Saturday, December 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 30 2018

Hello. everyone

I am "banboyoung".

I created a timeline.

You can hear what you like.

everyone! good night.

And! It's tapping.

from now.

A bit more to the sound of things!

Let's concentrate!

So good night!

For more infomation >> 불면증엔 딱딱한사물 탭핑 ASMR Hard item Tapping(sub)硬い タッピング(日本語字幕) - Duration: 35:15.


Мой Говорящий Том 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #31 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей - Duration: 20:11.

For more infomation >> Мой Говорящий Том 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #31 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей - Duration: 20:11.


Pour le réveillon du Nouvel an, comment porter des paillettes selon les maquilleurs - Duration: 11:26.

MODE - Qui dit maquillage de fêtes dit paillettes! Peut-être parce qu'elles sont synonymes de glamour propre au réveillon du Nouvel an, ou simplement parce que c'est amusant

Quelle que soit la raison, le strass et les paillettes sont devenus un élément incontournable des fêtes

Et si vous pensez que les paillettes, en particulier sur le visage, sont réservées aux audacieuses, vous vous trompez

Il est tout à fait possible de porter un maquillage à paillettes scintillant sans en faire des tonnes

C'est aussi une bonne option pour ceux qui veulent s'habiller un peu pour les fêtes sans avoir à porter de sequins (un autre incontournable)

Découvrez ci-dessous les meilleurs conseils des maquilleurs pour porter des paillettes cet hiver

Les voici: "Un bon maquillage à base de paillettes, ce n'est pas si simple", nous explique Gloria Elias-Foeillet, maquilleuse des stars (elle travaille notamment avec Missy Elliott)

"Je choisis un endroit où appliquer les paillettes et je m'y tiens. Si vous commencez à mettre des paillettes partout, votre maquillage ressemblera à un déguisement qui n'aura rien d'élégant

" Vous pouvez par exemple souligner les lèvres, comme au défilé printemps-été 2019 de Jeremy Scott, ou essayer un maquillage brillant autour des yeux, comme au défilé automne-hiver 2018 d'Ulla Johnson

"Si je donne aux lèvres un aspect métallique ou brillant, je veux que ce soit un point d'orgue, et non une distraction", raconte la maquilleuse Mimi Johnson, qui compte parmi ses clients Angela Simmons et Kenya Moore

"Aux défilés 2019, on a vu beaucoup de visages à la peau neutre avec les yeux accentués, ou les lèvres, mais pas les deux

" "Il faut éviter de ressembler à une boule disco!" ajoute-t-elle. Morgane Martini, qui fait le maquillage d'Ashley Graham, approuve ce conseil et confie au HuffPost que, bien qu'il n'existe pas de règle absolue en matière de paillettes, elle préfère attirer l'attention sur les yeux

VICTOR VIRGILE VIA GETTY IMAGES A model with a face covered in glitter at the Giambattista fall 2018 ready-to-wear show in Paris

If you don't want to look like a disco ball, this is probably a look you should avoid

Un mannequin au visage couvert de paillettes lors du défilé Giambattista automne-hiver 2018 à Paris

Si vous ne souhaitez pas ressembler à une boule disco, voici un look à éviter. Si vous voulez porter des paillettes sur plus d'une partie de votre visage, conservez un certain équilibre: si vous accentuez vos yeux ou vos lèvres d'un maquillage scintillant hyper audacieux, pensez à rendre votre fond de teint légèrement plus subtil

Beau Nelson, maquilleur de Kate Bosworth et Kristen Stewart, prévient: "L'idée, c'est d'être radieuse, pas de ressembler à un robot de Noël

" Et Mimi Johnson d'ajouter: "À moins que vous alliez au festival Coachella, je vous conseille d'éviter un fond de teint trop frappant

Tant que vous apportez de l'équilibre lors de l'application du maquillage – plutôt que d'en mettre partout –, vous pouvez toujours obtenir un fond de teint parfait tout en faisant scintiller vos yeux

" Pour certaines personnes, un look à paillettes peut être dur à porter. Surtout pour celles qui ne mettent que peu de maquillage

La meilleure manière de vous essayer à cette tendance, c'est de vous en tenir à des tons pâles, neutres et légèrement chatoyants

"Si ça vous stresse, contentez-vous d'une couleur neutre, comme un bronze ou un noir à paillettes", conseille Blair Petty, maquilleur new-yorkais, dont l'un des produits à paillettes préférés est le MAC's Reflect glitter, disponible dans tout un éventail de couleurs

"Les paillettes, c'est déjà osé en soi. Alors, inutile de choisir en plus une couleur trop intense", renchérit Morgane Martini

"J'aime beaucoup apporter une touche de paillettes à des yeux maquillés dans des tons plus subtils, comme du blanc, du beige, du cuivre ou du brun

" Beau Nelson note également que les tons neutres, comme les couleurs chairs ou bronzes, "vont bien à tout le monde" et ajoute que si vous savez déjà qu'une certaine couleur de fard à paupières vous convient, "vous apprécierez très certainement une teinte similaire pour les paillettes"

Bien qu'on soit fans de ce look, on sait combien ça peut être pénible à appliquer

Pour éviter un débordement de paillettes – ce qui arrive quand vous appliquez un fard pailleté et vous retrouvez avec tout le visage étincelant –, occupez-vous d'abord de maquiller vos yeux

La plupart des maquilleurs recommandent cette approche: elle vous fera gagner du temps et vous garantira un résultat plus satisfaisant

PASCAL LE SEGRETAIN VIA GETTY IMAGES Kaia Gerber walking the runway with some very glittery eye makeup at the Valentino spring 2019 show in Paris

Kaia Gerber, les yeux maquillés de paillettes, sur le podium du défilé printemps-été 2019 de Valentino à Paris

Gloria Elias-Foeillet et Beau Nelson recommandent tous les deux d'utiliser du scotch pour enlever les paillettes qui tombent sur votre visage pendant l'application

Gloria Elias-Foeillet explique également qu'elle utilise parfois un peu de lotion nettoyante

Si vous souhaitez que votre look tienne toute la nuit, Blair Petty conseille d'utiliser une colle pour paillettes – que vous trouverez en version cosmétique – pour que tout reste en place

Gloria Elis-Foeillet ajoute qu'elle utilise de la colle pour paillettes ou une solution de mélange avant d'appliquer le maquillage, "de manière à ce que les paillettes s'accrochent à quelque chose"

Morgane Martini conseille aussi d'utiliser un spray fixant après avoir terminé tout le maquillage, afin que tout reste en place

Pour ne pas avoir les yeux qui démangent, Beau Nelson déconseille la pose de paillettes au-delà des cils

Elles sont souvent rugueuses et cette zone des yeux est particulièrement sensible: tout ce qui est râpeux pourrait être irritant

Morgane Martini déconseille également l'utilisation de paillettes artificielles (comme celles qu'on trouve dans les supermarchés) autour des yeux

"Si ce ne sont pas des paillettes cosmétiques vous prenez un risque en les appliquant autour des yeux", explique-t-elle

Comme Mimi Johnson, elle recommande plutôt un eye-liner à paillettes. Morgane Martini utilise les crayons d'eye-liner en gel Marc Jacobs Beauty Highliner Glam Glitter, qu'elle trouve adaptés pour l'intérieur de l'œil

Mimi Johnson préfère l'eye-liner à paillettes d'Urban Decay et celui de NYX à utiliser au-dessus ou juste en-dessous de la paupière

Cet article, publié sur le HuffPost américain, a été traduit par Lison Hasse pour Fast ForWord

À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Pour le réveillon du Nouvel an, comment porter des paillettes selon les maquilleurs - Duration: 11:26.



For more infomation >> CE QU'ON SOUHAITERAIT POUR 2019 (GTA V) + (OPTION SOUS-TITRES) - Duration: 1:12.


불면증엔 딱딱한사물 탭핑 ASMR Hard item Tapping(sub)硬い タッピング(日本語字幕) - Duration: 35:15.

Hello. everyone

I am "banboyoung".

I created a timeline.

You can hear what you like.

everyone! good night.

And! It's tapping.

from now.

A bit more to the sound of things!

Let's concentrate!

So good night!

For more infomation >> 불면증엔 딱딱한사물 탭핑 ASMR Hard item Tapping(sub)硬い タッピング(日本語字幕) - Duration: 35:15.


Мой Говорящий Том 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #31 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей - Duration: 20:11.

For more infomation >> Мой Говорящий Том 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #31 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей - Duration: 20:11.


DERS DİNLERKEN NEDEN UYKUMUZ GELİR ? | Bilim Terk - Duration: 1:31.

The nucleus akumbens (NAcc) is a part of the brain

discovering that it triggers sleep, listening to lessons and traveling

In activities where the amount of stimuli is low, it allows us to explain why our sleep is coming.

Adenosine molecule increases in your brain within the time frame we awake and

the sleep paths are activated.

Intense presence of A2A from the adenosine receptors in the nucleus akumbens region,

this causes the region to drag the brain into a slow cycle.

Caffeine molecules, which can be taken with coffee and tea, prevent the binding of A2A receptors to each other,

allows you to stay awake by preventing adenosine agglomeration.

Another sleep triggering factor is the lack of lighting in the classrooms.

blue light from sunlight components.

The upper chiasmatic core, which carries out the sleep-wake cycle in your brain,

The blue light signals from the retina in the eye keep the body awake.

Top chiazmatic core with the start of blue light in your environment

it begins to drag the body to the sleep period.

