Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

Hi everyone! How are you?

Today I am going to talk about how to make TAKOYAKI at home!

Well, here are ingredients....

First of all, here is a cooking plate for TAKOYAKI,

here is a dried bonito,

here is a cabbage,

here is a fresh octopus I cut into small square shape,

here are two eggs,

this is a green laver,

here is a red ginger,

here is a green onion,

here is a water,

and wheat flour.

wheat flour especially for TAKOYAKI

These are crispy of TEMPURA.

And here is a sauce for TAKOYAKI or for OKONOMIYAKI, we use the same sauce for them so there is no problem.

And here is a mayonnaise.

To cook TAKOYAKI in this plate, we have to prepare this kind of skewers.

Here are all set the ingredients.

First of all, let's make a liquid to put into this cooking plate.

Here is a wheat flour,

put all of them into the bowl,

I am going to break these eggs,


two eggs!

Here is a water, put it little by little,

and mix them well

put a little bit more water,

I mixed all!

Ready to use this to put into the cooking plate!

Heating up the cooking plate now....

here is a olive oil

put the oil a little bit onto the cooking plate...

I am going to pour the liquid which I have mixed now....

Pour the liquid like this......

I am going to put some cut small square shaped octopus....

and I am going to put some green onion,


crispy of TEMPURA,

and also this red ginger,

I think the bottom is already cooked

so I am going to put bottom side up....

Well done!


Ready to eat them!

It has a shape of small ball

All set here!

I am going to put TAKOYAKI sauce,

and mayonnaise,

and this dried bonito,

and this green laver,

TAKOYAKI is ready here!

It looks very nice!

I am going to try them!

It is very nice!

Thanks for watching my video. Please subscribe my channel!

See you guys!

For more infomation >> Cómo Se Prepara TAKOYAKI en La Casa// How to Make TAKOYAKI at Home【#15】 - Duration: 4:53.



the possibility of contacting

an intelligence that comes from another

planet is surely the granary of

human being would be the confirmation of

"That we are not alone in the universe ..."

