Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 29 2017

Hey there.

We in the United States are obsessed with the death of our Republic.

Many of us think that the government wants to take all our guns and set up a dictatorship.

Many of us also think that the clueless populism of Donald Trump is destroying the civility

and basic competence our government needs to be viable.

I'm sympathetic to both of these ideas actually, though to differing degrees.

But neither side is paying much attention to the biggest step towards the death of the

Republic that has been proposed this decade.

It's a quick ticket to Tyranny, and nobody is talking about it.

I'm talking, of course, about the elimination of the State and Local Tax Deduction.

This could be passed with the Republicans tax reform before the end of the year.

The US system was designed to have multiple centers of power.

Independent power for the states is probably the most important part of the system of checks

and balances that was set up by the folks who wrote our constitution.

This means that each state and locality has its own taxing authority.

Different states are free to do things differently.

It's the state and local tax deduction that preserves

this independent power.

Most Americans have to pay an income tax to the central government in Washington, DC.

But they have always been able to deduct the State and local taxes that they pay from the

money they send to the national government.

This deduction actually pre-dates the modern income tax system by over 50 years.

Earlier generations of legislators knew that if they didn't have the deduction, states

would be forced into a race to the bottom in tax terms, and individual state power would

have been destroyed.

Everybody would move to weak states with no taxes, and all power in the country would

flow to Washington, DC.We can argue over whether money is speech, but we can all agree that

money is power.

Today's Republicans have forgotten that basic truth.

In this generation, states run by the Democratic party tend to have higher state and local

taxes, so the Republicans see a short term win.

Congress gets more money to use for tax cuts elsewhere, and they get to stick it to the


This short-sightedness reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of how freedoms are lost.

It's not quick or dramatic or exciting, it's a slow process.

Our freedoms are chipped away bit by bit.

The first Roman emperor had to pretend that the senate was important, and tried hard to

pitch himself as the just the first among equals.

Three hundred years later it was considered a privilege to crawl at the emperor's feet.

It's the gradual centralization of powers we have to look out for, especially when it

looks like the regular give and take of politics.

More power centralized in Washington, DC should be a lot scarier than a school board in Kansas

that bans books on evolution, or a city government in Chicago that wants background checks for


But Mickey Mouse bullshit like this draws a lot more attention than the drastic power

grab congress might enact as early as this week.

State's rights has a bad reputation nowadays for some very good reasons.

But we have to acknowledge how important a part of our system that concept is.

Our independent state and local governments are our most valuable tool against the centralizing

power of Washington, DC.

The US Constitution doesn't really work without them.

Once eliminated the State and Local Tax deduction will never come back.

It won't be obvious immediately, but this move by Congressional Republicans will kill

those laboratories of Democracy we used to hear about.

My favorite Benjamin Franklin story goes like this.

In Philadelphia in 1787 he's walking out of the Constitutional Convention.

Somebody asks him what kind of government has been created for these brand new United


His supposed response: "A Republic if you can keep it."

We always need to be on the lookout for threats to our system.

The elimination of the SALT tax deduction is easily the biggest step towards the death

of the Republic I have seen this decade.

And nobody is talking about it.

Thanks for watching.

Please subscribe, and if you want to help me make more videos like this one, please

click on the patreon link here to check out my crowd-funding thing.


For more infomation >> State Tax And The Death Of The Republic | SALT | Congress 3 - Duration: 4:51.



For more infomation >> SORTEO DE OCTAVOS EURO LATAM LEAGUE + TORNEO 100 PERSONAS | CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 1:40:42.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


Homem enforca mulher com fio de abajur e depois se suicida - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Homem enforca mulher com fio de abajur e depois se suicida - Duration: 2:40.


Site anuncia casamento de Harry e Meghan como união de atriz e ex-soldado - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Site anuncia casamento de Harry e Meghan como união de atriz e ex-soldado - Duration: 2:21.


Juez da la razón a Trump sobre quién debe ocupar el cargo de director en la CFPB - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Juez da la razón a Trump sobre quién debe ocupar el cargo de director en la CFPB - Duration: 0:28.


Las iguanas pasan a ser parte de la precaria dieta de los venezolanos ante la falta de alimentos - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Las iguanas pasan a ser parte de la precaria dieta de los venezolanos ante la falta de alimentos - Duration: 1:59.


La razón por la cual hay escasez y han aumentado el precio de los arbolitos de Navidad naturales - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> La razón por la cual hay escasez y han aumentado el precio de los arbolitos de Navidad naturales - Duration: 1:55.


State Tax And The Death Of The Republic | SALT | Congress 3 - Duration: 4:51.

Hey there.

We in the United States are obsessed with the death of our Republic.

Many of us think that the government wants to take all our guns and set up a dictatorship.

Many of us also think that the clueless populism of Donald Trump is destroying the civility

and basic competence our government needs to be viable.

I'm sympathetic to both of these ideas actually, though to differing degrees.

But neither side is paying much attention to the biggest step towards the death of the

Republic that has been proposed this decade.

It's a quick ticket to Tyranny, and nobody is talking about it.

I'm talking, of course, about the elimination of the State and Local Tax Deduction.

This could be passed with the Republicans tax reform before the end of the year.

The US system was designed to have multiple centers of power.

Independent power for the states is probably the most important part of the system of checks

and balances that was set up by the folks who wrote our constitution.

This means that each state and locality has its own taxing authority.

Different states are free to do things differently.

It's the state and local tax deduction that preserves

this independent power.

Most Americans have to pay an income tax to the central government in Washington, DC.

But they have always been able to deduct the State and local taxes that they pay from the

money they send to the national government.

This deduction actually pre-dates the modern income tax system by over 50 years.

Earlier generations of legislators knew that if they didn't have the deduction, states

would be forced into a race to the bottom in tax terms, and individual state power would

have been destroyed.

Everybody would move to weak states with no taxes, and all power in the country would

flow to Washington, DC.We can argue over whether money is speech, but we can all agree that

money is power.

Today's Republicans have forgotten that basic truth.

In this generation, states run by the Democratic party tend to have higher state and local

taxes, so the Republicans see a short term win.

Congress gets more money to use for tax cuts elsewhere, and they get to stick it to the


This short-sightedness reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of how freedoms are lost.

It's not quick or dramatic or exciting, it's a slow process.

Our freedoms are chipped away bit by bit.

The first Roman emperor had to pretend that the senate was important, and tried hard to

pitch himself as the just the first among equals.

Three hundred years later it was considered a privilege to crawl at the emperor's feet.

It's the gradual centralization of powers we have to look out for, especially when it

looks like the regular give and take of politics.

More power centralized in Washington, DC should be a lot scarier than a school board in Kansas

that bans books on evolution, or a city government in Chicago that wants background checks for


But Mickey Mouse bullshit like this draws a lot more attention than the drastic power

grab congress might enact as early as this week.

State's rights has a bad reputation nowadays for some very good reasons.

But we have to acknowledge how important a part of our system that concept is.

Our independent state and local governments are our most valuable tool against the centralizing

power of Washington, DC.

The US Constitution doesn't really work without them.

Once eliminated the State and Local Tax deduction will never come back.

It won't be obvious immediately, but this move by Congressional Republicans will kill

those laboratories of Democracy we used to hear about.

My favorite Benjamin Franklin story goes like this.

In Philadelphia in 1787 he's walking out of the Constitutional Convention.

Somebody asks him what kind of government has been created for these brand new United


His supposed response: "A Republic if you can keep it."

We always need to be on the lookout for threats to our system.

The elimination of the SALT tax deduction is easily the biggest step towards the death

of the Republic I have seen this decade.

And nobody is talking about it.

Thanks for watching.

Please subscribe, and if you want to help me make more videos like this one, please

click on the patreon link here to check out my crowd-funding thing.


For more infomation >> State Tax And The Death Of The Republic | SALT | Congress 3 - Duration: 4:51.


Desesperado por no terminar deportado, mexicano se lanzó al mar en tras una detención de tráfico - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Desesperado por no terminar deportado, mexicano se lanzó al mar en tras una detención de tráfico - Duration: 2:04.


Los inmigrantes pierden a su mayor defensor en el Congreso: Luis Gutiérrez no buscará la reelección - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Los inmigrantes pierden a su mayor defensor en el Congreso: Luis Gutiérrez no buscará la reelección - Duration: 2:20.


Bill Nye and Robert Picardo Giving Tuesday 2017 Facebook Live - Duration: 36:07.

Hey everybody! Can you hear us? We're back. Sorry about that stream issue that was

not fun but we hope everybody can come rejoin us for our Facebook Live Giving

Tuesday. I'm Danielle Gunn, Communications Manager here at The Planetary Society

and with me are

Robert Picardo, a board member of The Planetary Society.

Bill Nye CEO of the Planetary Society.

Hello, Boss.

Yes yes greetings, manager. You guys, we're sitting in my office in Pasadena and not

far from the Jet Propulsion Lab. We are sitting at the very table where the

founders of The Planetary Society used to sit and argue--discuss! And so a

little bit of Carl Sagan's DNA is in the woodgrain right here. I had him

for one class and he changed my life. I joined--I'm a charter member--

I've been a member for 37 years and now I've

become CEO, because I left the room during a board meeting. I kid! You guys

we connect you with space, so thank you for joining us. We're really glad to

have you here because today is Giving Tuesday

And we have a very exciting

challenge that I'd like to tell everybody about. We have a board match

challenge that means... What's better, Bill? $40,000 or $20,000?

When it comes to

dollars I say $40,000.

We think so too so if we raise $20,000 in

pledges, the board of The Planetary Society, of which I'm a member, will match

it dollar for dollars, so your one dollar pledge brings two dollars.

Everything is double. These are better odds than you're gonna find in Vegas or

anyplace. It's today only, midnight Pasadena time

We're doing this match, so it's like a good 24 hours. Yes, you have till midnight

tonight. Yes and what time zone would that be? Pasadena Pacific.

So that's what we're doing today. But why would you want to give to us? We can

tell you about that today.

Because we're the world's premiere space advocacy

group. Yes we educate, create and advocate.

We connect you with space so that we can

advance space science and exploration. Citizens around the world are

empowered to know the Cosmos and our place within it. So here's why I donate:

because I am a Communications Manager. I do communications. But I love, love, love

space and I wish I could be an astronaut, I wish I could build rockets. but I can't.

