Friday, December 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 29 2018

   Un sismo de magnitud 6.9 sacudió este sábado la isla de Mindanao, en el sur de Filipinas, anunció el instituto geológico estadunidense (USGS), al tiempo que se alertó de un posible riesgo de tsunami

 El sismo se originó al sureste de la ciudad de Davao, a 59 km de profundidad, según el USGS, que en un primer momento estimó la magnitud en 7

2. El Centro de alertas de tsunamis del Pacífico indicó que era "posible" que se produjeran "olas peligrosas" de tsunami en las costas del sur de Filipinas y del norte de Indonesia

Sin embargo, estas olas debían ser de menos de 30 cm, según el organismo. El Instituto filipino de vulcanología y sismología informó de temblores "moderadamente fuertes" en las ciudades del sur

 Las autoridades provinciales afirmaron que no habían obtenido ninguna información de daños o víctimas

 Según el USGS, la probabilidad de que se registren víctimas es bastante baja, si bien sismos recientes provocaron aludes

 Filipinas e Indonesia son dos archipiélagos situados en el cinturón de fuego del Pacífico, una zona de fuerte actividad sísmica y de erupciones volcánicas

 El sismo más mortífero ocurrido en Filipinas desde que se mide la magnitud tuvo lugar en 1976 y acabó con la vida de miles de personas, hasta 8 mil, según algunas estimaciones

 En Perú, el Centro Nacional de Alertas de Tsunami, también reportó el temblor, asegurando que movimiento no genera un peligro para el litoral del país

#ÚltimoSismoNOTA DE PRENSA Nº 45 - 2018EVENTO SÍSMICO A 101 KM SE DE PONDAGUITAN, Filipinashttps://t

co/cs3YWH5wLs— Hidrografía Perú (@DHN_peru) December 29, 2018  El terremoto ocurre cuando Filipinas, y sobre todo las regiones central y septentrional, se encuentra en alerta por la presencia de la depresión tropical que los filipinos llaman Usman, que ha dejado hasta el momento tres muertos

 Filipinas se asienta sobre el llamado 'Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico', una zona de gran actividad sísmica y volcánica que es sacudida por unos 7 mil temblores al año, la mayoría moderados


For more infomation >> Sismo de magnitud 7.2 sacude el sur de Filipinas - Duration: 3:26.


Verdeliss, la única que rechaza bolos tras 'GH VIP': así será su vida en 2019 - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Verdeliss, la única que rechaza bolos tras 'GH VIP': así será su vida en 2019 - Duration: 7:53.


Chivas presentó de manera oficial a Jesús Mollina como refuerzo - Duration: 1:34.

El ex jugador de Monterrey, Jesús Molina fue presentado esta mañana como refuerzo de Chivas para el Torneo Clausura 2019, luego de jugar dos años con el equipo regio

A través de redes sociales escribieron: "😱 ¡Ya es oficial! 👏 Bienvenido al equipo de #PuroMexicano, @j_molina5 👊🇦🇹 #EsChivas #RebañoSagrado #SomosChivas" junto a la foto en la que porta la bufanda del equipo

Jesús por su parte se despidió de Rayados con el mensaje: "Gracias club @rayados por estos 2 grandiosos años, gracias por confiar en mí, gracias a mis compañeros, masajistas, doctores, utileros, y a cada uno en sus áreas, gracias por hacerme sentir como en casa, porque me ayudaron a crecer como futbolista pero sobre todo como persona, agradecer a la directiva y al cuerpo técnico por apoyarme en esta decisión, para mi era importante cerrar un ciclo, que aunque fue muy bueno, era necesario renovarme e iniciar un nuevo reto en mi carrera para seguir creciendo y trascendiendo

Por último agradecer a esta gran afición rayada, que a pesar de todo me apoyo en todo momento, nunca pierdan esa pasión y unión que les caracteriza porque eso las hace ser única

Con cariño su amigo Jesús Molina. #DeLaManoDeDios."  Antes de lapresentación de Jesús Molina, hicieron la de Guillermo Madrigal, también de Rayados

For more infomation >> Chivas presentó de manera oficial a Jesús Mollina como refuerzo - Duration: 1:34.


18. 12. 29. 오후 12:17 (서울특별시 영등포구 영등포동 도신로29길) - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> 18. 12. 29. 오후 12:17 (서울특별시 영등포구 영등포동 도신로29길) - Duration: 9:58.


Škoda Fabia 1.0 MPI Greentech 75pk Clever - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.0 MPI Greentech 75pk Clever - Duration: 0:55.


How To Deposit Funds In IQ Option Real Account with Skrill Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> How To Deposit Funds In IQ Option Real Account with Skrill Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:10.


T/h/ư/ơ/n/g vo/ng sau vụ đánh bom xe bus chở du khách Việt ở Ai Cập ngày 28/12 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> T/h/ư/ơ/n/g vo/ng sau vụ đánh bom xe bus chở du khách Việt ở Ai Cập ngày 28/12 - Duration: 3:22.


Pulled over by Indian Police! Motorcycle on Mumbai-Pune Expressway! (Day 5: Vadodara to Pune) - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Pulled over by Indian Police! Motorcycle on Mumbai-Pune Expressway! (Day 5: Vadodara to Pune) - Duration: 8:27.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today tonight I'm gonna do a night kitchen cleaning my

kitchen is a very big mess we also had like spaghetti and meatballs for dinner

so of course all the pots that come with that so I got to get this cleaned up

before I go to bed I'm exhausted and ready to lay down

but we'll get this done first

so I hope this inspires you to get your kitchen clean before you run off to bed

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

let's clean up this horrendous kitchen

alright guys the kitchen is clean I am beat

done done for the day I've been going all day

so oh

I don't even know what to say

so thank you so much for watching

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> NIGHT TIME KITCHEN SPEED CLEANING ROUTINE // CLEAN WITH ME - Duration: 17:17.


Je n'en reviens toujours pas! 😯 - Duration: 38:03.

HM hm...

