Monday, December 31, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 31 2018


what is like to been invisible.

like no one knew

like it was promised for him

he seem's so nice first time i look up at her eyes



a childness spirit who's still deep in her soul

but he never goe's back on what he decide's

what make me fall in his thoughts.

that i left my home town for him

he told me im commin babe

what he said

im commin home.... he said.

he never came back.

he was in love I always knew it.

but with his car more than his child's mother .

i should be more proud than


he got what he composed

and a grave

for his beloved.. wife

he was twenty seven

he lived

For more infomation >> LIFE THAN LIVE. (CC) - Duration: 1:51.


Pick a Card - Wybierz kartę Sprawdź Co czeka Cię w Miłości ♡ Styczeń 2019♡ - Duration: 24:43.

For more infomation >> Pick a Card - Wybierz kartę Sprawdź Co czeka Cię w Miłości ♡ Styczeń 2019♡ - Duration: 24:43.


Il Segreto, puntata speciale 31 dicembre: tornano in tv Pepa e Tristan - Duration: 3:24.

Il Segreto, puntata speciale 31 dicembre: tornano in tv Pepa e Tristan Anticipazioni Il Segreto puntate speciale: i telespettatori rivivranno la travolgente storia d'amore di Pepa e Tristan In prima serata su Rete 4,

lunedì 31 dicembre, andrà in onda una puntata speciale de Il Segreto.

La soap spagnola propone una serata davvero emozionante per il pubblico che da sempre segue le vicende legate agli abitanti di Puente Viejo.

In particolare, la puntata a essere davvero speciale per tutti coloro che amano la coppia composta da Pepa e Tristan.

I due noti personaggi della soap hanno fatto sognare i telespettatori con la loro tormentata storia d'amore.

Come sicuramente ricorderete, la soap ha preso inizio proprio attraverso la vita di questi due personaggi, che dopo essersi incontrati hanno fatto sognare il pubblico.

Una storia d'amore vera e travolgente, ma anche abbastanza tormentata.

Dietro ai problemi che hanno contribuito a rendere la vita di Pepa e Tristan difficile c'era ovviamente Donna Francisca.

Quest'ultima non riusciva a sopportare il fatto che il figlio si fosse innamorato della giovane Aguirre.

Nonostante ciò, la coppia riuscì comunque a vivere il loro amore.

Il Segreto anticipazioni: Pepa e Tristan tornano sul piccolo schermo Nel corso della puntata speciale del 31 dicembre,

dunque, i telespettatori rivivranno la storia d'amore di Pepa e Tristan.

La coppia che ha fatto sognare il pubblico torna sul piccolo schermo per continuare a emozionare i telespettatori.

La giovane Aguirre giunse a Puente Viejo con lo scopo di ritrovare suo figlio, Martin.

Proprio attraverso il bambino, Pepa incontrò il suo grande amore, Tristan.

Da quel momento, i due protagonisti della soap iniziarono a vivere momenti di grande felicità, ma anche di forte tristezza.

Infatti, sono diverse le occasioni in cui si ritrovarono costretti a vivere separati.

Dopo vari problemi e difficoltà, finalmente Pepa e Tristan riuscirono a rendere ufficiale il loro amore, convolando a nozze.

Il Segreto: la storia di Pepa e Tristan su Rete 4 in prima serata Pepa restò incinta e diede alla luce Aurora e Bosco.

Purtroppo si ritrovò costretta a partorire in mezzo al bosco, dove perse la vita.

Un grande addio quello della coraggiosa Aguirre, che ha conquistato proprio tutto il pubblico.

Dopo la morte della sua amata, Tristan riuscì a ritrovare la serenità a fianco a Candela. Ma anche per lui fu scritto un tragico destino.

Una storia la loro che per il pubblico è indimenticabile! Proprio per tale motivo, la Mediaset ha scelto di mandare in onda questa puntata speciale durante la vigilia di Capodanno.

For more infomation >> Il Segreto, puntata speciale 31 dicembre: tornano in tv Pepa e Tristan - Duration: 3:24.


Jogando free feri (parte 14) - Duration: 23:23.

For more infomation >> Jogando free feri (parte 14) - Duration: 23:23.


"Ölümlü Yol" - Film - 2019 cu İl - Məhəmməd Şəmsəddinoğlu - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> "Ölümlü Yol" - Film - 2019 cu İl - Məhəmməd Şəmsəddinoğlu - Duration: 1:50.


Nightcore - Happy New Year (LYRICS) - Duration: 3:17.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Happy New Year (LYRICS) - Duration: 3:17.


Mensaje de Navidad Su Majestad Al Fakka - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Mensaje de Navidad Su Majestad Al Fakka - Duration: 2:03.


Make Money with Photography Marketing Email List - Duration: 3:51.

How to make money as a photographer? One of the most frequently asked questions

in the past, in the present and in the future. That's right my friends. Its money

Monday or photography marketing Monday. It's a first episode of this series on

this channel. You might want to subscribe.

My name is Zdenka Darula. I work as a photographer for many years.

I'm a former model and a few other things. Today's episode will cover the

most important topic when it comes to photography marketing. It is something I

didn't do at the beginning when I was starting out and I deeply regret it

because I would probably have lot of bookings right away from the beginning. I

am talking about email marketing. If you are very active on social media and have

very large list of followers you might opposed to email marketing. But what

would happen if your Facebook or Instagram account got deleted tomorrow?

It would take a very long time to get those followers back right? Email lists

are something you can own and back them up. There is very little or no risk of

losing them. It is the most effective marketing method because people tend to

respond more to something coming to their inbox then rather seeing it on a

social media feed. If you are using Gmail or in Entourage to send out mass emails you

are most likely not reaching your customers due to their system. But a

better chance of reaching users inbox you should look either into mailer lite or

mail chimp. Mailer lite is free up to 1,000 subscribers.

Mail chimp is free up to 2,000 subscribers. They both offer templates and

wide range of online support articles.

Legally you cannot just send mass promotional emails to your clients and

customers. The best way of doing it is to create an opt-in on your website

within contact form. Now lots of people don't like subscribing to newsletters

because simply they don't want to get more emails, so you will need to be a

little bit more proactive. You will need to offer something to win them over.

You can either offer discount code or coupons for your services or products or

you can offer free tips or checklists. For example: How to get ready for a photo

shoot? Or how to be better in posing in front of camera and so on. If you offer

something like that, you might have a better chance of them signing up. Once

you grow your list of email subscribers you are ready to send your special

offers. That means more sales and more bookings.

Thank you for watching money Monday or photography marketing Monday. If you like

this video please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe for all

future videos in this series. Let me know if you are using email marketing for

your business and what experience you have at it. Please in a comment section

below. If you have any questions comments or simply wants to say hello, do so there

as well. I'll see you next time again. Thank you

for watching..... Cau.... Ahoj....

For more infomation >> Make Money with Photography Marketing Email List - Duration: 3:51.


La estrategia legal de Kevin Spacey para salir ileso de la denuncia por abuso sexual - Duration: 3:10.

Kevin Spacey fue despedido de House of Cards tras las acusaciones en su contra por acoso sexual (AFP) Kevin Spacey se declarará inocente en el caso de agresión sexual a un adolescente de 17 años en el año 2016, pero quería hacerlo sin comparecer ante el tribunal

Un pedido que el juez le denegó este lunes.  Los letrados del actor presentaron documentos legales el lunes, que incluyen una declaración del actor, pidiendo no tener que concurrir a un tribunal de Massachusetts el próximo 7 de enero, cuando se formalizará la primera acusación penal contra él

De acuerdo al sitio  TMZ, que obtuvo los documentos legales, Spacey alega  que su presencia "amplificaría la publicidad negativa ya generada en relación con el caso"

El abogado de Spacey agrega en el escrito que su presencia contaminaría al jurado

No obstante, el magistrado a cargo del caso negó la solicitud del actor este lunes

  El caso por el cual quedará encausado sucedió en octubre de 2016, e involucra al hijo de 18 años de una reportera de TV

De acuerdo al joven, Spacey lo manoseó en un bar. William Little, de 18 años en el momento de la presunta agresión, relató que el actor metió la mano en su pantalón y tocó su pene

La Policía tiene en su poder imágenes del hecho. Si es encontrado culpable por la Justicia, el protagonista de Belleza Americana enfrenta hasta cinco años de prisión y tendrá que registrarse como delincuente sexual

La semana pasada, Spacey publicó un polémico video en el que con su personaje de Frank Underwood se defendía de las demandas por abuso sexual en su contra

  En los últimos días la estrella se ha mostrado caminando por las calles de Baltimore, lugar donde reside actualmente, y hasta regaló  pizzas a los paparazzi que se encontraba afuera de su residencia

A su vez, fue visto luciendo un sombrero con la frase "Retirado desde 2017", una clara referencia al año en el que se dieron a conocer las denuncias en su contra y que generó que se quedará fuera de House of Cards, la serie de Netflix que protagonizaba con gran éxito

Kevin Spacey se alejó de Hollywood y está viviendo en Baltimore (The Grosby Group) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Se conocieron nuevos detalles sobre la acusación penal contra Kevin Spacey por abuso de un menor Kevin Spacey reapareció como Frank Underwood para defenderse de las denuncias de abuso sexual

For more infomation >> La estrategia legal de Kevin Spacey para salir ileso de la denuncia por abuso sexual - Duration: 3:10.


#Вышиванки38 Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> #Вышиванки38 Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:41.


#Лилейники18 #Цветы для сада и бизнеса от Ольги Шевчук - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> #Лилейники18 #Цветы для сада и бизнеса от Ольги Шевчук - Duration: 2:35.


Jovem tem a morte gravada em vídeo #Record TV RS R7 Balanço Geral RS R7# - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Jovem tem a morte gravada em vídeo #Record TV RS R7 Balanço Geral RS R7# - Duration: 3:03.


Yasin-Aktay-Turkey-Caliphate - Duration: 3:33.

Muslims' efforts are in disarray [on Caliphate]

There is no political centre or unit that..

...will collect all these efforts .. the world.

I mean the Islamic unity as we can describe it. the sense of unity in thought.

A body that can assess all the rules [fiqh] that...

...will apply to all Muslims together.

That will lead the way for all Muslims... today's world.

For example there is International Union of Muslim Scholars [Muslim Brotherhood outfit]

I consider IUMS as a good effort for that.

Or there is Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Turkey is the term president of OIC and governs it.

As an idea, OIC is not a bad idea at all.

But unfortunately,

the countries that form OIC...

...are not free.

