Saturday, December 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 17 2017

I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again


You might look a little white today

But to me, time never passes by you

Naked trees are crossing the path I'm walking

Only by watching them I'm feeling cold

You are my heart stove

It gets me thinking that in the end

We are all part of her tree

Her fruits, small ones, big ones

And all of us from different times

I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again


When all the fruits arrived, they found me

They came with seeds, they played with joy

All of them are seeds of my heart

It makes me think that in the end

Everyone comes to my tree jumping, flying, running

And with many different dreams...

That sometimes I wonder what can I do

to multiply the smiles of the world

or what can I do so that no one is felt homeless

And that at least for a little moment

unite our heart in one desire

And why is it so hard to share that special thing that no one takes away

The happiness of having you here with me, with me again

Forgetting the fact that we are all somehow

From different places

That the more time I spend with this new family

The more I feel I grow inside



I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again


You might look a little white today

But to me, time never passes by you


La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again



[Subtitles: Hisae Suguimitzu]

For more infomation >> Akinee - Chakarumpá! [MV] - Duration: 5:29.


7 Formas de estimular el nervio vago para deshacernos de la ansiedad y el estrés - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> 7 Formas de estimular el nervio vago para deshacernos de la ansiedad y el estrés - Duration: 7:30.


Le musée Porsche étoffe sa collection d'une rare 911 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Le musée Porsche étoffe sa collection d'une rare 911 - Duration: 2:37.


Ewangeliarz OP - 17 grudnia 2017 - (J 1, 6-8. 19-28) - Duration: 2:09.


Fr. Tomasz Nowak, our prior in Lodz, says, quoting often the sentence by St. Francis in different places,

and, of course, it sounds incredibly poignant and inspiring:

"Who am I and who are You, God?" This is the fundamental question to explore our identity.

for being a not superficial human, not skin deep, but someone who lives immersed in the mystery all the time ,

who discovers a secret all the time, who isn' t ignorant, a prig or a braggart,

who thinks s/he knows it all.

But until I pose the question: ' Who am I and who are You, my Lord?' , I remain in the humble attitude towards the mystery.

When we look at John the Baptist in the Gospel today, we meet exactly such a man,

who is incredibly close to this question in no hurry with the answers.

' Who am I? ' and: ' Who are You?'

John knows one thing, he is not God, and it is extremely important issue in the question of identity.

knowing I am no God. At the beginning it is enough.

And then the Holy Spirit will lead us to explore who I am.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 17 grudnia 2017 - (J 1, 6-8. 19-28) - Duration: 2:09.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Star Wars: Sith Order - Canon (Part 2 of 5) - Duration: 7:01.

After a thousand years, the lineage of Bane led to Darth Plagueis, the wise, and his apprentice

Sheev Palpatine of Naboo who took the name Darth Sidious.

Plagueis was a powerful Dark Lord who found the secret of manipulating the Force to prevent

himself from aging, and may even have had the ability to prevent the deaths of others.

Together with his apprentice they worked to place Palpatine in the galactic senate, while

Plagueis remained in the shadows, manipulating events from afar.

Over time the Sith Master became obsessed with immortality and understanding the nature

of the force, even developing a theory that it could strike back against those who abuse

it's power.

Yet for all his wisdom and cunning, he could not forsee the coming betrayal of his apprentice.

Darth Sidious, was never able to learn his masters secret for immortality, but nevertheless

felt he had learned all that was necessary, and killed plagueis while he slept, and taking

his place as Master of the Sith.

In keeping with the rule of two, Sidious already had an apprentice of his own, choosing the

force sensitive child of Mother Talzin, a powerful witch from the planet Dathomir.

This young Nightbrother, became known as Darth maul, and was trained in the ways of the darkside,

specializing in the use of a duel bladed red lightsaber.

Maul's aggression, speed and strength were impressive even to Sidious, and as he learned

of their history, the apprentice grew wrathful, desiring vengeance against the Jedi who defeated

the Sith in the last war.

However, Sidious was not yet prepared to reveal their existence, and so forbid Maul from going

after the Jedi, leaving him to satisfy his lust for violence by hunting Rathtar's on

Twon Ketee.

Yet the Sith Master also recognized Maul's need for a greater challenge, and so sent

him to deal with pirates harassing the Trade Federation.

During his time dealing with the threat, he learned of a Jedi Padawan who had been taken

as a prisoner, and tracked the Twilek woman down, eager to test himself.

Hiring a group of bounty hunters and help rescue the Jedi, for a time they fought side

by side, eliminating pursuers as they escaped.

However once the immediate threat was gone, the Jedi padawan and sith apprentice turned

against each other, engaging in a lightsaber duel, with Darth Maul emerging victorious.

Meanwhile Sidious, acting as Senator palpatine, manipulated the galactic government from within,

finding allies and earning a reputation as a man of action and integrity, while in secret

he took every opportunity to manipulate the process for his own benefit.

Fortunately for the Sith Lord, after so many years of Republic rule, the government had

grown corrupt and seemed to only truly care about the maintaining the luxury of the core

worlds, at the expense of all others.

