Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 28 2017


You've probably never tried to carry a mercury thermometer or barometer on a plane.

But even if you really wanted to, you can't in the U.S., unless you happen to work for

a government weather agency.

That might seem like another weird restriction, but there's an important reason for it:

That tiny bit of liquid metal is fascinating, but really dangerous.

Mercury is the only metal that's a liquid at room temperature, which is why it's sometimes

called quicksilver — which comes from the Old English for "living silver", not the


And it's especially useful for thermometers because of how much it expands when you heat


It has what's called a high coefficient of thermal expansion, which means that when

you heat it up a little, it expands a lot.

So that way, you don't need to use a magnifying glass on your thermometer to see if you need

a sweater.

Mercury also forms mixtures, or alloys, with a lot of other metals very easily.

An alloy with mercury in it is called an amalgam, and they're useful for all sorts of things.

For example, if you've ever gotten a silver filling at the dentist, that's a harmless

amalgam of metals like mercury, silver, and copper.

But some amalgams aren't so harmless.

Like, when mercury comes into contact with pure aluminum, things get pretty quickly.

And you definitely don't want it in your teeth.

We make so many things — like airplanes — out of aluminum because it's so durable.

When most metals are exposed to oxygen, they rust and degrade over time.

But when aluminum reacts with oxygen, it forms aluminum oxide, which is non-reactive and

protects the pure metal underneath.

Normally, this is great.

Unless there's mercury involved.

If mercury can get to the pure aluminum, like through a scratch on the plane, it immediately

starts to react and seep into the metal, forming an amalgam.

When that amalgam meets the air, it stills turns into aluminum oxide — except this

time, because there's mercury involved, the reaction doesn't stop.

And the aluminum oxide starts to grow out of the plane like some kind of cyberpunk plant.

And the mercury isn't consumed during this reaction, so it keeps reacting with more aluminum,

and the whole cycle continues until either the mercury evaporates or there's no aluminum


Which is why you don't want your old-timey thermometer anywhere near a plane.

If you have enough of it, the mercury can slowly destroy the integrity of the plane.

And even though a tiny amount of mercury probably won't do fatal damage, mercury spills have

damaged and even grounded planes in the past.

But conveniently, even if you really did want to measure the temperature on your plane,

most thermometers these days don't have mercury in them, since it's also toxic if

it enters your body.

So even though some air travel laws change over time, you probably won't be bringing

your mercury thermometer on board any time soon.

And I'm okay with that.

Thanks for asking, and thanks to all our patrons on Patreon who keep the answers coming!

If you'd like to support the show and submit a question, you can go to patreon.com/scishow.


For more infomation >> Why Can't You Bring Mercury Thermometers on Planes? - Duration: 2:43.


LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets coming in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.

Hello, just2good here,

and we have more LEGO news -

this comes from Stellar Bricks on the Brickset forums.

We're getting LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets in Summer 2018.

There's two that he listed -

set 41287 Bubbles' Playground Showdown,

and 41288 Mojo Jojo Strikes.

This has been verified by some sources I know,

so I'm 99 percent sure these are actually coming.

And yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are.

I thought Powerpuff Girls was something

we would only experience with LEGO Dimensions.

However, I'm cautious, since these set numbers begin with 41,

which is for minidoll themes.

You see, I would like Powerpuff Girls sets,

since I enjoy cartoony themes,

even if I despise the new show.

But I don't think the characters would work in minidoll size.

Either way, here's to hoping they're minifigures,

because I would love a Mojo Jojo minifigure.

He almost made my Top 10 Missing LEGO Minifigures list,


Anyways, are you guys excited?

Do you think this will be a minifigure or minidoll theme?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

I'll see you guys later, peace out.


For more infomation >> LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets coming in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.


WEIRD WAYS WE TRIED TO IMPRESS OUR CRUSH #4 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:12.

• From stomping on anthills to bad backflip attempts, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some

of the best true stories from our subreddit about more of the weirdest things we've

done to impress a crush.

I'm Pringle and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by Mote-of-Lobross MKyleM

When MKyleM was in his early 20's, he had a huge crush on a girl who was a friend of

a friend.

One time, they were at a friend's party, getting pretty wasted.

At one point they were playing Truth or Dare, and it was her turn to ask MKyleM the eponymous


He took 'dare', and she was unsure of what to dare him to do.

MKyleM's friends convinced her to pepper spray him.

She asked him, "Are you su re?"

six or seven times, giving him a chance to pick 'truth', but he said, "Yeah sure.

Not the first time I've been maced."

She did, and as expected it hurt like fuck.

The problem was, it also had some stuff in it that dyed his face green and didn't wash

off for weeks.

Every time he came across a cop, they'd stop him and check his ID to make sure he didn't

match the description of any suspects… which he thankfully didn't.

It also turned out that she was into chicks.

Number 9 was submitted by MooMooChicken23 Danger Dolan

When he was at school, Dolan was on his phone during free time when his friend came up to

him and told him that he should do something to impress Gooby.

He gave Dolan some ideas of what he should do.

Dolan said, "I'll do a backflip off the second balcony."

His friend thought he was crazy, but Dolan said, "Dude, have some faith in me.

Tell everyone in the school except for the teachers."

He ran off while Dolan got ready.

He came back with everyone from the school.

The fun room below them didn't have a roof, so someone placed a trampoline on the floor

to break Dolan's fall.

When he jumped, Dolan landed on the trampoline... hard.

It was such a hard fall that he ended up breaking his ankle.

At the end it was worth it, because Gooby became his girlfriend.

Number 8 was submitted by franticchild Melissa Melissa was with her friends, waiting to see

a school play.

Her crush was there, too, with his friends.

She was chatting up with him and things were going good.

He had some chips with him and she took a few to be playful.

Playing around, he GAWKED and DEMANDED she give them back.

Melissa proceeded to eat the chips, but he still had his hand out waiting, so... she

decided it would be cool to spit them out right on his hand!

They both just stared at the mess.

He had his jaw open, and his friend who saw the whole thing just said, "Dude, you art

kids are weird..."

The doors to the play opened, so Melissa rushed in feeling so embarrassed, and her friends

just laughed at her!

Although, she did eventually get together with her crush.

She found out that he was actually impressed and thought she was a badass.

They've been together for 3 years.

Number 7 was submitted by The_GatekeeperM8 Cidius

So, when Cid was in seventh grade, he wanted to impress this girl.

They were having an "academic celebration", which basically meant the entire school got

to run around outside.

So he was with the girl and a couple of her friends.

They went to the dugout which had an ant infestation.

While they were fucking around with the ant nest, Cid thought it would make him look cool

if he stomped on it.

Not thinking the plan through and wearing sandals, the fuckers swarmed up his leg.

He had to dump his soda on his leg to get them off.

Cid spent the rest of the day sitting on the dugout bench, fending off tears, feeling like

shit considering that the girl was trying desperately to comfort his poor ass.

Luckily, she already liked him.

Number 6 was submitted by shellzc Shima When Shima was in 7th grade, she broke up

with a guy because she had a crush on his brother.

She never cared to meet his family or even ask, so she didn't know he was her ex's


She decided that the only way she was going to get him to notice her was by going back

to her ex.... just to get close to her crush.

So Shima started to go to his house to hang out with her crush's brother.

She would sneak in her crush's room and leave little notes and gifts without telling

his brother what she was doing.

She thought that would make her crush happy… but he got creeped out and told her some not-so-kind


Looking back on it now, she thinks it was a creepy thing of her to do.

The guy stopped being her crush, and she broke up with his brother 8 weeks after it all happened.

Now she has a new crush… her best friend's brother.

Number 5 was submitted by professoarkuma Hellbent One time, to impress his crush, Hellbent took

her and her friends to the movie theater.

One of them didn't have any money to get in, so he said, "Follow my lead."

While giving his ticket to the ticket lady, he pretended to have his pants fall off, and

then tripped.

As he lay on the ground with his pants off, the girl walked past the lady without her

even noticing because most of the people were staring at Hellbent.

He was hoping that by getting his crush's friend into the movie, she would notice and

think it was cool.

Hellbent also just wanted to take his pants off.

To this day, it's still one of his favorite things to do in public to get reactions.

Number 4 was submitted by Lonehoof Civil Spider In high school, Civil Spider wasn't the most

popular kid.

He did have a lot of friends who were considered rejects like him, though.

They were, and still are, really dependable friends.

So when he wanted to ask a girl he liked – who was really friendly, outgoing, and into Pokémon

– to prom, he asked all his friends to dress up as Pokémon that she had said she liked.

Everything was set up perfectly.

He got her attention in the hallway, and when she wasn't looking, all his friends surrounded

her, dressed in Pokémon outfits.

Spider said, "When it comes to prom, I'll only take the very best that no one ever was.

Will you go to prom with me?"

She said yes.

The smile on her face made all the effort worth it.

Number 3 was submitted by TheAnimuLief Pandora In middle school, Pandora was a really shy

kid who had a crush on an emo boy.

One day, her friend, Honeybits, showed her stitches that she had drawn on all her fingers

with a sharpie.

That's when Pandora got an idea.

Later on at school, she drew lines on her hands to make them look animatronic.

Pandora also did a cool effect where it looked like blood was leaking from the cracks.

Honeybits knew her crush well, so she called him over and show him her friend's hand.

He only said, "That's cool."

Not satisfied, about a week later Pandora drew some creepy artwork of a decapitated


That time, he said, "Ooh I like that.

It's cool."

She quietly said, "Thanks," but Honeybits had to explain that Pandora was diagnosed

with social anxiety.

He understood, though Pandora isn't sure whether or not he's her friend now.

Number 2 was submitted by AlisonTheDork Ramona When Ramona was ten, she brought in dead animals

smashed in plastic.

She would leave it on her desk to show off.

It turned out that her crush loved reptiles, so she brought one in with a baby snake.

When she showed it to him, he thought it was cool.

He asked if he could keep it, but Ramona said no.

He responded, "Shithead."

She never spoke to him again.

Number 1 – What was the weirdest thing I did to impress a crush?

For more infomation >> WEIRD WAYS WE TRIED TO IMPRESS OUR CRUSH #4 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:12.


Why Do We Have Saliva? - Duration: 2:54.

We might not think about it a lot, but the insides of our mouths are really wet all the


There's a ton of spit in there!

Aaa, Squeaks, don't lick me!

There's always some spit, or saliva, in our mouths because it has some really important

jobs, like helping us talk and taste.

It even helps break down our food!

Saliva comes from special parts of your body called salivary glands.

They look kinda like little blobs, and you have six of them: two under your tongue, two

by the back of your jaw under your chin, and two under your ears.

Our salivary glands are always making more spit.

