Hello guys! I'm Makev
and welcome to another Fortnite video.
This time is a tutorial, places where you can find 2 chests.
It will be a series of videos where I'll be showing places where you can find 2, 3, 4, 6 or 7 chests.
But everyone knows that the chests do spawn randomly, so, maybe you'll find noone or only one on the places that I've showed.
But all the places I'm showing do spawn 2 chests.
Not aways, but chests do spawn there.
It's just a matter of the game spawn the chest or not.
So, let's go!
The first place is the Race Track on G5.
I call it Race Track.
This is the place, underneath this little structure there's 2 chests.
Look there's 2 chests here and there's a guy with me.
I have to get a weapon!
Die die! lemme record!
Only 8 HP!
And there is the second chest.
And alreadly got some good loot.
This is a good place to land, there's also another chest on the house a little foward.
So it's almost garanteed 3 chests here.
At least one you get!
So it's a good spot
Let's get to the next spot. The next spot is on E7
I'll try to get there, if I do I'll be back, if not, then we'll have to jump again
We are arring at the spot and we do have 2 chests.
it is in this pile of cars.
I'll be showing the location on the map.
Down here, near Fatal Fields
To get em' you just need to jump on the tires.
Let's drink this shield potion.
Warning, don't fall from the top, you'll loose life.
Down here on the map there's also a 2 chest place.
On D7 on the houses.
Forgot to mention on this truck there's also another chest.
I don't know if it will be there now.
It is, so let's open it.
Let's get to the house.
Theese are the houses. On both you can find chests on the attic.
There was a guy I've killed before who looted this chest.
Now I have to run because of the storm.
The next place, I'll start all the way up the map.
There's an ice cream truck on F2 where you can find 2 chests.
We are arring at the truck, sadly there's only one chest.
Which gave us a sniper
One chest is on the floor and the other is on the top of the truck, you can open it from the floor.
The next place is on E2, there's 2 houses there.
Let's go!
Arriving at the destination, we can see 2 houses that normaly spawns 2 chests.
Let's check the little one first.
There's no chest.
But everyone knows that the chests spawns on the attic.
Let's check the big one.
We do have one chest here.
Another place where you can find 2 chests is on the tunnel on E3.
Inside the tunnel there's a wall that if you break you can find 2 chests and a ammo box.
Let's see if the wall is areadly broken... It's not!
This is the wall.
There is one chest only, but the other one spawns on the middle table and the ammo box on the left table.
The next place is on the C5 mountain.
There's a battle bus easter egg there with 2 chests.
Arriving at the bus I can see there's 2 chests and a shield potion.
There's nobody with us so we can loot.
The next place where we can find 2 chests is just down the map on D7 on the bridge.
So i'll follow the river to the bridge.
Arriving at the place, we can alreadly see one chest, and the other is on the river, on an ice cream truck.
There it is!
The next spot is on this mountain, on C6.
I don't know If I'll manage to get there because the storm will be cloosing soon.
The first chest is just right here, in front of this sink.
And the second is just on a little house to the left.
There it is, on the attic.
Let me get resouses so we can build and get it.
The next place is just down the mountain, I'll die to the storm, but at least I can show to you.
Still on C6 there is a house and a wooden "chair" where there are chests.
One on the house and one on the wooden chair.
There is the wooden "chair" with another chest.
The next place is right on this mountain on C5.
This place is good because is surrounded with places with 2 chests. Like this house on C5.
Let see if we can land there alone because it's a disputed place.
We are arriving at the tree, we can alreadly see one chest over there.
And there is another one.
With a bit of lag xD
Let's drink the shield
And go to this house.
There are the houses with 2 chests.
Let's see if the chests are still here.
As everyone knows, the chests on this houses are on the attic.
There's a chest here.
Let's check the little one.
Yes there's a chest!
Going from here, the next 2 chest place is on B4, there are also 2 houses there.
Arriving at the houses, same thing, one chest on each attic.
But this one is areadly looted, so I'll only check if there was a chest up there.
Yes, there was a chest there.
And there was another one on the little house.
The next place is on this mountain right to the left.
The next chest is right inside this house, for sure it's alreadly looted because ppl droped here.
There's the chest.
The other chest is just a little to the top, lots of ppl doesn't know about this one.
It's right on this gap. In the middle of theese trees.
Sadly it didn't respawn this time, but it's right here.
Right here!
The next place or should I call places, are just on the left corner of the map.
The first one is right on top of this mountain on B3.
The first one is there and the second is just on the foot of the mountain.
The other chest is right on this gap.
Right here.
The next place is on this house, the one inside the trees.
I call it pleasent house because it's near to the Pleasent Park.
We can hear one chest, but sadly there's only one.
One is right here and the other is just under the floor.
The next place is on B2, on this 2 houses.
As everyone knows, there one chest on the little house and one on the big one. Both on the attic.
The last place with 2 chests is a little far away from here, right there on C2.
I'll try to get there, if I don't die to the storm.
Of couse I'll be looting inside the storm, but at least I can show the chests.
Arriving at the place, same as the other houses, 2 chests, one on each house.
So that's it guys, this was the 2 chest places video.
There will be videos of places with 3, 4, 6 and 7 chests.
So, stay tunned on the channel to don't loose anything
Show some support by hitting the like button and until the next episode.
Peace out!
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