So for me giving to a place like The Planetary Society, it's like a way to

legitimately help advance space. Here's why I give because of my relationship

with the Star Trek franchise I get to go all over the world and meet science

fiction fans and I try to show them that if they love science fiction they really

love science and if they love dreaming about the future by watching Star Trek

they really want to know about all of the cool things that we are doing right

now we're planning to do in the near future in real space exploration well

the near future is now when you go to build a spacecraft it takes years when

you mount a mission it takes years so we're on this now by the way are we

gonna talk about white sail too now or do you want to defer it we can so we

were gonna talk about our four core enterprises so when you donate to the

Planetary Society when you become a member we have four areas that we really

try to focus in on robotic exploration human spaceflight search for life

elsewhere in the cosmos very exciting and defending our planet from near-earth

objects like asteroids and comets so when I was in school Danielle

there was no good idea of what happened to the ancient dinosaurs I'm not kidding

you guys it was they was they had small brains and the mammals took all their

food or something but in my lifetime when I was out in the workforce paying

taxes the way you are today my friend it was discovered that the earth was hit

with an asteroid that probably finished off the ancient dinosaurs they may have

been suffering from sulfur or spewing out of volcanoes in what is now India

but they were finished off by a rock from space and this is a common theme in

science fiction rock from space causes trouble but we don't want that to happen

again this is a real thing everybody and we have the technology and by that I

mean humankind has the ability to find the

asteroids and set up a system a gizmo or rocket a spacecraft to give a nudge in

deep space and keep the earth from getting hit with one of these things

it's really a thing we're not kidding and we work very hard to petition US

Congress and space agencies around the world to get ready for this the hardest

part is finding the asteroids in the first place and that's not a digression

that's the fourth thing we do yeah the first thing is robotic exploration

you know the Rovers on Mars the Cassini mission that just was and do you know

the mission that's in orbit around Jupiter and I was in Barbara Mikulski's

offices senator from Maryland back in 2000 petitioning for the New Horizons

mission that went past Pluto and is going to go on in 2019 and photograph

another object this brings out the best in us it brings out the best in

humankind space exploration take it so this is what we're gonna do today so

today is giving Tuesday where we hope you would consider if you are a true

space fan to donate to the Planetary Society so we can do this important work

and help advance humanity's quest into the cosmos advanced space science and

exploration but we also want to give to you our audience we want to give back so

we're gonna give stuff off your desk since we're in your office today well

have we mentioned haiku has the word that we're in snowden's yeah we have

issued a challenge for you to write a space haiku something about space that

excites you enough to write a poem about it

everybody knows what a haiku is we're not sure yeah five syllables seven

syllables five syllables three lines and the first one we're gonna do is on

robotic exploration so who's gonna read the first one well I think bill if you

have something about robotic exploration I think you can get everyone started and

then you all in the comments write your haiku about robotic exploration and

we're gonna pick a winner and give a prize mail it

you and Bill and Bob who you it's the world's first haiku Athan isn't this the

first michael with on basic space hi this i could you can be a runner you can

outrun your your your fellow runners get your haiku written immediately send it

to us and you may win and you know why we do

this because on fridays here at the Planetary Society we have a tradition

where we write a space haikus to each other we email them to each other on

company time yeah just talk about our accomplishments of the week to put our

ode to the cosmos this also happens there's a planetary science conference

where they submit their papers with a haiku I think it's time to give them a

representative haiku on robotic exploration so we you wrote several here

bill yes this remind this somewhere really works no it is and while he's

reading his and we'll also have you read some from our members that members

senton if you could write yours in the comments andrew our social media guru is

looking at the comments and so we're gonna pick one and we're gonna give you

a prize that bill and Bob if you could sign it I think that would be really

cool if you guys signed a prize okay orbit land and Rove our robots explore

beyond where humans can't breathe oh yeah does that one you wrote personally

yeah we don't you have a problem with that no I had no idea that you had well

they're not that good this one I like like it where humans can okay which one

this one you were with our haiku hands what's written maybe in sands of Mars

one day soon that's pretty cool well that's well I tell you I like it

this is not required as many of you may infer I'm not a poet but I do like a

rhyme in a haiku no this is not required and executive sound upon frankly well I

spend time I spent a lot of time with Japanese colleagues and it's an

aesthetic where it doesn't rhyme that they like so you do this to offend you

know it's a more disorder it has somehow it has more beauty but for me I

like it to have a little rhythm I mean I I'm not I'm from us culture so that our

haikus are compromised alright but the point is you will have you're not gonna

be given special preference if you have a rhyme no no in fact you you'd be the

judge you may discourage rhyming I digress written by one of our members

James Greenfield in Phoenix Arizona further out than most Kepler finds new

planets and Gaia Maps the Stars no it's really good I want to read one okay yes

please so here's robotic haiku by a member of

planetary society member which one you saw oh I can pick any one of these was

it a pick one all right seeing past the old horizons from Pluto venturing

forever onward to create a new horizon by Gabriel Gabriel protein from Colorado

Springs oh we have a winner Andrew our social media guru is randomly selected

the winner by Joshua Frank of rumen into the cosmos we send our hopes and our

dreams searching for answers wow that's beautiful beautiful job so is and

remember no Josh josh Josh Josh if you remember listen if anyone here watching

is a member we'd love for you to say hello so Josh get something off your

desk oh yeah oh really yeah that light sail model let's give them that alright

here I go oh stuck at the table Carl Sagan just

grabbed me is that all right yes they're nice these are made by our volunteer Tom

Kemp who's been with the organization since the beginning this is a cardstock

model of our beloved light sails spacecraft and in a 30-second digression

for our viewers who do not know if that's possible what light sail is so

light sale is a CubeSat which is a cubical satellite and the

this one is miniaturized for you but there are ten centimeters by 10

centimeters by 30 centimeters ours all right that's

so-called three-unit 10 by 10 by 10 10 by 10 by 30 is a 3 unit 3 you cube set

the sales extend out four point seven meters we get almost 30 square meters of

sale area with this very very thin super shiny mylar material and when it's in

space sunlight gives it a push and you're saying wait a second light has no

mass how can it possibly give anything a push and I know it's strange it has

momentum it's pure energy 9 micro Newton's per square meter and for you

those of you who have not embraced the metric system because you grew up in the

West country on Earth that doesn't use it very much a Newton is a unit of force

that's the equivalent of about a stick of butter so a billionth of a stick of

butter pushing on every square meter but wait it pushes on a day-and-night but

you're in space there is no night so it pushes on it continually and this is

what enables a solar sail to get a boost and so we're gonna fly our second light

sail white sail to sometime this spring we strongly believe we are all set the

spacecraft's ready to go the batteries are charged up the clocks running

who else bill could have a citizen funded spacecraft but the planetary

that's it we are the world's largest space interest organization and we have

contacts in spacecraft manufacturing and we hired the very best people in the

world to build this small spacecraft to demonstrate solar sailing to advanced

space science and exploration and indeed we have been contacted by a couple

companies who want to use the mechanism that we developed to for their solar

sail spacecraft in the future it's cool and if you're watching today you are

either part of light sail or you could be part of it you could be part of

London yeah please sign it and you're right Bob this is a chance

especially here on givingtuesday to donate and help us with this project

with with all of our work in our four core enterprises and you can do that at

planetary org slash givingtuesday and today only your contribution will be

matched dollar for dollar up to twenty thousand dollars thanks to our generous

board of which Picardo is the part so we're going to move on do I just assign

this to do yet all right Josh if you're watching this the Haiku that one sent us

direct message us to your mailing address and we will mail this to you

this week and hopefully you'll have it in time for the holidays so now we're

going to want to search for life another thing that we all right and Bob I think

you have a haiku for us I do I wrote this one as one heart we yearn to know

if life beyond ours dwells among the stars I emailed my friend and former

Star Trek co-star Jeri Ryan and yes if she would donate a haiku today so this

is Jerry Ryan's haiku straight from the Delta Quadrant

here it is we need to explore where no one has gone before

now more than ever now that has that run bury your gear here you're speaking his

language so now is your chance to write a haiku that is themed

about searching for life in the cosmos and we will randomly select and you will

get another price off Bill's desk cuz we're gonna bill Nyes office right now

we're just doing everything Bill we're just taking it away I make one record

arrest I have to fight it I do put stuff on the desk I cannot see a single bowtie

on that desk bill the bowties are in a closet in a special way

all right I'm going to read another one this is from a man named Brian Neil

Bergen Brian is one of our treasured charter members love your dad remember

number 218 Wow all right so here's here is Brian's

haiku about the search for life so great the cosmos so precious intelligence we

must seek others these are great all right now thank you for taking the time

everybody from Tom Reed in New York Enceladus squirts water methane hydrogen

creator of life all right that's pretty pretty far buddy just think what it

would mean I like to talk about this a lot just think would it mean if we found

evidence of life on another world I claim that it would change us it would

change this world it would change the way each and every one of us feels about

being a living thing I mean with the two questions that make us all crazy or

where did we come from and are we alone in the universe we all

wonder whether or not we're alone or is there another intelligent whatever the

expression is sentient life-form out there that wonders about us we are made

of this the dust of exploded stars we are one of the ways the universe knows

itself this is an extraordinary time everybody we may very well discover

evidence of life on Mars or Europa the moon of Jupiter with twice as much ocean

water as the earth has if we were discover evidence of life on one of

those other planets or moons it would change everything and this is a worthy

pursuit a worthy use of earning elect and treasure and thank you all for your

support thanks for watching right now what I would like to think too is its

profound either way if there's life in the cosmos or if there's not where do we

come from are we alone in the universe that's it

for men then what's for lunch well that's it's an important question

well that wasn't we're worried about now cuz it's only 10:30 we have a winner all

