Saturday, December 16, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 17 2017









































For more infomation >> DESIDERIO - CALENDARIO DELL'AVVENTO CON RICHARD - 2017 -#17 - Duration: 2:01.


FAILURE - How to save a shoot - Fashion Portrait Tutorial - Duration: 10:39.

What do you do when you have a beautiful subject with amazing makeup in front of your camera

and you want to produce a shot that is truly special and it's just not coming together

- the lighting is bland - the camera angles are bland - the sweat is starting to bead

up on your forehead - stay tuned and I'll show you what I did.

Hey gang!

My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop a solid

understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve your goals

as a photographer.

Well this would be one way to deal with it - but that's not the solution that I chose.

I like to save my alcohol for when I read the comments on my videos.

This is a fashion portrait shoot that I did to illustrate some techniques for some upcoming

lectures and workshops.

Again the real credit for this one goes to my makeup artist.

Not only did she create an awesome makeup look - but she did it on herself and modeled

it as well.

Believe me - doing makeup like this on your own face is ten times harder than doing it

on somebody else.

It's the makeup artist equivalent of a self portrait - only the self portrait is a lot

easier to do.

My original concept for this shot was to do something very low key - so it would be all

about the makeup.

I had one 320watt second strobe mounted in a 16 x 52.5" strip softbox set on camera left

I draped a black fur collar from a winter coat around Monaes shoulders so that I would

have a little texture in the bottom of the frame and not have a floating head.

Now I know some of you will immediately say - you need separation from the background.

You know what?

That's a bunch of crap.

Let's be clear that there is no rule that says you have to have separation.

Sometimes it makes a huge difference and looks great - others - not so much - in both cases

it is a matter of preference

In this case - I am fine with the lack of separation but I'm just not excited by the


While I love simple - this was just too simple.

I go to something safe - something I've done before - something that I know will usually

please people.

Notice I didn't say please me - I simply mean people will look at it and like it.

But going back to this safe place let's me clear my head and begin to make some positive

progress and start looking for a better idea.

So my next step was to add some colored gels.

I added two different colored magenta gels to a set of 320watt second strobes placed

about 5 feet behind Monae and on either side of her to create the pink rim lighting - but

I still wasn't very excited with the result.

Next - I moved the softbox to a horizontal position above the camera and slightly to

camera left and decided I would get a little crazy by adding some LumoPro LP180R speedlights

with gels - behind Monae and aimed directly into the camera lens.

I also decided to ditch the fur collar and added some black tulle with sparkles around

her neck- just to put a bit more texture into the shot.

Here are the original files as I added a speedlight - adjusted exposure and then stopped my lens

down to f/9 so that I would start to get the rays of light from the strobes.

I tried some various angles and power settings and was getting some interesting results,

but I still wasn't getting the WOW response in my gut that I was looking for.

Now I was getting a little desperate.

My model / makeup artist had done an incredible job with her makeup and I didn't want to

disappoint on my end.

So I began experimenting with placing the black tulle material in front of Monae between

her and the camera.

This was getting some interesting results but I wasn't ultimately thrilled with having

the texture of the material over her face.

Next I remembered a shot that I had done years ago where I placed a beauty dish high above

my camera and placed the camera high above the model and had her strain her neck looking

up to the camera.

I decided to try a similar concept still using the strip softbox but placing it high and

in front of Monae with my camera just below the softbox..

Next I added another 320watt second strobe on the floor behind Monae with a teal gel

to create the glow that you see here.

And this is where the magic started to happen.

Since I am using the Interfit Honey Badgers with their LED modeling lights that have a

proportional output - I was really loving the soft feeling that I was getting while

looking through the wide open lens so I decided to turn off my flash trigger and I began shooting

with the light from the daylight balanced LED modeling lamps.

At this point I knew I had my lighting and I loved the shallow depth of field I was getting

- something you rarely hear me say in a studio - but more about that in a few minutes.

After all of that experimenting my final shot wound up being lit by the 60watt LED modeling

lamp from a Honey Badger placed in a Medium HalfDome softbox from Photoflex.

