Sunday, November 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 26 2017


Hegel and politics

Por lo general, los esquemas deterministas dejan huellas de escape

implícitas convenientes para sus creadores y defensores,

que de alguna manera son capaces de elevarse por encima del determinismo de hierro que aflige al resto de nosotros.

Hegel no era diferente, salvo que sus escotillas de escape

eran demasiado explícitas.

While God and the absolute refer to man

Mientras que Dios y lo absoluto se refieren al hombre como un organismo colectivo más que a sus insignificantes y despreciables miembros individuales,

e vez en cuando surgen grandes individuos, hombres 'históricos del mundo',

que son capaces de encarnar atributos del absoluto más que otros, y actúan como agentes significativos

en el próximo gran Aufhebung histórico

-el próximo gran avance hacia el hombre- el avance de Dios o del alma del mundo en su "autoconocimiento"..

Así, durante un tiempo cuando la mayoría de los prusianos patriótitas

reaccionaban violentamente contra las conquistas imperiales de Napoleón,

y movilizando sus fuerzas contra él,

Hegel reaccionó de manera muy diferente.

Hegel escribió a un amigo en éxtasis por haber visto personalmente a Napoleón cabalgando por la calle de la ciudad:

"El Emperador - esta alma del mundo - cabalgando a caballo por la ciudad para la revisión de sus tropas

- es realmente una sensación maravillosa ver a un hombre así".

Hegel estaba entusiasmado con Napoleón

debido a su función histórica mundial de llevar el Estado fuerte a Alemania y al resto de Europa.

Así como la escatología y la dialéctica fundamentales de Hegel prefiguraron el marxismo,

también lo hizo su filosofía de la historia, más directamente política.

Así, siguiendo al escritor romántico Friedrich Schiller, Hegel, en un ensayo en 1795,

afirmaba que el equivalente del comunismo temprano o primitivo era la Grecia antigua.

Schiller y Hegel elogiaron a Grecia por la supuesta homogeneidad,

unidad y "armonía" de su polis,

que ambos autores consideraron erróneamente como libre de toda división del trabajo.

The consequent Aufhebung disrupted this wonderful unity and fragmented man,

but - the good side of the new historical stage -

it did lead to the growth of commerce, living standards, and individualism.

For Hegel, moreover, the coming stage,

heralded by Hegel's philosophy,

would bring about a reintegration of man and the State.

Before 1796, Hegel, like many other young intellectuals throughout Europe,

was enchanted by the French Revolution, individualism, radical democracy, liberty and the rights of man.

Soon, however, again like many European intellectuals,

Hegel, disillusioned in the French Revolution,

turned toward reactionary State absolutism.

In particular, Hegel was greatly influenced by the Scottish statist, Sir James Steuart,

a Jacobite exile in Germany for a large part of his life,

whose Inquiry into the Principies of Political Economy (1767)

had been greatly influenced by the ultra-statist Germán eighteenth century mercantilists,

the cameralists.

Hegel read the Germán translation of Steuart's Principies (which had been published from 1769-72),

from 1797 to 1799, and took extensive notes.

Hegel was influenced in particular by two aspects of Steuart's Outlook.

One held that history proceeded in stages,

deterministically 'evolving' from one stage (nomadic, agricultural, exchange, etc.) to the next.

The other influential theme was that massive State intervention and control

were necessary to maintain an exchange economy.

It comes as no surprise that Hegel's main disillusion in the French Revolution

carne from its individualism and lack of unity under the State.

Again foreshadowing Marx, it became particularly important for man

(the collective organism)

surmount unconscious blind fate, and 'consciously' to take control of 'his' fate via the State.

And so Hegel was a great admirer not only of Napoleón the mighty world-conqueror,

but also Napoleón the detailed regulator of the French economy.

Hegel made quite evident that what the new, developing strong State really needed

was a comprehensive philosophy, contributed by a Great Philosopher

to give its mighty rule coherence and legitimacy.

Otherwise, as Professor Plant explains, 'such a State, devoid of philosophical comprehension,

would appear as a merely arbitrary and oppressive imposition

of the freedom of individuals to pursue their own interest'.

We need make only one guess as to what that philosophy,

or who that Great Philosopher, was supposed to be.

And then, armed with Hegelian philosophy and Hegel himself as its fountainhead and great leader,

'this alien aspect of the Progressive modern State would disappear

and would be seen not as an imposition but a development of self-consciousness.

By regulating and codifying many aspects of social practice,

it gives to the modern world a rationality and a predictability which it would not otherwise possess...'.

Armed with such a philosophy and with such a philosopher,

the modern State would take its divinely appointed stand at the height of history and civilization,

as God on earth.

Thus: 'The modern State, proving the reality of political community,

when comprehended philosophically,

could therefore be seen as the highest articulation of Spirit, or God in the contemporary world'.

The State, then, is 'a supreme manifestation of the activity of God in the world',

and, 'the State stands above all;

it is Spirit which knows itself as the universal essence and reality';

and, 'The State is the reality of the kingdom of heaven'. And finally: 'The State is God's Will.'

Of the various forms of State, monarchy is best,

since it permits 'all' subjects to be 'free' (in the Hegelian sense)

by submerging their being into the divine substance,

which is the authoritarian, monarchical State.

The people are only 'free' when they are insignificant particles of this unitary divine substance.

As Tucker writes, 'Hegel's conception of freedom is totalitarian in a literal sense of the word.

The world-self must experience itself as the totality of being,

or in Hegel's own words must elevate itself to

"a self- comprehending totality", in order to achieve the consciousness of freedom.

Anything short of this spells alienation and the sorrow of finitude'.

According to Hegel, the final development of the man-God,

the final break-through into totality and infinity, was at hand.

The most highly developed state in the history of the world was now in place

the existing Prussian monarchy under King Friedrich Wilhelm III.

It so happened that Hegel's apotheosis of the existing Prussian monarchy

neatly coincided with the needs of that monarch.

When King Friedrich Wilhelm III established the new University of Berlín in 1818 to assist in supporting,

to assist in supporting, and propagandizing for, his absolute power,

what better person for the chair of philosophy than Friedrich Hegel the divinizer of State power?

