Monday, November 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 27 2017

Layer 1: Graffite HB2

Layer 2: Soft pastels

Layer 3: Fixative

Layer 4: Oil colour glaze

Layer 5: Colour pencils

Layer 6: Graffite 6B

Layer 7: Fixative

For more infomation >> Técnica mixta #171120 - Duration: 8:25.


Perfectly lonely (cover) - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Perfectly lonely (cover) - Duration: 3:47.


Johnny Hallyday au plus mal, Laeticia a installé un lit près de lui - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday au plus mal, Laeticia a installé un lit près de lui - Duration: 1:19.


L'acteur Tomer Sisley a épousé Sandra de Matteis ! - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> L'acteur Tomer Sisley a épousé Sandra de Matteis ! - Duration: 1:20.


Cartoons for Color Cars Crash Race Experiments Spiderman Cartoons for Boys of 2017 Song for Kids - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Cartoons for Color Cars Crash Race Experiments Spiderman Cartoons for Boys of 2017 Song for Kids - Duration: 10:02.


Free 2017 type beat

For more infomation >> Free 2017 type beat


How To Make A Flat Poster Design | Satori Graphics Updates - Duration: 12:02.

today here in satori graphics you're going to learn how to make a flat poster

design in Adobe Illustrator in the description below is a link to the final

poster design and a mock-up then you can use for your very own flat poster design

also there's a quick Illustrated tip at the very end of the video in relation to

illustrator brushes

what is that people welcome back to tutor graphics the home of graphic

design content right here on YouTube before we getting today's flat poster

design tutorial I would like to ask you guys if you think it's a good idea to

review your designs one episode per week if you do like that let me know in the

comment section below and we can arrange that here astoria graphics so like I

said the final design is linked in the description below for you to download

but for a flat poster design we're going to be using a three document with a

three millimeter bleed and of course it needs to be CMYK for print

I'm using a light blue for my background but you can use whatever color you want

for your flat face or design using the rectangle tool create a shape that

covers the entire canvas we can then lock it in place what is move around

throughout the entire flat poster design tutorial

choose a shade a very dark blue that is close enough to black but not quite jet

black and then take the rounded rectangle tool click once on the canvas

and then type in seven millimeters with the corners repeat this once again but

with a white rectangle and lay over the top then you need to take the prepare

tool and sample the background color

make a third rounded rectangle for this time with a smaller round corners and

then place in position like so

at this juncture select the y-shaped and press command or control C to copy er

then select all three shapes and then align them like so to make sure they're

positioned perfectly

open the Pathfinder window and hold down shift and click both the blue shape and

the white shape and then use this function here in the Pathfinder panel if

you then press command or control f you will paste the shape back into the

correct place and insulate both the black shape and the blue shape and

repeat the process finally send the blank sheet backwards once now your tape

cassette shape has the mid section cut out

just to demonstrate something quickly I've made this midsection too wide even

though it's been cut into the shape we can still use direct selection tool to

edit the shape hold down shift and then select multiple anchor points at once

and ultimately with the arrow keys on your keyboard

the appearance panel and user prepare tool to sample the background color once

again we are now making the tape section for our flat poster design make a

perfect circle with the ellipse tool and then in the appearance panel add a new

stroke drag the stroke to the bottom of the layers and add a white color I'm

going to use 20 as a stroke thickness add a second stroke and make it black

but increase the stroke away quite a bit

then hold down the alt option key and duplicate the circle and adjust a black

stroke so it gives an illusion of a tape inside the cursor for a flat poster


select all of the shapes on the actual canvas and bring them to the front of

all the layers then we need to align the circles along horizontal plane and place

them within the cutout section

select the blank shape and then select offer there we want a slightly lighter

shade of dark gray blue so that we can create a small rectangle with the

rectangle tool

using direct selection tool we can then nudge the top anchor points over like

I'm doing here we then need to place the shape over the cassette tape perfectly

in place by holding down shift select both circles and then group them

together with command or control g select everything on your flat poster

design and then line them like so we're almost finished with today's tutorial on

how to make a flat poster design so stick around for the finishing touches

and then at the very end of the video an illustrated bonus tip based around


with the dough shade of black create a circle in the top-left of the cassette

and then duplicate it with the alt/option key we then need to make two

more circles and then add a yellow color to them

using shift-select all full circles group them together then duplicate the

group and reflect them by placing them in the perfect position on your flat

poster design

this next step is a bit of fiddly but it's fairly simple making yellow

rectangle like so and then duplicate it and turn that second rectangle to black

take your time to make sure that they're perfectly aligned right up to the edge

of the bisection we need the Pathfinder window open for the next pyre

we need to slide the white shape and copy with command or ctrl C select the

white shape and the yellow rectangle and use the intersect function in the

pathfinder press command or ctrl F to paste the shape back and then send it

back one layer repeat the process with the back

rectangle and then send the worksheet back twice

there is a shortcut keyboard for this function PC here

you had now had a shadow to our flat poster design so group every single

element on the cassette tape together and in place exactly where you want it

on your poster design using the pen tool make a line from the bottom-left of the

tape to the bottom route of the canvas

click off of the path and then make another line from the top right of the

tape downwards flick the pathway go to a fill and then bring a cassette tape to

the front now this pie is entirely up to you but you can add a gradient and lower

the opacity of that gradient where you can simply lower the opacity of the

shape without the gradient whatever you think looks best for your flat poster


to save time I've gone ahead and added the typographic elements on a design and

to be honest this section of the tutorial should be up to you so get

creative with your typography I do have the design linked in description below

for you to download as well as a mock-up for Photoshop next a quick but cool tip

on illustrator brushes

there are some really really neat and cool brushes by default in a deputy

strate er so you put up the brush libraries like so and then choose from a

nice selection

if you then double-click a brush you can edit there you can change the pressure

in the style the direction and other various factors they're actually quite a

decent amount of free brushes here are standard in David is right there

you can then go ahead and add them to your design you can outline this trick

off the brush and they have a fully customizable vector brush on your design

so if you enjoy today's tutorial on how to make a flat poster design in the

illustrator drop a like and a comment on this video as well as share it on social

media spread the word of Satori because it does help my channel grow remember to

subscribe for weekly grapple design uploads to be on --then already and

until next time design your future today peace

For more infomation >> How To Make A Flat Poster Design | Satori Graphics Updates - Duration: 12:02.


Excavators Videos For Children Real Excavator and Bruder Toy Excavator dump truck trucks for kids - Duration: 2:34.