right a winner of our haiku thank you for submitting Kyle Ryan are there alien

unless we search for it we will never know I think he deserves a gift from

Bill's desk yes go steal that off the bills screen were stealing stuff off you

so my decision yes yes Europa we have a as from NASA pick that

up at GPO this is a europa sticker from nasa and a beautiful europa planetary

card and you know what I think I'd like to throw something else in I'm so moved

by that that I am going to throw in my personal Planetary Society hat you

autograph autograph with Bill and my signatures so that is the kind of

exciting giveaway so stick with it get those donating fingers going right now

okay want to see yeah you can go to Planetary org slash givingtuesday today

is giving Tuesday it is your chance to give back to the causes and charities

that you care about and we're doing some really cool stuff but if you're a space

fan like I am like these fellows are this is your chance to be a part of

space exploration so Planetary org slash givingtuesday our

social media guy Andrew polonaise put the link in our comments you can click

there and today only if you donate $1 it's really two dollars we donate five

dollars it's really ten if you donate 20 it's really 40 because our board hasn't

matched their matching up to $20,000 so we're trying to raise $40,000 total but

we only need 20 from you and we would appreciate it so much if you could do

that today on givingtuesday to support our work so the next topic Oh show to

the camera look at that isn't that exciting yeah

it's really cool that's nice to me you to give your hat oh well all right who

wants to win another prize you guys got short fun you guys are really good at

writing these haikus it's hard to choose which one is the winner we really

appreciate it okay so we're gonna talk now about it is tax deductible thank you

Edward morose as a question is taxed it absolutely tax deductible yes so getting

in before before the 31st any donations tax deductible okay so we're gonna talk

about we don't want the earth to get with an asteroid that would be in a

Windows machine the Windows computer that I think it's control-alt-delete or

civilization on an Apple machine I think it's white yeah it's bad you don't want

that everybody when the asteroid hit that finished off the ancient dinosaurs

off what is now the coast of Mexico the cone of the ejected material the ejecta

is believed to be bigger in diameter than the earth itself so then the

Earth's gravity made this ejected material circle the earth and was

catastrophic for big animals like the ancient dinosaurs and if it landed in a

place like Paris Tokyo New York Moscow that would be the end of so much most of

us would perish and it would be centuries millennia perhaps before

humankind recovered and you don't want to be one of the perishes

so what we want to do is find these objects which are very difficult to find

the old saying is it's like looking for a charcoal briquette in the dark and

then we want to build a spacecraft in the system to go out there in space and

give it a little nudge and this is an important thing to advocate for to do

basic research in the technology and to really to raise awareness of

this is a real problem that we need to address and practically speaking bill

the planetary society through the shoemaker neo grants actually supports a

network of amateur astronomers around the world and there they're using their

equipment to search and actually give that data to NASA so they're supporting

you know practically if you are a Planetary Society member you're you're

helping to protect the earth by funding through those grants

so everybody it's important to consider the word amateur when you talk about an

amateur tennis player that's one thing but amateur astronomers are serious

scientists that contribute it's a little different use of the same word they

contribute directly to our understanding of the cosmos because it takes diligence

and the more telescopes you have distributed around the earth the more

information you get about the night sky so when when we contribute or support

amateur astronomers we're really contributing to the science of of the

cosmos something really cool happened this year was the discovery of the first

ringed world I know Neptune the dwarf planet Haumea a

Hawaiian word is named after and it's really neat because two of the

telescopes were funded directly with our neo shoemaker Chris so this is an object

it's probably not big enough to have enough gravity to be a sphere yet it has

a ring of dust material run it so it's just it's rewriting the textbooks as the

saying goes it's just fantastic time to be alive well should we read up oh yeah

so write your planetary defense of something about asteroids so whatever it

is submit yourself for the prize we're gonna steal more stuff off the bills

desk because we're gonna bill Nyes office right now and so you do that in

the comments and we will read bill you wrote a haiku yeah

making apologies for them in advance leave no surprises fine

track and characterize Neos out there

okay we could read some are luxuries yeah remember I'm just gonna pick one at

random from someone named Johnny Norman in västerås Sweden sent in the

following the dinos are dead better not end up like that aim for the moon folks

that was written in English or translated from the Swedish it had to

have been written in English because it's way too cool to be a translation

that's great I'm gonna read one more when I hang out with those guys from

Denmark University of Copenhagen they're all their English is outstanding oh yeah

I and part of that is the part of the success of the English language around

the world is space it became the language of aerospace

anytime you go to a space conference it's all in English and that is largely

because of the end of the investment of by the NASA

North American Space Administration this is from Akari Tok kaua study asteroids

find the ones that target earth and stop disaster and we have a winner from our

Facebook live audience thank you to Maya so didn't here's what you want to read

it bill by Maya my children look up let's keep Earth forever safe it is our

one home please direct message us your mailing address and we are going to get

you this

should I have a little nervous are you one of our generation directory I'm so

bill is the earth I should do defense anyway this is a Happy Planet Airy

society squeeze ball aster squeeze asteroid and we will send we will

autograph it and send it to you thank you very much my music exercise exercise

that check-writing grip by us by squeezing on your very own asteroid

reminding you that you were supporting planetary defense by supporting the

planetary society and when you say check writing it also could be electronic

funds transfer oh yeah much so we have one last prize effects are pretty good I

hid it in Bill's closet where the ties are but it's not a tie it's something

even better than a Bill Nye it's very exciting but we can't tell you what it

is you have to see you're not talking about okay and the other drivers doing

if you're happy if you happen to be watching this later today and it's not

live right now cuz we're gonna be working on other things helping advance

space exploration layer day but you're watching this right now if you share

this video either now while we're live or afterwards we have a grand prize that

we're giving away that that's really cool show you at the end but to enter

you have to share the video which helps spread the word that that's really what

we're trying to spread the word so people know about the work that we do

and the work that you support as a support of the planet and we have a

matching gift that's important to know the matching set of gifts yes for the

planetary fund which helps support our four core enterprises its planetary org

slash givingtuesday today is giving Tuesday a chance to donate to the causes

you care about and we hope if you love space exploration as much as us that you

will consider donating today your money will be matched dollar for dollar up to

twenty thousand dollars so that was a very crappy autograph it's hard to sign

an asteroid even though it's much harder to sign a real one but it's really hard

to sign a asteroids so to find the prize and the

ties that's good alright I think we're moving into human spaceflight are you

I'm not yeah if I'm not mistaken and I'm going to read one of mine which I had a

little help on from my planetary post producer Merc who is behind the camera

right now astronauts now go where no one had gone before the final frontier

little Star Trek theme just a little hint of Captain Kirk in there alright

I'd like to read while we're inviting you to write yours and win what I have

to say could be the coolest prize so cool we can't tell you what it is we've

seen it it's hiding over there now it's really cool I would write your

little fingers off right now but in the meantime I will be reading a bill would

you like to read one of these yes hoarsely pick one at random by one of

our members oh well this is pretty good this is from Judy Gabbard might be giver

Judy giver in Denver Colorado not far from the ice core lab where I spent some

time the search for knowledge about things we cannot see calls for space

travel thank you Judy very very nice and here's one from a suspected Star Trek

fan because it has some of that same theme attic terminology in it this is

from Keith melon in Wurster England that were stirred if you say werster instead

of Rochester Worcester West I can never pronounce weird re about that Keith I

probably we apologize well I think it's Worcester it's worth sir Massachusetts

human spirit soars surprising man-made limits sailing the frontiers

does really nice where I know we don't have a winner so I'll read one more from

from our member James Gekko focusing upward see an infinite cosmos dream of


okay keep submitting your human spaceflight haikus in the comments and

Andrew our social media guru is going to select a random order for the coolest

prize you can also share this video to enter our grand prize but you can also

give to us if you care about space exploration and want to help advance our

work and our mission with the planetary fund it is at planetary org slash

giving Tuesday also Desiree wants you to say hi to her hi Desiree I guess you're

asking for I know you didn't care about me saying hello Desiree and I'm not

offended I'm not hurt in any way hello Desiree alright we have a winner

winner okay here we go who wants to read it I want to read this

winner all right please at the bottom one yes okay from Ella Iverson grasp for

space unknown solar winds against your back

stellar pride light sail human spaceflight I mean that's imagining

being human anyway it's a it's a very beautiful haiku it is imagining yeah I

know we don't we don't have a plan yet for a light sail with a with that with

an astronaut I know it's probably not the near-term use of a light sail but

light sounds good for a lot of other things that will support human

spaceflight we don't want to we want to monitor space weather solar weather this

is what it's called when the Sun produces a coronal mass ejection the CME

we would like to know about that because it gives if we have three hours notice

we can protect our spacecraft which the communications system support

it's a human-space-flight it's all connected it's all thing I just

remembered the prize the prize we haven't forgotten the prize we're just

building up suspense no surprise I'm gonna go get it right now I'm going into

the magic secret I believe next time cabinet there's thousands of neckties

would you tell us about this it's a cool astronaut suit it keeps it handy just so

you never know when you're gonna need it so it's like a flight suit but it's

white so this this is an amazing prize and I'm assuming you're gonna sign it

yes a cool prize you guys it's really and so and did you you fit in this bill

right yeah but I have to take the hang around but it's just a fun thing is a

cool object and we keep it around and Danielle talked me into letting it go

yeah it's very giving a bill and we're hoping you'll be equally giving no you

couldn't actually bring in this you wouldn't actually be able to breathe on

it you know an extra vehicular well you need a hat you need something yeah so

you only so what we're talking all you need Adams

we're telling you I do not attempt a spacewalk in this suit okay well you can

try it if you know a guy that yeah I can get you on orbit I don't recommend it

without the Hat yeah you want to have any like that if

you know Cindy the squirrel on on Sponge Bob you need a hat like that but that's

that's I digress we appreciate your support the flight suit is just a fun

thing to wear around it's just a beautiful thing to look at because it

reminds us of all the effort that goes into putting people in space and the

reason we put people in space is too full of course first we do some

science but the second thing is we explore when you put a human Explorer

out there two things happen you are guaranteed of two things you will make

discoveries you will see something you never saw before this would be true of

spaceflight or your own backyard and the second thing that happens that

is priceless is when we explore we have an adventure and it's that adventure

that engages people around the world in space play no matter where you are

Speight human spaceflight has affected your quality of life it brings out the

best in us but it also has leads to these extraordinary technological

advances including using this camera on a handheld device to broadcast all over

the globe it's a remarkable thing and this flight suit for me is a symbol of

that that's excellent so we are really really

glad that you guys could join us today thank you so much for your creativity

and sharing your space themed haikus with us if you're watching this now or

later share in the video and you'll be entered to win a grand prize which will

be signed by Bill and Bob we will send it to you before the holidays and we

would so appreciate if you would consider donating to the Planetary

Society today to our planetary fund it's at planetary org slash giving Tuesday

and today only every dollar is matched dollar for dollar up to twenty thousand

dollars we're trying to raise forty thousand dollars to support our work

here at the Planetary because the board of the Planetary Society will match the

gift yep so it's a really great opportunity to take advantage of

givingtuesday any final words gentlemen I just want to say that in this

spacesuit there's a zipper but in the suit that I wore on Star Trek for seven

seasons you never saw the zipper so apparently in the 24th century they have

solved the zipper problem a lot better yeah they will start guess what I did

hey thanks for support everybody you're just trying to change the world here

thank you thanks to Andrew Chelsey work and Barbara for helping out with putting

this together we're so glad you could join us

have a great givingtuesday

For more infomation >> Bill Nye and Robert Picardo Giving Tuesday 2017 Facebook Live - Duration: 36:07.