The king and his absolutist party needed an official philosopher

to defend the State from the hated revolutionary ideáis of the French Revolution,

and to justify his purge of the reformers and classical liberáis who had helped him defeat Napoleón.

As Karl Popper puts it: Hegel was appointed to meet this demand,

and he did so by reviving the ideas of the first great enemies of the open society

[especially Heraclitus and Plato]

... Hegel rediscovered the Platonic Ideas which lie behind the perennial revolt against freedom and reason.

Hegelianism is the renaissance of tribalism...

[Hegel] is the 'missing link', as it were, between Plato and the módem forms of totalitarianism.

Most of the modern totalitarians,...know of their indebtedness to Hegel,

and all of them have been brought up in the ciose atmosphere of Hegelianism.

They have been taught to worship the State, history, and the nation.

On Hegel's worship of the State, Popper cites chilling and revealing passages:

The State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth...

We must therefore worship the State as the manifestation of the Divine on earth...

The State is the march of God through the world...

The State must be comprehended as an organism...

To the complete State belongs, essentially, consciousness and thought.

The State knows what it wills... The State...exists for its own sake...

The State is the actually existing, realized moral life.

All this rant is well characterized by Popper as 'bombastic and hysterical Platonism'.

Much of this was inspired by Hegel's friends and immediate philosophical predecessors,

men like the later Fichte, Schelling, Schlegel, Schiller, Herder and Schleiermacher.

But it was Hegel's particular task to turn his murky doctrines

to the job of weaving apologetics for the absolute power of the extant Prussian State.

Thus Hegel's admiring disciple, F.J.C. Schwegler, revealed the following in his History of Philosophy:

The fullness of his [Hegel's] fame and activity, however, properly dates only from his cali to Berlín in 1818.

Here there rose up around him a numerous, widely extended, and...exceedingly active school;

here too, he acquired, from his connections with the Prussian bureaucracy,

political recognition of his System as the official philosophy;

not always to the advantage of the inner freedom of his philosophy, or of its moral worth.

With Prussia as the central focus, Hegelianism was able to sweep German philosophy during the nineteenth century,

dominating in all but the Catholic areas of Southern Germany and Austria.

As Popper put it, 'having thus be- come a tremendous success on the continent,

Hegelianism could hardly fail

to obtain support in Britain from those who [felt] that such a powerful movement

must after all have something to offer...'

Indeed, the man who first introduced Hegel to English readers, Dr. J. Hutchinson Stirling,

admiringly remarked, the year after Prussia's lightning victory over Austria,

'Is it not indeed to Hegel, and especially his philosophy of ethics and politics,

that Prussia owes that mighty life and organization she is now rapidly developing?

Finally Hegel's contemporary and acquaintance, Arthur Schopenhauer,

denounced the state-philosophy alliance that drove Hegelianism

into becoming a powerful force in social thought:

"Philosophy is misused, from the side of the State as a tool, from the other side as a means of gain...

Who can really believe that truth also will thereby come to light, just as a by product?

...Governments made of philosophy a means of serving their State interests, and scholars made of it a trade..."

In addition to the political influence, Popper offers a complementary explanation

for the otherwise puzzling widespread influence of G.W.E Hegel:

the attraction of philosophers to high-sounding jargon and gibberish

almost for its own sake, followed by the gullibility of a credulous public.

Thus Popper cites a statement by the English Hegelian Stirling:

'The philosophy of Hegel, then, was...

a scrutiny of thought so profound that it was for the most part unintelligible'.

Profound for its very unintelligibility!

Lack of clarity as virtue and proof of profundity! Popper adds:

philosophers have kept around themselves, even in our day, something of the atmosphere of the magician.

Philosophy is considered a strange and abstruse kind of thing,

dealing with those things with which religión deals,

but not in a way which can be 'revealed unto babes' or to common people;

it is considered to be too profound for that,

and to be the religión and the theology of the intellectuals, of the learned and wise.

Hegelianism fits these views admirably;

it is exactly what this popular superstition supposes philosophy to be.

4. Hegel and the Romantic Age

G.W.F. Hegel, unfortunately, was not a bizarre aberrant force in European thought.

He was only one, of the most influential and the most convoluted and hypertrophic,

of what must be considered the dominant paradigm of his age, the celebrated Age of Romanticism.

In different variants and in different ways, the Romantic writers of the first half of the nineteenth century,

especially in Germany and Great Britain,

poets and novelists as well as philosophers,

were dominated by a similar creatology and eschatology.

It might be termed the 'alienation and return' or 'reabsorption' myth.

God created the universe out of imperfection and felt need,

thereby tragically cutting man, the organic species, off from his (its?) pre-creation unity with God.

While this transcendence, this Aufhebung, of creation has permitted God and man,

or God-man, to develop their (its?) faculties and to progress, tragic alienation will continue,

until that day, inevitable and determined,

in which God and man will be fused into one cosmic blob.

Or, rather, being pantheists as was Hegel, until man discovers that he is man-God,

and the alienation of man from man, man from nature, and man from God will be ended

as all is fused into one big blob,

the discovery of the reality of and therefore the merger into, cosmic Oneness.

History, which has been predetermined towards this goal, will then come to an end.

In the Romantic metaphor, man,

the generic 'organism' of course, not the individual, will at last 'return home'.

History is therefore an 'upward spiral' towards Man's determined destination,

a return home,

but on a far higher level than the original unity, or home, with God in the pre-creation epoch.

The domination of the Romantic writers

by this paradigm has been expounded brilliantly by the leading literary critic of Romanticism, M.H. Abrams,

who points to this leading strain in English literature stretching from Wordsworth to D.H. Lawrence.

Wordsworth, Abrams emphasizes, dedicated virtually his entire output

to a 'heroic' or 'high Romantic argument',

to an attempt to counter and transcend Milton's epochal poem of an orthodox Christian view of man and God.

To counter Milton's Christian view of Heaven and Hell as alternatives for individual souls,

and of Jesus's Second Advent as putting an end to history and returning man to paradise,

Wordsworth, in his own 'argument',

counterpoises his pantheist visión of the upward spiral of history

into cosmic unification and man's consequent return home from alienation

The eventual eschaton, the Kingdom of God,

is taken from its Christian placement in Heaven and brought down to earth,

thereby as always when the eschaton is immanentized, creating spectacularly grave

ideological social, and political problems.

