Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 26 2018

LSD stands for lysergic acid diethylamide

(LSD) and is a derivative of the fungus ergot, which grows on rye and other cereal grasses.

A Swiss scientist named Albert Hofmann created LSD in 1938 and actually tested it on himself

in 1943.

He recalled in his book, LSD: My Problem Child, the hallucinogenic properties that the drug

became famous for.

He described how "kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in me, alternating, variegated,

opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains,

rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux."

He also noted how "every sound generated a vividly changing image, with its own consistent

form and color."

It was not until the 1950s that the U.S. government became interested in LSD as a mind control


The potential use of LSD in this manner led it to take some unethical and downright sleazy

measures that we will examine in this episode of The Infographics Show, "The U.S. Government's

LSD Mind Experiments."

The 1950s was a time of the Korean War and the Cold War.

Stopping the spread of communism was a top priority for the United States, so the U.S.

government became concerned that many soldiers returning home from the Korean War "were

found mindlessly parroting the communist propaganda they had been sent to Korea to fight" according

to one source.

Investigations led to two discoveries.

First, the communist countries of China, Russia, and North Korea were using "mental torture

and brainwashing" techniques.

Second, the "Russians in particular were interested in using LSD to manipulate minds."

Fueled by Cold War paranoia, U.S. government officials were compelled to take countermeasures

to prevent what one article calls a "larger scale drug attack."

They began two testing programs to find out if LSD and other drugs could be used to subdue

and control the enemy mentally.

One of these programs was run by the U.S. Army, and the other one was run by the CIA.

Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments About 7,000 soldiers participated in the U.S.

Army's secret testing program.

Although the official name of this program is the Medical Research Volunteer Program

(MRVP), this testing is often referred to as the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments

because many of the tests were conducted at a military facility called Edgewood Arsenal

located in Maryland.

Some soldiers were exposed to various chemical agents, including nerve agents such as sarin,

nerve agent antidotes such as atropine, and riot control agents such as tear gas.

Other soldiers were used to test things like protective clothing, vaccines, and drugs such

as LSD.

LSD was one of several drugs studied at Edgewood Arsenal for possible use in psychochemical


While the MRVP began in 1948, a New Yorker article states that psychochemical research

at Edgewood Arsenal did not begin until 1956.

According to footage included in a New Yorker article, the purpose of this testing was to

"identify a chemical with the right balance of properties: one that causes no physical

harm but also triggers mental disruptions so profound that they can incapacitate enemy


Test subjects were usually filmed so that the effects of LSD on the soldiers would be


Soldiers had widely varying responses to the drug.

In one 1958 film called "Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on Troops Marching,"

you can see how a group of well-trained soldiers dosed with LSD were reduced to a bunch of

giggling, disoriented men unable to follow simple commands.

In another film called "Manufacturing Madness," soldiers who took LSD were unable to make

simple subtraction calculations.

One soldier seemed to be in too much pain to concentrate and even says he is "incapacitated,"

while another one complained, "Everything's moving."

The New Yorker reports that "LSD experiments continued at Edgewood until 1967," but the

Army eventually lost interest in it as a psychochemical agent before that time.

Raffi Khatchadourian, a journalist who published an article about these tests in the New Yorker,

explains why these experiments were abandoned in a Fresh Air interview:

" . . . LSD's effect was just really unpredictable.

You could give LSD to one person, and it would have one effect.

And you could give it to another person and it might have a completely different effect.

. . . So as a weapon, anything that would be that unpredictable is something that you

would want to shy away from, just because it would be tactically ineffective."

However, the story of LSD experimentation at Edgewood Arsenal did not end after the

experiments did.

Like others who participated in the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments, some soldiers dosed

with LSD felt misled by Army researchers and suffered long-term health problems from these

experiments, such as this soldier interviewed by the Baltimore Sun:

"They told me it would be like taking aspirin," said Gary, who went by only his first name

in a 1979 story that ran in The Sun.

But he reported being depressed and even suicidal in the years since undergoing testing at Edgewood.

The issues of long-term health problems and questionable informed consent practices associated

with the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments led to a Congressional investigation of the

MRVP in the mid-1970s, and a article reports that "Edgewood shut down the MVRP

in 1975."

The same article states that the Army conducted its own series of studies of the MVRP and,

perhaps unsurprisingly, "concluded none of the individuals who participated in the

LSD and other tests were suffering any significant lasting health impacts."

However, some problems with consent practices were discovered, including what one source

calls using "possible coercion" to persuade soldiers to volunteer.

Project MKUltra During the Cold War, the Army was not the

only government organization interested in the use of LSD as a psychochemical agent.

According to, the director of the CIA during the 1950s, Allen Dulles, spoke

of "brain warfare" and "how sinister the battle for men's minds has become in

Soviet hands."

In 1953, he began the top-secret Project MKUltra in order "to assess the potential use of

LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture."

Between 1953 and 1964, the CIA conducted most of its over 150 MKUltra experiments in the

U.S. and Canada.

Poor recordkeeping and a cover-up that led to the destruction of many MKUltra documents

at the official end of the program in 1973 make it difficult to know about all of the

LSD experiments that took place.

What we do know about these tests is mainly from the firsthand accounts of the people

who participated in them.

Some of these people testified at Congressional hearings that took place in 1977, while others

told their stories to the press.

Unlike the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments, Project MKUltra experiments were not limited

to military personnel.

People from all walks of life were involved in the following experiments:


Volunteer Experiments

The CIA found willing test subjects in various institutions.

For instance, states that the CIA reached out to universities and colleges,

offering them funding to study the effects of LSD.

This meant college students ended up "tripping on acid" for MKUltra research.

One well-known college student turned MKUltra test subject is Ken Kesey, author of One Flew

Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

According to one source, Kesey was a graduate student at Stanford University when he learned

about a "study" from a neighbor who was a psychologist.

Like some of the Edgewood Arsenal test subjects, he was kept in the dark about the true purpose

of the experiments he participated in.

He recalls, "[The testing] wasn't being done to try to cure insane people, which is

what we thought.

It was being done to try to make people insane—to weaken people, and to be able to put them

under the control of interrogators."

Kesey was not rendered insane by his participation in these tests, but he could not stop taking


While he was a testing volunteer for the CIA, he tried to work at the place where the tests

took place so that he could get his hands on other experimental drugs.

Even after the tests ended, he and his friends along with others were making and taking "homemade"

LSD that Kesey said "never was anywhere as good as that government stuff." reports that "Kesey later went on to promote the drug, hosting LSD-fueled

parties that he called 'Acid Tests.'"

These parties helped to launch the hippie movement and the psychedelic drug scene of

the 1960s.

Another good source of volunteer test subjects were prisons.

According to, prisoners were eager to consent to these tests "in exchange for

extra recreation time or commuted sentences."

One well-known prison volunteer was a gangster named Whitey Bulger.

One source states that Bulger underwent 18 months of LSD testing while in prison in order

to receive a lighter sentence.

In contrast to Kesey, Bulger loathed his testing experience.

He went on one bad acid trip after another, which "were followed by thoughts of suicide

and deep depression."

He wrote of nightmarish hallucinations such as "blood coming out of the walls" and

"guys turning to skeletons in front of me."


CIA Agents Experimenting on Each Other

Some of these experiments were voluntary, but some were not.

According to one news site, LSD testing for Project MKUltra first began with CIA agents

giving themselves LSD and tracking its effects.

Soon these agents were dosing each other with LSD without warning, and even CIA agents who

never took LSD were eventually targeted by these sneaky agents.

These "anytime and anywhere" acid trips became so common that a security memo went

out in December 1954 telling agents that office party punch bowls were off limits and not

to be "spiked."

It's strange to think CIA agents lived in fear of stealth drugging from their own colleagues,

but that's what happened in the 1950s.

One tragedy arising from these experiments was the death of CIA scientist Frank Olson

in 1953.

According to, Olson "drank a cocktail that had been secretly spiked with

LSD" and ended up falling out of a hotel room window in New York City a short time


Olson's death was initially thought to be a suicide, but a second autopsy done in 1994

revealed "injuries on the body that had likely occurred before the fall."

These injuries raised suspicion that "Olson might have been assassinated by the CIA."

His family eventually received a settlement of $750,000 and a "personal apology from

President Gerald Ford and then-CIA Director William Colby."


Experiments on Involuntary Test Subjects

After mastering stealth LSD drugging on people within their own agency, CIA agents moved

on to the unethical practice of drugging unsuspecting members of the public with LSD and following

them around to observe its effects.

They knew what they were doing was wrong, but they did it anyway.

"Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but

also to conceal these activities from the American public in general," wrote the CIA's

Inspector General in 1957.

"The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would

have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and would be detrimental

to the accomplishment of its mission."

It is hard to know exactly how many Americans and Canadians were dosed with LSD without

their knowledge and consent.

One case that came out during the Congressional hearings on MKUltra in 1977 was that of a

singer and waitress named Ruth Kelley.

An MKUltra project leader named George White wanted to recruit her for another LSD testing

program that we will discuss in a moment.

However, when she did not show interest in participating in this program, White or someone

working for him chose to drug her with LSD right before her performance one night.

Kelley managed to get through her act but ended up going to the hospital right away



Operation Midnight Climax

Just when you thought the CIA could not get any lower in terms of morally reprehensible

behavior, it thought up another shady LSD testing program with the sexually suggestive

name of Operation Midnight Climax.

This operation was implemented in both the US and Canada.

A article describes this operation.

At safe houses turned into whorehouses in San Francisco, the CIA actually paid prostitutes

to drug their customers with LSD while the previously mentioned George White and other

CIA agents looked on through two-way mirrors to observe LSD's effects and so much more.

White reveled in his duties as a professional voyeur.

He said, "I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun."

According to one article, these sexual encounters were also filmed for "potential blackmail


In Canada, some Canadian women claimed they were underage at the time they were filmed

having sex with government officials, so you could say the CIA was engaged in filming child

pornography too.

What happened to Project MKUltra?

After decades of research that obviously went astray from its original purpose, Project

MKUltra researchers reached the same conclusion that emerged from the Edgewood Arsenal Human

Experiments – LSD was not an effective mind control agent because its effects were too


And, like the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments, Project MKUltra ended amidst growing scandal

in the 1970s.

After the publication of a shocking New York Times article about the CIA's activities

in 1974, the CIA was soon investigated by the Rockefeller Commission and the Church


However, the testing may not be over.

According to a Thought Catalog article, "many experts in the workings of the CIA and government

intelligence agencies insist that the government continues performing exactly the same sort

of mind-control experiments—and possibly worse—using different code names."

Would you volunteer for experiments like these if given the opportunity?

Why or why not?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Can You overdose On Weed?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Why Did US Army Perform Secret LSD Mind Experiments? - Duration: 13:51.


Incels of the Southside - Incel Meme Review - Duration: 15:02.

ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Southside my name is bass gentlemen this

is starship lockjaw we learn internet subculture every single day today is no

exception today we're learning about a certain type of in cells that like to

hang out in the south side of the city based ramen why do these in cells hang

out in the south side say I'm not sure but hopefully we're gonna find out today

during this epic music video review let give me that intro brother

welcome back starship lockjaw baby this wouldn't be good this is an amazing

legendary music video that we're reviewing today and again we're going to

be talking about a certain type of vegan cells from the south side bass drum and

that do-rag you're wearing looks really cool how do I get one you got two

options two options brother man two options boyo either you go to the south

side and get c1 from the local beauty beauty supply store they shaman I'm

afraid to go down there and that's okay I'm taking care of it for you come on

over to base shaman calm I'll get you come on Bay shaman calm

free us shipping I will send you one baby what we got all sorts of colors we

got quality products here quality profit it like this I said it's not easy

repping the south side but this fly lockjaw gear will help you get the job

done in the right way baby I thought I'd take care of you that's what I do around

here I take care of my people give me another inch row let's get started with

this music video review it's gonna be so good I hope you had a wonderful

Christmas yesterday by the way hope you had a wonderful Christmas Oh

okay I ask you this question right now you know I love the interaction here do

you think that they're playing part of me think part part of me like maybe they

are most of me though like my logical half is like I don't think they're

playing one bit baby sometimes people are upset and angry and we know that the

a lot of times in cells show that they're angry and upset with things so

the south side cells sometimes are just upset about things let's continue the

whole let's let's not jump to any conclusions here baby there's out like

that for at least with you I can play them on the piano let me go ahead and uh

spell this out for you as some of you may be like base shaman what does it

mean to hold it down from what I understand all right this is in Houston

Texas I used to live in Houston Texas spent many years of my life out there

good people good people in Houston um holding it down basically means you're

just keeping it real like you're chillin you're keeping it

real like we're gonna hold it down are you holding it down yes I'm holding it

doesn't literally mean like you know you're holding something down holding

her head down while you're on the five nine brother five nine get the skirt

thank you my lip what you know about that

no it means you're keeping it real you're keeping it cool right and the

south side cells that's something that they like to do just keep it cool keep

it real keep it trill baby trill bun be

I know I know you said I can't understand what he's saying I know I

can't either but hold on check this out but you see this shirt you see how it

has like these shoes on it I'm not sure what exactly which models those are

which brand those are they do sort of remind me of these shoes when I was

younger they had at Payless they were called Shaq's I had a pair when I was in

like second grade man I remember I was like dude I was like these girls at

school are gonna think I'm cool man I got on Shaq's now baby mama mama got me

some Shaq's at Payless uh I don't know if those are Sh I don't even know if

they still make Shaq's let's keep going is that the is that the it looks like

the ghosts from from you know Ghostbusters that big Doughboy Prasad

maybe not okay there's a better shot of it right here Lucy you okay no I thought

that was the ghost thing from ghostbusters it's not it's I don't know

what it is but uh

all right oh he was waiting for that one he was waiting for that handoff did you

see him he was waiting check it out don't watch her Shh be quiet watch watch

watch the hand up he's waiting watch he was late he was like he was waiting for

the star he was waiting and once he had the SOB

cold yeah he was waiting for it is a good handoff it was a really good

handoff what kind of car is that beyond usually in these rap music videos you

know you'll see like these really like fancy cars and they're holding it down

though they're not really concerned with fancy cars and I can't talk about fancy

cars I Drive a Buick that's older than I am let's keep going

something good about this music is just that you can feel the spirit in it you

can steal a soul the spirit of the Southside cell and the song itself and

that South gonna hold it down it's probably not something that most of you

would understand unless you have actually experienced being a Southside

cell yes being Southside cell wearing up wearing a Southside cell do-rag from

from bass drum and comm for us shipping hmm by the way if you if you get one

make sure you like tweet me a picture of you and it so I could at me so I can see

so I can thumbs up and give you a heart whatever now first things first first

things first when we see this supreme young gentleman here you'll notice that

it appears that he has a weapon right there and I really want to take this

time right here time out to just basically warn you all be careful when

you're with weapons like that be careful with them a lot of times people get her

be dangerous yeah I wonder what's in his cup

are there any audio cells in here an audio cell is the they're the in cells

who are like obsessed with audio the audio files you know microphones

equipment like that I want to know what I want to know what microphone you think

that this song was actually recorded on III wouldn't I wouldn't put it past the

Hey You Pikachu that yellow purple one that came with the n64 videogame and

let's continue to say the text is all I need on my asshole don't you agree to

the oh there we go there were two hold on be

careful with it wouldn't you need to be careful whenever you're in the Southside

okay and a Southside cell pulls out his weapon and starts cocking about you

gotta be careful with that kind of stuff you guys you got to be careful again I

care about each and every one of you you know that you know I care about you I

don't want you ended up getting hurt be careful with these weapons be careful in

the Southside just be careful what kind of car is here is that a McDonald's cup

that's McMullin cup isn't it nice dude McDonald's cup based on how the

drinks are a dollar each why'd you get the medium side tell them give you a big

cup man no ice just something about dancing with a loaded weapon just

doesn't seem I don't know it just doesn't seem safe to me you got to be

careful with that kind of stuff something else I noticed is that the

ground here is uh as grounds kind of like messed up you got beautiful grass

beautiful grasslands yet right here are the grounds kind of messed up that's

Alexis isn't it he has Alexis 9 YZ Alexa big Alexis a la Alexa have you Alex I

have you ever been in the south side I've been to lots of places you could

say I'm a world traveler oh nice yeah she's always uppity always up her ass

all right um yet the ground though I guess they've been holding it down a lot

and they've been pulling up their cars wherever they want to and just not no

regard for the ground homeowners association they don't let

you do that they say you ain't having your grass on is that a basketball hoop

back there I wanna go hoop breath just put the

barrel on come on you can't do that that's not smart at all that's dangerous

that's very dangerous you don't do that with the weapon

now you don't do that you don't do that you don't do that

you don't do that that's dangerous hey don't do that don't do the twice

have some have some respect for the camera man this guy is nice enough to be

your camera man he's nice enough to come record you dancing singing rapping cool

moves showing off your bling-bling everything and you have the audacity to

point the loaded weapon at your cameraman but I hope their cameraman

gets some hazard pay for this this is dangerous stuff if he's this dangerous

with a handgun I would hate to see him with an aka that'd be really bad that

transition was not smooth at all Manny's not kidding brother

give me a thumbs up right now if you think he's not kidding I don't think

he's kidding I don't think he's kidding one bit see he said I want the beautiful

nature scenery behind me he said my southside sells he said I want the

beautiful nature the grass the trees the beauty he said the light he said I want

the light facing me he knew what was going on he paid attention when he was

in a video editing class in high school a videography class he he paid attention

he knows how to work the light the scenery everything beautiful you don't

love it love the black tea too and my black tea up and my black tea okay now

some of you may not know what a chopper is a chopper that's like the chop chop

chop chop that's like the Rambo weapon baby when you've got Rambo weapons like

you don't want to mess with people Rambo weapons brother y'all are afraid of like

the handguns and stuff don't mess with people with choppers and then he said

something else he said a mac-10 he said a mac-10 that's a dangerous stuff you

guys whenever you go to the south side be careful and make sure you're wearing

a Southside lockjaw crew a Southside lockjaw do-rag from these charming calm

what did he say about Adam and Eve that's from the Bible in Bible still see

is that t-shirt is long baby those are those long t-shirts I wore those in high

school man over long over long beautiful scenery look at the trees look at the

bright look at look at the grass beautiful scenery so we gonna do we get

it what did they really edit that into the music good yeah he's like Brett

after my verse can you put like a picture of me like I still of me for

like like a quarter was taken or was that him was he the one

he's like brown after your first I'm gonna put a still image of me just for

like half a second just for like half a second baby just like I was

it's a nice picture it's a nice picture

he's on his knees why is he on his knees

just trying to hold it down all right yeah I guess he's just trying to Oh easy

doing like a shooter my shooters he's easy he's definitely shooting he's got a

thing for that source shooting alright alright alright ladies and gentlemen I

hope you enjoyed this half as much as I did a quarter I hope you have 30% be

careful with the weapons be careful with that if you're not subscribed make sure

you subscribe right now make sure you hit the thumbs up I'll see y'all soon

the livestream tonight we will watch this again because it's that good I'll

see you all very very soon peace and chicken grease

For more infomation >> Incels of the Southside - Incel Meme Review - Duration: 15:02.


カナダのボクシングデーに買い物してきた。I bought a something on boxing day in Canada - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> カナダのボクシングデーに買い物してきた。I bought a something on boxing day in Canada - Duration: 4:36.


เก่าไปใหม่มา!! หงส์แดงเตรียมโละ 2 ศูนย์หน้าเปิดทาง "แวร์เนอร์" เสริมคมตลาดรอบสอง - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> เก่าไปใหม่มา!! หงส์แดงเตรียมโละ 2 ศูนย์หน้าเปิดทาง "แวร์เนอร์" เสริมคมตลาดรอบสอง - Duration: 1:54.


Festa de São João, Apóstolo e Evangelista (Homilia Diária.1041) - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Festa de São João, Apóstolo e Evangelista (Homilia Diária.1041) - Duration: 5:49.


7 frutti che possono aumentare i livelli di ferro - Duration: 2:20.

Quando i livelli di ferro nel corpo si abbassano, i globuli rossi non riescono a produrre emoglobina a sufficienza,

Il nostro corpo ha bisogno di un costante apporto di ferro per funzionare correttamente. provocando stanchezza e anemia.

Di seguito ti elenchiamo i frutti più ricchi di tale minerale.

Datteri,Frutto molto dolce, è ricco di nutrienti e di ferro.

Se presi a colazione, sono molto utili per cominciare la giornata evitando di soffrire una carenza di questo minerale.

Puoi usarlo anche come ingrediente di numerose preparazioni.

Albicocche, Ricche di proteine, carboidrati, vitamina A e ferro, sono versatili e molto benefici per la salute.

Fichi, Si possono mangiare freschi o secchi, ma nei secondi le loro qualità nutrizionali sono quasi doppie.

Sono una eccellente fonte di ferro, e andrebbero mangiati con frequenza.

Uva passa, Spesso consigliata a chi soffre di anemia, è ricchissima di ferro.

Si consiglia di mangiarla cruda, anche a colazione.

Pomodori secchi, Una porzione contiene circa 9,1 milligrammi di ferro.

I pomodori secchi sono ottimi per chi soffre di anemia.

Prugne secche, Possono essere mangiate a colazione, aggiunte a frullati, cereali o frutta, e sono una eccellente fonte di ferro.

Melograni,Ottimi per favorire la circolazione, i melograni possono essere utili anche contro anemia e carenza di ferro.

For more infomation >> 7 frutti che possono aumentare i livelli di ferro - Duration: 2:20.


Rincon Sapiência - Mete Dança (Verso Livre) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Rincon Sapiência - Mete Dança (Verso Livre) - Duration: 4:03.



For more infomation >> 12 METAS PARA 2019 | COMO MELHORAR SUA VIDA FINANCEIRA - Duration: 14:54.


¡Donald Trump le arruina la navidad a un niño! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> ¡Donald Trump le arruina la navidad a un niño! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:30.