For more infomation >> DERS DİNLERKEN NEDEN UYKUMUZ GELİR ? | Bilim Terk - Duration: 1:31.


中國有哪些能擊沉航母的利器除導彈外還有這 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 中國有哪些能擊沉航母的利器除導彈外還有這 - Duration: 3:58.


Plum Cake in Kadai I Eggless Plum Cake Without Oven I - Duration: 9:36.

I will make Plum Cake in Kadai (Fry Pan)

White Flour (Maida 1 1/2 Cup)

Refined Oil 5 Tbsp

White Flour 2-3 Tbsp for dusting

Over Tin

and to mix with Dates & Cashew

Vanilla Essence 1 Tsp

Baking Powder 1/2 Tsp

Baking Soda 1/4 Tsp

Ginger Powder 1/4 Tsp

Cinamon Powder 1/4 Tsp

Cardamum Powder 1 Tsp

Sugar 2 Tbsp

Milk 1 Cup

Date Palm 10 Nos, Seeds Removed

Cut in to small pieces

1/2 Cup Sugar Powder

Almonds and Cashew Chopped

Cashew to decorate

Tutti Frutti

Cherry, Yellow Raisins, Black Raisins

Total 110 gram

Fresh Orange Juice 80 ml.

Now we will pour the orange juice to Raisins & Tutti Frutti

Let it soak for 2 Hours

You can use packed orange juice from market

Apply oil to the Cake Tin

Dust the cake tin with White Flour (Maida)

Remove the residual white flour

Pre-heat the salt in a pan

Put a stand in the pan

Cover with lid & use low flame.

After the Tutti Frutti is soaked add Vanilla Essence to it

Vanilla Essence 1 Tsp

Mix it

Add some white flour to chopped cashew, almonds and date palms

This is done to evenly spread the dry fruits in cake

Else it will settle down below the cake

Heat the pan. Add Sugar 2 Tbsp

Now we will caramelize it.

Add little water

Whenever you add water , switch off the gas.

And mix it

Again switch on the gas and let it boil for 2 minutes

Now mix all the dry ingredients

White Flour

Sugar Powder

Baking Powder, Baking Soda

Ginger Powder, Cinamon Powder

Cardamom Powder

Sieve it

Now add the tutti frutti, raisins along-with orange juice to the mix

Add oil

Mix it thoroughly

Add Date Palm, Cashew and Almond dusted with white flour in to it

Add Date Palm, Cashew and Almond dusted with white flour in to it

Mix it by adding milk

Pour the mixture in to Cake Tin

Tap the cake tin twice to remove bubbles

Decorate with Cashew

Put the cake tin in the Pre-heated Pan

Cove with Lid and bake for 35-40 minutes

Now after 35 minutes we check the cake

The cake is ready. If your cake is not ready then bake it for 5 more minutes

We will remove the cake after it cools down

Cake is ready

Please like my vide, share it

Please subscribe my channel, Thank You

For more infomation >> Plum Cake in Kadai I Eggless Plum Cake Without Oven I - Duration: 9:36.


CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2018 (Captions Included) - Duration: 26:43.

Hello, everybody! Welcome back to my YouTube channel after a literal eternity of being gone.

As you can see, I have a camera woman that's walking backwards for me and filming me.

I don't know why--

[Yulia] It's a hazard.

[Liza] I'm not paying her, by the way.

She just kind of said, "Let me film you."

Um--I found her off the street somewhere.

[Yulia] Wait--what about my Subway sandwich? You promised me a Subway sandwich!

[Liza] Shut up. *Laugh*

I'm starting up my YouTube channel!


It's not that exciting.

I'm starting it off with a vlog because--

[Yulia] The worst way to start it off.

[Liza] The WORST way to start it off--again.

But I'm literally just gonna come back and just, like, not tell anyone I'm coming back

and just be like, "Whaddup, you guys? I'm back!"

Ya know?

*Tongue click*


It's 10:01 P--ooh. *muffled sounds*

It's 10:01 PM.

[Yulia] *Chuckles* PM.

[Liza] And we're just about to make--AM.

So, we are making our way to the bus stop.

Oh, and I'm gonna get some Christmas deals.

Today's vlog will be about a Christmas shopping spree.

I already have all of my Christmas shopping done, but I just wanted to spruce up the gift a little bit

because it's TOO practical.

It's a little too practical.

Where's my phone?!

*Checking frantically because I'm a goof*

It's not in my pockets.

[Yulia] Check your bag.

[Liza] It's in my bag. *Chuckles*

I don't really know what I'm--

[Yulia] You grew into an ugly duckling!

[Liza] I really did.

We're heading to our trusty Tacoma mall

and there's a dog barking at us.

[Yulia] Bruh--don't say Tacoma mall, dummy!

You can't put locations.

[Liza] Yeah, you do!

[Yulia] Don't do it on YouTube!

[Liza] *Mockingly* We're going to our local mall.

[Yulia] *Singing* Makin' my way downtown

walking fast, faces flash, and I'm home now.

[Together] *Loudly and obnoxiously* TU DU DU DU DU DU DU.

[Liza] Don't go sideways on me, man!

You forgot how to film!

After two years, you forgot how to film!

[Yulia] Hey Liz.

[Liza] Okay.

[Yulia] What bra size did the octopus have?

[Liza] What?

[Yulia] A SEA cup.

[Liza] That was SO lame!

I'm gonna use this stick as a log, then.


How do you

go on the internet in the woods?

You LOG onto your computer. *Laughs*

I'm done.

[Yulia] And you said my Sea cup joke was bad!

[Liza] Okay, but like--

Mine makes more sense.

Where have you seen a SEA cup? Like a cup in the--

actually, turtles are dying.

So that's very insensitive.

My lips are chapped and gross.

Alright, we just got off a 20-minute bus riiiiiiide.

I want Auntie Anne's Pretzelllllssss.

[Yulia] We came here to SHOP and she buys FOOD first.

[Liza] Well, yeah!

[Yulia] Priorities!

[Liza] Priorities!



It's so out of focus. I hate this camera sometimes!

So, Yulia and I just went to Forever 21

solely for the reason that there was a really cute guy that was looking at me in there.

[Yulia] We ended up buying a present.

[Liza] *Sigh* Yeah. She bought--um.

a gift for her best friend. It's really cute!

But I'm like--

I just wanna run into this boy

and just be like,

"Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me."

I'm not even wearing my glasses and I could tell that he's really cute!

*Music Playing*

*Music playing*

*Music playing*

*Music Playing*

*Music stops*

[Liza] Like a bubble.

It smells--I don't know. *Sniffs*

It's really sweet.

But it's li--not overpowering.

And it just smells




was my Secret Angel gift.

Now, I will show you how I splurged a little bit.

Again, I didn't buy a lot of things at the mall.

We didn't have that much time.

As I said, I splurged at PINK because

40% off equals "I need to buy it".

So I bought THIS

beautiful yellow hoodie sweatshirt.

Um--it has pockets!

Not very big pockets, but still has them.

I really love, like, the PINK logo.

I don't know why. It's just, like, the lettering is so cute.

and I have, like, nothing that's yellow. And then I realize that it's my favorite color, so I PROBABLY should get something in yellow.

Like--It looks good!

And I'm just--I'm in love with this.

I'm honestly--

Probably gonna go and wear this everywhere.

But yes! Here you guys go.

Here's my mini haul. It's very mini because I literally bought, if you think about it, two things.


IIIIII also got pretzels like you guys saw.

And that was amazing.

That was the first purchase our entire trip.

I love Auntie Anne's (Not sponsored).

I feel like it's so bad, that it's so good.

For example, Kraft mac n' cheese.

It's so bad.

But it's so good BECAUSE it's so bad. You know what I'm saying?!

And on top of that: a cute guy LOOKED at me three times--and who knows however many more.

And I ALMOST ran into him, but he would like--

be in the separate (opposite) side of the store whenever I wanted to run into him!

And I'm really sad about it.

It's kind of creepy I think, but--

Oh well! *Laugh*

For the rest of the day, I am going to go help out my church--

Russian ministry church.

Their kids are singing tomorrow at their Christmas party--uh. Because I volunteer as a teacher there with my sister.

And so, we were like,

"They should sing a song at the Christmas party."

So we have to run over that.

That is my plan for the rest of the day.

Probably cleaning up the house with my mom, too.

*Very tiny piece of "What Baking Can Do" from the Musical "Waitress" plays* Please don't copyright me!

I live for that run!

We don't wanna--uuuh

get copyrighted now!

I'm standing on top of my bathtub.

That's why I'm, like, all the way up here.

So, I just got dressed.

Peep the new hoodie.

I'm gonna show you my outfit.

This look.

At first I was kind of skeptical of this sweatshirt, but then I was like,

"You know what? It's kind of growing on me."

It looks kind of like a bowling shirt.


It's kind of ugly, but in a cute way.

Like the Kraft mac n' cheese!

I actually kind of love it.

I think it looks kind of cute.

I also curled my hair because I just felt like it.

And I went with a really natural makeup look that you can--

barely see!

I kind of, basically, just primed over what I had before and sprayed some--


SPRAY on it. I forgot what it's called.

I'm listening to some musical theatre.

Which is another thing that has changed about me, you guys,

over the last two and a half-ish years.

I'm, like, really into musicals.

I am a theatre kid.

Like--I love acting SO much.

And that has changed a lot.

I've always been, like, a performing kid--I'm a VERY dramatic person.