Or, to use a concept of Abrams, the Romantic visión constituted the secularization of theology.

Greek and Roman epics, Wordsworth asserted,

sang of 'arms and the man', 'hitherto the only Argument heroic deemed'.

In contrast, at the beginning of his great Paradise Lost, Milton declares:

'That to the height of this great Argument I may assert Eternal Providence

And justify the ways of God to man'.

Wordsworth now proclaimed that his own Argument surpassing Milton's

was instilled in him by God's 'holy powers and faculties',

enabling him (presaging Marx's yearnings) to create his own world, even though he realized,

in an unwonted flash of realism, that 'some call'd it madness'.

For there 'passed within' him 'Genius, Power, Creation, and Divinity itself'.

Wordsworth concluded that 'This is, in truth, heroic argument', an 'argument not less

but more Heroic than the wrath of stern Achilles'.

Other Englishmen steeped in the Wordsworthian paradigm were his worshipful follower

Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, and even Blake,

who, however, tried to blend Christianity and pantheism.

All these writers had been steeped in Christian doctrine,

from which they could spin off on their own heretical, pantheistic versión of millennialism.

Wordsworth himself had been trained to become an Anglican priest.

Coleridge was a philosopher and a lay preacher,

had been on the edge of becoming a imitarían minister,

and was steeped in neoplatonism and the works of Jacob Boehme,

Keats was an explicit disciple of the Wordsworthian programme,

which he called a means toward secular salvation.

And Shelley, though an explicit atheist, idolized the 'sacred' Milton

above all other poets, and was constantly steeped in study of the Bible.

It should also be noted that Wordsworth, like Hegel, was a youthful enthusiast for the French Revolution

and its liberal ideáis and later,

disillusioned, turned to conservative statism and the pantheist versión of inevitable redemption through history.

The Germán Romantics were even more immersed in religión and mysticism than were their English counterparts.

Hegel, Friedrich von Schelling, Friedrich von Schiller, Friedrich Hólderlin,

Johann Gottlieb Fichte, were all theology students,

most of them with Hegel at the University of Tübingen.

All of them tried explicitly to apply religious doctrine to their philosophy.

Novalis was immersed in the Bible. Furthermore, Hegel devoted a great deal of favourable attention to Boehme

in his Lectures on the History of Philosophy,

and Schelling called Boehme a 'miraculous phenomenon in the history of mankind'.

Moreover, it was Friedrich Schiller, Hegel's mentor, who was influenced by the Scot Adam Ferguson

to denounce specialization and the división of labour as alienating and fragmenting man,

and it was Schiller who influenced Hegel in the 1790s by coining the explicit concept of Aufhebung and the dialectic.

In England, several decades later, the tempestuous conservative statist writer Thomas Carlyle

paid tribute to Friedrich Schiller by writing a biography of that Romantic writer in 1825.

From then on, Carlyle's writings were permeated with the Hegelian visión.

Unity is good, and diversity or separateness is evil and diseased.

Science as well as individualism is división and dismemberment.

Selfhood, Carlyle ranted, is alienation from nature, from others, and from oneself.

But one day there will come the breakthrough, the spiritual rebirth, led by world-historical figures ('great men')

by which man will return home to a friendly world by means of the utter cancellation,

the 'annihilation of self' (Selbst-todtung).

Finally, in Past and Present (1843),

Carlyle applied his profoundly anti- individualist

(and, one might add, anti-human) visión to economic affairs.

He denounced egoism, material greed and laissez-faire, which,

by fostering the severance of men from each other,

had led to a world 'which has become a lifeless other,

and in severance also from other human beings within a social order in which 'cash payment is...

the solé nexus of man with man".'

In opposition to this metaphysically evil 'cash nexus'

lay the familial relation with nature and fellow-men, the relation of 'love'.

The stage was set for Karl Marx.

For more infomation >> Hegel y la política | Murray Rothbard - Duration: 23:25.


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For more infomation >> Paz Padilla y su hija afectadas por la alerta terrorista en Londres - Duration: 3:45.


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My kitchen contaminates me with organic food

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For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day dévoil.e une photo de Johnny béat devant leurs filles Jade et Joy - Duration: 3:08.


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Is this "The Legend of Zelda"?

No, this is Link.

Is this "The Legend of Zelda"?

No... this is Link.

Is this "The Legend of Zelda"?



I'm NOT a "Zelda"


Link that's the name of the game.


For more infomation >> Is this The Legend of Zelda? "Animatic" - Duration: 0:30.


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What's up guys?

This week has happen a very important thing,

and is that as had been predicting for a long time,

Cirque du Soleil has announced the return of Corteo.

And is that this Monday the Cirque du Soleil announced on its official Facebook page

that Corteo will return on March 2 its tour by arenas.

The show that after 10 years live and watched by more than 8 million people

gave its last show under the big tent on December 13, 2015, in Quito, Ecuador.

Cirque du Soleil communicated that Corteo will have new acts.

It is also known that it will maintain its original stage

because in the tickets web we can observe that the part of the stage has the original form.

At the moment we know that it will begin its tour in North America,

in New Orleans and that it will also be in March

in Houston and in Milwaukee.

In April, in Columbus, in May in Cincinnatti

and later in Otawa.

All this hype began in July 2016 when Cirque du Soleil's work page

launched the opportunity to be a stage manager for Corteo in stadiums.

I'm looking forward to seeing this great show again,

and you? Have you seen them?

Leave me in the comments what you think.

See you in the next video!


For more infomation >> BIG NEWS FROM CIRQUE DU SOLEIL!! CORTEO RETURNS!! - Duration: 1:21.


🎵 Días Impares (Carlos Sadness) ~ Cover by Moisés Nieto - Duration: 3:55.

I want you to know the truth about odd days

They should be similar, but never exactly the same

I don't understand anything, if you love me more on Mondays than on Tuesdays

Take me to Papalpa, through the inexplicable route

Your acrobatic dialectic; I'm so gray, you're so chromatic

I guess I didn't properly receive the signal, I will have to trust in satellites

In those that revolve around you, creating personal interferences

I want you to know the truth about odd days

Your little doubts could become giant

It's a good thing you exist and I don't have to imagine you

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

For more infomation >> 🎵 Días Impares (Carlos Sadness) ~ Cover by Moisés Nieto - Duration: 3:55.


