Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 7 2017

i have never seen no water in here

yes it was

i cant remember

i remember that we was floating in there

i had a fish once on my atv in here

i have drown my atv 2 times in here

he goes on the tree...

one was there and he got it

come on lets go somwhere

over there

-thats not our trials

come on i dont want to be leader

i came to you to be a guest

yes grzegorz now you first

look out with jumping, when theres no water

do you rememeber when it was so dry?

4 people has roll over when jumpig

when is so dry i'm looking after to

i was jumping but i'm not for some time

if it is much water you can jump

not this way

yes it is water

maybe there?

the tree lays under

there will be better

wahaaa :)

we should go there

what is on the other side?

bushes everywhere

so lets go there, on the right

what you want?

what a swamp

go there on the left

come on came on

go there

come on come on

we wan't go there?

go go :)

it's good

come on grzechu

come on


don't be scared

i willl move over

he goes like everyone else

grizzly 450 now

we willl see how will it go

he's not giving up


this is very nice place

there is going here

whose next?!

get more power

good one!

once more

come on

they have made deep in there


there is water :)

you will find if you look

beautiful swamp!

so i have more for you ;)

come on go on

i have to look where we are

it goes

we have to wait for all

there was

too deep in here, we have never been here

thats why this is best place today

you can only see moving reeds as they come

what is in there

theres nothing, onlu mud

go home

i was going to you

ooo he will go

bigger wheels...

bigger wheels make more work

hi brother hi :)


we will wait for them

i have something in my eye

look, this are our traces?

i think

this last trip was difficult only mud, a lot of pushing

thats not funny when there is to dry

hi friends the night has catch us in this swamp

there was half a mile

in two hours

the night has come

this lights far there

thats our team too

and here

and here is the moon

i think you see this on vid

we are over now

because it is too dry, theres no water

and every time we go into

the mud it sticks the atv

and we cant move

but we have more 500 meteres to go

everyone are tired

lets go

i was going to slow

everyone are with us?

some have stayed there so we will wait

take your lights on, so they know where to go

...they are talking about the dinner

lets go to wash and go home

we will take it out from the swamp in here

For more infomation >> Deep Water & Mud - Fabiq ATV Vlog #395 2/2 - Duration: 12:59.


Nathalie Baye en veut encore à son père ««Un compliment dans une carrière » - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Nathalie Baye en veut encore à son père ««Un compliment dans une carrière » - Duration: 1:31.


Người Nhà Quê Hoài Linh

For more infomation >> Người Nhà Quê Hoài Linh


Montana Ag: Market outlook for wheat - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Montana Ag: Market outlook for wheat - Duration: 2:14.


Text Effect in Photoshop (Lesson 17) - Duration: 3:41.

Hello viewers! I am Rakib. In this lesson, I will show you how you can create text

effect in Photoshop using layer style and the result is already in front of you,

I will just show you how you can create it. So let's check this layer

above and create a text. Type text effect in Photoshop.

So this is our text.

Let's align it to center like this and to apply layer style, we'll go to:

layer, layer style and we will choose the bevel and emboss. Let's change the depth

to 215%, Let's decrease the size to 3 and

change the Gloss contour to this one, that is, cove deep

and this opacity to 52%

I will put all the values and changes in the video description.

So make sure you check it out.

first go to: contour and change the

contour to rounded steps

let's go to the texture,

click here to change it

let's select this Tie dye, change the scale to around 480.

By changing the value of scale you can make many variations of this text effect

and we will put the depth to positive 356

and let's go to the color overlay

and I will change this color to green

you can set it to any color you want,

click ok

and the last thing is the drop shadow

let's increase the opacity to 100

and this size to


After creating it you can change the scale of the texture

from here to make variations of this text effect

like this.

let's click OK

So that's our text effect and

after practicing this text effect, you can change the details slightly or completely

to create different text effects. So this one was for creating text effect manually

and in next lesson, you will see how to apply text effect that are

already existed in Photoshop. So hope to see you guys in the next lesson and

thanks for watching this one.

For more infomation >> Text Effect in Photoshop (Lesson 17) - Duration: 3:41.


Advanced English Homophones – different words that sound the same! - Duration: 14:47.

You made it, I made it.

We are at the advanced level of homophones.

Hey, everyone.

I'm Alex.

Thanks for clicking, and like I said, this is level three of my homophones series, the

advanced stage.