The Truth About Modern Muscle Cars in America - Duration: 5:06.

rev up your engines, Scott Simpson says what do you think about modern v8s

Camaros and challengers are they worth the money, well I don't think any new car

is worth the money cuz they charge too much money for them, they are good

engines, you know if you're talking about Camaros and challengers, realize that

those are still old fashion designs those v8s, those aren't even overhead cams

those are pushrod engines and that pushrod technology has been around a

long time, they put on a lot of horsepower, they're pretty strong engines

now that said they're complete gas hogs cuz they're an old fashioned

pushrod engine that weighs a lot, old technology, they're gonna go through

gas like no tomorrow, and as for are they worth the money

that's the thing, you pay a lot of money for those things, as they age their

resale value goes down, I personally can't see that a lot of them are gonna

be collectors items because they're pretty much cookie cutter mass-produced

cars, you go way back and get a Dodge Challenger or hot charger those things

are worth a lot of money, but most of them got wrecked because they didn't

handle that well, so if there's any of them left

that are in original condition they're worth a lot of money, but these modern ones

the kind of cookie cutter like the Dodge Challenger, those hellcat engines, now

you can buy it what's called the hell crate engine, they now sell them like dodge

that they'll fit any of the older trucks from

the sixties and the seventies, they'll just bolt right in, so a lot of guys are doing

that their getting the old ones putting the new

engines in, they're good engines there's no arguing, Abe from an 83 says, if

I baby my engine can the timing belt go longer,

interesting question cuz changing the timing belt on some model cars cost a

fortune what wears out timing belts are two

things, one is the torque of the engine as you accelerate real fast the crank is

pulling the cams on the top and there's more stress and the other is just

flat-out age, their rubber base timing belts, as they age they crack they

stretch and they start bouncing around inside and the more vibration they have when

they bounce around of course more friction eventually they snap off, so

to some extent if you baby the engine and drive it normally, yes it could last

somewhat longer, if you have an interference engine I would just go by

straight time and mileage if it's got you know 80,000 miles or more on an

interference engine I'd change it, if it's more than six to eight years old I

change it, just because you don't want to ruin

an engine, but if you have like a Toyota with a non-interference engine, sometimes

I've seen those things with 250,000 miles and they've never been touched and they're

still going and since if it breaks it doesn't hurt anything, then you don't

care, nike see says Scotty is it worse to fix a CVT transmission

or should I get rid of it now, see how much the car is worth on the

market, see what it cost to fix it, you'll probably see that the cost of fixing it

is more than what the car is worth, and if that's the case and it still runs

somewhat, sell it and get rid of it, but that's it all depends on the year, how much money

you have invested in it, you know if you're really upside

down in the car, you might want to try to get it fixed, because if you can't

even sell it for what you owe on it, then you know you might decide, gee

well I'll get it fixed and try to drive until the wheels fall off, but if you can

get any amount of money for it now and it still runs halfway decent, definitely

get rid of it, Adrian Lopez says do you think a 1983

Datsun 280zx is a good car, they were great cars back in the day, you know that

was revolutionary sports cars the 240 260 280, they were just they say the bee's

knees for sports cars, a sports car that was fast, fun to drive, and it didn't

break down, like all the other sports cars did in those days, you got to realize

that's old what are we talking about now, 37 year old cars

those are old cars, if you're gonna get it as a toy go right ahead

just decide what you're looking at, what you're paying and what you get for the money

if it's restored and stuff and a mechanic like me checks it out and says

yeah they did a pretty good job restoring it, go right ahead, or if it

still runs at least maybe looks a little ragged, pay a little bit of money for it

or if it doesn't even run, then you gotta decide, do I want to put an engine to

fix this stuff in it, depends on the shape it's in, but they were solid

cars and they are collectible item so, play it by ear to see how much you're

gonna pay what you're gonna get for it and how far you want to go fixing them,

Moika says, what do you think about Alfa Romeos are they good cars what are you

thinking about them, I used to work on them all the time, people thought Fiat

were bad, Alfa Romeos broke even more and had

even more problems, Alfa Romeo pulled out of the United States decades ago, I

suppose they're trying to sell them here now, it was always a high-tech company

if you have an endless supply of money and you want to buy one of those new

alphas, sure they're fun to drive around you know they're real zippy little cars,

but value goes down fast, they have no resale value and they're typical Italian

cars, you know they're gonna fall apart as they age cuz that's just how those

things are, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos,

remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Modern Muscle Cars in America - Duration: 5:06.


Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Line 4 West LA/Rapid 704 Santa Monica - Duration: 20:58.

Approaching Cesar E. Charez and North Broadway.

Transfer Line 2/302, 28, 45, 83, LA Dash Lincoln Heights/Chinatown.

Approaching Cesar E. Charez and Grand.

Transfer Line 55/355, 60.

Approaching Sunset/(Cesar E. Charez) and Figueroa.

Approaching Sunset & Vin Scully/Dodger Stadium.

Approaching Sunset-Echo Park.

Transfer Line 200, LA Dash Pico Union/Echo Park.

Approaching Sunset+Alvarado.

Transfer Line 603.

Approaching Sunset and Silver Lake.

Transfer Line 201.

Approaching Sunset & Hyperion.

Transfer Line 175.

Approaching Santa Monica and Vermont & Connections To Metro Red Line Downstairs.

Transfer Line 204/Rapid 754, LA Dash Hollywood.

Approaching Santa Monica/Normandie.

Transfer Line 206.

Approaching Santa Monica and Western.

Transfer Line 207, Rapid 757.

For more infomation >> Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Line 4 West LA/Rapid 704 Santa Monica - Duration: 20:58.


Carnet n°13 - L' Australie Pt 1 - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Carnet n°13 - L' Australie Pt 1 - Duration: 7:54.


✅ Em clima de natal, Glória Maria compartilha foto com as filhas e a mãe - Área VIP - Duration: 2:09.

 O clima do natal invadiu as famílias nos últimos dias e na casa da jornalista Glória Maria não foi diferente

Em seu Instagram a contratada da Globo exibiu uma foto ao lado das filhas, da mãe e do papai noel

 Na foto, a jornalista aparece ao lado do bom velhinho, sua mãe Edna Matta surge sentada e as filhas em pé ao lado

Na legenda da imagem a apresentadora interagiu com os seguidores: "Ainda sobre o nosso Natal! Só levei a família no portão da casa! Noite feliz !", escreveu ela

 Confira:    Vale destacar que assim como Glória Maria outros artistas compartilharam seu natal nas redes sociais, entre eles Neymar que comemorou a data com muita ostentação e vinhos de mais de mil reais, o ator João Vicente de Castro passou a noite de natal na casa da ex, já a atriz Bella Piero comemorou junto com moradores de rua

  Glória Maria parabeniza filha mais velha  A jornalista Glória Maria encantou a web na última terça-feira, 18, ao publicar um lindo click ao lado das filhas Laura, 10 anos, e Maria, 11

 "Hoje é o dia da minha princesa Maria! 11 anos de amor. Minha menina doce e iluminada

Crescendo tão rápido mas ainda uma criança sapeca e bem humorada! O sonho dela é fazer o mundo mais feliz! Te amo Maria! Você e a sua irmã São minha razão de viver!", escreveu ela…Veja o click! Glória Maria fala das filhas e revela: "só pedem birutice"  Em um momento raro a apresentadora Glória Maria falou das suas filhas, as meninas que não são de aparecer na mídia celebram nesse mês de Dezembro mais um aniversário e a global contou como é o cuidado dado a elas nessa data

 "Elas são tão sortudas que ganham um presente no dia da festa, que nunca acontece no dia do aniversário, depois ganham outro nos dias de seus aniversários

E ainda tem os presentes de Natal, no dia 24. Então dezembro é…Continue lendo! Veja também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Em clima de natal, Glória Maria compartilha foto com as filhas e a mãe - Área VIP - Duration: 2:09.


Mantra - Videoclipe oficial - Nando Reis: Entire Music Video - Duration: 5:52.

One, two, three, four…

When you have nothing else

Neither floor or ladder

Shield or sword

Your heart will

wake up!…

When you have everything

Wool, satin, velvet

Sword and shield

Your conscience will

fall asleep!…

And wake up at the same place

From the air to the arterial

In the same home

In the same yard

From the soul to the material body…

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare

When you have nothing else

Nothing is lost

Shield or sword

You can be whatever you are

Free from fear…

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare

When all has ended

Sword and shield

Form and content

Then it's time

To give love…

Love will give and receive

From air, lung

Tear, salt

Love will give and receive

From light, vision

From spiral time…

When you have nothing else

Neither floor or ladder

Shield or sword

Your heart will

wake up!…

When you have everything

Wool, satin, velvet

Sword and shield

Your conscience will

fall asleep!…

And wake up at the same place

From the air to the arterial

In the same home

In the same yard

From the soul to the material body…

When all has ended

Sword and shield

Form and content

Then it's time

To give love…

Love will give and receive

From air, lung

Tear, salt

Love will give and receive

From light, vision

From spiral time…

Love will give and receive

Arm, hand

The mouth, vowel

Love will give and receive

Of death

Your natal day…

Goodbye pain

Goodbye pain

Goodbye pain

Goodbye pain

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare

Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare





Muito obrigado

For more infomation >> Mantra - Videoclipe oficial - Nando Reis: Entire Music Video - Duration: 5:52.


✅ Patrícia Leitte 'quebra internet' com decote mega profundo em passeio casual - Duration: 1:12.

 Patrícia Leitte abusou da sensualidade nesta quarta-feira, 26.  A ex-BBB tem amado exibir o corpão e não poupou no decotão para curtir um cineminha com os amigos durante a noite na cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará

 O look foi registrado e compartilhado nos Stories pela loira, que tirou uma foto no espelho do elevador logo após sair de casa

 Apesar da blusa rosa ter chamado atenção dos seguidores pelo grande decote, Patrícia já havia exibido as curvas em seu passeio à Praia do Futuro nesta mesma tarde

 "Erguendo-me no corpo de uma mulher que nunca deixou de confiar na alma de menina", escreveu ela na legenda do clique em que deixou a barriga chapada de fora

 Desde que fez alguns processos estéticos, a ex-sister tem se sentido mais confiante para mostrar a silhueta e tem, frequentemente, compartilhado textos de motivação para os internautas que a seguem nas redes sociais

For more infomation >> ✅ Patrícia Leitte 'quebra internet' com decote mega profundo em passeio casual - Duration: 1:12.


Ferramenta FÁCIL E COMPLETA para marketing digital - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Ferramenta FÁCIL E COMPLETA para marketing digital - Duration: 1:51.


あ; Gacha Life • Como Achar O SuperBrian25 e a M u u 。+ ੈ⸙͎.˚༘ - Duration: 3:19.


You probably already know the new update of Gacha Life

...Where you can do...


anyway, in addition to new poses, new characters have also been added in Life mode

but surely the most difficult to find are SuperBrian25 and M u u

So today i'll teach you how to find them

Let's get started

Let's start with SuperBrian, you can find him at school

Obs : You can just find him if you already reached level 100

Enter school

Go left

Keep going left

Enter this portal

The next one we'll find is M u u (do not confuse her with M o)

Go to spooky and follow this path

Enter here, and then in the house

Enter in the holes in this order: 341552234

we find m o, but we want to find m u u, so just go ahead

Enter in the holes in this order: 2544351154443122135

We find them!

I hope this video helped you

There are some characters that i didn't find yet

but I already found these: Spongey on the right of roof, and Senpai Artz in the school library

Anyway, bye!

For more infomation >> あ; Gacha Life • Como Achar O SuperBrian25 e a M u u 。+ ੈ⸙͎.˚༘ - Duration: 3:19.


BARRIGA CHAPADA e Treino Para SUPERIORES ✅ Musa Fitness KATE LAZOV - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> BARRIGA CHAPADA e Treino Para SUPERIORES ✅ Musa Fitness KATE LAZOV - Duration: 2:17.


Why Did US Army Perform Secret LSD Mind Experiments? - Duration: 13:51.

LSD stands for lysergic acid diethylamide

(LSD) and is a derivative of the fungus ergot, which grows on rye and other cereal grasses.

A Swiss scientist named Albert Hofmann created LSD in 1938 and actually tested it on himself

in 1943.

He recalled in his book, LSD: My Problem Child, the hallucinogenic properties that the drug

became famous for.

He described how "kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in me, alternating, variegated,

opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains,

rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux."

He also noted how "every sound generated a vividly changing image, with its own consistent

form and color."

It was not until the 1950s that the U.S. government became interested in LSD as a mind control


The potential use of LSD in this manner led it to take some unethical and downright sleazy

measures that we will examine in this episode of The Infographics Show, "The U.S. Government's

LSD Mind Experiments."