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For more infomation >> Jade et Joy Hally­day : comment se passe leur scola­rité- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:46.


Best New Progressive Music

For more infomation >> Best New Progressive Music


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Learn Colors with Robocar Poli - Colours for Kids to Learn - Learning Educational Video for Children

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Robocar Poli - Colours for Kids to Learn - Learning Educational Video for Children - Duration: 2:03.


5 talking points from LFC 1-1 Chelsea - Mo Salah can't stop scoring - Duration: 10:06.

5 talking points from Liverpool 1-1 Chelsea - Mohamed Salah can't stop scoring and an improved defensive display

Liverpool served up a strong showing but couldn't hold onto a lead once more as they drew 1-1 against Chelsea in the Premier League on Saturday.

The Reds came into the match making a number of surprising changes, with Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Daniel Sturridge and James Milner all coming into the side.

Despite a bright start as the Reds dominated possession, chances were hard to come by thanks to Chelsea's packed defensive and midfield lines.

Eden Hazard and Mohamed Salah traded efforts and were comfortably the most threatening two players on show in the first half, but the scores remained locked at 0-0 at the break.

In the second half it was unsurprisingly the Egyptian who managed to break the deadlock, poking home after Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain won the ball back, but Chelsea's onslaught brought a fortuitous late equaliser from Willian.

Here are five talking points from the 1-1 at Anfield.

Contrasting midfields.

Both teams featured a three-man central midfield from the start at Anfield, but both operated in very different ways.

While Jurgen Klopp again asked his middle trio to play, pass around the pitch and try to combine to open up chances, Chelsea's worked as a solid unit to deny space and exploit counter opportunities.

There's nothing wrong with either approach when they work—but Liverpool's overall midfield contribution can learn two particular points from Chelsea's.

One is the runners from deep; Tiemoue Bakayoko and (in particular on the day) Danny Drinkwater made huge volumes of surges from deep, unmarked and untracked, into the opposition penalty box.

It doesn't happen often enough with the Reds' central options, which can leave a sole centre-forward to attack the ball.

Secondly, the off-the-ball shape of Liverpool's midfield zone continues to be a shambles at times, struggling to defend against through-passes or counter-attacks.

There's no such lack of cohesion for Chelsea, which in part contributed to making it difficult for Liverpool to create chances.

Personnel, tactics or simple managerial preference? One looks more rounded than the other, in any case.

The Irregulars.

The changes by the manager meant three rotational changes giving non-regular starters their opportunity, as opposed to Ragnar Klavan who continued to deputise in defence due to injuries elsewhere.

It was a mixed afternoon for the three incoming players, with Oxlade-Chamberlain making the best case for future inclusion.

He showed great work rate tracking back in the first half, was quick to challenge high upfield and looked to get past his man whenever possible, with varied success.

At the other end of the scale was James Milner, who had a real shocker.

His time was split between the centre and drifting wide to cover the channel, a difficult enough tactical role, but on the ball he really suffered.

Poor control, badly timed or directed passes and a general lack of sharpness about his play really made him a liability at times.

Sturridge was somewhere in between.

His movement was good and one second-half snapshot almost saw him seize a rare sight of goal in the best way possible, but some of his first touches sent him the wrong way and he didn't link at the speed which the Reds habitually try to in the final third.

The No.

15 will be frustrated to have been subbed off reasonably early, but it would have been tactical—with Liverpool just ahead—as much as anything else.

On that note, with the Reds not making further changes until much later in the game, it's worth noting that Klopp suggested it was partly down to the officials.

Late substitutions and not reacting in matches quickly enough has been an unfortunate theme this term.

Moreno bounces back.

After an extremely difficult midweek performance where he was one of those to blame for the collapse against Sevilla, it was encouraging to see Alberto Morenoproduce a very solid display.

The left-back was strong in the challenge, consistently on the front foot to get the Reds moving forward and diligent about tracking runs.

One or two moments might have had fans wondering if there was impending danger as he slid into a tackle or attempted to dribble away from his box, but Moreno had matters under control for the vast majority of the match.

Chelsea's wing-backs are often an important outlet but he did well in shackling Davide Zappacosta, only allowing a few wayward crosses from that side, and Moreno looked assured and confident throughout.

Klopp still trusts him, and the trust was repaid against Chelsea.

Improved defence, no reward.

Ok, the Reds surrendered a lead for the second time in less than a week, and have one point in each competition where it might have been three.

But this was no Sevilla-esque collapse, nor a point thrown away because of a shambolic back line—even if there were a few calamity moments in trying to clear set pieces or crosses.

In general, the back four was more organised, individually impressive and worked well as a unit.

Moreno we've already mentioned, but Joe Gomez was excellent once more and Ragnar Klavan put in one of his best performances in a Reds shirt.

It's unfortunate that the equalising goal came from what was more than likely a mis-hit cross, clipped in from between Moreno and Klavan—a rare occasion they didn't quite get close enough to the man on the ball.

The few other chances invariably came though from the midfield not closing down or protecting the spaces in front of the defence, while the back four themselves repelled everything in turn.

Salah can't stop scoring.

A final word for the Egyptian goal machine, Mohamed Salah.

It's 15 now for the season, an excellent haul which leaves him as the Premier League's top scorer and the most prolific Liverpool player since the Sturridge-Luis Suarez combination.

Salah had a few half-chances, a few moments of looking the most exciting player on the pitch for the home team and a few opportunities to use his pace on the counter.

Not everything came off, not every moment saw him make the right decision, but he's one of the few in the team who is always looking to get into the penalty box and get a shot away.

It's that mentality and consistency which sees him get chances, and breaking the 20-goal barrier won't be too long in the waiting.

For more infomation >> 5 talking points from LFC 1-1 Chelsea - Mo Salah can't stop scoring - Duration: 10:06.





For more infomation >> THE BEST TRICKSHOTS ON BLACK OPS 3. - Duration: 0:48.


Chính thức : Giải hạng 2 Kimpt Fifa Online 3 Championship - Vòng 17 - Mùa giải 2017/2018 - Duration: 2:00:09.