The Jedi, considered themselves allies and servants of the Republic but did not think

it appropriate to interfere in matters of politics, and so were unable to prevent the

factionalism and partisanship of the Senate.

Blinding themselves to the possible consequences of deep political turmoil.

Yet not all Jedi were unaware of the potential for conflict, as Master Sifo Dyas foresaw

a larger threat approaching.

Though he was expelled from the Jedi High Council for his beliefs, he was convinced

a war was coming, and travelled in secret to the world of Kamino, where he ordered the

creation of a clone army.

However Palpatine became aware of his actions, and contacted Lama Su the Prime Minister of

Kamino, arranging for every clone Soldier to be implanted with an inhibitor chip, that

would allow the Dark Lord to gain control of the entire army at the moment of his choosing.

Darth Sidious than ordered the death of the Jedi Master, using the fallen Jedi Count Dooku

to arrange for the Pyke Syndicate to shoot down his ship above the moon of Oba Diah.

After a thousand years of preparation, Darth Sidious was at last prepared to unleash the

revenge of the sith against the Jedi Order.

Beginning with what came to be known as the Naboo Crisis.

32 years before the battle of Yavin, the Dark Lord made a secret alliance with the Trade

Federation, an enormous merchant conglomerate, with its own representation in the senate,

convincing them to invade the planet of Naboo in protest of the recent taxes imposed upon

Free Trade zones.

This then prompted a diplomatic crisis in the galactic senate, which Senator Palpatine

used to bring down Chancelor Finis Valorum, so he might be elected as his replacement.

Unfortunately for the Dark Lord, not everything went to according to plan, as it was during

the Naboo crisis, that the existence of the Sith was revealed, when his powerful apprentice

Darth Maul was sent to kill Jedi master Qui gon Jinn, and his padawan Obi Wan Kenobi.

Although Maul proved to be shrewd and masterful with a lightsaber, engaging both Jedi at once

and even killing the Jedi Master, he was ultimately defeated and seemingly killed by the padawn

Obi Wan Kenobi.

Sidious was deeply disappointed by the loss of his apprentice, having spent years training

him in the ways of the darkside, and had no choice but to find a new apprentice, selecting

the former Jedi Count Dooku, who took the name Darth Tyrannus.

Trained as a jedi from a young age, Dooku proved supremely gifted in the force, chosen

as the apprentice of Master Yoda before rising to the rank of Jedi Knight.

Famed as perhaps the greatest lightsaber duellist in the Order, he soon took on an apprentice

of his own, training and befriending Qui Gonn Jin.

Unfortunately, Dooku grew frustrated with the corruption he saw in the republic government,

and became disillusioned by the Jedi council's unwillingness to involve themselves in political


And so the Master Dooku left the Order, going into self imposed exile for a time, and there

was approached by Darth Sidious, who offered him the chance to destroy the old corrupt

government and replace it with one of his own design.

In order to achieve this, Darth Tyrannus was ordered to reach out to a number of worlds

and systems, taking advantage the growing resentment towards the republic.

After a number of years, he created an alliance between thousands of worlds which then all

succeeded and declared themselves the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Chancellor Palpatine then used the Secessionist threat as an excuse to pass the Military Creation

Act, allowing for the Republic to raise an army.

The Jedi and senate, unaware that both sides of the conflict were being manipulated by

the Sith, took the Separatist threat seriously and made the decision to use the recently

discovered Clone Army of Kamino, as Republic forces against Dooku and his droid armada.

The Clone Wars, as they became known dragged on for many years causing great devastation

on both sides.

Yet this was all a part of the Sith plan, as it allowed Palpatine to gradually gain

emergency powers as Chancellor of the Senate.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Sith Order - Canon (Part 2 of 5) - Duration: 7:01.


#TheOpenHouse - it never ends... - Duration: 4:58:46.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - it never ends... - Duration: 4:58:46.


Check Out This Bullseye - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Check Out This Bullseye - Duration: 1:32.


Remedies for constipation | The 8 best remedies for constipation - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Remedies for constipation | The 8 best remedies for constipation - Duration: 5:28.


Dental Plaque Removal At Home ❤ Reduce Dental Plaque with 3 Natural Solutions - Duration: 3:09.

Dental Plaque Removal At Home ❤ Reduce Dental Plaque with 3 Natural Solutions

In addition to keeping these natural solutions for eliminating plaque in mind, you should

see your dentist at least once a year so that he can check up on your dental health and

you can avoid greater problems 1.

Walnut bark tea Because of its microbial and whitening effects,

walnut bark tea can help to eliminate residue and reduce dental plaque.

Its main ingredients stop bacterial growth and, with time, minimize the yellow stains

that are caused by some foods.

Ingredients 1 teaspoon of walnut bark (5 g)

1/2 cup of water (125 ml) Preparation

Add the walnut bark to a half cup of boiling water, let sit.

How to use it After straining the tea, rinse your mouth

with it after brushing your teeth.


Walnut shell tea The properties of walnut shells help to clean

your teeth, therefore reducing plaque formations and yellow stains.