I feel like that this is going to an very special episode.

I wake up this morning, I'm going to eat a little something that I had brought back yesterday.

And I'm looking at my emails.

Icelandair regret to announce that flight FI335 of May 31st has been canceled.

You will receive an email with your new reservation.

Icelandair apologizes for any inconvenience.

So I'm going to pact my stuff and I'm going to the airport.


Let's go.

Okay, so first I have to go to the bus station which is 800 to 850 meters from here.

So the plan is that I take the bike, I walk to the next street corners,

and then I come back for that one and I walk to the next street corners

and then I get the bike back and I walk to the next street corners.

I'm still at the very begining, it start in a hill.

My apartment is like ... It's the red roof there.

Or his neighbor.

The bike is transporting well, but that!

It's heavy!

I just asked people for help.

They are two and they have a mini van so, I put the boxes in the van

and they come with me to the station.

19 minutes, it was much faster that I thought and really less exhausting.

In Japan, when people see that we need help, they seek to help right away.

Which does not really happen in Norway.

However, if you ask nicely, it's the first people I asked

help, they immediately said yes.

I wanted to give them a little something and they refused.

They are really nice!

It gave me so much help!

Now it's the bus and we're going to go see what happens with the airline.

That's too good, two days ago I was come here to inform me how-is

I was going to leave and I talked to a responsable at the station

to take the payments and then ...

I put my stuff on the bus and then I go see him in joke and I tell him ...

There you want me to pay you I guess?

He told me no.

He says: You're a good guy, after riding all that you deserve it!

So the bus ride is 150 crown.

Well for me it is free.

From here, moving is going to be much easier.

Thanks to this.

That's why I was eager to arrive at the airport.

That's for sure it was the most difficult part.

But with that, I can even bring everything with a single hand.

It's fantastic.

Now I just have to go see Icelandair to find out what's going on.

My first flight here.

Now I should just find the Icelandair offices.

There is like no airport staff and right now there is no Icelandair office that is open.

I'm going to call them.

To redirect your call to the right representative, please listen carefully to the following options.

All our agents are currently busy, please remain on the line with your booking

number and your credit card information, a agent will answer you as soon as possible.

It's crazy how it's not clear.

I just received two emails virtually at the same time.

There is one who tells me that I have a ticket for tomorrow.

Tomorrow from here in Amsterdam, followed by Amsterdam to Montreal.

And practically at the same time, in the same minute, I received another kind of ticket,

but it's so ...

It's so not clear.

This document is generated automatically do not answer it please.

It's crazy how it's not clear.

There I am waiting for 12 minutes.

I have just been told that I was the number 25 in the waiting line, to be answered.

It's really cool it's ...

There is no one at the airport, they send me unclear messages and ...

I'm waiting on the phone really long.

I hate most airlines.

They charge crazy prices and they dont care at all about their costumer.

There is a flight leaving in an hour that can bring me to Montreal.

He goes to Amsterdam and then to Montreal.

He leaves in an hour.

But there I have no answer.

I can not buy it because ...

Because I do not know the reason why the flight is canceled.

If the airplane is broken, or if it's because of the weather, Desjardins pays me another ticket.

Like this one.

But if it's not that, if it's just the company that decided it was not worth

to fly well they do not pay in that case.

So I can not buy it.

Because I see it displayed at 10,000 crowns, it's a bit more than double

the price of my ticket.

But I could go take it.

It leaves in an hour.

Oh, that's stupid.

And there I can not have an answer because that I am waiting.

It's ridiculous, ridiculous.

I have just been told that the desks back Here SAS could take care of Icelandair.

We will go see.

That's a bit pathetic thing today.

I mean that behind me there is about 50 machines to serve people.

And two people.

To serve people.

I do not say when it can help to have machines instead of people, but ...

When you pay so much for a service with an airline you expected...

I mean that when we pay the price we Expect it to be a bit exceptional.

Indeed it is quite exceptional.

I'm reschedule for tomorrow at 10:40h here for a flight with another company, which

will fly to Amsterdam and who will then fly to Montreal.

So I asked him why it is canceled because there are other tickets.

There are other possibilities today to go to Montreal and she told me

that it was an '' aircraft shortadge ''.

I have no idea what that means, but she can not explain it to me.

She tells me it's just that.

She can not explain to me what, it's just that, well there are

planes circulating and it does not have opportunity to come here so that's it we do not know why, but it's canceled.

It's funny that they're not not able to know why.

When an airplane that is supposed to drive hundreds of people to one place, and that

it's not able to come take us, technically you know why.

I just asked Google to translate me what is an '' aircraft shortage ''.

If we read here ...


So the direct translation of Google is ...

The flight is canceled due to a shortage of aircraft.

So it's a little what she explained to me.

She told me that there are planes that flight and sometimes some are missing.


He missed an airplane?

If they had planned a flight here.

They had to do it as a result of the number of planes they have?


Well there the only possibility of flight that I had is actually leaving.

It's really stupid.

I mean that by the time I arrived I would have had time to take the flight.

But they put it to me tomorrow.

And it's impossible that last night they did not know that the plane was not going to come here.

A shortage of planes.

There is not really any other flight I can take.

Apart from the one who is leaving.

I could have taken it.

It's the same flight as tomorrow.

It's the same company with KLM.

To Amsterdam then Montreal.

I could have been here today, and even a little earlier.

But no, it's a stupid decision and I I'll leave tomorrow instead.

That's fine, that's just a day.

Well, where are we now...

Here is my room.

That's what Icelandair pays me to spend the night.

That includes a diner and a breakfast, about the lunch, it seam that it's not their trouble.

I called at Icelandair.

It took about exactly 2 hours before I get an answer and I told them

disappointed I am about the fact that they canceled the flight.

They can not tell me why.

This is because there is a aircraft shortage, that's all they're good at telling me.

-The flight was canceled due to a aircraft shortage, that's the only explanation I can give you right now.

-Is that we receive from the services responsible for that.

-So it's a shortage of planes, so it just means we have to rebook.