So, if you don't know why homophones are important to know, let me just repeat what I said at

the end of the intermediate video, which is: They're important so that you know the spelling

of words, you can understand context, you can understand what people are saying when

they use a word that maybe has another word that sounds exactly the same but the pronunciation

is also the same but the meaning is different.

So, as a recap, homophones once more are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently

and have a different meaning.

So, it's self-explanatory why they're important to know, but I mention it to you guys anyway.

So let's not waste any time and let's level up, guys.

"Air", "heir".

I think you know what "air" is... Right?

So, a technical definition, a mix of nitrogen, oxygen, and other small amounts of gases,

or a soft breeze, or in the Phil Collins song: "I can feel it calling in the air tonight",

something like that.

It's a terrible, terrible voice.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Phil. Very sorry, Phil.

Or Mr. Collins, I'll call you Mr. Collins.

"Heir", now "heir", "h-e-i-r", this is a noun and this is a person who has the legal right

to someone's property after they pass away.

Now, usually when we think about heirs, we think about it in, like, the Middle Ages where,

you know, a prince is the heir to the throne of a king.

Once the king dies, the heir steps up and he becomes the king.

So, example from Lord of the Rings: "Aragorn is Isildur's heir", in The Lord of the Rings.

Spoiler alert if you haven't seen that movie or read those books.

So, Aragorn is Isildur's heir.

Isildur defeated, you know, the evil wizard, Sauron, and you've seen the movie, you know.

Okay: "alter", "altar".

"A-l-t-e-r", this means to modify or change something, so this is a verb.

For example: "Do you wish to alter your plans?

Do you want to change anything or modify anything?"

And "altar", the noun "a-l-t-a-r", this is a table that is used for religious rituals.

So, any, you know...

Many religions use altars.

If you're thinking about Christian faiths, if you go to a Christian church, they will

have a table in the front of the church, this is called an altar.

So: "The priest is behind the altar."

In the past, altars were used for other things, like animal sacrifices, and in some cases

human sacrifices, like that Indiana Jones scene.


What's that word that they u-...?

I don't remember.


"Bald" and "bawled".

So, you probably know "bald", "b-a-l-d", an adjective which means without hair, having

no hair.

So, who's a famous bald person that I can think of?

Well, if you've seen the movie Doctor Strange, Tilda Swinton's character is bald.

She doesn't have any hair.


And "bawled", "b-a-w-l-e-d", so this is the past of the verb "bawl", "b-a-w-l" and in

the past form it means cried loudly or wailed.

So, let me...

Let me look at some examples so you understand what I mean.

So, first: "My dad bawled when he discovered his first bald spot."


So, you know, balding is a process usually.

When you find your first bald spot, like it's here usually, and you're like: "Oh no, I'm

losing my hair."

Although, bald is beautiful, too, so don't worry, guys.

Just embrace it.

It's okay.

"My dad bawled"-like he cried strongly and loudly-"when he discovered his first bald


Or: "I bawled at the end of that movie."

So, if you watch an emotional movie, or like the...

You know, the big scene in The Lion King, for example, when Simba's father dies and

when you were a kid, maybe you bawled because you were not emotionally prepared for that

level of disappointment.

Damn you, Disney.

Damn you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Just that movie gets to me.

"Bread" and "bred".

So, you guys know what "bread" is, you eat it, it's delicious, make sandwiches, toast

with it.

And then "bred", this is the past verb of "breed".

Now, "to breed" can mean to procreate or raise.

So, on a farm, for example, farmers can breed certain animals.

So: "They bred cattle"-which basically means cows-"on their farm".

You can also use this for a person in the expression of: "I was born and bred in", whatever

city or town you grew up in.

And if this place made you who you are, you can say: "I was born and bred in Rio", "I

was born and bred in Bogota", "I was born and bred in Osaka", wherever, you were...

You know, you became you.

Next: "cent", "sent", "scent".

A "cent" is just a penny, basically one cent.

Many places don't have cents anymore, including Canada.

In the States I think they phased it out I'm pretty sure.

Is that right?

I don't remember.

Anyway, "sent" is the past of "send", and tell me in the comments because I'm not going

to look it up right now.

So, "sent" is the past of "send".

And then finally: "scent", "s-c-e-n-t", this just means smell.

So, this is a noun, like the scent of flowers, the scent of peaches, the scent of roses,

the smell.

So, for example: "Calvin Klein sent me a catalogue of their new scents", their new smells basically,

Obsession, and all that stuff.

Number six: "horse", this is my depiction of a horse and "hoarse", which is an adjective.

This refers to a harsh voice or the voice you have if you've been screaming for a long time.