Ingredients 1 cup of water (250 ml)

walnut shell Preparation

First, put a cup of water to boil and, once it starts to boil, add the walnut shell.

Then, leave it over the flame for 5 minutes and then take it off.

Next, let it sit until it cools.

How to use it Submerge your toothbrush into the tea and

then brush your teeth with it for 3 minutes.

Repeat this treatment twice a day, every day.


Coconut oil and mint oil Coconut oil is a 100% natural toothpaste that,

because of its composition, helps to remove bacteria and other residue that deteriorates

the tooth�s enamel.

So, it can reduce dental plaque.

In this case, we can combine it with a little mint oil in order to enhance its antimicrobial

and whitening effects.

Ingredients 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)

1/2 teaspoon of mint oil (2 g) Preparation

Put the coconut oil in a container and mix it with the mint oil.

How to use it Put a small amount of the product on your

toothbrush and brush like normal.

Use up to two times a day, every day.

For more infomation >> Dental Plaque Removal At Home ❤ Reduce Dental Plaque with 3 Natural Solutions - Duration: 3:09.


GAM Levi - Đẹp Trai Như Ronaldo và Đi Rừng Đỉnh Như Insec Chỉ Có Thể Là Thần Rừng Levi - Duration: 26:21.

For more infomation >> GAM Levi - Đẹp Trai Như Ronaldo và Đi Rừng Đỉnh Như Insec Chỉ Có Thể Là Thần Rừng Levi - Duration: 26:21.


Ewangeliarz OP - 17 grudnia 2017 - (J 1, 6-8. 19-28) - Duration: 2:09.


Fr. Tomasz Nowak, our prior in Lodz, says, quoting often the sentence by St. Francis in different places,

and, of course, it sounds incredibly poignant and inspiring:

"Who am I and who are You, God?" This is the fundamental question to explore our identity.

for being a not superficial human, not skin deep, but someone who lives immersed in the mystery all the time ,

who discovers a secret all the time, who isn' t ignorant, a prig or a braggart,

who thinks s/he knows it all.

But until I pose the question: ' Who am I and who are You, my Lord?' , I remain in the humble attitude towards the mystery.

When we look at John the Baptist in the Gospel today, we meet exactly such a man,

who is incredibly close to this question in no hurry with the answers.

' Who am I? ' and: ' Who are You?'

John knows one thing, he is not God, and it is extremely important issue in the question of identity.

knowing I am no God. At the beginning it is enough.

And then the Holy Spirit will lead us to explore who I am.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 17 grudnia 2017 - (J 1, 6-8. 19-28) - Duration: 2:09.


Pentágono libera vídeo autêntico de OVNI e admite pela 1° vez ter programa para estudo do fenômeno - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Pentágono libera vídeo autêntico de OVNI e admite pela 1° vez ter programa para estudo do fenômeno - Duration: 4:55.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Terence Newman: 'I Want A Ring' - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Terence Newman: 'I Want A Ring' - Duration: 2:34.


Yippee For Yana Series! Valentine's Day Card with Galaxy Watercolor and Secret Compartment - Duration: 14:11.

Hi everyone, this is Yana Smakula for and thanks for joining me today.

Welcome to another episode from my by-monthly Yippe For Yana video series!

In today's episode I'm sharing a masculine Valentine's Day card featuring several Spellbinders


I want to incorporate a galaxy background into my card as I feel like galaxy prints

aren't going away anytime soon and are still hugely popular!

Heck, I want to have a galaxy wall painted in our apartment!

So I'm going to start by watercoloring a simple galaxy background.

I've shared several videos in the past showing how to watercolor a galaxy, so I'm not going

to focus on this part much in today's video, but I will walk you through the process in

case you are new to watercoloring a galaxy background.

I have a hard board here - I'll use it to tape my watercolor piece onto this board and

it's helpful to have some sort of surface that you can lift up easily and that you can

apply heat to without the fear of ruining that surface.

So a cutting mat is not a good surface, but inexpensive board like this - is perfect.

I have a sheet of Arches Hot Pressed watercolor paper here - I love this paper for all things


I'm going to tape my paper onto the board - I used any low tack tape I can find, in

this case it's my old washi tape and taping the paper onto the board helps it to stay

as flat as possible.

I'll be adding lots of water here so I need to make sure my paper is not going to warp

too much.

To paint my galaxy I'm going to use Daniel Smith watercolors today, here I have an excluesive

Daniel Smith watercolor dot chart - this chart features 18 of my favorite colors to color

with and I'm going to use several colors from here to paint the galaxy - Indigo, Lunar Blue

and Ultramarine Turquoise.

I have my watercolors set up in a palette so I'm going to use them from there, but you

can also use watercolors from the dot chart, there's enough watercolor there to paint a

background like this.

I plan to die cut several items from by background using my dies so I simply planned for my galaxy

background to be slightly larger than the dies I plan to use to make sure I'll have

enough background to cut from.

I've started painting by wetting the entire surface of my paper with water.

I used a large flat brush for this and not I'm using my round, Black Velvet brush #8

to add color to this background.

I'm going to speed this part up.