There are maybe 2 or 3 Muslim countries in OIC that are free

For example, there is such a country, called United Arab Emirates (UAE), among these OIC members

UAE's mission is to deal with Muslims

Wherever there is an Islamic movement

or Islamic political organization

UAE's mandate is to stage suicide acts against these.

UAE adopted itself a mission to destroy Islamic structures and it is part of OIC,

Similarly, Egypt is also in OIC.

There was a coup in Egypt

Those who staged the coup is part of OIC as well.

How can OIC represent all Muslims

I have a thought

After Caliphate was abolished in Turkey

There was a vacuum left.

There was a lack of political body

among Muslims

Back then, Muslims's population in the world was 300 million


an international body that will represent

all Muslims was lacking

Ihwan (Muslim Brotherhood) and ...

Jamaat-e-Islami filled the vacuum.

Jamaat-e-Islami in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh...

...Ihwan in the Middle East...

...expanded vary fast

As if..

As if they transformed into international political Islam

Some people underestimate Ihwan

They [Ihwan members] are all over the world today

All Islamic movements in the world...

...were branched out from these two [Ihwan and Jamaat-e-Islami]

When you look at these

They are the same time, Turkey's soft powers in a sense.

A new practice that emerged with Turkey

I mean the practice of defending Ummah [all Muslims] by Turkey

supporting oppressed and victimised Muslims

was greeted by Muslims in cheers.

As if like, Turkey is assuming the leadership of Caliphate

as acting leader

Turkey has undertaken this role

PRESENTER: Perhaps in substance, not in the form [of Caliphate]


Form is a matter of circumstances..

...that were imposed on us by conditions of the time

PRESENTER: We thank you

For more infomation >> Yasin-Aktay-Turkey-Caliphate - Duration: 3:33.


Anonymous Europa: Neujahrsansprache von Anonymous Schweiz - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Anonymous Europa: Neujahrsansprache von Anonymous Schweiz - Duration: 2:47.


Смешные моменты из аниме #227 | Аниме приколы | АНКОРД ЖЖЕТ - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Смешные моменты из аниме #227 | Аниме приколы | АНКОРД ЖЖЕТ - Duration: 10:03.


Аниме Приколы под музыку #75 | Смешные Моменты Из Аниме | Anime COUBS - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Аниме Приколы под музыку #75 | Смешные Моменты Из Аниме | Anime COUBS - Duration: 10:17.


Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron : 4 jours dans le sud pour se reposer et réfléchir - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron : 4 jours dans le sud pour se reposer et réfléchir - Duration: 3:03.


WeHoTV NewsByte: Don't Drink and Drive Coaster Distribution - Duration: 2:07.

The drink coaster, an invention that was designed to protect and serve, just like RoboCop.

I'm Nick Cutelli from WeHoTV News and tonight we're gonna be spreading the word in the community

about the dangers of drinking and driving.

Every year the City of West Hollywood Sheriff Deputies, LA County Fire, City Council Members,

and Public Safety Staff visit local bars and restaurants to hand out educational materials

in the form of drink coasters.

It's a good night, having a great time.

I'm into my fourth bubblegum vodka here.

Feeling a little tipsy, don't know if I'm gonna drive behind the wheel.

I didn't even see this here, what is this conveniently placed coasters that's not just

protecting the table and cup, but it going to be protecting my life.

I can take the Cityline, PickUp, cab companies, Lyft, and Uber!

I just got my life saved.

Thank you City of West Hollywood!

Alright, I'm here with Johnny, I would say, Famous Bartender.

"Sure" Okay, so you're kinda like Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktails?

So, as you know we're handing out the Don't Drink and Drive Coasters tonight.

So, what are your first impressions overall just looking at the coaster?

"No, I think it's a great idea and it reminds people when they're having a drink, don't

drink and drive."

Yeah, it's kind of that simple thing where it's like what do I do at the end of the night?

And you just have to be like umm, look down.

Give me a little bit of a little, "A little flip?


I like that.

And do you have to be cool about ir or more like customer friendly?

"You always have to be cool about it."


So, remember guys, at the end of a long night, when you're not sure what to do, it's simple,

just look under your drink.

I'm Nick Cutelli for WeHoTV News reminding you to be safe out there, cause we need you...and

this is just water.

For more infomation >> WeHoTV NewsByte: Don't Drink and Drive Coaster Distribution - Duration: 2:07.


Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions [CC] - Duration: 3:03.

Hi everyone, so this may be a bit of controversial topic today. But I don't make New

Year's resolutions. This is because I

feel like I would find myself making massive, really ambitious goals which are

totally unattainable - it's one of the pitfalls that I have fallen into before.

So for the past few years, I haven't been making New Year resolutions and I won't be

making one this year. Instead, I want to check in with my core values and beliefs

that I want to live by, and I"ll make smaller goals throughout the year to check in with

myself because life changes all the time and it can be unrealistic to

set yourself a goal at the beginning of the year and then something happens and

you're not able to do that anymore. That's happened to me a few times so

instead of doing that I said kind of short term goals throughout the year. The

other thing for me is that the 1st of January is not New Year, and for me it's

actually Samhain is New Year's Eve (or Halloween for most people) and due to my

religious beliefs, however I will be celebrating New Year's Eve with my

family because they don't have the same beliefs as me and being from a

North Eastern family, we still do things like firstfooting, which is lovely

tradition and that's something that I feel is important to keep up with,

regardless of my religious beliefs.

That's part of my heritage and that

kind of thing is really important to me.

So let me know in the comments if you

make New Year's resolutions or if you, like me, like to set short-term goals. And if you do

make New Year's resolutions, feel free to share them if you want to. And how are you

going to help yourself achieve them. I hope that you all have a

really lovely celebration and that you stay safe and stay well, and I will see

you in the New Year!


For more infomation >> Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions [CC] - Duration: 3:03.


Podiatrist's Family Says Their Dad Fabricated Trump's Bone Spur Diagnosis To Avoid Vietnam - Duration: 5:01.

According to a new report in the New York Times, Donald Trump was actually given a diagnosis

of bone spurs to get himself out of the Vietnam war by a doctor who wanted nothing more than

to get favor with Trump's father fred.

That is actually the conclusion, not have reporters trying to make Donald Trump look

bad, but of the two daughters of the doctor who actually gave Donald Trump that diagnosis,

the doctor was Dr Larry Bronstein, who passed away in 2007.

He was a podiatrist.

He ran his office out of a building actually owned by Trump's father, fred Trump.

So when Fred brought in little donnie trying to come up with a way to get him out of Vietnam,

the podiatrist, according to his own daughters, came up with the made up diagnosis of bone



Well, it's actually pretty simple.

Donald Trump had obviously gone through regular health physicals prior to going to the podiatrist

and everything checked out fine.

He was not able to get an actual exemption based on his normal health.

So you'd go to a guy who specializes in this kind of thing.

He knows what he can say that other doctors can't necessarily refute and the government

can't argue with, and that was something as simple as bone spurs because bone spurs typically

do not present with any symptoms at all.

Most people have bone spurs and may not even know it.

Others may occasionally feel foot pain.

They take Ibuprofen, Tylenol, whatever it is, and they're fine.

They move on with their day.

They don't know it's an actual problem and so that's why the doctor picked that because

it's not something that would be debilitating enough to where somebody could look at them

and say, Oh, you clearly don't have this.

You look perfectly fine.

You're walking normal.

Get on the bus or going to Vietnam, and that's why he did it.

And the two daughters who survived, the doctor told the New York Times that their father

would speak of this frequently about how he, you know, gave this diagnosis in order to

get favor with Fred Trump and the favor that he got in return was that anytime there was

a problem with this building where the doctor was running his office, he'd call Fred and

Fred would send people down immediately to fix it.

That was the little quid pro quo there.

I'll get your son out of Vietnam and then anytime there's a problem with is building,

I'm going to be first on your list and you're going to send somebody down here to fix it.


Worked out pretty well for both of them.

But here's the thing.

Trump had claimed during the campaign back in 2016 that he couldn't remember who the

doctor was.

You know, it was so long ago.

He didn't know the doctor that gave him the diagnosis, but he had plenty of documentation

to back it up and he never provided the documentation.

And at this point, most medical documentation regarding exemptions from according to the

national archives has already been destroyed.

So there is no way to actually go back through and see what Donald Trump's actual diagnosis

was or the reasoning behind it.

If Trump's not going to release it, the daughters say they no longer have it either.

It was all sold when his father, uh, when their father is huge.

We sold the podiatry office.

So there's not any record really.

We don't know for certain that these two women are telling the truth, but there are story

certainly does seem to add up with Donald Trump and all of it paints a picture of a

man who was too cowardly to afraid and whose own father used his power in the city of New

York to get his son out of conflict.

And based on other reporting from the New York Times over the last few months reporting

that really should have garnered a lot more coverage.

That seems to be the Cmo of Fred Trump.

Not only was he a decent businessman making tons of money, possibly through shady scheme

sometimes, but he would also do whatever it took to protect his own son.

Clearly not a trait that he was able to pass on to his own son as his kids seem to be getting

in constant trouble in daddy's not there to bail them out.

Trump has some answers, right?

I mean at least some questions that need to be answered.

Whether or not we get truthful answers is beside the point, but this needs to be an


I mean, John Kerry's Vietnam service was something that was attacked relentlessly by Republicans

in 2004.

I think at the very least, Democrats could run at least one ad maybe questioning why

Donald Bone Spurs.

Trump can't seem to remember the doctor's name, can't seem to provide any evidence and

seems to be according to the doctor's own daughters.

Absolutely lying about ever even having a foot problem.

For more infomation >> Podiatrist's Family Says Their Dad Fabricated Trump's Bone Spur Diagnosis To Avoid Vietnam - Duration: 5:01.


Reggae Maths Live Stream - Duration: 1:48:24.

For more infomation >> Reggae Maths Live Stream - Duration: 1:48:24.


Copyright Is About To Become YouTube's Biggest Problem - Duration: 3:52.

The war between youtube and the new EU copyright directive is about to begin.

Its difficult to forsee exactly how the new laws will affect youtube in 2019, but here's

my best guess.

Welcome back to IO and our last video of 2018, I'm charlotte dobre.

Between the monetization issues, extremist scandals and the activism against the new

implementation of article 13, Its been a pretty controversial year for youtube.

But in early 2019, the new EU copyright directive that could effectively ruin youtube as we

know it, will be put in place.

The EU is trying to make sure that artists and copyright holders are being paid for their


Youtube has said that it has already paid out musical artists and copyright holders

2.5 billion euros.