Monae is seated on a posing stool about 8 feet in front of a black Savage Seamless Paper

Background and behind her I have two more Honey Badgers mounted one on either side and

above - both with magenta gels in place to create the rim lighting,

I have one more Honey Badger mounted on a Baby Pin floor stand with a 7" reflector

and a teal gel that is set about 3 feet in front of the background and aimed up so that

the hot spot is directly behind her head.

For my last few frames I held a white Walmart reflector just under Monaes face and just

out of camera range for a little more fill in her eyes.

I am shooting from a Benron carbon fiber tripod with an Acratech Ballhead mounted on top.

This makeup design is very symmetrical and also VERY difficult for a makeup artist to

get perfect - especially when they are doing it on themselves - so from the beginning - I

had intended to do a slight turn of her face to help mask any inconsistencies.

In my previous video there was also very symmetrical makeup - but it was a makeup artist putting

makeup on a model so there was less to hide and I was able to photographer her straight


I knew that I would be shooting very close-up and wanted this shot to be ALL about the makeup

so I didn't really pose her at all.

I just asked her to sit relaxed and I worked with the angles of her face.

The important thing that I had to watch for with the slight head turn is her ear.

You can see here that if I only turn the head a little - I now have a piece of her ear growing

out of her head - right in the same plane as her eyes.

Now this is totally natural but it is still a distraction - I can get the same shot by

being careful to turn her head up to the point where I would see the ear but still hiding

the ear - this way there is no distraction and more attention remains with the eyes.

The shot was made with an Olympus E-M1 Mark II and the 45mm f/1.2 PRO lens which is a

90mm full frame equivalent.

The ISO was 200 which is the base ISO for the Mark II and the shutter speed 1/50th of

a second and the aperture was set at f/1.2 - wide open.

I was shooting tethered with the Tether Tools TetherBLOCK and TetherPro extension cables

and using the Olympus Capture software to manage the camera and downloads.

The final image required a bit more post production than usual.

The basics of course - color, contrast, sharpening and removing of blemishes - but since Monae

actually did this makeup on herself it was my job to help clean up the details a little


It is a situation where if you look at the original shot - at first pass it looks WOW

- but then the longer you look at it - you start to see the few imperfections - so you

spend the time and clean that up in post.

You could do this shot with strobes or speedlights and fake the shallow depth of field in post

production - in fact I would actually encourage you to do that instead of shooting wide open

in the studio - unless you are very diligent about knowing how much depth of field you

have to work with and keeping both eyes in focus.

So what is the best of course of action when things aren't going the way you want them

to… keep going.

Be honest with yourself.

If you need a little break to get your head clear - take one.

You can do like I did and go back to something you have done before just to be able to clear

your head - but whatever you do - you have to keep going.

There are two big mistakes that I see photographers make when things aren't going well - the

first one is I see them give up and settle for a shot that they know simply sucks.

Why would you give up?

What do you learn from that?

The second mistake that I see happen is the photographer puts the camera down and stands

back and surveys the scene.

The problem with that is your brain is having to process all of this information - everything

that is in front of you - not just the part that you are trying to photograph.

Plus while you are standing there staring - your model is realizing that you have no

idea what to do.

The best course of action is to put the camera back up to your eye and keep taking pictures.

This way - you are looking at a picture - we already established it is a bad picture but

it will be much easier for you to evaluate what exactly is wrong and needs to be changed

and you are keeping your model happy because he or she is hearing click, click, click - and

I promise you your model would much rather hear click, click, click than "Oh baby that's


But the bottom line is you have to keep shooting.

Work the shot - try things - even things that seem ridiculous.

Your model will always respect your effort - you will learn lots of new things and your

photography will head in directions that you hadn't previously imagined.

Generally speaking there's no reason to shoot wide open in a studio when you are creating

a portrait or fashion portrait like this one.

If you have watched many of my videos - you know that I usually shoot between f/5.6 to

f/8 for my studio work and if I want the feeling of some shallow depth of field by having my

subjects ears or shoulders slightly soft - I will create that in Photoshop.