If I need to act for something or perform, I will give it my all and I will not be embarrassed.

But, like, now I know it's because I'm a theatre kid.

So I came back to my humble abode.

I did not end up bringing my camera with me because I thought,

"I'm gonna just focus on the kids."

And that I did.

And it ended up being, actually, very busy and useful.

Now the party,

is something that I'm gonna record

because it'll be really fun!


I may or may not have taught the kiddos some sign language for Feliz Navidad.

By the way, all credit goes to my ASL teacher, Chad.

I'm taking ASL from him and honestly,

I've just come to love deaf culture.

I LOVE sign language and I want to, actually, take it in college.

I think just knowing sign language and also teaching it to people--


teaching deaf culture to individuals that would've seen it as--

Um--something weird or too different.

Like--not understand it,

is really cool!

Aka us, hearing individuals that don't...know sign language.

I even have a sign name!

Which I'm so excited about because his son, Jackson gave it to me.

If you guys don't know what a sign name is,

a sign name is a sign that a-a-only--that only a deaf person can give to you

when they've gotten to know you.

And, like, it's a way--instead of, like, spelling out your name, you have, like, a sign!

Like--for example,

this is "I love you" in sign language.

The-the OTHER way would be...the devil, but this is "I love you".

Instead of, like, spelling it out, you have a sign!

A sign name is just that!

And I'm really excited to show it to you guys because THIS is my sign name.

*Tongue click*

This is E for 'Elizabeth'


This is the sign for "Smart" (No it's not...).

Or--I BELIEVE this is the sign for "smart".

This? (Yep!)

I don't remember, I'll have to ask Chad (I just Googled it).

It's an E and it's, like, "smart"!

Because, apparently, I'm smart to Jackson,

which is--which is a really big compliment, honestly!

So, yeah! I'm really excited to teach the kids ASL.

They picked it up, like--

really quickly, honestly.

And I'm really proud of them (this is how Chad must feel).

I'm so happyyy!

Alright, so it is officially next morning

and it is the Christmas party.

Aka, our performance time.

My sister, Yulia, and I, we created little goody bags for the kids and some of the parents--look at us! We look so good.

We are heading off to the church right now.

I'll see you then!

*Deck The Halls Plays*

[Worship Team] *Singing* Oh niiiiiiiiight


Oooh, night.

*Singing* Sleep in heavenly peace.

[Everyone] --is our God.

Sing with me--how great

is our God!

All will see how great-

how great

is our God!

*Guitar strumming*

What time is it?!

Food time.

[Kira] We have food.

[Karina] *Groans* I could barely wait!

[Liza] Yes! Healthy--look at you eating healthy!

[Angelina] Salad!

[Liza] Look at youuuu.

[Mark] No, she's a herbivore.

So, we just finished worship, and it's food time.

We're eating together.

[Yulia] Ayyyye!

[Liza] Away from everybody.

This feels really nice, to not be around people sometimes.

We're just gonna chill over here for now.

And then, after food, we're gonna practice with the kids a little more.

And then...perform?

[Yulia] Mhm.

[Liza] Seems about right.

*Piano intro plays for "Angels We Have Heard On High"*

[Michael] *Singing* Angels we have heard on high,

Sweetly singing over plains,

and the mountains in replies,

echoing their joyous strings (that's adorable!).

[Together] Glo--

-ria! In excelsis Deo.

[Angelina] *Singing* Shepherds, why this jubilee,

why your joyous strains prolong,

what the gladsome tidings be,

which inspire your heavenly song?

[Together] Glo--

-ria! In excelsis Deo.

[Natasha] *Singing sweetly* Come to Bethlehem and see,

Christ, the Lo--

-newborn King.

Come, adore on bended knee,

Christ, the Lord, the newborn King.

[Together] Glo--

-ria! In excelsis Deo.

[Together] Glo--

-ria! In excelsis Deo.

[Emanuel] One, Two, Three!

[Together] *Signing while singing* Feliz Navidad!

[Liza] Tu du du du tu!

Feliz Navidad! (You can hear Yulia over everyone else).

[Liza] Tu du du du tu!

Feliz Navidad

Prospero año y felicidad (Yulia sang "Rosemaro"...?)

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

from the bottom

of my heart!

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

from the bottom

of my heart!

[Emanuel] What?


*It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas starts playing on the piano*

[Liza] Being the terrible teachers that we are,

we're gonna go play hide-and-seek in the church! *laughs*

I'm under the stairs.

[Yulia] *Mockingly* Hello, friends. Welcome to my vlog!

We're gonna vlog all the way--

[Liza] Stop--

-up the st-- *laughs*

[Liza] -recording on my camera!

[Yulia] Oliver!


[Liza] So, right now, we're gonna clean up our house.

Before we start cleaning,

I just wanted to show you guys

something very sweet

that one of the kids that we teach has given us.

*Rustling plastic* So, we got--

this wonderful hot cocoa with some chocolate.

*Pointing at table* That's hangers for clothes.

We got candy canes--that's not in frame.

We got candy canes!

And look at this--

we got ONE, but it's really cool.

*Singing* We got a Santa muuuug!

And then, he wrote us a letter (card).

They misspelled my name because it's with a Z not S, but--

apparently I'm Lisa, not Liza. (Liza and Lisa are pronounced the same, except my name has a Z instead of an S)!

It's just so sweet! It's like a nice little letter.

We are at our cousin's place,

celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve.

First thing that we did

is play Air Hockey.

Look at these two lovebirds,

playing checkers because they're not intellectual enough to play chess!

Me too...

*Goofy Christmas music plays*

We just finished eating.

These little buttheads [my brother talking loudly] are--

playing pool right next to my head, so (trying to be quirky)--.

And I think [LOUD THUD] I'm either gonna take a nap, or if we find a dice,

these fools and I are gonna play corners,

which is a version of the game Sorry!, but it's like--

the ghetto version (a game my parents played in the Soviet Union).

We're gonna try to do that!

...or I'll sleep [Yelling in the background].

We'll see what happens.


Now THIS is what I'm talking about when I say that I need a full-body mirror.

When you're on keto (the diet), but it's Christmas.

We are about to play What Do You Meme!



*Singing PSYCH theme song* You'd rather run when you can't crawl.

*Imitating drums*

I know, you know

that I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know

they just don't have any proof.

Embrace the deception,

learn how to bend,

your worst inhibitions tend to

PSYCH you out in the end!

*Everyone talking*

[Denis] *Reading a caption* When you say you speak a little Spanish and they try having a full-blown Spanish conversation with you.

So, we just got home and we're about to, actually, open Christmas presents.

Oh, yeah--Merry Christmas, guys!

And then, we're probably, honestly, gonna watch some PSYCH.

Which is,

like--one of my favorite TV shows


[Male Parental Unit] *Reading* "To my sweetheart"!

*Everybody laughs*

[Yulia] *Jokingly* It might've been Grandma.

[Male Parental Unit] *Says the phrase above in Russian*

[Male Parental Unit] *Says "I know" in Russian*

I know what she bought for me.

Another cologne to kill your cologne!

Gilette (the company)!

*Everyone laughs*

Face scrub?


So you can apply and everything will just slide--

*Everyone claps*

[Liza] Okay, MAMA'S turn--

Mammulya's turn!

[Female Parental Unit] Can you help me? I don't see it.

[Liza] Okay! Here it is.

[Luba] Open! Open! Open! Open! Open! Open!

[Yulia] Just rip the paper!

[Female Parental Unit] We're gonna open a salon!

[Female Parental Unit] *Says "foot massager" in Russian to the Male Parental Unit who asked what it was*

[Liza] It's a FOOT MASSAGER?!

[Female Parental Unit] Wow!

[Male Parental Unit] If you will step on it,

you can drive all over the house;

you know, go up.

[Liza] Sergeeey!

[Sergey] *Joking* What? Christmas is from devil--

[Liza] You're fake! I told you you'd be getting a present (he doesn't celebrate Christmas).

[Yulia] Sergey!

[Luba] *Saying something that I don't understand*

[Liza] Here you go.

[Luba] Open it! Open it! Open it!

[Sergey] Wait--whaaat?

[Male Parental Unit] Faster! Faster! Faster!

What's that?

[Everyone] Oh--Oooooohhhh!

[Yulia] *Says a hilarious Russian joke*

[Liza] HAAAA! *Everyone laughs*

[Yulia] *Explains the joke to Male Parental Unit*

[Sergey] I like that--I like that.

[Liza] Andrey's tuurn!

[Yulia] WHOOOOO!

[Liza] He already has the gift, which is the table (for gaming), but like--

here's another one.

[Yulia] And guys,

I want each of you to open your stockings.

[Male Parental Unit] You are green!


[Female Parental Unit] You like it?

[Liza] So that it can match his beard and he could be, like, a living Christmas meme.

I don't know who Nathan is 'cuz this is to Steven...?

[Yulia] Can I give him my present first?

I was gonna go for the whole school--Russian schoolboy...

thing. There's, like, Russian boo--uh, books with, like, letters.

There's little cars!

There's a Russian lollipop. And there's also this:

It's a shirt from Fuego.

*Everyone laughs*

[Liza] Show it!

[Luba] Show it! Show it! Show it!

[Male Parental Unit] OOOOHHH! *Everyone laughs*

[Nathan (sometimes referred to as Steven)] I didn't even vote in my OWN country!

[Liza] You can open it for Steven.

[Nathan] For Steven? Okay.

[Liza] Yes.

