Monday, December 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 31 2018

2019 is finally here, a year we have all been waiting for.

A very special year for the Valencia CF family.

We are going to work very hard to make you all happy.

AMUNT Valencia!

Happy Centenary year!



Cinthia Fernández y Nicole Neumann se copiaron los vestidos y Ángel de Brito las mandó al frente - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Cinthia Fernández y Nicole Neumann se copiaron los vestidos y Ángel de Brito las mandó al frente - Duration: 1:54.


Julieta Nair Calvo presentó en forma oficial a su novio y Gimena Accardi pronosticó - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Julieta Nair Calvo presentó en forma oficial a su novio y Gimena Accardi pronosticó - Duration: 2:09.


Q&A Roadmantics - Duration: 46:20.

For more infomation >> Q&A Roadmantics - Duration: 46:20.



For more infomation >> NASTY | SHOT IN YOUR CHEST (PROD. BIGLA) - Duration: 1:48.


2018 , el mejor año de mi vida [Audio Español , sub English ] - Duration: 3:06.

Dear subscriber

Before we start this video , i made a poll on instagram where you could decide the language that you wanted me to talk in this video

where you could decide

The language that

You wanted me to talk in this video

these are the final results

If you speak english

please activate the captions that i made for u


New year is always a date that makes me

Feel really sentimental

Because is the perfect date to make a recap of everything you done this year

People come , others go , you win you loose..

But 2018 in specific

In my opinion it Was the best year of my life..

I travelled overseas!(europe) something i always thought i would only dream about

I visited Paris , London (and liverpool)

Ireland (belfast) and Rome! And Disneyland ;-;

And im proud to say that it was DisneyLand Paris (EuroDisney)


I also knew most of my mother´s family (who lives in cdmx)

AND I´ve been in six flags for the first time ever with my uncle´s family

I visited TimBurton´s museum , one of my favorite artists


I think some of u know

I visited one of my favorite studios ever..

yeeeee , maybe you know which one

In my birthday,

I had the change to share the stage voicing dementia with one of

My idols

(alan Ituriel, creator of villainous)

Throughout this year ,

I won a lot of art contests , I made a lot of friendships

I got a lot of contacts (art related)

I´ve been in my fists college talks

I took animation classes

I changed my image at least 3 times

I feel really thankful of everything i lived this year

Im also thankful with my family

for being part of these moments

This year has been full of good things that have blinded the bad stuff

This year i learnt that sometimes , some people needs to go to give chance to other people to come into your life

That sometimes you are in the top of everything and sometimes in the ground

But in family, wherever you are, it will feel like home

That a pet can have an unimaginable space in your heart

That if you dream about it and you ACT for it , you can have it

that it is valid to dream even farther from a continent

That the only obstacle is you !

That if you really want something , you need to get up and make something for it

This year was the best

And i hope 2019 gets the same or better!

Thanks to everyone who stayed with me this year

That watched me grow , have faith in me

Saw me reaching a lot of goals

And supported me until it was possible

To all my family , thanks for being here with me one more year

And i wish to you a 2019 full of adventures

Accomplished dreams and blessings uwu

TYSM for listening this video!!!

For more infomation >> 2018 , el mejor año de mi vida [Audio Español , sub English ] - Duration: 3:06.


Resumen 2018 - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Resumen 2018 - Duration: 7:16.


Little Big Shots | Strong Kid Pushes Car With Mike Tyson In It! - Duration: 1:48.

Listen, who should go in? Your brother?

No, he's too skinny!

Shall I go in?


No, I'm skinny as well! Let me ask somebody...

Mike Tyson!

Mr Mike, please!

Can you drive a car?

Just 30 ft. 30 ft.

This man weighs,

he weighs 238 lbs naked, so 240 lbs dressed.

Watch out! Slowly or you'll break the wheel!

Wait... Jason, tell me when you're ready. Are you ready?


He'll crash it!

Thank you Jason, I cannot believe it!

Great Mike!

Let's go.

He agreed to make this surprise for Jason.

Thank you!

Iron Mike, Iron Jason!

For more infomation >> Little Big Shots | Strong Kid Pushes Car With Mike Tyson In It! - Duration: 1:48.


中공군이 한반도 주변에 전자전기 자주 띄우는 충격적인 이유 - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> 中공군이 한반도 주변에 전자전기 자주 띄우는 충격적인 이유 - Duration: 11:43.


Ya es 2019 (es decir, ya no es 2018) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Ya es 2019 (es decir, ya no es 2018) - Duration: 2:43.


Rafael WApes - Dámelo remix Prod. x Robin Punk - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Rafael WApes - Dámelo remix Prod. x Robin Punk - Duration: 3:14.


The New Official Sponsor of the Scotty Kilmer Channel - Duration: 5:34.

rev up your engines, the Dalai Lama says Scotty does Toyota sponsor your channel

no I don't have any sponsors I'm sponsored by the truth, as a matter of

fact I just made a video recently, why Toyota makes good car, they've got a

different mindset in Japan how they build things, and they make very reliable

vehicles, and they've taken decades to make it that way and they want to keep their

reputation, nobody sponsored me, nobody pays me to

say that, I own three of them in my driveway because I'm a mechanic, I hate working on

my own cars, most mechanics do not want to work on their own car, something we

don't want to do, we work on other people's cars, we don't want to spend our

spare time working on our own cars,

there's no sponsorship here I just, if somebody makes a better car and it lasts

decades like theirs do and hundreds of thousands of miles,

believe me I'll tell you about it, it's like I say you want to get a pickup

truck, get a F150 those things can last hundreds or thousands of miles too,

but there's nobody that sponsoring, I just tell as I see it from being a mechanic

for 51 years Carla Martinez says Scotty what brand oil

and filter you recommend for my 99 camry, most oils in the United States

sold our excellent oils, that's an old vehicle, I use Castrol on my

all my Toyotas I always have, I just like the

stuff I've never had problems with it so I just put in regular castrol oil that

works perfectly fine, as for the oil filters, I use the high end oil filters

the premium oil filters, now the thing is there's only like three or four

companies that even make them, like the the Mobil one, the Pennzoil they don't even

make filters, Fram makes them for them, so as

long as you're buying high-end oil filter they're the best ones and don't

go to the discount oil stores and buy them because a lot of times those

discount auto parts stores they mark up their premium filters way too much, I

personally buy my own on Amazon, I look for the lowest price for a good premium,

like a Bosch one or a Pennzoil whatever as long as it's the premium filter and I get

them for like five bucks a piece instead of the ten to fifteen they charge at the

auto parts stores, doesn't matter where you buy them they're the same company making them,

Kyle Hanson says Scotty what do you think about Mazdas

new skyactiv good or bad, well bad as far as I'm concerned,

because I have to fix those things, they've had a lot of problems with it as they

age, it's a very high level of Technology Mazda's a company that's known for

making cars with high tech that later fell apart, a perfect example of that is

their rotary engines, they kept trying to put in rotary engine in, when I was

young they had the cosmos which backfired like mad and got like five

miles a gallon for a little bitty car then they made the RX-7 then they

made the RX-8 and then they stopped using the Wankel rotary engines because they

kept trying to fix them and they always kept burning oil and ruining the seals

on the apex of the three corners where they had to seal those rotors, they do a lot

of technology and a lot of its failed and I'm not a fan of that

SKYACTIV technology, I mean you can get good gas mileage and get power out of it

and if you're the type of person that buys a brand-new car and gets rid of it

when it's got 60-70 thousand miles you'd probably be happy with it,

but if you keep them forever, no it's not the greatest technology in the world

because it does have a tendency of breaking down and cost an awful lot of

money to fix when they do break, Novolik Scotty I got an 06 Honda Odyssey that

makes a high-pitched whirring noise every time I start the engine when it's

really cold, any idea what it could be the first thing you want to do is take

the fan belt off the car first, take all the fan belts off, start it, if noise goes

away you know it's something one of the fan belts drive, then you just have to

figure out which one, you could get a stethoscope in and when it's whirring

put it on each one one at a time see if the alternator, power steering, a lot of

times that's what it is, you want to pray that the noise goes away though when you

take the fan belts off, because if it doesn't, that means that when you start

it up, there's something in the engine or the transmission that's making noise

internally, and that stuff can get really expensive really fast, and a lot of those

odyssey's had cam problems and those cams cost a fortune to replace, if it

was in the engine or transsmission my advice would be get rid of the vehicle

rather than spend the money on it because that's gonna cost many thousands

of dollars to fix, if it's in the engine or the transmission,whoa whoa says

Scotty you talk a lot about cars but tell me about motorcycles, I've been a

bike for since I was a teenager I know a lot about motorcycles, I like motorcycles,

I have a Kawasaki z1000 2010 is that sound motorcycle, what is your experience,

those kawasaki thousands z those are screaming motorcycles they're very

strongly built too, kawasaki makes very well built a very fast motorcycles,

that's the way that they are, they also make little thigns that they

use in China and India for carrying people around but they make really good

high-end fast motorcycles that's a good motorcycle to have, now the main thing

you gotta watch out for that is yourself keep your brain from getting too excited

going too fast and killing yourself by losing control, those bikes generally go

too fast for the ability of that person driving it to control it, cuz they are such

powerful machines, I mean when I was a young mechanic, hey it was something to

have a motorcycle in at 45 horsepower now some of these things, you know they're

pushing 200 horsepower it's just insanity, it's beyond the ability of a

normal human of control if you go full speed all the time, so if you never want

to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> The New Official Sponsor of the Scotty Kilmer Channel - Duration: 5:34.


Resumen de mi 2018 | Penultimo video del año - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> Resumen de mi 2018 | Penultimo video del año - Duration: 14:48.


Определена причина обрушения моста в Парке Горького - Duration: 2:06.

 Определена причина обрушения моста над катком в Парке Горького. Об этом сказано на официальном сайте мэра Москвы

 «В результате технической неисправности конструктивных элементов катка в Парке Горького произошла поломка оборудования», — отмечается в сообщении

 Конструкция рухнула во время запуска фейерверков и новогодних поздравлений, передает источник «Интерфакса»

Высота моста — пять метров. В ночь на 1 января в Парке Горького произошло обрушение моста с людьми

Предположительно, обрушился деревянный пешеходный переход через каток. Пять человек получили ушибы различной степени тяжести, трое из них находятся в тяжелом состоянии

Погибших нет. На месте происшествия работают пожарные, сотрудники скорой помощи и МЧС

Пострадавшие были госпитализированы, им оказывают необходимую помощь.Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня»


For more infomation >> Определена причина обрушения моста в Парке Горького - Duration: 2:06.