I shoot at 5.6 or 8 so that I don't have to be concerned with depth of field and so

that I can tell my subject to turn their head and not have to worry on each frame if I have

both eyes in sharp focus.

It's not a rule - it's my practice.

Just like having separation from the background isn't a rule - but if you are going to shoot

wide open - pay close attention to what is in and out of focus.

In the case of this shot - shooting wide open wouldn't have made much sense if didn't

have the material draped over her heard.

The shallow depth of field combined with the sparkles in the material combined to create

the dreamy bokeh.

Hey, I hope that gives you some ideas, take this idea and run with it - go create and

show me what you come up with.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's

your NEXT shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> FAILURE - How to save a shoot - Fashion Portrait Tutorial - Duration: 10:39.


បទថ្មី ចាក់អន្ទង,Tak tun tuang, Original song [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] {Saa You Cool Music} - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> បទថ្មី ចាក់អន្ទង,Tak tun tuang, Original song [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] {Saa You Cool Music} - Duration: 3:35.


Telethon: Maria De Filippi fa tremare Antonella Clerici? - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Telethon: Maria De Filippi fa tremare Antonella Clerici? - Duration: 4:01.


Nadia Toffa racconta a Le Iene come si è sentita male - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa racconta a Le Iene come si è sentita male - Duration: 3:58.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism


បទថ្មី ចាក់អន្ទង,Tak tun tuang, Original song [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] {Saa You Cool Music} - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> បទថ្មី ចាក់អន្ទង,Tak tun tuang, Original song [ VIDEO OFFICIAL ] {Saa You Cool Music} - Duration: 3:35.


「46万km」走行のスカイラインGT-Rが秘めた驚愕の事実 - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> 「46万km」走行のスカイラインGT-Rが秘めた驚愕の事実 - Duration: 11:38.


Metro Rotterdam in April 2017 - Duration: 30:40.

For more infomation >> Metro Rotterdam in April 2017 - Duration: 30:40.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


"SUPERSTITION" - Stevie Wonder // Cover by Daniel Lowe - Duration: 4:10.

Very superstitious, writings on the wall Very superstitious, ladders bout' to fall

Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin' glass

Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past

When you believe in things that you don't understand

Then you suffer Superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, wash your face and hands Rid me of the problems, do all that you can

Keep me in a daydream, keep me goin' strong You don't want to save me, sad is my song

When you believe in things you don't understand Then you suffer

Superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, nothin' more to say

Very superstitious, the devil's on his way Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin'

glass Seven years of bad luck, good things in your

past When you believe in things that you don't

understand Then you suffer

Superstition ain't the way

Hey guys, I'm Daniel and thankyou for watching my cover of Stevie Wonder's "Superstition"!

If you enjoyed it, please be sure to like, comment, subscribe and share, and if you want

the instrumental track, check my Patreon which is below.

Thankyou so much for watching, bye!

Baby I'm dancing in the dark With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, Listening to our favourite

I have faith in what I see...

For more infomation >> "SUPERSTITION" - Stevie Wonder // Cover by Daniel Lowe - Duration: 4:10.


BLKMRKT - EP02 - A l'Assaut des Balkans: Lac de Karersee, Col de Giau, Arrestation policière ! - Duration: 11:16.

Ofenpass, Switzerland, the 7th of August 2017

We woke up with the sound of the river, here this morning

The weather is absolutely different of today, and that's great

we really need sunshine !

We make some fire again ( just 30secondes to restart the fire of yesterday)

and let's chill a bit around this amazing place

I though i had to show you how this place is beautiful ..

Check this out ...

We're preparing slowly before teaking the road again

bye bye little fire !

We try take the road as soon as possible because we have 150km to do before starting the roadbook of this day

When we go out of the forest,

Balou felt on the dirt with the CB500

We cross the Swiss border and we're now in Italy, in direction of the lake of Karersee

This is so beautiful ...

We finally caught our late of yesterday

We try to cross all the italian villages which are situated beetwen Passes

but there is so much people on the road, that makes it so difficult to keep a good pace

And like in all our trips ....

