Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2017

This arouses admiration in me when feelings are born Get used to people when they leave so quickly

Open your eyes, think - how much you care You walk in the fog, whatever you believe in

Feelings rip out my guts, but I'm still alive I'm flesh and blood, my heart beats

The worst feel alone in a crowd Maybe someone will you understand, maybe not and then you cut yourself

Many women go away, do I have to look back and torture myself? Stop it!

It's all gone now, I'm smarter Something started, something finished, sorry it didn't work out

They wanted me to change I don't like to be manipulated like object of sugestion

I am me in the world of condemned women-beast Wound had healed, I don't think about revenge (no longer)

It's hard to deal with time Your life is fleeting like sand in hourglass

Artificial world where everybody count all the money I get lost in it, even with a compass

The Prose Of Life

That's incredible like Kaliber 44's first album Our life is set out by inverted hourglass

You'll find out how to not mess with time Once you lose, to win other times

I don't have time for lack of time, I grab moment I using life because death is a one-way ticket

I'm not a couch-potato This digs the grave of who doesn't shake off

Everyday life is kind of epidemic in our land Poisons as arsenic - can you change it?

Shadows land before me, the sun hitsit's zenith I don't see how these rays would not open pupil

Sick reality is drawning in grey colours This day reminds what was yesterday

You are witness, you can see it everywhere To err is human thing, fools persist in error

It's hard to deal with time Your life is fleeting like sand in hourglass

Artificial world where everybody count all the money I get lost in it, even with a compass

The Prose Of Life

It's hard to deal with time Your life is fleeting like sand in hourglass

Artificial world where everybody count all the money I get lost in it, even with a compass

I fulfil with words this apathy Drab reality like crime and punishment

No faith clockwise stop You don't know how to apply it in your life measure

For more infomation >> 02. Niebo - Proza Życia prod. Mada + ENG&PL subtitles - Duration: 3:01.


Christmas star out of paper. Origami Christmas tree toy with their hands - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Christmas star out of paper. Origami Christmas tree toy with their hands - Duration: 3:16.


Meet the female candidates ...

For more infomation >> Meet the female candidates ...


Man Ray: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Man Ray: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 4:27.


Vincitore Grande Fratello Vip 2017: sondaggi, pronostici e scommesse | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Vincitore Grande Fratello Vip 2017: sondaggi, pronostici e scommesse | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:38.


ITALIAN vs KOREAN SUPERMARKET | Grocery shopping in South Korea - Duration: 12:08.

Hi everybody welcome! today I am with your most beloved

Victoria, who you didn't see for a long time, am I right Victoria?

"Hi, hi", "Hi, Hi"

With the biggest demand of few but proud

I'll show you how a korean market is

Shall we start?

Hi ! Hi !

The first thing that you can see is the toilet papaer

What are you doing?!

I didn't noticed that the toilet paper brand was "Wow Amazing"

what a wonderful name! really nice!

You have to know that finding

sugar-free juice in Korea

is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E

even if it is written on the bottle 100%

100% this ***, mmmm, it is not 100%

Orange yes, maybe it is 100% but they add stuff

In korea there's also the Aloe Vera juice

Who does like it? I do not know

Do you like aloe juice Victoria?

- Yes - Really? -Yes

- Is it gross, am I right?!

I don't know what it is, but lately there are a lot of beverages

with this little seed inside

It's a wave, they think that if they put the seed it is more healthy, I don't really know

If they say so we'll trust them

Never to forget: Tomato juice. koreans get crazy for this

- Right? Do you like tomato juice, don't you? - Yes I do

Is tomato a fruit? They make a juice with it

Here at last, one of the beverage

most drank by koreans during diet

it's like Corn Tea and Cereal Tea

And it is absolutely awful. It has no calories but

I really do not like it

not so awful like the

Savage Pine Juice

this stuff taste like pine needles

The tree, guys! This stuff is made with pine, THE TREE

and people like it, I swear you

Here this variety of

pepsi, coke, lime coke. Is there also in italy lime coke?

Maybe nowadays yes

By the way here we have normal things, but if we move....

.. here there are stranger things

For instance: what the fu*k McCol is?

We do not want to know what McCol is

but it has B1, C and B2 vitamins

so maybe it is like a healty coke (?)

I do not know. The korean fanta here it is:

it is the pure sick of lives

Aside the fluorescent color which is different from ours

you need to knwo that

the sugar in the korean fanta is,

i think almost

two times the sugar in ours

Can they lack of chupachups drik? I don't think so

I think that theese we do not have in italy

Milk flavoured with ONEO

- Will it taste good? - I've never tasted it so I don't know

I do like black bean milk

But children prefer this almonds and nuts milk

- What are you doing? - I do like soju (korean alchoolic drink)

She's a drunken lady

Drunk! Drunk!

And here the reason why koreans are always drunk

This bottle that it's like vodka, it costs 1190Won

Which correspond to 0.90€

I mean: 0.90€ the bottle, if you drink something like this

I would be already drunk

here the classical beers

and some chinese one, I do like this one which is called tsingtao

but there is also our peroni guys

Italian proud in korea

PERONI, how much do you cost?

a can of this costs 2€ more or less

this little amout of grape costs

guys, it costs 6€

1 bag, OK?! Do you understand why I do not eat fruit here in Korea?!

a bag od balck grape

costs 8€

other fruits

three apples

7,50 €

one, two, three apples, I do not really know

also the vegetables cost a lot

so much pricy that is sold one leaf at time

here we are in the most anticipated area by you italian people in the heart

like me

the pasta section

I must say that in korea we can find the italian pasta; De Cecco present, Barilla present

they are not so pricy,

for example 500grams of spaghetti costs2,000W

and 2000W it's like 1,5€

there is also the Genovese Pesto

by De Cecco, and this tiny jar costs 5€

how much does the pesto costs in italy?

I don't know

By the way so far there are italian products

but coming to the tomato sauce

the brands are american and the problems start

original recepe

of *** my love, because

it is not tomato past

let's see what there is inside of this tomato sauce

tomato at 60% guys

60% of tomato 40% of love

cream cheese garlic cream

rose chicken, i don't even know what it is

and here it is the most famous ALFREDO


as you can se sadly it exists

it is real life, the Alfredo pasta is a thing. DAM

Ragù creamy mozzarella?!