We might not even realize how much since we swallow most of it, but they make 4-8 cups

of saliva every day!

That might seem like a /ton/ of spit, but it's a good thing we have it.

Saliva is mostly made of water, and by keeping our mouths wet, it helps us move our tongues

and lips around when we talk.

Saliva is also super helpful for eating.

It makes the food in your mouth nice and wet, which makes it much easier to move around

as you chew and swallow.

And at the same time, it makes your food taste better!

The things that give your food its taste, like salt and sugar, have to dissolve, or

get into water, for the taste buds on your tongue to be able to taste them.

Without saliva, even a cookie would just feel like a bunch of dry crumbly tasteless stuff

in your mouth!

[Squeaks squeaks]

I'm glad we have saliva, too!

But it does even more than help us talk and taste things.

It also helps us digest, or break down, some of our food before it even gets to our stomachs.

Even though most of saliva is water, there's also small amounts of other stuff in it, including

something called an enzyme.

Enzymes are tiny little particles, way too small for us to see.

But they're in lots of different parts of our bodies.

And one thing enzymes do is help break down our food into smaller and simpler pieces that

are easier for our bodies to absorb and use as energy.

The type of enzyme in saliva is in charge of breaking down foods like bread, cereal,

or potatoes.

As soon as you put the food in your mouth, your saliva gets to work breaking it down!

That way it gets a head start on digesting it before you even swallow.

So besides helping us talk and taste, saliva also helps us get energy from our food!

And those are just some of its jobs.

Spit is super useful!

[Squeaks squeaks]

I know, all this talk about food is starting to make me hungry, too!

Which is perfect, because it's almost time for lunch.

Let's go use some of that saliva!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

For more infomation >> Why Do We Have Saliva? - Duration: 2:54.


The Project List - Duration: 6:35.

Hi, I'm Mike.

Work is never ending on the ranch, when one project is done, another pops up to take its


Today we start our new Tuesday video series and really get you inside the day to day on

the ranch, with the project list on Our Wyoming Life.

We get a lot of questions asking about employees on the ranch, and yes, during the summer,

provided the money is there to pay someone, I usually hire a high school kid to help out.

Last year it was Mitch before he left at the end of summer to join the army.

Leaving just me and the day to day of the ranch.

When I have a ranch hand I utilize what I call the project board to keep track of what

needs done.

Its one of those tools that help ranch hands find something to do.

There's always something to be done and most days our hands come in and find the list

is growing.

You get something done and before you know it something has been added in its place.

Right now, the project board is empty.

Its basically a dry erase board we have mounted on the wall in the shop.

In fact, if you want to make one of your own they are easy to put up.

This one is a piece of 4x8 plastic panel board available at home depot for about 20 bucks.

We screwed it to the wall and it acts just like a much more expensive drywall board of

the same size.

It's empty because after Mitch left I stopped using it, keeping the projects that need done

in my head but the more I though about it, the more I realized that we could utilize

it as well.

Keeping track of what needs done, adding to it and subtracting from the list as we complete


Some are small, some are large, but from here on out every Tuesday we are going to post

our projects from the project board right here on Our Wyoming Life.

Today, we are going to start the list and maybe even get something done.

Finding projects around here is just as easy as looking around, starting right here in

the shop itself, we need to clean it up.

Over time, parts, trash and tools tend to pile up and finding what you need starts to

get to be a pain so that goes on the list.

While we are talking about cleaning, the chicken house always needs to be cleaned.

Even though the chickens spend a majority of their time outside, manure piles up and

feathers fill the floor and what we refer to as chicken dust can actually start to become

a respiratory issue for the chickens.

On the list.

The pig areas constantly needs cleaning, but sometimes they need a total shakedown of their

pens as well.

Moving them from a used pen to a clean one and then scraping out and fixing their old

pen back up.

General maintenance goes on the list as well.

The feeding tractor is getting close to needing an oil change and an overall cleaning and


We have a stock trailer that needs some wiring work.

A flatbed trailer that needs a new jack and a complete overhaul of its lighting wiring.

The fire truck and the model T still need to be put away for winter but not before we

rearrange the garage that they live in to make some room.

This barn attached barn can also use a little TLC as we can go through a bunch of the junk

in here, organize and get rid of a bunch.

We have corral fences that need to be repaired as well as cattle stock tanks that need leveled

and overflows reinstalled and repaired.

Over at Erins gardens we have a few projects that need done.

The dirt work still needs to be completed for the new high tunnel, hauling in dirt to

level a pad.

We also need to come up with a way to raise the fences around the gardens to keep deer

from getting in and eating her crops next year.

At Erins orchard we need to put up snow fence to keep the drifting snow from pushing into

her new apple trees.

Also going on the list is preg checking and culling cows, which we have scheduled for

this week.

We are in the processing of lining up some help as we will be bringing in all the cows

and running them through the squeeze chute.

Checking to see if they are pregnant, giving them their vaccinations and determining which

cows will be kept here on the ranch and which will be removed and sold at auction.

Because I need to get something done today off the list we are also going to add cleaning

up our yard, getting all the kids yard toys put away for winter and stored in a dry place.

Its as easy as adding it to the list, then taking the truck over and loading up everything

from the back yard.

The bikes, the playhouse, the random toys and putting them in a storage shed.

Keeping them all safe until spring when they will come back out, much to the kids surprise

and glee.

And after the job is done, we get to erase it from the board.

Only to add another few projects in its place.

We have a pile of pipe that we need to come up with a plan for, whether building new fence

or cattle guards or who knows what.

We need still need to stack and organize a bunch of hay that will feed over the winter

and repair some fence around the hay yard itself.

The more you look the more projects there are.

Its never ending.

So as we take you on the journey of the day to day of the ranch we hope you stick around.

Big jobs or little, its all part of keeping the whole operation running smoothly and efficiently.

Doing as much as possible ourselves and keeping costs as low as possible.

If this is your first time here, hit the subscribe button and join us on a journey through hard

work and dedication to a life that is extremely rewarding.

We will see you every Tuesday as we try to get this list under control, which won't

happen, it will keep growing, but every time we take a job off the board there's the

satisfaction of a job done and hopefully well done.

Join us Sunday mornings for our weekly ranch video and every Thursday for a new video,

either a live stream keeping you up to date on what's going on on the ranch, or a video

with Erin in the gardens or in the kitchen.

Have a great week, and thanks for joining us, in Our Wyoming Life.

For more infomation >> The Project List - Duration: 6:35.


Let's Make A Deal - The Spirit - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - The Spirit - Duration: 4:04.


GOBLINS ARMY vs reapers crowd | CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 55:06.

For more infomation >> GOBLINS ARMY vs reapers crowd | CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 55:06.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


6 Reasons to Put Almonds in Water at Night Before Eating - Duration: 3:36.

Almonds are perfect choices to make part of your diet, as well as being delicious,

They are rich in essential minerals and vitamins.

Almonds contain vitamin E, magnesium, omega-3 and calcium.

To enjoy all the benefits of almonds it is necessary to know how to eat them properly.

This happens because the almonds release only its nutrients in the water.

So the secret is to let them sauce in water overnight.

Eating almonds in this way also facilitates digestion.

And only through proper digestion, we get these valuable nutrients.

In fact, this immersion method should It is used not only with almonds, but also

with most seeds and nuts.

Benefits of eating almonds daily

healthy heart

Almonds contain vitamin E that reduces the risk of heart disease.

Moreover, it is also magnesium source which helps prevent heart attacks.

Thanks to monounsaturated fats, proteins and potassium almonds prove to be extremely

healthy for the heart.

Increases energy

Snack almonds can increase your levels power because they have the ability to

speed up our metabolic rate, thanks its composition rich in minerals such as manganese,

copper and riboflavin.

Lowers cholesterol

Calcium and vitamin E present in almonds They work together to lower cholesterol.

Brain health

The nutrients contained in almonds we eat They act directly in our brain.

Its properties can increase functionality of our mind.

Riboflavin combined with L-carnitine It works together to increase activity


bone health

Almonds have the perfect combination for maintaining healthy bones because

It has vitamins, phosphorus and minerals.

In this sense, constantly eating almonds It helps protect us from conditions like


Regulates blood pressure

Almonds have little potassium and sodium and it helps keep our pressure

Blood stabilized.

It helps to improve digestion

Eat almonds daily can improve the progressive movement of food through

colon, improving our digestion.

As you can see the almonds are foods complete that protect us from many problems

of health.

So, look for incorporate them into your diet whenever you can.

For more infomation >> 6 Reasons to Put Almonds in Water at Night Before Eating - Duration: 3:36.


Depressão e Sindrome do Pânico - Sintomas , Apoio da Familia , Apoio dos Seguidores e Agradecimentos - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Depressão e Sindrome do Pânico - Sintomas , Apoio da Familia , Apoio dos Seguidores e Agradecimentos - Duration: 6:51.


Contra Corrente | DÓ (prod. JnR Beats) - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Contra Corrente | DÓ (prod. JnR Beats) - Duration: 4:16.


Grande Fratello Vip, Luca e Ivana si sono baciati? Ignazio ci prova con Giulia? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, Luca e Ivana si sono baciati? Ignazio ci prova con Giulia? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:33.


Mundo Espiritual - Volume II #Parte 4 e 5 (Legenda cc pt-br, 720p) - Duration: 55:35.

For more infomation >> Mundo Espiritual - Volume II #Parte 4 e 5 (Legenda cc pt-br, 720p) - Duration: 55:35.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D ACTIVE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D ACTIVE - Duration: 1:00.


Bora | Praia das Conchas, Barra de São Miguel - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Bora | Praia das Conchas, Barra de São Miguel - Duration: 5:19.


Pachelbel Canon em Ré | Casamento na Igreja Matriz de Santa Isabel - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Pachelbel Canon em Ré | Casamento na Igreja Matriz de Santa Isabel - Duration: 1:11.


JourneyQuest S03E03 –  O Melhor Bardo - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 14:06.

For more infomation >> JourneyQuest S03E03 –  O Melhor Bardo - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 14:06.


Un volto nella folla (1957) - Duration: 2:47.

- Go right ahead, general. - We've got to face it.

Politics have entered a new stage, a television stage.

Instead of long-winded public debates, the people want capsule slogans.

"Time for a change." "The mess in Washington."

More bang for a buck. Punch lines and glamour.

Yes, Mr. Pervis, even glamour.

General Haynesworth, my papers have supported Worthington Fuller...

...from the first day he ran for public office.

He's not a grandstander, a backslapper or a baby-kisser.

That's exactly what he's got to become.

A majority in this country don't see eye-to-eye with him.

We've got to find 35 million buyers for the product we call Worthington Fuller.

- I think you underestimate the respect... - Respect?