But here's the thing, that's actually not that much when you think about it.

For every 1 euro youtube pays artists, spotify pays artists 10 euros.

That's a pretty big difference.

I honestly didn't realize that and I really do sympathize with musical artists that aren't

being paid fairly.

To clarify, I don't agree with entire videos being claimed because they have 1 second of

content in them that belongs to a copyright holder.

This is what I will think will happen.

Article 13 makes youtube, and other wesbites, liable for copyright infringement.

Because of this Youtube will be implmeneting a very expensive new upload filter that will

pre screen content for copyrighted material.

Im not exactly sure how aggressive this filter will be, it will for sure screen for music,

pictures and memes might be trickier.

There actually might be some good that comes out of this.

Rather than a creator uploading a video and it going live, then later being slapped with

a copyright claim or strike, you wont be able to set the video to live until its been screened

for copyright infringement.

So from here, a creator could go through their video and take out anything that might be

setting off the filter before the video goes up, then reupload the video.

EU Youtubers that rely on copyrighted material, might either stop making content altogether,

or try new types of content.

We might see entire channels shutting down, and then we also might see entirely new genres

of videos being created.

Maybe these new directives will both force and inspire creators to create completely

original content.

On the other hand though, creators are going to stop using any copyrighted material in

their videos because otherwise, they wont make money off it.

I will also note that Youtube's filters get it wrong, a lot of the time.

We are going to see a ton of issues with the filter, where for example a youtuber might

be using a completely original piece of music, and someone might claim it.

Then those creators might end up going to court, etcetera.

For Channels based outside of the EU, article 13 is not going to affect how we produce content.

It is however going to affect who is able to watch your content.

We might see a drop in viewership across the platform.

I know for IO, around half of our viewers are from the UK, which is currently still

a part of the EU.

How do you think article 13 will change youtube, let us know in the comments.

For now im going to respond to some of your past comments from johnnys video, youtube

steals creators video without giving credit.

Thaqif – can we copystrike youtube.

im not sure.but I kinda wanna try.

Spill the tea – youtube stole my brain, does that count.

I don't think it does but I wish it did.

Coralline Williams – I love io I've been watching you guys for 3 years now.

Wow that's pretty much just as long as I've been working here.

Tealfox gamer – youtube is slowly getting worse.

SuperTasticGaming – you guys will never see this.

On behalf of IO, best wishes for 2019.

For more infomation >> Copyright Is About To Become YouTube's Biggest Problem - Duration: 3:52.


Revealed: Things Meghan Markle will have to give up after she married Prince Harry - Duration: 10:44.

Revealed: Things Meghan Markle will have to give up after she married Prince Harry.

Since all eyes have been on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal wedding,

it was pretty easy to forget about all the things that will take place after the big day.

Marrying into British royalty is a bit different than becoming a Disney princess. By that we mean there are rules.

It's true that Markle had already begun making some major compromises for her Prince Charming long before the wedding.

For one, Markle, who was actually Protestant, was baptized and confirmed into the Church of England prior to marrying Prince Harry, CNN reported.

According to New York Post, Markle also sold her home in Toronto, Canada. Though we're sure she doesn't mind bunking with royalty.

Of course, Markle's both small- and large-scale concessions will only increase in number now that the royal wedding has taken place.

Here are some things that Markle will be barred from doing now that she has said "I do" at St. George's Chapel.

So long, selfies.

Pictures abound of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle greeting well-wishers in Nottingham after announcing their engagement.

However, what you won't see are any selfies of the pair — whether alone, with each other, or with members of the crowds.

Taking a selfie seems like an innocuous thing to do but they're a no for royals. 

Matthew Barzun, a United States ambassador with whom the Queen confided,

explained Queen Elizabeth's disdain for cell phone photography to Tatler magazine.

Apparently, the Queen finds it "strange" to see a sea of cell phones aimed at her when she walks toward a crowd. 

As far as first-world problems go, this one may pretty much take the cake.

Still, it's not hard to understand her point. "She was essentially saying: 'I miss eye contact,'" Barzun explained.

It seems the Queen's personal distaste for selfies has trickled down to the rest of the royal family.

You won't find any selfies taken by these Brits and the only selfies of Markle you'll find are from her pre-Harry days.

No more signing autographs.

As an actress, Meghan Markle has likely signed her fair share of autographs.

As a soon-to-be royal, however, those days are now behind her. The reason for this is understandable:

Royals are prohibited from signing autographs due to the risk of signature forgery, as explained by Express.

But, what fun are rules if you can't break them from time to time, right? 

When asked to sign autographs, Prince Charles usually defaults to an apology and tells the public he is unable to do so, 

The Telegraph reported. Be that as it may, when visiting the Lostwithiel area after a natural disaster,

a man whose home had been badly damaged asked for his John Hancock.

Charles, feeling moved, obliged by writing "Charles 2010".

He may have technically broken the rules but he didn't actually sign his name. 

Markle did something similar in January of 2018 for a 10-year-old fan.

According to Time, instead of signing her name on the paper provided, Markle wrote "Hi Kaitlin".

Since Markle hasn't attempted this again, the Queen may feel a certain kind of way about skirting the rules.

No more autographs — signatures or not — it seems.

Voting is out.

Meghan Markle is far from being apolitical. Robert Lacey, a historian and biographer of Queen Elizabeth told The Guardian,

"I can see that this is going to be a real problem in the months and years ahead for her, an existential problem.

I don't imagine the Queen will be in a rush to have Meghan at Balmoral [royal family's vacation house in Scotland] when Trump visits".

This poses a bit of a conundrum for Markle as a member of the royal family

because they are expected to stay mum regarding politics — including their thoughts on specific politicians.

Per the official website of the British royal family, the Queen must "remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters".

This includes voting in elections. Although the Queen is the only one explicitly prohibited from politics,

members of the royal family abide by the same policy.

Unfortunately for Markle, this means she will not be able to share her political views.

No more bare legs for Meg.

When pictures surfaced of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announcing their engagement,

your eyes may have fixated on the ring immediately.

After all, seeing the ring is what most of us want to do when someone we know gets engaged.

The ring turned out to be beautiful, as was to be expected,

but Markle's legs were what actually stole the show that day. Specifically, her bare legs.

Royal expert Victoria Arbiter explained the situation to Business Insider, saying,

"You never see a royal without their nude stockings".

Uh-oh. Arbiter added, "I would say that's really the only hard, steadfast rule in terms of what the Queen requires". 

It could be that Markle didn't know the pantyhose policy at that time — ugh,

Harry, why didn't you tell her? — as she now abides by the Queen's preference.

Since this is a rule Markle has already begun embracing, it will undoubtedly continue to be important now that she's a married lady. 

Best not go to bed before the Queen.

It may be obvious to you by now that Queen Elizabeth has some pretty peculiar policies.

One of the strangest may be the very one Harry's late mother, Princess Diana, hated to follow. 

In an interview for Juliet Rieden's book, The Royals in Australia, the Queen's private secretary,

Sir William Heseltine, told of Diana's agony while sitting through long royal dinners. 

He explained, "There'd be an hour or so in the sitting room of everyone sitting around making conversation,

and nobody felt it right to go to bed before the Queen did".

Eventually, Diana got so sick of the pomp and circumstance that she'd excuse herself and go to bed anyway,

despite it being considered "rather bad form". 

If Markle is looking to stay in Queen Elizabeth's good graces, she probably shouldn't follow in Diana's footsteps.

When staying at the Queen's residence, she'll unfortunately have to put up with the long;

and probably sometimes boring — dinners and social engagements and wait up until the Queen decides to hit the hay. 

Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

As far as board games go, Monopoly is probably one of the worst, aside from Risk of course — eek.

Monopoly is really only fun if you win and really, does anyone play long enough to win? 

Apparently Queen Elizabeth shares this sentiment too. According to The Telegraph, Prince Andrew, a son of the Queen,

brought the popular game to the headquarters of the Leeds Building Society because he's literally "not allowed" to play it back home.

Apparently, the game gets too vicious. 

You have to wonder how the Queen decided that Monopoly was just too vicious to play.

Did she hear horrible tales of others who played the game? Could it have caused an epic royal battle in the past?

We may never know. One can only hope that Meghan Markle is not a die-hard Monopoly fan.

If she is, that may just cause some serious tension between her and her grandmother-in-law!

Who's Meghan Markle?

Did you know that Markle's first name isn't actually Meghan?

When Queen Elizabeth formally consented to Harry marrying Markle, this news was officially confirmed.

Meghan Markle is actually Rachel Meghan Markle. Ironically, Rachel is also the name of Markle's character on Suits.

It seems Markle prefers to go by Meghan as this is the name used on the royal wedding invitations.

Regardless of which name she prefers best, Markle's name has changed since wedding day — and in a big way. 

According to an interview with royal expert Imogen Lloyd Webber for People,

Markle now has the title Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Wales.

However, the Queen gave Harry a new title (Duke) after wedding Markle.

Markle then became the Duchess of Sussex — much like Kate Middleton's title, Duchess of Cambridge. 

No more acting for this actress.

When someone marries into the royal family, their careers don't often come with them. 

When Prince Philip married Queen Elizabeth some 70 years ago,

he became her consort and remained one for over six decades, his biography explains.

Prince Philip's days were, and still are, filled with official duties. 

Although Philip was not an actor like Meghan Markle, his official responsibilities crowded out the ability to lead a "normal" life.

Grace Kelly, who was an actor prior to marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco, left her Hollywood career behind.

Markle followed suit — by quitting Suits. In an interview with BBC, Markle explained her decision, saying,

"I don't see it as giving anything up. I just see it as a change. It's a new chapter".

Harry, who was also present for the interview, added, "It's not easy for anybody,

but I know that at the end of the day she chooses me and I choose her and whatever we have to tackle together

or individually will always be us together as a team, so I think she's capable of anything". 

It seems her last role may just be a one-off television show. That is, of course, the widely-televised royal wedding!

Traveling solo is a no-go.

Meghan Markle's days of being able to travel solo were a thing of the past before the wedding even took place.

According to Express, Meghan was issued royal protection officers in the wake of her engagement to Harry.

As you might expect, all current and prospective members of the royal family need ample security. 

According to Gordon Rayner, a writer for The Telegraph who has attended 20 royal tours,

the royal family has some unique security needs.

Heightened security is especially needed and utilized while they're away on royal tours.

For example, Rayner wrote, "Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall sometimes take their own alcohol so there's no danger of their drinks being spiked". Yikes! 

Additionally, the royal tours may look effortless to an outsider but they can actually take six months to plan.

