifts and quieter everywhere than I expected.

Not just for a truck, I mean compared to anything I've driven in a while.

(Full Disclosure: Ford needed us to drive the new Raptor so badly they put me on a train to San Diego, left me alone with a whole buffet and then let me have at the truck for a couple hours under the supervision of one of their executives on Sunday.

On Monday, we drive off-road.).

Before I could cut the Raptor loose in the SoCal scrublands, I had to actually get out there.

That meant taking the truck from San Diego to Anza Borrego.

And that meant we had a chance to figure out if Ford's street-performance "Sport Mode" was something worth playing with or just the result some engineer's sick sense of humor.

I probably don't need to tell you why the new Raptor is a big deal, but just in case I do, Ford's high-performance F-150 variant was always a crowd pleaser when it came with a V8 in its last iteration.

Now based on the new truck, it boasts a more powerful—yet more controversial—3.5-liter turbocharged V6 engine with 450 horsepower and 510 lb-ft of torque.

Everyone is waiting to see if it holds up.

In spite of its blunt instrument looks, it became apparent pretty quickly that the new Raptor is more than surprisingly smooth on the street.

It's clean. Precise, even.

If you're tired of reading already, you can catch some off-the-cuff driving impressions from Sunday's live video right here:.

Now that I've had a few more cocktails I mean hours to process my thoughts, I'm starting to realize three aspects of the Raptor's on-road performance stuck out the most: its impressive flatness through corners, the subtle-smoothness of shifts and its freakish quietness all the way up to the highway speed limit.

The new Raptor sits on all-terrain BF Goodrich KO2 tires.

These came out a couple years ago and have basically been considered the benchmark for daily drivers that go off-road.

BF Goodrich's reps have explained that the KO2 has received some minor tweaks for treatment as the new Raptor's stock rubber.

Apparently to make it quieter and more complaint, which it certainly is.

The truck didn't come close to scrubbing out around hairpins, tracked straight as an arrow under hard acceleration and didn't have any kind of wobble you sometimes get running off-roady tires on the street.

Steering, which has three modes independent of the truck's drive modes, felt extremely light at low speed in "Normal." Like, "are we sure the front wheels are on the ground" light.

It becomes less dramatic once you're earnestly underway, and the "Comfort" mode didn't feel appreciably different for me.

"Sport" steering, however, added a nice layer of artificial weight to the rack's response which made me feel a lot more confident coming hot around corners.

Under normal cruising or straight-ahead flying, you might as well be sitting in your boss's office chair.

Stern, confident, with just enough softness to float on.

Road feedback is muted, but it's very easy to keep the truck moving where you want it to.

For the first 10 or 20 miles of our drive, the Raptor had me thinking its new 10-speed automatic was a divine gift to road-going vehicles.

While I was gently stepping up to town speed limits and back down to stop lights, the truck must have shifted 50 times without me noticing.

And the trend continues if you drive like your truck bed's full of explosive contraband.

But you won't. It's a 450 HP Raptor.

Giddy up on the gas and downshifts can be a little rough.

In manual mode, the magnesium paddle shifters are fun to use with a very satisfying click as you slap up and down.

Actual response from the gearbox felt fine.

I didn't see the kind of quickness I've been spoiled by with a Porsche PDK or the paddles in a Nissan GT-R, which is not surprising, but the Raptor's paddle experience was good enough to be taken seriously.

Putting the truck in "Sport" mode with the transmission in regular-old-automatic "D" makes the truck quicker to downshift when you get on the gas and holds gears longer on its way to redline.

So yeah, it makes the vehicle a little more excited to be driven aggressively.

For more infomation >> I Wasn't Ready For How Good The 2017 Ford Raptor Is On Twisty Roads part 2 - Duration: 6:49.


[Eng Sub] All those fight, bicker, quarrel in Got7 - Duration: 4:18.

Congrats to the winner of my event!! Thanks that your idea for me to make this video~

And now enjoy~

JB: Do you like cat?

MK: I like dog

JB: Cat is cute.

MK: Nope, dog is cuter!

JB: Cats

MK: Dogs!

JB: Cats!


JB: Cats!

JB: Is cats!

MK: Coco

JB: Cats!

YJ: There is air coming out

JY: Yugyeom ah

JY: Why maknae is sleeping?

YG: Maknae can't sleep?