I first added Indigo around the edges letting the water carry the pigment towards the center

of my paper and also added this same color onto 3 sections, again letting the water distribute

the color.

You want to pre wet your paper so that the color you drop onto the paper doesn't just

sit there, you want it to move and interact with other colors.

I'm also adding Lunar Blue, this is another color I used very often, especially for galaxies

and finally I'm adding Ultramarine turquoise here.

I'm going to come back and add more Indigo and Lunar blue until I'm happy with my background.

Really you can use other colors to watercolor a galaxy, you can easily add light or dark

purple, light blue, pink and even black.

I love blue, indigo especially so this is why I picked theses colors for my galaxy today.

Next to speed things up I'm using my heat tool, you can let it air dry, but why wait

- so I'm just making sure it is completely dry and here's the benefit of using this board

- I don't have to be afraid of melting my work surface when I am heat setting my background.

Now to add white which will mimic stars I'm just going to use white acryllic paint - I've

added a bit onto a clear block and going to use my smaller round #4 brush to pick up some

of that paint, my brush is wet, and add it onto my galaxy.

I'm just tapping on the brush with my finger to create little splatter.

I love the way Kristina Werner adds splatter to her watercolor paintings, its a much more

controlled way and the white paint doesn't get everywhere on your desk, but I am yet

to be successful adding it that way, so I just keep on tapping on my brush to add white

stars onto my galaxy.

Finally, I want to add some shimmer, well lots of shimmer so I'm going to use Distress

Mica Spray in Brushed Pewter - you need to shake the bottle to get the shimmed mixed

with the liquid and will spray it generously onto my background.

Again using my heat tool to dry this piece and finish working on my galaxy background.Here's

what it looks like - lots of shimmer and the best part is that the shimmer doesn't come

off, its permanently set there.

Here's btw another galaxy background I painted earlier, some weeks ago, I used rough watercolor

paper for this and added some moкe white and there's also a bit of gold there too - so

you can see how different these two galaxies look

I'm using several dies from Spellbinders to do my die cutting today and to cut elements

for my card.

I have the dies I panned to use sitting on my Main Attraction - it's a pretty magnet

that is also a desk asseccory that helps you keep your loose dies in one place - its helpful

to have one on your desk as you are working with multiple dies to keep them all in one

place and also to search for them and pick them all up from your messy desk area.

I also have one of those in my bathroom - I use it to keep all of my hair pins together.

So I'm going to use Spellbinders Near Or Far stamp and die set, there are sentiment stamps

that go together with this map of the US, but I'm just using the map today and I love

that this map has 2 pieces to it - there's an actual map and a mat to it, I'm going to

cut the actual map out of this galaxy paper.

I'm also going to die cut a love letter from the Love Letter Die set out of this paper

and this die is a solid die that adds debossing onto your piece, in other words it pushes

the paper in, instead of out like with embossing.

And finally I'm going to die cut several little hearts, there are also from the near or far


I'm taping my dies down onto my paper to make sure they don't move and cut exactly where

I've placed them and I always do this, saves me a lot of time and frustration and paper.

To die cut the mat piece of the map I'm using new glitter paper from Simon Says Stamp - this

is fantastic paper as the glitter doesn't come off, and the paper is die-cutttable.

I'm using a black glitter paper today, although Simon has lots of different other colors of this glitter paper.

I also want to die cut an envelope and for this I'm using fabulous Burnished Rose paper

from Tonic Studios.

Going to set up my die cutting machine and will go ahead and cut these piece out.

I'm using my Platinum 6 Die Cutting and Embossing machine from Spellbinders, I also have a larger

Platinum machine sitting off to the side and that's the machine that I usually use, but

the larger one doesn't fit in my video frame so I'm using smaller machine on video.

They are both equally good machines.

The machine comes with a platform and on that platform you have a cheat sheet that tells

you exactly how you need to position your plates to cut or emboss.

Very helpful and you don't have to check the machine's manual all the time. To make sure you arranging your plates the correct way.

So I'm going to send all of my pieces through the machine to cut - here I have the love

letter with the fabulous debossing, I love how it turneoud out and I love that added

detail to this piece, it's not just a rectangle, but it really does look like a mini love letter.

Here's my map all nice and cut - not a single problem die cutting this glitter paper and then

the rose gold enevelope - I'm using my tool 'n one here to push the die cut through the

die to help me to get it out - I use this tool all the time when I'm die cutting, its'

also very helpful for cleaning your dies from the negative die cut pieces.

Now what's awesome about the envelope is that it's designed in such a way that there's a

slit that lets you insert the letter through - so it looks like you've assembled the envelope

and here I have the letter peeking from the inside when all you did really was just cut it out,

no assembly needed.

I love clever dies like this.

Now the map die cut can be embossed - you can see there's a bit of a metal edge to the

cut edge - that is indicative that you can emboss with this Spellbinders die.

I'm going to place my die cut back into the die, will tape it in place just in case and

will send through the machine to emboss and here you can see that nice edge that was added

this this die cut, so just another little detail that makes this piece unique.