[Yulia] *Imitating me* "You'll frickin' love it!"

[Nathan] Is this a pillow?

[Yulia] Liz, Liz.

[Liza] It's so that you know the word BANAAANA. *Laughter (you know the drill)*

[Female Parental Unit] *Saying the inside joke*

[Nathan] *Saying the inside joke*

[Liza] Wait--wait! I'm just saying, it's so hard to find a fluffy banana online without it being inappropriate.

[Sergey] We should give it to Ollie (our dog).

[Liza] I'm just saying!

Nathan, there's another gift for you!

From the Mo--parental unit.

I picked it out just for you!

[Liza] So--

[Yulia] It's another shirt! Oh my goodness! *I gasp*

[Male Parental Unit] Oh my gaww--.

[Sergey] Wow.

[Liza] It's one shirt.

TWO shirts.


*Clapping* WOOO!

[Male Parental Unit] He can read that!

[Liza] It's in Russian!

Just kidding. Nah.

I picked it out--look at it!

Look at that.

[Luba] That looks good.

[Liza] It has GOLD and everything!

Now you'll just have to read it.

[Liza] *Singing* Lubaaaa!

Yeah--you "FEEL"?

You BOUGHT it.

Open your dang present!

[Luba] I got a perfume. *Laughs*

[Liza] That she bought HERSELF!


I'm gonna tell you which ones to open first.

Open the box first.

[Yulia] *Gasps* YES, BABY!

[Liza] It's an espresso machiiiine!

[Yulia] Steam espresso machine!

[Liza] WITH a steamer, thank you ve--

[Yulia] With a steamer!

Guys, guess who's gonna have all the lattes?

Open this present--

you kind of saw me get it. It's just crap from LUSH.

It's bath bombs--nobody cares.

[Yulia] Ooooh, these are so good!

[Liza] Now THIS--open it!

And now,

go down.


[Yulia] I hate you!

[Male Parental Unit] Show me!

[Yulia] It's Ni-- *Erupts into laughter*

[Male Parental Unit] What's that?

[Yulia] Nicholas Caaaage!

[Liza] And it goes like-- *snort*

[Andrey] Ta-da!

[Yulia] Liz,

I want you to open this gift first.

[Liza] It's my turn now?

[Yulia] Yes.

[Liza] *Gasps*

[Luba] Another yellow sweater?

[Yulia] YEAH! That's why I ha--.

Guess where it's from.

[Luba] Is it banana year, or something?

[Liza] It's fro--it's the one! It's the one I wanteeed.

[Yulia] Hold up!

[Liza] *Aggressive squeal*

[Yulia] Look at this face over here. *Laughs*

[Liza] Oh my goooosh!

[Liza] Why does it have a question mark?

[Yulia] *Laughs*

Oh, that's the crappy tape job.

[Male Parental Unit] What's that?

[Liza] IT'S A UKULULUUUU (ukulele)!

[Yulia] I just saw Mom dab.

*Playing out of tune*

[Andrey] Let me see, Liz.

[Yulia] Yeah it got--it got de-tuned.

You're welcome.

[Liza] Thank youuuu.

He's learning to play my ukulele.

[Sergey] Okay, so that's A, that's G.

Okay, guys, so I left my family

to just kind of, like, talk to you guys for a little bit.

Overall, this whole vlog journey for the past few days has been kind of crazy.

But it is my Holiday special to you guys because as you know,

I have been gone for two long years. And I'm giving you,

kind of a long vlog because I have time to make up for, and I will.

But also, I kind of wanted to show you guys what I got for Christmas because it is really dope.

We are going to start off with this: my sister's boyfriend (Nathan) got me headphones

that are like--bluetooth headphones.

He said, whenever I'm in class and don't feel like listening to the teacher, just pop em in--they won't know.

Anyway--Oh, I'm sorry, baby!

We're gonna move on to something that my sister bought me, and it's this MAGNIFICENT T-Rex t-shirt

That says, "The Struggle Is Real".

It really is. It really is.

THEN, my Secret Angel--not Santa, ya nasties.

Got me this REALLY CUTE sweater from ZUMIEZ. It's yellow!

Like, look at it! Look at it.


The "Big boy" of all

The biggest boy--

of ever freaking all!

*High Pitched* It's a ukulele!

I have been wanting a ukulele-- *Strums* so bad for so long now.

*Playing out of tune*

And now I have one.

And what's cool about this ukulele--it comes with all of the (basic) chords that you need to know for a ukulele,

and it comes with, like, a tuner app. And I'm just like,

"They really thought of everything, huh?"

And it is so beautiful, like--look at this! Oh my gosh. Look at this AWESOME design right here. *Squeals* It's so beautiful!

The reason I really wanted a ukulele account--

"A ukulele account"?

The reason I really wanted a ukulele was because I have a singing account--and so I was like, "I want a ukulele!"

My sister, being my awesome Secret Angel--bought me a ukulele!

Also, follow me on my singing account--this is my handle:

Just thought y'all should know.

And while you're at it--my snapchat, too.

So that concludes my little Christmas haul. I obviously still also have the stocking, but it's just like--candy and whatnot.

I just wanted to close up this vlog--or WRAP it up. Get it? 'Cuz it's Christmas...?


I just wanted to wrap up this vlog by saying,

Thank you so much for all the people that have stuck by me, that have not unsubscribed.

And I hope that--

whoever's actually a "fan" of mine will appreciate this vlog and continue watching because I am so excited to create new content for you guys.

I'm so excited to start this new journey right here, right now.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog.

Please LIKE, and SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT some sweet thaaangs down below!

I love all of you guys, and can't wait to see you guys!

I don't have an uploading schedule YET, but once I get more settled down, I probably will.

Thank you! Love you.

Merry celebrate.

For more infomation >> CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2018 (Captions Included) - Duration: 26:43.


Clauses(all three types :-Noun, Adjective,Adverb)|clause for ssc dsssb htet ctet tet|clause for htet - Duration: 26:52.

Clauses(all three types :-Noun, Adjective,Adverb)

For more infomation >> Clauses(all three types :-Noun, Adjective,Adverb)|clause for ssc dsssb htet ctet tet|clause for htet - Duration: 26:52.


When you feel like you haven't achieved anything. - Duration: 8:18.

Alright guys,

this is kinda like a break down of the week,

what's going on,

what's happening.

Give you a bit of an update.

And kind of want to show you about

how I'm trying to improve myself.

Because I think you inspire by doing things.

But first,

let me show you something.

I mean this is me.

I was freaking huge.

Kind of looks like...


Anyway, that picture reminded me

about how fat I actually was.

And how far behind I was on my own fitness goals.

It was a reminder to me that

I had set myself out to be fit this year

and I'm nowhere near that.

Because I honestly wanted a body

from something like Rain from ninja

or from the 300

as you would all know.

You know, and it kind of hurts

going back and seeing yourself,

F*ck! I've got nothing done.

Because here on this channel,

I'm trying to inspire and motivate people.

But yet, I'm failing in my own personal goals.

So I want to be upfront.

I've been lost along the way.

I've had distractions conquer me.

And now I've had months of no productivity.

I've got absolutely really nothing done.

I look back at playing games

and all the times I sat around and didn't do things

and I can't help but feel upset.

And you get that feeling

that you have achieved nothing.

And it feels absolutely sh*t!

So this is how I'm gonna start

dealing with these things.

Because sometimes you feel kind of defeated.

You feel lost.

And then so, you give up.

Because sometimes I look back

at all the things I'm doing

and I don't know if I'm finding meaning

from what I'm doing now.

My everyday work is a dentist.

I'm not sure if I want to be a dentist in the long term.

So my journey kind of starts here.

I'm gonna deconstruct exactly what I want to aim for

and how I'm gonna get there.

And so this is kind of a video for myself.

I want to tell myself it's okay to be lost.

It's okay to not know where you're going sometimes.

It's part of the journey.

Distractions get in your way.

You lose what you're trying to do.

But it's okay.

You take stock of that.

You look back on it.

So the first thing I'm gonna do is

I want to plan just the next year.

And I know everyone says

Oh, you should plan like 10 years ahead,

20 years ahead,

maybe even just 5 years ahead.

But I find that so unrealistic.

I don't know how you can plan for 5 to 10 years,

if you can't even plan for one.

Let's take this channel for example.

I want to give it a better chance.

I want to start a podcast.

I want to make more videos.

I wanna give you more content.

And so that's what my plan for this channel

is gonna be.

But at the same time, I want to be fit.

I want to be healthy.

As you can see

my reminder for this year

was a silly picture of myself when I was 12.

Maybe I was older...

I did try a little bit this year.

But not really,

that's just an excuse.

I didn't do it as much as I should have.

I should have stuck to the regimen.

I started eating unhealthy sometimes.

I started taking days off for exercising.

So I looked up regimens on how I'm gonna do it

and 6 times a week,

that's my goal.

And finally, I want to master a language.

Now this one's a tricky one

because I never really understood

the reason why I wanted to do it.

And I think that's so important

when you don't know what you're doing it for,

then don't do it.

Because you end up putting half your heart in there

and not really attempting it.

And if you don't attempt something hard enough,

you won't get it done.

And that's what happened to me.

I can speak a few little languages

here and there casually.

But can I speak them fluently?


Not a single one.

So I set myself a deadline.

Next year I want to spend a few months in Korea

and to do that,

I need to really push myself to do this goal.

So I've set the hours I'm gonna do every week

and I'm gonna do it.