but if the case comes up that this

happened how would the


we can not be alone in the


that's why we're always looking for something

including on the ground we launch inns

with the intention of connecting with

someone and that contact was discovered

by the scientist stephen hawking

little time and can be very good

the encounter with extraterrestrials in

principle may give some fear and

then if you manage to integrate it with

something you already know if you can stay

quiet you can not think it's something

strange to try to understand what is going to

happen next will happen if

Messi who integrated that contact that already

I know

I'm sure I'll be afraid and afraid

and the behavior of those

aliens that come to our

planet is the same as we have been

us when the

different colonization is the truth

that to hit him even we were using

us the Spaniards and the

Portuguese we advance to discover

new worlds new resources as an end

we do not respect the will of those

populations forcing them to even to the

impeding slavery and tourism

if you were they were so barbarians with

a superior technology if you superior

taken out trying an absolutely act

unpublished in the history of our


surely the emotional part

fundamentally organic will be

expect a very emotional reaction very

strong an eventual contact with a

intelligence or another is what we're going to

have to face in the future not

we know what risks a

supposed contract with an entity

aliens the dangers would encompass

from the most likely contagion with

unknown organisms our planet

up the various disorders

psychological causes

events that escape our


we do not know to what extent

there may be a contagion with other


in the case of the girl in brazil the

supposed military doctor who was with

the supposed creature to Mr. paulo

he died after two hits victim of a

collapse of the immune system and a


the contact with extraterrestrials to

through any means

it depends on the person who is going to do it

and what is your intention or can not

be very dangerous if the person is not

centered and has no knowledge

scientific and you believe everything that

to see what a contact will have

real with them at that time but this

it can only be something imaginary and

see an audio projection that

I really wish fair therefore

in that case there is really danger if not

There is a study of what is done in

that adherence to that new philosophy that

person does not have a knowledge

minimally scientific scientist is

better not get into this kind of

investigation not because it's dangerous in

the month of June 1972 joan tur valleys

and josé félix rodríguez montero

star in a process that still today

it remains unexplained so

we know are convinced that

they had managed to contact beings

of the planet Jupiter and they thought they knew the

way of being able to meet them


next to the summary were found

some pictures of flying objects


as well as some biographies that

they showed that these two men

they had maintained some sort of

contact with non-human entities


José Felix and Juan Suarez decided

in the month of June of the year 1972

at the bionic tower halt in

tarrasa and good because they decided there

abandon your physical body of what

shape while lying on the

train track waiting for the convoy

literally those of capital are

moved to a kilometer point of

the madrid barcelona way so that the

train will behead them leaving on their

breasts a laconic message

extraterrestrials we already what happened

the night of June 19, 1972 follows

being an enigma when the two appear


the question is who helped them to

that endured the fear of that train that

it would come to them and then the

details about all that paper with that


there was a third person who had them

To help


I leave the idea that the instinct of

survival would do that at the time

in which you intuit the vibration of

rail the approach of the trek the notice

sound warning light also the

own train I understand that that instinct of


had any of us in that

last moment will jump will move

not to remain for those who persist

still more shadows than lights in this

strange event that is the first

ritual suicide happened in the

Iberian Peninsula a suicide that

brought with it a long controversy that

related to the men in black that

it was related to wanting to silence

the logos divers who ventured into the

mystery of UFOs but never

we will know really yes they reached their

objective if they were like

they intended to travel to Jupiter

maybe in a very young mind like the

by juan turbay is josé felix

rodríguez montero influenced what

enough for in a moment

determined to convince him that the

suicide was the only step to be able

access a real contact but I'm

convinced also that in the last

instantly when you go decided to move away


Forget has decided if not because

determined josé luis rodríguez

montero used some type of element

so that this young man remained prostrate

they found the buttons euros

that had impregnated formaldehyde so

So much that form was used however

in the summary, practically not


I think the only explanation is

that they entered a vortex with

tactile with with supposedly other beings

planet and in the group where they were

with a third person who is the key

of this enigma they decided to take off the


there was real contact in his genesis he could

have some experiences that day to day

today I have no explanation but it was a

delirium delirium of the 70s

with the world of extraterrestrials

are booming in that society

I believe that when one reaches that point

to take that last step is because your

belief is true is absolute

at least for them other things to

the rest of us can venture which ones

would be the intentions of a

extraterrestrial civilization that

come to earth

if we go to our history we would say

that could come in the plan of conquest

or exploration according to the experts

either of the two possibilities

could close one more than possible

11.9 Threat

if a stranger to us will be

always a dangerous factor

an unknown that will not suppose

Self-defense problems

preservation of the species itself

including the reaction naturally

armed aviation more emotional and more

emotional that I mentioned before not

we knew we do not know if they

they come with an attitude of conquering or

to investigate

both are in danger because a

researcher can also do us

what cold experiences we

we know well what result 10 potato and

because a conqueror can love us

to liquidate

that's why both situations can be a

11.9 Threat

I think that in this case we could

place in the position of cultures

Amerindians when they were visited by

the European discoverer the same

perplexity the same fear the same

reaction as if we were saying at the level of

panic and self-defense point of view

neither explorers nor conquerors

I do not think UFOs are ships of

plate that reach this planet in

an exploratory mission is a concept

very human is something else much more

complex I tend to think that it has more

what to see with other intelligences

dimensions that are somehow

interacting with humans

from the beginning the kings


there are many researchers within the

UFO phenomenon that are convinced of

that we are a kind of guinea pig and that

really those beings would be

using the human being in a way u

another to see how he would respond to the

direct encounter with an entity like

the intelligence that comes from another

planet that really our planet is

a kind of laboratory and they are

the doctors who are playing with the

human beings that we would be in a

step several steps below

these intelligences are subject to

that they do to us the same thing that

we make the animals place

chips do experiments

we make a series of barbarities all

the days including stepping on an ant

which for us is totally

insignificant to do so east me what


on August 17, 1966 they were

found in hill 20 in mountain

located near the Brazilian city of


the lifeless bodies of two young people

well-known electronics specialists

for his hobby the UFO phenomenon

the last thing we know is that after

of acquiring several components

electronic devices went towards

top of the hill what happened

remains still in the mystery what

only we know is that their corpses

they were met with mysterious ones

masks of lead that covered his

vision as if they really had

maintained a kind of contact with a

luminous or electromagnetic source of

great power there are a lot of

unknowns of enigmas to unveil

the two corpses appeared without

signs of violence dresses wore

money a notebook with some symbols

strange engravings was speculated with his

relationship with passion the world of


the niterói case is frankly strange