You bloody americans, what the hell

is this stuff??

the most wonderful things of korean supermarket is that

there is a lot of things to eat

if you are hungry you can easily get full with the little taster

look how the puonce like pidgeons

to eat free

here we are

this lane is only for the chips

this are the honey butter

very deilcious

ths flavoured with shrimp

those with cheese

with corn

ang guys this

with crab

with wasabi crab

with corn and chocolate, what the heck

with chocolate and cream cheese (so philadelphia like)

peanut chips

sweet potato chips, makes sense

squid chips, holy god

onion chips

it I show you everythink we'll never end, but you can get it

the big amount of chips that are here

sweet snack lane

but most important

sweet crackers, here we are

they are a mistic experience in Korea

like cracker with cheese cream inside

or cheese lemon

I did send those to stefy1986

and she said that they tasted good

but I refuse to eat crackers with lemon and cheese

I refuse myself

look at this, strawberry crakers

I think I ate one of this

in my snack test I made with Carson

and maybe I had spit them, just to express how good they are

here are our kinder, and I know that most of you think that are germans

bat the kinder is an italian brand

there are choco bombs

kinder chocolate and kinder maxi

and you must know that in korea there are not sourprise kinder

only kinder joy

which I personally do not like


it's pizza crispy loaves of breat flavoured with pizza

you, what brand are you? I want to know you "La Mole"

I think that it's an italian brand, because the writings are in italian

but, guys, in every case it is not pizza

it's pizza your sister

and "La Mole" import also crispy bruschetta

fresh and delicious.... ehm..

tomato and oregano

should we trust? what are they?

here we are with the classical korean snaks

and as you can see those have a really nice shape. Kawaii (=cute)

this is a little fish, this a little panda

so cute

I wanted to tell you also that I do have the "Dolce Gusto"

but when I come back to Italy

I realize that there are not the same things

for example in Korea there's the Cappuccino, which there is also in Italy

but then

latte with caramel

are there in Italy this flavours?

welcome to ceral section, which I think costs really a lot

I don't know, but is 6€ normal for a box?

in Italy are cheaper, right?

by the way on korea they have oreo cereal, which are really really good

to die for

kellog's costs more than 7€

7 euros for a cereals box?

here we are at the noodles section

Victoria explain us a little bit of noodles

- This is the most popoular - "Shin Ramion"

- And it is also the most spicy

We came to the mistical cheese guys

one mozzarella, ONE MOZZARELLA



A slice of gorgonzola cheese

costs 8€... 7,50€ anyway...

not bad

now we are going to the second floor

because this supermarket has two levels

in the toys section there is tons of gundam

that cost 60 thousand euros each one

lucky korean children

and the section with girly toys how you can see it is everything but pink

there is also the pochette with a dog inside What a mesmerize

barbie's ken is black?

since when?

Victoria wants my little ponies that are on sale

- Why are you putting in so much effort? - Look, here you can see the color

I am searching the color that I want

here's the Mimi section

who I think is the korean barbie

korean barbie styled as redhood

and she is a bride, and also a mermaid

she does everything, she also became mother

in such little time, good ,teen mum, nice example

Well, this is everything for this video,

they cought us filming, and they reported us, saying "you can't film inside the supermarket"

remember you can follow me on Instagram and Facebook

Victoria doesn't have neither Facebook nor Instagram

you will see her in the next video

so we will see us in the next video, indeed

- Pizza Carbonara - Ciao Ciao - Good! You learned it!


For more infomation >> ITALIAN vs KOREAN SUPERMARKET | Grocery shopping in South Korea - Duration: 12:08.


Ignazio Moser e Chechu Rodriguez, da Monte all'armadio: nuove rivelazioni - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Ignazio Moser e Chechu Rodriguez, da Monte all'armadio: nuove rivelazioni - Duration: 3:41.


4 comidas italianas que de italiano não tem (quase) nada! I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> 4 comidas italianas que de italiano não tem (quase) nada! I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 6:17.



For more infomation >> SEXTA TREZE Part. NÁDIA - PAÍS DOS TOLOS (Prod. RAPNAPEDRA) - Duration: 1:41.


Belen Rodriguez aspetta un bambino? Ecco l'indizio bomba visto in diretta - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez aspetta un bambino? Ecco l'indizio bomba visto in diretta - Duration: 3:26.


Enseñar a un PERRO a COMER a la ORDEN - Y esperar TRANQUILO - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Enseñar a un PERRO a COMER a la ORDEN - Y esperar TRANQUILO - Duration: 7:53.


Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Marco Freccero - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Marco Freccero - Duration: 1:00.


Rattana Residence Sakdidet in Phuket Town, Thailand (Asia). The best of Rattana Residence Sakdidet - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Rattana Residence Sakdidet in Phuket Town, Thailand (Asia). The best of Rattana Residence Sakdidet - Duration: 5:02.


Christmas star out of paper. Origami Christmas tree toy with their hands - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Christmas star out of paper. Origami Christmas tree toy with their hands - Duration: 3:16.


⚠️潛入東京Share House⚠️月租7萬日元的房子長這樣❗️日本留學/打工度假必看✔️ [CC中文字幕] - Duration: 15:31.

For more infomation >> ⚠️潛入東京Share House⚠️月租7萬日元的房子長這樣❗️日本留學/打工度假必看✔️ [CC中文字幕] - Duration: 15:31.


#lasswasSTARTEN Trailer GLFtv live 5. Dezember 2017 | Gute Laune Furtwangen - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> #lasswasSTARTEN Trailer GLFtv live 5. Dezember 2017 | Gute Laune Furtwangen - Duration: 0:49.


Os 9 melhores remédios naturais para cuidar da voz e da garganta - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> Os 9 melhores remédios naturais para cuidar da voz e da garganta - Duration: 9:13.


Balanced View Candice O'Denver: Perfectos tal como somos- 10.7.13 - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Balanced View Candice O'Denver: Perfectos tal como somos- 10.7.13 - Duration: 11:23.


Acqua verde per disintossicare il corpo in tre giorni - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Acqua verde per disintossicare il corpo in tre giorni - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:05.


Como controlar um ataque de pânico - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Como controlar um ataque de pânico - Duration: 8:07.


The History of Coffee, as told ...

For more infomation >> The History of Coffee, as told ...


02. Niebo - Proza Życia prod. Mada + ENG&PL subtitles - Duration: 3:01.

This arouses admiration in me when feelings are born Get used to people when they leave so quickly

Open your eyes, think - how much you care You walk in the fog, whatever you believe in

Feelings rip out my guts, but I'm still alive I'm flesh and blood, my heart beats

The worst feel alone in a crowd Maybe someone will you understand, maybe not and then you cut yourself

Many women go away, do I have to look back and torture myself? Stop it!

It's all gone now, I'm smarter Something started, something finished, sorry it didn't work out

They wanted me to change I don't like to be manipulated like object of sugestion

I am me in the world of condemned women-beast Wound had healed, I don't think about revenge (no longer)

It's hard to deal with time Your life is fleeting like sand in hourglass

Artificial world where everybody count all the money I get lost in it, even with a compass

The Prose Of Life

That's incredible like Kaliber 44's first album Our life is set out by inverted hourglass

You'll find out how to not mess with time Once you lose, to win other times

I don't have time for lack of time, I grab moment I using life because death is a one-way ticket

I'm not a couch-potato This digs the grave of who doesn't shake off

Everyday life is kind of epidemic in our land Poisons as arsenic - can you change it?