【紅白】三代目、大文字に改名「J SOUL BROTHERS」で70万人動員5大ドームツアー - Duration: 3:44.

拡大写真 HK紅白歌合戦の ープニングを華々 く飾った三代目J Soul Bro hers

19年は15公演 0万人の動員を見 む5大ドームツア を行う    みそかの「第69 NHK紅白歌合戦 が31日、東京・ 谷のNHKホール 行われた

「U.S.A.」 ブレイクし、16 ぶりの返り咲きを たした「DA P MP」は、念願の 白の舞台に感無量

会場全体を「いい !ダンス」で盛り げた。トップバッ ーを務めた「三代  J Soul  rothers」 、元日からグルー 名の表記を改め、 機一転のスタート 切ることになった

  7度目で初の ップバッターを務 た三代目JSBは 内村光良(54) 司会3人の"ラン ングマン・ポーズ を合図に、「R. .U.S.E.I 」でキレのあるダ スで国民的番組の 開けを盛り上げた

  自身にとって 勝負の1年に向け 新年の弾みとなる ープニングパフォ マンスだ。本番前 は、19年4月3 の京セラドーム大 公演を手始めに、 5公演70万人の 員を見込む5大ド ムツアーを行うこ が発表された

1つのツアーで最 記録の東京ドーム 0公演などを行っ 17年以来2年ぶ となる。

For more infomation >> 【紅白】三代目、大文字に改名「J SOUL BROTHERS」で70万人動員5大ドームツアー - Duration: 3:44.


Axo compra operador de las tiendas TAF en México - Duration: 1:34.

 Grupo Axo, una compañía que comercializa marcas de lujo, principalmente ropa, calzado y accesorios, concretó la adquisición de Tennix, una empresa que opera en México las tiendas de calzado casual The Athlete's Foot o TAF, así como TrueKids, operación anunciada en septiembre

Te recomendamos: Crowfunding, entre las tendencias que regirán franquicias el próximo año Hasta agosto de 2019 entrará nueva marcación telefónica  La compañía liquidó la transacción, cuyos detalles no fueron revelados, con parte del crédito que contrajo con diversas instituciones financieras, entre las que figuran los grupos financieros BBVA Bancomer, HSBC y Banorte, dijo Axo en un comunicado

"Nos sentimos orgullosos de concluir con éxito esta adquisición con la cual incluimos una gran marca global como es TAF", dijo Andrés Gómez Martínez, presidente del consejo de administración de la compañía, citado en el comunicado

 El cierre de la operación ya era esperado luego de que la semana pasada Axo anunció que ejercería el crédito bancario para el finiquito de una adquisición, además del financiamiento para gastos de capital, y otros fines corporativos

   Con esta compra, Axo cuenta ya con más de 149 tiendas en México  de las diferentes marcas que opera, entre ellas Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein, Chaps, Coach, Guess, Hollister, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria´s Secret, Warner´s y Promoda

 MCM ​

For more infomation >> Axo compra operador de las tiendas TAF en México - Duration: 1:34.


Geocaching - Bonne année 2019 - Duration: 3:27.

Happy New Year Geo subscribers I hope you are well and your Eve is going well it is midnight

So when this video comes out I think to be the first to wish you a good year I hope

"Grheuu" joins me she is already at work unfortunately you know she works on Christmas Eve there is the joy of profession

as for me I'll just do a little fast video to thank you

again to be more and more to follow us on the chain of the course is spent

2090 subscribers which is huge especially in a 100% Geocaching chain that still remains an activity

let's say a

niche business we are not very numerous and

for a

European chain even French people will say

it's huge and I thank you from the heart of the bottom cover

be more likely to follow me on facebook youtube instagram

periscope to be many to chat with us every day on "Discord" in short, a huge thank you

2019 I wish you of course health joy everything you could want

caches thousands few DNF, it takes a little time to time to frustrate force himself to return and full of good memories

in every sense of the term elsewhere

at the chain what will be new in 2019 and although there will be first out of the videos I late

I still excuse me once that of Mega, how to ask his first cache

Here Mega Nantes is a very big headache for me to get out

there are many things to redo the microphones problems you know I have already spoken

but that we'll see a little later and due out in January faq that are also in January and laying

the first cache that also comes out

in January at vlogs there will always be so we'll leave a little more about blogs

in the heart of the caches and especially blogs and abroad

since there are at the moment two new countries

for the beginning of the year 2 new Country see three new countries to introduce new formats of the podcast for new formats vlog

Briefly many other things is the

I can reparlerais in partnership this year with things that will bring us a lot for the chain and for you too

regarding the "Grheuu" So Angélique

it will be a little less present on the channel this year she regularly came more regularly on the channel

for a year now and also a youtube channel it

instagram account to a Facebook account and a second company to it at a

food business are more car company that is in illustration and web design and

quite simply it will have a lot of work on his chain so they will be less this make video takes time

So it will from time to time but if you lack

please go follow her on all these social networks are all in the description and support in future projects here

little wink members patreon thank you to you for supporting me now for a little over a year

20 bar was reached patreon it's a sacred support

it is increasing day by day and it will allow the chain to quickly

evolve especially a few things for those who follow patreon you will see very soon

So thank you again to all of you and all of you to follow the chain of support even when share videos

the liker and especially comment to tell me everything you thought

thank you again I told you next year

enjoy your late Eve do not forget to validate your first memory of the friendship Geo ciaociao friends

For more infomation >> Geocaching - Bonne année 2019 - Duration: 3:27.


[YTPH] Cree o muere Rodolfo123 (activa subtitulos latinoamericanos) Youtube Poop . - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> [YTPH] Cree o muere Rodolfo123 (activa subtitulos latinoamericanos) Youtube Poop . - Duration: 1:58.



Think you can take me ! x4 Don't forget me ! x3

Soon in the big shops

For more infomation >> SUPER SMASH ARDAIN ULTIMATE - Duration: 0:17.


THE MURDER OF DEBBIE WOLFE! - Duration: 21:23.

For more infomation >> THE MURDER OF DEBBIE WOLFE! - Duration: 21:23.


Fabtech 4in HighCountry Build - Duration: 7:05.

No then the other parts smash my finger there a little bit OWWW, it's alright

we'll keep going what's up everybody out some extreme customs down here we're in

the garage right now checking out this fab tech 4 inch lift kit going on this

2017 Chevy Silverado 1500 high country so now this high country you can

technically call it a low country because it doesn't have any lift it's

sitting stock but you know we figured we'd break into a fab tech kit and show

the people maybe that haven't seen what all comes in a fab tech four-inch kit so

yeah let's break it down right away you're looking at four inch kit here

this is gonna be the one for the aluminum control arms now fab Tech

offers a basic level kit and a performance level kit the customer I

mean fittingly so with the high country option on the truck decided to go with

the performance upgraded version of this 4 inch kit and now with the performance

version I'll get you is a set of these Fox upgraded shocks for the rear that's

really about all that you get with the performance upgrade we'll be honest

everything else in the kit is pretty much the same for the basic now kind of

giving you an idea of what really the difference is between fabtech Rough

Country BDS I mean when it comes to a 4 inch or a 6 inch kit the majority of the

pieces are the same but one thing we saw right away after the unboxing the parts

is a couple little things like some of the dips drop brackets for the fab tech

kit aren't powder coated like you might see with a rough country or a BDS option

I mean actually quite a few of the diff drop pieces so I mean if that's

something that concerns you if you're gonna have this in your truck for a

really long time you know maybe the fact that they aren't powder coated could

steer you the other way but again it doesn't affect the structure of the

parts it's just a coating but yeah overall this is basically what you get

with a four inch kit and we're gonna bust into this Chevy kind of see where

the truck sitting factory and then we'll see where it's at after these four inch

kits are installed

alright so we just got all the disassembly done on the truck that my

guys do the back so the back is all set up and lifted and everything's pretty

much pulled out of the front end right now so you got the diff out and on the

ground and now with this fab tech kit you're gonna see a little bit more

modification than you would see on a rough country now it's these newer

Chevy's you got to pay attention to the fact that they're not as easy as the

previous generation the reason for that is because now Chevy utilizes an

electric power steering rack and that actually hugs really close to the

differential so with these kits you actually have to make some modifications

to that power steering rack as well as pull it completely out of the truck to

have enough clearance to trim out a few more pieces and do some other

modifications but we really wanted to kind of explain what all the fab tech

kit replaces as well as what these parts do when they're added to some of the old

pieces so first and foremost we'll jump into that strut spacer now when you're

talking about in the beginning of the video how some kits I have an upgraded

option will actually eliminate the strut spacer and this kit actually utilizes

the strut spacer with the factory strut assembly so that's one thing to note

with the fab tech kit and that piece is installed ready to go back in the truck

now the other kit piece of the kit that you have to pay mine too is it's gonna

come with a replacement knuckle for the front steering system so this is the

factory knuckle now 2017 it looks a little beat up but they just pin a

little quicker and then the other parts smash my finger there a little bit Wow

it's alright we'll keep going and then so that's gonna get replaced with this

piece here so that is the aftermarket knuckle now you can see Willy what it

does is with that extra four inches a lift you'll see that this is going to be

higher than the factory one and what that will do is allow that upper control

arm to still be flat across because what you'll see on a three and a half inch

kit typically and what makes it worth going to a four inch kit is that you'll

still run this factory knuckle with the three and a half inch kit which will

cause that front control arm to be really bound up so it's crucial when

you're lifting your truck and wanting to get all the performance out of it with

that four-inch kit to go with a kit that has the replacement knuckles

and then yes so we're ready now to get all these other pieces back in the truck

we'll get ripping into it and we'll show you guys what this thing looks like when

it's all done

alright so we just got the truck on the ground the fabtech four-inch installed

on this 2017 Silverado now this particular customer decided to run with

a set of 20 by 12 RVT Avengers rocking the negative 44

offset blacking machine finish on a set of 33 12 522 open country 82 so a really

sound quality package in our opinion and definitely helps add to a little bit

more lift of the truck now say you either go with 35 inch tires you'd

actually see a little bit more lift but again you'll run into issues with these

Chevy's when you try and run a 35 inch tire with no rub situation negative 44

offset with just a 4-inch lift so something to keep in mind well yeah

we're going to get this over the alignment rack and then get this thing

out on the road unless you know how it drives

For more infomation >> Fabtech 4in HighCountry Build - Duration: 7:05.