Did you ever hear of anyone buying any product, beer, hair rinse, tissue...

...because they respect it?

You gotta be loved, man.


I may be a bit old-fashioned, but it seems to me there is still a distinction...

...between politics and, well, the field you're in.


Do you know what you need to lift your rating from 4.2...

...to 51.7?

You need... Now, hold on to your hat, my friend.

You need a whole new personality.

A new personality?

But, frankly, that's impossible.

Now, wait just a moment.

For instance, do you have a pet?

My wife and I have a Siamese cat.


My public love dogs.

One pitch with a hound is worth 10,000 words.

That mutt didn't do Roosevelt any harm, did it? Dick Nixon either.

- That's good. - No, I'm sure you're right.

How about a nickname?

Only dishonest thing about "Curly" Fuller is the way he combs his hair.


- That's rather amusing. - See?

Shows you got a sense of humor about that fine head of skin you got there.

No hard feelings now, we're talking television.

Don't press your lips together so much. Gives you kind of a sissy look.

Keep your mouth relaxed, so you can say:

Once in a while.

- Sounds sort of crazy to you, doesn't it? - No.

I realize it's a new technique, and I've got to face it.

- That's why I came. - That's a boy, Curly.

You just put yourself in my hands.

I'll have them loving him. I mean loving him!

For more infomation >> Un volto nella folla (1957) - Duration: 2:47.


What happens when a Boat Builder makes a Motorhome? Aria Vela 620 Full Walk Through - Duration: 12:31.

Hi, it's Lucy with Campingcarjoa.

Today, I'm here with Aria Mobile.

I'm with Mr. Chang.

Could you introduce yourself.


Aria Mobile

was originally a boat making company.

Canoes, kayaks, and power boats.

We also build tear drop trailers.

We released our first motorhome in April this year.

And it was really well received.

For such a small company.

And now we've expanded a lot.

And hired more people.

There are about 25 of us now.

We're based in Yongin.

The camper that launched our success

is the Vela 620 right here.

Let's start with the exterior.

The chassis is a Kia Bongo III.

The Length is 6.2 meters.

The height is almost 3 meters.

With the AC unit it's about 3.2 meters.

The front overhead cab

we designed and made

using our boat making experience.

The side is a GRP panel.

Before they used Aluminum panels.

But with domestic builders improving their technology

they've switched to GRP panels.

Over here is the 220v extension cord.

This supplies land power to the camper.

It's 15 meters on an automatic reel.

This is the water fill valve.

The water fill

Our water tanks are stainless steel.

150 liters.

We use stainless

Plastic tanks can stain

and you have to constantly clean them.

So it's not that easy for us to build these tanks

but we prefer the stainless steel.

So you can fill the tank with a water hose.

But if you there isn't pressurized water available

You'll need to use a pump.

So next to it is an AC/DC outlet.

So no matter the circumstance, you can easily fill the tank.

The back end is angled up.

Yes, it's angled up.

When going up hills

This area often get's damaged.

Now in the back

Bicycle carrier.


This is optional.

You can use it as normal bike carrier.

But for those needing more storage

You can add this trunk.

Up above you can see two cameras.

That one is the rear view camera.

The motorhome is big so it's not easy to see in back.

This way it's easy to see even at night.

The red camera, when parked

acts as a security camera to check you belonging in the rear.

If you lower the service door.

You have a large storage space.

We used an aluminum frame

So it's really strong and very spacious.

And over here

We have the outside shower.

You can rinse off your feet.

Good for kids who like to play in the water.

That's your outside shower.

And because it's dark in here

you also have a touch panel light.

Let's me try it.

So you have a light.

You can also lower the service door

We a wire attached.

Ahhh... so you can use it like a table.

Yes, you can sit and have a coffee.

So it can convert to a table.

This is something we offer for free to our customers.

This is something we added

after getting requests from our customers.

People set their table here.

And they want to plug into an AC or DC outlet.

So we made this upgrade from those requests.

There's also an antennae connection for TVs.

So you can hook us your cable here an watch TV.

The awning is 3.5 meters.

We can install both 3.5 and 4 meter awnings..

Here you have the door steps.

It's a automatic two step.

The reason we went with two steps

is because one step can be too high for some older people.

So we went with two steps.

So it's extend and retracts automatically.

It's holds up to 200kg.

And if you look over here

You can see the levels of your tanks.

The left is the fresh water tank.

It's red when empty and goes up to green.

And on the right is the gray tank.

It lights up when it's full.

Shall we go in?

After you.

Coming inside the wood is so beautiful.

And looking in the back it reminds me of a yacht.

Originally we were boat builders.

We built yachts, canoes and kayaks.

We wondered how we could use that know how

to build a motorhome.

This is merbau wood.

Working with this type of material

We brought from our yacht making experience.

Like engraving this logo

Originally the overhead bunk

was covered in a gray colored fabric.

But because people are sleeping up here

we thought re-designed it with people in mind

Now it's this soft padded material.

We made the change from KINTEX in June.

How many passengers and how many can sleep here?

It's a 3 passenger vehicle.

Up here 2 adults can sleep.

It's pretty spacious.

And this area can convert

To sleep two more.

And two in the back.

So there is plenty of room for six to sleep.

So if you're friend come to visit

And they need a place to sleep

There is plenty of room for them.

And this over here...

It's a MPPT solar charge controller.

Solar controller?

So is this an option?

This camper comes standard with 300 watts of solar.

The AC, Maxx fan, everything you see here is included.

There's a lot of storage all around.

Can I take a look?

Of course.

It's so nice to have this much storage.

This must be the control panel.

There's a battery meter, inverter, refrigerator

the lights are all here.

That's right.

The display is really easy to read.

This is the sink.

The cover is down when not used.

And just lift the cover when you want to use it.

And we didn't used to have this.

But customers were asking for a spice rack.

It's really necessary.

This is an extension right?

There are two options for this.

Standard is this short one.

This is good for most people.

For those who need more counter space

We lower the microwave.

And add a longer extension.

It's interesting that you don't have a gas range

And instead have a microwave.

That's right.

This is classified as a mobile office.

So we can't legally install a gas canister.

Oh, so this is a mobile office then.

Yes, it's registered as a mobile office (See description for a longer explanation.)

We have a two door refrigerator.

Originally we were going to put the standard refrigerator.

But Korean's seem to prefer this type.

They want freezer so we went with the two door type.

And up here you have a touch panel light.

Back there is access to storage right?

Yes, it connects with the storage I showed you outside.

Ah, so it's connected to the outside storage space.

You can take this out from both inside and out.

Shall we take a look at the room?

The length of the bed is 2 meters.

I'm 175 centimeters.

Why don't you give it a try.

A lot of our viewers are curious about the length.

Oh! I have plenty of room.

There are so many lights in here.

Here.. there.. you have them all around the camper.

You can turn them off.

Each zone has it's own switch.

The is the bathroom and shower.

In my caravan we have a fixed toilet.

Here you can take a shower.

And when you need it, there is a hidden porta potty.

Ah... wow!

Lower the hatch and pull it out when you need it.

You can do your thing.

And when your done or want to shower

put it back.

And lift this up.

I would never have guess it's there.

Towel hanger and storage.

And above is a fan.

It can take out any bad odors.

The sink counter is also made from mebou wood.

It's been coated.

And looks really great.

And because the entrance is all wood

We coated it really well.

Even though it's waterproof

to ensure that it last a long time

We also installed a shower curtain.

So to protect water from getting on the wood

we have the shower curtain.

The sink faucet is also for the shower right?

That's right.

Pulls out.

For the windows

Well this is pretty standard on most campers.

Lower a bug screen or lift a privacy screen.

Push this to separate the two.

You can open it.

Close it and lock it off.

Let's put this down.

This type of wndow

is used on the walls, roof, every window.

Also on the entrance

you have a bug screen.

You really showed us so much today.

Thank you so much for taking the time.

I had a really nice time.

I'm actually a fan

and a subscriber.

I always click like.

Hitting like is showing love!

I hope many people subscribe.

Show a lot of love for Aria Mobile.

Thank you.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> What happens when a Boat Builder makes a Motorhome? Aria Vela 620 Full Walk Through - Duration: 12:31.


Grande Fratello Vip, la scelta shock del papà di Ignazio: ecco cos'è successo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, la scelta shock del papà di Ignazio: ecco cos'è successo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.


Supine Diaphragm Belly Breathing - Duration: 2:41.

Hey it's Nick Ortego. I'm going to show you how to do a breathing exercise that

allows you to use your diaphragm. It's usually pretty relaxing and it's called

belly breathing, and we're gonna do it supine. You can do this in any position

but on this video I'm gonna show you how to do it lying down on your back.

Take one hand and place it on your ribcage; other hand place it on the

abdomen. Then start to inhale and exhale through the nose so it looks kind

of like this. As you can see, whenever I'm inhaling my abdomen is rising and my

ribcage is remaining relatively still and as I'm exhaling the abdomen is

sinking. Ribcage still remains relatively still. As I'm doing this in

order to help activate the diaphragm a little more and strengthen the pelvic

floor, I can engage the pelvic floor muscles. So the pelvic floor muscles;

those are the muscles you would use if you're trying to stop yourself from

going to the bathroom. If you're having to hold it when you really need it to

urinate. So I'm holding those muscles and then when I take that belly breath in I

can feel some pressurization in that pelvic floor area, the muscles that keep

you from urinating and then back down on the exhale. To take it to another level

at the end of each exhale I can draw the belly button in

activating the transverse abdominis muscle by drawing the belly button in

and squeezing the last little bit of air out. So pelvic floor is engaged, inhale

let the belly expand on the inhale. Exhale, let the belly retract on the

exhale. At the end of the exhale pull the belly button in

hollow out a little bit and it squeezes the last little bit of air out. Give that

a try for five to ten minutes. It will enhance your breathing and relax your

body and your mind. You've got any benefit from this video, then leave a

comment below. If you'd like to get more content that's not available on the blog

or the regular YouTube channel, then click the link connected to this video

you'll have a chance to sign up for the Run Better Now VIP Club.

For more infomation >> Supine Diaphragm Belly Breathing - Duration: 2:41.


Psalm 23: Setz dich an den gedeckten Tisch – Joyce Meyer – Gott begegnen - Duration: 28:35.

For more infomation >> Psalm 23: Setz dich an den gedeckten Tisch – Joyce Meyer – Gott begegnen - Duration: 28:35.


New Bangla Waz | Eid E Milad Un Nabi | Sheikh Dr Mohammad Saifullah | 2017 - Duration: 4:19.

AK Computer Network

have done this video

For more infomation >> New Bangla Waz | Eid E Milad Un Nabi | Sheikh Dr Mohammad Saifullah | 2017 - Duration: 4:19.