The 1950s was a time of the Korean War and the Cold War.

Stopping the spread of communism was a top priority for the United States, so the U.S.

government became concerned that many soldiers returning home from the Korean War "were

found mindlessly parroting the communist propaganda they had been sent to Korea to fight" according

to one source.

Investigations led to two discoveries.

First, the communist countries of China, Russia, and North Korea were using "mental torture

and brainwashing" techniques.

Second, the "Russians in particular were interested in using LSD to manipulate minds."

Fueled by Cold War paranoia, U.S. government officials were compelled to take countermeasures

to prevent what one article calls a "larger scale drug attack."

They began two testing programs to find out if LSD and other drugs could be used to subdue

and control the enemy mentally.

One of these programs was run by the U.S. Army, and the other one was run by the CIA.

Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments About 7,000 soldiers participated in the U.S.

Army's secret testing program.

Although the official name of this program is the Medical Research Volunteer Program

(MRVP), this testing is often referred to as the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments

because many of the tests were conducted at a military facility called Edgewood Arsenal

located in Maryland.

Some soldiers were exposed to various chemical agents, including nerve agents such as sarin,

nerve agent antidotes such as atropine, and riot control agents such as tear gas.

Other soldiers were used to test things like protective clothing, vaccines, and drugs such

as LSD.

LSD was one of several drugs studied at Edgewood Arsenal for possible use in psychochemical


While the MRVP began in 1948, a New Yorker article states that psychochemical research

at Edgewood Arsenal did not begin until 1956.

According to footage included in a New Yorker article, the purpose of this testing was to

"identify a chemical with the right balance of properties: one that causes no physical

harm but also triggers mental disruptions so profound that they can incapacitate enemy


Test subjects were usually filmed so that the effects of LSD on the soldiers would be


Soldiers had widely varying responses to the drug.

In one 1958 film called "Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on Troops Marching,"

you can see how a group of well-trained soldiers dosed with LSD were reduced to a bunch of

giggling, disoriented men unable to follow simple commands.

In another film called "Manufacturing Madness," soldiers who took LSD were unable to make

simple subtraction calculations.

One soldier seemed to be in too much pain to concentrate and even says he is "incapacitated,"

while another one complained, "Everything's moving."

The New Yorker reports that "LSD experiments continued at Edgewood until 1967," but the

Army eventually lost interest in it as a psychochemical agent before that time.

Raffi Khatchadourian, a journalist who published an article about these tests in the New Yorker,

explains why these experiments were abandoned in a Fresh Air interview:

" . . . LSD's effect was just really unpredictable.

You could give LSD to one person, and it would have one effect.

And you could give it to another person and it might have a completely different effect.

. . . So as a weapon, anything that would be that unpredictable is something that you

would want to shy away from, just because it would be tactically ineffective."

However, the story of LSD experimentation at Edgewood Arsenal did not end after the

experiments did.

Like others who participated in the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments, some soldiers dosed

with LSD felt misled by Army researchers and suffered long-term health problems from these

experiments, such as this soldier interviewed by the Baltimore Sun:

"They told me it would be like taking aspirin," said Gary, who went by only his first name

in a 1979 story that ran in The Sun.

But he reported being depressed and even suicidal in the years since undergoing testing at Edgewood.

The issues of long-term health problems and questionable informed consent practices associated

with the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments led to a Congressional investigation of the

MRVP in the mid-1970s, and a article reports that "Edgewood shut down the MVRP

in 1975."

The same article states that the Army conducted its own series of studies of the MVRP and,

perhaps unsurprisingly, "concluded none of the individuals who participated in the

LSD and other tests were suffering any significant lasting health impacts."

However, some problems with consent practices were discovered, including what one source

calls using "possible coercion" to persuade soldiers to volunteer.

Project MKUltra During the Cold War, the Army was not the

only government organization interested in the use of LSD as a psychochemical agent.

According to, the director of the CIA during the 1950s, Allen Dulles, spoke

of "brain warfare" and "how sinister the battle for men's minds has become in

Soviet hands."

In 1953, he began the top-secret Project MKUltra in order "to assess the potential use of

LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture."

Between 1953 and 1964, the CIA conducted most of its over 150 MKUltra experiments in the

U.S. and Canada.

Poor recordkeeping and a cover-up that led to the destruction of many MKUltra documents

at the official end of the program in 1973 make it difficult to know about all of the

LSD experiments that took place.

What we do know about these tests is mainly from the firsthand accounts of the people

who participated in them.

Some of these people testified at Congressional hearings that took place in 1977, while others

told their stories to the press.

Unlike the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments, Project MKUltra experiments were not limited

to military personnel.

People from all walks of life were involved in the following experiments:


Volunteer Experiments

The CIA found willing test subjects in various institutions.

For instance, states that the CIA reached out to universities and colleges,

offering them funding to study the effects of LSD.

This meant college students ended up "tripping on acid" for MKUltra research.

One well-known college student turned MKUltra test subject is Ken Kesey, author of One Flew

Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

According to one source, Kesey was a graduate student at Stanford University when he learned

about a "study" from a neighbor who was a psychologist.

Like some of the Edgewood Arsenal test subjects, he was kept in the dark about the true purpose

of the experiments he participated in.

He recalls, "[The testing] wasn't being done to try to cure insane people, which is

what we thought.

It was being done to try to make people insane—to weaken people, and to be able to put them

under the control of interrogators."

Kesey was not rendered insane by his participation in these tests, but he could not stop taking


While he was a testing volunteer for the CIA, he tried to work at the place where the tests

took place so that he could get his hands on other experimental drugs.

Even after the tests ended, he and his friends along with others were making and taking "homemade"

LSD that Kesey said "never was anywhere as good as that government stuff." reports that "Kesey later went on to promote the drug, hosting LSD-fueled

parties that he called 'Acid Tests.'"

These parties helped to launch the hippie movement and the psychedelic drug scene of

the 1960s.

Another good source of volunteer test subjects were prisons.

According to, prisoners were eager to consent to these tests "in exchange for

extra recreation time or commuted sentences."

One well-known prison volunteer was a gangster named Whitey Bulger.

One source states that Bulger underwent 18 months of LSD testing while in prison in order

to receive a lighter sentence.

In contrast to Kesey, Bulger loathed his testing experience.

He went on one bad acid trip after another, which "were followed by thoughts of suicide

and deep depression."

He wrote of nightmarish hallucinations such as "blood coming out of the walls" and

"guys turning to skeletons in front of me."


CIA Agents Experimenting on Each Other

Some of these experiments were voluntary, but some were not.

According to one news site, LSD testing for Project MKUltra first began with CIA agents

giving themselves LSD and tracking its effects.

Soon these agents were dosing each other with LSD without warning, and even CIA agents who

never took LSD were eventually targeted by these sneaky agents.

These "anytime and anywhere" acid trips became so common that a security memo went

out in December 1954 telling agents that office party punch bowls were off limits and not

to be "spiked."

It's strange to think CIA agents lived in fear of stealth drugging from their own colleagues,

but that's what happened in the 1950s.

One tragedy arising from these experiments was the death of CIA scientist Frank Olson

in 1953.

According to, Olson "drank a cocktail that had been secretly spiked with

LSD" and ended up falling out of a hotel room window in New York City a short time


Olson's death was initially thought to be a suicide, but a second autopsy done in 1994

revealed "injuries on the body that had likely occurred before the fall."

These injuries raised suspicion that "Olson might have been assassinated by the CIA."

His family eventually received a settlement of $750,000 and a "personal apology from

President Gerald Ford and then-CIA Director William Colby."


Experiments on Involuntary Test Subjects

After mastering stealth LSD drugging on people within their own agency, CIA agents moved

on to the unethical practice of drugging unsuspecting members of the public with LSD and following

them around to observe its effects.

They knew what they were doing was wrong, but they did it anyway.

"Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but

also to conceal these activities from the American public in general," wrote the CIA's

Inspector General in 1957.

"The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would

have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and would be detrimental

to the accomplishment of its mission."

It is hard to know exactly how many Americans and Canadians were dosed with LSD without

their knowledge and consent.

One case that came out during the Congressional hearings on MKUltra in 1977 was that of a

singer and waitress named Ruth Kelley.

An MKUltra project leader named George White wanted to recruit her for another LSD testing

program that we will discuss in a moment.

However, when she did not show interest in participating in this program, White or someone

working for him chose to drug her with LSD right before her performance one night.

Kelley managed to get through her act but ended up going to the hospital right away



Operation Midnight Climax

Just when you thought the CIA could not get any lower in terms of morally reprehensible

behavior, it thought up another shady LSD testing program with the sexually suggestive

name of Operation Midnight Climax.

This operation was implemented in both the US and Canada.

A article describes this operation.

At safe houses turned into whorehouses in San Francisco, the CIA actually paid prostitutes

to drug their customers with LSD while the previously mentioned George White and other

CIA agents looked on through two-way mirrors to observe LSD's effects and so much more.

White reveled in his duties as a professional voyeur.

He said, "I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun."

According to one article, these sexual encounters were also filmed for "potential blackmail


In Canada, some Canadian women claimed they were underage at the time they were filmed

having sex with government officials, so you could say the CIA was engaged in filming child

pornography too.

What happened to Project MKUltra?

After decades of research that obviously went astray from its original purpose, Project

MKUltra researchers reached the same conclusion that emerged from the Edgewood Arsenal Human

Experiments – LSD was not an effective mind control agent because its effects were too


And, like the Edgewood Arsenal Human Experiments, Project MKUltra ended amidst growing scandal

in the 1970s.

After the publication of a shocking New York Times article about the CIA's activities

in 1974, the CIA was soon investigated by the Rockefeller Commission and the Church


However, the testing may not be over.

According to a Thought Catalog article, "many experts in the workings of the CIA and government

intelligence agencies insist that the government continues performing exactly the same sort

of mind-control experiments—and possibly worse—using different code names."

Would you volunteer for experiments like these if given the opportunity?

Why or why not?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Can You overdose On Weed?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Why Did US Army Perform Secret LSD Mind Experiments? - Duration: 13:51.


Incels of the Southside - Incel Meme Review - Duration: 15:02.

ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Southside my name is bass gentlemen this

is starship lockjaw we learn internet subculture every single day today is no

exception today we're learning about a certain type of in cells that like to

hang out in the south side of the city based ramen why do these in cells hang

out in the south side say I'm not sure but hopefully we're gonna find out today

during this epic music video review let give me that intro brother

welcome back starship lockjaw baby this wouldn't be good this is an amazing

legendary music video that we're reviewing today and again we're going to

be talking about a certain type of vegan cells from the south side bass drum and

that do-rag you're wearing looks really cool how do I get one you got two

options two options brother man two options boyo either you go to the south

side and get c1 from the local beauty beauty supply store they shaman I'm

afraid to go down there and that's okay I'm taking care of it for you come on

over to base shaman calm I'll get you come on Bay shaman calm

free us shipping I will send you one baby what we got all sorts of colors we

got quality products here quality profit it like this I said it's not easy

repping the south side but this fly lockjaw gear will help you get the job

done in the right way baby I thought I'd take care of you that's what I do around

here I take care of my people give me another inch row let's get started with

this music video review it's gonna be so good I hope you had a wonderful

Christmas yesterday by the way hope you had a wonderful Christmas Oh

okay I ask you this question right now you know I love the interaction here do

you think that they're playing part of me think part part of me like maybe they

are most of me though like my logical half is like I don't think they're

playing one bit baby sometimes people are upset and angry and we know that the

a lot of times in cells show that they're angry and upset with things so

the south side cells sometimes are just upset about things let's continue the

whole let's let's not jump to any conclusions here baby there's out like

that for at least with you I can play them on the piano let me go ahead and uh

spell this out for you as some of you may be like base shaman what does it

mean to hold it down from what I understand all right this is in Houston

Texas I used to live in Houston Texas spent many years of my life out there

good people good people in Houston um holding it down basically means you're

just keeping it real like you're chillin you're keeping it

real like we're gonna hold it down are you holding it down yes I'm holding it

doesn't literally mean like you know you're holding something down holding

her head down while you're on the five nine brother five nine get the skirt

thank you my lip what you know about that

no it means you're keeping it real you're keeping it cool right and the

south side cells that's something that they like to do just keep it cool keep

it real keep it trill baby trill bun be

I know I know you said I can't understand what he's saying I know I

can't either but hold on check this out but you see this shirt you see how it

has like these shoes on it I'm not sure what exactly which models those are

which brand those are they do sort of remind me of these shoes when I was

younger they had at Payless they were called Shaq's I had a pair when I was in

like second grade man I remember I was like dude I was like these girls at

school are gonna think I'm cool man I got on Shaq's now baby mama mama got me

some Shaq's at Payless uh I don't know if those are Sh I don't even know if

they still make Shaq's let's keep going is that the is that the it looks like

the ghosts from from you know Ghostbusters that big Doughboy Prasad

maybe not okay there's a better shot of it right here Lucy you okay no I thought

that was the ghost thing from ghostbusters it's not it's I don't know

what it is but uh

all right oh he was waiting for that one he was waiting for that handoff did you

see him he was waiting check it out don't watch her Shh be quiet watch watch

watch the hand up he's waiting watch he was late he was like he was waiting for

the star he was waiting and once he had the SOB

cold yeah he was waiting for it is a good handoff it was a really good

handoff what kind of car is that beyond usually in these rap music videos you

know you'll see like these really like fancy cars and they're holding it down

though they're not really concerned with fancy cars and I can't talk about fancy

cars I Drive a Buick that's older than I am let's keep going

something good about this music is just that you can feel the spirit in it you

can steal a soul the spirit of the Southside cell and the song itself and

that South gonna hold it down it's probably not something that most of you

would understand unless you have actually experienced being a Southside

cell yes being Southside cell wearing up wearing a Southside cell do-rag from

from bass drum and comm for us shipping hmm by the way if you if you get one

make sure you like tweet me a picture of you and it so I could at me so I can see

so I can thumbs up and give you a heart whatever now first things first first

things first when we see this supreme young gentleman here you'll notice that

it appears that he has a weapon right there and I really want to take this

time right here time out to just basically warn you all be careful when

you're with weapons like that be careful with them a lot of times people get her

be dangerous yeah I wonder what's in his cup

are there any audio cells in here an audio cell is the they're the in cells

who are like obsessed with audio the audio files you know microphones

equipment like that I want to know what I want to know what microphone you think

that this song was actually recorded on III wouldn't I wouldn't put it past the

Hey You Pikachu that yellow purple one that came with the n64 videogame and

let's continue to say the text is all I need on my asshole don't you agree to

the oh there we go there were two hold on be

careful with it wouldn't you need to be careful whenever you're in the Southside

okay and a Southside cell pulls out his weapon and starts cocking about you

gotta be careful with that kind of stuff you guys you got to be careful again I

care about each and every one of you you know that you know I care about you I

don't want you ended up getting hurt be careful with these weapons be careful in

the Southside just be careful what kind of car is here is that a McDonald's cup

that's McMullin cup isn't it nice dude McDonald's cup based on how the

drinks are a dollar each why'd you get the medium side tell them give you a big

cup man no ice just something about dancing with a loaded weapon just

doesn't seem I don't know it just doesn't seem safe to me you got to be

careful with that kind of stuff something else I noticed is that the

ground here is uh as grounds kind of like messed up you got beautiful grass

beautiful grasslands yet right here are the grounds kind of messed up that's

Alexis isn't it he has Alexis 9 YZ Alexa big Alexis a la Alexa have you Alex I

have you ever been in the south side I've been to lots of places you could

say I'm a world traveler oh nice yeah she's always uppity always up her ass

all right um yet the ground though I guess they've been holding it down a lot

and they've been pulling up their cars wherever they want to and just not no

regard for the ground homeowners association they don't let

you do that they say you ain't having your grass on is that a basketball hoop

back there I wanna go hoop breath just put the

barrel on come on you can't do that that's not smart at all that's dangerous

that's very dangerous you don't do that with the weapon

now you don't do that you don't do that you don't do that

you don't do that that's dangerous hey don't do that don't do the twice

have some have some respect for the camera man this guy is nice enough to be

your camera man he's nice enough to come record you dancing singing rapping cool

moves showing off your bling-bling everything and you have the audacity to

point the loaded weapon at your cameraman but I hope their cameraman

gets some hazard pay for this this is dangerous stuff if he's this dangerous

with a handgun I would hate to see him with an aka that'd be really bad that

transition was not smooth at all Manny's not kidding brother

give me a thumbs up right now if you think he's not kidding I don't think

he's kidding I don't think he's kidding one bit see he said I want the beautiful

nature scenery behind me he said my southside sells he said I want the

beautiful nature the grass the trees the beauty he said the light he said I want

the light facing me he knew what was going on he paid attention when he was

in a video editing class in high school a videography class he he paid attention

he knows how to work the light the scenery everything beautiful you don't

love it love the black tea too and my black tea up and my black tea okay now

some of you may not know what a chopper is a chopper that's like the chop chop

chop chop that's like the Rambo weapon baby when you've got Rambo weapons like

you don't want to mess with people Rambo weapons brother y'all are afraid of like

the handguns and stuff don't mess with people with choppers and then he said

something else he said a mac-10 he said a mac-10 that's a dangerous stuff you

guys whenever you go to the south side be careful and make sure you're wearing

a Southside lockjaw crew a Southside lockjaw do-rag from these charming calm

what did he say about Adam and Eve that's from the Bible in Bible still see

is that t-shirt is long baby those are those long t-shirts I wore those in high

school man over long over long beautiful scenery look at the trees look at the

bright look at look at the grass beautiful scenery so we gonna do we get

it what did they really edit that into the music good yeah he's like Brett

after my verse can you put like a picture of me like I still of me for

like like a quarter was taken or was that him was he the one

he's like brown after your first I'm gonna put a still image of me just for

like half a second just for like half a second baby just like I was

it's a nice picture it's a nice picture

he's on his knees why is he on his knees

just trying to hold it down all right yeah I guess he's just trying to Oh easy

doing like a shooter my shooters he's easy he's definitely shooting he's got a

thing for that source shooting alright alright alright ladies and gentlemen I

hope you enjoyed this half as much as I did a quarter I hope you have 30% be

careful with the weapons be careful with that if you're not subscribed make sure

you subscribe right now make sure you hit the thumbs up I'll see y'all soon

the livestream tonight we will watch this again because it's that good I'll

see you all very very soon peace and chicken grease

For more infomation >> Incels of the Southside - Incel Meme Review - Duration: 15:02.


カナダのボクシングデーに買い物してきた。I bought a something on boxing day in Canada - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> カナダのボクシングデーに買い物してきた。I bought a something on boxing day in Canada - Duration: 4:36.


เก่าไปใหม่มา!! หงส์แดงเตรียมโละ 2 ศูนย์หน้าเปิดทาง "แวร์เนอร์" เสริมคมตลาดรอบสอง - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> เก่าไปใหม่มา!! หงส์แดงเตรียมโละ 2 ศูนย์หน้าเปิดทาง "แวร์เนอร์" เสริมคมตลาดรอบสอง - Duration: 1:54.


Saab 9-5 2.0T SE - AUTOMAAT - Leer - Airco / Ecc - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-5 2.0T SE - AUTOMAAT - Leer - Airco / Ecc - Duration: 1:05.


Weird Things About Kris Jenner's Marriages - Duration: 8:05.

The world may be fixated on the ever-changing and salacious love lives of the Kardashian-Jenner


But mom, Kris Jenner, has a pretty fascinating relationship history of her own.

From a famed defense attorney to a former Olympian, her failed marriages have been full

of cheating allegations and rumors that she married for money.

We ain't sayin' she's a gold digger, but she has found a way to get involved in some pretty

weird relationships.

Here are all the strange things about Kris Jenner's marriages.

"They're making fun of me now, it's fine."

"No one's making fun of you, you psycho."

"Oh psycho ha ha ha ha ha."

All about the Benjamins?

Kris Jenner's allegedly scheming ways apparently started at an early age, if you believe author

Jerry Oppenheimer's recounting of her life story: The Kardashians: An American Drama.

According to the author, Jenner dated the late professional golfer Cesar Sanudo when

she was 17 years old, and he was 27.

Then she met Robert Kardashian and reportedly cheated on Sanudo.

"I met Robert Kardashian."


"Robert came over one day when Cesar was out of town."

A friend of Sanudo's said:

"[Kris] saw a far better financial opportunity with Kardashian than with Cesar."

"Oh my God you're such a whore.

Now we know where we get it from."

The couple tied the knot in 1978, and Jenner reportedly began draining Kardashian dry by

making lavish purchases, including a $3,000 belt.

Kardashian's former pastor told the author,

"I just sensed that Kris saw in Bob a kind of gold mine."

Restless housewife

According to Oppenheimer's book, Kris underwent a mommy makeover after giving birth to their

son, Robert Jr.

With her altered bod in place, Jenner allegedly went on a quest to regain the freedom she

lost when she became a Beverly Hills housewife.

An insider told the author,

"Kris was coming home at 2 and 3 in the morning drunk, and she would tell Robert, 'I have

four kids and I have not lived life.'"

A wandering eye

When she appeared on Fox News' OBJECTified, Jenner finally talked about her first marriage.

"I married Robert when I was 22 years old and I got pregnant on my honeymoon…

I had the happiest life you could've dreamt about."

But she admitted she was always looking for more.

"Sometimes people think the grass is always greener and that was like what I think I went

through at some point."

That's when Jenner confessed to hooking up with a soccer player while she was married

to the late attorney.

"When I look back on it now, probably one of my biggest regrets in my life is that that

marriage fell apart."

Out with the old hubby, in with the new

Radar Online dug up all the juicy details about Kris Jenner's 1991 divorce, including

court documents where Robert Kardashian claimed Kris had immediately moved Caitlyn Jenner

and her four children into the Beverly Hills home Kris once shared with Kardashian.

Robert described an incident in which their son, Robert Junior, was asleep on a couch

in Kris' bedroom, while Kris was in bed with Caitlyn.

He reportedly stated,

"In my [opinion] this situation is detrimental to the children."

Kris and Caitlyn wed in April 1991, just one month after Kris' divorce was finalized.

Friendly exes

Though the end of Kris Jenner's marriage to Robert had more drama than an episode of Keeping

Up With the Kardashians, things between them smoothed out a bit after Kris married Caitlyn.

"Robert and I at the end of his life, were best friends, and so was Bruce."

Kris told HuffPost,

"[Robert and I] remained really, really close and had a really great parenting style with

our kids.

Then [Caitlyn] became really good friends with Robert […] so we've always had a one

big happy family kind of a relationship."

Khloe Kardashian's "Throwback Thursday" pic of Robert holding Kylie and Kendall Jenner

is proof enough of the congenial situation.

Neighborly spouses

Viewers of Keeping Up With the Kardashians could feel the tension between Kris and Caitlyn

as their relationship fell apart.

"You can all go find a little getaway that you can go relax at.