It's 30 euros ?

I got to go ...

Well, it's time to take a stock of the situation

Balou was stopped by the Police and he tooks 30 euros because of his ID and the mirrors

This is because of the fact he felt down on the dirt this morning

they don't take the card, so we had to pay in cash

For the fist time, me bike was the cleanest of the group

So i took the money and i brought it to the Police

We were waiting for Balou, but he doesn't see us.

So, the fact we had to wait to him, plus the problem linked to the arrestation with the cops, and the time we lost by meeting us again

We lost more than 1:30 hour

We are all together now, so we go back on the road again !

We lost a lot of time, but i think we can achieve our goal of the day

and arriving to Slovenia

But we must having any problems now

Where were you dude ? Itold you 3 corners after the cops ...

Nice riding with the girl !

NOw, we take the direction of the Passo of Monte Giau (italy)

Balou and i are trying to push the bike but we have no speed at all

We've got old bikes with carburator

More we take altitud, more the bikes are working badly

We're always pushing it on the 1st and 2nd gear, trying to keep the best speed possible !

We've got a lot of chance, more we're climbing, the light is getting brighter

It's like a new day was starting

look at all theses mountains ! We've got an amazing game of colors

and this light .. this is just awesome !

Maybe sometimes a bit too much, this is why we take some curves not exactly has we should be

But this is so beautiful ..

We're arriving to the top of Passo de monte Giau

Finally, we had a lot of chance to ride this Pass at the end of the day

because i think that during the day, there is a lot of cars and bikes here !

we couldn't play as we did

oh yeah... can we talk about these cazy dudes with their longboards ?

they were riding this pass very hard too !

i think we were all scared about the fact we were climbing fast, and they were going down fast too !

I take a picture of this crazy lanscape

and here we go again !

3rd day we are on the road and we ate nothing.

We must to stop this crap, for real

because we are doing bad things on the road because of this

this can be dangerous !

We're going to stop here to eat something

We're going to take a decision after, if we continue to ride tonight or not

I don't know if you remember before, but when Balou cross a road we've a lot of dust on the ground

We had to continue straight

But people who work on building roads closed this road, and they stop us. We had to take an another road.

and guess what ? we're going to have 100 km more to do because of this road closed, before arriving to slovenia.

Today, it's complicated.

WE lost a lot of time because of the Police

But you know..this is the kind of problem that you have to deal with during a trip like this

We know that.

For more infomation >> BLKMRKT - EP02 - A l'Assaut des Balkans: Lac de Karersee, Col de Giau, Arrestation policière ! - Duration: 11:16.


Pourquoi je souhaite quitter la rat race ? (ma semaine en histoire) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi je souhaite quitter la rat race ? (ma semaine en histoire) - Duration: 5:00.


Comment comprendre les équations paramétriques de droites en 3D ? - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Comment comprendre les équations paramétriques de droites en 3D ? - Duration: 3:31.


FAILURE - How to save a shoot - Fashion Portrait Tutorial - Duration: 10:39.

What do you do when you have a beautiful subject with amazing makeup in front of your camera

and you want to produce a shot that is truly special and it's just not coming together

- the lighting is bland - the camera angles are bland - the sweat is starting to bead

up on your forehead - stay tuned and I'll show you what I did.

Hey gang!

My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop a solid

understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve your goals

as a photographer.

Well this would be one way to deal with it - but that's not the solution that I chose.

I like to save my alcohol for when I read the comments on my videos.

This is a fashion portrait shoot that I did to illustrate some techniques for some upcoming

lectures and workshops.

Again the real credit for this one goes to my makeup artist.

Not only did she create an awesome makeup look - but she did it on herself and modeled

it as well.

Believe me - doing makeup like this on your own face is ten times harder than doing it

on somebody else.

It's the makeup artist equivalent of a self portrait - only the self portrait is a lot

easier to do.

My original concept for this shot was to do something very low key - so it would be all

about the makeup.