Shadows land before me, the sun hitsit's zenith I don't see how these rays would not open pupil

Sick reality is drawning in grey colours This day reminds what was yesterday

You are witness, you can see it everywhere To err is human thing, fools persist in error

It's hard to deal with time Your life is fleeting like sand in hourglass

Artificial world where everybody count all the money I get lost in it, even with a compass

The Prose Of Life

It's hard to deal with time Your life is fleeting like sand in hourglass

Artificial world where everybody count all the money I get lost in it, even with a compass

I fulfil with words this apathy Drab reality like crime and punishment

No faith clockwise stop You don't know how to apply it in your life measure

For more infomation >> 02. Niebo - Proza Życia prod. Mada + ENG&PL subtitles - Duration: 3:01.


Christmas star out of paper. Origami Christmas tree toy with their hands - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Christmas star out of paper. Origami Christmas tree toy with their hands - Duration: 3:16.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Don't do this! Climbing Inside a Abandoned Water tower - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Don't do this! Climbing Inside a Abandoned Water tower - Duration: 10:12.


LE ROCK DES BLOCS - Les pieds 🎵 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> LE ROCK DES BLOCS - Les pieds 🎵 - Duration: 1:56.


horoskop wyrocznia dnia codziennego na poniedziałek 04.12.2017 część 2 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> horoskop wyrocznia dnia codziennego na poniedziałek 04.12.2017 część 2 - Duration: 3:02.


SnackFever ► TESTING KOREAN SNACKS - Duration: 14:09.

(Trying to record the intro) Hey, I'm Ann and this is Carol and welcome at Unbridled Buffalo YouTube channel~

I'm Ann and this is Carol and we're welcoming you today... Today?

We always welcome you...


Seventeen fell down


Hey, I'm Ann

This is Carol

Welcome on Unbridled Buffalo channel

Hey, today we have...

Today we're gonna record an unboxing video of SnackFever box!

And it's full of food

And there is #KPOP written on it so who knows what's inside?

We got the Original Box which consists of 8-12 things

We have no idea what's inside

All we know is the fact that it's full of Korean snacks

So we'll be testing Korean food!

Don't tell us we didn't warn you

We're gonna open the box now and you'll be first to see what's inside!

This is the first thing I see!

It's Kang Daniel

It's a Little Apeach face mask!

If any of you uses KakaoTalk, you must now that it's one of the characters

We have a face mask

Moisturizing with a broccoli

The next thing are jellies that look like animals!

As we can see, the favors are: lemon, rasberry and pineapple

Did you choose the pineapple?

I don't know, it's a crocodile

I have...

A hippo!

3, 2, 1...

Those jellies are very soft

and very... jelly-like at the same time

Even a bit... Gummy-like

And they some kind of... Powder? On it

(I agree)

I take out... What is it?

It looks like... Fudge! Korean fudge from... 1979


It's the first thought

And nothing more

No... Nope!

Woah, cool

I don't know how to describe this thing but it's awesome

(and this video isn't normal) I'M A FUDGE

It is a fudge

Yeah, it is but it's...

Not sweet

Exactly! Something is wrong!

It tastes like nuts

Do you know...

It's like toffifee

But without the filling

Only the... You know...


This brown thing

It's getting more and more... Sticky

(10 years later)

Thumbs up!

The next thing is...

Real brownie

which is green

Real brownie looks like this

If you wanna know

What style?

Home made style

To sum up, Korean homemade brownies are green

Do you know how it smells?

Like yeast

Yeah... Like yeast

When you put yeast in water, it smells like this

And like grass...

It doesn't look that delicious either

It tastes like spinach

It is spinach?

I don't know, there is nothing written on it

Even in Korean

No ingredients at all

But for me it tastes like chocolate pie

But with spinach

Chocolate pie with spinach

But it's good

Right here next to those cute potatoes you have an important information: this box is right from Korea!

This is... I don't really know what it is

It's chocolate

But it's saying that it has something... Creamy and chewy inside

It's just creamy chew!

Now you have a moment to imagine how can a chocolate which is also a chewing gum look like

It's going to be heaven

I didn't expect this

This is how it looks like and it's a piece of chocolate with nuts

It's probably very, very, very chewy

I think my jaw won't survive it so... Bite it

Chewy, indeed

It's so chewy!

How does it taste?

I have chocolate everywhere right now

But it's... WHAT IS IT?

It's chocolate with a jelly!

Chocolate covered with jelly and another chocolate on it

Oh my god

It's so good!

I don't know how to describe it

Buy it

It is good

Buy it, definitely!

But look closely

Chocolate, jelly, chocolate

And nuts on it




It's so good!

I said I cannot wait any longer so I'm taking a thing I want

We were strong but... Nope

And this is... I don't really know what it is!

But it has a Wanna One member on it!

It looks like toothpaste

But these are cookies!

It has to taste good since it has Jisung on it


Maybe it's Jisung flavored...

I didn't expect this

There is one more pack inside

It's full sized!

It has... Oh Gosh!

It has really cute clouds!

It's very cute!

I don't know why but all the Asian things are so cute

and they're extremely good

It's so tiny!

and it has a heart on it!

Jisung gave us a hint what's going to be inside!

Okay, we're gonna eat it in two ways

The first way aka normal one

So we'll just put it in our mouths

And the other option... Rotating it and licking!


I'll use the traditional way

It tastes like cappuccino

It tastes like it

It tastes like coffee

If you eat it in a traditional way, the cookie kills the flavor


Or vanilla

Vanilla cappuccino?

Hearts for those cookies!

I'm taking another thing!

It's quite big and this is...

Fishes, cookies?


Chicken flavor

Yeah, chicken! But it looks very... Spicy

It's gonna be spicy!


This side looks like it's gonna be very spicy

But this side is really cute!

There are various shapes!

You can have a star, fish, whale, turtle...

All the water creatures

Yeah! Success! Take it

We're gonna play!

We are like children

We can connect the dots!


These are really cute sea creatures and we can ever play a game... So I hope it doesn't kill us

I hope so...

Aha, I get it!

Adults get the cookies and children get the package

It looks like this

But the most important part is tasting it

I got a turtle! Oh my god

I just touched it by my tongue!

What is it...

It taste like... Chips...

And you mix curry with sugar

I also thought about curry

Sugar, curry and more sugar

It's very sweet and spicy at the same time

Something is mixed here

Or chicken with honey

Yeah, chicken with honey...

I'll take two

It's good

Good but spicy

And sweet

We found out that we got one more Real Brownie and one more chewy-jelly-chocolate

I picked the biggest thing from this box!

More chips

Chips that look like french fries

Guess what kind of sauce is that because I have no idea just by looking at the picture

No! There is something on the back

It says that it's ranch sauce

It consists of olive oil, onion, something green and seasoning... It looks like parsley

Okay, it's weird

It smells really weird

Okay, be brave!