researchers that point to the

possibility that it could be about

an incident of UFO aggression with

Death of witnesses by autopsy

we know the time of death and

coincides with the sighting of a

unidentified object that several

locals them farmers

located in the region of Morro de

biden is truly unsettling


there is a fact that directly connects the

issue of morro do btem deaths

with the subject pies the diary that miguel

pereira leaves in this writing of this

event two messages saying 16 30

we take pills 1830 contact


let's imagine that everything is true that there

collective groups that maintain contact

with beings of the stars through

telepathy or other systems not

physical what those are asking us for

entities is a kind of sacrifice

human at least according to some cases

that are already known as ufo sects

logical and that have left results

tragic of death or to any sect

has a hair u is a set of

people who live in a situation

closed where the leader has a power

terrible over the others and does not allow

exchange of information with


I would say that in any sect it is a

danger to enter is political and

religious or extraterrestrial beliefs

is one of the best known cases is the

of heaven's gate does not bring the sky and

agrarian was a group of

people a sectarian group that ended

committing suicide

because I believed before a ship

extraterrestrial came the earth

protected by a meteorite and that they had

that abandon their bodies to climb in

spirit to that other tragic event is

the order of the solar temple in a

canton of belgium and also in quebec

in Canada where its members were

all of us

literally killed

if there is a case in which the experts

they have defended swiftly that

produces the direct intervention of some

extraterrestrials that in one way or another

are experimenting with a series of

retrovirus that escapes them and that

finally they end the life of a

person completely with the life of

mark of zelda the daughter of the marchioness

reader york and is the famous case the

hand cut seems to have a kind of

connection with a very specific plot

of the UFO matter that is the planet smoke

for a letter that these results

extraterrestrials' send a series of

contacted in the year 71

it was established that mysterious ones

Nordic doctors had amputated the

hand of his daughter margot a hand that

effectively appeared along with others

truly truculent mind objects in your

albacete house

what it tells us is that there are two people

dressed in white coats with hair

long blonde be a very representation

typical of what were the

extraterrestrials for the contactees

especially in the decade of

fifty sixty of the last century it

says that those Slavic-looking men

they were working in the basements of

the marquise's house had albacete

specifically the main street and

they were experimenting with beings

humans also with animals as is

logical the police does not understand

extraterrestrials and margarita ruiz de

lion and ended up being stopped by

this success

but the mystery returned to the first

flat of today when in 1971

this handyman card appears

states that those Nordic doctors

high would presumably be these

extra-terrestrial explorers that

they would have gone to look for the hand that had

amputated the Marquesa de Villasante in

the different armies and companies

the world's airplanes are

archived hundreds of reports of

pilots who have seen and even have

faced flying objects with shapes

and movements that were not able to

describe apparently for many of

these cases were found explanation

is more or less plausible but in others

many do not

no justification numerous pilots

have had to go on missions of

interception behind UFOs with a

disparate result in some cases

there have even been deaths or

disappearances of pilots after

that they had to face this

unknown phenomenon Juan Ignacio

lorenzo torres a Spanish driver who

the 60s lived a close encounter

with an unidentified flying object

that came to be placed 6 or 7 meters by

in front of the cockpit of the plane

he said it was like he was

alive came in some way to establish

a communication with this object

unidentified flyer that came to be

detected on the radar and engineer a

official investigation by the

army of air and a pilot says that

has seen a flying object not

identified as there are so many

the cases that there are in which it is also

object literally played with the

crew with the very leo is

because there was something strange about pounds

Ronald Reagan made a series of

statements that surprised

very much reagan came to declare that

if at any time the earth was

invaded by a civilization


then the differences would end

between the two great superpowers

then from that moment its

government put the initiative into practice

of strategic defense but a network of

satellites that he had as mission of

intercept possible missiles but that


according to some specialists and

fires that had a dark purpose and

was to protect us from a threat


at the end of the second world war

even the Scandinavian countries are

they gave a series of sightings of

flying objects or a series of

incredible features that neither

they were even named as because

there was no such word they were known

as a judge of faults

we can determine that the birth of

the current UFO was associated in turn to the

extraterrestrial phenomenon would take us to

a very specific time and that is the

June 25, 1947 when a

private pilot called who is

flying over the monterrey the one that

finds in the state of washington and

now he says watch right in front of

his small plane nine ways that the

catalog as flying saucers

also like the flyers that

practically played with your device

we are talking about a very pilot

veteran with many hours of flight

used to flying over that area and not

I knew that I had before me even before

of the appearance of toys

ghost and reported countless cases

of sightings of flying objects not


at the end of the 19th century and the states

together there was an intense surge not

they were the modern UFOs that appear today

in the heavens day and do not operate a

kind of zeppelin technology

impossible for the time not only came

to have close encounters with these

objects but with the crew members themselves

from the incident of want to do it

the flying saucers called thus

since then they were seen by all

parts of the world and the alleged conflict

between airplanes Younis made his appearance

There have been several incidents

between fighter aircraft and objects not

identified that have left on mission


all the incidents that we have

registered have finished with the

loss of aircraft or human lives

versus unidentified objects

at the zaragoza air base

observed an unidentified object on

the military and the military opened

fire against that strange UFO and the

bullets were as absorbed by the

artifact but not an exchange that

directly can be understood as how

such a battle communes as a

war the truth is that yes there are some

cases in which combat fighters and

they came to shoot against objects

unidentified fliers and something happens

very curious the UFOs show that

they have a technology enormously

superior to our combat aircraft and

it looks like those missiles and they do not

absolutely nothing to the pilots

they came to say that it was as if the UFO

he swallows

those missiles will constitute the ability

of dematerialization the projectiles or

well to absorb their

barely a year after it starts

the modern era of UFOs in the year

1948 tomás mantel a fighter pilot

go on an interception mission

behind one of these mysterious

artifacts chasing these objects

unidentified flyers the captain

tablecloth rose to 20,000 feet

transmitted to control tower that

there was an object that was chasing

and from there the

any type of connection with the

airplane that studies that it was a

large metallic object

as much as it amounted to it seemed that

I could never reach it's flying object

not identified in the last

transmission that is captured in the tower of

control of guzmán military base

tomás mantel ensures first that one of

the objects is chasing him when

is just starting the work of


this also transmits it prey to

true panic

from there you lose the

communication and the next thing you know

of tablecloths that your plane has

crashed several kilometers from the


the funny thing when the technicians

examine the wreckage of the plane and

finds in the fuselage a sort of

holes as if it had been used

a weapon technology

there are researchers who defend in

I do not really fall for hunting thomas

mann that he because he approached



in 1957 during an instructional flight