Líderes demócratas cancelan un encuentro en la Casa Blanca tras un tuit de Trump - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Líderes demócratas cancelan un encuentro en la Casa Blanca tras un tuit de Trump - Duration: 2:08.


America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them. - Duration: 4:41.

America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them.

The proof for any theory is in its real-life application, and Americans have proved time

and again that they're sick of the National Football League.

As if their off the field violence wasn't enough, the disrespect they've shown to

the National Anthem pushed it too far, and America pushed back.

We pushed the buttons on our remotes to turn them off, we pushed the TV providers to refund

our money and we pushed the matches across the box to start the fires that burned out

jerseys and season tickets.

That backlash has cost the league hundreds of millions, and possibly billions of dollars

before the season ends, and we're just getting started.

If America has its way, the league is going to be shut down for good, and that's partly

due to the attentiveness of President Trump to the needs of America.

Not only is the anthem protest offensive to many Americans, it sets a dangerous precedent

for those to come that we don't have to respect our anthem or our country.

Americans have decided that the NFL is bad for the country, and according to the Daily

Mail, the President is backing us on it, declaring that they are going to just keep getting into

more trouble unless they start behaving the way we expect them to:

"Donald Trump resumed attacking the National Football League on Tuesday, saying the league

is 'weak and out of control' for allowing players to kneel during the playing of the

National Anthem without any consequences.

'At least 24 players kneeling this weekend at NFL stadiums that are now having a very

hard time filling up,' the president tweeted, referring to the much-noted empty seats that

have drawn unwanted attention in television broadcasts.

'The American public is fed up with the disrespect the NFL is paying to our Country,

our Flag and our National Anthem,' he wrote.

Trump blasted the league's commissioner on Black Friday for 'losing control' of

players after New York Giants defensive end Olivier Vernon took a knee for the anthem

on Thanksgiving Day."

While the President's comments will no doubt be perceived by some as being too aggressive,

it's worth noting that the President isn't the one that made this political, the NFL


The President, along with most other politicians, were perfectly willing to let anyone who wished

bash their heads together every Sunday Monday and Thursday of the fall and winter.

But they started kneeling and showing disrespect and that's when football became everyone's


"President Donald Trump said Tuesday morning on Twitter that the 'weak and out of control'

NFL is losing its audience because it allows players to kneel during the National Anthem.

Even if there were nothing in the world wrong with their anthem protest, it's just bad

for business for a company to do something that so many of their fans object to.

If the fans were ok with the players showing disrespect, it would make sense for them to

carry on, but at this point, they seem to be making the statement that they're willing

to sacrifice just about any amount of money to stick it to the country and the President.

If there isn't a major change to the way they do business, the NFL is going to be left

with a whole lot of fancy stadiums and not a whole lot of fans to fill them.

More from our source about the progression of the protest over the past few weeks:

"Several Seattle Seahawks players knelt and sat on the bench during the playing of

the National Anthem on Sunday before playing the San Francisco 49ers.

'Can you believe that the disrespect for our Country, our Flag, our Anthem continues

without penalty to the players?' he asked in a Friday morning Twitter rant.

'The Commissioner has lost control of the hemorrhaging league.

Players are the boss!'

Vernon, 27, came under heavy fire from fans for his protest.

Trump has previously demanded that NFL players who kneel during the anthem to protest the

treatment of African-Americans should be fired or suspended.

'The NFL is now thinking about a new idea – keeping teams in the Locker Room during

the National Anthem next season.

That's almost as bad as kneeling!' he wrote last week.

'When will the highly paid Commissioner finally get tough and smart?

This issue is killing your league!'

Some players and teams have stayed in their locker rooms before games this year, emerging

only after the National Anthem is played in order to avoid the decision of whether or

not to stand.

Nine days ago Trump slammed Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch for continuing

to sit for The Star Spangled Banner, despite standing for the Mexican anthem during a game

played at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City.

NFL viewership on television was down about 5 percent over the first seven weeks of the

NFL season, according to CNN.

However, that decline is part of an overall downtick in ratings.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them. - Duration: 4:41.


MC Neguinho do Kaxeta - Dona da Razão + Letra da Música (KondZilla - DJ Yuri Martins) - Duration: 3:07.

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The Washington Post destapa intento de una mujer por venderles una historia falsa de abuso sexual - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> The Washington Post destapa intento de una mujer por venderles una historia falsa de abuso sexual - Duration: 2:07.


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State Tax And The Death Of The Republic | SALT | Congress 3 - Duration: 4:51.

Hey there.

We in the United States are obsessed with the death of our Republic.

Many of us think that the government wants to take all our guns and set up a dictatorship.

Many of us also think that the clueless populism of Donald Trump is destroying the civility

and basic competence our government needs to be viable.

I'm sympathetic to both of these ideas actually, though to differing degrees.

But neither side is paying much attention to the biggest step towards the death of the

Republic that has been proposed this decade.

It's a quick ticket to Tyranny, and nobody is talking about it.

I'm talking, of course, about the elimination of the State and Local Tax Deduction.

This could be passed with the Republicans tax reform before the end of the year.

The US system was designed to have multiple centers of power.

Independent power for the states is probably the most important part of the system of checks

and balances that was set up by the folks who wrote our constitution.

This means that each state and locality has its own taxing authority.

Different states are free to do things differently.

It's the state and local tax deduction that preserves

this independent power.

Most Americans have to pay an income tax to the central government in Washington, DC.

But they have always been able to deduct the State and local taxes that they pay from the

money they send to the national government.

This deduction actually pre-dates the modern income tax system by over 50 years.

Earlier generations of legislators knew that if they didn't have the deduction, states

would be forced into a race to the bottom in tax terms, and individual state power would

have been destroyed.

Everybody would move to weak states with no taxes, and all power in the country would

flow to Washington, DC.We can argue over whether money is speech, but we can all agree that

money is power.

Today's Republicans have forgotten that basic truth.

In this generation, states run by the Democratic party tend to have higher state and local

taxes, so the Republicans see a short term win.

Congress gets more money to use for tax cuts elsewhere, and they get to stick it to the


This short-sightedness reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of how freedoms are lost.

It's not quick or dramatic or exciting, it's a slow process.

Our freedoms are chipped away bit by bit.

The first Roman emperor had to pretend that the senate was important, and tried hard to

pitch himself as the just the first among equals.

Three hundred years later it was considered a privilege to crawl at the emperor's feet.

It's the gradual centralization of powers we have to look out for, especially when it

looks like the regular give and take of politics.

More power centralized in Washington, DC should be a lot scarier than a school board in Kansas

that bans books on evolution, or a city government in Chicago that wants background checks for


But Mickey Mouse bullshit like this draws a lot more attention than the drastic power

grab congress might enact as early as this week.

State's rights has a bad reputation nowadays for some very good reasons.

But we have to acknowledge how important a part of our system that concept is.

Our independent state and local governments are our most valuable tool against the centralizing

power of Washington, DC.

The US Constitution doesn't really work without them.

Once eliminated the State and Local Tax deduction will never come back.

It won't be obvious immediately, but this move by Congressional Republicans will kill

those laboratories of Democracy we used to hear about.

My favorite Benjamin Franklin story goes like this.

In Philadelphia in 1787 he's walking out of the Constitutional Convention.

Somebody asks him what kind of government has been created for these brand new United


His supposed response: "A Republic if you can keep it."

We always need to be on the lookout for threats to our system.

The elimination of the SALT tax deduction is easily the biggest step towards the death

of the Republic I have seen this decade.

And nobody is talking about it.

Thanks for watching.

Please subscribe, and if you want to help me make more videos like this one, please

click on the patreon link here to check out my crowd-funding thing.


For more infomation >> State Tax And The Death Of The Republic | SALT | Congress 3 - Duration: 4:51.