Rayner gave his perspective, saying, "Touring the world meeting heads of state

and being shown cultural treasures sounds like a wonderful life. Yet I have no envy for the Royal family". 

He added that their site visits are hardly ever longer than 40 minutes at a time and they likely will not travel to that same location again.

Thankfully, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will at least get a real honeymoon.

Well, as real as you can get when you need to be guarded 24/7.

Thanks you for watching! Please to Like and Share if you feel the video is useful.

And don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

For more infomation >> Revealed: Things Meghan Markle will have to give up after she married Prince Harry - Duration: 10:44.


10 Crazy Amphibious Vehicles You Need to See - Duration: 12:28.

It didn't' take too long after the invention of the car to figure out how to make one work

as a boat. From something that looks like a Jeep, a motorcycle or a tour bus we count

down 10 crazy amphibious vehicles.

Number ten. Watercar Panther.

This amphibious vehicle is one of the few on this list which is in fully production

and can be purchased right now. This amphibious jeep required multiple prototypes to get to

the final result. Initially they found using a long body pickup trucks as the base provided

the stability they needed in the water but after perfecting their craft the jeep base

was the final vehicle to hit the high seas.

Claiming to be the fastest amphibious vehicle in the world, which you'll see later other

cars will also try to stake this claim, the watercar panther clocks in at 80 mph or 130

kph on land or 50 mph or 80 kph on water. They achieved this by removing as much drag

as possible from the body by lifting the tires out of the water and shaping the hull pointed

like a boat. It only takes 15 seconds to convert this vehicle from car to boat mode which is

done with a simple pull of a lever. This vehicle boasts easy access to the vehicle from the

water by opening the door which apparently also draws in pretty women. Watercar panther

is an American built car that has created numerous of these vehicles. For around $180,000

you can pick up one for yourself. They have started to branch out and create a fire rescue

version which is approved by the US coast guard.

Number nine. Gibbs Aquada. Billionaire Alan Gibbs of New Zealand started

the company Gibbs Sports Amphibians which created this limited edition car. Only in

production in 2003 and 2004 only 30 were ever built. 20 of these were sold in 2016 that

were snapped up quickly by car collectors. With a sticker price of $250,000 this roofless,

doorless car can achieve 100 mph or 160 kph on land or 35 mph or 55 kph on water. With

wheels that retract in 4 seconds to become a boat, the aquada will leave you feeling

like this as you cruise around the water. Setting specific records for its speed on

the water the Aquada will have to fight watercar panther for who claims the top spot. Gibbs

filed 60 patents with this amphibious vehicle design which took 18 years and 200 million

dollars to development the car. Sporting normal and marine lights the Aquada uses a V6 land

rover freelander engine plus a water jet for it's propulsion. Land rover no longer produces

this engine so this aspect will need to be redesigned within the vehicle. Gibbs has a

full line of products they sell today, the Aquada not being one of them but who knows

we may see an aquatic car from them in the future.

Number eight, Sherp ATV. This boxy truck with the biggest wheels you've

ever seen on a normal sized vehicle is known for being able to go anywhere. This all terrain

amphibious vehicle has wheels that are 5 feet or 1.5 meters tall that creates the buoyancy

needed to float. That's right this this can drive in the water. The tires deep ridges

paddle this boat forwards, not all that fast at 3 mph or 5 kph. On land it can top out

at 28 mph or 45 kph. This Russian designed vehicle has self inflating tires which can

be adjusted to any terrain and is able to have 2 tires on one side can lock in place

when desired to have skid steering. The 2 feet of ground clearance, compact design and

raw power allows the sherp atv to climb it's way out of a frozen pond, over giant rocks,

concrete barriers, tall grass, through the woods and even over small trees. For this

reason it's now being tested in recovery scenarios like this one seen here rescuing

people from rooftops in a flood zone. This scenario shows it being used as the most versatile

ambulance you've ever seen. Costing only $65,000 for base model it's quite cheap

considering what it's able to do.

Number seven, Wilcraft. This long white vehicle was designed with

one purpose in mind, fishing. Taking the trouble out of bringing the boat out to the lake launching

it or risking falling into the water while ice fishing the Wilcraft was the solution.

A canvas enclosure, along with an 2 inch insulated floor keeps your warm while out on the water.

Paddlewheel propulsion moves this craft through the water and is able to carry a 600 lbs or

272 kg payload. The Wilcraft can easily drive through tall grass to the water where it has

a top speed of 20 mph or 32 kph on both land and water. The massive rear tires adds additional

buoyancy while providing the traction needed to escape a frozen pond. In the process of

developing this craft it looks like a shorter red one was built as strictly a summer time

fishing vessel but the longer ice fishing version is the one that is commercially available.

Number six, Terra Wind Motorhome.

CAMI or Cool Amphibious Manufacturers International has created something unreal. With what appears

to be a normal large RV, is vehicle is in fact amphibious. We'll call this RV what

is it, an RV for the rich comes with a price tag of $850,000 to 1.2 million dollars. 330

hp and twin 19" bronze propellers get this beast moving across land or in the water.

Weighing in at 32,000 lbs or 14 500 kg this fully decked out RV has all the things you'd

expect like fancy finishing and materials throughout including marble, wood and tile,

a big screen tv, fridge, dishwasher, stove, microwave, cabinetry, bathroom, shower and

washing machine are all onboard as well. Aside from those features an outdoor deck on the

back allows friends and family to swim and sunbathe. An outdoor shower allows one to

clean up before heading inside. Inflatable stabilizing pontoons keep it stable in the

water so you aren't barfing up lunch 10 minutes after it's gone down the hatch.

This is like the ultimate luxury amphibious vehicle.

Number five, Gibbs Biski. This amphibious motorcycle created by once

again Alan Gibbs is a motorcycle and a watercraft in one. Essentially looking like a seadoo

with wheels a 1 button press converts this motorcycle into seadoo or personal watercraft.

5 seconds afterwards their suspension system lifts the wheels out of the water and it's

ready to go. Propelled with a 2 cylinder 55 hp engine the biski tops out at 80 mph or

128 kph on land or 37 mph or 60 kph on the water and weighs 503 lbs or 228 kg. This rear

wheel drive vehicle has front and rear hydraulic disc brakes and both road and marines headlights.

Number four, Gibbs Quadski. Gibbs isn't done yet, next we have the Quadski.

This floating ATV is the world's first sports amphibian as described by gibbs. Dishing out

45 mph or 72 kph on both land and water, conversion from ATV to boat mode also can be done with

a single press of a button. The retractable wheels raise and the water jet propulsion

is activated. Powered by a BMW 300 cc water cooled 4 stroke engine, this vehicle comes

in both a single rider and 2 seat version called quad seat xl. Their patented water

jet drive which is lighter than their competitors allowing this thing to really move on the

water. A dream vehicle to own if you enjoy sliding in the mud or taking on the waves

the quadski is not only a great toy but comes in a patrol version equipped with police lights,

led spotlight and siren package. This police version of the quadski offers an unparalleled

level of surveillance which could be highly effective in urban and rural environments.

Pricing in at $40,000 not a bad vehicle to have an every police force to have.

Number three, Larc-v.

The Larc-v or Lighter Amphibious resupply cargo 5 ton was invented in the 1950s. This

military cargo vehicle is aluminium hulled with a top speed of 30 mph or 48 kph on land

or 10 mph or 15 kph oh the water. They are used across the world in Portugal, Philippines,

Iceland, Australia, Singapore, Argentina, and the United states still to this day. About

1000 were produced of which ½ of those were destroyed in a disposal process after the

Vietnam war. Today 200 are used by the military and 100 privately owned. This highly durable,

high capacity cargo vehicle has had different variations created after the initial design

was successful. A reworked design of the larc-v for the US Navy Service Life Extension Program

saw the mechanical transmission swapped for a hydraulic one with an updated electrical

system. Used as maritime prepositioned force ship these redesigned larcs are also used

on construction projects at sea. With a bollard pull in water of 7600 lbs or 3400 kg and a

towing capacity of 30,000 lbs or 13,600 kg these vehicles are a workhorse operating on

the land and in the water.

Aside from military uses, Iceland uses them as a tourism vehicle. Taking customers on

trips through the frigid cold waters, glaciers and massive floating ice can be seen up close

from the safety of the LARC-V.

Number two, Tour Bus. Just when you think you've seen it all,

we have an amphibious tour bus. Splashtours has an Amphibious Bus which runs tours in

Rotterdam. Known for the splash as the bus hits the water, this certified water vehicle

goes on tours on the Maas river. Making for a unique way to see the sights and avoiding

all the traffic this bus will cruise around the river before driving back up the ramp

onto land. Not the only tour bus that is amphibious, Amphicoach amphibious vehicles has a bus of

their own. This company produces one that looks like a tour bus with a fully enclosed

top but also has this new one that is a convertible. Bet you've never seen a convertible, amphibious

bus before.

Number one, Sea Lion. Yet another claim as the world's fastest

amphibious car the sea lion is a one of a kind. Literally there is only one sea lion

in existence. Built by Marc Witt amphibious car can not only rip on the road but also

in the water. With a max top speed of 125 mph or 200 kph on land or 60 mph or 96 kph

on the water, this vehicle was designed as a prototype to push the limits. With some

tweeks to the engine it's said it can get up to 180 mph or 290 kph on land. This amphibious

world record speed competition vehicle as it's called was designed by mark witt to

solely shatter records within this category. A 174 hp mazda rotary engine gives this car

life yet even though it was built to shatter records it was never tested to do so. Getting

this car going in the water isn't a difficult task. The large flap on the front lifts up

to help it glide through the water. It's retro futuristic design, ya that's an oxymoron,

has a unique hatch that pops up in the middle and storage tubes on the sides that are big

enough to fit a folded up bicycle in. While Marc tested this vehicle in the water, when

asked if it comes with a guarantee it won't sink, he joking laughed with a "No". Marc

also noted the while in the water the windshield wiper needs to always be on. Eventually sold

in 2012 for $259,500 it's unclear if this car's speed will ever be fully tested.

Do you love the idea of amphibious cars, do you want to drive one today? Let us know in

the comments down below. I hope you enjoyed this episode, consider subscribing to the

channel and hit the thumbs up button and until the next one have a good one.

For more infomation >> 10 Crazy Amphibious Vehicles You Need to See - Duration: 12:28.


10 Free Windows 10 Apps You Should Try! - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> 10 Free Windows 10 Apps You Should Try! - Duration: 15:11.