For more infomation >> FATIGUE ET SURMENAGE : UN TRAITEMENT HOMÉOPATHIQUE-remede naturel - Duration: 2:54.


Housekeepers Just Revealed What They're Terrified To Do In Front Of Perverted Bill That'll Make You - Duration: 5:07.

Housekeepers Just Revealed What They're Terrified To Do In Front Of Perverted Bill

That'll Make You Vomit.

Every new day brings new revelations of what our elected officials have been doing in Washington,

and it's not pretty.

The candidates that made so many promises about America's future, and what they would

do for their constituents seem to be more interested in exploiting those they think

they can keep quiet, than in actually working for voters.

While sexual misconduct might be a staple in Washington, nobody did it better than Slick


Our former President and almost First "Ladyman" was, of course, made famous for his misconduct

while in the Oval Office, but it turns out that he did more than what he was caught doing.

The famous affair with Monica Lewinsky was what made the headlines, but it turns out

that was just the tip of the iceberg.

One former White House staffer, Linda Tripp, tells harrowing tales of what it was like

to even exist as a woman around Bill Clinton.

The Democrat from Arkansas didn't seem to be extremely choosy about who he would harrass.

According to Tripp, it was difficult for even the housekeepers to do their job without being

harassed by then-President Clinton.

RT reports that the whistleblower is now giving even more information about her time around

the Clintons:

"Bending over in the presence of Bill Clinton was a risky undertaking, according to former

White House staffer, Linda Tripp.

The staffer-turned-whistleblower said new criticism of Clinton's outrageous behavior

is 'a day late, and it's a dollar short.'

The housekeeping staff that worked during Clinton's tenure in the White House were

'afraid to bend over in his presence,' Tripp told the Weekly Standard in a recent


She said that stories of Clinton's 'libidinous impulses' as governor of Arkansas were well-known

even before his arrival in the White House in January 1993.

The former White House employee was a central figure in exposing Clinton's extramarital

affair with Monica Lewinsky, then a 22-year-old White House intern.

Tripp secretly recorded Lewinsky describing her relationship with the president – evidence

that helped lead to Clinton's impeachment in 1999.

Clinton was acquitted of all charges and completed his term."

Say what you will about what it must be like living married to Hillary Clinton, but Bill

Clinton has every mark of a vicious predator, drunk on power and using his influence to

cover up what America considers unacceptable behavior.

There are stories from every administration as to what tone the First Family set for the

entire White House, and every story from the Clinton administration seems to be of misconduct,

malice, and disregard for anything except Bill and Hillary's own goals, no matter

how disgusting.

Tripp helped expose Bill Clinton's affair at great personal risk, but to her, it was

worth it.

We now know just what lengths the Clintons will go to in order to cover their own tracks,

tipped off by the trail of bodies in their wake.

But there was a time when nobody would believe that about the smooth politician from the


"Since exposing Clinton's misconduct, Tripp has lived a quiet life in Northern Virginia,

avoiding the limelight and publicity she received in the late 1990s.

But Tripp says the recent spate of headlines about sexual assault and misconduct by powerful

men has forced her to relive her trying experience.

Commenting on how the press has become more critical of Clinton's behavior over the

years, Tripp told the Weekly Standard that she wasn't impressed.

'They have nothing to lose, and this is now permissible,' she said.

'The fact that the Clintons are dead in the water gives [the media] tacit approval

to act like human beings…

It's disingenuous.

It's a dollar late, and it's a dollar short,' she added.

Tripp is hardly alone in accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct.

Since entering politics in Arkansas in the 1980s, the former president has been dogged

by allegations of sexual assault, harassment, and even rape.

More than 15 years after leaving the White House, Clinton is still hounded by fresh allegations

of extramarital, sexual trysts.

Flight logs released last year show Clinton flew at least 26 times on the infamous 'Lolita

Express' – a private jet owned by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Between 2001 and 2003, while Hillary was serving as a US senator, Bill took a number of "extended

junkets" on Epstein's plane, which reportedly had a bed in which passengers had group sex

with girls as young as 12.

Last year, an email that was apparently written by former secretary of state Colin Powell

was released by hackers, claiming that Bill Clinton was 'still dicking bimbos at home

(according to the NYP).'"

If all we need are of two or three witnesses for a story to be established, we have hit

that mark.

Bill Clinton's reputation should be completely neutralized by anyone who is willing to admit

that there is such a thing as sexual misconduct.

There will, of course, be a cover-up, and those who want to forget will, but these stories

shouldn't be forgotten.

The White House was desecrated and lives were changed because of one man and the media that

covered for him.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Housekeepers Just Revealed What They're Terrified To Do In Front Of Perverted Bill That'll Make You - Duration: 5:07.


El exconsejero catalán de Cultura, sobre la devolución de los bienes de Sijena... - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> El exconsejero catalán de Cultura, sobre la devolución de los bienes de Sijena... - Duration: 2:41.


►GOODBYE MUM 2◄ DEATHDAY ⚜True Story⚜ DEEP OLDSCHOOL CHOIR Rap Instrumental †29.11.16† Sacred Beatz - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> ►GOODBYE MUM 2◄ DEATHDAY ⚜True Story⚜ DEEP OLDSCHOOL CHOIR Rap Instrumental †29.11.16† Sacred Beatz - Duration: 3:53.


Aqui estão os indicados a 60ª edição do Grammy Awards - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> Aqui estão os indicados a 60ª edição do Grammy Awards - Duration: 9:16.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


Why Can't You Bring Mercury Thermometers on Planes? - Duration: 2:43.


You've probably never tried to carry a mercury thermometer or barometer on a plane.

But even if you really wanted to, you can't in the U.S., unless you happen to work for

a government weather agency.

That might seem like another weird restriction, but there's an important reason for it:

That tiny bit of liquid metal is fascinating, but really dangerous.

Mercury is the only metal that's a liquid at room temperature, which is why it's sometimes

called quicksilver — which comes from the Old English for "living silver", not the


And it's especially useful for thermometers because of how much it expands when you heat


It has what's called a high coefficient of thermal expansion, which means that when

you heat it up a little, it expands a lot.

So that way, you don't need to use a magnifying glass on your thermometer to see if you need

a sweater.

Mercury also forms mixtures, or alloys, with a lot of other metals very easily.

An alloy with mercury in it is called an amalgam, and they're useful for all sorts of things.

For example, if you've ever gotten a silver filling at the dentist, that's a harmless

amalgam of metals like mercury, silver, and copper.

But some amalgams aren't so harmless.

Like, when mercury comes into contact with pure aluminum, things get pretty quickly.

And you definitely don't want it in your teeth.

We make so many things — like airplanes — out of aluminum because it's so durable.

When most metals are exposed to oxygen, they rust and degrade over time.

But when aluminum reacts with oxygen, it forms aluminum oxide, which is non-reactive and

protects the pure metal underneath.

Normally, this is great.

Unless there's mercury involved.

If mercury can get to the pure aluminum, like through a scratch on the plane, it immediately

starts to react and seep into the metal, forming an amalgam.

When that amalgam meets the air, it stills turns into aluminum oxide — except this

time, because there's mercury involved, the reaction doesn't stop.

And the aluminum oxide starts to grow out of the plane like some kind of cyberpunk plant.

And the mercury isn't consumed during this reaction, so it keeps reacting with more aluminum,

and the whole cycle continues until either the mercury evaporates or there's no aluminum


Which is why you don't want your old-timey thermometer anywhere near a plane.

If you have enough of it, the mercury can slowly destroy the integrity of the plane.

And even though a tiny amount of mercury probably won't do fatal damage, mercury spills have

damaged and even grounded planes in the past.

But conveniently, even if you really did want to measure the temperature on your plane,

most thermometers these days don't have mercury in them, since it's also toxic if

it enters your body.

So even though some air travel laws change over time, you probably won't be bringing

your mercury thermometer on board any time soon.

And I'm okay with that.

Thanks for asking, and thanks to all our patrons on Patreon who keep the answers coming!

If you'd like to support the show and submit a question, you can go to patreon.com/scishow.


For more infomation >> Why Can't You Bring Mercury Thermometers on Planes? - Duration: 2:43.


LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets coming in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.

Hello, just2good here,

and we have more LEGO news -

this comes from Stellar Bricks on the Brickset forums.

We're getting LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets in Summer 2018.

There's two that he listed -

set 41287 Bubbles' Playground Showdown,

and 41288 Mojo Jojo Strikes.

This has been verified by some sources I know,

so I'm 99 percent sure these are actually coming.

And yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are.

I thought Powerpuff Girls was something

we would only experience with LEGO Dimensions.

However, I'm cautious, since these set numbers begin with 41,

which is for minidoll themes.

You see, I would like Powerpuff Girls sets,

since I enjoy cartoony themes,

even if I despise the new show.

But I don't think the characters would work in minidoll size.

Either way, here's to hoping they're minifigures,

because I would love a Mojo Jojo minifigure.

He almost made my Top 10 Missing LEGO Minifigures list,


Anyways, are you guys excited?

Do you think this will be a minifigure or minidoll theme?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

I'll see you guys later, peace out.


For more infomation >> LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets coming in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.


WEIRD WAYS WE TRIED TO IMPRESS OUR CRUSH #4 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:12.

• From stomping on anthills to bad backflip attempts, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some

of the best true stories from our subreddit about more of the weirdest things we've

done to impress a crush.

I'm Pringle and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by Mote-of-Lobross MKyleM

When MKyleM was in his early 20's, he had a huge crush on a girl who was a friend of

a friend.

One time, they were at a friend's party, getting pretty wasted.

At one point they were playing Truth or Dare, and it was her turn to ask MKyleM the eponymous


He took 'dare', and she was unsure of what to dare him to do.

MKyleM's friends convinced her to pepper spray him.

She asked him, "Are you su re?"

six or seven times, giving him a chance to pick 'truth', but he said, "Yeah sure.

Not the first time I've been maced."

She did, and as expected it hurt like fuck.

The problem was, it also had some stuff in it that dyed his face green and didn't wash

off for weeks.

Every time he came across a cop, they'd stop him and check his ID to make sure he didn't

match the description of any suspects… which he thankfully didn't.

It also turned out that she was into chicks.

Number 9 was submitted by MooMooChicken23 Danger Dolan

When he was at school, Dolan was on his phone during free time when his friend came up to

him and told him that he should do something to impress Gooby.

He gave Dolan some ideas of what he should do.

Dolan said, "I'll do a backflip off the second balcony."

His friend thought he was crazy, but Dolan said, "Dude, have some faith in me.

Tell everyone in the school except for the teachers."

He ran off while Dolan got ready.

He came back with everyone from the school.