So if you go to a concert, for example, and you're singing, and you're going wild and

crazy, and you're yelling and you're saying: "Yeah!" at the end of the concert your voice

probably sounds like this.

Your voice sounds hoarse. Okay?

So: "My voice was hoarse after the concert."

I can think of many concerts that I've been to that had this effect, so Metallica was

definitely one of them, Radiohead was definitely another one of them, and Pearl Jam, I went

pretty crazy at that show, too.

So, lots of concerts there.

And number seven: "retch" and "wretch".

The first one is disgusting, so "to retch" means to vomit or to try to vomit.

So if you're retching, please close your eyes if vomiting makes you sick.

But if you're going... Right? You're retching. Okay? To retch.

And "wretch" with a "w", this is a noun which refers to a despicable or incredibly unhappy

individual or person.

So, here's the first retch: "The smell of the food made me retch."

Like, if you're, you know, you smell food and it's new and weird to you and you hate

the smell, or maybe it's bad and you open the fridge and there's something that's been

in there, like cheese, for like, I don't know, five months. Okay?

It makes you retch.

And finally: "He's been a miserable wretch since the breakup."

Since breaking up with his girlfriend, he's been unhappy, miserable, not very nice to

hang out with.

So, thinking about The Lion King again, you know, Disney has a lot of movies where parents

die for some reason, like Frozen, the parents die-spoiler alert-Bambi, was it the mother

or father that dies?

Spoiler alert.

And Lion King and then The Good Dinosaur, Pixar, the father dies.

Spoiler alert.

Why do they keep doing this?

Sorry, again.

Okay: "sink" and "synch".

So, "sink", "s-i-n-k", the verb which means to, you know, go below a surface, like the

Titanic sank, which is the past of "sink".

Here's a boat which is sinking.

So: "If you can't swim, you'll sink."


This is not the same as "drown", which means to die because you can't swim or to die because

you have water in your lungs. Okay?

And it's also a place where you wash your hands, you know, in the bathroom or where

you wash your dishes in your kitchen.

So: "synch", "s-y-n-c-h", this is a verb, it's short for "synchronize".

So: "Let's synch our calendars."

If you have friends and you want to know what they're doing, and you have, you know, an

electronic calendar on your phone, they have one, too, say: "Hey, let's synch our calendars

so that we know what, you know, the other person is doing on which day", and we can

do that, or you can synch your alarms, for example, so you both wake up at the same time.

Number nine: "soul" and "sole".

So, "soul", "s-o-u-l", the noun is, you know, can be the spirit of a deceased person.

Not necessarily deceased.

Some people believe you have a spirit inside you at all times.

This is your soul.

"Soul" can also be the feeling of something, the feeling of a city, for example, a place.

So you can say, if you're in a place that's very dark and depressing, and no one...

There's no life, it's not vibrant, you can say: "The city has no soul."

Or: "You have no soul", which is a very terrible insult if you say: "You have no soul", like

no human feeling.

"Sole", "s-o-l-e" can have a couple of different meanings.

It can be a noun, which means the bottom part of your foot, so the...

If this is your foot, the whole underside of your foot is your sole.

When you go to the store you can buy insoles for your shoes, for example, and you know,

they cover...

Go under the sole of your foot.

It can also mean the one and only.

So, the sole survivor, for example, of a plane crash or something like that.

So: "She is my sole living relative."

If you only have one living family member left in your family, you can say: "She is

my sole living relative", the one and only.

"My sole reason for living", for example.

And finally, number 10: "vial" and "vile".

So, "vial", the noun, here's a picture of a vial that you can often see in doctors'

offices or science labs.

This is a small container that is used for liquids.

So you can have a vial of blood, or a vial of a specific chemical, like ammonia, for example.

Is it ammonia?

Anemia is the disease, right?

Ammonia, ammonia, that's it.

So, then "vile", the adjective, "v-i-l-e", this means wretchedly bad, absolutely disgusting,

awful, terrible.

So: "A vile human being." Right?

If I say: "He is a vile human being", disgusting, terrible, awful.

It's a very strong and horrible word.

And if you want to use both of these: "He filled the vial with a vile poison", a very

strong, gross, disgusting, terrible poison. Okay?

So, speaking of vile, Disney, I can't stand them, guys, they keep killing people.

It can't be...

We need to stop this.

We... Okay, forget it, Alex. Just forget it.

Today we talked about homophones.

Better yet, we talked about advanced homophones.