And I hope you can set your goals

and do exactly the same thing.

Now I just wanna notice something that I have

figured something out about deadlines.

Now this is really important

and I really want to break this down for you.

When you set yourself a deadline,

a deadline is only good

if you actually have a consequence.

Otherwise, it's not a real deadline.

If you think about it,

when someone says, I have to fly in 3 days,

there's a deadline now.

It's very clear he has to leave.

If you set an arbitrary month

or an arbitrary day that this is your deadline,

it's not good enough.

Because it's not a genuine deadline.

So what I realized was

when I set myself out,

a month,

a certain specific day

that I'm gonna fly out to go to Korea,

that has now become my deadline.

And so you should have a deadline

that is very clear on what you gotta do.

And some of these things may sound like

silly consequences

but a good example is

you just give your friend a hundred dollars.

Now obviously it has to be a friend that you trust.

But once you give him the hundred dollars,

you tell him don't give me this back

if I am not at a certain specific part of my goal

at this point in time.

It's a consequence.

A deadline doesn't work

unless you have a consequence.

But something bigger

sort of happened for me this moment was

when it finally dawned on me,

hey, what happens if you die tomorrow?

What happens if you die in a few years?

Now I know a lot of people will think

that's kind of silly.

Like why would you think like that?

We're obviously gonna live.

In some ways,

that's kind of the reason we don't get sh*t done.

Historically, we didn't know

if we were gonna live the next day.

We had predators.

We had dinosaurs as well.

I think we had dinosaurs.

You don't know if you were gonna live.

So you want to live your life to the fullest.

And tomorrow is so certain

that we are okay with delaying our goals.

Now I know this is going a bit deep.

I may not attain all my goals.

But I want to say that live

achieving or trying to achieve

those very goals that I set myself out to do.

Because some things are

genuinely out of your control.

If I'm on a plane,

it may crash.

Because there was a recent story this year

of this guy who was stuck in a traffic jam

and he couldn't reach his plane in time

and the plane set off without him.

And he was angry, he was frustrated.

But moments later he found out

that this plane had crashed

and like 180 people had lost their lives.

When I read that article, I was like holy f*ck!

Life can change in an instant.

Because of a traffic jam

which you probably are frustrated about

and you're angry

because you lost some money as well

and you lost time,

it was the actual reason your life was saved.

I remember meeting this family a long time ago,

who had saved so much money,

so that they could retire super early.

But then the wife was diagnosed with cancer.

I think now we take life kind of for granted.

We really do.

So I start to list

all the things that consumed my time.

Computer games.

Pointlessly walking around the house.

Eating garbage.

Man, I was wasting all these moments.

They may look like nothing.

They may look small.

But when you go back on your own year

you're like, where the f*ck did it all go?

So now it's genuinely different.

I feel the urge to get rid of all this sh*t.

And it's taken me 30 years to realize this.

If you're younger or older,

it doesn't matter.

You can just start now.

Life really is too short.

You just don't know when it's gonna stop.

Now I need to take a breather here and say,

this is not a YOLO moment

where you guys spend all your money

and just go f*cking partying all the time

or go celebrating and just doing pointless crap.

It's that you got time to achieve

the sh*t you want to do.

And if you don't achieve the stuff you want,

or at least be on the path to achieve it

before you can no longer do things,

then what are you gonna do?

It's a call out that

you got to achieve the sh*t you want to do

or at least be on the path of doing it

before life takes its turn.

There are people I see at the hospital,

in motorcycle accidents

and it's not even their fault.

But because they were there

and someone else had probably been drunk driving

or someone else was

looking at their mobile phone while driving.

It was because someone else caused the accident

but this person has taken the consequence.

And now I don't want to sound so dark

cause I am actually a positive person by nature.

But I do believe that

being a bit more genuine and honest with you all,

saying that, look, I also don't achieve my goals.

I'm not invincible.

I wish I could

but the amount of videos

I probably could have turned out this year

were higher.

And I am thankful for your support.

I found that you need to inspire and motivate people

by actually doing,

by people seeing you.

People may not be watching you at first.

But when they can see you in the corner of their eye,

doing something amazing

and starting to achieve,

that's how you instil

a moment of inspiration

and motivation in other people.

And that is where I want to start.

So everyone, this video is kind of me just saying,

I need to achieve some sh*t in my life.

There are so many times I can look back

and say I have wasted time.

So I'm not gonna slack around any more.

If you feel like you haven't achieved anything,

you probably have.

But even if you haven't,

it's okay.

Because you can start now.

Your life is too short to let it go to waste.

So go on achieve something

that you can be proud of.

Guys, I would love your feedback on this one.

Tell me what you think.

And I will be doing a bit more of these videos

a lot more often

as promised.

I'll see you all soon!

For more infomation >> When you feel like you haven't achieved anything. - Duration: 8:18.


おならスプレーを鼻の下に噴射してみた。I put Liquid Ass on my face - Duration: 7:09.

I put Liquid Ass on my face

Hello, I am Tema

Today I will use Liquid Ass

A nationwide bestselling smell spray

This makes organic ingredients making fart's odor

This spray is extremely popular in the United States and it is also used for medical treatment

I checked if another Youtuer is using this spray

Many Youtuber are using it for Irazzura purpose

However, the most famous Youtuber "Hikakin" was sprinkling this spray on his face

He is doing his best. I ought to do as well as him.

I also spray this face on my face

This spray can not be used in the living room.

I will use it in the bathroom

To do my best

Wait a second. Why am I taking this video?

The pain of the project does not convey to you!!

For example, when eating insects, it is easy to convey painfulness visually

How can I tell this spiciness?!

The odor was real

There is no human with such a smelly fart

This is an odor of the park's toilet

Joke goods are often adapted to express expressions.

But this is real.

This spray can not be used for jokes. If you smell of this spray,

think of terrorism

and rupture of sewage pipe!!

For more infomation >> おならスプレーを鼻の下に噴射してみた。I put Liquid Ass on my face - Duration: 7:09.


We are Back ! MOTIVATIONAL Workouts ! Coupe GOALS ! - Duration: 10:17.

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video !

So Today it's christmas, and we decided to film you a video !

We know it's been a while, but we both had a lot of work, and lots of things to do

Clem started a training in prestigous sewing school

So it was really complicated, she had exams.. you too you work a lot

I work a lot too, I have plenty of missions

as a photographer, and videographer

It's my own business, I work for several companies, so we didn't had any time

to upload new youtube videos, but we are gonna do better !! Yes we're gonna do better !

we wanted to make this video to show few images, of these last 3 months

and of this summer, a few trainings

and especially to tell you

that we will be back in 2019, with a few videos, and try to

maybe not 1 video's a week,

but at least 1 or 2 videos' a month, so here we are

we know a lot of you are here, sending us messages,

it's really nice, we are thinking about you, we wish you the best for 2019

Have a great holidays for christmas and new year's eve

Let's go for the video !

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video !

Hello everyone, today is our 7th anniversary together !

ouch you broke my jaw !!

Today our 7th anniversary together and to celebrate this, Clem is going to work...

But we'll be together tonight !! 7 years !!

I am in my hammock

while mister is finishing his workout

I am going to go into the pool

Heuu Clem you need to explain what is this exercise for ?

My ischios, quadris and lumbars are on fire !

For more infomation >> We are Back ! MOTIVATIONAL Workouts ! Coupe GOALS ! - Duration: 10:17.


▶ BEST 2019 Just For Laughs Gags | NEW Compilation [#45] - Duration: 11:03.


For more infomation >> ▶ BEST 2019 Just For Laughs Gags | NEW Compilation [#45] - Duration: 11:03.


REPAINTING DOLL AND LEARN COLOR COLLECTION| Disney Vampirina CoCo PJ Mask Trolls| Videos for kids - Duration: 18:33.

Welcome to our channel.

Have a nice time watching video on Dolls Beauty Channel, where we show you our love of making custom dolls for kids!

You are watching the video "Repainting Doll and Learn Color Collection | Disney Vampirina CoCo PJ Mask Trolls"

Please Like, share our videos and do not forget to subscribe for not missing any.

For more infomation >> REPAINTING DOLL AND LEARN COLOR COLLECTION| Disney Vampirina CoCo PJ Mask Trolls| Videos for kids - Duration: 18:33.


洪金宝又被拍到坐轮椅,和助理在超市里一起买菜,昔日雄风已不再 - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> 洪金宝又被拍到坐轮椅,和助理在超市里一起买菜,昔日雄风已不再 - Duration: 11:29.


Arsenal news: Bernd Leno issues denial after Liverpool defeat - 'THIS was not the problem' - Duration: 3:25.