nocturnal captain lemos ferreira

accompanied by the three members of his

crew did not observe that what

principle seemed to be a planet it

turned into a luminous object of

large dimensions that remained

motionless in front of his mother


here we have four people here

qualified with a high capacity to

the nocturnal night flight that

face a luminous phenomenon that

grew and increased its dimension and

caused perplexity against nature

and against its origin and that also came

to put at risk the very life of the

four pilots that were offset

that object alter its shape and so

both of a small sphere three steps

in something similar to a folded with a

color like incandescent iron

songs shaped like a bright red


Within that object came three

small spheres surrounding the

small object set

obviously the pilots stayed still

more perplexed

let's just say it, marveled at this

phenomenon but not so fast that

set of objects makes a maneuver

descending and they are thrown against the

aircraft if the plane comes like this the

object was launched against him

obviously the planes had to

do all emergency maneuvers to

do not crash not only against the object

but also against themselves

the fundamental question is that the

laws of physics

many times we think they are immutable

And that's not true

when we observe the laws of the

physical and we wonder if this

coexist with these physical laws only

it's as if we were wondering

if there really is something that matches


starting from the principle that we

we know as ideality

own force itself she issued a

written statement in which was the

competition of the pilots who had

tens of hours of flight

his musicians were therefore people

able lucid and therefore did not put

in doubt what had happened but

neither could they explain what happened

but we have in the Iberian Peninsula

another area where there is even more

phenomena related to UFOs and

where even the nasa was looking

a presumed extraterrestrial base

there are areas where there are more sightings

of unidentified flying objects


I do not know if they are the zones or are the

places where we most look at the sky

we do not know what the causes are

they make a certain mountain or a

certain location attract

exceedingly the crew of those

unidentified objects but what yes

we know is that many of them coincide

with places that from the most remote

seniority have been considered

sacred is that at certain times

and in certain areas

UFOs appear officially

receiving the waves of oct

the last big office win that

took place in europe occurred in the

northwest of the Iberian Peninsula from

end of the year 95 until the middle of

year 96 hundreds and hundreds of cases not

only sightings and not filming

of UFOs and landings cases with

military involvement


in the Iberian Peninsula there is a

concrete area where a large

number of cases related to the

UFO phenomenon is the so-called triangle

of the silence that lies between the

mouth of the ebro and the island of

hydra from the year 1976 begin

to collect a series of testimonies

first on the part of divers who

they come to the area and they refer as

under the waters are watching

very strange lights

there is also talk of very strong punches

very strange sounds is an area

similar to what happens in the

triangle of the bermudas where they have

place the UFO sightings of a

very frequent form of objects

Unidentified submarines that emerge

of the marq that are sighted by

also mysterious fishermen


there is a very strong magnetic field I am


a few years ago it was the people of Spain

that more radioactivity than neither the saw

de tramontana has a composition of

Iron is practically all iron

and the bottom of the island effort to what

better this does have a frequency

vibratory that attracts facilitates this type

of demonstrations

perhaps within the UFO phenomenon there is

a much stranger branch

still to be known as a phenomenon

UFO object unidentified submarines

because it is true that there are many

testimonies not from now but we can

go back hundreds of years ago there are

Chronicles in which reference is made

just like those luminous objects

not only do they know about the waters, but

they sometimes even reach

introduce themselves what has given

foot to be many witnesses

also the researchers who think

that under the water there may be bases

supposedly extraterrestrials here

mallorca in this area too

periodically they heard

noises in the depths of the sea and

they are like metallic impacts that

listen on the Balearic coast

the divers have detected

mysterious metallic sounds

Many fishermen have seen it emerge

balls of light that came out of the sea

in the 70s the nasa itself was

mapping the seabed thinking

that could possibly hold a

luck of extraterrestrial base


Then you realize that who I am in

this to see UFOs

it is a very common fact was found

with cases of people hunters for example

who were living in an area that

called charrán being last decade the

4 tomorrow and they see a being is not floating

and a light bulb comes out towards them

these two gentlemen who go with a dog

they fit they were armed with

shotguns and he shot but that did not

it's time to start carrying and

finally that was transformed into a

Mass of light was large and slowly rising

moves away on November 11, 1979

took off from sant joan airport

a super channel of the company tae with

Destination to the Canary Islands

when I was flying over the triangle

silence energy of the sea an object not

identified that forced the apparatus to

take land at the airport


this incident takes place at

conflicting file manises las

The company's keys are

forced to make a landing

emergency at the military airport of

manises in valencia because something strange

an unidentified flying object of

large reddish color that also

is photographed from the ground and seen by

dozens of people are playing

literally with that plane that like you

I say is forced to land witnesses

they say that the one and a few hours

previous we had seen something we're going to

scene and others well what good

what he first did when leaving the cinema

when we left the cinema all the people

I went to the market and we did not

we knew it was because all the people

I was running towards that place

when I reached the height of the site

that was the people is when I saw a

vogue very luminous like a wagon above

of the mountain and skiing as I had the

car parked there on the site I could

take the camera to photograph and I could

take two photographs

the commander get out of the roof

watching to the left and his plane

made a series of strange

at that moment he gets in touch with

the control tower of the airport

barcelona at ten o'clock opposition

left national utn marró in the air

approximately one hour to travel

home for the VAT but getting closer

from us but much faster than

the offer increasingly restricted

Lieutenant Colonel Pedro to get caught

to radar chief of the major country

he simply limited himself to saying if in the

radar was registered the name of

manises or what is coming here is

they catch wrong and not only he there are others

military that I then talked about that that

they were also in that night in the

service and they caught this was a bomb

like orangery that came up from the mountain

and when it hosted a limit author did

as the boba burst and he used a

very large fall that is what is in

the photograph

I only saw this but when they came

the military

we welcome negatives the captain gave

account that there were other objects to the

around the fool we found myself

they gave negative and it really seemed

as if they were once more tiny

next to the biggest wedding is that

even caused the interpellation

parliamentary because there are those who want

know this case the parliamentarian

fernando múgica wanted to know what was

what had forced the plane and

land witnesses and protagonists of

that meeting ensured that there was no

explanation was an artifact that

apparently it did not belong to a

known technology after analyzing the

different encounters between these

alleged ships and aircraft of the

different ground forces arises the

question of whether we would be ready

in the face of an alleged aggression


I do not know if we are prepared to

repel an attack of an eventual

most developed civilization

technically that we

incursions that have occurred between

suspected UFO fighter pilots always

has had a result in favor of

Our visitors do not

of military pilots if in a

at a certain moment we accepted that there is

extraterrestrial intelligences that

they inhabit other planets that also

they have the ability of technology

to travel great distances

sidereal and also to engage