The world is yours

The shape is interesting

It's not a chip

It's more like french frie

It looks like Styrofoam

It's... Crunchy? Made of corn?

It can be made from something else than potato



It's good

It's made of corn

But it tastes really strange

The sauce is weird

I don't know how to describe it

At first it's very sour

And a lot of salt

Then it's sweet

Because of corn

It's more like fromage

Oh, yeah!

But more intense

and more sour

But it's good

You know what?

What did you find?

I'm scared

I found the sauce

I'll try to open this sauce right now

It's very greasy


Why does it taste like sauce?

I have no idea how it taste like anymore

I'm lost

This is how the sauce looks like

I cannot read the ingredients as well

Okay, I'm gonna try it

I don't know


More mix of everything

At first it tastes like onion and then it's very salty

Yeah, an onion, definitely

This sauce definitely tastes like onion

It is good but still weird

And the last thing in this huge box is...

I don't know


The pepero shape was hidden in this concept

Is it apple?

Nope... Calamansi?

What it calamansi?

I have no idea... But this looks like... Yoghurt...

What is this fruit?




These are pepero with calamansi flavor


it is an intergenetic hybrid between a member of the mandarin orange and the kumquat (Mom, I don't wanna eat this)

It's mandarine kumquat




Yes, this is manquat

You know what? We'll just eat it

Here you go

It looks kinda radioactive

Normal pepero is definitely longer

Manquat war

You'll break my kumquat

Japanese... Mandarine...

It smells like... Lemon

Do you remember those jellies from our childhood?


It was covered with sugar


It smells like this

For me it smells like lemon air freshener for cars

It has a lot of this... Lemon... Layer

It's very thick

It really tastes like lemon

Exactly, they lied to us

It's just lemon!

There is no kumquat

Strong lemon

I made a lemon tart once

And it tasted like this

- But it's good - How does the kumquat taste like?

Maybe like lemon

They say it's daebak box

Full of various things

K-POP swag

and other cool stuff

from Korea

Yeah, everything was inside!

All we have left is an instruction how to win another box

We'll use it for sure


But it was really good

We discovered SnackFever by seeing an adv on Facebook

They were everywhere


We used to open cute boxes till now

so we wanted to try food!

Carol, what did you like the most?

Jelly chocolate

Definitely because it was a really weird experience

I change my mind!

No, I'm not! Jelly chocolate has the 1st place

I would choose those weird fishes for the 2nd place

The spicy and sweet weird fishes

Yeah... And kumquat

Kumquat is awesome

What did you like in this box? Or rather... What tasted the best?

But you can also say what you like in this box


It took me a few seconds to decide how my top3 looks like

I would also choose the chicken curry fishes

But! It can seem weird

But I really liked the green spinach brownie

Yeah, true!

It was good! And the jelly...

Everything was good

You know what's the best?

The fact that you cannot find such things in Poland

You don't have chips and chips

It's a completely different thing!

And it tastes differently

I would never mix those salty things with kumquat and mandarine

Yes, that's right

And we never hide sauces in the pack of chips

We hide tazos

And 10PLN coupons but they're never there

Oh, wow! Indeed

Where are my money?

We're gonna test it

I'm translating: we're gonna test it

I think that you're able to decide whether you would want to have this box or not just by watching this video

We truly recommend it

Everything was really, really good!

It was even more surprising

So we highly recommend you this box

Now we'll move behind the camera to eat all of this

So you cannot see how much can we eat



Leave your thumbs up if you like our unboxing videos!

Comment and don't forget to subscribe to our channel

Because there will be more videos like this soon!

They're after you (See you in the next video!)

For more infomation >> SnackFever ► TESTING KOREAN SNACKS - Duration: 14:09.


Vampire Uma Bites Ben - Part 29 - Descendants Vampires2 Disney - Duration: 7:43.

Disney Doll Story




I figured out everything.

Who made these rings and why they are made.


You can still give up.

Why would I?

There is a way for me to get everything and lose nothing.


Would you like to hear what I think?


Mal. shooting stars.


I don't think they are shooting stars.

Let's go check it out.

Anna, if all this fails, I will go completely evil.

That's ok.

Even if you turn into a villain, you are still my sister.


On the day when I turn completely evil, leave me.

Leave Arendelle.


I'll always be with you right by your side.



I could be worse than Maleficent.

Worse than Ursula.


You can't be.

Nobody can stop me after.

I might freeze the entire world and everyone in it.

This will work out.

I believe in you.

Why have you come?

I came to deliver a message from King Shadow.

You must know the price of shadow magic.


I will pay back with souls.

King Shadow wants more.

Whenever somebody is bitten by the ring, king shadow will take their souls.

So get to work.


I will get more.

Where will you get all those souls?

Audrey's kingdom.

Why Audrey?

Audrey can't do anything on her own.

She will never figure this out.

But what if she does?

There is nothing she can do about it.

Do you see her?

The next vampire queen is supposed to be Mal, but I can't see her.

Then who do you see?

Someone else.

I see a wornout old place.

Who are you?

How strange.

It's Uma.

You have to do this quickly.

You have to drink Mal's blood now.


I can't.

Mal is under some kind of a protection spell.


It's you.

Why have you come back again?


It's not Mal.

She is not a vampire queen.

Yes she is.

I don't think so.

I saw someone else in my vampire vision.

That's impossible.

Maybe Mal is trying to hide from you.


I saw someone else.

It might be Uma.

Uma can't let Uma become a vampire queen.

You have drink Mal's blood now.


Where is Mal?

Find me Mal.

It's you again.

You need to collect more souls.

I know.

You will get your souls.

King Shadow wants you to take over the world after.

I will.

Who am I to refuse the orders from the King Shadow.


You know what happened to your father.

If you betray King Shadow, you will get the same fate.

I won't disappoint the shadows.

I know where my magic comes from.


Take over the world?

With this ring, I will take over the world.


So you did take the ring.

Why did you lie to me?

Are you ok?

King Shadow wants more souls.

I think you should just give up magic and live like me.


I can't.

Do you know how powerful King Shadow is?

But look what you have to do in return?

I can do whatever I feel like whenever I feel like.

I can't betray King Shadow now.

Everything will fall apart.

Just tell Uma what happened and she will take care of it.


Uma can't win King Shadow.

Nobody can win King Shadow.

Here is the cure for the sickness in Audrey's kingdom.

Will this work?

Audrey will bring Mal to you.

But this is so little.

she will ask for more.

Tell her you can't give her more and that's also the truth.

I can't make more.


I'll take the cure to Audrey.


Show me your face.

Who are you?




So you see, I have nothing to lose.

King Shadow is Freddie's problem.

Elsa is Mal's problem.

I just have to figure out you.








Look at me.

What have you done to me?

What am I?

You are the one who holds the ring.

I follow your command.

Ben, I like you way better this way.


What's wrong with your rings.

Why didn't Mal use the rings yet?

There is nothing wrong with my vampire rings.