I die cut some more little hearts for my card and that finished (almost finished) the cutting part of this

video. I'll go back to my die cutting machine one more time.

Time to assemble the pieces.

I'm going to use this fabulous woodgrain paper from Hero Arts - I love it for all things

clean and simple, and Simon also has this paper in their store from Simon brand and from other manufacturers as well.

It really is fantastic paper for simple cards with a lots of white space.

I want to foam mount my map galaxy die cut onto the glitter die cut but I want to use a solid

layer of foam adhesive, to so that I'm going to add double sided sticky sheet onto the

front and back of a sheet of fun foam and will die cut the map once again out of this

fun foam piece.

Obviously you can use foam adhesive here, but I like to pop things up on my projects with the solid layer of fun foam

this is why I'm creating that additional layer of fun foam to pop my die cut.

The trick here is to use thin adhesive like these Adehsive Sheets from Scrapbook Adhesives,

or Stick it Adhesive from Ken Oliver and I'm also using regular white fun foam - you can

see I cut it no problem in my die cutting machine using that map die.

And I've cut fun foam like this with adhesive on both sides using even very detailed and

intricate dies and I never have any problems.

Going to adhere the galaxy map onto the fun foam map - and this is why I added adhesive

to this piece - so that I was able to easily adhere things together, I don't like to fuss

around with glue when I work with these kinds of things and going to adhere this onto the

glitter map and will adhere the entire piece onto the wood grain panel.

I want to next layer an envelope with the love letter inside, but before I do that I

want to add black writting to the debossed area - so I'm just using a black pen and outlining

that debossed section on this letter die cut, I don't have to freehand anything, I'm just

placing my pen into the groove and coloring the debossed section in black.

You can also color it white or gold or silver.

Any color you like.

Going to insert my letter into the envelope and will foam mount both on the card.

Now I need to work on a sentiment for this project and I want to heat embosse Be Mine

from the new stamp set from Hero Arts, it's from thier Valentine's Day release and I'm

also want to heat emboss Please Deliver By Feb 14 and this message comes from an older set

also from Hero Arts - I'm heat embossing both of these in white embossing powder onto black

cardstock strips.

This kind of card can be a long distance Valentines day card for a guy or it can be just a Valentine's

day card and the map can signify that the letter is just being delivered by post.

Even though I have a lot of shimmer and even use glitter this design works well for a guy

card I think.

So I've heat embossed my messages, I'm not adhering the little die cut hearts onto the

panel above and below the map and will use black foam tape for foam mount the sentiments

onto this card.

Finally I adhered my panel onto an A2 side folding card base made out of white cardstock

and thart finished my project.

As a variation of this design you can also die-cut a door and hide a secret message on

your card.

Here I have the exact same card design, but the map the of the US opens and revels a hidden


Here's how you can make this.

Before adhering the map onto a background panel Die-cut an identical map in the panel

but make a partial cut, here I am placing my top cutting plate onto the panel just partially,

I'm not covering the entire die and by doing so I will force my machine to make a partial

cut only.

Where the plate is not covering the die the cut will not be made and therefore my die

cut map will remain attached onto the card or onto the panel.

Next I'm using my scoring board and adding a score like and to make it easier for this

map piece to fold and open.

Here I heat embossed that secret message on a black cardstock panel, I adhered this panel

so that you can see the message when you open the map and that will adhere this onto the

card base as usual.

And here's what this other card idea looks like.

So this finishes this video. I hope you will give this idea a try. I you do, please tag Simon Says Stamp

and me on social media, so we take take a peek at your projects.

Be sure to give this video a thumbs up and to subscribe to this channel if you haven't yet done so.

Thanks so much for joining me today. I'll see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Yippee For Yana Series! Valentine's Day Card with Galaxy Watercolor and Secret Compartment - Duration: 14:11.


Team Free Will 2.0 - Whatever it takes (Reloaded) - Duration: 3:22.

♫ Falling too fast to prepare for this♫

♫ Tripping in the world could be dangerous♫

♫Everybody circling is vulturous Negative, nepotist♫

♫ Everybody waiting for the fall of man ♫

♫ Everybody praying for the end of times♫

♫ Everybody hoping they could be the one I was born to run, I was born for this♫

♫ Whip, whip♫ ♫ Run me like a racehorse♫

♫ Pull me like a ripcord♫ ♫ Break me down and build me up♫

♫ I wanna be the slip, slip♫ ♫ Word upon your lip, lip♫

♫ Letter that you rip, rip♫ ♫ Break me down and build me up♫

♫ Whatever it takes♫

♫ Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins♫

♫ I do whatever it takes♫

♫ Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains♫

♫ Whatever it takes♫

♫ Yeah take me to the top I'm ready for♫ ♫ Whatever it takes♫

♫ Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins♫

♫ I do what it takes♫

♫ Always had a fear of being typical♫

♫ Looking at my body feeling miserable♫

♫ Always hanging on to the visual♫

♫ I wanna be invisible♫

♫ Looking at my years like a martyrdom♫

♫ Everybody needs to be a part of them♫

♫ Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son♫

♫ I was born to run, I was born for this♫

♫ Whip, whip♫ ♫ Run me like a racehorse♫

♫ Pull me like a ripcord♫ ♫ Break me down and build me up♫

♫ I wanna be the slip, slip♫ ♫ Word upon your lip, lip♫

♫ Letter that you rip, rip♫ ♫ Break me down and build me up♫

♫ Whatever it takes♫ Dean: Look at me.