We'll look for a place.

Everybody needs a little space."

Kris was immersing herself in her children's careers, while Caitlyn was content with hanging

out around the house.


Where's mom."

"She just left."

"She just left?"

Rumors emerged in 2013 that the then-couple's marriage was on the rocks.

Khloe inadvertently spilled some tea when she told Jay Leno that Kris and Caitlyn were

living apart.

"They got another house and Bruce stays there sometimes."

"It's in the same state?"

"It's in the same state, yes.

Different city."

Four months later, Kris and Caitlyn announced via E! News that they had split after 22 years

of marriage.

"Both mom and I seem to be very happy with the arrangement that we have now.

So for the time being, we're gonna keep the beach house."

Blast from the past

In Touch Weekly claimed that not only had Kris cheated on her first husband, she had

stepped out on Caitlyn, too - with a former soccer player named Todd Waterman.

Sound familiar?

That's because Todd was also the man with whom Kris admitted to cheating on Robert.

"I had to meet up with Todd again."

"Explain to me why you saw this a------."

Todd even made an appearance on Keeping Up while Kris was still married to Caitlyn, and

an insider told the mag it was allegedly Kris's way of keeping him quiet.

"And I see this guy that kinda looked familiar, and I said to the instructor who is that,

and he goes Todd Waterman."

Kris denied both the later cheating allegations and the payoff, but Todd told In Touch that

back when Kris first moved Caitlyn into her Beverly Hills home,

"We were still sleeping together when she started dating [Caitlyn]."

"I woulda told him off.

Wish I was there.

Twenty years later?

Why would she even talk to him?"

Brand first, marriage second

With a divorce under her belt, you might think Kris would've put some hardcore effort into

keeping things with Caitlyn afloat.

But multiple sources confirmed that before the then-couple was on the outs, Kris was

way too preoccupied with attaining power and fame to be bothered by her then-marriage.


We're not just here to wait on you.

You're our manager.

Wait on us."

"We need to tell her she's about to be fired."

What started out as a whirlwind romance between the once-smitten couple went haywire when

Kris and her family were tapped to appear in the long-running E! reality series, Keeping

up with the Kardashians.

An insider told People,

"[Caitlyn] never wanted the circus that came with the show.

[She] just went along with it.

It was fun at first, but then it started to run their lives."

The source then added:

"Everything in Kris's life is about ratings.

[Caitlyn] was never her priority and [she] was totally sick of it."

Third time's a charm?

As weird as her past marriages have been, we weren't surprised when Kris told Ellen

she was hesitant about walking down the aisle for a third time, despite being in a relationship

with road manager Corey Gamble since 2014.

"You know, I've done that twice and it didn't work out so well.

So I don't know, you never know."

"They say try and try again."

"That's right, they do don't they?"

But during a game of "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts," host James Corden brought up the

rock Jenner had been wearing on her ring finger.

"You've been spotted wearing a massive diamond ring on your wedding finger.

Are you and Corey Gamble engaged?"

Instead of flat-out denying she was engaged to Gamble, Jenner played coy.

"I'm not gonna answer!"

If she does choose to go for number three, we wish her a happy and long-lasting marriage!

"Corey is such a great guy.

And the kids really like him a lot."

For more infomation >> Weird Things About Kris Jenner's Marriages - Duration: 8:05.


Kyler Murray Sick? Trey Sermon, Tua Tagovailoa health | 2018 Orange Bowl - Duration: 8:10.

Today we are going to talk about Kyler Murray's health and Tua Tagovailoa's

health and all that's coming up after the bumper

What's s up kinfolk? Its RJ Young! I am NOT on a step mill. Consider

hitting the like and subscribe button because I upload a video every single

day. It's always OU-related college football-related sports-related. We have

a good time and today we are going to talk about the health of the

quarterbacks ahead of the 2018 Orange Bowl starting with the man the Heisman

winner Kyler Murray who did not make media availability at the Orange Bowl

today now they say that he's sick and far be it for me to say that a man who

says he's ill is not ill however we know that this was a thing for Baker Mayfield

last year and he showed up because he's Baker Mayfield he just wasn't gonna make

his teammates answer for him but the sick thing just seems it seems

convenient right I mean if he's sick he's sick but Cale Gundy also said that

it was news to him that he wasn't gonna make availability and that he practiced

the day before they said he might practice they might not look man we all

know that the things that he were going to be asked about we're all pertaining

to his professional future we know that he's going to have to make a decision

between going to the NFL Draft and going to play baseball now he says I'm gonna

go show up to the a spring training in February right we know that he's today

we know that he's going to play baseball we also know that if he said that he's

going to play football and focused on football everybody with a mock draft

that matter says he's a first-round draft pick especially with the news that

Oregon quarterback Justin Herbert is going to return for his senior season so

the number of quarterbacks dwindled by one and the number of quarterbacks that

were going to go in the first round dwindle by one so now you get to raise

the price and raise the draft status on Kyler Murray ahead of the biggest game

of his season we all know the tools man we all know that Kyle Murray is a surgeon

back there we all know that he will pick you up

to give him time perhaps Alabama's gonna try to drop seven and make him throw the

football for which they're like okay fine he completes seventy percent of his

passes he's got the highest passer efficiency rating in college football in

history there's nothing you can do to stop Kyler Murray from being Kylie

Murray you can only hope to contain him now

would you want to truck Kyler Murray out there today in front of all of the

cameras all of the national media all of the local media who have things that

they want to talk to this man about since finding out yeah you put your name

forward to the NFL for an early draft evaluation

you also want to know yo is this real for me and we all know that it's real

friend we all think it's real for him we all know that NFL scouts thought that it

was real for him because NFL scouts were told by the Oklahoma football staff that

yo we think that he's going to play football as a pro so that's how they

filled out their draft evaluations now I remember

there was an instance kind of like this at the Cotton Bowl in 2012 when I

covered it and at the time the Heisman Trophy winner was Johnny Manziel and

Kevin Sumlin had a rule for Texas A&M that no freshmen were allowed to talk to

the media they have a similar rule at Oklahoma right now right you haven't

done anything and throughout even the season you really haven't done anything

but at these bowl games they have to make you available that's a rule so

Johnny Manziel was the it dude at the Cotton Bowl everybody wanted to quote

from that guy because he wasn't talking anybody and he just won the Heisman

Trophy which makes him the most valuable player in college football for all

intents and purposes that year we also know that Oklahoma has had its share of

run-ins at bowl games with players that are in the news that they don't want to

speak Joe Mixon few years back hadn't said a word right helped Oklahoma get to

a bowl game showed up didn't say a word he said weren't gonna take any questions

about his incident with a woman that he punched in

the face at a restaurant in Norman and it was very uncomfortable to watch it

was very uncomfortable to hear just how that went it was very

uncomfortable I'm sure for the SID and for Oklahoma because this is not the

kind of thing that you want to have to answer for you want to be able to talk

about football you want to be able to talk about the game you want to be able

to talk about how you match up but you're not able to do that when you are

the news Joe Mixon was the news Johnny Football was the news and Kyler Murray is the

news so I think it's kind of just a newfangled way that you could say it's

convenient and perhaps he is ill and for all intents purposes he probably

something right because he might have stood like septums we don't really know

we just know that he was ill enough to not show up to media availability at a

time when a lot of people want to talk to that dude about what he's going to do

with his future on the other hand Tua Tagovailoa below apparently is 80 to 85%

ready to go and healthy he had what he need to get done with his ankle and he

plans to be the dude that basically would have won the Heisman had Kyler

Murray not been Kylie Murray this year he is the person that drives that offense

forward but it ain't just him it's also Damien Harris it's also NajeeHarris it's

also Josh Jacobs it's also the Biletnikoff winner whether we like it or

not Jerry Jeudy and then there's Henry rugs and then there's Jalen Waddell &

that offensive line has a bit of a hole I guess you could say in that the guys

they want to start ain't gonna start but the guy who's backing him up was

starting so we'll take that as it is with Lester Cotton starting for Deonte

Brown and we'll see right but for all intent and purposes that we know and I'm

saying all intent and purposes a lot today—were talkin below is the guy

he's going to start I know some people think that Jalen Hurts is gonna be

pulled out of the back pocket of a guy like Nick Saban it's not out of the

question if you're Oklahoma you plan for them but more than that you're really

just planning to try to stop this offense if you can you're trying to get

in their way if you're the defense right and if you get a game out of this

defense Oklahoma wins the game we all know that Oklahoma ranks 108th in

total defense it is the worst defense to make it into a college football playoff

yada-yada-yada you get a couple turnovers out of this

defense you could win this football game now to Oklahoma and injuries again Trey

sermons says that he is 100% for the first time since suffering a high ankle

sprain against TCU that's back in October and he would aggravate it and

then he go down he aggravated and come back we like to have Trey sermon healthy

and these high ankle sprains as you can see they're nothing to play with

right you want these guys to stay off of them you want them to feel okay you also

want them to play because even at 70% Trey Sermon is still a really good

running back and your thinit running back if you're Oklahoma you need that

man healthy so to know that he's healthy and to know that he and Kennedy Brooks

are gonna share the load is a big deal for Oklahoma who is going to try to run

the ball against this really good Alabama defense that has maybe three

first rounders on it right now Deointe Thompson at safety Quinnen Miller

the dude at defensive tackle and then you got guys in the middle who can

absolutely fly to the football last note was depending on who you talk to you

Marquise Hollywood Brown is going to play he's not going to play I think he's

going to play I've said that I think he's gonna play Brandon drum was on the

podcast with me on young and drum said you know it's touch and go we don't

really know and if he does play is he gonna be a hundred percent we don't

really know we won't know until we get to the game but I continue to say

there's another thousand our receiver on this team at CD lamb and you know guys

like Grant Calcaterra are gonna play you know guys like Lee Morris are gonna

play and you know Charleston Rambo has acquitted himself well at that see you

receiver position so I don't think it is the big deal that a lot of folks are

making it out to be I understand the man has 75 catches for over 1,300 yards and

10 TDs I also know that this is Oklahoma and

what they do on offense in particular is reload and again ill Kyler Murray is

still really good Kyler Murray and there's no I don't necessarily think

he's gonna be ill when they play this game on Saturday because today is

Wednesday but as I've said before and I will continue say,

We have Kyler, and you don't. All right that's it for me.


For more infomation >> Kyler Murray Sick? Trey Sermon, Tua Tagovailoa health | 2018 Orange Bowl - Duration: 8:10.


20 Intersting Unknown Facts about Ariana Grande. - Duration: 3:36.

20 Intersting Unknown Facts about Ariana Grande.

Subscribe to our channel by clicking the subscribe button click the bell button and enjoy the latest uploads from our Channel. Oh, my baby

So, I'm crazy what you've been that bad for me we post on got your fever fly

Get to flap with me. I

Can take you down for

Take you

What crosswalking played like


So I am crazy

My baby

I'm crazy. But you've been dead before we musta got feet

you get to fly I

Can take you down for ride

Take you around

Crosswalk o'clock

You can buzz my reflection thinking about what information it was supposed to be the one today

Nothing I'm not loving maybe times orders that we did

For more infomation >> 20 Intersting Unknown Facts about Ariana Grande. - Duration: 3:36.


RiceGum Is A Racist - Duration: 2:28.

Today we are going to be talking about an edible starchy cereal grain mixed with a bit

of wrigleys extra.

If your a bit brain dead and don't know who im on about well im on about RiceGum.


Ricegum is probably one of the biggest flexers on YouTube and only blew up because he bullied

kids doing karaoke.

To get views he click baits one of his friends called Sommer Ray.