contact us

I believe that if they were hostile we will be

prepared for nothing to repel something

well because we are talking about a

technology of an advance even

intellectual that is light years away from what

that we could be

in the case of a possible contact style

been compact hundred and we're not

prepared by many possible can go

the and steel get engineering

to know how UFOs work

I do not think there are possibilities of having

an attack and so he decides and there is a

scene out of the war of the

frightening coins

obviously when we talk about a

phenomenon that skips all

space security protocols

air of the different countries

that is something that has to interest

necessarily to the estates

military and it is clear that they have

created for decades this part

offices dedicated exclusively to

collect testimony from pilots

commercial military pilots

testimonies also from people on foot

that at a certain moment they have had

a meeting enough

forceful to be investigated

next to jean robert and is part of the

commission that the sixties study

those named by fighter acquire

some small spheres that accompanied

to the actions of the allied forces in

the second world war your family or

the commission had already made a

estimate or valuation of the possible

defense and that was in the 60s and it was

we are in 3,014 with security will be

much more advanced but there is a

element I would say more uneasy and that is

there are rumors that point to the fact that

nasa or the European space agency

would have departments to use for the

study and prevention of

what we have called phenomenon


it happened 50 years ago but it is the

the first time he tells it publicly

during a reconnaissance mission in

the coast of angola

commander marquez will ask had a

encounter with a UFO that was

investigated by the air force

Portuguese invoice that the height of the

commander captain marquez pereira

he was flying with his manned plane

with more than seven or eight crew and

At the end of the afternoon there was a silence

radio waiting for an indication by

part of the frigate so that the play

to detect any movement

suspicious under water and to repeat

with samsung we started to see by the

earth side two you have an initial

green and another blue or red incandescent and

colorful that looked like two aircraft

we were in the dark without

the radar and with nothing and then I broke

the silence and the radio and I talked to the

control tower

I asked if there was traffic in the

latitude of the ambris was a city in

luanda the tower said there was nothing

of traffic and they continued playing

those different lights

then we received a message from the ship

immediate operation to direct us

towards the ship

we connect the radar and we go

logically towards the virus

at that time one of the lights the one

it was more blue headed towards

us with a speed almost

snapshot transforming itself as

that was coming towards us in an object

round blue and white without details

completely approached the nose

of the airplane

there was where he stopped was one thing

totally unexpected and terrifying

because the few windows eliminated by

inside completely the position with the

plane seemed imminent visit to

mexico something I had never seen

my reaction was to turn the plane because

I did not want to collide and that had a

curious behavior because it did not make me

damage but he kept his position at dawn

As if it belonged, it is done well and

We were to keep turning

for about 30 seconds

Chavez off and in the end maybe the

immediate feeling and that was one thing

smart faced something that was

there not by chance but by

will was smart was watching us

because after he left and disappeared


we should be really worried

before the possibility that a

extraterrestrial civilization establish

contact us

according to numerous witnesses and experts

this had already occurred with

results in some positive cases and

in others disturbingly tragic

we should ask ourselves if our

concept of goodness and badness can be

extend to the confines of our

universe that will be getting in touch

with us I am convinced that what

they would have done it though I do not think it

it's about a fantasy at least a

level your audience

each person has his reality and to

that person this has been very remote

possibility is a possibility

that country project or taking into

account that the level development

cultural awareness of the

possibility that the next

decades offer surprises

completely in thick

in my opinion there are no extraterrestrials

good or extraterrestrials' bad but if

there is a clear message if you want


be careful because the result can

be fatal if I had to think the way

in how they influence the witness in how

they change their lives sometimes even

how he manipulates it

we are talking about something very bad

simply by how it affects

usually always bad for the witness

who has the experience usually

It could be good because it brings more

technology knowledge because it brings

more knowledge of advances than me

I would also say on a spiritual level

we are or are not threatened, it is not

a complex answer because we

we can unleash a threat

with our utility because we think that

we are firing first is hostile by

our part

that's why we're creating our own

threatens you rewards a reaction by

other party.



Hotel Abi d'Oru en Porto Rotondo, Italia, Europa. Lo mejor de Hotel Abi d'Oru en Porto Rotondo - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Hotel Abi d'Oru en Porto Rotondo, Italia, Europa. Lo mejor de Hotel Abi d'Oru en Porto Rotondo - Duration: 5:17.


Payez-vous Obama pour deux minutes, c'est gratuit ! - Le Billet de Charline - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Payez-vous Obama pour deux minutes, c'est gratuit ! - Le Billet de Charline - Duration: 2:28.


HJC RPHA 11 Carbon: análisis del casco en - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> HJC RPHA 11 Carbon: análisis del casco en - Duration: 4:40.


Eddy Mitchell rassure sur Johnny Hallyday – « Croyez-moi, il respire, c'est un battant » - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Eddy Mitchell rassure sur Johnny Hallyday – « Croyez-moi, il respire, c'est un battant » - Duration: 1:46.


Sophie Davant n'a pas participé à Danse avec les stars... - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Sophie Davant n'a pas participé à Danse avec les stars... - Duration: 2:31.


20161205 OurLuster「山田信雄(竹人形職人)」 - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> 20161205 OurLuster「山田信雄(竹人形職人)」 - Duration: 7:48.


StanceWars Seattle 2017

For more infomation >> StanceWars Seattle 2017


Jordan Peterson o skandalu u američkim (SAD) dječjim vrtićima u 80-im (HR titlovi) - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson o skandalu u američkim (SAD) dječjim vrtićima u 80-im (HR titlovi) - Duration: 6:33.


Fierce Deity frees the Great Fairy Tera | Master Mode BoTW - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Fierce Deity frees the Great Fairy Tera | Master Mode BoTW - Duration: 2:00.


Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT EXECUTIVELINE Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT EXECUTIVELINE Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:54.


Little Red Car | Car Racing | Cartoon Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 5:29.

All aboard in the bus!

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

round and round,

round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All day along.

The people on the

For more infomation >> Little Red Car | Car Racing | Cartoon Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 5:29.


Davido Congratulates Casper Nyovest As He Sold Out 68k Stadium Capacity (See What He Said)|NVS News - Duration: 1:28.

Davido Congratulates Casper Nyovest As He Sold Out 68k Stadium Capacity (See What He Said)

The South African rapper, Caspper just made history for himself as he sold out the Soweto soccer stadium last night.

The stadium is said to be filled with over 68,000 people.

The rapper took to his Instagram page to share and captioned;.

History was made! Soccer city stadium was filled!!! 68,000 tickets sold!!!.

See what Davido commented below:-.

For more infomation >> Davido Congratulates Casper Nyovest As He Sold Out 68k Stadium Capacity (See What He Said)|NVS News - Duration: 1:28.


Opel Meriva 1.4 Turbo 120pk Cosmo Nav. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4 Turbo 120pk Cosmo Nav. - Duration: 0:54.


जानिए कैसे होते है 'G' नाम वाले व्यक्ति का 'प्यार' - Here are how The 'G' Name People - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> जानिए कैसे होते है 'G' नाम वाले व्यक्ति का 'प्यार' - Here are how The 'G' Name People - Duration: 3:56.