The New Official Sponsor of the Scotty Kilmer Channel - Duration: 5:34.

rev up your engines, the Dalai Lama says Scotty does Toyota sponsor your channel

no I don't have any sponsors I'm sponsored by the truth, as a matter of

fact I just made a video recently, why Toyota makes good car, they've got a

different mindset in Japan how they build things, and they make very reliable

vehicles, and they've taken decades to make it that way and they want to keep their

reputation, nobody sponsored me, nobody pays me to

say that, I own three of them in my driveway because I'm a mechanic, I hate working on

my own cars, most mechanics do not want to work on their own car, something we

don't want to do, we work on other people's cars, we don't want to spend our

spare time working on our own cars,

there's no sponsorship here I just, if somebody makes a better car and it lasts

decades like theirs do and hundreds of thousands of miles,

believe me I'll tell you about it, it's like I say you want to get a pickup

truck, get a F150 those things can last hundreds or thousands of miles too,

but there's nobody that sponsoring, I just tell as I see it from being a mechanic

for 51 years Carla Martinez says Scotty what brand oil

and filter you recommend for my 99 camry, most oils in the United States

sold our excellent oils, that's an old vehicle, I use Castrol on my

all my Toyotas I always have, I just like the

stuff I've never had problems with it so I just put in regular castrol oil that

works perfectly fine, as for the oil filters, I use the high end oil filters

the premium oil filters, now the thing is there's only like three or four

companies that even make them, like the the Mobil one, the Pennzoil they don't even

make filters, Fram makes them for them, so as

long as you're buying high-end oil filter they're the best ones and don't

go to the discount oil stores and buy them because a lot of times those

discount auto parts stores they mark up their premium filters way too much, I

personally buy my own on Amazon, I look for the lowest price for a good premium,

like a Bosch one or a Pennzoil whatever as long as it's the premium filter and I get

them for like five bucks a piece instead of the ten to fifteen they charge at the

auto parts stores, doesn't matter where you buy them they're the same company making them,

Kyle Hanson says Scotty what do you think about Mazdas

new skyactiv good or bad, well bad as far as I'm concerned,

because I have to fix those things, they've had a lot of problems with it as they

age, it's a very high level of Technology Mazda's a company that's known for

making cars with high tech that later fell apart, a perfect example of that is

their rotary engines, they kept trying to put in rotary engine in, when I was

young they had the cosmos which backfired like mad and got like five

miles a gallon for a little bitty car then they made the RX-7 then they

made the RX-8 and then they stopped using the Wankel rotary engines because they

kept trying to fix them and they always kept burning oil and ruining the seals

on the apex of the three corners where they had to seal those rotors, they do a lot

of technology and a lot of its failed and I'm not a fan of that

SKYACTIV technology, I mean you can get good gas mileage and get power out of it

and if you're the type of person that buys a brand-new car and gets rid of it

when it's got 60-70 thousand miles you'd probably be happy with it,

but if you keep them forever, no it's not the greatest technology in the world

because it does have a tendency of breaking down and cost an awful lot of

money to fix when they do break, Novolik Scotty I got an 06 Honda Odyssey that

makes a high-pitched whirring noise every time I start the engine when it's

really cold, any idea what it could be the first thing you want to do is take

the fan belt off the car first, take all the fan belts off, start it, if noise goes

away you know it's something one of the fan belts drive, then you just have to

figure out which one, you could get a stethoscope in and when it's whirring

put it on each one one at a time see if the alternator, power steering, a lot of

times that's what it is, you want to pray that the noise goes away though when you

take the fan belts off, because if it doesn't, that means that when you start

it up, there's something in the engine or the transmission that's making noise

internally, and that stuff can get really expensive really fast, and a lot of those

odyssey's had cam problems and those cams cost a fortune to replace, if it

was in the engine or transsmission my advice would be get rid of the vehicle

rather than spend the money on it because that's gonna cost many thousands

of dollars to fix, if it's in the engine or the transmission,whoa whoa says

Scotty you talk a lot about cars but tell me about motorcycles, I've been a

bike for since I was a teenager I know a lot about motorcycles, I like motorcycles,

I have a Kawasaki z1000 2010 is that sound motorcycle, what is your experience,

those kawasaki thousands z those are screaming motorcycles they're very

strongly built too, kawasaki makes very well built a very fast motorcycles,

that's the way that they are, they also make little thigns that they

use in China and India for carrying people around but they make really good

high-end fast motorcycles that's a good motorcycle to have, now the main thing

you gotta watch out for that is yourself keep your brain from getting too excited

going too fast and killing yourself by losing control, those bikes generally go

too fast for the ability of that person driving it to control it, cuz they are such

powerful machines, I mean when I was a young mechanic, hey it was something to

have a motorcycle in at 45 horsepower now some of these things, you know they're

pushing 200 horsepower it's just insanity, it's beyond the ability of a

normal human of control if you go full speed all the time, so if you never want

to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> The New Official Sponsor of the Scotty Kilmer Channel - Duration: 5:34.


❖ Legacies | We are a family [+TVD&TO] - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> ❖ Legacies | We are a family [+TVD&TO] - Duration: 3:05.


Fortnite - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Fortnite - Duration: 5:42.


Geocaching - Bonne année 2019 - Duration: 3:27.

Happy New Year Geo subscribers I hope you are well and your Eve is going well it is midnight

So when this video comes out I think to be the first to wish you a good year I hope

"Grheuu" joins me she is already at work unfortunately you know she works on Christmas Eve there is the joy of profession

as for me I'll just do a little fast video to thank you

again to be more and more to follow us on the chain of the course is spent

2090 subscribers which is huge especially in a 100% Geocaching chain that still remains an activity

let's say a

niche business we are not very numerous and

for a

European chain even French people will say

it's huge and I thank you from the heart of the bottom cover

be more likely to follow me on facebook youtube instagram

periscope to be many to chat with us every day on "Discord" in short, a huge thank you

2019 I wish you of course health joy everything you could want

caches thousands few DNF, it takes a little time to time to frustrate force himself to return and full of good memories

in every sense of the term elsewhere

at the chain what will be new in 2019 and although there will be first out of the videos I late

I still excuse me once that of Mega, how to ask his first cache

Here Mega Nantes is a very big headache for me to get out

there are many things to redo the microphones problems you know I have already spoken

but that we'll see a little later and due out in January faq that are also in January and laying

the first cache that also comes out

in January at vlogs there will always be so we'll leave a little more about blogs

in the heart of the caches and especially blogs and abroad

since there are at the moment two new countries

for the beginning of the year 2 new Country see three new countries to introduce new formats of the podcast for new formats vlog

Briefly many other things is the

I can reparlerais in partnership this year with things that will bring us a lot for the chain and for you too

regarding the "Grheuu" So Angélique

it will be a little less present on the channel this year she regularly came more regularly on the channel

for a year now and also a youtube channel it

instagram account to a Facebook account and a second company to it at a

food business are more car company that is in illustration and web design and

quite simply it will have a lot of work on his chain so they will be less this make video takes time

So it will from time to time but if you lack

please go follow her on all these social networks are all in the description and support in future projects here

little wink members patreon thank you to you for supporting me now for a little over a year

20 bar was reached patreon it's a sacred support

it is increasing day by day and it will allow the chain to quickly

evolve especially a few things for those who follow patreon you will see very soon

So thank you again to all of you and all of you to follow the chain of support even when share videos

the liker and especially comment to tell me everything you thought

thank you again I told you next year

enjoy your late Eve do not forget to validate your first memory of the friendship Geo ciaociao friends

For more infomation >> Geocaching - Bonne année 2019 - Duration: 3:27.


Happy New Year 4K (Video) 2019 - Duration: 2:28.

Hi guys!

Welcome back to Archaeology And Travel With Zorica!

I must say that 2018 have been quite challenging for me.

Many things happened and shifted me from one side to another.

But that is over now!

As we enter the New Year, I can already feel the light spreading on my face leading me

toward the new adventures and I will boldly go with it.

What can you expect from Archaeology And Travel With Zorica in 2019?

More fun, more knowledge, more trips, more joy and pssst!

Let's not uncover everything yet!

I would like to be more in touch with my followers, so I am asking you to contact me through the

social networks.

I'll be glad to hear from you.

You can find those links in the About section of my channel.

Can you feel the positivity coming into your life?

I certainly do!

Thanks to you my darlings!

Wish you blissful and happy New Year!

Filled with love, respect, good health, trusted friends, knowledge and adventures!

Explore the world of archaeology and travel with me and may the knowledge be with you!

For more infomation >> Happy New Year 4K (Video) 2019 - Duration: 2:28.


【紅白】三代目、大文字に改名「J SOUL BROTHERS」で70万人動員5大ドームツアー - Duration: 3:44.

拡大写真 HK紅白歌合戦の ープニングを華々 く飾った三代目J Soul Bro hers

19年は15公演 0万人の動員を見 む5大ドームツア を行う    みそかの「第69 NHK紅白歌合戦 が31日、東京・ 谷のNHKホール 行われた

「U.S.A.」 ブレイクし、16 ぶりの返り咲きを たした「DA P MP」は、念願の 白の舞台に感無量

会場全体を「いい !ダンス」で盛り げた。トップバッ ーを務めた「三代  J Soul  rothers」 、元日からグルー 名の表記を改め、 機一転のスタート 切ることになった

  7度目で初の ップバッターを務 た三代目JSBは 内村光良(54) 司会3人の"ラン ングマン・ポーズ を合図に、「R. .U.S.E.I 」でキレのあるダ スで国民的番組の 開けを盛り上げた

  自身にとって 勝負の1年に向け 新年の弾みとなる ープニングパフォ マンスだ。本番前 は、19年4月3 の京セラドーム大 公演を手始めに、 5公演70万人の 員を見込む5大ド ムツアーを行うこ が発表された

1つのツアーで最 記録の東京ドーム 0公演などを行っ 17年以来2年ぶ となる。

For more infomation >> 【紅白】三代目、大文字に改名「J SOUL BROTHERS」で70万人動員5大ドームツアー - Duration: 3:44.


[Underwater] During the day, I went to the spot where I caught 15 lobsters! - Duration: 13:00.

For more infomation >> [Underwater] During the day, I went to the spot where I caught 15 lobsters! - Duration: 13:00.


1 lane of Hanley ramp to I-64 eastbound back open after partial road collapse - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 1 lane of Hanley ramp to I-64 eastbound back open after partial road collapse - Duration: 1:45.


2018 , el mejor año de mi vida [Audio Español , sub English ] - Duration: 3:06.

Dear subscriber

Before we start this video , i made a poll on instagram where you could decide the language that you wanted me to talk in this video

where you could decide

The language that

You wanted me to talk in this video

these are the final results

If you speak english

please activate the captions that i made for u


New year is always a date that makes me

Feel really sentimental

Because is the perfect date to make a recap of everything you done this year

People come , others go , you win you loose..