Hello my friends. Welcome to Toy with Toys channel.

Let's watch this real-life excavator at work.

This pond needs to have a good clean up to remove the over grown grass.

This excavator is best for this job.

Another name for excavator is backhoe.

This is a mini excavator because it is less than 10,000 pounds

This excavator does not have wheels.

This excavator is on a steel track.

The grapple with its sharp claws is attached to this excavator to help it grab on to things like grass.

Not only this excavator has sharp teeth like a lion but its jaws is as strong as an alligator

The excavator scoops up grass and turns its neck to put the grafts on the cement.

Then the excavator repeats the process like clockwork.

After about 30 minutes, the pond is clean.

Good job excavator! Thank you for cleaning up the pond.

The fish in the pond will love it and appreciate your hard work.

Thank you in Spanish is gracias, in Vietnamese is cảm ơn, in French is merci.

In Arabic is shukraan, In Chinese is xiexie and in Japanese is Arigatōgozaimashita

I just showed you a real-life excavator.

Now you can play with my toy excavator.

My toy excavator is yellow and it has a bucket attached to it.

I'm the operator of this toy excavator.

I am wearing a construction hat to protect my head which is themost important part of my body.

Because it allows me to think, to imagine, to dream, and to play.

Do you think that is the most important part of your body?

My brother is going to drive a fire truck and comes along with me in case my excavator caught on fire.

I am going to move a piece of rock to the construction site

Do you think I can do that?

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

I can shift gears to make the excavator go forward or backward.

I can turn the wheel to make the excavator go left or right.

I wonder what I can do to make this excavator fly like an airplane?

Do you think that is even possible?

Do you think excavators can fly?

Look! I got a rock in my excavator bucket.

I did it!

Thank you for playing with me, my brother and, my excavator.

Be active, play outside and don't watch too much TV

Thank you and goodbye.Cao, adios, arigato

For more infomation >> Excavators Videos For Children Real Excavator and Bruder Toy Excavator dump truck trucks for kids - Duration: 2:34.


Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Throws Shade at Team Skull & the Wii U (Easter Egg) - Duration: 1:43.

There's a lot of changes to see in Pokémon Ultra Sun

& Ultra Moon.

And one of the first you'll discover is how your trainer has upgraded his console

of choice from a Wii U in Sun & Moon to a Nintendo Switch.

Now, this isn't all that surprising.

The trainer's console always gets upgraded to whatever is most current.

And we even pointed this out back when the first trailer was revealed.

But there's a bit more to this than we first thought.

One of the main antagonists of the game is Team Skull.

Now they're never presented as that huge of a threat.

Mostly they're punks and dropouts who couldn't make it through the Island Challenge so they

decided to mess it up for anyone else who tries.

Basically, these guys are losers and kinda pathetic, as sad as that may seem.

But what's really interesting is when you fight your way through Po Town, which Team

Skull has taken over.

The boss, Guzma, is based out of a mansion there that you have to work through.

And in one of the rooms, we can actually see that they have TVs and a game console set


But it's not a Switch like your trainer has.

Instead, Team Skull still uses Wii Us which is just all kinds of sad.

Is Nintendo dumping on their own console by having it associated with the losers of the


Or is it just a statement that the notoriously poor Team just hasn't had the funds to upgrade

to the new system.

Either way, we got a kick out of this Easter Egg and hope you did too.

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Pokémon and other

things gaming.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Throws Shade at Team Skull & the Wii U (Easter Egg) - Duration: 1:43.


All Legendary Pokémon & Ultra Beast Locations in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Moon (Guide & Walkthrough) - Duration: 12:17.

There are tons of Legendaries to catch in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.

Not only do we have all of the new Legendary Pokémon from Sun & Moon but every Legendary

from previous Generations.

And that's not even all of them as there's the Ultra Beasts as well, which includes 4

brand new ones.

So we're here to help you find each and every one.

But before we begin, we want to thank Ted 'ExandShadow' Wiesen for his help in catching

the Pokémon from Ultra Moon.

Let's start catching some Legendaries.

First up is our cover Legendaries, Solgaleo and Lunala.

As you head for Victory Road, you'll have have a battle with Gladion.

Afterward, he tells you that he last saw Lillie on the Mahalo Trail where she's waiting

for you.

Go to the trail and she'll mention how either Solgaleo or Lunala wants to travel with you.

This gives you the opportunity to battle them and catch them depending on your version.

You can also discover Necrozma on the way through Victory Road.

It's pretty hard to miss what with it being in the middle of a crater.

Cosmog can be found exactly the same way as in Sun & Moon.

Simply go to the Altar of the Sunne at night or the Altar of the Moone during the day depending

your version with either Solgaleo or Lunala in your party.

Inspect the Ultra Wormhole and you'll be given the option to go to the Reverse World.

Travel through and go to the Lake of the Sunne or Moone, again depending on your version,

and you'll discover a Cosmog that will automatically come with you.

Once you raise its level to 43, it'll evolve into Cosmoem.

Once it reaches level 53, Cosmoem will evolve into Solgaleo in Ultra Sun or Lunala in Ultra


The Guardian Deity Pokémon can be found the same way as in Sun & Moon as well.

After completing the main story, simply travel to the Ruins of Conflict and inspect the statue

to fight Tapu Koko.

Do the same thing at the Ruins of Life to find Tapu Lele, the Ruins of Abundance to

face Tapu Bulu, and the Ruins of Hope to catch Tapu Fini.

The final Legendary that can be found in Alola itself is Zygarde.

Travel to the Resolution Cave on Poni Island and make your way to the final chamber.

There you'll discover it in its 50% Form.

Once you catch it, return to Ula'ula Island and enter the trailer on Route 16.

You'll meet Dexio and Sina who talk more about Zygarde and challenge you to battle.

Once you defeat them, you'll be given a 10% Form Zygarde and a Zygarde Cube that already

contains 40 Cells.

With the two Zygarde in your party, inspect the machine and choose Separation.

Separate either Zygarde to fill up the rest of the Cube then choose Assembly.

This will grant you a Zygarde with the Power Construct Ability, allowing you to use the

Complete Forme of Zygarde.

There's still Ultra Beasts to find in Alola though.

Poipole is the first you'll receive, as it's automatically given to you after you

finish the events in Ultra Megalopolis.

However, it can evolve, but it requires that Poipole know the move, Dragon Pulse.

There are two ways to teach it this move.