If you want to go back and watch a video that has 20 more combinations of homophones, 10

at the beginner level, 10 at the intermediate level, you can do so at the link attached

to this video.

And once you do that, I think you'll feel a lot more confident in your English speaking

ability, your English comprehension, your English spelling, and just in general; you'll

be an all-around, more confident, and comfortable English speaker.

My mom is calling me.

I'm just going to turn that off, guys.

Hold on.

In the middle of a video, is just...

It's really rude.

But let's finish that. Okay.

So, if you want to test your understanding of this material, as always, you can check

out the quiz on

You can also subscribe to my channel, check me out of Facebook, check me out on Twitter.

And yeah, do all those things, and also donate to the site if you want to support what we

do here.

So, thank you very much, guys, for clicking and I'll see you next time.

I hate Disney.

For more infomation >> Advanced English Homophones – different words that sound the same! - Duration: 14:47.


এইমাত্র পাওয়া ..আধিপত্য বিস্তার নিয়ে খুন হল, ছাত্র লিগ ও যুব দলের সংঘর্ষ Politics News - Duration: 5:40.

saif & bipu

For more infomation >> এইমাত্র পাওয়া ..আধিপত্য বিস্তার নিয়ে খুন হল, ছাত্র লিগ ও যুব দলের সংঘর্ষ Politics News - Duration: 5:40.


Advanced English Homophones – different words that sound the same! - Duration: 14:47.

You made it, I made it.

We are at the advanced level of homophones.

Hey, everyone.

I'm Alex.

Thanks for clicking, and like I said, this is level three of my homophones series, the

advanced stage.

So, if you don't know why homophones are important to know, let me just repeat what I said at

the end of the intermediate video, which is: They're important so that you know the spelling

of words, you can understand context, you can understand what people are saying when

they use a word that maybe has another word that sounds exactly the same but the pronunciation

is also the same but the meaning is different.

So, as a recap, homophones once more are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently

and have a different meaning.

So, it's self-explanatory why they're important to know, but I mention it to you guys anyway.

So let's not waste any time and let's level up, guys.

"Air", "heir".

I think you know what "air" is... Right?

So, a technical definition, a mix of nitrogen, oxygen, and other small amounts of gases,

or a soft breeze, or in the Phil Collins song: "I can feel it calling in the air tonight",

something like that.

It's a terrible, terrible voice.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Phil. Very sorry, Phil.

Or Mr. Collins, I'll call you Mr. Collins.

"Heir", now "heir", "h-e-i-r", this is a noun and this is a person who has the legal right

to someone's property after they pass away.

Now, usually when we think about heirs, we think about it in, like, the Middle Ages where,

you know, a prince is the heir to the throne of a king.

Once the king dies, the heir steps up and he becomes the king.

So, example from Lord of the Rings: "Aragorn is Isildur's heir", in The Lord of the Rings.

Spoiler alert if you haven't seen that movie or read those books.

So, Aragorn is Isildur's heir.

Isildur defeated, you know, the evil wizard, Sauron, and you've seen the movie, you know.

Okay: "alter", "altar".

"A-l-t-e-r", this means to modify or change something, so this is a verb.

For example: "Do you wish to alter your plans?

Do you want to change anything or modify anything?"

And "altar", the noun "a-l-t-a-r", this is a table that is used for religious rituals.

So, any, you know...

Many religions use altars.

If you're thinking about Christian faiths, if you go to a Christian church, they will

have a table in the front of the church, this is called an altar.

So: "The priest is behind the altar."

In the past, altars were used for other things, like animal sacrifices, and in some cases

human sacrifices, like that Indiana Jones scene.


What's that word that they u-...?

I don't remember.


"Bald" and "bawled".

So, you probably know "bald", "b-a-l-d", an adjective which means without hair, having

no hair.

So, who's a famous bald person that I can think of?

Well, if you've seen the movie Doctor Strange, Tilda Swinton's character is bald.

She doesn't have any hair.


And "bawled", "b-a-w-l-e-d", so this is the past of the verb "bawl", "b-a-w-l" and in

the past form it means cried loudly or wailed.

So, let me...

Let me look at some examples so you understand what I mean.

So, first: "My dad bawled when he discovered his first bald spot."


So, you know, balding is a process usually.

When you find your first bald spot, like it's here usually, and you're like: "Oh no, I'm

losing my hair."

Although, bald is beautiful, too, so don't worry, guys.

Just embrace it.

It's okay.

"My dad bawled"-like he cried strongly and loudly-"when he discovered his first bald


Or: "I bawled at the end of that movie."