Bầu cua 2018 - Hack game bầu cua - Quy luật bầu cua mới nhất - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Bầu cua 2018 - Hack game bầu cua - Quy luật bầu cua mới nhất - Duration: 6:25.


StanceWars Seattle 2017

For more infomation >> StanceWars Seattle 2017


I will easily defeat Buhari in 2019 - Atiku declares - Duration: 5:03.

I will easily defeat Buhari in 2019 - Atiku declares

- Former vice president Atiku Abubakar has said that President Muhammadu Buhari has become politically weak. - He said he would easily defeat Buhari in 2019 general election.

- He said Buhari has squandered the goodwill Nigerians accorded him during the 2015 elections. Former vice president Atiku Abubakar has said defeating President Muhammadu Buhari will be a cakewalk for him if the president runs against him in 2019.

Premium Times reports that Abubakar said Buhari has become politically weak after squandering the goodwill Nigerians accorded him during the 2015 elections. gathered that Abubaka said: "I will definitely beat him this time. He has wasted a lot of his massive goodwill.".

The former vice-president was interviewed by Dele Momodu for his column which was published on Saturday, December 2, in The Boss Newspaper he publishes.

He, however, insisted that he would not allow incompetent people to run down the country when God had given him the talent and wherewithal to lead the country.

Atiku, in a one-on-one interactive session with the publisher of Ovation Magazine, Dele Momodu, accused President Buhari of turning the APC into a one-man party, saying that his decision to dump the ruling party was not borne out of desperation to become the president.

He said there was nothing wrong with the move, noting that political parties in the country "are yet to mature and are going through constant transformations and changes," a development he said was the reason even President Buhari had been able to move from party to party, including the All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP), Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) and now the ruling Party, APC.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Ours is a fledgling democracy. What it means is that political parties are yet to mature and are going through constant transformations and changes.

"That is why even President Buhari has been able to move from party to party, including ANPP, CPC and now APC.

And for those who read about world history and political books like I do, they will know that Abraham Lincoln, Sir Winston Churchill and others went through so much before achieving their dreams," Atiku said.

The former vice-president, who accused Buhari of running the APC like a one-man party, said the president was no longer interested in the party that made him president and that nobody could confront him with the truth.

He said: "After Buhari won the election, he was no longer interested in the party that made him president. Every activity stopped and even the party chairman, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, could not take any decision.

I called Chief Odigie-Oyegun to tell him that our party was dying slowly, but he told me he could not do anything unless he got clearance from the president.

"The party became a one-man property. Everyone grumbles behind the president but they are too timid to raise a voice against the illegalities being perpetrated.

I should be bold enough to know what I want, and can do so at my age. So, I decided to leave.".

In the related development, Abubaka explained why he has been unable to enter the United States in the past few years.

There have been concerns that Abubakar was avoiding a trip to America because he fears a warrant was out for his arrest there.

But Abubakar, who is expected to run for president in 2019, said in an interview published by The Boss newspaper that he had actually made attempt to visit the U.S. but was denied on administrative grounds.

"I applied, but wasn't issued a visa. However, they did not decline me categorically either. They've only said my application is going through administrative process", Abubakar said.

For more infomation >> I will easily defeat Buhari in 2019 - Atiku declares - Duration: 5:03.


Singapore Zoo I - Duration: 10:45.

Singapore Open Zoo

Singapore Zoo

Free ranging Birds

Red Ibis with black crows

crimson Sun Bird

For more infomation >> Singapore Zoo I - Duration: 10:45.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai i10 1.2 i-Motion AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.2 i-Motion AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:47.


맨유의 팬 김정은에게 - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> 맨유의 팬 김정은에게 - Duration: 10:48.


Paw Patrol Hero Pup Skateboard figures | Finger Family Song - Duration: 1:37.

Daddy finger, daddy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

For more infomation >> Paw Patrol Hero Pup Skateboard figures | Finger Family Song - Duration: 1:37.


The Palace of Mad King Ludwig Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 43:44.

For more infomation >> The Palace of Mad King Ludwig Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 43:44.


Cardio Vs Weights? - Duration: 2:04.

what's up guys it's Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm gonna be

addressing the age-old question "What is better.. cardio versus weight training.

resistance training?" Because a lot of the time people think burning calories is about doing

tons of cardio is the best way to lose weight, the way to lose body fat. Now if you want

to get lean, toned, strong, sexy all that good stuff you want to focus on

resistance training in conjunction with a calorie deficit. If you do that over

time you'll strip body fat and you will get toned, you'll get lean, you'll

get firm. But you can add some cardio in as icing on the cake, as a supplement

to burn some more calories, to expend some more energy. But if you're primarily

just focusing on cardio you're not going to get that lean, toned body, that

shape you want. You're going to properly waste muscle mass, especially if you're

not addressing your nutrition or having enough protein. And you're gonna have

that maybe skinny fat look and possibly lead to burnout. So personally my opinion

would always be resistance training over cardio. 3 -4 for strength or resistance

based workouts a week. In conjunction with a good nutritional approach which

would be a calorie deficit to strip body fat, to lose body fat, to lose weight. And

then if you want to sprinkle a bit of cardio on top as a supplement, as a

side thing, you can do it! But cardio doesn't come first okay!

The context we're talking about this in is fat loss, is weight loss! Cardio does

not come first, nutrition comes first, calorie deficit, three to four resistance

based training sessions come after that, and then if you want to supplement with

some cardio you can! But weight training always comes over cardio! Weight training

is going to tone, it's going to shape, it's going to firm up your body and in

my opinion that's the best way to get that result!

For more infomation >> Cardio Vs Weights? - Duration: 2:04.


군 출신 탈북자 "북한군 근무환경 매우 열악" - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> 군 출신 탈북자 "북한군 근무환경 매우 열악" - Duration: 7:11.