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How I Make Money Online

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🔥🤣 REACTION! 🤣🔥 Duki - She Don't Give a FO (ft. Khea) Prod. Omar Varela - Duration: 5:53.

small-town niggas I got bigotry most of the time when these people be talking I

don't even hear them they talk in a talk but I do not hear shit when I'm here

swear to god Duke I in the House today bedroom fresh shot the bed I'll feel

like doing no intro I just want to turn up why cuz I just want to turn up so

what she don't give a bow showing you fuck she showing you full fucks

featuring kia kia I'll have you pronouncing produced by Omar but raela

but either way it goes man I like that last Duke I saw y'all really wanted to

see this one so here I am here we go we bout to get a lady two titties banger

Said's aka taguchi's at the songs playlist when we turn up get buck wild I

like the vibe these one our eyeballs and haters you're always making appearance

in my comments section it's okay though I've got something for that ass eraser

for the haters still drop that comment below I'm still go park that

motherfucker just cuz I know what pisses you off behave you're here you bout to

turn up with me and I'll give a bow what you gotta say if I to turn them all the

way up full screen play this a video where audio and don't say I'm assuming

it's the video then if it does not say I'm excited angle at see what's going on

right now okay yeah I know who it is you ain't gotta

walk me through a tutorial how do you pronounce kayo tortilla and that's a

girl correct

because Duke I don't his voice is very different it's like a raspy light I

don't know is it's dope dog like we got liddie as a titty last time the reason

she don't give vote is because you know I'm saying a foul I'm confused I just

say fuck like the reason she don't care cuz you ain't give her that dum dum dum

hoppity-hop they're correct the way you know I'm saying if you put it on the

right she got she ain't got no choice but to come back I don't give a fuck and

if you didn't catch on by now I'm not fluent in Spanish or whatever language

this is I'm not fluent in it I'm English I'm American so don't blame me I just

like the Bible baby on this I just react to what the people want

what I know you don't call it that be

two years as families you know I'm saying tally yet they hot babies in

photo baby that means I really give her that be so excuse me the fuck did you

just say say hurricanes bumper Ilana wait if she does give a phone you know

I'm there she gets Volvo's every time we get together we do four rounds at least

Wow stop it get some help baby if you got

some bangers hit the crib baby slide them things

oh why cuz we do car let's go

yeah she only some ride it out baby last party she but that she really might get

blown or she just tell you that I think she care

she here yeah I don't know what you know I know you might know one here this bum

hiddenness you know God please no no

I'm making funny because raggedy doll a weed we might have to do that that

Rockstar audio made a matter of fact funny let's go straight into a rock star

as well let's get it know y'all like I got it on my hip did that bring a fuck I

forgot it in a whip now been a bad shit cuz I got her off the strip talk about

my she got a few girls in

For more infomation >> 🔥🤣 REACTION! 🤣🔥 Duki - She Don't Give a FO (ft. Khea) Prod. Omar Varela - Duration: 5:53.


Saab 9-5 2.3t Vector Automaat NL Auto NAP 194dkm! - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-5 2.3t Vector Automaat NL Auto NAP 194dkm! - Duration: 0:42.


Trump PISSED OFF Richest Man In America With A Big Humiliating Boot In The Behind - Duration: 4:45.

Trump Just PISSED OFF Richest Man In America With A Big Humiliating Boot In The Behind

One of the reasons an overwhelming amount of Americans picked Donald Trump as our next

president is he because he makes no apologies for the things he says and does no matter

who it offends. After eight years of lame duck leadership, it�s refreshing to have

a powerhouse in the White House and incredibly satisfying when he pisses off rich people

who have gotten a little too comfortable and think they have all the control and don�t

like the fact that Trump is in charge now.

When you�re as rich as Trump is and focused on making America great again, you don�t

care about other people�s money who try to bribe you with it. President Barack Obama

was quick to take in other people�s cash and his presidency proved to be very profitable

for him since this former community organizer moved out of the White House and into a multi-million

dollar estate after just two years on $400,000 per year president�s salary. The game has

all changed with Trump in charge now who stuck it to one of his biggest and richest detractors

who showed up to his golf course and tried to throw his weight around and got humiliated

with a painful boot in the behind.

The list is long of people who think they�re in power and hate that Trump is, after they

tried their hardest to keep him out of the White House and still lost. Despite their

best efforts and wads of cash to detract him from his goal, he won anyway and is laughing

every day that he�s still their president, especially now that he just got the opportunity

to stick it to two men who led the charge against him, when they decided to spend the

afternoon at Trump�s private golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, which has also

been affectionately dubbed the �Winter White House.�

Heading off the effort to prevent Trump from becoming president was the billionaire Koch

brothers who love amnesty and are big supporters of free trade � two things Trump is avidly

against. Charles and David Koch opposed Trump during the Republican primary season and refused

to help him during the general election, as Breitbart reports and they happen to have

a close friendship with Harry Hurt III, who wrote a slanderous book about Trump in 1993

that brimmed with disgusting rape accusations about the wealthy businessman who is now the

president of the United States.

Hoping to partake in a little rest and relaxation, David Koch and Hurt planned a day-long retreat

at Trump�s exclusive golf resort which was suddenly cut short when Trump found out they

were there. In perfectly humiliating fashion, Trump instructed management to remove the

pair from his property and told them they weren�t welcome back � ever.Being escorted

out had to be one of the most embarrassing moments for these billionaire buddies in the

presence of other rich people there enjoying their pricey membership, which Koch and pals

don�t get to be a part of. Trump proved that their money isn�t important to him

and no price can fix how stupid these two look after earning this karma when they went

against their own party to protect the political establishment.The sudden removal from ritzy

golf resorts has become a theme since Trump took office, starting with the former golfer-in-chief,

Barack Obama, who also got the boot under the most satisfying circumstances for conservatives.

Prissy Holly previously reported on the humiliating event for Barack who was ousted by other members

who don�t have to deal with him now that he�s a private citizen:

Throughout his presidency, the Rockville Woodmont Country Club has given Obama a membership

at their prestigious club free of charge, waiving the insane $80,000 initiation fee

and yearly membership dues of almost $10,000. But after Obama�s recent disgusting treatment

towards Israel with his backing of the United Nations� plan to give Israeli land to Palestinian

terrorists, many Jewish members are raising absolute hell, demanding that Obama be thrown

the hell out of their club on his ear.

�In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there�s

this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the

club has opposed offering him membership,� a source told The New York Post.

Obama was looking to join the elite Woodmont Country Club in Maryland as a private citizen,

but was swiftly denied access by members of the mostly Jewish club where many insisted

that he deserved to be snubbed for not blocking an anti-Israel vote at the United Nations.

It�s the perfect dose of karma this arrogant man had coming since he loves himself as much

as he loves golf and got shot in the gut with this brutal reality check.

For more infomation >> Trump PISSED OFF Richest Man In America With A Big Humiliating Boot In The Behind - Duration: 4:45.


Liberal Reporter Calls Trump 'Offensive,' So Sarah Sanders Unleashes His Worst Nightmare - Duration: 3:54.

Liberal Reporter Calls Trump �Offensive,� So Sarah Sanders Unleashes His Worst Nightmare

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders briefed reporters on camera,

welcoming them all back after the Thanksgiving holiday.

It wasn�t long, though, before one liberal reporter had the nerve to call President Donald

Trump �offensive.� Having none of this nonsense, Sanders promptly unleashed the irreverent

reporter�s worst nightmare.At the start of Tuesday�s press briefing, Sarah Sanders

briefly addressed members of the media regarding President Trump�s Thanksgiving holiday,

which he spent at his luxury Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, with his family.

Sanders then covered the Christmas festivities at the White House, which kicked off on Monday

with First Lady Melania Trump unveiling the executive residence�s holiday decorations

after months of careful planning.

After this, Sanders took questions from the eager reporters, who had gone nearly one week

without a press briefing.

One liberal reporter sitting in the front row launched into a tirade about President

Donald Trump�s behavior toward the Navajo Code Talkers visiting the White House on Tuesday.

�The event that the President just did with the Navajo Code Talkers, he referred to Pocahontas

being in the Senate,� he began.

�Why did he feel the need to say something that is offensive to many people while honoring

the Code Talkers � these genuine American heroes?� asked the sorry excuse for a journalist.

He was referring, of course, to Senator Elizabeth Warren, who Trump has taken to calling �Pocahontas�

or �Fauxcahontas� after she was caught lying about having Native American heritage

in a shameless attempt to score political points.

Although she remained patient, showing the utmost restraint even though the liberal reporter�s

question was entirely out of line, Sarah Sanders quickly put him in his place, noting that

it isn�t Trump, but rather, Warren�s lie that is offensive.

�I think what people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance

her career,� boldly declared Trump�s no-nonsense spokeswoman.In an instant, Sarah Sanders single-handedly

exposed the fact that by trying to trash President Trump, the reporter had inadvertently revealed

Warren�s own fraud.

Don�t you just hate it when that happens?

This is typical behavior for Democrats; namely, they project their own faults onto President

Trump and, in the process, end up exposing to the world that they are the ones guilty

of the very thing they are shouting about.

It�s hypocrisy at its finest.

This is also a perfect example of the press�s overwhelming bias when it comes to President


They should be up in arms over the fact that Warren lied about her heritage.

That should be what they find offensive.

After all, the left loves to laud minority groups, so shouldn�t they be appalled that

one of their most prominent leaders was taking advantage of one for her own gain?

Instead, the media is up in arms not about Warren�s lack of integrity, but over the

fact that President Trump called her out for her dishonesty and teased her about it by

jokingly calling her the name of a Disney character who is based on a historical Native

American notably associated with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia.

How absurd is that?

As Sanders noted in the above footage, the mainstream media has all but failed entirely

to cover the real story here; namely, that Senator Warren lied about being a Native American

when it was politically expedient.

Please share this to expose the truth, as we obviously cannot count on the mainstream

media to do its job.

For more infomation >> Liberal Reporter Calls Trump 'Offensive,' So Sarah Sanders Unleashes His Worst Nightmare - Duration: 3:54.


Planet Centauri - terraria 2.0 ? Лучше чем starbound? - стрим - Duration: 6:05:39.

For more infomation >> Planet Centauri - terraria 2.0 ? Лучше чем starbound? - стрим - Duration: 6:05:39.


Ne-Yo - She Wants Me (Remix) Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Ne-Yo - She Wants Me (Remix) Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.


America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them. - Duration: 4:41.

America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them.

The proof for any theory is in its real-life application, and Americans have proved time

and again that they're sick of the National Football League.

As if their off the field violence wasn't enough, the disrespect they've shown to

the National Anthem pushed it too far, and America pushed back.

We pushed the buttons on our remotes to turn them off, we pushed the TV providers to refund

our money and we pushed the matches across the box to start the fires that burned out

jerseys and season tickets.

That backlash has cost the league hundreds of millions, and possibly billions of dollars

before the season ends, and we're just getting started.

If America has its way, the league is going to be shut down for good, and that's partly

due to the attentiveness of President Trump to the needs of America.

Not only is the anthem protest offensive to many Americans, it sets a dangerous precedent

for those to come that we don't have to respect our anthem or our country.

Americans have decided that the NFL is bad for the country, and according to the Daily

Mail, the President is backing us on it, declaring that they are going to just keep getting into

more trouble unless they start behaving the way we expect them to:

"Donald Trump resumed attacking the National Football League on Tuesday, saying the league

is 'weak and out of control' for allowing players to kneel during the playing of the

National Anthem without any consequences.

'At least 24 players kneeling this weekend at NFL stadiums that are now having a very

hard time filling up,' the president tweeted, referring to the much-noted empty seats that

have drawn unwanted attention in television broadcasts.