So, if you watch an emotional movie, or like the...

You know, the big scene in The Lion King, for example, when Simba's father dies and

when you were a kid, maybe you bawled because you were not emotionally prepared for that

level of disappointment.

Damn you, Disney.

Damn you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Just that movie gets to me.

"Bread" and "bred".

So, you guys know what "bread" is, you eat it, it's delicious, make sandwiches, toast

with it.

And then "bred", this is the past verb of "breed".

Now, "to breed" can mean to procreate or raise.

So, on a farm, for example, farmers can breed certain animals.

So: "They bred cattle"-which basically means cows-"on their farm".

You can also use this for a person in the expression of: "I was born and bred in", whatever

city or town you grew up in.

And if this place made you who you are, you can say: "I was born and bred in Rio", "I

was born and bred in Bogota", "I was born and bred in Osaka", wherever, you were...

You know, you became you.

Next: "cent", "sent", "scent".

A "cent" is just a penny, basically one cent.

Many places don't have cents anymore, including Canada.

In the States I think they phased it out I'm pretty sure.

Is that right?

I don't remember.

Anyway, "sent" is the past of "send", and tell me in the comments because I'm not going

to look it up right now.

So, "sent" is the past of "send".

And then finally: "scent", "s-c-e-n-t", this just means smell.

So, this is a noun, like the scent of flowers, the scent of peaches, the scent of roses,

the smell.

So, for example: "Calvin Klein sent me a catalogue of their new scents", their new smells basically,

Obsession, and all that stuff.

Number six: "horse", this is my depiction of a horse and "hoarse", which is an adjective.

This refers to a harsh voice or the voice you have if you've been screaming for a long time.

So if you go to a concert, for example, and you're singing, and you're going wild and

crazy, and you're yelling and you're saying: "Yeah!" at the end of the concert your voice

probably sounds like this.

Your voice sounds hoarse. Okay?

So: "My voice was hoarse after the concert."

I can think of many concerts that I've been to that had this effect, so Metallica was

definitely one of them, Radiohead was definitely another one of them, and Pearl Jam, I went

pretty crazy at that show, too.

So, lots of concerts there.

And number seven: "retch" and "wretch".

The first one is disgusting, so "to retch" means to vomit or to try to vomit.

So if you're retching, please close your eyes if vomiting makes you sick.

But if you're going... Right? You're retching. Okay? To retch.

And "wretch" with a "w", this is a noun which refers to a despicable or incredibly unhappy

individual or person.

So, here's the first retch: "The smell of the food made me retch."

Like, if you're, you know, you smell food and it's new and weird to you and you hate

the smell, or maybe it's bad and you open the fridge and there's something that's been

in there, like cheese, for like, I don't know, five months. Okay?

It makes you retch.

And finally: "He's been a miserable wretch since the breakup."

Since breaking up with his girlfriend, he's been unhappy, miserable, not very nice to

hang out with.

So, thinking about The Lion King again, you know, Disney has a lot of movies where parents

die for some reason, like Frozen, the parents die-spoiler alert-Bambi, was it the mother

or father that dies?

Spoiler alert.

And Lion King and then The Good Dinosaur, Pixar, the father dies.

Spoiler alert.

Why do they keep doing this?

Sorry, again.

Okay: "sink" and "synch".

So, "sink", "s-i-n-k", the verb which means to, you know, go below a surface, like the

Titanic sank, which is the past of "sink".

Here's a boat which is sinking.

So: "If you can't swim, you'll sink."


This is not the same as "drown", which means to die because you can't swim or to die because

you have water in your lungs. Okay?

And it's also a place where you wash your hands, you know, in the bathroom or where

you wash your dishes in your kitchen.

So: "synch", "s-y-n-c-h", this is a verb, it's short for "synchronize".

So: "Let's synch our calendars."

If you have friends and you want to know what they're doing, and you have, you know, an

electronic calendar on your phone, they have one, too, say: "Hey, let's synch our calendars

so that we know what, you know, the other person is doing on which day", and we can

do that, or you can synch your alarms, for example, so you both wake up at the same time.

Number nine: "soul" and "sole".

So, "soul", "s-o-u-l", the noun is, you know, can be the spirit of a deceased person.

Not necessarily deceased.

Some people believe you have a spirit inside you at all times.

This is your soul.

"Soul" can also be the feeling of something, the feeling of a city, for example, a place.

So you can say, if you're in a place that's very dark and depressing, and no one...