(Dear Billy) Slime Challenge + 3AM Challenge || #vlog006 || Billy Jeff - Duration: 14:25.

Dear Billy, can you do a slime challenge?

Hhmm .. Why not? Now I am in Tamu Tambunan ..

I need to fine some ingredient .. So, let round to Tamu Tambunan

Everything is here so let's go home ..

Whats up guys..

Billy Jeff here ...

Now we are at home ..

*At the beginning*

Ah! Just Speak Malay..

At the beginning, I intend to make slime with my friends.

But, No one wanted to make slime with me so ..

I plan to make ...


and make slime

Whats up guys ..

It almost 3am

Oopps .. wait a minute ..

Ok ..

its 2:58 am

It's already 3am.

So let's start ..

Before that, l need coffee.

Ok ..

Tonight I will make blood slime ..

Ingredient that i have here is





I'm kidding ..

This is not blood ..

But ..

This ..


Ok without wasting any more time ..

Let's start ..

First of all, I need glue ..

Dyra Solutions

Dye, considered blood.

now I feel scary ..

I imagine the relly ugly ghost face ..

Soda ..

i think it not be slime ..

Do you think i well success?


Almost success ..

Its danger to play with fire ..

So Sticky ..

Yes ..

Do i success?

We let it about moment ..

About 10 minutes like that ..

Ok, while we wait for the slime ..

I plan to make some paranormal activity

I will use ordinary voice recorder ..

If what's up any sound or voice recorder can record any

Ok let start

Expedited because nothing happened

Yeah ..

Ohh ..

At the beginning, i want to make red slime ..

But this is not red..

Its Pink ...

So guys .. I think I succes make my slime ..

Therefore, thank you for watching ..

Do not forget to subscribe, like, share ..

wait ..

I'm still not satisfied ..

This 3am challenge is not challenging me ..

What if we use app to find ghost ??

Let check it out

Ok .. I just installed the app ..


all dog in this village is barking

I do not know if you heard it

Oh my God..



What is the meaning?

Stoped? ..


People say that red is the evil and green were not ..

I will use this app until 4am

What is this..


Whaat is that mean ..


Yes .. because there is no person ..

I'm just one person

2 minutes left

After 4am nothing else appears

Subscribe! If not i eat you.

Sorry about that ..

For more infomation >> (Dear Billy) Slime Challenge + 3AM Challenge || #vlog006 || Billy Jeff - Duration: 14:25.


The Palace of Mad King Ludwig Final Thoughts - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> The Palace of Mad King Ludwig Final Thoughts - Duration: 7:58.


La ludoteca #45 - Wendake Tutorial - Duration: 17:39.

For more infomation >> La ludoteca #45 - Wendake Tutorial - Duration: 17:39.


Fierce Deity frees the Great Fairy Tera | Master Mode BoTW - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Fierce Deity frees the Great Fairy Tera | Master Mode BoTW - Duration: 2:00.


The Chairman's Ear - trailer of episode 28 - Duration: 0:38.

Watch now on

By the way

is such a monthly anniversary a religious celebration or not?

Because the police punish for disturbances as if it were

I don't know. It's not my business

But let this mass hysteria

finally end

If it's a "mass"

than it must be religious

Premieres on Thursday on YouTube

Watch now on

For more infomation >> The Chairman's Ear - trailer of episode 28 - Duration: 0:38.


Aphorism Make Every Kiss Memorable Gift Set: Monday Must Haves? - Duration: 9:16.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today is Monday must-have is it a Monday

must-have I don't know I'll have to wait and see I upload one every Monday make

sure you subscribe to my channel hit that notification bell I upload every

single day of the week and I don't want you to miss any so this week's Monday

must-have is on the FO ISM fo r ISM make every kiss memorable gift set I did get

this for $4.99 at my local TJ Maxx and I just thought it was so cute and so

pretty I've never heard of fo RISM before you get four lipsticks and four

glosses and I love the packaging I think it is such a beautiful beautiful package