Either go to the Move Tutor at the Battle Tree or the Pokémon Center on Victory Road

and talk to the woman there to have it relearn the move from earlier in its moveset using

a Heart Scale.

Once it knows Dragon Pulse, level it up one more time to have it evolve into Naganadel.

UB Burst or Blacephalon and UB Assembly or Stakataka are discovered during a small post-game


You are summoned to Poni Island by the Ultra Recon Squad in order to stop these Ultra Beasts.

They'll be found automatically and there two available with Blacephalon being exclusive

to Ultra Sun and Stakataka exclusive to Ultra Moon.

The rest of the Legendary Pokémon and Ultra Beasts are all found in Ultra Space and can

start being hunted as soon as the portal appears during the main story, at least the Legendaries


But here's where things get quite different.

As you travel through Ultra Space, you'll see five different colors of Ultra Wormholes.

Each one denotes the kind of territory that'll be on the other side with the exception of

the White wormholes.

Those always lead to an Ultra Beast.

The other four, Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow, respectively lead to a Cliffside, a Field,

a Waterfall, and a Cave.

These give at least some kind of clue to the type of Legendaries you'll discover in each


But each wormhole can be different as well.

There are four levels to them: a plain hole, a hole with a single circle around it, a hole

with two circles, and one with a circle surrounding it with smaller ones leading into the center.

Any of these could possibly lead you to a Legendary Pokémon, but the only way that

guarantees it is the level 4 wormhole.

However, if you don't find a Legendary in a level 4 portal of a certain color, then

you've found all the Legendaries in that color.

Naturally these level 4 portals are also the most rare.

The way to actually reach the higher level portals is through the mini-game portion of

Ultra Space.

Here you fly through energy rings that keeps up the Ride's speed.

You must navigate around the electrical hazards and portals you don't want in the hope of

finding a possible level 4 wormhole.

The farther you go, the more common they become.

And if you lose too much speed, you'll be pulled into the nearest wormhole.

Now it's still possible to encounter a Legendary in the more common portals.

It's just not as likely.

Either way, you'll be made aware of its presence immediately.

If it's not there, simply exit and try again or try to catch the common Pokémon waiting

for you.

Because of the nature of this mini-game, we're going to provide the color portals that each

Legendary is found in as well as any other requirements.

While we recommend saving before confronting a Legendary, if you do accidentally knock

one out, it will return until you catch it.

But only one of each Legendary can be captured.

Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres can found in red portals where you'll find them on the


All three can be found in both versions.

The same goes for Mewtwo, who's waiting behind a green wormhole.

We'd actually recommend using your Master Ball on it since it knows the move Recover.

Both Raikou and Entei are found beyond green portals as well, but Raikou is exclusive to

Ultra Sun while Entei can only be found in Ultra Moon.

In order to find a Suicune, both Raikou and Entei must be in your party as you search

through blue wormholes.

Lugia is also found in a blue portal, but it can only be caught in Ultra Moon while

Ho-oh is an Ultra Sun exclusive that's found beyond red wormholes.

Continuing on, all three of the Regis from Generation 3, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel

are found in the yellow portals in both games.

Latias can only be found Ultra Moon though while traveling through a blue wormhole.

Naturally, Latios only appears in Ultra Sun, but it also awaits on the other side of a

blue portal.

Another pair of exclusives is Kyogre and Groudon.

Kyogre is in a blue portal in Ultra Moon while Groudon is in a yellow portal in Ultra Sun.

The only way to find a Rayquaza though is by having both of these in your party while

traveling through a red portal.

For Gen 4, we have Uxie, Mespirit, and Azelf all appearing in both versions and all hiding

beyond a blue portal.

Meanwhile, Dialga is in a green portal in Ultra Sun and Palkia waits within a blue wormhole

in Ultra Moon.

Both are required in your team in order to discover Giratina on the other side of a yellow


Two more exclusives are behind yellow portals.

Heatran, which is exclusive to Ultra Sun, and Regigigas, which is exclusive to Ultra


Finally, there's Cresselia who's in both versions and can be found beyond the red portals.

Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion are all within a green portal in both versions.

But the Gen 5 Legendaries also have their own exclusives.

Tornadus can only be found in Ultra Sun while Thundurus awaits in Ultra Moon.

And you need both of them in your party to find Landorus.

All three of them are hiding beyond the red wormholes Likewise, Reshiram is in Ultra Sun

and Zekrom is in Ultra Moon where both are found in green portals.

Once you have both of them in your party, you'll be able to find Kyurem in a blue


The final two Legendaries are Xerneas and Yveltal.

Xerneas is exclusive to Ultra Sun and found in a green wormhole while Yveltal is an Ultra

Moon exclusive that's waiting in a red wormhole.

And while that might be all the Legendaries, there's still the matter of the Ultra Beasts.

As we said before, these are all found beyond white wormholes.

The most common Ultra Beasts, found in the lower level portals, are Nihilego, Buzzwhole,

and Pheromosa.

Nihilego is found in the same cave from Sun and Moon called the Ultra Deep Sea.

Simply sit on the rock to have it appear.

Buzzwhole is in the Ultra Jungle and is exclusive to Ultra Sun.

All you have to do is run along the trees until you reach the end to confront the Ultra


Pheromosa is found in an area known as the Ultra Desert in Ultra Moon.

Here, you'll have to complete a series of puzzles using Mudsdale and Machamp.

Once you do, Pheromosa will be waiting on the other side.

The next set of Ultra Beasts are bit more uncommon and will appear more often in the

level 2 or 3 portals.

Xurkitree is found in both versions in the Ultra Plant.

All you have to do is follow the path to find a Xurkitree waiting at the top.

Celesteela can only be caught in Ultra Moon in the Ultra Crater.

Once again, follow the path to find it at the end.

Kartana, which is only in Ultra Sun, is found in the Ultra Forest.

Here, you must fight your way through two trainers using lower level Kartanas in order

to reach the one you can catch.

Finally, there's the Guzzlord, the rarest of the Ultra Beasts and the one most likely

to appear in a level 4 white portal.

To reach it, you must navigate the Ultra Ruins to find the appropriate path.

Once you catch it, you'll have gotten every Legendary and Ultra Beast in the game.

While the Legendaries can only be caught once, the Ultra Beasts can be caught as many times

as you want.

We hope this guide has been a help for you.

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Pokémon and other

things gaming.

For more infomation >> All Legendary Pokémon & Ultra Beast Locations in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Moon (Guide & Walkthrough) - Duration: 12:17.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 5:01.