Aren't all villains hungry for power?

Why is Mal not going after these rings?

I already told you.

Mal isn't as evil as you think.

How do I make Mal use those vampire rings?

Tell me.

Maybe you should just tell her everything.



Can we talk?

Whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of Evie

No, this is important.


We will be right outside.


Why did you pretend like you didn't know me when I came to see you?


I was afraid you will turn me back to a vampire.

Tell me everything.

I will decide if I want to help you.

Why haven't you used the vampire rings yet?

What are these rings?


If you don't use it, I'll go completely evil.

Am I going to get your curse?

Is that how this works?


You are already evil.

You have nothing to lose.

How do I break the curse?

It's true love.


Uma has Ben and both rings.

She wants to talk to you.



Please come to King Beast's castle.

I need your blood to activate both rings.

Is Ben ok?


Don't come.

It's a trap.

Everyone is already under the control of the ring.



You have to use the rings.

That's the only way.

For more infomation >> Vampire Uma Bites Ben - Part 29 - Descendants Vampires2 Disney - Duration: 7:43.



For more infomation >> HOW TO OVERCOME DEPRESSION IN GERMANY & TIPS !!! - Duration: 8:04.


2017 Gaming Diary | February (2/12) - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> 2017 Gaming Diary | February (2/12) - Duration: 5:55.


MAQUILLAGE NOUVEL AN : Smoky Eyes Pailleté | CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT 3/24 - Duration: 4:31.

Today is a simple makeup look

that works for NYE or Christmas

It's very easy to achieve

and look very good (to me)

This is a glittery smoky eyes

I promise it's very simple!

I start with Aqua Matic from

MUFE on my waterline

and also on my lower lash line

I fill my lid until the crease

And obviously

I smudge the edges

so it looks smooth and soft

My transition shade will be this grey shadow

from Makeup Geek that I apply between my skin

and my lower lash line

I do my crease as well

I apply Bulletproof from Sugarpill on top of the

black pencil

I blend the grey

and black together

and do the same on the lid

It has some fallouts, don't worry

you can remove it easily like this

I take back my transition shade to blend the

two colors together

there is always an empty line on the lash line so

make sure to blacken it

To highlight my inner corner I use a white iridescent powder

I use a glitter glue from Violet Voss

I apply it on the center of my lids

and then unify with a clean brush

I mix 2 glitters shades so this one

from MUFE

and then Rosette from LASplash

I love these ones!

I mixed them previously and then

I apply then by slightly dabbing on

top of the glue

I do the same on the lower lash line

I apply some lashes

Those are H167 from Eldora

Elmore is one of my favorite

lash brand

they have a huge variety of designs!

Here is the final result

I apply Marshmallow from Lime Crime

on my lips, this is my favorite nude shade!

I like light pink shades on my lips

To give it a frozen look

I add the white iridescent powder that is on my inner corner

and I put on my lips and on

my face as well

Thank you for watching this video

I hope you enjoyed it

So this is easy or what ?!

I love this look!

T me, if you don't know what to wear,

go for this!

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> MAQUILLAGE NOUVEL AN : Smoky Eyes Pailleté | CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT 3/24 - Duration: 4:31.


Deaf Swimming | Into It - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Deaf Swimming | Into It - Duration: 2:04.


Steamed sticky rice with mung beans /Gedämpfter Klebreis mit Mungobohnen/ Xôi vò - Duration: 9:34.

Hello, it's nice that you tuned into thuskochtour again.

In this video I would like to show you how to make steamed sticky rice with mung beans.

This sticky rice is often eaten with other dishes like e.g. mortadella/ Cha Lua (that I already showed you in a previous video) for festive occasions.

The special and interesting thing about this sticky rice is that it doesn't form any lumps, but crumbles into individual rice grains.

And now I will show you the ingredients:

You need: 400g mung beans (already soaked in water overnight)

500g sticky rice (already soaked in water with some salt overnight)

60g sugar

3tbsps coconut oil

First sieve the mung beans and sticky rice and wash it.

Now let the mung beans and sticky rice drain off for min. 1-2 hours or you can dab the water with a kitchen towel.

This is an important step, otherwise there will be lumps in the sticky rice.

After everything is dried, steam the mung beans for approx. 30min.

Mix the mung beans now and then while steaming.

Decant it then into a bowl and let it cool down

Mix the mung beans.

Set the mung bean in two bowls and set aside

Decant the sticky rice into a big bowl and add half of the mung beans and mix it together.

Then add the coconut oil and stir again.

If there are some lumps because of the coconut oil, it is not that important as it will melt away while steaming.

Put everything into a steamer and cover it, so the water vapour doesn't get directly onto the rice. Otherwise the rice will get mushy and will form lumps.

Steam the sticky rice for approx. 40min. and stir now and then.

After approx. 40min you can see how the sticky rice and mung beans mixed together but you can still part them from each other.

Decant the sticky rice into a big bowl and let it cool down until lukewarm.

Then sprinkle the sugar on top and mix it together.

It is important to first let the sticky rice cool down and then add the sugar.

If the rice is still to hot, the sugar will melt too fast and the rice will get mushy and will form lumps.

But if you add the sugar when the rice is completely cooled down, the sugar will not combine with the rice and you will have individual sugar crystals in your rice.

Now add the other half of mung beans and mix it together.

The rice turned out well, if you can press the rice together and it stays together.

But if you press the rice together and the rice falls again into individual rice grains, it didn't turn out as well.

And now the steamed sticky rice with mung beans is ready! Doesn't it look delicious? I wish you a happy and cozy Advent time and until the next video!


For more infomation >> Steamed sticky rice with mung beans /Gedämpfter Klebreis mit Mungobohnen/ Xôi vò - Duration: 9:34.


Jurgen Klopp's back-3 experiment in Brighton victory another string to Liverpool's bow - Duration: 10:58.

Jurgen Klopp's back-3 experiment in Brighton victory another string to Liverpool's bow

Jurgen Klopp's successful shift to a makeshift back three in Liverpool's 5-1 win at Brighton provides his side with another useful new system to utilise.

The Reds sauntered to victory at the Amex Stadium, with Philippe Coutinhoproducing a star showing on his return to the starting lineup.

Coutinho scored one and assisted three as Klopp's side secured their sixth win in the last eight games, cementing their fourth-placed standing in the Premier League table.

Victory in East Sussex was vital as Liverpool head into a busy December that will see them play eight times over just 29 days, and Klopp made six changes to his starting lineup to ensure this.

The German is regularly resting his key figures to maintain quality throughout a congested period, but Saturday saw his selection hampered by injury and illness.

Most interestingly, this saw Klopp opt for a 3-4-3 formation, with Emre Can, Dejan Lovren and Georginio Wijnaldum filling in as the Reds' back three.

And while they are far from a long-term solution in defence, the fluidity of Klopp's system against Brighton suggests this could return in the future.