so this is not tested on animals so yeah I'm exempt I'm very excited to

see how this goes so let's just go ahead and open it up I love the little

glittery hearts I just think the packaging is really really cute so maybe

we can get it open Hey wow that packaging is absolutely beautiful on

those lipsticks okay so I'm just gonna go ahead I'm taking it

out so it does not have like a name or a Shane on the bottom but I love that

packaging it's very very pretty ooh that is a gorgeous color let's go

ahead this will swatch on the back of this


it's really really pretty it's pretty shade there's absolutely no


this kind of reminds me of the Kat Von D packaging it's really really pretty

got the gold writing it's really really pretty okay so the next thing we have it

looks like it's a really pretty kind of nude shade

I like the bullet style it's just like a regular bullet style lipstick it's


so this one definitely feels more matte

kind of a pinky red

literally pretty shade

and looks kind of matte as well

literally pretty

we got one more lipstick shade this one it seems to be kind of like a rusty kind

of a rusty nudish red color

it's pretty

really really beautiful lipstick shades kind of impressed right off the bat

okay and then once again the glosses they don't have a name or anything on


this one does these do small little chemically I'm just going to go ahead


that's pretty see

really really pretty bright very pigmented looks almost like a cream

liquid lipstick instead of a like a gloss

that's a beautiful kind of a dark beautiful color

that shade right there really really pretty

you do seem to kind of go with the Glossop with the lipsticks too

that's a beautiful nude

really really pretty well I see is kind of like a

greyish nude

so pissed didn't come with a little applicator guess we'll still try to get

its swatched though even though there's no applicator that's so disappointing

I'm sorry it's really messy but that's I kind of

grayish Toby shade oh it's so sad oh well okay so I think I'm gonna go ahead

and go with kind of this kind of rusty so this shade right here of lipstick see

how it goes on the lips it's very pigmented it's very smooth there's no


that's really really pretty that is full-color right there but it's gorgeous

okay so kind of see which of the glosses kind of goes whip it

besides kind of the gray color I think I'm gonna go with that this one right

here and see what that looks like over the top

that is pretty so with the aphorism lipstick and lip gloss set you know

honestly I am a little disappointed about the last lip gloss shade but at

the same time that could have been happened in during manufacturing or

anything so you know one being a little damaged is not a deal breaker for me so

I definitely do think that these lipstick shades are absolutely gorgeous

the formula is really really nice I went on really really smoothly and

opaquely and the glasses are really really nice - yeah I'm disappointed

about that last shade but stuff happens I definitely do think it is worth the

$4.99 definitely definitely I think it is absolutely beautiful and honestly if

I do want to use this kind of great gloss what I'll probably do is I'll just

probably swap out one of the wands for the day and that way I can use it to

apply something like I said it's not a deal breaker for me but really really

beautiful creamy opaque coverage really really nice the lip glosses like I said

do kind of have a little bit of a chemical smell but the lipsticks have

absolutely no scent and no flavor which I really do like I think that is really

really beautiful so I definitely think the aphorism eight piece set is a great

deal I think any lip lipstick or lip gloss lover would absolutely love this

set and for $4.99 at t.j.maxx I do think that that is a great great deal I think

the shades are very very wearable and I think that anybody would absolutely love

it so it is a Monday must-have in my book even with the damaged gloss

absolutely beautiful love it love it love it

but you guys I hope you enjoyed this video I'm trying to do gift sets now

that it's definitely getting down to crunch time holiday season whether you

celebrate Hanukkah Kwanzaa Christmas or even if you don't celebrate winter

holiday seasons you know these are just some great gifts if you have you know

birthdays or anything else that you just like to do gift-giving for but I really

really do love this set really really beautiful

beautiful packaging it fells Lux it's not extremely cheap filling and I really

love it so yeah definitely definitely but you guys like said thank you so much

for watching make sure you share this video if you did enjoy it give it a

thumbs up love to get the word out on this inexpensive holiday lip gift set

you guys can also follow me on my other social media my Twitter and Facebook is

a bunch of glam-baby mister grandmas that came out and makeup and I will see

you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys

For more infomation >> Aphorism Make Every Kiss Memorable Gift Set: Monday Must Haves? - Duration: 9:16.


[ENGSUB] IU got scolded by fan at concert - Duration: 0:43.

IU: Im saying this because I've heard some people telling me that i gained weight...

Fan: What do you mean by 'gained weight'?!?!?!!!

IU: Haha, what is going on haha? Its even louder than me speaking with micro :DD

IU: Ah it's really funny :D

For more infomation >> [ENGSUB] IU got scolded by fan at concert - Duration: 0:43.


방탄소년단x방시혁, 반박불가 빅히트 전성시대 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 방탄소년단x방시혁, 반박불가 빅히트 전성시대 - Duration: 3:24.


박소현 나이 결혼 비키니 몸매 움짤 방송인 박소현 실제나이 인생술집? - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 박소현 나이 결혼 비키니 몸매 움짤 방송인 박소현 실제나이 인생술집? - Duration: 2:04.


|Minecraft|Open Lobby| - Duration: 3:12:30.

Please Subscribe!

For more infomation >> |Minecraft|Open Lobby| - Duration: 3:12:30.


New login with SwissID on - Duration: 2:03.

Everything in Anna's life is becoming more digital.

This means that her digital identity also plays an increasingly important role.

To make digital access simple and secure, Swiss Post integrates SwissID.

Anna already has a Swiss Post login, but doesn't have a SwissID account yet.

However, it's very easy to set one up.

Anna simply presses on "Link now" and creates a new SwissID account.

The link to her Swiss Post user account

is immediately confirmed once she has successfully registered with SwissID.

For Henry, the process is even easier.

That's because he has both a Swiss Post login and a SwissID account.

He too simply presses on "Link now"

and then logs in with his SwissID to link his Swiss Post user account.

Henry also receives an immediate confirmation once he has successfully logged in to SwissID.

Marina, a businesswoman, has three Swiss Post logins:

a private one, a business one and one for her tennis club.

So for her too, switching to SwissID is an advantage.

Whereas before she needed three different Swiss Post logins,

she now has only one SwissID login,

which she can use to access all three user accounts.

But how does she do it?

After the first time she successfully links with SwissID,

Marina receives a confirmation, just like Anna and Henry

and can then very easily link other user accounts.

She does this by clicking on the "Link another user account" field.

This links all her user accounts.

Each time Marina logs in with her SwissID,

she can decide which of the three user accounts she'd like to use.

One thing is clear: digital life is becoming easier for everyone.

Including Anna, who is clearly enjoying her new life with SwissID.

For more infomation >> New login with SwissID on - Duration: 2:03.


Prevent copyright strikes -Do ...

For more infomation >> Prevent copyright strikes -Do ...


Alimentos para desintoxicar o fígado e melhorar sua saúde - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Alimentos para desintoxicar o fígado e melhorar sua saúde - Duration: 7:56.


Jordan Peterson o skandalu u američkim (SAD) dječjim vrtićima u 80-im (HR titlovi) - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson o skandalu u američkim (SAD) dječjim vrtićima u 80-im (HR titlovi) - Duration: 6:33.


The Chairman's Ear - trailer of episode 28 - Duration: 0:38.

Watch now on

By the way

is such a monthly anniversary a religious celebration or not?

Because the police punish for disturbances as if it were

I don't know. It's not my business

But let this mass hysteria

finally end

If it's a "mass"

than it must be religious

Premieres on Thursday on YouTube

Watch now on

For more infomation >> The Chairman's Ear - trailer of episode 28 - Duration: 0:38.


Wsłuchaj się: Zagadka nr 10 - Duration: 1:07.

Thanks for making this project possible

Anechoic chamber

Listen in

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