The fun room below them didn't have a roof, so someone placed a trampoline on the floor

to break Dolan's fall.

When he jumped, Dolan landed on the trampoline... hard.

It was such a hard fall that he ended up breaking his ankle.

At the end it was worth it, because Gooby became his girlfriend.

Number 8 was submitted by franticchild Melissa Melissa was with her friends, waiting to see

a school play.

Her crush was there, too, with his friends.

She was chatting up with him and things were going good.

He had some chips with him and she took a few to be playful.

Playing around, he GAWKED and DEMANDED she give them back.

Melissa proceeded to eat the chips, but he still had his hand out waiting, so... she

decided it would be cool to spit them out right on his hand!

They both just stared at the mess.

He had his jaw open, and his friend who saw the whole thing just said, "Dude, you art

kids are weird..."

The doors to the play opened, so Melissa rushed in feeling so embarrassed, and her friends

just laughed at her!

Although, she did eventually get together with her crush.

She found out that he was actually impressed and thought she was a badass.

They've been together for 3 years.

Number 7 was submitted by The_GatekeeperM8 Cidius

So, when Cid was in seventh grade, he wanted to impress this girl.

They were having an "academic celebration", which basically meant the entire school got

to run around outside.

So he was with the girl and a couple of her friends.

They went to the dugout which had an ant infestation.

While they were fucking around with the ant nest, Cid thought it would make him look cool

if he stomped on it.

Not thinking the plan through and wearing sandals, the fuckers swarmed up his leg.

He had to dump his soda on his leg to get them off.

Cid spent the rest of the day sitting on the dugout bench, fending off tears, feeling like

shit considering that the girl was trying desperately to comfort his poor ass.

Luckily, she already liked him.

Number 6 was submitted by shellzc Shima When Shima was in 7th grade, she broke up

with a guy because she had a crush on his brother.

She never cared to meet his family or even ask, so she didn't know he was her ex's


She decided that the only way she was going to get him to notice her was by going back

to her ex.... just to get close to her crush.

So Shima started to go to his house to hang out with her crush's brother.

She would sneak in her crush's room and leave little notes and gifts without telling

his brother what she was doing.

She thought that would make her crush happy… but he got creeped out and told her some not-so-kind


Looking back on it now, she thinks it was a creepy thing of her to do.

The guy stopped being her crush, and she broke up with his brother 8 weeks after it all happened.

Now she has a new crush… her best friend's brother.

Number 5 was submitted by professoarkuma Hellbent One time, to impress his crush, Hellbent took

her and her friends to the movie theater.

One of them didn't have any money to get in, so he said, "Follow my lead."

While giving his ticket to the ticket lady, he pretended to have his pants fall off, and

then tripped.

As he lay on the ground with his pants off, the girl walked past the lady without her

even noticing because most of the people were staring at Hellbent.

He was hoping that by getting his crush's friend into the movie, she would notice and

think it was cool.

Hellbent also just wanted to take his pants off.

To this day, it's still one of his favorite things to do in public to get reactions.

Number 4 was submitted by Lonehoof Civil Spider In high school, Civil Spider wasn't the most

popular kid.

He did have a lot of friends who were considered rejects like him, though.

They were, and still are, really dependable friends.

So when he wanted to ask a girl he liked – who was really friendly, outgoing, and into Pokémon

– to prom, he asked all his friends to dress up as Pokémon that she had said she liked.

Everything was set up perfectly.

He got her attention in the hallway, and when she wasn't looking, all his friends surrounded

her, dressed in Pokémon outfits.

Spider said, "When it comes to prom, I'll only take the very best that no one ever was.

Will you go to prom with me?"

She said yes.

The smile on her face made all the effort worth it.

Number 3 was submitted by TheAnimuLief Pandora In middle school, Pandora was a really shy

kid who had a crush on an emo boy.

One day, her friend, Honeybits, showed her stitches that she had drawn on all her fingers

with a sharpie.

That's when Pandora got an idea.

Later on at school, she drew lines on her hands to make them look animatronic.

Pandora also did a cool effect where it looked like blood was leaking from the cracks.

Honeybits knew her crush well, so she called him over and show him her friend's hand.

He only said, "That's cool."

Not satisfied, about a week later Pandora drew some creepy artwork of a decapitated


That time, he said, "Ooh I like that.

It's cool."

She quietly said, "Thanks," but Honeybits had to explain that Pandora was diagnosed

with social anxiety.

He understood, though Pandora isn't sure whether or not he's her friend now.

Number 2 was submitted by AlisonTheDork Ramona When Ramona was ten, she brought in dead animals

smashed in plastic.

She would leave it on her desk to show off.

It turned out that her crush loved reptiles, so she brought one in with a baby snake.

When she showed it to him, he thought it was cool.

He asked if he could keep it, but Ramona said no.

He responded, "Shithead."

She never spoke to him again.

Number 1 – What was the weirdest thing I did to impress a crush?

For more infomation >> WEIRD WAYS WE TRIED TO IMPRESS OUR CRUSH #4 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:12.


Why Do We Have Saliva? - Duration: 2:54.

We might not think about it a lot, but the insides of our mouths are really wet all the


There's a ton of spit in there!

Aaa, Squeaks, don't lick me!

There's always some spit, or saliva, in our mouths because it has some really important

jobs, like helping us talk and taste.

It even helps break down our food!

Saliva comes from special parts of your body called salivary glands.

They look kinda like little blobs, and you have six of them: two under your tongue, two

by the back of your jaw under your chin, and two under your ears.

Our salivary glands are always making more spit.

We might not even realize how much since we swallow most of it, but they make 4-8 cups

of saliva every day!

That might seem like a /ton/ of spit, but it's a good thing we have it.

Saliva is mostly made of water, and by keeping our mouths wet, it helps us move our tongues

and lips around when we talk.

Saliva is also super helpful for eating.

It makes the food in your mouth nice and wet, which makes it much easier to move around

as you chew and swallow.

And at the same time, it makes your food taste better!

The things that give your food its taste, like salt and sugar, have to dissolve, or

get into water, for the taste buds on your tongue to be able to taste them.

Without saliva, even a cookie would just feel like a bunch of dry crumbly tasteless stuff

in your mouth!

[Squeaks squeaks]

I'm glad we have saliva, too!

But it does even more than help us talk and taste things.

It also helps us digest, or break down, some of our food before it even gets to our stomachs.

Even though most of saliva is water, there's also small amounts of other stuff in it, including

something called an enzyme.

Enzymes are tiny little particles, way too small for us to see.

But they're in lots of different parts of our bodies.

And one thing enzymes do is help break down our food into smaller and simpler pieces that

are easier for our bodies to absorb and use as energy.

The type of enzyme in saliva is in charge of breaking down foods like bread, cereal,

or potatoes.

As soon as you put the food in your mouth, your saliva gets to work breaking it down!

That way it gets a head start on digesting it before you even swallow.

So besides helping us talk and taste, saliva also helps us get energy from our food!

And those are just some of its jobs.

Spit is super useful!

[Squeaks squeaks]

I know, all this talk about food is starting to make me hungry, too!

Which is perfect, because it's almost time for lunch.

Let's go use some of that saliva!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

For more infomation >> Why Do We Have Saliva? - Duration: 2:54.


The Project List - Duration: 6:35.

Hi, I'm Mike.

Work is never ending on the ranch, when one project is done, another pops up to take its


Today we start our new Tuesday video series and really get you inside the day to day on

the ranch, with the project list on Our Wyoming Life.

We get a lot of questions asking about employees on the ranch, and yes, during the summer,

provided the money is there to pay someone, I usually hire a high school kid to help out.

Last year it was Mitch before he left at the end of summer to join the army.

Leaving just me and the day to day of the ranch.

When I have a ranch hand I utilize what I call the project board to keep track of what

needs done.

Its one of those tools that help ranch hands find something to do.

There's always something to be done and most days our hands come in and find the list

is growing.

You get something done and before you know it something has been added in its place.

Right now, the project board is empty.

Its basically a dry erase board we have mounted on the wall in the shop.

In fact, if you want to make one of your own they are easy to put up.

This one is a piece of 4x8 plastic panel board available at home depot for about 20 bucks.

We screwed it to the wall and it acts just like a much more expensive drywall board of

the same size.

It's empty because after Mitch left I stopped using it, keeping the projects that need done

in my head but the more I though about it, the more I realized that we could utilize

it as well.

Keeping track of what needs done, adding to it and subtracting from the list as we complete


Some are small, some are large, but from here on out every Tuesday we are going to post

our projects from the project board right here on Our Wyoming Life.

Today, we are going to start the list and maybe even get something done.

Finding projects around here is just as easy as looking around, starting right here in

the shop itself, we need to clean it up.

Over time, parts, trash and tools tend to pile up and finding what you need starts to

get to be a pain so that goes on the list.

While we are talking about cleaning, the chicken house always needs to be cleaned.

Even though the chickens spend a majority of their time outside, manure piles up and

feathers fill the floor and what we refer to as chicken dust can actually start to become

a respiratory issue for the chickens.

On the list.

The pig areas constantly needs cleaning, but sometimes they need a total shakedown of their

pens as well.

Moving them from a used pen to a clean one and then scraping out and fixing their old

pen back up.

General maintenance goes on the list as well.

The feeding tractor is getting close to needing an oil change and an overall cleaning and


We have a stock trailer that needs some wiring work.

A flatbed trailer that needs a new jack and a complete overhaul of its lighting wiring.

The fire truck and the model T still need to be put away for winter but not before we

rearrange the garage that they live in to make some room.

This barn attached barn can also use a little TLC as we can go through a bunch of the junk

in here, organize and get rid of a bunch.

We have corral fences that need to be repaired as well as cattle stock tanks that need leveled

and overflows reinstalled and repaired.

Over at Erins gardens we have a few projects that need done.

The dirt work still needs to be completed for the new high tunnel, hauling in dirt to

level a pad.

We also need to come up with a way to raise the fences around the gardens to keep deer

from getting in and eating her crops next year.

At Erins orchard we need to put up snow fence to keep the drifting snow from pushing into

her new apple trees.

Also going on the list is preg checking and culling cows, which we have scheduled for

this week.

We are in the processing of lining up some help as we will be bringing in all the cows

and running them through the squeeze chute.

Checking to see if they are pregnant, giving them their vaccinations and determining which

cows will be kept here on the ranch and which will be removed and sold at auction.

Because I need to get something done today off the list we are also going to add cleaning

up our yard, getting all the kids yard toys put away for winter and stored in a dry place.

Its as easy as adding it to the list, then taking the truck over and loading up everything

from the back yard.

The bikes, the playhouse, the random toys and putting them in a storage shed.