Dean: Look at me bitch!

♫ Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins♫

♫ I do whatever it takes♫

♫ Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains♫

♫ Whatever it takes♫

♫ Yeah take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes♫

Sam: Screw yourself.

♫ Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins♫

Dean: what happened with you being okay with this?

♫ I do what it takes♫

♫ Hypocritical, egotistical♫ Sam: I lied

♫ Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical♫ Sam: Listen, Dean gets worse, everyday

♫ Working hard on something that I'm proud of, out of the box♫

♫ Working hard on something that I'm proud of, out of the box♫ Sam: Get this done.

♫ Working hard on something that I'm proud of, out of the box♫

♫ An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost♫

♫ I'm an apostrophe♫

♫ I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see♫ Castiel: Look at it.

♫ I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see♫

♫ I'm just a product of the system of catastrophe♫

♫ And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased♫

♫ And when I am deceased♫

♫ At least I'll go down to the grave and die happily♫

♫ And leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee♫ Castiel: Somehow... I'm awake...

Castiel: And I will stay awake,

♫ I do what it takes♫ Castiel: And I will keep you awake

♫ Whatever it takes♫ Castiel: Until we both go insane.

Castiel: Until we both go insane.

♫ Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins♫

♫ Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins♫ Castiel: Release me.

♫ I do whatever it takes♫

♫ Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains♫

♫ Whatever it takes♫

♫ Yeah take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes♫

♫ Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes♫

For more infomation >> Team Free Will 2.0 - Whatever it takes (Reloaded) - Duration: 3:22.


Lafayette wins I-10 Bowl 17-12 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Lafayette wins I-10 Bowl 17-12 - Duration: 1:06.


Outro For now on (I'M NOT COPYING ANYONE) - Duration: 0:11.

Sexy AF

Wow so hot

Sexy ass smile ;D

Would bang again


For more infomation >> Outro For now on (I'M NOT COPYING ANYONE) - Duration: 0:11.


Getaway car- Taylor Swift (Sub Español) I Taylor Swift y Tom hiddleston - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Getaway car- Taylor Swift (Sub Español) I Taylor Swift y Tom hiddleston - Duration: 3:34.


이상아 이혼이유와 재혼 실패 - Duration: 9:24.

For more infomation >> 이상아 이혼이유와 재혼 실패 - Duration: 9:24.


Akinee - Chakarumpá! [MV] - Duration: 5:29.

I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again


You might look a little white today

But to me, time never passes by you

Naked trees are crossing the path I'm walking

Only by watching them I'm feeling cold

You are my heart stove

It gets me thinking that in the end

We are all part of her tree

Her fruits, small ones, big ones

And all of us from different times

I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again


When all the fruits arrived, they found me

They came with seeds, they played with joy

All of them are seeds of my heart

It makes me think that in the end

Everyone comes to my tree jumping, flying, running

And with many different dreams...

That sometimes I wonder what can I do

to multiply the smiles of the world

or what can I do so that no one is felt homeless

And that at least for a little moment

unite our heart in one desire

And why is it so hard to share that special thing that no one takes away

The happiness of having you here with me, with me again

Forgetting the fact that we are all somehow

From different places

That the more time I spend with this new family

The more I feel I grow inside



I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again


You might look a little white today

But to me, time never passes by you


La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

La la la la la la la CHAKARUMPÁ, CHAKARUMPÁ

I just can't wait any longer


To see you once again



[Subtitles: Hisae Suguimitzu]

For more infomation >> Akinee - Chakarumpá! [MV] - Duration: 5:29.


남태현 정려원 손담비 나이 - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> 남태현 정려원 손담비 나이 - Duration: 7:18.


girl squad | s.l.u.t. - Duration: 1:43.

What does it say?


They want war, they'll get war

Okay Vilde. Take a deep breath

Don't play dumb! You know what I mean

You fucking whore!

Her and her friends called you a slut for hooking up with William

Slut, slut, slut...

You look like a slut

Girls who call other girls sluts have 90% more chance to get chlamydia


No, but it would have been cool if it were true

For more infomation >> girl squad | s.l.u.t. - Duration: 1:43.


오승근 부인(아내) 김자옥 사망원인 - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> 오승근 부인(아내) 김자옥 사망원인 - Duration: 10:40.


Las mejores formas de tonificar el cuello y reducir la papada - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> Las mejores formas de tonificar el cuello y reducir la papada - Duration: 9:45.


Super Mario 64 Challenge - Tutorial Part 3 - Duration: 3:04.

This is probably the hardest Star on the first level, and opening the cannons is the hardest part.

You can basically skip the whole first part of the level by climbing up here.

After you get the first Star, a fence will appear here. To get through you need to free the Chain Chomp.