I told him that I found that silly they put me on a flight

tomorrow when I could take the same tomorrow's flight, today.

Well well, he was sorry.

When I talked about compensation, he told me that if I preferred he could pay me back.

-If you wish, we can, we can fully refund you

the flight and you can take the flight you want.


And I also told him that the company that will take me home,

who is KLM, who is a company from the Netherlands ...

They were charging a price that was a lot more expensive than them take a bike then

they sent me an email to confirm that they would repay for that if

send a refund request.

And KLM, to take a bike with them it is necessary to confirm 48h in advance

like we're going to have a bike.

So I called the number at KLM to confirm and she tells me that it's noted,

but she can not confirm that they will take it because there are a lot of

Bike traffic between America and Europe.

So maybe there is no more room.

So she gave me another number which I can call.

But here I am exausted, the airport is just on the other side of the road, I'm going to visit them

at the airport, directly at their office maybe and I will ask.

That's it.

So we go to the airport.

It's crazy it's 14:42, since this morning I I am managing this canceled flight situation.

My impression, my impression is that it there were not enough people on the flight so

they decide that it would be cheaper to cancel the flight.

Well well well.

In fact, the reason they could not not confirm to me if they could not take me

with my bike is because the phone number they put on the KLM website, this is the

phone number of Delta, which sells tickets also for KLM because they are

associates, but they do not really talk to each other.

I can't believe that when you pay super expensive prices for something and that there is such a big

lack of communication it's terrible.

Terrible terrible terrible.

It makes me...

I do not say when we have no service on something that is free or practically

free, but when you pay a lot of money for something, please, it's terrible.


How fin it is to talk with humans?

It's a lot easier.

I spoke to the gentleman there, he was Friendly, he already gave me my ticket for tomorrow.

So my check-in is done.

And he confirmed to me that for the bike, I'll have to pay tomorrow morning.

He told me that I could bring everything now, but ...

I can bring my two bags right away, but the chances of the luggage being lost are very high.

Because it is not a standard luggage so it may stay on a wall and be forgotten.

So he strongly suggested me to bring him tomorrow morning.

The bad thing about all of this is that I am still in Norway and everything is super expensive.

36 crowns for a yogurt,

38 for a smoothie,

75 for a pasta salad.

A bag of Doritos, 56 crowns.

Rather then pay too much for a sandwich in a convenience store, I'm going to ...

There seems to be a real thing there and prices are similar.

It seems to be more home-made.

It looks good, a good sandwich at 79 crowns.

Hmm ... He's ...


Well, I just have to wait, it's 3:47 pm, I leave tomorrow around 11am I think.

I have time to watch that.

We will look at the details of the hotel.

I feel like it's Scandinavian.

You see the bed.

The two times that ... Or maybe three I booked a double bed, I had two single beds side to side.

What makes a double bed.

There, I really have a double bed, but ...

It looks like...

I have simple covers.

We will watch that.

Eh yes!

Haha !! No but why?

Why are they not just putting a double bed sheet.

They put two sheets of single bed.

Otherwise we have a TV with poor cabeling structure.

I work in the domain it is a professional fault.

Good, a day to spent at the hotel.

With nothing else to do than being in a hotel.

But what could I do.

I want to do something stupid.

The hotel gives me 350 crowns in credit to eat.

I just ordered a plate for close to 200 crowns.

And I'll come back a bit later ...

I want it to be the most expensive for icelandair.

There I just have to wait.

They gave me a little buzzer and when my food is going to be ready I can go get it.

Ah! It looks good!

It looks really good!

It's just that.

It's 200 kroner.

200 crowns.

That means I have 150 left.

But it's completely crazy!

I do not understand how to eat it.

They have as put one.

They have like put a slice of bread that they sliced ​​below and half a slice

of ordinary bread on the top.

It's weird.

It's good, but it's ...

No more than that.

Let's say that if I had paid the 200 crowns that Icelandair pays ...

I would have been disappointed.

It's good it's ok, but it's nothing extraordinary.

And it's expensive.

And from what I understood, it's a question taxes.

But it must be said that Norway is especially a country that is interesting to visit for

what we can see.

Not for what you can eat.

It's all stuff we know, but ... More expensive.

We're better off getting a grocery store and to do something to eat rather

than going to restaurants and getting ruin for nothing.

Good! I'm on my way to take my second dinner.

I just stumbled upon an article from La Presse which explains that there is a law in Europe that

requires airlines that have flights over 3500km to compensate all

their customers with 600 euros for any canceled flight or postponed for three hours or more.

I think I am an eligible candidate.

It's funny, though, that when I told them about compensation they tell me

that ... we totally refund if you want.

I think we have to talk to them about the law so that they remember it otherwise they forget it, it's funny huh.

Oh oh oh!! Ah, it's looks really good!

A fish and chips.

But that one seam really good!

Let's taste that.

We start with a french frie.

The fries are huge!

Seriously it's huge.

However here, they have Heinz Ketchup.

And in Norway, I discovered another kind of Ketchup.

The other day when we ate pasta Ketchup, I doubted a lot of the result

because I had in mind Heinz ketchup.

But, the ketchup the one that the bottle is marked Norwegians favorite,

he tastes the tomato.

No, but let's say that Heinz ketchup, it does not really taste tomato.

It tastes more vinegar than anything else.

The other, he tasted tomato.

It's like a tomato puree.

It tasted that.

In the form of Ketchup.

But, I'm really going to remind them to give me my 600 euros.

It really looks like it's a European law.

It's frustrating.

The article said that only 2% of customers who are victims

of these cases that receive their compensations because people do not know their right.

I already made a capsule not so long ago to explain where I explaine

how stupid it is to sleep in hotel.

I have not slept yet, but already I can say that ...

A hotel is better than cheap stuff that I caught.

But it's really not worth the price difference.

I mean, if I had to pay, even though it's better, I'd rather sleep where I slept last night.

It does the job.

Unless you really have a lot of money and not to know what to do with it ...