There's no life, it's not vibrant, you can say: "The city has no soul."

Or: "You have no soul", which is a very terrible insult if you say: "You have no soul", like

no human feeling.

"Sole", "s-o-l-e" can have a couple of different meanings.

It can be a noun, which means the bottom part of your foot, so the...

If this is your foot, the whole underside of your foot is your sole.

When you go to the store you can buy insoles for your shoes, for example, and you know,

they cover...

Go under the sole of your foot.

It can also mean the one and only.

So, the sole survivor, for example, of a plane crash or something like that.

So: "She is my sole living relative."

If you only have one living family member left in your family, you can say: "She is

my sole living relative", the one and only.

"My sole reason for living", for example.

And finally, number 10: "vial" and "vile".

So, "vial", the noun, here's a picture of a vial that you can often see in doctors'

offices or science labs.

This is a small container that is used for liquids.

So you can have a vial of blood, or a vial of a specific chemical, like ammonia, for example.

Is it ammonia?

Anemia is the disease, right?

Ammonia, ammonia, that's it.

So, then "vile", the adjective, "v-i-l-e", this means wretchedly bad, absolutely disgusting,

awful, terrible.

So: "A vile human being." Right?

If I say: "He is a vile human being", disgusting, terrible, awful.

It's a very strong and horrible word.

And if you want to use both of these: "He filled the vial with a vile poison", a very

strong, gross, disgusting, terrible poison. Okay?

So, speaking of vile, Disney, I can't stand them, guys, they keep killing people.

It can't be...

We need to stop this.

We... Okay, forget it, Alex. Just forget it.

Today we talked about homophones.

Better yet, we talked about advanced homophones.

If you want to go back and watch a video that has 20 more combinations of homophones, 10

at the beginner level, 10 at the intermediate level, you can do so at the link attached

to this video.

And once you do that, I think you'll feel a lot more confident in your English speaking

ability, your English comprehension, your English spelling, and just in general; you'll

be an all-around, more confident, and comfortable English speaker.

My mom is calling me.

I'm just going to turn that off, guys.

Hold on.

In the middle of a video, is just...

It's really rude.

But let's finish that. Okay.

So, if you want to test your understanding of this material, as always, you can check

out the quiz on

You can also subscribe to my channel, check me out of Facebook, check me out on Twitter.

And yeah, do all those things, and also donate to the site if you want to support what we

do here.

So, thank you very much, guys, for clicking and I'll see you next time.

I hate Disney.

For more infomation >> Advanced English Homophones – different words that sound the same! - Duration: 14:47.


Can I ask that? Part 1. - Duration: 1:17.

From my experience and I

get to meet people new people with

disability each week who start

traineeships at my workplace, and my only

advice is just to treat them exactly the

same as anybody else. Like, there is a

limit like to what questions you can and

can't ask if they're interested

then I think it's important that they

can ask. And you're perfectly happy to

give them an answer? Yeah I am! The number

one question I get up at a pub or something is

can you have sex or or can you feel your…

you know, and I say - not until you

buy me a beer at least! If you as you

said I couldn't agree more, there's a guy

or if there's a girl called Sandra at the

workplace and you want to ask Sandra

questions and she's able-bodied, what do you do?

you go ask her! You just go up and ask her.

but when they're disabled people go:

"Ooh, what do I do,

how do I go about it." I go, ask him a

question! Because they are first and

foremost a normal person who just might

happen to have a disability.

For more infomation >> Can I ask that? Part 1. - Duration: 1:17.


Fresh Ghee From Packet Milk | Village Style Ghee Making at Home | 5 ltr Milk 250 gm Ghee - Duration: 3:43.

Ghee Recipe

Ghee Recipe

Ghee Recipe

For more infomation >> Fresh Ghee From Packet Milk | Village Style Ghee Making at Home | 5 ltr Milk 250 gm Ghee - Duration: 3:43.


5 Ways to re-build your lost confidence – Personality Development Video by Skillopedia - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to re-build your lost confidence – Personality Development Video by Skillopedia - Duration: 10:18.


Deep Water & Mud - Fabiq ATV Vlog #395 2/2 - Duration: 12:59.

i have never seen no water in here

yes it was

i cant remember

i remember that we was floating in there

i had a fish once on my atv in here

i have drown my atv 2 times in here

he goes on the tree...

one was there and he got it

come on lets go somwhere

over there

-thats not our trials

come on i dont want to be leader

i came to you to be a guest

yes grzegorz now you first

look out with jumping, when theres no water

do you rememeber when it was so dry?