Klopp's Bold Gamble.

With Joel Matip sidelined until the New Year with a thigh injury, Ragnar Klavan not having trained due to illness and Joe Gomez also out with a seasonal ailment, Klopp's options were limited.

The absence of his defensive trio left Lovren, who himself has struggled for fitness in recent weeks, as Klopp's only fit senior centre-back.

Klopp even admitted after the midweek victory away to Stoke City that, if Klavan were healthy, Lovren would not have been in the squad, highlighting his precarious position.

But nevertheless, needs must and Klopp deployed Lovren at the heart of his three-man back line, flanked by two midfielders in Can and Wijnaldum.

This saw Can reprise the role that proved a hit in Brendan Rodgers' last full campaign on Merseyside, but for Wijnaldum, lining up in defence was an alien experience.

"We were training a day before the game, [Klopp] didn't tell me, he just picked the team and he told me I was at the back," the Dutchman revealed after the game.

"He picked the first XI and told I me I was at the back.

Normally I am a player who can play in different positions, but never in defence.".

This was evident in the opening stages, with Wijnaldum struggling with his positioning and getting caught in possession in dangerous areas, but Klopp's unit meshed quickly.

(Average positions at the Amex, via WhoScored.

Lovren stationed himself as the sweeper, with his restricted role mopping up loose balls and covering for the more progressive Can and Wijnaldum suiting his attributes.

The Croatian's duty was similar to that of Martin Skrtel in Rodgers' back three in 2014/15, and going back to basics should, in theory, suit Lovren.

More interesting was the approach taken by Klopp's out-of-position duo, with Can and Wijnaldum tasked with operating on the front foot, stepping out of defence to quell danger.

Can's performance was most demonstrative of this, making three interceptions, the joint-most of any Liverpool player and the most of Klopp's three centre-backs.

A key example of this came when Can's opposite number, Lewis Dunk, made a marauding run of his own from Brighton's defence to Liverpool's half, finding his pass cut out by the Reds' No.


Both Can and Wijnaldum were aided by a tweaked approach from Klopp's wing-backs, Andrew Robertson and Trent Alexander-Arnold, who were far less adventurous than expected.

Liverpool's setup often saw Can and Wijnaldum more advanced than either Robertson or Alexander-Arnold, and this aided their support for the glittering likes of Coutinho and Roberto Firmino.

It was far from a perfect defensive display, but the fundamentals of the system are worth noting as Klopp continues to flex his managerial muscle.

An Expanding Playbook.

Perceptions of Klopp have wavered between pragmatic and dogmatic throughout his time as Liverpool manager, with the 50-year-old forced to defend his game management last month.

But after largely fielding a 4-2-3-1 formation in his first campaign in the Anfield dugout, Klopp switched to a 4-3-3 last season due to the successful signing of Sadio Mane.

This has remained the go-to system in 2017/18, but after his side's 4-1 humbling away to Tottenham in October, Klopp has have deviated when required.

Away to West Ham, Klopp shifted to a 4-4-2 with two deep-lying midfielders, Can and Wijnaldum, shielding the back four while Mohamed Salah took up a more central role supporting Firmino.

Klopp reverted to the 4-3-3 for the 3-0 win at home to Southampton and back-to-back draws with Sevilla and Chelsea, before his 4-4-2 returned at the bet365 Stadium in midweek.

While when the team news broke an hour before kickoff on Saturday, a switch back to the 4-3-3 seemed likely, as Klopp's side took to the field at the Amex it was clear he had sprung a surprise.

A win away to Brighton should not be considered a barometer of the success of Liverpool's new system, with Klopp telling reporters after the game that "they defend deep, that's how it is.

But the prospect of the Reds returning to a more expansive three-at-the-back formation in particular clashes is an intriguing one.

Saturday proved it can be accomplished, and Klavan replacing Wijnaldum could provide further stability, with the 27-year-old no doubt eager to return to a midfield berth.

Klopp has displayed an impressive willingness to tweak his side during the busiest period of the season, and expanding his playbook can ensure Liverpool are less predictable in the future.

Crucial Caveats.

Klopp's setup in Sussex could certainly be described as experimental, but given the nature of Liverpool's performance he has avoided suggestions of papering over the cracks.

However, it is clear that a back three of Can, Lovren and Wijnaldum is not a long-term solution, nor should it even be a semi-regular feature.

It was a last resort, as Klopp alluded to before the trip to the south coast, telling reporters at Melwood that "it's not that we have a big choice to make in defence.

The reality remains that both Matip and Lovren have consistently struggled for fitness since joining the Reds, while Klavan is cemented as a firm third choice.

And with Nathaniel Clyne sidelined until February, Gomez is unable to take over duties as a regular at centre-back while he alternates with Alexander-Arnold at right-back.

This glut of withdrawals hammers home the need for Liverpool to head into the January market in search of not one, but two new centre-backs.

Virgil van Dijk remains Klopp's priority target, and negotiating a deal is certainly more feasible than it was three months ago, but the Dutchman should be supplemented by another arrival.

For now, however, Klopp is continuing to make do with the options at his disposal, and three points at the Amex underlined his ability to adapt in order to thrive.

For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp's back-3 experiment in Brighton victory another string to Liverpool's bow - Duration: 10:58.


엄태웅 부인(아내) 윤혜진. 윤혜진 아버지 윤일봉 - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> 엄태웅 부인(아내) 윤혜진. 윤혜진 아버지 윤일봉 - Duration: 5:20.


Hvem har kasta Stein i vannet? - Duration: 0:23.

''Yes then we are here again''

''And what you done?''

''Eeeeeh... I've thrown Stoned (Stein) into the water''

''That's right - and what about you?''

''I've thrown Stoned into the water''

''And what about you?''

''I am Stoned''

For more infomation >> Hvem har kasta Stein i vannet? - Duration: 0:23.


Российская косметика ARKADIA - DMAE, AHA кислоты, Витамин С - Duration: 16:44.

For more infomation >> Российская косметика ARKADIA - DMAE, AHA кислоты, Витамин С - Duration: 16:44.


MINCE PIES With a Sweet Short Crust Pastry - Duration: 7:04.

Hi and a huge Christmas welcome to Steve's kitchen. Today's show is brought

to you with a sprinkle of fun and a bucket full of happiness because I'm

making my second favorite mince pie. It's the sweet short crust. Now I made the, my

favorite mince pie, last week, which is the shortcrust pastry, which is not sweet.