He really knows how to pull in the 12 year olds.

He honestly doesn't care about his fans to the point where he betrayed his own YouTube


It literally says new videos every day right there!

Why you lying for.

Now the pinocal of Rice faces career was when he dropped a diss track on the one and only

Jake Paul.

He got Allisa Violet who doesn't know how to count the amount of stories a house has

and made a decent track.

This managed to get 160 million views which is pretty poor seen as I get that every 20


Ha get on my story.

Now the fact that RiceGums most popular videos are all diss tracks and a reaction to a diss

track is pretty sad.

The fact that the only thing that gets hella views is the things that get reacted to around

the whole internet.

But then we go onto his Fortnite videos which were faked.

Imagine click baiting your friends taking clothes of per kill you get in Fortnite.

Thats terrible.

But in the end of got to respect you.

You went from bullying kids doing musically to saying racist jokes about asians.

And I know that he is asian but that doesn't make it any better.

Now I really wish that he could get above 3 million views without clickbaiting his friends

and using names for views.

Because honestly his content might actually be slightly decent.

ACCEPT the fact that he flexes his gucci bag and his 40 million dollar supreme box logo


But other then that maybe his content could be slightly decent.

For more infomation >> RiceGum Is A Racist - Duration: 2:28.


'I didn't see it coming at all': Road reflector crashes through windshield, injuring man - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 'I didn't see it coming at all': Road reflector crashes through windshield, injuring man - Duration: 3:22.


The Five 12/26/18 5PM | December 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 46:35.

For more infomation >> The Five 12/26/18 5PM | December 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 46:35.


Some bills didn't make it through the Statehouse in 2018 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Some bills didn't make it through the Statehouse in 2018 - Duration: 1:54.


Conventions and Conferences for Magicians, Clowns, Balloon Twisters, Face Painters, & Ventriloquists - Duration: 5:45.

Do you want to put your family show performer career in high gear?

Going to Conventions and Conferences is the quickest way.

We are going to talk about that right now.

The quickest way to put your career into high gear is attending a convention or a conference.

You'll learn new skills, see what is going on in the world of performing, get lots of ideas.

You will see great shows, find just what you need

in the dealer room, and make a lot of new friends.

But going to a convention with all those speakers, sessions, contacts, and shows can also be


Here are ten tips to get the most out a convention.

Go to every event.

Ask questions in classes.

Clap and cheer at shows.

Participate in the afterhours events and impromptu meetings.

Enter the contests.

The convention is a time to meet new people, but it's also a time to build on the friendships you already have.

Introduce yourself to everyone (in classes, hallways, dealer room, everywhere).

Wear your name tag.

Look for people who are not plugged in.

They are probably wanting to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them.

Do not eat alone.

If you see people with convention name tags, don't be shy about joining them at their

table or visiting with them in the hallway.

They all love to visit.

Most conventions are extra welcoming to new people.

If there is a first-timers briefing you definitely want fit it into your schedule.

You will get the scoop on things, but you will also to meet other participants

who, just like you, are a little uncertain and looking to form some new relationships.

Take the time to carefully plan which lectures and classes you will attend.

There is an abundance to choose from—many more than you'll be able to attend!

So, when you're planning your schedule, take a look at the convention as a whole.

Look at all the sessions and events you're interested in

then make sure you're getting to attend a range of topics, skill-building sessions,

and social events, and still allowing for some down time.

And if you find yourself in a session that isn't quite what you thought it was going

to be, don't feel bad about skipping out and going to a different one.

The convention is all about using your time wisely and getting the most out of all that's there.

With days full of speakers and sessions there is a lot to take in. You're probably not going to remember all

of it when you get home.

Take lots of notes.

Collect your notes and information in a way

that makes it easy to access when you get home.

At the end of each session you attend, write down the three key takeaways and any follow-up

you want to do on the topic.

This will help jog your memory and give you specific to-dos when you get home.

Make connections at conventions and conferences.

Connect with speakers, other attendees, vendors... Connect with EVERYONE.

The speakers and panelists at any convention are likely experts in their field.

They are people who you want to know.

But they are also friendly and fun.

So, don't be afraid to ask questions or hang around (even if you are the last person)

at a session to say hello, tell them you loved the presentation, and get to know them.

Definitely make time to attend the social events (hospitality rooms, parties, shows, things like that).

They're a great opportunity to connect with people in a more relaxed setting.

Here's a Protip: These events are often more important than the classes!

And don't be afraid to linger—you don't want cut off a great

conversation with someone that will change your career path just to be on time to your

next class.

Don't be a slave to your phone at conventions

and conferences. Don't cheat yourself out of in-person interactions.

You may be thinking: "But—I have so many emails waiting!" or "I have to update

my FaceBook!"

But here's the thing: You're at a conference to have in-person interaction, and you don't

want your electronic devices to be a barrier to making those connections.

You don't have to disconnect completely, but put the phone away when you're waiting

for a workshop to begin or taking a break. Give yourself a chance to strike up conversations

with the other attendees around you.

At the convention you collected business

cards, made new Facebook friends, and got contact info.

Afterward, it's time to do something with them.

Within a week of returning from the event, send a personal follow-up to everyone you

met to let them know you enjoyed meeting them.

Also call or email anyone you specifically want to build a relationship with.

At the convention you will get new information, get

inspiration, and skills at the convention. The best things you

can do is to share them with your group back home.

Buy the video.

Share your photos.

Give a report at the next meeting.

You'll spread your new skills and knowledge—and maybe even more of your group will attend

next year.

Right now, take a look at that conference you have been wanting to attend and sign up!

Don't wait.

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For more infomation >> Conventions and Conferences for Magicians, Clowns, Balloon Twisters, Face Painters, & Ventriloquists - Duration: 5:45.


Akutagawa's Weave ; BSD Shitpost Animatic - Duration: 1:19.

Hohh my gawd Odasaku (Breadquanda) is gonna die when she hear dis, I gotsta go tell her

Let me get up in this house. Let me get up in this house b a b e y. Oh my god gurl

Let me tell you you will not believe what I had just heard I had just dun kurd

I just got off the phone with Ango (I'm not transcribing the fucking name asshole)

...And she had say that had seen Dazai (Derell) fucking some other dude. Hoh my gawd

No whodda fuck is he fucking now??? Some bitch named Arahabaki


some bitch named 'arahabaki'

Oh my god, excuse you. My name is Arahabaki, So you guys get up on this kitchen with your blue ass weave-looking dumbass hoe

How many My Little Pony dolls did it take to make that stupid weave??

I will snatch you so fast up your fucking head. I will choke you widdit bitch

So get the fuck out of my kitchen, okay?? You best get out my face get, out of here, bitch

I will stomp the yard on yo body

Teehee! Oh my god she ran away, what a stupid bitch, she a dumb hoe

For more infomation >> Akutagawa's Weave ; BSD Shitpost Animatic - Duration: 1:19.


One-of-a-kind Roosts Tiny House on Wheels by Perch and Nest - Duration: 2:20.

One-of-a-kind Roosts Tiny House on Wheels by Perch and Nest

For more infomation >> One-of-a-kind Roosts Tiny House on Wheels by Perch and Nest - Duration: 2:20.


Holmes & Watson Explained: It Could Be Better - Duration: 3:25.

So you know how amazing Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are at making comedy movies?

The duo have had the best chemistry.

Step Brothers is one of my favorite, if not my all time favorite comedy film.

It works because of its two leads and the ridiculous premise.

Most of the jokes were improvised, as Will and John continually riff off one another.

And let's not even get into Talladega Nights, which is a straight up classic and whoever

says otherwise doesn't know what the heck they're talking about.

So, is Holmes and Watson a classic as well?

No, no, definitely not, and I couldn't be more disappointed and upset.

You see, Will Ferrell, like Step Brothers, is one of my favorites.

The first time I fell in love with the guy, his incredible comedic timing, movies, acting,

etc. was in Elf.

You know, the cult classic Christmas movie that is undoubtedly a must watch during this

holiday season.

Seriously, if you still haven't seen Elf go watch it asap.

There's just something special about Will Ferrell.

His irreverent comedy, his timing, just the ridiculous scenarios he loves putting himself


It's worked countless and countless of times.

But there's another brilliant added layer to Will, and that is his ability to actually


To be sympathetic and relatable, which even elevates his raunchy comedy that much more.

In Holmes and Watson, that genuine heart all goes out of the window, much like most of

Will's recent movies.

As the names suggests, Holmes and Watson is a reimagining, or really just another take

on Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Will of course portrays a moronic Sherlock while John is playing a mistreated Watson.

The duo have to stop none other than Moriarty, who wants to take out Queen Victoria.

They think they have captured Moriarty in the start of the film, but Sherlock thinks

he's decoy and the mission is on to capture the real culprit.

Will plays Sherlock as a brilliant mind who is terrible with relationships and understanding

people, like almost every other Sherlock Holmes movie portrays the character.

But look, the story here doesn't matter one bit.

What about the jokes, are they any good?

Well, no, not really.

They're all just made up of stupid gags and scenarios, which is a signature thing

for any Will and John movie, but in Holmes and Watson it's all really lazy, like the

writing team didn't have enough time to polish the drafts here.

And also, it either doesn't seem like Will and John had time to improvise or they just

didn't care enough to do so.

You can only make so many hits after hits that eventually you just become washed and


Look, it happens to the best of us, in any field.

But this is especially evident in comedy.

Who in comedy has had their peak last more than 10 years?

The answer is, no one.

The older you get, the worse your comedy movies seem to get as well.

Which is no wonder why John C. Reilly successfully ventured into dramatic acting.

Smart on him.

Holmes and Watson loves to play up the scenario of including modern topics and things in this

Victorian-era London setting.

That is what most of the jokes consistent of.

You get Trump jokes, Hannah Montana parodies for whatever reason, heck there's even a

Ghost parody with Rebecca Hall.

The whole idea behind these jokes is not the issue here, it's how they're executed.

There's no energy, no desire from anyone involved in this.

Essentially, Holmes and Watson is a parody of Guy Ritchie's excellent Sherlock movies

with Robert Downey Jr.

But it's too little too late to parody those films, there was really no point in wasting

Will and John's time with a Sherlock Holmes comedy, and whoever thought that would be

refreshing, like we don't get enough Sherlock stuff in the first place.

Everyone's calling it one of the worst, if not, the worst movie of 2018.

Now I'm not going to be that dramatic here.

I usually think comedies get ripped apart by critics way too unfairly.

Holmes and Watson will give you a few laughs no doubt.

What I'm most disappointed by is the incredible wasted potential.

Will and John have it in them to make an instant comedy classic, we've seen it happen twice

before but it seems third time was definitely not the charm.

For more infomation >> Holmes & Watson Explained: It Could Be Better - Duration: 3:25.


Minibrute 2 & External Filter demo - Using Ripples with 'Ext' audio input - Duration: 4:36.

Minibrute 2 & Ripples filter

Minibrute square out - mixer - filter

Minibrute ADSR out to filter FM

Just a little bit of envelope to open the filter

Minibrute VCO2 out - mixer - filter

VCO2 is serving as a suboctave here

Transposing the sequence

Changing the sequencer pattern

Increasing the filter resonance

Unplugging the ADSR from the filter

Increasing filter until it self-oscillates

The filter cutoff/frequency has already been tuned so that it generates a musically-pleasing interval against the pitch of the VCO's

Minibrute Noise out - mixer - filter

Removing VCO2

...and noise

Removing Minibrute square wave, so you can hear only the filter self-resonating

Transposing down an octave

Just for fun - LFO2 out (random mode, synced to sequencer) to filter FM

Removing Keyboard out from filter 'Freq'uency

For more infomation >> Minibrute 2 & External Filter demo - Using Ripples with 'Ext' audio input - Duration: 4:36.