It's completely ridiculous to sleep in there.

Yes it's better, but ...

It's not worth what it is, it's crazy!

Oh no! I do not dream.

Oh no, I can not believe it.

Oh no it's anything.

Yesterday I had a flight with Icelandair, to go to Montreal, my flight was canceled.

It has been postponed to today with a other company, KLM.

With a different path.

I get up this morning, the first thing that I do it is that I look at my emails,

and what do I see...

Both times it's my flights from here that are canceled.

What it is serious?

What are the chances?

But here I am next to the airport so I'll go see what's going on right now.


Serious what are the chances.

Two flights, in a weather like that, canceled.

Two flights with two different companies, two big companies, I think.

Icelandair may be less, but, KLM he I think I see that often.

I think it's big.

And again they do not say why?

We could not.

Oh sorry, we could not pick you up.

At least today I have a reason for why it is canceled.

It does not change the fact that I'm stuck here, but I have a reason.

My flight is canceled because in Amsterdam at this moment there are big big storms.

So there are plenty of planes stuck on the ground, it creates delays and the plane is not able to leave.

It is stuck in Amsterdam.

Well here in the background I go back to the hotel and I am waiting to get news by e-mail

They are speeding up the process that they told me.

Not very comfortable.

I'm at the airport, with all my stuff.

I received an email from another company.

From SAS, to tell me that I had a ticket from Bergen to Oslo.

Except that Montreal is there and Oslo is there.

So it does not really make sense in my opinion.

Oh yes, the other thing.

My flight leaves in an hour and twenty minutes and there, I'm waiting here.

Well, there's something new, I'm still at the counter.

I seem to be in a complicated case.

To date I am going to Oslo, followed by Paris, followed by Montreal and I will arrive around 20h20 tonight.

But here the complication seems to be my luggage.

Good! I'm waiting for my plane who leaves in 25 minutes.

I will do a lot of transfer today.

But I must say that the way that KLM manages the situation is clearly superior to Icelandair.

I mean, yes, I'll have to take three flights.

And in addition to Oslo ...

Right now I only have one ticket that allows me to go to Oslo.

So in Oslo, it looks like my luggage will go to Montreal directly,

but returned to Oslo, I'll have to redo a check-in.

If I'm not mistaken, I transfer with Air France.

That means that KLM found a flight from Oslo in Montreal today, which was

not possible to do with other company from Bergen today so they have

paid a ticket to Oslo, so I can catch the trip that brings me to Montreal.

I'll be arriving later, but at least they had a problem, they reacted quickly,

they found me another flight, I will arrive a little later, but they handled the situation.

Because, Icelandair could have done the same thing yesterday and I would be home already.

But it would not have been a good story to tell.

Oh no! Thank you, Icelandair, for your shitty service.

It allowed me to make a beautiful capsule.

Well, I'm now at Oslo airport.

I could not film through the window because that I had reserved a window but

There was someone else who also had my seat.

So they overbooked the plane.

It's amazing, a canceled flight, two flights canceled, an overbooked plane.

Ah! There I am trying to do a check-in without leaving the secure area

to take my next flight.

Otherwise I have to go back with my luggage and as I have a lot of electronics it's

a little more complicated.

Me, there's something I can not wait to see.

When I select airline tickets, I always arrange to find the cheapest.

Because in the background when we buy a plane ticket we pay to sit in

a bus flying for a few hours.

That's all.

I just checked the ticket price that I can buy right now, and I checked the same flight at later dates.

It is the same price.

So it's not more expensive right now because that he is at the last minute.

My ticket I paid for Bergen to Montreal, it cost me something like $ 800.

Right now I'm in Paris, I'm leaving in Montreal and the price I see here ...

2246 Euros.

That if I convert it is 2246 multiplied by 1.52 it's $ 3413.

My ticket was $ 800 so it's 2600 more.

Which is four and a quarter times more expensive.

4.25x more expensive.

I can not wait to see if ...

What can justify a ticket is 4.25x more expensive.

Haha !!

My expectations is that it will be the same like all the other flights I've done.

It's my expectations.

Ah! It was almost four weeks that I had not driven.

It feels good!

But there is something that disturbs me, it's dark!

Haha !!

It had been so long since I had not seen that.

No, but black like that, I'm not even not sure if it was black like that

15 minutes in Norway it's crazy!

Thank you very much for watching this video.

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Waiting for my next publication, there is some other videos that you may not have seen yet.



For more infomation >> Je n'en reviens toujours pas! 😯 - Duration: 38:03.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i 67PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR | RIJKLAAR INCL.METALLIC LAK - Duration: 0:53.


Woman arrested after she, her infant son were rescued from creek - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Woman arrested after she, her infant son were rescued from creek - Duration: 0:36.


Woman Dragged by Car During Robbery - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Woman Dragged by Car During Robbery - Duration: 1:50.


Emery reveals he passed up chance to sign Salah for PSG - Duration: 2:58.

Arsenal boss Unai Emery has remarkably revealed that he passed up the chance to sign Mohamed Salah for former club Paris Saint-Germain because he doubted whether the Egyptian could handle the expectations of a major club

Salah has scored fifteen goals for Liverpool this season after an outstanding first campaign in which he scored 44 goals

The forward signed for Liverpool in a £34m transfer from Roma in the summer of 2017

At the time, Emery was managing PSG and Salah was on the radar of the French club

The forward had already endured a doomed period at Chelsea before going to Roma.Emery, who now believes Salah is one of the world's very best, explained: 'We spoke about the possibility to sign Salah to PSG when he was playing at Roma

We had some doubts - and then he signed for Liverpool and these doubts he has broken at Liverpool

'The doubts were as to how he can take the performance into one big team. For example like PSG in Paris

But today I can say to you … if you are speaking about the five top players in the world, one is Salah

' Arsenal were the last Premier League team to take points off Liverpool when the two teams drew at the Emirates Stadium in early November and since then, Jurgen Klopp's side have won eight games on the spin to move six points clear at the top

 Arsenal are in 5th place and thirteen points behind the leaders. Emery says Liverpool are now the title favourites after Manchester City's Christmas slip-ups

The Spaniard added: 'It is a very big surprise how Manchester City lost their two last matches

'It is a surprise for me and I think for all and at the moment, Liverpool didn't have mistakes in their matches

'They created this team. I remember three years ago they had a problem in their defensive moments and bought some people - for example Virgil van Dijk - with a good investment and the result is we are looking today at their progress

They are a very big team.' 