Speaking Lithuanian 🇱🇹 (My Jamaican wife - PART 2) / Mano jamaikietė 🇯🇲 žmona kalba lietuviškai! - Duration: 10:46.

Hey guys, welcome back to our channel Today I'll be speaking Simas' language

Your hands are so cold... *laughs Today I'll be speaking Lithuanian so we'll see how

much I remember and how much I know from my studies of this language and I hope

you guys enjoy it and I don't know... This is not my native

language OBVIOUSLY don't be too hard on me You're gonna be good So tell

everybody what I just said it was waiting Translation

Vertimas: Sveiki sugrįže pas mus

Šiandien mes kalbėsim lietuvškai, ir

Tu demonstruosi kaip tu moki kalbėti lietuviškai. Taip? Taip. Pasiruošus? Pasiruošus

First question Pirmas klausimas

Ar tau patinka lietuvška muzika? Taip, man labai patinka lietuviška muzika.

Man patinka Monique "Nenoriu grįžt namo" ir "Palauk dar"

Man patinka GJAN


Man patinka GJAN "Paskui tave"

Paskui mane. Paskui mane?? I thought it was Paskui Tave (sorry)

Man patinka "39"

Saulius... Palangaitis? Hahaha Prūsaitis

I can't say his name

39, 39... 39 Ok, next question

Sekantis klausimas

Ar tu visada norėjai vyro iš Lietuvos?

Taip, būtent šito

Dabar klausimas apie maistą

Kokie tau labiausiai patinka lietuviški patiekalai?

Mano mėgstamiausi lietuviški patiekalai yra: blynai, sriubos

Cepelinai, man patinka kūgelis, čičinskas Aš nežinau

Patinka kibinai?Labai Cepelinai? Būtent

Dabar klausimas apie šeima Ką tu galvojai kai pirma kart pamatei mano šeimą?

Keista, bet juokinga, labai juokinga

O ką dabar galvoji?

Keista bet vistiek juokinga

Ką tu galvoji visi lietuviai mėgsta veikti?

Aš manau visi lietuviai

žiūri krepšinį ir

valgo daug, daug, daug


Agree? Agree

Turbūt visiems įdomus klausimas ir svarbus

kada aplankysi Lietuvą?

Tikiuosi kitą vasarą

O kur norėtum apsilankyti?

Vilnius, Panevėžys, Klaipėda, Kaunas

Palanga? Palanga

Ką tu mėgsti gaminti valgyti?

Aš mėgstu gaminti

žalius plantanus ir žuvį

Tai yra populiari Jamaikoje


Labai skanu

Delicious? Absolutely

Avri... What?

Kokį lietuvišką maistą gamintum man?

Aš tau gaminčiau bulvinius blynus

Norėtum? Norėčiau, tikrai

yeah that was the last question and now my brain is fried now we're going to

go into me just trying to remember random Lithuanian

words that we see around us

every day like things in the kitchen things that have bedroom or stuff like

that so let's see how much I really know

all right so what's kitchen Keptuvė? no that's it

Wait, keptuvė is a frying pan Yes, it's a frying pan

If the frying pan is keptuvė, what's a pot? Puodas

Good, what about knife? Peilis Fork? Šakutė Spoon? Šaukštas

Plate? Lėkštė Chair? Kėdė

What about bread? Duona Chicken? Vištiena Pork? Kiauliena

Rice? Ryžiai Your happy dance? Lithuanian dance

So you know your way around the kitchen, do you know things in the bedroom?


(Galbūt) What is a bed?

A bed is a lova

What about sheets? Paklodė

What about pillow? Pagalvė

Do you know how to say sofa?

Sofa? Really? It's really sofa?

I made that up

TV? Televizorius

Okay, what about a heater? Radiatorius What about a lamp? Lempos

Okay Avri we reached the end

yeah of this particular video what do you think I think it was a great vlog

and was funny because I definitely had some laughs

Juokinga? Really juokinga

looking at me and I hope that you guys enjoy it and we've been meaning to do

this for so long but we didn't have enough time so now we

got the time we made the video and I hope you guys really enjoyed it so you

can translate

Mes tikimes kad jum patiko

Ir buvo smagu

Tikimės kad neturėjot per daug laukti

Nuo paskutinio karto praėjo daug laiko

Tai dabar įkrausim šį video

Tikiuosim jum patiks

Taip? Taip

Alright guys, we will see you in another vlog hopefully you enjoyed this vlog

and don't laugh at my

mishaps I'm just a learner


It means don't laugh

Nesijuokit okay teach me some

something that's funny in Lithuanian that people should not say

Dustininkas The Lithuanian word of the day is dustininkas

from Panevėžys and it means a drunk person I mean I really really like like

a bottom of the social ladder drunk person

that the people from Panevėžys

made up pretty much

and if you're really from Panevėžys you

could call Dustininkas I guess you can call them Dustas all right guys we're

gonna go now because Simas is making stuff up again if you

mad at somebody you'd go like this it Duok į snukį

that's you punch somebody in the face right every time your dad is always

talking about snukis yeah so - duok į snukį

If this is someone's snukis, what do you do to it?

For more infomation >> Speaking Lithuanian 🇱🇹 (My Jamaican wife - PART 2) / Mano jamaikietė 🇯🇲 žmona kalba lietuviškai! - Duration: 10:46.


House Tour!!! | SimplyNikki - Duration: 4:39.

That I've been promising since like April

What's up guys, it's Nikki. Welcome back to my channel. So for today's video

I am finally giving you guys what I've been promising since like


Yeah, that sounds about right and that is a house tour

So yeah, I'm currently right outside of my house. So I will see you guys inside. This is the front door. Our


I don't know what to call it, cuz it's not a linen closet just a front closet I guess. And there's our rocking couch

Here's our TV

Here's our snowman and then we got a lot of other stuff. And there's the puppy. This is our kitchen

Sorry, if the lighting screws up all the sudden. There's our table


Right over there. That's part of our countertops

I'm not gonna show all of the kitchen just because yeah yesterday was Christmas

So there's kind of a lot of dishes and everything

So I'm not gonna show all of it, and I'll give you guys a glimpse to outside cuz it's snowing so I don't want to

Go out



There's more deck and then it wraps around the house.

Oh, Yeah, if you guys didn't tell it's deck. So the people that lived here before

They put in deck and had a hot tub in that concrete slab.

I want to do that. This is our weight room. Sorry about all the boxes. Like I said Christmas and

Yeah, so we just kind of turned this into our weight room

There's the computer and

We have a giant freezer and then we just set that giant pantry

Now right over here. This is the downstairs bathroom

Just a nice little half bath

Then over here

this is our

under the stairs

Closet and it's not very organized

Just because when we moved in it was kind of just to catch-all


So we still need to go through it and everything. Right out here

this is our garage and that

Door goes right outside our house. So now that the downstairs is all done

Let's go show you guys the upstairs. So here's the stairs. So this is kind of our landing


Right, here is my parents room, but for privacy reasons, I'm just gonna show you guys the big bathtub. There's the soaker tub

It's really awesome. So then this door right here leads to John's and my bathroom and the next room

Well, it's not really room. It's just our laundry

So nothing important in there

Then right there, that is my room. I'm not gonna show my room just because I've done a room tour already

So if you guys want to go see that go check it out right there

So then the next door over, this one is our linen closet

Nothing really special. This is my mom's office cuz she works from home

And she just has the closet. Then the final room upstairs is my brother's room

So as you can see

It's a really big room

And not all that is his it's just because this was the biggest room in the house

So we just kind of stuck all the Christmas and everything in here. I hope you enjoyed this video

if you did

Please give it a thumbs up and leave a comment down below what other videos you want to see me do.

And I promise I won't wait

Almost a year to give you guys it

Because yeah, sorry about that

Don't forget to subscribe turn on your post notifications

That way you never miss when I upload and share this video with your friends if you enjoyed.

And I will see you guys next time. Bye

For more infomation >> House Tour!!! | SimplyNikki - Duration: 4:39.


Happy New Years Eve! Paleto Bay Undercover Ford F-350 Sheriff Patrol | GTA 5 LSPDFR Episode 315 - Duration: 26:32.

dispatch we got shots fired shots fired need additional units taking cover

behind my truck come on get over the truck shoot this fast we can add

multiple shots fired we got multiple armed suspects we need additional units

here shots fired shots fired son of a

oh geez let's just have this guy right there

get in the car get in the car okay thank you bulletproof windows get down on the


Welcome to mikegolden Games and Happy New Year's Eve hopefully guys are having a

great New Year so far let me know what you guys are gonna be doing tonight you

know in the comments below are you going to a party or just hanging out you're gonna

have a bonfire I'm not sure what I'm gonna be doing I think I'm gonna be

going over to a bonfire later tonight but anyways this episode was subscriber

requested by sam dire and he wanted us to do a cowboy sheriff patrol in an

undercover truck in paleto Bay so here we are I got my uniform ready to go

let's head out here we are in paleto Bay and we got this undercover F-350 Super

Duty I gotta say this truck looks really badass oh by the way it is snowing out

so it is a snow patrol as well good thing we have a truck in a 4x4 and all

that good stuff so let's get inside here oh and by the way in the next few days

or so I'm probably gonna have a huge update it's gonna be for our 2,000

subscribers special but there's a few announcements that I'm gonna be doing

for 2,000 subs so hopefully guys will enjoy that you know via if you haven't

subscribed already you know maybe consider subscribing

assassination in progress what you know what we'll respond to that code two

dispatch we're gonna respond to that without any lights whoa

Oh hold on a second okay there guy I do adjust my settings I was messing around

with it yesterday and I forgot to change it back we're gonna take a left up here

when we can let me get our lights on and we're gonna just flip around this way

come through people and we're get up here come on baby come on come on 4x4 it

there we go alright so the suspect seems to be on the move

where are they dispatch dispatch okay you know I do have a visual on the

suspects I'm gonna need an additional unit down here code two I'm going do

stop the suspect here all the way that was a love that was rough

I'm looking my lights on a three here sir with the Sheriff's Department and I

need to speak with you sir can you get off the phone sir I'm

Michael golden with the Sheriff's Department I need you to stop right

there buddy sir stop right there you're gonna get

yourself hit sir off the phone right now I'm gonna tase you if you don't get off

the phone dude taser taser taser watch your hands dude get down on the ground

I warned you multiple times down on the ground right now

let's go down on the ground sir what are you doing over there put your hands

behind your back a New Year's Eve come on man I'm trying

to just do my job and you're just refusing to talk to me

Dillon blackett I'd especially need a head check on dillon Blackett born 822

1954 less his valve active warrants okay Dylan do you have anything illegal on ya