It's been six year since The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim originally hit store shelves and

though I've tried multiple times to love it there was some kind of barrier holding

me back.

Turns out it was the TV.

Taking the freeing world of Skyrim outside of the shackles of its restrictive setup was

the best thing that ever happened to it and enjoying this adventure on the tiny Switch

makes it feel like it's brand new again.

We've come a long way from The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey on the Nokia Ngage.

So what version of Skyrim is this exactly?

Well we put together a comparison video and the results seem to suggest it's somewhere

in the middle of 2011's vanilla version and last year's special edition.

You have the new water shaders, lighting, faster loading and new assets of the Special


But that lighting is still paired back considerably at specific times of day and the draw distance

can feel more in line with Xbox 360.

Last year's Special Edition wasn't exactly rolling in new features but quick saving has

made its way over to the Switch and I couldn't be more thankful.

Skyrim doesn't autosave all that often and losing precious moments of open world exploration

can really sting.

Of course the big selling point of special edition was mods and sadly they're nowhere

to be found on Switch.

You'll have to ask yourself if portability is more important to you when choosing between

both versions.

So there are some compromises but the end result is a well-made version of Skyrim that

rarely ever seems to slowdown both Docked and Undocked.

In fact it may even run better than its PS4 counterpart.

This is an outstanding port and even with it being a six year old game this is one of

the titles I would show people when asking what the Switch is all about.

It's a massive high quality AAA game in the palm of your hands and it's never felt

so good.

The Elder Scrolls it the closest video games have come to creating a living breathing game

of dungeons and dragons.

For instance if you enhance your character's speech skills you'll sometimes be able to

avoid combat all together or you can focus on being a dark mage who crumbles the world

with their powerful magic.

Everyone starts off as a blank slate and it's up to you to decide how your character grows

and who they are as a person.

That alone makes every playthrough unique but the real draw of Skyrim is that it never

really ends.

I mean there is a main questline which finishes in a rather anticlimactic fashion but it's

not about beating Skyrim.

Skyrim is an escape.

You can be commuting back from a hard day of work, slide out your Switch and all of

a sudden be wisped away to a second life.

With the included expansions of Dragonborn, Hearthfire and Dawnguard it's easy to see

how people can spend a thousand hours with this game.

That's not to say it's perfect though.

Skyrim is jack of all trades but master of none.

The first person melee combat feels pretty weak with its floaty flails, you'll run

into small slopes that are just a tad too high to run up, you'll get physically stuck

when trying to climb up mountains and while the world and its character are engrossing

things can at times feel robotic with stiff animations and your run of the mill Skyrim


Picking apart specific parts of Skyrim highlights tons of areas for improvement but miraculously

few of them really matter in the grand picture.

When I reflect on my time with Skyrim I think of battling sprawling dragons and convincing

guards that I didn't steal a coin purse even though they looked me in the eye and

saw me steal that coin purse.

It's janky, yes, but the world building is unparalleled.

You can even make significant political impacts along the story that really change the social

dynamics of towns.

You feel important as a character in Skyrim regardless if you're following the main

quest line or just existing in this vast open world.

And for Nintendo fans not only does Mr Mario himself, Charles Martinet voice a dragon but

you can also wield the Master Sword, Champions Tunic and Hylian Shield with and without amiibo.

If you wanted you could name your character Link and use nothing but the Zelda gear and

a bow.

May as well call it The Elder Scrolls V: Breath of the Wild.

Speaking of bows, Skyrim on Switch now has optional motion controls and while waggling

to swing your sword is something you'll probably only does once, aiming with gyro

controls is here to stay.

It's so much easier to line up quick precise shots and it's really going to benefit those

who build their archery skill tree.

I'm thankful that the Switch version of Skyrim has finally allowed me to appreciate

this game for everything it does well and for those in the same situation as me I think

it could very well do it for you too.

That being said if you've already put hundreds of hours into other versions should you still

pick it up on Switch?

Well I think playing it in handheld mode is a real game changer and is something both

fans and newcomers will appreciate but keep in mind that it's pretty much the exact

same game just with minor tweaks here and there.

Though I had some issues with Skyrim in general I liked it a lot.

The Switch port is near masterful and there are few games that bring so many different

mechanics together in harmony like Skyrim.

Sure it's not all perfect but whether you're trudging through the snowy mountains or riding

horseback across a vast field it's hard not to lose yourself in the vast world of


Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Skyrim and other

things gaming too.

For more infomation >> The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 5:01.


How to Turn Off Tilt Controls in Ultra Warp Ride - Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Duration: 1:17.

One of my complaints in my review of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon was that the game forced

me to use the 3DS's Tilt Controls in order to navigate Ultra Space.

Considering the amount of control needed to fly through the appropriate rings while avoiding

hazards, I felt that it was just too much of a pain, and the lack of a control option

was a mistake.

Well, many of you brought this up after the review and contacted me to say this, but there

is a way to turn off the tilt controls in the game.

It's just not super obvious because there's not really a menu for it.

Instead what you have to do is travel to Heahea City on Akala Island and make your way to

the Game Freak office.

A new character will be there, an Aether Foundation employee that gives the option to change the

Ultra Space controls to the circle pad.

It's not exactly obvious but enough post-game exploration would reveal the option.

Hopefully this way, you'll be able to pick your preferred method before capturing too

many Legendaries.

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Pokémon and other

things gaming.

For more infomation >> How to Turn Off Tilt Controls in Ultra Warp Ride - Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Duration: 1:17.


ZAYN - Dusk Till Dawn ft. Sia

For more infomation >> ZAYN - Dusk Till Dawn ft. Sia


Life of the Dead | I am my son keeper - Duration: 5:59.

This is me. Arthur Richard Fitzherbert

Service Number 71724.

At the age of 61 I was the oldest soldier

Who fought in the New Zealand cavalry in the Land of Israel

And not as a commander, but just as a simple private.

I came from Merton, New Zealand,

And I am buried here next to you right here at Deir al-Balah, in the Gaza Strip.

I was born in Derbyshire England in 1853, Son to a large noble family.

My father was a former lieutenant colonel in the British Army and a great fighter.

Life was very comfortable, And strangling.

In 1873 I decided to leave everything And move to New Zealand.

I've built a farm of beautiful Marino sheep

In New Zealand I've also met the Love of my life, Mary Lucy Marshall.