I had one 320watt second strobe mounted in a 16 x 52.5" strip softbox set on camera left

I draped a black fur collar from a winter coat around Monaes shoulders so that I would

have a little texture in the bottom of the frame and not have a floating head.

Now I know some of you will immediately say - you need separation from the background.

You know what?

That's a bunch of crap.

Let's be clear that there is no rule that says you have to have separation.

Sometimes it makes a huge difference and looks great - others - not so much - in both cases

it is a matter of preference

In this case - I am fine with the lack of separation but I'm just not excited by the


While I love simple - this was just too simple.

I go to something safe - something I've done before - something that I know will usually

please people.

Notice I didn't say please me - I simply mean people will look at it and like it.

But going back to this safe place let's me clear my head and begin to make some positive

progress and start looking for a better idea.

So my next step was to add some colored gels.

I added two different colored magenta gels to a set of 320watt second strobes placed

about 5 feet behind Monae and on either side of her to create the pink rim lighting - but

I still wasn't very excited with the result.

Next - I moved the softbox to a horizontal position above the camera and slightly to

camera left and decided I would get a little crazy by adding some LumoPro LP180R speedlights

with gels - behind Monae and aimed directly into the camera lens.

I also decided to ditch the fur collar and added some black tulle with sparkles around

her neck- just to put a bit more texture into the shot.

Here are the original files as I added a speedlight - adjusted exposure and then stopped my lens

down to f/9 so that I would start to get the rays of light from the strobes.

I tried some various angles and power settings and was getting some interesting results,

but I still wasn't getting the WOW response in my gut that I was looking for.

Now I was getting a little desperate.

My model / makeup artist had done an incredible job with her makeup and I didn't want to

disappoint on my end.

So I began experimenting with placing the black tulle material in front of Monae between

her and the camera.

This was getting some interesting results but I wasn't ultimately thrilled with having

the texture of the material over her face.

Next I remembered a shot that I had done years ago where I placed a beauty dish high above

my camera and placed the camera high above the model and had her strain her neck looking

up to the camera.

I decided to try a similar concept still using the strip softbox but placing it high and

in front of Monae with my camera just below the softbox..

Next I added another 320watt second strobe on the floor behind Monae with a teal gel

to create the glow that you see here.

And this is where the magic started to happen.

Since I am using the Interfit Honey Badgers with their LED modeling lights that have a

proportional output - I was really loving the soft feeling that I was getting while

looking through the wide open lens so I decided to turn off my flash trigger and I began shooting

with the light from the daylight balanced LED modeling lamps.

At this point I knew I had my lighting and I loved the shallow depth of field I was getting

- something you rarely hear me say in a studio - but more about that in a few minutes.

After all of that experimenting my final shot wound up being lit by the 60watt LED modeling

lamp from a Honey Badger placed in a Medium HalfDome softbox from Photoflex.

Monae is seated on a posing stool about 8 feet in front of a black Savage Seamless Paper

Background and behind her I have two more Honey Badgers mounted one on either side and

above - both with magenta gels in place to create the rim lighting,

I have one more Honey Badger mounted on a Baby Pin floor stand with a 7" reflector

and a teal gel that is set about 3 feet in front of the background and aimed up so that

the hot spot is directly behind her head.

For my last few frames I held a white Walmart reflector just under Monaes face and just

out of camera range for a little more fill in her eyes.

I am shooting from a Benron carbon fiber tripod with an Acratech Ballhead mounted on top.

This makeup design is very symmetrical and also VERY difficult for a makeup artist to

get perfect - especially when they are doing it on themselves - so from the beginning - I

had intended to do a slight turn of her face to help mask any inconsistencies.

In my previous video there was also very symmetrical makeup - but it was a makeup artist putting

makeup on a model so there was less to hide and I was able to photographer her straight


I knew that I would be shooting very close-up and wanted this shot to be ALL about the makeup

so I didn't really pose her at all.

I just asked her to sit relaxed and I worked with the angles of her face.

The important thing that I had to watch for with the slight head turn is her ear.

You can see here that if I only turn the head a little - I now have a piece of her ear growing

out of her head - right in the same plane as her eyes.