4 people has roll over when jumpig

when is so dry i'm looking after to

i was jumping but i'm not for some time

if it is much water you can jump

not this way

yes it is water

maybe there?

the tree lays under

there will be better

wahaaa :)

we should go there

what is on the other side?

bushes everywhere

so lets go there, on the right

what you want?

what a swamp

go there on the left

come on came on

go there

come on come on

we wan't go there?

go go :)

it's good

come on grzechu

come on


don't be scared

i willl move over

he goes like everyone else

grizzly 450 now

we willl see how will it go

he's not giving up


this is very nice place

there is going here

whose next?!

get more power

good one!

once more

come on

they have made deep in there


there is water :)

you will find if you look

beautiful swamp!

so i have more for you ;)

come on go on

i have to look where we are

it goes

we have to wait for all

there was

too deep in here, we have never been here

thats why this is best place today

you can only see moving reeds as they come

what is in there

theres nothing, onlu mud

go home

i was going to you

ooo he will go

bigger wheels...

bigger wheels make more work

hi brother hi :)


we will wait for them

i have something in my eye

look, this are our traces?

i think

this last trip was difficult only mud, a lot of pushing

thats not funny when there is to dry

hi friends the night has catch us in this swamp

there was half a mile

in two hours

the night has come

this lights far there

thats our team too

and here

and here is the moon

i think you see this on vid

we are over now

because it is too dry, theres no water

and every time we go into

the mud it sticks the atv

and we cant move

but we have more 500 meteres to go

everyone are tired

lets go

i was going to slow

everyone are with us?

some have stayed there so we will wait

take your lights on, so they know where to go

...they are talking about the dinner

lets go to wash and go home

we will take it out from the swamp in here

For more infomation >> Deep Water & Mud - Fabiq ATV Vlog #395 2/2 - Duration: 12:59.


LOOM KNITTING the Super Stretchy Bind-off for the Round Loom | Loomahat | Cast-off for Hats Socks - Duration: 5:35.

Hey guys its Denise, here to show you the super stretchy bind-off with a twist.

This is a great bind off to use for say brimless hats or gloves, boot cuffs or

even socks.

Special thanks to Promise Learning for covering the cost of closed

captioning. Alrighty let's begin. You're gonna measure out one and a half

times the length of your project, so I start here and I go around once and

then to my midpoint, which in my case is here and then I get my scissors and cut

my working yarn. Then I go back and I find the peg that has the working yarn

and I'm going to skip the peg that's next to it right here and go to the next

peg. When I get there I am going to scoop the working yarn from the bottom

up, I then take the working yarn back to the peg that I skipped and now I'm gonna

scoop the yarn from the top instead of from the bottom. Feed the yarn

through that peg and pull and tighten. Now I'm going to repeat the process.

So I skip the peg, I'm now gonna scoop from the bottom up go back with my

working yarn to the peg I skipped and now I'm going to feed from the top down.

Then I'm going to tighten my working yarn and repeat the process.

So I skip a peg and remember this is your first one that you did, keep that in

mind and now I'm going to scoop the working yarn from the bottom up. Take the

working yarn back to the one that I skipped and scoop from the top down.

Now here's where I hacked this technique. I'm going to take this loop and I'm

going to take it off the peg, completely. Then I'm going to take my working

yarn and tighten it again. Now I'm going to start the process again. Keep in

mind that this loop, the middle one, right here is tighter because I removed that

other loop. The way this technique is normally done is that you don't remove

any loops until the end. But I want to show you to the extent that this makes a

difference. Right now I'm leaving two on, right. There's two with loops, as I skip

and go to the next one, I scoop from the bottom go back

scoop from the top and then tighten my yarn. Then I remove this one. So there

were two loops on and even leaving those two loops on your pegs, on your loom, make

a big difference. I want to make sure that I show you that, that leaving two

loops, how much difference it is then if I did something even a little more

different. So I'm gonna change things a bit so I can show you what a big

difference a minor change makes. This time there's only one loop left behind

and then I start that process where I skip one peg, I scoop from the bottom up,

go back to that middle peg and scoop from the top down. Remember that a

few minutes ago there were still two, when we were doing this process there

were two loops on the peg but now there's only one and I take that one off

before I start the process. That little bit of a change is the difference

between these stitches and these looser stitches. The difference here was I

was leaving two loops on my loom as opposed to here, where I only left one. So

again, we start the process where we skip one then scoop from the bottom up, go

back scoop from the top and then remove the loop immediately

before we start the process again. Continue with the technique until you're

down to only two pegs with loops still on a loom.