We had three sons and a daughter But with my eldest son, Arthur, yes, like me,

I had a special bond.

and so not to get confused, we mostly used his middle name, Jeffrey.

1914. Britain declares war on Germany

Thus, as part of the British Empire, Also we fiound ourselves at war.

Jeffrey, that has already got To fight a war in South Africa,

And was even awarded the Medal of Honor,

Was again, at the age of 33, before recruitment.

This time, I knew that, I will not let him go alone.

I went to the district recruiting office.

"You? You're over 60 years old! your Place is at home. next to your wife. "

I returned home.

But I went out again, This time, to the neighboring Canterbury District Bureau.

I sat in the waiting room Surrounded by young, excited men .

We filled out the volunteering forms for war.

Name: Arthur Richard Fitzherbert

Residence: Marton.

Date of Birth: November 9, 1876.

So although I was born 23 years earlier,

But I felt not one day Over ... 40.

And so we found ourselves, father and son, In A cavalry unit of the New Zealand Army.

Me in the Canterbury Battalion, And Arthur Jeffery in the Wellington Battalion.

On October 9, 1915 We went from Wellington harbor

To Join the war effort alongside the British

Our Destination: The Middle East.

Imagine: we got from here to there,

And from this to that.

We arrived to the Wild East.

After A training period we were sent to The Gallipoli front as infantry.

Those who have returned from there back to Egypt, were Stationed in Sinai,

There we acted to defend the Suez Canal From the Germans and the Ottomans.

Gallipoli difficult casualties, Led to that in -1916

there was a reorganization of our deployment.

I took the opportunity And asked to transfer to my son's regiment.

Because of your age and educational qualifications We want to raise your rank

"And to put you in a rear base"

If titles were my interest, I was holding on to them back in England.

Besides, that 40? is that old for you ?!

I was sent to join a Wellington Squad from Jeffrey's department.

Corporal Arthur Fitzherbert Senior,

Under the command of Captain Arthur Fitzherbert junior.

Sometimes I could imagine We are back in New Zealand,

Just the two of us and the horses.

I admit that I feared Jeffrey will see me as a burden,

And was even ashamed that his dad was here with him,

But he was proud of this young man having fun and takes care of everyone,

"this, this is My dad!"

During our stay in Sinai Enemy forces attempted

To Occupy the Suez Canal twice.

In response, the British army decided to change Strategy and attack inside,

To Palestine.

The fighting was merciless.

El Arish, Sinai, Jeffrey was injured with serious injuries.

It took several nerve-racking days And his condition has stabilized.

Horror gave way to relief.

He will not return to the battlefield. But I had to.

We Organized for the attack on Gaza In the area of ​​Deir al-Balah.

A thick fog covered the country And narrowed the field of vision.

Where is the enemy? where are we?

Something shocked me intensely.

What happened? was I hurt?

I tried to get up and continue the assault.

I heard another soldier.

I tore a strip of cloth and bandaged him.

I hugged that boy, And promised to bring him back home.

and then...

They Buried me in the sand.

Placed a temporary wooden cross.

Two months after I was killed Jeffrey went home.

War in the Middle East continued,

But at this stage, Jeffrey got back to the safe bosom of His mother in New Zealand.

My son returned to calm regular life Until his death at the age of 93.

In The greatest task of all, I had success

And I can rest in peace.

Deir al-Balah - The British Cemetery for First World War casualties

For more infomation >> Life of the Dead | I am my son keeper - Duration: 5:59.



For more infomation >> ROCK AND ROLL - WIĄZANKA zespół (teksty/lyrics) I LO KONIN STUDNIÓWKA HALA RONDO MOSIR PAK KWB SA - Duration: 5:07.


Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Prestige - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Prestige - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C3 1.4I EXCLUSIVE / APK 04-10-2018 / INRUIL KOOPJE !! - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I EXCLUSIVE / APK 04-10-2018 / INRUIL KOOPJE !! - Duration: 0:55.



For more infomation >> BÁNH CREPE THÁI LAN BIẾN TẤU VỈA HÈ QUẬN 1 GÂY BÃO SÀI GÒN - PHỐ ĐI BỘ CUỐI TUẦN I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 18:00.


Recipe is TORTURING? Special chicken food in the Philippines(Philippines travel, Baguio city) - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Recipe is TORTURING? Special chicken food in the Philippines(Philippines travel, Baguio city) - Duration: 6:27.


희대의 연쇄살인마 찰스 맨슨에게 반한 17세 여고생 - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> 희대의 연쇄살인마 찰스 맨슨에게 반한 17세 여고생 - Duration: 6:02.


Tweak News - Uge 47 - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Tweak News - Uge 47 - Duration: 8:45.


How To Make A Flat Poster Design | Satori Graphics Updates - Duration: 12:02.

today here in satori graphics you're going to learn how to make a flat poster

design in Adobe Illustrator in the description below is a link to the final

poster design and a mock-up then you can use for your very own flat poster design

also there's a quick Illustrated tip at the very end of the video in relation to

illustrator brushes

what is that people welcome back to tutor graphics the home of graphic

design content right here on YouTube before we getting today's flat poster

design tutorial I would like to ask you guys if you think it's a good idea to

review your designs one episode per week if you do like that let me know in the

comment section below and we can arrange that here astoria graphics so like I

said the final design is linked in the description below for you to download

but for a flat poster design we're going to be using a three document with a

three millimeter bleed and of course it needs to be CMYK for print

I'm using a light blue for my background but you can use whatever color you want

for your flat face or design using the rectangle tool create a shape that

covers the entire canvas we can then lock it in place what is move around

throughout the entire flat poster design tutorial

choose a shade a very dark blue that is close enough to black but not quite jet

black and then take the rounded rectangle tool click once on the canvas

and then type in seven millimeters with the corners repeat this once again but

with a white rectangle and lay over the top then you need to take the prepare

tool and sample the background color

make a third rounded rectangle for this time with a smaller round corners and

then place in position like so

at this juncture select the y-shaped and press command or control C to copy er

then select all three shapes and then align them like so to make sure they're

positioned perfectly

open the Pathfinder window and hold down shift and click both the blue shape and

the white shape and then use this function here in the Pathfinder panel if

you then press command or control f you will paste the shape back into the

correct place and insulate both the black shape and the blue shape and

repeat the process finally send the blank sheet backwards once now your tape

cassette shape has the mid section cut out

just to demonstrate something quickly I've made this midsection too wide even

though it's been cut into the shape we can still use direct selection tool to

edit the shape hold down shift and then select multiple anchor points at once

and ultimately with the arrow keys on your keyboard

the appearance panel and user prepare tool to sample the background color once

again we are now making the tape section for our flat poster design make a

perfect circle with the ellipse tool and then in the appearance panel add a new

stroke drag the stroke to the bottom of the layers and add a white color I'm

going to use 20 as a stroke thickness add a second stroke and make it black

but increase the stroke away quite a bit

then hold down the alt option key and duplicate the circle and adjust a black

stroke so it gives an illusion of a tape inside the cursor for a flat poster


select all of the shapes on the actual canvas and bring them to the front of

all the layers then we need to align the circles along horizontal plane and place