Or you can Sideflip and Wall Jump at an angle like this. Hold (A) on the Wall Jump to get the most height.

Read all the signs you find in the levels. They give important, if not essential, tips for progressing.

It's a good idea to get rid of the Chain Chomp up here first so you have plenty of room.

If you Ground Pound at just the right time while the Chain Chomp is lunging, it will go through you.

When you free a Chain Chomp, it breaks any fences that are closer to that Chain Chomp than any others.

After you get the first Star, the floating bridge disappears, so you have to jump straight to the island.

Line up the camera so that the heart is right in between Mario and the tree on the island.

While in Mario Cam, the camera always stays behind Mario facing the same direction he is.

You can line up the camera by jumping from side to side without turning.

Long Jump right when you reach the heart, and immediately Long Jump again at the edge.

This will ensure you are going at top speed so you can reach the island.

After you talk to the Bob-omb and open the cannons, you can just use them to blast up to the island.

Go over here to get the Star after you open the cannons.

You have to jump up and break the box first, then jump up again to get the Star.

Letting the board tilt and Triple Jumping can help you reach it.

For more infomation >> Super Mario 64 Challenge - Tutorial Part 3 - Duration: 3:04.


Infusi naturali per ridurre il grasso dell'addome | K.N.B.T - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> Infusi naturali per ridurre il grasso dell'addome | K.N.B.T - Duration: 8:10.


SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 17. december - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 17. december - Duration: 0:36.


JULPYSSEL DAG 17 | slå in paket: potatisstämplar paketpapper - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> JULPYSSEL DAG 17 | slå in paket: potatisstämplar paketpapper - Duration: 2:59.


Sunday Shave Of The Day #OVS, The Haddon Brand Straight Razor Shave, Totally Proraso RED, #SOTD - Duration: 26:02.

Welcome to the Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet

Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you if this is your first time here

you're interested in learning on a Straight Razor shave go ahead and hit

that Subscribe button then click on the Bell next to it to be notified when I

upload videos that way you won't miss a thing

in tonight's shave I am using "The Haddon Brand" this is a beautiful razor now of

the 1890 and the 1919 yeah it is made by WR Humphreys and

Company Sheffield England it is just beautiful you that's a full

hollow or bellied hollow excellent excellent quite a nice shaver and for our soap

tonight we are doing Proraso RED so this is gonna be a Totally Proraso RED

Sunday Sandalwood Shave Of The Day oh yeah

now before we use the soap though I did put on the Proraso RED pre-shave as

you can see and I did that before I started filming that way it had time to

work now I also had the puck booming in the bowl and we're gonna put that on as

well because that's just what I do

nice get that beard all nice and hydrated and it would be good yeah yeah

for a brush tonight we are using my Omega 10098 excellent excellent brush

all right let's get that loaded up all right I can do it hopefully you're

having a good weekend yep being able to have some downtime

connect with family and friends enjoy yourself relax a little bit yeah

that would be awesome oh yeah yeah and you know hopefully the

world's treat me good yep and you're in good health very important

gotta be in good health yep so how are your shaves you've been having some good

shaves I hope so I have been watching the comments and there are some good

shaves happening oh yeah so that's good the more the better

yep far as I'm concerned it's all about especially this time of year it's all

about being able to relax unplug and just enjoy yourself

now Tip Of The Day is you gotta hydrate that beard so I just got out of the

shower and what I do is I actually have a shave butter that does not lather at

least not for me and I put that on before I get in the shower and then when

I get into the shower I will go ahead and lather up my face with my soap and

leave that on and I will rinse that off until I'm done with my shower

so my beard really has a chance to soak all of that in and soak it up in soften it

and your prep is everything so Tip Of The Day right there that's why I'm

always you know shaving right out of the shower

it really helps soften up that beer if you can't do that for whatever reason

you're gonna need to wash your face really good with a nice soap that is

moisturizing yeah and then that will take care of it as well it's just better

in the shower though

all right there we go

no it's nice

there we go that'll get it that'll do her yep all right now this is past one

which is going to primarily be with the grain now keep in mind I do a Straight

Razor Edge Friday Specials the first and third Friday of every month and I answer

your questions comments and suggestions that you make or upcoming Straight Razor

Edge Friday Specials so go ahead and let me know in the comments if you have a

question a suggestion or just a comment that I can use all right so here we go

let's do this

here we go

yeah nice yep marvelous what a wonderful set I really

enjoy this

yeah a nice simple totally paresseux red sandalwood shape of the day oh yeah nice


yeah good stuff

here we go pass one complete yeah and it felt good

really it's a marvelous razor and it's so cool you can shave with the razor

made you know in 1919 and it still works that is so cool

and who was the original owner thought were they like what was their life like

you know that's just cool when you think about you know what was their station in

life what did they give for a living mm-hmm all right now I do these straight

razor shaves every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by and check it out right we