লজ্জা | New Short Waz | Shaikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf New | 2018 [FHD] - Duration: 2:43.

AK Computer Network

Have Done This Video

For more infomation >> লজ্জা | New Short Waz | Shaikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf New | 2018 [FHD] - Duration: 2:43.


Game of Thrones 5x03 REACTION ¨HIGH SPARROW¨ - Duration: 19:46.

Hello everyone! Wlecome to my reaction channel!

My name is Pilar.

And today I'm going to be reacting to episode 3 of season 5 of Game of Thrones.

There it goes.

*sings Ariana Grande's new song*

There's not a single episode that I skip this intro.

It's so EPIC

I can't include them in my reactions cause I would get copyright for the song.

I wonder if that's his real face.

That's it, I'm getting a Valar Morghulis shirt.

I have a question, why haven't Arya tried to find Sansa?

She never spoke of her sister.

Who is that?

Queen Margaery? Is she queen already?

Oh God

She must be so jealous!

Are they getting married???!!!


They got married.

Omg that dress.

Mhhh gold colour! Good one those details. Gold and Red.

Lannister style. Or Baratheon? I got confused lol

She'll get information.

She is going to try to turn him against her.

She's manipulating him.

Oh boy.

No!! *cursing*

She told you not to call her that way.

Margery you are going to get killed.

She's dead. I'll give her 3 more episodes and she's gone.

Oh God. Ayayay. It's coming.

Noo, I don't want Margeary to get killed.

He looks thinner and thinner.


Is Lord Baelish capable of marrying Sansa to such a psychopath?

Doesn't Baelish care for Sansa?

How can he make her marry to that sick son of a b...

Is Sansa really going to accept to marry the son of the man that killed her family??!!

Sansa is so...

Unless she is marrying him just to be able to kill him and Lord Bolton.

Maybe she agrees just to kill them?

And in that way Little Finger will be the guardian of the north himself?

Yes? Nope? Mhh..

Sansa best accept marrying that crazy mf just to kill him and...--

Nope... Carefull there, that's not a good thing.

Not a good thing to be Jon.

That's her only memory of her family.

I don't get why she-

before doing that, before going there,

she didn't went to look for Jon or tried to reach to Sansa?

Why she never thinks of them?

That's goodbye to them then.

good good good

He recognizes her of course.

Sansa please kill them all.

Kill them all.

*curses in spanish*

Nice. Will she be an ally to Sansa?

Omg that Ramsey's ex-girl.. the way she was looking at Sansa.

Can't wait for Theon to meet Sansa.

I want to see that encounter.

Is he going to kill him? Or have a duel with him?

Good. Good.

Is he going to chop his head off?

I thought they were going to fight!

Beg for forgiveness you asshole.

What a pussy tho.

Don't kill him Jon.

Don't be like Daenerys.

Please just don't.

That fake beard lol.

Omg these religious freaks.

Omg this actor!! I've seen him before!!!

¨I have a dragon inside my p-¨ omg gross

I love it when these different characters meet in random places.

Very bad Jorah.

I can't believe this.

I can't believe it.

Why would Jorah..-

I mean I get it, he has no where to go.

Tho I can't believe Kings Landing is where he is heading now.

Let's start with Lord Baelish and Lord Bolton.

Lord Baelish's plan is-

Make an alliance between him and Lord Bolton.

I mean, the Eyrie with The North.

And in order do that-

She got Sansa and he gave her to Lord Bolton.

BUT here's the thing.

Lord Baelish never loved anyone the way he loved Cat right?

So, doesn't he remember that Lord Bolton got Cat killed?

Of course he does remember that!!

So I think that what he really wants isn't really go and make an alliance with Lord Bolton,

but, trick him and get the North for himself.

I don't think his plan is just to deliver Sansa and that's it.

I'm sure he is just using her to get all of them killed from the inside.


It is that, or this just doesn't make sence.

Cause if he really loved Cat that much, then he wouln't join the ones that got her killed.

Honestly guys, POOR SANSA!

She just goes from a horrible place to another horrible place.

I'm really scared. I hope Ramsey don't...

Don't do anything evil to her.

And I think I'm more worried about that other jealous and envy girl tho.

Oh God.

I'm really scared for Sansa. I think she is in the worst place now.

Another thing, I can't wait too see Theon and Sansa encounter.

I mean, Reek and Sansa.

I want to see that.

What is she going to do.

How is Reek going to react to that.

Poor Theon, I'm not going to call her Reek no more.

Another thing, I don't have any idea how will Brienne try to rescue her from there.

Those are big walls and everyone looks so terrifying.

So I don't what is it going to happen to Brienne. And how is she planning on helping Sansa.

Oh, another thing...

A big revenge on behalf of Cersei is coming towards Margery.

Omg that's going to be something.

Like.. Can you try to think how humilating must be to Cersei-

to see Margery in HER place?

manipulating HER son,

I mean...

When Margeary said: ¨ Is a little bit early for us to drink¨

Like if Cersei was this alcoholic person.

And she calling her MOTHER? No, please just don't.

Im sure Cersei will...--


Oh and I was thinking about this...

Lord Baelish owns The Eyrie

If he gets to own the North, I mean if he get rid of the Boltons.

He will own..

1) The North.

2) The Eyrie

3) And he will also be a very important ally to Kingslanding cause..

Margeary is the queen now, and if she gets rid off Cersei--

then the Tyrells will be the most powerful Family in Kingslanding.

Cause there are barely any Lannister left there.


Cause don't forget that Lord Baelish has a very strong alliance with The Tyrells.

Cause he killed Joffrey, he and Lady Olenna planned to kill him together.

So they are close since that.

So MAYBE the ones that will end up ruling the 7 kingdoms will be The Tyrells + Baelish.

If they get rid off Cersei and The Boltons.

And... idk.

Wait. Cersei doesn't know that Baelish got Sansa right?

So what did that letter said? They didn't said what it was written in the letter.

I think this is the episode in which I starting feeling--

Not the one I started feeling this way, I already have felt this way but..

This is the episode in which I most felt inside the game of thrones.

I mean...

I felt like I was inside this war and this game of which house will get the throne.

I think this is the episode where everything fell into place for me.

I don't know how to say this haha

Now I can realize how many alliances and games and- It's like I can see that perfectly now.

And.. about Stannis...

I don't know what to say about him.

He is there in the Wall...

Trying to..- I don't know what he is doing...

I mean. I do get it.

He wants to get the North back

and he will do that if he gets to convince Jon ¨Stark¨ to be him the ruler of the North.


Idk.. he is weird...

Idk. Is like I'm not a fan of Stannis tbh.

I mean I feel like he has good intentions but... I don't like him.

Poor Stannis. Oh well..

Okay last thing I have to say is about Jorah.

I mean,

I'm disappointed of what he's going to do.

but he doesn't have anywhere else to go...

I have faith that one day he would return to Daenerys tho.

But clearly by kidnaping Tyrion he is not going to.

I got sad seeing him that way, drunk at that brothel.

Well I loved this episode.

I will probably watch the next one right now.

Thank you for watching until the end.

Can't wait to read your comments.

If there is anything that you would like to say about,

about what I talked about this episode leave it in the comments section down below.

I will be more than happy to reed your feedback :)

Big kiss tou you all! And I will see you very soon for episode 4!

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones 5x03 REACTION ¨HIGH SPARROW¨ - Duration: 19:46.


صاحب رسول الله أبو بكر الصديق | الشيخ بدر المشاري - Duration: 1:07:50.

For more infomation >> صاحب رسول الله أبو بكر الصديق | الشيخ بدر المشاري - Duration: 1:07:50.


2 17 1990 50th Anniv, Family Reunion - Duration: 30:10.

For more infomation >> 2 17 1990 50th Anniv, Family Reunion - Duration: 30:10.


[مترجم] تصوير مفاجئ "أحضر مبكرا رجاء" ( الترجمة cc ) - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> [مترجم] تصوير مفاجئ "أحضر مبكرا رجاء" ( الترجمة cc ) - Duration: 6:32.


Wir entwickeln einen Fahrradrahmen / E13 // Feld Test - Duration: 7:14.

Hey there nice you are watching again.

It continues, we build up the bike and we are testing.

We are basically testing for more than 3 month.

But now is the first time we manage to make a video.

I had been filming a bit with my phone.

But now I´m here with Karla to film a bit for you.

As you might remember, the problems we wanted to solve where:

The high Anti Rise (Not Rice) on HPP bikes.

Than we where aiming for a good Anti Squat

To achieve that we mount the idler pulley.

And we wanted to be able to change chainrings without a anti squat deviation.

Now the question is: "Did we made it?"

And all I can say we made it a 100%

The bike is so much fun and works just as designed.

Basically we where sitting on the computer trying to design a feeling.

And just that very moment of the fisrt ride you will realise if you made it.

The bike can look beautifull and shit but if the feeling is right, the feeling we wanted to design so badly.

That´s the most exciting part of the testing. Now enjoy some riding impressions and a few more details.

Another important point was chain stay length, why so short?

I will demonstrate that to you.

The bike simply stays super handy.

It´s also a great climber.

We spend lot´s of time developing the kinematics.

And that the bike should have relative high anti squats.

Which means that the suspension should get harder under pedaling.

A minimum of squatting is hard to avoid if you want the shock to be open.

I have my shock now in trail mode

I just pedal hard now, it is some decent climb here.

And you can watch the suspension.

I´m riding a pretty technical rooty trail where you have to pedal a lot.

And I'm totally overwhelmed since the bike climbs awesome.

I´m really a bad climber with poor power in my legs.

But the bike just keeps the momentum and stays fast, even when climbing.

Thru the big wheels and the rearward travel, it's insane.

In section where you normally would think I´m going to f**k it up you can just pedal straight up

I was quite confident about the DH performance but that it pedals better up than anything I ever tried is just insane.

Also you literrally don´t feel the drag the idler pulley.

But that's anyways a theoretical loss compared to what you are losing through your tires.

Deluxe !!!

Right now I´m testing with Stefan in Wuppertal.

The track is a bit harder and slighlty bombed out.

You can see that all the roots are out, many hits.

It´s an adequate test track for an enduro,

but the big wheels plus the rear suspension just erase everything.

I havent felt that save here with a DH bike before.

Hard to believe.

The bike is soooo good!

I gonna film a sequence of stefan now.

Nothing matters he does what he wants!

It looks so easy!

I just realized that the main problem of capturing good sequences.

Is that everything looks boring, we will need harder tracks.

As the bike just does it´s job.

Whats your impression?

I'm riding the hard tail last round I'm exhausted!

The big difference is that the wheel of the hard tail is just grabbing everything thing and how the prototype is just flying over it.

Pretty Sick!

With this bike you would have won the megavalanche!

DH Bike for Uphills, Awesome!

It was on the limit but awesome! Some more rounds and that´s it!

It´s so good also in the air.

The suspension is sticking to the ground!

Uber stable right? Jo!!

The idea now is to figure the production detail and finally offer it.

As we are so conviced by the performance we really want to make it available for everyone.

If you like to keep following, please check bellow.

We are super happy that you are with us see you next time.

Tell me again how it was?

Just like strapping on gigantic balls!!

Haha alright ;-)

For more infomation >> Wir entwickeln einen Fahrradrahmen / E13 // Feld Test - Duration: 7:14.


৩টি বাংলা মজার ধাঁধা || 3 Puzzle in bengali || NeutralBrains BD || picture puzzle || Puzzle - Duration: 2:46.


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