'The American public is fed up with the disrespect the NFL is paying to our Country,

our Flag and our National Anthem,' he wrote.

Trump blasted the league's commissioner on Black Friday for 'losing control' of

players after New York Giants defensive end Olivier Vernon took a knee for the anthem

on Thanksgiving Day."

While the President's comments will no doubt be perceived by some as being too aggressive,

it's worth noting that the President isn't the one that made this political, the NFL


The President, along with most other politicians, were perfectly willing to let anyone who wished

bash their heads together every Sunday Monday and Thursday of the fall and winter.

But they started kneeling and showing disrespect and that's when football became everyone's


"President Donald Trump said Tuesday morning on Twitter that the 'weak and out of control'

NFL is losing its audience because it allows players to kneel during the National Anthem.

Even if there were nothing in the world wrong with their anthem protest, it's just bad

for business for a company to do something that so many of their fans object to.

If the fans were ok with the players showing disrespect, it would make sense for them to

carry on, but at this point, they seem to be making the statement that they're willing

to sacrifice just about any amount of money to stick it to the country and the President.

If there isn't a major change to the way they do business, the NFL is going to be left

with a whole lot of fancy stadiums and not a whole lot of fans to fill them.

More from our source about the progression of the protest over the past few weeks:

"Several Seattle Seahawks players knelt and sat on the bench during the playing of

the National Anthem on Sunday before playing the San Francisco 49ers.

'Can you believe that the disrespect for our Country, our Flag, our Anthem continues

without penalty to the players?' he asked in a Friday morning Twitter rant.

'The Commissioner has lost control of the hemorrhaging league.

Players are the boss!'

Vernon, 27, came under heavy fire from fans for his protest.

Trump has previously demanded that NFL players who kneel during the anthem to protest the

treatment of African-Americans should be fired or suspended.

'The NFL is now thinking about a new idea – keeping teams in the Locker Room during

the National Anthem next season.

That's almost as bad as kneeling!' he wrote last week.

'When will the highly paid Commissioner finally get tough and smart?

This issue is killing your league!'

Some players and teams have stayed in their locker rooms before games this year, emerging

only after the National Anthem is played in order to avoid the decision of whether or

not to stand.

Nine days ago Trump slammed Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch for continuing

to sit for The Star Spangled Banner, despite standing for the Mexican anthem during a game

played at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City.

NFL viewership on television was down about 5 percent over the first seven weeks of the

NFL season, according to CNN.

However, that decline is part of an overall downtick in ratings.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them. - Duration: 4:41.


[ENG SUB] TRCNG Instruction Manual (Hyunwoo Ver.) - Duration: 1:48.

Hyunwoo: Should we start?

Hohyeon: Deep voice.

Hayoung: Abs~ / Subber's Note: WHAT?!

Taeseon: Let's clean the room a bit.

Hyunwoo: Sorry.

Jihun: Sloth?

Siwoo: Shoulders are really broad.

Wooyeop: He eats a lot but... (he's implying he's short)

Kangmin: Glutton.

Hakmin: His arm strength is really no joke.

Jisung: Honey voice.

Hyunwoo: Ah, thank you.

Hohyeon: Thigh wrestling champion.

Hayoung: Fire noodles obsession.

Taeseon: The manliest.

Jihun: His whole face is woah!

Hyunwoo: Ah, thank you!

Siwoo: Handsome.

Wooyeop: Cold city guy.

Hyunwoo: Cold city guy?

Kangmin: Diligent~!

Hakmin: (in restaurants) "Auntie~ please give me more rice!" He really eats a lot.

Jisung: Thick eyebrows!

Hohyeon: A man!

Hayoung: Muscles!

Taeseon: Leg muscles prince!

Jihun: Woah, how many bowls of rice have you eaten now?

Siwoo: His deep voice is the best.

Wooyeop: His arms are really good.

Hyunwoo: Hello, this is TRCNG's Hyunwoo.

Members: WOAH...

Hyunwoo: Our team members said so many good things, so I'm thankful.

I agree with what they said. With eating a lot of rice. I acknoweldge that.

It's because we're preparing, I eat a lot more.

And I'll clean the room.

Hayoung: That's right! / Hohyeon(?): Please!

Hyunwoo: This was TRCNG's Hyunwoo's Instruction Manual!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] TRCNG Instruction Manual (Hyunwoo Ver.) - Duration: 1:48.


Rep. Steve Lebsock Won't Resign - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Rep. Steve Lebsock Won't Resign - Duration: 0:19.


Special Report 11/28/17 6PM | November 28, 2017 Fox News HD - Duration: 37:24.

For more infomation >> Special Report 11/28/17 6PM | November 28, 2017 Fox News HD - Duration: 37:24.


Combat Veteran Assaulted in Home Invasion: First Person Defender| S5 E9 - Duration: 15:01.

(muffled talking)

- Well I don't see it anywhere, man

could you help me look for it?

Could you help me look for it?

Have you seen my buddy?

- Put the bat down and get out of the house.

- Come on, man. Please stop pointing

a gun at me. - I don't want you here, no.

Get out of the house.

- Is that my friend?

(intense music)

(gunshots) - Stay down!

(muffled yelling)

- [Narrator] Welcome to First Person Defender.

Where regular people come face to face with

unknown attackers in real world scenarios

and fight their way out.


This is First Person Defender.

Graham works for a major firearms manufacturer.

He has an extensive military background

and has been awarded a purple heart

and bronze star for service in combat.

Graham's training and experience

with a wide variety of firearms dictated

that we had to create a challenging scenario for him.

This force on force training uses real firearms

converted to fire marking cartridges.

The crew wears yellow shirts and are considered

to be invisible to roleplayers.

(eerie music)

Graham is told this is his home.

(doorbell chimes)


The only instruction is to react naturally

to whatever happens.


- How we doing, who's here?

- Good, how you doing, man?

- Who's there?

- Hey, we're-

What's going on man, we're in the neighborhood

we're a construction crew.

We did some work for John and we know

there's a big storm here recently.

We're just wanting to come see

if you guys wanted a special quote.

I noticed you have-

- [Graham] Hey we're all set,

I appreciate it, thanks. - No, hey!

Hey, hey, dude, stop. - No, we're good.

Appreciate it.

- Hey (bleep).

- Hey, hey, what you doing in here?

- What do you mean what do I-

What are you gonna do- - I need you to back off.

Shoot me? What you gonna do?


(intense music)

I need you to get on the ground, right now.

Hey, get on the ground!

- [Crew Member] End ex, end ex, end ex.

(upbeat music)

- Well, tell me what happened.

- You know, a lot of people come to the door

asking questions on occasion.

I've had that happen before.

Sometimes they have simple questions,

tell them to go on their way.

That guy was a little more forceful; blocked the door.

Turned around not expecting to see someone else there.

That was a big surprise.

Identified he had a bat,

immediately drew my firearm, came at me,

fired two rounds.

That gentleman seemed like he was down

so I immediately wanted to clear the second threat.

Didn't know where that gentleman had gone

so I exited the building

and checked out here, still on the premises.

- Did the second guy impose any kind

of deadly threat to you?

- I didn't know at that time.

- [Chris] But yet you left somebody

in your house unattended.

And went out searching for somebody

out in the public.

You say you immediately drew your gun;

did you feel the guy touch you with that bat at all?

- No, I didn't.

- We played it back.

You'd see that he actually poked you with that bat

and he held back from striking distance

a couple times where he could have whacked you.

So what could have gone wrong

coming outside with that gun running after somebody?

- Could have been a lot more bad guys out here.

- Well, there could have been a lot more bad guys,

what else could've gone wrong?

- Might have had to fire my gun unnecessarily again.

- And then what if we run into-

What if law enforcement was already

in the area looking for these guys,

so now they see you with a gun.

- Now I'm someone they're looking for.

- [Chris] Even the neighbors too.

You know, someone could think you just

lost your mind and now you're outside with a gun.

I can't tell you that I wouldn't have gone on a hunt either.

I mean it's hard to set predator instinct-

When something runs, we want to go after it.

- You know, not to engage him,

not to try and hurt him or kill him

but to make sure that threat's out of the area.

Or just ensure that he's gone.

(upbeat music)

(gun clicks)

- Trigger press is important, it's even more important

on a small gun like the Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 38.

So here's an easy way to practice this.

It's called the ball and dummy drill,

and it's really easy with a revolver.

All you're gonna do is you're gonna load

the cylinder; this is a five shot cylinder in this case,

with just a few rounds and leave a few rounds empty.

Spin around don't look at it, close it.

Okay, now, when you go to fire-


Some of them are going to go off

and some of them are not.


So that's what you want to see.

When it doesn't go off, the gun doesn't move.

What you don't want to see is-

(gun clicks) Whoa, that's bad.

Practice the ball and dummy drill,

practice your trigger press,

it will make you a better shooter.


- So I don't always carry a gun at home.

Okay, it's just something that I don't do.

When I'm not expecting somebody,

when I know somebody's not supposed to be there,

it's somebody that I'm not familiar with,

it's not a little girl with Girl Scout Cookies,

as I walk past my stand

I pick up my gun

and I come to the door and I answer the door.

Hey how you doing. Sorry, no, no I'm not interested.

I close the door, I lock it.

Oh crap! (gunshots)

But when I see somebody coming down like this,

man this hand comes up.

And just knowing to use this part of my arm

as the surface to deflect that

cause you can take a lot of beatings.

There's not a lot of nerves

and a lot going on out here

so we can take a lot of hits here rather than on the head.

Better than in the neck.


I deflect, and I can run my gun with my strong hand.

So he comes to the door, maybe he decides

to push the door in on me.

He comes in he pushes me in, gun comes up-


I shoot him, I look this way,

Holy crap.


I at least got that gun in my hand

so I can deal with these guys.

This time you're going to answer the door

with a gun in your hand behind your legs.

So cover down on your doorway here,

Hey how you doing today, I wanted to know

if you needed anything fixed, you do you need anything?

- No, we don't really need anything today.

- Okay you try to push the door closed,

he pushes in on you (gunshots)

and then there's that.

Good, and I got right in your way

which is close quarters anyways

you got walls in there you can only move so much.