For more infomation >> Emery reveals he passed up chance to sign Salah for PSG - Duration: 2:58.


Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner | Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Little Jack Horner Sat In A Corner | Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:28.


[VIET/ENG Sub] BTS Season's Greetings 2019 CUT - Duration: 1:22.

Cr: Aeonian_V A part of N.G.U

Suga: I have passed the auditions.

That time it was about 50.

From that point it's the start( of hardship). It dropped the moment I became a trainee

RM: I remember that Hyung cried a lot on the bed that something isn't working out

Suga: The moment i became a trainee with no error a straight drop RM: Then it goes up

Suga: It goes up. It's debut then goes down this around N.O

Suga: Here is Boy In Luv. No More Dream, N.O. Then it goes down again. Danger.

Suga: If you see Danger is the lowest. After that it's like HYYH and such but mentally Suga was still unsure.

Jimin: Danger is really the lowest...

Suga: What I realized back then was there is something you just can't do

V: During that time we had to prepare variety show and comeback at the same time in US

Suga: Comeback, Variety show, album, recording...

But now I am very happy

J-Hope: Oh that's a relief then it's good if you are happy now

Suga: It surpassed 100 [About happiness point]

For more infomation >> [VIET/ENG Sub] BTS Season's Greetings 2019 CUT - Duration: 1:22.


Palavra de Deus Todo-Poderoso "O Próprio Deus, o Único IV A santidade de Deus (I) Parte dois" - Duration: 24:15.

For more infomation >> Palavra de Deus Todo-Poderoso "O Próprio Deus, o Único IV A santidade de Deus (I) Parte dois" - Duration: 24:15.


My Favorite Book of 2018 - Duration: 14:19.

Hey, everyone, and welcome to a book review!

I haven't done one of these in a while, but I've been talking about books, you know that.

So today, to cap off 2018 in a really nice way, I want to talk about my favorite book

of this year, that I read this year, that came out this year, it's just, it's the best


And it is...The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandi.

It's so good.

So first, a little summary, this book is about a twelve-year-old girl who lives in what has

just now become Pakistan and she, having a Hindu father, is forced to move with her twin

brother and grandmother, to what is now India.

So a little history lesson for you, in 1947, the British left India, stopped colonizing

it, peaced out, and then that day, India became independent, and the next day, Pakistan became

its own country, and then, there was a lot of bad.

So they wanted India to be a primarily Hindu country and Pakistan to be a primarily Muslim

country, and everyone was forced to migrate from their homes, from their ancestral homes

in some cases, to entirely new places where they knew no one.

And in that move, there was a lot of violence, a lot of riots, just a lot of riots.

And that is what they call Partition.

It was not a good time.

My grandparents lived through it.

I'm lucky that they lived through it, otherwise I wouldn't be around today.

And this is about a twelve-year-old girl who had to as well.

Now, this is a work of fiction, I should say that.

This is historical fiction - it takes place during that time, the events that happened

are real, but the people in the book are fiction.

So one of the things I really love about this book is the way it's formatted.

So Nisha, the 12-year-old girl in question, has just turned twelve.

She has a twin brother, a single father, a grandmother, and a servant, and she's just

living her life.

And every night she writes in her diary, which is why it's called The Night Diary, but she

is actually writing to her mother, who has passed away.

She passed away in childbirth, so her and her brother's birthday is their mother's death

anniversary as well.

Nisha really feels the loss of her mother, despite the fact that she never knew her,

and is compelled to write to her every single day and try to understand her mother, herself,

and the world around her by writing these letters.

So because it is a diary, and such a personal diary, you really get to know the main character

so well and you get to know her voice and her understanding of the world and misunderstanding

of the world, because a lot of this has to do with confusing politics that would go over

anyone's head, much less a twelve-year-old's.

Nisha is really the right way to tell this specific story.

Sometimes I feel like in stories, a book is better told by a different narrator, like

I think Hermione would have been a far more interesting story than Harry's for instance.

But this doesn't have that problem at all.

It's such a good voice for this story.

So the reason why it's so important that Nisha is writing to her mother specifically is that

her mother was a Muslim, and she is half Muslim, but her father is Hindu.

So she is being torn away from a place that now represents her mother's identity, and

is going to a place that she doesn't know.

That does represent half of her identity as well, but it's an identity that's already

a part of her.

She grew up with her father, her father and her father's mother raised her, like, she

knows her Hindu past very well, and this is one of the few things that connects her to

her mother and she's being ripped away from that.

As you can see by the cover.

It's such a well-done cover by the way.

Just take a moment to appreciate it.

Look, it's shiny!

It's got shiny bits!

It's a really unique situation that Veera Hiranandi puts her characters in, which is

that their mother was from this place and half of her identity is from one place and

the other half is part of the other and in the middle, there's all this violence going

on and they have to be in hiding, and their starving, and can't find food as they try

to migrate from what is now Pakistan to what is now India.

I'm not going to say it's an easy read or a light read or a fun read, because it's not.

But it's a necessary book to read.

So many people I know didn't know that this is a thing that happened.

They had no idea.

They know that it the 1940s WWII happened, and suddenly all of these countries became

independent because England had no money anymore and no way to negotiate.

And people also don't realize that Indians and colonized people actually fought in world

wars, which is why it's called world war.

But the British had no ground to stand on, which is why so many countries were able to

become independent in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

But what people don't realize is what came with that wonderful independence is a lot

of scary times for a lot of people.

It's not something other people think about.