For more infomation >> Chính thức : Giải hạng 2 Kimpt Fifa Online 3 Championship - Vòng 17 - Mùa giải 2017/2018 - Duration: 2:00:09.


Mutual Fund Q&A, Tax Saving Mutual Funds, Hindi, November 25, 2017 - Duration: 3:36.

In this video, we answer the question of Neeraj Prasad who wants to make tax-saving investments of up to Rs 1.5 lakh annually under Section 80C in ELSS

Neeraj wants to make the investment with "minimum risk" and in a large-cap fund

Neeraj wants to invest in equity linked savings scheme or ELSS to save tax

We recommend three ELSS, They are Aditya Birla Tax Relief 96', Franklin India Taxshield and Axis Long Term Equity Fund

These are top performing ELSS schemes that are also large-cap funds as well

For our coverage on these ELSS, check out our ELSS playlist

For more infomation >> Mutual Fund Q&A, Tax Saving Mutual Funds, Hindi, November 25, 2017 - Duration: 3:36.


Liên Khúc Xuân 2018 || XUÂN YÊU THƯƠNG || Tuyển Tập Những Ca Khúc Trữ Tình Chọn Lọc 2018 - Duration: 55:46.

For more infomation >> Liên Khúc Xuân 2018 || XUÂN YÊU THƯƠNG || Tuyển Tập Những Ca Khúc Trữ Tình Chọn Lọc 2018 - Duration: 55:46.


My kitchen contaminates me with organic food - Duration: 3:03.

My kitchen contaminates me with organic food

For more infomation >> My kitchen contaminates me with organic food - Duration: 3:03.


দেখুন টুটপেস্ট দিয়ে কি কি করা যেতে পারে, জেনে রাখুন কাজে লাগবে | Many Uses of Toothpaste | Bangla - Duration: 2:26.

The Many Uses of Toothpaste...

For more infomation >> দেখুন টুটপেস্ট দিয়ে কি কি করা যেতে পারে, জেনে রাখুন কাজে লাগবে | Many Uses of Toothpaste | Bangla - Duration: 2:26.


[Free] "My Journey" Lil UziVer...

For more infomation >> [Free] "My Journey" Lil UziVer...


Twin Flame Journey what I've learned recently....🙏🏼 - Duration: 47:08.

card you cant see is King of Wands

For more infomation >> Twin Flame Journey what I've learned recently....🙏🏼 - Duration: 47:08.


Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie premier RP Beaty Szydło - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie premier RP Beaty Szydło - Duration: 11:48.


Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie wicepremiera Mateusza Morawieckiego - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie wicepremiera Mateusza Morawieckiego - Duration: 6:41.


Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie Ajjuba Kara - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie Ajjuba Kara - Duration: 8:45.


Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie Yehiela Hilika Bara - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie Yehiela Hilika Bara - Duration: 6:42.


Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie Stanisław Karczewskiego - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Pamięć i Nadzieja": Wystąpienie Stanisław Karczewskiego - Duration: 5:01.


"Bastis Abkübler" 7C/+ | An historical rockclimbing route (Part I/II) - Duration: 7:32.

The name of this route emerged about 16 years ago...

when I sat on the windowsill and the garbage car arrived...

and I thought I have to tell it my whole family

I shouted through the whole house that the "Abkübler" (=garbage car) arrived!

Of course my parents heard that...

So my dad took that chance and bolted a route and named it after my shoutout "Abkübler" ... "Bastis Abkübler"!

For more infomation >> "Bastis Abkübler" 7C/+ | An historical rockclimbing route (Part I/II) - Duration: 7:32.


Grande Fratello Vip semifinale: ecco chi uscirà secondo i sondaggi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip semifinale: ecco chi uscirà secondo i sondaggi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:46.


Dog got his fur back before winter - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Dog got his fur back before winter - Duration: 3:45.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6i 120pk AUTOMAAT Exclusive - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6i 120pk AUTOMAAT Exclusive - Duration: 0:45.


Melankolik Rap Beat I Sad Piano Beat I Tutsak Aşk - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Melankolik Rap Beat I Sad Piano Beat I Tutsak Aşk - Duration: 3:13.


Мультик про машинки и поезда. ПЕРЕКРЕСТОК - новые мультики для детей. Cars and Trains - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Мультик про машинки и поезда. ПЕРЕКРЕСТОК - новые мультики для детей. Cars and Trains - Duration: 3:05.


🎵 Días Impares (Carlos Sadness) ~ Cover by Moisés Nieto - Duration: 3:55.

I want you to know the truth about odd days

They should be similar, but never exactly the same

I don't understand anything, if you love me more on Mondays than on Tuesdays

Take me to Papalpa, through the inexplicable route

Your acrobatic dialectic; I'm so gray, you're so chromatic

I guess I didn't properly receive the signal, I will have to trust in satellites

In those that revolve around you, creating personal interferences

I want you to know the truth about odd days

Your little doubts could become giant

It's a good thing you exist and I don't have to imagine you

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

If you never give me, If you never give me your coordinates, tell me

How am I supposed to find you?

For more infomation >> 🎵 Días Impares (Carlos Sadness) ~ Cover by Moisés Nieto - Duration: 3:55.


Jock-5етух Tikhomirov and killed hormonally! - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> Jock-5етух Tikhomirov and killed hormonally! - Duration: 10:59.


THE LAST SUPPER | Vlog (sott ita) - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> THE LAST SUPPER | Vlog (sott ita) - Duration: 10:18.


Is this The Legend of Zelda? "Animatic" - Duration: 0:30.

Is this "The Legend of Zelda"?

No, this is Link.

Is this "The Legend of Zelda"?

No... this is Link.

Is this "The Legend of Zelda"?



I'm NOT a "Zelda"


Link that's the name of the game.


For more infomation >> Is this The Legend of Zelda? "Animatic" - Duration: 0:30.


How can a keto diet maximize athletic and cognitive performance? - Duration: 1:04.

I think ketones have cognitive benefits, I really, really do.

And I think they prevent us from crashing

and help us buffer stress mentally, they lower inflammation,

but a lot of people are resistant to doing a low-carb lifestyle.

And they go, "I feel horrible, there's no way I can give up my carbs."

And every time that happens like, "Do you want to try some ketones?"