But 2018 in specific

In my opinion it Was the best year of my life..

I travelled overseas!(europe) something i always thought i would only dream about

I visited Paris , London (and liverpool)

Ireland (belfast) and Rome! And Disneyland ;-;

And im proud to say that it was DisneyLand Paris (EuroDisney)


I also knew most of my mother´s family (who lives in cdmx)

AND I´ve been in six flags for the first time ever with my uncle´s family

I visited TimBurton´s museum , one of my favorite artists


I think some of u know

I visited one of my favorite studios ever..

yeeeee , maybe you know which one

In my birthday,

I had the change to share the stage voicing dementia with one of

My idols

(alan Ituriel, creator of villainous)

Throughout this year ,

I won a lot of art contests , I made a lot of friendships

I got a lot of contacts (art related)

I´ve been in my fists college talks

I took animation classes

I changed my image at least 3 times

I feel really thankful of everything i lived this year

Im also thankful with my family

for being part of these moments

This year has been full of good things that have blinded the bad stuff

This year i learnt that sometimes , some people needs to go to give chance to other people to come into your life

That sometimes you are in the top of everything and sometimes in the ground

But in family, wherever you are, it will feel like home

That a pet can have an unimaginable space in your heart

That if you dream about it and you ACT for it , you can have it

that it is valid to dream even farther from a continent

That the only obstacle is you !

That if you really want something , you need to get up and make something for it

This year was the best

And i hope 2019 gets the same or better!

Thanks to everyone who stayed with me this year

That watched me grow , have faith in me

Saw me reaching a lot of goals

And supported me until it was possible

To all my family , thanks for being here with me one more year

And i wish to you a 2019 full of adventures

Accomplished dreams and blessings uwu

TYSM for listening this video!!!

For more infomation >> 2018 , el mejor año de mi vida [Audio Español , sub English ] - Duration: 3:06.


STAR WARS: What to EXPECT in 2019 - Duration: 2:31.

Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.

In light of the new year being upon us, I thought I would go over some of the Star Wars

releases we have in store for 2019.

If you are enjoying the videos, please give them a like, share and subscribe to the channel

so I can continue making them for you.

Number 5: The Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game.

The premise of the game is that you are a young, surviving padawan in a time just after

the events of Episode III and before A New Hope.

This game is being released by EA Games, and is expected for the holiday season in 2019.

Number 4: The Star Wars Galaxy Edge theme parks.

There are two Star Wars themed parks planning to make their grand openings in 2019.

The first in California's Disneyland is expected to open in Summer 2019, and the second,

in Orlando's Disney World, is expected to open in Fall 2019.

Number 3: The Mandalorian This new series is to be set in the Star Wars

Universe between Episode 6 and Episode 7.

It follows a Mandalorian gunfighter in the outermost regions of the galaxy.

While no official release date has been set, we are hoping for it to be in 2019.

This series will be released on Disney+.

Number 2: The Clone Wars Season 7 The seventh and final season of Star Wars:

The Clone Wars is expected to drop in 2019.

While the exact date is also still unknown at this point, what we do know is that it's

expected to have 12 episodes, and similar to the Mandalorian, will be released on Disney+.

Number 1: Star Wars Episode 9 The third and final installment in the sequel

trilogy is set to drop on December 20, 2019.

The film is reported to take place one year after the events of The Last Jedi, and will

follow Rey, Finn and Poe as they continue to navigate the galaxy.

And there you have it!

Thanks for watching everyone!

Which release are you looking forward to the most?

Are there any others you are excited for?

Let me know down below in the comment section.

And remember to like, share and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.

I hope to see you all next year in Leia's Lair!

For more infomation >> STAR WARS: What to EXPECT in 2019 - Duration: 2:31.


❖ Legacies | We are a family [+TVD&TO] - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> ❖ Legacies | We are a family [+TVD&TO] - Duration: 3:05.


Resumen de mi 2018 | Penultimo video del año - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> Resumen de mi 2018 | Penultimo video del año - Duration: 14:48.


#EwangeliarzOP | 1 stycznia 2019 | (Łk 2, 16-21) - Duration: 1:12.


I'm looking forward to going to my beloved Albertines, to Kalatówki for my retreat.

This is the time when lots of things calm down in my head.

I can tell important matters from less important ones. It acts like a spiritual sieve, at the bottom of which the most essential is left.

Today, we can see Mary thrown into the whirlwind of news and events,

and she, still. leaves only the most important things on her inner spiritual sieve.

This is a wonderful skill really worth mastering.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 1 stycznia 2019 | (Łk 2, 16-21) - Duration: 1:12.


Two injured in I-20 East crash - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Two injured in I-20 East crash - Duration: 0:28.


Moranbong Band i Zasłużony Chór Narodowy z okazji nowego - 2018 roku - Duration: 1:28:32.

For more infomation >> Moranbong Band i Zasłużony Chór Narodowy z okazji nowego - 2018 roku - Duration: 1:28:32.


Zagrajmy w Tomb Raider I odc.1 - Wilki - Duration: 43:02.

For more infomation >> Zagrajmy w Tomb Raider I odc.1 - Wilki - Duration: 43:02.


ASMR BWW Double Bacon Burger & Onion Rings (No Talking) UNBOXING & EATING SOUNDS | Zach Choi ASMR - Duration: 9:00.

Hey guys! Welcome back :D

Today we're going to see how well Buffalo Wild Wings does burgers!

Had to get Onion Rings on the side ;)

and this is BWWs Limited Time Offer Double Stacked Bacon Cheeseburger!

Spicy Dipping Sauce for the Onion Rings

and Sprite!

Let's eat!

Let's start with the Onion Rings.. you can have the first one!

Not the crunchiest Onion Ring, but definitely tasty!

This burger has two juicy all-beef patties with bacon, American cheese, grilled red onions and chipotle sauce on a toasted brioche bun!

WOW! Buffalo Wild Wings actually makes a pretty decent burger

The flavor combo is amazing, love that they completely covered it in cheese

Thanks for watching! <33 See ya next time!

For more infomation >> ASMR BWW Double Bacon Burger & Onion Rings (No Talking) UNBOXING & EATING SOUNDS | Zach Choi ASMR - Duration: 9:00.


Kiss Me at Midnight! Lauren Alaina Is Looking Forward to 'Kissing My Fiancé' on New Year's Eve - 247 - Duration: 3:50.

After a year full of highs and lows, Lauren Alaina is ready to kiss 2019 goodbye – literally!

To ring in the new year, there's one "goal" she's tackling from the moment the clock strikes 12 a.m.: to kiss Alex Hopkins for the first time at midnight as her husband-to-be.

"I will definitely be partying and kissing my fiancé at midnight!" Alaina, 24, tells PEOPLE while gearing up to perform her latest track "Ladies in the '90s" during Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve with Ryan Seacrest's West Coast telecast. "It's my first time kissing him as my fiancé!"

The American Idol alum, who got engaged to longtime boyfriend Hopkins, 23, in July after dating since 2012, adds: "I don't know what we will be doing because of the performance, but I know we will be celebrating and having a good time wherever we are."

New year, new New Year's Eve performance! As a "huge" fan of the annual holiday, the "Road Less Traveled" singer was dreaming while she was awake last year when she watched the sparkling Waterford crystal ball touch down in the middle of Times Square – and witnessed all the love surrounding it – making her want to be "a part of New Years every year now!"

"It was the best thing that's ever happened to me," she says. "The moment when everyone is counting down and the ball drops — it's the craziest thing [because] everyone just erupts, and then there's this moment of silence where everyone is kissing."

"It's the most magical thing I think I've ever been a part of," she continues. "There's so much craziness in the world right now, but in that moment when the ball dropped in New York City, the whole city was united and you just hug people you don't know."

And could a kiss be the mark of two major milestones in Alaina's new year?

"We haven't picked a date yet only because we tour so much, and everyone gets married on the weekends and I work on the weekends, so we're trying to work all that out," Alaina says about her impending wedding. "We'll probably have a long engagement because I want to make sure we do everything right and have time to plan it."

Until then, Hopkins will remain by Alaina's side for love and support as she braces herself for an exceptionally busy year ahead, getting ready to hit the road with country superstar Blake Shelton on his upcoming Friends and Heroes Tour — and perhaps fulfilling her dream of completing a college course!

"I never got to go to college, [so] something that I know nothing about," she says. "I wouldn't do anything that has to do with my life."

Alaina adds about which subject piques her interest: "I would maybe do history or something."

Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve with Ryan Seacrest airs Monday beginning at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

For more infomation >> Kiss Me at Midnight! Lauren Alaina Is Looking Forward to 'Kissing My Fiancé' on New Year's Eve - 247 - Duration: 3:50.


Я чуть не умер на новый год!/I almost died on the new year! - Duration: 0:24.

flew, she flew!

will explode now

wow and this is probably dangerous ..

Happy New Year and so on

For more infomation >> Я чуть не умер на новый год!/I almost died on the new year! - Duration: 0:24.


WORST OF 2018 I ProfiPoint - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> WORST OF 2018 I ProfiPoint - Duration: 3:34.


Most Satisfying Slime EVER - Iceberg Slime ASMR #986 - Duration: 10:36.

Most Satisfying Slime EVER - Iceberg Slime ASMR #986

For more infomation >> Most Satisfying Slime EVER - Iceberg Slime ASMR #986 - Duration: 10:36.


Paranormal Events S01E01 - Duration: 1:12:30.

Here we can sit in this hallway

And hear knocking sounds move through the hallway also

There are others that can confirm this. Many others have heard it too

But here , Ellen Salvesens says she always gets chills when she walks here.


I hear somebody walking

Two Brothers

Investigating The Paranormal World

In Farsund Municipality

Welcome to Paranormal Events.

We are in the south coast, Farsund municipality.

Behind me you can see Husan, that was built up 1802

by Jochum Brinch Lund

and we heard rumors that it is haunted

so we are here tonight

to investigate the building

We start our day with a guide by caretaker Roy Bjørnestad.

To know the layout of Husan, and determine where the most activity is.

So now we are here in "ground zero" basement.

So now we are here in "ground zero" basement

Here is my office, and the door out

This room is a boiler room since the start and leads up to the street

Here we have a old bomb shelter.

As you can see there is lot of trash, you just get an itch, to clean.

Here is the old caretaker's office

Here is just storage room and old furniture from municipality board room.

Here we are back to that room I just showed you.

Here are some old furniture from gifts, but am not sure.

Part of the collection have been moved,

the most valued books is placed outside the ballroom

So there is quite few old paintings,

Some people gave away old collection.