I think about it occasionally, because it's a part of my identity and my history, my grandparents

and parents are from India - I have roots there, but it's not something I think about

every day, even.

But this makes you think about it from a day-by-day perspective.

Like, this is something that happened to someone every single day of their life.

They lost education because of it, they lost money, they lost food, they became malnourished

and had to hide from the people who were trying to kill them, and this really brings to life

things that aren't really talked about, even in Indian culture.

It's necessary, is all I'm gonna say.

For south asians and non-south asians alike, it's a necessary book.

However just because it's a difficult book to read and because it makes you sad, doesn't

mean it's not got some really nice aspects to it.

One thing that was really amazing to see was the relationship between Nisha and Kazi, who

is the Muslim servant that they had who cooked for them.

I would call him a Maharaj, if you guys know what that means in the context.

Brown people who know what I'm talking about, know what I'm talking about.

But like, Kazi is the one who cooked for them and Nisha learned so much from him and they

got separated because Kazi is Muslim and had to stay while Nisha and her family had to

go because religion and politics and bad things.

But, it was really great to see their relationship at the beginning and how Kazi knew her mom,

so it was really nice to see their relationship and how Nisha learned how to cook from him

and learn all of these wonderful things from him, and also got some of her mother's love

from him.

And it was really beautiful to see that relationship develop.

Another one of my favorite characters was the brother, Amil, who would - I would say,

in modern times, would be diagnosed with ADHD, but that's also, I have ADHD so like take

that with a grain of salt, but Nisha is a smart, strong-willed character.

She is the type of girl who'd get straight-As in school and also cooks and she's very...she

likes to do things and be active, and Amil is more of the artist type who is just, he

wants to sing and draw and doesn't really understand numbers and everything gets jumbled

up in his head and he can't pay attention for the life of him, and has learning difficulties.

And it was - and obviously none of it is talked about the way it's talked about in modern

times, and their father is not nice to Amil because of the way he performs in school and

the way other kids treat him is awful, but it was really kind of nice to see that represented

in a boy - like a soft, artistic boy character, because you don't get that enough.

And it's also really nice to see Amil and their father's relationship develop as the

story goes on.

Because they're all they've got.

They don't have a home anymore, they don't have anything anymore.

They are displaced refugees who have to stick together, and they kind of overcome those

differences through the book.

And it's also so clear that their father is also terrified but is doing his best to be

strong for these two children who don't quite understand what's going on.

Like, their father is a doctor who has just lost his entire business of saving lives.

But he still manages to help a few people along the way, which is wonderful to see.

But he's just trying to keep it all together, and his mother is with them, and is sick and

her legs don't work, and everyone's just so persistent and determined to get through everything

alive and together.

And it's just so beautiful to see.

And all of the characters are so different.

Like, you've got Nisha, the type-A but girly and always wants to make friends, smart girl,

then you've got the father who is a little more stoic, but clearly cares so much about

his children and doesn't know how how to express it.

And then you've got Amil who is artistic and clever in his own way, but it's not quite

understood by everyone else, and then you've got the grandmother who's just a trooper and

amazing and also very smart and wonderful.

And, yeah.

I just love every character in this book.

I just love them all so much and they're all so different.

And you've gotta read this book.

Guys, I don't know if I've got this across to you yet, but you've gotta read this book.

The only thing I would say I didn't like about this book, which isn't even a complaint, is

that the voice does read a little more childish than twelve sometimes.

But then I remember that this is 1947 and Nisha's not as educated as she wants to be

and she's very clear about that - that she's not as educated as she wants to be.

And she is suffering and is still able to make amazing observations in very simple language.

I think I said this a few years ago about A Time to Dance, which also takes place in

South Asia - in South India, that one - but this feels almost translated.

Like I'm reading a translated text from Urdu, I guess, to English, where the language feels

simpler but in a good way, because all it's doing is getting every point across, but it

still has some beautiful language in it.

So I think I've raved for long enough about this book.

If you don't want to read this book yet, you're wrong.

You have to read this book.

I don't care.

It's amazing.

You have to read it.

And I am just going to end this video by reading aloud one of my favorite passages from the


It's right in the middle of the book.

It's on page 131 if you have this copy, which everyone should - it's only out in hardcover

right now.

And this is just such a beautiful moment between a brother and a sister.

"I matched my pace with Amil exactly as I could, making sure our feet hit and left the

ground at the exact same time.

I made it a game and the sound of our footfalls became a beat to a song I heard in my head.

It was an old song I heard, a song that Dadi used to sing to us before bed when we were


Amil used to sing with Dadi, and Dadi would shush him and tell him he wouldn't fall asleep

if he sang with her.

I remember wishing he would be quiet, too.

I just wanted to hear Dadi's voice.

Sometimes I would close my eyes and pretend it was you singing to us, Mama.

But he would stop only for a few seconds and then start up again.

I realized I haven't heard Amil sing in a long time.

What I would do to hear him sing now.

Love, Nisha."

Yeah, that is a kind of sad but beautiful note to end on, which is this book.

Kind of sad - pretty sad - but beautiful.

I will see you guys next time, and I will see you when you have read this book.


Special thanks to Jay Patel and John E. Norem for being my Patrons.

If you would like to support my video work, head on over to my Patreon and check out the


For more infomation >> My Favorite Book of 2018 - Duration: 14:19.


[VIET/ENG Sub] BTS Season's Greetings 2019 CUT - Duration: 0:11.

JK: Ah I remember a little when I was 3

Jin: This kid is young soo

JK: When I was 3 I fought with a puppy

RM: Did you win?

Jin: Me too. I fought when I was freshman in middle school

From ilyevanes/qopexbts. TAKEOUT WITH FULL CREDITS!

For more infomation >> [VIET/ENG Sub] BTS Season's Greetings 2019 CUT - Duration: 0:11.


PEPEE , NİLOYA VE DoDi YILBAŞI HEDİYELERİNİ AÇIYOR (Pepee izle,Niloya İzle) - Duration: 7:15.