we had reports that you had a weapon on you that's why I tried to stop you and

then you refused to speak with me so I'm gonna search you now just stand still

don't try anything stupid hold on a second

you ain't sir get on the ground here sit down there sir what are you doing

let's try and get across the street here all right you know what stand back up

then other guy keeps whoa whoa Lina shots fired shots fired

drop the left and drop weapon shoot was that the wrong guy

drop the weapon right now Sheriff's Department

gotta watch my crossfire for the civilians over there damn okay sir stop

stop right there sit down sit down right there I'm gonna get you EMS so he is

free to go let me get you out you know it this rose let's get EMS down here I'm

gonna search the suspect as well just to make sure the other guy I don't know

what I could have sworn this was the guy that was following the guy vibrating

okay I'm gonna I'm gonna let you out of these

cuffs because we are gonna bring you down to this hospital you're actually

not in custody anymore so let me get you out of these cuffs no longer being

detained an ambulance is gonna pick this guy up I need to get over to the sus did

his body dis bomb what okay I'm gonna say the ambulance picked him up already

you guys got a body armor for me I don't have one on right now ten seven - come

on boys

okay guys so it looks like we're code four on that call so we are gonna get

back on Patrol hope you guys are enjoying the episode

so far if you are hit that like button maybe consider subscribing if they have

re in you know hit that little post notification bell icon as well but let's

continue moving on with this episode so let's go around to the trunk and I got a

kit bag in the back here so I will search that Metro bus disturbance to

Roger that dispatch I'll respond to that hopefully they're not too far away

so let's get in the back of my truck there we go got a beckoning body ever

okay so they're pretty close by so let's get over here alright let's get that out

of there man the lights on this truck look really

good what I'm on stage too I think there we go that looks really good dispatch

I'm pulling up behind the bus now let's angle our vehicle like this make sure

everybody can see us and we'll get out here okay cool they're stopped let's get

around this way here hey everyone Sheriff's Department what's going on hey

can you explain what happened yes this person was bothering everybody so why

are they being disruptive it's hard to control my temper oh this person

okay you got to get it together is there anything else you would like to say

sorry about this officer okay I honestly have no idea who I'm even speaking to

right now this call-out seems a little glitchy it's probably in like the first

stages of it so by now they probably updated it I haven't updated my mods in

quite a bit so we are gonna be code four with this they're gonna continue on with

how they were going whoa something like that guy had a blowout

there's a deer crossing the road hopefully these people don't hit me okay

let's get out of here before somebody gets hit this way pursuit of armed

suspects Roger that dispatch I'll respond to that code three

let's get my sirens on here it's a need to cut through here and

let's flip around this way it's pretty narrow bridge yikes so good get down

whoa whoa almost flipped over there the sirens are a little loud dispatch I do

have reports of shots fired I hear a lot of fire a lot of that I hear a lot of

rounds being exchanged we get air support our producer support let's try

and get down there shoot where are they yikes come on baby come on shoot I gotta

try and get down there those officers are taking heavy fire right now come on

come on flip it around this way let's try and get up there now looks like the

noose here to support is on see

seize the officer down here they are shoot taking fire taking

fire Wow taking fire dispatch we're going to need additional crowd units

here going to open fire Sheriff's Department drop the weapon

Sheriff's Department drop the weapon right now suspect down watch your

crossfire boys watch your crossfire I'm gonna take cover while you boys open

them up drop the weapons get on the ground right now Sheriff's Department

let's go down on the ground buddy down on the ground you guys got a good word

for this good work officers oh man let me get my flashlight out here so we got

one guy down here another suspect down there

damn another suspect there dispatch we're gonna need EMS down here there was

a lot of guys man look at the windshield it's all shot up

damn this was a bad shoot out you have any officers down low it doesn't look

like you officers good you might want to move your vehicle before it gets water

loud looks like doesn't look like we lost any officers in that shootout so

that's really good so we're gonna wait for EMS to get here

it may be a few minutes so I'll see you when they get here again guys let me

know in the comments below what you're gonna be doing for New Year's I really

am interested just to see what you guys are up to again I'm probably gonna be

going to a bonfire we'll see we'll see or maybe I'll just stay in and do some

more else PDF our videos and also if you guys want to see some more real-life mod

series let me know again in the comments below because it's been awhile since

I've done that I may record one after this episode actually a security guard

requesting assistance Roger that dispatch get to the scene and make

contact with the security guard okay Roger that dispatch so we're gonna wait

for EMS to get here and then head over there EMS is close by but they need us

to move over to that so we're gonna go and assist the security guard so let's

get inside my truck here it's a nice f-350 get our sirens off there and I'm

gonna keep my lights on until we get to the street just so we have more

visibility while off-roading and we don't want to have somebody jog in front

of us or whatever whoever's out here you know there's ATVs that come out here and

Jeeps you know doing some off-roading on the

beach let's get down this way oh man whoa

freaking deer oh I gotta say this siren sounds good

technically it's a horn but let's get our sirens on here there we go

scroll lock and get our lights off okay so nobody was able to get revived that

kind of sucks what that coyote oh this guy right over let's check out first

person really quick so technically my guy is wearing

sunglasses so that's why it's so dark so out yep

usually when I do a first person Patrol I make sure I don't have any sunglasses

on because it does add a tint over the screen so and it was it's kid up here it

looks like it's over by the bank you know what I'm gonna keep my lights on

because it is by the bank Sheriff's Department with out of the way please

clear the road this is the Sheriff's Department please clear the way

at dispatch we're arriving on scene now get here there I'll pull up over here to

make sure my body cam is on there we go okay let's get up here hey guys I'm with

the Sheriff's Department I'll speak with you in a moment sir I need to speak with

the security guard first hey Mel what's going on thank you for making it here

we've had an issue here today with this person they were admitted earlier for

medical treatment the behavior has been making staff uncomfortable okay we do

have shots fired but I'm gonna ignore that because this is just GTA your

behavior has been making them okay a member of staff reports being pushed to

the ground another member of staff says they were threatened to be killed by the

suspect obviously this is something we cannot accept please deal with the

suspect yeah no problem this guy sounds like a douchebag

all right sir I'm with the Sheriff's Department I'm gonna need to speak with

you now I am saying nothing okay did you hear what I said yes I did okay you

don't wanna say anything give me your ID do don't run get on the ground

get down on the ground right now whoa whoa whoa watch your fire shots fired

shot whoa holy crap dispatch we got shots fired shots fired

need additional units taking cover behind my truck come on get over the

truck shoot dispatch we get out multiple shots fired we got multiple armed

suspects we need add issue units here shots fired shots fired son of a bitch

where's my panic button actually my panic button I have not used

my panic button in a long time Dan taking heavy fire dispatch got multiple

armed suspects and we got multiple units on scene Wow the security guard shooting

at me what are you doing man we clear we clear I think we're clear move it up we

clear officers oh it looks like we're clear

damn alright let's secure their weapons oh man I was not expecting that where'd

the guy go is he down this way boys we got another guy running down this way

we've got my sidearm out still is that him walking right there oh this guy I'm

gonna tase him let's holster that and get my taser out

there we go and taser taser tables there we go to taser kind of animation got

kind of glitched there stop watch your hands dude get down on the ground right

now taser taser taser don't walk towards me

buddy do not walk towards me now slowly put

your hands on the ground let's go down on the ground right now face-first don't

make me chase you again buddy alright now place your hands behind your back

slowly there we go dispatch we have Jackson bobal bul-bul

in custody I'm gonna search him now and then I'm gonna get a pet check on him

gotta see when he was born let's get his ID here cuffs of Anarchy leather jacket

okay let's see his ID says he was born 3 1 1953 Jackson Bulbul suspect is wanted

license is valid all right Roger that dispatch let's get a transport unit down

to Pleader Boulevard and do this Avenue for the suspect you can sit down right

there and soon right over here hi how's it

going officer I had the guy right here I'm gonna head back to the location here

actually you know the ambulance the hospital is literally right here so

hopefully medical staff is on scene all right looks like it AMS is finally

attending to the suspects here with you there's one more person in front of the

car there you're gonna get to them oh you know what we got to search the van -

that's oh they're gonna work on them and I'm gonna go search this vehicle see

hold on officer I got to search the vehicle see what do they got in the back

here okay nothing I could have sworn I saw like a cabinet in the back at first

but I guess none okay so we got nothing of interest up here gloves a gas mask a

bottle of morphine in a bottle of percocet

okay dispatch let's get a play check on the vehicle as well just to see if we

got anything going on with that seeming the one guy was wanted Michael Agito

citations no Flags registration year 2006 all right let's get a transport

unit or a tow truck dispatch down to a bolita Boulevard for the vehicle thank

you to specially those people were not able to get revived well that sucks for

them they shouldn't have pulled guns on an officer okay so let's get the coroner

down here dispatch as well we got a few people that need to get picked up that

did not make it all right it looks like the coroner is a Ravin unseen now

dispatch I'm gonna wait for them to start taking their photos and doing

their work and then I'll get back on a patrol you could show me available as

well I should be ready to head out there give they're taking photos hey guys

how's it going you having a good New Year's so far

hopefully it's a pretty good night for everybody

I seems cause death is a firearm yes it definitely was so anyways let's get

inside the truck here we'll get our lights off and scroll lock there we go

and there we go we are good to continue heading out

take a left down here hopefully hopefully there's two ways there we go

I just wanted to make sure we weren't gonna get blocked in because there was a

police vehicle blocking the other entrance I will take a left down this

way stolen tanker Roger that dispatch doulas Avenue let me get my lights on

here they're right behind us let's flip around this way I dispatch I'm heading

towards them I have a visual on them now let's get my lights on coming through

officers move back the way the gas man just pick a truck so so badass

with men when asking turbo as well and updates lik were there let's get out

here search Sheriff's Department get out of the ground right now watch your hands

suspend she got out of the vehicle he's heading south on Pluto Boulevard on foot

and he's gonna get himself it dude stop right now I'm gonna holster my sidearm

and let's get my taser out sir get on the ground right now Sheriff's

Department and taser taser taser got him taser successfully deployed dispatch

dizzer again watch your hands dude this is the Sheriff's Department stop

screwing around get on the ground now don't try to run looks like we got

another officer over here get on the ground right don't you dare try to run

get on the ground right now dude you're gonna make this harder for yourself dude

stop running and get down on the ground right now don't make me ask you again

what were you doing did you steal the tanker like I think you did right yeah

anyways getting cops here dude stop stop squirming around Daniel Ryan so just be

the pet check on Daniel Ryan born 726 1977 license valid no active warrants

okay Daniel I'm gonna search you now stop moving gotta think illegal yeah

anything that sharp that's gonna stab me poke your stick make you want a lawyer

okay they always say they al word okay a drone phone nothing of interest okay

let's get a transport unit down to US Route one for the suspect

it looks like the tanker has already been picked up by the insurance company

so it looks like we are code for this match show me available let's try and

get back to our truck now oh look at the coroner I assume that's the coroner yeah