When you're down to the last two, one of them being the first peg that you did, do

you remember that one, now you're just going to scoop the yarn up that first

peg and remove your loops and now you're done.

The loops on your edge look nice and tight and clean but the best part about

this technique is that it is stretchy. It looks great. So here's what I want you to

see, BAM ! See that. I totally love this technique. I

hope you guys do too. If you liked the video please share, comment, like and remember

to love with your looms.

For more infomation >> LOOM KNITTING the Super Stretchy Bind-off for the Round Loom | Loomahat | Cast-off for Hats Socks - Duration: 5:35.


Wednesday Evening Weather: Frigid Night Ahead - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Wednesday Evening Weather: Frigid Night Ahead - Duration: 4:40.


JULPYSSEL DAG 7 | julgran av kotte - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> JULPYSSEL DAG 7 | julgran av kotte - Duration: 1:45.



For more infomation >> BAJU PROSZE PANNA JAMBAL - JANTAR zespół (teksty/lyrics) ZSGE KONIN RONDO MOSIR KS GÓRNIK PAK KWB SA - Duration: 3:29.


Neil Patrick Harris' Guest Host Monologue on Jimmy Kimmel Live - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> Neil Patrick Harris' Guest Host Monologue on Jimmy Kimmel Live - Duration: 11:37.


이재명 부인 김혜경 학력 나이 군면제에 대해서 - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 이재명 부인 김혜경 학력 나이 군면제에 대해서 - Duration: 4:36.


장근석, 평창 홍보대사 위촉…"2,018명 자비 초대" - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 장근석, 평창 홍보대사 위촉…"2,018명 자비 초대" - Duration: 2:28.


아사다 마오 근황..김연아 드레스 따라 입는 선수들 피겨계 반윤희 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 아사다 마오 근황..김연아 드레스 따라 입는 선수들 피겨계 반윤희 - Duration: 3:10.


Människors Jerusalem - eller Guds ? - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Människors Jerusalem - eller Guds ? - Duration: 1:50.


이번주 토요일자 '그알'에 에릭남이 나오는 이유 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 이번주 토요일자 '그알'에 에릭남이 나오는 이유 - Duration: 2:51.


What Is Full Container Load(FCL) - What Is FCL Shipping In Ocean Freight -What Is FCL Cargo Shipment - Duration: 0:43.

What Is Full Container Load (FCL)

What Is Full Container Load (FCL)

What Is Full Container Load (FCL)

For more infomation >> What Is Full Container Load(FCL) - What Is FCL Shipping In Ocean Freight -What Is FCL Cargo Shipment - Duration: 0:43.


SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 7. december - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> SoMe og Video Julekalender 2017 - 7. december - Duration: 0:26.


✔ 本土劇女星「連靜雯」突宣布退出演藝圈!她淚曝「逼不得已離開....」原因讓粉絲全哭了! ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> ✔ 本土劇女星「連靜雯」突宣布退出演藝圈!她淚曝「逼不得已離開....」原因讓粉絲全哭了! ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 4:22.


'내방' 손연재, 썸인줄 알았는데 남사친 '반전엔딩' - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> '내방' 손연재, 썸인줄 알았는데 남사친 '반전엔딩' - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 3:38.


방탄소년단 日 싱글, 발매 직후 오리콘 데일리 차트 1위 - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 방탄소년단 日 싱글, 발매 직후 오리콘 데일리 차트 1위 - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 3:02.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


Ahmed Shehzad Selected for new zealand Tour | Mickey arthur angry about ahmed shehzad beating - Duration: 3:49.

Ahmed Shehzad Selected for new zealand Tour | Mickey arthur angry about ahmed shehzad beating

For more infomation >> Ahmed Shehzad Selected for new zealand Tour | Mickey arthur angry about ahmed shehzad beating - Duration: 3:49.


SINGER® 1234 Sewing Machine Owner's Class - Duration: 43:02.

For more infomation >> SINGER® 1234 Sewing Machine Owner's Class - Duration: 43:02.


































For more infomation >> SENSO DI COLPA - CALENDARIO DELL'AVVENTO CON RICHARD - 2017 - #7 - Duration: 1:55.


Wheels On The Bus Nursery Rhymes For Children HD Version Wheels On The Bus 3D Animation For Kids - Duration: 2:20.

Wheels On The Bus Nursery Rhymes For Children HD Version Wheels On The Bus 3D Animation For Kids

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