Have Fun :) Like&Subscribe <3

For more infomation >> PEPEE , NİLOYA VE DoDi YILBAŞI HEDİYELERİNİ AÇIYOR (Pepee izle,Niloya İzle) - Duration: 7:15.


Ready to Own in Cedar Park - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> Ready to Own in Cedar Park - Duration: 21:44.


Рецепт КУРИЦЫ на Праздничный Стол | Куриные ножки в духовке в стиле ГЛИНТВЕЙН - Duration: 3:34.

Hello friends! My name is Tikhon and you on my channel. Today we will cook with you

festive chicken legs. What could be better than a fragrant crispy chicken,

with a fragrant smell, served on a festive table?

It seems to me nothing. Today I offer cook not ordinary chicken legs in the style of mulled wine

Add there big amount of spices, aromatic wine,

rosemary, a little sugar, salt. All this we will unite one taste, we will bake

and get a great meal! Let's start. For the marinade I will need:

150 milliliters of red wine, take table or dry. Basically

this is not particularly important. Leave yourself. I add there, here I have badyan / anise,

cinnamon, cloves, a few sprigs of rosemary, tablespoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt.

There I will chop 2 garlic cloves

and the top zest from lemon. Literally some.

Two tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix everything well.

In this bright, colorful, fragrant marinade ship our chicken legs.

Thoroughly mix and remove all pickled for at least one hour.

Well, as time passed, our chicken well pickled, it's about time

put it in a baking dish and send in the oven.

See what an unusual shade due to red wine she purchased.

And pour the remaining marinade. Add spices here out of the marinade, covered with foil and

send to warmed to 190 degrees Celsius oven for 30 minutes. Well, 30 minutes have passed

let's see what we have happened. She is so funny

purple color for now. But wait, let bake it and it will be covered with a delicious,

browned crust. And now without the foil send it

bake for another 30 minutes at 200 degrees celsius. Well friends, our chicken is ready!

It turned out not 30 minutes, but 40 me, but you look in your oven.

The main thing to get a beautiful top a ruddy crust and can be served.

I probably will not try now, because she too hot and i have too much

I have already tried it today, but trust me - the flavor is unreal!

If you love mulled wine, then you You will surely recognize these notes of cardamom,

cinnamon, star anise and anise still here a little garlic, lemon and the smell of wine is a perfect combination!

This chicken is best serve with boiled potatoes or rice.

With you was Tikhon, do not forget subscribe to the channel

leave comments and press the bell, so as not to miss the new recipes!

See you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> Рецепт КУРИЦЫ на Праздничный Стол | Куриные ножки в духовке в стиле ГЛИНТВЕЙН - Duration: 3:34.


शादी के लिए लड़की देखने जाना । 1979 vs 2019 की कन्या | #Roleplay, AmazingShifa - Duration: 4:35.

Hello Friends, Mera Naam Hai Shifa

Aap Sab Kaise hain ?

Aaj ki video bahot alag hai

End Tak dekna Aur Subscribe aur like aur 1000 views tak pahunchana .

Chalo ab dekhte hain...

Lo..Aa gayi Meri Beti.

Beti ..Baith jao


Meri Beti Gaay hai Gaay

Meri Beti saare kaam karti hai.. Dekho Samose isne hi banaye hain..

Ye Samose papa ne khaaye the iske.

Jab se wo Bathroom me hi pade pade hain

Meri beti Daswi to padhi hai Daswi tak

Meri Beti bahot Susheel hai

Subah paanch baje uth jaati hai

Subah paanch baje uth jaati hai

Silaai, Bunaaai, Dhulaai Sab kar leti hai

Sharmeeli hai

To ye Rishtaa Pakka Samjhoon ? hahaha

Pata hai Meri Mummy (Corrects heself) nahi nahi

Meri Beti na saare kaam kar leti hai

Yakeen nahi hota to Abhi khana bana ke dikhayegi

Behan ji Rishtaa Pakka

Moonh Meetha karwao, Barfi Warfi Laao ?

Lo Aa gayi meri beti

Aa jao beti baith jao .

Beti Aapko kya Naam Hai ?

Chalo ek minute.. Abhi Mujhe ek Selphie Leni hai

Are beti hamaari bhi sun lo

Beti Aap ko kya kya aata hai ?

Ruko ruko.. It's So HOT .. Abhi mujhe Jacket utaarne do

Bolo kyaa bol rahe the ?

Beti Aapka kya naam hai ?

Mera naam ha Mingaa ... Mujh Se koi Panga nahi leta.. Kyunki Mera naam hai Minga

Beti Aapko kya kya aata hai?

Mujhe khaana banana to nahi aata.bas khana aata hai aur order karna aata hai

Shaadi ke baad me Order bahot achha karungi

Aapke Bete ko kya aata hai ye batao

Behen ji to Rishtaa pakkaa ?

Mumma hold on .. hold on ! Aise kaise rishtaa pakka..batao ?

Are aise kaise rishtaa pakka ho jayega ..Abhi main ghumoongi..

Abhi main ladke ke saath ghumne jaaongi

Fir ghumoongi

Jab hi to jake pata chalega,tabhi to bataungi

Are behen ji !

For more infomation >> शादी के लिए लड़की देखने जाना । 1979 vs 2019 की कन्या | #Roleplay, AmazingShifa - Duration: 4:35.


Diy paper flower wall Decoration | Wall hanging ideas | How To Make Easy paper flowers wall hanging - Duration: 8:48.

Diy paper flower wall Decoration

Wall hanging ideas

How To Make Easy paper flowers wall hanging

For more infomation >> Diy paper flower wall Decoration | Wall hanging ideas | How To Make Easy paper flowers wall hanging - Duration: 8:48.


100 Me Se 90 Dhokha Deti Hai (Bhojpuri Mix 2019) || Bhojpuri Remix Song New 2019 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 100 Me Se 90 Dhokha Deti Hai (Bhojpuri Mix 2019) || Bhojpuri Remix Song New 2019 - Duration: 3:21.