 Leno insists the defeat was a result of Arsenal making too many mistakes rather than the ability of the players on field

 "Of course we conceded five goals but I think we as a team made too many mistakes," Leno said

 "We have enough quality, even when somebody is injured. "Today injuries were not the problem

" Arsenal were without their playmaker Mesut Ozil, who was forced to miss the trip to Anfield because of problems with his knee

 Emery made the revelation after the final whistle, but wasn't able to embellish on its severity or the length of time Ozil will be unavailable for

 "I don't know if it's big or not big, but it's his knee," Emery said. Arsenal took the lead against Liverpool thanks to a strike from Ainsley Maitland-Niles, but Emery conceded his side struggled to keep pace with the Reds, who went on to score five unanswered goals

 "I think we started well, but after our goal, they pushed, and when they push here, they play with great determination and with players who can make a difference all over the pitch," Emery said

 "They scored three quick goals and it was a difficult moment for us." Emery brushed off the defeat as a learning experience for his side, but it's unclear how fans will react to the Gunners being 16 points off the table-topping Reds after 20 league games

 "We spoke in the dressing room - it's another experience for us," he said. "A bad experience but an experience to learn from

" Leno believes Liverpool took advantage of the numerous mistakes made by Arsenal, but is hopeful the Gunners can bounce back in their next match against Fulham

 "They capitalise on every mistake and turn it into a big chance," Leno said. "Today we made too many of these mistakes

 "Of course today we're disappointed, but tomorrow we have to look forward because we have another important game on Tuesday

 "It's the first game of the year and on Tuesday we want to beat Fulham at home. We need to win

" Emery agreed with his young goalkeeper's assessment, but is under no illusion of what he needs to address on the training ground ahead of Tuesday's derby match

 "We only can think now of the match on Tuesday and know the difference between Liverpool and us was not like today's result," Emery said

 "Maybe we can do one balance, one mix between our draw and this result today. "We have a lot of work to do, defensively also, we know we need to get better


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Bernd Leno issues denial after Liverpool defeat - 'THIS was not the problem' - Duration: 3:25.


December 2018 | Favorites and Flops - Duration: 15:23.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is December's favorites

and flops so some of the my favorite products I've been using and a couple of

things that I have been trying and I just really don't like so if you'd like

to see my December 2018 last month of 2018 my favorites and flops then please

keep on watching also make sure that you guys subscribe to my channel hit that

notification valve buck mark my page guys I've load a video every single day

of the week plus I'm doing live streams once a week so if you'd like to you know

be able to come back watch the video and my live stream then please make sure

that you subscribe hit that notification bell don't want you guys to miss any so

guys let's just gonna get started um I leave every product except for one is

all drugstore so let's go ahead I don't have a fall face guys but I do have a

module you know the majority of it is a full face so guys um a brow product I've

been reaching for again and again and again is my it cosmetics brow power

universal eyebrow pencil this stuff is awesome

I love the dual ended because this is just a little travel-size one it comes

with a little spooley on one end and a universal taupe shade you can do it on

really really light for a euro blonde and then if you go darker it's gonna be

good for brunettes so guys let's just go ahead and do our brows I don't have a

mare with me because I'm too lazy to go grab one but we'll just

yeah guys this is just awesome I've been using it

pretty much all month of December and I still got quite a bit left you don't

need a ton and remember guys this was just a travel size I really really like

it it's awesome and it just doesn't really quick easy for ow

so yeah I really really like this okay guys moving on to one of the things I

don't like I think this is actually the only thing and guys I have tried and I

just can't I just don't like it and I do think it is because I did get a wrong

shade but guys it is the L'Oreal infallible Pro matte foundation I know a

ton of people absolutely love this foundation it's just really heavy and it

looks really really cakey my skin is very very moisturized because I have

started using a retinol treatment but I don't know it just looks cakey and I

mean you guys can probably a little bit of dew on my nose right now I'm very

moisturized right now I don't know I just you know I don't even mind like the

color you know really I don't mind the texture but I'll just show you guys it's

going to start applying


I don't know it just looks cakey and dry and it just sits weird on my skin like

it looks okay right now but it just it looks as it wears just looks weird and

I'm not the biggest fan of it I don't know just not my favorite in the whole

entire world but yeah I don't see the big hype you know I know this came out a

couple years ago I don't see the big hype up of it it's supposed to be a demi

matte soft finish 24 hour we're supposed to be air light you know medium medium

finish medium to fall whatever I just I don't know I feel like to get told you

would have to really really build it up like I got some discoloration so I'll

just do a tiny bit more I mean not even a ton and it just gets cakey and cakier

like I end up just having to use just a tiny amount cuz it just looks cakey and

I've tried it with a sponge I prefer brushes but I don't know

you know maybe if you guys have some just suggestions to help this foundation

to look better let me know down below in the comments I'd appreciate it but yeah

not my favorite at all

and yeah it's the wrong color school I usually wear ivory but yeah it's 101 and

it's a little too late and a little too yellow so okay guys something else I've

been reaching for a lot so the month of December is the wet and wild come

correct slow batik concealer this is supposed to be a guest a dupe for like

the it cosmetics bye bye under-eye it's a very thick very emollient under-eye

concealer you don't need a ton okay that's probably too much honestly but

it's got really really good coverage and

it really helps to cover under-eye circles and my skin's been getting a

little bit dry just because of the weather especially like my under eyes so

I've been needing more of an emollient you know greasy ER or moisturizing

under-eye concealer and I really do like this one it can be hard to find but I

actually found mine at think it was shop Co but you can find online still and

Amazon and stuff like that but yep but it's really good

you get 0.3 for fluid ounces so you get quite a bit of product you need hardly

any and you know you do have to set it I'm gonna go even set my face with just

my Rimmel stay matte I haven't been I haven't really found a powder I've been

trying the pretty vulgar one but I need to try it a little bit longer I just

can't Shh you know throw it into a favorites video quite yet but that's

pretty good so far there's you guys something else I've been a breaching or

a ton is the BH Cosmetics nude color tan colored blush palette really really

pretty palette really really like this it has some nice

and neutral shades and I just really really like it there's enough shades

where you can kind of warm up your skin tone with it plus add a little pops I'm

going to go ahead and go in with some of these more neutrals down here to kind of

gently warm up the skin see if I can kind of gently color adjust with brung

you know a bronzer haven't found a bronzer that I'm loving for December I

mean I've just been using the color icon from Wet n Wild and the Physicians

Formula so but I have picked up a new product that I am just testing out so

see how it goes but I mean it's just they're really smooth a lot of them have

kind of a satin finish so it just looks really natural and pretty on the skin

which I really really love my guys I'm going to go in just with a nice nice

coral color down here even the bright ones they are very pigmented so you

don't need to go in with a ton but really really pretty blush and I really

like this palette yeah it's like 12 bucks on BH Cosmetics you can still

purchase this they have two or three of the blush palettes I really like the

nude blush palette so but really really pretty I like it a lot

okay guys highlights and this is a second in a month brand winner guys I

absolutely so I did a Daughtry gold on the LA color highlight and this is and

glow time this one's really really icy but it's really really pretty very very

shimmery very very pretty highlight without that a Dollar Tree okay so I

went actually picked up another color and this is in shine bright a little bit

more gold guys these are just great highlights la colors I was a favorite

last month different type but really really pretty

highlighter gently they're just really really

beautiful they're just so pretty on the skin you can use your finger if you want

more of an intense highlight they're just kind of blend just beautifully on

the skin they work great with the brush too but yeah picks up great

just a really really beautiful highlight especially for a buck and they have

quite a few shades so which is nice I'm not usually an all-over highlighter

type of gal but especially with this foundation I kind of need to just a

really really pretty can really really intensify it make it really really bold

or you can go in a little bit lighter it's totally up to you

yeah really really love to use a bucket Dollar Tree you can't pass them up they

are awesome highlights okay guys and if you follow me on my Instagram I post a

daily makeup photo I always put the products they use and guys I have to say

I've been reaching for the makeup revolution reloaded pallets and guys

there's two and that I've been reaching for more so I've been reaching for the

visionary appellant this is a really nice pretty purple palette really really

nice pretty guys income camera doesn't do justice it looks kind of warm toned

in person but they don't do a plank cool tone and then I've also been reaching

for the reloaded of this is the deep dippy division pallets alright guys a

little bit of a stutter there but guys really really beautiful eyeshadow

palettes great but they're like seven dollars really really beautiful shadows

so I'm just gonna do a quick I like using the visionary palette but they are

great little palettes and really really affordable again I really really like



so guys another thing I'm absolutely being loving this month is the Elm a

color plus care liquid lip balm guys these are great they're kind of like in

a lip gloss fashion I got two different shades here I have apple a day and just

plum good guys these are really really nice formula kind of weird they have a

like a very very slight scent but guys they're a glossy slightly pigmented lip

balm they're not sticky at all but they just make the lips feel really really

good it gives you that hint of color and it just and it really does moisturize

the lips

it's been getting so cold and dry here that I can't do liquid lipsticks this

time of year is just it's too much and I just I can't do them and sometimes you

know you want some color on your mouth you what you want all that but you just

can't stand to wear a liquid lipstick and sometimes you know even when your

lips like when my lips get really really dry just a regular like bowl of lipstick

can look really really crunchy and creepy on the mouth but these they glide

over dry rough lips just great and they are really moisturizing they add a nice

little pop of color and they're just awesome I really really enjoy these I

got them at my local Kroger's they were on sale for like a dollar fifty the

great I'm just gonna go in and do an apple a day in the center do you see and

they just keep them mouth really really moisturized so guys I know it's kind it

wasn't a whole face and stuff I wanted to share some of my favorites and flops

with you guys I got a quite a bit of new products Miami County like my Christmas

gifts that I already did on Wednesday Wednesday's video but I I'm trying stuff

out so you'll be seeing a lot of new products for January but I hope you guys

have I've had a wonderful year that hasn't been a wonderful year I'm sorry

and I hope it does get better in 2019 yeah I totally hear you and I totally

understand but you guys were almost there a few more days and it's maybe

2019 and I think I'll be good but you guys I hope you did enjoy this video if

you did please go and give it a thumbs up I'd really appreciate it go and share

this video and leave copy I guys leave a comment down below what is your favorite

product been for December 2018 I'd love to know love getting your guys's little

hints and tips because then I know maybe some products I should pick up a tray

and guys also make sure that you guys follow me on my other social media that

way you guys can see my daily posts my makeup looks because you'd be able to

see a lot of my favorites that use throughout the month everything is that

budget glam babe Instagram Twitter Facebook follow me there guys and I will

see you guys tomorrow for a very special New Year's Eve full glam makeup tutorial

using a brand new palette that is a dupe for a major high-end expensive new

palette so you'll want to make sure you come back to watch that video tomorrow

but until then guys have a wonderful day I'll see you tomorrow

For more infomation >> December 2018 | Favorites and Flops - Duration: 15:23.