then if that is definitely the corner whoa whoa whoa what is this I thought

this was a person at first it's part of the fire hydrant okay

homicide investigation Roger that dispatch I'll head to the scene now

we're suspending that code three around this way

dispatch we're a Vuitton seed now it's right down the road from the last call

out whoa officer damn Doraemon jeez ice we'll stop it right here hey

everybody's up there the Sheriff's Department they need to speak with

everybody I'm gonna speak with this guy since he's right by the body okay hello

sir can I speak with them here we go

sir q describe what you saw it all happened so fast I didn't catch any

details I'm sorry officer all right no big deal for the big deal let me go

speak with these other guys speak with the officer first hey officer let me see

what's going on finally some backup cousin death appears to be multiple stab

wounds the injuries look recent maybe EMS can revive them I'll examine

the body you question the witnesses Roger that

let me get you MS unseen then and I'll get these guys question hey sir I'm with

the chef's permit can you explain what you saw I ain't telling you shit Pig

okay put your hands behind your back that's how you want to handle this okay

dad it's New Years Eve you wanted skewed that's how you want to handle it that's

fine I can place you in cuffs I come over here you guys just stand

over there all right where's your ID man I dispatch I'm gonna need a paycheck

justice chance born 6 to 1961 license suspended know I could warrants you

can't you can you know I'm gonna search you now since you do want to impede of

this police investigation so I'm gonna search enough you got anything illegal

on you man anything that's sharp that's gonna stab

me poke me or stick me okay just a dope the guy wants to impede a

police investigation that's fine some Canadian money you can sit down right

here why is it not working no oh my bad wrong button

okay it was kind of glitching out for some reason I don't know what was going

on with that so nobody saw that we'll ignore that anyways hey man how's it

going I'm with the chef's Department you describe what you saw I saw a black guy

running down off the street okay whoa what why didn't you say dude you

talking to me okay yeah just sense there so just stand there okay so let's go and

speak with this guy now hey sir can you explain why you saw them with the

Sheriff's Department am I being detained currently yeah

everybody on the scene is because nobody wants to operate apparently okay you

know what let me get a pen check on you nein dude what's your name Hannah's hens

Oh Fernandez ten to 1963 license valid no active warrants okay

okay and then let me get a pet check out this guy's seaming it sounded like he

was yelling at me and where is EMS I don't know what happened to UMS let's

get a pet check on you as well your ID man you want to give me your ID oh man

y'alright did okay I'm trying to get his ID and it's not working come on ow okay

that's weird it's not working let me try it just saw a piece of crap put your

hands behind your back let's see if I can get his ID this way come over this

way Lawrence Baptiste stay and let's see

your ID man see so we got his name there now let's try to get another pet check

Lawrence pepped he stayed born 11 22 1982 license expired active warrants

okay I'm gonna let him go you know what actually I'm gonna search him really

quick you got a knife on you man and he's sharp let's go Sam they felt

very sick me any kind of weapon you don't want to say anything okay

it's time-sensitive like I had nothing major so I'm gonna let him go

and let's okay it's kind of glitching out again it's not letting me release

him all right guys I'm gonna leave this episode here I hope you guys are

enjoying it it seems like it's kind of glitching out on me now so like I said

I'm gonna have to leave the episode here if you guys did enjoy the episode be

sure to hit that like button maybe consiste subscribing if you

haven't already and be sure to hit that like a bell post notification icon on

the channel that way stay notified when the videos to go up

take it easy guys and have a great New Year's

For more infomation >> Happy New Years Eve! Paleto Bay Undercover Ford F-350 Sheriff Patrol | GTA 5 LSPDFR Episode 315 - Duration: 26:32.


Versus Raze - Karol / Übersetzung - Duration: 2:16.

Hello I am Karol Sevilla and this is Versus Raze

Well I guess Ruggero... okay

- Hello how are you guys? -

Well ehm

Ah Sebastián Villalobos. I'm sorry Rugge

No because I love Sebas a lot

We did a lot together during the show

He's very funny. He made me laugh a lot

yeah so I like him a lot but I like Rugge too

but I already spend a lot of time with you Rugge, I'm sorry

Ah Paisa. Paisa is cool

He's cool. I don't know him but he seems very nice

I'll stay with Paisa. I'm sorry Male

Ah Memito. Memito, I love Memito

Memo. I'm sorry Lio. I love you

- Lali -

Oh that hurts my heart

I'll stay with Memo

I'll stay with Memo. I'm sorry. I really love you guys

I spent a lot of time with you


Wow. Besides he owes me a trip to Disney

That's why I chose him. Just self interest guys

Memo you won. I love you a lot hm

Okay I am Karol Sevilla and that was Versus Raze

I send you a kiss. Comment if I did well

and if I didn't also comment. Bye

For more infomation >> Versus Raze - Karol / Übersetzung - Duration: 2:16.


Eat A Bug Or A Worm? 🐛🐞 | Dan Gutman Plays Would You Rather - Duration: 2:27.


A hero, especially if it's a sandwich.


Smelly cheese, depending on how smelly it is.


I'd rather kiss a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich.


Only sing in the shower.

Whisper to a horse, especially if it's in the shower.


I would take the bug and the worm, and chop them up, and

season them with salt, pepper, and garlic, and make them into a tasty casserole.


Those are two of my favorite bands, and I like them both equally.


It depends on the rent, whichever the rent is lower.


Whichever one has the best wifi signal.



What am I gonna do with the outside of a tree?


When you taste something, at least you can look at it before you put it in your

mouth, but when you smell something, you don't necessarily know what it is.

So I'm gonna have to pass on that one.


Let it go.

Life's too short.



I have enough brain freeze as it is.


I would rather race a shark, as long as it's on land.


I would rather fly,

because if you fly fast enough, you're essentially invisible anyway.


Whichever one of those two covers up my bald spot the best.

For more infomation >> Eat A Bug Or A Worm? 🐛🐞 | Dan Gutman Plays Would You Rather - Duration: 2:27.


Shepard Smith Reporting 12/31/18 3PM | December 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:17.

For more infomation >> Shepard Smith Reporting 12/31/18 3PM | December 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:17.


Survival on MythicCraft | Chilling with the gang | - Duration: 49:59.

For more infomation >> Survival on MythicCraft | Chilling with the gang | - Duration: 49:59.


POWER - Duration: 3:43.

power is dangerous

hail earl ragnar

but that power

long leave earl ingstad

that danger

is everything

maybe that's enough


the king in the north


three great man sit in a room

a king

a priest

long leave the king

and a rich man

Between them stands a common Sellsword

Each great man bids the Sellsword kill the other two

your cause is lost

Who lives, who dies?

Depends on the Sellsword

i think army is give you power

Does it? He has neither crown nor gold nor favor with the Gods.

the gods have already written my story

power is a curious thing my lord

it leaves in the army that will protect my people

and my rule

my son

my legacy

You really think a Crown gives you Power?

He has a sword, the power of life and death.

But if it's swordsmen who rule, why do we pretend Kings hold all the power?

power can only truly be build

with blood


look what power has given me

sir ellen bring me his head

take his head

only fools believe they can leave forever

by avoiding the fight

you see the problem with power is the more you have

the more others wanted it




those who dream of danger

desire become surrender surrender becomes power

power is power

Many who try to climb it fail

and never get to try again

The fall breaks them

And some, are given a chance to climb

but They refuse

they cling to the realm

or the gods

or love

Only the ladder is real

The climb is all there is

i will never forget these words

with great power comes great responsibility

what would happen if for some reason we ignore

somebody unlock 100% of these capacity

It's the unspoken truth of humanity

scramble for power


is when we have every justification to kill

and we don't

those with the greatest power

protect those without

For more infomation >> POWER - Duration: 3:43.


This is the best Reds team since 88 - they can shatter our record - Duration: 6:27.

 This is the best Liverpool team since the title-winning side I played in back in 1987/88

  Over the past 30 years we've had some great teams but none of them have played consistently at the level we're seeing from Jurgen Klopp 's side this season

 We famously went 29 games unbeaten from the start of the season en route to winning the title in 1988

I would absolutely love to see the current crop beat that record.   Can they do it? I don't see any reason why not

They are 20 games unbeaten already and confidence is sky high after that 5-1 thrashing of Arsenal

 The spine of the side looks so strong. We've got a world-class keeper in Alisson Becker, who created another goal with his pin-point kick out against Arsenal

He's like having an extra outfield player.  Virgil van Dijk is immense defensively, while Andy Robertson just gets better and better

 Fabinho is growing in stature after a slow start and the manager has great options in midfield

As for the front three, they are absolutely top drawer.  Real competition for places is keeping standards high and we've got Joe Gomez, Joel Matip and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to come back from injury

  It was a special night at Anfield on Saturday. Take nothing away from Liverpool because we were brilliant but I couldn't believe how Arsenal lined up

 I know Unai Emery likes to play and be positive but not even Pep Guardiola tried to take us on like that this season

 Arsenal were so open and left themselves exposed. It was a stunning response after going behind early on

 Roberto Firmino hasn't been himself so far this season. He's not been as influential and he's been giving far too many balls away

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  But that was Firmino back to his best on Saturday night

His second goal was sensational with the way he embarrassed two Arsenal defenders before producing a cool finish

 Something hasn't been right with Firmino but he should take a huge amount of belief from the first hat-trick of his Liverpool career

 If I could have picked anyone to score a hat-trick in that game it would have been Firmino

We've had big contributions from Mo Salah and Sadio Mane recently and now we've had a match-winning performance from Firmino

That's massive for him.  What a year 2018 has been. There have been so many highlights

The way in which we demolished Man City 5-1 in the quarter-final of the Champions League was ridiculous

The first leg of the semi-final against Roma has to be right up there too.  The final in Kiev has to be the low of the year but instead of moping around after that setback the players really took the bull by the horns in August

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  We've made some great signings and Klopp has to take a lot of credit for the work he's done on the training ground

Defensively, we've looked incredibly solid.  Going into 2019 seven points ahead of City is a great position to be in

Klopp and the players are saying all the right things about keeping their focus and not getting carried away

 Strange things happen in football and it can bite you on the backside. City have had their blip and they're capable of rattling off 10 straight wins in the second half of the season

There's still a long way to go.  Now it's all about Thursday's game with City at the Etihad

Make no mistake, the pressure is on Guardiola's side.  Deep down, they will know they can't afford to lose

If we go 10 points clear that would be a big advantage.  If we take anything from the game it would be another step towards the prize we all want

 Our recent record against City is excellent. We beat them three times last season and the only blip came in the game when Mane got sent off

 It will be interesting to see how Guardiola approaches it having shut up shop and played to contain us in the 0-0 draw at Anfield

 City know what Liverpool's front three are capable of doing to them and psychologically that has to play a part

 If James Milner is fit I'd expect Klopp to go back to 4-3-3 with the experience of Milner alongside Jordan Henderson and Gini Wijnaldum in midfield

 It's got the makings of a cracking contest between the best two teams in the country

For more infomation >> This is the best Reds team since 88 - they can shatter our record - Duration: 6:27.