Prince of Cakes - Duration: 20:13.

For more infomation >> Prince of Cakes - Duration: 20:13.


Palavra de Deus Todo-Poderoso "O Próprio Deus, o Único IV A santidade de Deus (I) Parte dois" - Duration: 24:15.

For more infomation >> Palavra de Deus Todo-Poderoso "O Próprio Deus, o Único IV A santidade de Deus (I) Parte dois" - Duration: 24:15.


Dem Lawmaker: Shutdown Won't Stop Probes Of President Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Dem Lawmaker: Shutdown Won't Stop Probes Of President Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 5:18.


Pro-President Donald Trump Congressman: Shutdown 'Until Hell Freezes Over' | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 15:54.

For more infomation >> Pro-President Donald Trump Congressman: Shutdown 'Until Hell Freezes Over' | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 15:54.


Projecting Cubs 2019 Lineup With Bryce Harper | - Duration: 5:26.

Projecting Cubs 2019 Lineup With Bryce Harper |

Bryce Harper to the Chicago Cubs seems more realistic now that it did two weeks ago.

A final announcement probably isn't coming before January, but we've already started imagining what a Cubs lineup would look like with Harper.

Why it Might Happen.

MLB Network's Jon Heyman gave Cubs fans something to hope for earlier this week when he gave the North Siders an edge over the Los Angeles Dodgers in the pursuit of Harper.

A separate report implied Harper isn't enthused with the idea of joining the Philadelphia Phillies.

If these reports are true, it would seemingly give the Cubs an advantage over two of the major suitors for Harper's services.

Another might be the Cubs' crosstown rivals, the Chicago White Sox, but truthfully, it's difficult to imagine Harper choosing the South Siders if the money is comparable.

Who Might Be Moving On.    .

The Cubs will not be signing Harper outright without some cost-cutting moves.

There are a number of names that Cubs fans have become familiar with over the past two years that would almost certainly have to exit if the team wants to sign Harper.

Chief on that list is Jason Heyward.

The Cubs outfielder has been an outstanding clubhouse presence and a defensive stalwart, but his.

252 batting average, 8.

6 HR and 55 RBI per season as a Cub aren't exactly what you'd expect from a guy with an 8-year $184 million contract.

The Cubs almost have to trade Heyward to sign Harper.

To entice a team to take Heyward's contract, the Cubs will have to ship off a young prospect or two with him.

There's a good chance the switch-hitting and versatile Ian Happ could be the guy packaged with Heyward.

He just turned 24 and he's already averaging just under 20 HRs per season in two major league seasons.

Most of which he's played part-time.    .

His upside is real and trade value should be relatively high.

Shortstop Addison Russell has been up and down at the plate, but he's also serving a suspension that will keep him out of the first 29 games of the season for domestic abuse allegations.

The Cubs would probably love to unload him as well.

Even if the Cubs can't sign Harper, it wouldn't surprise me to see all of these guys moved to help facilitate the team's backup plan.

Here is the lineup I project with Harper onboard.

Mind you, Joe Maddon is the manager, so there is no telling how many different variations we'll see over the course of a season.

2B – Ben Zobrist SS – Javier Baez RF – Bryce Harper 3B – Kris Bryant 1B – Anthony Rizzo C – Willson Contreras LF – Kyle Schwarber CF – Albert Almora.

The beauty in this lineup is the versatility and the righty-lefty alternation from the leadoff through the eighth spot, that's assuming Maddon doesn't hit the pitcher eighth, as he has done at times in the past.

There would still be a lack of speed and a natural lead-off hitter, but when it comes to power and balance from both sides of the plate, this could be the premier lineup in the National League, and perhaps all of baseball.

For more infomation >> Projecting Cubs 2019 Lineup With Bryce Harper | - Duration: 5:26.


Sismo de magnitud 7.2 sacude el sur de Filipinas - Duration: 3:26.

   Un sismo de magnitud 6.9 sacudió este sábado la isla de Mindanao, en el sur de Filipinas, anunció el instituto geológico estadunidense (USGS), al tiempo que se alertó de un posible riesgo de tsunami

 El sismo se originó al sureste de la ciudad de Davao, a 59 km de profundidad, según el USGS, que en un primer momento estimó la magnitud en 7

2. El Centro de alertas de tsunamis del Pacífico indicó que era "posible" que se produjeran "olas peligrosas" de tsunami en las costas del sur de Filipinas y del norte de Indonesia

Sin embargo, estas olas debían ser de menos de 30 cm, según el organismo. El Instituto filipino de vulcanología y sismología informó de temblores "moderadamente fuertes" en las ciudades del sur

 Las autoridades provinciales afirmaron que no habían obtenido ninguna información de daños o víctimas

 Según el USGS, la probabilidad de que se registren víctimas es bastante baja, si bien sismos recientes provocaron aludes

 Filipinas e Indonesia son dos archipiélagos situados en el cinturón de fuego del Pacífico, una zona de fuerte actividad sísmica y de erupciones volcánicas

 El sismo más mortífero ocurrido en Filipinas desde que se mide la magnitud tuvo lugar en 1976 y acabó con la vida de miles de personas, hasta 8 mil, según algunas estimaciones

 En Perú, el Centro Nacional de Alertas de Tsunami, también reportó el temblor, asegurando que movimiento no genera un peligro para el litoral del país

#ÚltimoSismoNOTA DE PRENSA Nº 45 - 2018EVENTO SÍSMICO A 101 KM SE DE PONDAGUITAN, Filipinashttps://t

co/cs3YWH5wLs— Hidrografía Perú (@DHN_peru) December 29, 2018  El terremoto ocurre cuando Filipinas, y sobre todo las regiones central y septentrional, se encuentra en alerta por la presencia de la depresión tropical que los filipinos llaman Usman, que ha dejado hasta el momento tres muertos

 Filipinas se asienta sobre el llamado 'Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico', una zona de gran actividad sísmica y volcánica que es sacudida por unos 7 mil temblores al año, la mayoría moderados


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