Here for example, look how it is detailed,

probably used as a jewelry casket of some sort,

there are some personal belongings that

I've tried and figure out who it belongs to

an old lieutenant, colonel

but it has been gone trough for value items, old pictures

there are few names, some old writings that is not easy to understand

from my knowledge it has been given as a gift or estate

heres quite few letters from colonel R. Eriksen Harstad

since it's here, is nothing of value

A gift from China, that was never been used.

So here was the kitchen, that serviced the entier Husan

Now it is just used as a storage room.

Now this is one part of the old of the utility room

but today they can't make food here because there is no possibility

but they can heat food up and make it ready

the supplies usually come here, as you can see, it has been modernized

with refrigerators

but then they put the food in the food elevator

and then took it up.

Parties in morden time, people have used the food elevator as a lift

and then they got stuck

So they put the food in here and it goes up

and they use some sort of communication but that has been removed today

So now we are on the second floor here we have councilman and the mayor

Municipality board room, it looks the same as the room upstairs.

The king said when he visited here

I've been in two hall room, and he looked up

I 'll have one of the hall room, and you guys have the other.

Just look at the workmanship on that door.

"It's very nice in here"

But here , Ellen Salvesens says she always gets chills when she walks here.

"I got one now"

Something has happened.

So we have two attics, one here on the old building

but as you can see, it looks like wooden building but it's concrete

but that is wooden building

So after the fire, they made it look like wooden building, so it didn't happen again

Main section is concrete but the top is wood

we can go to that attic and later up to the other side

"Have you heard any stories here?"

No, nothing in fact

There has been a massive cleaning and they have tried to keep old stuff

old flask and things

So you can see, theres not a lot of people that have been here in the attic

stuff like these they found

old news paper

they have found old cognac flask

It's fun to see old stuff

there has been a big cleanup

they have tried to make fire sealing

to prevent another big fire.

They have found some interesting stuff

Yeah, think they found lot of weird stuff

Watch your head

here have the roof room

there is not lot of information here

I feel bit weird here, just as you walk trough that door.

So now we are on the top, where the staircase, that goes trough the building,

from the mill hill side

so that is the roof room

in this part there is a storage room for ventilation.

if you flash your light there, you can see another canel

"So you can crawl all the way?"

You can crawl all the way

So this was built fire regulations, so it's fire prrof,

but is not in use, but looks good enough to use,

ventilation room,

so now we are back, end of the building

so you can see around the building, intentionly made so you could walk around

there was massive leak here before

different ventilation way

They had this as storage room

After the tour with Roy Bjørnestad, We charged our cameras while we waited for Tore Haus

He will tell us the history of Husan and the areas with the most activity

Wellcome to Farsund town hall, Husan

An old house with many traditions

Built in the 1800's around 1801

the biggest prestige project for the richest man in town

It has an exciting history over 215 years.

Many occupants has lived here over the changing years

Right after Husan was built in the early 1800's

Then proverty struck Farsund, trading business went away

and the Napoleon War started

and it got really bad. And the occupants that lived here

became poor and started to rent out rooms

Many tenants came and rented big and small rooms

it was a completely different way of life then it was back in it's hayday

Next time it was Jens Lund, in 1915. A wealthy shipowner from Bergen

Of the same family that rebuilt Husan. It was so expensive that

people around got noticed, from Copenhagen and Oslo. And that it was

most beautiful house between Kristiansand and Stavanger.

He bought inventory and equipment.built a ballroom and an amazing dining hall

But again life got hard and shipping industry changed in 1920's the crash came

thus poverty became part of the lives around Husan again

To ensure the house stays with the Lund family

Macody Lund arrived part of the Lund family,came back.

He did not have alot of money but he managed to get

Lund family to do a shared funding

That made it possible for the Lund Family to be the owner of the building

and that Macody Lund could live in the house

He did that from the middle of the 1920's untill the war came

And again he got thrown out and the germans took over Husan

But that came to a complete stop on November 7 1940

where a fire broke out this part of the building

The fire completely damaged the whole husan

This was the only time that reminded them of the war in Farsund

since the fire destroyed husan And left it in ruins

Macody Lund never came back, his wife Kristi Lund got a few rooms

from the germans to live in but after the fire she had to move out

It left behind a scar in Farsund

In the 60's Farsund municipality moved in.

The municipality bought the property after the war

With dreams of town hall. So they had to rebuild Husan

A lot of discussions on how they were gonna rebuild Husan, a modern

building. But it was voted to rebuild Husan but this time in concrete

so it would not burn down again.

So when they were gonna rebuild this place as late as in the beginning of the 1960's

they did the contemporary choice of materials.

But at the same time took care of the story of this place.

So to day Farsund can tell that they have a dignified Ballroom, Boardroom hall

and town hall that is furnished with officesthat's very diffrent from

the original husan bluprints.

Nevertheless there is a lot of history here

This was build to the design specifications of Jochum Brinch Lund

for his sons Gabriel and Ebbe Lund

they each had one side of the house. They had one main entrance

then walked to their respective sides of the house

By then you could tell they might have been conflicts at play between them

We can also think of the sad stories.Just after it was modernize

when poverty struck might as well had added to them.

But if we can focus on the last person who lived here, that might be the

longest and original occupant living here.

Fredrik Macody Lund a local celebrity in Norway known for being

self taught historian and arkitect but also a very outspoken man

that spoke a language that dominated

the media and his surroundings during his time

He was pronounced and spoke against others that did not agree with him

He was also a suspect for the town fire. But later Farsund

may have possibly forgiven him while he lived at Husan

Stories say that he wanted to keep the place feeling majestic

while he lived at Husan

But he did not have the wealth or money.

The young maid he had that he was dependent on to have here

He meant that it was a great honor to work for him. Even though

he could not afford to pay the maid. He insisted her to stay

the way he made sure she stayed was to lock away her belongings and clothes.

So she could not leave and force her to stay.

And work as a maid.

It's also said that his wife Kirstin Macody Lund

Might have planned a revenge after she was treated badly after she moved out

There's also a possibility that she still walks around Husan

with that being said With stories like that, in this lovely house

yeah, maybe there are sounds, experiences and activities that people

can experience here within the walls of Husan

And we not sure what to believe

Now were in the kitchen oppesite the ballroom, and some of original

designs are still present to this day.

There haven't been that many activity in the kitchen

it often happens that the municipal administration have meetings or do

preparation for an event the next day when we work until late in the evening.

So we hear a few sounds from here

It's not just your average sound from metal

it's sounds that makes us wonder are there really people here

Here something is happening, and you can possibly ask about it.

In this part of Husan under ground level

So we have to think this was a basement back in the day.

There have been people that are familiar with the supernatural things

who are mediums and clairvoyants that can feel the energy

They have reacted to this part, they experience very strong feelings here

We are not sure, but were under the ground level, and we believe this

must have been also a basement for Husan in the 18oo's

There we go

Now were in the Main basement, but a lot of it has been modernized

we see an old staircase, but

This has undergone renevations in the 50's or 60's

"there are alot of old furnitures and things here"

Yes. And here we have a painting

These can also be from the original Husan.

this should definitely have been restored

But now we are as low as we can get under the ground level

The municipal decided that they should not turn Husan in a Museum that means

sometimes people discover things that belonged to the Old Husan

we are not actively looking for those things because Husan has a new function

today and has to function as a town hall

But sometimes we receive gifts

here are some of the things

from the original Husan

we even have some dishes from the old Husan moved in the year 1801

"I just heard something, I don't know if it could be people on the other side or above us"

Here i heard a very low sounding knocking sound

I thought it might have been somebody outside

but later when we analyzed the video

we managed to capture a weird sound on the microphones

You will hear a grunt sound two times

Unexplained Sound

on the other microphone we capterd a knocking sound and an EVP

That says "Don't take it" (ikke ta)

you will hear the voice just before his breath

"Don't take it" (ikke ta)

"Don't take it" (ikke ta)

"Don't take it" (ikke ta)

"Don't take it" (ikke ta)

The voice says don't take it, a few secondsbefore the voice came

I was pointing at a jewelry casket

Maybe the spirit didn't want us to take it again

"There you have a jewelry casket that somebody gave"

Yes, There is a jewelry casket there

"I just heard something, I don't know if it could be people"

" on the other side or above us"

There are sounds in this house, but also in many other old houses

But I have chosen to believe these sounds are good sounds

But should there be any spirits or ghost i'm pretty sure they are happy spirits

So old houses can have their stories with them

Here you can see an Orb, this is not a dust particle

while we were recording we saw a lot of dust but the camera didn't pick it up

Here we managed to capture dust particles, as you can see it's very different from

an Orb, it does not look like a ball floating Dust Floating

Here we can sitt in this hallway

And hear knocking sounds move through the hallway also

There are others that can confirm this. Many others have heard it too

how and where the sound originates we have no clue

But today this have been completely renovated and fully furnished

for office use for the town hall

Now we're at the very highest part of Husan the attic

I think we have to go up while you guys are still filming, yeah.

we can walk in here

You can't get any higher up then this on Husan

right under the roof ridge.

It's dark and tight spaces that's not easily accessible also

and a lot of cobwebs

But it really excited to elxplore Husan this way too

So if you guys gonna have a long night to investigate

I would like to wish you guys a goodnight and I hope you get to capture some evidence

"Thank you"

After a nice talk with Tore Haus, we started our investigation

to see if there is any spirits

simply to see if Husan is really haunted

in the ballroom nothing happened even we had EVP session

later we analyse the video and saw we captured a orb

Here you can see the orb coming from the sealing and down to the window

sometimes you can capture a EVP when you see a orb

but in this case we didn't capture anything

As i said I have a program called EVP recorder and we can recored your voice

It has a microphone you can speak into and we can listen afterwords

a live EVP session

Recording now.

How many of you are here?

What is your name?

Has there been lot of parties here?

Going to listen from the recording.

How many of you are here?

What is your name?

"a car driving outside"

Has there been lot of parties here?

After that one orb we captured, there was no activity the 40 mins we

was investigating, we then continued to municipality board room

Here we going to try and use ITC then we can hear them in realtime

ITC stands for instrumental tran communications

is used by electronic device to create sound to communicate to the spirit world

using a morden device can we capture spirits and ghost sounds and picture

I have a application here that can get voice out of nothing

a spirit box so if you are here

you can speak trough out this speaker

Try and use this to speak trough

What is your name?

Am going to move away from this so you guys can speak trough the speaker

What is your name?

What year is it?

Try and speak trough this

Use that phone to speak trough

Don't be scared

Can you speak trough it?