Keeping them all safe until spring when they will come back out, much to the kids surprise

and glee.

And after the job is done, we get to erase it from the board.

Only to add another few projects in its place.

We have a pile of pipe that we need to come up with a plan for, whether building new fence

or cattle guards or who knows what.

We need still need to stack and organize a bunch of hay that will feed over the winter

and repair some fence around the hay yard itself.

The more you look the more projects there are.

Its never ending.

So as we take you on the journey of the day to day of the ranch we hope you stick around.

Big jobs or little, its all part of keeping the whole operation running smoothly and efficiently.

Doing as much as possible ourselves and keeping costs as low as possible.

If this is your first time here, hit the subscribe button and join us on a journey through hard

work and dedication to a life that is extremely rewarding.

We will see you every Tuesday as we try to get this list under control, which won't

happen, it will keep growing, but every time we take a job off the board there's the

satisfaction of a job done and hopefully well done.

Join us Sunday mornings for our weekly ranch video and every Thursday for a new video,

either a live stream keeping you up to date on what's going on on the ranch, or a video

with Erin in the gardens or in the kitchen.

Have a great week, and thanks for joining us, in Our Wyoming Life.

For more infomation >> The Project List - Duration: 6:35.


Let's Make A Deal - The Spirit - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - The Spirit - Duration: 4:04.


GOBLINS ARMY vs reapers crowd | CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 55:06.

For more infomation >> GOBLINS ARMY vs reapers crowd | CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 55:06.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Why Can't You Bring Mercury Thermometers on Planes? - Duration: 2:43.


You've probably never tried to carry a mercury thermometer or barometer on a plane.

But even if you really wanted to, you can't in the U.S., unless you happen to work for

a government weather agency.

That might seem like another weird restriction, but there's an important reason for it:

That tiny bit of liquid metal is fascinating, but really dangerous.

Mercury is the only metal that's a liquid at room temperature, which is why it's sometimes

called quicksilver — which comes from the Old English for "living silver", not the


And it's especially useful for thermometers because of how much it expands when you heat


It has what's called a high coefficient of thermal expansion, which means that when

you heat it up a little, it expands a lot.

So that way, you don't need to use a magnifying glass on your thermometer to see if you need

a sweater.

Mercury also forms mixtures, or alloys, with a lot of other metals very easily.

An alloy with mercury in it is called an amalgam, and they're useful for all sorts of things.

For example, if you've ever gotten a silver filling at the dentist, that's a harmless

amalgam of metals like mercury, silver, and copper.

But some amalgams aren't so harmless.

Like, when mercury comes into contact with pure aluminum, things get pretty quickly.

And you definitely don't want it in your teeth.

We make so many things — like airplanes — out of aluminum because it's so durable.

When most metals are exposed to oxygen, they rust and degrade over time.

But when aluminum reacts with oxygen, it forms aluminum oxide, which is non-reactive and

protects the pure metal underneath.

Normally, this is great.

Unless there's mercury involved.

If mercury can get to the pure aluminum, like through a scratch on the plane, it immediately

starts to react and seep into the metal, forming an amalgam.

When that amalgam meets the air, it stills turns into aluminum oxide — except this

time, because there's mercury involved, the reaction doesn't stop.

And the aluminum oxide starts to grow out of the plane like some kind of cyberpunk plant.

And the mercury isn't consumed during this reaction, so it keeps reacting with more aluminum,

and the whole cycle continues until either the mercury evaporates or there's no aluminum


Which is why you don't want your old-timey thermometer anywhere near a plane.

If you have enough of it, the mercury can slowly destroy the integrity of the plane.

And even though a tiny amount of mercury probably won't do fatal damage, mercury spills have

damaged and even grounded planes in the past.

But conveniently, even if you really did want to measure the temperature on your plane,

most thermometers these days don't have mercury in them, since it's also toxic if

it enters your body.

So even though some air travel laws change over time, you probably won't be bringing

your mercury thermometer on board any time soon.

And I'm okay with that.

Thanks for asking, and thanks to all our patrons on Patreon who keep the answers coming!

If you'd like to support the show and submit a question, you can go to patreon.com/scishow.


For more infomation >> Why Can't You Bring Mercury Thermometers on Planes? - Duration: 2:43.


All Def Comedy l Teaser Trailer ft. DeRay Davis, Jess Hilarious & More | HBO - Duration: 0:56.


All Def, what up?!

♪ Last Def Comedy ♪

You can't be a policeman in the hood if you ain't hood.

You can't pull me over if you don't know Migos.

What are you pulling me over for?

Over for, over for, over for?


To a man over 50, I'm a bad bitch.

I love dating older men 'cause they do stuff for me,

like they make sure my oil is changed.


I realized when white people find shit,

they call "Lost and Found."

When black people find shit, they call... it "A blessing."

I'm a school teacher. That's right!

I'm the definition of "No Child Left Behind"!


♪ All Def, all day ♪

♪ All Def is back! ♪

Let 'em know we in here!

♪ All Def, All Def ♪

♪ Comedy, comedy ♪

For more infomation >> All Def Comedy l Teaser Trailer ft. DeRay Davis, Jess Hilarious & More | HBO - Duration: 0:56.


MINI Countryman 1.6t cooper s 135kW all4 NAVI LEER DAK XENON - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> MINI Countryman 1.6t cooper s 135kW all4 NAVI LEER DAK XENON - Duration: 0:55.


Celebrities Celebrate 50th Anniversary of 'The Carol Burnett Show' - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Celebrities Celebrate 50th Anniversary of 'The Carol Burnett Show' - Duration: 2:48.


LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets coming in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.

Hello, just2good here,

and we have more LEGO news -

this comes from Stellar Bricks on the Brickset forums.

We're getting LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets in Summer 2018.

There's two that he listed -

set 41287 Bubbles' Playground Showdown,

and 41288 Mojo Jojo Strikes.

This has been verified by some sources I know,

so I'm 99 percent sure these are actually coming.

And yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are.

I thought Powerpuff Girls was something

we would only experience with LEGO Dimensions.

However, I'm cautious, since these set numbers begin with 41,

which is for minidoll themes.

You see, I would like Powerpuff Girls sets,

since I enjoy cartoony themes,

even if I despise the new show.

But I don't think the characters would work in minidoll size.

Either way, here's to hoping they're minifigures,

because I would love a Mojo Jojo minifigure.

He almost made my Top 10 Missing LEGO Minifigures list,


Anyways, are you guys excited?

Do you think this will be a minifigure or minidoll theme?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

I'll see you guys later, peace out.


For more infomation >> LEGO Powerpuff Girls sets coming in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.


TV Soap Opera Parody - Duration: 2:23.



[gentle classical music]

Caitlin, I have some terrible news.

I lost my job today.

[poignant music]

Because I got a promotion.

Well, that's great.

But Caitlin, I have to leave you.

[poignant music]

To pick up our son from school.


Hey, Mom and Dad, I walked home from school.

Hey, Joshie, how was school?


I got an F in Math.

[poignant music]

F for fantastic.

Oh, ho, well, okay.

Good job, Son.

But then my teacher died.

[poignant music]


Hey Johnson family,

I've got a package from your grandma.

[angrily] Can't you see we're busy?!


[door slams]

She died, Joshie?

She was sick of her hair being grey, so she dyed it.


What a relief!

Then she had a bad reaction to the chemicals

and now she's a vegetable...

[poignant music]

in the school play.

She's a carrot.


It's not good for you to mislead us like that.

I didn't mislead.

You just didn't listen.

[poignant music]

Josh, I'm sorry.

You were right.

Let's get ice cream.

Did anyone remember to feed the goldfish?

[poignant music]

Thanks for watching.

Make sure to subscribe.

Like and share.

Leave a comment

about a time people were like soap opera drama.

Will you STOP?


Yeah, I guess.


For more infomation >> TV Soap Opera Parody - Duration: 2:23.


Dress Up Store-Bought Foods for Your Next Party - HGTV - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Dress Up Store-Bought Foods for Your Next Party - HGTV - Duration: 1:20.


Chicago's Inclusive Economy and the Creative Sector - Duration: 0:51.

Creative genius does help to fuel the economy.

But we need to, I think the puzzle before us

is how do we do that in communities

that have been off the grid in sustainable ways

that still nurture those communities.

And I want to suggest that I think what has been

demonstrated is deep institutionalization.

We must support the institutions

that are helping to make that work possible.

We have to support the individuals,

the artists themselves from those communities

and then create more really viable outlets

so that that can be sustainable for the communities

within which this stuff is so often

they're on the margins of.

For more infomation >> Chicago's Inclusive Economy and the Creative Sector - Duration: 0:51.


Opinion | It isn't too late for Israeli-Palestinian peace - Duration: 2:49.

It isn't too late for a two-state solution.

And bringing the land into focus proves it.

When talking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the West Bank settlements are a

central issue.

Some argue they are the major barrier to peace, others claim they are a distraction from more

fundamental issues of recognition and terror.

Groups on the left and the right both point to the growth of Israeli settlements as proof

that any peace deal involving transfer of land is impossible.

But are they correct?

Do the facts of Israeli settlements make impossible the idea of an independent Palestinian state?

Do they spell the end of Israel as both a Jewish and a democratic state?

The answer is no.

To be sure, compromise would be difficult, and it would take political will.

But new data shows it's possible.

Developed by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "Settlements and Solutions"

is an interactive website using advanced mapping technology of the West Bank and Israel.

It provides the most up-to-date view, showing precisely who lives where, down to the most

granular level of detail.

Facts cannot be divorced from politics, but these maps allow anyone to see the issues

at play in concrete terms.

For example, a lot of people focus on the total population of settlements and not their

geographic distribution.

But these maps show that 85% of Israelis living beyond the lines of the 1967 war live within

just 8% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

These are the lines of Israel's security barrier, erected to stop a wave of Palestinian

suicide bombings.

For a two-state solution to succeed, the vast majority of the settler population need not

be relocated.

Seeing it mapped out brings to life the potential for peacemaking through land exchanges or


Now, take settlement growth, which is also a key issue.

The population and demographic data in our maps show that of 139 settlements in the West

Bank, just two - Beitar Illit and Modiin Illit - account for about half of all growth, due

to the high birthrate of Ultra-Orthodox residents.

Crucially, these two settlements fall just east of the Green Line - the demarcation line

created after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

Allotting these West Bank communities to Israel in a potential land swap shows, again, that for a

two-state solution to succeed, the vast majority of the settler population need not be relocated.

The future of the communities beyond the security barrier remains to be decided by the negotiating parties.

But settlement growth is a solvable issue.

At least for now.

For more infomation >> Opinion | It isn't too late for Israeli-Palestinian peace - Duration: 2:49.