They try them and they get this huge cognitive boost.

They say, "Oh, man, things went from like normal to blue ray."

You know what I mean?

It's like, "I feel happy... why do I feel so good?"

And you go, "You know, you could feel like that all the time.

Just do low-carb dieting all the time."

But I think it's a tool to help people transition to that low-carb lifestyle,

because they want more.

For more infomation >> How can a keto diet maximize athletic and cognitive performance? - Duration: 1:04.


Miscellaneous Vlog | September & October 2017 [CC] - Duration: 16:41.

Hey everybody! Welcome back to my channel. Today I have a vlog for you guys but I'm

gonna be doing it a little bit differently this time around because I

have a bunch of miscellaneous footage from late September through October that

I kind of want to talk you through. There was a lot going on in the month of

October. I didn't get around to actually editing this footage and uploading it

for you guys and then all of a sudden like, weeks passed and I still hadn't

gotten these videos together but I wanted to kind of talk you through

everything and at least show you what I got up to in the past month because it

was kind of an exciting month. There was a lot of things going on. So first up was

September 29th. Brett and I went to go see Katy Perry at the Garden in Boston. I

randomly found these tickets. I - ever since Katy Perry's Super Bowl performance

I had said that I would have loved to see her perform live and like the

Tuesday before this concert I found $20 tickets to go see her. So I was like "Brett

do you want to go see Katy Perry?" and he said "Yeah, let's go!"

So I got the tickets and then we went and it was so awesome. So here are a few

clips of the concert.

[Katy Perry Music]

The day after Katy Perry, I ventured to upstate New York for the Wineglass

Marathon. I did a little bit more vlogging during this time. Like, I was

actually intending to make this like a full-blown vlog but I just never got

around to it, but here's me in the Wineglass Marathon.

So I made it to the Museum of Glass where I'm going to be picking up all of

my race things like my bib and my shirt and a bunch of other information I'm

sure and then after that I am gonna find some food and then find the hotel and

relax cuz I've been in the car way too much today. I'm ready to not be in the

car anymore.

Alright so finally got my bib, got checked in. I stopped at the grocery

store, got some food, and now I am in my hotel room. I got here and I got checked

in and then I went upstairs to my room and then it wasn't ready yet. So I went back

downstairs and they gave me a different room but this room is dope and I'm so

excited. So I just want to give you a little tour. So we had the bathroom which

is pretty standard bathroom things but like the inside here is like an

apartment. So I have like a couch and this is what I'm really excited about is

the microwave and the fridge. If I known that this room was gonna have a fridge

or if I had known that I was gonna be in a room with a fridge I would have bought

more like, perishable groceries. I only bought a couple of things because I

thought I would have to eat them really quick, but threw some in here. So I have

just a salad and some chicken dumplings and I put my

Gatorades in here but I can eat them later. So I have a coffee maker which I

probably won't use, sink. So it's like basically a apartment and got a little

mirror desk area, my bed, and there's like this little like reading nook which is

like my dream to have one of these in my home one day. But yeah it's nothing too

exciting. I'm right next door to a Taco Bell which I don't like to Taco Bell, so

I'm not too excited about it but I bet if somebody liked Taco Bell they'd be

pumped about this room. But yeah. So it's a nice really - it's a really big room. Oh

there's a mirror. Didn't know there was a mirror behind the bed. So yeah, really

happy about that. And now I'm going to settle down. I've been driving all day.

And just like kind of come down mentally. Start relaxing physically, and just enjoy

the rest of the evening. So I'll check back in with you guys later, give

some like, thoughts about my evening leading up to his marathon. Yikes.

Alright, so it's a little after 9 p.m. now and I am probably gonna start settling

down, trying to go to sleep, but I wanted to show you my setup for tomorrow

morning. My race starts at 8:15 and I will be taking a bus to the starting

line. We have to be at the bus by 7:30 so I'm still trying to figure out when I

want to get up and start getting ready. Probably - I'll probably wake up at like,

5:45, but we'll see how I feel. But I wanted to show you my setup. So this - we have to

have a clear bag if we want a bag to be going to the finish line. So basically I

just put a bunch of like, dry clothes and some comfy shoes and I think that's pretty

much all I'm gonna put down there so I can change and put some comfy shoes on

and then over here I have just like my race day stuff. So here's my race day

outfit. I have my spandex, I have a long-sleeve, it's gonna be kind of cold

out tomorrow so I don't know if this will come off, and then I have a shorter

sleeve, my bib, my watch is charging, and my shoes, and here is what I'm gonna be

bringing with me. So this is like a little belt. I had to buy a new one cuz I

left mine at home but it's kind of falling apart anyway so might as well.

But I have in here - have some blocks and some gels, and headphones, and I'll have these with me

also. I don't know I'll eat them before the race or after, or during, but I'm just bringing

them along with me and we'll see how the race goes. Hopefully it goes well.

I'm kind of nervous. Training didn't really go as well as I wanted it to and

I also have this like upper body injury. So we'll see how it goes but I will

check back in with you guys in the morning and hopefully it's just like all

positive things tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Morning!

It's race day and we're just getting to the starting site. I haven't seen the

actual starting line yet but it's somewhere and I just want to check in and tell you

that it's freezing and I'm getting ready to get started.

I start in about an hour, a little under that, or a little over that, and should be

a great day. I don't know how much I'll be actually talking to the camera but

I'll definitely try you can get some clips throughout so you can see my experience. Can't wait to have a great race!

Hopefully everything goes swimmingly and I'll check back in with you guys later.

[upbeat hip hop music]

For whatever reason I didn't wrap up that vlog, but I did want to show you

guys the medal that I got which was this glass metal which is one of the coolest

medals I own and it's just this really pretty blue and like the ribbon is like

nice purple and blue. It was just like a really nice marathon and I had a really

lovely time. I actually ended up meeting a girl was about my age and she and I

ran together for a lot. It was her first marathon and so I kind of like kept her

motivated. I didn't really have any time goals this time around just because like,

so many things happened between the moment I decided to run this race and

like when I actually ran this race. I just wanted to go and have a good time.