Oh it's freezing here, where i am you can try and stand here

"It's cold"

am getting the goosebumps now

I heard you, try one more time

Come on you almost did it.

I heard few times norwegian words

I heard few times norwegian words when we started

What did you hear?

some norwegian words

Yeah i heard some also, but its so fast

We might have captured something we just have to check it out later

I can go to the end, and setup the camera

Ater we done in municipality board room we continued to our next location

where we will investigate the office hallway

Benjamin had turned down the volume of the spirit box

but it was still recording and we captured a voice

"That prest got a stupid pakage"

I heard it but i was very faith.

After we heard the tap sound we captured a orb that was going by

here it is again in slowmotion

If I count to three, can you knock?

Two times on a door

Like this

You can do that




"water drop"

"tap sounds three times"

I heard a knock sound inside the room

Here in Tore's office

Are you inside the office of Tore?

Try and grab the door handle like what am doing

Can you do that?

"knock sound"

Did you hear that?

I heard some weird knocking sounds

I dont know if its the second floor or third floor or under us

It was a knock sound


Am not sure if this is normal for a printer to turn off and on

We found that this was normal for the printers to turn of and on

after 20 to 30min, as we saw this in our static camera that stood here 3 hours

I just want to say thanks for knocking

am going to the other to try something

I heard you guys knocking on a door here

am going to knock on a wall, door or a window, and you can knock back ok?

Can you knock back?

Here you can hear door opening or closing and after someone is breathing

what was that?

what did you hear?

sounded like someone saying ugh

it wasn't you who made that sound?

No, am not making any sound at all

We can go down to the ground level

where there is reported most rumors most acticivty

I heard it here, that ugh sound

That's why I was asking if it was you who made that sound

No it wasn't me

and you didn't hear anything at all?

I didn't hear anything


we'll see later when we check out the videos

is there anybody here?

Do you know what year it is?

is one of the Lund family here?

we didn't hear anything, but our spirit box captured a voice that you can hear

We have heard stories that Lund family lived here

and the sons shared where they live

After this we didn't camptured anything more, so we continued to the wardrobe

how is it on the other side?

can you make a noise so I know that you are here?

"tap sound"

is there something behind there

can you make three knocking sounds on the wall

We have a device that you can try and use to speak, then we can hear you

Try and use this device to speak trough so we can hear you

do you know what year it is?

what year do we live in?


sounds like I heard 1971 , but ....

After about 30min here in the wardrobe we didn't hear anything else so

we decided to go to the roof room

So now me and Quirino going all the way to the top

It was here he felt something

yeah am feeling it now goosebumps everywhere

yaeh am feeling it too

you do?


am going down again

mhm, it went away the goosebumps went away

maybe there is a draft of wind or something

I don't feel it as a draft of wind

am going to show you my arm

and there comes the goosebumps

be careful

do you want me to go all the way to the top?

we can try here little bit

I'll sit down here

Can you film that door and I take the other door

yeah that door behind you

okay I just saw a orb passed by my screen

in the roof room I saw two orbs

but I was so excited that it was just dust from the chair I just pulled out

throughout this period in the roof room and the attic, we didn't capturing

anything, so we head backdownand charged our cameras

and went solo to see if we get any response captured

I'm in the ladies room in front me is the storageroom

Think i'll setup the camera here

after I setup the camera I went back to see if I was in picture

then a orb was flying by

The time is 01:19 am

a fan just turned on

I'm going to use the EVP recorder


are you here?

am I talking to the same person as before?

my name is Benjamin, what is your name?

After we analyse the sound we heard someone said hello

Are you a man?

Are you a woman?

"door closes"

I heard something,a bit far from me


I hear somebody walking

am not sure if it's my brother above that is making that noise

As we saw Benjamin heard someone walking in the hallway above,but as you can see

on my screen, am sitting perfectly still and listning throughout the room

am going to play the sound again but enhanced

Can you make knocking sounds

"tap / knocking"

here in the toilet

"tap / knocking"

am hearing sounds throughout the building but am not sure

can you close one of the doors in the toilet room

I heard something outside wardrobe someone that is walking all the time

Benjamin didn't hear this but the camera picked it up

sounds like someone is coughing

again with enhanced audio, listen carefully

while we are investigating, you can hear someone is touching the camera

but here is no one there in that room am in the PC room

and Benjamin on the ground floor

someone is curious and touched the camera

we are going to play the recorded sound rom my phone at the same time as the video

so you guys can listen in realtime

I know you here

Don't be afraid to tell me your name trough this phone

Could you do me favor

and make some sounds

could knock on a door, table or the wall

Think I heard something on my left

That was the church bell

Here I was thinking to say can you knock on 1..2..3.. but you can hear

someone knock, before I say it

can you knock on something

Try and gather all the energry, from the pc, try and use that to make a sound

on 1..2..3.

Like this..1...2..3.

now it's your turn


how long have you been here? in Farsund


I know your here

Don't be afraid to tell me your name trough this phone

Could you make some sounds

if I count to three




It's very faith but you can hear a girl saying 18

I went o the storageroom and i don't feel anything special but I took some pictures

and lets see if I captured anything

I don't feel anything here, but I do hear someone is walking trough the hallway

so am gonna move the camera

Heard some noises here in front of me, weird

really weird

You can try and speak through the phone and manipulate the sound coming out

What is your name?

do you have any message?

"unexplained EVP"

no more voices came out from the spirit box

it was interesting to get the name Ing Mar Lund

we later found out that he was one of the sons of Jochum Brinch Lund

maybe he was the one that told us his name



shall we continue or swap places or go to different location ..over


okay, copy over and out

so now we gonna head down to the basement to see if there is anything there

after we placed one of the camera in the office hallway, it has 15min

and the camera captured someone throwing a stone to the window, behind the camera

damn it's really dark down here

Just to show you a demonstration of how dark it is here

you can only see the light from my brother

That's all you can see

but when he turns of his light it's pitch black

turn of your light for a moment

now you can see how dark it is where he is

when we try and speak to the spirits we try in german , to see if we

get anything we did not capture anything but we got some noises instead

Heard something on my left

sounds like something metal outside of here, but everything is concrete

the time is 03:13

was it you that made that sound?

was it you that made that sound?

no am sitting still

what did you hear?

a tick sound

not that dripping sound but something else

between me and you

the camera you are watching is on the second floor, while we are in the basement

and the office hallway camera captured a voice, someone shouting

we enhanced it so you can hear it

if there is any norwegian people here. spirits, could make any sound

so if you could please make a knock sound on the table or the door

then we know it's you, and not dripping sound or the oven

heard something on my left, from the outside

the time is 03:16

sometime ago, there was a psychic, that

said down here was the most enegery, is that true?

can you show us that it 's true? make a noise knock on something, throw something

it would mean a lot for us

was that you?

no, I heard it

thank you

thank you very much it meant a lot for us

some seconds after we heard the tap sound

the camera on the office hallway captured the same tap sound

but we are not sure if it's the spirit or the printer that is making that noise

but 8 mins later another tap sound

at that moment I see my brother and hear his footsteps, but when he stops

the footsteps continues to me and then

I realised it was not my brother walking anymore

did you hear that?

sounded like someone walking

sounded like your shoes but it was right in front of me

that's why I was reacting so weird

I heard some noises then I saw u just sat down

no I was sitting here the whole time

when I heard it, I was moving backwards

can I ask you for a favor again? could you make a noise

by knocking on something

could you do that one more time?

if I count to three

could you knock like this on a wood or a wall

"Dear friend"

"kiss me"

it was hard to capture it on the camera but we heard people talking in the halway

in front of us, where the old kitchen was we heard someone walking

we are going to play the EVP, where we heard a man saying "Dear friend"

and a woman that sounds like that she is saying "kiss me".

but we are not sure what she says what do you think she said?

and when we heard the sounds, the office camera captured a sound that sounds like a

cuckoo Clock it's very faith you can barely hear it and then a door that closes

when he knocks on the doorframe can you knock after?

while were busy investgating, one of recorders captures a sound

outside the room we were in

the time is 4 in the morning, and the activity had clamed down, so we decided to

continue to the main entrance of Husan to see if we can capture something

do you want a knock sound or stomp your feet or running sounds

one more time we didn't catch that

was it you we heard?

I don't know if its me, but I can hear someone is walking upstairs

heard some noises downstairs am going to check it out real quick

maybe there is someone outside

me and my brother, was just here by the staircase, and we asked some questions

and we heard footsteps downstairs

did you hear anything more?

no, there is no one outside or down here


have you heard anything?

I haven't heard anything since you left

I think you guys love joking us around

you guys make some noise, and we go there then you make noises on the other side

bunch of jokers

are you guys upstairs?

or downstairs?

can one of you guys close a door

or stomp on the floor or the staircase

you are sitting still right?


did you hear anything just now?

I think I might have heard something but it was from where you are

I heard it come from where you are

it looks like, when am down here, and you up there, they are in between us

you guys are bunch of jokers

about 20min have gone we heard more noises but it didn't get captured on the mics

okay we going to be quiet

and youguys can try and make the most noise possble

on 1



There is no doubt that this place is haunted, but they don't mean them no harm

the ones that work here

seems like the spirit are intelligent and some residual spirits

from earlier times

it was nice that Farsund municipality let us investigate here in Husan

we thought it was fun and excited place to investigate

and we would love to come back sometime again to investigate.

For more infomation >> Paranormal Events S01E01 - Duration: 1:12:30.


Setting goals and 5 tips how to reach them - Duration: 11:44.

Hey, friends!

It's me Lunden.

Today, we are talking about setting goals and five

tips to help you reach your goals.

So first, I wanna talk to you about why

setting goals is so important because it gives you a reason and a fire to jump out

of bed in the morning and just get after them, right?

If you've ever imagined your life without goals or maybe you're a person

right now where you're like, "I don't really have any goals like I'm not really

working on anything," how motivated and how driven and how fired up are you every

single day?

Probably not very much, right?

So, you wanna define what your goals are because they help you get that "oomph" out

of life, right?

They help you jump out of bed.

It's what sets your soul on fire.

It's what your purpose is: to get up and execute and bring your best self every

single day.

So that's why goals are really important, and when it comes to fitness,

this is also helpful too because when you're walking to the track or getting

dressed to go outside for your run or you know, getting dressed to do your

bodyweight training workout or heading to the gym, if you don't have a clear goal

and a clear picture, how excited are you gonna be to go and do that workout?

Probably not very excited, and those goals are what are going to help you on those

days--we all have them--where you're just like not really feeling it, but when you

have a clear goal and a clear picture and that why, and we'll talk about that more

too, it's just what really gets you fired up.