them within the cutout section

select the blank shape and then select offer there we want a slightly lighter

shade of dark gray blue so that we can create a small rectangle with the

rectangle tool

using direct selection tool we can then nudge the top anchor points over like

I'm doing here we then need to place the shape over the cassette tape perfectly

in place by holding down shift select both circles and then group them

together with command or control g select everything on your flat poster

design and then line them like so we're almost finished with today's tutorial on

how to make a flat poster design so stick around for the finishing touches

and then at the very end of the video an illustrated bonus tip based around


with the dough shade of black create a circle in the top-left of the cassette

and then duplicate it with the alt/option key we then need to make two

more circles and then add a yellow color to them

using shift-select all full circles group them together then duplicate the

group and reflect them by placing them in the perfect position on your flat

poster design

this next step is a bit of fiddly but it's fairly simple making yellow

rectangle like so and then duplicate it and turn that second rectangle to black

take your time to make sure that they're perfectly aligned right up to the edge

of the bisection we need the Pathfinder window open for the next pyre

we need to slide the white shape and copy with command or ctrl C select the

white shape and the yellow rectangle and use the intersect function in the

pathfinder press command or ctrl F to paste the shape back and then send it

back one layer repeat the process with the back

rectangle and then send the worksheet back twice

there is a shortcut keyboard for this function PC here

you had now had a shadow to our flat poster design so group every single

element on the cassette tape together and in place exactly where you want it

on your poster design using the pen tool make a line from the bottom-left of the

tape to the bottom route of the canvas

click off of the path and then make another line from the top right of the

tape downwards flick the pathway go to a fill and then bring a cassette tape to

the front now this pie is entirely up to you but you can add a gradient and lower

the opacity of that gradient where you can simply lower the opacity of the

shape without the gradient whatever you think looks best for your flat poster


to save time I've gone ahead and added the typographic elements on a design and

to be honest this section of the tutorial should be up to you so get

creative with your typography I do have the design linked in description below

for you to download as well as a mock-up for Photoshop next a quick but cool tip

on illustrator brushes

there are some really really neat and cool brushes by default in a deputy

strate er so you put up the brush libraries like so and then choose from a

nice selection

if you then double-click a brush you can edit there you can change the pressure

in the style the direction and other various factors they're actually quite a

decent amount of free brushes here are standard in David is right there

you can then go ahead and add them to your design you can outline this trick

off the brush and they have a fully customizable vector brush on your design

so if you enjoy today's tutorial on how to make a flat poster design in the

illustrator drop a like and a comment on this video as well as share it on social

media spread the word of Satori because it does help my channel grow remember to

subscribe for weekly grapple design uploads to be on --then already and

until next time design your future today peace

For more infomation >> How To Make A Flat Poster Design | Satori Graphics Updates - Duration: 12:02.


鬥陣特攻動畫----閃光是愛,閃光是生命 (中文字幕) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 鬥陣特攻動畫----閃光是愛,閃光是生命 (中文字幕) - Duration: 1:09.


如果英雄聯盟的角色有臉書 S2#2_極靈教授加入 (中文翻譯) - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 如果英雄聯盟的角色有臉書 S2#2_極靈教授加入 (中文翻譯) - Duration: 2:08.


Nowy czołg dla Polski oparty na rozwiązaniach Rheinmetall [ TV] - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Nowy czołg dla Polski oparty na rozwiązaniach Rheinmetall [ TV] - Duration: 3:49.


YESTERDAY des BEATLES - Duration: 2:43.

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be

There's a shadow hanging over me

Oh, yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go

I don't know, she wouldn't say

I said something wrong

Now I long for yesterday

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play

Now I need a place to hide away

Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why'd she have to go?

I don't know, she wouldn't say

I said something wrong

Now I long for yesterday

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play

Now I need a place to hide away

Oh, I believe in yesterday


For more infomation >> YESTERDAY des BEATLES - Duration: 2:43.


10 trucos infalibles para evitar las rozaduras en los pies - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> 10 trucos infalibles para evitar las rozaduras en los pies - Duration: 8:42.


輕鬆解釋:財富的等級 Casually Explained: Levels of Wealth [中文字幕] - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> 輕鬆解釋:財富的等級 Casually Explained: Levels of Wealth [中文字幕] - Duration: 4:38.


Huawei Mate 10 lite unboxing - Duration: 3:49.


Salam Guy, I am Bukhtyar Haider and you are watching WinMyst

In This video ,I am gonna "UNBOX" Huawei Mate 10 lite

So , Guys Before we Start the video , Lets Rock and roll the INTRO

Welcome Back guys,

as i told you before INTRO that today ,I'am gonna "UNBOX" Huawei Mate 10 lite

So , Lets get started

Here we have rectangular box

on the front of this box "HUAWEI MATE 10 LITE" is written

were on left and right , "Huawei design" is written

IMEI on Top

and nothing at bottem

Spec's are written on the back of this box

For more infomation >> Huawei Mate 10 lite unboxing - Duration: 3:49.


Learning to trust again - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Learning to trust again - Duration: 3:10.


당신의 심혈관 건강을 오늘부터 개선하기 위한 7가지 간단한 변화 - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> 당신의 심혈관 건강을 오늘부터 개선하기 위한 7가지 간단한 변화 - Duration: 8:47.


Liverpool & Juventus blow as €50m starlet announces new contract agreement ● News Now transfer #LFC - Duration: 2:09.

Longtime admirers of Spanish ace Inaki Williams, Liverpool and Juventus, have been dealt a

major setback in their procurement of the midfielder, after he announced talks had begun

with Athletic Bilbao regarding a contract extension.

According to Calcio Mercato, both Liverpool and Juventus were hopeful of securing the

services of the Spanish U21 international, who has a purported €50m buy out clause

in his current contract.