Now this is totally natural but it is still a distraction - I can get the same shot by

being careful to turn her head up to the point where I would see the ear but still hiding

the ear - this way there is no distraction and more attention remains with the eyes.

The shot was made with an Olympus E-M1 Mark II and the 45mm f/1.2 PRO lens which is a

90mm full frame equivalent.

The ISO was 200 which is the base ISO for the Mark II and the shutter speed 1/50th of

a second and the aperture was set at f/1.2 - wide open.

I was shooting tethered with the Tether Tools TetherBLOCK and TetherPro extension cables

and using the Olympus Capture software to manage the camera and downloads.

The final image required a bit more post production than usual.

The basics of course - color, contrast, sharpening and removing of blemishes - but since Monae

actually did this makeup on herself it was my job to help clean up the details a little


It is a situation where if you look at the original shot - at first pass it looks WOW

- but then the longer you look at it - you start to see the few imperfections - so you

spend the time and clean that up in post.

You could do this shot with strobes or speedlights and fake the shallow depth of field in post

production - in fact I would actually encourage you to do that instead of shooting wide open

in the studio - unless you are very diligent about knowing how much depth of field you

have to work with and keeping both eyes in focus.

So what is the best of course of action when things aren't going the way you want them

to… keep going.

Be honest with yourself.

If you need a little break to get your head clear - take one.

You can do like I did and go back to something you have done before just to be able to clear

your head - but whatever you do - you have to keep going.

There are two big mistakes that I see photographers make when things aren't going well - the

first one is I see them give up and settle for a shot that they know simply sucks.

Why would you give up?

What do you learn from that?

The second mistake that I see happen is the photographer puts the camera down and stands

back and surveys the scene.

The problem with that is your brain is having to process all of this information - everything

that is in front of you - not just the part that you are trying to photograph.

Plus while you are standing there staring - your model is realizing that you have no

idea what to do.

The best course of action is to put the camera back up to your eye and keep taking pictures.

This way - you are looking at a picture - we already established it is a bad picture but

it will be much easier for you to evaluate what exactly is wrong and needs to be changed

and you are keeping your model happy because he or she is hearing click, click, click - and

I promise you your model would much rather hear click, click, click than "Oh baby that's


But the bottom line is you have to keep shooting.

Work the shot - try things - even things that seem ridiculous.

Your model will always respect your effort - you will learn lots of new things and your

photography will head in directions that you hadn't previously imagined.

Generally speaking there's no reason to shoot wide open in a studio when you are creating

a portrait or fashion portrait like this one.

If you have watched many of my videos - you know that I usually shoot between f/5.6 to

f/8 for my studio work and if I want the feeling of some shallow depth of field by having my

subjects ears or shoulders slightly soft - I will create that in Photoshop.

I shoot at 5.6 or 8 so that I don't have to be concerned with depth of field and so

that I can tell my subject to turn their head and not have to worry on each frame if I have

both eyes in sharp focus.

It's not a rule - it's my practice.

Just like having separation from the background isn't a rule - but if you are going to shoot

wide open - pay close attention to what is in and out of focus.

In the case of this shot - shooting wide open wouldn't have made much sense if didn't

have the material draped over her heard.

The shallow depth of field combined with the sparkles in the material combined to create

the dreamy bokeh.

Hey, I hope that gives you some ideas, take this idea and run with it - go create and

show me what you come up with.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's

your NEXT shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> FAILURE - How to save a shoot - Fashion Portrait Tutorial - Duration: 10:39.


How To Smoke Window on Mirage 64 Tick - TrickyTorials Youtube - Duration: 1:31.

Hit Like, leave a comment and do Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> How To Smoke Window on Mirage 64 Tick - TrickyTorials Youtube - Duration: 1:31.


Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have Surprisingly Affordable Style and Brilliant Political Strategy - Duration: 1:38.

meagan Markel and Kate Middleton have surprisingly affordable style and it's a

brilliant political strategy the British royal family comes from centuries old

money Queen Elizabeth the second has an estimated private wealth of 530 million

dollars but that doesn't mean they flaunt their wealth on every outing

while both Kate Middleton and their recently engaged Megan mark will each

have their own unique sense of style it seems they both agree that sometimes

more affordable clothes make for the best outfits while Middleton wears a

decidedly British inspired style and is a fashion icon in her own right Marko's

American fashion sensibility has more recently been placed under the

microscope below a look at the lower pricepoint brands that the two have been

spotted wearing Markel has been spotted multiple times wearing the brand ever

Lane the direct-to-consumer fashion label which touts itself on having

radical transparency uses factories with high ethical standards and has been

compared to j.crew for its simple wardrobe basics

during the Invictus games in September she wore the brand's high-rise skinny

jeans which cost $68 and carried their 165 dollars brown leather tote with her

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have Surprisingly Affordable Style and Brilliant Political Strategy - Duration: 1:38.


Meghan is Sleeping at Sandringham Has the World Gone Mad | Breaking News Today - Duration: 2:40.

Meghan is Sleeping at Sandringham Has the World Gone Mad | Breaking News Today

Meghan is Sleeping at Sandringham Has the World Gone Mad | Breaking News Today

Meghan is Sleeping at Sandringham Has the World Gone Mad | Breaking News Today

For more infomation >> Meghan is Sleeping at Sandringham Has the World Gone Mad | Breaking News Today - Duration: 2:40.


How To Tone It Up - Duration: 2:03.

what up guys is Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm going to be talking

about the "best exercises to tone up". I normally get this question from females,

from women they're always asking what are the best exercises to tone up,

to shape up, to get firm. Now let's dispel a myth!

If you tone up what you've done is you've built some muscle, some muscle

tone! But of course women don't want talk about muscle building. Muscle it sounds too

masculine, it sounds too mannish, it sounds like you're trying to be like

Arnold, but you're not! To tone up you need to build muscle in conjunction

with a calorie deficit to strip body fat away. So there's no specific exercises

just to tone up. You just want to be doing strength and resistance type exercises

to build muscle. Before we get into what exercises they should be, just be

safe in the knowledge that you're not going to get big and bulky. It's

impossible for many reasons, number one you're not going to be in a calorie

surplus... hopefully not? You'll be in a deficit to lose body fat.

number two, you don't have testosterone or the amounts that men do to build

muscle. Even us fellas find it hard to build muscle so you have no worry about

about building muscle, getting big, getting bulky. But to get toned which

means to add muscle, muscle tone, get firm, shape up whatever you want to call it?

Involves doing resistance training! You should be doing stuff like pushes,

push-ups or bench press, pulling... pull-ups or rows. You should be doing stuff like

squats, like deadlifts, like lunges okay. All these exercises are going

to provide resistance to your muscles. That's gonna maintain that muscle mass,

maybe even build some muscle mass which is a good thing and ultimately that will

lead you to tone up. So basically toning up is building muscle even though girls

don't wanna hear that it is the case. So by doing a well-rounded full-body

resistance training program you will tone up, your shape up and you'll firm up!

For more infomation >> How To Tone It Up - Duration: 2:03.


Marvel vs DC - Duration: 1:22.

The Real superheroes are

Iron Man


Captain America


Who the hell Justice League has?

All Hail! Marvel

Thanks for watching our video guys

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& Subscibe!, If you haven't already

It's somewhere here

Let's grow together

Until then

Keep Watching! aye...

(Meanwhile.... In Shubham Smoking Classes)


That's it, right?

(Instant Cancer)

For more infomation >> Marvel vs DC - Duration: 1:22.


[Group 6 Korean Video Project] Kill Me Heal Me Remake - Duration: 18:47.

For more infomation >> [Group 6 Korean Video Project] Kill Me Heal Me Remake - Duration: 18:47.


Metro Rotterdam in April 2017 - Duration: 30:40.

For more infomation >> Metro Rotterdam in April 2017 - Duration: 30:40.


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For more infomation >> TALKING ANGELA WEDDING ANGELA and TOM cartoon game for kids Tom and Friends videos for kids - Duration: 12:04.