You have to have goals and that vision to move on every single day to reach that



Next, I want to talk about how.

How do you set your goals, and what does this look like?

So you always want to have a big picture goal.

You want that crazy, ridiculous, amazing goal that makes

you feel a little bit nervous and a little bit like, "Oh my gosh!

I can't believe like this is my goal."

Could this really be my life?

Yes, it totally could.

It could be the case that you wanna lose 50, 60

pounds, 60 kilos, maybe you wanna lose a bunch of dress sizes, maybe you wanna run

your first marathon, and you're scared out of your mind, and that's okay because your

goals, your big picture goals, they should freak you out a little bit.

They should be a little bit scary.

They should make your heart start beating a little bit faster,

and you kind of feel like, "Oh my God!"

like a little kid going to Disneyland or going somewhere where you just get so

super excited.

You want to have that big picture goal.

It's really, really important to have that, but at the same time, you wanna

have that broken down into smaller steps: your daily goals, your weekly goals, your

monthly goals, and you wanna make sure that every day, you're focused on


It doesn't have to be something big.

Maybe you're training for a race, and your, you know, your ultimate goal is to

run that marathon in like four months, but your daily goal is to, like, get in your

run today or get in your recovery workout today or get in your bodyweight training

workout so you have strong muscles to support your race today.

So focus on the day, okay?

You wanna have that big picture, but you want to be present and in

the moment as well.

Then, you'll have your weekly goals as well, which maybe is to

get through your training week, and then you'll have your monthly goals as well.

So you wanna make sure that you have those

set up, and that they're in your calendar and that you have a plan to get to that

big picture, especially, between, you know, now and that next month, and you can

revisit it, and you can edit things and say, "Okay, these are my goals, you know,

from now until the end of the month", and kind of break it up there and revisit it

for the next month, but you wanna make sure that you're not so overwhelmed by

this big picture that you don't take the time to break things up into smaller

pieces, okay?

The next part is, is you want to be able to define goals that are

measurable, okay?

So it's not gonna do yourself any good if you say, "I just

wanna lose weight."

"I want to run a marathon.""

What are the goals that are measurable that you can define so that you

know when you achieve them when you do because you can.

So if you just say you wanna like get healthier or like lose

weight, but you don't have, like, a specific amount that you're tracking on a

weekly basis, that you're monitoring at the end of the month so that you can

monitor if you're on track, then you're gonna get sidetracked, and you're not

gonna feel excited.

You wanna set these measurable goals super, super specific for

you, okay?

Like super, super specific.

That way you know, "Okay, I did it, check."

"I did it, check." Because the more checks we have, the more successes and small wins

that we have, the more wins that we have overall, the more excited we are, the more

motivated we are, and the more that we can just keeping pushing forward even when

things are hard because they're gonna be challenging.

And so for me, personally, my personal fitness goal right now is to

focus more on loving my body and recovery and reducing stress, and that's by doing a

morning meditation every single morning, doing yoga three times a week in the

morning, and getting outside and walking and being in nature with the goal of

20,000 steps, five days a week.

So on the weekends, I give myself a little bit of a

break, even though I'm usually walking and going for a run, and I generally hit that

goal anyways, but those are my goals right now.

Meditation every morning, yoga three mornings a week, and 20,000 steps at least

Monday through Friday, five days a week.

That's measurable for me.

I can look and say, ""Okay, did I do my daily meditation?

Did I do yoga three mornings a week?

Did I hit my 20,000 steps goal?

I can look at my Steps app, and I can see that.

I can measure that.

I can know if I was successful there or not, and that's my

fitness goal for this moment.

That's what I'm tracking daily and weekly, and my

overall, big goal is to reduce stress and to focus on self-love and, and reflection

for myself personally, and you can do that too.

So you can say, "Okay, this is my big picture goal.

Here's what I want to achieve on a daily basis.

Here's what I want to achieve on a weekly basis," and

reflect on that and look at it and make sure that it's very, very specific as

specific as you want it to be.

"I wanna lose 10 kilos by my sister's wedding

cause I wanna fit in this particular dress, and this is important for me," or

"I want to, you know, look my best in my tuxedo for my personal wedding or my," I

don't know, maybe you're going to a big event or a party or something like that.

Just make it as specific as for you, don't worry about what other peoples' goals are

in terms of setting yours.

It's good to know other peoples', and we'll talk about

that too, but make it as specific as you possibly can.

Write it down.

Put it places.

Stick it up all over the wall.

Put it as the background of your phone like

constantly be reminded of your goals, okay?

So now once you have all of your goals set, you have your plan, you have

your big picture goal, you know what you're focusing every day, week and month

on, how are you gonna stay motivated because people feel like they lose

motivation so quickly, and remember, motivation is a muscle, okay?

You can't just neglect it.

You don't just like turn a motivation switch on once, and then

you're like forever motivated.

You have to cultivate motivation every single day,

sometimes, every single hour, sometimes every single minute, and the more that you

cultivate that, the more present you are.

You need to stay focused, and you need to stay motivated every single hour if you're

one of those people or you're having one of those days, just make sure that you

know from the beginning when you have that big picture goal, and you can envision it,

and you can feel it, and you can smell it, and you can just like taste it.

It's just, it's right there, right in front of you

that you don't expect that that feeling's just gonna last forever 'cause if you do

that, you're lying to yourself, and you're setting yourself up for failure, okay?

First tip, number one, to stay motivated know your "why".

Know why you're doing this, and your "why" should be so

compelling to you.

When you hear your "why", it should be something that makes

you feel warm and fuzzy for, for inside.

It could because I want to be able to chase after my kid, um, on the playground

because right now when I'm doing it, I'm getting winded or I'm out of breath or

because you know, I want to reach that finish line, and I want to have that medal

around my neck that says I completed this marathon, okay?

So you want to know your "why", and take that "why", write it down,

write it on your forehead, put it in tons of places, put it on the background of

your phone, hang it up in the bathroom, put it on the piece of paper at your

office, make it the background of your computer, put it on the, um, the little

thing, what's it called, that blocks the sun in, your car, uh, you can put that


You can stick it, just stick it places where you're gonna see it all the


Constantly remind yourself of that "why".

Another tip, number two is actually one of my personal favorites.

Create a vision board so get a piece of paper, get

a corkboard, get magazines out, print out pictures from online, cut them out and put

them all over this vision board.

These pictures will help reflect your "why", and

every single day, look at it.

So go in, look at that vision board, take a few deep

breaths, look at all those pictures that cultivate that feeling and cultivate that

motivation for you and put it in a place that you see it often.

So don't just make the vision board, and then put it in a

cupboard somewhere or like put it in your closet like put that shit in the living

room like put it somewhere where it's directly in front of your face, okay?

This is really, really important.

The third tip is tell your goals to your friends and ask

them for theirs, build that tribe, build that, um, group of people that are gonna

hold you accountable, okay?

You will deepen your relationships with your

partner, with your friends, with the people around you or even people in online

groups or online communities.

Those are really powerful as well.

Make sure that you're telling them your goals.

Tell people your goals.

Put them out into the universe.

Make them real, and then ask people, "What are you working on too?"

like, "How can I support you?" and you might find people who have either very

similar goals to you or they have goals that you guys can somehow work on

together, especially when it comes to fitness, right?

You might see someone whose, their goal is to, you know, work out

to get in shape for this, and you're working out to get in shape for this


You guys can come together for tip number four, which would be like a partner


Getting together, working out together, having fun together, sweating

together, holding each other accountable so that way, you know, you can be like,

"Hey, where are you?

You said you were coming.

You said that you were going to help me reach my goal or you were going

to meet me here so we could help each other."

So really make sure that you tell people your goals.

Don't be afraid of them.

Your goals are powerful.

Your goals are awesome, and your goals are yours, and

you can make them happen, but you can't just hold them all inside, okay?

Make sure that you tell people about those goals,

and tip number five is a little bit more work here.

So put your goals in your calendar, okay?

Set your plan in your calendar.

This will help you stay motivated when you can have a clear


If you don't have this clear picture in your calendar whether it's a

written calendar, whether it's an online calendar, um, maybe you have something

that's on your fridge that's weekly.

Make your calendar very, very specific with

where you're gonna spend time working on those goals like I told you, mine is

morning yoga.

So in my calendar, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I have it

in there, first thing when I wake up, "Do yoga" like "Yoga."

Sometimes, I'll even put like the link to what YouTube video

I'm doing in my calendar.

Write down which one I want to do or maybe I found one, and

I'll put it in there really quickly.

So make sure that you have a calendar that's

written out, that's very specific so that way, you're not losing motivation because

you don't know what the heck you're doing, right?

So put it in your calendar and make sure that you don't cancel on yourself,


So there are my five tips to help you stay motivated and reach your goals.

Watch, rewatch this video, set your goals, and make them happen.

You can do it!

For more infomation >> Setting goals and 5 tips how to reach them - Duration: 11:44.


Weird Al Meets Michael Jackson - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Weird Al Meets Michael Jackson - Duration: 6:03.


YUGI H5 - XIN Ý KIẾN Event 5000 sub & 3 lá bài điểm danh HOT tháng 1/2019 - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - XIN Ý KIẾN Event 5000 sub & 3 lá bài điểm danh HOT tháng 1/2019 - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 11:18.


Why I gave PewDiePie's Meme Awards a dislike. *Watch with captions on* - Duration: 2:52.

I'll be honest with you guys:

I gave PewDiePie's Meme Awards 2018 a dislike

And I don't hate PewDiePie, I don't hate his memes, I don't hate the video.

It's just there were some things that I wasn't too happy about in the video.

If you know me, and you watch my videos, then you know that Bowsette is the only meme i actually hated.

And it even beat Big Chungus for an award??

It was not even nominated for the worst meme award!

I mean, I know Fortnite is a bad meme (I don't even like Forknife)

But Bowsette is even worse!

Now, the video itself is good, PewDiePie is good, I have no promlem with PewDiePie,

But I just have a few problems with the video that I just want to make known.

And I am aware that this not PewDiePie's choice

I need to finish this later.

For more infomation >> Why I gave PewDiePie's Meme Awards a dislike. *Watch with captions on* - Duration: 2:52.


[YTPH] Cree o muere Rodolfo123 (activa subtitulos latinoamericanos) Youtube Poop . - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> [YTPH] Cree o muere Rodolfo123 (activa subtitulos latinoamericanos) Youtube Poop . - Duration: 1:58.


New Year Resolution Kick Off - Duration: 0:07.





For more infomation >> New Year Resolution Kick Off - Duration: 0:07.