With that fee not beyond the realms of plausibility for both clubs, the Basque outfit have clearly

decided they need to re-engage in talks with the 23-year-old about prolonging his time

at the club.

And the forward himself confirmed this fact when he spoke to Radio Euskadi on Sunday morning:

"My agent is talking with the club and I don't think there is any problem.

I am happy to stay at Athletic, I've always said that.

"I hope the two parties will reach an agreement as soon as possible, I want to sign a new


"I think an agreement is very close and everything will be solved soon."

Williams' current contract runs until 2021, but with both clubs seemingly stepping up

their monitoring of the starlet in conjunction with the emerging grey area of transfer fees,

Bilbao felt a new deal was necessary.

Williams predominantly plays on the right wing, but is versatile enough to play on the

left as well as centrally should he be required.

With four goals and five assists in his 20 appearances thus far for the Spanish club,

he is rapidly showing the signs of progression that warrant such

prestigious admirers.

For more infomation >> Liverpool & Juventus blow as €50m starlet announces new contract agreement ● News Now transfer #LFC - Duration: 2:09.


【MUKBANG】 23 Servings Challenge!! Peking Duck, Shrimp Mayonnaise & Mapo tofu [Zenshutoku] [Use CC] - Duration: 4:17.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphex~)

So today! tadaa we are here at a Chinese restaurant called 'Zensyutoku'

Apparently this restaurant has branches all over China as well

And I look forward to enjoying some legitimate Chinese food today

Since I love Chinese food so much I really look forward to this today

The food has arrived

And what I ordered today are: Mapo Tofu made with Black Angus beef (Roughly 10 portions)

'Ankake' Rice with Peking Duck ( 3 portions worth) Shrimp with mango mayonnaise sauce ( 10 portions worth)

I hear that 'Zensyutoku' is known for their Peking Duck Since I love Peking Duck so much I really look forward to this itadakimasu

this is an appetizer It's so colorful

It's got Peking duck and it looks so yummy

The meat is full of flavor and it goes so nicely with the 'Ankake' poured over it

this would go so nicely with rice

The skin is so tasty

It's got all sorts of things like shrimp and veggies It's packed full of ingredients

Chinese food is always so colorful

And this is the Mapo Tofu That peppery aroma is so wonderful

The color really stimulates the appetite

The tofu is so jiggly and the pepper gives a really nice spicy kick

I think it would go so nicely with some rice

This isn't the shrimp in mayonnaise sauce and it's got mangos on it

This will be my first time trying shrimp in mayonnaise sauce with mango

The shrimp are crazy huge

the mangoes go so nicely with the sweet mayonnaise sauce

It's so yummy and the shrimp are so plump

This has so much Peking duck in it It's such an Indulgence

The peppery flavor in this mapo tofu is so strong SO SPICY and really stimulates the appetite

Among all these rich dishes this mango dish is especially fresh tasting

The mapo tofu is all done

The Peking duck is all finished as well

The last of the shrimp in mayonnaise sauce itadakimasu

the 23 portions of Chinese food was so yummy

All the dishes were packed so full of veggies Seafood and meat And such significant portions that were yummy

Everything was so nice and with such big portions

Everything was so yummy won't you all please give it a try

And as always thank you very much for watching if there is anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in a comment section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe button BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 23 Servings Challenge!! Peking Duck, Shrimp Mayonnaise & Mapo tofu [Zenshutoku] [Use CC] - Duration: 4:17.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


CUIDADO: A TENTAÇÃO VEM LOGO DEPOIS DA BÊNÇÃO - #60 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> CUIDADO: A TENTAÇÃO VEM LOGO DEPOIS DA BÊNÇÃO - #60 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:36.


Islam e Jakat O Sadkar Bidhan by Allama Sayeedi, bangla waz mahfil, bangla islamic talk Part 1 - Duration: 33:24.

For more infomation >> Islam e Jakat O Sadkar Bidhan by Allama Sayeedi, bangla waz mahfil, bangla islamic talk Part 1 - Duration: 33:24.


Piotr Skubiszewski o Bazarku na Dołku, pętli autobusowej i i terenach zielonych przy Polaka - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Piotr Skubiszewski o Bazarku na Dołku, pętli autobusowej i i terenach zielonych przy Polaka - Duration: 1:30.


【MUKBANG】 23 Servings Challenge!! Peking Duck, Shrimp Mayonnaise & Mapo tofu [Zenshutoku] [Use CC] - Duration: 4:17.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphex~)

So today! tadaa we are here at a Chinese restaurant called 'Zensyutoku'

Apparently this restaurant has branches all over China as well

And I look forward to enjoying some legitimate Chinese food today

Since I love Chinese food so much I really look forward to this today

The food has arrived

And what I ordered today are: Mapo Tofu made with Black Angus beef (Roughly 10 portions)

'Ankake' Rice with Peking Duck ( 3 portions worth) Shrimp with mango mayonnaise sauce ( 10 portions worth)

I hear that 'Zensyutoku' is known for their Peking Duck Since I love Peking Duck so much I really look forward to this itadakimasu

this is an appetizer It's so colorful

It's got Peking duck and it looks so yummy

The meat is full of flavor and it goes so nicely with the 'Ankake' poured over it

this would go so nicely with rice

The skin is so tasty

It's got all sorts of things like shrimp and veggies It's packed full of ingredients

Chinese food is always so colorful

And this is the Mapo Tofu That peppery aroma is so wonderful

The color really stimulates the appetite

The tofu is so jiggly and the pepper gives a really nice spicy kick

I think it would go so nicely with some rice

This isn't the shrimp in mayonnaise sauce and it's got mangos on it

This will be my first time trying shrimp in mayonnaise sauce with mango

The shrimp are crazy huge

the mangoes go so nicely with the sweet mayonnaise sauce

It's so yummy and the shrimp are so plump

This has so much Peking duck in it It's such an Indulgence

The peppery flavor in this mapo tofu is so strong SO SPICY and really stimulates the appetite

Among all these rich dishes this mango dish is especially fresh tasting

The mapo tofu is all done

The Peking duck is all finished as well

The last of the shrimp in mayonnaise sauce itadakimasu

the 23 portions of Chinese food was so yummy

All the dishes were packed so full of veggies Seafood and meat And such significant portions that were yummy

Everything was so nice and with such big portions

Everything was so yummy won't you all please give it a try

And as always thank you very much for watching if there is anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in a comment section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe button BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 23 Servings Challenge!! Peking Duck, Shrimp Mayonnaise & Mapo tofu [Zenshutoku] [Use CC] - Duration: 4:17.