Christmas Loaded Bag - Duration: 3:16.

hi friends and welcome to decor8yourlife in this video I'm sharing

a Christmas theme loaded envelope that I've created for one of my

subscribers at the time that I was making this Christmas loaded bag I

didn't have any Christmas paper pads so i went through

my stash and I got the prettiest pink and grey combinations that I could


I don't know about you but when it comes to loaded

envelopes or loaded bags or loaded anything I never really know what to put

inside them I always fall short so after watching a few videos and doing several

searches for the loaded envelopes I came across Rose's video I believe her

channel name is roses creative way and she had uploaded this beautiful

absolutely gorgeous WINTER THEME LOADED ENVELOPE and and she was pulling out the

tags and and all the neat items that she had made for her partner and so she gave

me the idea of making several different tags for the recipient and I hope that

the recipient likes it

I used a combination of laces and Spellbinders

to embellish the front of this CHRISTMAS THEME LOADED ENVELOPE

added a few handmade goodies inside this loaded bag and one of which was shonda's

shaker tag and I've added some handmade cards now this

small journal that you see here was created using Spellbinders from

amazing paper grace by Becca feeken and I added a few paper pieces

in this envelope for her to use and yeah that is pretty much it like I said I

fall short when it comes to putting stuff in there I never know what to put

in there but thank thanks to all of y'all's videos I can pretty much get a

very good idea of of what the norm is so anyways it was a lot of fun creating

this and I hope that the recipient likes it and if you have not subscribed to my

channel go ahead and click on that subscribe button click on that icon so

that you can be notified every time I upload a new video thank you so very

much for watching my videos don't forget to like comment and share

I'll see y'all real soon bye now

For more infomation >> Christmas Loaded Bag - Duration: 3:16.


Parents in a 🅱uttshell - Duration: 1:00.

Parents in a 🅱uttshell

(Random happy noises)

Dad can I get a water 🅱ottle for one cent?


Why nut?

🅱ecause I don't have the money to get you water. I ned to fed Wif and Kids.

Later, at Aldiz Nutz

Now can I get water 🅱ottle?


Oh, okay.

Cha Ching! (price is $666,420.69)

I thought you said you had no money, Ded.

Ha! Ha! I lied to you Jammy.

After that, Jammy's ded 🅱eet up her son for wanting a one cent Water 🅱ottle full of water. Please stop, Jammy's Dad.

Credits: Microsoft Sam is Narrarator; Adult Male #1 is Jammy; Adult Male #8 is Jammy's Dad.

I hope you enjoyed, I hope you can come back. Too many hopes for Windows XP and Microsoft Sam.

Error 404: Windows XP nut found.

Utter Silence

For more infomation >> Parents in a 🅱uttshell - Duration: 1:00.


Flute Killer - Castlevania challenge entry - Duration: 1:36.

I've had it. I'm leaving now.

For more infomation >> Flute Killer - Castlevania challenge entry - Duration: 1:36.


Trump Just PISSED OFF Richest Man In America With A Big Humiliating Boot In The Behind Breaking News - Duration: 4:44.

Trump just pissed o FF richest man in America with a big humiliating boot in the behind

One of the reasons an overwhelming amount of Americans picked Donald Trump as our next president is he because he makes no

Apologies for the things he says and does no matter who it offends after eight years of lame-duck leadership

it's refreshing to have a powerhouse in the White House and


satisfying when he pisses off rich people who have gotten a little too comfortable and think they have all the control and don't like the

Fact that Trump is in charge now when you're as rich as Trump isn't focused on making America great again

You don't care about other people's money who tried to bribe you with it

President Barack Obama was quick to take in other people's cash and the presidency proved to be very profitable for him since this former

Community organizer moved out of the White House and into a multi-million dollar estate after just two years on four hundred thousand dollars per year

Presidents salary the game has all changed with Trump in charge now who stuck it to one of his biggest and richest

Detractors who showed up to his golf course and tried to throw his weight around and got humiliated with a painful boot in the behind

The list is long of people who think they're in power and hate that Trump is

After they tried their hardest to keep him out in the White House and still lost

Despite their best efforts and wads of cash to detract him from his goal

He won anyway, and he's laughing every day that he's still their president

Especially now that he just got the opportunity to stick it to two men who led the charge against him when they decided to spend

the afternoon at Trump's private golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida

Which has also been affectionately dubbed the winter White House

Heading off the effort to prevent Trump from becoming

President was the billionaire Koch brothers who loved amnesty and are big supporters of free trade two things Trump is avidly against

Charles and David Koch oppose Trump during the Republican primary season and refused to help him during the general election

As brihat bard reports and they happen to have a close friendship with harry hurt 3 who wrote a slanderous book about Trump in

1993 that brimmed with disgusting rape accusations about the wealthy businessman who is now the President of the United States

Hoping to partake in a little rest and relaxation

David Koch and hurt planned a day-long retreat at trump's exclusive

Golf resort which was suddenly cut short when Trump found out they were there in

Perfectly humiliating fashion Trump instructed management to remove the pair from his property and told them they weren't too welcome back ever

Being escorted out had to be one of the most embarrassing moments for these billionaire buddies and the presence of other rich people

They're enjoying their pricey membership

Which Koch and pals don't get to be a part of?

Trump proved that their money isn't

important to him in no price can fix how stupid these two look after earning this karma when they went against their own party to

protect the political establishment

The sudden removal from ritzy golf resorts has become a theme since Trump took office starting with the former golfer in chief

Barack Obama who also got the boot under the most satisfying

circumstances for conservatives

Throughout his presidency the Rockville month Country Club has given Obama and membership at their prestigious Club free of charge

Waving the insane

$80,000 initiation fee and yearly membership dues of almost

$10,000 but after Obama's recent disgusting treatment towards Israel with his backing of the United Nations plan to give his railey land

To Palestinian terrorists many Jewish members are raising absolute hell

Demanding that Obama be thrown the hell out of their club on his ear in light of the votes at the UN into Kerry speech

and everything else there's this major uproar with having him part of the club and a

Significant portion of the club as opposed offering him membership a source told the New York Post

Obama was looking to join the elite menthe Country Club in Maryland as a private citizen

But was swiftly denied access by members of the mostly Jewish

Club where many insisted that he deserved to be snubbed for not blocking an anti his real vote at the nations

It's the perfect dose of karma this

Arrogant man had coming since he loves himself as much as he loves golf and got shot in the gut with this brutal reality check

For more infomation >> Trump Just PISSED OFF Richest Man In America With A Big Humiliating Boot In The Behind Breaking News - Duration: 4:44.


The Five 11/28/17 5PM | November 28, 2017 Fox News - Duration: 33:16.

For more infomation >> The Five 11/28/17 5PM | November 28, 2017 Fox News - Duration: 33:16.


Need-To-Go Commercial - Duration: 0:35.



What's that

This is need to go

What's that

It's the laxative for you because when you cant go reach for need-to-go

Oh may i try?


(Awkward exchange)


Wow i fell better now oh gotta go

For when you need to go but cant grab need-to-go

For more infomation >> Need-To-Go Commercial - Duration: 0:35.


NASA Discovers Life On MARS – Scientific Breakthrough - Duration: 3:28.


Life can exist on mars!

Breakthrough alert right here!

I am Rebecca Felgate and I am bringing you some incredible news about life on Mars.

So…our mate mars….a shining red planet that is super cold and super barren.

While we have found evidence of Bacteria on mars proving it was once capable of hosting

life, we have never found any evidence that things could continue to live on our neighbouring


Researchers from a university in the Netherlands carried out an experiment wherein they simulated

conditions on the red planet.

Biologist, Dr Weiger Wamelink was given soil from Nasa.

The soil actually comes from a Hawaiian volcano, and is said to be extremely similar to soil

substances on mars.

Dr Weiger revealed he had been able to grow rocket, or arugula to some of you guys in

this soil.

He then discovered worms living in the soil.

Dr Wieger said: "the best surprise came at the end of the experiment when we found

two young worms in the Mars soil simulant."

Worms, as you may or may not know, are vital for ecosystems and are key indicators of whether

or not life can survive in an area.

If worms are able to survive in simulated Martian soil, they may be able to survive

on mars itself, which is a vital step towards colonisation of the red planet, which may

be a necessary move as earth becomes overpopulated and climactically volatile.

While this may be a long way off, it does open up question as to the possibility of

farming on mars.

When it comes to our neighbouring planet, further questions will be answered when our

Mars Rover Mission begins in 2020 and our further missions to the red planet begin over

the next decade.

To be honest, we have explored such a tiny amount of the planet , who knows what we will

find over there, maybe there are indeed martian worms living their own lives in martain soil….and

that…well that would be exciting.. but this is at least a step in the right direction.

Think about it…if we can get worms living in martian soil….

What will we get living over there in the next 100….1000….3000 years?

So that is all I have on this topic for now…before I go I just want to leave you with some comments

from Charlottes video about why you shouldn't eat food that flies have landed on….

Games have Soul too wrote: your videos give me strength to work hard for my studies….

Good …learning is earning and knowledge is power!

Renee Games has it all figured out…they said: already knew this....My mom's always


So..that's why I dont wait before I eat...so I can keep my eyes on my FOOD!!?


So…that is all I have for now…do leave me a comment about life on mars..and maybe

flood the comments section with alien emojis…you know it makes sense!

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of IO, I am Rebecca Felgate… make sure you hit

that thumbs up button and subscribe if you haven't already!

Want to keep overloading yourself with information?

Why not check out my video about an alien comet coming to play in our solar system and

charlottes video about a barber who shaves eye balls…ew…

For more infomation >> NASA Discovers Life On MARS – Scientific Breakthrough - Duration: 3:28.


[ENG SUB] TRCNG Instruction Manual (Wooyeop Ver.) - Duration: 1:41.

Wooyeop: Start!

Jihun: A sweet guy.

Hakmin: Our sweet and emotional, Wooyeop-ie, resting on my shoulder was hard, right?

Taeseon: Cute Camel~!

Caption: Poke <3

Hyunwoo: Always thankful.

Hohyeon: Mom~! Give us food~!

Jisung: Pretty dancing.

Kangmin: Alpaca!

Hayoung: Dance! Representative!

Siwoo: Wooyeop, Wooyeop, thank you!

Jihun: His voice is too soft~~~

Hakmin: Sweet caffeine.

Taeseon: Falling for his... nasolabial folds...

Hyunwoo: Sweet caffeine!

Hohyeon: Speaks too fast!

Jisung: Pretty.

Kangmin: Handsome~!

Hayoung: Good at studying and at taekwondo, what can't he do?

Captio: Ranked 1st in a Math Competition

Siwoo: Camel eyelashes?

Jihun: Cola prince.