De- de- dedede demonetized De- de- dedede demonetized.

De- de- dedede demonetized De- de- dedede demonetized.

De- de- de-monetized monetized

Welcome to FAQ number 69, this is a gift I got from my brother

I have the best brother, he bought me this Imperial bathrobe

and it's extremely...


look my hair

Yeah, I just wanted to show you that, I hope you had a good Christmas

hope you got good and awesome presents from your loved ones

So, what's up everyone? Nice to see you guys again.

Boy, wow, what an amazing week it has been.

Not really but it's been Christmas week

and today I'm working actually so it's, you know, it's...

I've been looking forward to get back to filming because I was in Indonesia, then I got back home

and I just haven't filmed in a while so... I haven't even play guitar in a while.

So I've been playing guitar, making some movies today, it's been awesome

and I'm about to wrap this day up... recording an FAQ, amazing, looking forward to it.

So it's Sund- Sa- Saturnday...

It's Sunday the 30th and this is actually a very special day for me

Sunday the 30th of December is my daughter's birthday, happy birthday little Malin, I love you.

She's turning 4 years

If you've been following me you might know that when my daughter was born...

Long story short I almost lost both my wife and my daughter at the same time today 4 years ago.

And this day four years ago was a very life-changing day for me.

it changed me in a way that I'm very happy about today, because...

Even though I had kind of like a 'Fuck it' approach before...

After that, after that day, in those couple of hours where I didn't know if I...

You know, if I lost my wife or not and I was sitting holding my baby...

You know, I had to sit and watch doctors resuscitate my baby in front of my eyes.

And I was just, you know, I was just crying all over the place

and I did not know what was happening for, you know, 15 or 30 minutes.

At that moment obviously everything turned out well at the end

thank God or thank Satan or whatever you believe in.

You know, after that I just care less, you know, about things

I just stopped giving a shit about what people thought about me, what I was doing and you know...

My guitar playing, my whatever, you know and it's...

And truth be told, this whole event, with all this happening, has made me a better person

and at least I think so, I don't know, maybe you can tell me in the comments

am I a better person than I was 4 years ago? I don't know.

You know, I just don't give a shit anymore and I think that has led me to open up a lot more

and open up more on camera, which has also been some sort of a...

You know, some sort of therapy for me, you know, talking like this to you guys.

You know, I just don't give a shit anymore.

Except for the things that actually matter in life like my family and that's you guys, by the way.

My second family, which is my wife and my kids, you know, just me doing stuff that I enjoy.

And that is b- f*ck you, I'm trying to make a speech here and...

Oh, hi.

F*ck you, no, very positive Ola.

No, I'm just trying to, you know, to make a point here that...

This day was very very special for me.

Oh, Ola talking way too much, 7 minutes, I have to cut that down so it's like 2 minutes.

Sorry, maybe I should start with the questions, because this is an FAQ after all.

"Hi Ola, why your T sounds like F whenever you speak a word?"

From Romel Sniper.

Okay, my T does not sound like F.

The problem for Swedes is when it's a TH in English

for instance like 'Three', like the number 3.

I have an immense problem to say that word, you know why?

because when I was a kid, that Lisp that you do where you put the tongue against your teeth

or outside your teeth, it's something that you're not supposed to do in Swedish

and I had a problem with that so I had to go to, you know, an...

What do you call it?

You call it 'Logoped' in Swedish.

So I had to constantly work to not Lisp when I say S or T, or stuff like that so...

And then, out of a sudden English comes out and you have to lisp on certain things

like Thordendal or three or whatever.

And it's like, okay, so everything I've been taught when I was young, like f*ck off...

... if I want to try to speak English, so there you go, that's why my 'Three' sounds like 'Free'.

That's that's what it is it's just something that I have a hard time doing

and a lot of Swedes have this problem, so it's not just me.

Chunky: "Ola, next FAQ is number 69."

Yes, this is FAQ number 69 and everyone is just thinking like

'Oh, it's gonna be a dirty ass FAQ, Ola's gonna show his penis or his balls or ass or something like that'

'or crotch cam, like it's gonna be dirty because FAQ, you know, you stick dicks in your mouth and...'

'you know, pussies in your ass' and whatever you kids do these days, but no.

It's my daughter's birthday, pay some respect, okay?

"Hi Ola, I have a question for your next FAQ: how are you? How's your life doing?

"I feel like a lot of people don't ask about you

"Hope everything is well, happy holidays, keep up the awesome work" -haz eye

Thank you so much however there was a question exactly like this...

Two or three... 'Three' FAQs ago, okay? So, I'm fine by the way, don't worry about me.

Chunky, oh again, a double question.

"Ola, I really want to see you in Australia (Brisbane specifically)

"but your shows are 18-plus, are you planning..." Aw, sad face, aw.

"Are you planning on doing any clinics down here or all-ages shows etc?"

To be honest, I had no idea this was a thing, this is probably something that the venues decide

and not that we decide and I think it sucks, but...

I know, like in Sweden if there's a +18 show or you know, adult show or something like that...

it's okay to go to the show if you're with an adult that can take care of you.

So, I don't know if that's the thing in Australia.

I would love to do some clinics down there, I'm just not sure about my schedule down there.

So we'll just have to see, see you down there, buddy, maybe

maybe not, we'll see, sorry it's not my fault, I'm just blaming the venues

Kevin Berstler: "Hola amigo, I recently preordered the guitarist bundle for your solo album in 2019.

"Thank you for your work and that offer, a question I have for you is:"

Upside quesiton mark.

"Do you have any practical advice for Americans who move to Sweden?"

When you move here just remember that we're a socialist country

and we're totally f***ed up, there's no future here and you know, it's not a working society.

It is a working society, I welcome you here, please come here, move to Sweden.

Just be a little open-minded about that we might be a tad bit more sarcastic or ironic than you guys.

Re Ji: "Merry Christmas to you and your family"

Oh, thank you so much.

"On one of your videos I saw that you were listening to Silverchair

"What album do you like the most? Salamat Ola"

Okay, so yeah I've listened a fair bit to Silverchair back in the day

and I think my favorite album is actually Young Modern, which is like their last album

and it's so so much different from the other albums, so...

Yeah, go check it out, it's a great album. Silverchair.

Arizona Heat: "Which would be the best Dimebag guitar brand to get, a Dean or a Washburn?"

I know a lot of people are like

'He was always with Dean and Dean went under and he went with Washburn, then he went back to Dean...'

but Dimebag was playing Washburn and he was super happy about Washburn, so...

He played both and he went back to Dean and then he passed away

Well, there you go I think that the Washburn guitars that I have are excellent guitars

I love them to death, my Dimebag 3ST right over there

and I have my Dean, Dean from hell that I bought, it's over there, they're...

I wouldn't say equally good, but they're good in different ways, they have Mojo, both of them.

So just get whatever you want

I just think that Dean sometimes have just done a little too many weird finishes

and a little tacky finishes for Dimebag's guitars during the past years

which I haven't agreed with, you know I thought they were a little tacky

but then again, they're still a cool brand and they the US custom shops makes sick guitars, so there is that.

So I didn't help out at all, thank you.

TheOtherGenesis: "Hi Ola, will y-"

"Will your coming solo album be isntrumental?"

Yes, it will be instrumental.

Yeah so basically the solo album is a solo album, it's not filled of wankery, it's basically just chill music

that I think you guys will enjoy, but then again I have no idea.

But I think I think you will enjoy it you can pre-order it here

and it'll be out soon, I'm almost done.

Metalhead hippy: "I'm turd or as Ola would say: furd."

No, I told you, I can say 'turd', okay? It's 'third' that's a problem, if you would be a 'third', okay?

OA B: "Broski, brah, bro, brola, my dude, is it me or have you never put out the song '53'?"

Fift-THree, look at that.

"I bought the 5150 III in 2010 after hearing you play '53' on that amp.

"I need the song man, like real bad, it's like nostalgia and drugs combined

"Oh shit, 2010, it's soon to be my ten-year anniversary as a subscriber

"You were actually the first channel I ever subscribed to, keep it up, my Scandinavian neighbor."

Oh that's, awesome, amazing, I think that...

If you wonder why he's referring to a number that is 53

that's because back in the day I basically just named all my ideas and song ideas into numbers, like you know...

53 was basically like the 53rd Feared song I wrote

and I think actually made it into a song, let me see.

It's on Furor I think.

Yeah, I think it's in here, it's called... something. What is it? Impending Doom?


Warbound, it's called Warbound now, so just go check it out, okay?

Okay great, it's called Warbound, it's on Furor Incarnatus, okay, great.

UrinationNation: "I did not find you through your music and it took me a while to realize that you were in bands.

"Now I'm a little scared, because I like you, but I haven't heard either of your bands.

"Can you recommend a song from each of your projects that I should check out?

"Also, your struggle to stay positive is very relatable."