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Hillary Clinton is still complaining about her election loss to Donald Trump last year

� and still assigning blame to others.

In a rant on Friday�s �Ellen� show, Clinton blasted the direction of the Republican

party, labeling it racist and sexist.

After some extreme rhetoric, however, even Ellen DeGeneres had to rein Clinton in, coming

to the defense of Republicans.

In an appearance on the �Ellen� show Friday, Clinton claimed her loss wasn�t just about

her and the mistakes she made, but it was due to other �forces at play� that had

a major influence on the election.

Clinton mentioned the Russians, which garnered laughter from even her own supporters in the


She remained serious in the assertion, however, claiming they had much more involvement than

even she realized.

She then began taking shots at Republicans, and accused them of promoting �white supremacy,

and misogyny and homophobia.�

Clinton�s anti-Republican rant went so over the top that Ellen herself stepped in, saying

she wanted to make it clear that there are many good Republicans.

For a dedicated Hillary supporter, Ellen�s attempt to temper Clinton�s rhetoric was


Breitbart reports.

When asked if Trump will last four years, Clinton said, �I can�t predict it, but

I believe that it really does come down both to the investigation that�s going on and

to whether Republicans will decide that they have to put our country before their party.

And I hope that enough of them will decide to do that.�

She continued, �It�s disturbing, and it�s obviously upsetting to me because I see things

happening around the world that are bad for our country that are dangerous that really

pose a threat.

And then I see all this happening inside our country when they push through this tax plan

� it�s going to hurt so many people.

Look, it�s going to help a lot of really rich people�who they care about, that�s

who their donors are�but it�s going to hurt, I mean can you imagine taking away the

deduction for a teacher who buys supplies for their classrooms�I mean who thinks like


And so there is a lot that is going to end up hurting people And then obviously flaming

[sic] the flames of white supremacy and misogyny and homophobia and everything else that is

unfortunately at work.�

In the clip below, DeGeneres steps in to balance out Clinton�s rant with some common sense.

Watch carefully � it�s likely the only time you�ll see Ellen defending Republicans

What do you think of Hillary Clinton�s rant, and Ellen�s response?

Let us know in the comments section below, and in addition, share this on social media.





Colin Kaepernick ruins everything.

The National Anthem-protesting quarterback has began a movement that has damaged the

chicken wing industry, reportedly because the athlete protests are causing fans to watch

less football.

As a result, chicken wing sales are in freefall.

That may mean more chickens get to keep their limbs, but chicken farms are now the ones

taking a knee.

America has never had a problem with consuming food in large quantities, so the decline in

chicken wing sales has the industry up in arms.

And they know just who to blame.

The decline in football food enthusiasm isn�t limited to chicken wings.

Papa John�s has reported lower pizza sales during football games, which it attributes

to the negative publicity over protests.

Fox News reports.

Sanderson Farms, one of the largest producers of chicken in the U.S., said its slumping

sales were due to the football players� demonstrations.

The company said their spot prices decreased in the last three months and were 14 percent

lower than the same period in 2016, Bloomberg reported.

Joe F. Sanderson Jr., the CEO of Sanderson Farms, said retailers� demand for the deep-fried

delight was noticeably lower.

�The only thing puzzling me right now is wings,� Sanderson told Bloomberg.

�We�ve been talking to our wing customers and they�re the ones that are telling us

that they�re seeing less traffic in their stores.

They attribute that to the NFL.�

The company�s shares dropped 13 percent to $145.85 Thursday, its worst since 2004.

Pilgrim�s Pride Corp and Tyson Foods, the poultry producer�s competitors, shares fell

as well.

The NFL has struggled with ratings all season.

Last week�s Sunday Night Football game lost 35 percent of its audience compared to the

week before, The New York Post reported.

What do you think of the decline in sales of chicken wings?

Is Colin Kaepernick to blame?

Let us know in the comments section below, and in addition, share this on social media.



Zareen Khan Net Worth and Lifestyle - Duration: 1:55.

Zareen Khan Net Worth and Lifestyle

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