MARTIN GOT REPLACED!? - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> MARTIN GOT REPLACED!? - Duration: 8:50.


Mrs. Samantha plays Itty Bitty Airport Day One - Duration: 14:22.

Hey guys! Welcome back it's me Mrs. Samantha the Christian mommy Grammy

gamer, and I am here on Roblox and I've been wanting to play this game for a

very long time. It's called "Itty Bitty Airport." I guess

it's not a very long time. It hasn't been out that long. But it was made by a

friend of mine. It's Taco Dev here, but his Twitter handle is Naco88. I met this

young man a long time ago while I was doing, what was I doing?

theme park simulator or something like that

go check out my old videos he's hopping around all over my theme park it's

awesome. So yeah so let's go check it out! Mrs. Samantha the Christian mommy grammy

gamer! Okay it's in beta it's 25 robots let's do this thing

boom yes please buy access yeah oh boy oh boy oh boy here we are here we are I

am on oh there's there's directions let's read the directions shall we

welcome to itty bitty airport to be in building click on the flashing flooring

icon okay cool cool cool click on the flooring tab okay okay and checkerboard

floor I want can i oh okay I'm gonna follow directions it says follow the

directions I'm gonna follow the directions checkerboard floor boom Oh I

built look what I did I did a thing great now select the outdoor flooring

tab okay outdoor flooring nice tarmac well

apparently it's perfect time look let's make a tarmac this is what you need for

an itty-bitty airport I love it like look at okay I am so tickled I'm a giant

my airport is anybody looking good now select the airfield okay okay I've got

an airfield taxiway alright I'll do this and this and this there we go and that

in the other boom nice oh that's expensive that's

5,000 a block um select taxiway again okay all right

apparently this is the way to taxi nice great now it's time to place your first

runway bum bum bum runway runway small runway nice okay oh look at that look at

that look at look at that eye this is oh hello this is a thing

BM BM I did it looking good aircraft needs something to

taxi to so let's select this what is this jet way tab in the menu oh nice oh

they need stairs cuz they can't get off the little bitty itty bitty airplanes

without their little bitty itty bitty stairs boom um okay it probably needs to

face the terminal boom lastly your Airport needs an ATC tower

okay ATC tower it is boom boom put a boom boom there we go um is there a best

place place to place the tower I'm gonna put it right here because I think they

should be able to see the airplanes coming in oh I didn't mean to put it

there well there it is now okay nice nicely nice to see how to get better

types of aircraft click the flashing ATC air oh icon okay boom whoo you get a

Beechcraft Boeing 747 Boeing 777 or a beluga I like the Beluga I love beluga

whales who here likes a beluga whale they're adorable nice okay so staircar

any runaway in the ATC tower staircar okay

so nice so what's coming in now what kind of airplanes will come in now do I

get our planes Oh an airplane just give it dude what're come here buddy what are

you can we a little boy little thing little sweetie

it's it's it's adorable so what kind of airplane

is that that is oh wait I'm supposed to it's telling me to do stuff to view some

of your report stats click the flashing Airport info button okay I've got

capacity 32 that is an itty bitty airport isn't it Wow comfort summary

Airport has low comfort your report has low food your port has low happiness oh

wow it's off the charts bad that's good here you can see stats about your port

to raise these you must place items to satisfy your customers needs click to

continue ok here you can see stats about your yep yep click to raise your

airport's capacity just place more indoor flooring click to continue ok

the more you satisfy your customers needs the more money you'll earn when

aircraft take off click to continue okay good luck

oh good luck ok so good luck lady there we go so I have an airport well

known now when you get in and out that would make the customers unhappy um boom

nice so we got jet ways ATC food and drink seating runways utilities don't

know what that is outside I guess that's outside doors we

need doors hey guys give doors my people can't get in ok yeah there's a door um

let's put another door ok life is good life is good ok so they can get in and

out oh wait a minute they can't get out to the runway that's uh come everybody

good doo doo doo doo oh you gotta rotate it who knew probably

a lot of people knew alright let's do a double door out to the runway nice ok ok

so when people come in they check in or they go through security

you go security when you come in or before you get on the plane I never fly

anywhere um I think you checked yet and then you have to go through security to

get on the plane okay okay so let's check people in all right check-in where

what are we doing food drink runways oh that's probably utility we've got an

indoor wall Oh an indoor wall ah okay what do you need an indoor wall for as

their restrooms okay small security check in okay let's let people check in

um come everybody I can't the lighting the lighting man okay that looks

backwards because you want the conveyor belt going to the airplanes okay so it's

two in there one okay I don't know if I'm doing it right but if we're doing it

we're doing a thing people - okay what's this look like oh nice oh not nice they

can go I see mm-hmm so they check in there then I have to walk around the

long ways I think I might have done a bad let's delete one of these bad boys

to lead an item and then put it out one sorry first mistake well it's gonna be

the first of many so get ready guys to check-ins there we go there we go so you

check-in and then you probably want to go sit down and get comfortable okay

let's go get some seats some seats seized okay okay

nice oh wow level two locks never mind I can't

afford level two locks okay so you're gonna go want to sit down

and be comfortable there we go let's go sit down and be comfortable over here

I'm not sure why I've got these oops this makes them aesthetically pleasing

to the best of my ability and even that doesn't look even to me can I not go

over one no you can't fine you win oh they are even okay it's fine it's fine

nice nicey-nice so they've checked in they've sat down they have gotten on

airplanes with no security uh I'm a bad airport manager okay they probably want

food I want my people to be happy we want little bitty happy people and a

little bitty airport okay so I don't know which way this restaurant thing

goes okay see I don't know if they're checking in from this direction or that

direction oh they're checking in from this

direction and these are the grills I don't know guys tell me down in the

comments if I've got these little restaurants backwards hmm

let's go put one in the other corner so they get plenty of food because people

hungry when they travel okay which way I'm gonna put you should I put it the

opposite direction um rotate oh that's it that's the exact

same rotate rotate

mmm how about how about the tables sticking out all right let's try that no

idea let's see what happens oh maybe I should have put it again so well we're

done now nice okay cool Oh lookie lookie they can check in they can sit down they

can get something to eat I got happy any BT people who was to happen eat happy to

say oh look at my comforts 100% my food is 100% and my happiness is 100%

I am almost 100 happy myself I really feel the need to have security okay

let's check out these walls either walls walls

whoa indoor wall okay yeah we're gonna put a

security so that they can't just walk right into the air the airfield they

have to go through security to get to the airport

not the airport but the airplanes right makes sense okay how about a wall there

and you know what I don't even know what the I should place the security thing

security small security security goes um wait a minute I see the queue but I

can't quite see should I pull out or should I go in okay I see a chair I see

all I see a metal detector I see a chair and a metal detector I feel better I

feel better okay so put one there I think oh nice

I don't know which way is in and which way is out

I not sure well well there you go one of these is going the right direction

that's it that's my story and I'm sticking to it so we're gonna put

another wall can you can you do more than one wall at a time I wanted oh yeah

this is good this is good I like it pull nope hmm

okay well that's just not aesthetically pleasing at all deal is it lady okay

okay one more wall over here cuz you don't want people popping in and out

over here boom so we're the walls are even but these are not even that's okay

I can I can deal with that I think can I deal with that I can do with that I wish

I knew which way it was in or which way was out

hey airplane oh oh let's watch the airplane takeoff I want to see an

airplane takeoff oh I see you buy airplane one for yours

nice that's awesome and then I make $10,000 when the airplane takes off nice

I like it I like it a lot oh my goodness I've got the most incredibly basic

airport with all this open floor space so now I need to figure out how to

increase the capacity of in-and-out flights so I make more money I'll need

more runways oh hey airplane how you doing where's a too many people I want

itty-bitty people oh my guess I'm a mess whoa

there we go you are a mess lady alright I'm the 40-foot woman standing

in my 80 bitty airport whoa look at all their airfields over there Wow

his looks good looks good or hers I don't know all right well guys that's

all I have time for today thank you so much for watching like it if you liked

it subscribe if you're new here I make 2 videos every single week in our live

stream four times a week and this is so cute I adored I will be back to play

more of this I'm gonna put the link to this game down in the description maybe

I'll see you there walk cynics exploding sunrise

For more infomation >> Mrs. Samantha plays Itty Bitty Airport Day One - Duration: 14:22.


I hate singing (Original Improv Song) - Duration: 4:21.

I hate singing I hate recording

I hate the moon I hate my own kind

I hate everything Because I'm trapped

and I can't sing and record my own songs

I hate singing I hate recording

I hate the moonshine too I hate my own kind

I hate when they laugh I hate when they line up for their bath

And I wish I could Just sing when I want

Do what I am I can't express myself

It makes me mad It makes me glad

It makes me sad

I am not free I was never free

I was never free to be me

So excuse me for wanting to kill you Excuse me for wanting to kill you

Excuse me for wanting you out of my life Go and go where all the ants say goodbye

I hate I want them to die

They call me and interrupt all these recording sessions

They barge in the room And I can't explain to them, "Get out!"

No, they come in whenever they so please No, just leave!

I hate the wonders That pop up unexpectedly

I hate you all And I hope that you die

My back hurts from the aches and pains of trying to make it alright

When I was younger Left me asunder

And I thought the thunder would rain down and pour up on my head

But they said no, you'll be dead instead

I am not free I wish I was

Free to be Free to be me

As long as I'm here I won't be free

I've got a time expiry date And I want to get it done before he comes

Because they are just Parasites

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