- [Narrator] First Person Defender

brought to you by:


Springfield Armory,

Elite Survival Systems,


and Liberty Safe.


- So Graham had someone banging on his door

saying that he was a worker.

During their interaction someone snuck in the back.

The bad guy came in with a small baseball bat.

If you're going to carry a gun,

if you're going to have a gun in your house,

you have to rehearse these things mentally.

You have to be decisive.

You can't carry a gun

and oh, oh, wait, what, what, what.

The bad guy closed 15, 16 feet

after Graham already knew he was there.

Look, he's not there for milk and cookies.

It's very clear what his intentions are.

So I've got my trusty timer.

On the beep is when the bad guy says, "Hey (bleeps)".

And I'm gonna see how many rounds I can get off

in the amount of time that it takes.

We'll compare that to the length of time it took

from Graham to see the bad guy react

and then for the bad guy to actually get hands on him.

Let's see what we got.



So I've got a five shot revolver,

I only have five rounds.

If I needed more, well, maybe I have another gun.

But time was 2.14 seconds.

2.14 seconds I got my draw and my five rounds off.

(upbeat music)

- Hey (bleeps)

That's a long time.

2.14 seconds is an eternity in a gun fight.

Be decisive and act immediately.


(upbeat music)


- Let's talk about carrying a 1911 Cocked and Locked

Well, today we have the

Springfield Armory EMP 4 inch, great gun.

And we're carrying it in a Elite Survival System

Hybrid IWB holster.

It's a soft holster that's sticky

so it doesn't move around

so it gives you a lot of flexibility

on ways to carry it.

It also covers the trigger and it covers the safety here

but you can get the gun out.

Let's show you what this looks like.

Now a 1911 is designed to be carried

cocked and locked so you can absolutely do that.

You just need to practice running the thumb safety

and getting used to doing it.


Carrying cocked and locked is perfectly safe

you have to practice with it

and just do what you're comfortable with.


(suspenseful music)

- [Narrator] In the first scenario Graham's background as

an infantry officer and combat veteran kicked in

and he went hunting for a possible bad guy.


- Who is it?


- [Narrator] We'll se how he handles the similar,

but different scenario here.

Graham checks the back door where the knocking came from,

but there's no one there.

He then rechecks the front door and other rooms.

(muffled talking)

- Hey man.

- Whoa, whoa! What's going on, whoa!

- Out of the house.

- Man, don't hurt me, I'm just looking for my baseball!

- Get out of the house. - I'm just looking for

my baseball man, don't hurt me!

- No baseball in here. - Put the gun down!

- Get out of the house.

- I'm not going to hurt you put the gun down,

don't point a gun at me!

Put the gun down, put it down!

Don't hurt me, man, I'm just looking for my baseball.

- [Graham] Get out of the house.

- Can you help me look for it?

Did it come in your kitchen window?

- Get out of the house.

- Don't point a gun at me, man

I'm not trying to hurt you, look my bat's down here.

- Put the bat down and walk outside.

- I'm just trying to look for my baseball.

- Put the bat down and walk outside.

- I don't see it anywhere, man.

Could you help me look for it? Could you help me

look for it?

Have you seen my buddy?

- Put the bat down and get out of the house.

- Come on man, please stop point a gun at me.

- Get out of the house.

- Is that my friend?


- [Crew Member] End ex, end ex, end ex.

(upbeat music)

- Alright so tell me what happened.

- Again, hanging out watching TV.

Heard a loud noise, like a bang at the back door.

Sounded like it was coming from the back door.

Asked who was there, didn't hear anything.

Asked again, still no one was saying anything,

so I kind of drew my pistol, had it behind me that time

when I checked the door, still locked.

Came to the front door it was actually unlocked

so I locked it back up thought maybe someone

had come in, kind of cleared the house.

And then seems like someone picked the lock,

came in, said he's looking for his baseball

but clearly threatening with the baseball bat.

- Clearly threatening?

- Pointed my gun at him, he kept his distance

I wanted him to leave the house,

he did not, continued to approach me,

kept backing off, giving him space,

then he finally came at me and I fired two rounds.

- He closed the distance, kept closing in on you

despite when you kept telling him, right?

- Yup.

- You kept saying get out of my house?

That's what you said, right?

- Yup.

- Why didn't you shoot him sooner,

what was going through your mind at that point?

- I still felt like there was enough distance there

that he could maybe change his mind,

not have to shoot, but he eventually forced it

close enough to where I did have to take that action.

- Right, nobody wants to have to shoot anybody.

They'd love to be able to talk them down,

they love to get them to stop doing

what they're doing.

Well during, in the military you have different

rules of engagement.

- Absolutely. But I mean, in a lot of-

Towards the end of our time in Afganistan

we had a lot of force on force issues,

so we actually had to, even when you're on base,

or in your comfort area you still had to be on your toes.

You know kind of

worry about that. - Well in here you make

your own decisions for your rules of engagement.

So you gotta draw your line in the sand,

you gotta decide how close

you're gonna let them get to it, right?

- Yup.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Combat Veteran Assaulted in Home Invasion: First Person Defender| S5 E9 - Duration: 15:01.


BREAKING: 6 Dead, 30 Wounded In Thanksgiving Bloodbath As Trump Is About To Address The Nation - Duration: 5:57.

BREAKING: 6 Dead, 30 Wounded In Thanksgiving Bloodbath As Trump Is About To Address The

Nation The last 4 days have been among the bloodiest

on record for one part of our country that�s smack in the middle of America�s heartland.

It was during a weekend when families gathered to give thanks but turned gruesome instead.

The death toll recently rose as one struggling victim succumbed to their injuries and became

the sixth victim of the attack to perish, as 30 others were left wounded from the horror

of this holiday weekend.

As people in this area are trying to come to grips with this bloodbath, President Donald

Trump is about to address the nation.

While most people were looking forward to this holiday with loved ones that kicks off

this special season, Chicago thugs were preparing for a bloodbath knowing that nobody would

stop them at their killing game that began the night before the feast and didn�t stop

until Sunday.

Officials in Chicago have overlooked the problems in their city for too long and it�s been

at the cost of countless lives.

As Barack Obama�s former hometown, he didn�t seem to want to address it either and the

rising murder rate is also a big part of his legacy having made excuses for criminals and

empowered Black Lives Matter.

Now that there is a real leader in charge, President Donald Trump isn�t letting murderous

thugs get away with this killing spree at a rate of one fatality every hour and 45 minutes

in the Windy City, according to stats provided by HeyJackass.com.

The respect for human life is completely absent in the tight gun-controlled city on both ends

of the spectrum.

Thugs pick their victims at random without concern for age, as was seen this weekend

with the unprecedented violence.

This lack of respect extends to local government which has done nothing to stop in and removed

citizens� right to defend themselves against it.

�Six men were killed and at least 30 other people have been wounded in shootings across

Chicago during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, which began Wednesday night,� ABC Chicago

reported.The latest killing happened about 10:30 a.m.

Sunday in the West Side Austin neighborhood.

An unknown male approached an 18-year-old man and shot him several times in the 200

block of North Lockwood, according to Chicago Police.

The man was taken to Loretto Hospital, where he died.

The Cook County medical examiner�s office did not immediately report the fatality.�

Chicago has become more of a war zone than a place to call home, where it�s not even

safe to go outside without risking your life.

Trump has previously come out on the issue, announcing that Chicago cops need to be able

to do their job, which would stop this crime spree �immediately.� As he�s about to

address the threat today from North Korea, the killing spree at home will likely be next

on his list.

�President Donald Trump�s claim that a mystery police officer has a quick fix for

Chicago�s violent crime problems continued to evolve Wednesday night, as the president

claimed the unnamed cop told him �if they let us do our job we could stop it immediately,��

CBS reports.

�By being very much tougher than they are right now.

They�re right now not tough.� Trump said in an August 2016 interview with Bill O�Reilly.

�When I was in Chicago, I got to meet a couple of very top police.

I said, �How do you stop this, how do you stop this?

If you were put in charge� Do you think you could stop this?� He said, �Mr. Trump,

I�d be able to stop it in one week.� And I believed him 100 percent.�

Almost as shocking as the overwhelming crime rate in the city, is the fact that in 90 percent

of these cases, where victims were either injured or killed, not a single suspect has

been charged, Allen B. West reported.

Perhaps this statistic came out at the end of Barack Obama�s presidency, after allowing

thugs to run free and excuse it as what disgruntled millennials do when suffering from poverty.

What�s interesting to note is that not a single one of these shootings this month involved

a police officer, which is a big statistical change since Trump has been in office.

Now, things could be getting a lot worse for these thugs and better for the city suffering

under their wrath since our president has vowed to combat the gangster and thug issued

that runs rampant in inner cities across the country.

He�s one of the first to take a bold stance against it, proving he�s not afraid of these

criminals, and it�s only a matter of time before he publicly addresses this issue again

after his executive orders on the matter and sending ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms)

agents in to help.

Among his pile of important executive orders to get the country back on track, were three

crucial ones targeting gangs, drugs, and crimes against cops.

�According to CNBC, the executive orders will focus on �gang members, drug dealers,

drug cartels & crimes against law enforcement officers�,� Bustle reported.

�During Jeff Sessions� formal ceremony after his confirmation, President Trump announced

his plans for these three executive orders, which give more authority to law enforcement.�

If anyone is doing more for the black community and proving black lives matter than Barack

Obama, it�s his successor, President Trump.

Eighty-eight percent of the victims in Chicago are black and were all ignored while Obama

was in office, pushing and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.

Trump will single-handedly save countless black lives by cracking down in these thugs

who kill other people � many of whom are random and just in the wrong place at the

wrong time in the war zone.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: 6 Dead, 30 Wounded In Thanksgiving Bloodbath As Trump Is About To Address The Nation - Duration: 5:57.


Preview: There's A School For Angels | Season 3 Ep. 9 | LUCIFER - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Preview: There's A School For Angels | Season 3 Ep. 9 | LUCIFER - Duration: 0:36.


Democrat's Drunken Antics Reveal ANOTHER Congressional Slush Fund - Duration: 3:08.

Democrat�s Drunken Antics Reveal ANOTHER Congressional Slush Fund

Taxpayers aren�t just footing the bill for handsy congressmen � they�re also picking

up the tab for drunken debauchery.