These are really delicious by the way, I'm a little bit peculiar I like them

because they're more savory. Today is a short crust but it's a sweet more like a

shortbread. This is so delicious and if you haven't made mince pies before

you're going to be knocked out by the taste of these. I would love to actually hear

in the comments what the best mince pie you've ever had and if you decide to

make these I'd like to know what you think. We're going to start with 450

grams, that's a pound of all-purpose flour. Now this recipe actually works

well with gluten-free flour, if you want to use gluten-free go for it. The next

item is a slightly salted butter, I've got 230 grams, that's eight ounces

of beautiful buttery goodness. I've cut it up into small cubes just to make it a

little more easy to handle. What we're going to do with that butter is just

coat it over with the flour and then rub it between your fingers and your thumbs

until you get what feels like a sort of loose breadcrumb. Sure you can actually

do this in a processor but trust me this way is just as simple and by doing it by

hand you get a real melt in the mouth pastry. Now some people will say to use

cold butter I never think it makes a difference, you've just got to end up

warming the butter in your fingers, so you might as well start with soft

room-temperature butter. Now I've got two and a half ounces, 75 grams this is

superfine sugar, caster sugar we call it and it's just to sweeten the pastry

slightly. I'm just going to mix that through this beautiful crumb, get an even

distribution. Next we want to take three medium eggs and we're going to keep the

whites separate, I am actually going to be using the whites but we'll just

separate out the yolks and pop them in with our crumb. Now the egg yolks are

another form of fat and another way of keeping this pastry lovely and short but

it's also going to bind this pastry together, we're now going to take a fork

and just break these yolks up and start to fold them gently into the mix. We're

also going to need a very small amount of water, ideally the

water should be chilled. I'm going to put three to four tablespoons in with my

pastry and what I'm hoping to see here is the pastry start to ball together. Now

it's still quite crummy but it's clumping nicely, so I'm going to take the

fork out of there now and I'm going to use my hands to gently squeeze this

pastry into a ball. Now you want that pastry to come away from the bowl like

that but you don't want it to be too sticky but still nice and light and

crumbly. What I want to do now is chill this for about 30 minutes before we roll

it out. Now my pastry has chilled a little bit, I'm just going to divide it

about 1/3 and 2/3, just to make it easier to work with. I'm going to dust my

counter with a little bit of flour, we don't want to overwork our pastry but

I'm just going to make it into a square, little more flour underneath, a little

bit of flour on the top and then we're just going to roll this out till it's

about a quarter of an inch. Now don't worry if the pastry cracks a little bit

you can just use your hands to push it back together and occasionally you'll

need to flour underneath and on top just to stop it from sticking. Now rolled my

pastry till it's about a quarter of an inch thick.

Now I always travel with my pastry cutters, I want a three and a half inch

cutter but the biggest one is three-inch, so I'm pretty sure that's why they make

the lid three and a half inch. So I'm going to use the lid to cut out 12 three

and a half inch, now we can stack up our pastry cases, the inside of our cases or

if you've got room you can actually just put them straight into your pastry tins.

Now I'm using a fairly deep patty pan, it's the way I like to make my mince

pies. I'm just going to take each of those, I'm just going to gently ease it

into the pan. A week or so back I made this beautiful mincemeat, this is

homemade, it is absolutely delicious, it hasn't had time to mature completely but

it's still going to taste better than anything you've ever had in the shops.

We're going to fill up the mince pie casings, you want to fill them up fairly

generously but not overfill them because it will try to bubble over the top but

that can just add to the beauty of a mince pie. Okay we're going to flour our

countertop again and this time we're rolling out our pastry just to cut the

tops, this time we are going to use the three-inch cutter, so it makes a nice

little lid for our mince pies. So I'm just going to cut

out 12 mince pie tops, now I'm just making 12 mince pies, do not waste this

extra pastry, of course you can make a mince pie pasty with it.

Now the egg white that we kept, I've just beaten it up a little bit and I've got

the lid of a mince pie here, we're just going to brush a little bit of egg white

onto it and then we can just pop the pie lid on top, give it a little push down

and then we're just going to brush some egg white on the top of all of the pies

and then we want to sprinkle the top of these pies before they go in the oven,

fairly liberally with some caster sugar and I'm just going to cut a couple of

little holes in the top of the mince pie to let out the steam and the pressure as

they cook, because of the sugar content in this pastry we're going to cook this

at the lower temperature than we would normally do. I preheated my oven to 150

degrees Celsius that's 300F and we're going to bake these for about 20

minutes, maybe a little bit under, just keep an eye on them they want to be a

nice golden brown. The house smells great come and have a look at these. Now

they're piping hot, there's a little bit of juice bubbling out just to where I

like them, I'm going to let them cool down for two or three minutes and then I'm

going to pop them onto this cooling rack and let them completely cool down. Now I

know some of you would be doubting Thomases out there and say what is Steve

on about the Cornish pasty with mincemeat, come and take a look at these

and we just let our mince pasties cool down a little bit too. Now they're still

a little bit hot, I have actually sprinkled over a little extra caster

sugar. I like this one with the juice just starting to pour out the top, I'll

cut this open so you can see inside just how beautiful that is. This smells so

good, now talk to me in the comments if you've never made mince pies before, let

me know, let me know if you're thinking of making mince pies and which one of

the two recipes I've just put up you'd prefer, whilst you do that I'm

going to tuck in and take a bite of this, smells so good.

Oh its hot, the pastry is like shortbread, it's just melting in my mouth, the spices

from the mincemeat is just delicious. Let me know what you're all up to this

Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful time and I hope you make some mince pies.

Be good and I will see you very shortly in another episode of Steve's kitchen,

take care

For more infomation >> MINCE PIES With a Sweet Short Crust Pastry - Duration: 7:04.


Elderly Woman Tells Cop She's Frightened After Irma. What He Does Next Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 2:14.

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Elderly Woman Tells Cop She's Frightened After Irma.

What He Does Next Will Melt Your Heart

When Hurricane Irma swept through Florida, it left many people displaced, unsure of when

they would be able to return home, or if they would even have a home to return to.

When Pat had to leave her home and flee to the Osceola Council On Aging Senior Center

for shelter, her mind was filled with worry.

Thankfully, she had a hero looking out for her.

Deputy James Froelich of the Osceola County Sheriff's Department was walking around

the shelter – only about halfway through his 36-hour shift – when he noticed Pat

sitting on the edge of her cot looking sad.

He went over to talk with her.

"She told me she was worried about her house, her cat, the people at the shelter, and what

the storm was going to do," Froelich said.

"I assured her she was in a safe place and there wasn't any sense sitting there with

a frown—so I asked what I could do to put a smile on her face."

As the hurricane winds whipped around outside, Pat told Deputy Froelich that a dance would

help her feel better.

Without a second thought, Froelich took her in his arms and began to sway back and forth

with her.

As they danced, the words to Bobby Darin's "Somewhere Beyond the Sea," which he used

to sing to his own children, came to his mind and he started to sing to Pat.

"Ah, he sings!" she exclaimed as a smile crept across her face.

As they finished the dance, Pat gave Froelich a hug and kiss on the cheek, her spirits clearly

brightened after his sweet act of kindness.

"This is beyond awesome," said Cecilia Carlisle-beaird.

"Thank you, Deputy Froelich, you are amazing."