People and their understanding, I love you guys.

Okay so, I'm in two bands right now: Feared and The Haunted that are kind of like half active

I don't know, if you want to hear a song with feared maybe you should check out Your Black Is My White

...and my wife. Your black is my wife.

Your Black Is My White, it's from the latest Feared album Svart.

And with The Haunted maybe you should check out Spark

from the latest The Haunted album Strength In Numbers, there you go.

Zero Stoneman: "Ola, how do you feel about YouTube covers where the guitarist has an expensive guitar

"but plays a simple version of the song they are covering

"like single notes during the chords or diads when full chords are to be played

"1000 dollar plus guitar with 5 bucks of talent?"

I mean, who gives a shit really?

You're basically talking about me right now, this is me

Like, 1000 dollar plus guitar with 5 bucks of talent.

You're talking about me, are you trying to start a fight or something? It's like...

I mean, people are allowed to do whatever they want.

Kudos to them, that's a part of the, you know, evolving as a guitar player or YouTuber or whatever

Just loosen up a little bit, let people do their thing and you'll be a lot happier, I promise.

New Year's resolution maybe, for you.

Andrew Hill

Oh, subscriber... Oh, my dick.

Scratch-dick, scratch, scratch that dick.

Andrew Hill: "Hey Ola, love the vids, please tell me what are your goals for 2019?

"And how are you gonna make sure you achieve them?"

Tuh... Ta muchly...


Like I said before, I don't really have that many goals

I think what I'm doing now is basically just trying to make this YouTube channel as big as I can

just keep on going, keep on doing the same thing, because I love doing this.

I obviously have my solo album coming in 2019

and then I'm gonna try and start working for a new The Haunted album

and I always have my fingers into something new and, you know, exciting, so...

and I'm not that much into discussing, you know, future plans in that sense, I'd rather-

Minus one...

No, I'd just rather announce when it's ready, you know?

And obviously Solar Guitars, I have a lot of things planned, it's gonna be amazing, thank you.


Uh... what? Disconnectedexitsign... Oh, okay.

People and their YouTube names, I wonder...

"Hej Ola, you really need to check out Power Trip on the next FAQ

"Executioner's Tax is the name of the song and you won't be disappointed."

Okay, I'm gonna do this, I think someone has mentioned Power Trip for me before, so I will check it out.

Yeah, it's good... can I have some vocals please?

Yeah, I guess it's cool, sounds like old school...

I'll check it out, thanks for the tip, buddy.

"Hi Ola, have you rather that I buy a Solar from your website or from Thomann?"

Obviously when you buy from the website I'm earning more money

because Thomann obviously needs a cut as well.

So there you go, if you want to support me more, you can buy from our website

but obviously I mean Thomann is great as well and I mean I like that they have the guitars available

and you can actually go test them at their shop and all, so that's what's important with them.

I mean there's some value in them having the guitars as well and I like Thomann, so there you go.

Captainaa: "Can riff of the day be bass riff for the day?"

Absolutely not.

Lorant Sirgher: "Ola, what is your best Riff ever wrote?" Okay.

You know, it's hard for me to pick the best riff I've ever written

but I think one of the like first real blockbuster riff that I made

was the riff for Lord's Resistance Army, which goes like, you know...

Hey Malin.

Technical difficulties, let's just continue.

Uh... right.

Brotherhood of Steel: "Is Sweden the most boring country in the world?"

If you with 'boring' mean most socialist country in the world...

Then yes.

azrul666: "Hey Ola, NAMM is just around the corner, any sneak peek preview of the Solar lineup for 2019?"

Okay, okay, okay I'm not supposed to show this.

This came... I took this with me from Indonesia and ffff...

Fuck me in the face this is an amazing guitar right here.

And I'm just super proud and I cannot wait to show you this guitar.

Obviously it's black, but...

You're not seeing the whole picture right there, but that's a good enough teaser for you right there.

That makes me so happy, this guitar... oh...

It's one of those Ola Englund moments.

♫ My Little Pony My Little Pony ♫

Huh, you liked that, didn't you?

"Hello Ola, just wonder about all those Solar you have in the background (and the ones you use)

"Do you pay for them or do you pick them for free?"

if you're talking about these, you know technically...

I pay for every Solar guitar, even the ones that you're buying I'm paying for

because I have to pay to make them, so...

Obviously I did not pay full price to get these, these are...

I would say promotional items.

I mean, I used them in the videos, I showcased them and...

I did not go to the website and ordered them, you know?

I mean I guess that's one of the perks of being the president of Solar Guitars

I get to actually play my own guitars

without having to buy them all, so there you go, that was a good question

Okay, Swedish word of the day, had a long video where I was basically just swearing

because I was fucking up a video of mine

and there were some people that were asking what 'Kuksugare' means.

And... so that's the Swedish word of the day: Kuksugare.

It's 'cocksucker'.

I mean, it's almost basically the same word.

So there you go, a quick little Swedish word of the day for you and riff of the day.

it'll be that riff that I showed you there, maybe I already did it.

Let's just do it again, because I'm just trying to wrap shit up here, so I can spend more time with my family.

So, it goes like this:

You need to drop tune the guitar and then it's...

Good burp there Ola, that was strong, that was a strong burp, I liked that.

So there you go, you got the Swedish word of the day, the Swedish riff of the day...

That was actually a Swedish riff of the day, but yeah, there you go.

Yeah, that was the last question and guys...

I just want to wrap this year up a little bit, because it has been a really amazing year for me.

I mean, since January February this year I've been growing my channel maybe 150,000 subscribers

which is like... I've never grown this quick.

So I know there's a lot of new people out there

I know you old guys are still there, I know I lost a lot of subscribers

but I've also gained so many new subscribers...

You know, with everything I've been doing

you know, I've been upping the content, I've been doing like three videos a week

Not 'free', three videos a week or four even...

And you know, I've just been upping my content

and I just have to say thank you so much, I mean it's not just me it's also about you guys I

I read almost all the comments and you know...

I would say 99% of them are super positive, awesome and funny as well

You know, it seems that I have a really smart following, and I really appreciate that

that's... it's awesome so I just want to say happy new year

You know, go spend some time with the people that you love

and if you don't have any people that you love, if you don't have a spouse or whatever to spend your time with

remember we're family you and I.

So don't you forget that, okay?

Okay? You can always comment on my video. I'll see you, okay?

Great, awesome guys, happy New Year, see you next year it's gonna be an awesome year, I know it.

It's gonna be my year next year and yours, okay? Good.

Plus one.

For more infomation >> FAQ69 - DEAN vs WASHBURN DIME, EXPLICIT 69 CONTENT, CLICKBAIT - Duration: 20:29.


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For more infomation >> Ultime novità sugli operatori mobili - #DdVotr 247 - Duration: 10:25.


📌 Het einde (van het jaar) - Happy 2019 🍷 - Duration: 1:16.

Hello all. Here is a small update for you, as I have some news for you.

I'm really busy at the moment with Christmas and the New year preparation.

That I will not be uploading new videos till the 13th of January.

I will be posting some things on Instagram, so feel free to follow me on it.

So see you again on Sunday. Happy New Year!

I would like to wish you all a happy 2019, and would like to thank you all for your support!

For more infomation >> 📌 Het einde (van het jaar) - Happy 2019 🍷 - Duration: 1:16.


Nicely!Mommy Balcky thirst water drink But Still Worry about Baby Barbi/Blacky's nice mum nurse baby - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> Nicely!Mommy Balcky thirst water drink But Still Worry about Baby Barbi/Blacky's nice mum nurse baby - Duration: 12:20.


1° Hábito para Emagrecer definitivamente - Aprenda a emagrecer de vez - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 1° Hábito para Emagrecer definitivamente - Aprenda a emagrecer de vez - Duration: 2:23.





Мой Говорящий Том 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #31 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей - Duration: 20:11.

For more infomation >> Мой Говорящий Том 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #31 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей - Duration: 20:11.


불면증엔 딱딱한사물 탭핑 ASMR Hard item Tapping(sub)硬い タッピング(日本語字幕) - Duration: 35:15.

Hello. everyone

I am "banboyoung".

I created a timeline.

You can hear what you like.

everyone! good night.

And! It's tapping.

from now.

A bit more to the sound of things!

Let's concentrate!

So good night!

For more infomation >> 불면증엔 딱딱한사물 탭핑 ASMR Hard item Tapping(sub)硬い タッピング(日本語字幕) - Duration: 35:15.


DERS DİNLERKEN NEDEN UYKUMUZ GELİR ? | Bilim Terk - Duration: 1:31.

The nucleus akumbens (NAcc) is a part of the brain

discovering that it triggers sleep, listening to lessons and traveling

In activities where the amount of stimuli is low, it allows us to explain why our sleep is coming.

Adenosine molecule increases in your brain within the time frame we awake and

the sleep paths are activated.

Intense presence of A2A from the adenosine receptors in the nucleus akumbens region,

this causes the region to drag the brain into a slow cycle.

Caffeine molecules, which can be taken with coffee and tea, prevent the binding of A2A receptors to each other,

allows you to stay awake by preventing adenosine agglomeration.

Another sleep triggering factor is the lack of lighting in the classrooms.

blue light from sunlight components.

The upper chiasmatic core, which carries out the sleep-wake cycle in your brain,

The blue light signals from the retina in the eye keep the body awake.

Top chiazmatic core with the start of blue light in your environment

it begins to drag the body to the sleep period.

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