It was a gorgeous day, I made a new friend, and I just like was just chillin

and running my 26 miles. So it's definitely one of my slower marathons

that I ran, but I had a really great time so like, I just didn't even it didn't

even bother me. But yes, highly recommend the Wineglass Marathon. If you're

interested in checking that one out. And then lastly, towards the end of October I

was invited to go to a Patriots game with one of my co-workers and we had

these like fabulous seats in the endzone that were just like so amazing. We had a

great time. Patriots ended up winning which was amazing. Here are a couple of

clips that I shot on my phone while I was at the game.

And that pretty much wraps up all the spare footage that I had for you guys. I

hope you guys enjoyed this vlog. Kind of a different approach to vlogging. If you

enjoyed it please leave a big thumbs up. Subscribe if you haven't already. I do

try to make a new video each and every week, and I will see you guys again very

soon. Bye!

For more infomation >> Miscellaneous Vlog | September & October 2017 [CC] - Duration: 16:41.


(ENG SUBS)Lugansk LPR Leader resigns and Leonid Pasechnik takes control - Duration: 1:16.

Today, Igor Venediktovich Plotnitsky resigned for health reasons.

Numerous military injuries and consequences of contusion resulted.

In accordance with his decision, I proceed to TAKE the duties of the head of the republic until the upcoming elections.

I am grateful to Igor Venediktovich for his decision and trust. Igor Venediktovich made a great contribution to the process of peaceful settlement.

He is one of the signatories of the Minsk agreements.

Today he is appointed as an authorized representative of the Luhansk People's Republic for the implementation of the Minsk agreements

I also declare my commitment to the Minsk Agreements. The Republic will consistently implement the commitments undertaken in accordance with these agreements.

The Council of Ministers, the People's Council of the Luhansk People's Republic and other authorities continue to work in the regular mode.

For my part, I want to assure the residents of the Luhansk People's Republic that I will do everything in my power to benefit the people of Luhansk.

For more infomation >> (ENG SUBS)Lugansk LPR Leader resigns and Leonid Pasechnik takes control - Duration: 1:16.


Zerodha brokerage charges - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> Zerodha brokerage charges - Duration: 15:11.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


To ona wygrała "The Voice". Wiedzieliście o jej przeszłości? - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> To ona wygrała "The Voice". Wiedzieliście o jej przeszłości? - Duration: 4:11.


O Dom Divino do Perdão - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> O Dom Divino do Perdão - Duration: 2:58.


Wszystko o ... Aston Martin Vantage [PL/ENG] 🤑💰 - Duration: 4:53.

Hello all of you very warmly in the next episode of the series "All about ..."

of course in the comments I'm waiting for suggestions for the next episodes.

Today I will present you some information about the new Aston Martin so let's start

Produced since 2005, the predecessor, who after years resurrected the always the most muscular

and the incorrect Aston Martin names

had many advantages, but never had enough of his dynamic talent,

To really threaten the sports car from Italy or the biggest figure in this segment, the Porsche 911.

But now it is to change. Vantage is the second step in Andy Palmer's

branding plan reactivate this company for its second century.

Vantage is the type of defiant, sharpest and most incorrect model in the range.

Targeted to younger customers,

they are expected to respond to their increased needs for more aggressive driving and catching up with the environment.

Underneath there are changing perceptions of this further small coupé elements

grill in front and diffuser in the rear.

This is the reference to the most radical Aston Martin built to date

designed for the ultra limited version of the Vulcan.

Just like him, here too the grill, although retaining the traditional shape for the brand

went unheedingly low,

Contrast the finish to create an effect reminiscent of Bane's look from Batman.

Vantage, however, is naturally much closer to the other film series.

If it seems to you,  Wherever your shapes have already seen it was in the Specter movie

where James Bond led Aston Martin DB10

Built in just ten pieces, the unique model was directly inspired by the future Vantage.

When Bond's producers came to talk to Aston Martin about collaborating on the next film

the company was working on Vantage.

The company had designs of the model and when their guests came across one of them immediately informed the company

That's exactly what they want in your movie.

But thanks to this, Aston Martin could see the reactions of millions of people around the world,

One of them was not aware that he was looking at the new Vantage.

This model was presented in two colors lime and gray, and my liking was more lime.

While all the Martini Astons have been exactly the same project for the last several years

stretched only in various sizes and forms of the body,

Now Marek Reichman is trying to distance himself from the image of Vantage, DB11 and Vanquish, giving them completely different styles.

It is well visible in the interior, which is also very different from what we know from cars of this brand.

For the first time for a long time on the center console appear knobs, and she is

In a brand-new move, facing the driver.

Vantage debuts with the well-known 8-speed ZF engine

but will also include a 7-speed manual transmission, designed specifically for the brand.

The default choice is the DB11 four-liter V8 AMG engine with an exceptionally flat wet oil pan

But this bulging mask is asking for a double-charged V12 with a capacity of 5.2 liters, with whom DB11 debuted.

It is not expected that the driving range would complement the hybrid

this is likely to occur with the next generation model, around 2025.

This model is a testament to the high form that Aston Martin currently enjoys.

Let's hope that its sales results confirm this.

Coming off the Vantage scene was finally the most popular car in more than a century of brand histo

So it would be enough if you liked it do not forget about the like and comment

and I hope you stay Stay up and subscribe to the channel and click on the bell

and you'll get all the notifications for my videos.

And I thank you for watching and to the next one :D

For more infomation >> Wszystko o ... Aston Martin Vantage [PL/ENG] 🤑💰 - Duration: 4:53.


Andy Scotch - Lost Boy (REMIX) [LETRA NA DESCRIÇÃO/LEGENDA] - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Andy Scotch - Lost Boy (REMIX) [LETRA NA DESCRIÇÃO/LEGENDA] - Duration: 4:20.


akame ga kill historia alternativa - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> akame ga kill historia alternativa - Duration: 6:15.


Roy Andersson - Någonting har hänt (Something Happened) 1987 VOS - Duration: 23:45.


<i>it's no fun finding out you've got a disease that can't be cured.</i>

<i>It's called AIDS, and it's an entirely new disease.</i>

<i>Caused by an entirely new contagion.</i>

<i>A virus that attacks and destroys the human immune system.</i>

<i>AIDS is</i> a <i>fatal disease, and it is contagious.</i>

<i>A lot of research is being done on AIDS.</i>

<i>Attempts to find a cure or a vaccine.</i>

<i>So far, without success.</i>

You should get out and take a walk, Janne.