ESOcast 139: ALMA​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Cold​ ​Interstellar Clouds - Duration: 2:31.

Your home and the universe have at least one thing in common – they can be very dusty places.

When you get back after a very long vacation, it may happen that the windows in your home

are so full of dust that you can't see through them anymore.

Surprisingly, astronomers have a similar problem when using optical telescopes –

telescopes that can see the same light that we do.

They are not able to see through the dustiest places in the universe,

as they appear like dark walls blocking the view.

And just as you may miss lots of interesting things happening outside because of the dusty glass,

Some of the most important events in the universe occur within vast clouds of cold dust and gas.

Stars and planets, for example, are born within those clouds, which are dark to most telescopes.

Astronomers want to understand how these births happen,

as both stars and their planets are essential for life.

You need a planet to live on and a star to provide the energy that allows you to survive.

So there are two options...

Either find a way to clean the dust, or get some special goggles that can see through it.

For you the first option would be easier, but astronomers have no choice.

They can't clean the dust out of space – they need to build something special that can see through dust.

With the help of engineers, they created radio telescopes, and Alma is one of them.

These are telescopes that see a kind of light, called radio light, that is not blocked by dust.

Moreover some things in the universe are so cold,

that they don't produce enough energy to be seen in visible light.

However they happen to emit radio light, because this kind of light is produced by less energetic processes.

Therefore even though you can see our Sun, and other stars,

through their childhood, teenage years, and adulthood,

Only radio telescopes are able to see stars that are just being born,

and aren't producing enough energy yet.

Only radio telescopes, as well, can look at the planets forming in the dusty discs around those newborn stars.

So why are there some stars that get to be so much larger than others?

How do planets form around newborn stars?

Why are some star systems so different from our own?

Well these are questions ALMA will help unravel.

Transcribed by ESO; Translated by —

For more infomation >> ESOcast 139: ALMA​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Cold​ ​Interstellar Clouds - Duration: 2:31.


Nowy czołg dla Polski oparty na rozwiązaniach Rheinmetall [ TV] - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Nowy czołg dla Polski oparty na rozwiązaniach Rheinmetall [ TV] - Duration: 3:49.


Libretas personalizadas #12 Libreta A5 con bolígrafo y banda elástica - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Libretas personalizadas #12 Libreta A5 con bolígrafo y banda elástica - Duration: 0:56.


Pashto New songs 2018 HD | Shah Farooq Sad Tapay Armani | Shah Farooq Tapay 2018 | Pashto Tapay HD - Duration: 10:10.

Subscribe Me

For more infomation >> Pashto New songs 2018 HD | Shah Farooq Sad Tapay Armani | Shah Farooq Tapay 2018 | Pashto Tapay HD - Duration: 10:10.


Excavators Videos For Children Real Excavator and Bruder Toy Excavator dump truck trucks for kids - Duration: 2:34.

Hello my friends. Welcome to Toy with Toys channel.

Let's watch this real-life excavator at work.

This pond needs to have a good clean up to remove the over grown grass.

This excavator is best for this job.

Another name for excavator is backhoe.

This is a mini excavator because it is less than 10,000 pounds

This excavator does not have wheels.

This excavator is on a steel track.

The grapple with its sharp claws is attached to this excavator to help it grab on to things like grass.

Not only this excavator has sharp teeth like a lion but its jaws is as strong as an alligator

The excavator scoops up grass and turns its neck to put the grafts on the cement.

Then the excavator repeats the process like clockwork.

After about 30 minutes, the pond is clean.

Good job excavator! Thank you for cleaning up the pond.

The fish in the pond will love it and appreciate your hard work.

Thank you in Spanish is gracias, in Vietnamese is cảm ơn, in French is merci.

In Arabic is shukraan, In Chinese is xiexie and in Japanese is Arigatōgozaimashita

I just showed you a real-life excavator.

Now you can play with my toy excavator.

My toy excavator is yellow and it has a bucket attached to it.

I'm the operator of this toy excavator.

I am wearing a construction hat to protect my head which is themost important part of my body.

Because it allows me to think, to imagine, to dream, and to play.

Do you think that is the most important part of your body?

My brother is going to drive a fire truck and comes along with me in case my excavator caught on fire.

I am going to move a piece of rock to the construction site

Do you think I can do that?

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

I can shift gears to make the excavator go forward or backward.

I can turn the wheel to make the excavator go left or right.

I wonder what I can do to make this excavator fly like an airplane?

Do you think that is even possible?

Do you think excavators can fly?

Look! I got a rock in my excavator bucket.

I did it!

Thank you for playing with me, my brother and, my excavator.

Be active, play outside and don't watch too much TV

Thank you and goodbye.Cao, adios, arigato

For more infomation >> Excavators Videos For Children Real Excavator and Bruder Toy Excavator dump truck trucks for kids - Duration: 2:34.


Notícias - O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Bruno é engano e cai em golpe da barriga - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Notícias - O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Bruno é engano e cai em golpe da barriga - Duration: 4:00.


WELCOME TO FABULOUS 50S - Duration: 1:04.

Welcome to Fabulous 50's A lifestyle channel dedicated

Just for women in their 50s a channel all about you and a place where you can really fit in we'll talk about


nutrition fashion beauty makeup skincare anti-aging


relationships dating

Anything really to do with having more fun and getting more out of being in our 50s

So it's about us and women in our age group

And we're all sort of connected in that way because we're all going through the same sorts of things so

If you'd like to join me here for weekly videos at fabulous 50s

Please subscribe all you have to do is click the little red

Subscribe button, and if you click the bell as well you'll be alerted every time a new video comes out

Thank you, and have a great day

For more infomation >> WELCOME TO FABULOUS 50S - Duration: 1:04.



Rejang Lebong song - sadei Keme

lyrics, karaoke, and translation

Indonesian folk songs bengkulu

For more infomation >> SADEI KEME - LAGU DAERAH REJANG | LIRIK, KARAOKE, & TERJEMAHAN - Duration: 6:18.


Notícias - Luciano Huck não irá mais se candidatar à Presidência da República - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Notícias - Luciano Huck não irá mais se candidatar à Presidência da República - Duration: 4:46.


The Penguins Of Madagascar The Officer X Factor/Love Hurts Part 3 - The Penguins of Madagascar HD - Duration: 3:46.

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