"[The] world would be a better place if we had more people like the Deputy," said

Annie Szuwala-Polinski

Froelich has been blown away by the attention his actions have received.

"A lot of people asked me why I did it," he said, "and I say that if my mom was in

the same place, I would hope somebody would do the same thing for her.

"If I have the capability to brighten somebody's day, I'm going to do it every time.

We need more smiles in the world, not frowns."

For more infomation >> Elderly Woman Tells Cop She's Frightened After Irma. What He Does Next Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 2:14.


He Begs Pregnant Wife Not To Wear This Shirt. Then Fellow Mom Sees It, Breaks Down In Tears - Duration: 2:41.

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

He Begs Pregnant Wife Not To Wear This Shirt.

Then Fellow Mom Sees It, Breaks Down In Tears

Losing a child to miscarriage can be one of the most heart-wrenching and overwhelming

experiences a couple can face.

The emotional trauma can either tear them apart or draw them closer together.

It's usually something most choose to deal with privately instead of making their grief


But one mother dared to share her grief – despite her husband's initial wishes – by wearing

a shirt that touched another mother so deeply it bonded the two women in a way only they

could understand.

While on a trip to her local Hobby Lobby store, Autumn Safley received a few second glances.

Autumn was expecting and she wore a tee shirt with a rainbow design.

Emblazoned on the front was the slogan: "You're looking at a rainbow!"

When observing Autumn and her tee shirt, most would think the 'rainbow' refers to the

baby she was carrying.

They'd be right.

However, there's more to this expression than many realize.

Autumn's shirt was designed to call attention to "rainbow babies."

These are babies conceived by couples who have lost a child through miscarriage in the


The concept comes from the fact that this new child – the "rainbow baby" – is

born after a time of turbulence and tragic loss.

The new baby is a rainbow shining through after a storm.

For many couples, discovering they are expecting again can be emotionally trying as they deal

with the fear that they could lose this child too; but for Autumn, it was a cause for celebration.

Her shirt served as a secret message between mothers who have suffered the tragedy of miscarriage.

When Autumn wore the shirt that day, she never expected to meet another woman just like her,

one who suffered the same loss, but she did, and their pain drew them together.

Courtney, a fellow shopper, was so touched by Autumn's shirt that she couldn't resist

sharing it with her friends on social media.

Courtney offered encouraging and inspiring words to Autumn and others suffering the same


The post quickly went viral, touching many women who were in the same boat.

The bond between the two strangers was so noticeable and visible and has helped others

understand the sheer miracle of rainbow babies and how they are to be cherished, not hidden


Autumn's rainbow baby, Jas, was born on December 7, 2016.

What a beautiful blessing and special miracle.

We are so happy for this sweet family!

Autumn and Courtney were both incredibly brave to come forward with their stories.

Their unborn children will never be forgotten, even as their cherish their new little blessings.

For more infomation >> He Begs Pregnant Wife Not To Wear This Shirt. Then Fellow Mom Sees It, Breaks Down In Tears - Duration: 2:41.


একটি মাত্র পাতা ব্যবহারে কালো ঠোঁট হয়ে যাবে গোলাপি।ঠোঁট গোলাপি করার ঘরোয়া উপায়। Healthcare - Duration: 4:45.


For more infomation >> একটি মাত্র পাতা ব্যবহারে কালো ঠোঁট হয়ে যাবে গোলাপি।ঠোঁট গোলাপি করার ঘরোয়া উপায়। Healthcare - Duration: 4:45.


"They are right up there with Man City" – Chris Hughton praises Liverpool after Brighton win - Duration: 2:57.

"They are right up there with Man City" – Chris Hughton praises Liverpool after Brighton win

Chris Hughton compared Liverpool's attacking prowess to that of Premier League leaders Man City after the Reds' 5-1 win at Brighton on Saturday.

Liverpool blitzed the Seagulls to ensure one of their biggest wins of the season, making light work of a previously formidable defensive side.

The key factor behind this was the Reds' fearsome forward line, with their ability to transition encapsulated in Roberto Firmino's second of the night.

After Simon Mignolet made a stunning save to deny Glenn Murray, Liverpool surged up the field through Mohamed Salah, who fed Firmino to convert.

And speaking at the Amex Stadium after the game, Hughton labelled the Reds as the best side Brighton have faced so far, and compared their attacking quality to that of Man City.

"If you play at the level we played today and make the mistakes [we did] against a team of the quality of Liverpool [you will lose]," he told reporters.

"Offensively they are right up there with Manchester City, because of the pace that they can attack [with].

"You've got be very guarded against that, and that probably becomes the biggest priority in the game, making sure you nullify the strengths that they've got.

"Certainly even the third goal, we've had arguably the best chance of the game through Glenn Murray and less than a minute later they're at the other end scoring.

"So it's a harsh lesson today, and we certainly have to be able to learn from that.

Klopp has made two key signings to overhaul his attacking line in Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah, and from Hughton's assessment it is clear to see why.

"The biggest threat for any team you're playing against is pace," he explained.

"Some teams do it in different ways but with the pace that these have, on a bad day it's very difficult to do anything about.

Between them, Firmino, Mane, Salah and Philippe Coutinho have scored 37 goals and laid on 16 assists so far this season.

For more infomation >> "They are right up there with Man City" – Chris Hughton praises Liverpool after Brighton win - Duration: 2:57.


Groceries That You Should Definitely Have It In Your Kitchen This Autumn! - Duration: 2:05.


Groceries That You Should Definitely Have It In Your Kitchen This Autumn!

You can stay in good shape during the fall.

Autumn has so many foods that are terrific for our health and appearance.

Enjoy these amazing vegetables and fruits that the golden fall brings us.

Avoid any colds, infections and the flu with these medicinal foods that also help you stay



The pumpkin is a grateful food, since it has a sweet taste, it's healthy, and can be

eaten in both sweet and savory varieties.

You can bake it, cook it, toast it, and turn it into a thick soup, salad, mashed or cake.

The options are endless.

What is important is that it serves as an antioxidant, it contains calcium, iron and

vitamin C, and has plentiful in beta-carotene.


On top of clearing the lungs, the tangerine improves digestion and protects the heart.

There are not expensive, and you can use them to make cakes and many drinks.

You can also combine them with almonds and honey as a treat.

Red Pepper

It contains 92% water and provides vitamins A, C and B6.

Also, actually has 4 times more vitamin C than an orange, and is classified as a superfood.

You can bake it in the oven with garlic and olive oil or use it fresh to make an amazing

rich salad.


In addition to being nutritious, it helps with anemia and promote flow.

You can eat them fried or cooked, use them in many interesting desserts, from chestnut-puree

to garnishes on ice cream.

Chestnuts are an excellent match with meat, mushrooms and pumpkin.


You can use leek to make numerous meals, from stews, soups, risottos and different salads.

It originates from the family of the onion and garlic, and thus consists of compounds

that serve as natural antibiotics, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems.

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