The New Official Sponsor of the Scotty Kilmer Channel - Duration: 5:34.

rev up your engines, the Dalai Lama says Scotty does Toyota sponsor your channel

no I don't have any sponsors I'm sponsored by the truth, as a matter of

fact I just made a video recently, why Toyota makes good car, they've got a

different mindset in Japan how they build things, and they make very reliable

vehicles, and they've taken decades to make it that way and they want to keep their

reputation, nobody sponsored me, nobody pays me to

say that, I own three of them in my driveway because I'm a mechanic, I hate working on

my own cars, most mechanics do not want to work on their own car, something we

don't want to do, we work on other people's cars, we don't want to spend our

spare time working on our own cars,

there's no sponsorship here I just, if somebody makes a better car and it lasts

decades like theirs do and hundreds of thousands of miles,

believe me I'll tell you about it, it's like I say you want to get a pickup

truck, get a F150 those things can last hundreds or thousands of miles too,

but there's nobody that sponsoring, I just tell as I see it from being a mechanic

for 51 years Carla Martinez says Scotty what brand oil

and filter you recommend for my 99 camry, most oils in the United States

sold our excellent oils, that's an old vehicle, I use Castrol on my

all my Toyotas I always have, I just like the

stuff I've never had problems with it so I just put in regular castrol oil that

works perfectly fine, as for the oil filters, I use the high end oil filters

the premium oil filters, now the thing is there's only like three or four

companies that even make them, like the the Mobil one, the Pennzoil they don't even

make filters, Fram makes them for them, so as

long as you're buying high-end oil filter they're the best ones and don't

go to the discount oil stores and buy them because a lot of times those

discount auto parts stores they mark up their premium filters way too much, I

personally buy my own on Amazon, I look for the lowest price for a good premium,

like a Bosch one or a Pennzoil whatever as long as it's the premium filter and I get

them for like five bucks a piece instead of the ten to fifteen they charge at the

auto parts stores, doesn't matter where you buy them they're the same company making them,

Kyle Hanson says Scotty what do you think about Mazdas

new skyactiv good or bad, well bad as far as I'm concerned,

because I have to fix those things, they've had a lot of problems with it as they

age, it's a very high level of Technology Mazda's a company that's known for

making cars with high tech that later fell apart, a perfect example of that is

their rotary engines, they kept trying to put in rotary engine in, when I was

young they had the cosmos which backfired like mad and got like five

miles a gallon for a little bitty car then they made the RX-7 then they

made the RX-8 and then they stopped using the Wankel rotary engines because they

kept trying to fix them and they always kept burning oil and ruining the seals

on the apex of the three corners where they had to seal those rotors, they do a lot

of technology and a lot of its failed and I'm not a fan of that

SKYACTIV technology, I mean you can get good gas mileage and get power out of it

and if you're the type of person that buys a brand-new car and gets rid of it

when it's got 60-70 thousand miles you'd probably be happy with it,

but if you keep them forever, no it's not the greatest technology in the world

because it does have a tendency of breaking down and cost an awful lot of

money to fix when they do break, Novolik Scotty I got an 06 Honda Odyssey that

makes a high-pitched whirring noise every time I start the engine when it's

really cold, any idea what it could be the first thing you want to do is take

the fan belt off the car first, take all the fan belts off, start it, if noise goes

away you know it's something one of the fan belts drive, then you just have to

figure out which one, you could get a stethoscope in and when it's whirring

put it on each one one at a time see if the alternator, power steering, a lot of

times that's what it is, you want to pray that the noise goes away though when you

take the fan belts off, because if it doesn't, that means that when you start

it up, there's something in the engine or the transmission that's making noise

internally, and that stuff can get really expensive really fast, and a lot of those

odyssey's had cam problems and those cams cost a fortune to replace, if it

was in the engine or transsmission my advice would be get rid of the vehicle

rather than spend the money on it because that's gonna cost many thousands

of dollars to fix, if it's in the engine or the transmission,whoa whoa says

Scotty you talk a lot about cars but tell me about motorcycles, I've been a

bike for since I was a teenager I know a lot about motorcycles, I like motorcycles,

I have a Kawasaki z1000 2010 is that sound motorcycle, what is your experience,

those kawasaki thousands z those are screaming motorcycles they're very

strongly built too, kawasaki makes very well built a very fast motorcycles,

that's the way that they are, they also make little thigns that they

use in China and India for carrying people around but they make really good

high-end fast motorcycles that's a good motorcycle to have, now the main thing

you gotta watch out for that is yourself keep your brain from getting too excited

going too fast and killing yourself by losing control, those bikes generally go

too fast for the ability of that person driving it to control it, cuz they are such

powerful machines, I mean when I was a young mechanic, hey it was something to

have a motorcycle in at 45 horsepower now some of these things, you know they're

pushing 200 horsepower it's just insanity, it's beyond the ability of a

normal human of control if you go full speed all the time, so if you never want

to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> The New Official Sponsor of the Scotty Kilmer Channel - Duration: 5:34.


Committee releases final report on Greitens - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Committee releases final report on Greitens - Duration: 0:46.


2018 , el mejor año de mi vida [Audio Español , sub English ] - Duration: 3:06.

Dear subscriber

Before we start this video , i made a poll on instagram where you could decide the language that you wanted me to talk in this video

where you could decide

The language that

You wanted me to talk in this video

these are the final results

If you speak english

please activate the captions that i made for u


New year is always a date that makes me

Feel really sentimental

Because is the perfect date to make a recap of everything you done this year

People come , others go , you win you loose..

But 2018 in specific

In my opinion it Was the best year of my life..

I travelled overseas!(europe) something i always thought i would only dream about

I visited Paris , London (and liverpool)

Ireland (belfast) and Rome! And Disneyland ;-;

And im proud to say that it was DisneyLand Paris (EuroDisney)


I also knew most of my mother´s family (who lives in cdmx)

AND I´ve been in six flags for the first time ever with my uncle´s family

I visited TimBurton´s museum , one of my favorite artists


I think some of u know

I visited one of my favorite studios ever..

yeeeee , maybe you know which one

In my birthday,

I had the change to share the stage voicing dementia with one of

My idols

(alan Ituriel, creator of villainous)

Throughout this year ,

I won a lot of art contests , I made a lot of friendships

I got a lot of contacts (art related)

I´ve been in my fists college talks

I took animation classes

I changed my image at least 3 times

I feel really thankful of everything i lived this year

Im also thankful with my family

for being part of these moments

This year has been full of good things that have blinded the bad stuff

This year i learnt that sometimes , some people needs to go to give chance to other people to come into your life

That sometimes you are in the top of everything and sometimes in the ground

But in family, wherever you are, it will feel like home

That a pet can have an unimaginable space in your heart

That if you dream about it and you ACT for it , you can have it

that it is valid to dream even farther from a continent

That the only obstacle is you !

That if you really want something , you need to get up and make something for it

This year was the best

And i hope 2019 gets the same or better!

Thanks to everyone who stayed with me this year

That watched me grow , have faith in me

Saw me reaching a lot of goals

And supported me until it was possible

To all my family , thanks for being here with me one more year

And i wish to you a 2019 full of adventures

Accomplished dreams and blessings uwu

TYSM for listening this video!!!

For more infomation >> 2018 , el mejor año de mi vida [Audio Español , sub English ] - Duration: 3:06.


#EwangeliarzOP | 1 stycznia 2019 | (Łk 2, 16-21) - Duration: 1:12.


I'm looking forward to going to my beloved Albertines, to Kalatówki for my retreat.

This is the time when lots of things calm down in my head.

I can tell important matters from less important ones. It acts like a spiritual sieve, at the bottom of which the most essential is left.

Today, we can see Mary thrown into the whirlwind of news and events,

and she, still. leaves only the most important things on her inner spiritual sieve.

This is a wonderful skill really worth mastering.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 1 stycznia 2019 | (Łk 2, 16-21) - Duration: 1:12.


Little Big Shots | Strong Kid Pushes Car With Mike Tyson In It! - Duration: 1:48.

Listen, who should go in? Your brother?

No, he's too skinny!

Shall I go in?


No, I'm skinny as well! Let me ask somebody...

Mike Tyson!

Mr Mike, please!

Can you drive a car?

Just 30 ft. 30 ft.

This man weighs,

he weighs 238 lbs naked, so 240 lbs dressed.

Watch out! Slowly or you'll break the wheel!

Wait... Jason, tell me when you're ready. Are you ready?


He'll crash it!

Thank you Jason, I cannot believe it!

Great Mike!

Let's go.

He agreed to make this surprise for Jason.

Thank you!

Iron Mike, Iron Jason!

For more infomation >> Little Big Shots | Strong Kid Pushes Car With Mike Tyson In It! - Duration: 1:48.


Meditação Guiada Thetahealing: Para Autoconfiança - Ouvir por 21 dias dormindo| Roberta Dias - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Meditação Guiada Thetahealing: Para Autoconfiança - Ouvir por 21 dias dormindo| Roberta Dias - Duration: 6:48.


Müslüm Baba Filminin Seyircileri Sahneye Çıkıp Kıyafetlerini Yırttı - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Müslüm Baba Filminin Seyircileri Sahneye Çıkıp Kıyafetlerini Yırttı - Duration: 2:04.


Axo compra operador de las tiendas TAF en México - Duration: 1:34.

 Grupo Axo, una compañía que comercializa marcas de lujo, principalmente ropa, calzado y accesorios, concretó la adquisición de Tennix, una empresa que opera en México las tiendas de calzado casual The Athlete's Foot o TAF, así como TrueKids, operación anunciada en septiembre

Te recomendamos: Crowfunding, entre las tendencias que regirán franquicias el próximo año Hasta agosto de 2019 entrará nueva marcación telefónica  La compañía liquidó la transacción, cuyos detalles no fueron revelados, con parte del crédito que contrajo con diversas instituciones financieras, entre las que figuran los grupos financieros BBVA Bancomer, HSBC y Banorte, dijo Axo en un comunicado

"Nos sentimos orgullosos de concluir con éxito esta adquisición con la cual incluimos una gran marca global como es TAF", dijo Andrés Gómez Martínez, presidente del consejo de administración de la compañía, citado en el comunicado

 El cierre de la operación ya era esperado luego de que la semana pasada Axo anunció que ejercería el crédito bancario para el finiquito de una adquisición, además del financiamiento para gastos de capital, y otros fines corporativos

   Con esta compra, Axo cuenta ya con más de 149 tiendas en México  de las diferentes marcas que opera, entre ellas Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein, Chaps, Coach, Guess, Hollister, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria´s Secret, Warner´s y Promoda

 MCM ​

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