YG: You are so mean

YG: Leave me alone

JS: I'm so SORRY Jinyoung

JY: Long time no see Jackson

JS: For me is not, you know why? Because someone does not reply my message

BB: I replied hyung's message

JS: He didn't reply my message

BB: Oh yeah?

JB: If you feel resentful then come out!

JB: Come out!

*Good actor come from Hong Kong - Jackson

*Jackson is full of emotion


JS: Let's stop this


JB: 1, 2, 3!

JS: Is your friend!

JS: Your friend YG: (Keep dancing...)

JS: Can you at least talk abit?

YG: He's not my friend

JS: I want to talk but you do this everytime how can I talk with you?

YG: Is hyung, during our trainee time

JB: That fight originally...

JB: That was not between me and Mark

JB: It was between Mark and Hui from Pentagon

He was fighting with Hui

Youngjae from B.A.P tried to help

and said 'What's going on?' and talked to Mark

And then Mark and Youngjae start fighting

Then I went to mediate them

Mark and I start fighting

Brian tried so hard to translate among 3 of us

(Imitate Brian) JY: Jaebeom, Mark said... like this

JY: Then he talked to Mark, 'Hm..Mark...'

JB: Please help me to tell him this, this, this...

YJ: Mark and I was fighted

YJ: Mark he hm..what...

YJ: He 'BANG' to the air conditioner

JB: 'I need to get down from here now'

YJ: Mark he broked car's air conditioner

YJ: Mark said' I need to get out from here now, or I will hit you

YJ: But after this we are not feeling awkward anymore and became closer

JB: We can say sorry and go through this, why we need to fight like this?

JS: HA, you're so funny, just now you get away from this now you come in again, what do you want?

JB: So speechless, why you talk to me like this?

JY: If you want to pay of the money then Youngjae should pay also

YJ: Why you keep pointing at me?

JY: Ya (rage)

Manager: Stop it, what are you doing?

YJ: I didn't do anything wrong! Why you keep pulling me in?

JY: You're standing behind didn't you?!

JS: He didn't do anything wrong


JS: Why you always keep away from me?

*Our relationship is like in cold and hot water

JY: What are you doing? JS: Seriously why everytime I close to you and you always keep away from me?

JS: Are you hate me?

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] All those fight, bicker, quarrel in Got7 - Duration: 4:18.


Things I Just Can't Understand - Duration: 4:36.

I think we can all agree that planet Earth is a strange place,

but there are some things that I just can't understand.

I'm not even talking about the big things;

just those things that make me facepalm and ask:

Why? Why do we even do this?

For example, people who pour their milk before they pour their cereal.


Everyone knows that the only way to measure

how much cereal you're getting, is to pour the cereal first.

Because then you know exactly how much you're gonna get.

if you pour the milk first,


Because the milk makes it seem like you now have more cereal than you actually have

That means, when you get to the bottom of the bowl,

not only are you still hungry-

(because of the obvious lack of cereal...)

But now you have all this extra milk to drink too!

I don't understand it...

So a few years back I visited Seattle for the first time,

and I loved the place!

Fish throwing, Space Needle, Low bathroom stalls,

Adorable little cafes that-

Whoah. Wait. What was that?

Low bathroom stalls?

Just look at this. Look at it.


I forget where I was at the time... I think maybe it was Pike Place?

But I walk into a stall, close the door, sit down, and...

I can still see people's heads...

The entire time I was sitting there-

(Which was like, less than 15 seconds given the circumstances)

All I could think of was:

get in get out get in get out get in get out

Come on, Seattle, you're better than this.

If I were to nominate something to win the "World's most pointless device ever" award,

That would be kind of a hard decision because-

I'm just kidding, it's the iPad Mini!

Yep, because making something 2 inches smaller, totally qualifies it for mini status.

I mean, no one calls a watermelon 2 inches smaller than normal a...

'Mini watermelon'.

That title is reserved for those personal watermelons the size of cantaloupes!

Huh, I guess the rule only applies to 'Apples'.

(Please don't sue me)

I'm sure at this point some of you are gonna go:

Hey N, the iPad Mini isn't the most pointless device ever.

There are WAY more pointless things than a-

(Kate is silenced)

(Silenced once again)

May I now direct your attention to the title of this YouTube video.

"Things I Can't Understand."

Okay, moving on.

I don't know if this counts or not, but has anyone else noticed that no one finishes erasers?

I mean, not the ones on pencils. The normal ones.

No one finishes them.