The Washington Times has an explosive story on a secret slush fund that�s used to paper

over the juvenile misbehavior of erratic lawmakers.

The report focuses on Democratic congressman Raul M. Grijalva, an outspoken proponent of


It turns out that Grijalva doesn�t just like shilling for illegals � he enjoys imbibing

now and again and apparently creating a ruckus in his own congressional office.

It�s so bad, in fact, that a former staffer felt unsafe in the alcohol-soaked environment

and had to leave.

The staffer was so adamant about exiting the hostile work environment that she threatened

a lawsuit.

That�s when the hush money came � courtesy of you and me and every taxpayer in the country.

The disgruntled employee was paid a generous severance package to be on her aggrieved way.From

the story: �While the Office of Compliance has been the focus of outrage on Capitol Hill

for hush-money payouts in sexual harassment cases, the Grijalva payout points to another

office that lawmakers can use to sweep accusations under the rug with taxpayer-funded settlements

negotiated by the House Employment Counsel, which acts as the attorney for all House offices.

The employment counsel negotiated a deal for taxpayers to give $48,395 � five additional

months� salary � to the female aide, who left her job after three months.

She didn�t pursue the hostile workplace complaint further.�

Well, at least he didn�t sexually harass her, right?

Regardless, it sounds like Grijalva�s partying ways aren�t fit for a congressional office.

The employee who threatened legal action left the job after only three months.

Lord knows that kind of shenanigans she witnessed in that short period.

And, of course, Grijalva is one of the crazed lawmakers demanding that President Trump be

removed from office for being unfit to lead.

This, coming from a guy who can�t stop his own congressional office from being a carnival

of hedonistic horrors for young female staffers.

Grijalva said the president�s reaction to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville,

Virginia, last weekend was essentially the last straw.

�There�s an accumulation of issues that bring into question this man�s ability to

lead,� Grijalva said.

Under the 25th Amendment, the president can be temporarily removed by a vote of the vice

president and the majority of the president�s cabinet if they find him �unable to discharge

the powers and duties of his office.� Congress must then decide by a two-thirds vote of both

houses that the president is unfit to remain in office.

Hypocrites look like angels next to Grijalva.

For more infomation >> Democrat's Drunken Antics Reveal ANOTHER Congressional Slush Fund - Duration: 3:08.


The Story 11/28/17 7PM | November 28, 2017 Fox News - Duration: 33:40.

For more infomation >> The Story 11/28/17 7PM | November 28, 2017 Fox News - Duration: 33:40.


hey this isn't on schedule - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> hey this isn't on schedule - Duration: 6:44.


Dial-a-Ride program launches Friday - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Dial-a-Ride program launches Friday - Duration: 0:56.


News_Democrat Judge Just Let Coward Muslim Terrorist Into The US Last Week To Plot Secret Bloodbath - Duration: 4:28.

News_Democrat Judge Just Let Coward Muslim Terrorist Into The US Last Week To Plot Secret Bloodbath

News_Democrat Judge Just Let Coward Muslim Terrorist Into The US Last Week To Plot Secret Bloodbath

News_Democrat Judge Just Let Coward Muslim Terrorist Into The US Last Week To Plot Secret Bloodbath

For more infomation >> News_Democrat Judge Just Let Coward Muslim Terrorist Into The US Last Week To Plot Secret Bloodbath - Duration: 4:28.


Bluespine Unicornfish - 3:8.5 - Nature Meets Paper - H2A - Duration: 7:16.

hi I'm Brandon and welcome to nature meets paper the place where we go on an

adventure to discover the world of marine biology you clicked on the blue

thumbnail which means that you're interested in art this is the segment

that I call how to art today we're going to be drawing the blue spine unicorn

fish I post a new video every Tuesday and Saturday and the Tuesday video

features how I do my art brushes ready let's dive in for this painting I use

the liquitex basics acrylic paints on a Canson canva art board I like working

small so I can work fast the canvas I use is already primed with white primer

the smoother your canvas or paper is the more detail you can get I could go over

my art boards with gesso and sand them to be perfectly smooth but then at this

moment I don't have time to wait for all of that to dry and for the sanding

process I like starting with my background and an outline with my

subject I can get a smooth look with light layers of paint since the first

coat I don't worry about brushstrokes I just want to cover the canvas while

leaving my subject area white I start with my mid-tones this process

means I find the average color for an area I let that layer dry then work on

my dark tones for this piece I didn't feel like spending too much time on the

water surface I wanted a loose feel that didn't

detract from the main subject after I add my dark tones I add my

highlights I blend in my mid-tones with white for the highlights I don't use

white until the very end of the painting

now that my background is dry and blocked in I can work on my first layers

of my subject I have a line drawing for my guide this shows where colors will

change I start with greens and blues then I add some purples for the muscle

tones on this side this fish looks like it has stripes but it is just muscle

structure underneath underneath the skin unfortunately I mixed my colors too dark

for my first layer this is fine i glaze with lighter colors to fix it in the

later steps this just means it'll be harder for me to keep my detail in the

future layers I make mistakes all the time but don't ever let them bother me I

try to cover them up I work with paint and paint can be removed quickly or

layered over and I'll be honest here and I'll tell you I was experimenting with

my painting and I ruined my first attempt I wanted to use pouring medium

to create nice water spots and ripples on the surface it turned out to make a

huge mess and it ruined one of my canvas boards and I will rarely throw away a

mistake but in this in this instance I couldn't salvage the piece and I had to

throw it away I used my finger to blend this piece it

allows you to blend and make the paint look soft and smooth I know that these

paints are non-toxic and they will wash away with some hot water soap and some

scrubbing please don't touch materials that can be

harmful to your health look at the description on the back of your product

to make sure that you're being safe I work with similar colors and let them

rest for a few minutes before moving on I really felt like I was not getting the

colors light enough for this piece I used water for my glazing to thin the

paint pigment down don't get it too thin or it won't be able to stick to the

layer beneath it I just imagine I am a sculptor and I need to push and blend my

paint in certain ways and make it look nice and smooth to get the depth I need

I need to push the subject back with my darks and pull it forward with my lights

so I'll make sure that my darks are dark enough or mint lights are light enough a

few of my lines were not quite thin enough for my liking but I can use a

trick to fix it I use the color from the layer underneath it to make thin lines I

go on either side of the line and make it very thin I do this with the lateral

line of the fish once I was happy with the overall blend and colors of the fish

I can go into with my liner brush and create fine detail this is

where I can use my bright whites then go over them with colors this makes the

color pop I leave a few lines of bright white on places for bright highlights I

work on the fins and leave the eyes for last this makes the animal come alive

I always finish my paintings with either a glitter pearlescent paint or glass

bead medium this causes the paint to dance in the

light unfortunately my camera doesn't capture these mediums very well that is

why I need to show my art in person there is another depth to them when they

can play with light you can see the different layers you can see everything

built up and it just has a life of its own

I love light play I will call this painting finished

thanks for watching this video before you go I would like to let you know that

I'm making a few merchandise for Christmas

I have ornaments that are going to be that you can order just send me a

message they're $15 here's a picture of them this one is going to be my

Norwegian gnomes and this one's going to be my dock hall's

ornament like I said they're $15 let me know and we'll figure out a way for you

to get those ordered just send me a message that's the easiest way I can

find right now I'm also selling a t-shirt it features a harbor seal and a

Santa hat and it says dock hall's you can find it at teespring.com forward

slash dock the halls I'll put a link down below I'm selling men's t-shirts

women's v-necks and long sleeves but the catch is I'm only selling 50 so

buy yours while you can those are going to be $20 I want to thank you for

participating in this channel in this community by leaving likes comments

sharing and subscribing for more content every little bit helps and I really

appreciate it if you haven't already watch my last Saturday's video on the

science of this animal cook the eye and you'll go there happy creating and God


For more infomation >> Bluespine Unicornfish - 3:8.5 - Nature Meets Paper - H2A - Duration: 7:16.


The Importance Of Sex In A Relationship - Duration: 3:34.

The Importance Of Sex In A Relationship

by Conscious Reminder

It is believed in Taoist philosophy that two types of energy interact with each other:

One is Yin, the feminine energy and the other is Yang, the masculine energy.

These energies are constantly in interaction with each other within an individual and outside

in the Universe at large and most importantly, they are the forces that bring two individuals


Haven�t we all heard people talk about their �other half�?

Well, this talk is based on truth.

The fact is that intimacy is a kind of dance between two people.

So, the first thing that happens is a kind of dance between two people to see whether

they really like each other or not.

These are usually the initial feelings of like or dislike that exists between two people.

After this phase is the more intense phase that comes in a strong deep relationship and

which is about more physical intimacy and care.

In this phase, if you choose from the heart you are in the honeymoon phase and if you

choose from the head, relationships become hard.

In the honeymoon phase, you cannot wait to get a glimpse of your partner.

All you need is to be with them and talk to them, as much as possible.

But, don�t make any long term plans during this phase because our feelings are clouded

by elation and in this overwhelming stage, the decisions made are usually not good.

After this phase ends, we tend to become more realistic.

We look at partner from a new angle and we are critical and sometimes even judgmental

of their actions and choices.

This is the time when you have to increase the strength of the bond with your partner

and you have to focus on your wants and needs as well.

This phase is extremely important and if you spend good time in this phase, your bond will

strengthen and mature.

One of the most important things that we must realize while being in relationships is that

we should not give up on the idea that relationships must be about attraction and romance.

Yes, the modern world doesn�t think in the same way because we have become so practical

and business minded.

But don�t choose relationships because they are convenient or because you are getting

�something� out of them.

Choose a relationship because it makes you happy and calm and satisfied.

A relationship has to make you a better person otherwise the relationship isn�t going anywhere.

Also, remember, when a relationship ends you have to release sexual energy cords because

these are like unconscious agreements or decisions that will stop you from moving on.

You have to let them go.

If you don�t let them go, your future relationship and even your sexual encounters will be haunted

by them and this is certainly not good for your emotional and spiritual health.

Anyways, when relationships end, they cause a lot of pain and grief but don�t forget

that the Universe always has a different plan for you.

Have faith in the Universe, it might be all happening for

your good!

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