It's that monkey, of course.

It's called Cercopethicus aethiops in Latin.

Yes, that's right.

The green monkey.

From Africa.

<i>AIDS is a dreaded disease.</i>

<i>The experts call it the plague of our age.</i>

<i>H's been compared to cholera or the black death of bygone times.</i>

<i>There was no cure for them either. People panicked.</i>

<i>They thought that nature or God was punishing man-</i>

<i>-for living the wrong way.</i>

It's deplorable, simply terrible!

<i>People felt guilty and looked for scapegoats.</i>

<i>They found them in minorities, outsiders, and in other races.</i>

You know...

Just about anything could suddenly turn up down there... the heat and damp.

Quite right, Olle.

Sure! There are all sorts of viruses and bacteria... Africa.

And all those monkeys running around just as they please.

<i>Homosexual men were the first to contract AIDS.</i>

<i>It was thought to be a "gay disease".</i>

<i>Then it was found among drug abusers-</i>

<i>-who injected narcotics.</i>

<i>People began to talk of "high-risk groups".</i>

<i>These included men who had sexual intercourse with both women and men.</i>

<i>And those who prostituted themselves.</i>

<i>And those who had to use blood products for medical reasons.</i>

<i>And those who had received blood transfusions in hospital.</i>

<i>Heterosexual men and women-</i>

<i>-also represent</i> a <i>high-risk group today.</i>

<i>AIDS ts a disease that affects everyone.</i>

It could have been a Negro-

-who was wandering about down there in the jungle one day.

Like this... Looking around.

"I'm hungry," thought the Negro to himself.

"I'd like something to eat."

"What luck!"

"A monkey!"

And then perhaps he tried to lure the monkey.

The green monkey, that is to say. Like this:

"Here monkey-monkey-monkey! Here monkey!"

The monkey comes closer and closer.

And just when the monkey is almost within reach-

-the Negro grabs the monkey, quick as a flash, and gets it in his arms.

And the monkey tries to get away.

And sinks his razor-sharp teeth in the Negro's arm.

In this way, the virus could have been transmitted to humans.

AIDS is primarily sexually transmitted.

<i>During lovemaking - intercourse-</i>

<i>-the virus can enter the bloodstream.</i>

<i>Abstinence is advised-</i>

<i>-or, for those who have someone, prolonged fidelity.</i>

Now girls: there is nothing strange about what we are about to do.

It is something very, very natural.

May I see whether everyone has a condom?

- Yes -Now, watch me.

We position the condom, like this, on the top.

And then slowly and carefully we roll it...

...all the way down.

And this is very, very natural behaviour.

This is something you should always have with you throughout your life.

It is very, very natural.

<i>AIDS is</i> a <i>sexually transmitted disease.</i>

<i>But it's not a venereal disease as such.</i>

<i>It's something new.</i>

<i>A breakdown in the immune system-</i>

<i>-caused by a sort of virus previously found only among animals.</i>

<i>In animals, it causes cancer.</i>

<i>There has been interest in this sort of virus for quite some time.</i>

<i>It was expected that such a virus would be found in humans as well-</i>

<i>-as they can also develop cancer.</i>

<i>Considerable effort and money-</i>

<i>-has been spent on investigating such viruses.</i>

<i>During the 1960s and 70s-</i>

<i>-medical research proceeded from the assumption-</i>

<i>-that there was a link between viruses and cancer in humans as well.</i>

<i>Countless laboratory experiments were conducted on "cell cultures".</i>

<i>Experiments on five humans were risky.</i>

<i>Few volunteered.</i>

<i>They had to use those who couldn't say no.</i>

For more infomation >> Roy Andersson - Någonting har hänt (Something Happened) 1987 VOS - Duration: 23:45.



For more infomation >> SKARBY LODOWCA OBERAARGLETSCHER [DH #16] - Duration: 12:51.


Delfins - Num Sonho Teu ( Letra ) - Duration: 3:33.

Delfins In your dream

Look no further for solitude

Don't hide through the crowd

I just want to find you here

In my dream

I'll give you my hand today

Walk with you without touching the ground

I just want to hug you here

In my dream

Because it's never late

For someone to dream

I just wanted to be able to wake up

In your dream

Because it's never late

For someone to love

I just wanted to be able to wake up

In your dream

If someday you call for me

If someday you love like that

Will you know how to wake up here

In my dream

For more infomation >> Delfins - Num Sonho Teu ( Letra ) - Duration: 3:33.


My kitchen contaminates me with organic food - Duration: 3:03.

My kitchen contaminates me with organic food

For more infomation >> My kitchen contaminates me with organic food - Duration: 3:03.


(TMNT) Polish Voice Overs OPEN - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> (TMNT) Polish Voice Overs OPEN - Duration: 4:30.


Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter [Legendado PT/BR] - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter [Legendado PT/BR] - Duration: 3:39.


Andy Scotch - Monsters [LETRA NA DESCRIÇÃO/LEGENDA] - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Andy Scotch - Monsters [LETRA NA DESCRIÇÃO/LEGENDA] - Duration: 3:01.



For more infomation >> АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ ПОД МУЗЫКУ #35 | СМЕШНЫЕ МОМЕНТЫ ИЗ АНИМЕ | ANIME CRACK | COUB | VINES (Specially) 18+ - Duration: 5:34.


দেখুন টুটপেস্ট দিয়ে কি কি করা যেতে পারে, জেনে রাখুন কাজে লাগবে | Many Uses of Toothpaste | Bangla - Duration: 2:26.

The Many Uses of Toothpaste...

For more infomation >> দেখুন টুটপেস্ট দিয়ে কি কি করা যেতে পারে, জেনে রাখুন কাজে লাগবে | Many Uses of Toothpaste | Bangla - Duration: 2:26.


DESCIFRANDO LA MATRIX Yolanda Soria, José Vaso, Beatriz Ramírez - Duration: 1:11:55.

For more infomation >> DESCIFRANDO LA MATRIX Yolanda Soria, José Vaso, Beatriz Ramírez - Duration: 1:11:55.


| ESTE É O TEMPO | S O F I A M O N T E I R O | - Duration: 4:54.





































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