have a great time and it's just marvelous I have such a good community

of subscribers and viewers that you know you can go ahead and check out the

comments and find out there are so many good people out there so I have

definitely got some of the best subscribers and viewers on YouTube and

it's you guys I really appreciate you and all you do for me so thank you so


you are important to me so go ahead and if you have a question

or a comment go ahead and just put it down okay and there are no bad questions

I'll just tell you that right now there is nothing that is a bad question

I have got some of the best questions in the comments below and you could be the

next one all right so if you got something on your mind let me know

alright this is past two which is primarily going to be against the grain

on my cheeks like this against the grain here and on the sides of my neck that

will be across the grain yep let's do it

all right looking good now we're switch hands get this other


super smooth nice


get this other side

right that Parral red is drying up on me a

little bit you must not having quite right

that's all right there are no rules you can just go ahead and real either that

will yeah you can okay there's that that going

that appear first

here we go nurse


nice - still complete yeah good good yeah just get that rinsed off

yeah all those cheeks are brilliant yeah they are yep there we go alright

next up the half pass and you click right up here to see the half past

reveal all right it will be in detail and it may be helpful so give it a shot

check it out

we're the lumo water this time

it's gonna go pretty quick anyway

that's that's looking pretty good

okay now half so this is primarily going to be against the grain on my jawline in

my neck

yeah nice this is a sweet chamber really is


all right there you go another shape in the books

yeah and that was a good one backed up really really good did now

let's get that rinsed off I think we nailed this one

I do oh yeah oh that's nice it is very nice right now alum


and I dry that off there we go yeah here we go

Proraso RED all right this is it okay simple shave and this is a Totally

Totally Proraso RED Sandalwood Sunday Shave Of The Day and you were here you watched it

excellent excellent in beautiful beautiful beautiful shave

nice and smooth sweet all right you click right up here from this card

to see the Best How To Shave video for beginners all right thank you so much

really appreciate you stopping by for this shape click right over here to see

my latest video click down here on the video especially picked out for you

click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your

friends have a great shave and a good day and I will see you next time on

adventures in wet shaving

For more infomation >> Sunday Shave Of The Day #OVS, The Haddon Brand Straight Razor Shave, Totally Proraso RED, #SOTD - Duration: 26:02.


Ewangeliarz OP - 17 grudnia 2017 - (J 1, 6-8. 19-28) - Duration: 2:09.


Fr. Tomasz Nowak, our prior in Lodz, says, quoting often the sentence by St. Francis in different places,

and, of course, it sounds incredibly poignant and inspiring:

"Who am I and who are You, God?" This is the fundamental question to explore our identity.

for being a not superficial human, not skin deep, but someone who lives immersed in the mystery all the time ,

who discovers a secret all the time, who isn' t ignorant, a prig or a braggart,

who thinks s/he knows it all.

But until I pose the question: ' Who am I and who are You, my Lord?' , I remain in the humble attitude towards the mystery.

When we look at John the Baptist in the Gospel today, we meet exactly such a man,

who is incredibly close to this question in no hurry with the answers.

' Who am I? ' and: ' Who are You?'

John knows one thing, he is not God, and it is extremely important issue in the question of identity.

knowing I am no God. At the beginning it is enough.

And then the Holy Spirit will lead us to explore who I am.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 17 grudnia 2017 - (J 1, 6-8. 19-28) - Duration: 2:09.


Cecilia Rodriguez, gaffe a casa di Ignazio Moser: l'argentina sbaglia vestito - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Rodriguez, gaffe a casa di Ignazio Moser: l'argentina sbaglia vestito - Duration: 3:22.


Isola dei Famosi 2018, Stefano De Martino lascia Amici: va sull'ISOLA DEI FAMOSI - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi 2018, Stefano De Martino lascia Amici: va sull'ISOLA DEI FAMOSI - Duration: 8:52.


God of War - Trailer - Um Chamado da Floresta na PSX 2017 - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> God of War - Trailer - Um Chamado da Floresta na PSX 2017 - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 9:55.


Pentágono libera vídeo autêntico de OVNI e admite pela 1° vez ter programa para estudo do fenômeno - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Pentágono libera vídeo autêntico de OVNI e admite pela 1° vez ter programa para estudo do fenômeno - Duration: 4:55.


Ewangeliarz OP - 17 grudnia 2017 - (J 1, 6-8. 19-28) - Duration: 2:09.


Fr. Tomasz Nowak, our prior in Lodz, says, quoting often the sentence by St. Francis in different places,

and, of course, it sounds incredibly poignant and inspiring:

"Who am I and who are You, God?" This is the fundamental question to explore our identity.

for being a not superficial human, not skin deep, but someone who lives immersed in the mystery all the time ,

who discovers a secret all the time, who isn' t ignorant, a prig or a braggart,

who thinks s/he knows it all.

But until I pose the question: ' Who am I and who are You, my Lord?' , I remain in the humble attitude towards the mystery.

When we look at John the Baptist in the Gospel today, we meet exactly such a man,

who is incredibly close to this question in no hurry with the answers.

' Who am I? ' and: ' Who are You?'

John knows one thing, he is not God, and it is extremely important issue in the question of identity.

knowing I am no God. At the beginning it is enough.

And then the Holy Spirit will lead us to explore who I am.


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