I've used erasers my entire life, but never have I experienced the

satisfaction of rubbing away with my eraser, and then suddenly I go:

Huh. Looks like there's nothing left to rub with.

I must have used up my eraser!

Bam! Fabulous!

I always just lose them.

If you've ever used an eraser all the way to the end, props to you!


Let me know in the comments.

Okay, enough tangent. Little paper umbrellas you find in drinks.

Like, what do they even do?

I mean, I know they're there for decorative purposes, but everyone just throws them out anyways.

It's kind of sad...

Now that I think about it, they're kind of like those super thin blankets they put

on hotel room beds that have like 0% blanket value,

But for some reason make you feel fancy, and cared for, and loved and stuff?

I don't know anybody who keeps them on. Sorry hotel people, We still love you.

Anyways, I hereby declare a motion to stop and stare at those

tiny paper umbrellas for at least three seconds before taking them out.


And last, but definitely not least,

Misspelled signs in Asian grocery stores.

This one's kind of close to my heart, because my family is Korean; so I'm kind of laughing...

At my own people?

But hey, nothing makes me grin like a good bananana!

(N laughs in background)

Or what about a delightful abocado?

Okay, okay, once I was walking down the snack aisle at a Korean market,

and saw a box of Oreo fakes called:



Cookies. Seriously?

The worst is actually when Asian supermarkets try to write the names of American products.

Would anyone like a Pop-Tard?

Heh. Chicken nutguts?

(Please don't sue me)

(Laughs) Why?!

I don't think this one's a misspelling, but it's still hilarious.


There are a lot of things in life that make me laugh, and wonder why

anyone thought that would ever be a good idea.

Like underwear for hands.

And pink plastic flamingos!

Oh, and this gate! and ahhh

I could go on and on.

Some things will forever be a mystery.


For more infomation >> Things I Just Can't Understand - Duration: 4:36.


Fortnite Save The World Gameplay - Saving The World With Viewers - Duration: 7:49:26.

For more infomation >> Fortnite Save The World Gameplay - Saving The World With Viewers - Duration: 7:49:26.


NCAA D1 Men's Volleyball - Pacific vs Hawai'i - 2009 - Duration: 2:20:11.

For more infomation >> NCAA D1 Men's Volleyball - Pacific vs Hawai'i - 2009 - Duration: 2:20:11.


It supposed to be a Rest Day - Duration: 4:16.

Hey, welcome to an other video

today I will do a little workout

and the things I want to work on today are

kongs, frontflips, handstand and deadlifts

This is the first time that I will try deadlifts

I don't know how my form would be

but if any of you know, let me know how is the right technique

let's start with the video

I want to check how far I can go, but there is no good point here

take a stick

22/5000 metráme mia apóstasi, we measure a distance,

some steps

4 for example

we leave it and we try the jump

I can go 4-5 steps in a distance

at a height that is

equal to my knee

I will try frontflips now

Now a little handstand training and

and the deadlifts

I started to balance for more time

but still I can not work the handstand without the wall

rarely I don't touch the wall

Well now deadlifts, I would say it again

It is the first time I do it, so

if I am doing it wrong and you know it and you know the right way

please comment below

That was my training for today

Tell me what you want to see in next videos if there is a tutorial you want to make

and I will see you in the next one

For more infomation >> It supposed to be a Rest Day - Duration: 4:16.


Robinson - Crave You【Lyrics 歌詞】《潮州車站》Chaozhou Station - Duration: 3:52.

There was a time in my life

It was lighter And better

When you came around

Made me forget

What I was so sad about

Sad about everything

Just like that

You've taken all that you had given back

And now I can see

You're no good for me

Why do I feel like I need you?

Locked in sweet misery

Somehow I still want you

You do not care for me

But I crave you

I crave you

I crave you

I crave you

I can't help thinking of you

Situations in my head

Do nothing for me

Lead me back to a dead end

And I.. try to leave you behind

Just like that

I lose the love I thought I had

Found in you

And now I can see

You're no good for me

Why do I feel like I need you

Locked in sweet misery

Somehow I still want you

You do not care for me

But I crave you

I crave you

I crave you

I crave you

And you do not care for me

You do not care for me

And you never

And you never will

And now I can see

You're no good for me

Why do I feel like I need you

Locked in sweet misery

Somehow I still want you

You do not care for me

But I crave you

I crave you

I crave you

I crave you

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