Hakmin: Smart Wooyeop-ie.

Taeseon: His shoulders are wide!

Hyunwoo: Changwon's son!

Hohyeon: A 4th dan in taekwondo!

Jisung: Likes caffeine.

Wooyeop: Yes, hello. This is sweet caffeine, TRCNG's Wooyeop!

Members: WOAH!!!!!!

Everything that was said was correct, but saying I'm like a camel... I'm not sure if it meant I'm ugly or cute.

Hayoung: Cute! / Hohyeon: It's cute, it's cute.

Kangmin: Of course.

Wooyeop: Speaking too fast is something I'm trying to fix, and I'm also trying to make my voice louder.

I hope my voice won't shake anymore.

Up until now, it was Wooyeop's Instruction Maual. Thank you!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] TRCNG Instruction Manual (Wooyeop Ver.) - Duration: 1:41.


America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them | Breaking News Today - Duration: 3:46.

America is sick and tired of the NFL cowards so Trump just slaughtered them

the proof for any theory is in its real-life application and Americans have

proved time and again that they're sick of the National Football League as if

they're off the field violence wasn't enough the disrespect they've shown to

the national anthem and pushed it too far and America pushed back we pushed

the buttons on our remotes to turn them off we pushed the TV providers to refund

our money and we pushed the matches across the box to start the fires that

burned out jerseys and season tickets that backlash has cost the league

hundreds of millions and possibly billions of dollars before the season

ends and we're just getting started Efram erica has its way the league is

going to be shut down for good and that's partly due to the attentiveness

of President Trump to the needs of America not only is the anthem a protest

offensive to many Americans it sets a dangerous precedent for those to come

that we don't have to respect our anthem or our country Americans have decided

that the NFL is bad for the country and according to the Daily Mail the

president is backing us on it declaring that they are going to just keep getting

into more trouble unless they start behaving the way we expect them to

Donald Trump resumed attacking the National Football League on Tuesday

saying the league is weakened out of control for allowing players to kneel

during the playing of the national anthem without any consequences at least

24 players kneeling this weekend at NFL stadiums that are now having a very hard

time filling up the president tweeted referring to the much noted empty seats

that have drawn unwanted attention in television broadcasts the American

public is fed up with the disrespect the NFL is paying to our country our flag

and our national anthem he wrote Trump blasted the league's

Commission around Black Friday for losing control of players after New York

Giants defensive and Olivier Vernon took a knee for the anthem on Thanksgiving

Day noting that the president isn't the one that made this political Vienna

fellas the president along with most other politicians we're perfectly

willing to let anyone who wished bash their heads together every Sunday Monday

and Thursday of the fall and winter but they started kneeling and showing

disrespect and that's when football became everyone's problem president

Donald Trump said Tuesday morning on Twitter that the weak and out-of-control

NFL is losing its audience because it allows players to kneel during the

national anthem the NFL is now thinking about a new idea keeping teams in the

locker room during the national anthem next season that's almost as bad as

kneeling he wrote last week when will the highly-paid commissioner finally get

tough and smart this issue is killing your league some players and teams have

stayed in their locker rooms before games this year emerging only after the

national anthem is played in order to avoid the decision of whether or not to

stand nine days ago Trump slammed Oakland Raiders running

back Marshawn Lynch for continuing to sit for the star-spangled banner despite

standing for the Mexican anthem during the game played at Azteca Stadium in

Mexico City NFL viewership on television was down

about five percent over the first seven weeks of the NFL season according to CNN

however that decline is part of an overall downtick in ratings

For more infomation >> America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them | Breaking News Today - Duration: 3:46.


Australian Immigration News - November 2017 - Duration: 4:45.

Hello, I'm Julie Williams registered migration agent with Migration

Downunder and I'm going to be talking to you about some of the changes that have

occurred from the 18th of November 2017 and some changes that were proposed but

haven't occurred just yet. Firstly that is the temporary long stay parent

visa for parents of Australian permanent residents and citizens. That was due to

come in from November of this year, unfortunately that has been delayed as

the relevant bill hasn't passed through the Parliament yet. So that's probably

due to to be passed either later this year or early next year. That will no

doubt come into effect from March 2018 so unfortunately for those of you that

were hanging out for that parent visa you've just got to wait that little bit

longer. There's also been ups and downs with Australian citizenship. It's been a

real topic of conversation and as you may well have be aware as of the 18th of

October there changes that were put forward to the Parliament didn't go

through and so the legislation hasn't changed as far as citizenship is

concerned. In fact when we were at a conference the other week the director

of that particular section said they received 8,000 new citizenship

applications just in the space of two weeks so if you are eligible

don't delay get your citizenship in because if you've been living here for

four years and one year as a permanent resident you still are eligible to apply

they are looking at putting the changes presenting the changes back through to

Parliament again at the end of this year and any changes that may occur will not

occur until July 2018. So as I said if you're eligible for citizenship don't

delay get it in especially if you are one of those lucky people that can hold

your citizenship then there's no reason not to apply for it now

Other changes that have occurred from 18th of November have been those for

character if you've had a problem in the past with character changes then there's

a lot stricter provisions for that that may see somebody having to wait ten

years before you're eligible for another visa for Australia whereas previously it

was possibly one year or three years it's a lot longer to to wait there's

also additional requirements for anyone that's on a any type of visa any one

that applies for a visa from 18th of November 2017

must maintain a single identity with all government bodies so for example if it's

a passport with the Department of Immigration the Australian Tax Office

banks everybody needs to have that same form of identification and if you change

your passport it you must update it with the Department other things changes with

identity are also sorry with temporary residency is maintaining health

insurance and also having no debts to the Commonwealth as far as health is

concerned or any other debt to the Commonwealth in that matter if you

haven't made arrangements to work to pay it off or paid it off you may have

problems applying for another type of temporary visa there's also been changes

with the partner visa application process if previously you're able to

apply online or paper-based and now it is only online you can't

apply paper-based at all and the only option is online and also if you do

apply online and don't attach your supporting evidence then you can risk

refusal the Department are coming down quite hard on this because they're

getting a number of applications without any supporting evidence which is causing

the delay and the backlog with processing of applications so be assured

that you know make certain that you do get it right

but if there's any further information on some of these changes don't hesitate

in getting in touch with us either by email info@migrationdownunder.com

or giving us a call if you're here in Australia

02 9419-5411

For more infomation >> Australian Immigration News - November 2017 - Duration: 4:45.


Housekeepers Just Revealed What They're Terrified To Do In Front Of Perverted Bill That'll Make You - Duration: 5:07.

Housekeepers Just Revealed What They're Terrified To Do In Front Of Perverted Bill

That'll Make You Vomit.

Every new day brings new revelations of what our elected officials have been doing in Washington,

and it's not pretty.

The candidates that made so many promises about America's future, and what they would

do for their constituents seem to be more interested in exploiting those they think

they can keep quiet, than in actually working for voters.

While sexual misconduct might be a staple in Washington, nobody did it better than Slick


Our former President and almost First "Ladyman" was, of course, made famous for his misconduct

while in the Oval Office, but it turns out that he did more than what he was caught doing.

The famous affair with Monica Lewinsky was what made the headlines, but it turns out

that was just the tip of the iceberg.

One former White House staffer, Linda Tripp, tells harrowing tales of what it was like

to even exist as a woman around Bill Clinton.

The Democrat from Arkansas didn't seem to be extremely choosy about who he would harrass.

According to Tripp, it was difficult for even the housekeepers to do their job without being

harassed by then-President Clinton.

RT reports that the whistleblower is now giving even more information about her time around

the Clintons:

"Bending over in the presence of Bill Clinton was a risky undertaking, according to former

White House staffer, Linda Tripp.

The staffer-turned-whistleblower said new criticism of Clinton's outrageous behavior

is 'a day late, and it's a dollar short.'

The housekeeping staff that worked during Clinton's tenure in the White House were

'afraid to bend over in his presence,' Tripp told the Weekly Standard in a recent


She said that stories of Clinton's 'libidinous impulses' as governor of Arkansas were well-known

even before his arrival in the White House in January 1993.

The former White House employee was a central figure in exposing Clinton's extramarital

affair with Monica Lewinsky, then a 22-year-old White House intern.

Tripp secretly recorded Lewinsky describing her relationship with the president – evidence

that helped lead to Clinton's impeachment in 1999.

Clinton was acquitted of all charges and completed his term."

Say what you will about what it must be like living married to Hillary Clinton, but Bill

Clinton has every mark of a vicious predator, drunk on power and using his influence to

cover up what America considers unacceptable behavior.

There are stories from every administration as to what tone the First Family set for the

entire White House, and every story from the Clinton administration seems to be of misconduct,

malice, and disregard for anything except Bill and Hillary's own goals, no matter

how disgusting.

Tripp helped expose Bill Clinton's affair at great personal risk, but to her, it was

worth it.

We now know just what lengths the Clintons will go to in order to cover their own tracks,

tipped off by the trail of bodies in their wake.

But there was a time when nobody would believe that about the smooth politician from the


"Since exposing Clinton's misconduct, Tripp has lived a quiet life in Northern Virginia,

avoiding the limelight and publicity she received in the late 1990s.

But Tripp says the recent spate of headlines about sexual assault and misconduct by powerful

men has forced her to relive her trying experience.

Commenting on how the press has become more critical of Clinton's behavior over the

years, Tripp told the Weekly Standard that she wasn't impressed.

'They have nothing to lose, and this is now permissible,' she said.

'The fact that the Clintons are dead in the water gives [the media] tacit approval

to act like human beings…

It's disingenuous.

It's a dollar late, and it's a dollar short,' she added.

Tripp is hardly alone in accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct.

Since entering politics in Arkansas in the 1980s, the former president has been dogged

by allegations of sexual assault, harassment, and even rape.

More than 15 years after leaving the White House, Clinton is still hounded by fresh allegations

of extramarital, sexual trysts.

Flight logs released last year show Clinton flew at least 26 times on the infamous 'Lolita

Express' – a private jet owned by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Between 2001 and 2003, while Hillary was serving as a US senator, Bill took a number of "extended

junkets" on Epstein's plane, which reportedly had a bed in which passengers had group sex

with girls as young as 12.

Last year, an email that was apparently written by former secretary of state Colin Powell

was released by hackers, claiming that Bill Clinton was 'still dicking bimbos at home

(according to the NYP).'"

If all we need are of two or three witnesses for a story to be established, we have hit

that mark.

Bill Clinton's reputation should be completely neutralized by anyone who is willing to admit

that there is such a thing as sexual misconduct.

There will, of course, be a cover-up, and those who want to forget will, but these stories

shouldn't be forgotten.

The White House was desecrated and lives were changed because of one man and the media that

covered for him.

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